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Energetics Answers

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2. A

3. C

4. (a) amount of energy required to break bonds of reactants

–1 –1
3 × 413 + 358 + 464 + 1.5 × 498 (kJ mol ) / 2808 (kJ mol );
amount of energy released during bond formation of products
–1 –1
4 × 464 + 2 × 746 (kJ mol ) / 3348 (kJ mol );
∆H = –540 (kJ mol ); 3
Award [3] for correct final answer.
Award [2] for (+)540.
If old Data Booklet is used accept answer: –535 (kJ mol ) or
award [2] for (+)535.

(b) (i) m(methanol) = (80.557 – 80.034) = 0.523 (g);

 0.523 g 
 
 32.05 g mol 1 
n(methanol) =   = 0.0163 (mol); 2
Award [2] for correct final answer.

(ii) ∆T = (26.4 – 21.5) = 4.9 (K);

q = (mc∆T =) 20.000 × 4.18 × 4.9 (J) / 20.000 × 4.18 × 4.9 × 10 (kJ);
0.41 (kJ); 3
Award [3] for correct final answer.

0.41 (kJ)

∆Hc = 0.0163 (mol) / –25153 (J mol–1);
= –25 (kJ mol ); 2
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Award [1] for (+)25 (kJ mol ).

(c) (i) bond enthalpies are average values/differ (slightly) from

one compound to another (depending on the neighbouring
atoms) / methanol is liquid not gas in the reaction; 1

IB Questionbank Chemistry 1
(ii) not all heat produced transferred to water / heat lost to
surroundings/environment / OWTTE / incomplete combustion
(of methanol) / water forms as H2O(l) instead of H2O(g) ; 1
Do not allow just “heat lost”.

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. D

9. D

10. C

11. (a) (i) amount = 159.61 = 0.0250 (mol); 1

IB Questionbank Chemistry 2
(ii) 26.1 (°C);
Accept answers between 26.0 and 26.2 (°C).
temperature rise = 26.1 – 19.1 = 7.0 (°C); 2
Accept answers between 6.9 °C and (7.1 °C).
Award [2] for the correct final answer.
No ECF if both initial and final temperatures incorrect.

(iii) heat change = 1000 × 4.18 × 7.0 / 50.0 × 4.18 × 7.0;
Accept 53.99 instead of 50.0 for mass.
= 1.5 (kJ); 2
Allow 1.6 (kJ) if mass of 53.99 is used.
Ignore sign.

 –1
(iv) ∆H1 = 0.0250 = –60 (kJ mol ); 1
Value must be negative to award mark.
Accept answers in range –58.0 to –60.0.
Allow –63 (kJ mol ) if 53.99 g is used in (iii).

(b) (i) (amount of CuSO4•5H2O = 249.71 =) 0.0250 (mol);
(amount of H2O in 0.0250 mol of CuSO4•5H2O
= 5 × 0.0250 =) 0.125 (mol). 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 3
(ii) (50.0 × 4.18 × 1.10 =) 230 (J);
 229.9 
  
 (1000  0.0250  + 9.20 (kJ); 2
Accept mass of 47.75 or 53.99 instead of 50.00 giving answers
of +8.78 or +9.9.
Do not penalize missing + sign but penalize – sign unless charge
already penalized in (a) (iv).

(iii) (∆Hx = ∆H1 – ∆H2 = –58.4 – (+9.20) =) –67.6 (kJ mol ); 1

[78.0  (67.6)]
(c) (i)  78.0 × 100 = 13.3 %; 1
If 70.0 kJ mol is used accept 10.3 %.

(ii) the anhydrous copper(II) sulfate had already absorbed

some water from the air / OWTTE;
the value would be less exothermic/less negative than
expected as the temperature increase would be lower /
less heat will be evolved when the anhydrous salt is
dissolved in water / OWTTE; 2
Do not accept less without a reason.

12. (i) nickel / platinum / palladium;

150–200 °C / heat; 2
Accept temperatures in this range.
Accept room temperature as an answer if platinum or palladium used.

