LO4 LP 1-9
LO4 LP 1-9
LO4 LP 1-9
A. Review What are the basic hand stitches that we used in sewing?
B. Motivation Video Presentation/showing of pictures
C. Presentation Based on what you have seen on the video/pictures, what
do you think would be our lesson today?
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups. Each group
Proper/Discussion will select their leader, secretary and reporter.
2. The groups will be given an activity envelope. Inside the
envelope are the steps in threading the sewing machine.
They will arrange it in order.
3. For 10 mins.,they will do the activity and post it on the
4. The reporter will report their work for 2 mins.
G. Abstraction What are the steps in threading the upper and lower part of
the sewing machine?
H. Assessment Rubrics
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance
A. Review What are the steps in threading the upper part of the
sewing machine?
How about the lower part?
B. Motivation The students will list down as many as they can the
different sewing machine troubles.
C. Presentation Based on what you have done earlier, can you guess what
would be our lesson for this day?
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups. Each group
Proper/Discussion will select their leader, secretary and reporter.
2. The groups will be given an activity envelope. Inside the
envelope are the different sewing machine troubles, the
causes and remedies. They will classify the causes and
remedies according the the sewing machine trouble.
3. For 10 mins.,they will do the activity and post it on the
4. The reporter will report their work for 2 mins.
E. Analysis How do you classify the different sewing machine troubles?
Why do we need to classify it?
* Return Demonstration
F. Application The teacher will give a situational problem regarding with
the different sewing machine troubles.
G. Abstraction What are the different sewing machine troubles?
H. Assessment Paper and pencil test
I. Agreement/ Assignment On your TLE notebook write 5 do’s and dont’s in sewing
machine operations.
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance
Daily Lesson Plan School: Grade Level: 7/8
Teacher: Learning Area: Dressmaking
Quarter 1:
Teaching Dates Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in performing
basic maintenance of sewing machine in
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently performs basic maintenance of
sewing machine in dressmaking/tailoring.
C. Learning LO 1 Operate machine and assess its performance
Competency/ies 1.3 Resolve common machine troubles
LC Code TLE_HEDM7/8BM-0h-6
D. Specific Objectives: 1.3.1 Identify the correct machine operation and the
quality of good stitches and tensions
1.3.2 Discuss the correct machine operation and the
quality of good stitches and tensions
1.3.3 Value the importance of knowing the correct machine
operation and the quality of good stitches and tensions
II. CONTENT Sewing machine operation/Quality Stitches and Tensions
A. References Grade 7/8 dressmaking/tailoring learning module
P. 84-87
B. Instructional Materials Actual sewing machine, visual aids, manila paper, bobbin
A. Review What are the common sewing machine troubles?
How do we classify the sewing machine troubles?
B. Motivation Picture Parade
C. Presentation Based on what you have done earlier, do you have any idea
about our lesson today?What do you think it is all about?
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups. Each group
Proper/Discussion will select their leader, secretary and reporter.
2. The groups will discuss the do’s and dont’s in sewing
machine operation, quality stitches and tensions. They will
write it on the manila paper provided.
3. For 10 mins.,they will do the activity and post it on the
4. The reporter will report their work for 2 mins.
E. Analysis How will you know that the stitches are of good quality?
Why do we need to follow the correct procedure in machine
* Return Demonstration
F. Application The teacher will give a situational problem regarding with
the different sewing machine troubles.
G. Abstraction What are the quality of good stitches and tensions?
What are the procedures for sewing machine operations?
H. Assessment Paper and pencil test
I. Agreement/ Assignment Study further the minor and major sewing machine trouble
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance
Daily Lesson Plan School: Grade Level: 7/8
Teacher: Learning Area: Dressmaking
Quarter 1:
Teaching Dates Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in performing
basic maintenance of sewing machine in
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently performs basic maintenance of
sewing machine in dressmaking/tailoring.
