Embracing The 5 Fold Ministry
Embracing The 5 Fold Ministry
Embracing The 5 Fold Ministry
Table of Contents
Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions
Over the past few years a subject has repeatedly pushed its way to the
forefront of many ministerial conversations. That subject has to do with
whether or not our movement has fully embraced the five-fold ministry.
The questions are many and complicated, the feelings are intense, and
the sincere and re-occurring quest for answers demands our attention.
As Apostolics we have often stressed that the strength of our doctrine is
that we are sourced in Scripture rather than in traditions or the creeds.
We who baptize in Jesus' name are puzzled that most of the church
world reads stories of Jesus' name baptism in Acts but continues to
ignore the obvious. They avoid these doctrines because they are
hidden in the land of forbidden topics. We often apply 2 Timothy 3:5
("Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such
turn away.") to churches that deny the need for speaking in tongues or
healing. We point out that for centuries speaking in tongues was
shrouded in mystery and even considered demonic, until people started
talking about it.
We have long embraced three of the five ministries mentioned in
Ephesians 4. However, we are still hesitant to embrace the idea of
modern day prophets or apostles. Ironically, those ministries are
mentioned more often in the Bible than the ministries of evangelist and
pastor put together. It would seem to be in keeping with our other
doctrines to more fully define and embrace these God-given gifts.
This project is not designed to be an exhaustive study on the five-
fold ministry, but a catalyst for dialogue concerning this important
topic. I have purposely refrained from sharing some of my
personal conclusions, since I am eager for more discussion on the
We seem to be in a season of unity that might provide the opportune
time for us to move past fears and controversy and fully embrace
ministries that have not been at the forefront like they were in the first
century church.
I was born and raised in the UPCI. I love and appreciate our movement.
I have seen the church grow and self-correct and become more powerful
and more mature. I appreciate the leaders among us who have been
willing to approach this subject without rushing to judgment or knee-jerk
Chapter 1
Why the Fuss?
“What’s wrong Bro? You seem a little somber for having just delivered
such a powerful word to this awesome conference.”
“You know Sean,” Hector explained while scooping more chicken onto
his fajita wrap, “I appreciated what God did, and everyone seemed to
receive it. But, to be honest, I was a little uncomfortable at the way they
introduced me. I mean, when Bro Grayson said let’s welcome this
prophet to the podium there was a lot of squirming and mumbling going
“But you are a prophet honey,” defended Julianne. “God has told you
that, many other people have commented on your giftings, and look how
many times God has publicly confirmed the prophetic words you’ve
“That may be true, but we don’t really talk much about prophets in our
movement, and I don’t want people to think I feel superior to other
“But we should talk about prophets -- and apostles too,” Sean
contended. “They are mentioned more times in the New Testament than
the rest of the five fold-ministry put together. The primitive church used
that terminology. Why are we so afraid to use those terms?”
“Well, I’m just a preachers wife,” said Cindy, “but I think it’s an authority
issue. So many people are running scared of those terms because some
men have self-appointed themselves to be prophets or apostles and
then used their new titles to justify doing their own thing – kind of a
power play.”
“Oh, I totally agree” blurted Julianne, perhaps a little too exuberantly. “It
seems like some people are too eager to grab titles that give them
power, and others are too eager to ignore titles for fear of losing power.
I don’t know how we’re going to get past that logjam, but that’s why most
people just don’t talk about it.”
After some thoughtful silence Hector looked at his wife and trusted
friends and ventured another confession. “What bugs me is that I feel
like God has called me to the ministry of a prophet, but I’m not sure
where I fit. Do I have a gifting? Do I have an office? Should I just call
myself an evangelist?”
