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Assistant Bar Bender Theory Set 1 Merged

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Theory Question Paper

Job role: Assistant Bar Bender & Steel Fixer(CON/Q0202)

Level: 3
Total Marks: 210 Time: 1 hours 30 min
Candidate's Name:
Roll No:

CON/NO214: Read and understand reinforcement bar details from hand sketch.

1 What is the fullform of "BBS"? 4 marks

a). Bar Bending Scheme
b). Bent Bar Schedule
c). Bent Bar Scheme
d). Bar Bending Schedule

2 4 marks
The symbol "F" is used to represent___________ in a construction drawing?
a). Circular column
b). Diameter of a rebar
c). Spacing of the rebars
d). Numbers of rebars

3 The arrow mark on the map, normally represents which direction? 4 marks
a). North
b). South
c). East
d). West

4 What does the scale "1: 50" implies on a drawing sheet ? 4 marks
a). 50 unit on the drawing is 1 units on the project
b). 1 unit on the drawing is 500 units on the project
c). 1 unit on the drawing is 50 units on the project
d). 10 unit on the drawing is 50 units on the project

5 What is the cutting length of the following stirrup? 5 marks


Diameter of the bar

(d) = 8 mm
a). 864 mm
b). 800 mm
c). 950 mm
d). 780 mm

6 What is the standard length in which reinforcement bars are available in the 4 marks
a). 10 m
b). 12 m
c). 8 m
d). 9 m

7 What is the thickness of cover block provided for beam? 5 marks

a). 15 mm

b). 25 mm
c). 35 mm
d). 40 mm

CON/NO215: Use and maintain materials, tools and equipment relevant to reinforcement works.

8 Which of the following technique is used to connect two rebars? 4 marks

a). Lap joint
b). Butt joint
c). Coupler
d). All the above

9 After cutting of rebar, why the cut ends are hammered? 4 marks
a). To blunt the sharp edges, formed due to cutting process.
b). This prevent any injury which may cause due to sharp edges
c). This makes handling of the rebars safe
d). All the above

10 Which of the following does not comes under proper tools storage. 4 marks
a). Keep tools in a dry place
b). Use silica gel packs in toolboxes
c). Clean out your toolboxes every once in a while by emptying them and
wiping them out.
d). Do not lubricate any moving parts of a tool during its storage.

11 Which of the follwing is a power tool? 5 marks

a). Hammer & chisel
b). Rebar shearing machine
c). Bending lever
d). Binding hook

12 Which of the following is not a lifting application? 4 marks

a). Slings
b). Shackles
c). Lifting belt
d). Safety belt

13 What is/are the part/s of a hammer? 4 marks

a). Head
b). Face
c). Handle
d). All the above

14 What is the thickness of binding wire use for cage fabrication? 5 marks
a). 10 gauge
b). 12 gauge
c). 06 gauge
d). 16 gauge

CON/NO216: Perform cutting and manual bending of rebar for simple shape.
15 What is the purpose of chalk with respect to Bar bender job role? 4 marks
a). For marking
b). For decoration

c). For white washing
d). None

16 Identify the tool given below? 4 marks

a). Bar shearing machine
b). Bar cutting machine
c). Bar bending machine
d). Bar tieing machine

17 Generally, length of hook for the bars having diameter(d) greater than or 5 marks
equals to 8mm is taken as……….?
a). 5d
b). 2d
c). 3d
d). 10d

18 What factor is considered while selecting the type of bending lever? 4 marks
a). Diameter of the rebars
b). Length of the rebars
c). Grade of the rebars
d). Weight of the rebars

19 Which of the following is a component of bending bench? 4 marks

a). Bending lever
b). Sitting chair
c). Rebars
d). Pin plate

20 5 marks
What is the tolerance limit considered for the length of a rectangular stirrup?
a). +/- 10 mm (both side)
b). +/- 15 mm (both side)
c). +/- 05 mm (both side)
d). +/- 08 mm (both side)

21 Which of the following should be observed while checking stirrups? 4 marks

a). Shape
b). Dimension
c). Length and level of hook
d). All the above

CON/NO217 Assist in fabrication, placing and fixing of rebar for pre-fabricated and in-situ RCC structures.

22 Which of the following is correct representation for column fabrication? 5 marks

a). A
b). B
c). C
d). All the above

23 Why chairs are used in reinforcement? 4 marks
a). To hold the reinforcement in position
b). To maintain the distance between top and bottom reinforcement
c). To maintain the tidyness of work
d). All the above

24 Why staggering is done during lapping of rebars in a column or beam? 5 marks

a). In order to avoid more than 50 % lapping of the rebars at a particular
b). In order to avoid more than 50 % lapping of the rebars at a particular
c). In order to avoid more than 50 % lapping of the rebars at a particular
d). In order to avoid more than 50 % lapping of the rebars at a particular

25 What is the purpose of spacer bars? 4 marks

a). Maintain gap between two rebars
b). Prevent corrosion of the bars
c). Provide better heat exchange
d). All the aboves

26 Which among the follwing is the weakest type of tie? 4 marks

a). Slash tie
b). Hair pin tie
c). Hair pin ring tie
d). Crown tie

27 Why crank are provide to the reinforcement of the slab? 4 marks

a). To provide bottom reinforcement near the edge of the slab
b). To provide top reinforcement near the edge of the slab
c). To provide top reinforcement at the center of the slab
d). To provide chair to the reinforcement of the slab

28 4 marks
Which of the following in not a reason to provide cover on a RCC structure?
a). To protect rebars from corrosion.
b). To give rebars suffucient embedding to enable them to be stressed
without slipping
c). To protect rebars from fire, during fire out break.
d). To consume more concrete.

CON/NO101 Erect and dismantle temporary scaffold of 3.6 meter height.

29 Which of the activity should be done prior to the erection of scaffolding. 4 marks
a). Application of oil on the scaffold.
b). Preparation of platform

c). Ground preparation
d). None

30 Which of the following is used to check the verticality of a structure? 4 marks

a). Measuring tape
b). Plumb-bob
c). Water level
d). None

31 Identify the scaffolding system shown in the following figure? 5 marks

a). Cuplock scaffolding
b). Wedge lock scaffolding
c). Ring lock scaffolding
d). Tube and coupler scaffolding

32 A timber or other member used to distribute the load from base plate to the 4 marks
ground is called________?
a). Castor
b). Base plate
c). Toe board
d). Sole board

33 Why bracing is provided in the scaffolds? 5 marks

a). To eliminate any tendency for the scaffold to distort or sway
b). To beautify its appearance
c). To eliminate any possibility of the fall of construction materials from
the scaffold
d). None

34 ___________ are horizontal members normally in the direction of the smaller 4 marks
dimention of the working scaffold.
a). Transoms
b). Ledgers
c). Tubes
d). Couplers

35 4 marks
Which of the following component is used to adjust the level of scaffold base?
a). Guard rail
b). Non adjustable base plate
c). Swivel clamp
d). Screw jack

CON/N8001 Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace

36 From whom should an assistant bar bender receive instruction? 4 marks

a). From co-workers
b). From clients
c). From reporting senior
d). From mason

37 What will happen if you do not interact with your co-worker? 5 marks
a). De-motivation
b). Encouragement
c). Excitement

d). None

38 What will you do if you are not well versed with some critical procedure in your 4 marks
a). Stay quiet and finish it somehow
b). Ask for help from the procedure expert
c). Decline to work
d). Any one of the above

39 Why work schedule is important? 4 marks

a). To set the responsibility of each individual in a team.
b). To complete the work within alloted time frame.
c). Helps to keep labour costs low
d). All the above

40 Which is not referred as a part of communication skill? 5 marks

a). Active listening
b). Giving and receiving feedback
c). Use of sign language
d). Aggressive behaviour

41 Why is it important to collaborate with others among a team? 4 marks

a). To provide every team member with equal opportunities to participate
and communicate their ideas.
b). To work together to receive mutual benefits for the company as well as the
c). Both a & b
d). None

42 When should waste materials be cleared from the workplace? 4 marks

a). After the completion of entire project
b). Every day before leaving site
c). Once in three days
d). Once in seven days

CON/N9001 Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction site.

43 Identify the image shown below? 4 marks

a). Safety net
b). Shield
c). Apron
d). Safety belt

44 Which of the following is/ are physical hazard? 4 marks

a). Falls
b). Electricity
c). Inhalation
d). All the above

45 Which of the following may cause fire at the site? 5 marks

a). Electrical heating or short circuits
b). Lack of proper housekeeping
c). Chemical fire
d). All the above

46 Which fire extinguisher is used to extinguish the fire caused due to electrical 4 marks
short circuit?
a). CO2 based fire extinguisher
b). Dry chemical based fire extinguisher
c). Both a & b
d). None

47 Which of the following is not a safe practice while using a ladder? 5 marks
a). When climbing a ladder, used three points of contact.
b). Always stand on top of a ladder.
c). Never carry any load that could cause you to lose balance.
d). Avoid setting the ladder near exit door.

48 Which of the following is/are safe lifting technique? 4 marks

a). Adopt a stable position and good posture.
b). Keep the load as close to your body as possible
c). Bend at the knees, not the hips
d). All the above

49 Which is not a safety measure against falling danger. 4 marks

a). Provide cover to every floor hole at the site.
b). Provide guard rail around elevated platform/ floor/ runway.
c). Refuse to work at height as there is danger of fall.
d). Use safety harness, safety nets, fall arrestor etc. while working at height

Assistant Construction Painter and Decorator
CON/N0502: Carry out preparation of all type of basic surfaces for painting works

1. Surface being prepared for painting has rust spots on it, which surface preparation
method will you apply for good paint finish? (E)
A. Masonry surface preparation
B. Wooden surface preparation
C. RCC surface preparation
D. Metal surface preparation
1. पें ट ग
िं क लिए तयार की जा रही सतह पर जिंग क धब्ब िग हैं, अच्छ पें फिनिलि क लिए आप क िसी विधध का
प्रय ग करें ग? (ई)
क. मसिरी सतह की तयारी
ख. िकडी की सतह की तयारी
ग. आरसीसी सतह की तयारी
घ. धातू सतह की तयारी

2. What preparation tool will be required to prepare the surface shown in the image below?

A. Scrapper
B. Hammer
C. Nail Punch
D. Scissor
2. िीच धचत्र में टिखाई गई सतह की तयारी क लिए क िस औजार की आिश्यकता ह गी?
क. स्क्रपर
ख. हमर
ग. िि पिंच
घ. कैं ची
3. Which of the following will you use to protect the carpet and floor to minimize the
damage caused due to painting? (M)
A. Floor protection film
B. Cotton dust sheet
C. Green Cover
D. Dirt mat
3. पें ट ग
िं क कारण कारप और ििश क ह ि िाि िक
ु साि क कम करि क लिए आप निम्ि में स फकस
चीज का प्रय ग करें ग? (एम)
क. फ्ि र प्र क्िि फिल्म
ख. का ि डस्क् िी
ग. ग्रीि किर
घ. ड श म

4. Metal surface is to be prepared for painting. Which of the following can ensure its
protection against environmental conditions? (D)
A. Oiling the metal surface before painting
B. Washing the metal surface after painting
C. Applying primer to the metal surface before painting
D. Applying Paint directly after drying the surface
4. धातु की सतह क पें क लिए तयार करिा ह। निम्ि में स क िसा इसकी िातािरण स सरु क्षा क
सनु िश्श्चत कर सकता ह? (डी)
क. पें ट ग
िं स पहि धातू पर ति िगािा
ख. पें ट ग
िं क बाि धातू की सतह क ध िा
ग. पें ट ग
िं स पहि धातू की सतह पर प्राइमर करिा
घ. सतह क सख
ु ाि क बाि सीधा पें करिा

5. What are the two types of stripping processes? (M)

A. Physical and Technical
B. Technical and Aerial
C. Physical and Chemical
D. Aerial and Chemical
5. ि प्रकार की श्स्क्िवपिंग प्रफरयाए क िसी हैं? (एम)
क. भ नतक और तकिीकी
ख. तकिीक एििं िायिीय
ग. भ नतक और रासायनिक
घ. िायिीय और रासायनिक
6. Check the image below. What is its use in surface preparation? (D)

A. Abrading
B. Stripping
C. Scraping
D. Washing
6. िीच टिए गए धचत्र क िखें । सतह की तयारी में इसका क्या प्रय ग ह?
क. नघसिा
ख. श्स्क्िप करिा
ग. खुरचिा
घ. ध िा
7. Wooden surface in image is being prepared for painting. Identify the tool a ked A ? D

A. Scrapper
B. Nail Punch
C. Putty knife
D. Knot brush

7. धचत्र में िी गई िकड़ी की सतह क पें ट ग

िं क लिए तयार फकया जा रहा ह। ए“ द्िारा धचश्हहत औजार क
पहचािें? (डी)
क. स्क्रपर
ख. िि पिंच
ग. पट्
ु ी िाइि
घ. ि ब्रि
8. Identif the tool la elled as A i the p o ess sho elo . M

A. Air Blower
B. Hot Air Gun
C. Light Gun
D. Blow Gun
8. िीच टिखाई गई प्रफरया में A द्िारा धचश्हहत औजार का िाम बताओ। (एम)
क. एयर ब्ि िर
ख. ह एयर गि
ग. िाइ गि
घ. ब्ि गि

9. What would happen if the holes in the wall are not properly filled the first time? (M)
A. It o ’t eate a p o le as the e a e t o o e oats of filli g to e do e
B. It cannot be corrected
C. It will not create uneven finish as more paint will be applied
D. It should be removed and filled again
9. िीिार क गड्ढों क जब पहिी बार ठीक स िहीिं भरा जाता ह त क्या ह गा? (एम)
क. इसस क ई समस्क्या पिा िहीिं ह गी क्योंफक फिलििंग की ि परत और आती हैं
ख. इस ठीक िहीिं फकया जा सकता।
ग. इसस असमाि फिनिि ह गा क्योंफक अधधक पें िगगा।
घ. इस ह ािा चाटहए और फिर स भरिा चाटहए।

10. What will be your first step to carry out preparation for painting work? (M)
A. Start washing the surface
B. Check dimensions of the surface
C. Start painting the surface
D. Check visually the type of surface

10. पें ट ग
िं कायश की तयारी क लिए पहिा चरण क्या ह गा?
क. सतह क ध िा िुरू करें
ख. सतह क आयामों की जािंच करें
ग. सतह क पें करिा िुरू करें
घ. सतह क प्रकार की िख कर जािंच करें
11. What is the man doing in this picture? (E)

A. Painting
B. Scraping
C. Washing
D. Applying wallpaper

11. इस धचत्र में आिमी क्या काम कर रहा ह?

क. पें ट ग
ख. स्क्रवपिंग
ग. िालििंग
घ. िाि पपर का प्रय ग करिा

12. What is the necessary step before starting to paint? (M)

A. Make sure surrounding area is protected
B. Make sure you are coming on time
C. Make sure that you have your partner with you
D. Make sure you are alone in the work area

12. पें िुरू करि स पहि आिश्यक चरण क िसा ह?