(ii) the enthalpy change when (one mole of) the gaseous bond is
broken (or formed) / X–Y(g) → X(g) + Y(g) / X(g) + Y(g) → X–Y(g);
averaged for the same bond in a number of similar compounds / OWTTE; 2

(iii) energy in: C=C + H–H and energy out: C–C + 2C–H;
Accept energy in C–C + 6C–H + C=C + H–H and energy
out 2C–C + 8C–H.
∆H = (612 + 436) – (347 + 826) = 1048 – 1173 / –125 (kJ mol ); 2
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Award [1] for +125.
If old Data Booklet values then allow: ∆H = 1048 – 1172
= –124 (kJ mol )

IB Questionbank Chemistry 4
(iv) due to the relative strength of the C–C and 2C–H bonds
compared to the C=C and H–H bonds / bonds in products
stronger than bonds in reactants; 1

13. A

14. A

15. D

16. D

17. the reaction gives out (Gibbs Free) energy that can do work;
∆G for the reaction has a negative value;
a reaction that occurs without adding energy (beyond that required to
overcome energy barrier); 1 max

18. (i) by definition ∆Hh of elements (in their standard states) is zero / no
reaction involved / OWTTE; 1

(ii) ∆H = –104 – (+20.4);

= –124.4 (kJ mol ); 2
Award [1 max] for 124.4 (kJ mol ).
Award [2] for correct final answer.

(iii) ∆S = 270 – (267 + 131);

= –128 (J K mol ); 2
–1 –1
Award [1 max] for +128 (J K mol ).
Award [2] for correct final answer.

IB Questionbank Chemistry 5
( 128  298)
(iv) ∆G = ∆H – T∆S = –124.4 – 1000 ;
= –86.3 kJ mol ; 2
Units needed for the mark.
Award [2] for correct final answer.
Allow ECF if only one error in first marking point.

(v) ∆G = ∆H – T∆S = 0 / ∆H = T∆S;

 124.4
T =  128 / 1000 = 972 K / 699 °C; 2
Only penalize incorrect units for T and inconsistent ΔS value
once in (iv) and (v).

19. B

20. D

21. (i) 100 × 4.18 × 35.0;

14630 J / 14600 J / 14.6 kJ;
Award [2] for correct final answer.
No ECF here if incorrect mass used. 2

(ii) 46.08 = 0.0386 mol;
0.0386 = (–)378 kJ mol–1;
Accept (–)377 and (–)379 kJ mol .
Award [2] for correct final answer. 2

(iii) heat loss;

incomplete combustion;
heat absorbed by calorimeter not included;
Accept other sensible suggestions. 2 max

IB Questionbank Chemistry 6
22. C

23. A

24. C

25. B

26. C

27. C

28. (a) N2H4(g) + 2F2(g) → N2(g) + 4HF(g)

Award [1] for reactants and products.
Award [1] if this equation is correctly balanced.
Ignore state symbols. 2

(b) Hydrazine:

  N
N 
Accept lines, dots and crosses to show electron pairs.
Penalize missing lone pairs once only. 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 7
(c) ΣBE (bonds broken) = (4 × 391) + 158 + 2(158) / 2038(kJ);
ΣBE (bonds formed) = (945) + 4(568) / 3217 (kJ);
∆H = 2038 – 3217 = –1179 (kJ);
Award [3] for correct final answer.
Award [2] for (+)1179 (kJ). 3

(d) (N2H4 / F2) better rocket fuel;

ECF: answer must be consistent with equation in (a) and ∆H in (c).
5 vol/mol (g) > 3 vol/mol (g) / more moles/greater amount of gas produced;
∆H (N2H4 / F2) > ∆H (N2H4 / O2) (per mole) / (N2H4 / F2) reaction more
exothermic; 2 max

29. A

30. B

31. A

32. B

33. A

34. B

IB Questionbank Chemistry 8
35. (a) all heat is transferred to water/copper sulfate solution / no heat loss;
specific heat capacity of zinc is zero/negligible / no heat is
absorbed by the zinc;
density of water/solution = 1.0 / density of solution = density of water;
heat capacity of cup is zero / no heat is absorbed by the cup;
specific heat capacity of solution = specific heat capacity of water;
temperature uniform throughout solution;
Award [1] each for any two.
Accept energy instead of heat. 2 max

(b) (i) Tfinal = 73.0 (°C);

Allow in the range 72 to 74 (°C).
∆T = 48.2 (°C);
Allow in the range 47 to 49 (°C).
Award [2] for correct final answer
Allow ECF if Tfinal or Tinitial correct. 2

(ii) temperature decreases at uniform rate (when above room

temperature) / OWTTE; 1

(iii) 10.1 (kJ);

Allow in the range 9.9 to 10.2 (kJ). 1

 1.00  50.0 
 n Zn  n CuSO 4  
(c)  1000  = 0.0500(mol); 1

(d) –201(kJ mol );
Allow in the range –197 to –206 (kJ mol ).
Value must be negative to award mark. 1

36. (i) the more reactive the metal the more negative the enthalpy change/
the more exothermic the reaction / OWTTE;
Do not accept greater enthalpy change. 1

