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AVEVA Application Server

formerly Wonderware

Application Server Scripting Guide

© 2020 AVEVA Group plc and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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Publication date: Friday, February 21, 2020
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AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Chapter 1 Common Scripting Environment ....................................................................... 7
Script Editing Styles and Syntax................................................................................................. 7
Required Syntax for Expressions and Scripts .............................................................................. 7
Simple Scripts........................................................................................................................... 7
Script Execution Types .............................................................................................................. 8
Startup Scripts .................................................................................................................... 8
OnScan Scripts ................................................................................................................... 8
Execute Scripts ................................................................................................................... 8
OffScan Scripts ................................................................................................................... 9
Shutdown Scripts ................................................................................................................ 9
Deployment Scripts ............................................................................................................. 9
Working with QuickScript Editor Features ................................................................................. 10
Color Indicators for Script Elements .................................................................................... 10
Autocomplet e.................................................................................................................... 10
Accepting Autocomplete Suggestions ................................................................................. 14
Multi-level Undo and Redo ................................................................................................. 14
Dynamic Referencing Considerations ................................................................................. 14
Run-Time Client Script Behavior ........................................................................................ 16
Opening a Client Application Window ................................................................................. 16
Closing a Client Application Window................................................................................... 16
Minimizing a Client Application Window .............................................................................. 17
Maximizing or Restoring a Client Application Window .......................................................... 17
Visual Indication of Script Errors ......................................................................................... 17
Line Numbers ................................................................................................................... 17
Log Functions ................................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 2 QuickScript .NET Functions ............................................................................ 19

Script Functions ...................................................................................................................... 19
Graphic Client Functions .................................................................................................... 19
GetCPQuality() ............................................................................................................ 19
GetCP TimeStamp() ..................................................................................................... 20
HideContent ().............................................................................................................. 20
HideGraphic().............................................................................................................. 24
HideS elf().................................................................................................................... 25
Logoff() ....................................................................................................................... 25
ShowContent () ............................................................................................................ 25
ShowGraphic () ............................................................................................................ 30
ShowLoginDialog() ...................................................................................................... 39
InTouch Functions ............................................................................................................. 40
AddPermission() Function ............................................................................................ 40
AttemptInvisibleLogon() Function.................................................................................. 40
ChangePassword() Function ........................................................................................ 41
EnableDisableKeys() Function...................................................................................... 42
FileCopy() Function ..................................................................................................... 42
FileDelete() Function ................................................................................................... 43

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Contents

FileMove() Function ..................................................................................................... 44

FileReadFields() Function ............................................................................................ 45
FileReadMessage() Function........................................................................................ 46
FileWriteFields() Function ............................................................................................ 46
FileWriteMessage() Function ........................................................................................ 47
GetAccountStatus() Function........................................................................................ 48
GetNodeName() Function ............................................................................................ 48
InfoA ppTitle() Function................................................................................................. 49
InfoDisk() Function ...................................................................................................... 49
InfoFile() Function ....................................................................................................... 50
InfoInTouchA ppDir() Function....................................................................................... 51
InTouchV ersion() Function ........................................................................................... 51
InvisibleV erifyCredentials() Function ............................................................................. 52
IsAssignedRole() Function ........................................................................................... 52
LaunchTagViewer() Function........................................................................................ 53
LogonCurrentUser() Function ....................................................................................... 53
PlaySound() Function .................................................................................................. 54
PostLogonDialog() Function ......................................................................................... 54
PrintScreen() Function ................................................................................................. 54
QueryGroupMembership() Function .............................................................................. 55
ShowHome() Function ................................................................................................. 56
Starting a Windows Application .................................................................................... 56
SwitchDisplayLanguage() Function ............................................................................... 56
TseGetClient Id() Function ............................................................................................ 57
TseGetClientNodeName() Function .............................................................................. 57
TseQueryRunningOnClient () Function .......................................................................... 57
TseQueryRunningOnConsole() Function ....................................................................... 57
Math Functions ................................................................................................................. 58
Abs() .......................................................................................................................... 59
ArcCos() ..................................................................................................................... 59
ArcSin() ...................................................................................................................... 59
ArcTan() ..................................................................................................................... 60
Cos() .......................................................................................................................... 60
Exp() .......................................................................................................................... 60
Int() ............................................................................................................................ 61
Log()........................................................................................................................... 61
Log10() ....................................................................................................................... 61
LogN() ........................................................................................................................ 62
Pi() ............................................................................................................................. 62
Round() ...................................................................................................................... 63
Sgn() .......................................................................................................................... 63
Sin() ........................................................................................................................... 63
Sqrt() .......................................................................................................................... 64
Tan() .......................................................................................................................... 64
Trunc ()........................................................................................................................ 65
Miscellaneous Functions .................................................................................................... 65
ActivateA pp() .............................................................................................................. 65
DateTimeGMT() .......................................................................................................... 66
IsBad()........................................................................................................................ 67
IsGood() ..................................................................................................................... 67
IsInitializing() ............................................................................................................... 67
IsUnc ertain() ............................................................................................................... 68
IsUsable() ................................................................................................................... 68
LogCustom() ............................................................................................................... 69
LogDataChangeE vent() ............................................................................................... 69
LogE rror() ................................................................................................................... 70
LogMessage() ............................................................................................................. 71

Contents AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

LogTrace() .................................................................................................................. 71
LogWarning() .............................................................................................................. 72
SendKeys() ................................................................................................................. 72
SetAttributeV T() .......................................................................................................... 74
SetAttributeV T2()......................................................................................................... 74
SetBad() ..................................................................................................................... 75
SetGood() ................................................................................................................... 75
SetInitializing()............................................................................................................. 76
SetUncertain() ............................................................................................................. 76
SignedAlarmAck()........................................................................................................ 77
SignedWrite() .............................................................................................................. 80
WriteStatus() ............................................................................................................... 84
WWControl() ............................................................................................................... 85
String Functions ................................................................................................................ 85
DText() ....................................................................................................................... 85
StringASCII()............................................................................................................... 86
StringChar() ................................................................................................................ 86
StringCompare().......................................................................................................... 87
StringCompareNoCase().............................................................................................. 87
StringFromGMTTimeToLocal() ..................................................................................... 88
StringFromIntg() .......................................................................................................... 89
StringFromReal() ......................................................................................................... 89
StringFromTime() ........................................................................................................ 90
StringFromTimeLoc al() ................................................................................................ 91
StringInString() ............................................................................................................ 92
StringLeft () .................................................................................................................. 92
StringLen() .................................................................................................................. 93
StringLower() .............................................................................................................. 93
StringMid() .................................................................................................................. 94
StringReplace() ........................................................................................................... 94
StringRight()................................................................................................................ 95
StringSpace() .............................................................................................................. 96
StringTest() ................................................................................................................. 97
StringToIntg() .............................................................................................................. 97
StringToReal()............................................................................................................. 98
StringTrim() ................................................................................................................. 99
StringUpper() .............................................................................................................. 99
Text()........................................................................................................................ 100
WWStringFromTime() ................................................................................................ 100
System Functions............................................................................................................ 101
CreateObject()........................................................................................................... 101
Now() ....................................................................................................................... 101
WWDDE Functions ......................................................................................................... 102
WWExecute() ............................................................................................................ 102
WWPoke() ................................................................................................................ 103
WWRequest() ........................................................................................................... 103
QuickScript .NET Variables ................................................................................................... 104
Numbers and Strings ....................................................................................................... 106
QuickScript .NET Cont rol Structures....................................................................................... 107
IF … THE N … ELSEIF … ELSE … ENDIF ....................................................................... 107
IF … THE N … ELSEIF … ELSE … ENDIF and Attribut e Quality ........................................ 109
FOR … TO … S TEP … NE XT Loop ................................................................................. 109
FOR EACH … IN … NE XT .............................................................................................. 110
TRY ... CATCH ............................................................................................................... 111
WHILE Loop ................................................................................................................... 112

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Contents

QuickScript .NET Operators................................................................................................... 112

Parentheses ( ) ............................................................................................................... 114
Negation ( - )................................................................................................................... 114
Complement ( ~ ) ............................................................................................................ 114
Power ( ** ) ..................................................................................................................... 114
Multiplication ( * ), Division ( / ), Addition ( + ),Subtraction ( - ) ............................................ 114
Modulo (MOD) ................................................................................................................ 115
Shift Left (SHL), Shift Right (S HR) .................................................................................... 115
Bitwise AND ( & ) ............................................................................................................ 115
Exclusive OR (^) and Inclusive OR ( | ) ............................................................................. 115
Assignment ( = ) .............................................................................................................. 115
Comparisons ( <, >, <=, >=, ==, <> )................................................................................. 116
AND, OR, and NOT ......................................................................................................... 116

Chapter 3 Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts ................................................................. 117

Accessing an Excel Spreadsheet Using an Imported Type Library ........................................... 117
Accessing an Excel Spreadsheet Using Creat eObject ............................................................. 117
Calling a Web Service to Get the Temperature for a Specified Zip Code ................................... 118
Calling a Web Service to Send an E -mail Message ................................................................. 118
Creating a Look-up Table and Doing a Look-up on It ............................................................... 118
Creating an XML Document and Saving it to Disk ................................................................... 119
Executing a SQL Parameterized INSERT Command ............................................................... 119
Filling a String Array and Using It ........................................................................................... 120
Filling a Two-Dimensional Integer Array and Using It ............................................................... 120
Formatting a Number Using a .NE T Format 'Picture' ................................................................ 120
Formatting a Time Using a .NE T Format 'Picture' .................................................................... 120
Getting the Directories Under the C Drive ............................................................................... 120
Loading an XML Document from Disk and Doing Look-ups on It .............................................. 121
Querying a SQL Server Dat abase .......................................................................................... 121
Reading a Performance Count er ............................................................................................ 121
Reading a Text File from Disk ................................................................................................ 121
Sharing a SQL Connection or Any Other .NE T Object ............................................................. 122
Using DDE to Access an Excel Spreadsheet .......................................................................... 122
Using Micros oft Exchange to Send an E-mail Message ........................................................... 122
Using Screen-Scraping to Get the Temperature for a City ........................................................ 123
Using SMTP to Send an E-mail Message ............................................................................... 123
Writing a Text File to Disk ...................................................................................................... 123
Dynamically Binding an Indirect Variable to a Reference ......................................................... 123
Binding to Off-engine Attributes ........................................................................................ 124

Index ....................................................................................................................................... 127

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Common Scripting Environment
This section describes common styles, syntax, commands, and behaviors of scripts within AVEVA™
Application Server, formerly Wonderware.

Script Editing Styles and Syntax

Application Server supports two types of scripts:
 Simple scripts can perform assignments, comparisons, simple math functions, and similar actions.
Simple scripts are described in this section.
 Complex scripts can perform logical operations using conditional branching with IF -THEN-ELSE
type control structures. For more information about complex control structures, see Quick Script
.NET Control Structures on page 107.
Both single and multi-line comments are supported. Single -line comments start with a " ’ " in the line but
require no ending " ’ " in the line. Multi-line comments start with a "{" and end with a "}" and can span
multiple lines.
White space rules apply for space and indention. Indent using spaces, or the TAB key. Individual
statements are indicated by a semicolon marking the end of the statement.

Required Syntax for Expressions and Scripts

The syntax in scripts is similar to the algebraic syntax of a calculator. Most statements are presented
using the following form:
a = (b - c) / (2 + x) * xyz;
This statement places the value of the expression to the right of the equal sign (=) in the vari able location
named "a."
 A single entity must appear to the left of the assignment
operator =.
 The operands in an expression can be constants or variables.
 Statements must end with a semicolon (;).
Entities can be concatenated by using the plus (+) oper ator. For example, if a data change script such as
the one below is created, each time the value of "Number" changes, the indirect entity "Setpoint"
changes accordingly:
Setpoint = "Setpoint" + Text(Number, "#");
Where the result is "Setpoint1."

Simple Scripts
Simple scripts implement logic such as assignments, math, and functions. An example of this type of
scripting is:
React_temp = 150;
ResultTag = (Sample1 + Sample2)/2;
{this is a comment}

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Common Scripting Environment

Script Execution Types

This section describes the script execution types supported by InTouch OMI.
 Startup Scripts on page 8
 OnScan Scripts on page 8
 Execute Scripts on page 8
 OffScan Scripts on page 9
 Shutdown Scripts on page 9
 Deployment Scripts on page 9

Startup Scripts
Startup scripts are called when an object containing the script is loaded into memory, such as during
deployment, plat form, or engine start.
Startup instantiat es COM objects and .NE T objects. Depending on load and other factors, assignments
to object attributes from the Startup method may fail. Attributes that reside off-object are not available to
the Startup met hod.

OnScan Scripts
OnScan scripts are called the first time an AppEngine calls this object to ex ecute after the object’s scan
state changes to OnScan. The OnScan method initiat es local object attribut e values and provides more
flexibility in the creation of .NE T or COM objects.
Attributes that are off-engine are not available to the OnScan method.

Execute Scripts
Execute scripts are called each time the AppE ngine performs a scan and the object is OnScan.
The Execute script method is the work horse of the scripting exec ution types. Use the Execute method for
your run-time scripting to ensure that all attributes and values are available to the script.
If the Quality check-box is checked, the Execute method is similar to InTouch scripts with the following
conditional trigger types:
 Periodic: When going OnScan, a script with a periodic trigger executes immediately (at the next
scheduled scan period of the AppEngine). It then executes periodically whenever the elapsed time
evaluates as true.
 Data Change: Executes when a data value or quality changes bet ween scans.
For the following trigger types, data changes between each scan are not evaluated, only the value at the
beginning of each script is used for evaluation purpos es. For example, if a Boolean attribut e changes
from True to False to True again during a scan cycle, this change is not evaluat ed as a dat a change as
the value is True at the beginning of each scan cycle.
 OnTrue: Executes if the expression validates from a false on one scan to a true on the next scan.
 OnFalse: Executes if the ex pression validates from a true on one scan to a false on the next scan.
These scripts also have time-based considerations. A trigger period of 0 means that the script executes
every scan.
Time-based scripts, WhileTrue, WhileFalse, and Periodic are evaluated and ex ecuted based on the
elapsed time from a timestamp generated from the previous execution, not on an elapsed time counter. It
is possible that a change in the system clock can change the interval between execution of these scripts.

Common Scripting Environment AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

 WhileTrue: Executes scan to scan as long as the expression validates as true at the beginning of the
 WhileFalse: Executes scan to scan as long as the expression validat es as false at the beginning of
the scan.
For ex ample, a periodic script is set to run every 60 minutes. The script executes at 11:13 AM. We expect
it to execute 60 minutes later at 12:13 PM. However, a time synchronization event occurred and the
node’s time is adjusted from 11:33 AM to 11:30 AM.
The script still executes when the system time reaches 12:13 PM. But because of the time change, the
actual (True) time period that elapsed bet ween executions is 63 minutes.

OffScan Scripts
OffScan scripts are called when the object is taken OffScan. This script type is primarily used to clean up
the object and account for any needs to address as a result of the object no longer executing.
If an object is taken OffScan, either directly, or indirectly because its engine is taken OffScan, all
in-progress asynchronous scripts for that object are requested to shut down by setting a Boolean
shutdown attribute for the script to true. A well-written script checks this attribute before and after
time-consuming operations. If the script takes more than 30 seconds to complete, a warning appears in
the logger that the script is not responding to the shutdown command. However, the script is allowed to
complete and is not terminated by forc e. This all takes place on the engine’s main thread and could
potentially hang the engine. During this time, the script might also time out and as a result exit before
executing all its logic.

Shutdown Scripts
Shutdown scripts are called when the object is about to be removed from memory, usually as a result of
the AppEngine stopping. Shutdown scripts are primarily used to destroy COM objects and .NE T objects
and to free memory.

Deployment Scripts
Deploying objects is both a critical and a load-intensive process for a Galaxy. Implementing scripting in
the Startup and OnScan methods can adversely affect a Galaxy’s deployment and redundancy
While objects are being deployed, their Startup and, if deployed OnScan scripts are executed. These
scripts must complete within the deployment time-out period for the deployment to be successful.
Placing large numbers of scripts, or scripts that require heavy processing power into the Startup or
OnScan script methods can slow or cause a deployment or failover to fail. In addition to the load that is
placed on the system at deployment time, the type of scripting done in the Startup and OnScan methods
is also important becaus e these scripts execute in a sequence.
During deployment and restart, the Startup and OnScan script methods do not execute objects based on
execution order. Objects are started up and placed on scan based on their alphanumeric tag name within
their hosting Area.
Follow the recommendation below for each type of script method to help determine what scripting
practices to follow in each script method.
Do not place the following types of scripting in the Startup or OnScan methods:
 Database access
 File system access to .csv, .xml, .txt, and other file types
 Off-object referencing
 Dynamic referencing

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Common Scripting Environment

Working with QuickScript Editor Features

The QuickScript edit or provides a number of features to enhance scripting speed and accuracy.

Color Indicators for Script Elements

The QuickScript .NE T editor uses different text colors to identify different script elements. The following
table shows the text colors associated with script elements.

Element Color

Keywords Blue
Syntax highlight ed while typing.

Comments (bot h single line and Green

Syntax highlight ed while typing.

Strings Purple
Syntax highlight ed while typing.

Function names, numeric constants, Black

operators, semicolons, dim variables,
See descriptions for Attribute names
alias variables, and so on
and Reserved words.

Attributes, InTouch Tags, Reference Maroon, bold face


Reserved words Red, non-bold face

.NET type names Teal, non-bold face

QuickScript autocomplete incorporates several features for use while authoring object and client scripts:
 Provides an autocomplete Attribute reference when you type a generic object name, such as "me."
Run-time attributes appear in an autoc omplet e list box. Typing "InTouch:" displays an autocomplete
list of tagnames from the most recently selected ViewApp template.
 Provides method parameter help in an autocomplete list box including context -specific suggestions
covering definitions, keywords, script elements, and programmatic constructs such as try ... catch or
while ... endwhile.
 Automatic word completion of Attribute references, methods, programmatic constructs, and other
script elements.
These features serve as convenient documentation of method parameters and scripting syntax as well
as an enhanc ed input method.
Autocomplet e displays a context-sensitive list of options for script elements, keywords, object and
attribute names, and programmatic constructs. Press Ctrl+space to display all available autocomplete
options and variables for the selected location in the script. You can identify the cont ext from the icons
displayed with the list items.

Common Scripting Environment AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Icon Represents

MxBoolean attribute

MxInteger attribute

MxFloat attribute

MxDouble attribute

MxString attribut e

MxTime attribute

MxElapsedTime attribut e

MxReference attribute

MxStatus attribute

MxDataTypeEnum attribute

MxSecurityClassification attribute

MxDataQuality attribute

MxQualifiedE num attribute

MxQualifiedStruct attribute

MxInternationalizedString attribute

.Net Method

.Net Property

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Common Scripting Environment

Icon Represents

.Net Field or Variable

.Net Namespace

.Net Struct

.Net Class

.Net Interface

.Net Enumeration

.Net Enum Value

QuickScript Keyword

Cont ained object name, or any partial attribute name such as a attribute, field
attribute, or primitive that has a dot in the name, or any attribute of Mx type
MxNone, or if there are several type choices among objects and attributes.
If the attribute cannot be exactly or unambiguously returned, this icon will appear.
Partial name example: For me.alarm.a1, typing "me.alar" will show the blue ball
icon for alarm.
MxNone example: input/output extension attribute WriteValue.


Rounded rectangle


Horiz ontal or vertical line



Common Scripting Environment AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Icon Represents


Closed curve






Group or embedded symbol

Alarm control

Edit box






Radio buttons


AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Common Scripting Environment

Icon Represents

Edit box

Combo box


Date picker

List box

Accepting Autocomplete Suggestions

Insert an item at the edit or caret from the autocomplete list box —without an end line or tab
appended—by doing one of the following:
 Double-click the item.
 Highlight (select) the item and press the Enter key or the Tab key.
Type a space, period, comma, open or closed parent hesis, or other punctuation used in the QuickScript
.NET programming language (: ; [ ] = < > - + / *), and the item highlighted in the autocomplete list box will
be insert ed at the editor caret with the additional character appended.

Multi-level Undo and Redo

You can selectively undo a history of changes to your script. The number of changes that can be undone
is limited only by the amount of available memory.
An undone change can be redone. Redo mirrors undo changes.
A single undo typically is comprised of sequences of typing or deleting, which can be interrupted by
interaction with an autocomplete list or by moving the cursor with the mouse, or by clicking elsewhere in
the script.
All pending undo and redo actions will be lost if you close the object editor, switch to another s cript within
the object editor, or switch among Startup, OnScan, Execute, OffScan, and Shutdown scripts.

Dynamic Referencing Considerations

Dynamic reference scripting is one the biggest causes of deploy ment failures of StartUp and OnScan
execution types.
Rather than placing dynamic referencing scripts in the Startup or OnScan methods, perform dynamic
referencing in the Execute method. There are several advantages to using the Execute method with
dynamic reference scripting:
 Deployment is faster.
 Deployment is more reliable.
 Deterministic execution order is guaranteed.

Common Scripting Environment AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

 Off-object and off-engine attributes are available.

 After a failover occurs, the startup of the redundant engine is more stable and can be faster.
To create a simple dynamic reference script example
1. Create a Boolean attribute.

The attribute shows if the referencing script is complete. In this example you create Ref_Done.
IO_Item1 and IO_Item2 are the I/O points referenced in this example.
2. Create the script. The script in this example is called Set_Refs. The script has a trigger type of
WhileTrue with a 0 trigger period.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Common Scripting Environment

The script is shown below:

If Me.Set_Refs.ExecutionCnt == 2 then
Me.IOItem1.InputSource = "DIObject.Topic." + me.Tagname + ".Item1";
Me.IOItem1.OutputDest = "DIObject.Topic." + me.Tagname + ".Item1";
Me.IOItem2.InputSource = "DIObject.Topic." + me.Tagname + ".Item2";
Me.IOItem2.OutputDest = "DIObject.Topic." + me.Tagname + ".Item2";
Me.Ref_Done = True;
This script allows the system to stabilize aft er going on scan before setting the references. The script
executes on the first two scans of the object when the Boolean attribute Ref_Done is false.
As the script is executed, a check is made against the execution count. If the count equals 2, the
script performs the referencing operations. After t he reference attributes are set on the attributes, the
Ref_Done attribute is set to True. At this point the expression for the script is no longer true.
The three attributes set in this script are checkpointed, eliminating the need to run this script except
on deployment. The next time the object is started, plac ed on scan, or failed over, there is no need to
recreate the references to the items.

