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Ultrasonic Equipment: 4.1 Components of An Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

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The essential components of a typical ultrasonic flaw detector are as shown in Figure 4.1.
The functions of these components are explained in the following sections.

4.1.1 Cathode ray tube (CRT)

The cathode ray tube or CRT (Figure 4.2) contains a heater coil H which heats the
cathode C to make it emit electrons. These electrons are accelerated by a voltage applied
across the cathode C and anode A. The resultant electron beam is focused by the
focusing cylinder F to make it appear on the fluorescent screen S as a spot. As the
electrons travel toward the CRT screen S they pass two pairs of deflecting plates X and
Y. A voltage applied to the X plates would deflect the electron beam horizontally while a
voltage applied to the Y-plates would deflect the beam vertically.

The focusing of the spot is indicated as `focus', on the CRT controls. The brightness of
the CRT trace can be varied through a control knob marked as `brightness'. Another
control which is provided in some equipment is the screen illumination control. This
control is useful while working in dark areas.

4.1.2 Clock or Timer

The clock or timer circuit generates electrical pulses which trigger the time base
generator and transmitter at the same time. These pulses are generated repeatedly to
make the trace on the CRT screen steady and bright. The frequency with which these
pulses are generated is known as the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). In some
instruments a control is provided for the adjustment of PRF while in others it is adjusted
automatically with the alteration in setting of the 'test range' control. Sometime it is
needed that the pulse which triggers the time base should be delayed as compared to the
pulse which triggers the transmitter. For this purpose a control is provided. This control
is usually termed as ‘delay’.

4.1.3 Transmitter (Pulser)

The transmitter supplies a short electrical voltage pulse of 300-1000 V and less than 10
microsecond width to the piezoelectric transducer in the probe. The piezoelectric
transducer, in turn, converts this electrical voltage pulse into an ultrasonic wave. In some
instruments control is provided to adjust the electrical voltage pulse, while in others this
adjustment is done automatically. The control which adjust the amplitude of the
electrical pulse is known as ‘pulse energy’ control. The frequency and width of the

ultrasonic wave pulse are controlled respectively by the thickness and degree of damping
of the piezoelectric transducer in the probe.

4.1.4 Time base (Sweep) generator

The time-base generator provides a sawtooth voltage to the X-plates of CRT to move the
electron beam spot from left to right across the CRT screen with a uniform speed. The
speed of the spot depends on the rise time of the sawtooth voltage, i.e. the time in which
the sawtooth voltage rises from zero to its maximum value (Figure 4.3). The shorter the
rise time the greater would be the speed of the spot. The control which is provided for
the adjustment of the rise time of sawtooth voltage and hence the speed of the spot is
termed as `depth range' or `test range'. To prevent the return of the electron beam spot to
produce a trace on the screen, the time base generator simultaneously controls the
brightness of the spot by means of a square wave voltage so that the spot remains bright
only during the rise time of the sawtooth voltage (Figure 4.4).

Receiver Clock

C. R. T


To all circuits

Power supply

Figure 4.1 : Basic components of an ultrasonic flaw detector.

Figure 4.2 : Construction of a cathode ray tube.

Figure 4.3 : a) Sawtooth voltage for time base generator

b) Sawtooth voltages with different rise times.





Figure 4.4 : Sawtooth voltage for time base with corresponding square wave
voltage for the control of brightness.

4.1.5 Receiver unit

The receiver unit consists of an amplifier, a rectifier (or detector) and an attenuator. The
amplifier amplifies any voltage pulse supplied to it from the probe. The amplification is
of the order of about 105. In most of the instruments the amplifier is of a wide band type
with a frequency range of about 1 to 15 MHz and a control to tune the amplifier to the
frequency of the probe is not needed. In some cases it is a narrow band type and a control
is provided to tune it to the frequency of the probe. The rectifier in the receiver unit
rectifies the voltage signal for ease of observation. In some instruments a control is
provided to observe the received signal either in the rectified or unrectified state. The
attenuator in the receiver unit is used to vary the signal amplitude as needed. The control
provided to do this is known as ‘gain control’ and is calibrated in decibels or dB.
Another control known as `reject' or ‘suppression’ control is provided in the receiver unit
to remove the indications of random noise, known as grass, from the CRT display.


