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PSXX OMC0005im

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§ SNC. SCHNo._: PS33% - OMC0005 _ ——ooHmn™z=== Electronic Pressure Switch Operation Manual Product Name : Electronic Pressure Switch Model : ZSE1/ISE1(L) Series SMC CORPORATION ZSEWASEI(L) Electronic Pressure Switch Operation Manual ‘Thank you for purchasing SMC Electronic Pressure Switch Series ZSE1/ISE1(L). Read this operation manual to use this product properly. ‘2nd edition : March 1999 SMC CORPORATION ‘5025-19 < Before Operation > Observe the safety _A\ Warming: Caution and Danger Handling ‘Do not drop or hit the product, or apply excessive impact(980mvs* to the product. Even if switch case body is aot broken, internal parts may be broken, and malfunction could be the resalt * Tensile strength of lead is 49N (Skgf). Tension over this value will cause Iiluce. Hold the body for handling. + Do not put wire in pressure port. Pressure sensor will be damaged, and abnormal operation wll be the result Environment * Do not use this pressure switch in a location where water o ol splashes since this isan open type. “This pressure switch s not an explosion proof type.Do not use tis switch fn atomosphere containing explosive gases since explosion may occur. Wiring + Check wire color and terminal number before wiring since wrong wiring bil ead to breakage, fallre or malfunction ofthe switch. + Wiring hat applies repeated beading stress o tensile sess will esult in breakage of wie + Wire so that they willbe no insulating failure such as axing with other circuit, ground fault, insulating failure between terminal, tc Overcurrent in switch may break the switch. structions below since they are crucial for safety. Ne, PSx x —OMCOO0S Design and Selection —_ ~ + Use he product with proper power supply voltage, Voltage out ofthe specications wil ease hic or eect shock © + Do aot apply load more than maximum load capacity. It may result ia switch breakage or shore life anne + Do not aply load that generates surge voltage. Although circuit in output section har surge protection, peated applicaton may break swith, Whca dliecly operating surge generating load suchas clay and solenoid valve, tse surge absorption clement builtin ype, + When equipmenvapparatas(slectromagnetic type lifter, high frequency ction furnacs, motor, exists near pressor switch itteaal creat element may deteriorate or break, Take some measures fr surge soue® In adaition to avoid mixing wih other lines. + Observe setting pressure ange and operating pressure cange. Pressure out of spectieauons wil cause failure. Use over withstanding pressure ‘wil brea switch, + Corrosive and inflammable gases ot Duds are not applicable. Maintenance and Check * Check pressure switch regulacy fr normal operation since safety may tot be Secured due to unexpected malfunction or inmproper operation + When this product is used in interlock citeuit, multiplies interlock circu In preparation for failure, In tion check i regulary for normal + Separate Power soure in fom other powerlines. Control circuit with 2 PUPA Sitch may malfonction due to noise + Do not shertteult oad, Switch wl be broken inant due to overcuent Care must be taken at to replace the power soures line (rowan) Oy utp ines (black and white). 