Run-Time Client Script Behavior

In Advanced Communication Management, script references to InTouch tags and object attributes are
suspended from receiving data changes when the application window containing embedded ArchestrA
objects is minimized in InTouch WindowViewer. Suspending data updates to hidden objects reduces the
amount of network traffic and improves the overall performance of a client application.
While Showing scripts of embedded symbols do not execute during the period when the window
containing the symbols is minimized. Script execution resumes after restoring or maximizing a window
that had been previously closed or minimiz ed.

Opening a Client Application Window

In Advanced Communication Management, when a client application window containing embedded
ArchestrA objects opens in WindowViewer, the following script events occur:
 Register all ArchestrA and InTouch references used in embedded symbol scripts, if not registered
 Advise all ArchestrA and InTouch references in embedded symbol scripts within the window, if not
advis ed already.
 Execute the OnShow script on all embedded symbol scripts within the window.
 Execute named scripts if their trigger conditions are met.

Closing a Client Application Window

In Advanced Communication Management, when a client application window containing embedded
ArchestrA objects is closed, the following script events occur:
 Execute OnHide scripts of all embedded symbols within the window.
 Stop running client scripts.
 Unadvise all ArchestrA and InTouch references in the Window if there are no other open windows
using the references.
 Unregister all ArchestrA and InTouch references in the Window if there are no other open windows
using the references.

Common Scripting Environment AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Minimizing a Client Application Window

In Advanced Communication Management, when an open window containing embedded ArchestrA
objects is minimized in WindowViewer, the following script events occur:
 Stop running client scripts associated with ArchestrA objects embedded in the window.
 Unadvise all ArchestrA and InTouch references in the Window if there are no other open windows
using the references.
 OnHide scripts of embedded symbols do not execute when a window is minimized.

Maximizing or Restoring a Client Application Window

In Advanced Communication Management, after maximizing or restoring a window from WindowViewer
that had been previously minimized or closed, the following script event s occur:
 Advise all ArchestrA and InTouch script references in the window, if not advised already.
 Execute named scripts if their trigger conditions are met.

Visual Indication of Script Errors

Verification errors in script text are marked with a red "squiggly" underline. The underline appears after
approximately 2.5 seconds of keyboard inactivity.
Hovering over t he error with the mous e cursor will display the error message as a tooltip. The tooltip error
message is identical to the message shown when clicking the script verification button.

Note: In addition to error tooltips, the script editor will also display the variable name and type in a tooltip
when hovering over a variable name in the script.

In some cases, more than one error will be underlined. This is not always possible because some errors
prevent the compiler from continuing past the erro r.

Line Numbers
The script editor displays line numbers in the left margin.
 Line numbers of up to four digits will display when the script editor is not zoomed.
 The line number may appear clipped for scripts longer than 9999 lines or when the script editor is
 Use the right-click context menu Go To function to go to a specific line in the script.

Log Functions
QuickScript .NET functions include several log functions to capture and display information in the logger
under different log flags.
 LogCustom() on page 69
 LogE rror() on page 70
 LogMessage() on page 71
 LogTrace() on page 71
 LogWarning() on page 72

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Common Scripting Environment

Important: To use the LogCustom function, you must enable Log Custom in the System Management
Cons ole (SMC) Log Flag Editor. To us e the LogTrace function, you must enable Log Trace in the SMC
Log Flag Editor.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

QuickScript .NET Functions
For information about other functions in this category, see third-party documentation.
Keep in mind the following limitations when you use the script functions:
 Be aware of the .NE T datatypes.
 Starting a GUI application from within a server script is not supported.
 Although QuickScript supports import libraries built with .NE T CLR version 2.0.50727, it does not
support any of the new language features introduced with .NE T 2.0, such as generics.

Script Functions
This section describes the script functions included in the InTouc h OMI development environment. The
function documentation is organized into a set of folders that represents the same organization of the
functions in the Script Function Browser.
 Graphic Client Functions on page 19
 InTouch Functions on page 40
 Math Functions on page 58
 Miscellaneous Functions on page 65
 String Functions on page 85
 System Functions on page 101
 WWDDE Functions on page 102
The Type folder contains a set of Microsoft .NE T script functions, which are not documented. Refer to
Microsoft .NE T documentation for descriptions of the functions.

Graphic Client Functions

Use graphic client functions to hide and show symbols, open and close popup windows, log in and log off
users, or to query custom properties contained in a symbol.

Returns the Quality value of a custom property. This function is available within any Industrial Graphics
client script, but is not supported in InTouch OMI ViewApps (works with InTouc h HMI only).
If used in an InTouc h OMI ViewApp, GetCP Quality() always returns a value of 0 (bad quality).
Int GetCPQuality(String name)
Where String name is the name of the custom property whose quality is to be retrieved.
This script function takes the name of a custom property on the symbol. This argument is of type string
and it can be a referenc e or a constant.
If the custom property is type constant, GOOD is the quality always returned.

Note: For use with custom properties only. It does not apply to InTouch tags.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Return Value
The Get CPQuality() script function returns a value 0 -255 of type Int eger, as per the OPC quality
standard. 192 is GOOD.
cp2 = GetCPQuality("cp1");
Where cp1 and cp2 are custom properties and the data type of cp2 is Int eger.

Returns the time stamp of a custom property. This function is available within any Industrial Graphics
client script.
DateTime GetCPTimeStamp(String name)
Where String name is the name of the custom property whos e time stamp is to be retrieved.
This script function takes the name of a custom property on the symbol. This argument is of type string
and it can be a referenc e or a constant.

Note: For use with custom properties only. It does not apply to InTouch tags.

Return Value
The Get CP TimeStamp() script function ret urns the time stamp of the custom property’s current value of
type DateTime. If the custom property value is a constant, then the return value is the time the value was
cp2 = GetCPTimeStamp("cp1");
Where cp1 and cp2 are custom properties and the data type of cp2 is DateTime.

Closes one or more matching content items within an InTouch OMI ViewApp. Multiple cont ent items can
be closed if they match the parameters that are specified in the HideContent call. The HideContent()
function uses a subset of the parameters that ShowContent() on page 25 uses.
The HideContent() function works only within a single level of the layout, and the level is defined by the
SearchScope parameter. By default, SearchScope is "Self," and searches within the layout that has
invok ed it. This function is available wit hin any Industrial Graphics client script or InTouch OMI layout
script. SearchScope parameters other than "Self" constrain the search for content to only layouts that are
directly associated with the Screen Profile, and not a nested layout. (A nested layout is a layout
embedded or contained in a pane of another layout.)

Note: While the HideContent() function is available in object scripts through bot h IntelliS ense and the
IDE function browser, its use in object scripts is not supported.

Graphic Client
Dim contentInfo as aaContent.ContentInfo;
contentInfo.Content = “SA_Valve_2Way";
contentInfo.Name =”SA_Valve_2Way1”;
contentInfo.ContentType = “Level_3”;
contentInfo.PaneName =”Pane 2”;
contentInfo.ScreenName =”Primary”;
contentInfo.SearchScope = aaContent.SearchScope.Self;

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

HideContent( contentInfo );

Cont entInfo
The description of the content, along with the location of the content (screen and pane) to be hidden.
Data Type
aaContent.Content Info
Dim contentInfo as aaContent.ContentInfo;
contentInfo.Name = “Symbol21”;
HideContent( contentInfo );
Where "Symbol21" is the Name property of the content shown in the Layout Editor.

Dim contentInfo as aaContent.ContentInfo;

contentInfo.Content = “Symbol_001”;
HideContent( contentInfo );
Where "Symbol_001" is the name of the content as listed in the Graphic Toolbox.

Dim contentInfo as aaContent.ContentInfo;

HideContent( contentInfo );
When Content Info does not define any properties in the HideContent call, the nested layout that called it
is hidden. In this case, it works identically to the HideS elf method. See HideSelf() on page 25 for more
If HideContent() with no ContentInfo properties is called from the top level of a layout, it has no effect; that
is, the top level layout is not closed.

Note: E ven if you do not define any ContentInfo properties, you must pass the Content Info parameter in
the HideContent call (i.e., HideContent ( contentInfo )).

Property Definition Data Type Required/


Content A unique name for an item, either in the Graphic String Optional
Toolbox or associated with an asset, that
specifies the content to be loaded into the pane.
Cont ent can be a symbol, a layout, or external
Additional "Content" is the name of the item within the Graphic Toolbox or associated
information with an asset.
The content names are the names shown in the Graphic Toolbox. The
Properties tab of the Layout and ViewA pp editors lists content name as the
Cont ent property.
Relative names, for example, "Me.S1," can also be used to designate

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Cont ent name must be unique. Application Server does not check for
duplicated names. If Cont ent is duplicated, all content with the same name is
If the same content item is used in multiple panes of the layout, and the
"Content" property is specified by the HideCont ent() method, all instances of
the content item are hidden. To hide a single instance of a content item that
appears more than once in the layout, use the "Name" property instead.
Example contentInfo.Content =

Name The auto-generated (or user-edited) name of a String Optional

unique content item. The name is created when
the content item is added to a layout pane.
Additional "Name" must be unique within a layout. Name can be duplicated in nested
information layouts, as long as the name is not duplicated within a nested single layout or
the top level layout.
The content Name property is shown in the Properties tab of the Layout
Editor, and is auto-generated from the Content property, also shown in the
Properties tab. You can edit the Name property.
When Name is specified in a HideContent call, only the uniquely -named
content is closed. If "Content" is specified and the "Name" property is not
specified, all items in the layout with the same content name are hidden. If
both are specified, "Name" has precedence.
contentInfo.Name = "Symbol_011";

ScreenName Specifies the screen that contains the pane with String Optional
the content to be closed.
Additional ScreenNames are configured in the Screen Profile Editor. See Screen
information Profiles in the System Platform Help for additional information.
Example contentInfo.ScreenName = "Wall";

PaneName Specifies the pane containing the content to be String Optional

Additional PaneNames are configured in the Layout Edi tor. See Layouts in the S ystem
information Platform Help for additional information.
Example contentInfo.PaneName = "Pane1";

ContentType Specifies the content type of the content to be String Optional

closed, for example, "Overview," "Navigation,"
or "Faceplate."
Additional Cont ent Type is matched against the Content Type parameter that can be set
information for a pane in the Layout Editor. Content Type is used to override the actual
type of the specified Content. If ContentTy pe is not specified, Content is
examined for its type of content. See Layouts in the S ystem Platform Help for
additional information about content types.
Example contentInfo.ContentType = "Overview";

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

SearchScope When ScreenName has not been specified, Enum Optional

SearchScope specifies which screen or screens
will be searched for a pane that matches the
specified PaneName or content type.
The default SearchScope is "Self."
Additional SearchScope is an enum with the following values:
 Self searches for matching content within the panes of the layout from
which the HideContent call was made. If SearchScope is not specified,
"Self" is the default. When SearchScope = Self, the layout that initiated
the call is searched, whether it is the top level layout or a nested
(embedded) layout.
In contrast to "Self," the remaining SearchScope values reference only
the top level layout, not nested layouts.
 AllScreens searches for matching content within the panes of all
screens in the top level layout. The search starts with the source screen,
then the primary screen, and then any remaining screens in alphabetical
 SourceScreen searches for matching content only within the panes of
the top level layout from which HideContent was called.
 PrimaryScreen searches for matching content only within the panes of
the top level layout of the screen designated in the Screen Profile as the
primary screen.
Nested If SearchScope is Self or is not specified, HideContent searches for a
Layout matching pane within the layout that initiated the HideCont ent call.
When SearchScope is All, Source, or Primary, or if the ScreenName is
specified, HideContent searches for matching cont ent within the top-level
layout only.
Example contentInfo.SearchScope =

Property Not applicable for use with HideContent. Used NA NA

Overrides for ShowContent calls only.
Additional Property overrides are specified as a key-value pair, with the property name
information enclosed in quot es. See ShowContent () on page 25 for more information.

OwningObject Sets the owning object of the content shown by NA NA

the ShowContent() script function.
Additional OwningObject can be used for relative referencing. Can be a concat enation
Information of constant strings and reference strings.
Can be browsed using the Display Automation Object Browser, or you can
type the name of the owning object.
Note: The OwningObject property sets references for the graphic, but is not
associated with the Graphic Name property if the symbol is part of an Object
Wizard. Therefore, if you are scripting a symbol with an owning object,
specify the owning object name as part of the Graphic Name property, for
example, UserDefined_001.Pump_001.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Content type: specifies the type of content represent ed by a pane.
Content: the name of a graphic, layout, or external content item as it is listed within the the Graphic
Toolbox. This is displayed as the Content property in t he Layout E ditor when the content item is a dded to
a layout.
Name: the unique name assigned to an instance of a content item, when it is added to a layout. This is
displayed as the Name property in the Layout Editor when the content item is added to a layout, and can
be edited.
Layout: consists of one or more rectangular areas called panes that contain content shown in a
ViewApp. A layout is associated with a screen, or it can be embedded within a pane of another layout.
Embedded or Nested Layout: In the context of ShowContent and HideContent, an embedded layout is
a layout that is placed inside a pane of a containing layout. When SearchScope is "Self" (default),
embedded layouts are searched for content that matches the parameters specified in the
ShowContent/HideContent call.
Pane: rectangular area of a layout that can hold a single piece of content.
Primary screen: represents the main screen of a workstation that will show a running ViewA pp
Screen Profile: defines the physical characteristics of one or more client workstation screens that will
show a running ViewApp and how these screens are arranged with respect to each other.
Source screen: screen from which ShowContent or HideContent was called.
See Also
ShowContent () on page 25, HideS elf() on page 25

Closes an open graphic pop-up window shown in the ShowGraphic() script with the given identity name.
The HideGraphic() function has been extended to close InTouch Windows identified with a given identity
name. This function is available wit hin any Industrial Graphics client script.
Graphic Client
HideGraphic(string identity);
The unique name of the instance that shows the graphic.
Where "i1" is string Identity.
Where "InTouch:Window1" is the string identity.
See Also
ShowGraphic () on page 30, HideS elf() on page 25

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Closes the displayed graphic or layout for which this script is configured. This script function is available
within any Industrial Graphics client script or a nested InTouch OMI Lay out script.
Graphic Client
For an Industrial Graphics script, you must call the script function within the symbol to hide the popup.
When used in an InTouch OMI Lay out script to hide a layout, the script function has no effect on a top
level layout; it will only close the layout when called from a nested (embedded) layout.
See Also
ShowGraphic () on page 30, HideGraphic() on page 24, ShowContent() on page 25, HideContent() on
page 20

Action script that automatically logs off the current user from a ViewApp.
Action scripts are graphic animations that are triggered by a user action such as a mouse click.
LogOff() ;
On Left-Click/Key/Touc h Down
Additional Information
A log off button can be added that uses the Logoff() method to allow the user t o log off from t he ViewApp.
Logoff() ;
See Also
ShowLoginDialog() on page 39

Loads a content item into an InTouc h OMI pane. This function is available within an Industrial Graphics
client script or layout script to show the content of pane.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

To load a graphic into a modal or modeless popup window, use ShowGraphic() on page 30. You can use
ShowGraphic () for both InTouch OMI and InTouc h HMI ViewA pps. The ShowContent() method is for
InTouch OMI only.

Note: While the ShowContent () function is available in object scripts through both IntelliS ense and the
IDE function browser, its use in object scripts is not supported.

Graphic Client
Dim contentInfo as aaContent.ContentInfo;
contentInfo.Content = “SA_Valve_2Way”;
contentInfo.Name =”SA_Valve_2Way1”;
contentInfo.ContentType = “Level_3”;
contentInfo.PaneName =”Pane 2”;
contentInfo.ScreenName =”Primary>”;
contentInfo.SearchScope = aaContent.SearchScope.Self;
ShowContent( contentInfo );

Cont entInfo
Description of the content to be shown and where to show it (which screen and pane)
Data Type
aaContent.Content Info
Show content in a pane
dim contentInfo as aaContent.ContentInfo;

Dim cpValues [2] as aaContent.PropertyOverrideValue;

cpValues[1] = new aaContent.PropertyOverrideValue("CP1", "20", true);
cpValues[2] = new aaContent.PropertyOverrideValue("CP2", "Pump.PV.TagName",

contentInfo.Content = "Symbol1";
contentInfo.Name = "S12";
contentInfo.ContentType = "Overview";
contentInfo.OwningObject = "Enterprise";
contentInfo.PaneName = "Pane 1";
contentInfo.ScreenName = "Wall";
contentInfo.PropertyOverrideValues = cpValues;

contentInfo.SearchScope = aaContent.SearchScope.PrimaryScreen;

ShowContent ( contentInfo );
aaContent.ContentInfo Properties

Cont entInfo is a predefined structure that contains the data members described in the following
String properties can be a concatenation of string and/or custom properties.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Note: See "Terms," below, for definitions of Content Type, Layout, Pane, Screen Profile, Primary
Screen, and Source Screen.

Property Definition Data Type Required/


Content A unique name for an item, either in the Graphic String Required
Toolbox or associated with an asset, that
specifies the content to be loaded into the pane.
Cont ent can be a symbol, a layout, or external
Additional "Content" is the name of the item within the Graphic Toolbox or associated
information with an asset. It can be a symbol, a layout, or external content item.
Symbol (graphic), layout, and external content names are listed in the
Graphic Toolbox and in the Toolbox tab of the Layout and ViewApp editors.
Relative names, for example, "Me.S1," can also be used to designate
If t he specified content is already shown, invoking S howContent again closes
the open content and reopens it.
However, if the content is a symbol and you are using object wizards that
include Symbol Wizard custom property selections, and the symbol has an
owning object, use the symbol's abs olute name. This allows the correct
symbol configuration to be shown for the instance. See Owning Object,
below, for more information.
Cont ent name must be unique. Application Server does not check for
duplicated names. If Content is duplicated, open content with the same name
is closed, and the content with the duplicated name is opened in its place.
PropertyOverrides and other Cont entInfo parameters are updated wit h any
new specified values.
If the same content item is used in multiple panes of the layout, and the
"Content" property is specified by the HideCont ent() method, all instances of
the content item are hidden. To specify a single instance, use the "Name"
property instead.
Example contentInfo.Content =

Name The auto-generated (or user-edited) name of a String Optional

unique content item. The name is created when
the content item is added to a layout pane.
Additional "Name" must be unique within a layout. Name can be duplicated in nested
information layouts, as long as the name is not duplicated within a nested single layout or
the top level layout.
If content with the same Name is open within the SearchScope, the
matching, open cont ent is closed. A new instance of the matching content
opens in the pane specified by the ShowContent call.
When Name is specified in a HideContent call, only the uniquely -named
content is closed. If "Content" is specified and the "Name" property is not
specified, all items in the layout with the same content name are hidden.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

contentInfo.Name = "Symbol_011";

ScreenName Specifies the screen that contains a pane in String Optional

which to plac e the content.
Additional ScreenNames are configured in the Screen Profile Editor. See Screen
information Profiles in the System Platform Help for additional information.
Example contentInfo.ScreenName = "Wall";

PaneName Specifies the pane in which to place the content. String Optional
Additional PaneNames are configured in the Layout Edi tor. See Layouts in the S ystem
information Platform Help for additional information.
Example contentInfo.PaneName = "Pane1";

ContentType Specifies the content type, for example, String Optional

"Overview," "Navigation," or "Faceplate."
Additional Cont ent Type is matched against the Content Type parameter that can be set
information for a pane in the Layout Editor. Content Type is used to override the actual
type of the specified Content. If ContentTy pe is not specified, Content is
examined for its type of content. See Layouts in the S ystem Platform Help for
additional information about content types.
Example contentInfo.ContentType = "Overview";

SearchScope When ScreenName has not been specified, Enum Optional

SearchScope specifies which screen or screens
will be searched for a pane that matches the
specified PaneName or content type.
The default SearchScope is "Self."
Additional SearchScope is an enum with the following values:
 Self searches for matching content within the panes of the NES TE D
layout (an embedded lay out) from which the ShowContent call was
made. If SearchScope is not specified, "Self" is the default.
In contrast to "Self," the remaining SearchScope values reference only
the top level layout, not nested layouts.
 AllScreens searches for matching content within the panes of all
screens in the top level layout. The search starts with the source screen,
then the primary screen, and then any remaining screens in alphabetical
 SourceScreen searches for matching content only within the panes of
the top level layout from which ShowContent was called.
 PrimaryScreen searches for matching content only withi n the panes of
the screen designated in the Screen Profile as the primary screen.
Nested If SearchScope is Self or is not specified, and ShowCont ent was called from
Layout a nested (embedded) layout, ShowContent searches for a matching pane
within the nested layout.
When SearchScope is All, Source, or Primary, or if the ScreenName is
specified, ShowContent searches for matching content within the top-level
layout only.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Example contentInfo.SearchScope =

Property PropertyOverrides sets custom property Property Optional

Overrides overrides if a graphic has been specified by the Override
Cont ent property. Each override must include ValuePair[]
the custom property name and the override array
Additional Property overrides are specified as a key-value pair, with the property name
information enclosed in quot es.
Example Dim cpValues [2] as aaContent.PropertyOverrideValue;
cpValues[1] = new aaContent.PropertyOverrideValue("CP1",
"20", true);
cpValues[2] = new aaContent.PropertyOverrideValue("CP2",
"Pump.PV.TagName", false);

OwningObject Sets the owning object of the content shown by String Optional
the ShowContent() script function.
Additional Can be a concat enation of constant strings and reference strings.
Can be browsed using the Display Automation Object Browser, or you can
type the name of the owning object.
Note: The OwningObject property sets references for the graphic, but is not
associated with the Graphic Name property if the symbol is part of an Object
Wizard. Therefore, if you are scripting a symbol with an owning object,
specify the owning object name as part of the Graphic Name property, for
example, UserDefined_001.Pump_001.
Example contentInfo.OwningObject = "Enterprise";

Content type: specifies the type of content represent ed by a pane.
Content: the name of a graphic, layout, or external content item as it is listed within the the Graphic
Toolbox. This is displayed as the Content property in t he Layout E ditor when the content item is added to
a layout.
Name: the unique name assigned to an instance of a content item, when it is added to a layout. This is
displayed as the Name property in the Layout Editor when the content item is added to a layout, and can
be edited.
Layout: consists of one or more rectangular areas called panes that contain content shown in a
ViewApp. A layout is associated with a screen, or it can be embedded within a pane of another layout.
Embedded or Nested Layout: In the context of ShowContent and HideContent, an embedded layout is
a layout that is placed inside a pane of a containing layout. When SearchScope is "Self" (default),
embedded layouts are searched for content that matches the parameters specified in the
ShowContent/HideContent call.
Pane: rectangular area of a layout that can hold a single piece of content.
Primary screen: represents the main screen of a workstation that will show a running ViewA pp
Screen Profile: defines the physical characteristics of one or more client workstation screens that will
show a running ViewApp and how these screens are arranged with respect to each other.
Source screen: screen from which ShowContent or HideContent was called.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

See Also
HideContent () on page 20
ShowGraphic () on page 30

Shows a graphic within a pop-up window. The ShowGraphic() function has been extended to call
InTouch Windows. This function is available within any Industrial Graphics client script.
Graphic Client
Show a graphic within a pop-up window
Dim graphicInfo as aaGraphic.GraphicInfo;
graphicInfo.Identity = "<Identity>";
graphicInfo.GraphicName = "<SymbolName>";
ShowGraphic( graphicInfo );
Call an InTouch window
Dim graphicInfo as aaGraphic.GraphicInfo;
graphicInfo0.Identity = "<InTouch:WindowName>";
ShowGraphic( graphicInfo );
Data Type
aaGraphic.Graphic Info
Show graphic within a pop-up window
ShowGraphic (graphicInfo);
Show an InTouch window
Dim graphicInfo0 as aaGraphic.GraphicInfo;
graphicInfo0.Identity = "InTouch:Window1";
ShowGraphic( graphicInfo0 );
aaGraphic.GraphicInfo Properties
Any string properties can be a conc atenation of strings and/or custom properties.
A unique name that identifies which instance has opened the graphic.
Data Type
Additional Information
The same Identity is used in the HideGraphic() script function to close the pop-up window.
Valid Range
The name cannot contain more than 329 characters.
The name must contain at least one letter.
Valid characters are alphanumeric and special characters ($, #, _).