(ii) any curve with positive gradient which passes through ∆H = 0 at Cu;
Allow point graph or histogram.
Accept either positive or zero enthalpy change for Ag. 1

IB Questionbank Chemistry 9
37. bonds broken: 4 N–H, N–N, O=O / +2220 (kJ mol );
bonds formed: 1 N≡N, 4O–H / –2801(kJ mol );
–581 (kJ mol );
Award [3] for correct final answer. 3

38. C

39. A

40. D

41. C

42. (i) I:
atomization/sublimation (of Mg) / ∆H atomization(Mg) / ∆H sublimation(Mg);
enthalpy change of formation of (MgCl2) / ∆H formation(MgCl2); 2

(ii) Energy value for II:

Energy value for III:
738 + 1451 = 2189;
Energy value for IV:
∆H lat(MgCl2) = 642 + 148 + 243 + 2189 = (+)2252(KJ); 4

(iii) theoretical value assumes ionic model;

experimental value greater due to (additional) covalent character; 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 10
(iv) oxide greater charge;
oxide smaller radius;
Accept opposite arguments. 2

43. D

44. B

45. D

46. (a) energy required = C=C + H–H/612 + 436 and

energy released = C–C + 2(C–H)/347 +2(413) /
energy required = C=C + H–H + 4(C–H)/612 + 436 + 4(413) and
energy released = C–C + 6(C–H)/347 + 6(413);
∆H = (1048 – 1173)/(2700 – 2825) = –125 kJ mol ; 2

(b) ∆H = –1411 + (–286) – (–1560) = –137 kJ mol ; 1

(c) the actual values for the specific bonds may be different to the average
values / the combustion values referred to the specific compounds / OWTTE; 1

(d) (i) –125 kJ mol ; 1

(ii) average bond enthalpies do not apply to the liquid state / OWTTE;
the enthalpy of vaporization/condensation of cyclohexene and
cyclohexane / OWTTE; 2

47. C

48. A

IB Questionbank Chemistry 11

49. A

50. B

51. (a) energy required = C=C + H–H/612 + 436 and

energy released = C–C + 2(C–H)/347 + 2(413) /
energy required = C=C + H–H + 4(C–H)/612 + 436 + 4(413) and
energy released = C–C + 6(C–H)/347 + 6(413);
∆H = (1048 – 1173)/(2700 – 2825) = –125 kJ mol 2

(b) ∆H = –1411 + (–286) – (–1560)/correct energy cycle drawn;

= –137 kJ mol ;
Award [1 max] for incorrect or missing sign. 2

(c) the actual values for the specific bonds may be different to the average
values / the combustion values referred to the specific compounds / OWTTE;
(137  125)
(percentage difference) = 137 × 100 = 8.76 %;
(137  125)
Accept 125 × 100 = 9.60 %. 2

(d) (i) –125 kJ mol ; 1

(ii) average bond enthalpies do not apply to the liquid state / OWTTE;
the enthalpy of vaporization/condensation of cyclohexene and
cyclohexane / OWTTE; 2

52. (i) c: atomization (enthalpy);

d: electron affinity; 2

(ii) d and e; 1

(iii) ∆Hf = 90.0 + 418 + 112 + (–342) + (–670);

= –392 kJ mol ; 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 12
2+ + 2+ + 2+
(iv) Ca is smaller than K and Ca has more charge than K / Ca has a
greater charge density;
so the attractive forces between the ions are stronger;
Do not accept “stronger ionic bonds”
Award [1 max] if reference is made to atoms or molecules instead of ions. 2

53. B

54. D

55. A

56. D

57. (i) energy required to break (1 mol of) a bond in a gaseous molecule/state;
Accept energy released when (1 mol of) a bond is formed in a gaseous
molecule/state / enthalpy change when (1 mol of) bonds are made or
broken in the gaseous molecule/state.
average values obtained from a number of similar bonds/
compounds / OWTTE; 2

(ii) Bonds broken

(1)(C–C) + (1)(O–H) + (5)(C–H) + (1)(C–O) + (3)(O=O)
= (1)(347) + (1)(464) + (5)(413) + (1)(358) + (3)(498) = 4728(kJ);
Bonds formed
(2 × 2)(C=O) + (3 × 2)(O–H)
= (4)(746) + (6)(464) = 5768 (kJ);
∆H = 4728 – 5768 = –1040 kJ mol / –1040 kJ;
Units needed for last mark.
Award [3] for final correct answer.
Award [2] for +1040 kJ. 3

(iii) Mr(C2H5OH) = 46.08 / 46.1 and Mr(C8H18) = 114.26/114.3;

