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Circuit Note: High Current Driver For The AD2S1210 Resolver-to-Digital Reference Signal Output

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Circuit Note

Devices Connected/Referenced
Circuits from the Lab™ reference circuits are engineered and
Variable Resolution, 10-Bit to 16-Bit R/D
tested for quick and easy system integration to help solve today’s AD2S1210
Converter with Reference Oscillator
analog, mixed-signal, and RF design challenges. For more
information and/or support, visit www.analog.com/CN0192. Dual, Low Noise, Precision, 16 V CMOS
Rail-to-Rail Output Op Amp

High Current Driver for the AD2S1210 Resolver-to-Digital Reference Signal Output
EVALUATION AND DESIGN SUPPORT harsh operating environments, the AD2S1210 (C and D grade)
Circuit Evaluation Boards are specified over the extended industrial temperature range of
AD2S1210 Evaluation Board (EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ) −40°C to +125°C.
Converter Evaluation and Development Board The high current driver shown in Figure 1 amplifies and level
(EVAL-CED1Z) shifts the AD2S1210 reference oscillator output so that the
Design and Integration Files interface to the resolver is optimized. The driver is a composite
Schematics, Layout Files, Bill of Materials amplifier, which utilizes the dual, low noise, precision AD8662
op amp and a discrete complementary emitter follower output
stage. A similar driver stage is used for the complementary
Resolver-to-digital converters (RDCs) are widely used in excitation output so that a fully differential signal is available to
automotive and industrial applications to provide motor shaft drive the resolver primary winding. The AD8662 is available in
position/velocity feedback. a narrow 8-lead SOIC package and an 8-lead MSOP; both are
The AD2S1210 is a complete 10-bit to 16-bit resolution tracking specified over the extended industrial temperature range of
RDC, which includes an on-chip programmable sine wave −40°C to +125°C.
oscillator that provides the excitation for resolvers. Because of


3.6V p-p R2 2.2kΩ
+5V 15.4kΩ
VCM(OUT) = +5.7V

EXC +12V 5.54V p-p

4.7Ω +5.7V
R1 D1
VCM(1) = +2.5V 10kΩ

VCM(2) = +3.75V
R3 R4
22kΩ 10kΩ 3.3Ω

3.6V p-p Q2

D1, D2: TS4148RY

Figure 1. High Current Buffer for the AD2S1210 RDC Reference Signal Output (Simplified Schematic: All Connections and Decoupling Not Shown)

Rev. 0
Circuits from the Lab™ circuits from Analog Devices have been designed and built by Analog Devices
engineers. Standard engineering practices have been employed in the design and construction of
each circuit, and their function and performance have been tested and verified in a lab environment at
room temperature. However, you are solely responsible for testing the circuit and determining its
suitability and applicability for your use and application. Accordingly, in no event shall Analog Devices
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whatsoever connected to the use of any Circuits from the Lab circuits. (Continued on last page) Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
CN-0192 Circuit Note

RDCs are used with rotary sensors in order to detect position At 16-bit resolution, the position output has accuracy error
and rotation speed of a shaft of a motor. In these applications, a specification of ±5.3 arc min maximum.
resolver is excited with the sine wave reference signal. The
resolver excitation reference signal present on the primary
winding is transformed into two sinusoidal, differential output The AD2S1210 operates on the 5 V supply, and the output
signals: the sine and cosine. Amplitudes of the sine and cosine buffer circuit requires a 12 V supply in order to provide the
signals depend on the actual resolver position, transformation required differential signal amplitude to the resolver.
ratio of the resolver, and the excitation signal amplitude. Figure 1 shows the schematic for the AD2S1210, AD8662 and
The RDC simultaneously samples both input signals in order to associated circuitry which includes a push-pull output stage.
provide digitized data to the digital engine, known as Type II The push-pull output stage is able to deliver the required power
tracking loop. The Type II tracking loop is responsible for the to a resolver. One advantage of this circuit is that there is only a
position and velocity calculations. A typical application circuit small amount of quiescent current required in the output
is shown in Figure 2. transistors when there is no signal present.
S2 R2 The excitation output of the AD2S1210 typically delivers a 3.6 V
p-p sinusoidal signal on the EXC and EXC outputs. This results
in a 7.2 V p-p differential signal.
5V S4 S3 S1 R1
The typical transformation ratio of an automotive resolver is
4.7µF 10nF CIRCUIT CIRCUIT 0.286. Therefore, if a unity-gain buffer is used in conjunction
with the AD2S1210, the amplitude of the resolver outputs will
be approximately 2 V p-p differential. Such a signal has
10nF 10µF 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37
insufficient amplitude to meet the AD2S1210 input amplitude