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

graphicInfo.Identity = "i1";
The name of the graphic to show.
Data Type
Valid Range
The name cannot contain more than 329 characters.
The name must contain at least one letter.
Valid characters are alphanumeric and special characters ($, #, _).
Additional Information
Browse using the Di splay Galaxy Browser or directly type the graphic name.
Galaxy name can come from:
o Graphic Toolbox, for example:
o Instances, absolute or hierarchical, for example:
"Userdefined_001.Symbol1", "Userdefined_001.Pump_001.S1"
o Relative reference, for example:
Use an absolute name to specify the symbol name and owning object if you are using an Object
Wizard with Symbol Wizard custom property selections. This allows the correct symbol configuration
to be shown for the instance. See Owning Object, below, for more information.
If you type any invalid character or exceed the character limit, the system shows a warning message
at run time. There is no validation at design time.
The graphic name can be a concatenation of constant strings and reference strings. For
example:"Pump_001" + ".Symbol_001"; cp1 + ".Symbol_001", where the value of
cp1 = "Pump_001"; or Obj1.Str1 + ".Symbol_001", where the value of Obj.Str1
= "Pump_001".
Graphic Toolbox Reference
graphicInfo.GraphicName = "S1";
Absolute Reference
graphicInfo.GraphicName = "OwningObjectName.SymbolName";
The owning object of the graphic shown by the ShowGraphic() script function.
Data Type
Default Value
Additional Information
Can be a concat enation of constant strings and reference strings.
Can be browsed using the Di splay Automation Object Brow ser, or you can type the name of the
owning object.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Note: The OwningObject property sets references for the graphic, but is not associated with the
GraphicName property if the symbol is part of an Object Wizard. Therefore, if you are scripting a
symbol with an owning object, specify the owning object name as part of the Graphic Name property,
for example, UserDefined_001.Pump_001.

graphicInfo.OwningObject = "UserDefined_001";
Determines if the graphic is shown with a title bar.
Data Type
Default Value
graphicInfo.HasTitleBar = false;
Specifies the title shown in the window title bar.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
Limit 1024 characters
Additional Information
Can be a constant string, a reference, or an ex pression.
If you change the owning object for an Aut omationObject graphic, the window title is updated
If the WindowTitle parameter is empty, the value of the Identity parameter is shown on the title bar.
graphicInfo.WindowTitle = "Graphic01";
Specifies whether window type is modal or modeless.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
0, 1

WindowType Integer

Modal 0

Modeless 1

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

graphicInfo.WindowType = aaGraphic.WindowType.<windowtype>;
graphicInfo.WindowType = 1;
Determines if the pop-up window has a close button.
Data Type
Default Value
graphicInfo.HasCloseButton = false;
Determines if the pop-up window is resizable.
Data Type
Default Value
graphicInfo.Resizable = true;
Specifies the loc ation of the pop-up window.
Data Type
Default Value
Cent er
Valid Range
One of 0–12

WindowLocation Integer

Cent er 0

Above 1

TopLeftCorner 2

Top 3

TopRight Corner 4

LeftOf 5

LeftSide 6

RightSide 7

Right Of 8

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

WindowLocation Integer

BottomLeftCorner 9

Bottom 10

BottomRightCorner 11

Below 12

Additional Information
If you have selected Desktop as the window relative position, Above, LeftOf, RightOf, and Below are
For more information about the behavior of the WindowLocation parameter, see "Working with the
Show/ Hide Graphics Script Functions," in the Creating and Managing Industrial Graphics User
graphicInfo.WindowLocation = aaGraphic.WindowLocation.<WindowLocation>;
graphicInfo.WindowLocation = 1;
Specifies the relative position of the pop-up window.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
One of 0–8

WindowRelativePosition Integer

Desktop 0

Window 1

ClientArea 2

ParentGraphic 3

ParentElement 4

Mouse 5

DesktopXY 6

WindowXY 7

ClientAreaXY 8

graphicInfo.WindowRelativePosition =
graphicInfo.WindowRelativePosition = 1;

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Specifies the size of the pop-up window relative to the graphic, desktop, or customized width and
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
One of 0–2

RelativeTo Integer

Graphic 0

Desk Top 1

CustomizedWidt hHeight 2

Additional Information
If you enter aaGraphic.RelativeTo.CustomizedWidthHeight, you can include the values of the height
and width in the script. Otherwise, the default values are used.
graphicInfo.RelativeTo = aaGraphic.RelativeTo.<RelativeTo>;
graphicInfo.RelativeTo = 1;
The horizont al position of the pop -up window.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
-2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647
Additional Information
If X is beyond the integer range, an overflow message appears in the Logger at run time.
This parameter is applicable only if the value of the WindowRelativePosition parameter is
DesktopXY, WindowXY, or ClientAreaXY.
Unlike the ShowSymbol animation, there is no boundary for this value.
graphicInfo.X = 100;
Specifies the vertical position of the pop -up window.
Data Type
Default Value

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Valid Range
-2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647
Additional Information
If Y is beyond integer range, a proper overflow message will appear in the Logger at run time.
This value is applicable only if WindowRelativeP osition is DesktopXY, WindowXY, or ClientAreaXY.
Unlike the ShowSymbol animation, there is no boundary for thi s value.
graphicInfo.Y = 100;
Specifies the width of the pop-up window.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
Additional Information
Applicable only if RelativeTo is CustomizedWidthHeight
You can specify either t he height or the width of t he pop -up window. The system calculates the other,
based on the aspect ratio of the symbol.
If you enter an out-of-boundary value, the system shows an "Out of range" message at run time. If
the value > 10000, it is set at 10000. If the value < 0, it is set at 0.
graphicInfo.width = 500;
Specifies the height of the pop-up window.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
Additional Information
Applicable only if RelativeTo is the value of the CustomizedWidthHeight parameter.
You can specify either t he height or the width of t he pop -up window. The system calculates the other,
based on the aspect ratio of the symbol.
If you enter an out-of-boundary value, the system shows an "Out of range" message at run time. If
the value > 10000, it is set at 10000. If the value < 0, it is set at 0.
graphicInfo.height = 500;
Sets a value that indicates whether the ShowGraphic appears in the top most z-order window. A
ShowGraphic whose Topmost property is set to true appears above all windows whose TopMost
properties are set to fals e (same as Windows Task Manager).
Data Type

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Default Value
Additional Information
ShowGraphic windows whose Topmost properties are set to true appear above all windows whose
Topmost properties are set to false. In a group of windows that have the Topmost property set to
true, the active window is the topmost window.

Note: Do not create scripts that launch a non -TopMost Modal dialog from a TopMost dialog. Users
will not be able to interact with the View if the Modal dialog is completely hidden by any TopMost

graphicInfo.TopMost = true;
Sets the scaling percentage of the pop-up window and the graphic it contains.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid Range
Additional Information
If you enter an out-of-boundary value, the system shows an "Out of range" message at run time. If
the value > 1000, it is set at 1000. If the value < 0, it is set at 0.
graphicInfo.ScalePercentage = 150;
Specifies that a pop-up window should appear entirely within the boundaries of an application
Data Type
Default Value
graphicInfo.KeepOnMonitor = true;
Determines if the graphic is scaled to the current size of the pop-up window.
Data Type
Default Value
Additional Information
Applicable only if the value of the ScalePercent age parameter is greater than 100.
graphicInfo.StretchGraphicToFitWindowSize = false;

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Determines if the pop-up window is scaled to the same width as the screen.
Data Type
Default Value
Additional Information
Applicable only if the WindowRelativePosition parameter is Desktop, Window, Client Area,
ParentGraphic, or ParentElement.
graphicInfo.StretchWindowToScreenWidth = true;
Determines if the pop-up window is scaled to the same height as the screen.
Data Type
Default Value
Additional Information
Applicable only if the WindowRelativePosition parameter is Desktop, Window, Client Area,
ParentGraphic, or ParentElement.
graphicInfo.StretchWindowToScreenHeight = true;
Sets the custom properties of the symbol being shown.
Data Type
CustomPropertyValueP air[] array
Additional Information
The first three parameters are custom property name, value, and Is Constant.
Both custom property and the value can be a constant string, reference, or concatenation of strings.
If the paramet er IsConstant = True, the value is treated as a constant. Otherwis e, the value is treated
as a reference.
The array index starts at 1.
Dim cpValues [4] as aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair;
cpValues[1] = new aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair("CP1", 20, true);
cpValues[2] = new aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair("CP2", Pump.PV.TagName,
cpValues[3] = new aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair("CP3", "CP"+var1, CP2 +
"001" + ".Speed", true);
cpValues[4] = new aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair("CP3", "InTouch:Tag1",
graphicInfo.CustomProperties = cpValues;
Any parameter that has default value in the GraphicInfo is optional. If no input value specified for these
parameters, the default values are used at run time. Any parameter except the Enum data type can be a
constant, reference, or expression.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

For more information, see "Working wit h the Show/Hide Graphics Script Functions" in the Creating and
Managing Industrial Graphics User Guide.
Examples for ShowGraphic
Basic script example:
Dim graphicInfo as aaGraphic.GraphicInfo;
graphicInfo.Identity = "Script_001";
graphicInfo.GraphicName = "Symbol_001";
ShowGraphic( graphicInfo );
Advanced script example:
Dim graphicInfo as aaGraphic.GraphicInfo;
Dim cpValues [2] as aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair;
cpValues[1] = new aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair("CP1", 20, true);
cpValues[2] = new aaGraphic.CustomPropertyValuePair("CP2", "Pump.PV.TagName",
graphicInfo.Identity = "i1";
graphicInfo.GraphicName = "S1";
graphicInfo.OwningObject = "UserDefined_001";
graphicInfo.WindowTitle = "Graphic01";
graphicInfo.Resizable = false;
ShowGraphic( graphicInfo );
Where "i1" is string Identity and the symbol "S1" contains custom property CP1 and CP2.
See Also
HideS elf() on page 25

Action script that shows a login dialog box with fields to enter a username and password. A typical login
interface includes a login button that is selected by the user to show the Login dialog box with fields to
enter a username and password.
Action scripts are graphic animations that are triggered by a user action such as a mouse click.
ShowLoginDialog() ;
On Left-Click/Key/Touc h Down
Additional Information
A log off button can be added that uses the Logoff() method to allow the user t o log off from t he ViewApp.
ShowLoginDialog() ;
See Also
Logoff() on page 25

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

InTouch Functions
The following InTouch functions can be used within the script editor contained in the Industrial Graphic
Editor. In all functions that specify tag names as parameters, you can use InTouch tags from your
InTouch application.
InTouch script functions can be used only in symbol scripts. InTouch script functions do not work in
ArchestrA object scripts. Even though the object script will not work, no error or warning is generated.

Note: Using the Convert to Industrial Graphic option in InTouch scripts may wrongly append the term
"InTouch:" to the script function name. To avoid errors, remove the term "InTouch:" from the script
function name.

AddPermission() Function
Assigns a certain InTouch access level to a given user group on the local system or on the domain. When
a user belonging to t hat group logs on to t he InTouch HMI after t he AddPermission() function is called, he
or she receives the specified access level.
DiscreteTag=AddPermission( "Domain", "Group", AccessLevel);
Name of the domain or local computer in which the group is located.
Windows user group.
InTouch access level that you want to associate with the given group.
Valid for operating system security only. When this function is called, it checks for the presenc e of the
specified group in the specified domain or workgroup. If successful, TRUE is returned, and the specified
Access Level is associated with the group for subsequent user log ons. In all other cases, (that is, if an
invalid value is specified for any of the arguments) FALSE is returned.
This function is typically configured to run on application start up. It does not affect users that are currently
logged on. Only users that log on after AddPermission() is successfully called receive the access level
associated with their group.
DiscreteTag=AddPermission( "corporate_hq", "InTouchAdmins", 9000);
DiscreteTag=AddPermission( "johns01", "InTouchUsers", 5000);
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),

AttemptInvisibleLogon() Function
The AttemptInvisibleLogon() function can be used in a script to log on a user to InTouch using the
supplied credentials. The us er is not required to enter a password or user ID.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

DiscreteTag=AttemptInvisibleLogon( "UserId", "Password", "Domain" );
A valid user account name.
Password of the user.
Name of the local c omput er, work group, or domain to which the user belongs. This argument applies
only if the current security type is operating system-based.
Return Value
Returns TRUE if authentication is successful. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.
An attempt is made to log on to the InTouch HMI using the supplied credentials.
 If the logon attempt succeeds, then TRUE is returned and the $OperatorDomain, $OperatorName,
$AccessLevel, and $Operator system tags are updated accordingly.
 If the log on attempt fails, then FA LSE is returned, and the currently logged on us er (if any) continues
to be the current user.
The Domain argument is only valid for operating system-bas ed security. If ArchestrA security mode is in
use and if ArchestrA security is in turn using operating system-based security, the UserId argument
should contain the fully qualified user name with domain name or computer name.
When security is operating system-bas ed:
DiscreteTag=AttemptInvisibleLogon("UserId", "Password", "Domain" );
When security is either InTouch-based or ArchestrA-based:
DiscreteTag=AttemptInvisibleLogon("UserId", "Password", "" );
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), QueryGroupMembership(),

ChangePassword() Function
Shows the Change Password dialog box, allowing the logged on operator to change his/her password.
Return Value
Returns one of the following int eger values:
0 = Cancel was pressed.
1 = OK was pressed.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

If the operat or uses a touch screen, the operator can use the alphanumeric keyboard to enter the new
The following script can be plac ed on a button or called from a condition script or data change script.

EnableDisableKeys() Function
Enables/disables key filters for the Alt, Escape, and Windows keys.
EnableDisableKeys(AltKey, EscKey, WinKey);
Integer to enable or disable key filters for the Alt key:
1 = enable filter (disable Alt key)
0 = disable filter (enable Alt key)
Integer to enable or disable key filters for the Escape key:
1 = enable filter (disable Esc key)
0 = disable filter (enable Esc key)
Integer to enable or disable key filters for the Windows key:
1 = enable filter (disable Win key)
0 = disable filter (enable Win key)
Disabling the Alt key also disables the Win+L key combination (for locking the Windows desktop). Win+L
is the shortcut for another combination of keys that involves the Alt key. Thus, disabling the Alt key also
disables the shortcut for locking the Windows desktop.
Disabling the Esc key disables it for all actions.
EnableDisableKeys(0,0,0); // enable all three keys
EnableDisableKeys(1,1,1); // disable all three keys
EnableDisableKeys(0,0,1); // enable Alt and Escape keys, disable Windows key.

FileCopy() Function
Copies a source file to a destination file and returns a status result. This function may take a longer time
to execute and is executed in multiple stages:
1. FileCopy() function is called and an immediate result is returned, indic ating success or failure of the
file copy initialization.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

2. FileCopy() function executes the copy procedure in th e background, and InTouc h scripting continues
execution while the file copying is in progress. You can monitor the file copying progress with an
integer tag.
3. FileCopy() function returns a file copy result, indicating success or failure of the file copy procedure.
If t he destination folder is not available (i.e. another computer on the network), the function waits for up to
10 seconds to time out, and then posts a message in the Logger.

Note: Do not use the FileCopy() function in asynchronous QuickFunctions.

result = FileCopy (sourcefile, destfile, progresstag)
Full path and file name of the file to be copied. A literal string value, message tagname, or string
expression. You can use the wildcard characters (* and ?) in this parameter to copy just files
matching a specified criteria. The path name can also be a UNC path name.
Full path and file name (or just path name) of the destination. A literal string value, message
tagname, or string expression. The path name can also be a UNC path.
Name of an integer tag enclosed in double quotes that will contain a value indicating the file copy
progress. A literal string value, message tagname (such as a message tag cont aining the value
"Int Tag.Name") or string expression. The values have following meaning:
0 - FileCopy() procedure is still in progress.
1 - FileCopy() procedure has complet ed successfully.
-1 - FileCopy() procedure completed with errors.
Return Value
A value of -1, 0, or 1 indicating the following:
1 - FileCopy() function successfully called.
0 - Error when calling the FileCopy() function bec ause another FileCopy() procedure is already in
-1 - E rror when calling the FileCopy() function because of a non-existent source file or the destination
is read only.
This script copies the file c:\MyData\output.log to the directory d:\arc hive and renames the file to
output.txt. The progress of the file copy is written to the integer tag Monit or.
This script copies all files with file ending .txt in the c: \ root directory to the destination directory
Status=FileCopy("c:\*.txt", "c:\Backup", "Monitor");
This script copies a file whose full pat h and file name is contained in the message tag LogFile to the
destination directory c:\results\ and renames it to logxxx.txt where xxx is a timestamp.
Status=FileCopy(LogFile, "c:\results\log" + $DateString + $TimeString + ".txt",

FileDelete() Function
Delet es an individual file.
result = FileDelete (filename)

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

The path name and file name of the file to delete. A literal string value, message tagname, or string
expression. UNC path names are supported.
Do not use the wildcard characters (* and ?) with the FileDelete() function and do not use the FileDel et e()
function in asynchronous QuickFunctions.
The FileDelete() function does not delete directories.
Return Value
A value indicating success or failure of the file deletion:
1 - file is deleted successfully
0 - file is not deleted successfully. Possible causes are attempts to delet e a read only or a
non-existent file.
This script deletes the file c:\Data.txt and returns 1 if the file was found and deleted successfully.

FileMove() Function
Moves a source file to a destination file and ret urns a status result. It can be also used to rename a file.
This function may take a longer time to execut e and executes in multiple stages:
1. FileMove() function is called and an immediate result is returned, indicating success or failure of the
file move initialization.
2. FileMove() function executes the move procedure in the background, InTouch scripting continues
execution while the file moving is in progress. You can monitor the file moving progress with an
integer tag.
3. FileMove() function returns a file move res ult, indicating success or failure of the file moving
Do not use the FileMove() function in asynchronous QuickFunctions.
result = FileMove (sourcefile, destfile, progresstag)
Full path and file name of the file to be moved. A literal string value, message tagname, or string
expression. You can use the wildcard characters (* and ?) in this parameter to move just files
matching a specified criteria. The path name can also be a UNC path name.
Full path and file name (or just path name) of the destination. A literal string value, message
tagname, or string expression. The path name can also be a UNC path.
Name of an integer tag enclosed in double quot es that will contain a value indicating the file mo ving
progress. A literal string value, message tagname (such as a message tag cont aining the value
"Int Tag") or string expression. The values have following meaning:
0 - FileMove() procedure is still in progress
1 - FileMove() procedure has completed successfully
-1 - FileMove() procedure completed with errors

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Return Value
A value of-1, 0, or 1 indicating the following:
1 - FileMove() function successfully called
0 - Error when calling the FileMove() function becaus e another FileMove() procedure is already in
-1 - Error when calling the FileMove() function. Possible errors are attempts to move a non -existent
This script moves the file c:\MyData\output.log to the directory d:\archive and renames the file to
output.txt. The progress of the file moving is written to the integer tag Monitor.
This script moves all files with file ending .txt in the c:\ root directory to the destination directory
Status=FileMove("c:\*.txt", "c:\Backup", "Monitor");
This script moves a file whose full path and file name is contained in the message tag LogFile to the
destination directory c:\results\ and renames it to logxxx.txt where xxx is a timestamp.
Status=FileMove(LogFile, "c:\results\log" + $DateString + $TimeString + ".txt",

FileReadFields() Function
Reads the values contained in a cs v file into a series of tagnames. You can use this function t o load a set
of tagname values.
Commas are the only supported delimiter.
This function can only be used for synchronous calls.
[result = ] FileReadFields (filename, offset, starttag, numberoffields)
Name of the csv file to read the data from. A literal string value, a message tagname or a string
Location (in bytes) in the file to start reading. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer
Name of the first tagname that receives the first read data item. The tagname must be enclosed with
double quotes and end in a number, such as "MyTag1". A literal string value, message tagname
(such as a message tagname containing the value "My Tag1"), or a string expression.
Number of data items to read from the cs v file. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer
expression. The first data item is read into the tagname defined in the starttag paramet er,
subsequent data items into tagnames with the inc remented numeral suffix of the starttag paramet er
(MyTag1, MyTag2, My Tag3, ...).
Return Value
Optional new fil e offset (in byte) after reading the data. This can be used to read the next set of data.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

This script reads the values "Flour" to RecipeTag1, 27.23 to RecipeTag2, 14 to RecipeTag3, and 1 to
RecipeTag4, and returns the new file offset—if the csv file c:\set.csv contains the following data: Flour,
27.23, 14,1 and if the following tags are defined: RecipeTag1:message, RecipeTag2:real,
Recipe3:integer, RecipeTag4:discrete.

