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Impact of Social Media On Mental Health of Students: Abstract

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Deepa M, Dr.V.Krishna Priya

Abstract— Web-based social networking is an online association site where individuals cooperate to construct, offer and change their thought and
remarks with respect to any data. During the previous decade, online long range social networking communication has caused significant changes in the
manner individuals convey and cooperate. A descriptive study was conducted among top 2 deemed universities in Chennai with a sample of 90
respondents. It included questions on demographical information, the pattern of social networking usage, social relationship and health effects. The
results found that there is a significant associations between time spent on social media and the number of SNS. There is a positive correlation between
feeling anxious and serious active on SNS than in real life. This study concludes that more usage of social media, number of SNS and too much of time
spent on social networking sites is affecting the student’s mental health such as depression and anxiety.
Keywords — Social media, Social networking sites, Web based, Depression, Anxiety, Mental health, Students.
——————————  ——————————

Social Media is taking part in different types of online particularly impacts on youngsters psychological wellness, the
networking; it is a routine movement that inquires about the overutilization of internet-based life causes emotional
children and teenagers by upgrading communication, social wellbeing issues. There is another predator’s gal; conversely,
association, and even specialized skills (Horst H, 2010). Social different researchers have given the pessimistic effect of
networking sites offer different day by day openings for online life, such as World Health Organization, (2017)
interfacing with companions, schoolmates, and individuals disclosed that the individuals who have been utilizing
with common interests. (Ted Eytan 2010). During the most internetbased life for quite a while, they have been refreshing
recent 5 years, the quantity of preadolescents and youths from the dangers, it is additionally considered by them about
utilizing social networking sites has expanded significantly. As the future issues of a nation. Pater & Mynatt (2017) depicted
per the recent survey, 22% of adolescents sign on to their top that social media causes for hostile and unsafe conduct in this
choice social networking sites over 10 times each day, and the manner it is harmful to the emotional well-being of a person,
greater part of young people sign on to SNS more than once a particularly for youngsters. The impact of internet-based life
day. Seventy-five percent of young people presently use relies upon its use if an individual who utilizes too much social
phones, and 25% use them for social media, 54% use them media as well as whatever can be hurt to him.Parmar (2017)
for messaging, and 24% use them for instant messaging. expressed that in 21st-century youth has been investing their
Thus, a huge amount of this current age's social and energy in various social contraptions, a normal 12-15 hours
enthusiastic advancement is happening while on the Internet per day on stimulation media, including, telephones, PCs,
and cell telephones. (Hinduja S, Patchin J, 2010). Recently, a workstations, TVs, just as some others gadgets. With the
few specialists have related social networking sites with a few assistance of these gadgets, they use WhatsApp, YouTube,
mental disorders which include depression and anxiety. Since Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and some others. As of 2019
social networking sites are a moderately new wonder, statistics (Felix Richter, 2019), 2.7 billion people used Face
numerous inquiries concerning the potential effect on mental book, Instagram, or Messenger each month and more than
health remain unanswered. (Igor Pantic, 2014). Therefore this 2.1 billion people use at least one every day. Among them
research undergoes the impact of social media on mental more than 1 billion who were dynamic client’s of Facebook
health issues of the student.The objective of the study is to which is the most visited site the utilization of this application
determine the impact of social media on mental health issues the young don't think pretty much all companions, the client’s
such as depression and anxiety of students. bio information is accessible there and the obscure companion
might be hake their information. Just about 1 billion were
dynamic clients of YouTube, over 4 million are WhatsApp
2 LITERATURE REVIEW dynamic clients, likewise 4 million were perpetual clients of
Barrense-Dias, et al. (2019) shared that social media is the Instagram and above 3 million were dynamic clients of twitter.
most exceedingly terrible stage for youth where the younger’s Similarly, the quantity of online life client has been expanding
use for cyberbullying and trolling which is a hazard for step by step genuine hazard for youth psychological well-
youngster’s mental health. Williams& Teasdale (2018) studied being.
that the individuals who utilize social media excessively long, Dangerous online life use was emphatically and freely
they may stick in mental health issue. Oberst, et al. (2017) connected with expanded depression side effects (Shensa et
have characterized the effects of online networking that