क. सुनिश्श्चत करें फक आस पास का क्षत्र ढक टिया गया ह ।
ख. सुनिश्श्चत करें फक आप समय पर आ रह हैं
ग. सुनिश्श्चत करें फक आपक साथ आपका पा श िर ह िा चाटहए।
घ. सनु िश्श्चत करें फक आप कायश क्षत्र में अकि हों।

13. What type of surface is shown in the picture below? (E)

A. Metal
B. Wood
C. Paper
D. Stone
13. िीच टिए गए धचत्र में क िसी सतह ह?
क. धातू
ख. िकड़ी
ग. कागज
घ. पत्थर

14. Abrading and keying is done --------- the painting. (E)

A. After
B. Before
C. During
D. In between
14. नघसा और िगाया जाता ह........
क. पें ट ग
िं क बाि
ख. पें ट ग
िं स पहि
ग. पें ट ग
िं क ि राि
घ. बीच में

15. What is the work of solvent wiping? (D)

A. Give shining
B. Remove insects
C. Remove grease
D. Absorb water
15. स ििें क पोंछि का कायश क्या ह ता ह?
क. चमकािा
ख. की ों क ह ािा
ग. ग्रीस क ह ािा
घ. पािी क स खिा

16. How to prepare wood surface for painting work? (E)

A. Hammering
B. Painting
C. Spraying
D. Abrading
16. पें ट ग
िं कायश क लिए िकड़ी की सतह क तयार कस फकया जाता ह?
क. हमररिंग
ख. पें ट ग
ग. स्क्प्र करिा
घ. नघसिा
17. What will you do if there is an existing coating of paint? (E)
A. Let it remain
B. Remove it
C. Paint over it
D. Show it to supervisor
17. यटि पहि स ही पें की एक परत ह त आप क्या करें ग?
क. इस रहि िें ग
ख. इस ह ा िें ग
ग. इसक ऊपर स पें कर िें ग
घ. इस सुपरिाइजर क टिखाएिंग

18. What you should do if there are voids in the wall? (M)
A. Use appropriate filler
B. Use lots of paint
C. Use scrapping tool
D. Use mud to fill it
18. यटि िीिार में िरारें हों त आपक क्या करिा चाटहए?
क. उधचत फिल्िर का प्रय ग करें
ख. पयाशप्त पें प्रय ग करें
ग. स्क्रवपिंग ू ि का प्रय ग करें
घ. इस भरि क लिए मड का प्रय ग करें

19. What are the correct steps that should be taken when you visually inspect the chairs
shown in this picture? (H)

a. Apply primer
b. Remove loose paint
c. Start painting
d. Hand sand its surface to make it smooth
19. धचत्र में टिखाई गई कुलसशयों क आिंखों स िखत हुए जािंच करि क उधचत चरण क िस हैं?
क. प्राइमर का प्रय ग करें
ख. िूज पें क ह ाएिं
ग. पें ट ग
िं क िुरू करें
घ. सतहों क रगमार स धचकिा करें
A. acbd
B. bdac
C. abcd
D. dcba
क. क ग ख घ
ख. ख घ क ग
ग. क ख ग घ
घ. घ ग ख क

20. Which of the following tools does a painter uses to remove old paint from the surface
before repainting it? (E)
A. Painting Brush
B. Wooden Stick
C. Scraper
D. Wet cloth
20. एक पुरािी सतह पर ि बारा पें करि स पहि पुराि पें क ह ाि क लिए पें र क िस औजार का प्रय ग
करता ह?
क. पें ट ग
िं ब्रि
ख. िकड़ी की छडी
ग. स्क्रपर
घ. गीिा कपड़ा

21. Which safety practice is being shown in the picture? (M)

A. Ensuring safety of the floor from the dust particles

B. Ensuring safety of the paint from being wasted on the floor
C. Ensuring safety of the furniture from the stains of paint
D. Ensuring that the look of the working area is attractive

21. धचत्र में क िसा सुरक्षा कायश टिखाया गया ह?

ू क कणों स ििश की सरु क्षा
क. धि
ख. ििश पर पें क व्यथश जाि स सुरक्षा
ग. पें क धब्बों स ििीचर की सुरक्षा
घ. सुनिश्श्चत करिा फक कायश क्षत्र का िुक आकर्शक िग
22. Which of the following steps come under the preparation needed to re-paint a metal
object? (H)
a) Cleaning the surface
b) Greasing the surface
c) Remove loose paint
d) Heating the metal object
e) Remove rust from the surface
22. एक धातू की िस्क्तु क ि बारा पें करि क लिए तयारी क ि राि निम्ि में स फकि चरणों की जरूरत ह?
क. सतह क साि करिा
ख. सतह पर ग्रीस िगािा
ग. िज
ू पें क ह ािा
घ. धातू की िस्क्तु क गमश करिा
ड़. सतह स जिंग क ह ािा
A. Only a, c and e
B. Only a, b, c and d
C. Only d, c and e
D. Only a, c, d and e
क. किि क, ख और ग
ख. किि क, ख और ड़
ग. किि घ, ग और ड़
घ. किि क, ख, घ और ड़

23. In order to remove loose paint from the surface of a metal object, what among the
following DOESN’T come under the techniques used? (E)
A. Hand wire brushing
B. Sanding
C. Scraping
D. Greasing
23. एक धातू की िस्क्तु स िज
ू पें क ह ाि क लिए निम्ि में स क िसा प्रय ग की जाि िािी
तकिीकों क अिंतगशत िहीिं आता?
क. हैंड िायर ब्रलििंग
ख. सैंडडिंग
ग. स्क्रवपिंग
घ. धग्रलसिंग
24. Why is it essential to clean a metal surface with mineral spirit? (H)
A. Because it increases the glow of the surface
B. Because it helps in degreasing the surface
C. Because it helps in repairing the small holes and dents
D. Because it helps in removing loose paints from the surface
24. एक धातु की सतह क खनिज श्स्क्प्र स साि करिा क्यों अनििायश ह?
क. क्योंफक यह सतह की चमक क बढाता ह
ख. क्योंफक यह सतह स ग्रीस क उतारि में सहायक ह
ग. क्योंफक यह छ नछद्रों और डें क ह ाि में सहायक ह
घ. क्योंफक यह सतह स िज
ू पें क ह ाि में सहायता करता ह

25. What practice is shown in this picture? (E)

A. Wiping solvent from the wooden surface

B. Abrading the wooden surface
C. Scraping the wooden surface
D. Degreasing the wooden surface
25. इस धचत्र में क िसा कायश ििाशया गया ह?
क. िकड़ी की सतह स स ििें क पोंछिा
ख. िकड़ी की सतह क नघसिा
ग. िकड़ी की सतह क खरु चिा
घ. िकड़ी की सतह स ग्रीस क ह ािा

26. What is the use of the equipment shown? (H)

A. For painting the metal surface

B. For priming the surface
C. For mixing the colorants
D. For removing the existing coating from the surface
26. ििाशए गए उपकरण का क्या प्रय ग ह?
क. धातू की सतह क पें करि क लिए
ख. सतह पर पें करि क लिए
ग. रिं गों क लमिाि क लिए
घ. सतह स पहि की परत क ह ाि क लिए

27. What among the following can be used in order to fill the small holeson the surface of
the metal objects, as shown in the image below? (M)

A. Epoxy-based composite
B. Thick paint
C. Molten metal
27. धचत्र में टिखाए गए अिुसार धातू की सतह पर छ नछद्रों क भरि क लिए निम्ि में स फकसका प्रय ग फकया
जाता ह
क. इप क्सी-आधाररत कम्प श्ज
ख. गाढा पें
ग. म ल् ि धातू
घ. पीओपी

28. If you are on an un-level ground and you need to setup a scaffold, what will you do to
make it leveled? (M)
A. Balance the scaffold with the help of cemented bricks
B. Ask your co-workers to handle the scaffold when you are working
C. Dig down to make the dirt level in any high corner
D. Use it anyway without making any changes
28. यटि आप एक असमाि स्क्तर पर हैं और आपक एक ढािंचा बिाि की जरूरत ह, त इस समाि करि क
लिए आप क्या करें ग?
क. सीमें की इिं ों की सहायता स ढािंच क सिंतलु ित करिा
ख. अपि सहायक स काम करत समय इस पकड़ि क लिए कहें ग
ग. फकसी भी ऊिंच क ि स रत क ख ि कर स्क्तर क समाि करें ग
घ. बबिा फकसी बििाि क जसा था िसा ही प्रय ग करें ग।
29. You are assisting a Construction Painter and Decorator and he/she asks you to shift the
required materials and equipment over the scaffold that will be needed for doing putty on
the wall. What are the possible things among the following that he/she will need? (H)
a) Putty steel plate
b) Putty knife
c) Bucket full of acrylic putty
d) Bucket full of colorant
e) Black and white marker pen
A. Only a, c, d and e
B. Only a, b and c
C. Only a, b, d and e
D. Only c, d and e
29. आप एक कहसिक्िि पें र और डक र र की सहायता कर रह हैं और िह आपस आिश्यक सामग्री और
उपकरण क ढािंच पर बििि क लिए कह रहा ह श्जसकी आिश्यकता िीिार पर पट्
ु ी भरि क लिए पड़गी। निम्ि
में स क िसी सिंभावित चीजों की आिश्यकता उस ह गी?
क. पुट् ी स्क् ीि प्ि
ख. पुट् ी िाइि
ग. आफकशलिक पुट् ी की पूरी बाल् ी
घ. रिं ग की परू ी बाल् ी
ड़. कािा और सिि माकशर पें
क. किि क, ग, घ और ड़
ख. किि क, ख और ग
ग. किि क, ख, घ और ड़
घ. किि ग, घ और ड़

30. What safety equipment is the painter wearing in this picture? (E)

A. Gloves and Mask

B. Helmet and Shirt
C. Shirt and Blue Pant
D. Gloves and Helmet
30. इस धचत्र में पें र क िसा उपकरण पहि हुए ह?
क. िस्क्ताि और मास्क्क
ख. हिम और ि श
ग. ि श और िीिी पैं
घ. िस्क्ताि और हिम
31. After leveling the ground in order to setup a scaffold, what is the next step you will take?
A. Place base plates and sole board on the ground as per marking
B. Set Guard rail and Mid rail
C. Fit Cross brace
D. Fit Scaffold brackets
31. एक ढािंचा खड़ा करि क लिए जमीि क ििि में िाि क लिए आप क िसा किम उठाएिंग?
क. नििािों क अिुसार जमीि पर बस प्ि ें और स ि ब डश िगाएिं
ख. गाडश रि और लमड रि स करें
ग. र स ब्रास क फि करें
घ. ढािंचें की ब्रक क फि करें

32. What are the correct steps among the following that one should take for Scaffold
erection? (H)
a) Install Guard rails and Scaffold brackets
b) Place base plates and sole boards
c) Set wooden planks over the braces
d) Fit cross braces
A. abdc
B. dabc
C. bdca
D. abcd
32. ढािंचा खड़ा करि क लिए निम्ि में स क िस चरण अपिाए जाि चाटहए?
क. गाडश रि और ढािंचा ब्रक इहस ाि करें
ख. बस प्ि और स ि ब डश रखें
ग. ब्रास पर िकड़ी क िट् रखें
घ. र स ब्रास क फि करें
क. क, ख, घ, ग
ख. घ, क, ख, ग
ग. ख, घ, ग, क
ड़. क, ख, ग, घ

33. Which equipment is used to check the verticality of Scaffold? (M)

A. Screw Gauge
B. Spirit level
C. Dial gauge
D. Centimeter scale
33. ढािंच की ऊिंचाई की जािंच करि क लिए क िसा उपकरण प्रय ग फकया जाता ह?
क. स्क्रू गज
ख. श्स्क्प्र ििि
ग. डायि गज
घ. सें ीमी र स्क्कि
34. What checks should be done before using Scaffold? (M)
A. Rigidity, Stability and support of erected scaffold
B. Colour of the parts used in Scaffold erection
C. Inflammability of the Scaffold
D. Appearance of the scaffold
34. ढािंचा प्रय ग करि स पहि क िसी जािंच करिी चाटहए?
क. बिाए गए ढािंच की दृढता, श्स्क्थरता और स्क्प श
ख. ढािंचा खड़ा कर में प्रय ग फकए गए भागों का रिं ग
ग. ढािंच की ज्ििििीिता
घ. ढािंच का अपीयरें स

35. Identify A and B in the image given below. (H)


A. Mid rail and Diagonal brace

B. Scaffold bracket and Toe board
C. Guard rail and Cross brace
D. Guard rail and Toe board
35. िीच टिए गए धचत्र में ए औ बी क पहचानिए।
क. लमड रि और डायज िि ब्रास
ख. ढािंच क ब्रक और ब डश
ग. गाडश रि और र स ब्रास
घ. गाडश रि और ब डश
36. What are the correct steps according to standard procedure for dismantling a Scaffold?
a) Remove Cross braces and Diagonal braces
b) Remove Toe board and Walk board
c) Remove Base plates
d) Remove Guard rails

A. dbac
B. abdc
C. acbd
D. bcda

36. एक ढािंच क ह ाि क लिए मािक प्रफरया क अिस

ु ार सही चरण क्या हैं?
क. र स ब्रास और डायज िि ब्रास क ह ाएिं
ख. ब डश और िाक ब डश क ह ाएिं
ग. बस प्ि ों क ह ाएिं
घ. गाडश रि क ह ाएिं
क. घ, ख, क, ग
ख. क, ख, घ, ग
ग. क, ग, ख, घ
घ. ख, ग, घ, क

37. While dismantling a Scaffold, which part will you remove first? (M)
A. Cross brace
B. Diagonal brace
C. Sole board
D. Guard rail

37. एक ढािंच क ख ित समय आप सबस पहि क िसा भाग ह ाएिंग?

क. र स ब्रास
ख. डायज िि ब्रास
ग. स ि ब डश
घ. गाडश रि
38. After dismantling the Scaffold, what is the other step that should be taken? (E)
A. The parts should be left at the site
B. Continue with other works related to painting
C. Clean and stack all components properly
D. Inform the supervisor about making proper cleaning arrangements
38. ढािंच क ख िि क बाि निम्ि में स क िसा किम उठािा चाटहए?
क. भागों क साइ पर छ ड ििा चाटहए
ख. पें ट ग
िं स सिंबिंधधत अहय काम जारी रखें
ग. सभी घ कों क सही प्रकार स साि करें और रखें
घ. उधचत सिाई व्यिस्क्था क बार में सुपरिाइजर क सूधचत करें
39. Among the following options, what is the important duty of an Assistant Construction
Painter and Decorator? (E)
A. The colour combination of paints should look attractive
B. Should always know what his/her supervisor thinks about him/her
C. Should plan the work of his/her superiors
D. Should maintain tidiness at work location

39. निम्ि विकल्पों में स एक सहायक कहसिक्िि पें र और डक र र का महत्िपूणश कायश क िसा ह?
क. पें का कम्बीििि आकर्शक िगिा चाटहए
ख. हमिा यह जाििा चाटहए फक उसका सुपरिाइजर उसक बार में क्या स चता ह
ग. अपि िररष्ठ क कायश की य जिा बिािी चाटहए
घ. कायश स्क्थि पर सिाई रखिी चाटहए

40. What is the main purpose of using a primer before painting any surface? (E)
A. To seal the substrate in order to prevent the chemistry in the substrate from
migrating into
B. It never supports the finish coat
C. To avoid a consistent appearance with your final coat
D. To increase Ph level of the masonry surfaces to adhesion problem
40.फकसी भी सतह पर पें करि स पहि प्राइमर करि का उद्िश्य क्या ह ता ह?
क. सब्स ª क सीि करिा ताफक उसमें रासायनिक प्रफरया ि ह
ख. यह कभी भी फिनिि परत की सहायता िहीिं करता
ख. धचिाई की सतहों क पीएच ििि क बढाि क लिए ताफक धचपकि की समस्क्या ि आए

41. Which amongst the following should be used to clean a metal before paint? (E)
A. Water
B. Alcohol
C. Acetone
D. Propylene
41. पें करि स पहि धातू की सिाई करि क लिए निम्ि में स फकसका प्रय ग करिा चाटहए?
क. पािी
ख. एल्क ह ि
ग. एसी ि
घ. प्र वपिीि

42. Which of the following statement about organisational policies and procedures for
health, safety and welfare in relation to dealing with emergencies is incorrect? (M)
A. To stop work and contact site foreman immediately
B. Everyone has a responsibility to report any accidents or near misses
C. Evacuating the site leaving tools and going to nearest fire escape
D. Avoid to plans for each building in case of fire
42. आपतकाि क सिंबध
िं में स्क्िास्क््य, सरु क्षा और कल्याण क लिए सिंगठिात्मक िीनतयों और
प्रफरयाओिं क बार में निम्ि में स क िा कथि सही िहीिं ह?
क. कायश क र किा और तरु िं त साइ क ि रमि स सम्पकश करिा
ख. हर फकसी की फकसी भी िघ
ु श िा या चक
ू क बार में सधू चत करि की श्जम्मिारी ह ती ह
ग. साइ ििलििंग ू ि क ह ािा और आग स बचाि क लिए भागिा
घ. आग िगि पर प्रत्यक भिि क लिए य जिाएिं ि बिािा

43. If concrete masonry is chosen as the exterior finish material, a water repellent should be
used to effectively control water penetration, so for what purpose Surface treatment
repellent is used? (E)
A. These are specified for the concrete masonry blocks and the mortar before the wall
is constructed
B. These are applied to the weather-exposed side of the wall after the wall is
C. These are used for exterior insulation and can be adhered or mechanically attached
to the masonry
D. These are a rigid board product which reduces the thermal bridging