FileReadMessage() Function
Reads a specified number of bytes (or one line) of string data from a file.
[result = ] FileReadMessage (filename, offset, messagetag, charstoread)
Name of the file to read the dat a from. A literal string value, a message tagname, or a string
Location (in bytes) in the file to start reading from. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer
Message tagname that receives the first line or number of bytes from the file. Enclose the tagname
with double quot es when using the function wit hin the Industrial Graphics Editor Script Editor.
Number of bytes to read from the file. Set it to 0 to read until the next line feed (LF) character. A literal
integer value, integer tagname, or integer expression.
Return Value
Cont ains the new byte position after the read. You can use this for subsequent reads from the file.
This script reads the first line of data in the file c:\Data\File.txt to the message tagname MsgTag.
FileReadMessage ("c:\Data\File.txt",0,MsgTag, 0);
FileReadMessage ("c:\Data\File.txt",0,"InTouch:MsgTag", 0);

FileWriteFields() Function
Writes the values contained in a series of tagnames to a csv file. You can use this function to save a set
of tagname values.
Commas are the only supported delimiter.
[result = ] FileWriteFields (filename, offset, starttag, numberoffields)
Name of the csv file to write the data to. A new file is created if it does not previously exist. A literal
string value, a message tagname, or a string expression.
Location (in bytes) in the file to start writing to. Use -1 to write to the end of the file (append). A literal
integer value, integer tagname, or integer expression.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Name of the first tagname that contains the first data item to be written. The tagname must be
enclosed with double quotes and end in a number, such as "My Tag1". A literal string value, message
tagname (such as a message tagname containing the value "MyTag 1") or a string expression.
Number of data items to write to the cs v file. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer
expression. The first data item is written from the tagname defined in the starttag parameter to the
file, subsequent data items from tagnames with the incremented numeral suffix of the starttag
parameter (My Tag1, MyTag2, MyTag3, ...).
Return Value
Optional new file offset (in byte) after writing the data. This can be used to write the next set of data.
A series of InTouch tags is defined as follows:

Tagname Data Type Value

RecipeTag1 Message Flour

RecipeTag2 Real 27.23

RecipeTag3 Integer 14

RecipeTag4 Discrete 1

This script writes the values contained in RecipeTag1 to RecipeTag4 to the csv file c: \set.csv.
So that the file c:\set.csv will contain the following data:

FileWriteMessage() Function
Writes a specified number of bytes (or one line) of string data to a file.
[result = ] FileWriteMessage (filename, offset, messagetag, linefeed)
Name of the file to write the dat a to. A literal string value, a message t agname, or a string expression.
Location (in bytes) in the file to start writing to. Set it to -1 to write data to the end of the file (append).
A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer expression.
Message tagname that contains the data to be written to the file. v
Specifies whether to write a line feed (LF) character after writing the data to the file. Set to 1 to write
a line feed character; otherwise, set it to 0. A literal Boolean value, discrete tagname, or Boolean
Return Value
Cont ains the new byte position after the write. You can use this for subsequent writes to the file.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

This script writes the value of a message tagname MsgTag to the end of the file c: \Data\File.txt.

GetAccountStatus() Function
Returns the number of days until the user’s password expires.
Result=GetAccountStatus(Domain, UserID);
Name of the domain or local computer in which the us er account is located.
UserI D
Windows user account name that is part of the loc al computer, workgroup, or domain.
Return Value
This function also returns the following values:

Result Description

-1 Account password expired

-2 Account password never expires

-3 Account locked out

-4 Account disabled

-5 Account info failed

Use this script function wit h operating system-based security. Do not use this function with the ArchestrA
security mode.
If the GetAccountStatus() function is used with ArchestrA security, the script attempts to retrieve the
account information directly from the domain controller. This works as long as the ArchestrA Galaxy
Repository is using operating system security with the same domain.
Status = GetAccountStatus("Corporate_HQ","Operator");

GetNodeName() Function
Returns the node name of the computer.
GetNodeName (messagetag, nodenum);
Message tagname that will contain the node name. Enclose the tagname wit h double quotes when
using the function within the Industrial Graphics Editor Script Editor.
QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Number of characters to retrieve from the node name. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or
integer expression in the range of 0 to 131.
This script retrieves the node name and assigns it to the NodeName message tagname.

InfoAppTitle() Function
Returns the application title or Windows task list name of a specified application that is running.
result = InfoAppTitle (appname)
Name of the application without the .ex e extension. A literal string value, message tagname, or string
This script returns "Calc ulator"
This script returns "Microsoft Excel"

InfoDisk() Function
Returns either the total or free spac e on a local or net work disk drive.
result = InfoDisk (drive, infotype, trigger);
The drive letter for which you want to retrieve information. Only the first character of a string is used.
A literal string value, message tagname, string expression.
Specifies the information type. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer expression with
following possible values:
1 - function returns total size of disk drive (in bytes)
2 - function returns free space of disk drive (in bytes)
3 - function returns total size of disk drive (in kilobytes)
4 - function returns free space of disk drive (in kilobytes)
A tagname (or expression) that acts as a trigger to recalculate the disk information. If the trigger
value changes the disk information is recalculated. A discrete or analog taname, or a discrete or
analog expression.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

The trigger tag only has meaning when the InfoDisk() function is used in an animation display link. If this
function is used in a script, you can specify any literal numeric value, analog tagname, or numeric
Use this script in an animation display link to show the free space of disk drive C and updat e the
information every minute.
InfoDisk("C", 4, $Minute)

InfoFile() Function
Returns various information on a file or directory.
result = InfoFile (filename, infotype, trigger)
The full file name or directory name you want to retrieve information about. A literal string value,
message tagname, or string ex pression. Can also include wildcard characters, such as "*" and "?".
The type of information you want to retrieve ab out the specified file or directory. A literal integer
value, integer tagname, or integer expression with following values and meaning:
1 - Existence. The InfoFile() function returns 1 if the file exists, 2 if the file is a directory and 0 if the file
or directory does not exist.
2 - Size. The InfoFile() function returns the file size in bytes.
3 - Creation timestamp. The InfoFile() function ret urns the time stamp as seconds that have passed
since midnight January 1st 1970. Use the StringFromTimeLocal() function to convert this value to a
message timestamp.
4 - Wildcard Search Match. The InfoFile() function returns the number of files that match a specified
wildcard search.
A tagname (or expression) that acts as a trigger to recalculate the file information. If the trigger value
changes, the file information is recalculated. A discrete or analog taname, or a discrete or analog
The trigger tag only has meaning when the InfoFile() function is used in an animation display link. If this
function is used in a script, you can specify any literal numeric value, analog tagname, or numeric
This script returns 1 if the file c:\data\log.txt exists.
This script returns 14223 if the file c:\data\log.txt has a file size of 14223 bytes.
This script returns 1138245266 if the file c:\data\log.txt was created on 26th January 2006 at 11:14:26
This script returns 14 if there are 14 files in the directory c: \data\ that have a txt ending.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide


InfoInTouchAppDir() Function
Returns the current InTouch application directory.
result = InfoInTouchAppDir();
Return Value
A message tagname to cont ain the directory of the currently running InTouch application.
The application directory name may be truncated when passed to a message tagname or shown in an
animation link due to the 131 characters limitation.
This script may return c:\documents and settings\user1\my documents\my intouch

InTouchVersion() Function
Returns the complete InTouch version number or just parts of it.
result = InTouchVersion (infotype);
Specifies how the version information is returned. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer
expression with the following meaning:
0- function returns the whole version number
1- function returns just the major version number
2- function returns just the minor version number
3- function returns just the patch level
4- function returns just the build level

Function Possible result

InTouchV ersion(0) 10.5.1626.0521.0045.0012

InTouchV ersion(1) 10

InTouchV ersion(2) 5

InTouchV ersion(3) 0

InTouchV ersion(4) 1626

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

InvisibleVerifyCredentials() Function
The InvisibleVerify Credentials() function can be used in a synchronous QuickScript to verify the
credentials of the given user without logging the user on to the InTouch HMI.
AnalogTag=InvisibleVerifyCredentials( "UserId", "Password", "Domain" );
Windows operating system user account name that is part of local computer, work group, or domain.
Password for the account.
The Windows domain for the account.
If the supplied combination of user, password, and domain are valid then the corresponding access level
associated with the user is returned as an integer. Otherwise, -1 is returned.

Note: The InvisibleVerifyCredentials() function must be run from a synchronous QuickScript. The
function always returns -1 if run from an asynchronous QuickScript.

This function does not change the currently logged on user. The Domain argument is only valid for
operating system-based security. If ArchestrA security is in use and if ArchestrA security is in turn using
operating system-based security, the UserId argument should contain the fully qualified user name with
domain name or computer name.
AnalogTag=InvisibleVerifyCredentials( "john", "Password", "corporate_hq" );
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), Attempt InvisibleLogon(), IsAssignedRole(), QueryGroupMembership(),

IsAssignedRole() Function
Determines whether the currently logged on user is a member of the specified user role. Only applies to
ArchestrA security.
DiscreteTag=IsAssignedRole( "RoleName" );
The role associated with an Application Server us er.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Valid for ArchestrA security mode only and applies to the currently logged on us er. If a user is currently
logged on and has the RoleName role assigned in the Galaxy IDE, then TRUE is returned. Otherwise,
FALSE is returned.
DiscreteTag=IsAssignedRole( "Administrators" );
See Also
AttemptInvisibleLogon(), PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), QueryGroupMembership(),

LaunchTagViewer() Function
You can start Tag Viewer only when WindowViewer is running, and only after Tag Viewer has been
enabled in WindowMaker.
For information about enabling Tag Viewer, see Configuring General WindowViewer Properties in the
InTouch® HMI Application Management and Extension Guide.
The LaunchTagViewer() function can be ex ecuted from any script type except the application scripts
OnStartup and OnS hutdown.
If Tag Viewer has not been enabled in WindowMaker, calling the function will not start Tag Viewer and a
warning message will appear in the logger.
You must have adequate security privileges to start Tag Viewer.

LogonCurrentUser() Function
Logs on to InTouch with a user account that is currently logged on to the Windows operating system.
 InTouch configured with OS security: the user is logged on to WindowViewer.
 InTouch configured with Arc hestrA security: the user must be a member of ArchestrA OS user-based
or OS group-based security.
 InTouch configured with A rchestrA OS user -based or OS group-based security and the user account
is configured with smart card credentials: user is logged on using the smart card credentials. The
user is logged off if the smart card is removed from the reader.
IntegerResult = LogonCurrentUser();
Return Value
Returns -1 and no change to the values assigned to $ Operator, $OperatorName, $OperatorDomain, and
$AccessLevel if the logon fails.
This function is available only in InTouc h scripting, not in ArchestrA client scripting.
IntegerResult = LogonCurrentUser();

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),
QueryGroupMembership(), AddPermission()

PlaySound() Function
Plays a sound from a wave file or a Windows default sound.
Playsound (soundname, flag)
The name of the sound or wave file. A literal string value, message tagname, or string expression. If
the sound is defined as a name, it must be defined in the Win.ini file under the [Sounds] section, for
example MC="c:\test.wav"
Specifies how the sound is played. A literal integer value, integer tagname, or integer expression with
the following meanings:
0 - Play sound one time synchronously (script execution waits until sound has finished playing).
1 - Play sound one time asynchronously (script execution does not wait until sound has finished
9 - Play sound continuously (until the PlaySound() function is called again).
This script plays the sound of the file c:\welcome. wav one time and holds script execution until it has
finished playing.
This script plays the sound Alert continuously. In the win.ini file [Sounds] section you need to associate
the sound name Alert with a sound file, such as:

PostLogonDialog() Function
Shows the InTouch Logon dialog box and returns TRUE.
See Also
InvisibleV erifyCredentials(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(), IsAssignedRole(), QueryGroupMembership(),

PrintScreen() Function
You can write a script to print the entire WindowViewer screen with the PrintScreen() function.
PrintScreen (ScreenOption, PrintOption)

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Determines how much of the WindowViewer screen is to be printed. A literal integer value, integer
tagname, or integer expression.
1 - Print the client area, no menus (default)
2 - Print the entire window area, including menus
Determines how the printed image is to be stretched to fit on the printout.
o 1 - Best Fit:
image is stretched so that it fits either horizontally or vertically on the printout without changing
the aspect ratio. (default )
o 2 - Vertical Fit:
image is stretched so that it fits vertically on the print out without changing the aspect ratio. The
image may be cut off horizontally.
o 3 - Horizontal Fit:
image is stretched so that it fits horizontally on the printout without changing the aspect ratio. The
image may be cut off vertically.
o 4 - Stretch to Page:
image is stretched so that it fits horizontally and vertically on the printout. The aspect ratio m ay
change but the image is not truncated.
o Invalid options, including 0, default to Best Fit.

Note: Popup windows that extend bey ond the WindowViewer screen area are cut off.

This script sends a printout of the current entire WindowViewer screen area without menus to the printer
queue. The print out contains the screen area stretched so that it fills the printout dimensions.

QueryGroupMembership() Function
Determines whet her the currently logged on user is a member of the specified user group. Only applies
to operating system security.
DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership( "Domain", "Group" );
Name of the domain or local computer in which the group is located
Name of the group.
Valid for operating system security mode only and applies to the currently logged on us er. If a user is
currently logged on and if he or she is part of the group located on the dom ain, then TRUE is returned.
Otherwise, FALSE is returned.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

The QueryGroupMembership() function works with operating system-based security and with ArchestrA
security only when the ArchestrA security is set to operating system-based security.
DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership( "corporate_hq", "InTouchAdmins" );
DiscreteTag=QueryGroupMembership( "JohnS01", "InTouchUsers" );
See Also
PostLogonDialog(), InvisibleVerifyCredentials(), IsAssignedRole(), AttemptInvisibleLogon(),

ShowHome() Function
Opens the InTouch window(s) you s pecified in the Home Windows tab in the WindowViewer Properties
dialog box and closes any other windows.

Starting a Windows Application

In a script, you can start a Windows application using the StartApp command.
StartApp appname;
Path and file name of the application you want to start. A literal string value, message tagname, or
string expression.

Note: You need to know the path and file name of the application. If the application is in a directory that
is part of the Windows PATH environment variable, you only need to pass the file name (without path).

This script starts Microsoft Calculator.
StartApp "calc"

SwitchDisplayLanguage() Function
Switches the display of visible, static texts and alarm fields in a desired language for which translated
strings are provided.
LocaleI D
The language in which static text strings and alarm fields are to be shown at run time.
In this example, German is the language to be shown at run time.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

See Also
$Language system tag

TseGetClientId() Function
Returns a string version of the client ID (the TCP/IP address of the client) if the View application is
running on a Terminal Server client. This client ID is used internally to generat e SuiteLink server names
and logger file names. Otherwise, the TseGetClientId() function returns an empty string.
The client IP address is saved to the MsgTag tag.

TseGetClientNodeName() Function
Returns the client node name if the View application is running on a Terminal Server client assigned a
name that can be identified by Windows. Otherwise, the TseGetClientNodeName() function returns an
empty string.
The client node name is returned as the value assigned to the MsgTag tag.

TseQueryRunningOnClient() Function
Returns a non-zero integer value if the View applic ation is running on a Terminal Services client.
Otherwise, it returns a zero.
Return Value
Returns 0 if View is not running on a Terminal Services client.
Int Tag is set to 1 if WindowViewer is running on a Terminal Services client.

TseQueryRunningOnConsole() Function
The TseQueryRunningOnConsole() function can be run from a script to indicate whether the View
application is running on a Terminal Services console.
Return Value
Returns a non-zero integer value if the View applic ation is running on a Terminal Services console.
Otherwise, the TseQueryRunningOnConsole() function returns a zero.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Int Tag is set to 1 if WindowViewer is running on a Terminal Services console.

Math Functions
Use math functions to return the ans wer to the specified mathematical expression.
In QuickScript, all mathematical operations are calculated internally as double, regardless of the operand
data type. Following standard mathematical rules, the res ult is always rounded in division operations to
maintain accuracy. Rounding only occurs on the end result, not intermediate values, and the quotient will
match the target data type. This is the standard methodology for SCA DA and DCS systems, and
provides the data int egrity, precision retention, time stamps, and overall data quality propagation and
aggregation needed for these systems.
If you want to round at each step instead of only at the final result, you can leverage the support built into
QuickScript for . NE T libraries and utilize the System.Math.Floor and System.Math.Round met hods to
explicitly round the intermediat e steps. As an example, consider the following script:
dim dividend as integer;
dim divisor as integer;
dim quotient as integer;
dim remainder as integer;
dividend = 8;
divisor = 3;
LogMessage("Value of dividend = " + dividend);
LogMessage("Value of divisor = " + divisor);
quotient = dividend/divisor;
LogMessage("Value of quotient = " + quotient);
remainder = dividend mod divisor;
LogMessage ("Value of remainder = " + remainder);
dividend = divisor*quotient +remainder;
LogMessage ("Value of dividend = " + dividend);
The result is: 8 / 3 = 3
If, instead, you want to drop t he remainder (not rounding the final result to the nearest integer), you could
add a call to the Mat h.Floor method and use the following:
dim dividend as integer;
dim divisor as integer;
dim quotient as integer;
dim remainder as integer;
dividend = 8;
divisor = 3;
LogMessage("Value of dividend = " + dividend);
LogMessage("Value of divisor = " + divisor);

// *** Add call to Math.Floor. This drops the remainder rat her than rounding the
internal Double result to integer
quotient = System.Math.Floor(dividend/divisor);

LogMessage("Value of quotient = " + quotient);

remainder = dividend mod divisor;
LogMessage ("Value of remainder = " + remainder);
dividend = divisor*quotient +remainder;
LogMessage ("Value of dividend = " + dividend);
The result is: 8 / 3 = 2 (remainder 2)

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Returns the absolute value (unsigned equivalent) of a specified number.
Result = Abs( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Abs(14); ' returns 14
Abs(-7.5); ' returns 7.5

Returns an angle between 0 and 180 degrees whose cosine is equal to the number specified.
Result = ArcCos( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e with a value bet ween -1 and 1 (inclusive).
ArcCos(1); ' returns 0
ArcCos(-1); ' returns 180
See Also
Cos() on page 60, Sin() on page 63, Tan() on page 64, ArcSin() on page 59, ArcTan() on page 60

Returns an angle between -90 and 90 degrees whose sine is equal to the number specified.
Result = ArcSin( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e with a value bet ween -1 and 1 (inclusive).
ArcSin(1); ' returns 90
ArcSin(-1); ' returns -90

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

See Also
Cos() on page 60, Sin() on page 63, Tan() on page 64, ArcCos() on page 59, ArcTan() on page 60

Returns an angle between -90 and 90 degrees whose tangent is equal to the number specified.
Result = ArcTan( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
ArcTan(1); ' returns 45
ArcTan(0); ' returns 0
See Also
Cos() on page 60, Sin() on page 63, Tan() on page 64, ArcCos() on page 59, ArcSin() on page 59

Returns the cosine of an angle in degrees.
Result = Cos( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Cos(90); ' returns 0
Cos(0); ' returns 1
This example shows how to use the function in a math equation:
Wave = 50 * Cos(6 * Now().Second);
See Also
Sin() on page 63, Tan() on page 64, ArcCos() on page 59, ArcSin() on page 59, ArcTan() on page 60

Returns the result of the ex ponent e raised to a power.
Result = Exp( Number );

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Any number or numeric attribut e.
Exp(1); ' returns 2.718...

Returns the next integer less than or equal to a specified number.
IntegerResult = Int( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
When handling negative real (float) numbers, this function returns the integer farthest from zero.
Int(4.7); ' returns 4
Int(-4.7); ' returns -5

Returns the natural log (base e) of a number.
RealResult = Log( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Natural log of 0 is undefined.
Log(100); ' returns 4.605...
Log(1); ' returns 0
See Also
LogN() on page 62, Log10() on page 61

Returns the base 10 log of a number.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Result = Log10( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Log10(100); ' returns 2
See Also
Log() on page 61, LogN() on page 62

Returns the values of the logarithm of x to base n.
Result = LogN( Number, Base );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Integer to set log base. You could also specify an integer attribute.
Base 1 is undefined.
LogN(8, 3); ' returns 1.89279
LogN(3, 7); ' returns 0.564
See Also
Log() on page 61, Log10() on page 61

Returns the value of Pi.
RealResult = Pi();
Pi(); ' returns 3.1415926

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Rounds a real number to a specified precision and returns the result.
RealResult = Round( Number, Precision );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Sets the precision to which the number is rounded. This value can be any number or a numeric
Round(4.3, 1); ' returns 4
Round(4.3, .01); ' returns 4.30
Round(4.5, 1); ' returns 5
Round(-4.5, 1); ' returns -4
Round(106, 5); ' returns 105
Round(43.7, .5); ' returns 43.5
See Also
Trunc () on page 65

Determines the sign of a value (whether it is positive, zero, or negative) and returns the result.
IntegerResult = Sgn( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Return Value
If the input number is positive, the result is 1. Negative numbers ret urn a -1, and 0 returns a 0.
Sgn(425); ' returns 1;
Sgn(0); ' returns 0;
Sgn(-37.3); ' returns -1;

Returns the sine of an angle in degrees.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Result = Sin( Number );
Angle in degrees. Any number or numeric attribute.
Sin(90); ' returns 1;
Sin(0); ' returns 0;
This example shows how to use the function in a math ex pression:
wave = 100 * Sin (6 * Now().Second);
See Also
Cos() on page 60, Tan() on page 64, ArcCos() on page 59, ArcSin() on page 59, ArcTan() on page 60

Returns the square root of a number.
RealResult = Sqrt( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
This example takes the value of me.PV and returns the square root as the value of x:

Returns the tangent of an angle given in degrees.
Result = Tan( Number );
The angle in degrees. Any number or numeric attribute.
Tan(45); ' returns 1;
Tan(0); ' returns 0;
This example shows how to use the function in a math ex pression:
Wave = 10 + 50 * Tan(6 * Now().Second);
See Also
Cos() on page 60, Sin() on page 63, ArcCos() on page 59, ArcSin() on page 59, ArcTan() on page 60

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Trunc ates a real (floating point ) number by simply eliminating the portion to the right of the decimal point,
including the decimal point, and ret urns the result.
NumericResult = Trunc( Number );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
This function accomplishes the same result as placing t he contents of a float type attribute into an integer
type attribute.
Trunc(4.3); ' returns 4;
Trunc(-4.3); ' returns -4;
See Also
Round() on page 63

Miscellaneous Functions
Functions in the miscellaneous group perform a variety of purposes, such as logging data or querying

Restores, minimizes, maximizes, or closes another currently running Windows application.
ActivateApp( TaskName );
Task Name
The task this function activates.
Task Name is the exact text string, including spac es, that appears on the Task Bar or in Windows Task
Manager. You can see the task name by opening Task Manager.

