Motorised Drift Trike
Motorised Drift Trike
Motorised Drift Trike
Table of Contents
Step 5: Modify the sprocket, disk brake carrier and make the shims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
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totally addicted maker from the UK. I get a buzz from making anything and everything (engines, karts, trikes, projectile launchers, beats, electronics...even
home brew). Follow me for more projects.
I've been looking at Drift Trikes for a while now since coming across the USA scene on a random Pinterest session (see my collection here
I finally decided to build one after seeing Colin Fuze build one on his site ( Total respect to Colin. Full credit to his design (in fact
this build **IS** Colin's design!) The changes I made are minor and summarised as (1) A rear disk brake and (2) a pretty sweet exhaust pipe (if I say so myself) that
comes out the back of the trike. Nothing wrong with Colin's pipe at the front option at all however I wanted to let my kids ride the trike so the fewer opportunities for 3rd
degree burns the better (although I remember learning plenty of good lessons touching red hot exhaust headers as a kid myself... oh and touching exposed spark plug
HT wires on running engines!). Suffice to say I'm careful now.
Anyhow, I really had fun building this and the result is brilliant (many hours of fun already). I'd like to share this with you so you can have the fun of the build and the end
result too.
A BMX - any one will do. I got this one off eBay. The three things to look out for are (1) that there is a front brake (2) it is made of steel or it will be hard to weld (3) it has a
20 inch front wheel. Other sizes might work but ground clearance, handling, geometry etc might not be quite right
A pit-bike engine (complete including carb, wiring loom and exhaust) - Pretty much all pit bikes are based on the old Honda Cub / Monkey bike design with a single
cyl, 4-stroke, 2 valve, SOHC configuration The 3 variables are engine size (50 to about 140cc), kick or electric start and manual vs 3 or 4 speed semi-auto.
I strongly recommend going for the semi-auto. The semi-auto is based on the Cub design and is really clever in that it disengages the cluch as you select the next cog.
This will save on all the clutch cable and gear selector hassle + make it easier for non-bikers to ride.
Electric start is essential for this build as there isn't really anywhere to put the kick-start with the engine mounted where it is. I went for a 125cc, 4-speed semi auto,
electric start with the big valve head (12BHP or something like that?). Anyway, I reckon this is **WAY** too much power for the trike and you would be absolutely fine with
a 90cc or 110cc. Save yourself a couple of quid and go with the smaller engine or find a second-hand electric start Honda Cub 90 engine.
I got the CRF 70 exhaust listed in the parts below. The end can/silencer was perfect (with a handy removable baffle for neighbour-friendly mode) but the header/pipe it's
self didn't fit!. Later I will show you how I made the exhaust pipe from a chopped-up Honda C90 exhaust. You still see loads of these on ebay for £30 or so so take a look.
You will also need the full electric start bike wiring loom and a throttle grip listed below. I got my stuff from:
1 x High Quality Quiet Pit Bike Oval Exhaust. CRF70 Fitment. Road Us
1 x Lifan 125cc Semi Auto. Electric Start Pit Bike Engine T/S E/C M ()
2 x UCFL206 Metric Two Bolt Oval Cast Iron Flange Housing with 30mm Bore Insert (UCFL.206)
The shortest length they do on all the above is fine (3 meters I think)
Some of the stuff isn't on their site (but probably will be soon after all there interest they have received since Colin quoted them on his site!). The parts list:
Rear Axle
Rear Hubs
Rear Carrier
Rear wheels with tyres, hubs and sleeves
Rear Sprocket
Rear Disc 160mm
Rear brake
A petrol tank - I made one using an aluminium tube and some weld-on bits. In total it cost about £10 (check out my other Instructable on how to make one of these.