• Deepa.M, Research Scholar, School of Management Studies, Vels association might be encouraged by social media life.
Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Creeks (2015) showed that the youths who utilize
Chennai, E-mail:Deepahr87@gmail.com
increasingly social media generally fall into difficulty and
• Dr.V.Krishna Priya( Corresponding Author) ,Assistant Professor,
School of Management Studies, Vels Institute of Science , regularly they are troubled and exhausted. Amedie (2015)
Technology and Advanced Studies, Pallavaram, Chennai, E-mail:- expressed that social media become the reason anxiety
Krishna.sms@velsuniv.ac.in and depression for young people, when the clients consider
al. 2017). Thornicroft, et al. (2016) given supposition that other to be as upbeat and more offices then they feel sad
online networking is significant for youngsters' lives since as it is become mental issue for youngsters. Like shrewd
it has incredible connection to people groups emotional Clarke, Kuosmanen, and Barry (2015) portrayed that social
wellbeing, however then again some speculative portrayal media builds the feeling of young people. Jelenchick et al ;
thought of it as, is extraordinary hazard and perilous for ( 2013) states that there is no verification of interrelationship
human's psychological wellness, also youth utilizes social among SNS and clinical depression. Jelenchick
networking sites for digital harassing, similar to ridicule investigated the connection between social networking use
others, mimicries, and so on as result others lose their and depression in young people. As per their exploration,
confidence, selfassurance. It has small positive effects of depression can't be without a doubt related to the person to
online networking among young generation.Miller, et al. social networking media utilization among American
(2016) portrayed that internet based life changes the adolescents. Mustafa Koc (2013) inferred that uncommon
method for correspondence, socialization additionally it compulsion and uneasiness certainly gauge Facebook
keeps companionship. While its advantages to turning habit. As per Gabre and Kumar (2012), facebook prompts
into the development bunch part however opposite side it increment in feelings of anxiety and lost control of things
has a few dangers been investing their energy in society among undergraduates.Depression is a critical hazard
that is perilous for their emotional health. Len-Ríos, et al. factor for an exceptionally common cardiovascular issue
(2016) have said that social media frequently use for long- and substantially affects suicide occurrence. Likewise, this
range interpersonal communication bookkeeping that is issue is one of the primary reasons for the powerlessness
not a kidding hazard for youth for adolescents since to work and in this way influences the financial
ordinary utilization of person to person communication circumstance of the individual, his family, just as the general
bookkeeping can impact emotional wellness of the public all in all (Lépine et al. 2011). Computer use and
adolescents. television viewing have also been linked to anxiety and/or
Patel, et al. (2016.) pointed out that online networking is depressive symptoms (de Wit et al. 2011).Depression and
creating a problem like uneasiness, sorrow, and dietary sentiment of loneliness may cause due to Facebook among
issues. Besides, the utilization of social media has been understudies (O'Dell 2011). O'Keeffe, Clarke-Pearson, and
turning out to be a progressively troublesome issue for Council on Communications and Media (2011) build up the
younger’s since more invests their energy looking over expression "Facebook Depression" recently characterized,
however social media applications and they don't get was an interrelationship between youthful experience a lot
anything as result it is a huge danger of youngster’s of time via web-based networking media destinations and
mental health.It is commonly discovered that creating wretchedness side effects. As indicated by Moreno
unnecessary utilization of SNS can prompt elevated et al (2011a) Facebook articulations may propose the
misery, uneasiness, pain, depression, and presence of depression side effects client is associated with
disappointment with life, in this manner falling apart at the base types of depression.Depression is one of the
psychological well-being (Woods and Scott, 2016), SM most continuous mental disposition issues in both created
use was altogether connected with expanded and low-pay nations. Significant melancholy influences
depression (Lin et al; 2016). Despite what might be around 16% of the all-inclusive community at least multiple
expected of past explanation Townsend, et al. (2016) times during their lives (Lee et al 2010). Depression was the
thought about that social media becomes a hindrance in most generally detailed disease (Burnsed, 2010) as an
vis-àvis meeting and individuals typically live alone allinclusive mental issue in the understudy populace.
when they converse with others as result it become their Depression is an enthusiastic condition of distress,
propensity that is an indication of stress, sadness, and edginess, and disturbance that cut off the part of life and it
self-deduction. can bring about suicide if isn't dealt with (McCall,
GermannMolz and Paris, (2015)described that the 2007).While one of the significant worries for SNS addiction
adolescent checks out online life in light because the is that it could impede clients' wellbeing, the current writing
cutting edge innovation engages them, also they on this point is deficient and has a few holes. In the first
contribute their aptitudes to their companions place, the proof of the pessimistic outcomes of SNS habit
additionally they contact with family, thusly it makes on close to home wellbeing is narrative and discrete. Until
their psychological wellness more grounded. this point, there is no efficient examination of the pessimistic
Gipson, et al. (2015) portrayed that an immaturity period effect of SNS on close to home wellbeing, including mental
youth's psychological well-being and feeling prosperity, health, yet besides to social and physical wellbeing (World
yet they have an absence of data, further requested that Health Organization (WHO), 2006). More understudies are
how state they are solid or how to keep this condition. influencing by depression and the repeat of understudies
Zhang, et al. (2015) correspondence and social taking treatment for misery manifestations (Voelker, 2003).

The psychological conduct model additionally $Purpose of Academics

68 21.7% 75.6%
recommends that innovation compulsion can fortify SNSa
clients' current maladaptive insights including
Games 49 15.7% 54.4%
depression, anxiety, and low confidence (Davis, 2001).