Filtering Events
To get only specific events, filters can be introduced before getting events from the event service. The
filtering should be done before the StartRequestingE vent () method is called.
The following datatypes are supported when filtering the events.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

 Integer
 Float
 String
 Bool
 DateTime
 Double
 Short
 Array
The following table shows the comparison types that are supported for filtering events.

Compari son
Keyword Description

eq Means EqualTo. Returns all the events matching the filtered criteria.
beginswith Means StartsWith. Returns all the events matching the filtered criteria.
Applies only to string data type filtering
lt Means Lesser Than. Applies to all supported data types excluding string.
It does not support arrays.
le Means Lesser or Equal. Applies to all supported data types excluding
string. It does not support arrays.
gt Means Great er Than. Applies to all supported data types excluding
string. It does not support arrays.
ge Means Great er or Equal. Applies to all supported data types excluding
string. It does not support arrays.
between Checks will be made only to paired supplied values. Returns all the
events matching the filtered criteria. It supports numeric and date data
neg, nbegins, nlt, nle, A keyword 'n' before the comparis on keyword Means NOT of.
ngt, nge, nbetween

Returns a number representing the number of days and fractions of days since January 1, 1970, in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), regardless of the local time zone.
MessageTag = StringFromTime(DateTimeGMT() * 86400.0, 3);

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the quality of the specified attribute is Bad.
BooleanResult = IsBad( Attribute1, Attribute2, … );
Attribute1, Attribute2, ...AttributeN
Names of one or more attribut es for which you want to determine Bad quality. You can include a
variable-lengt h list of attributes.
Return Value
If any of the specified attributes has Bad quality, then true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
IsBad(TIC101.PV, PIC102.PV);
See Also
IsGood() on page 67, IsInitializing() on page 67, IsUncert ain() on page 68, IsUsable() on page 68

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the quality of the specified attribute is Good.
BooleanResult = IsGood( Attribute1, Attribute2, … );
Attribute1, Attribute2, and so on
Name of the attribut e(s) for which you want to determine Good quality. You can include a
variable-lengt h list of attributes.
Return Value
If all of the specified attributes have Good quality, then true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
IsGood(TIC101.PV, PIC102.PV);
See Also
IsBad() on page 67, IsInitializing() on page 67, IsUncertain() on page 68, IsUsable() on page 68

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the quality of the specified attribute is Initializing.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

BooleanResult = IsInitializing( Attribute1, Attribute2, … );
Attribute1, Attribute2, and so on
Name of the attribut e(s) for which to determine Initializing quality. You can include a variable-length
list of attributes.
Return Value
If any of the specified attributes has Initializing quality, then true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
IsInitializing(TIC101.PV, PIC102.PV);
See Also
IsBad() on page 67, IsGood() on page 67, IsUncertain() on page 68, IsUsable() on page 68

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the quality of the specified attribute is Unc ertain.
BooleanResult = IsUncertain( Attribute1, Attribute2, … );
Attribute1, Attribute2, and so on
Name of the attribut e(s) to determine Uncertain quality. You can include a variable-length list of
Return Value
If all of the specified attribut es have Uncertain quality, then true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
IsUncertain(TIC101.PV, PIC102.PV);
See Also
IsBad() on page 67, IsGood() on page 67, IsInitializing() on page 67, IsUsable() on page 68

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the specified attribute is usable for calculations.
BooleanResult = IsUsable( Attribute1, Attribute2, … );
Attribute1, Attribute2, ...AttributeN
Name of one or more attribut es for which you want to determine unusable quality. You can include a
variable-lengt h list of attributes.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Return Value
If all of the specified attributes have either Good or Uncert ain quality, then true is returned. Otherwise,
false is returned.
To qualify as usable, the attribute must have Good or Uncertain quality. In addition, eac h float or double
attribute cannot be a NaN (not a number).
IsUsable(TIC101.PV, PIC102.PV);
See Also
IsBad() on page 67, IsGood() on page 67, IsInitializing() on page 67, IsUncertain() on page 68

Writes a user-defined custom flag message in the Log Viewer.
LogCustom( CustomFlag, msg );
Creates a new log flag based on the first parameter string. The first call creates the custom flag.
The message to writ e to the Log Viewer. Actual string or a string attribute.
The log flag is disabled by default.
The message is always logged under the component "ObjectName.ScriptName". For ex ample,
"WinPlatform_001.script1: msg", which identifies what object and what script wit hin the object logged the
LogCustom() is similar to LogMessage(), but displays the message in the custom log flag when Log
Custom is enabled.
The parameter help tooltip and Function Browser sample parameter list will show "LogCustom(
CustomFlag, msg )" rather than "LogCustom( CustomFlag, Message )". "Message" is a reserved
LogCustom(EditBox1.text, "User-defined message.";
This statement writes to the Log Viewer as follows:
10/24/2005 12:49:14 PM ScriptRuntime
<ObjectName.ScriptName>: <LogFlag EditBox1> User-defined message.

Logs an application change event to the Galaxy Historian.

Note: The LogDataChangeE vent() function works only in object scripts, not in symbol scripts.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

LogDataChangeEvent(AttributeName, Description, OldValue, NewValue, TimeStamp);
Attribute name as a tag name.
Description of the object.
Old value of the attribute.
New value of the attribute.
The time stamp associated with the logged event. The timestamp can be UTC or local time. The
TimeStamp parameter is optional. The timestamp of the logged event defaults to Now() if a
TimeStamp parameter is not included.
A symbol script still compiles if the LogDat aChangeE vent() function is included. However, a warning
message is written to the log at run time that the function is inoperable.
This example logs an event when a pump starts or stops with a timestamp of the current time when the
event occurred.
LogDataChangeEvent(TC104.pumpstate, "Pump04", OldState, NewState);

Writes a user-defined error message in the Log Viewer with a red error log flag.
LogError( msg );
The message to writ e to the Log Viewer. Actual string or a string attribute.
The log flag is enabled by default.
The message is always logged under the component "ObjectName.ScriptName". For ex ample,
"WinPlatform_001.script1: msg", which identifies what object and what script wit hin the object logged the
LogE rror() is similar to LogMessage(), but displays the message in red.
The parameter help tooltip and Function Browser sample parameter list will show "LogE rror( msg )"
rather than "LogE rror( Message )". "Message" is a reserved keyword.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

LogError("User-defined error message.");
This statement writes to the Log Viewer as follows:
10/24/2005 12:49:14 PM ScriptRuntime
<ObjectName.ScriptName>: User-defined error message.

Writes a user-defined message to the Log Viewer.
LogMessage( msg );
The message to writ e to the Log Viewer. Actual string or a string attribute.
This is a very powerful function for troubleshooting scripting. By strategically placing LogMessage()
functions in your scripts, you can determine the order of script execution, performance of scripts, and
identify the value of attributes both before they are changed and after they are affected by the script.
Each message posted to the Log Viewer is stamped with the exact date and time. The message always
begins with the component "Tagname.ScriptName" so you can tell what object and what script within the
object posted the message to the log.
LogMessage("Report Script is Running");
The above statement writes the following to the Log Viewer:
10/24/2005 12:49:14 PM ScriptRuntime <Tagname.ScriptName>:Report Script is
MyTag=MyTag + 10;
LogMessage("The Value of MyTag is " + Text(MyTag, "#"));

Writes a user-defined trace message in the Log Vie wer.
LogTrace( msg );
The message to writ e to the Log Viewer. Actual string or a string attribute.
The log flag is disabled by default.
The message is always logged under the component "ObjectName.ScriptName". For ex ample,
"WinPlatform_001.script1: msg", which identifies what object and what script wit hin the object logged the

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

LogTrace() is similar to LogMessage(), but displays the message as Trace when Log Trac e is enabled.
The parameter help tooltip and Function Browser sample parameter list will show "LogTrace( msg )"
rather than "LogTrace( Message )". "Message" is a reserved keyword.
LogTrace("User-defined trace message.");
This statement writes to the Log Viewer as follows:
10/24/2005 12:49:14 PM ScriptRuntime
<ObjectName.ScriptName>: User-defined trace message.

Writes a user-defined error message in the Log Viewer with a yellow warning log flag.
LogWarning( msg );
The message to writ e to the Log Viewer. Actual string or a string attribute.
The log flag is disabled by default.
The message is always logged under the component "ObjectName.ScriptName". For ex ample,
"WinPlatform_001.script1: msg", which identifies what object and what script wit hin the object logged the
LogWarning() is similar to LogMessage(), but displays the message as a yellow warning message.
The parameter help tooltip and Function Browser sample parameter list will show "LogWarning( msg )"
rather than "LogWarning( Message )". "Message" is a reserved keyword.
LogWarning("User-defined warning message.")
This statement writes to the Log Viewer as follows:
10/24/2005 12:49:14 PM ScriptRuntime
<ObjectName.ScriptName>: User-defined warning message.

Sends keystrokes to an application. To the receiving application, the keys appear to be entered from the
keyboard. You can use SendK eys() within a script to enter data or send commands to an application.
Most keyboard keys can be used in a SendKeys() statement. Each key is represented by one or more
characters, such as A for the letter A or {E NTE R} for the Enter key.
SendKeys( KeySequence );
Any key sequence or a string attribute.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

To specify more than one key, concatenate the codes for eac h character. For example, to specify the
dollar sign ($) key followed by a (b), enter $b.
The following lists the valid send key codes for unique keyboard keys:

Key Code







ENTER {ENTE R} or tilde (~ )


F1...F12 {F1}...{F12}












Special keys (SHIFT, CTRL, and A LT) have their own key codes:

Key Code

SHIFT + (plus)

CTRL ^ (caret )

ALT % (percent)

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Enhancements to the Microsoft Hardware Abstraction Layer in Windows prevents the SendKeys()
function from operating on some computers.
To use two special keys together, use a second set of parentheses. The following statement holds down
the CTRL key while pressing the ALT key, followed by p:
SendKeys ("^(%(p))");
Commands can be preceded by the ActivateApp() command to direct the keystrokes to the proper
The following statement gives the computer focus to Calc ulator and sends the key combination 1234:

Sets the value and timestamp of an object attribute. For buffered values, only the last calculated value is
captured for historization.
SetAttributeVT( Attribute, Value, TimeStamp);
Name of the object attribute whose value and timestamp are modified. The specified attribute must
belong to the object to which the script is attached.
Value of the attribute, which can be a referenc e. The quality is always set to Good.
Timestamp that can be a reference, a variable, or a string interpreted as the computer’s local time or
UTC. The timestamp is converted internally to UTC format before the attribute’s value is sent to the
run-time component.
Interim calculated buffered values are NOT historized. Use SetAttributeV T2() if historization of interim
values is needed.
Timestamp can be set only for object attributes that support a timestamp. At compile time, the script
cannot detect whether the attribute specified with the SetAttributeV T() function supports a timestamp or
not. No warning is issued if the attribut e does not support a timestamp.
This example sets an integer value and timestamp for an attribute that indicates pump RPM.
SetAttributeVT(me.PV, TC104.PumpRPM, LCLTIME);

Sets the value and timestamp of an object attribute. This function is identical to SetAttributeV T(), but
SetAttributeV T2() allows interim calculated data for buffered values to be historized once per scan cycle.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

SetAttributeVT2( Attribute, Value, TimeStamp);
Name of the object attribute whose value and timestamp are modified. The specified attribute must
belong to the object to which the script is attached.
Value of the attribute, which can be a referenc e. The quality is always set to Good.
Timestamp that can be a reference, a variable, or a string interpreted as the computer’s local time or
UTC. The timestamp is converted internally to UTC format before the attribute’s value is sent to the
run-time component.
In contrast to SetAttributeV T(), SetAttribut eV T2() allows historization of int erim calculated buffered
Timestamp can be set only for object attributes that support a timestamp. At compile time, the script
cannot detect whether the attribute s pecified with the SetAttribut eV T2() function supports a timestamp or
not. No warning is issued if the attribut e does not support a timestamp.
This example sets an integer value and timestamp for an attribute that indicates pump RPM (interim
calculated values for buffered data are historized).
SetAttributeVT2(me.PV, TC104.PumpRPM, LCLTIME);

Sets the quality of an attribute to Bad.
SetBad( Attribute );
The attribute for which you want to set the quality to Bad.
The specified attribute must be within the object to which the script is attached.
See Also
SetGood() on page 75, SetInitializing() on page 76, SetUncert ain() on page 76

Sets the quality of an attribute to Good.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

SetGood( Attribute );
The attribute for which you want to set the quality to Good.
The specified attribute must be within the object to which the script is attached.
See Also
SetBad() on page 75, SetInitializing() on page 76, Set Uncert ain() on page 76

Sets the quality of an attribute to Initializing.
SetInitializing( Attribute );
The attribute for which you want to set the quality to Initializing.
The specified attribute must be within the object to which the script is attached.
See Also
SetBad() on page 75, SetGood() on page 75, SetUncertain() on page 76

Sets the quality of an attribute to Uncertain.
SetUncertain( Attribute );
The attribute for which you want to set the quality to Uncertain.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

The specified attribute must be within the object to which the script is attached.
See Also
SetBad() on page 75, SetGood() on page 75, SetInitializing() on page 76

Acknowledges one or more alarms on ArchestrA attributes, optionally requiring a signature if any of the
indicated alarms falls within a designated priority range.
This function is support ed only for client scripting and not object scripting.
int SignedAlarmAck(String Alarm_List,
Boolean Signature_Reqd_for_Range,
Integer Min_Priority,
Integer Max_Priority,
String Default_Ack_Comment,
Boolean Ack_Comment_Is_Editable,
String TitleBar_Caption,
String Message_Caption
The list of alarms to be acknowledged. The list must be a single text string with each alarm name
separated by a spac e or a comma.
Data Type
Valid Range
Limit 1024 characters
Additional Information
Can be a constant string, a reference, or an ex pression.
Only alarms on ArchestrA attributes are supported.
If there is any invalid alarm in the list, then none of the alarms are acknowledged.
Example 1:
The collection is repres ented as a text string, with alarms separated by blanks and/or commas.
Example 2:
"UD1.analog_001.HiHi UD9.x14.dev.major"
Example 3:
"UD1.analog_001.HiHi, UD9.x14.dev.major"
Example 4, an array of strings such as:
Pump1.AlarmArray[1] = "Pump1.Level.HiHi"

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Pump1.AlarmArray[2] = "Pump1.Level.LoLo"
uses the function as follows:
SignedAlarmAck(Pump1.AlarmArray[ ], ...)
The script passes to the function the following single string:
"Pump1.Level.HiHi, Pump1.Level.LoLo"
Indicates whether a signature is required for acknowledging alarms.
Data Type
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
Represents the minimum priority value of the range for which the signat ure is required.
Data Type
Valid Range
1-999; must be less than or equal to the Max_P riority value.
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
Represents the maximum priority value of the range for which the signature is required.
Data Type
Valid Range
1-999; must be great er than or equal to the Min_P riority value.
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
Default_Ack _Comment
Comment to be shown in the Acknowledge Alarms dialog box.
Data Type
Valid Range
Limit 200 characters
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference or an expression.
If the parameter is empty, then no default comment is shown in the Acknowledge Alarms dialog
Ack _Comment_Is_ Editable
Indicates whether the run-time user can modify the acknowledgement comment.
Data Type
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
If set to False, the Comment box in the Acknowledge Alarms dialog box is unavailable.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Shows a title in the title bar of the Acknowledge Alarms dialog box.
Data Type
Valid Range
Limi 1024 characters
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
If the TitleBar_Caption is empty, the default title, Acknowledge Alarms, is shown.
Shows a customizable message to the run-time user in the Acknowledge Alarms dialog box.
Data Type
Valid Range
Limit 250 characters
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
Use the parameter to provide more information on the alarm to the run-time user.
This message is not propagated to the event record.
Return Values
Return values indicate success or failure status. A non -zero value indicates type of failure.

-1 The user canceled the operation.

The function writes a message to the Logger indicating us er

-2 No alarms are waiting for acknowledgement.

0 The function is successful and the following are all true:
 The function parameters are valid.
 The user credentials are valid (or no credentials are
 The user did not cancel the operation.
 Function wrote to the .AckMsg attributes of the indicated
1 The function failed due to any error that is not covered by the
other specified return values.
2 One or more parameters were not coerced to the appropriate
data type at run time.
Example: Parameter is a reference wit h Boolean as the
expected data type. At run time, reference is to a String dat a type
that cannot be coerced to True or False.
The function writes a message to the Logger.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

3 The Alarm_List parameter was not valid at run time.

 String was null, empty or contained no attribute references.
 Cont ained one or more items that were not valid attribute
 Cont ained one or more attribute references that did not exist
or did not identify valid alarm primitives.
If Alarm_List contains a mixture of valid and invalid references,
the function does nothing. The function does not attempt to
operate on the valid references, and returns this error status.
4 The Min_Priority or MaxPriority values do not fall within the
range of 1 to 999.
The function writes a message to the Logger indicating which
parameter was out of range and showing the actual value.

5 The Min_Priority value is great er than the Max_P riority value.

The function writes a message to the Logger identifying the
problem and showing the actual values.

Note: A return value of zero does not indicate if the alarms are acknowledged, only that the function
wrot e to the AckMsg attributes. The alarms may not be acknowledged due to insufficient permission or if
the alarms have already been acknowledged.

For more information about using the SignedAlarmAck() function, see the topic Signature Security for
Ack nowledging Alarms, under "Adding and Maintaining Symbol Scripts" in the Creating and Managing
Industrial Graphics User Guide.
Dim n as Integer;
n = SignedAlarmAck("UD1.analog_001.HiHi UD9.x14.dev.major", true, 1, 250,
"Acknowledged by script", true, "Acking Tank Alarms", "Acknowledge the tank
Using an array of strings:
dim arr[2] as String;
arr[1] = "UD1.analog_001.HiHi";
arr[2] = "UD9.x14.dev.major";
n = SignedAlarmAck(arr[], true, 200, 500, "Acked by script", true, "Acking
Tank Alarms", "Please acknowledge the tank alarms.");

Performs a write to an A utomationObject attribute that has a Secured Write or Verified Write security
int SignedWrite(string Attribute,
object Value,
string ReasonDescription,
Bool Comment_Is_Editable,

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Enum Comment_Enforcement,
string[] Predefined_Comment_List
Brackets [ ] indicate an array.
The attribute to be updated.
Data Type
Additional Information
Can be a constant string, a reference, or an ex pression.
Supports bound and nested bound references.
For detailed examples of Attribute paramet er uses, see the topic Examples of Using the Attribute
Parameter in the SignedWrite() Function under "Managing Symbols" in the Creating and Managing
Industrial Graphics User Guide.
Example 1:
Example 2:
"Pump15" + ".valve4"
Example 3:
With UDO_7 containing two string attributes, namestrA and namestrB set to the values "Tank1" and
"Tank5" respectively, the following script writes to Tank1. Level or Tank5.Level according to whet her
strselect is "A" or "B":
Dim strselect As String;
Dim x As Indirect;
{ logic to set strselect to "A" or "B" }
x.BindTo ("UDO_7.namestr" + strselect);
SignedWrite(x + ".Level", 243, "Set " + x + " Level", true, 0, null);
The value to be written.
Data Type
Valid Range
Must match data type of the attribut e being updated.
Additional Information
Can be a constant value, a reference, an expression, or NULL if nothing is to be ent ered.
Reas onDescription
Text that explains the purpose of the target attribut e and the impact of changing it.
Data Type
Valid Range
Maximum of 256 characters.
Additional Information
Can be a constant string, a reference, or an ex pression.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

The ReasonDescription is passed to the indicated Attribute as part of the write operation. The object
also includes the us er’s writ e comment, if any. A Field Attribute description is used for the
Reas onDescription parameter only if the attribute is a Field Attribute and it has a description (is not
null). Otherwise, the Short Description for the corresponding ApplicationObject is used for the
Reas onDescription parameter.
Comment_is _Editable
Indicates whether user can edit the write comment.
Data Type
Additional Information
Can be a constant value, a reference, or an expression.
If set to True: The comment text box is enabled with exceptions. If Comment_Is_Editable is true and
if the Comment_ E nforcement parameter is PredefinedOnly, the comment text box is disabled. At run
time, the user can only select a comment from the predefined comment list.
If the Comment _ Enforcement parameter is not PredefinedOnly, the comment list and box are
enabled. You can select a comment from the comment list and modify it in the comment box.
If the predefined list is empty, the comment list is not shown in the dialog box.
If set to False: The predefined comment list does not appear in the Secured Write or Verified Write
dialog boxes. The editable comment text box is disabled.
Comment_E nforcement
Cont ains choices of Optional, Mandatory and PredefinedOnly.
Data Type
Optional = 0
The run-time user can enter a comment or leave it blank.
Mandatory = 1
The run-time user must add a comment, either by selecting from the comment list or by entering a
comment in the comment box.
PredefinedOnly = 2
The run-time user can select a comment from the comment list only. The comment text box is
Additional Information
Can be a constant, a reference, or an expression.
An array of strings that can be used as predefined comments.
Data Type
Valid Range
Maximum of 20 comments, each with a maximum of 200 characters.
Additional Information
The array can be empty (number of elements is 0).
Can be a constant, a reference, an expression, or NULL if empty. Can reference an attribut e that
contains an array of strings.
If no predefined comment is entered, the predefined comment list is disabled at run time.
If Comment_Is_Editable is False, the predefined comment is still placed in the editable comment text
box, but the user cannot modify it at run time.
Return Values
Return values indicate success or failure status. A non-zero value indicates type of failure.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

0 The function returns a value of 0 (meaning success) if the

following are all true:
 The function parameters were valid.
 The write operation was successfully placed on the queue
for Secured and Verified Writes.
 If the user cancels the operation, a message is written to the
Logger indicating user canc ellation.

1 The function failed due to any error that is not covered by t he

other specified return values. This includes any error that is not
covered by the other specified ret urn values. If there is a failure,
a specific message is logged in the Logger.

2 One or more parameters were not coerced to the appropriate

data type at run time.
Example: Parameter is a reference wit h Boolean as the
expected data type. At run time, reference is to a String dat a type
that cannot be coerced t o True or False. The functio n returns this
value and writes a message to the Logger.

