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AUSPOS - Online GPS Processing Service

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AUSPOS GPS Processing Report

July 26, 2022

This document is a report of the GPS data processing undertaken by the AUSPOS Online
GPS Processing Service (version: AUSPOS 2.4) . The AUSPOS Online GPS Process-
ing Service uses International GNSS Service (IGS) products (final, rapid, ultra-rapid
depending on availability) to compute precise coordinates in International Terrestrial
Reference Frame (ITRF) anywhere on Earth and Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA)
within Australia. The Service is designed to process only dual frequency GPS phase data.

An overview of the GPS processing strategy is included in this report.

Please direct any correspondence to GNSSAnalysis@ga.gov.au

Geoscience Australia
Cnr Jerrabomberra and Hindmarsh Drive
GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Freecall (Within Australia): 1800 800 173
Tel: +61 2 6249 9111. Fax +61 2 6249 9929
Geoscience Australia
Home Page: http://www.ga.gov.au

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 1 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022
1 User Data
All antenna heights refer to the vertical distance from the Ground Mark to the Antenna
Reference Point (ARP).

Station (s) Submitted File Antenna Type Antenna Start Time End Time
Height (m)

R000 CP1 2040.22o LEIGS18 NONE 1.610 2022/07/23 04:31:00 2022/07/23 12:48:00

2 Processing Summary

Date User Stations Reference Stations Orbit Type

2022/07/23 04:31:00 R000 BHR4 CHUM DJIG HYDE IISC IGS rapid

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 2 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022
3 Computed Coordinates, ITRF2014
All coordinates are based on the IGS realisation of the ITRF2014 reference frame. All
the given ITRF2014 coordinates refer to a mean epoch of the site observation data. All
coordinates refer to the Ground Mark.

3.1 Cartesian, ITRF2014

Station X (m) Y (m) Z (m) ITRF2014 @
R000 1232142.709 6144403.791 1182838.540 23/07/2022
BHR4 3633910.061 4425277.910 2799863.372 23/07/2022
CHUM 1228950.317 4508080.014 4327868.552 23/07/2022
DJIG 4583085.883 4250982.710 1266243.244 23/07/2022
HYDE 1208443.835 5966805.973 1897077.463 23/07/2022
IISC 1337935.687 6070317.113 1427877.378 23/07/2022
KITG 1944879.567 4556783.827 4004205.959 23/07/2022
POL2 1239970.887 4530790.170 4302578.878 23/07/2022
SEYG 3597835.838 5240884.140 -516780.922 23/07/2022
TASH 1695944.738 4487138.691 4190140.768 23/07/2022
URUM 193030.091 4606851.282 4393311.535 23/07/2022
XMIS -1696344.865 6039590.000 -1149274.944 23/07/2022

3.2 Geodetic, GRS80 Ellipsoid, ITRF2014

Geoid-ellipsoidal separations, in this section, are computed using a spherical harmonic
synthesis of the global EGM2008 geoid. More information on the EGM2008 geoid can be
found at http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/.

Station Latitude Longitude Ellipsoidal Derived Above

(DMS) (DMS) Height(m) Geoid Height(m)
R000 10 45 32.87712 78 39 38.96327 -17.378 77.596
BHR4 26 12 32.92585 50 36 29.34374 -13.888 13.682
CHUM 42 59 54.60589 74 45 03.97616 716.347 759.337
DJIG 11 31 34.64132 42 50 49.44282 711.397 724.123
HYDE 17 25 02.14921 78 33 03.15356 441.683 518.488
IISC 13 01 16.21718 77 34 13.37816 843.674 929.595
KITG 39 08 00.19181 66 53 12.26440 620.637 657.731
POL2 42 40 47.17478 74 41 39.37544 1714.210 1754.276
SEYG -4 40 43.43041 55 31 50.27831 -37.621 3.381
TASH 41 19 40.97930 69 17 44.05873 439.712 483.282
URUM 43 48 28.62007 87 36 02.42183 858.866 922.245
XMIS -10 26 59.84830 105 41 18.61922 261.510 263.027

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 3 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022
3.3 UTM Grid, GRS80 Ellipsoid, ITRF2014

Station East North Zone Ellipsoidal Derived Above

(m) (m) Height (m) Geoid Height(m)
R000 244187.542 1190322.053 44 -17.378 77.596
BHR4 460854.183 2898904.899 39 -13.888 13.682
CHUM 479712.440 4760678.457 43 716.347 759.337
DJIG 265181.267 1275054.355 38 711.397 724.123
HYDE 239825.596 1927380.950 44 441.683 518.488
IISC 778796.766 1440886.704 43 843.674 929.595
KITG 317344.680 4333705.279 42 620.637 657.731
POL2 474951.501 4725300.187 43 1714.210 1754.276
SEYG 337019.688 9482677.662 40 -37.621 3.381
TASH 524734.403 4575216.873 42 439.712 483.282
URUM 548313.510 4850717.948 45 858.866 922.245
XMIS 575352.676 8844755.782 48 261.510 263.027

3.4 Positional Uncertainty (95% C.L.) - Geodetic, ITRF2014

Station Longitude(East) (m) Latitude(North) (m) Ellipsoidal Height(Up) (m)

