ID: 70323
Complete this section before developing your Marketing Activity Action Plan.
Review policies and procedures Elements of marketing policies can include strategy
development policy, social media management policy, digital
List the key points of the marketing policy, concept and budget approval policy,
marketing policies and advertising policy, etc. Examples of marketing procedures can
procedures that need to be include marketing planning procedures, concept and budget
followed when undertaking approval guidelines and forms, how to use business logo on
marketing activities. campaigns, etc.
General policies and procedures may also include:
Code of conduct
Work Health and Safety
Privacy and confidentiality
Intellectual Property Right
Marketing objectives Good quality clothes
List two marketing objectives that - Communicate to audience that CLOTHES are being
you have identified by reviewing made with sustainable supply chain
business documents. - To implement technology to REDUCING CARBON
Review current marketing Facebook page and posts content on a weekly basis Website
activities with consistently posts articles with an environmental theme
Research industry trends Most of the students attending the many universities within
five kilometers of the new store have only become residents
Identify the industry within which of Melbourne recently. They have travelled hundreds or
the company operates Discuss thousands of kilometers from their home and the fashions of
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current trends in the industry their teen years no longer feel relevant on campus, or
within which the company perhaps their wardrobe requires an update simply due to
Residents of inner-city Melbourne tend to have an interest in
environmentalism, which supports the purchasing of locally
produced goods. Foreign-made clothes carry a social and
environmental cost which the customer would gladly avoid.
They realize that they cannot purchase the lowest priced
clothes with these ideals but having a store within walking
distance of the free tram zone that has a local focus makes
List your information sources up for higher prices.
Target audience
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Promotion: sales promotion.
Recommend marketing activities Responding to customer reviews: check customer
review in Facebook and emails and solve their
Describe at least 3 marketing activities Creating brand awareness: The core message of
that you believe would be most Melbourne is: "Local clothes, global impact".
appropriate for the company.
Optimizing social media channels: post picture
Describe the proposed marketing activities relates to shop product.
and your reasons for identifying the Because it is the small marketing budget so we
activity as suitable should use Facebook to reach more potential
What are the expected outcomes of Increase sales and more visits in Facebook,
undertaking the marketing activity in each Instagram and website
How will you measure whether the Compare the sales, visits and share Facebook post
activity was successful? Provide an before and after marketing
example of a metric that can be used Click per pay, brand awareness
Product knowledge
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Marketing Activities Action Plan.
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Section 2: Coordinate marketing activities
Implement a marketing activity Mel Born is a store that has opened a couple of months
ago in a warehouse near the Queen Victoria Market in
Melbourne. Mel Born stocks a range of female clothing
items that are produced within a 200-kilometer radius of
its location. These clothing items are produced by
individual designers.
Describe the marketing activity you Alen redesign the Hashtag website layout to the trendy
implemented. layout. He reduces advertising banner to have a clear view
of the website. Jess also create a home page that focus on
the core message which is "Local clothes, global impact".
John helped Nannette, the CEO if Mel Born, to respond the
feedback of the customers. Check the common problem
What are the timeframes for that customers got and give them the solutions. She also
implementation and review ad more picture of the nature and clothes to strengthen
according to your activity plan? the message Mel Born clothes is good for the environment
and local economy.
David went to the local store and set up the promotion
panel and decorations. He decorates more plant to
coherent with the concept nature and environment. He
also gives flyers to pedestrian and give them fashion
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Will you make any changes to your marketing
Action Plan? I will not change the action plan
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