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Student Assessment Task Task 2: CHCAGE005 Provide Support To People Living With Dementia

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The key takeaways are that students must complete 6 assessment tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit. The assessments include written questions, case studies, role plays, projects, and working with clients. Students have up to two attempts to complete the assessments satisfactorily.

The assessment requirements include 6 tasks - written questions, 2 case studies, 2 role plays, 2 projects on behavior management/review plan and dementia diseases, and monitoring 2 clients over 3 days. Students must complete all tasks to demonstrate competency.

Supporting resources mentioned include textbooks, websites on the topics, and access to computers/internet, workplace, and workplace policies/procedures.




Provide support to people living with

LCA Student ID Title First name Family name

Lawson College Australia Document Name Approved date Version To be reviewed on Updated on
RTO: 40679 CRICOS Provider: 03406J SAT – CHCAGE005 May 2020 V.110620 May 2021 May 2020
This Student Assessment Task includes Assessment Task 2 of unit CHCAGE005 Provide
support to people living with dementia.


This unit requires that you complete 6 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all
tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.

Assessment Task Overview

Assessment Task 1: Written You must correctly answer all questions to show
questions that you understand the knowledge required of this
Assessment Task 2: Case You are to read two case studies and complete the
studies questions for each
Assessment Task 3: Role plays You are to undertake two role plays.
Assessment Task 4: Project – You are to develop a behaviour management and
behaviour management and review plan for the client from role play 2 in
review plan Assessment Task 3.
Assessment Task 5: Project – You are to complete a research project on a range
dementia diseases of dementia diseases.
Assessment Task 6: Working You are to monitor two clients with dementia for
with clients with dementia three days and complete a journal for each client.

Supporting resources
You may like to look at the following websites, books and documents for more
information about the topics related to this unit:
 Arnott, G 2011, The Disability Support Worker, Pearson Australia,
Frenchs Forest, NSW.
 Croft, H 2013, The Australian Carer 3rd edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs
Forest, NSW.

How to submit your assessments

Student must upload and submit their completed assessment on Moodle in a PDF format.
Any incomplete submissions will still be considered as a first attempt.
Your trainer and assessor will provide the due date for submission.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each Student Assessment Task (SAT), you will find the Assessment
Task Cover Sheet.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task; this can be
found at the end of each Student Assessment Task.
Make sure you keep a copy of your work or activities before you submit them – your
assessor will keep the documents you submitted into your student file. These will not be
returned to you.

Resources and equipment required for these assessments

You will need to ensure that the following items are available for students to complete
their assessments:
 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
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 Access to a computer and the Internet (if students prefer to type their responses)
 Access to their workplace
 Access to their workplace policies and procedures.

Assessment attempts and resubmissions

You have up to two attempts to complete assessment tasks satisfactorily. If after the first
attempt you have not completed the task satisfactorily, the assessor must make
alternative arrangements for assessment. Depending on the task, this may include:
 resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total
outcome of the task
 redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about their original
 being observed a second time undertaking any tasks/activities that were not
satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate
Students should be provided with an appropriate time frame in which to resubmit their
work, for example students may:
 be given 7 days in which to resubmit incorrect responses to written tasks, projects
and so on
 be provided with feedback on the day about their first performance in a role play, if
unsatisfactory redo the role play on due date given by assessor.

Assessment outcomes
Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not
Satisfactory (NS). Students must complete all tasks for a unit satisfactorily to
achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of tasks
are assessed as Not Satisfactory, students will be given an overall outcome for
the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and
sending it to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals

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Assessment is ‘the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether
competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the
standard required in the workplace, as specified in a training package or VET accredited

Dimensions of competency
To be competent, a person must show their ability to perform effectively in a broad
capacity. The dimensions of competency ensure the person being assessed has the skills
to perform competently in variety of different circumstances. To be competent, a person
must demonstrate the following:
 Task Skills: The skills needed to perform a task at an acceptable level. They include
knowledge and practical skills and these are usually described in the performance
 Task Management Skills: These are skills in organising and coordinating, which are
needed to be able to work competently while managing a number of tasks or
activities within a job.
 Contingency Skills: The skills needed to respond and react appropriately to
unexpected problems, changes in routine and breakdowns while also performing
 Job Role/Environment Skills: The skills needed to perform as expected in a particular
job, position, location and with others. These skills may be described in the range of
variables and underpinning skills and knowledge.
 Transfer Skills: The ability to transfer skills and knowledge to new situations and

Principles of assessment and rules of evidence

Assessment must be conducted in accordance with the rules of evidence and principles
of assessment.