43. यटि बाहरी फिनिि म ररयि क रूप में किंरी की धचिाई का चुिाि फकया जाता ह, त पािी घस
ु ि
स र कि क लिए िा र ररपिें का प्रय ग करिा चाटहए, इसलिए सतह उपचार ररपिें का प्रय ग फकस
लिए फकया जाता ह?
क. य वििर् किंरी की धचिाई क ब्ि क और िीिार बिाि से पहि म ाशर क लिए ह त हैं।
ख. इिका प्रय ग िीिार बिाि क बाि म सम क सम्पकश में आि िािी साइड पर फकया जाता ह
ग. इिका प्रय ग बाहरी इहसि
ु िि क लिए फकया जाता ह और इहहें धचिाई में तकिीकी रूप स
ज ड़ा जा सकता ह।

44. Which amongst the following is an advantage of stripping or removing coatings and
epoxies from masonry, wood and metal surfaces? (D)
A. No surface neutralization required
B. Rinses only with hot water
C. Especially designed for removing the softest coatings
D. Product efficiency is increase when temperatures are below 40° F
44. धचिाई, िकड़ी और धातु की सतहों स परतों क ह ाि का िाभ क िसा ह?
क. सतह क उिासीि बिाि की जरूरत िहीिं पड़ती
ख. किि गरम पािी स साि फकया जाता ह
ग. मि
ु ायम परत क ह ाि क लिए वििर् रूप स डडजाइि फकया जाता ह
घ. जब तापमाि 40 डडग्री िा. स कम ह ता ह त उत्पाि की क्षमता बढ जाती ह।
45. Which amongst the following is an equipment which is a coarse form of file used for
coarsely shaping metal surface? (E)
A. Rasp file
B. Sand paper
C. Slush boots
D. Work apron
45. निम्ि में स क िसा उपकरण रती क रूप में धातू की सतह क आकार िि क लिए फकया जाता ह?
क. रस्क्प िाइि
ख. रगमार
ग. स्क्िस बू
घ. िकश एप्रि

46. Which amongst the following is used to remove material from wood surfaces or
mechanically finish a wood surface? (E)
A. Round file
B. Rasps
C. Emery cloth
D. Abrasive paper

46. निम्ि में स फकसका प्रय ग िकडी की सतह स सामग्री क ह ाि क लिए या िकड़की सहत क
मिीिी रूप स चमकाि क लिए फकया जाता ह?
क. ग ि रती
ख. रस्क्प
ग. एमरी क्ि थ
घ. रगमार

47. Which equipment is used to remove multiple existing coatings from a masonry surface
without damaging the substrate? (M)
A. Chemical Stripping
B. Sodium bicarbonate blast cleaning
C. Wet abrasive blast cleaning
D. Power-tool cleaning
47. निम्ि में स फकस उपकरण का प्रय ग सब्सि क क्षनत पहुचाए बबिा एक धचिाई की सतह स
विलभहि परतों क ह ाि क लिए फकया जाता ह?
क. कलमकि श्स्क्िवपिंग
ख. स डडयम बाइकाबोि ब्िास्क् क्िीनििंग
ग. ि अब्रलसि ब्िास्क् क्िीनििंग
घ. पािर ू ि क्िीनििंग
48. Which method is a vector based representation of a surface that is used to fill all voids
and undulations on the surface? (E)
A. High- accuracy surface modelling (HASM)
B. Inverse distance weighted interpolation (IDW)
C. Triangulated irregular network (TIN)
D. Advanced Spline method (ANUDEM)
48. निम्ि में स क िसी विधध एक सतह का िक् र आधाररत प्रनतनिधधत्ि ह श्जसका प्रय ग खािी स्क्थािों क
भरि क लिए फकया जाता ह?
क. हाई एक्युरसी सरिस म डलििंग (एचएएसएम)
ख. इहिसश डडस्क् ें स िट ड इिं रप ििि (आईडीडबल्यु)
ग. िाइएिंगि
ु ट ड इरगि
ु र ि िकश ( ीआईएि)
घ. एडिािंस्क्ड स्क्पिाइि मथड (एएियुडीईएम)

CON/N0101: Erect and dismantle temporary scaffold of 3.6 meter height

49. What is the following item, marked with an arrow, that is used to level the area where
the scaffold must be erected? (M)
49. तीर क नििाि स ििाशया गया आइ म क्या ह, श्जसका प्रय ग उस स्क्थाि क समति बिाि क लिए

फकया जाता ह जहािं ढािंचा बिाया जाता ह?

A. Levelling screw
B. Base plate
C. Brick
D. Mud sills

क. ििलििंग स्क्रू
ख. बस प्ि
ग. ईं
घ. मड लसि

50.The pre-planning procedure for the erection of a scaffold involves the transportation of
________________ to the instructed location. (E)
A. power lines
B. foundation stone
C. materials, tools and tackles
D. personal protective equipment
50. एक ढािंच क खड़ा करि क लिए पि
ू श य जिा में निम्ि में फकस का पररिहि निमाशण स्क्थि पर
िालमि ह
क. बबजिी की तारें
ख. आधार पत्थर
ग. सामग्री, ू ि और कि
घ. व्यश्क्तगत सरु क्षा उपकरण

51.What is this protective equipment that should be worn by all personnel using a scaffold?

A. Hard hat
B. Ranger hat
C. Bump cap
D. Reflectorized ball caps
51. यह सरु क्षात्मक उपकरण क्या ह श्जस ढािंच का प्रय ग करि िाि सभी कलमशयों द्िारा फकया जािा
क. सख्त ह
ख. रें जर ह
ग. बम्प कप
घ. प्रनतबबिंबबत बाि कप

52.Which of the following could be a possible reason for the scaffold to tilt as seen in image?

A. Levelled ground
B. Absence of frames
C. Scaffold poles are plumb
D. Base plates were not used
52. धचत्र में टिखाए गए अिस
ु ार ढािंच क झुकाि का सिंभावित कारण क्या ह सकता ह?
क. समति जमीि
ख. फ्रमों का अभाि
ग. ढािंच क प ि और पिम्ब
घ. बस प्ि का प्रय ग िहीिं फकया गया ह

53.What should be the dimensions of a mud sill pad to be used for a 3.6m scaffold? (H)
A. 8
C. 8 8
D. 6 6
53. एक 3.6 मी र ढािंच क लिए प्रय ग फकए जाि िाि एक मड लसि पड का आयाम क्या
ह िा चाटहए?
d- 8
x- 8 8
?k- 6 6

54.Identify this tool that is used to check if the scaffold is vertically straight? (M)

A. Plumb bob
B. Spirit level
C. Upright leveller
D. Plumb pendulum

54. इस ू ि क पहचािें श्जसका प्रय ग ढािंच क सीधपि क िखि क लिए फकया जाता ह?
क. पिम्ब ब ब
ख. श्स्क्प्र ििि
ग. अपराइ िििर
घ. पिम्ब पें डुिम
55.What is this part, which if removed from the scaffold would lead to overloading? (M)

A. Coupler
B. Ledger
C. Brace
D. Joining pin
55. यह क िसा भाग ह श्जस ह ा टिया जाए त ढािंच पर अधधक भार पड़गा?
क. कपिर
ख. िजर
ग. ब्रस
घ. ज इनििंग वपि
56.What purpose does this component of a scaffold serve? (H)

A. Ensures proper weight distribution throughout the scaffold

B. Prevents people from falling off
C. Prevents tools and other materials from falling off
D. Provides rigidity to the structure
56. ढािंच क इस भाग का क्या उद्िश्य ह ता ह?
क. परू ढािंच पर समाि भार क वितररत करता ह
ख. ि गों क धगरि स बचाता ह
ग. औजार और िस
ू री सामग्री क धगरि स बचाता ह
घ. सिंरचिा क दृढता प्रिाि करता ह
57.What should a worker do first when preparing to dismantle scaffolding? (E)
A. Find place to stack the materials
B. Clear the working platform of all items
C. Ask a co-worker for help
D. Remove the braces
57. एक ढािंच क ख ित समय एक कलमशक क सबस पहि क्या करिा चाटहए?
क. सामग्री क रखि क लिए जगह निधाशररत करिी चाटहए
ख. कायश करि क प्ि िामश पर स सभी िस्क्तओ
ु िं क ह ा ििा चाटहए
ग. एक सहकमी क सहायता क लिए कहिा चाटहए
घ. ब्रस क ह ािा चाटहए
58.During the process of dismantling a scaffold, which component (as shown in image) is
removed first? (M)

A. Edge protection
B. Working platform
C. Ladder
D. Fall Arrest System
58. एक ढािंच क ख िि क ि राि क िसा घ क सबस पहि ह ाया जाता ह (जसा फक धचत्र में ििाशया
गया ह)?
क. फकिार की सरु क्षा
ख. कायश प्ि िामश
ग. सीढी
घ. धगरि स र कि का लसस्क् म
59.According to you, what is wrong with the manner in which these scaffolding components
have been stacked? (H)

A. Components are not grouped together according to their type

B. Stack looks unstable and may fall during storage
C. Components not belonging to scaffolding are kept in the pile
D. They are not protected with plastic sheets

59. आपक अिस

ु ार ढािंच क ह ाए गए इि भागों क साथ क्या गित ह?
क. भागों क उिक प्रकार क अिस
ु ार एक साथ िहीिं रखा गया ह
ख. ढर अश्स्क्थर टिखाई िता ह और स्क् रज क ि राि धगर सकता ह
ग. ि भाग भी ढािंच क भागें में लमिा टिए गए हैं ज ढािंच क िहिं ेी हैं
घ. ि प्िाश्स्क् क की िी ों क साथ सरु क्षक्षत िहीिं हैं
60.What should be done with the dust and rubbish accumulated during the work process
involving scaffolding? (E)
A. The local leader should be informed so he can arrange a clean up
B. The industrial cleaning agency should be contacted
C. It should be swept and placed in nearby dustbins
D. Water should be poured over the dust and rubbish

60. ढािंच सिंबध

िं ी कायश करि की प्रफरया क ि राि इकट्ठी हुई धूि और कचर का क्या करिा चाटहए?
क. स्क्थािीय िीडर क सधू चत करिा चाटहए ताफक िह सिाई की व्यिस्क्था करिाए
ख. औद्य धगक सिाई एजेंसी स सम्पकश फकया जािा चाटहए
ग. इस िजिीकी डस्क् बीि में डाििा चाटहए
घ. घि
ू और कचर क ऊपर पािी डाििा चाटहए

61.Which of the following ground surfaces would best suit the erection of scaffold for
painting? (M)
A. Muddy soft ground
B. Concrete drive way
C. Uneven sandy ground
D. Ground with loose gravel

61. निम्िलिखखत ग्राउिं ड सतहों में स क ि सा पें ट ग

िं क लिए मचाि क निमाशण क लिए सबस अच्छा ह गा?
ए. मूडी िरम जमीि
बी. किंरी ड्राइि रास्क्ता
सी. असमाि रतीि जमीि
डी. ढीि बजरी क साथ जमीि

62. Components of scaffold are lying in the warehouse. After the ground preparation, what
could be the next step to erect the scaffold? (M)
A. Transfer all the components of scaffold to the site
B. Bring the components one at a time as and when needed
C. Erect the scaffold at warehouse and then shift the same to the site
D. Sort various components and bring them to the site in individual groups

62. ग िाम में मचाि क घ क झूठ ब ि रह हैं। जमीि की तयारी क बाि, मचाि बिाि क लिए अगिा किम
क्या ह सकता ह? (एम)
ए। मचाि क सभी घ कों क साइ पर स्क्थािािंतररत करें
बी। जब आिश्यक ह तब घ कों क एक समय में िाएिं
सी। ग िाम में मचाि बिाओ और फिर इस साइ पर स्क्थािािंतररत करें
डी। विलभहि घ कों क सॉ श करें और उहहें अिग-अिग समूहों में साइ पर िाएिं
63. Which of the following safety gadgets would be crucial for fall protection while working
on scaffold erected at height? (M)
A. Safety Goggles
B. Safety Harness
C. Safety Gloves
D. Safety Boots

63. ऊंचाई पर बन मचान पर काम करत हुए ननम्न में स क न सा सुरक्षा गजट गगरावट क लिए
महत्वपूर्ण ह गा? (एम)

ए सुरक्षा ग गल्स
बी सरु क्षा हानेस
सी सरु क्षा दस्तान
डी सुरक्षा जूत

64. What should be the minimum thickness of sole board to offer proper support to the base
plate? (D)
A. 2 cm
B. 15 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 20 cm

64. बस प्िट क उगचत समर्णन दन क लिए एकमात्र ब डण की न्यूनतम म टाई क्या ह नी चाहहए? (डी)
ए 2 cm
बी 15 cm
सी 5 cm
डी 20 cm
65. Figure below shows the components of the 3.6 meter high temporary scaffold. Identify
the o po e t A . D
65. नीच गचत्र 3.6 मीटर उच्च अस्र्ायी मचान क घटकों क हदखाता ह। घटक "ए" की पहचान करें ।

A. metal rod
B. cross braces
C. slanting rod
D. slating braces

ए धातु रॉड
बी पार ब्रलसज़
सी नतरछा रॉड
डी नतरछा ब्रलसज़

66. It was observed to be tilted after the entire erection process. At what level did the
testing of verticality take place in order to avoid problems later? (E)
A. Before beginning the erection process
B. After completion of erection process
C. At the first level of erection
D. At second level of the erection process

66. यह पूर ननमाणर् प्रक्रिया क बाद झुका हुआ दखा गया र्ा। बाद में समस्याओं स बचन क लिए
िंबवतता का परीक्षर् क्रकस स्तर पर हुआ? (ई)
ए ननमाणर् प्रक्रिया शुरू करन स पहि
बी ननमाणर् प्रक्रिया क परू ा ह न क बाद
सी। ननमाणर् क पहि स्तर पर
डी। ननमाणर् प्रक्रिया क दस
ू र स्तर पर

67. Workman climbed the scaffold immediately on erection. Which step did he miss? (E)
A. Checking the height of the scaffolding
B. Cleaning his boots before climbing
C. Carrying out the safety checks on scaffolding
D. Painting the scaffolding
67. कायशकताश तरु िं त निमाशण पर मचाि चढ़ गए। िह फकस किम स चक
ू गया? (ई)
ए मचाि की ऊिंचाई की जािंच
बी चढ़ाई स पहि अपि जूत साि करिा
सी। मचाि पर सुरक्षा जािंच ििा
डी। मचाि धचत्रकारी

68. Which component of scaffold is used for prevention of tools and equipment falling from
the edge? (M)
A. Walk Board
B. Guard Rail
C. Toe Board
D. Cross Braces

68. फकिार स धगरि िाि उपकरणों और उपकरणों की र कथाम क लिए मचाि का क ि सा घ क उपय ग
फकया जाता ह? (एम)
ए िॉक ब डश
बी गाडश रि
सी पर ब डश
डी रॉस ब्रसस

69. Which of the following statements is TRUE for scaffold dismantling? (D)
A. It should be dismantled in vertical sections from one end towards the other
B. The scaffold material should be dismantled and thrown down from the height for quick
C. The scaffold to be dismantled should be fenced off the ground level/ public area
D. Scaffolder may remove all safety gadgets at the time of dismantling

69. मचाि क लिए निम्िलिखखत में स क ि सा कथि सत्य ह? (डी)

ए। इस ििंबित िगों में एक छ र स िस
ू र की ओर खीिंचा जािा चाटहए
बी। मचाि सामग्री क िष् कर टिया जािा चाटहए और जल्िी स ह ि क लिए ऊिंचाई स िीच िेंक टिया जािा
सी। मचाि क िष् करि क लिए जमीि क स्क्तर / सािशजनिक क्षत्र क बिंि कर टिया जािा चाटहए
डी। मचािकताश िष् करि क समय सभी सुरक्षा गज क ह ा सकता ह

70. The options below have the components of scaffold written in their dismantling
sequence. Select the correct sequence of dismantling the scaffold? (D)
A. Toe Board, Guard Rail, Walk Board
B. Guard Rail, Toe Board, Walk Board
C. Walk Board, Toe Board, Guard Rail
D. Toe Board, Walk Board, Guard Rail
70. नीच हदए गए ववकल्पों में उनक ववघटन अनि
ु म में लिख गए मचान क घटक हैं। मचान क
खत्म करन क सही अनुिम का चयन करें ? (डी)
ए पर की अंगुिी ब डण, गाडण रि, वॉक ब डण
बी गाडण रि, पर की अंगुिी ब डण, वॉक ब डण
सी। वाक ब डण, पर की अंगुिी ब डण, गाडण रि
डी पर की अंगि
ु ी ब डण, वॉक ब डण, गाडण रि