R000 0.009 0.005 0.018
BHR4 0.006 0.005 0.011
CHUM 0.006 0.005 0.011
DJIG 0.009 0.005 0.015
HYDE 0.008 0.005 0.012
IISC 0.008 0.005 0.013
KITG 0.006 0.005 0.014
POL2 0.006 0.005 0.011
SEYG 0.007 0.006 0.014
TASH 0.006 0.005 0.011
URUM 0.008 0.006 0.017
XMIS 0.008 0.006 0.013

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 4 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022
4 Ambiguity Resolution - Per Baseline
Baseline Ambiguities Resolved Baseline Length (km)
R000 - XMIS 23.1 % 3745.101
KITG - TASH 100.0 % 318.419
DJIG - SEYG 95.0 % 2264.906
CHUM - POL2 84.6 % 35.732
BHR4 - DJIG 70.9 % 1811.989
CHUM - URUM 72.0 % 1042.674
HYDE - R000 64.6 % 736.369
IISC - R000 81.8 % 276.993
CHUM - TASH 76.0 % 487.331
HYDE - TASH 14.3 % 2772.221
BHR4 - TASH 12.5 % 2385.877
AVERAGE 63.2% 1443.419

Please note for a regional solution, such as used by AUSPOS, ambiguity resolution success
rate of 50% or better for a baseline formed by a user site indicates a reliable solution.

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 5 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022
5 Computation Standards
5.1 Computation System
Software Bernese GNSS Software Version 5.2.
GNSS system(s) GPS only.

5.2 Data Preprocessing and Measurement Modelling

Data preprocessing Phase preprocessing is undertaken in a baseline by baseline
mode using triple-difference. In most cases, cycle slips are
fixed by the simultaneous analysis of different linear combi-
nations of L1 and L2. If a cycle slip cannot be fixed reliably,
bad data points are removed or new ambiguities are set up A
data screening step on the basis of weighted postfit residuals
is also performed, and outliers are removed.
Basic observable Carrier phase with an elevation angle cutoff of 7◦ and a sam-
pling rate of 3 minutes. However, data cleaning is performed
a sampling rate of 30 seconds. Elevation dependent weight-
ing is applied according to 1/ sin(e)2 where e is the satellite
Modelled observable Double differences of the ionosphere-free linear combination.
Ground antenna IGS14 absolute phase-centre variation model is applied.
phase centre calibra-
Tropospheric Model A priori model is the GMF mapped with the DRY-GMF.
Tropospheric Estima- Zenith delay corrections are estimated relying on the WET-
tion GMF mapping function in intervals of 2 hour. N-S and E-W
horizontal delay parameters are solved for every 24 hours.
Tropospheric Map- GMF
ping Function
Ionosphere First-order effect eliminated by forming the ionosphere-free
linear combination of L1 and L2. Second and third effect
Tidal displacements Solid earth tidal displacements are derived from the complete
model from the IERS Conventions 2010, but ocean tide load-
ing is not applied.
Atmospheric loading Applied
Satellite centre of IGS14 phase-centre variation model applied
mass correction
Satellite phase centre IGS14 phase-centre variation model applied
Satellite trajectories Best available IGS products.
Earth Orientation Best available IGS products.

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 6 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022
5.3 Estimation Process
Adjustment Weighted least-squares algorithm.
Station coordinates Coordinate constraints are applied at the Reference sites with
standard deviation of 1mm and 2mm for horizontal and vertical
components respectively.
Troposphere Zenith delay parameters and pairs of horizontal delay gradient
parameters are estimated for each station in intervals of 2 hours
and 24 hours.
Ionospheric correction An ionospheric map derived from the contributing reference sta-
tions is used to aid ambiguity resolution.
Ambiguity Ambiguities are resolved in a baseline-by-baseline mode using the
Code-Based strategy for 200-6000km baselines, the Phase-Based
L5/L3 strategy for 20-200km baselines, the Quasi-Ionosphere-Free
(QIF) strategy for 20-2000km baselines and the Direct L1/L2
strategy for 0-20km baselines.

5.4 Reference Frame and Coordinate Uncertainty

Terrestrial reference IGS14 station coordinates and velocities mapped to the mean
frame epoch of observation.
Australian datums GDA2020 and GDA94.
Derived AHD For stations within Australia, AUSGeoid2020 (V20180201) is used
to compute AHD. AUSGeoid2020 is the Australia-wide gravi-
metric quasigeoid model that has been a posteriori fitted to the
AHD. For reference, derived AHD is always determined from the
GDA2020 coordinates. In the GDA94 section of the report, AHD
values are assumed to be identical to those derived from GDA2020.
Above-geoid heights Earth Gravitational Model EGM2008 released by the National
Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) EGM Development Team
is used to compute above-geoid heights. This gravitational model
is complete to spherical harmonic degree and order 2159, and con-
tains additional coefficients extending to degree 2190 and order
Coordinate uncertainty Coordinate uncertainty is expressed in terms of the 95% confi-
dence level for GDA94, GDA2020 and ITRF2014. Uncertainties
are scaled using an empirically derived model which is a function
of data span, quality and geographical location.

AUSPOS 2.4 Job Number: # 6376 7 Commonwealth

c of Australia
User: draft3602020@gmail.com
(Geoscience Australia) 2022

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