3 The attribute parameter was not valid at run time.

 Attribute string was null, empty, or contained no attribute
 Attribute string contained an item that was not a valid
attribute reference.
 Attribute string contained an attribute reference that did not
 Attribute string contained an attribute reference that was not
of the Secured Write or Verified Write security classification.
The function writes a message to the Logger identifying the error
and the invalid attribute string.

4 The Comment_Enforcement paramet er value was out of the

range of valid enumerat ors.
The SignedWrite() function is support ed only for client scripting and not for object scripting.
A return value of 0 does not indicate whether the attribute was updat ed, only that the function plac ed an
entry on the queue to write to the attribute. The operator may decide to cancel the operation after the
Secured Write or Verified write dialog box is presented. In this case the attribute is not updated and a
message is placed in the Logger indicating that the user canceled the operation. E ven if the user ent ers
valid credentials and clicks OK, the attribute still might not have been updat ed because of inadequate
permission or data coercion problems.
The SignedWrite() function supports the custom property passed as the first parameter with opened and
closed quotation marks, "".

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

If you configure the custom property CP as shown in the following script, the function attempts to resolve
CP and determine if it has a reference. If it has a reference, then the reference is retrieved and the write
is performed on the reference.
SignedWrite("CP", value, reason, editable, enforcement, null);
For more information about using the SignedWrite() function, see the topic Work ing wit h the
SignedWrite() Function for Secured and Verified Writes under "Managing Symbols" in the Creating and
Managing Industrial Graphics User Guide.
SignedWrite ("UserDefined_001.temp", 185, "This will change the oven
temperature", true, 1, null);
The following example shows the user an array of predefined comments:
Dim n as Integer;
n = SignedWrite("UserDefined_001.temp", 185, "This will change the oven
temperature", true, 1, UserDefined_001.OvenCommentArray[ ]);
where UserDefined_001.OvenCommentArray is an attribute containing an array of strings.

Returns the enumerated write status of the last write to the specified attribute.
Result = WriteStatus( Attribute );
The attribute for which you want to ret urn write status.
Return Value
The return statuses are:
 MxStatusOk
 MxStatusPending
 MxStatusWarning
 MxStatusCommunicationE rror
 MxStatusConfigurationError
 MxStatusOperationalError
 MxStatusSecurityError
 MxStatusSoftwareE rror
 MxStatusOtherError
If the attribut e has never been written to, this function returns MxStatusOk. This function always returns
MxStatusOk for attributes that do not support a calculated (non-Good) quality.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Restores, minimizes, maximizes, or closes an application.
WWControl( AppTitle, ControlType );
The name of the application title to be controlled. Actual string or a string attribute.
Cont rolType
Determines how the application is controlled. Possible values are shown below. These actions are
identical to clicking on their corresponding selections in the application's Control Menu. Actual string
or a string attribute.
"Restore" = Activates and shows the application's window.
"Minimize" = Activates a window and shows it as an icon.
"Maximize" = Activates and shows the application's window.
"Close" = Closes an application.
See Also
ActivateApp() on page 65

String Functions
Use string functions to work with character strings and string values.

Returns one of two possible strings, depending on the value of the Discrete paramet er.
StringResult = DText( Discrete, OnMsg, OffMsg );
A Boolean value or Boolean attribute.
The message that is shown when the value of Discrete equals true.
The message shown when Discrete equals false.
StringResult = DText(me.temp > 150, "Too hot", "Just right");

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Returns the ASCII value of the first character in a specified string.
IntegerResult = StringASCII( Char );
Alphanumeric character or string or string attribut e.
When this function is processed, only the single character is tested or affected. If the string provided to
StringASCII contains more than one character, only the first character of the string is tested.
StringASCII("A"); ' returns 65;
StringASCII("A Mixer is Running"); ' returns 65;
StringASCII("a mixer is running"); ' returns 97;
See Also
StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on page 89, StringFromTime()
on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower()
on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95,
StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Returns the character corresponding to a specified ASCII code.
StringResult = StringChar( ASCII );
ASCII code or an integer attribute.
Use the StringChar function to add ASCII characters not normally represented on the keyboard to a
string attribut e.
This function is also useful for SQL commands. The where expression sometimes requires double
quotation marks around string values, so use StringChar(34).
In this example, a [ Carriage Return (13)] and [Line Feed (10)] are added to the end of St ringAttribute and
passed to ControlString. Inserting characters out of the normal 32 -126 range of displayable ASCII
characters can be very useful for creating control codes for external devices such as print ers or modems.
ControlString = StringAttribute+StringChar(13)+StringChar(10);

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Compares a string value with another string.
StringCompare( Text1, Text2 );
First string in the comparison.
Second string in the comparison.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the strings are identical, -1 if Text1’s value is less than Text2, or 1 if Text1’s
value is greater than Text2.
Result = StringCompare ("Text1","Text2"); (or)
Result = StringCompare (MText1,MText2);
Where Result is an Integer or Real tag and MText1 and MText2 are Memory Message
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringFromTimeLocal() on page 91, StringInString() on page 92,
StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94,
StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page
97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on
page 99, Text() on page 100

Compares a string value with another string and ignores the case.
SStringCompareNoCase( Text1, Text2 );
First string in the comparison.
Second string in the comparison.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the strings are identical (ignoring case), -1 if Text1’s value is less than Text2
(ignoring case), or 1 if Text1’s value is greater than Text2 (ignoring case).
Result = StringCompareNoCase ("Text1","TEXT1"); (or)

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Result = StringCompareNoCase (MText1,MText2);

Where Result is an Integer or Real tag and MText1 and MText2 are Memory Message
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringFromTimeLocal() on page 91, StringInString() on page 92,
StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94,
StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page
97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on
page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts a time value (in seconds since Jan-01-1970) to a particular string representation. This is the
same as StringFromTime().
Is converted to the StringTy pe specified and the result is stored in MessageResult.
Determines the display method:
1 = Displays the date in the same format set from the windows control Panel. (Similar to that
displayed for $DateString.)
2 = Displays the time in the same format set from the Windows control Panel. (Similar to that
displayed for $TimeString.)
3 = Displays a 24-character string indicating both the date and time: "Wed Jan 02 02: 03:55 1993"
4 = Displays the short form for the day of the week: "Wed"
5 = Displays the long form for the day of the week: "Wednesday"
Any adjustments necessary due to Daylight Savings Time are automatically applied to the return result.
Therefore, it is not necessary to make any manual adjustments to the input value to convert to DS T.
This example assumes that the time zone on the local node is Pacific Standard Time (UTC-0800). The
UTC time passed to the function is 12:00: 00 AM on Friday, 1/2/1970. Since PST is 8 hours behind UTC,
the function will return the following results:
StringFromGMTTimeToLocal(86400, 1); ' returns "1/1/1970"
StringFromGMTTimeToLocal(86400, 2); ' returns "04:00:00 PM"
StringFromGMTTimeToLocal(86400, 3); ' returns "Thu Jan 01 16:00:00 1970"
StringFromGMTTimeToLocal(86400, 4); ' returns "Thu"
StringFromGMTTimeToLocal(86400, 5); ' returns "Thursday"

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringFromTimeLocal() on page 91, StringInString() on page 92,
StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94,
StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page
97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on
page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts an integer value into its string repres entation in another base and returns the result.
SringResult = StringFromIntg( Number, numberBase );
Number to convert. Any number or an integer attribut e.
numberB ase
Base to use in conversion. Any number or an integer attribut e.
StringFromIntg(26, 2); ' returns "11010"
StringFromIntg(26, 8); ' returns "32"
StringFromIntg(26, 16); ' returns "1A"
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromReal() on page 89, StringFromTime() on
page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower() on
page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplac e() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace()
on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim()
on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text () on page 100

Converts a real value into its string repres entation, either as a floating-point number or in exponential
notation, and returns the result.
StringResult = StringFromReal( Number, Precision, Type );
Converted to the Precision and Type specified. Any number or a float attribute.
Specifies how many decimal places is shown. Any number or an integer attribute.
A string value that determines the display method. Possible values are:
f = Display in floating-point notation.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

e = Display in exponential notation with a lowercase "e."

E = Display in exponential not ation with an uppercase "E" followed by a plus sign and at least three
exponential digits.
StringFromReal(263.355, 2,"f"); ' returns "263.36";
StringFromReal(263.355, 2,"e"); ' returns "2.63e2";
StringFromReal(263.355, 2,"E"); ' returns "2.63 E+002";
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromTime() on
page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower() on
page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplac e() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace()
on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim()
on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text () on page 100

Converts a time value (in seconds since January 1, 1970) into a particular string representation and
returns the result.
StringResult = StringFromTime( SecsSince1-1-70, StringType );
Converted to the StringType specified.
Determines the display method. Possible values are:
1 = Shows the dat e in the same format set from the Windows Control Panel.
2 = Shows the time in the same format set from the Windows Control Panel.
3 = Shows a 24-character string indicating both the date and time: "Wed Jan 02 02:03:55 1993"
4 = Shows the short form for a day of the week: "Wed"
5 = Shows the long form for a day of the week: "Wednesday"
The time value is UTC equivalent: number of elapsed seconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. The value
returned reflects the local time.
StringFromTime(86400, 1); ' returns "1/2/1970"
StringFromTime(86400, 2); ' returns "12:00:00 AM"
StringFromTime(86400, 3); ' returns "Fri Jan 02 00:00:00 1970"
StringFromTime(86400, 4); ' returns "Fri"
StringFromTime(86400, 5); ' returns "Friday"

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpac e() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97,
StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts a time value (in seconds since Jan-01-1970) into a particular string represent ation. The value
returned also represents local time.
Is converted to the StringTy pe specified and the result is stored in MessageResult.
Determines the display method:
1 = Displays the date in the same format set from the windows control Panel. (Similar to that
displayed for $DateString.)
2 = Displays the time in the same format set from the Windows control Panel. (Similar to that
displayed for $TimeString.)
3 = Displays a 24-character string indicating both the date and time: "Wed Jan 02 02: 03:55 1993"
4 = Displays the short form for the day of the week: "Wed"
5 = Displays the long form for the day of the week: "Wednesday"
Any adjustments necessary due to Daylight Savings Time will automatically be applied to the return
result. Therefore, it is not necessary to make any manual adjus tments for DS T to the input value.
StringFromTimeLocal (86400, 1); ' returns "1/2/1970"
StringFromTimeLocal (86400, 2); ' returns "12:00:00 AM"
StringFromTimeLocal (86400, 3); ' returns "Fri Jan 02 00:00:00 1970"
StringFromTimeLocal (86400, 4); ' returns "Fri"
StringFromTimeLocal (86400, 5); ' returns "Friday"
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpac e() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97,
StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Returns the position in a string of text where a specified string first occurs.
IntegerResult = StringInString( Text, SearchFor, StartPos, CaseSens );
The string that is searched. Actual string or a string attribute.
The string to be searched for. Actual string or a string attribute.
Determines the position in the text where the search begins. Any number or an integer attribut e.
Determines whet her the search is case-sensitive.
0 = Not case-sensitive
1 = Case-sensitive
Any number or an integer attribute.
If multiple occurrences of SearchFor are found, the location of the first is returned.
StringInString("The mixer is running", "mix", 1, 0) ' returns 5;
StringInString("Today is Thursday", "day", 1, 0) ' returns 3;
StringInString("Today is Thursday", "day", 10, 0) ' returns 15;
StringInString("Today is Veteran's Day", "Day", 1, 1) ' returns 20;
StringInString("Today is Veteran's Day", "Night", 1, 1) ' returns 0;
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93, StringLower()
on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95,
StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Returns a specified number of characters in a string value, starting with the leftmost string character.
StringResult = StringLeft( Text, Chars );
Actual string or a string attribute.
Number of characters to return or an integer attribute.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

If Chars is set to 0, the entire string is returned.
StringLeft("The Control Pump is On", 3) ' returns "The";
StringLeft("Pump 01 is On", 4) ' returns "Pump";
StringLeft("Pump 01 is On", 96) ' returns "Pump 01 is On";
StringLeft("The Control Pump is On", 0) ' returns "The Control Pump is On";
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLen() on page 93,
StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page
95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on
page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Returns the number of characters in a string.
IntegerResult = StringLen( Text );
Actual string or a string attribute.
All the characters in the string attribute are counted, including blank spaces and those not normally
shown on the screen.
StringLen("Twelve percent") ' returns 14;
StringLen("12%") ' returns 3;
StringLen("The end." + StringChar(13)) ' returns 9;
The carriage ret urn character is ASCII 13.
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92,
StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page
95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on
page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts all uppercase characters in text string to lowerc ase and returns the result.
StringResult = StringLower( Text );

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

String to be converted to lowercase. Actual string or a string attribute.
Lowercas e characters, symbols, numbers, and other special characters are not affected.
StringLower("TURBINE") ' returns "turbine";
StringLower("22.2 Is The Value") ' returns "22.2 is the value";
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95,
StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Extracts a specific number of characters from a starting point within a string and returns the extracted
character string as the result.
StringResult = StringMid( Text, StartChar, Chars );
Actual string or a string attribute to extract a range of characters.
The position of the first character within the string to extract. Any number or an integer attribute.
The number of characters within the string to return. Any number or an integer attribute.
This function is slightly different than the StringLeft() on page 92 function and StringRight() on page 95
function in that it allows you to specify both the start and end of the string that is to be extracted.
StringMid("The Furnace is Overheating",5,7); ' returns "Furnace";
StringMid("The Furnace is Overheating",13,3); ' returns "is ";
StringMid("The Furnace is Overheating",16,50); ' returns "Overheating"
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFrom Real() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringReplace() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95,
StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Replaces or changes specific parts of a provided string and returns the result.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

StringResult = StringReplace( Text, SearchFor, ReplaceWith, CaseSens,
NumToReplace, MatchWholeWords );
The string in which characters, words, or phrases will be replaced. Actual string or a string attribute.
The string to search for and replac e. Actual string or a string attribute.
The replacement string. Actual string or a string attribute.
Determines whet her the search is case-sensitive. (0=no and 1=yes) Any number or an integer
Determines the number of occurrences to replace. Any number or an integer attribute. To indicate all
occurrences, set this value to -1.
Determines whet her the function limits its replacement to whole words. (0=no and 1=yes) A ny
number or an integer attribute. If MatchWholeWords is turned on (set to 1) and the Searc hFor is set
to "and", the "and" in "handle" are not replaced. If the MatchWholeWords is turned off (set to 0), it is
Use this function to replace characters, words, or phrases within a string.
The StringReplace() on page 94 function does not recognize special characters, such as @ # $ % & * ( ).
It reads them as delimiters. For example, if the function StringReplace() on page 94
(abc#,abc#,1234, 0,1,1) is processed, there is no replacement. The # sign is read as a delimiter instead
of a character.
StringReplace("In From Within","In","Out",0,1,0) ' returns "Out From Within"
(replaces only the first one);
StringReplace("In From Within","In","Out",0,-1,0) ' returns "Out From without"
(replaces all occurrences);
StringReplace("In From Within","In","Out",1,-1,0) ' returns "Out From Within"
(replaces all that match case);
StringReplace("In From Within","In","Out",0,-1,1) ' returns "Out From Within"
(replaces all that are whole words);
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringRight() on page 95, StringSpac e()
on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim()
on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text () on page 100

Returns the specified number of characters starting at the right -most character of text.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

StringResult = StringRight( Text, Chars );
Actual string or a string attribute.
The number of characters to return or an integer attribute.
If Chars is set to 0, the entire string is returned.
StringRight("The Pump is On", 2) ' returns "On";
StringRight("The Pump is On", 5) ' returns "is On";
StringRight("The Pump is On", 87) ' returns "The Pump is On";
StringRight("The Pump is On", 0) ' returns "The Pump is On";
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Generat es a string of spac es either wit hin a string attribut e or within an expression and returns the result.
StringResult = StringSpace( NumSpaces );
Number of spac es to return. Any number or an integer attribute.
All spaces are represented by the "×" character:
StringSpace(4) ' returns "××××";
"Pump" + StringSpace(1) + "Station" ' returns "Pump×Station";
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Tests the first character of text to determine whet her it is of a certain type and returns the result.
DiscreteResult = StringTest( Text, TestType );
String that function acts on. Actual string or a string attribute.
Determines the type of test. Possible values are:
1 = Alphanumeric character ('A -Z', 'a-z' and '0-9')
2 = Numeric character ('0- 9')
3 = Alphabetic character ('A-Z' and 'a-z')
4 = Uppercase character ('A-Z')
5 = Lowercase character ('a'-'z')
6 = Punctuation character (0x21-0x2F)
7 = ASCII characters (0x00 - 0x7F)
8 = Hexadecimal characters ('A -F' or 'a-f' or '0-9')
9 = Printable character (0x20-0x7E)
10 = Control character (0x00-0x1F or 0x7F)
11 = White Space characters (0x09-0x0D or 0x20)
StringTest() on page 97 function returns true to DiscreteResult if the first character in Text is of the type
specified by TestType. Otherwise, false is returned. If the StringTest() on page 97 function contains more
than one character, only the first character of the attribute is tested.
StringTest("ACB123",1) ' returns 1;
StringTest("ABC123",5) ' returns 0;
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringToIntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts the numeric value of a string to an integer value and returns the result.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

IntegerResult = StringToIntg( Text );
String that function acts on. Actual string or a string attribute.
When this statement is evaluated, the system reads the first character of the string for a numeric value. If
the first character is other than a number, the string's value is equated to zero (0). Blank spaces are
ignored. If the first character is a number, the system continues to read the subsequent characters until a
non-numeric value is detected.
StringToIntg("ABCD"); ' returns 0;
StringToIntg("22.2 is the Value"); ' returns 22 (since integers are whole
StringToIntg("The Value is 22"); ' returns 0;
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpace() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToReal() on page
98, StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts the numeric value of a string to a real (floating point) value and returns the result.
RealResult = StringToReal( Text );
String that function acts on. Actual string or a string attribute.
When this statement is evaluated, the system reads the first character of the string for a numeric value. If
the first character is other than a number (blank spaces are ignored), the string's value is equated to z ero
(0). If t he first character is found to be a number, the system continues to read the subsequent characters
until a non-numeric value is encountered.
StringToReal("ABCD"); ' returns 0;
StringToReal("22.261 is the value"); ' returns 22.261;
StringToReal("The Value is 2"); ' returns 0;
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpac e() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97,
StringTrim() on page 99, StringUpper() on page 99, Text () on page 100

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Removes unwanted spaces from text and returns the res ult.
StringResult = StringTrim( Text, TrimType );
String that is trimmed of spaces. Actual string or a string attribut e.
Determines how the string is trimmed. Possible values are:
1 = Remove leading spaces to the left of the first non-space character
2 = Remove trailing spaces to the right of the last non-spac e character
3 = Remove all spaces except for single spaces between words
The text is searched for white-spaces (AS CII 0x09-0x 0D or 0x20) that are to be removed. TrimType
determines the met hod used by the function:
All spaces are represented by the "×" character.
StringTrim("×××××This×is×a××test×××××", 1) ' returns "This×is×a××test×××××";
StringTrim("×××××This×is×a××test×××××", 2) ' returns "×××××This×is×a××test";
StringTrim("×××××This×is×a××test×××××", 3) ' returns "This×is×a×test";
The StringReplace() on page 94 function can remove ALL spaces from a specified a string attribute.
Simply replace all the space characters wit h a "null."
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpac e() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97,
StringToReal() on page 98, StringUpper() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts all lowercase text characters to uppercase and returns the result.
StringResult = StringUpper( Text );
String to be converted to uppercase. Actual string or a string attribute.
Uppercas e characters, symbols, numbers, and other special characters are not affected.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

StringUpper("abcd"); ' returns "ABCD";
StringUpper("22.2 is the value"); ' returns "22.2 IS THE VALUE";
See Also
StringASCII() on page 86, StringChar() on page 86, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on
page 89, StringFromTime() on page 90, StringInString() on page 92, StringLeft() on page 92, StringLen()
on page 93, StringLower() on page 93, StringMid() on page 94, StringReplace() on page 94,
StringRight() on page 95, StringSpac e() on page 96, StringTest() on page 97, StringToIntg() on page 97,
StringToReal() on page 98, StringTrim() on page 99, Text() on page 100

Converts a number to text based on a specified format.
StringResult = Text( Number, Format );
Any number or numeric attribut e.
Format to use in conversion. Actual string or a string attribute.
Text(66,"#.00"); ' returns 66.00;
Text(22.269,"#.00"); ' returns 22.27;
Text(9.999,"#.00"); ' returns 10.00;
The following example shows how to use this function within another function:
LogMessage("The current value of FreezerRoomTemp is:" + Text (FreezerRoomTemp,
In the following example, MessageTag is set to "One=1 Two=2".
MessageTag = "One + " + Text(1,"#") + StringChar(32) + "Two +" + Text(2,"#");
See Also
StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringFromReal() on page 89, StringToReal()
on page 98

Converts a time value given in local time into UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time), and displays the
result as a string.
MessageResult = wwStringFromTime(SecsSince1-1-70,StringType);
Integer Type. Number of Seconds elapsed since Jan 01 00:00: 00 1970.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Determines the display method:
1 = Displays the date in the same format set from the windows control Panel. (Similar to that
displayed for $DateString.)
2 = Displays the time in the same format set from the Windows control Panel. (Similar to that
displayed for $TimeString.)
3 = Displays a 24-character string indicating both the date and time: "Wed Jan 02 02: 03:55 1993"
4 = Displays the short form for the day of the week: "Wed"
5 = Displays the long form for the day of the week: "Wednesday"
Any adjustments necessary due to Daylight Savings Time will automatically be applied to the return
result. Therefore, it is not necessary to make any manual adjustments for DS T to the input value.
This example assumes that the time zone on the local node is Pacific Standard Time (UTC-0800). The
local time passed to the function is 04:00:00 PM on Thursday, 1/1/1970. Since PS T is 8 hours behind
UTC, the function will return the following results:
wwStringFromTime(57600, 1) will return "1/2/70"
wwStringFromTime(57600, 2) will return "12:00:00 AM"
wwStringFromTime(57600, 3) will return "Fri Jan 02 00:00:00 1970"
wwStringFromTime(57600, 4) will return "Fri"
wwStringFromTime(57600, 5) will return "Friday"

System Functions
Use system functions to interact with the operating system or other core system functions, such as
ActiveX objects.

Creates an ActiveX (COM) object.
ObjectResult = CreateObject( ProgID );
ProgI D
The program ID (as a string) of the object to be created.

Returns the current time.
TimeValue = Now();

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

The return value can be formatted using .NE T functions.