1 g ethanol produces 22.57 kJ and 1 g octane produces 47.88 kJ;
Accept values ranges of 22.5–23 and 47.8–48 kJ respectively.
No penalty for use of Mr = 46 and Mr = 114. 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 13
(iv) A: CH3CHO;
Accept either full or condensed structural formulas but not the
names or molecular formulas.
A: distillation;
B: reflux; 4

(v) ethanol/CH3CH2OH;
hydrogen bonding (in ethanol);
Award second point only if the first is obtained. 2

(vi) (concentrated) H3PO4 /(concentrated) phosphoric acid / H2SO4/sulfuric acid;

dyes / drugs / cosmetics / solvent / (used to make) esters / (used in)
esterification/disinfectant; 2

58. B

59. A

60. (a) ∆H reaction = Σ∆Hf (products) – Σ∆Hf (reactants)
= [(1)(–85) + (2)(–242)] – [(2)(–201)];
= –167 (kJ/kJ mol );
Award [1] for (+) 167. 2

(b) ∆S reaction = ΣS (products) – ΣS (reactants)
= [(1)(230) + (2)(189)] – [(2)(238) + (1)(131)];
–1 –1 –1
= 1 (J K /J K mol ); 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 14
(c) ∆G reaction = (∆H – T∆S ) = (–167) – (298)(0.001);
Award [1] for correct substitution of values.
= –167 kJ/–167000 J;
Units needed for mark in (c) only.
–1 –1
Accept –167 kJ mol or –167000 J mol .
Award marks for final correct answers throughout in each of (a), (b) and (c). 3

61. (i) energy required to break (1 mol of) a bond in a gaseous molecule/state;
Accept energy released when (1 mol of) a bond is formed in a gaseous
molecule/state / enthalpy change when (1 mol of) bonds are made or
broken in the gaseous molecule/state.
average values obtained from a number of similar bonds/compounds / OWTTE; 2

(ii) Bonds broken

(1)(C–C) + (1)(O–H) + (5)(C–H) + (1)(C–O) + (3)(O=O)
= (1)(347) + (1)(464) + (5)(413) + (1)(358) + (3)(498) = 4728 (kJ);
Bonds formed
(2 × 2)(C=O) + (3 × 2)(O–H)
= (4)(746) + (6)(464) = 5768(kJ);
∆H = 4728 – 5768 = –1040 kJ mol / –1040 kJ;
Units needed for last mark.
Award [3] for final correct answer.
Award [2] for +1040 kJ. 3

(iii) Mr(C2H5OH) = 46.08 / 46.1 and Mr(C8H18) = 114.26/114.3;

1 g ethanol produces 22.57 kJ and 1 g octane produces 47.88 kJ;
Accept values ranges of 22.5–23 and 47.8–48 kJ respectively.
No penalty for use of Mr = 46 and Mr = 114. 2

62. C

63. A

IB Questionbank Chemistry 15
64. D

65. C

66. (C2H6(g) + 3 2 O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)) ∆H = –1560;
(H2O(l) → H2(g) + 2 O2(g)) ∆H = +286;
(2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) → C2H4(g) + 3O2(g)) ∆H = +1411;
(C2H6(g) → C2H4(g) + H2(g)) ∆H = +137(kJ);
Allow other correct methods.
Award [2] for –137.
Allow ECF for the final marking point. 4

67. C

68. D

69. (i) A: sublimation/atomization;

B: atomization/half dissociation enthalpy;
st nd
D: (sum of 1 and 2 ) electron affinity;
Do not accept vaporization for A and B.
Accept ΔHAT. or ΔHEA. 3

(ii) enthalpy change when one mole of the compound is formed

from its elements (in their standard states);
under standard conditions / 25 °C/298 K and 1 atm/101.3 kPa/
1.01 × 10 Pa; 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 16
(iii) –602 = 150 + 248 + 2186 + 702 + E;
–3888 (kJ mol );
Do not allow 3889 (given in data booklet).
Allow 3888 (i.e no minus sign).
Award [2] for the correct final answer. 2

(iv) energy required to remove one electron;

from an atom in its gaseous state;
electron removed from a positive ion;
decrease in electron-electron repulsion / increase in
nucleus-electron attraction; 4

(v) MgO;
double ionic charge / both ions carry +2 and –2 charge/greater charge
compared to +1 and –1; 2

70. (i) (C2H6(g) + 3 2 O2(g) → 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)) ∆H = –1560;
(H2O(l) → H2(g) + 2 O2(g)) ∆H = +286;
(2CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) → C2H4(g) + 3O2(g)) ∆H = +1411;
(C2H6(g) → C2H4(g) + H2(g)) ∆H = +137 (kJ);
Allow other correct methods.
Award [2] for –137.
Allow ECF for the final marking point. 4