The simultaneous triggering of the time-base generator and transmitter by the clock,
starts to move the ultrasonic pulse from the probe at the same time as the electron beam
spot starts to move across the cathode ray tube. When a single crystal probe is used, the
electrical voltage pulse supplied by the transmitter to the probe is also fed to the receiver
unit and is thus amplified and displayed as indication `a' on the CRT screen. (Figure 4.1)
The indication, `a' is known as the transmission echo, `transmission pulse' or the `initial

The electron beam spot continues to move across the CRT screen as the ultrasound from
the probe moves through the specimen. When the ultrasound reaches the reflecting
surface b, a part of it is reflected via the probe and receiver unit to register an indication
`b' on the CRT screen. The other part which is carried to the far surface `c' of the test
specimen is reflected by it to be displayed as indication `c' on the CRT screen. The
indications from the reflecting surface `b' and the far surface or backwall `c' of the
specimen are known as the 'defect echo' and backwall echo or bottom echo respectively.

If the specimen of Figure 4.1 is a 25 mm thick steel plate, the above operation would
have taken about 8 millionth of a second (8 s) to complete. The pulse repetition
frequency (PRF) should, therefore, be high enough to make the pattern to be bright
enough to be visible to the human eye. On the other hand for a 500 mm thick specimen,
the time required for the whole operation to complete is about 170 s. If a high repetition
frequency is used in this case, confusion would arise because the probe will send a
second ultrasonic pulse before the first one is received. Depending upon the thickness of
the test specimen, in most of the instruments, the PRF can be varied between 50 pulses
per second (PPS) to 1250 PPS. This is done automatically in modern instruments with
the setting of the `test range' control.


Figure 4.5 shows the three scan presentation which are used in ultrasonic flaw detection.
A-scan is the basic display while B-scan and C-scan present the side view and plane view
of the specimen respectively and therefore require special electronic circuitry.

Table 4.1 : dB values of some of the echo height ratios

dB Echo Height Ratio

0.25 1.03
0.50 1.06
0.75 1.09
1.00 1.12
2.00 1.26
6.00 2.00
14.00 5.00
20.00 10.00

(a) A-Scan presentation (b) B-Scan presentation (c) C-Scan presentation

(Basic display) (Side view) (Plane

Figure 4.5 : Scan presentation for ultrasonic testing.


A convenient way of measuring changes in amplification or attenuation of ultrasonic

waves is in terms of decibel (dB). A decibel is l/l0th of a bel which is a unit based on
logarithms to the base 10. In physics, the term ‘power’ is used to mean the rate at which
work is done. If two powers are taken as P1 and P2, they are said to differ by n bels when

Pl / P2 = 10n

or n = log10 Pl / P2 bels

Since 1 bel is equal to 10 decibels the above equation can be rewritten as:

n = 10 log10 Pl / P2 decibels

Acoustical power is proportional to the square of the amplitude and hence for
comparison of amplitudes Al and A2 , we have :

n = 10 log10 (Al / A2)2

or n = 20 log10 Al / A2 (4.1)

As the amplitudes of the reflected ultrasonic waves are proportional to the heights of the
echoes displayed on the CRT screen, therefore equation 4.1 can be modified as :

n = 20 log10 h1 / h2 dB (4.2)


h1 = echo height proportional to ultrasonic wave amplitude A1

h2 = echo height proportional to ultrasonic wave amplitude A2

4.4.1 Advantages of dB unit

The advantages of decibel unit are:

a) Large echo height ratios can be given in small figures, e.g.

1000 : 1 = 60 dB

1000000 : 1 = 120 dB

b) A reversal of the echo height ratios only requires a change of sign, e.g.

