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Sample Lesson Plan With Annotation For COT Indicators

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur
Tagudin, Ilocos Sur


MELC: EN10V-IIIb13.9. Give expanded definition of words
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as instruments to
resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of research, campaigns and advocacies
B. Performance Standard The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature

I. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCY EN10V-IIIb13.9. Give expanded definition of words

A. Learning Competencies/ Specific/Objectives: Enumerate the first five techniques in writing expanded definitions
Write the LC Code for each Identify the techniques used in writing expanded definitions
B. Most Essential Competency/ies Across the Curriculum HGK.PS-IV.f.1.- Offer suggestions to solve or address issues affecting the community
A7PR.Ih.4.Shows the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) arts and crafts to Philippine culture, tradition,
and history (Islamic influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in education, business, modernization, and
entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social practices


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages n/a
2. Learner’s Materials Pages Self-Learning Kit in English 10, #1, Fourth Quarter
3. Textbook Pages n/a

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) n/a

B. Other Learning Resources n/a

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C. Materials/ Visual Aids Lesson Plan, PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Tarpapel, Printed Copies, Audio Background


A. Reviewing Classroom Preparation
Previous Good morning class! How are you today? We are fine, ma’am!
Presenting That’s good. Before we proceed to our Prayer Recital
New Lesson lesson, let us have first a short prayer. Who
will be leading the prayer today?

Please take your seat. Miss Secretary (name Good morning ma’am and classmates. Everybody is
of the secretary), please give a report on present today
today’s attendance.
COT Indicator #4
Establish safe and secure learning Congratulations everyone for having
environments to enhance learning complete attendance. Thank you very
through the consistent implementation much Ms. Secretary (name of the secretary)
of policies, guidelines and procedures for your report.

COT Indicator #8 Before we are going to start our lesson, let

Design, adapt and implement teaching us all be reminded of the following safety
strategies that are responsive to learners protocols. Please read silently.
with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Yes, ma’am!
COT Indicators 4 and 8 are observed with
the reminders of health and safety
protocols. The needs of learners who have
hearing problems and poor eyesight are
addressed since they are requested to stay
in the front seats so they can easily hear
the teacher and see the visuals as well.

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Additional reminders, for our learners who
cannot see visuals at a far distance or who
have hard time hearing, please occupy the
front seats.

Are the instructions clear?

Review of the Previous Lesson
Before we start with a new lesson, we have Definition, Define, Technical,
to review our previous discussion. Who Technical Definition, ma’am!
would like to share one word or two that
you can remember about our lesson last
COT Indicator #1 Very good! It’s good that you still
Apply knowledge of Content Areas remember our lesson. This time, for us to
Across the Curriculum: improve our vocabulary bank of technical
Content knowledge is applied across the words used in different fields of study, we
curriculum teaching areas since the will be having a short activity. Please read
learners will be familiarized with the the directions.
technical terms and meanings used in the Match the words to its technical meaning and to the
given fields of studies, as Computer field of study that it is used.
Technology, Mathematics, and Science.”

COT Indicator #8
Design, adapt and implement teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners
Let us start with #1. What does the word 1. Bug means unexpected problem with software
with disabilities, giftedness and talents
bug mean? And what field of study is its or hardware. This definition is applicable in the
The activity on the motivation of the lesson
given definition applicable? field of Computer Technology.
addresses needs of struggling learners
since the words are not only presented in
Very good. This is how a computer bug
looks like.

3 | Page- Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session
texts, but these are also accompanied with
pictures for faster comprehension.

Research Background:
The presence of illustrations of the words
to be defined can help learners be familiar
with the words and their meanings in a
specific context. Based on researches and
studies, as we increase the level of visual How about number 2? What is the meaning 2. Culture means to maintain (tissue cells, bacteria,
input, we also increase the likelihood that of the word “culture”? And what field of etc) in conditions for suitable growth. This
the information will be retrieved later. study is its given definition applicable? definition is applicable in the field of Science.
(Source: https://medium.com/@NewSpringAcademy
Very good. This is how the “culture” works
in the field of Science.

For the last item, what is the meaning of 3. Exponent is the number of times the number is
the word “exponent”? And what field of multiplied by itself. This definition is applicable in
study is its given definition applicable? the field of Mathematics.

Very good. This is an image of exponent in


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B. ` Very good learners! You are now indeed
COT Indicator 7: Apply a range of familiar with the meaning of some
successful strategies that maintain technical terms as well as the field of study
learning environments that motivate that these are used.
learners to work productively by
assuming responsibility for their own This time, you will be learning another
learning Most Essential Learning Competency.
Please read.
This lesson plan utilized range of varied
teaching strategies and assessment
forms as:
Strategy 1: Under review, learners are
tasked to do a Matching Type Activity.