 Validity:
Each task has been mapped to unit of competency requirements.
Assessment tasks are varied and are required to be completed over a period of time
and, where required, on a number of occasions. Practical observations provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate both knowledge and skills.
 Reliability:
Marking guide provides benchmark answers for each assessment task to ensure
accuracy and consistency in the assessment decision-making process.
 Flexibility:
A Range of assessment methods are provided that is relevant to the unit’s context.
 Fairness:
Students are required to inform their trainers if they have any special needs or
considerations that may affect their ability to complete the assessments. Any
reasonable adjustments that are required to be made to these assessments must be
noted in the accompanying checklist attached after each task for this unit.
Students are provided with information about the appeals process in their Student


1 From the Users’ Guide: Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
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 Validity:
Marking Guide provides a set of benchmark responses for each assessment
task. Assessors are to record assessment outcomes for each task in the
accompanying checklist provided after each task and record of assessment
outcomes. Assessor observations require the assessor to watch the student
complete specific workplace activities in which they can demonstrate the
skills and knowledge required.

 Sufficiency:
The ‘Unit mapping’ demonstrates how assessment tasks align with unit of
competency requirements. Some units may require the student to
demonstrate assessment over a period of time and more than once. These
requirements will be made clear in the relevant assessment task.
 Currency:
Evidence for each assessment task will be gathered over the duration of the
course. Workplace-based tasks will allow the student to draw from current
workplace conditions and experiences, and students will be able to use
technology, tools and equipment specific to their workplace.
 Authenticity:
Students are required to accept the Student Assessment Submission –
Agreement and Declaration in Moodle indicating that the work they have
submitted for the assessment task is their own.
Practical classroom tasks and workplace observations by the assessor during
placement visits ensure that the assessor sees the student demonstrating
the skills and knowledge required of this unit.
Supervisor reports require Supervisors to sign that they have observed the
student undertake the tasks detailed in the checklist (where applicable)

Reasonable adjustment
A legislative and regulatory framework underpins and supports the delivery of vocational
education and training across Australia. Under this framework, providers of vocational
education and training must take steps to ensure that learners with recognised
disabilities can access and participate in education and training on the same basis as
learners without disabilities. Sometimes reasonable adjustments, are made to the
learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to
accommodate the particular needs of a learner with a disability. An adjustment is
reasonable if it can accommodate the learner’s particular needs, while also taking into
account factors such as: the views of the learner; the potential effect of the adjustment
on the learner and others; the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
Adjustments must:
 be discussed and agreed to by the learner with a disability
 benefit the learner with a disability
 maintain the competency standards
 be reasonable to expect in a workplace.
Adjustments are not required if they could:
 cause the RTO unjustifiable hardship
 harm other learners.
 Making reasonable adjustments requires the RTO to balance the need for change with
the expense or effort involved in making this change. If an adjustment requires a
disproportionately high expenditure or disruption it is not likely to be reasonable. 2

2 From https://www.ibsa.org.au/sites/default/files/media/BSBv1.1_Business_Services_Implementation_Guide.pdf
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Some examples of reasonable adjustments that could be made for the assessments in
this booklet include:
 verbal responses to written activities (such as questions and answers tasks and case
 conducting assessor workplace observations via Skype or other video format for
example, in cases of students in remote areas)
 rescheduling assessor observations in the event that workplace conditions may not
be suitable (for example, safety concerns, required resources not being available,
lack of appropriate clients on the day, and so on)
 providing students with large-print copies of the Student Assessment Task.
Document any reasonable adjustments made in the space provided in the task checklist
provided after each assessment task