71. Dismantling of scaffolding resulted into mixing of all components with each other and
lead to delay in further work? Which step must have been probably missed in the
dismantling process? (M)
A. Cleaning and stacking of the components
B. Dismantling of some of the components
C. Cleaning of components
D. Fastening of components

71. मचाि की बबाशिी क पररणामस्क्िरूप सभी घ कों क एक िस

ू र क साथ लमिाकर और आग क काम में िरी
ह गई? विघ ि प्रफरया में िायि क ि सा किम याि फकया जािा चाटहए? (एम)
ए घ कों की सिाई और ढर
बी कुछ घ कों का विघ ि
सी घ कों की सिाई
डी। घ कों का रखरखाि
72. Below are the pictures of painting work location. Select the one that is tidy. (E)
72. गचत्रकिा कायण स्र्ान की तस्वीरें नीच दी गई हैं। साफ ह क्रक एक का चयन करें । (ई)





73. Identify this picture. (E)

73. इस तस्वीर की पहचान करें । (ई)

A. Almirah
B. Stool
C. Rods
D. Scaffold

ए अिमारी
बी स्क् ू ि
सी छड़
डी मचाि
74. What do you understand by stacking materials, components and tools? (D)
A. Locking materials, components and tools in a box
B. Make a heap of materials, components and tools
C. Arrange materials, components and tools properly
D. Learn the names of materials, components and tools

74. सामग्री, घटकों और उपकरर्ों क ढर करक आप क्या समझत हैं ? (डी)

ए बॉक्स में सामग्री, घटकों और औजारों क िॉक करना
बी सामग्री, घटकों और उपकरर्ों का एक ढर बनाओ
सी सामग्री, घटकों और उपकरर्ों क व्यवस्स्र्त ढं ग स व्यवस्स्र्त करें
डी। सामग्री, घटकों और उपकरर्ों क नाम जानें

75. Identify this gadget – (E)

75. इस गज की पहचाि करें - (ई)

A. Helmet
B. Gas Inhaler
C. Gas mask
D. Oxygen mask

ए हिमट
बी गस इनहिर
सी गस मास्क
डी ऑक्सीजन मास्क
76. Identify the board given in the picture used in scaffold – (M)
76. मचान में इस्तमाि की गई तस्वीर में हदए गए ब डण की पहचान करें - (एम)

A. Screw board
B. Sole board
C. Rectangle board
D. Steel and wood board

ए स्क्रू ब डश
बी एकि ब डश
सी आयताकार ब डश
डी स्क् ीि और िकड़ी ब डश

77. How will you erect a scaffold? (E)

A. Use remote control
B. Ask supervisor
C. Follow standard procedure
D. Follow any random procedure

77. आप एक मचान कस बनाएंग? (ई)

ए ररम ट कंट्र ि का उपय ग करें
बी पयणवक्षक स पछ

सी मानक प्रक्रिया का पािन करें
डी। क्रकसी भी यादृस्च्छक प्रक्रिया का पािन करें

78. What will you do if verticality of scaffold at first level of erection is not correct? (D)
A. Correct before moving to next level
B. Correct after erecting all the levels
C. Correct at the time of climbing on it
D. Correct after erecting third level

78. ननमाणर् क पहि स्तर पर मचान की िंबवतता सही नहीं ह त आप क्या करें ग ? (डी)
ए। अगि स्तर पर जान स पहि सही
बी। सभी स्तरों क स्र्ावपत करन क बाद सही
सी। उस पर चढ़न क समय सही
डी। तीसर स्तर क ननमाणर् क बाद सही
79. What will you do after erecting the scaffold completely? (M)
A. Immediately climb on it
B. Immediately dissemble it
C. Check its stability
D. Check its height

79. मचाि क परू ी तरह स बिाि क बाि आप क्या करें ग? (एम)

ए। तुरिंत उस पर चढ़ाई
बी। तुरिंत इस ििाओ
सी। इसकी श्स्क्थरता की जािंच करें
डी। इसकी ऊिंचाई की जािंच करें

80. Identify the component of scaffold in the picture below – (E)

80. नीच दी गई तस्वीर में मचान क घटक की पहचान करें - (ई)

A. Paint board
B. Guard rail
C. Brown board
D. Walk board

ए। पें ब डश
बी। गाडश रि
सी। ब्राउि ब डश
डी। िाक ब डश

81. What you must do immediately after the work of scaffold is over? (E)
A. Wash it
B. Clean it
C. Break it
D. Dismantle it

81. मचाि क काम क तुरिंत बाि आपक क्या करिा चाटहए? (ई)
ए। इस ध ि
बी। इस साि कर
सी। इस त ड़
डी। इस ह ा िें
82. Identify the component of scaffold in the picture below – (M)
82. नीच दी गई तस्वीर में मचान क घटक की पहचान करें - (एम)

A. Guard rail
B. Rods
C. Case rails
D. Walk board

ए। गाडश रि
बी। छड़
सी। कस रि
डी। िाक ब डश

83. ___________ and ____________ after dismantling the scaffold. (D)

A. Pack and tie
B. Stack and pack
C. Wash and stack
D. Wash and paint

83. मचान क खत्म करन क बाद ___________ और ____________। (डी)

ए पक और टाई
बी ढर और पक
सी ध और ढर
डी ध एं और पें ट करें

84. How should you keep the work place? (E)

A. Wash with soap
B. Wash with water
C. Keep it dirty
D. Keep it tidy

84. आपक कायशस्क्थि कस रखिा चाटहए? (ई)

ए साबुि क साथ ध ि
बी पािी स ध ि
सी इस गिंि रखें
डी। इस साि रखें
85. What is the correct procedure for erecting and dismantling the scaffold? (D)
A. 1 Contacts a scaffold qualified person for assistance
2 Generates service request documentation
3 Scaffold custodian
4 Scaffold erector/dismantler supervisor
B. 1 Scaffold custodian
2 Generates service request documentation
3 Contacts a scaffold qualified person for assistance
4 Scaffold erector/dismantler supervisor
C. 1 Scaffold custodian
2 Generates service request documentation
3 Contacts the building / area manager to arrange for WPC release
4 Scaffold erector/dismantler supervisor
D. 1 Contacts the building / area manager to arrange for WPC release
2 Generates service request documentation
3 Contacts the building / area manager to arrange for WPC release
4 Scaffold erector/dismantler supervisor

85. मचान क खडा करन और नष्ट करन क लिए सही प्रक्रिया क्या ह? (डी)

ए 1 सहायता क लिए एक मचाि य ग्य व्यश्क्त सिंपकश

2 सिा अिुर ध िस्क्तािज उत्पहि करता ह
3 मचाि सिंरक्षक
4 मचाि ईरक् र / ननराकरर् पयशिक्षक
बी 1 मचाि कस्क् डडयि
2 सिा अिुर ध िस्क्तािज उत्पहि करता ह
3 सहायता क लिए एक मचाि य ग्य व्यश्क्त सिंपकश करें
4 मचाि ईरक् र / ननराकरर् पयशिक्षक
सी 1 मचान कस्ट डडयन
2 सवा अनुर ध दस्तावज उत्पन्न करता ह
3 WPC ररिीज की व्यवस्र्ा करन क लिए इमारत / क्षत्र प्रबंधक स संपकण करें
4 मचान ईरक्टर / ननराकरर् पयणवक्षक
डी। 1 डब्ल्यप
ू ीसी ररिीज की व्यिस्क्था करि क लिए इमारत / क्षत्र प्रबिंधक स सिंपकश करता ह
2 सिा अिुर ध िस्क्तािज उत्पहि करता ह
3 WPC ररिीज की व्यिस्क्था करि क लिए इमारत / क्षत्र प्रबिंधक स सिंपकश करें
4 मचाि ईरक् र / ननराकरर् पयशिक्षक

86. Materials required in construction operations shall be stored and handled in a manner to
prevent damage to the materials. Which amongst the following is correct statement
regarding the same? (D)
A. Materials shall be stored and placed so to endanger the public
B. stacks shall be impose any undue stresses on walls or other structures.
C. Materials shall never be stacked on well -drained, flat and unyielding surface
D. For any site, there should be proper planning of the layout for stacking and storage of
different materials, components
87. Which of the following equipment is a clothing worn that has highly reflective properties
or a colour that is easily discernible from any background? (E)
A. Face Protection
B. Safety Vests
C. Slush Boots
D. HI-VIZ Safety Wear

87. ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा उपकरर् पहना हुआ कपडों ह स्जसमें अत्यगधक प्रनतबबंबबत गुर् या
रं ग ह ज क्रकसी भी पष्ृ ठभूलम स आसानी स समझ में आता ह? (ई)
ए चहरा संरक्षर्
बी सरु क्षा वट्स
सी स्िश जूत
डी HI-VIZ सुरक्षा पहनें

88. Which amongst the following correctly explains the base plate? (E)
A. A base plate which is usually made from steel, will have a central shank for locating the
scaffold tube
B. It is used to spreads the weight of the scaffold over a greater area
C. It is used for materials which is subjected to deformation under stress shall be supported
D. It shall be used to pushed forward against the lower sheet for more than one-fourth of
the sheet length

88. ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा बस प्िट सही ढं ग स बताता ह? (ई)

ए। बस प्िट ज आमत र पर स्टीि स बनाई जाती ह, में मचान ट्यूब का पता िगान क लिए केंद्रीय
शंकु ह गा
बी। इसका उपय ग बड क्षत्र में मचान क वजन क फिान क लिए क्रकया जाता ह
सी। यह उन सामगग्रयों क लिए प्रय ग क्रकया जाता ह ज तनाव क तहत ववरूपर् क अधीन ह त हैं ,
समान रूप स समगर्णत होंग
डी। शीट की िंबाई क एक च र्ाई स अगधक क लिए ननचि शीट क खखिाफ आग धकिन क लिए
इसका उपय ग क्रकया जाएगा

89. Which of the following equipment is used for 3.6 m temporary scaffold erection? (E)
A. Gyroscope
B. Torque Screw Driver
C. Claw Hammer
D. Robertson Screw

89. 3.6 मीटर अस्र्ायी मचान ननमाणर् क लिए ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा उपकरर् उपय ग क्रकया
जाता ह? (ई)
ए जाइर स्क प
बी ट क़ पें च चािक
सी क्िॉ हमर
डी रॉबटण सन स्िू
90. Which amongst the following is a method that is applied for checking or controlling
vertical line of structural elements especially indoors such as lift shaft? (M)
A. Theodolite
B. Spirit level
C. Optical plummet
D. Plumb-bob technique

90. ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा तरीका ह ज संरचनात्मक तत्वों की िंबवत रखा क जांचन या

ननयंबत्रत करन क लिए िागू ह ता ह, ववशष रूप स लिफ्ट शाफ्ट जस घर क अंदर? (एम)
ए ववक र्मान
बी आत्मा स्तर
सी ऑस्प्टकि पतन
डी प्िंब-बॉब तकनीक

91. Which of the following platform must be provided at mid-span to support timber
scaffold planks? (D)
A. Light-Duty Working Platform
B. Heavy- Duty Working Platform
C. Special- Duty Working Platform
D. Decking- Duty Working Platform

91. िकडी क मचान क टुकडों का समर्णन करन क लिए मध्य-अवगध में ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा
मंच प्रदान क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (डी)
ए िाइट ड्यट
ू ी वक्रकिंग प्िटफामण
बी हवी ड्यूटी वक्रकिंग प्िटफामण
सी। ववशष ड्यूटी वक्रकिंग प्िटफामण
डी डक्रकं ग- ड्यूटी वक्रकिंग प्िटफामण

92. What should be the height of the Guardrails that includes midrails that must be provided
on the exposed sides and ends of all working platforms? (M)
A. More than 3mm height
B. Less than 2mm height
C. Less than 1mm height
D. Equal to 2.5 mm height

92. गाडणराइल्स की ऊंचाई क्या ह नी चाहहए स्जसमें लमड्राइल्स शालमि हैं ज सभी कामकाजी प्िटफॉमण
क उजागर पक्षों और लसरों पर उपिब्ध कराए जाएंग? (एम)
ए 3 लममी स अगधक ऊंचाई
बी 2 लममी स कम ऊंचाई
सी 1 लममी स कम ऊंचाई
डी। 2.5 लममी ऊंचाई क बराबर
93. What is the correct procedure for dismantling the temporary scaffold? (E)
1. Wear proper safety gear
2. Begin dismantling at the top of the scaffold
3. Partially remove the top platform and install it on the lift below
4. Examine scaffold components for damage
5. Never remove scaffold ties until the scaffold above the tie has been completely
disassembled to the tie level
A. 1,2,3,4,5
B. 2,3,1,5,4
C. 4,3,5,2,1
D. 2,1,3,4,5

93. अस्र्ायी मचान क खत्म करन क लिए सही प्रक्रिया क्या ह? (ई)
1. उगचत सुरक्षा गगयर पहनें
2. मचान क शीषण पर dismantling शुरू करें
3. आंलशक रूप स शीषण प्िटफॉमण क हटा दें और इस नीच हदए गए लिफ्ट पर इंस्टॉि करें
4. क्षनत क लिए मचान घटकों की जांच करें
5. टाई क ऊपर मचान क टाई स्तर तक परू ी तरह स अिग नहीं क्रकया गया ह जब तक मचान
संबंधों क कभी न हटाएं
ए 1,2,3,4,5
बी 2,3,1,5,4
सी 4,3,5,2,1
डी 2,1,3,4,5

94. What must be the minimum width of scaffold plank may be used as a toeboard? (D)
A. 455mm
B. 105mm
C. 225mm
D. 325mm

94. मचान क टुकड की न्यन

ू तम च डाई क टॉयब डण क रूप में उपय ग क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (डी)
ए 455mm
बी 105mm
सी 225mm
डी 325mm

95. Which is incorrect statement regarding scaffolding plank cleaning machine? (M)
A. It cleans top and side surface of the plank
B. Cleaning speed in m/min is *4.3 to 8.6
C. I o po ati g fa s, ash de ks a d tu els as ea l as possi le i to a s affold
D. Disabled persons do not need proper access along pavements covered by scaffolding
95. मचान की सफाई मशीन क बार में गित कर्न क न सा ह? (एम)
ए। यह फिक की शीषण और क्रकनार की सतह क साफ करता ह
बी / लमनट में सफाई की गनत * 4.3 स 8.6 ह
सी। प्रशंसकों, िश डक और "सुरंगों" क एक मचान में स्जतनी जल्दी ह सक शालमि करना
डी। ववकिांग व्यस्क्तयों क मचान द्वारा कवर क्रकए गए फुटपार्ों क सार् उगचत पहुंच की आवश्यकता
नहीं ह

96. Why it is important to maintain the proper tidiness while using scaffolding on the
construction site? (E)
A. To ignore protecting the environment
B. To avoid use of excessive materials
C. To ensure safety to both the site's working personnel and the neighbouring environment
D. To o su e less o e i e uip e t’s

96. ननमाणर् स्र्ि पर मचान का उपय ग करत समय उगचत स्वच्छता क बनाए रखना क्यों महत्वपूर्ण
ह? (ई)
ए पयाणवरर् की सुरक्षा क अनदखा करन क लिए
बी अत्यगधक सामग्री क उपय ग स बचन क लिए
सी। साइट क काम करन वाि कलमणयों और पड सी पयाणवरर् द नों क सुरक्षा सुननस्श्चत करन क लिए
डी। उपकरर् में कम पस का उपभ ग करन क लिए

CON/N0503: Apply paints to masonry, metal and wood surfaces for obtaining plain

97.Which of the following is not needed in the calculation of the quantity of paint required
to cover a particular region? (M)
A. Area
B. Number of coats
C. Cost per litre
D. Coverage per litre

97. क्रकसी ववशष क्षत्र क कवर करन क लिए आवश्यक पें ट की मात्रा की गर्ना में ननम्नलिखखत में
स क्रकसकी आवश्यकता नहीं ह? (एम)
ए क्षत्र
बी क ट की संख्या
सी प्रनत िीटर िागत
डी िीटर प्रनत िीटर
98.What is this equipment used to clean exterior walls covering an area greater than 500
feet? (E)
98. 500 फीट स अगधक क्षत्र क कवर करन वािी बाहरी दीवारों क साफ करन क लिए यह उपकरर्
क्या उपय ग क्रकया जाता ह? (ई)

