Waste Management Using Reward System: Test Engineering and Management January 2021
Waste Management Using Reward System: Test Engineering and Management January 2021
Waste Management Using Reward System: Test Engineering and Management January 2021
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3 authors, including:
Mallikarjuna Shastry Pm
Reva University
All content following this page was uploaded by Mallikarjuna Shastry Pm on 11 January 2021.
1. Introduction the upcoming 4-5 years will undoubtedly decide the fate
The advent of the Internet marked a new era in the history of the planet. One of the prevailing problems of humanity
of human civilization, since then the Internet has become which needs immediate attention turns out to be Waste
one of the driving forces of innovation and also a basic Management, more specifically plastic waste
need for commoners. The possibilities of the Internet has management. Waste in general is any material substance
led to the development of the Internet of Things(IoT), that cannot be used or doesn’t add any economic value to
where almost anything can be connected to the Internet. its owner, broadly waste is categorized as wet waste and
This enabled companies to introduce “smart” devices or dry waste[3]. Usually, most of the wet waste and some of
gadgets that are connected to the Internet [1]. World as the dry waste is naturally biodegradable, other human
one knows today is coming up with new fascinating strategies to manage waste are recycling, animal feeding,
technologies that make human life easier and smarter fermenting, landfill burning, and composting [2]. A large
with each passing day. Scientific advancement is part of dry waste is made of plastic, and from the above
remarkable, in fact, the world has witnessed immense strategies, recycling of plastic is the most sensible way to
progress in the last few decades more than the combined handle it. Even so, the collection of plastic waste proves
history of all human civilizations and there’s no stopping to be a deal breaker.
it but there’s a dark side to it as well, in the same last few This paper proposes a method for efficient collection
decades, humans have been polluting the earth without of recyclable waste, it also discusses how the system can
thinking of the consequences - Global Warming, Climate be used to motivate ethical disposing of recyclable plastic
Change, Unfertile dead lands, ocean pollution and more. waste. This paper will discuss the management of plastic
It is forgotten that the present generation is not the last waste, which plays a major role in pollution. The concept
on this planet and not the only life to thrive on it. of rewards is used to motivate proper disposal of plastic
The reasons for pollution is a lengthy list, few of waste.
them to name - fossil fuel combustion, methane emission Paper is organised as follows, in Section 2, literature
due to livestock, overpopulation, poor waste survey is discussed. Section 3 presents the proposed
management, plastic waste dumping, over exploitation of system, Section 4 presents the results of the model.
natural resources etc.,. Measures taken against these in Section 5 concludes the paper and Section 6 discusses the
future enhancements for the project.
2. Literature Survey
There have been several researches on implementing IoT
solutions for waste management, In [1] a model for a
smart dustbin is proposed where the dustbin is interfaced
with a microcontroller equipped with IR/ultrason and
weight sensors, It also suggests a website to display the
information of the garbage, such as level of the garbage
and the weight of the garbage. When the garbage is at
threshold level, and when the dustbin is full, the
information is sent to the website.
HN Saha et al. [2] points out that poor management
of waste has a direct effect on the global environment,
leading to various kinds of pollution and long-term health
ailments, this results in indirect implications on the
economy and growth potential. Hence it is necessary to
propose innovative solutions for waste collection and
Figure 2: Block Diagram of the waste system
In [3] SA Mahajan et al. said that managing waste
can be done by planning, collecting, transporting ,
treating, recycling and disposing of waste with
monitoring and regulation. The author also suggests that
the current ways of collecting waste and managing it is
not efficient.
Gopal Kirshna Shyam, Sunilkumar S. Manvi and
Priyanka Bharti [4] propose a smart system of efficient
waste collection by authorities based on level of waste in
the dustbin using IoT and Machine learning analysis of
waste data, this analysis allows for optimised collection
routes for workers.
In this paper we propose the concept of rewards to
motivate people in adopting ethical waste disposing
practices. The concept of rewards will drive people to
dispose of waste in the dustbin.
3. Proposed system
A systematic methodology is adopted in building the
project. Rewarding any user who disposes recyclable
waste is the main aspect of this project.
The Flask Server handles incoming data from the and a time limited session is established to dump the
Trash Bin and updates the database.. The server also waste.
handles user management functions and reward
calculation. 4.2. Weight Calculation
The reward is computed as, assuming 2 points is The weight changes in the dustbin is continuously
awarded for each 100g of plastic disposed: monitored by the NodeMCU using hx711 load amplifier.