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LCA is committed to enabling students to develop industry best practice skills and
knowledge. An important enabling factor for our organization in to support our students
is the provision of high-quality training and assessment programs designed to meet the
needs of our clients and industry.
In order to facilitate these values, LCA uses a variety of assessments for students. Part
of the assessment process includes written work such as short answers and brief reports.
Written answers must provide enough evidence to allow the assessor to make a decision
to grant a Satisfactory result. Please refer to the table below which provides a guide to
the number of words that are required for written assessment tasks to ensure that
evidence provided is:
 Sufficient
 Valid
 Reliable
 Authentic
Types of Written Answers Meaning Number of words required3
General written questions Can be a single word Phrase - 25 – 100 words
answer or a phrase unless otherwise stipulated in
the assessment task
List List answers using bullet Answers can be one word or
points or if a specific a phrase
number of items need to
be listed, use a
numbering system for
each item listed
Description A statement, picture in 50 – 300 words unless
words or account that otherwise stipulated in the
describes something; assessment task instructions
representation in words
Explanation A statement made to 50 – 300 words unless
clarify something and otherwise stipulated in the
make it understandable assessment task instructions
Report An account given of a 250 – 750 words unless
particular matter, otherwise stipulated in the
especially in the form of assessment task instructions
an official document,
after thorough
investigation or
consideration by an
appointed person or

Your trainer/assessor will also inform you the depth of answer required for each of the
written assessment tasks you are required to complete.

3 When a specific amount of words is stipulated in an assessment task or part thereof [for
example 700 words], the general rule of ≤ 10% is to be applied i.e. 630-770 words.
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Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.
Note: Your trainer and assessor will provide the due date for submission
Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Student name

Student ID


 I have read the assessment requirements for this unit
 I understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit
 I agree with the way in which I am being assessed
 I understand that I will only be given two attempts for this assessment task

 I declare that this is my own work and I have not plagiarised, cheated or
colluded with any other student(s)
 I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action
may be taken against me.
 I understand my rights to appeal this assessment decision.


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You are to read the case studies and complete the questions that


 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).


You will do this task in the classroom or as homework – your assessor will


If your assessor identifies that there are incorrect answers, they will discuss with
you about resubmission and the due date will then be provided. You are to
resubmit the assessment by due date.

Note: The second attempt will be your last attempt. If you are ‘Not
Satisfactory’ (NS) in this attempt you will be deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” (NYC).

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Chen is 95 years old. He migrated from China many years ago but has lived largely in
the Chinese community.
Chen has dementia and is unable to remember any English words. Chen is now in
residential care as he is unable to look after himself.
Chen has two daughters and a son who come to see him frequently. They feel guilty
that they cannot look after Chen at home but they each have jobs and do not feel able
to look after him.
There is one Chinese worker (Mei) who speaks Mandarin – Chen’s first language.

1. How do you think Mei’s involvement in Chen’s care team will benefit Chen?
Click here to enter text.

2. List three types of information that Chen’s family could provide to help staff
understand Chen’s individual preferences and practices.
Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

You are member of Chen’s care team. You do not speak Chinese. You find out from the
family that Chen liked playing Mahjong, but he no longer remembers how to play.
They bring a mah-jong set in for him and you notice he likes to play with the pieces
and look at the symbols. He rubs the pieces between his fingers and sets them out in
front of him on his table.

3. Why do you think Chen gets pleasure from the mah-jong set, even though he
can no longer remember how to play?
Click here to enter text.

4. Mei isn’t always on shift. List two things you could do to interact with Chen
using the mah-jong game as a resource.
Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

5. Describe two ways in which you can communicate with Chen when there is
no one available who speaks Chinese.

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Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

6. Respect is a very important thing in the Chinese culture. Lists two ways in
which you could demonstrate respect your respect of Chen.
Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

He is usually quite a happy person. Today he is distressed, restless and agitated. He

gets up, then sits down, then gets up again. He is wringing his hands and saying the
same thing over and over. He does not seem to notice you.
7. What action should you take?
Click here to enter text.