1. Welder - I was using a TIG welder but a MIG will do the job just fine. If you are getting started out have a look at for excellent
advice etc. The entry level MIG from Machine Mart (TE110 or TE135) is a bargain and will be ample for this project. I recommend getting a proper gas cylinder
(Argon CO2 for MIG, Pure Argon for TIG) rather than using the disposable ones as you'll get through loads and pay a fortune. It definitely works out better value
with a proper cylinder.
2. Lathe - unfortunately you need a lathe for this build because of (1) the fit of the axle and the bearings you will need some way of making some shims to make the
fit tight. (2) the placing of the disk brake you need to bore it to to get it to fit. If you haven't got a lathe then you might need to call on your friendly local engineering
shop/mate who has one to get this sorted. Read the improvements section at the end where I'll list how I'm going to simplify the design for my next build.
3. Hacksaw - a mitre box is also useful to get a square cut (but not essential). I was lucky enough to have a Machine Mart/Clarke metal cutting band saw to hand
which saved a lot of grief but not essential at all.
4. Drill + Drillbits - pillar drill is useful (highly recommended) but you can get by with a cordless
5. Hole Saws - the best you can afford! Quality makes all the difference and saves untold grief.
6. Angle grinder - a cutting disk, a grinding disk, a sanding flap disk and a knotted wire brush disk.
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1. any BMX will do. This is a Halfords one I think. Got it off eBay. The only thing to 1. Lifan 125cc, semi-auto, big valve head, electric start engine.
check is that it has a front brake and 20" wheel. Smaller front wheel might muck 2. Mikuni 22mm Carb
the geometry of this trike up...not sure 3. Silencer
4. Full wiring loom for electric start pit bikes.
5. Full wiring loom for electric start pit bikes.
6. CRF 50 exhaust pipe. NOT NEEDED. See later steps
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1. 50x25 3mm Box Section
2. 50x50x5mm mild steel angle
3. 50x5mm mild steel flat bar
4. 5mm Mild Steel Plate
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1. 2 x UCFL206 Metric Two Bolt Oval Cast Iron Flange Housing with 30mm
Bore Insert (UCFL.206)
2. 160mm disk brake with carrier
3. wheel hubs. 3 stud
4. Throttle grip and cable
5. disk brake calliper and master cylinder
6. hubs, worn Kart tyres and PVC drift sleaves
Step 2: Make the axle carriers
This step is to make the axle hangers. I have attached a sketch to help you. Familiarise yourself with the dimensions then lets get choppin'!
1. Cut 2 pieces of 50x5mm flat bar at 254mm. The odd size is because I've converted to mm from inches. Colin's plan used 8inches (I think. Taken from pausing the
youtube vid and squinting my eyes). I added an extra 2 at the top as i wanted to leave space for an underseat exhaust pipe option. Even though i didn't route the
exhaust there in the end, the extra space was useful routing the wires etc.
2. Mark out per the plan. Its worth taking a bit of time get to be accurate as this will affect all the alignment of bolt holes etc. Once marked-out, make a nice deep dink
with a centre punch to guide the drill to the right spot when you make the holes else it will wander all over the shop.
3. Drill a small guide hole at the barked out points. I think I used a 5mm drill bit. If you go straight to the big bits, its likely the drill bit won't settle properly in the centre
punch mark you made. Drilling to 16mm in one go will also be hard work. Go nice and slow (500RPM ish) and use cutting fluid.
4. Drill a guide hole for the hole saw. Then cut the 35mm hole. A sharp holesaw will be your friend here. Take it slow (lowest RPM the drill goes) and use plenty of
cutting fluid. Heat will blunt your holesaw pretty quickly.
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1. Cut 2 pieces of 50x5mm flat bar at 254mm length. The funny size is due to
Colin using inches on his vid. This is 10 inches.
2. Cut 2 pieces of 50x5mm flat bar at 254mm length. The funny size is due to
Colin using inches on his vid. This is 10 inches.
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1. Mark out the 50x5mm flat bar per the diagram. some care here is a good idea.
Make good deep marks with a centre punch so help the drill start accurately on
the following steps.