“Well don’t you think that is why we need to talk more about this? We’re
not all on the same page. And as much as I hate to admit it, I think our
wives are right. We can’t talk about it until people can be reassured that
the whole authority structure is not going to collapse.” Sean was on a
roll now. “I don’t think everybody who believes in apostles and prophets
thinks you can just claim a ministry and then start acting like you run the
place. I’m sure there are a few, but that doesn’t really fit the rest of
Hector’s eyes brightened. “Yeah. When you zoom out and look at the
bigger picture there is a pretty clear pattern. God appointed judges,
kings and prophets. Whenever earth agreed with heaven, God’s
kingdom was furthered and His people were blessed. For example,
when God chose David as King, Samuel signified God’s choice with a
public anointing. Similarly, when God called Moses He then instructed
him as to how he should return to the elders and seek their approval by
doing a demonstration of the miraculous.”
“You’re right honey, even Jesus wept over Jerusalem because although
He was anointed by heaven, the Jewish leaders wouldn’t accept His
ministry, so He had to find others who would.”
Cindy took a sip of her Dr. Pepper and added. “I’ve heard that concept
preached all my life. Although God is sovereign He interacts with
mankind through various means in hopes that man will acknowledge His
sovereignty and Lordship. He woos. He draws. His love leads to
repentance. God doesn’t make people go to heaven. He doesn’t force
mankind to obey.”
“So what we’re saying here,” clarifies Hector, “is that whether five-fold
ministries are giftings or offices there is still a two-fold empowerment.
God gifts or calls and the church recognizes those giftings or callings by
giving them authority. For example, that’s true of a pastor; God calls him
and the local church acknowledges that call by voting him in. Same with
those who have the gift of administration and are then voted in to an
organizational office.”
Getting into the spirit of the conversation Julianne lifted her finger and
spoke philosophically, “So, heaven appoints and earth ratifies. That is
God’s check and balance.”
“You’re so brilliant sweetheart,” quips Hector. “That all fits. Divine gifting
and appointment is most important, but the church must recognize that
anointing before someone can have authority to operate in that gift or
office. So, for example, if a man is an apostle he will probably plant
many churches and others will recognize that he is an apostle. If the
church will recognize his calling and give him room to operate in that
calling, then everybody wins. But he can’t just declare himself top dog.”
“Sure.” Sean chimed in. “That’s the case in the secular world. A person
can graduate with a law degree and even pass the bar, but that does not
give him the right to go to court on someone’s behalf -- he must be hired.
Or a person may graduate from a police academy, but that does not
automatically authorize him to make arrests.”
Hector was feeling better now and he wanted to make sure he was
understanding their consensus. “So you’re saying that God may give a
man the gifting of a pastor, but that does not authorize him to go speak
into just anybody’s life -- he can only pastor those people who allow him
to pastor them. A man may be an apostle, but until a group of people
recognizes that gifting or office he cannot operate among them in that
office or gifting. But when heaven appoints and earth ratifies, everything
“I know our organizational structure isn’t perfect, but isn’t that already
how we operate?” asked Cindy. “God calls men to ministry and district
boards recognize their calling and grant them a license expressing their
confidence in that calling. My point is that self-appointment is not an
option. If the church chooses to begin using first century terminology, the
motive must not be so that people can claim titles so they can
redistribute authority.”
Hector just couldn’t resist the last word. “So, if we can agree that
heaven appoints and earth ratifies, then perhaps we can explore better
ways to acknowledge gifting or offices -- without fear of chaos. That
would make these introductions a whole lot more tolerable.”
Chapter 2
Heaven Appoints, Earth Ratifies
Several ministers squirmed in their seats as they exchanged skeptical
expressions. The conference speaker had just been introduced as a
prophet. The reaction would have been similar had he been introduced
as an apostle. Why the discomfort? Both terms were clearly utilized in
the primitive church. Although there is some debate as to whether these
and the rest of the five-fold ministry are gifts or offices, that question in
itself does not merit the level of discomfort generated by this topic.
Could the reluctance to embrace these titles have more to do with the
issue of control and self-aggrandizement than with theological
ambivalence? If so, maybe the path to the proper use of these terms
should begin with an acknowledgment that no matter what someone
calls themselves, every Apostolic ministry must be appointed by heaven
and ratified by earth.
