Institute of Engineering and Technology
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Institute of Engineering and Technology
Unit -I
Boolean algebra & Logic Gates: Digital systems, Number- Base Conversions, Signed Binary
Numbers, Binary Codes, Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra, Basic Theorems, Boolean
Functions, Canonical and standard Forms. Logic Gates: Digital Logic Gates, Integrated Circuits.
Gate-level Minimization; The Map Method, Four- Variable Map, Five-Variable Map, Product-of-
Sums Simplification, Don‘t-care Conditions, NAND and NOR Implementation, Exclusive-OR
Combinational logic: Introduction to Combinational circuits, Analysis Procedure, Design
Procedure, Code-conversion,Binary Adder-Subtractor, Carry Propagation, Half Subtractor, Full
Subtractor, Binary Subtractor, Decimal Adder, BCD adder, Binary Multiplier, Magnitude
Comparator, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers with design examples. Introduction to VHDL,
VHDL for combinational circuits.
Sequential Logic: Flip-Flops, Triggering of Flip Flops, Analysis of Clocked Sequential Circuits,
State Reduction and Assignment, Flip-Flop Excitation Tables, Design Procedure, Fundamentals of
Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Introduction, Analysis procedure, Circuits with Latches, Design
VHDL for sequential circuits
Registers and Counters: Registers with parallel load, Shift registers; Serial Transfer, Serial
Addition, Universal Shift Register, Ripple Counters; Binary Ripple Counter, BCD Ripple Counter,
Synchronous Counters; Binary Counter, Up-Down Counter, BCD Counter, Binary Counter with
Parallel Load, Counter with Unused States, Ring Counter, Johnson Counter, VHDL for Registers
and Counters.
Memory and Programmable Logic: Random-Access Memory, Write and Read Operations,
Timing waveform, Types of Memories, Memory Decoding; Internal Construction, Coincident
Decoding, Address Multiplexing, Read-Only Memory; Combinational Circuit Implementation,
Types of ROMs, Combinational PLDs, Programmable Logic Array, Programmable Array Logic.
Teaching methodologies
Text Books
1.M Morris Mano and Michael D.Ciletti, Digital Design, Fourth Education, Pearson 5th ed2013.
2.Charles H.Roth Jr.,Larry L. Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic Design, Cengaue learning 6th edition,
3.J. Bhaskar, ― A VHDL Primer‖, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley, 2007
Reference Books
1. Zvi Kohavi and Niraj K Jha, Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 3rd Edition, TMH,2010.
2. Frederick J. Hill and Gerald R Peterson, Introduction to Switching theory and logic design, 3rd
Edition, John Wiley and sons, 1981.
3. C. H. Roth, ―Digital System Design using VHDL‖, PWS Publishing, 2003