C. Learning LO 1 Operate machine and assess its performance
Competency/ies 1.3 Resolve common machine troubles
LC Code TLE_HEDM7/8BM-0h-6
D. Specific Objectives: 1.3.1 Assess a sewing machine
1.3.2. Find pleasure in assessing a sewing machine
E. Integration
II. CONTENT Troubles and remedies of sewing machine
A. References Grade 7/8 dressmaking/tailoring learning module
P. 84-87
B. Instructional Materials Actual sewing machine, visual aids, manila paper, bobbin
A. Review What are the qualities of good stitches and tensions?
B. Motivation Showing of actual sewing machine (defective)
C. Presentation Today you will assess a sewing machine
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups.
Proper/Discussion 2. The groups will assess a sewing machine assigned to
3. For 10 mins.,they will do the assessment and write what
they have observed.
E. Analysis How does assessment of sewing machine can help you in
machine operation?
* Return Demonstration
F. Application The students will write down in the given form, the
information that they have gather in their assessment in
the sewing machine.
G. Abstraction What are the minor and major troubles that you have
observed in your assigned sewing machine?
H. Assessment Rubrics
I. Agreement/ Assignment Study in advance how to care of the sewing machine
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance
Daily Lesson Plan School: Grade Level: 7/8
Teacher: Learning Area: Dressmaking
Quarter 1:
Teaching Dates Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in performing
basic maintenance of sewing machine in
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently performs basic maintenance of
sewing machine in dressmaking/tailoring.
C. Learning LO 2 Clean and lubricate machine
Competency/ies 2.1 Observe regular cleaning of machine
LC Code TLE_HEDM7/8BM-0i-7
D. Specific Objectives: 1.2.1 Identify the procedures in cleaning and oiling the
sewing machine
1.2.2 Make a schedule chart in cleaning and oiling the
sewing machine
1.2.3 Appreciate the importance of knowing the procedures
in cleaning and oiling the sewing machine
E. Integration
II. CONTENT How to Clean and Oil your Sewing Machine
A. References Grade 7/8 dressmaking/tailoring learning module
P. 97-98
B. Instructional Materials Actual sewing machine, visual aids, cloth, oil
A. Review What have you learned while you were assessing a sewing
machine last time?
B. Motivation Video Presentation/Showing of Pictures
C. Presentation Based on the video/pictures that you have seen, can
someone guess our lesson today?
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups. Each group
Proper/Discussion will select their leader, secretary and reporter.
2.Each group will be given a part of the sewing machine.
They will arrange the procedures on how to clean and oil it
3. For 10 mins.,they will do the activity and post it on the
4. The reporter will report their work for 2 mins.
E. Analysis How do we clean and oil the sewing machine?
Why do we need to keep the machine clean and lubricated?
* Return Demonstration
H. Application The students will make a schedule chart in cleaning and
oiling the sewing machine.
I. Abstraction What parts of the sewing machine that needs to be cleaned
and lubricated?
J. Assessment Paper and pencil test (see attached test notebook)
K. Agreement/ Assignment Study in advance the occupational health and safety
procedure in sewing machine maintenance.
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance
Daily Lesson Plan School: Grade Level: 7/8
Teacher: Learning Area: Dressmaking
Quarter 1:
Teaching Dates Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in performing
basic maintenance of sewing machine in
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently performs basic maintenance of
sewing machine in dressmaking/tailoring.
C. Learning LO 2 Clean and lubricate machine
Competency/ies 2.2 Follow the safety procedures in machine cleaning
LC Code TLE_HEDM7/8BM-0i-7
D. Specific Objectives: 1.2.1 Identify the safety procedures in machine cleaning
1.2.2 Discuss the safety procedures in machine cleaning
1.2.3 Value the importance of knowing the safety
procedures in machine cleaning.
E. Integration
II. CONTENT Occupational Health and Safety Procedure in Sewing
Machine Maintenance
A. References Grade 7/8 dressmaking/tailoring learning module
P. 97-98
B. Instructional Materials Video, pictures, manila paper, pentel pen
A. Review How do we clean and oil our sewing machine?
B. Motivation Video Presentation/Showing of Pictures
C. Presentation Based on the video/pictures that you have seen, can
someone guess our lesson today?
