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Accomplishment Report

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S.Y. 2021-2022
I. Introduction
The “It’s Sci-O’Clock: SCIgaw Kalikasan Time” was conducted and
participated by the UIS teachers, SSG officers, parents and learners from
Grade 7-12 of Uguis Integrated School which envisions to call all schools to
take their actions in helping save the earth and making the school safe and
conducive place for learning. The participants took an active part in protecting
the environment by improving school gardens, planting of ornamental and
vegetables, clean up-drive and ecological solid waste management in the
school’s compost pit (recycling and segregation of wastes).
The first activity is a clean-up drive, this will maintain the cleanliness and
green surrounding of Uguis Integrated School in which it brings good and
positive thoughts in the mind of the learners which slows down the
occurrence of diseases. With this act, the learners will be able to realize the
importance of keeping the surroundings clean because it is the key to
existence and survival of life on planet earth. Second, is the ecological solid
waste management school’s compost pit (recycling and segregation of
wastes). Proper segregation and recycling reduce the amount of waste and
lessen pollution of air and water because wastes are being separated and
treated separately. Third activity is the restoration of school gardens and
planting of ornamental plants and vegetables like okra, malunggay, kalabasa
etc. This will reconnect the learners with the natural world and the true source
of their food, and this will also teach them the valuable of gardening and
planting concepts and skills that related to several subjects such as science,
health, physical education and also social studies as well as several
educational goals that includes personal and social responsibility.
It’s not yet too late, if we will help each other and be united as one, our
future will be secured and it will take us many more years to stay living in this
better nature. Our micro efforts will have a macro effect to help save our
home, our planet.



We used to have greenish surroundings, clear and clean water and fresh air to
breath. As we all know, we are facing environmental issues right now such as global
warming, melting ice caps and sea level rise, destructions of forests, pollution etc. May
it be from air, water or land. The main cause of these problems are the wastes that are
improperly thrown.

Each grade levels have their designated areas in cleaning the school’s
environment. This will maintain the cleanliness and green surrounding of Uguis
Integrated School and raise awareness to restore the environmental friendly place we
used to live in. This will also serve as an inspiration in other schools and communities to
come up with environmental activities that will help in protecting and conserving the

Clean-Up Drive aims to raise environmental awareness in the school campus.
Below are the lists of the objectives of the activity:

 To promote waste reduction and create public awareness on environmental

 To help reduce the greenhouse gases and fight climate change; improving the
quality of the natural environment.
 To improve outdoor recreational activities of the school’s community.
 To set one’s mind on the well-being of people and the future generation.

Since the activity is a school-based, the learners, parents, and teachers of Uguis
Integrated School are the main beneficiaries.



Plants are essential resource. We rely on them for food, water, medicine, the air
we breathe, habitat and many more. Planting vegetables is a great way to teach
ecological literacy and respect for the Earth, along with important food production skills.
It encourages students to eat healthier as vegetables are good source of nutrients like
vitamins and minerals. In the other hand, ornamental plants do not just improve the
aesthetic appeal of the environment, but they also act as wind barriers providing great
quality of space. The presence of flowery and greenery at any point has always been
very calming to the human presence. The divine beauty of nature is that it silently
strokes out any anxiety or uncomfortable feeling and instills a sense of peace which in
turn promotes productivity.

Each grade levels must restore and improve their gardens every week. The
learners are assigned to water and take good care of their plants whenever they come
to the school before having their limited face to face class. This will maintain the
gardens around the school’s vicinity and their plants will be able to grow, multiply and
have something to harvest.

Below are the lists of the objectives of the activity:

 To provide hands-on learning by restoring school gardens of each grade levels.

 To plant vegetables and ornamental plants within the school’s community.
 To awaken the learner’s consciousness the realization of how essential plants a
 To encourage learners, teachers and parents to cooperate and shares
reproduction of ornamental plants and vegetables in the school gardens.

Since the activity is a school-based, the learners, parents, and teachers of Uguis
Integrated School are the main beneficiaries.


Plastics is incredibly useful in modern life. But the production and disposal of
plastics generates greenhouse gases and hazardous waste. Plastics and the chemicals
it emits are building up on land and bodies of water that can pollute ecosystems
resulting harm to living organisms on Earth.

Waste segregation is important as it saves the environment from the toxic effects of
inorganic and biodegradable element present in waste. Waste materials such as plastic,
glass and paper can be segregated into different columns in order to process them to
make new products which will save the natural resources.

The learners of the different grade levels must segregate their wastes according to
its type (biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable) in their trash bins before
putting it into the school’s compost pit. The biodegradable wastes like papers, leaves,
food wastes etc. will retain in the school compost pit. The recyclable materials such as
plastics bottles can be transformed into new material such as plant pots and the non-
biodegradable wastes like plastic cups and wrappers will be moved into the Barangay
Uguis dumpsite.

Below are the lists of the objectives of the activity:

 To strengthen the values of responsible stewardship, serviced, commitment,

simplicity, gratitude, cleanliness and orderliness.
 To provide models where good segregation and recycling practices can be
 To develop habits and practices in school where segregation and recycling of
wastes can be intensified.
 To elicit learners their committed participation in the school activities

Since the activity is a school-based, the learners, parents, and teachers of Uguis
Integrated School are the main beneficiaries.


 Students and parents of Uguis Integrated School
They are the main participants involved in the different school activities and
projects. They are the helping hand in providing vegetable seedlings and
maintaining the school clean and beautiful.

 Supreme Student Government (SSG) Officers

They are the main partner in all the Scigaw Kalikasan activities that promotes
environmental protection and conservation.


Projects Impact/Accomplishments Future Plans

Clean-Up Drive  Cutting of long grown  Putting of signage

grass around the school like “No Littering”
campus. around the school’s
 Proper waste disposal vicinity.
 Clean and orderly
environment that makes  Maintain the school
Uguis Integrated School Clean and Green
a conducive programs.
environment for
 Active
of the students and
parents of Uguis
Integrated School that
helps in the cleanliness
and orderliness of the
school environment.

Planting of  Restoration and making  The learners of

Vegetables and of school gardens per each grade levels
ornamental plants grade level. must maintain and
(Restoration of  Planting of vegetable continue to beautify
School Gardens)
varieties like okra, their school gardens
talong, sitaw, ampalaya, through the
gabi and kalabasa in the guidance of their
school gardens and adviser.
malunggay tree around
the school vicinity.  Continue planting
 Active varieties of
participation/involvement vegetables in the
of the students and school gardens.
parents of Uguis
Integrated School that
makes the environment  Expansion of
flowery and greenery. vegetable gardens
and making of new
science medicinal

Ecological Solid  Proper waste  The science

Waste Management segregation/recycling. teachers must
 Active conduct a short
participation/involvement lecture in their class
of the students and period about the
parents of Uguis proper waste
Integrated School that segregation in the
makes the school eco- beginning of school
friendly. year.

 With the help of the

TLE teachers in
their handicraft
subject, the
students must come
up with new
products that are
came from
recyclable materials
to reduce school



JHS Science Teacher School Principal I

SHS Science Teacher

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