Strategy 2: Under motivation, learners are

tasked to unlock the meaning of the works
through an activity presented in
Based on the MELC, what is the task that
Multimodal Texts.
you will need to do for this week?
Strategy 3: Learners are presented with the
You are right! What do you think will you Learn about expanded definition
MELC. In this manner, they are given on
learn from this MELC? What do you think
what they need to learn and achieve in the
are the tasks that you will do?
whole class. Hence, they can set goals for
their own learning.
Very good. Specifically, here are the tasks
you need to do today:
1. Define expanded definition;
2. Enumerate techniques in writing
expanded definition; and
3. Identify the technique used in
given definitions

Did you understand the tasks you need to Yes, ma’am.

accomplish today?

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Educational Philosophy: C. Presenting Before you will learn how to write expanded
Social reconstructionism is observed as Examples/ definitions, you have to be familiar first with
the given example is on Sexism. The Instances of the contents, structure and techniques in
learners are not only tasked to give the New writing expanded definition.
meaning of word Sexism, but also they Lesson
will be asked how to solve sexism. For you to have an idea of what is an
expanded definition, let us study the given
COT Indicator 7: Apply a range of examples.
successful strategies that maintain
learning environments that motivate Please read Example A: One learner will read Example A.
learners to work productively by
assuming responsibility for their own

This lesson plan utilized range of varied

teaching strategies and assessment
forms as:
Strategy 4: The reading text is presented in
a form of multimodal text (text with Thank you. Now, let us read Example B One learner will read Example B.
images) for learners to easily comprehend and try to compare and contrast this to
the concept being presented. Example A.

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Strategy 5: Learners are tasked to read the
text; hence reading skills are developed.

Strategy 6:

Did you understand Example A and

Example B?

Very good! To check if you understood

the concept of the term defined. Let us
take a short activity. Be guided with the
directions given for each slide.

Please read and answer #1. The word defined is Sexism.

Very good. We are defining Sexism. Now, Based on the Definition A, the word Sexism means
let us find the meaning of Sexism with the prejudice or discrimination based on sex or gender,
second activity. Please read and answer. especially against women and girls.

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Now, that you already know what Sexism Sexism can be solved if we learn to respect women’s
is. Let us try to answer this question: rights and if we believe in their strengths and

Since we already understood the meaning

and concept of Sexism, let us discuss the
structure of the two definitions of this
word by another activity.

Definition A is similar to the first statement in

Definition B.

Very good. Definition A and B both define

sexism as prejudice to women. Let us

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proceed with no. 5. Who would like to
read and answer?

Definition B has given more details and information

about Sexism.

Very good! Now, let us try to answer these

Definition B makes me understand the concept of
Sexism better because it gives more details and
information about the word.

Expanded definition is a definition composed of 2 or

more sentences that can make reader fully
understand the meaning of a word.

From this activity, what do you think is the

advantage of learning how to write Learning how to write expanded definition will help
expanded definition of words? us explain the meaning of words better.
Inclusive Education: D. Discussing Excellent! Again, you need to master how
Explicit vocabulary instruction is necessary New to write expanded definition so your
to improve students’ academic Concepts and readers can understand your point.
achievement in diverse classrooms where Practicing
many students are struggling readers New Skills Remember this formula in writing
expanded definition:

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whose word knowledge is especially

Based on the formula, what should you Ma’am, we should write first the term or the word or
write first in expanded definition? concept being defined.

After the term being defined, what should After the term defined, we should write the technical
you write next? definition.

For your readers to fully understand the We should write 3 – 5 definition statements using
term, what are you going to write after the various techniques.
technical definition?
Excellent! For you to be able to add more Learners will volunteer to read the dialogues of the
COT Indicator #8 definition statements, you can use characters given.
Design, adapt and implement teaching different techniques in writing expanded
strategies that are responsive to learners definition.
with disabilities, giftedness and talents
1. Learners with visual impairment, they Today, we shall start with the first few
can still grasp the key concepts of the techniques in writing definition. For you to
lesson since they are given the fully understand how these techniques
opportunity to listen through their work we shall be reading/ watching a
classmates’ voice overs. dialogue to be given voice overs by your
2. For learners with hearing impairment,
they can still grasp the key concepts Who would like to take the role or
of the lesson since the dialogues are narrator? Laurence? Vincent? Kyla? Erica
provided with cartoons/ visuals. and Nicole?