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1. drill the bearing mounting holes. Start with a smallish pilot drill e.g. 5mm and 1. A nice sharp hole saw is your friend for this step. Again start with a small
gradually go up to the 16mm. Going straight to 16mm won't centre properly in the guide hole then go in with the 35mm hole saw NICE AND SLOW (i think about
centre punch marks and will be hard going! Keep the speed nice and slow (I am 300RPM). Take your time and use loads of citing fluid!
at about 500RPM here) . Use cutting fluid for the larger holes.
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1. 2 axle hanger plates. DONE. Not shown was cutting the to the edge with an
angle grinder. This will allow the axle to be put in place/removed much easier
This will be the critical weld on this project so take your time here and make is as smooth as you can.
LESSON LEARNED: I think next time I'll strip the paint off the bike first (see the later steps) and then use the flap disk only where necessary to remove the remains of the
other frame tubes. Don't use it to remove the paint / 'clean up' the area ready to be welded. It will be really hard after to get a smooth finish ready for painting after (as I
found out the hard way!)
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1. I forgot to take a pic of the bike stripped down so this will have to do. Basically, 1. once you've done the chop with the hacksaw it should look like this
the cuts are where the dotted lines are. You only care about the downtube and the
front end. The crank etc came off just fine with regular tools i.e. didn't need special
bottom bracket removal tool that you might have needed on a fancier BMX.
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1. get the frame in a vice (careful not to tighten up too much or you'll crush the thin
wall tube). Get busy with the grinder! First cutting disk, then grinding disk then flap
Give everything a good scrub at the surfaces to be welded with a piece of 240 sandpaper to get rid of the mill scale. Wire brush then give a bit of a clean with
alcohol/methylated spirit. This might be an overkill but only takes a second. Certainly ups your chance of a neat looking weld with TIG. If you are using a MIG welder you
might get away with a bit more dirt but its probably worth doing anyway.
These welds need to be pretty strong so go with as much heat as you can without burning through. I used the recommended machine settings for the material (about
130A recall) and made sure I got full penetration.
Tack first then make sure its still square! Tap back to square with a hammer if not. Heat and cooling expands/contracts the metal and therefore pulls things around.
Tacking at opposite sides helps balance out but always check you are still square after tacking before you do the full weld.
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1. Use a magnetic square to hold the pieces in place for tacking. Check
squareness after tacking
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1. weld as hot as you can without melting through, These welds have to be pretty
strong. I used the amp chart as recommended by the welder manufacturer (140A
I think or something like that)
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1. tack first then check for squareness. make sure the crossbar is centred
precisely or the resultant trike will ride wonky
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1. keep checking for squareness!!
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1. make sure the cross bar is directly centred or else the trike will go kind go
2. this thing is called a TIG finger. Basically a heat shield that allows you to
keep your fingers closer to the weld pool during welding without swearing and
dropping the torch. Really useful to keep a steady hand.
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1. one rear subframe ready for action!
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1. one of many fit-ups to see how things are coming together/fit. looking trike-like!
Note this is the CR70 exhaust header which i don't end up using. The original
idea was to route it up there but was worried about hot backside and leg burns. It
probably would have worked with some heat wrap but the other solution is better
Step 5: Modify the sprocket, disk brake carrier and make the shims
This step uses a lathe. This is actually my favourite tool in the workshop but its bulky and i realise not everyone has one. The next trike build I do will try to use only off the
shelf bits to remove this step. Anyhow, if you haven't got a lathe to hand, see if your local garage, engineering company, college etc has one you could use or a mate that
can do this stuff for you. Using these parts there really isn't that much alternative.
Bore out the disk carrier to 27 mm. I used a 10mm boring bar with an indexable Carbide tip. The interrupted cut removing the splines inside the carrier made this very
unpleasant. My lathe is a cheap Chinese job and not that rigid so this was pretty hard work.