WWDDE Functions
Use WWDDE functions when working wit h the DDE protocol.

Using the DDE prot ocol, executes a command to a specified application and topic and returns the status.
Status = WWExecute( Application, Topic, Command );
The application to which you want to send an exec ute command. Actual string or a string attribute.
The topic within the application. Actual string or a string attribute.
The command to send. Actual string or a string attribute.
Return Value
Status is an Integer attribute to which 1, -1, or 0 is written. The WWExecute() function returns 1 if the
application is running, the topic exists, and the command was sent successfully. It returns 0 when the
application is busy, and -1 when there is an error.
Note: The three WWDDE functions Execute(), Poke() and Request() exist for legacy purposes.

The Command string is sent to a specified application and topic.

Important: The following applies to using WWExecute() in synchronous scripts:

1. Never loop them (call them over and over).
2. Never call several of them in a row and in the same script.
3. Never use them to call a lengthy task in another DDE application.
All three actions, though, are appropriate in asynchronous scripts.

The following statement executes a macro in Excel:
Command="[Run(" + StringChar(34) + Macro + StringChar(34)
+ ",0)]";
When WWExecute("excel","system",Command); is processed, the following is sent to Excel (and
TestMac ro runs):
The following script executes a macro in Microsoft Access:

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Using the DDE protocol, pokes a value to a specified application, topic, and item and returns the status.
Status = WWPoke( Application, Topic, Item, TextValue );
The application to which you want to send the Poke command. Actual string or a string attribute.
The topic within the application. Actual string or a string attribute.
The item to poke within the topic. Actual string or a string attribute.
The value to poke. If the value you want to send is a number, you can convert it using the Text () on
page 100, StringFromInt g() on page 89, or StringFromReal() on page 89 functions. Actual string or a
string attribut e.
Return Value
Status is an Integer attribute to which 1, -1, or 0 is written. The WWPoke() function returns 1 if the
application is running, the topic and item exist, and the value was sent successfully. It returns 0 if the
application is busy, and -1 if there is an error.
Note: The three WWDDE functions Execute(), Poke() and Request() exist for legacy purposes.

The value TextValue is sent to the particular application, topic, and item specified.

Important: The following applies to using WWRequest() in synchronous scripts:

1. Never loop them (call them over and over).
2. Never call several of them in a row and in the same script.
3. Never use them to call a lengthy task in another DDE application. All three actions, though, are
appropriate in asynchronous scripts.

The following statement converts a value to text and pokes the result to an Excel spreadsheet cell:
The behavior for WWPoke() from within the application "View" to "View" is undefined and is not
supported. The WWPoke() command is not guaranteed to succeed in this instance, and the command
will probably time-out without the desired results.
See Also
Text() on page 100, StringFromIntg() on page 89, StringFromReal() on page 89

Using the DDE protocol, makes a one -time request for a value from a particular application, topic, and
item and returns the status.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Status = WWRequest( Application, Topic, Item, Attribute );
The application from which you want to request data. Actual string or a string attribute.
The topic within the application. Actual string or a string attribute.
The item within the topic. Actual string or a string attribut e.
A string attribute, enclos ed in quotation marks, that contains the requested value from the
application, topic, and item. Actual string or a string attribute.
Return Value
Status is an integer attribute to which 1, -1, or 0 is written. The WWRequest() function returns 1 if the
application is running, the topic and item exist, and the value was returned successfully. It returns 0 if the
application is busy, and -1 if there is an error.
Note: The three WWDDE functions Execute(), Poke() and Request() exist for legacy purposes.

The DDE value in the particular application, topic, and item is returned into Attribute.
The value is returned as a string into a string attribute. If the value is a number, you can then convert it
using the StringToInt g() on page 97 or StringToReal() on page 98 functions.

Important: Never do the following when using WWRequest() in synchronous scripts:

1. Loop scripts (call them over and over).
2. Call several of scripts in a row and in the same script.
3. Use scripts to call a lengthy task in another DDE application.
All three actions can be done in asynchronous scripts.

The following statement requests a value from an Excel spreadsheet cell and converts the res ulting
string into a value:
See Also
StringToI ntg() on page 97, StringToReal() on page 98

QuickScript .NET Variables

QuickScript .NET variables must be declared before they can be used in QuickScript .NET scripts.
Variables can be us ed on both the left and right side of statements and expressions.
Local variables or attributes can be used together in the same script. Variables declared within the script
body lose their value after the script is executed. Those declared in the script body cannot be accessed
by other scripts.
Variables declared in the Declarations area maintain their values throughout the lifetime of the object
that the script is associated with.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Each variable must be declared in the script by a separate DIM statement followed by a semicolon. Enter
DIM statements in the Declarations area of t he Script tab page. The DIM statement syntax is as follows:
DIM <variable_name> [ ( <upper_bound>
[, <upper_bound >[, < upper_bound >]] ) ]
[ AS <data_type> ];

DIM Required keyword.

<variable_name> Name that begins with a letter (A-Z or a-z) and whos e remaining characters
can be any combination of letters (A-Z or a-z), digits (0-9) and underscores
(_). The variable name is limited to 255 Unicode characters.

<upper_bound> Referenc e to the upper bound (a number bet ween 1 and 2,147,483,647,
inclusive) of an array dimension. Three dimensions are supported in a DIM
statement, each being nested in the syntax structure. After the upper bound is
specified, it is fixed after the declaration. A statement similar to Visual Basic’s
ReDim is not supported.
The lower bound of each array dimension is always 1.
AS Optional keyword for declaring the variable’s datatype.

<data_type> Any one of the following 11 datatypes: Boolean, Discrete, Integer,

ElapsedTime, Float, Real, Double, String, Message, Time or Object.

Data_type can also be a .Net data_type like System. Xml. XmlDocument or a

type defined in an import ed script library

If you omit the AS clause from the DIM statement, the variable, by default, is
declared as an Integer datatype. For example:

DIM LocVar1;

is equivalent to:

DIM LocVar1 AS Integer;

In contrast to attribute names, variable names must not contain dots. Variable names and the data type
identifiers are not case sensitive. If there is a naming conflict between a declared variable and anot her
named entity in the script (for example, attrib ute name, alias or name of an object leveraged by the
script), the variable name takes precedence over the other named entities. If the variable name is the
same as an alias name, a warning message appears when the script is validated to indicate that the alias
is ignored.
The syntax for specifying the entire array is "[ ]" for both local array variables and for attribute references.
For example, to assign an attribute array to a local array, the syntax is:
locarr[] = tag.attr[];
DIM statements can be located any where in the script body, but they must prec ede the first referencing
script statement or expression. If a local variable is referenced before the DIM statement, script validation
done when you save the object containing the script prompts you to define it.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Caution: The validation mentioned above occurs only when you save the object containing the script.
This is not the script syntax validation done when you click the Validate Script button.

Do not cascade DIM statements. For example, the following examples are invalid:
DIM LocVar1 AS Integer, LocVar2 AS Real;
DIM LocVar3, LocVar4, LocVar5, AS Message;
To declare multiple variables, you must enter separate DIM statements for each variable.
When used on the right side of an equation, declared local variables always cause expressions on the
left side to have Good quality. For example :
dim x as integer;
dim y as integer;
x = 5;
y = 5;
me.attr = 5;
me.attr = x;
me.attr = x+y;
In each case of me.attr, quality is Good.
When you use a variable in an expression to the right of the operator, its Quality is treated as Good for
the purpose of data quality propagation.
You can use null to indicate that there is no object currently assigned to a variabl e. Using null has the
same meaning as the key word "null" in C# or "nothing" in Visual Basic. Assigning null to a variable makes
the variable eligible for garbage collection. You may not use a variable whose value is null. If you do, the
script terminates and an error message appears in the logger. You may, however, test a variable for null.
For example:
IF myvar == null THEN ...
It is not possible to pass attributes as parameters for system objects. To work around this issue, use a
local variable as an intermediary or explicitly convert the attribut e to a string using an appropriate
function call when calling the system object.

Numbers and Strings

Allowed format for integer constants in decimal format is as follows:
IntegerConst = 0 or [sign] <non-zero_digit> <digit>*;
sign :: = + | -
non-zero_digit ::= 1-9
digit ::= 0-9
For example, an integer constant is a zero or consists of an optional sign followed by one or more digits.
Leading zeros are not allowed. Integer constants outside the range –2147483648 to 2147483647 cause
an overflow error.
Prepending either 0x or 0X causes a literal int eger constant to be int erpreted as hexadecimal notation.
The +/- sign is supported.
The acceptable float for int egers in hexadecimal is as follows:
IntegerHexConst = [<sign>] <0><x (or X)> <hexdigit>*
sign ::= + or -
hexdigit ::= 0-9, A-F, a-f (only eight hexdigits [32-bits] are allowed)
Allowed format for floats is as follows:
FloatConst ::= [<sign>] <digit>* .<digit>+ [<exponent>;]

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

[<sign>] <digit>+ [.<digit>* [<exponent>]];
sign ::= + or -
digit ::= 0-9 (can be one or more decimal digits)
exponent = e (or E) followed by a sign and then digit(s)
Float constants are applicable as values for variables of type float, real, or double. For example, float
constants do not take the number of bytes into account. Script validation detects an overflow when a
float, real, or double variable has been assigned a float constant that exceeds the maximum value.
If no digits appear before the period (.), at least one must appear after it. If nei ther an exponent part nor
the period appears, a period is assumed to follow the last digit in the string.
If an attribute reference exists that has a format similar to a float constant with an exponent (such as
"5E3"), then use the Attribute qualifier, as follows:
Strings must be surrounded by double quot ation marks. They are referred to as quoted strings. The
double-double quote indicates a single double -quote in the string. For ex ample, the string:
Joe said, "Look at that."
can be represent ed in QuickScript .NET as:
"Joe said, ""Look at that."""

QuickScript .NET Control Structures

QuickScript .NET provides five primary control structures in the scripting environment:
 IF … THEN … ELSEIF … ELSE … ENDIF on page 107
 FOR … TO … STEP … NEXT Loop on page 109
 FOR EACH … IN … NEXT on page 110
 TRY ... CATCH on page 111
 WHILE Loop on page 112


IF-THE N-ELSE -ENDIF conditionally executes various instructions based on the state of an expression.
The syntax is as follows:
IF <Boolean_expression> THEN
[statements] } ];
[statements] ];
Where Boolean_expression is an expression that can be evaluated as a Boolean.
Depending on the data type returned by the expression, the expression is evaluated to constitute a True
or False state according to the following table:

Data Type Mapping

Boolean, Discrete Directly used (no mapping needed).

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Data Type Mapping

Integer Value = 0 evaluated as False.

Value != 0 evaluat ed as True.

Float, Real Value = 0 evaluated as False.

Value != 0 evaluat ed as True.

Double Value = 0 evaluated as False.

Value != 0 evaluat ed as True.

String, Message Cannot be mapped. Using an expression that results in a string type as the
Boolean_expression res ults in a script validation error.

Time Cannot be mapped. Using an expression that results in a time type as the
Boolean_expression res ults in a script validation error.

ElapsedTime Cannot be mapped. Using an expression that results in an elapsed time type
as the Boolean_expression res ults in a script validation error.

Object Using an expression that results in an object type. Validates, but at run
time, the object is converted to a Boolean. If the type cannot be converted to
a Boolean, a run-time exception is raised.

The first block of statements is executed if Boolean_expression evaluates to True. Optionally, a second
block of statements can be defined after the keyword ELSE. This block is executed if the
Boolean_expression evaluates to False.

To help decide between multiple alt ernatives, an optional ELSEIF clause can be used as often as
needed. The ELSEIF clause mimics switch statements offered by other programming languages. For
IF value == 0 Then
Message = "Value is zero";
ELSEIF value > 0 Then
Message = "Value is positive"; ELSEIF value < 0 Then
Message = "Value is negative";

{Default. Should never occur in this example};

The following approach nests a second IF comp ound statement within a previous one and requires an
additional ENDIF:
IF (X1 == 1) THEN
X1 = 5;
{ ELSEIF <X1 == 2> THEN
X1 = 10;
X1 = 20 ;
X1 = 30 };
IF X1 == 99 THEN
X1 = 0;

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

See Sample Scripts for more ideas about using this type of control structure.

IF … THEN … ELSEIF … ELSE … ENDIF and Attribute Quality

When an attribute value is copied to another attribute of the same type, the attribute’s quality is also
copied. This can be especially relevant when working with I/O attribut es. For example, the following two
statements copy both value and quality:
me.Attr2 = me.Attr1;
me.Attr2.value = me.Attr1.value;
If only the value needs to be copied and the attribute has the quality BAD, you can use a temporary
variable to hold the value. For example:
Dim temp as Integer;
temp = me.Attr1;
me.Attr2 = temp;
If there is a comparison such as Attr1 <> Attr2 and one of the attributes has the quality BAD, then the
statements within the IF control block are not executed. For example, assuming Attr1 has the quality
if me.Attr1<> me.Attr2 then
me.Attr2 = me.Attr1;
In this script, the statement me.Attr2 = me.Attr1 is not executed because Attr1 has the quality BAD
and comparing a BA D quality value with a good quality value is not defined/not possible.
The recommended approach is to first verify the quality of Attr1, as shown in the following example:
if(IsBad(me.Attr1)) then
LogMessage("Attr1 quality is bad, its value is not copied to Attr2");
if me.Attr1<> me.Attr2 then
me.AttrA2 = me.Attr1;
An alternative method of verifying quality is to use the "==" operat or:
if Me.Attr1 == TRUE then
Or, you can add the " value" property to the simplified IF THE N statement:
if Me.Attr1.value then
Using any of the above methods to verify data quality will ens ure that your scripts execute correctly.


FOR-NE XT performs a function (or set of functions) within a script several times during a single
execution of a script. The general format of the FOR-NE XT loop is as follows:
FOR <analog_var> = <start_expression> TO <end_expression> [STEP
 analog_var is a variable of type Int eger, Float, Real, or Double.
 start_expression is a valid expression to initialize analog_var to a value for exec ution of the loop.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

 end_expression is a valid expression. If analog_var is greater than end_expression, execution of the

script jumps to the statement immediately following the NE XT statement.
This holds true if loop is incrementing up, otherwise, if loop is decrementing, loop termination occurs
if analog_var is less than end_expression.
 change_expression is an expression that defines the increment or decrement value of analog_var
after execution of the NE XT statement. The change_expression can be either positive or negative.
o If change_expression is positive, start _expression must be less than or equal to end_expression
or the statements in the loop do not execut e.
o If change_expression is negative, start_ex pression must be greater than or equal to
end_expression for the body of the loop to be executed.
 If S TEP is not set, then change_expression defaults to 1 for increasing increments, and defaults to -1
for decreasing increments.
Exit the loop from within the body of the loop with the E XIT FOR statement.
The FOR loop is executed as follows:
1. analog_var is set equal to start_expression.
2. If change_expression is positive, the system tests to see if analog_var is greater than
end_expression. If so, the loop exits. If change_expression is negative, the system tests to see if
analog_var is less than end_expression. If so, program execution exits the loop.
3. The statements in the body of the loop are executed. The loop can potentially be exited via the E XIT
FOR statement.
4. analog_var is incremented by 1,-1, or by change_expression if it is specified.
5. Steps 2 through 4 are repeated.

Note: FOR-NE XT loops can be nested. The number of levels of nesting possible depends on memory
and resource availability.


FOR EACH loops can be used only with collections exposed by OLE Automati on servers. A FOR-EACH
loop performs a function (or set of functions) within a script several times during a single exec ution of a
script. The general format of the FOR-EA CH loop is as follows:
FOR EACH <object_variable> IN <collection_object >
 object_variable is a dimmed variable.
 collection_object is a variable holding a collection object.
As in the case of the FOR … TO loop, it is possible to exit the execution of the loop through th e statement
E XIT FOR from within the loop.

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide


TRY ... CATCH provides a way to handle some or all possible errors that may occur in a given block of
code, while still running rat her t han terminating the program. The TRY part of the code is known as the try
block. Deal with any exceptions in the CA TCH part of the code, known as the catch block.
The general format for TRY ... CA TCH is as follows:
[try statements] ’guarded section
[catch statements]
Statement(s) where an error can occur. Can be a compound statement. The tryStatement is a
guarded section.
Statement(s) to handle errors occurring in the associated Try block. Can be a compo und statement.

Note: Statements inside the Catch block may reference the reserved ERROR variable, which is a .NE T
System.Exception thrown from the Try block. The statements in the Catch block run only if an exception
is thrown from the Try block.

TRY ... CATCH is executed as follows:

1. Run-time error handling starts with TRY. Put code that might result in an error in the try block.
2. If no run-time error occurs, the script will run as usual. Catch block statements will be ignored.
3. If a run-time error occurs, the rest of the try block does not execute.
4. When a run-time error occurs, the program immediately jumps to the CA TCH statement and
executes the catch block.
The simplest kind of exception handling is to stop the program, write out the exception message, and
continue the program.
The error variable is not a string, but a .NET object of System.Exception. This means you can
determine the type of exception, even with a simple CA TCH statement. Call the GetType() method to
determine the exception type, and then perform the operation you want, similar to executing multiple
catch blocks.
dim command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
dim reader as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader;
command.Connection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
command.Connection.ConnectionString = "Integrated Security=SSPI";
command.CommandText="select * from sys.databases";
reader = command.ExecuteReader();

while reader.Read()
me.name = reader.GetString(0);

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

if reader <> null and not reader.IsClosed then
if command.Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open then

WHILE loop performs a function or set of functions within a script several times during a single execution
of a script while a condition is true. The general format of the WHILE loop is as follows:
WHILE <Boolean_expression>
Where: Boolean_ex pression is an expression that can be evaluat ed as a Boolean as defined in the
description of IF…THE N statements.
It is possible to exit the loop from the body of the loop through the E XIT W HILE statement.
The WHILE loop is executed as follows:
1. The script evaluates whether the Boolean_expression is true or not. If not, program exec ution exits
the loop and continues after the ENDWHILE statement.
2. The statements in the body of the loop are executed. The loop can be exited through the E XIT
WHILE statement.
3. Steps 1 through 2 are repeated.

Note: WHILE loops can be nested. The number of levels of nesting possible depends on memory and
resource availability.

QuickScript .NET Operators

The following QuickScript .NE T operat ors require a single operand:

Operator Short De scription

~ Complement

- Negation

NOT Logical NOT

The following QuickScript .NE T operat ors require two operands:

Operator Short De scription

+ Addition and concat enation

- Subtraction

& Bitwise AND

* Multiplication

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Operator Short De scription

** Power

/ Division

^ Exclusive OR

| Inclusive OR

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

<> Not equal to

= Assignment

== Equivalency (is equivalent to); not supported for entire array

compares. Arrays must be compared one element at a time using

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

AND Logical A ND

MOD Modulo

OR Logical OR

SHL Left shift

SHR Right shift

The following table shows the precedence of QuickScript .NET operators:

Precedence Operator

1 (highest) ( )

2 - (negation), NOT, ~

3 **

4 *, /, MOD

5 +, - (subtraction)


7 <, >, <=, >=

8 ==, <>

9 &

10 ^

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Precedence Operator

11 |

12 =

13 AND

14 (lowest) OR

The arguments of the listed operat ors can be numbers or attribut e values. Putting parentheses around
an argument is optional. Operator names are not case-sensitive.

Parentheses ( )
Parentheses specify the correct order of evaluation for the operat or(s ). They can also make a complex
expression easier to read. Operator(s) in parentheses are evaluated first, preempting the other rules of
precedence that apply in the absence of parent heses. If the precedence is in question or needs to be
overridden, use parentheses.
In the example below, parentheses add B and C toget her before multiplying by D:
( B + C ) * D;

Negation ( - )
Negation is an operator that acts on a single component. It converts a positive integer or real number into
a negative number.

Complement ( ~ )
This operator yields the one's complement of a 32-bit integer. It converts each zero-bit to a one-bit and
each one-bit to a zero-bit. The one's complement operator is an operator that acts on a single
component, and it accepts an integer operand.

Power ( ** )
The Power operator ret urns the result of a number (the base) raised to the power of a second number
(the power). The base and the power can be any real or integer numbers, subject to the following
 A zero base and a negative power are invalid.
Example: "0 ** - 2" and "0 ** -2.5"
 A negative base and a fractional power are invalid.
Example: "-2 ** 2.5" and "-2 ** -2.5"
 Invalid operands yield a zero result.
The result of the operation should not be so large or so small that it cannot be represented as a real
number. Example:
1 ** 1 = 1.0
3 ** 2 = 9.0
10 ** 5 = 100,000.0

Multiplication ( * ), Division ( / ), Addition ( + ),Subtraction ( - )

These binary operat ors perform basic mathematical operations. The plus (+) can also conc atenat e String

QuickScript .NET Functions AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

For example, in the data change script below, each time the value of "Number" changes, "Setpoint"
changes as well:
Setpoint.Name = "Setpoint" + Text(Number, "#" );
Where: The result is "Setpoint1."

Modulo (MOD)
MOD is a binary operator that divides an integer quantity to its left by an integer quantity to its right. The
remainder of the quotient is the result of the MOD operation. Example:
97 MOD 8 yields 1
63 MOD 5 yields 3

Shift Left (SHL), Shift Right (SHR)

SHL and SHR are binary operators that use only integer operands. The binary content of the 32-bit word
referenced by the quantity to the left of the operator is shifted (right or left) by the number of bit positions
specified in the quantity to the right of the operator.
Bits shifted out of the word are lost. Bit positions vacated by the shift are zero -filled. The shift is an
unsigned shift.

Bitwise AND ( & )

A bitwise binary operator compares 32-bit integer words with each other, bit for bit. Typically, this
operator masks a set of bits. The operation in this example "masks out" (sets to zero) t he upper 24 bits of
the 32-bit word. For example:
result = name & 0xff;

Exclusive OR (^) and Inclusive OR ( | )

The ORs are bit wise logical operators compare 32-bit integer words to each ot her, bit for bit. The
Exclusive OR compare the status of bits in corresponding locations. If the corresponding bits are the
same, a zero is the result. If the corresponding bits differ, a one is the result. Example:
0 ^ 0 yields 0
0 ^ 1 yields 1
1 ^ 0 yields 1
1 ^ 1 yields 0
The Inclusive OR examines the corresponding bits for a one condition. If either bit is a one, the result is a
one. Only when both corres ponding bits are zeros is the result a zero. For example:
0 | 0 yields 0
0 | 1 yields 1
1 | 0 yields 1
1 | 1 yields 1

Assignment ( = )
Assignment is a binary operator which accepts integer, real, or any type of operand. Each statement can
contain only one assignment operator. Only one name can be on t he left side of the as signment operator.
Read the equal sign (=) of the assignment operator as "is assigned to" or "is set to."