1 36 specification. Ideally, the sine and cosine inputs should have

2 35 amplitude of 3.15 V p-p differential; hence, the buffer stage
3 34
should provide a gain of approximately 1.5.
4 33

10nF 4.7µF 5 DGND 32 The gain of the excitation buffer shown in Figure 1 is set by
6 DVDD AD2S1210 31 resistors R1 and R2. During the circuit tests, the R1 and R2
7 CLKIN 30
resistors had a value of 10 kΩ and 15.4 kΩ, respectively,
corresponding to a gain of 1.54.
9 28

10 27 Resistors R3 and R4 set the common-mode voltage of the

amplifier to VCM(2) = +3.75 V. The common-mode voltage of

11 26

12 25
the excitation outputs is VCM(1) = +2.5 V (mid-supply). This
20pF 20pF 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
translates into the buffer output common-mode voltage of
VDRIVE approximately VCM(OUT) = +5.7 V (approximately one-half
10nF 4.7µF the +12 V supply).

The 2.2 kΩ resistors supply the bias current for the diodes D1,
Figure 2. AD2S1210 RDC Typical Application Circuit D2 at the input of the push-pull circuit and establish the
quiescent current in this leg. The voltages across D1 and Q1
Due to resolver input signal requirements, the excitation buffer
(VBE) should match, as should D2 and T2 (VBE). The voltages
must provide a single-ended current of up to 200 mA. The
across 3.3 Ω resistor and 4.7 Ω resistor should also match.
buffer circuit shown in Figure 1 also provides gain to the
AD2S1210 excitation output signal, as well as current drive The AD8662 op amp was chosen to meet driver requirements
capability. This circuit note describes the performance for the push-pull output stage. Because resolvers and RDC
requirements and the recommended excitation buffer topology. converters are often used in harsh environments, extended
temperature range parts (−40oC to +125oC) are usually
A typical resolver has an input resistance in range of 100 Ω to
required. The op amp should offer bandwidth greater than 2
200 Ω, and the primary coil should be excited with 7 V rms.
MHz, with the input offset specification less than 1 mV. Care
The converter accepts input signals in range of 3.15 V p-p should be taken to not introduce distortion to the signal near 0
±27%. The frequency range of the AD2S1210 is specified from V differential because this distortion may not be filtered out by
2 kHz to 20 kHz. A Type II tracking loop is employed to track the resolver itself. This is ensured by setting the bias of the
the inputs and convert the input sine and cosine information output transistors so that at the zero crossing there is sufficient
into a digital representation of the input angle and velocity. The current to maintain linearity.
maximum tracking rate of the device is specified at 3,125 rps.

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Circuit Note CN-0192
Because the selected topology can operate on a single supply,
the op amp selected for the buffer should also be able to operate 6000
with the single supply rail. The AD8662 operates on a single
supply of +5 V to +16 V and has rail-to-rail outputs, making it 5000
an ideal choice.


Capacitor C1 in parallel with resistor R2 forms a low pass filter 4000
to filter out any noise that may exist on the EXC and EXC
outputs. Care should be taken when selecting the cutoff

frequency of this filter to ensure that phase shift of the carrier

caused by the filter does not exceed the phase lock range of the
AD2S1210. It should be noted that the C1 capacitor is not
obligatory because the resolver can filter out high frequency
components from the AD2S1210 excitation output.