A. Power vacuum
B. Power washer
C. Water pumper
D. Power hose

ए पािर िक्यूम
बी पािर िॉिर
सी पािी पिंपर
डी पािर ििी

99.________ should be used to fill cracks and depressions on the surface prior to paint
application. (E)
A. Putty
B. Chlorine-based bleach
C. Trisodium phosphate
D. Latex caulk

99 .________ का उपय ग पें ट एस्प्िकशन स पहि सतह पर दरारें और अवसाद भरन क लिए क्रकया
जाना चाहहए। (ई)
ए प टीन
बी क्ि रीन आधाररत ब्िीच
सी त्रिऺख़त्रियमफॉस्फट
डी िटक्स क ल्क
100.Which of the following steps should be carried out before applying masking tape to a
wall moulding? (E)
A. The moulding should be cleaned with a damp cloth
B. All undulations on the moulding should be smoothened out
C. The adjoining floor should be covered with plastic
D. The moulding should be measured to know the length of tape needed

100. दीवार म स्ल्डंग में मास्स्कंग टप िगान स पहि ननम्नलिखखत चरर्ों में स क न सा कदम उठाया
जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए म स्ल्डंग एक नम कपड स साफ क्रकया जाना चाहहए
बी म स्ल्डंग पर सभी अपयाणप्तता क सस्
ु त क्रकया जाना चाहहए
सी। आसन्न मंस्जि प्िास्स्टक क सार् कवर क्रकया जाना चाहहए
डी। म स्ल्डंग क आवश्यक टप की िंबाई जानन क लिए मापा जाना चाहहए

101. Which of the following brushes reduces the need of masking tape when painting
around windows? (H)
101. खखडक्रकयों क चारों ओर पें हटंग करत समय ननम्नलिखखत में स क्रकन ब्रश मास्स्कंग टप की
आवश्यकता क कम कर दता ह? (एच)

A. Round
B. Sash
C. all
D. ti

चारों ओर
बी सि
सी 4 "िीिार
डी 2 "टिम
102.What tool is being used to clean the paintbrush in the following image? (M)
102. ननम्नलिखखत छवव में पें टब्रश क साफ करन क लिए क्रकस टूि का उपय ग क्रकया जा रहा ह?

A. Pai te ’s o
B. Bristle cleaner
C. Toothed brush
D. Double-sided comb

ए पें र का किंघी
बी बब्रस्क् ि क्िीिर
सी ू थ ब्रि
डी डबि पक्षीय किंघी

103.What additive should be added to paint in order to eliminate any chances of having
brush or roller marks on the surfaces? (E)
A. Flow control
B. Emulsifier
C. Thickener
D. Anti freeze

103. सतहों पर ब्रश या र िर अंक रखन की क्रकसी भी संभावना क खत्म करन क लिए पें ट करन क
लिए क्रकस य जक क ज डा जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए प्रवाह ननयंत्रर्
बी पायसीकारकों
सी र गन
डी। एंटी फ्रीज
104.Which of the following statements about paint mixing is true? (M)
A. Paint and primer should be mixed in equal parts and applied as a first layer.
B. Every can of paint should be mixed with an electric mixer separately.
C. All the cans of paint should be mixed together in a large bucket.
D. Paint should be mixed to separate the oil from the pigment.

104. पें ट लमश्रर् क बार में ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा कर्न सत्य ह? (एम)
ए पें ट और प्राइमर क बराबर भागों में लमगश्रत क्रकया जाना चाहहए और पहिी परत क रूप में िागू
क्रकया जाना चाहहए।
बी। पें ट क हर कर् क एक इिस्क्ट्रक लमक्सर स अिग क्रकया जाना चाहहए।
सी। पें ट क सभी डडब्ब क एक बडी बाल्टी में लमिाया जाना चाहहए।
डी। पें ट क वर्णक स ति क अिग करन क लिए लमगश्रत क्रकया जाना चाहहए।

105.What step should be taken if adding water does not help in reducing the viscosity of a
water based paint? (E)
A. The paint should be discarded
B. A mix of primer and oil should be added
C. A thinning additive should be added
D. An electric paint stirrer should be used to mix the paint and water properly

105. पानी ज डन पर क्या कदम उठाया जाना चाहहए पानी आधाररत पें ट की गचपगचपाहट क कम
करन में मदद नहीं करता ह? (ई)
ए पें ट क त्याग हदया जाना चाहहए
बी। प्राइमर और ति का लमश्रर् ज डा जाना चाहहए
सी। एक पतिा additive ज डा जाना चाहहए
डी। पें ट और पानी क ठीक स लमश्रर् करन क लिए एक इिस्क्ट्रक पें ट उत्तजक का उपय ग क्रकया
जाना चाहहए

106.Primer is applied on walls because _________________. (M)

A. It is less expensive than paint and provides a good base coat
B. It reduces the chances of blisters in the top coat of the paint
C. It fills in any cracks and holes in the wall
D. It e su es that the all does ’t a so all the pai t

106. वप्रंटर दीवारों पर िागू ह ता ह क्योंक्रक _________________। (एम)

ए। यह पें ट स कम महं गा ह और एक अच्छा बस क ट प्रदान करता ह
बी। यह पें ट क शीषण क ट में फफ ि की संभावना क कम करता ह
सी। यह दीवार में क्रकसी भी दरारें और छद भरता ह
डी। यह सुननस्श्चत करता ह क्रक दीवार सभी पें ट क अवश वषत नहीं करती ह

107.What could be the cause for clouding and smudging after the application of the first
coat of paint? (E)
A. Proper additive was not added to the paint
B. The paint was not mixed properly
C. A good brush was not used
D. The paint was applied on wet primer
107. पें ट क पहि क ट क आवदन क बाद क्िाउडडंग और स्मडडंग का कारर् क्या ह सकता ह? (ई)
ए। उगचत additive पें ट में ज डा नहीं गया र्ा
बी पें ट ठीक स लमगश्रत नहीं क्रकया गया र्ा
सी। एक अच्छा ब्रश का उपय ग नहीं क्रकया गया र्ा
डी। गीि प्राइमर पर पें ट िगाया गया र्ा

108.Under which circumstance are more than a couple of coats of paint required on walls?
A. When painting over a darker colour
B. When painting on an old wall
C. When painting over water damage
D. When painting a wall for the first time

108. क्रकस पररस्स्र्नत में दीवारों पर आवश्यक पें ट क द क ट स अगधक हैं ? (ई)
ए। एक गहर रं ग पर गचत्रकारी करत समय
बी। एक पुरानी दीवार पर पें हटंग करत समय
सी। पानी क नुकसान पर पें हटंग करत समय
डी। पहिी बार दीवार पें ट करत समय

109.For a smooth finish on the trim, it is important to _________ the trim between coats. (E)
A. wash
B. sand
C. vacuum
D. prime

109. टिम पर एक धचकिी खत्म करि क लिए, क ट्स क बीच टिम क लिए _________ महत्िपूणश ह। (ई)
बी रत
सी नििाशत
डी प्रधािमिंत्री

110.The final tinted coat should be applied under ____________. (E)

A. proper lighting
B. time limit
C. supervision
D. plastic sheets

110. अंनतम हटंटड क ट ____________ क तहत िागू क्रकया जाना चाहहए। (ई)
ए उगचत प्रकाश व्यवस्र्ा
बी समय सीमा
सी पयणवक्षर्
डी प्िास्स्टक शीट्स
111. Dimension of the surface to be painted is found to be 10 m long and 30 m wide. About
1 litre paint is required to paint 10 sq m area, then how much paint would be required to
paint the given surface? (D)
A. 35 litres
B. 20 litres
C. 30 litres
D. 40 litres

111. गचबत्रत करन क लिए सतह का आयाम 10 मीटर िंबा और 30 मीटर च डा पाया जाता ह। 10
वगण मीटर क्षत्र क पें ट करन क लिए िगभग 1 िीटर पें ट की आवश्यकता ह ती ह, त दी गई सतह
क पें ट करन क लिए क्रकतन पें ट की आवश्यकता ह गी? (डी)
ए 35 िीटर
बी 20 िीटर
सी 30 िीटर
डी 40 िीटर

112. Which of the following options show wall surface already prepared for painting? (E)
112. ननम्नलिखखत ववकल्पों में स क न सा गचत्र गचत्रकिा क लिए पहि स तयार दीवार की सतह
हदखाता ह? (ई)


113. Observe the process in the image below and select the correct option describing the
same. (M)
113. नीच दी गई छवव में प्रक्रिया का ननरीक्षर् करें और इसका वर्णन करन वाि सही ववकल्प का
चयन करें । (एम)

A. Paint application
B. Primer application
C. Putty application
D. Varnish application

ए पें ट आवदन
बी प्राइमर आवदन
सी पुट्टी आवदन
डी वाननणश आवदन

114. With limited amount of masking tape available, which of the following method can be
used to avoid damage? (E)
A. Cover the costly items first
B. Cover only the new pieces of furniture
C. Cover the fixed pieces of furniture and shift the movable items to cleaner area
D. Cover the furniture that goes more with the décor

114. उपिब्ध मास्स्कंग टप की सीलमत मात्रा क सार्, क्षनत स बचन क लिए ननम्न में स क न सी
ववगध का उपय ग क्रकया जा सकता ह? (ई)
ए पहि महं गी वस्तुओं क कवर करें
बी फनीचर क नए टुकड क कवर करें
सी। फनीचर क ननस्श्चत टुकड क कवर करें और चिन य ग्य वस्तुओं क क्िीनर क्षत्र में स्र्ानांतररत
डी। फनीचर क कवर करें ज सजावट क सार् अगधक ह जाता ह
115. Surface has to be painted in order to get matte finish. What kind of paint should be
used? (M)
A. Water based paint
B. Oil based paint
C. Eggshell paint
D. Satin paint

115. मट क्रफननश प्राप्त करन क लिए सतह क गचबत्रत क्रकया जाना ह। क्रकस प्रकार का पें ट इस्तमाि
क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (एम)
ए पानी आधाररत पें ट
बी ति आधाररत पें ट
सी। अंडशि पें ट
डी साटन पें ट

116. Which of the following processes is recommended for cleaning of paint brush after
using the oil based paint? (E)
A. Wiping up with wet cloth
B. Using mineral spirits or paint thinner
C. Warm water and mild soap solution
D. Hot water immersion

116. ति आधाररत पें ट का उपय ग करन क बाद पें ट ब्रश की सफाई क लिए ननम्न में स क्रकन
प्रक्रियाओं की लसफाररश की जाती ह? (ई)
ए गीि कपड स पोंछत हुए
बी खननज आत्माओं का उपय ग या पतिा पें ट
सी गमण पानी और हल्क साबन
ु समाधान
डी गमण पानी ववसजणन

117. What is the standard paint to thinner ratio for solvent based metallic paint? (D)
A. 3 parts paint: 2 parts thinner
B. 5 parts paint: 1 part thinner
C. 10 parts paint: 1 part thinner
D. 2 parts paint: 1 part thinner

117. वििायक आधाररत धातु पें क लिए पति अिुपात क लिए मािक पें क्या ह? (डी)
ए 3 भागों पें : 2 भागों पति
बी 5 भागों पें : 1 भाग पतिा
सी 10 भागों पें : 1 भाग पतिा
डी 2 भागों पें : 1 भाग पतिा

118. How much additive is mixed to the paint in case of water based paint? (D)
A. 20% additive
B. 15% additive
C. 10% additive
D. 25% additive
118. पानी आधाररत पें ट क मामि में पेंट में क्रकतना य जक लमिाया जाता ह? (डी)
ए 20% य जक
बी 15% य जक
सी 10% य जक
डी 25% य जक

119.Identify the process in figure below. (M)

119. नीच आंकड में प्रक्रिया क सूगचत करें । (एम)

A. Pouring paint into jar

B. Thinning of paint for spraying after checking viscosity
C. Temperature measurement of the paint
D. Pressure management in the paint

ए जार में पें ट डािना

बी गचपगचपापन की जांच क बाद नछडकाव क लिए पें ट पतिा
सी पें ट का तापमान माप
पें ट में डी दबाव प्रबंधन

120. Image below shows the different stages in painting. Which coat does the field named
A ep ese ts? E
120. िीच धचत्र धचत्रकिा में विलभहि चरणों क टिखाता ह। "ए" िामक क्षत्र क ि सा क ििाशता ह? (ई)

A. Putty coat
B. Primer coat
C. Thinner coat
D. Paint coat

ए पुट्टी क ट
बी प्राइमर क ट
सी पतिी क ट
डी पें ट क ट
121. As pe the a ufa tu e ’s i st u tio s, p i e oat applied on the levelled surface
would take about 2 hours to dry. When should be the paint coat be applied on it? (E)
A. After 1 hour
B. After 1 and half hours
C. After 30 minutes
D. After 2 and half hours

121. ननमाणता क ननदे शों क अनुसार, स्तररत सतह पर िागू प्राइमर क ट क शुष्क ह न में िगभग 2
घंट िगें ग। पें ट क ट कब िागू क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए 1 घंट क बाद
बी ढाई घंट क बाद
सी 30 लमनट क बाद
डी। ढाई घंट क बाद

122. Painter is instructed to apply final coat on the wall to get the blue shade. Which of the
following would be his work? (E)
122. ब्िें डर छाया पान क लिए दीवार पर अंनतम क ट िगान क लिए पें टर क ननदे श हदया जाता ह।
ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा उसका काम ह गा? (ई)





123. What kind of sandpaper should be used to clean the first paint coat before applying the
second paint coat on wall? (D)
A. 120 or 150 grit sandpaper
B. 220 grit sandpaper
C. 250 grit sandpaper
D. 200 grit sandpaper
123. िीिार पर िस
ू र पें क िगाि स पहि पहि पें क क साि करि क लिए फकस प्रकार का सैंडपपर
इस्क्तमाि फकया जािा चाटहए? (डी)
ए 120 या 150 धग्र सैंडपपर
बी 220 धग्र सैंडपपर
सी 250 धग्र सैंडपपर
डी 200 धग्र सैंडपपर

124. Which of the following is the CORRECT method of paint application? (M)
A. Do ’t o e lap t o st okes a d pai t the e ti e le gth o eadth of all i si gle stroke
B. Do ’t o e lap t o st okes a d appl pai t i pa ts
C. Overlap the previous stroke by half and roll the entire wall from top to bottom or left to
right in single stroke
D. Overlap the previous stroke by half and pain the entire length or breadth of wall in 3

124. ननम्नलिखखत में स क न सा पें ट एस्प्िकशन की सही ववगध ह? (एम)

ए। द स्ट्र क ओवरिप न करें और दीवार की पूरी िंबाई या च डाई क एकि स्ट्र क में पेंट करें
बी द स्ट्र क ओवरिप न करें और भागों में पें ट िागू करें
सी। वपछि स्ट्र क क आध स ओवरिप करें और परू ी दीवार क ऊपर स नीच तक या एकि स्ट्र क में
बाएं स दाएं र ि करें
डी। वपछि स्ट्र क क आध स ओवरिप करें और दीवार की पूरी िंबाई या च डाई क 3 भागों में ददण

125. What is the first step of preparation of base surfaces prior to painting? (D)
A. Estimate size of scaffold required
B. Estimate number of hours required
C. Estimate how many people will be required
D. Estimate quantity of material required

125. पें हटंग स पहि आधार सतहों की तयारी का पहिा कदम क्या ह? (डी)
ए मचान क आकार का अनुमान आवश्यक ह
बी आवश्यक घंटों की संख्या ननधाणररत करें
सी अनम
ु ान िगाएं क्रक क्रकतन ि गों की आवश्यकता ह गी
डी। आवश्यक सामग्री की मात्रा ननधाणररत करें

126. Surface should be free from _____________ and ______________ before paint is
applied. (E)
A. Insects and flies
B. Dirt and dust
C. Spiders and ants
D. Water and light
126. पें ट िागू ह न स पहि सतह क _____________ और ______________ स मक्
ु त ह ना चाहहए। (ई)
ए कीड और मस्क्खयों
बी गंदगी और धूि
सी मकडडयों और चींहटयों
डी। पानी और प्रकाश