Let’s zoom out and look at the bigger picture. How has it been for God’s
ministers since the beginning? A clear pattern is evident. God appointed
judges, kings and prophets. Whenever earth agreed with heaven, God’s
kingdom was furthered and His people were blessed. For example,
when God chose David as King, Samuel ratified God’s choice with a
public anointing. Similarly, when God called Moses He then instructed
him as to how he should return to the elders and seek their ratification
by doing a demonstration of the miraculous.
Jesus acknowledged the need for this dynamic when He lamented, “O
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that
are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children
together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would
not!” (Luke 13:34). After He returns for His bride, His methods will
change and He will rule with a “rod of iron” (see Revelation 19:15). But
until then God offers and mankind accepts; heaven appoints and earth
ratifies. It’s not that man is giving God permission, but that man is
acknowledging God’s will by cooperating with His appointments.
God has always presented Himself in this manner. He is almighty, but
He interacts with mankind through various means in hopes that man will
acknowledge His sovereignty and Lordship. He woos. He draws. His
Chapter 3
Demystify and Empower
The "five-fold ministry" is most often discussed using the following
scripture references.
Ephesians 4:11 -12 And he gave some, apostles; and some,
prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the
edifying of the body of Christ:
1 Corinthians 12:27-31 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members
in particular. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles,
secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts
of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all
apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of
miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues?
do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I
unto you a more excellent way.
While there are some who may argue whether or not apostles, prophets,
evangelist, pastors and teachers are still all viable ministries in the
church, it is clear that they were present in the first century church. If
these ministries are meant to be an integral part of the church, how
should they be included? If that question is not addressed by the body
as a whole, the subject becomes shrouded in mystery and the benefits
those ministries might provide are largely wasted. So, there are many
advantages to discussing and defining the five-fold ministry. Two
benefits that will be briefly mentioned here are that the discussion will
demystify and empower.
To leave this topic unexplored is to leave a vacuum -- spiritually as well
as in the practical operation of the organized body of Christ. Without a
consensus as to the existence of and the parameters of a ministry it is
difficult to hold one another accountable. To not have a job description
is to invite trouble into any organization.
While the roles of evangelist, pastor and teacher have been widely
discussed and defined, the roles of prophets and apostles have not. As
a result of uncertainty and a lack of definition, some well-meaning men
have attempted to fill these roles only to offend many. Others have had
less than pure motives, and, because there were no rules, they invented
their own parameters; this has often resulted in confusing and unethical
situations. The end result is that what could have been very
constructive became destructive.
A physical analogy might be that of fire. Most houses have fire in them,
but that fire is contained and managed. It is with fire that we heat our
living space and our baths. If we pretended the fire was not there and
had no safety standards, we would have many more tragic house fires.
Perhaps it is time to demystify the five-fold ministries; to recognize these
giftings and provide legitimate opportunities for them to operate in
submission to and for the edification of the body.
A primary reason for not approaching this topic is that we fear "loose
cannons" or people who are on ego trips. Because some ministries
have been out of order or misunderstood, we hesitate to release one
another to minister, especially in ministries that deal with prophecy,
judgment and authority. However, the benefits to empowering such
ministries will outweigh the risks, if they were indeed given to the church
by God.
The book of Acts indicates that the early church struggled with that as
well. Paul, who was not one of the 12 Apostles referred to himself as an
apostle thirteen times in his letters. He even spent some time defending
his Apostleship in I Corinthians 9, appealing to his readers to respect his
function in the body. He writes about some brethren that objected to his
claims, accusing him of having ego issues. But Paul submitted to
Apostles and elders who gave him their blessing. The church, in turn,
empowered Paul and he became one of the greatest missionaries who
ever lived.
Many of us have witnessed good, gifted, God-fearing, fasting, praying
men clash with our structure in hopes of changing it. It may be that some
of these men needed an attitude adjustment, but it may also be that we,
as a movement, need a common philosophy. Maybe God anointed them
to minister in ways for which we would not make room. Some may have
had direction from God but our system was not giving them clarity as to
how their ministry should be carried out.