It should be noted that during the circuit verification process 12742 12743 12744 12745 12746
the outputs of the resolver were directly connected to the
Figure 4. 16-Bit Angular Accuracy Histogram of Codes, 70° Angle,
AD2S1210 inputs. Often in customer applications, additional 10,000 Samples
scaling resistors and/or passive RC filters are used. Additional
passive components in front of the AD2S1210 device are
acceptable; however, care should be taken to not exceed the
maximum phase lock range of the AD2S1210 as specified in 6000
the data sheet. External passive components may result in
amplitude mismatch error between the channels, which is 5000
directly translated into position error. For this reason it is

recommended that at least 1% tolerance resistors and 5% 4000

tolerance capacitors be used in the signal path.
Figure 3 shows 12-bit angular accuracy histogram of codes
captured at a 70° angle. A 16-bit angular accuracy histogram of
codes is presented in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the velocity
output histogram of codes at the rotation rate of 100 rps at
16-bit resolution setting.

26210 26211 26212 26213 26214
Figure 5. 16-Bit Velocity Output Histogram of Codes,100 rps, 10,000 Samples


As can be seen, evaluation results of the AD2S1210 device used

in conjunction with presented excitation buffer circuitry
achieve analog accuracy and velocity accuracy specified in the
product data sheet.
2000 Values of the components surrounding the AD2S1210 and
AD8662 can be modified to meet specific requirements of the
0 application and sensor. For example, by modifying resistor

795 796 797 798 799 values, the user may scale bias voltage, amplitude, and
maximum drive capability on the output of the buffer circuitry.
Figure 3. 12-Bit Angular Accuracy Histogram of Codes, 70° Angle,
10,000 Samples

Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 4
CN-0192 Circuit Note


The buffer circuitry in Figure 1 can be used without any
CN0192 Design Support Package:
modifications with other ADI resolver-to-digital converters,
such as the AD2S1200 and AD2S1205. In order to change the
output amplitude, drive capability, and offset voltage, the user Zumbahlen, Hank. Linear Circuit Design Handbook,
should adjust passive components appropriately. Chapters 3 and 6

If additional op amps are required in the system, the AD8664 is Thomas, Mark. Dynamic Characteristics of Tracking Converters,
a quad version of the AD8662, and the AD8661 is a single Application Note AN-264, Analog Devices
version. Gasking, John. Resolver-to-Digital Conversion, Application Note

The EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ evaluation board is developed to Shi-halung Fu, Dennis. Digital Resolver Integration, Application
evaluate and test the AD2S1210 device with the circuitry Note AN-234, Analog Devices
described in this circuit note. A detailed schematic, bill MT-030 Tutorial, Resolver-to-Digital Converters, Analog
of materials, and user instructions are available in the Devices
EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ Evaluation Board User Guide. Data Sheets and Evaluation Boards
Equipment Needed AD2S1210 Data Sheet
In order to test and evaluate described circuitry the
AD8662 Data Sheet
EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ evaluation control board, the
EVAL-CED1Z evaluation controller board, a resolver, and PC EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ Evaluation Board User Guide
(Windows™ 2000™ or Windows™ XP™) with USB interface are EVAL-AD2S1210 Evaluation Board Software
required. In some cases the resolver can be replaced by resolver
EVAL-CED1Z Converter Evaluation and Development
synchro standard, which is used to simulate function of the real
sensor. A suitable resolver simulator is the North Atlantic
Model 5300. EVAL-CED1Z Technical Documentation
Getting Starting
The software installation procedure for the EVAL-AD2S1210 REVISION HISTORY
board and the EVAL-CED1Z board is described in the 3/11—Revision 0: Initial Version
EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ Evaluation Board User Guide. Details
of the operation of the EVAL-CED1Z board can be found in
EVAL-CED1Z Converter Evaluation and Development
Platform and EVAL-CED1Z Technical Documentation.
Setup and Test
Details regarding the testing of the AD2S1210 can be found in
the EVAL-AD2S1210EDZ Evaluation Board User Guide.

(Continued from first page) Circuits from the Lab circuits are intended only for use with Analog Devices products and are the intellectual property of Analog Devices or its licensors. While you
may use the Circuits from the Lab circuits in the design of your product, no other license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other intellectual property by
application or use of the Circuits from the Lab circuits. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, "Circuits from the Lab" are supplied "as is"
and without warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability, noninfringement or fitness for a particular
purpose and no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for their use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from their use. Analog Devices
reserves the right to change any Circuits from the Lab circuits at any time without notice but is under no obligation to do so.

©2011 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and

registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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