The rear sprocket for this trike is a front sprocket welded to the rear axle. Reason: a C90 motorbike/pit bike has a big rear wheel (22"-27" or so) and the engine is
designed to turn this wheel up to 50-60MPH using a 36 tooth rear sprocket (or thereabouts). We are using a very small rear wheel so we need to turn this faster to get up
to any sort of speed. For this reason we need the smallest sprocket possible to compensate for the small wheels.
Welding the sprocket onto the axle isn't great since when the sprocket wears out it will have to be cut off to replace but then I'm not expecting to cover 5,000 miles a year
on the trike so it should last for a bit.
Advice for boring out the sprocket is as before. Everything clamped down tight, lots of lube. This was absolutely HORRIBLE since I think the sprocket metal was
hardened steel of some sort. The interrupted cut on the splines made this even worse (I thought the lathe would rattle to bits!).
The shims are needed to give a 27mm axle a snug fit inside 30mm ID bearings. 27mm is a funny size and there was nothing out there that would fit it directly.
Step 6: Make the brake calliper mount
OK this step is a bit fiddly. WARNING!!: the dimensions on the sketch are APPROXIMATE. I made this brake mount by eye then tried to bake a sketch afterwards. Here's
how I did it.
1. Mount the calliper on the plate you just made with a couple of bolts.
2. Slide the brake disk into position over the rear axle.
3. Position the calliper so the disk is correctly positioned between the pads. Note that this calliper comes with a plastic spacer thingy to keep the pads apart in transit.
This will have to be removed with a screwdriver before.
4. Position the calliper (on the plate) so that (1) the brake pads are completely over the disk (2) the assembly is straight. I used a set square.
5. Once everything is aligned. Clamp it TIGHT with a welding clamp and tack weld it into position. Check everything is still in alignment after.
6. Remove the calliper, axle etc and weld. Here we are welding 5mm plate onto 5mm plate so turn that welder right up. You want good weld penetration here.
7. Re-assemble and check that everything is still in alignment.
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1. tack up carefully so the mount doesn't move. One one these vice grip welding
clamps is really useful here.
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1. another fit-up. Check that everything is properly aligned and turning freely.
Looking good!
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1. weld done. Once again, loads of heat here. 2 5mm plates together can take a
fair bit. Make sure you get good penetration,
1. Have a look at the sketch in the pictures and get familiar with the dimensions
2. Cut the engine mount plate from the 5mm mild steel sheet. I used the angle grinder for this hence it doesn't look great. It will be under the trike and covered in
cr&p so not to worry too much.
3. Mark out the drill holes per the sketch. IMPORTANT. This needs to be ACCURATE or the bolts won't match up with the underneath of the engine. Which..... of
course I didn't do because I was rushing and had to fiddle around with an end mill to get the holes to align. Save yourself the trouble and really take your time
4. Once marked out, make a good dink with a centre-punch on the 4 marks.
5. Make a pilot hole (3mm or so) then drill to 8mm
6. Check the fit with the bottom of the engine. Because you took your time, the bolt holes match up perfectly right?
1. Assemble the rear axle with the bearings, bearing shims, sprocket and disk carrier prepared in the previous step. Tighten the bolts up on the bearings so that
everything is lined-up as it should be.
2. Fit the engine mount to the bottom of the engine and bolt it up.
3. place the frame somewhere were you can get underneath it to do some tack welds. I G-clamped mine to the welding table.
4. Place the engine on the cross-bar and centre it.
5. place the chain over the top of the rear sprocket and the top of the front sprocket and line the rear sprocket up with the front sprocket.
6. Get the welder and tack the rear sprocket onto the axle. Don't overdo it here incase you muck it up and need to grind it off and realign it later.
7. Position the engine so that the kick starter spline clears the brake calliper with about a centimetre to spare
8. Now wrap the chain around the bottom of the sprocket and see how many chain links fit in that distance/where you will need to cut your chain. Mark the link with a
9. Cut the chain to the marked-out length with an angle grinder. Bit of a trick to this so Id recommend looking up a demo on youtube. I tried capturing with my camera
while I was grinding but it didn't really work out.