Mei is brought in to talk to Chen. Apparently he is very distressed as he thinks his

children should be looking after him. He thinks they have deserted him for good – he
has forgotten they visited yesterday and will be coming again tomorrow to see him.
8. What support can Mei give to Chen?
Click here to enter text.

Chen’s family are very distressed that he was so upset and thought that they had
deserted him. They would never do that and feel very guilty that they have put him
into care.
They have asked that, should he get distressed again, the facility should ring them
and one of them will come straight over.
They ask about how the dementia is likely to progress and what will happen to their
9. What action should be taken so everyone knows to call the family if Chen
gets distressed?
Click here to enter text.

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10.What support can you give to Chen’s family to help them deal with their
Click here to enter text.

11.List two places where Chen’s family could find information about dementia
and how it is likely to progress.
Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

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Francesca is 43 years old. She has young onset dementia caused by a lifetime of
alcohol and drug abuse. Francesca lives at home with her sister and care workers
visit once a week at check how Francesca is.
Today her sister tells the carer that she is worried about Francesca. She has a new
boyfriend who is known to be a heavy drug user. He comes round often and hangs
around with Francesca. Francesca is happy to have the attention and has started
dressing very promiscuously.
There is money disappearing from Francesca’s bank account. When Francesca’s sister
asks her about it, she can’t remember where the money has gone. She suspects that
the boyfriend is conning it out of her so he can support his drug habit.
She is also afraid that he is giving her drugs as she often seems very spaced out after
he has been to visit. She suspects they may be date rape drugs. She understands that
Francesca is entitled to her own personal life, but is very concerned about what is
1. List two types of abuse that may be occurring here.
Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

1. What actions must the worker take to report the suspected abuse?

Click here to enter text.

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Assessment Task 2 Case Study 1 CHEN Checklist


ATTEMPT 1 Completed Comments
Completed Comments successfull Feedback to
Did the student successfull Feedback y be given if
provide a sufficient y to be given (If not yet
and clear answer (Please tick) if not yet applicable, satisfactory
that addresses the satisfactory please tick)
suggested answer for
the following? Yes No Yes No

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11

Record reasonable adjustments (if any):

Assessment Task 2 Case Study 2 FRANCESCA Checklist


ATTEMPT 1 Completed Comments
Completed Comments successfull Feedback to
Did the student successfull Feedback y be given if
provide a sufficient y to be given (If not yet
and clear answer (Please tick) if not yet applicable, satisfactory
that addresses the satisfactory please tick)
suggested answer for
the following? Yes No Yes No

Question 1
Question 2

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ATTEMPT 1 Completed Comments
Completed Comments successfull Feedback to
Did the student successfull Feedback y be given if
provide a sufficient y to be given (If not yet
and clear answer (Please tick) if not yet applicable, satisfactory
that addresses the satisfactory please tick)
suggested answer for
the following? Yes No Yes No

Record reasonable adjustments (if any):

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Attempt 1 Feedback





Assessor declaration
I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has
been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

ATTEMPT 1  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory  Did not submit

Assessor name

Assessor signature Date

Resubmission – Attempt  Yes  No Due Date (1

2 (if applicable) week)

Student result response [to be completed by the Student at the time of

Assessor feedback]
 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained
to me.
 I have received written feedback with assessment results from my assessor.
 I understand my rights to appeal this assessment decision.


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Note: These resubmission answer sheets are only to be used for
resubmission purposes. The second attempt will be your last attempt. If you
are ‘Not Satisfactory’ (NS) in this attempt, you will be deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” (NYC).
When writing answers under attempt 2 resubmission answer sheet, you
must mention each question number and or part of the question if there
is any, before you start answering those questions which needs
resubmission according to 1st attempt feedback provided by the trainer,
the example is as follows
Question 7 a), b), c) or so on

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Attempt 2 Feedback





Assessor declaration
I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has
been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

 Satisfactory  Not satisfactory  Did not submit

Assessor name

Assessor signature Date

Student result response [to be completed by the Student at the time of

Assessor feedback]
 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained
to me.
 I have received written feedback with assessment results from my assessor.
 I understand my rights to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature

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