Chapter 4
Gifting or Office?
One question of much discussion is: "Are apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers offices, giftings or both?" While there
is not room to adequately discuss this question here, we will take a quick
look at the same scriptures introduced in chapter 3 as they appear in
several other Bible translations, and draw a few simplistic conclusions.
Ephesians 4:11-12 (NLT) Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the
church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors
and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his
work and build up the church, the body of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:27 (AMP) Now you [collectively] are Christ's body
and [individually] you are members of it, each part severally and
distinct [each with his own place and function]. 28So God has
appointed some in the church [[a]for His own use]: first apostles
(special messengers); second prophets (inspired preachers and
expounders); third teachers; then wonder-workers; then those with
ability to heal the sick; helpers; administrators; [speakers in] different
(unknown) tongues.
In both of the above translations the five-fold ministries seem to be
equated with giftings. Note that in 1 Corinthians pastors are not
mentioned but some other giftings are mentioned. Since Paul's lists are
not identical, one could deduct that God gives many giftings and
anointings. On the other hand, some argue that these ministries were
viewed as offices or positions.
One way to solve this question of gifting or office is to consider that they
might be both. The issue may be more about function than about
names, offices or positions. Paul referred to himself as having multiple
gifts or roles:
2 Timothy 1:11 Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an
apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.
1 Timothy 2:7 Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle,
(I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in
faith and verity.
With this line of reasoning we might say that God anoints and when a
minister is given authority to operate in a particular vein of ministry they
can let their gift flow. For example, if a man has a prophetic gifting and a
pastor invites him to speak, as a prophet to his congregation, he is then
functioning as a prophet. That same man may return to a congregation
he leads and function as a pastor.
It has been noted that some pastors have prophetic giftings. Some
evangelists serve prophetically in assemblies that embrace those
giftings; other congregations, because of their posture, can only receive
their ministry as an encouraging speaker.
Some men who are gifted encouragers travel amongst us and are called
evangelists. Others who travel amongst us as evangelists are gifted
soul winners.
This concept need not be weird or confusing -- it happens all of the time
in the business world. A man can be a marksman, but if he doesn't have
a badge he can't just start shooting at criminals. Marksmanship is the
gift; policeman or sniper is the office.
There are many men who are gifted electricians but are also good with
people and they become foremen. We don't know them by their giftings
as much as we know them by their function or their office. In short,
people can have multiple giftings or callings, but usually operate in a
primary office.
In the business world someone may have a specific gifting or skill set
that is often referred to as a “calling.” (e.g. engineer, artist, teacher,
manager) However, persons' giftings do not automatically give them
authority or a place to practice -- that only comes with an office or a
position. An engineer might be hired as a draftsman, an advisor, a
supervisor, a clinician… A teacher might serve as a principal or as a
researcher. Some positions might require multiple giftings. There will
sometimes be people who have gifts, but no office. There may be times
when someone is given a position, although they do not have the
necessary gifting. It is best when giftings are recognized and the office
or authority is given accordingly.
Many missionaries spend more time teaching in Bible schools, so are
they teachers, pastors, evangelists or apostles? Other missionaries
start churches. Some missionaries pastor a "headquarters church."
Some would call those men apostles, but they may also act as a pastor.
The point is they may have multiple gifts or at least are called upon to
operate in those giftings, but even if they are apostles, they must work
with the structure and submit to the larger body. All ministries are
Our challenge is to inspire men to maximize their giftings by providing a
structure that makes room for those giftings. Since we have no scripture
for how the five-fold ministries are supposed to interact with one
another, we have chosen a model. We have defined the parameters of
teachers, pastors and evangelists but have not defined the role of
apostles or prophets, using those specific terms.
In practical terms we may have gifted people who don't know where they
fit in our Apostolic structure. We might be wise to talk more about the
giftings and better define how those giftings might be executed.