127. What the man is doing in this picture? (M)

127. इस तस्वीर में आदमी क्या कर रहा ह? (एम)

A. Applying putty
B. Scraping putty
C. Making design
D. Abrading paint

ए पुटी िागू करना

बी स्िवपंग पुटी
सी डडजाइन बनाना
डी। एब्रडडंग पें ट

128. What will you use to cover the adjacent wall while painting? (M)
A. White paint
B. Old clothes
C. Masking tapes
D. Metal sheets

128. पें हटंग क द रान आसन्न दीवार क कवर करन क लिए आप क्या उपय ग करें ग ? (एम)
ए व्हाइट पें ट
बी परु ान कपड
सी मास्स्कंग टप
डी धातु शीट्स

129. How will you select appropriate painting material and tools? (D)
A. Asking a friend
B. Asking co-worker
C. Under supervision
D. By self
129. आप उधचत पें ट ग
िं सामग्री और औजारों का चयि कस करें ग? (डी)
ए एक ि स्क्त स पूछिा
बी सहकमी स पूछिा
सी पयशिक्षण क तहत
डी। स्क्ियिं द्िारा

130. Make sure the paint brushes are _________________ before and after use. (E)
A. Wet
B. Dirty
C. Heavy
D. Clean

130. सुननस्श्चत करें क्रक पहि और बाद में पेंट ब्रश _________________ हैं। (ई)
ए गीि
बी गंदा
सी भारी
डी स्वच्छ

131. What thing you must check before mixing paint material with additives? (D)
A. Specified Colour
B. Specified Ratio
C. Specified Texture
D. Specified Company

131. य जक क सार् पें ट सामग्री लमश्रर् करन स पहि आपक क्या चीज जांचनी चाहहए? (डी)
ए ननहदण ष्ट रं ग
बी ननहदण ष्ट अनुपात
सी ननहदण ष्ट बनावट
डी ननहदण ष्ट कंपनी
132. What is the man doing in this picture? (M)
132. इस तस्वीर में आदमी क्या कर रहा ह? (एम)

A. Mixing colours
B. Freezing colours
C. Painting wall
D. Painting bucket

ए लमश्रण रिं ग
बी ठिं डा रिं ग
सी धचत्रकारी िीिार
डी धचत्रकारी बाल् ी

133. What thing is never added to the paint to adjust its viscosity? (E)
A. Reducer
B. Juice
C. Thinner
D. Water

133. गचपगचपापन क समाय स्जत करन क लिए पें ट में कभी भी क्या बात नहीं ज डा जाता ह? (ई)
ए प्रसारर्
बी रस
सी पतिी
डी पानी
134. Which coat is supposed to be used at the place of red color? (M)
134. िाि रं ग की जगह पर क न सा क ट इस्तमाि क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (एम)

A. Glue coat
B. Oil coat
C. Thinner coat
D. Primer coat

ए गोंि क
बी ति क
सी पतिी क
डी Primer क

135. When is paint coat applied over primer? (E)

A. As per specified timings
B. After one year of primer
C. As per your convenience
D. After one month

135. प्राइमर पर पें ट क ट कब िागू ह ता ह? (ई)

ए ननहदण ष्ट समय क अनुसार
बी प्राइमर क एक वषण क बाद
सी आपकी सुववधा क अनुसार
डी। एक महीन क बाद

136. Which coat of paint is applied at the last? (E)

A. Fifth coat
B. Final coat
C. New coat
D. Thin coat

136. आखखर में पें ट का क न सा क ट िगाया जाता ह? (ई)

ए पांचवें क ट
बी अंनतम क ट
सी नया क ट
डी पतिा क ट
137. What is the man doing in this picture? (E)
137. इस तस्वीर में आदमी क्या कर रहा ह? (ई)

A. Painting brush
B. Cleaning brush
C. Cutting brush
D. Cleaning fingers

ए धचत्रकारी ब्रि
बी ब्रि सिाई
सी ब्रि का िा
डी। उिं गलियों की सिाई

138. In the end you are supposed to assist in applying the final _______________ coat. (M)
A. Black
B. White
C. Tinted
D. Colourful

138. अंत में आपक अंनतम _______________ क ट िागू करन में सहायता करना चाहहए। (एम)
एक कािा
बी व्हाइट
सी रं गा हुआ
डी रं गीन

139.Approximately how many square feet of wooden surface can be painted with 4 litre of
primer? (M)
A. 600
B. 800
C. 200
D. 75

13 9. िगभग 4 िीटर प्राइमर क सार् िकडी की सतह क क्रकतन वगण फुट गचबत्रत क्रकए जा सकत
हैं? (एम)
ए 600
बी 800
सी 200
डी 75
140.Before scraping old paint from the metal surface, what should be done in order to
ensure that the surface is not greasy and dirty? (E)
A. Clean the surface with minerals
B. Heat the surface at very high temperature
C. Apply H2SO4 on the surface
D. Apply primer on the surface

140. धातु की सतह स पुरान पें ट क स्िप करन स पहि, यह सुननस्श्चत करन क लिए क्रक सतह
गचकना और गंदा नहीं ह, क्या क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए खननजों क सार् सतह साफ करें
बी बहुत उच्च तापमान पर सतह क गमण करें
सी सतह पर H2SO4 िागू करें
डी। सतह पर प्राइमर िागू करें

141.What type of work is shown in this picture? (E)

141. इस तस्वीर में क्रकस प्रकार का काम हदखाया गया ह? (ई)

A. Painting wooden surface

B. Filling small holes on the wooden surface with the help of putty
C. Making hole on the wooden surface
D. Applying mud on the wooden surface

ए धचत्रकारी िकड़ी की सतह

बी। पु ी की मिि स िकड़ी की सतह पर छ छि भरिा
सी िकड़ी की सतह पर छि बिािा
डी। िकड़ी की सतह पर लमट् ी िागू करिा

142.While painting a window, what type of tape is used for covering glass panes? (M)
A. Strapping tape
B. Self-Amalgamating rubber tape
C. Masking tape
D. Double sided sticky tape

142. खखडकी क गचबत्रत करत समय, ग्िास पन क कवर करन क लिए क्रकस प्रकार का टप इस्तमाि
क्रकया जाता ह? (एम)
ए स्ट्रवपंग टप
बी स्व-Amalgamating रबड टप
सी मास्स्कंग टप
डी डबि पक्षीय गचपगचपा टप
143.What should be mixed in the paint in order to make it thinner? (E)
A. Oil
B. Oil based paint
C. Vinegar
D. Water

143. इस पतिा बनान क लिए पें ट में लमगश्रत क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए ति
बी ति आधाररत पें ट
सी लसरका
डी पानी

144.What things should be considered before and after using painting tools? (E)
A. Cleaning and upkeep of painting tools
B. Painting tools should be thrown after using it
C. There should be new painting tools before using it
D. Painting tools should be of exported quality

144. गचत्रकिा उपकरर् का उपय ग करन स पहि और बाद में क्या ववचार क्रकया जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए पें हटंग उपकरर् की सफाई और रखरखाव
बी गचत्रकारी उपकरर् इसका उपय ग करन क बाद फेंक हदया जाना चाहहए
सी इसका उपय ग करन स पहि नए पें हटंग उपकरर् ह ना चाहहए
डी। गचत्रकारी उपकरर् ननयाणत की गुर्वत्ता का ह ना चाहहए

145.What of these additives is used with paint to slow drying time? (H)
145. सुखान क समय क धीमा करन क लिए पें ट क सार् इन additives का उपय ग क्रकया जाता ह?

A. Urethane
B. Glaze
C. Vinegar
D. Water

ए ूरॕ थानॕ
बी ग्लॕज़
सी लसरका
डी पानी
146.How can you improve the shine and hardness of the enamel paint? (H)
A. By heating the paint at some temperature
B. By mixing some glitters in the paint
C. By stirring it for a longer time
D. By mixing varnish with the paint

46. आप तामचीनी पें ट की चमक और कठ रता कस सध

ु ार सकत हैं? (एच)
ए कुछ तापमान पर पें ट गमण करक
बी पें ट में कुछ चमकदार लमश्रर् करक
सी इस िंब समय तक सरगमी करक
डी। पें ट क सार् वाननणश लमश्रर् करक

147.What is the standard quantity of water that should be added to the 4 litre paint in order
to make it thinner? (E)
A. Five cups of water
B. Twelve cups of water
C. Half cup of water
D. Seven cups of water

147. इस पतिा बनान क लिए 4 िीटर पें ट में पानी की मानक मात्रा क्या ज डा जाना चाहहए? (ई)
ए पानी क पांच कप
बी बारह कप पानी
सी। आधा कप पानी
डी। सात कप पानी

148.After leveling the wooden surface with the help of sand paper or scraper what is
another step should be taken by a painter? (E)
A. Apply main coat of paint
B. Apply primer coat
C. Wash it with the minerals
D. Peel off the upper portion of the surface

148. रत क पपर या स्क्रपर की मिि स िकड़ी की सतह क स्क्तररत करि क बाि एक

धचत्रकार द्िारा एक और किम उठाया जािा चाटहए? (ई)
ए पें क मुख्य क िागू करें
बी प्राइमर क िागू करें
सी खनिजों क साथ ध ि
डी सतह क ऊपरी भाग स छीिें
149.Approximately how much minimum time does the primer takes to dries up on normal
conditions over a wall? (H)
A. Half an hour
B. Three hours
C. Five hours
D. 12 hours

149. मुख्य रूप स दीवार पर सामान्य पररस्स्र्नतयों पर प्राइमर क्रकतना न्यूनतम समय िता ह? (एच)
आधा घंटा
बी तीन घंट
सी पांच घंट
डी 12 घंट

150.What type of work is shown in this image? (E)

150. इस छवि में फकस प्रकार का काम टिखाया गया ह? (ई)

A. Applying primer over a wooden surface

B. Dusting table with a brush
C. Applying final coat of paint over a primer
D. Touching table with the help of brush

ए िकड़ी की सतह पर प्राइमर िगाि एक ब्रि क साथ

बी धि
ू तालिका
सी। प्राइमर पर पें क अिंनतम क क िागू करिा
डी ब्रि की मिि स धचिंग बि

151.Before applying the final coat of primer, what important work is necessary to be done?
A. Buy new paint brush for applying primer
B. Sand the surface with fine sand paper
C. Wash the surface with hot water
D. Paint the surface

151. प्राइमर क अिंनतम क क िागू करि स पहि, क्या करिा महत्िपूणश काम करिा आिश्यक ह? (एम)
ए प्राइमर िगाि क लिए िया पें ब्रि खरीिें
बी ठीक रत कागज क साथ सतह रत
सी सतह क गमश पािी स ध एिं
डी। सतह पें
152. Identify the object depicted in the image below. (E)
152. नीच दी गई छवव में गचबत्रत वस्तु की पहचान करें । (ई)

A. Granite stone
B. Pumice stone
C. Lime stone
D. Alum

ए ग्रिाइ पत्थर
बी प्यूलमस पत्थर
सी िीिंबू पत्थर
डी फि करी

153. What is being done in the image? (E)

153. छवव में क्या क्रकया जा रहा ह? (ई)

A. Painting of the surface

B. Removal of dirt from the surface
C. Sanding of the surface
D. Dilution of the paint

ए सतह की गचत्रकारी
बी सतह स गंदगी क हटान
सी सतह की सैंडडंग
डी। पें ट क पतिा करन की क्रिया
154. Observe the image below and choose from the following options, the activity that is
being carried out. (E)
154. नीच दी गई छवव का ननरीक्षर् करें और ननम्नलिखखत ववकल्पों में स चुनें, ज गनतववगध की जा
रही ह। (ई)

A. Measuring the wall

B. Removing foreign matter from the wall
C. Painting the wall
D. Levelling the wall
ए दीवार मापन
बी दीवार स ववदशी पदार्ण क हटा रहा ह
सी दीवार गचत्रकारी
डी। दीवार िवलिंग

CON/N0504: Carry out varnishing and polishing of doors, windows partitions and
other wooden surfaces under supervision

155.Which of the following problems cannot be eliminated by sanding wood? (H)

A. Rough wood fibres
B. Shiny surface
C. Label residue
D. Grease
155. लकड़ी क़ी ऺैंत्रििंग द्वारा त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ त्रकऺ ऺमस्या कख़ ऺमाप्त नऻ़ीिं त्रकया जा ऺकता ऻॖ ? (एच)
A रफ लकड़ी फाइबर
B चमकदार ऺतऻ
C लॕ बल अशषॕ ह
D ग्ऱीऺ

156.Which of the following products can be used to remove old paint or finishes from
wood? (M)
A. Turpentine
B. Paint stripper
C. Detergent water
D. Paint thickener

156. पुरानॕ रिं ग या लकड़ी ऺॕ ित्म करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रनम्नत्रलखित उत्पादख़िं में ऺॕ त्रकऺ का उपयख़ग त्रकया जा
ऺकता ऻॖ ? (एम)
A तारप़ीन
B पेंट खरि पर
C त्रिटजें ट पाऩी
D पेंट मख़टाई
157.What should be applied to the holes in open grain wood in order to make the surface
even? (M)
A. Wood putty
B. Wood filler
C. Wood stainer
D. Wood spackle
157. ऺतऻ बनानॕ कॕ त्रलए िु लॕ अनाज क़ी लकड़ी में छॕ द पर क्या लाग त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (एम)
A लकड़ी पुट़ी
B लकड़ी भराश
C लकड़ी कॕ दागदार
D लकड़ी क़ी चक्कर

158.Identify this device used to touch-up wooden surfaces before applying varnish: (E)

A. Grinder
B. Sanding block
C. Sander
D. Steel wool

158. शात्रनिष लगानॕ ऺॕ पऻलॕ इऺ ऺतऻ कख़ लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻख़िं कख़ छनॕ कॕ त्रलए इस्तॕ माल त्रकया गया ऻॖ : (ई)
A ग्राइिं िर
B ऺैंत्रििंग ब्लॗक
C ऺैंिर
D ऱील ऊन

159.In the image, what is being used to cover the floor? (E)

A. Rugs
B. Cotton sheets
C. Drop cloths
D. Linen sheets
159. छत्रश में , फषि कख़ कशर करनॕ कॕ त्रलए क्या उपयख़ग त्रकया जा रऻा ऻॖ ? (ई)

A काल़ीन
B कपाऺ ष़ीट् ऺ
C ििॗप कपडॕ
D त्रलनन ष़ीट् ऺ

160.Heat is a disadvantage for which one of the following finishes applied to wood? (H)
A. Shellac
B. Lacquer
C. Varnish
D. Polyurethane
160. ऻ़ीट एक नु कऺान ऻॖ त्रजऺकॕ त्रलए त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ एक लकड़ी पर लाग ऻख़त़ी ऻॖ ? (एच)
A चपडा
B लाऻ
C शात्रनिष
D पख़ल़ीयऱीथॕ न

161.Which of the following aspects can be improved by mixing certain additives to varnish?
A. Speed of cure
B. Speed of application
C. Creation of foam
D. Crystal formation
161. शात्रनिष में कुछ अत्रित़ीशऺ त्रमश्रण करकॕ त्रनम्नत्रलखित पऻलु ओिं में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा ऺुधार त्रकया जा ऺकता
ऻॖ ? (ई)
A इलाज क़ी गत्रत
B आशॕदन क़ी गत्रत
C फख़म का त्रनमाि ण
D त्रिरल गठन

162.Before proceeding with the staining of wood, what should be done to the stain? (M)
A. Settled solids should be stirred and mixed into the solvent
B. A rag should be soaked in the stain
C. Stain should be smeared on a small part of the wood
D. Paint thinner should be added to it
162. लकड़ी कॕ धुिंध ऺॕ आगॕ बढ़नॕ ऺॕ पऻलॕ , दाग कख़ क्या त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (एम)
A ऺॕटलॕ िलॕि ठख़ऺ ऻलचल और त्रशलायक में त्रमत्रश्रत त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए
B दाग में एक रॖ ग त्रभगख़ना चात्रऻए
C दाग लकड़ी कॕ एक छख़टॕ ऺॕ त्रऻस्सॕ पर ऺमयरॕ ि त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए
D पेंट पतला इऺॕ जख़डा जाना चात्रऻए
163.What should be added first to water-based paints in order to make it less viscous? (E)
A. Emulsifier
B. Thinner
C. Reducer
D. Water
163. इऺॕ कम त्रचपत्रचपा बनानॕ कॕ त्रलए पऻलॕ पाऩी आधाररत पेंट्ऺ में क्या जख़डा जाना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A पायऺ़ीकारकख़िं
B पतल़ी
C प्रऺारण
D पाऩी