10. Once the chain is cut, insert the split link provided with the chain (there was one in the packet right? Time to rummage in the bin)
11. Now get a ratchet strap and really tighten the engine to the crossbar so it stays in position. Realign everything and make absolutely sure that the front and rear
sprockets are aligned and the chain is *tight*. even if it all seems too tight right now, as soon as you ride the trike a bit this will all slacken off a bit. Tighter the
12. Climb underneath the frame and tack weld the mount to the crossbar. After doing this, check everything is still in alignment.
13. Now take the chain off again, remove the engine and weld the engine mount onto the crossbar.
14. Weld the rear sprocket onto the axle.
15. Weld the disk carrier onto the rear axle. This ended up looking horrible as I think there was some cutting oil left in there which leaked out when I started welding.
Not happy.
Step 8: Attach the BMX front end to the crossbar
This is the most critical joint on the trike so it needs to be STRONG. Take your time. Do the best fit-up you can. Weld nice and hot.
1. Notch the crossbar tube with a hole saw of the same diameter as the bottom bracket tube of the BMX frame. Take some time with a file getting a nice fit.
2. Tack weld twice on top, twice underneath. Check the alignment.
3. Now weld all the way round.
NOTE: I welded the cross bar on totally level to the ground (look in the pics). This was fine but meant that the trike doesn't have a lot of ground clearance (an inch or so).
Building this again id have a look at fiddling the angle where the crossbar meets the BMX frame to see if i couldn't raise it off the ground a bit more. Granted the rear of
the trike will be a bit low also but worth having a bit of a think about this before welding. Cutting the bottom bit off the bottom bracket tube helps with ground clearance but
the trike rides LOW!
NOTE: I didn't leave myself enough room between the cylinder head and the BMX down tube. The measurements I have given are an inch longer that the ones I used so
this won't be so tight, I ended up needing to angle grind the top off the reenforcing plates fort the engine to fit. This is a bit of a bodge.
As mentioned, I cut the bottom half off the bottom bracket tube remaining from the BMX. I then welded in a plate of the 50x5mm flat bar which fitted perfectly and
probably added to the rigidity too. The bolt in the middle of the plate was to allow my to clam in some removable kids foot pegs at some point in the future.
Step 9: Make the exhaust
What you will need.
1. An exhaust to fit a Honda c90. Have a look on ebay for a second hand one. You can probably get one for £10 or so. New I've seen for about £30.
2. 30cm of 1" 16SWG mild steel tube
3. A pipe bender with a mandrel for 1" pipe. If you haven't got one, Machine Mart do loads of options starting from £30 or so.
4. A slip-on silencer (end can) for a CRF70. See the parts list on the first step. I got this can from pitbikeparts.
5. An exhaust reducer from 38mm to 25.4 (1 inch). I could have made something on the lathe but this part from ebay saved a lot of hassle:
Ok lets go..
1. Cut the C90 exhaust just at the end of the header pipe as shown
2. Tack weld on the length of 1" pipe
3. Mark out where the 1" pipe meets the rear subframe
4. Bend the tube here to your preference. I liked the pointing up/moto-x look. You may want it lower. If you haven't got a pipe bender just leave the pipe pointing out
5. Fit the exhaust again and look where the end can should go (remember the reducer sticks out a good 10cm and you don't want the pipe sticking out too far).
6. Remove the exhaust again and clamp down on the welding table so you get a nice fit up against the pipe and the reducer.
7. Tack weld and pop it on the trike again to check fit with the end can fitted.
8. If all looks ok, weld it all up. This time, make sure you keep the heat low. SWG16 tube has a 1.6mm side wall if I recall correctly. About 50A weld current here is
fine. Anything over that and you risk burning through.
