Calculation Spread Sheet
Calculation Spread Sheet
Calculation Spread Sheet
- by Hemant Vadalkar
(15) Qi = P_FACTOR * Vb
Buildings with Brick infill panels
Bldg. Without Brick infill Base dimension d (m) T= 0.09*h/d^0.5
Height RC frame Steel
h(m) frame 10 20 30 40 50
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.2507776 0.284215 0.142302 0.100623 0.082158 0.071151 0.06364
10 0.421756 0.47799 0.284605 0.201246 0.164317 0.142302 0.127279
15 0.5716493 0.647869 0.426907 0.301869 0.246475 0.213454 0.190919
20 0.7093062 0.80388 0.56921 0.402492 0.328634 0.284605 0.254558
25 0.8385255 0.950329 0.711512 0.503115 0.410792 0.355756 0.318198
30 0.9613958 1.089582 0.853815 0.603738 0.49295 0.426907 0.381838
35 1.0792257 1.223123 0.996117 0.704361 0.575109 0.498059 0.445477
40 1.1929061 1.35196 1.13842 0.804984 0.657267 0.56921 0.509117
45 1.3030787 1.476823 1.280722 0.905608 0.739425 0.640361 0.572756
50 1.4102262 1.598256 1.423025 1.006231 0.821584 0.711512 0.636396
55 1.5147232 1.716686 1.565327 1.106854 0.903742 0.782664 0.700036
60 1.6168685 1.832451 1.70763 1.207477 0.985901 0.853815 0.763675
65 1.7169051 1.945826 1.849932 1.3081 1.068059 0.924966 0.827315
70 1.8150341 2.057039 1.992235 1.408723 1.150217 0.996117 0.890955
75 1.9114248 2.166281 2.134537 1.509346 1.232376 1.067269 0.954594
80 2.0062209 2.273717 2.27684 1.609969 1.314534 1.13842 1.018234
85 2.0995463 2.379486 2.419142 1.710592 1.396693 1.209571 1.081873
90 2.1915084 2.48371 2.561445 1.811215 1.478851 1.280722 1.145513
95 2.2822014 2.586495 2.703747 1.911838 1.561009 1.351874 1.209153
100 2.3717082 2.687936 2.84605 2.012461 1.643168 1.423025 1.272792
105 2.4601027 2.788116 2.988352 2.113084 1.725326 1.494176 1.336432
110 2.5474506 2.887111 3.130655 2.213707 1.807484 1.565327 1.400071
115 2.6338112 2.984986 3.272957 2.31433 1.889643 1.636479 1.463711
120 2.7192379 3.081803 3.41526 2.414953 1.971801 1.70763 1.527351
125 2.803779 3.177616 3.557562 2.515576 2.05396 1.778781 1.59099
130 2.8874786 3.272476 3.699865 2.6162 2.136118 1.849932 1.65463
135 2.9703771 3.366427 3.842167 2.716823 2.218276 1.921084 1.718269
140 3.0525114 3.459513 3.98447 2.817446 2.300435 1.992235 1.781909
145 3.1339154 3.551771 4.126772 2.918069 2.382593 2.063386 1.845549
150 3.2146205 3.643237 4.269075 3.018692 2.464752 2.134537 1.909188
60 70 80
0 0 0
0.058095 0.053785 0.050312
0.11619 0.107571 0.100623
0.174284 0.161356 0.150935
0.232379 0.215141 0.201246
0.290474 0.268926 0.251558
0.348569 0.322712 0.301869
0.406663 0.376497 0.352181
0.464758 0.430282 0.402492
0.522853 0.484068 0.452804
0.580948 0.537853 0.503115
0.639042 0.591638 0.553427
0.697137 0.645423 0.603738
0.755232 0.699209 0.65405
0.813327 0.752994 0.704361
0.871421 0.806779 0.754673
0.929516 0.860565 0.804984
0.987611 0.91435 0.855296
1.045706 0.968135 0.905608
1.1038 1.02192 0.955919
1.161895 1.075706 1.006231
1.21999 1.129491 1.056542
1.278085 1.183276 1.106854
1.336179 1.237062 1.157165
1.394274 1.290847 1.207477
1.452369 1.344632 1.257788
1.510464 1.398417 1.3081
1.568558 1.452203 1.358411
1.626653 1.505988 1.408723
1.684748 1.559773 1.459034
1.742843 1.613559 1.509346
Time period v/s height
Time period T sec
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Height h (m)
A : RC frames without infill B : Steel frames without infill
Height v/s time period
D 10
Time period T Sec.
A : RC frames without infill
3.5 panels
A B: Steel frames without infill
3 panel
D 20
D 10 : Bldg. with infill & Base
2.5 D 20 : Bldg. with infill & Base
D 30
For A : T = 0.075 *
1 h0.075
For B : T = 0.085 *
0 For others
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 T = 0.09 * h /
(d )
Height h (m)
Help on the work sheet : by Hemant Vadalkar
1 All the cells with yellow colour are for data input.
Numbers in blue colour are not protected & can be changed.
2 No macro is used in this sheet.
3 Earthquake base shear calculations are done as per new IS1893-2002.
4 Provide the required parameters like building height, base dimension,
soil strata, building type, zone factor, Importance factor etc.
5 Program will calculate the base shear Vb for the entire structure.
To calculate the seismic weight, provide DL+appropriate fraction of LL
for every floor and height of floor. This is required to calculate the
distribution of EQ forces along the height of the building.
6 Reference may be made to IS1893-2002 for the different parameters.
7 Values of Zone factor Z are given at the location Col:AC Row:7 in sheet EQCalc.
8 At location, Column:O , Row:1, approximate column selfweight calculation
can be carried out based on column sizes at different floors in sheet EQCalc.
9 Graphs of Time period T v/s Height H can be viewed in sheet "Chart1"
for RCC and steel frames without infill panels.
Sheet named " Chart2" shows graph of T v/s H for RCC frames with infill panels
for different base dimensions like 10m, 20m,30m and 40m.
10 For suggestions and comments contact Hemant Vadalkar at Email:
in sheet EQCalc.
sheet EQCalc.
h infill panels