164.Applying primer to wooden trims would hide which of the following stains? (E)
A. Old paint
B. Patched/ filled spots
C. Scratches
D. Nail holes
164. लकड़ी कख़ छख़टा करनॕ कॕ त्रलए प्राइमर लाग करनॕ ऺॕ त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा दाग छु पाएगा? (ई)
A पुराना पेंट
B पॖच / भरॕ धब्बॕ
C स्क्रॖच
D नॕल छॕ द

165.After how much time should the paint be applied on a primed wood surface? (E)
A. 30 minutes
B. 1 hour
C. 1 hour 30 mins
D. 3 hours
165. एक प्राइमि लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पर पेंट कख़ त्रकतना ऺमय लगाया जाना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A 30 त्रमनट
B 1 घिंटा
C 1 घिंटॕ 30 त्रमनट
D 3 घिंटॕ

166.What is the most important advantage of using a sanding sponge to sand a wooden trim
in between coats? (E)
A. It has a good grip
B. It can get into crevices
C. More pressure can be applied with it
D. It is flexible
166. कख़ट् ऺ कॕ ब़ीच एक लकड़ी क़ी त्रटिम रॕ त कॕ त्रलए एक ऺैंत्रििंग स्पिंज का उपयख़ग करनॕ का ऺबऺॕ
मऻत्वपणि लाभ क्या ऻॖ ? (ई)
A यऻ एक अৢ़ी पकड ऻॖ
B यऻ िॕत्रशऺॕऺ में त्रमल ऺकता ऻॖ
C इऺकॕ ऺाथ अत्रधक दबाश लाग त्रकया जा ऺकता ऻॖ
D यऻ लच़ीला ऻॖ
167.In order to ensure that the varnished surface is smooth and free of specks, what should
the painter do? (E)
A. Keep sanding between varnish coats
B. Use a speck-free additive
C. Mix the varnish properly
D. Varnish the wood in a clean room

167. यऻ ऺुत्रनत्रित करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रक शात्रनिष ऺतऻ त्रचकऩी और स्पॕक्स ऺॕ मु क्त ऻॖ , त्रचिकार क्या करना
चात्रऻए? (ई)
A शात्रनिष कख़ट कॕ ब़ीच ऺैंत्रििंग रिें
B एक स्पॕक मुक्त अत्रित़ीशॕ का प्रयख़ग करें
C शात्रनिष ऺऻ़ी ढिं ग ऺॕ त्रमलाएिं
D एक ऺाफ कमरॕ में लकड़ी शात्रनिष

168.Which of the following would you prefer if you wish to achieve an ultra-matte effect on
finished wood? (E)
A. Varnish
B. Lacquer
C. Primer
D. Sealer

168. यत्रद आप तॖयार लकड़ी पर अल्ट्ि ा-मॖ ट प्रभाश प्राप्त करना चाऻतॕ ऻैं तख़ त्रनम्न में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा आप पऺिंद
करें गॕ? (ई)
A शात्रनिष
B लाऻ
C प्राइमर
D मु ऻर

169. Image below shows the preparation work for painting doors and windows. Identify the
process? (E)

A. Cleaning of window
B. Removal of loose and detrimental parts
C. Applying the primer coat
D. Removing dirt and grease
16 9. ऩीचॕ द़ी गई छत्रश दरशाजॕ और खिडत्रकयख़िं कख़ त्रचत्रित करनॕ कॕ त्रलए तॖयाऱी का काम त्रदिात़ी ऻॖ ।
प्रत्रिया क़ी पऻचान करें ? (ई)

A खिडक़ी क़ी ऺफाई

B ढ़ीलॕ और ऻात्रनकारक भागख़िं कख़ ऻटानॕ
Cप्राइमर कख़ट लाग करना
D गिंदग़ी और तॕल त्रनकालना
170. Colour and stains have badly affected the outer finish of the wooden window. What can
be done to restore the same before starting the painting work? (E)
A. Scrub the surface to remove the upper layer of wood
B. Apply multiple coats of paint to hide the previous damage
C. Apply bleaching agent to restore its natural gloss
D. Refurbish the window with applying new coat of wood
170. रिं ग और दाग बुऱी तरऻ ऺॕ प्रभात्रशत हुए ऻैं । तुम क्या कर ऺकतॕ ऻख़ (ई)
A ऺतऻ कख़ स्क्रब करें
B एकात्रधक लाग करें
C अपनॕ प्राकृत्रतक चमक कख़ बऻाल करनॕ कॕ त्रलए ब्ल़ीत्रचिंग एजें ट लाग करें
D लकड़ी कॕ नए कख़ट लगानॕ कॕ ऺाथ खिडक़ी कख़ नश़ीऩीकृत करें

171. How much wood filler should be used to fill the gaps in wooden windows and doors?
A. Maximum amount of filler possible to fill in the gap
B. Minimum amount of filler to seal the gap
C. Three coats of filler
D. Two coats of filler to cover the gap and adjoining surface

171. लकड़ी क़ी खिडत्रकयख़िं और दरशाजॕ में अिंतराल कख़ भरनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रकतनॕ लकड़ी कॕ भराश का
उपयख़ग त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (ि़ी)
A अिंतर कख़ भरनॕ कॕ त्रलए अत्रधकतम त्रफलर ऺिंभश ऻॖ
B अिंतर कख़ ऺ़ील करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रफलर क़ी न्यनतम मािा
Cभराश कॕ त़ीन कख़ट
D अिंतर और आऺन्न ऺतऻ कख़ कशर करनॕ कॕ त्रलए भराश कॕ दख़ कख़ट

172. Image below shows the windows preparation process. Which tool is being used for
smoothening of the surface? (E)

1. Pumice stone
2. Steel wire
3. Grinder
4. Sandpaper
172. ऩीचॕ द़ी गई छत्रश खिडत्रकयािं तॖयाऱी प्रत्रिया त्रदिात़ी ऻॖ । त्रचकऩीकरण कॕ त्रलए त्रकऺ त्रिशाइऺ का
उपयख़ग त्रकया जाता ऻॖ (ई)
A प्यत्रमऺ पत्थर
B ऱील शायर
C ग्राइिं िर

D ऺैं िपॕपर
173. What is red coloured covering material shown in the picture called? (E)

A. Red Tape
B. Cover Tape
C. Masking Tape
D. Red Cover
173. त्रपक्चर कॗन्सटि में लाल रिं ग का कशर कशर ऺामग्ऱी षॗट क्या ऻॖ ? (ए)

A लाल टॕ प
B कशर टॕ प
C माखकिंग टॕ प
D लाल कशर

174. Which of the following statements is TRUE for shellac? (D)

A. It is full of chemicals
B. It is heat resistant
C. It gives matte finish
D. It is not good to be used on kitchen tops
174. षॖलॖक कॕ त्रलए त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा कथन ऺत्य ऻॖ? (ि़ी)
A यऻ रऺायनख़िं ऺॕ भरा ऻॖ
B यऻ गमी प्रत्रतरख़ध़ी ऻॖ
C यऻ मॖ ट ित्म दॕ ता ऻॖ
D रऺख़ई कॕ ष़ीहि पर इस्तॕ माल करना अৢा नऻ़ीिं ऻॖ

175. What additive should be used to thin the oil-based paint? (E)
A. Water
B. Oil
C. Mineral Spirits
D. Lighter Shade Paint
175. त्रकऺ यख़जक का उपयख़ग त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A पाऩी
B तॕल
C ित्रनज आत्माओिं
D लाइटर छाया पेंट
176. In case of spray paint it was observed that the flow was interrupted offering uneven
paint finish, what could be one of the solutions? (M)
A. Apply the paint with brush
B. Add thinner to the paint
C. Enlarge the spray hole
D. use brush to even out the surface
176. स्प्रॕ पेंट कॕ मामलॕ में यऻ दॕ िा गया था त्रक अऺमान पेंट त्रफत्रनष क़ी पॕषकष करकॕ प्रशाऻ बात्रधत था,
ऺमाधानख़िं में ऺॕ एक क्या ऻख़ ऺकता ऻॖ ? (एम)
A ब्रष कॕ ऺाथ पेंट लाग करें
B पेंट में पतला जख़डें
C स्प्रॕ छॕ द बढ़ाएिं
D ऺतऻ कख़ बाऻर करनॕ कॕ त्रलए ब्रष का प्रयख़ग करें

177. What should you do with paint having higher viscosity than required? (E)
A. Thin it to attain right viscosity
B. Let it remain as it is
C. Add more viscous paint to it
D. Replace it with some other paint

177. आश कतानु ऺार उৡ त्रचपत्रचपाऻट कॕ ऺाथ आपकख़ क्या करना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A ऺऻ़ी त्रचपत्रचपापन प्राप्त करनॕ कॕ त्रलए यऻ पतला
B इऺॕ रऻनॕ कॕ ॺप में रऻनॕ दें
C इऺमें अत्रधक त्रचपत्रचपा पेंट जख़डें
D इऺॕ त्रकऺ़ी अन्य रिं ग ऺॕ बदलें

178. Identify the process in the image below. (E)

A. Wood filler application

B. Putty application
C. Thinner application
D. Prime coat application
178. ऩीचॕ द़ी गई छत्रश में प्रत्रिया क़ी पऻचान करें । (ई)

A लकड़ी भराश आशॕदन

B पुट्ट़ी आशॕदन
C पतला आशॕदन
D प्राइम कख़ट आशॕदन
179. What is the minimum time taken by prime coat to dry? (M)
A. 3 days
B. 30 minutes
C. 24 hours
D. 10 minutes
17 9. प्राइम कख़ट द्वारा ऺिॕ जानॕ कॕ त्रलए न्यनतम ऺमय क्या ऻॖ ? (एम)
A 3 त्रदन
B 30 त्रमनट
C 24 घिंटॕ
D 10 त्रमनट

180. What should be done to even out the surface after wood filler or putty application? (E)
A. Sanding the surface
B. Scrapping the surface
C. Cleaning the surface
D. Washing the surface
180. लकड़ी भराश या पुट़ी आशॕदन कॕ बाद क्या त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A ऺतऻ ऺैंत्रििंग
B ऺतऻ कख़ स्क्रॖत्रपिंग
C ऺतऻ क़ी ऺफाई
D ऺतऻ धख़ना

181. What does the image below indicate about the finished coat? (E)

A. Finished coat should not be applied in direction of grains for best results
B. Finished coat should be applied against the grains
C. Finished coat should be applied in the direction of grains for best results
D. Finished coat should be applied in long even strokes across the grains
181. ऩीचॕ द़ी गई छत्रश ऺमाप्त कख़ट कॕ बारॕ में क्या इिं त्रगत करत़ी ऻॖ ? (ई)
A त्रफत्रनष कख़ट कख़ ऺशोत्तम पररणामख़िं कॕ त्रलए अनाज में लाग नऻ़ीिं त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए
Bऺमाप्त कख़ट अनाज कॕ खिलाफ लाग त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए
C त्रफत्रनष कख़ट कख़ ऺशोत्तम पररणामख़िं कॕ त्रलए अनाज क़ी त्रदषा में लाग त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए
D ऺमाप्त कख़ट लाग त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए
182. What should be done if bubbles or drips are found on application of sealant before it is
dry? (E)
A. Let it dry and then scrap it off
B. Smooth them out with the edge of brush
C. Cover it with another coat of sealant
D. Top it with finish coat
182. अगर ऺिॕ ऺॕ पऻलॕ ऺ़ीलेंट पर बु लबु लॕ या त्रििप पाए जातॕ ऻैं तख़ क्या त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A इऺॕ ऺिा दें और त्रफर इऺॕ ऻटा दें
B उन्हें बाऻर त्रनकालख़
C इऺॕ ऺ़ीलेंट कॕ दऺरॕ कख़ट कॕ ऺाथ कशर करें
D इऺॕ ित्म कख़ट कॕ ऺाथ ष़ीहि

183. What is happening in this picture. (D)

A. Colouring loose matter on the wooden surface

B. Filling loose matter in the wooden surface
C. Sticking loose matter on the wooden surface
D. Removing loose matter from the wooden surface

183. इऺ तस्व़ीर में क्या ऻख़ रऻा ऻॖ (ि़ी)

A लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पर रिं ग
B लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ में भरनॕ
C लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पर त्रचपका
D लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ ऺॕ त्रनकाल रऻा ऻॖ

184. ___________ agents are used to brush on wood surface to restore natural colours. (E)
A. Lightening
B. Bleaching
C. Fading
D. Colouring
184. प्राकृत्रतक रिं गख़िं कख़ बऻाल करनॕ कॕ त्रलए ___________ एजें टख़िं का उपयख़ग त्रकया जाता ऻॖ । (ई)
A लाइटत्रनिंग
B ब्ल़ीत्रचिंग
C लु प्तप्राय
D रिं ग
185. What will you do if there is a depression in wood surface? (E)
A. Use paint
B. Use sand filler
C. Use glue filler
D. Use wood filler
185. लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ में अशऺाद ऻख़नॕ पर आप क्या करतॕ ऻैं ? (ई)
A पेंट का प्रयख़ग करें
B रॕ त भराश का प्रयख़ग करें
C गख़िंद त्रफलर का प्रयख़ग करें
D लकड़ी भराश का प्रयख़ग करें

186. Identify the object in the picture. (E)

A. Red paper
B. Soil paper
C. Craft paper
D. Sand paper
186. तस्व़ीर में शस्तु क़ी पऻचान करें । (ई)
A लाल कागज
B मृ दा कागज
C िाफ्ट पॕपर
D रॕ त कागज

187. Which of these is not used for covering adjacent surface prior to varnishing and
polishing? (E)
A. Paper
B. New cloths
C. Masking tape
D. Drop cloths
187. इनमें ऺॕ कग़न ऺा शात्रनित्रषिंग और चमकानॕ कॕ त्रलए पऻलॕ आऺन्न ऺतऻ कशर करनॕ कॕ त्रलए इस्तॕ माल
नऻ़ीिं त्रकया ऻॖ ? (ई)
A पॕपर
B नए कपडॕ
C माखकिंग टॕ प
D ििॗप कपडॕ
188. Which of these is not a type of finishing? (M)
A. Stone
B. Lacquer
C. Shellac
D. Varnish
188. इनमें ऺॕ कग़न ऺा पररष्करण का एक प्रकार ऻॖ ? (एम)
A पत्थर
B लाि
C षॖ लॖक
D शात्रनिष

189. What is applied on wood surface in this picture? (D)

A. Tarnish
B. Varnish
C. Honey
D. Medicine
18 9. इऺ तस्व़ीर पर तस्व़ीर क्या ऻॖ ? (ि़ी)
A टात्रनिष
B शात्रनिष
C ऻऩी
D त्रचत्रकत्सा

190. How to mix and dilute paints for painting on wood surface? (M)
A. Follow Youtube video
B. Follow standard procedure
C. Follow the customer
D. Follow procedure shown on television
1 9 0. लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पर पेंत्रटिंग कख़ कॖऺॕ त्रमलाएिं और पेंट करें ? (एम)
A यट्यब श़ीत्रियख़ का पालन करें
B मानक प्रत्रिया का पालन करें
C ग्राऻक का पालन करें
D टॕ ल़ीत्रशजन पर त्रदिाए गए प्रत्रिया का पालन करें
191. What is the use of this object in the picture? (E)

A. Adjust texture of paint brush

B. Adjust smell of paint
C. Adjust viscosity of paint
D. Adjust size of paint brush
1 9 1 तस्व़ीर में शस्तु क्या ऻॖ? (ई)
A पेंट ब्रष कॕ बनाशट ऺमायख़त्रजत करें
B पेंट क़ी गिंध ऺमायख़त्रजत करें
C पेंट क़ी त्रचपत्रचपाऻट ऺमायख़त्रजत करें
D पेंट ब्रष का आकार ऺमायख़त्रजत करें