Note: Do not confuse the equal sign with the equivalency sign (==) used in comparisons.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide QuickScript .NET Functions

Comparisons ( <, >, <=, >=, ==, <> )

Comparisons in IF -THE N-E LSE statements execute various instructions based on the state of an

AND, OR, and NOT

These operators work only on discrete attributes. If these operators are used on integers or real
numbers, they are converted as follows:
 Real to Discrete: If real is 0.0, discrete is 0, otherwise discrete is 1.
 Integer to Discrete: If integer is 0, discrete is 0, otherwise discrete is 1.
If the statement is: "Disc1 = Real1 AND Real2;" and Real1 is 23.7 and Real2 is 0.0, Disc1 has 0
assigned to it, since Real1 is converted to 1 and Real2 is converted to 0.
When assigning the floating-point result of a mathematical operation to an integer, Application Server
rounds the value to the nearest integer instead of truncating it. This means that an operation like
IntAttr = 32/60 results in IntAttr having a value of 1, not 0. If truncation is needed, use the
Trunc() function.

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts
This section includes sample scripts to help you to understand the QuickScript .NET scripting language.

Important Note s: The sample scripts provided with a number of the Application Server scripting
functions should work as written in most Windows operati ng system and installed software
environments, but might not work with all possible hardware, operating system, and software
combinations. We recommend that you modify the example scripts as necessary to fit your specific
Some sample scripts include references to public websites as examples. You may need to replace those
URLs with a current and verified URLs.

Accessing an Excel Spreadsheet Using an Imported Type

The purpose of this script is to write data to an open Excel spreadsheet.
Before using this script, you must first:
1. Import the Microsoft Office Excel dll (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll) to create the required
namespace. From the Galaxy menu, select Import, then Script Function Library.

Note: The Micros oft Office Excel dll file name and location may vary, depending on whic h version of
Excel is installed.

2. Open the Excel spreadsheet you want to access. In the following sample script, the Excel file name
and path are: C:\documents\sample.xlsx

dim app as object;

dim wb as object;
dim ws as object;

app = CreateObject("Excel.Application");
wb = app.Workbooks.Open("C:\documents\sample.xlsx");
ws = wb.ActiveSheet;
ws.Range("A1").Value = 100;
ws.Range("A2").Value = 200;
ws.Range("A3").Value = "=A1*A2";

Accessing an Excel Spreadsheet Using CreateObject

dim app as object;
dim wb as object;
dim ws as object;
app = CreateObject("Excel.Application");
wb = app.Workbooks.Add();

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts

ws = wb.ActiveSheet;
ws.Range.("A1").value = 20;
ws.Range.("A2").value = 30;
ws.Range.("A3").value = "=A1*A2";

Calling a Web Service to Get the Temperature for a Specified

Zip Code
Note: This sample script includes a reference to a public website as an example. You may need to
replace that URL wit h a current and verified URL.

' Requires input string uda me.zipcode and output float uda me.temperature.
' First, generate a wrapper for the web service (.Net SDK must be installed).
' To generate wrapper, run the following commands from the DOS prompt:
' set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
' wsdl http://www.vbws.com/services/weatherretriever.asmx
' csc /target:library WeatherRetriever.cs
' Next import the generated WeatherRetriever.dll library into your galaxy.
' Now write your script:
dim wr as WeatherRetriever;
wr = new WeatherRetriever;
me.temperature = wr.GetTemperature(me.zipcode);

Calling a Web Service to Send an E-mail Message

Note: This sample script includes a reference to a public website as an example. You may need to
replace that URL wit h a current and verified URL.
' First, generate a wrapper for the web service (.Net SDK must be installed).
' To generate wrapper, run the following commands from the DOS prompt:
' set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
' wsdl /namespace:SendMail
' csc /target:library Message.cs
' Next import the generated Message.dll library into your galaxy.
' Now write your script:
dim m as SendMail.Message;
m = new SendMail.Message;
{to: } "<type valid email address here>",
{from: } "<type valid email address here>",
{subject: } "Reminder to self",
{body: } "Pick up eggs and milk on your way home."

Creating a Look-up Table and Doing a Look-up on It

dim zipcodes as System.Collections.Hashtable;
zipcodes = new System.Collections.Hashtable;
zipcodes["Irvine"] = 92618;
zipcodes["Mission Viejo"] = 92692;

Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Creating an XML Document and Saving it to Disk

dim doc as System.Xml.XmlDocument;
dim catalog as System.Xml.XmlElement;
dim book as System.Xml.XmlElement;
dim title as System.Xml.XmlElement;
dim author as System.Xml.XmlElement;
dim lastName as System.Xml.XmlElement;
dim firstName as System.Xml.XmlElement;
' create new XML document rooted in catalog
doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument;
catalog = doc.CreateElement("catalog");
' add a book to the catalog
book = doc.CreateElement("book");
title = doc.CreateElement("title");
author = doc.CreateElement("author");
lastName = doc.CreateElement("lastName");
firstName = doc.CreateElement("firstName");
book.SetAttribute("isbn", "0385503822");
title.InnerText = "The Summons";
lastName.InnerText = "Grisham";
firstName.InnerText = "John";
' add another book
book = doc.CreateElement("book");
title = doc.CreateElement("title");
author = doc.CreateElement("author");
lastName = doc.CreateElement("lastName");
firstName = doc.CreateElement("firstName");
book.SetAttribute("isbn", "044023722X");
title.InnerText = "A Painted House";
lastName.InnerText = "Grisham";
firstName.InnerText = "John";
' save the XML document to disk

Executing a SQL Parameterized INSERT Command

dim connection as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
dim command as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
dim regionId as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter;
dim regionDesc as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter;
dim commandText as string;
connection = new

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts

commandText = "INSERT INTO Region (RegionID, RegionDescription) VALUES (@id,

command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
regionId = command.Parameters.Add("@id", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int, 4);
regionDesc = command.Parameters.Add("@desc", System.Data.SqlDbType.NChar, 50);
regionId.Value = 5;
regionDesc.Value = "Europe";
regionId.Value = 6;
regionDesc.Value = "South America";

Filling a String Array and Using It

dim numbers[3] as string;
dim s as string;
numbers[1] = "one";
numbers[2] = "two";
numbers[3] = "three";
for each s in numbers[]

Filling a Two-Dimensional Integer Array and Using It

dim x[2,3] as integer;
dim i as integer;
x[1, 1] = 1;
x[1, 2] = 2;
x[1, 3] = 3;
x[2, 1] = 4;
x[2, 2] = 5;
x[2, 3] = 6;
LogMessage(x[2, 3]);
for each i in x[]

Formatting a Number Using a .NET Format 'Picture'

dim i as integer;
i = 1234;
LogMessage("Total cost: " + i.ToString("$#,###,###.00"));

Formatting a Time Using a .NET Format 'Picture'

dim t as time;
t = Now();
LogMessage("The current time is: " + t.ToString("hh:mm:ss") + ".");

Getting the Directories Under the C Drive

dim dir as System.IO.DirectoryInfo;
for each dir in System.IO.DirectoryInfo("c:\").GetDirectories()

Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Loading an XML Document from Disk and Doing Look-ups on

dim doc as System.Xml.XmlDocument;
dim node as System.Xml.XmlNode;
doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument;
' find the title of the book whose isbn is 044023722X
node = doc.SelectSingleNode("/catalog/book[@isbn='044023722X']/title");
' find all titles written by Grisham
for each node in

Querying a SQL Server Database

dim connection as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
dim command as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand;
dim reader as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader;
connection = new
command = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("select * from customers",
reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while reader.Read()

Reading a Performance Counter

' Requires output float UDA me.PercentProcessorTime.
' Declarations
dim counter as System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter;
' Startup
counter = new System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter;
counter.CategoryName = "Processor";
counter.CounterName = "% Processor Time";
counter.InstanceName = "0";
' Execute
me.PercentProcessorTime = counter.NextValue();

Reading a Text File from Disk

dim sr as System.IO.StreamReader;
sr = System.IO.File.OpenText("c:\MyFile.txt");
while sr.Peek() > -1

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts

Sharing a SQL Connection or Any Other .NET Object

In Us erDefined_001 do this:
dim connection as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
’ Startup
connection = new
("NorthwindConnection", connection);
’ Shutdown
System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("NorthwindConnection", Null);
Then in UserDefined_002, UserDefined_003, and so on, do this:
dim connection as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection;
connection = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData
if connection <> null then
' use the connection

Using DDE to Access an Excel Spreadsheet

WWPoke("excel", "sheet1", "r1c1", "Hello");
WWRequest("excel", "sheet1", "r1c1", me.Greeting);
' Note: use "" to embed double quotation marks in strings
WWExecute("excel", "sheet1",

Using Microsoft Exchange to Send an E-mail Message

The following compatibility notes apply to use of this script:
 The script will not work on Microsoft Office 2010 or later due to changes in MAPI handling.
 The script is support ed only for 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office.
 If you are using Microsoft Office 2007, you must download and install Microsoft Collaboration Data
Objects (CDO) 1.2.1. Additional information on CDO 1.2.1 is available at:
http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/det ails.aspx?id=3671
dim session as object;
dim msg as object;
dim sProfileInfo as string;
sProfileInfo = "<type valid Microsoft Exchange Server Name here>" +
StringChar(10) + "<type valid Exchange Server user name here>";
session = CreateObject("MAPI.Session");
session.Logon(, , False,False , , True, sProfileInfo);
msg = session.Outbox.Messages.Add();
msg.Recipients.Add("<type valid email address here>");
msg.Subject = "Reminder to self";
msg.Text = "Pick up eggs and milk on your way home.";

Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

Using Screen-Scraping to Get the Temperature for a City

Note: This sample script includes a reference to a public website as an example. You may need to
replace that URL wit h a current and verified URL.

' Screen-scraping involves downloading a web page,

' then using a regular expression to retrieve the desired data.
' Requires input string UDA me.CityState, e.g. "Los Angeles,CA"
' and output float UDA me.temperature.
dim request as System.Net.WebRequest;
dim reader as System.IO.StreamReader;
dim regex as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex;
dim match as System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match;
request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create
"http://www.srh.noaa.gov/data/forecasts/zipcity.php?inputstring=" +
reader = new
regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("<br><br>(.*)&deg;F<br>");
match = regex.Match(reader.ReadToEnd());
me.temperature = match.Groups(1);

Using SMTP to Send an E-mail Message

{from: } "<type valid email address here>",
{to: } "<type valid email address here>",
{subject: } "Reminder to self",
{body: } "Pick up eggs and milk on your way home."


Writing a Text File to Disk

dim sw as System.IO.StreamWriter;
sw = System.IO.File.CreateText("C:\MyFile.txt");

Dynamically Binding an Indirect Variable to a Reference

You can dynamically bind a variable of type Indirect to an arbitrary reference string and then use it for
get/set purposes. For example:

' Assume reference obj1.Attr1 has value of 7

dim x as indirect;
dim s as string;
s = "obj1.Attr1";
x.BindTo(s); ' where s is any expression that returns a string.
' The string should be an ArchestrA reference.
obj2.Attr2 = x; ' sets obj2.Attr2 to the reference x is bound to
' (obj1.Attr1 in this example, which has value of 7)
x = 1234; ' sets obj1.Attr1 (in this example) to 1234

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts

IF WriteStatus(x) == MxStatusOk THEN

' ... do something

Note: You can use .BindTo with an attribut e on another engine, but this requires additional scripting of
the bind to ensure good quality. For more information, see Binding to Off-engine Attributes on page 124.

An unbound indirect returns no data.

If the Galaxy has Advanced Communication Management enabled, we do not recommend that you use
references that are part of an ActiveOnDemand DIObject scan group in a script with an Indirect. The
reference activation process is not in sync with the script execution, so using a function such as the
IsUseable() function always returns false.
For example, the following scripting is NO T recommended.
In the declarations section:
Dim pPump as Indirect;
In Script Body section
pPump.BindTo("Pump_001.State"); 'Pump_001 is part of a DIObject scan group that
has ActiveOnDemand enabled
IF IsUsable(pPump)
THEN Do this….' this will not execute
Do that…
pPump.BindTo("Pump_002.State");'Pump_002 is part of a DIObject scan group that
has ActiveOnDemand enabled
IF IsUsable(pPump)
THEN Do this….' this will not execute
Do that…
In the script, only Pump_002 is executing all of the time.

Important: If you have an existing application that uses the same Indirect variable with scripting more
than one time for the items extended to device integration (DI) items or for DI items direct ly, and you
enable Advanced Communication Management in the IDE, these scripts behave differently or do not
execute as expected.

Binding to Off-engine Attributes

Referenc e binding is inherently an asynchronous proc ess. This means that a reference to an attribute
hosted on the same engine is immediat ely available, but off-engine referenc es can require additional
scan cycles to bind. In scripting binding to off-engine attributes, we recommend you check indirect
variables for quality before using them.
You can use the following guidelines when binding to off-engine attributes:
 Declare the indirect variables in the declarations section of the script. This retains the value across
scan cycles.
 Implement a mechanism to define different states of the script to distinguish bet ween the normal
execution cycle and waiting for bound referenc es to resolve.
 In the execution or assignment state, use BindTo() to bind the indirect variables. A fter BindTo,
change the state to "waiting for references" to check these in the next scan.

Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

 In the "waiting for reference" state, use IsGood() to check the quality of the indirect variables. When
all references show good quality, change to the normal ex ecut ion state. The variables then are
 You can implement a TimeOut state if required. For example, the remote engine might be Off Scan.
The following script examples illustrate these guidelines.

dim bindedRef1 as indirect;

dim bindedRef2 as indirect;
dim scriptState as integer;

' Script States

' 0 = normal execution
' 1 = wait for remote references

if (scriptState==0) then;
' normal script logic
' perform normal tasks
' ...

' for this example, change the binding to remote engine

if (System.DateTime.Now.Second mod 10 == 0) then;
LogMessage("Change binding (1)");
scriptState = 1;
if (System DateTime.Now.Second mod 10 == 5) then;
LogMessage("Change binding (2)");
scriptState = 1;


if (scriptState==1) then;
' wait for remote references
' in this example we want two valid references

if (IsGood(bindedRef1) and IsGood(bindedRef2)) then;

LogMessage("Binded references are good.");
scriptState = 0;

As an alternative, you can use a WHILE-triggered script to allow evaluation at every scan cycle.
Generally, WHILE loops are not recommended, but can be used to ensure exec ution.

In Declarations:

dim x as indirect;
dim y as boolean;

In Execute (while true: me.z):

if not y then

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts

'This could also be done in the startup script

y = true;

if IsGood(x) then
me.z = false;

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

CreateObject() • 101
A Creating a Look-up Table and Doing a Look-up
Abs() • 59 on It • 118
Accepting Autocomplete Suggestions • 14 Creating an XML Document and Saving it to
Accessing an Excel Spreadsheet Using an Disk • 119
Imported Ty pe Library • 117
Accessing an Excel Spreadsheet Using D
CreateObject • 117
DateTimeGMT() • 66
ActivateA pp() • 65
Deployment Scripts • 9
AddPermission() Function • 40
deployment timeout period • 9
and system resources • 9
deployment timeout period, scripts • 9
AND, OR, and NOT • 116
description • 16
ArcCos() • 59
DText() • 85
ArcSin() • 59
dynamic reference scripting • 14
ArcTan() • 60
dynamic references • 14
Assignment ( = ) • 115
dynamic referencing • 14
AttemptInvisibleLogon() Function • 40
Dynamic Referencing Considerations • 14
Autocomplet e • 10
Dynamically Binding an Indirect Variable to a
Referenc e • 123
Binding to Off-engine Attributes • 124 E
Bitwise AND ( & ) • 115
EnableDisableKeys() Function • 42
entries • 7
C errors • 14
Calling a Web Service to Get the Temperature Exclusive OR (^) and Inclusive OR ( | ) • 115
for a Specified Zip Code • 118 Execute method • 14
Calling a Web Service to Send an E -mail Execute Scripts • 8
Message • 118 Executing a SQL Parameterized INSERT
ChangePassword() Function • 41 Command • 119
Closing a Client Application Window • 16 Exp() • 60
closing a client application window cont aining
scripts • 16 F
Color Indicators for Script Elements • 10
FileCopy() Function • 42
Common Scripting Environment • 7
FileDelete() Function • 43
Comparisons ( <, >, <=, >=, ==, <> ) • 116
FileMove() Function • 44
Complement ( ~ ) • 114
FileReadFields() Function • 45
Cont act Information • 2
FileReadMessage() Function • 46
converting • 114
FileWriteFields() Function • 46
Cos() • 60

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Index

FileWriteMessage() Function • 47
Filling a String Array and Using It • 120
Filling a Two-Dimensional Integer Array and
LaunchTagViewer() Function • 53
Using It • 120
Line Numbers • 17
Filtering E vents • 65
Loading an XML Document from Disk and
FOR … TO … S TEP … NE XT Loop • 109
Doing Look-ups on It • 121
FOR EACH … IN … NE XT • 110
Log Functions • 17
Formatting a Number Using a .NE T Format
Log() • 61
'Picture' • 120
Log10() • 61
Formatting a Time Using a .NE T Format
LogCustom() • 69
'Picture' • 120
LogDataChangeE vent() • 69
LogDataChangeE vent() script function • 69
G LogE rror() • 70
GetAccountStatus() Function • 48 LogMessage() • 71
GetCPQuality() • 19 LogN() • 62
GetCP TimeStamp() • 20 Logoff() • 25
GetNodeName() Function • 48 LogonCurrentUser() Function • 53
Getting the Directories Under the C Drive • 120 LogTrace() • 71
Graphic Client Functions • 19 LogWarning() • 72

HideContent () • 20 Math Functions • 58
HideGraphic() • 24 Maximizing or Restoring a Client Application
HideS elf() • 25 Window • 17
memory load and scripts • 9
memory load during deployment • 9
I memory types • 114
message types • 114
message types, concatenating • 114
Attribute Quality • 109
Minimizing a Client Application Window • 17
InfoA ppTitle() Function • 49
minimizing a client application window
InfoDisk() Function • 49
containing scripts • 17
InfoFile() Function • 50
Miscellaneous Functions • 65
InfoInTouchA ppDir() Function • 51
Modulo (MOD) • 115
Int() • 61
Multi-level Undo and Redo • 14
InTouch Functions • 40
Multiplication ( * ), Division ( / ), Addition ( +
InTouchV ersion() Function • 51
),Subtraction ( - ) • 114
InvisibleV erifyCredentials() Function • 52
IsAssignedRole() Function • 52
IsBad() • 67 N
IsGood() • 67 Negation ( - ) • 114
IsInitializing() • 67 Now() • 101
IsUnc ertain() • 68 Numbers and Strings • 106
IsUsable() • 68

OffScan Scripts • 9

Index AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide

OnScan Scripts • 8 SetAttributeV T() • 74

OnScan scripts system resources • 9 SetAttributeV T() script function • 74
Opening a Client Application Window • 16 SetAttributeV T2() • 74
opening a client application window containing SetBad() • 75
scripts • 16 SetGood() • 75
order of evaluation, operators • 114 SetInitializing() • 76
SetUncertain() • 76
Sgn() • 63
P Sharing a SQL Connection or Any Other .NE T
Parentheses ( ) • 114
Object • 122
Pi() • 62
Shift Left (SHL), Shift Right (S HR) • 115
PlaySound() Function • 54
ShowContent () • 25
positive integers • 114
ShowGraphic () • 30
PostLogonDialog() Function • 54
ShowHome() Function • 56
Power ( ** ) • 114
ShowLoginDialog() • 39
PrintScreen() Function • 54
Shutdown Scripts • 9
SignedAlarmAck() • 77
Q SignedWrite() • 80
QueryGroupMembership() Function • 55 Simple Scripts • 7
Querying a SQL Server Dat abase • 121 Sin() • 63
QuickScript .NET Cont rol Structures • 107 Sqrt() • 64
QuickScript .NET Functions • 19 Starting a Windows Application • 56
QuickScript .NET Operators • 112 Startup Scripts • 8
QuickScript .NET Variables • 104 String Functions • 85
StringASCII() • 86
StringChar() • 86
R StringCompare() • 87
raising to the power • 114 StringCompareNoCase() • 87
Reading a Performance Count er • 121 StringFromGMTTimeToLocal() • 88
Reading a Text File from Disk • 121 StringFromIntg() • 89
real numbers • 114 StringFromReal() • 89
reference scripting • 14 StringFromTime() • 90
referencing • 14 StringFromTimeLoc al() • 91
Required Syntax for Expressions and Scripts • 7 StringInString() • 92
resource load and scripts • 9 StringLeft () • 92
resources and deployment • 9 StringLen() • 93
restoring a client application window containing StringLower() • 93
scripts • 17 StringMid() • 94
Round() • 63 StringReplace() • 94
Run-Time Client Script Behavior • 16 StringRight() • 95
StringSpace() • 96
S StringTest() • 97
Sample QuickScript .NET Scripts • 117 StringToIntg() • 97
Script Editing Styles and Syntax • 7 StringToReal() • 98
Script Execution Types • 8 StringTrim() • 99
Script Functions • 19 StringUpper() • 99
SendKeys() • 72 SwitchDisplayLanguage() Function • 56

AVEVA Application Server formerly Wonderware Application Server Scripting Guide Index

System Functions • 101

system resources, startup scripts • 9

Tan() • 64
Text() • 100
timestamps • 69, 74
Trunc () • 65
TRY ... CATCH • 111
TseGetClient Id() Function • 57
TseGetClientNodeName() Function • 57
TseQueryRunningOnClient () Function • 57
TseQueryRunningOnConsole() Function • 57
Types category • 19
Types category, script function • 19

Using DDE to Access an Excel Spreadsheet •
Using Micros oft Exchange to Send an E-mail
Message • 122
Using Screen-Scraping to Get the Temperature
for a City • 123
Using SMTP to Send an E-mail Message • 123

Vista security restrictions • 65
Visual Indication of Script Errors • 17

WHILE Loop • 112
Working with QuickScript Editor Features • 10
WriteStatus() • 84
Writing a Text File to Disk • 123
WWControl() • 85
WWDDE Functions • 102
WWExecute() • 102
WWPoke() • 103
WWRequest() • 103
WWStringFromTime() • 100


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