10 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

3. Allowing the learners to engage in a
role play, re: discussion of the lesson
help learners master the concept.
According to Dr. Harry K. Wong
asserts the view that "Whoever is
Very good! Please stand up voice artists. I
doing the work is doing the learning”.
will be flashing the dialogues one after the
This entails that when learners
other later.
actively involve with reading
materials, their other classmates and
Here are also the instructions for the
ideas, the retention of information
will be greater compared to plainly
1. Listen and watch the play/
asking the learners to read the
dialogue by your classmates.
2. Questions will be asked later so I
want you to watch, listen and take
down important details from the
dialogues of your classmates.

Did you understand?

Yes, ma’am.
Very good. Everyone, please listen. I will
play a short music, once it stopped, actors
you have to start reading the dialogues
and audience, watch and listen intently.
Play instrumental music to signal start The narrator reads the narration.
of a dialogue.

Slide 1. For Voice Over

11 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

Slide 2. For Voice Over

Slide 3. For Voice Over

Slide 4. For Voice Over

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Slide 5. For Voice Over

Slide 6. For Voice Over

Slide 7. For Voice Over

Slide 8. For Voice Over

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Slide 9. For Voice Over

Slide 10. For Voice Over

Play instrumental music to signal end of

a dialogue.
COT Indicator #5 Please take your seat gentlemen, and
Maintain learning environments that ladies. Thank you very much for your
promote fairness, respect and care to participation.
encourage learning.
True or False test enables a teacher to Now class, did you listen well to the Yes, ma’am.
cover a wide range of knowledge and this dialogue read by your classmates?
takes a little time to be answered. (Treser, Very good! Were you able to take down
2015, True or False Questions, Getting Them notes of the important information about
Right). The modification of the True or False the techniques in writing expanded Yes, ma’am!
activity can assure the teachers that definition?
learners are not just guessing, but they are Well, let us find out if you really listened Tell whether the statement is true or false. If it is false,
also thinking. This can also encourage and watched well through this short True change the underlined word to make it correct.
maximum participation as there are or False Activity. For the directions, please
learners who are afraid to recite because read.
they cannot answer in complete sentences.

14 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

Are we ready? Let us begin with item no. 1.


Very good. There are 5 techniques in

writing definition. Let us proceed to the
next item. Please read and answer

False. We also have purpose as a technique in

writing definition.

Correct. This is false because we still have

another technique which is not mentioned
and that is, Purpose.

For our next item. False – Etymology

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Correct. Defining a word using etymology
is to write the origin of the word or word


Very good. Defining a word using

historical reference is to write when, where
and who first use the word.

Let us take number 5.

False – Purpose

Very good. Let us have the last number.

False – comparison and contrast

16 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

Excellent! You have fully noted the
different techniques in writing expanded

E. Developing For you to fully master each technique, let Yes/ No, ma’am.
Inclusive Education: Mastery us try to study an expanded definition of
According to Jitendra, Edwards, Sacks & the word, “Thesaurus”. Are you familiar with
Jacobson (2004), it is important to teach this word?
words explicitly, and systematically,
because struggling readers and students For you to fully master each technique, let
with LD are less skilled than typical us try to study an expanded definition of
readers at gleaning word meanings from the word, “Thesaurus”
textbook contexts.
Which do you think among the two is a
As presented, the examples of the Thesaurus?
different techniques of expanded
definition discussed are identified or The word Thesaurus is a dictionary.
showed in the visual aid.

Educational Philosophy:
Mind-mapping is an activity that falls
under Constructivism. Learners are tasked
to construct meaning of Thesaurus based
on the presented details.

Very good. A Thesaurus is an example of a Learners will have a visual presentation of Thesaurus.
dictionary. Like this.

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This time, let us see study some techniques Learners will be reading the mind-map for two
used in writing definition of the word, minutes. Aside from the visual aid posted on the board;
“Thesaurus”. Please read the Mind-Map of the learners will be provided individual copies)
Thesaurus as posted for 2 minutes.

1. What word is defined in the given 1. The word defined is “Thesaurus”.
example? 2. Thesaurus is defined as a type of dictionary in
2. What is the standard definition of which words with similar meanings are arranged
thesaurus? in groups.
3. Which of the statement uses 3. It comes from the Greek word, “thesauros”
etymology? which means storehouse or treasure. –
4. And where did the word Thesaurus Etymology
come from? 4. The word Thesaurus come from Greek word
5. What is the meaning of this Greek “thesauros”
word? 5. The meaning of the Greek word, “thesauros” is
6. Which of the statement uses historical storehouse.