Movies 51 16.3% 56.7%

Sports 42 13.4% 46.7%

74 23.6% 82.2%
Fig 1: Theoretical Framework
H01: There is a significant relationship between depression and
students mental health issues
H02: There is a significant relationship between anxiety and students
mental health issues Serials 29 9.3% 32.2%

313 100.0% 347.8%

A Descriptive research was considered for the present
a. Dichotomy group tabulated at value 1.
study. Both primary and secondary data was collected for
study purpose. Primary data was collected from the
questionnaire and secondary data was collected from
websites, magazines, and journals. The sample size
collected was 90 MBA students. A simple random
sampling was used. A structured questionnaire was
distributed to the participants. The first section included From the above table 2, 21.7% of students are using social
questions on demographic data and the second section networking sites for academics, 15.7% of students are
included fred choice questions which comprise various using social networking sites to play games, 16.3% of
constructs like pattern of social networking usage, time students using SNS to watch movies, 13.4 % of students
spent, everyday activity in social networking sites, are using SNS for sports, 23.6% of students are using it for
engagement of SNS and health related issues such as entertainment and 9.3% of them are using it for serials.
difficult in sleeping and eating, depression, anxiety. The According to Mustafa (2017), the purpose of social media
statistical tools adopted for the study was Crosstabs, was identified to be on the educational purpose, and this is
Anova and Correlation. Analysis was conducted by using followed by the purpose of entertainment. Students have a
SPSS_v (16.0) software. low level of social usage concerning the purpose of social
H01: There is an association between time spent on social
4 RESULTS media and number of social networking sites.
Testing of Hypothesis
Table 1: Reliability Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
0.713 13
Table 3: Cross tabs
From the above Table 3, the significance value is 0.000,
The reliability test was conducted using cronbach’s which
alpha. The overall reliability score is 0.713 (Goerge and
Mallery, 2003). Chi-Square Tests
Hence the questionnaire can be used for further Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
analysis. Pearson Chi-Square 49.432 a
16 .000

Table 2: Multiple response analysis: Likelihood Ratio 47.715 16 .000

$Purpose Frequencies
Linear-by-Linear 9.875 1 .002
$Purpose Frequencies
N of Valid Cases 90
Percent of a. 19 cells (76.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
N Percent Cases minimum expected count is .36.

is less than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected More seriously Pearson
and there is an association between time spent on social active on SNS Correlation
.178 1
media and number of social networking sites. than in real life
H02: There is an association between usage of social
media and number of social networking sites.
Sig. (2-tailed) .094

Table 4: Cross tabs Chi- N 90 90

Square Tests From the above Table 6, the significance value is 0.094,
Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) which is greater than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is
Pearson Chi-Square 47.226a 16 .000 accepted and there is a linear positive correlation between
Likelihood Ratio 38.327 16 .001 feeling anxious and serious active on social networking
sites than in real life.
Linear-by-Linear 18.865 1 .000 H04: There is a relationship between symptoms of anxiety
N of Valid Cases 90
and symptoms of depression.
Table 7: Correlation:
a. 18 cells (72.0%) have expected count less than 5. The Correlation
minimum expected count is .04.
Symptoms Symptoms of
From the above Table 4, the significance value is 0.000,
of anxiety Depression
which is less than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is
Symptoms of anxiety Pearson
rejected and there is an association between usage of 1 .193
social media and number of social networking sites.
H03: There is a difference between number of social Sig. (2-
networking sites and symptoms of depression.
N 90 90
Table 5: Anova ANOVA Symptoms of Depression Pearson
.193 1
Number of SNS Correlation
Sig. (2-
Sum of Mean tailed)
Squares df Square F Sig. N 90 90
Between Groups 14.172 4 3.543 2.554 .045 From the above Table 7, the significance value is 0.068,
which is greater than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is
Within Groups 117.928 85 1.387
accepted and there is a linear positive correlation between
symptoms of anxiety and symptoms of depression.
Total 132.100 89
From the above Table 5, the significance value is 0.045, A recent study has already found that excessive time spent
which is less than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is on social media leads to depression. (Igor pantic, 2012). In
rejected and there is a difference between number of this study, there is an association between time spent on
social networking sites and symptoms of depression. social media and the number of social networking sites. Day
H04: There is a relationship between feeling anxious and by day consumption of media negatively affects the
serious active on social networking sites than in real life . children, preteens, and adolescents by making them
increasingly inclined to depression, anxiety, and other
mental issues, just as making them progressively
Table 6: Correlation Correlation defenseless to future medical issues. (APA, 2011). In this
study, the result shows that there is an association between
More seriously
Feel active on SNS usage of social media and the number of social networking
anxious than in real life sites. ―What we found overall is that if you use less social
media, you are actually less depressed and less lonely,
Feel anxious Pearson
meaning that the decreased social media use is what
1 .178 causes that qualitative shift in your wellbeing,‖ (Jordyn
Young, 2018). In this study it was found that there was a
difference between number of social networking sites and
Sig. (2-tailed) .094 symptoms of depression. Excessive use of SNS can lead to
heightened depression, anxiety, distress, unhappiness, and
N 90 90 dissatisfaction with life, thus deteriorating mental health.
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