(ii) positive;
increase in number of moles of gas; 2

(iii) at low temperature, ∆H is positive and ∆G is positive;
at high temperature, factor T∆S predominates and ∆G is negative; 2

(iv) Bonds broken (1C–C, 6C–H, or 1C–C, 2C–H) = 2825/1173;

Bonds made (1C=C, 1H–H, 4C–H) = 2700/1048;
+125 (kJ);
Allow 125 but not –125 (kJ ) for the final mark.
Award [3] for the correct final answer. 3

(v) bond enthalpy values are average values; 1


IB Questionbank Chemistry 17
71. C

72. C

73. B

74. (a) ΔT = 23.70 – 23.03 = 0.67 (°C/K); 1

 0.4385 g 
n   
1 
(b)  342.34 g mol  = 1.281×10–3 mol; 1

 [(10.114 kJ K 1 )(0.67 K)]

(c) (i) ΔHc = (C ΔT)/n = (1.281 10 3 mol) 3

= –5.3×10 kJ mol ;
Use ECF for values of T and n.

 ( 5.3  10 3 )  (5.6  10 3 ) 
   100
 ( 5.6  10 3 ) 
(ii) Percentage experimental error = = 5.4%; 1
Use ECF for values of ΔHc.

(d) enthalpy change of combustion of sucrose > TNT, and therefore

not important;
rate of reaction for TNT is greater than that of sucrose, so this is valid;
amount of gas generated (in mol) for sucrose > than that of TNT
(according to the given equation), so this is not important; 3

75. (a) The amount of energy needed to break 1 mole of (covalent) bonds;
in the gaseous state;
average calculated from a range of compounds; 2 max
Award [1] each for any two points above.

IB Questionbank Chemistry 18
(b) Bonds broken
(612) + (2×348) + (8×412) + (6×496)/7580 (kJ mol );
Bonds made
(8×743) + (8×463) / 9648 (kJ mol );
H = –2068 (kJ mol ); 3
Award [3] for the correct answer.
Allow full ECF.
Allow kJ but no other incorrect units.
Even if the first two marks are lost, the candidate can score [1]
for a clear correct subtraction for H.

76. B

77. C

78. B

79. D

80. (i) fertilizers / increasing crop yields;

production of explosives for mining; 1 max

(ii) H = (sum of energies of bonds broken) – (sum of energies of bonds formed);

Can be implied by working.
correct substitution of values and numbers of bonds broken;
correct substitution of values and numbers of bonds made;
(H = (NN) + 3(H–H) – 6(N–H) = 944 + 3(436) – 6(388) =) –76.0 (kJ); 4
Allow ECF.
Do not penalize for sig. fig. or units.
Award [4] for correct final answer.

IB Questionbank Chemistry 19
ο –1 –1
(iii) (S [2×193] – [192 + 3×131]) = –199 (J K mol ); 2
Allow ECF.
four gaseous molecules generating two gaseous molecules /
fewer molecules of gas;

ο ο ο
(iv) (G = H – TS = –76.0 – 298(–0.199)) = –16.7 (kJ);
G is negative; 3
Do not penalize for SF.

(v) heat released when gas → liquid;

H becomes more negative; 2

81. (i) lattice enthalpy for a particular ionic compound is defined as ΔH for the
+ –
process, MX(s) → M (g) + X (g);
Accept definition for exothermic process
electron affinity is the energy change that occurs when an electron is added
to a gaseous atom or ion; 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 20
H f = – 4 11 k J m o l – 1

N a (s) + 1
2 C l 2 (g) N aC l(s)

+ 1 0 8 k J m o l –1 + 1 2 1 k J m o l –1

N a (g ) C l(g )

+ 4 9 4 k J m o l –1 – 3 6 4 kJ m o l – 1

N a + (g ) + C l (g )
lattice enthalpy = –[(–411) – (+108) – (+494) – (+121) – (–364)]
= 770 (kJ mol )
Award [2] for all correct formulas in correct positions on cycle
1 incorrect or missing label award [1].
Award [1] for all correct values in correct positions on cycle
calculation of lattice enthalpy of NaCl(s) = 770 (kJ mol ); 4
Allow ECF.
Accept alternative method e.g. energy level diagram.

(iii) lattice/network/regular structure;

each chloride ion is surrounded by six sodium ions and each sodium ion is
surrounded by six chloride ions/6:6 coordination; 2

IB Questionbank Chemistry 21

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