Chapter 5
A vast amount of information is available on the five-fold ministry. In this
chapter the author will present a compilation of definitions and
observations that seemed to most concisely state the consensus of the
sources he has explored. The bold text indicates portions the author
found especially relevant to our movement.
The reader may notice all of these terms were borrowed from secular
sources. A study of the etymology of these words reveals that the first
church was not given holy terms or offices to fill. Rather, they recognized
giftings or functions that men were operating in and used secular terms
to define them.
1. “The things that mark an apostle--signs, wonders and miracles--were
done among you with great perseverance” (2 Corinthians 12:12). “For it
seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of
the procession, like men condemned to die in the arena.”(1 Corinthians
4:9). He then goes on to list the hardships and indignities apostles suffer
for Christ’s sake (1 Corinthians 4:10-13).
2. "Over one hundred years ago, J.B. Lightfoot reopened the debate by
arguing that neither Scripture or the early Christian writings indicate that
apostleship was limited to the Twelve.19 The New Testament writers
apply the term “apostle” to a variety
of individuals other than the Twelve. They include, Paul and
Barnabas (Acts 14:4,14), James, Jesus’ brother (Galatians 1:19),
Apollos (1 Corinthians 4:9) and Silas (1 Thessalonians 2:7), Andronicus
and Junias (Romans 16:7).20"
--J.B. Lightfoot, The Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1957), 95).
3. "Originally, the Greek word for apostle, apostolos, was used as an
adjective.[3] Initially it denoted the dispatch of a “fleet (or army) on a
military expedition.”[4] Later, it came to be applied to “the fleet itself and
acquired the meaning of a naval expedition.”[5] Finally, it referred to a
“group of men sent out for a particular purpose, e.g., an army . . . [or a]
band of colonists.”[6] In Cynic-Stoic philosophy, it is a “technical term for
1. "NT:4396 “one who, moved by the Spirit of God and hence, his organ
or spokesman, solemnly declares to men what he has received by
--Thayer's Greek Lexicon
3. “Prophets were men in the church who spoke under the direct impulse
of the Holy Spirit and whose main motivation and concern were the
spiritual life and purity of the church… The prophets function- Spirit-
filled proclaimer and interpreter of the Word of God, called to warn,
exhort, comfort and edify. He was to exercise the give of prophecy. He
was at times a seer. It was the N.T. Prophet’s task… to expose sin,
5. "In New Testament times the prophetical office was continued. Our
Lord is frequently spoken of as a prophet (Luke 13:33; Luke 24:19). He
was and is the great Prophet of the Church. There was also in the
Church a distinct order of prophets (1Co 12:28; Eph 2:20; Eph 3:5), who
made new revelations from God. They differed from the "teacher,"
whose office it was to impart truths already revealed."
-- Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
6. "Note that the prophets spoke to Paul, but he did not do what they
suggested, because he understood the prophecy as a revelation rather
than a warning. For Paul, authority does not reside in an office or in a
position but only within a “concrete act of
ministry as it occurs.”
--Ernst Kasemann, Essays on New Testament Themes (London: SCM,
1964), 83; quoted in Dunn, 272.
1. The singular and plural of this word is used only 3 times in the KJV
New Testament, and two of those verses are referring to specific people.
Philip was a deacon and an evangelist. Timothy was told to do the work
of an evangelist.
1. There is no use of the singular form of this word in the KJV New
Testament and the plural form is only used 1 time in the KJV New
Testament (i.e. Ephesians 4:11).
Few Protestant groups today still view the pastor, bishop, and
elder as synonymous terms or offices;"
1. "Teaching = The act of instructing students or imparting knowledge
and information. As used in the New Testament, the concept of teaching
usually means instruction in the faith. Thus, teaching is to be
distinguished from preaching, or the proclamation of the gospel to the
non-Christian world. Teaching in the Christian faith was validated by
Jesus, who was called "teacher" more than anything else... Since
sound instruction in the faith is essential to the spiritual growth of
Christians and to the development of the church, the Bible contains
numerous passages which deal with teaching (Matthew 4:23; Luke 4:14;
Acts 13:1-3; Romans 12:6-8; Galatians 6:6)....Special attention is
directed to the danger of false teachings. Christians are warned to test
those who pervert the true gospel (2 Timothy 3:1-7; 1 Peter 2:1-3).
--Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
2. "διδάσκω, didáskō, "to teach": The usual word for "teach" in the New
Testament signifies either to hold a discourse with others in order to
instruct them, or to deliver a didactic discourse where there may not be
direct personal and verbal participation. In the former sense it describes
the interlocutory method, the interplay of the ideas and words between
pupils and teachers, and in the latter use it refers to the more formal
monologues designed especially to give information (Matthew 4:23;
Matthew 5-7; Matthew 13:36f; John 6:59; 1 Cor. 4:17; 1 Tim. 2:12). A
teacher is one who performs the function or fills the office of instruction.
Ability and fitness for the work are required (Romans 2:20; Hebrews
5:12). The title refers to Jewish teachers (John 1:38), to John the Baptist
(Luke 3:12), to Jesus (John 3:2; John 8:4, and often), to Paul (1 Tim.
2:7; 2 Tim. 1:11), and to instructors in the early church (Acts 13:1;
Romans 12:7; 1 Cor. 12:28). Teaching, like preaching, was an
integral part of the work of an apostle (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15;
Ephes. 4:1)."
--The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
3. "Just like all the other gifts, teachers have been in the church, just not
with their name distinctions so focused upon. Most ministers have been
taught by gifted anointed teachers. They may not have had the title
bestowed as a five-fold minister, but they were there none the less.
Most true five-fold ministers don't even want the attention or
publicity of their gift, they just want to do it.
It's not wrong to state your gift, Paul the apostle did frequently in
his letters to the Church, and some, like me, were visited with the
distinctive words from the Lord. It's needed for understanding. It is not
wrong to reveal your gift, it's just how you do it. Is it done to help equip
others and their faith, or is it done for selfish reasons and pride? Some
are falsely accused, but persecution does go with the territory. God will
vindicate the true because He is not ashamed of His ways or Plan.
A great revival is coming and even is at the door. As long as the focus is
on Jesus, the anointing will come pouring in. But as it does and the lost
and backsliders are drawn in, there will be a great need for the teacher.
One of the things that needs to be lovingly and anointedly taught is how
to fit into the work and plan and order of the church. The temptation is
great for people to become "experts" and know "better than
others" how they are to be fit in and controlled. When you get that
spirit, Watch out!!!
There will be friction but the Spirit focused will win out in love and
blessing. Teachers will help explain the plan of God according to
Scripture and this will be another beautiful fold in the five-fold ministry.
Right now there is still way too much competition and petty jealousy for
attention for being right. Anointed teaching will make you see what is
right, how it works and make you understand it when it happens and you
will rejoice in the Plan of God (not man). We need anointed teachers!!!"
Chapter 6
The Franchise Model
Spiritual vs Practical
When Jesus commissioned His disciples to "go into all the world", He did
not give a whole lot of practical advice as to how they were to organize
themselves. So, presumably, the disciples did what they did as a
continuation of the path that Jesus put them on. Jesus demonstrated
ministry to be the connecting of two worlds. He prayed and heard from
the Father, but then He did some very "human" things to meet people's
needs. He borrowed heavily from the culture in which He lived. The
very idea of rabbis, a small group of disciples and itinerant ministry was
borrowed from the Jewish culture.
When it came to ministry Jesus did miracles like multiplying the loaves
and fishes, but He also organized the disciples to disperse the food. He
didn't miraculously distribute the food; neither did He miraculously put it
into the bodies of His audience. He was able to find money in a fish's
mouth, but that is not how He usually raised money. In the same way
we hear from God, receive divine direction, experience the ministry of
God and angels, but still shovel our own sidewalks and decide how to
organize our districts.
