Chemsorb Fitler Granules
Chemsorb Fitler Granules
Chemsorb Fitler Granules
Zeolite filter media offers advantages over Fig 1. Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) crystal
conventional sand, sand & anthracite or structure.
multimedia for gravity flow or pressure vessel
beds. Historically, natural zeolite mineral
deposits were discovered in the 1950’s and
zeolite has been quary, mined, crushed, air-dying
and sieve sized to produce commercial products
for >30 yrs. Natural zeolite (Clinoptilolite) is
crystalline, aluminum oxide/silicn oxide
classified as a crystalline, molecular sieve,
mineral consisting of hydrated Ca2 (Na2 or K2)
Al8Si28O72•24 H2O (Fig. I). Most zeolite
deposits are low quality and can’t be used as
molecular sieve beds or water filtration media.
Zeolite has been used for water softening and to
remove NH-4 ion using slow flow rates (1-2
gpm/ft2) and Na-ion regeneration cycles. Since
1985 numerous technical and engineering studies
have demonstrated the utility of zeolite mineral sand/anthracite or multimedia and is competitive
as an effective water filter media. with fine sand (Table I).
Figure 2. High magnification (SEM) photomicrograph showing micro-crystal structures
(0.2- 0.9µ spacing) on the surface of the zeolite granules.
Figure 3. Photomicrograph (SEM) showing the relatively flat, minimal, surface structure
of a sand particle.
Table I. Comparison of Zeolite vs Sand & Multimedia Service Flow Rates, Performance &
Backwash Water Requirements.
Standard Design 12-20 gpm/ft2 High 0.70-0.75X
Conical Design
15-25 gpm/ft2 <High <5µ 0.45-0.50X
Vortisand (Sonitec, Quebec, Canada) use a fine sand in the Vortisand design, pressure vessels.
ChemSorbFilter Granules, 14 x 40 mesh zeolite filter media.
Intercepter vessel design, PEP Filters, Mooresville, NC 28117-9920.
Electronic & laser scatter sizing analysis statistics variability increases dramatically in the 1-4µ range, hence the
data are reported as <5µ, which is considered a practical resolution limit for particle sizing.
Table II. Pressure Vessel Sizing & Flow Rate Specifications (conventional design).
Table III. Pressure Vessel Sizing & Flow Rate Specifications (Conical Vessel6).