Done! We will create a support for the end can in a later step.
Step 10: Mount the seat and exhaust mount
Here we will make the mount for the seat which also doubles as the top engine mount. The engine takes the weight of the rider here so it works out well.
Exhaust mount.
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1. the marked-out section cut away with a hole saw or angle grinder
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1. mark out and centre-punch the seat mounting holes.
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1. drill holes first 3 then 5 mm. 5mm is the standard tapping drill size for a 6mm 1. now tap with an M6x1.0 tap.
(M6 metric) thread.
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1. cut the 30x30x3 angle iron to the angle and length you market up when fitting
against the rear subframe and the exhaust can
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1. long m6 bolt goes through the top engine mount hole and tightens up. The
holes here were done by eye but I got away with it (just).
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1. this almost looks edible!
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1. its beginning to look a lot like drift trike
If you want more of an idea whats going on, there is also a good wiring diagram on this website:
OK so here goes.
The engine is running on a 12v circuit. The voltage is probably in the 11-14.5v range from cold with the starter motor going to under 14.5v when the engine is
revving and the battery is charging
The standard Lead Acid type pit bike batteries are rated about 7AH like this one here
7AH or 'Amp Hours' is the capacity of the battery as in the maximum amount of time the battery can kick out 1 amp of current till the battery is flat i.e. 7 hours in
this situation.
Theoretically, this would mean that you could draw 2A for 3.5 hours, 4A for 1.75 hours, 16A for about half an hour. This rule breaks down at some point because
of the internal wiring of the battery, heat, chemical properties of the cells etc etc.
The battery above is perfect for out needs except its a bit bulky and heavy. Also there wasn't really anywhere to fit it on the trike.
This is why Colin used a Lithium polymer battery (LiPo) which gives a much better power to weight ratio and is much much smaller.
A 3 cell (3S) 30C LiPo battery will kick out a nominal 11.1v and 12.6v and 300A fully charged so this will do the trick right?
Not so fast. Yes a LiPo will definitely kick out enough power but they are VERY sensitive to use. (1) they can be discharged below a certain remaining capacity or
they will die. Most equipment designed to run on LiPo batteries (e.g. RC cars, quadcopter, drone etc) have cutouts or warnings that stop you using them when any
individual cell voltage drops below 3v per cell or 9v overall for a 3-cell battery (2) even worse they CATCH FIRE if you over charge them or puncture them (Google
'hoverboard' and 'catch fire' to get the gist).
This means that if you leave one connected to the wiring loom and go for a longish ride on your drift trike, the charging via the wiring loom will damage the battery
or set it on fire (probably the former).
My Conclusion:
LiPo's are brilliant and a good option for starting the trike.
You don't need a 5.2AH one. A 2.6AH one is fine for a good few starts and is a lot cheaper. Go for a high current one like this 20-30c which should be good for
providing a short burst of up to 300A!!!
Remember that to charge a LiPo you need a special charger. You won't just be able to do this using you car charger.
BUT: I would recommend plugging the battery in, starting the trike then taking the battery off and sticking in your pocket or something as not to damage it through the
charging. There may be a way of disconnecting the charging circuit (e.g. taking out the rectifier?) but i haven't researched it yet.
Have a look at the pics for how to stash the wires in and around the frame.
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1. Drill and tap a 6mm hole in the top engine mount and bolt on the earth wires
and the rectifier.
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1. Cut a hole in the top of the rear subframe to mount the ignition key switch
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1. electrics fitted, battery strapped in place, time for a test firing!
Step 12: Test drive!
Take the trike out for a blast to make sure everything is working OK!!
I always find this a difficult part of the project. As you start riding it and having fun, the desire to strip it all down again and finish the project with paint etc fades or diapers
completely. I try to strip it back down again immediately so the temptation to leave the project unfinished goes away.