How wonderful it would have been if Jesus had left a manual on church
structure, but even the Bible does not fill in all of the gaps. Evidently He
left some decisions up to the church. The disciples borrowed the idea of
Bishops and Apostles from Greek and Roman military paradigms. They
appointed elders like their Jewish brethren. At first the Apostles acted
as deacons, until they realized the need to change. There doesn't seem
to have been tongues and interpretations on the matter. No prophets
are said to have given that direction. Some things just seemed good to
them and the Holy Ghost.
This combination of spirit and flesh can be demonstrated in the life of
Paul. He was an apostle born out of due season who was sent out by
some prophets and elders in Antioch. He did many miracles and was
taught of God, yet he was supported by donations and submitted to
headquarters on key matters. In other words, even though he got his
doctrine and direction from God concerning the Gentiles he submitted
his ideas to the body
On the next page you will find a typical flow chart for a franchise
company. The uppermost line in each box is the title they use in the
business world. The second line lists the positions that serve in that
capacity. The bottom one or two lines show how our organization
parallels the franchise model. Take a minute to study the chart, before
noting the observations that follow. Notice the five-fold ministry
mentioned in the observations are in bold print.
Some observations
1. Like a franchise company, our organization is led by Superintendents
and Department Heads.
• Some of these men fulfill roles similar to those apostles and gifted
administrators who sat on the Jerusalem council.
• In our movement we elect these men, but we also pray for
guidance, trusting that God will help us ratify men who have the
giftings equal to the office.
2. The second tier of boxes shows entities that are created to aid the
entire franchise.
• Bible Schools, PPH and other entities exist for the benefit of the
whole church, but, just like business franchise, our progress is
most easily measured by the success of local franchises and by
the number of new franchises that are started.
• Teachers hold an important place in franchises as well as in our
movement, even though they don't usually run a local franchise.
• Prophets can be likened to quality control personnel; they are
called into local franchises to trouble shoot.
• Evangelists can be likened to the franchise promotional team;
they go to a local franchise and help them reach out to the
community more effectively.
• NOTICE: When these people go to help a local franchise (local
church), they submit themselves to the franchise owner. They are
paid for their services. When they leave, they do not call back to
store clerks and give them personal advice.
3. Regional franchise offices serve the same purpose as our district and
regional offices.
4. An apostle, whether a missionary or a career church planter, or a
leader of leaders, goes into an area and plants multiple works.
• As in a franchise chain, the apostle starts works, but then often
has someone manage the work under his oversight.
5. The local franchise represents the local church.
• This is where the rubber meets the road.
When our organization is viewed in this light these things become
• We are not a just a pastor oriented organization; that is just where
most people interact with the movement.
• There are people in our movement that function as prophets but
we usually refer to them as evangelists.
• There are people in our movement that function as apostles but
we usually refer to them as missionaries or carrier church planters.
It should also be noted that the franchise model is just one analogy and
all analogies are imperfect. The analogy of the family is also a useful
one, especially in light of the fathering role of an apostle.
Chapter 7
True Success is Neither an Office Nor A Gifting
Admittedly I was jealous of his giftings. Everybody knew he was a
bloodsucking jerk yet it appeared that God had specifically equipped him
to get away with it. Try as I may I could never do what he did.
According to the data, without professional training he routinely
outperformed any human being in recorded history. Due to his incredible
athletic abilities his lodging was free and he dined liberally wherever he
went -- without paying one red cent. This all seemed incredibly unfair for
several reasons. I personally knew that he had never attended college.
His people skills were non-existent and he had very few real
accomplishments. He didn’t work as hard as I did, yet he drastically
outperformed me. Who was my rival? His name was Ctenocephalides.
What was his gifting? He could jump 200 times his body length. If I were
to beat him in the long jump, I would need to jump 1,200 feet. Should I
choose to compare myself, I could become very discouraged, because I
am routinely out-performed by a flea.