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups. Each group
Proper/Discussion will select their leader, secretary and reporter.
2.The group will brainstorm on the health and safety
precautions that should be practiced at the shop/clothing
lab. They will write down their insights or shared ideas on
the manila paper.
3. For 10 mins.,they will do the activity and post it on the
4. The reporter will report their work for 2 mins.
E. Analysis Why do we need to practice health and safety procedures in
sewing machine maintenance?
How can we ensure our safety while we are maintaining the
sewing machine?
* Return Demonstration
F. Application If you were to be asked by your teacher to clean the sewing
machine, what is the first thing that you will do? Why?
G. Abstraction What are the different health and safety precautions that
needs to be practiced in the shop/clothing laboratory?
H. Assessment Paper and pencil test (see attached test notebook)
I. Agreement/ Assignment Bring a cloth, apron, gloves and oil.
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance
Daily Lesson Plan School: Grade Level:
Teacher: Learning Area:
Quarter 1:
Teaching Dates Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in performing
basic maintenance of sewing machine in
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently performs basic maintenance of
sewing machine in dressmaking/tailoring.
C. Learning LO 2 Clean and lubricate machine
Competency/ies 2.3 Perform regular maintenance schedule
LC Code TLE_HEDM7/8BM-0i-7
D. Specific Objectives: 2.3.1 Perform how to clean the face plate and upper
2.3.2 Find pleasure in cleaning the face plate and upper
II. CONTENT Care of Sewing Machine ( Face Plate and Upper Tension)
A. References Grade 7/8 dressmaking/tailoring learning module
P. 97-98
B. Instructional Materials Sewing machine, oil, cloth, apron, gloves
A. Review Can you still recall the procedures in cleaning the different
sewing machine parts?
B. Motivation Preparation of the materials needed in cleaning the face
plate and upper tension
C. Presentation
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups.
Proper/Discussion 2. Each group will perform how to clean the sewing
3. A rubrics will be used to evaluate their performance
E. Analysis Why it is necessary to maintain (the cleanliness of ) the
face plate and upper tension?
* Return Demonstration
H. Application The students are performing the cleaning of the face plate
and upper tensiion
I. Abstraction What are the procedures in cleaning the face plate and
upper tension?
J. Assessment Rubrics (see attached rubrics)
K. Agreement/ Assignment Bring a cloth, apron, gloves and oil.
Daily Lesson Plan School: Grade Level:
Teacher: Learning Area:
Quarter 1:
Teaching Dates Quarter 2:
Quarter 3:
Quarter 4:
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding in performing
basic maintenance of sewing machine in
B. Performance Standards The learner consistently performs basic maintenance of
sewing machine in dressmaking/tailoring.
C. Learning LO 2 Clean and lubricate machine
Competency/ies 2.3 Perform regular maintenance schedule
LC Code TLE_HEDM7/8BM-0i-7
D. Specific Objectives: 2.3.1 Perform how to clean the lower Mechanism and Other
minor parts
2.3.2 Find pleasure in cleaning the lower mechanism and
other minor parts
E. Integration
II. CONTENT Care of Sewing Machine ( Lower Mechanism and Other
minor parts)
A. References Grade 7/8 dressmaking/tailoring learning module
P. 97-98
B. Instructional Materials Sewing machine, oil, cloth, apron, gloves
A. Review Why do we need to clean the lower mechanism and other
minor parts?
B. Motivation Preparation of the materials needed in cleaning the lower
mechanism and other minor parts
C. Presentation
D. Activity 1. The class will be divided into 4 or 5 groups.
Proper/Discussion 2. Each group will perform how to clean the lower
mechanism and other minor parts.
3. A rubrics will be used to evaluate their performance.
E. Analysis How do we clean the lower mechanism and other minor
* Return Demonstration
F. Application The students are performing the cleaning of the lower
mechanism and other minor parts
G. Abstraction What are the procedures in cleaning the lower mechanism
and other minor parts?
H. Assessment Rubrics
I. Agreement/ Assignment What is hazard?
What is risk?
J. Mastery Level:
K.Instructional Decision:
Move on Enhance