1. strip all the paint off the frame. I used chemical paint stripper but people looking for an arm workout and want to waste lots of time should use sandpaper to
remove the old paint. A note on paint stripper, the normal B&Q stuff e.g. Nitromorse has lost a bit of 'oomph' in the last few years due to regulations etc. If you
can, get your hands on some paint stripper containing Dichloromethane this will do the job much faster. WARNING: This is restricted to professional use only so
don't use unless you are a professional paint stripper. That said, this definitely does the job much better but IT IS EVIL STUFF. Follow the precautions etc to the
letter. Use outside with rubber gloves and eye protection.
2. After stripping the paint and giving everything a good wash n' dry, its time to put in some elbow grease. First wire brush the frame bringing it to a nice smooth
shiny finish.
3. Sand the frame down with 240 grit wet n' dry sandpaper. Especially try to get rid of all the black mill scale on the rear subframe. This is a bit of a pig to get rid of
but the final finish will depend directly on how much time you spend getting the metal prepped.
4. After the sanding, give all the metal surfaces a good wipe down with a rag and some paint thinners (e.g. Xylene or Cellulose thinners.
A word on paint
This is my first time spraying with a gravity feed spray gun. Previously I'd just use a rattle can or send frames off for powder coating. I'm pretty happy with the end result
but am wondering whether the extra effort of using the spray gun (setup, paint mixing, cleaning, crazy overspray) is worth it for the extra quality in the finish. Anyone
starting out I'd recommend just using a few cans of the Halfords paint or even the smooth Hammerite stuff (I think thats the equivalent to Rustoleum in the states).
If you do use a spray gun, DO NOT USE PAINT CONTAINING ISOCYANATES unless you have an air feed mask and somewhere to paint where no-one else will
breathe the fumes. This is usually found in the hardener of '2K paint'.This stuff is no joke and not in a you might get a bit high inhaling it sort of way. Basically, your lungs
will get sensitised to the Isocyanates and you will have nasty asthma forever (look it up).
Etch primer (Jawel paints) - a base primer that grips to/burrows into bare metal.
High Build Primer (U-POL P88) - a grey primer that smooths over small scratches and uneven surfaces.
Polyester Base Coat (Jawel Paints) - The colour layer. Needs a clear coat or will not resist UV etc
1k Acrylic Clear coat (U-POL 20:85) - a shiny, hard wearing varnish to go over the top
Verdict - Better than the cans but with my NoOB technique, only just (and a lot more grief). strite
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1. screw some old bolts into the hole to prevent the threads getting dunked up
with paint.
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1. Hang up in Dexter's "kill room" and get some etch primer on it 1. next get the high build primer on the frame. This stuff is great as it hides loads
of scratches and not so smooth areas.
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1. Now get the colour down. 3 coats with a 15 minute wait in-between.
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1. Don't forget to put some old bolts into the tapped holes or you won't be able
to screw anything in later.
Step 14: Epilogue
I'm very happy how this project turned out. It rides really well (youtube action vid to follow).
The things I'd look to do differently on my next trike build would be:
Use a keyway axle - welding stuff to an axle is a bit of a bodge. I'd like to use a keyway axle and proper carriers for the sprocket and brake. This gives much more
room for adjustment and changing over chainwheels when they wear out. The configuration on this trike means that when the rear sprocket goes, I'll need to
angle grind off and go through the trouble of welding on a new one!
Use an adjustable engine mount/chain tensioner. The chain is fine now but they tend to stretch through use. On this trike, when the chain goes slack, not really
that much that ca be done apart from going a size bigger on the drive(front) sprocket or, extreme case, grind off another link. A chain tensioner would give more
fine control.
A front disk brake - the existing BMX brake is a toy! It does nothing at all so i think a sensible upgrade would be a front disk brake as this is really the only tyre of
the three that has grip!
A bit more ground clearance - This trike rides about an inch off the ground which is is fine on a flat carpark bit bottoms out quite easily. I have had a few scrapes
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