1. Specifications Ber BEE oH Model Fa vecomm For low press For high press. ‘Opening pressure range Dio -101 KPa Dro 100K Deol MPa ‘Wiad pressure woes TSM Fd Ti Non-conoaive wast Power apply voTage Tw ZavDC = 10%, Ripple(P-P)10% ola Current consuption T-OUTPOTT Tm ortesa{ @ Oupat ON) > 2-OUTPUT 25m or less ( @OuT ONT Response ie Sagar ess Repestabliy EIS FS orto Eacioare TP [Doering temp ange Operation: Ow aC, Siorage’ ~10v0 60 (No condearation o eezng) [opengl eo] ‘Operon Stone 3785 SRA (No condensation) = | Vieaion root 10 to 00Hz, smaller one of 1. Sam or 98m" double amplitude, wo hours each in dicection of X, ¥ and Z respectively a (Decnergiing) ipeat peat Seat ee ie cach a dreaion f KY, and Z apeavely ‘Teap.charceriie 5 WES. or en (Stndard 25 T) Witsand veliage TOOOVAG, mints (beween kad Dock and case) Insulation resance TOME or more (@ SOOVDCM) (Serween lead blckand cso) | Poraize DI RPS, MSXOS TH: NPTFI/S, MSX08 _00.( 2M cjector mowing WPS) | Mase (weg) Wg ac ead) | Output Specifications Model =m =e) =e =H Oupat [NPN open collec, 30V, SOA RE, | Hyswcss | RRR pTetiRG REF | Ses octn(Ficd) | 10 10 ofoeting pon ange( vane) Tesv = SaFS aoeceeel Na vipat impedance: approx. Ue Na Setiag Pot Tpit T Fpoinis paint a ‘aminate @ON ‘laminae GON Tiaainae @ON (Red) (OUTI Red OUT? Oren) ea) Seting ine Scum 200" 3m | 200" 3 ura 200° 2. Internal Circuit and Wiring Example ZSEUISEY ocrzte20 ‘ewich main ecu ‘2SEVISEIL) -OO- 16, ~ 17 4. Pressure Setting *Set ON pressure wih presure sting rns Pressure increase or high ‘vacuum setting in clockwise rotation. + Set hysteresis with hysteresis seting trimmer. Pressure increase in clockwise rotation. Seting s 1 to 10 ofthe seting pesrae range. + For setng, use small screw drive hat fits for the timer groove and turn i lighly. After contacting stoppers on both sides, do aot arn it anymore. If immer is broken, adjstmeat wll be impossible 9 2ASB1(L)-000 14,15.-18,.18,.55.« ZASe1a)-O0 16 37 ‘Sct OUTI (Black ead,Red LED with» Set OUTI (Black etd, Red LED) with sure sting inet. pressure setting trimmer 1.(SET1), jet it again when hysteresis seting - Set UTZ White lead, Green LED) ch main cut fs ‘ot 2SEYISEIQ) ~COD- 18, - 19 alll tala Brown 96+) «6° mom oct) Black OUT! 1 £ YT aovaona [+ | | ata Aoaiog ouput “7_DCHEE 2 Lo {oa} Ke fl Bue _pot-) ‘Switch main cet zseuiseu) ~OD- s5_ crazy Brown lead:Connect to DC power (+) terminal operat switch main circuit, Blue ead. Connect to power GND terminal. Black lead :Connect load (sequence controller inptt, relay, ete.) ‘White lead :For 2 ouput type (-16,-17), connect load( sequence controler input, relay, et). 19),connect load to detect analog, 3. Switch Mounting ‘Apply spanner to the attachment par ( metal ) of the switch when senting Do nappy pate ea pa la te ‘Switch. Switch tightening torque range it 7 to9 Nem (70 t090 kef-em ‘When tightening over this torque range, mounting screws, brackets and switch may be broken. Whea tightening below this torque range.witeh ‘may be loosened. After installation, repair of modification, apply air and clectricty for appropriate operation and leakage tests to check for correct mouating ‘wimmer is adjosted after ON pressure wit resure sting immer 2 soning. Gedy . Mystere sei Press stn Ercnwem tome A) geste i * a Bey \C D>, oC + Pressure Setting Procedures (-14, 15,18, -19, -85) © Tum iysteresis setting trimmer to the feft end wo make hysteresis minimum, ® Supply pressure to switch for setting, © While tuming pressure serting trimmer counterclockwise from that point where switch changes trom ON to OFF. While turning pressure setting trimmer counterclockwise from that point, find 2 point where switch tums ON. @ Exhaust pressure from switch to check it tums OFF. © switch tums ON and OFF stably by changing supply pressure to switch, Setting is completed © tf switch does aot tam ON and OFF stably, tum pressare setting trimmer ‘counterclockwise and change pressures (a check for sable turning ON and OFF of the switch, @ Ut switch chattering occurs during pressurizing, set pressure again by ‘uming hysteresis trimmer clockise to make hysteresis larger. 3 For -16 oF -17 ype, perform ® to @ with SETI and SET2.

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