Sample Lesson Plan With Annotation For COT Indicators
Sample Lesson Plan With Annotation For COT Indicators
Sample Lesson Plan With Annotation For COT Indicators
Department of Education
Region I
Division of Ilocos Sur
Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
A. Learning Competencies/ Specific/Objectives: Enumerate the first five techniques in writing expanded definitions
Write the LC Code for each Identify the techniques used in writing expanded definitions
B. Most Essential Competency/ies Across the Curriculum HGK.PS-IV.f.1.- Offer suggestions to solve or address issues affecting the community
A7PR.Ih.4.Shows the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) arts and crafts to Philippine culture, tradition,
and history (Islamic influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in education, business, modernization, and
entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and social practices
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C. Materials/ Visual Aids Lesson Plan, PowerPoint Presentation, Printed Tarpapel, Printed Copies, Audio Background
Please take your seat. Miss Secretary (name Good morning ma’am and classmates. Everybody is
of the secretary), please give a report on present today
today’s attendance.
COT Indicator #4
Establish safe and secure learning Congratulations everyone for having
environments to enhance learning complete attendance. Thank you very
through the consistent implementation much Ms. Secretary (name of the secretary)
of policies, guidelines and procedures for your report.
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Additional reminders, for our learners who
cannot see visuals at a far distance or who
have hard time hearing, please occupy the
front seats.
COT Indicator #8
Design, adapt and implement teaching
strategies that are responsive to learners
Let us start with #1. What does the word 1. Bug means unexpected problem with software
with disabilities, giftedness and talents
bug mean? And what field of study is its or hardware. This definition is applicable in the
The activity on the motivation of the lesson
given definition applicable? field of Computer Technology.
addresses needs of struggling learners
since the words are not only presented in
Very good. This is how a computer bug
looks like.
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texts, but these are also accompanied with
pictures for faster comprehension.
Research Background:
The presence of illustrations of the words
to be defined can help learners be familiar
with the words and their meanings in a
specific context. Based on researches and
studies, as we increase the level of visual How about number 2? What is the meaning 2. Culture means to maintain (tissue cells, bacteria,
input, we also increase the likelihood that of the word “culture”? And what field of etc) in conditions for suitable growth. This
the information will be retrieved later. study is its given definition applicable? definition is applicable in the field of Science.
Very good. This is how the “culture” works
in the field of Science.
For the last item, what is the meaning of 3. Exponent is the number of times the number is
the word “exponent”? And what field of multiplied by itself. This definition is applicable in
study is its given definition applicable? the field of Mathematics.
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B. ` Very good learners! You are now indeed
COT Indicator 7: Apply a range of familiar with the meaning of some
successful strategies that maintain technical terms as well as the field of study
learning environments that motivate that these are used.
learners to work productively by
assuming responsibility for their own This time, you will be learning another
learning Most Essential Learning Competency.
Please read.
This lesson plan utilized range of varied
teaching strategies and assessment
forms as:
Strategy 1: Under review, learners are
tasked to do a Matching Type Activity.
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Educational Philosophy: C. Presenting Before you will learn how to write expanded
Social reconstructionism is observed as Examples/ definitions, you have to be familiar first with
the given example is on Sexism. The Instances of the contents, structure and techniques in
learners are not only tasked to give the New writing expanded definition.
meaning of word Sexism, but also they Lesson
will be asked how to solve sexism. For you to have an idea of what is an
expanded definition, let us study the given
COT Indicator 7: Apply a range of examples.
successful strategies that maintain
learning environments that motivate Please read Example A: One learner will read Example A.
learners to work productively by
assuming responsibility for their own
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Strategy 5: Learners are tasked to read the
text; hence reading skills are developed.
Strategy 6:
Very good. We are defining Sexism. Now, Based on the Definition A, the word Sexism means
let us find the meaning of Sexism with the prejudice or discrimination based on sex or gender,
second activity. Please read and answer. especially against women and girls.
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Now, that you already know what Sexism Sexism can be solved if we learn to respect women’s
is. Let us try to answer this question: rights and if we believe in their strengths and
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proceed with no. 5. Who would like to
read and answer?
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whose word knowledge is especially
Based on the formula, what should you Ma’am, we should write first the term or the word or
write first in expanded definition? concept being defined.
After the term being defined, what should After the term defined, we should write the technical
you write next? definition.
For your readers to fully understand the We should write 3 – 5 definition statements using
term, what are you going to write after the various techniques.
technical definition?
Excellent! For you to be able to add more Learners will volunteer to read the dialogues of the
COT Indicator #8 definition statements, you can use characters given.
Design, adapt and implement teaching different techniques in writing expanded
strategies that are responsive to learners definition.
with disabilities, giftedness and talents
1. Learners with visual impairment, they Today, we shall start with the first few
can still grasp the key concepts of the techniques in writing definition. For you to
lesson since they are given the fully understand how these techniques
opportunity to listen through their work we shall be reading/ watching a
classmates’ voice overs. dialogue to be given voice overs by your
2. For learners with hearing impairment,
they can still grasp the key concepts Who would like to take the role or
of the lesson since the dialogues are narrator? Laurence? Vincent? Kyla? Erica
provided with cartoons/ visuals. and Nicole?
False – Purpose
E. Developing For you to fully master each technique, let Yes/ No, ma’am.
Inclusive Education: Mastery us try to study an expanded definition of
According to Jitendra, Edwards, Sacks & the word, “Thesaurus”. Are you familiar with
Jacobson (2004), it is important to teach this word?
words explicitly, and systematically,
because struggling readers and students For you to fully master each technique, let
with LD are less skilled than typical us try to study an expanded definition of
readers at gleaning word meanings from the word, “Thesaurus”
textbook contexts.
Which do you think among the two is a
As presented, the examples of the Thesaurus?
different techniques of expanded
definition discussed are identified or The word Thesaurus is a dictionary.
showed in the visual aid.
Educational Philosophy:
Mind-mapping is an activity that falls
under Constructivism. Learners are tasked
to construct meaning of Thesaurus based
on the presented details.
Very good. A Thesaurus is an example of a Learners will have a visual presentation of Thesaurus.
dictionary. Like this.
1. What word is defined in the given 1. The word defined is “Thesaurus”.
example? 2. Thesaurus is defined as a type of dictionary in
2. What is the standard definition of which words with similar meanings are arranged
thesaurus? in groups.
3. Which of the statement uses 3. It comes from the Greek word, “thesauros”
etymology? which means storehouse or treasure. –
4. And where did the word Thesaurus Etymology
come from? 4. The word Thesaurus come from Greek word
5. What is the meaning of this Greek “thesauros”
word? 5. The meaning of the Greek word, “thesauros” is
6. Which of the statement uses historical storehouse.
Impasto – Description
Integers – Purpose
Cake – Etymology