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DEMO Farm Tools

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Name of Teacher: JUVELYN T.

AMOLAR Grade/Year Level: 9

Learning Area: Agricultural Crop Production Quarter: 1 Date: March 17, 2021

LEARNING Prepare materials, tools and equipment for horticultural production work
LEARNING AREA: Support Horticultural Work
SPECIFIC K: Identify the different farm tools, implements and equipment according to its
S: Classify farm tools, implements from farm equipment.
A: Appreciate the importance farm tools, implements and equipment.
SUBJECT MATTER Farm Tools, Implements and Equipment
REFERENCE Agricultural Crop Production NC II Curriculum Guide and, Technology & Livelihood
Education Agricultural Crop Production Grade 9 Learner’s Module pp. 2-13.
MATERIALS Sample of Farm Tools, Projector/ TV, Laptop
VALUE Appreciate the importance farm tools, implements and equipment in crop
FOCUS production.
PRE-ACTIVITY  Prayer ˠ Student will lead
 Greetings
o Good Morning Class ˠ Good Afternoon Ma’am
 Checking of Attendance
o Who is absent today? ˠ (the student will call the
name of absent)
REVIEW/DRILL The teacher will ask the class: Students’ responses may vary
according to their understanding…
 What is agriculture?
 What is crop production?

MOTIVATION Integration to Cookery Students answer may vary...

The teacher will show picture of different

kitchen tools.

What have you observe in the picture

being shown?
What do you call those things?
Do you have them at home?
Do you know how to use them?
PRESENTATION “We eat vegetables and fruits almost
every day. We consume food that come
from plants. However, not all of us are
aware of how these foods are farmed and
produced. In this lesson, we will find out
and learn the different kinds of tools,
implements and equipment used in crop

Before we go on, what comes up on your Students answer may vary..

mind if you heard about the word Farm
Tools, Implements and Equipment?

ACTIVITY Individual Activity

“Think-Pair and Share”

 Given the pictures and names of the

different farm tools, implements and
equipment. Think and pair each picture to
its corresponding name and share its uses.






bolo plow


shovel sickle
ANALYSIS How did you come up with your answer? Students answer may vary
How was your experience upon doing the
ABSTRACTION What are farm tools? Teacher’s Lecturette

What are examples of farm tools?

What are farm implements? Cite an Farm Tools- are usually light and
examples of farm implements. are used without the help of animals
or machines.
What are farm equipment? Examples of
farm equipment. Farm implements- accessories
pulled by animals or mounted to
Differentiate farm tools, implements from machineries to
farm equipment.
make the work easier

Farm Equipment - These are

machineries used in crop production.
They are used in land preparation
and in transporting farm inputs and
products. These equipment need a
highly skilled operator to use.

Example of Farm Tools:

Bolo is used for cutting tall grasses

and weeds and chopping branches of

Crowbar is used for digging big

holes and for digging out big stones
and stumps.

Pick-mattock is used for digging

canals,breaking hard topsoil and for
digging up stones and tree stumps.

Grab-hoe is used for breaking hard

topsoil and pulverizing soil.

Spade is used for removing trash or

soil, digging canals or ditches and
mixing soil media.

Shovel is used in removing trash,

digging loose soil, moving soil from
one place to another and for mixing
soil media.
Rake is used for cleaning the ground
and leveling the topsoil.

Spading fork is used for loosening

the soil, digging out root crops and
turning over the materials in a
compost heap.

Light hoe is used for loosening and

leveling soil and digging out furrows
for planting

Hand trowel is used for loosening

the soil around the growing plants
and putting small amount of manure
fertilizer in the soil.

Hand cultivator is used for

cultivating the garden plot by
loosening the soil and removing
weeds around the plant.

Hand fork is used for inter row


Pruning shears is for cutting

branches of planting materials and
unnecessary branches of plants.

Axe is for cutting bigger size post.

Knife is for cutting planting materials

and for performing other operations
in horticulture

Sprinklers – for watering seedlings

and young plants

Water pails – for hauling water,

manure and fertilizers

Sprayers are for spraying

insecticides, foliar fertilizers,
fungicides and herbicides

Wheel barrow is used for hauling

trash, manures, fertilizers, planting
materials and other equipment
Sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool
with a variously curved blade typically
used for cutting weeds.

