1) Glass Lined Steel Panels: Data Sheet Tank Wall
1) Glass Lined Steel Panels: Data Sheet Tank Wall
1) Glass Lined Steel Panels: Data Sheet Tank Wall
2) panel bolts
Option „HDG-Special“ Option „V2A“
Hot-dip galvanized with PP Stainless steel V2A
bolts head (1.4301)
dimension M 12 M 12
3) sealant
Depending on the agreement and application, permanently elastic sealant is used for:
Panel bonding, joint connection coverage, joint seam bottom/wall, joint seam wall/roof, flange
sealing, manhole sealing, coverage of bolt heads. For the adhesion of the sealant to the
concrete and the steel necessary bonding agents (Primer), cleaners and cleaning rags are
included in our scope of supply.
Purpose: connecting the tank to the foundation by the use of anchor bolts
Steel: S 235
Profile shape: L-profile
Possible dimensions: 70/70/7; 100/75/7; 120/80/10
Welding execution: EN 1090 EXC1, as per ONR 21090
Purpose: for stiffening the panel ring on top; connection possibility for roofs
Steel: S 235
Profile shape: L-profile
Possible dimensions: 70/70/7; 100/75/7; 120/80/10; 150/75/9
Welding execution: EN 1090 EXC1, as per ONR 21090
Wind stiffener
Purpose: protect the tank against denting by wind if the tank is empty
Steel: S 235
Profile shape: flat profile
Possible dimensions: 70/6; 80/8; 100/8; 100/10; 100/12; 120/10; 140/10; 160/10
Welding execution: EN 1090 EXC1, as per ONR 21090
a) Anchor bolts
The choice of the anchor bolts is done by the GLS Tanks International GmbH and is based on
the static requirements, the installation location and customer needs.
b) Levelling shims
To compensate the tolerated unevenness of the foundation a certain amount of levelling shims
made of steel or galvanized steel is included.
d) nameplate
Every tank is equipped with a nameplate mentioning following details:
project number of the GLS Tanks International GmbH (E - number)
tank diameter
tank heigth
net volume
content or tank type
e) GLS Logo
In case of non-insulated tanks the GLS logo is adhered to a panel. We can offer you to adhere
your leocustomer’s logo on request.
f) Warning signs
For silos with risk of suffocation
For tank in tank solutions
The client is responsible for any other warning signs!
Glass lining:
Steel segments are made to glass lined panels because of the enameling according to the
guideline of the European Enamel Authority (EEA). This is done in our factory in AUSTRIA,
A-3860 Heidenreichstein. Link: http://www.european-enamel-authority.org
The certificate can be found on our website. This certificate entitles to enamel tanks for
industrial, commercial purposes, silos for animal feed and manure silos.
According to guideline EEA 7.24 „silos for animal feed“
According to guideline der EEA 7.25 „manure silos“
one layer – one burning process
color: blue similar RAL 5004 (blue-black)
layer thickness acc. standard: 0,18 mm to 0,5 mm
5 defects per squaremeter allowed on the inside
According to guideline EEA 7.20 „tanks for industrial purpose“
Two layeres – two burning processes
colors: blue similar RAL 5004 (blue-black)
white similar RAL 9010 (pure white)
green similar RAL 6020 (chrome green)
layer thickness acc. standard: 0,18 mm to 0,5 mm
No defects allowed on the inside
According to guideline EEA 7.20 „tanks for industrial purpose“
One layer – one burning process with HR Ultra Enamel (High Resistant)
color: blue similar RAL 5004 (blue-black)
layer thickness acc. standard: 0,18 mm to 0,5 mm
No defects allowed on the inside
Panel edges:
Rounded edges
We have the possibility to round the edges before enameling to prevent damage from
improper installation. This ensures also that the edges are better sourrounded by the enamel.
Edge protection
As transport and corrosion protection the panel edges are covered with sealant in the factory
(WITHOUT EXTRA COSTS). This type of edge protection is especially important for long
transport distances or long storage times.
Static design:
Static design of the tank wall according DIN 18800, Part 1 „Steel structures – Design and
construction“ and EN 28765 „Vitreous and porcelain enamels – Design of bolted steel tanks for
storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents and sludges“.
Calculation of earthquake loads according DIN 4149 „earthquake design loads“ in combination
with Eurocode 8 „Design of structures for earthquake resistance“ or on request according
AWWA D103/09 „Standard for Factory-Coated Bolted Steel Tanks for Water Storage“.
The proofable static of GLS Tanks does not only consider the filled condition incl. the pressure
conditions but also the buckling caused by wind in case the tank is empty!!!
It is not allowed to place a tank in another tank, unless it is specifically allowed in the contract.
* other: Loads of on-site attachements may not be induced or only after consultion with GLS.
Only the loads mentioned in the quotations load data are calculated in the quotation and
therefore also in the proofable static.
panel thickness
size and execution of the bottom and top angles
size, execution and quantity of wind stiffeners
quantity and execution of anchor bolts
size of the roof beams for the glass lined roof
It is important to know that not only the thickness of the panels is crucial for the strength of
the tank. You always have to pay attention to the design of the steel structures.