10000 : 1 = 80 dB and

1 : 10000 : = - 80 dB

c) Multiplication of the echo height ratios corresponds to the simple addition of a

dB value, e.g.

gain factor 2 +6 dB

gain factor 10 +20 dB

gain factor 100 +40 dB

4.4.2 Conversion of dB value to echo height ratio or vice versa

Table 4.1 lists the dB values of some of the echo height ratios. To find echo height ratios
corresponding to a dB value not included in Table 4.1, dB values from Table 4.1 are
chosen whose sum is equal to the dB values for which the echo height is to be
determined. And then the multiplication of the echo height ratios corresponding to these
chosen dB values will give the required echo height ratio. For example, to find the echo
height ratio corresponding to 30 dB, let the dB values whose sum is equal to 30 dB, be
14 dB + 14 dB + 2 dB. The echo height ratio for 14 dB is 5 and echo height ratio for 2
dB is 1.26 and hence 5 x 5 x 1.26 = 31.5 is echo height ratio corresponding to 30 dB.
Alternately, the dB value of an echo height ratio, which is not given in Table 4.1, can be
calculated by reducing this ratio to echo height ratios included in Table 4.1, and then
adding their corresponding dB values.

For example, the dB value of an echo height ratio of 625 can be determined as follows :

Reducing 625 to factors included in Table 4.1.

625 = 1.26 x 5 x 10 x 10

and the dB values correspond to 1.26, 5 and 10 are 2 dB, 14 dB and 20 dB respectively.
Thus the dB value corresponding to echo height ratio of 625 = 2+14+20+20 = 56 dB.


Though ultrasonic flaw detectors can be used for thickness measurements but since they
are heavy and bulky and need highly trained personnel for their operations, they are not
usually used for this sort of application. Beside the accuracy obtained with ultrasonic
flaw detector is of the order of 2 - 5%, which is considered to be rather on the lower side.
All these difficulties faced while using the flaw detector for thickness measurements,
gave rise to the development of specialized equipment for thickness measurements by
ultrasonics. These equipment, known as the ultrasonic thickness meters, are not only
smaller in size and of lower weight but also do not require highly trained operators and
render higher measuring accuracy usually of the order of  0.1 mm and in some cases of
the order of  0.01 mm.

These equipment use the pulse echo method for their operation. The transit time of the
ultrasonic pulse from the top surface to bottom surface and back in a test specimen is
measured electronically and is displayed as the thickness of the test specimen. There are
two types of equipment in use today for thickness measurement: Analog and Digital.

In analog thickness meters the transit time of ultrasonic pulse is converted into an
electrical voltage which is then measured by a voltmeter the dial of which is calibrated in
millimetres (mm), and gives directly the wall thickness of the material being tested.

In digital thickness meters the transit time of an ultrasonic pulse is measured by counting
the number of oscillations generated by an oscillator during the transit time. In both of
these equipment the transit time of the ultrasonic pulse can be measured in the following

a) Direct contact mode

In this mode the single crystal normal beam probe is separated from the test specimen
surface by a thin protective layer and sends the ultrasonic pulses into the test specimen
immediately after they have been generated. The measurement of the transit time begins
with each transmitted pulse and ends with the return of the same pulse from the backwall
of the test specimen (Figure 4.6). This mode is usually used with components having
uncorroded plane parallel and concentric surfaces and having greater thicknesses and or
greater attenuation characteristics. For these components the requirement on accuracy of
measurement is not so stringent.

Figure 4.6 : Pictorial representation of direct contact mode.

b) Delay block mode

In this mode an exchangeable delay block separates the probe from the test specimen
surface. The transit time measurement is started by the 'entry echo' (i.e. echo produced
due to the reflected ultrasonic energy at the delay block/test specimen interface) and the
transit time is measured between the entry echo and the first backwall echo (Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.7 : Pictorial representation of delay block mode.

