TC1200 Product Brochure
TC1200 Product Brochure
TC1200 Product Brochure
TC1200 was developed due to customer demand for something more than traditional coat-
ings like vermiculite, acrylic, & silicone. These technologies offer limited protection and
durability at temperature . TC1200 sets a new benchmark in high temperature perform-
ance, Add life, durability, and protection to your most demanding textile fiberglass applica-
tions. The color stays true to 1200F, so you can see TC1200 working hard for you!
Motorsports Military Hot Metal Fabrication
-Exhaust and Header wraps -Component shielding from -Trolley and skid blankets
temperature and debris
Industrial Processes
-Conveyor oven shields or doors.
-Insulation blanket reinforcement -Shields and splash protection