Example of Farm Implements:

Plows. These are farm implements
either pulled by a working animal or a
tractor. The plow is specifically used
for tilling large areas, making furrows
and inter row cultivation.
Plows pulled by working animals are
made of either a combination of
metal or wood or pure metal. They
are used to till areas with a shallower
depth than that of the disc plows
which are pulled by tractors.

Harrow. The native wooden harrow

is made of wood with a metal teeth
and pulled by a carabao while the
disc harrow is made of metal
mounted to a tractor. Harrows are
used for tilling and pulverizing the

Rotavator. The rotavator is an

implement mounted to a tractor used
for tilling and pulverizing the soil

Example of Farm Equipment:

Hand tractors are used to pull a plow
and harrow in preparing a large area of
land. They are also used to draw trailers
to transport materials, inputs and

Four wheel tractor is used to pull

disc plow and disc harrow and other
implements in preparing much bigger
area of land. It is also used to trailers
in transporting bigger bulk of
materials, inputs and harvests.

Water pumps are used to draw

irrigation water from a source.

Sprayers are used to apply

chemicals to control pests. It is also
used to clean the other farm

Other Farm Equipment: Combined

Harvester and Thesher, Rice Seeder,
Corn Thesher, Rice Thresher,
Mechanical Grain Drier.
APPLICATION: Why is it important for you to know the It is important that an individual must
different farm tools, implements and farm have a knowledge on the farm tools,
equipment before using them in the field? implements and equipment before
using them in the field so that right
As an aspiring farmer, are the different tools, implements or equipment will
farm implements and farm equipment be use in a specific job and the crop
important to have in your farm? Why? production operations will be

Farm tools, implements and

equipment are very important in pre-
agronomical operations because they
make work easier and faster thus
saving time and effort.
ASSESSMENT A. Identify the following farm implements Answer
and equipment.
1. It is an implement mounted to a
tractor used for tilling and pulverizing 1. Rotavator
the soil. 2. Native Wooden harrow
2. An implement made of wood with a 3. Water Pump
metal teeth and pulled by a carabao. 4. Grab-hoe
3. It is used to draw irrigation water 5. Four wheel tractor
from a source.
4. Used for breaking hard topsoil and B.
pulverizing soil  Farm Tools:
5. Used to plow and harrow in preparing Light Hoe, Shovel, Pruning Shear
a large area of land.
Farm Implement:
B. Classify the following farm tools, Plow, Rotavator, Harrow
implements and equipment.
Fam Equipment:
Thresher, Water Pump, Hand tractor,
Rice Harvester

C. 1. Farm tools, implements and

equipment are very important in pre-
agronomical operations because they
make work easier and faster thus
C. Essay saving time and effort.

1. What makes farm tools, implements and 2. Farm Tools are usually light and
equipment important in a farm? are used without the help of animals
or machines while Farm implements
2. Differentiate farm tools, implements ae accessories pulled by animals or
from farm equipment. mounted to machineries to make the
work easier and Farm Equipment are
machineries used in crop production.

ASSIGNMENT Integration to Arts and ICT Rubrics:

SCRAPBOOK ON FARM TOOLS, 20 - Provided 10 and above pictures

IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT of tools with descriptions 15 -
After learning what are the different farm Provided 7-9 pictures of tools with
tools, implements and equipment are, you descriptions
will be compiling pictures of it and its
instructional manual. 10 - Provided 4-6 and below pictures
1. Collect pictures of various farm of tools with description
equipment and instructional manual. You
may clip pictures from the internet. 5 - Provided 3 and below pictures of
2. For the pictures taken from online sites, tools with description
copy the URL and paste below the
3. Cut the pictures and paste it on a short
bond paper
4. Search the uses or functions of this
equipment and write it below or beside the
5. If the instructional manuals are
available paste it on another bond paper.
6. Compile the sheets into 1 folder.
7. Submit it to your teacher.

Year and Section Total no. of Total no. of No. of No. of Mastery Decision
Students in a Students who Students students Level
Class took the test who got need
75% above remediation

A. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson?
B. No. of learners who continue to require
C. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
D. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
E. What innovation or localized materials did I use?

Prepared by: Approved by:

Teacher I Principal I

Date Submitted: _____________ Date Approved: ____________

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