India's Largest Branded Network of Hotels: Strategic Case Study Analysis of OYO Rooms
India's Largest Branded Network of Hotels: Strategic Case Study Analysis of OYO Rooms
India's Largest Branded Network of Hotels: Strategic Case Study Analysis of OYO Rooms
For business executives who are frequent and looking for 3) Opportunities
technology and also looking for affordable Business will be on run as the affordable budget
accommodations yet cannot compromise on quality. travellers are large in India.
4) Positioning Of Oyo Rooms People use technology more these days which makes
The position of OYO is named as 'standardized budget hotels' OYO a evergreen.
which is shortly termed as aggregators. As said earlier it 4) Threats
targets business executives and frequent travellers. The Competitors are arising day by day.
characteristics are: Lacks customer loyalty.
a) Value for Money OYO rooms has a problem with the new entrants. The
OYO has positioned itself in a market where money is valued. number of competitors is increasing day by day as the
OYO provides all its best services under a budget value which revenue generated across this market is really high.
creates value to the company which in turn gives more and
more customers on a regular basis. D. Analysis 4: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
b) Brand Positioning Porter's five forces analysis is a model that tried to analyze
It is been positioned itself as a brand which gets to care about the level of competition within an market and business
its customers. development. It creates upon industrial organization (IO)
c) Oyo Money Concept economics to create five forces that looks for the competitive
Many offers or discounts have been given to the customers intensity and therefore attractiveness of a particular
on the regular basis. OYO uses the concept of 'OYO money' segmented industry.
where discounts gained are sent to the wallet and the This analysis is associated with its principal
customers can use that OYO money next time when they innovator Michael E. Porter of Harvard University.
check in. This give OYO an edge to have its customer as a Each and every porter’s forces is explained below.
life time customer. 1) Industry Rivalry
OYO room has a great challenge in makes its growth steady.
B. Analysis 2: Marketing Mix (4 P'S of Marketing)
As the company lacks in competitive advantage it may take
1) Product no time for any other company to enter the market and make
Maximum price of the OYO Rooms is Rs.4000 with all the a mark.
basic necessities including free Wi-Fi and breakfast, flat TVs, 2) Threat of New Entrants
spotless white bed linen of a certain thread count, branded OYO Rooms has a problem with the new entrants. The
toiletries, 6-inch shower heads, beverage tray. number of competitors is increasing day by day as the
2) Price revenue generated across this market is really high.
As OYO mainly concentrates on budget and affordable 3) Bargaining Power of Suppliers
customers the price of Rooms are starting just over from As the competitors are increasing this in turn makes the
Rs.1000 to Rs. 4000. This gives OYO a more positive growth. suppliers to increase simultaneously. It depends on the hotels
3) Promotion behaviour to collaborate with OYO or not which makes the
The other advantage of OYO is the well planned usage of Supplier to be stronger on their side
social media which keeps the name of the company floating 4) Bargaining Power of Buyers
in the positive manner. This promotion activity makes any Buyers/Customers have lot of options available and they are
company to reach several heights. not dependent on OYO. Hence OYO should show itself
4) Place unique for the customers to prefer OYO as the first choice.
OYO Rooms are available in 226 Indian cities which makes 5) Threat of Substitutes
people to find the availability with OYO easily. The Hotel or hospitality Industry in most of the major cities
C. Analysis 3: SWOT Analysis is not threatened by alternate or substitute products except
that in times of recession international or overseas travel
1) Strength
might be replacing domestic and certain destinations replace
Standardized: OYO Rooms promises to provide the more expensive ones on cost grounds. The substitute products
same amenities and the same awesome experience across retains the same function and reduce costs, and provides
all its rooms. higher quality performance with better product or service due
Affordable: OYO offers Rooms at prices that no other to technological development. In the “lower” strategic groups
player in the budget segment offers today. for, hostels, tourist traffic, motels and staying with known
Technology Driven: OYO uses technology to link all its people might replace cheaper hotels. This segment market is
functions and provide the customer a seamless awesome either low-income or cost-conscious, but in any case, it is
experience. quite price-sensitive.
Good use of Advertisement: Large social media
followers with 18million followers in Facebook and VIII. STAGE 2: PROBLEM STATEMENTS & SUGGESTIONS
8000 followers in twitter.
2) Weakness A. Problems Statements
The major drawback behind the firm is that it is restricted As OYO Rooms are the budget hotels, they aren't able to
only to budget hotels/lodges. attract elite or niche market.
In the process of expanding the business faster, the firm OYO is currently focussing on its expansion, thereby it
is losing its fame across the market. If this case is starts losing its credibility as some hotels are following
corrected the business can be improved better. the standards set by OYO.
New Entrants are coming up with the same model, In the current situation, OYO is having the problem with
there is no point of difference left as of now the usage rate as it is keep on decreasing and losing
Customers became more demanding which OYO aren't customer loyalty
able to fulfil (Case study with respect to couples booking We would like to work upon that in order to take the
has been illustrated in the following report as an corrective action against this bullwhip effect
example). In addition to it, we would like to target niche market via
As demand increases, number of hotels are sufficient having tie with elite hotels (OYO has a tie up Holiday In
enough to service the customers especially in Southern and provide services at the much lesser price than if we
part of India (Lonvala case discussion can be found in go and book the room on our own
the solution for reference).
B. New Positioning Strategy
B. Recommendations and Suggestions Which we propose is standardized hotels in budget which is
Now the company is matured enough that they can target different from Standardized Budget hotels
elite customers and can go ahead and sign up contracts 1) Point of difference in two positioning for the same
with elite hotels to target niche market. company is as below
Frequent audits and due diligence should take place in Standardized Standardized
order to determine whether the hotels are following the Budget Hotels Hotels In Budget
protocols or not in order to attain CLTV. Budget as well as
Positioning Budgets hotels
1) As suggested earlier, OYO should target Niche elite hotels can be
Difference are targeted
market and should have tie up with the consultants targeted
in order to gain customer traffic across different of Customer traffic Customer traffic
scale and this will be the new added competitive is good and all the would be more as
advantage and threat to new entrants. customers who people who are
2) OYO gives the facility to book rooms for unmarried Customer
are targeting the targeting budgets
couples however some hotels did not allow some Traffic
budgets hotels or elite hotel, both
customers in the past and now OYO started may utilize the can be captured in
publishing in the Guest Policies that customers services budgets
should double check with the hotel and the company Table 1: Point of difference in two positioning for the same
is no more responsible if the hotels doesn't allow the company is as below
customers. 2) OYO needs to approach these hotels like Hilton, Marriot
etc. and can have a word with them, present their proposal
and at least try to get the things done.
We are highly indebted to our parents and all our Faculties at
Great Lakes Institute of Management.
[1] Szwarc, Literature Review and Discussion on Customer
Loyalty and Consciousness, Eyup, 2012
[2] Rani, Pooja, and Neha Shrivastav. "Marketing in India."
International Journal of Research 1.7 (2014): 131- 134