(1) Amount of disposed weight is calculated as,
3.1. Specifications
1) Load Sensor: Load Sensor is used to detect the weight
of the garbage in the bin. The measured weight is sent to 4.3 Reward Assignment
the microcontroller(NodeMCU).The load sensor that is
being used can measure according to kitchen scale. When the waste was disposed within the session expiry,
2) Ultrasonic sensor: Here it is used to detect the level of the client is rewarded based on the amount of plastic
plastic waste in the trash bin.The sensor uses distance to weight of dumped.
measure the level. The distance between the sensor and
the garbage level computes the level of waste. 4.4 Average plastic Waste Collected
The sensor gets the distance by emitting ultrasonic waves Figure 4 depicts the trend of average plastic waste
and computes the time taken for the waves to send and disposed (in grams) by each individual every week for a
receive. 40Hz is the working frequency of an ultrasonic period of 12 weeks. Figure 12 shows a significant
sensor. increase in the amount of plastic disposed every week.
3) NodeMCU: NodeMCU is a micro controller unit with
ESP8266 Chip for Wifi capabilities. It is handy for rapid
prototyping of IoT projects which need wireless
connection or interfacing with Wifi. It is used to collect
and send weight data from the waste bin to the server in
this project.
3.2. Modules
1) Weight Calculation: The weight of the waste is
calculated using load sensors connected to the hx711
which is connected to the nodemcu.
2) QR Code: The QR code plays an important part in the
system by giving each trash bin a unique identity. The Figure 4: Weight of the waste disposed of by a single user
user needs to scan the QR code before depositing waste in
the bin. Figure 5 depicts the linear increase of average waste
3) Server: A Python-Flask Server, used to handle all the collected in kilograms by the trash bins over a period of
incoming requests from trash bins and the clients. The 12 weeks.
weight updation and reward calculation is also handled by
this server.
4) Reward Calculation: The criteria for reward
calculation is based on the deployment scenario. For the
purpose of this project reward calculation is done using
5) Database Connection: An online database is used to
store user and waste related data. In this model, mongoDb
is used to serve this purpose.
6) User Interface: An android application is made for the
user to interact with the reward points and mainly scan
the QR code present on the trash bin.
4. Results and Discussion Figure 5: Weight of the waste disposed of by all users
4.1. Initial Connection
The dustbin is deployed and a connection is established 5. Conclusion
with the server. The client application scans the QR code There are many innovative solutions for the problem of
waste management. These solutions tend to be at their
6. Future Work
Future scope includes the possibility of extending the
system with a blockchain ledger to track the waste from
its source to its recycling destination, as done in many
supply chain solutions. The data from this can be
presented to the users as interesting statistics such as how
is the plastic recycled? where is it recycled? what is it
recycled as? This ensures proper usage of dustbins and
trash bins to dispose of plastic waste, and also reduces
public littering.
7. Acknowledgment
We would like to thank our parents for their continuous
support and encouragement to pursue the idea.
The authors would like to thank Dr.Mallikarjuna
Shastry P.M for guiding and motivating us with the
We would like to thank the director, school of
computing and information technology, Dr.Sunilkumar
Manvi for his support.
We would like to thank the faculties of the school of
computing and information technology and our friends
for their encouragement.
[1] SS Navghane, MS Killedar, VM Rohokale “IoT
based smart garbage and waste collection bin”
International Journal of Advanced Engineering
Research and Science (IJAERS) Volume 5,
Issue 5, May 2016.
[2] HN Saha, S Auddy, S Pal, S Kumar “Waste
management using Internet of Things (IoT)”
Conference: Industrial Automation and
Electromechanical Engineering Conference
(IEMECON), 2017 8th Annual.
[3] SA Mahajan, A Kokane, A Shewale, M Shinde
“Smart Waste Management Systems”
International Journal of Advanced Engineering
Research and Science (IJAERS) Vol-4, Issue-4,
[4] Gopal Kirshna Shyam, Sunilkumar S. Manvi,
Priyanka Bharti “Smart Waste Management
using Internet-of-Things(IoT)” Second
International Conference On Computing and
Communications Technologies (ICCCT 17)