This mode is used with precision components having uncorroded plane parallel or
concentric thicknesses below 10 mm and down to a few tenths of a millimetre and which
require higher measurement accuracy.

c) Successive backwall echoes mode

This is another mode used with a normal beam single crystal probe having an
exchangeable delay block. The transit time measurement in this case starts with the first
backwall echo and ends with the second backwall echo (Figure 4.8).

Figure 4.8 : Pictorial representation of successive backwall echo mode.

This mode is used with uncorroded plane parallel or concentric thin wall components and
where the highest possible measuring accuracy is required.

d) Twin crystal mode

In this mode a twin crystal probe is used and the transit time measurement is initiated by
the cross talk echo and is stopped by the first backwall echo (Figure 4.9). This mode is
mostly used for components with corroded surfaces.
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Figure 4.9 : Pictorial representation of twin crystal mode.

4.5.1 Types of digital thickness meters

Compared to analog thickness meters digital thickness meters are most widely used
because of their very compact size, higher measurement accuracy and somewhat simpler
operating procedures. The digital thickness meters that are commercially available now-
a-days can be classified into the following categories:

a) Pre-calibrated thickness meters

These meters are ideal for quick routine thickness measurements of components of a
known material. Because these meters have no operator controls, therefore, they can be
used quickly and efficiently with complete confidence even by untrained operator. These
meters give an accuracy of about  0.1 mm over their measuring range.

b) Calibratable thickness meters

A calibratable thickness meter is required when one wants to measure the thickness of
different materials and with higher measurement accuracy. In this category equipment
are available either with a single calibrating control or with twin calibrating controls.
Though the thickness meters with single calibrating control require simpler operating
procedures and hence not highly skilled personnel, they have, nonetheless, the following
two limitations:

i) For their operation one needs to know the acoustic velocity in the material
under test.

ii) Since these instruments are calibrated with a single thickness, usually
about 5 mm, their measuring accuracy decreases rapidly when the
thickness measured departs from this value.
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The above cited limitations of the single calibrating control thickness meters are
overcome by using the twin controls calibrating thickness meters. These meters require
two thickness steps containing the thickness or thickness range that is to be measured and
a somewhat lengthy calibrating procedure. If proper calibrating thickness steps are
available and the calibration is carried out with much care then measuring accuracy
obtained with such type of thickness meters is of the order of  0.001 mm. Some of the
digital thickness meters can be used as single calibration control or a twin calibration
controls instrument.

4.5.2 Use of flaw detectors for thickness measurements

The situations in which an ultrasonic flaw detector is used instead of a thickness meter

i) When the thickness is so large or the material of the test specimen is so

attenuative (e.g. cast iron, plastics or rubber) that the backwall obtained is
too weak to stop the counting circuit.

ii) When one wishes to combine thickness measurements with flaw

detection, as in the case of thickness measurements of corroded surfaces
and detection of pittings and surface cracks due to corrosion.

4.6 Monitor (Gate)

Many instruments are equipped with a monitor function which facilitates observing the
flaw expectancy range. The start and end of the flaw expectancy range can thereby be
marked by means of a step on the base line of the screen or an additionally displayed bar
on the screen. If now an echo appears within this range then this releases a visible and/or
audible alarm signal. The response threshold of the monitor is also variable so that an
echo indication only releases the alarm when it has reached a certain height. This mode
of operation is called ‘coincidence’ mode. Some equipment are fitted with monitor
which can also operate in the ‘anticoincidence’ mode, i.e. an echo indication only
releases the alarm when it has fallen below a certain threshold value. The anticoincidence
mode is usually used for monitoring the backwall echo height. This monitoring enables
the operator to check whether sufficient ultrasonic energy is being transmitted into the
test specimen or not.

In addition to the monitor function, most of these instruments have a control output
which can be used to further process the information. As soon as an echo appears within
the monitor threshold a voltage is fed to the control output which is proportional to the
echo height and which can be immediately used for automatic recording. By means of
this monitor function together with a path pick-up which is fixed into the probe, C- Scans
of workpieces can be easily printed on an XY-recorder.

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