The Biblical solution to performance anxiety is clear:
• Job recommends making peace with who God made us to be:
“Gavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? or wings and
feathers unto the ostrich? Which leaveth her eggs in the earth,
and warmeth them in dust, And forgetteth that the foot may crush
them, or that the wild beast may break them. She is hardened
against her young ones, as though they were not hers: her labour
is in vain without fear; Because God hath deprived her of wisdom,
neither hath he imparted to her understanding. What time she
lifteth up herself on high, she scorneth the horse and his rider”
(Job 39:13-18).
• Paul warns against comparison. “For we dare not make ourselves
of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend
themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and
comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise” (2
Corinthians 10:12). “Let us not become vainglorious and self-
conceited, competitive and challenging and provoking and irritating
to one another, envying and being jealous of one another”
(Galatians 5:26 AMP).
This is easier said than done, especially when it comes to matters of the
heart. Let’s face it, it is hard to understand how nearly 10,000 Spirit-
filled, holiness-preaching, miracle-working ministers struggle to fill a
15,000 seat stadium once a year when there are some less-than-
Apostolic, personality-based, American ministries that put on many such
conferences every year. Such realities can give place to the enemy’s
unrelenting accusations that we are not successful. How often have
you given your best in ministry only to feel inadequate when reviewing
the measurable results? A poorly attended meeting… a saint who
wanders into sin in spite of counseling… a financial crisis in spite of
diligent prayer and courageous acts of faith… all nagging evidences of
failure to the natural mind.
But, we are not successful when crowds are big or when our brethren
nod their approval. Success is more attainable than that! Success is
ministering God’s distinctive message to those who will receive.
How does one internalize this more accurate measure of success? “But
let every person carefully scrutinize and examine and test his own
conduct and his own work. He can then have the personal satisfaction
and joy of doing something commendable [in itself alone] without
[resorting to] boastful comparison with his neighbor” (Galatians 6:4
While seeking to satisfy the God-given craving for significance, it is
imperative that one let God teach their heart to give more credence and
weight to His Word and His voice than to feelings, circumstances and
peer pressure. In order to “teach the heart” about true success, God may
orchestrate therapy. His therapy consists of life experiences that teach
our hearts to rest in His adequacy rather than our own. We can witness
this process in Moses at the Red Sea, Gideon in the middle of the night
and David as he stood before Goliath. All three were called. All three
obeyed God. Then they stood still and watched God transform their
feeble efforts into spectacles that the world would talk about for
millenniums to come. All three looked ridiculous and weak. All three
were powerful agents of change -- world class leaders. Then there was
our supreme example, Jesus Christ, who appeared weak before the
Sanhedrin, Pilate, Herod and the public, even as He was accomplishing
the most powerful feat ever accomplished.
Next Steps
I hope the content of this project has been thought provoking and
inspirational at the same time. For me it has been more of a beginning
than a conclusion of the matter. As I said in the introduction, the purpose
of this project is not to establish hard and fast solutions, but to
encourage dialogue as to how we might make more room for some of
these giftings.
So, in hopes that I will not be considered presumptuous, I would like to
propose a varied list of suggested next steps as we attempt to be as
apostolic in our definitions and practices as possible. These suggestions
are simply fodder for discussion, not fully developed constructs. None of
these suggestions would require drastic organizational changes. For
example, it is doubtful that new licenses need to be invented since the
titles have to do more with giftings than positions.
1. Pastors might begin acknowledging the role of apostles and
prophets in the local church, like they acknowledge the role of
evangelists and teachers.
2. More dialogue could encourage us to give one another a little more
room to use the biblical terms of apostle and prophet. For
example, we should be unafraid to call a missionary or church
planter who has actually established multiple works an apostle.
3. Our Bible schools might consider exploring this topic more
4. Articles and seminars discussing ethical boundaries and biblical
parameters of the 5-fold ministry would be in order.
5. Forums and round table discussions on this topic would help
change our ministry environment.
6. Scholarly papers with more extensive definitions and suggested
accountability constructs would be helpful.
7. More research and dialogue could also be done in regards to the
offices of bishop, elder and deacon and how they mesh with the 5-
fold ministry.
Suggested Resources
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