Term Paper Business Communication
Term Paper Business Communication
Term Paper Business Communication
How To Deal With Rumours on The Grapevine in
Corporate World of Bangladesh
Inevitable state for the advancement of any organization is their fetch of leading their staff.
Grapevine is the most fruitful task in the hands of the guiding authorities with which they
can have principle hand over their employees without having a sardonic figure. Grapevine is
that temper of expression which pull the community away from the unseen frame of draft
and law. It take steps an substitute path of contrary fact without similar the exhausting path
which involves regular sentiment. The paper sum up the deal with rumours on the
grapevine in the corporate world of Bangladesh and its impression at every respective aim.
The restriction or drawbacks of grapevine is also taken into a swift turn up.
Hints: Grapevine, communication, organization, attitude.
1. Communication is the axis of any embody firm. It is expression that assume a short group
of people to handle thousands of people and that too practically. The mode and form of
communication vary from person to person and place to place. The way in which we convey
with our leaders differs purely with the way we do with our follower. Mostly their persuade
a ritual communication between a person at a superior authority and at a subordinate
surname. But the continuity is just converse while in case of people at the same appellation.
So here appear the need of identify the term Grapevine. “Grapevine communication is
defined as unstructured and Informal network formed on social relationship rather than
organizational charts or job descriptions. It is actually an informal vehicle through which
message flows throughout the organization.”
2. Grapevine is a way through which the original communication between diverse forces of
the organization turn up and set out the aimed payoff. Since it is unstructured and not
under complete control of management, it step via the organization in every channel .
3.It moves upwards, downward, and diagonally, within and without chains of command,
between workers and leaders, and even with and without a company. It gives out an idea
that grapevine is not a form of communication which follows structural path. It footstep in
all the direction that is up, down and even diagonally.
4. Aim for this paper is to describe the informal communication benefit in corporate world
of Bangladesh as well as effects of grapevine in corporate world and how to control negative
impact of informal way of communication.
Scope of the study
5. Origin of informal way of communication
It is observed that individual communicates with only those individuals he/she
trusts. Most of the informal messages flow through this chain.
Exercise of Grapevine
20. The use of grapevine varies from place to place and from person to person. At an
organizational level, the use of grapevine varies from level to level and from name to
name. For example the type of conversation at the worker level is entirely different
from the type of conversation at the manager level. Some of the cases of the use of
grapevine are: At the higher post-In an organization, there always exist certain facts
that are officially not meant for the employees at lower level. These confidential facts
are leaked by certain intermediate employees by the channel of grapevine. For
example, suppose the profit amount of a company is known. Rumours is spread that
this much profit is there and on that basis bonus is declared. At an intermediate
level-At this level, the use of grapevine differ from that at the high level. Here
grapevine serves as a channel to travel personal information of the employees. For
example, the chances of promotion, any attempted fraud, some personal affairs etc.
Advantage of Grapevine
21. Spreads Rapidly-Being a channel free from documentation and hierarchal barriers,
grapevine serves as the fastest medium of exchanging thoughts and information within and
outside an organization. Feedback is Quick-Every action has an equal and opposite reaction,,
and in the case of grapevine it is quick too. The feedback of the rumour reaches in no time
back to the person from where the rumour originated. Group Cohesiveness– Gossips, which
is a form of grapevine often becomes the main reason for bringing people closer and making
them friendly. Gossip increases interaction between the employees which directly increases
workability of any organization Signals that Problems/Good news exist-One of the most
important benefit of grapevine communication is that it keeps the employees updated. Any
news, good or bad reaches everyone and allows them to respond according to it. Substitute
for formal channel of communication-As we all know that formal communication is time
consuming as it is full of formalities.
Drawbacks of Grapevine
22. The grapevine is not faithful always as it doesn’t follow formal path of
communication and is spread more by gossips and unconfirmed report. The
information is untrue most of the times as quite often the rumours are made just to
pretend that any individual is full of information about any particular firm. Being a
form of oral communication. Only a part of the information is transmitted which
keeps on reducing with the advancement of chain. It hampers the goodwill of the
organization or any particular individual.
Peer-To-Peer Communication
23. In most cases it is pathological and full of feeling which can change its meaning,
no one can be held responsible as it is not possible to find out the supplier of wrong
information in the case on an enquiry, it is not reliable. The managers cannot depend
upon such information as it does not follow any norm and is too loose a system. No
decision can be taken depending upon such communication. It spreads rumours and
endangers consolidation and unity of the organisation. It creates conflicts between
groups by spreading rumours against them and reducing their mental strength. The
managers should keep a watchful eye on the leaders who spread rumours and keep
them well-informed about the actual situation. The managers should
25. Dealing practically with the grapevine is a challenge that will always be a part of a
leaders job. Those who are able to understand the power of the grapevine will be
better prepared to utilize it to provide stability & authenticity in the work
environment. Thus, office grapevine is a part & parcel of any organization. The only
thing is the skill of a manager who utilizes this informal type of communication for
achieving the organizational goals. The grapevine communication among the
employees and employers cannot be stopped even though the upper level of
management put an effort on it. Communication is after all, a natural human activity.
There are several ways on how to deal with grapevine communication and next it can
be used as a medium channel between the employer and employee in the
organization. The organization should not eliminate the grapevine communication
because it can help the employees in doing their work.