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7. Who first used the term “Thesaurus”? 6. The term “Thesaurus” was first introduced in
When was the term “thesaurus” 1852 when Dr. Peter Mark Roget in 1852 created
introduced? the Roget’s Thesaurus, the first English language
8. Which of the statement uses thesaurus. – Historical Reference
comparison and contrast? 7. Dr. Peter Mark Roget first used the word
9. Which of the materials mentioned has “Thesaurus” in 1852.
a similarity to thesaurus? How are they 8. The statement for comparison is “Like a
similar? dictionary, thesaurus is also helpful in improving
10. Which of the materials mentioned is one’s vocabulary because it provides the
different from a thesaurus? How are synonyms of words.” And for contrast, “It is not
they different? exactly like a dictionary because unlike the
11. Which of the statements uses dictionary, thesaurus does not contain the
purpose? spelling, meaning, parts of speech, and
12. What can a Thesaurus do? pronunciation of words.”
13. Which of the statement uses 9. It is compared to a dictionary. Their similarity is
description? they are both helpful in improving one’s
14. How does a Thesaurus look like, its vocabulary because it provides the synonyms of
components and parts? words.
10. Thesaurus is contrasted to a dictionary. Their
difference is that a Thesaurus does not contain
spelling, meaning and parts of speech of a
11. A thesaurus is also called us synonym reference
book. It is used to help a writer become more
precise in writing technical paper, and to be
more descriptive in writing a creative piece of
12. A thesaurus helps a writer to become more
precise in writing technical paper, and to be
more descriptive in writing a creative piece of
13. You can easily spot a thesaurus when you look
at the titles, because most thesaurus contain the
word “thesaurus” on its front cover. When you
open a thesaurus, you will see that there is a list

19 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

of words, arranged alphabetically; and beside
these words are their synonyms. There is also a
thesaurus that includes the antonym of words.
Depending on its contents, a thesaurus may be
printed as a big book, or small book that can be
carried anywhere. It has front cover, with words
and their synonyms arranged alphabetically.
(The answers in #13 will be spliced to give descriptions
of Thesaurus)
B. PUT ALTOGETHER The learners will put altogether the given definitions
COT Indicator #6 I will be grouping you into . What you are of Thesaurus and they will present in in class.
Maintain learning environments that going to do is to combine all the
nurture and inspire learners to information/ definition presented to come *Individual Activity
participate, cooperate, and collaborate up with an expanded definition of *Group Activity when health protocol permits
in continued learning “Thesaurus”.
Through group activities, learners will be
able to produce/ write an expanded After 2 minutes, please present your
definition of “Thesaurus” in paragraph outputs in front.
forms. *This is only applicable when health
protocol permits.
Educational Philosophy: F. Finding If you will be asked to write an expanded Student’s answers may vary.
Existentialism is observed here as the Practical definition of a certain word or term, which Some may choose Science and Technology,
learners have freedom to choose the field Application of the following fields of study are you Mathematics, Society, Arts and Music and Culture,
of study and terms they will want to of Concepts going to choose the term? Will you write etc.
define using expanded definition. and Skills in an expanded definition of term that come
Daily Living from the field _____? And why?
COT Indicator #1 1. Science and Technology
Apply knowledge of content within and 2. Mathematics
across curriculum teaching areas 3. Society, Arts, Music and
Integration of content areas across the Culture
curriculum is observed here as learners 4. Cookery (Baking, Food
will be writing terms from different field of Preparation, etc.)
studies. 5. Agriculture
6. Literature

20 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

7. Politics, Economy and
8. Sports
G. Making This time, I want you to give a hashtag of #expanded
generalizatio the concepts you best remember about #definition
ns and our lesson today. #technique
applications #etymology
COT Indicator #1 H. Evaluating Identify the words defined and the
Apply knowledge of content within and Learning techniques used in the given statements.
across curriculum teaching areas
Integration of content areas across the Pneumonia – History
curriculum is observed here as items in
the evaluation covers terms taken from
different subject areas.

Impasto – Description

Integers – Purpose

21 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

Ancestral Domain – Comparison and Contrast

Cake – Etymology

COT Indicator #9 Additional For your assignment, research for the

Adapt and use culturally appropriate activity needed information and write expanded
teaching strategies to address the definition of the words listed below. Be
needs of learners from indigenous creative in presenting your outputs. You
groups may include illustrations or pictures.
In consideration with the advanced 1. Canao
learners and learners who belong to the • Technical Definition (if not
indigenous groups, you may give a task available, dictionary or
where learners have to research for standard definition)
concept or terms reflecting the culture in • Etymology
their community (beliefs, traditions, • Comparison and Contrast
celebrations, etc). 2. Eid-al-Fitr
▪ Technical Definition (if not
available, dictionary or
standard definition)
▪ Historical Reference
▪ Purpose
3. Kankanen

22 | P a g e - Karrina June A. Panelo, MT1, English Department-Demo #1 Through LAC Session

▪ Technical Definition (if not
available dictionary or
standard definition)
▪ Comparison and Contrast
▪ Description
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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