192. What is written on this object in the picture? (D)

A. Instructions to fix new wood surface

B. Instructions to buy primer
C. Story of primer
D. Instructions to apply primer
1 9 2. तस्व़ीर में शस्तु क्या ऻॖ ? (ि़ी)
A नई लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ कख़ ठ़ीक करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रनदे ष
B प्राइमर िऱीदनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रनदे ष
C प्राइमर क़ी कऻाऩी
D प्राइमर लाग करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रनदे ष
193. After applying the primer on wood surface, wait till it ______________. (E)
A. Becomes sticky
B. Becomes dry
C. Becomes black
D. Becomes golden
1 9 3. ऺतऻ पर पुस्तक लगानॕ कॕ बाद, ______________ तक प्रत़ीक्षा करें । (ई)
A त्रचपत्रचपा ऻख़ जाता ऻॖ
B षु ष्क ऻख़ जाता ऻॖ
C काला ऻख़ जाता ऻॖ
D ऺुनऻरा बन जाता ऻॖ

194. What is the purpose of the tool in the picture? (M)

A. Apply putty
B. Apply sandpaper
C. Apply paint
D. Apply oil
1 9 4. तस्व़ीर में उपकरण क्या ऻॖ ? (एम)
A पुट़ी लाग करें
B ऺैंिपॕपर लाग करें
C पेंट लाग करें
D। तॕल लाग करें

195. Why are finished coats applied on the wood surface? (E)
A. For sandy finish
B. For sticky finish
C. For smooth finish
D. For dirty finish
1 9 5. लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पर तॖयार कख़ट क्यख़िं लाग ऻख़तॕ ऻैं? (ई)
A रॕ त़ीलॕ ित्म करनॕ कॕ त्रलए
B त्रचपत्रचपा ित्म करनॕ कॕ त्रलए
c त्रचकऩी ित्म करनॕ कॕ त्रलए
D गिंदॕ ित्म करनॕ कॕ त्रलए
196. What is the man doing here in the picture? (M)

A. Applying water
B. Applying air
C. Applying lacquer
D. Applying sparkles
1 9 6. आदम़ी यऻााँ क्या कर रऻा ऻॖ ? (एम)
A पाऩी लगानॕ
B ऻशा कख़ लाग करना
C लाऻ लगानॕ
D स्पाकिल्स लाग करना

197.The following tool is commonly used to remove old paint and rust from the surface.
What is this tool called? (E)

A. Paint brush
B. Scrub
C. Sander
D. Hand wire brush
1 9 7 त्रनम्नत्रलखित उपकरण का उपयख़ग आमतग़र पर ऺतऻ ऺॕ पुरानॕ रिं ग और जिं ग कख़ ऻटानॕ कॕ त्रलए
त्रकया जाता ऻॖ। इऺ उपकरण कख़ क्या कऻा जाता ऻॖ ? (ई)
A पेंट ब्रष
B स्क्रब
C ऺैंिर
D ऻाथ तार ब्रष
198.Given below is a before and after image of wood after undergoing one of the processes
below, to restore its natural color. What is the process? (E)

A. Bleaching
B. Scrapping
C. Applying primer
D. Applying natural paints

1 9 8. प्रत्रियाओिं में ऺॕ एक कॕ बाद लकड़ी क़ी छत्रश कॕ पऻलॕ और बाद में त्रदया गया ऻॖ । प्रत्रिया क्या ऻॖ ?
A ब्ल़ीत्रचिंग
B स्क्रॖत्रपिंग
C प्राइमर लाग करना
D प्राकृत्रतक रिं गख़िं कख़ लाग करना

199.What is the use of the paper shown in the image below if it is of 240 grit? (M)

A. For painting a wooden surface

B. For removing old paint from the surface
C. For sanding the surface between coats of paints
D. For applying primer on the surface
199. 240 ग्राट ऻख़नॕ पर ऩीचॕ द़ी गई छत्रश क़ी छत्रश का उपयख़ग क्या ऻॖ ? (एम)
A लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पेंत्रटिंग कॕ त्रलए
B ऺतऻ ऺॕ पुरानॕ पेंट कख़ ऻटानॕ कॕ त्रलए
C ऺैंत्रििंग कॕ त्रलए
D ऺतऻ पर प्राइमर लगानॕ कॕ त्रलए
200.What safety practice is being shown in this picture in order to ensure safety of glasses
while painting? (E)

A. Checking shape of the glass pane

B. Covering the glass pane with masking tape
C. Removing masking tape
D. Checking the strength of the masking tape
200. पेंत्रटिंग करतॕ ऺमय च ा क़ी ऺुरक्षा क्या ऻॖ ? (ई)
A ग्लाऺ फलक कॕ आकार क़ी जािं च
B माखकिंग टॕ प कॕ ऺाथ ग्लाऺ फलक कख़ कशर करना
C माखकिंग टॕ प कख़ ऻटा रऻा ऻॖ
Dमाखकिंग टॕ प क़ी षखक्त क़ी जािं च

201.What among the following are the functions of Shellac when applied on a wooden
surface? (H)
a) Tough natural primer
b) Sanding sealant
c) Glittering agent
d) Tannin-blocker
A. Only a, c and d
B. Only b and d
C. Only a, b and d
D. Only c and d
201. लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ पर लाग ऻख़नॕ पर षॕलॖक कॕ कायों में ऺॕ त्रनम्नत्रलखित क्या ऻैं ? (एच)
A कत्रठन प्राकृत्रतक प्राइमर
B ऺ़ीलें ट ऺ़ीलें ट
C चमकदार एजें ट
D टॖ त्रनन-अशरख़धक
A कॕशल A, C और D
B कॕशल B और D
C कॕशल A, B और D
D कॕशल C और D
202. Which of the following is a paint extender mixed with paint? (H)
A. Oil
B. Petrol
C. Dust
D. Floetrol
202. इनमें ऺॕ कग़न ऺा रिं ग पेंट कॕ ऺाथ त्रमत्रश्रत एक पेंट त्रशस्तारक ऻॖ ? (एच)
A तॕल
b पॕटिख़ल
c धल
d फ्लख़टि ख़ल

203.In what manner should mixing and dilution of paints be carried out? (E)
A. According to the standard procedure
B. According to the quantity of paint and additives available
C. According to the price of paint and additives
D. According to the colour of paint
203. त्रमश्रण और पेंटख़िं कख़ त्रकऺ तरऻ ऺॕ त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A मानक प्रत्रिया कॕ अनु ऺार
B उपलब्ध पेंट और अत्रित़ीशऺ क़ी मािा कॕ अनु ऺार
Cपेंट और अत्रित़ीशऺ क़ी क़ीमत कॕ अनु ऺार
D रिं ग कॕ रिं ग कॕ अनु ऺार

204.After adding some amount of water to the paint, how will you check if the paint is
thinned enough? (M)
A. With the help of your hands
B. With the help of measuring instrument
C. Using the brush to measure thickness
D. By seeing the laboratory results
204. पेंट में कुछ मािा में पाऩी जख़डनॕ कॕ बाद, आप कॖऺॕ जािं चेंगॕ त्रक पेंट पयाि प्त पतला ऻॖ या नऻ़ीिं? (एम)
A अपनॕ ऻाथख़िं क़ी मदद ऺॕ
B मापनॕ क़ी मदद ऺॕ
C मख़टाई मापनॕ कॕ त्रलए ब्रष का उपयख़ग करना
D प्रयख़गषाला पररणामख़िं कख़ दॕ िकर
205.Among the following images, in which image the painter is applying primer on the
wooden surface? (E) त्रनम्नत्रलखित छत्रशयख़िं कॕ ब़ीच, त्रजऺमें छत्रश त्रचत्रित क़ी गई ऻॖ? (ई)

B. --



206.What is to be done after the primer dries within specified time? (E)
A. Apply varnish coat of specified thickness
B. Cover the surface with paper
C. Apply a second coat of primer
D. Apply oil over the surface
206. त्रशत्रषष्ट ऺमय कॕ बाद क्या त्रकया जाना ऻॖ? (ई)
A त्रनत्रदिष्ट मख़टाई कॕ शात्रनिष कख़ट लाग करें
B कागज कॕ ऺाथ ऺतऻ कख़ कशर करें
C प्राइमर का दऺरा कख़ट लाग करें
D ऺतऻ पर तॕल लाग करें

207.Arrange the following steps in the right order of work done by the painter while painting
the wooden surface. (M)
a) Apply first coat of primer over the surface
b) Sand the surface before the second coat
c) Apply wood filler or putty over the small holes in the surface
d) Apply the final coat of primer
A. abdc
B. bcda
C. cabd
D. dacb
207. त्रचिकार कॕ काम कख़ व्यशखथथत करें (एम)
A) पऻलॕ आशॕदन करें
B) दऺरॕ कख़ट ऺॕ पऻलॕ ऺतऻ रॕ त
C) लकड़ी भराश या पुट़ी लाग करें
D) प्राइमर कॕ अिंत्रतम कख़ट लाग करें

208.What equipment is shown in this picture? (M)

A. Chisel machine
B. Random orbital sander
C. Grinder
D. Polisher
208. इऺ तस्व़ीर में कग़न ऺा उपकरण त्रदिाया गया ऻॖ ? (एम)
A त्रचऺ़ील मष़ीन
B यादृखৢक कक्ष़ीय ऺैंिर
C ग्राइिं िर
D पॗत्रलषर

209.What is the use of the following additive while painting the wooden surface? (E)

A. It forms a hard protective coating for wood

B. It increases the shine of the wooden surface
C. It is used as a toner
D. It makes the wooden surface smoother
209. लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ का त्रचि क्या ऻॖ ? (ई)
A यऻ लकड़ी कॕ त्रलए एक कत्रठन ऺुरक्षात्मक कख़त्रटिंग बनाता ऻॖ
B यऻ बढ़ता ऻॖ
Cयऻ एक टख़नर कॕ ॺप में प्रयख़ग त्रकया जाता ऻॖ
D यऻ लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ त्रचकऩी बनाता ऻॖ
210. What will you use to remove stains from iron nails and grayed color of the wood? (M)
A. Sodium hydroxide
B. Oxalic Acid
C. Peroxide
D. Chlorine
210. लकड़ी कॕ नािन और लकड़ी कॕ ग्रॕ रिं ग ऺॕ दाग कख़ ऻटानॕ कॕ त्रलए आप क्या उपयख़ग करें गॕ? (एम)
A ऺख़त्रियम ऻाइििॗक्साइि
B ऑक्सत्रलक एत्रऺि
C पॕरख़क्साइि
D क्लख़ऱीन

211. You are preparing an old wooden surface which is kept outside and has nail holes and
small cracks. What will you use? (M)
A. Wood filler
B. Wood Putty
C. Wood grains
D. Wood Paint
211. आप एक पुराऩी लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ तॖयार कर रऻॕ ऻैं त्रजऺॕ बाऻर रिा गया ऻॖ और इऺमें नािन छॕ द
और छख़ट़ी दरारें ऻैं । आप क्या उपयख़ग करें गॕ? (एम)
A लकड़ी भराश
B लकड़ी पुट्ट़ी
C लकड़ी कॕ अनाज
D लकड़ी पेंट

212. Identify the tool shown in the image below. It is used to touch up wooden surfaces. (E)

A. Wool
B. Steel Wool
C. Sanders
D. Sponge
212. ऩीचॕ द़ी गई छत्रश क़ी पऻचान करें । इऺका उपयख़ग लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻख़िं कख़ छनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रकया जाता
ऻॖ । (ई)
A ऊन
B ऱील ऊन
C ऺैंिऺि
D स्पिंज
213. A wooden furniture is made of wood that shows great variation in color. How will you
reduce color variation? (D)
A. Paint a dark color
B. Chisel out the darker spots
C. Stain the wood
D. Use a uniform color wood on top of it
213. लकड़ी ऺॕ बना लकड़ी का फनीचर जख़ रिं ग में बहुत त्रभन्नता त्रदिाता ऻॖ । आप कलर त्रशत्रशधता कॖऺॕ
कम करतॕ ऻैं ? (ि़ी)
A एक कालॕ रिं ग पेंट
B गऻरॕ धब्बॕ बाऻर त्रचऺॕल
C लकड़ी िालख़
Dइऺकॕ ऊपर एक ऺमान रिं ग़ीन लकड़ी का प्रयख़ग करें

214. How will you mix the paint and additives? (M)
A. In the ratio 3:1
B. In the ratio 4:1
C. As instructed
D. 50:50
214. आप पेंट और एत्रित्रटव्ऺ कख़ कॖऺॕ त्रमलातॕ ऻैं ? (एम)
A अनु पात 3: 1 में
B अनु पात 4: 1 में
C त्रनदे ष कॕ ॺप में
D 50:50

215. What is the level of viscosity at which acceptable spraying, brushing and roll coating of
paint can be done? (D)
A. 100 cps
B. 200 cps
C. 3. 250 cps
D. 4. 300 cps
215. त्रचपत्रचपाऻट का स्तर क्या ऻॖ जख़ स्व़ीकायि त्रछडकाश, ब्रत्रषिंग और रख़त्रलिंग कख़त्रटिंग कख़त्रटिंग त्रकया जा
ऺकता ऻॖ ? (ि़ी)
A 100 ऺ़ीप़ीएऺ
B 200 ऺ़ीप़ीएऺ
C 3. 250 ऺ़ीप़ीएऺ
D 4. 300 ऺ़ीप़ीएऺ
216. What is the tool shown in the image used for? (E)

A. Sanding
B. Applying varnish
C. Applying gloss
D. Levelling the wooden surface
216. छत्रश का उपयख़ग क्या ऻॖ? (ई)
A ऺैंत्रििंग
B शात्रनिष लाग करना
C चमक लाग करना
D लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ लॕ शत्रलिंग

217. In which of these woods you should not use lacquer? (D)
A. Deodar
B. Rosewood
C. Teak
D. Pine
217. इनमें ऺॕ त्रकऺ जिं गल में आपकख़ लाऻ का उपयख़ग नऻ़ीिं करना चात्रऻए? (ि़ी)
A दॕ शदार
B रख़ज़शुि
C ट़ीक
D पाइन

218. Which of the following is not a method of polishing wood? (E)

A. Burnishing
B. Hand rubbing
C. Sand rubbing
D. Bleaching
218. त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा लकड़ी चमकानॕ क़ी त्रशत्रध नऻ़ीिं ऻॖ ? (ई)
A बत्रनित्रषिंग
B ऻाथ रगडना
C रॕ त रगडना
D ब्ल़ीत्रचिंग
CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace

219.Which of the following assures proper team functioning? (E)

A. Shared interests
B. Minimal age difference
C. Proper communication
D. Good humour
21 9. त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा उत्रचत ट़ीम काम करता ऻॖ ? (ई)
A ऺाझा ॹत्रचयािं
B न्यनतम आयु अिंतर
C उत्रचत ऺिंचार
D अৢा ऻास्य

220. To whom will you pass work related information? (E)

A. To the President
B. To you teacher
C. To family members
D. To team members
220. आप त्रकऺऺॕ ऺिंबिंत्रधत जानकाऱी काम कर रऻॕ ऻैं? (ई)
A राष्टिपत्रत कख़
B त्रषक्षक कॕ त्रलए
C पररशार कॕ ऺदस्यख़िं कॕ त्रलए
D ट़ीम कॕ ऺदस्यख़िं कॕ त्रलए

221.While doing putty on a wall you find that there is sealing on some part of the wall, what
will you do first? (E)
A. Continue with your job without taking any action
B. Wait till the sealing is removed
C. Stop doing putty and apply coat of paint directly over it
D. Inform this to your co-workers/supervisor and ask for their advice
221. द़ीशार पर पट्ट़ी करनॕ कॕ दग़रान आप पातॕ ऻैं त्रक द़ीशार का कख़ई त्रऻस्सा नऻ़ीिं ऻॖ , आप पऻलॕ क्या
करें गॕ? (ई)
A अपनॕ काम कॕ ऺाथ जाऱी रिें
B ऺ़ीत्रलिंग ऻटा त्रदए जानॕ तक प्रत़ीक्षा करें
C पुट़ी करनॕ ऺॕ रख़कें और ऺ़ीधॕ पेंट कॕ कख़ट कख़ लाग करें
D इऺॕ अपनॕ ऺऻकत्रमियख़िं / पयिशॕक्षक कख़ ऺत्रचत करें और उनक़ी ऺलाऻ मािं गें

222.After sanding the final primer coated wooden surface, you find that one more coat of
primer is required. What will be your first action? (M)
A. Inform the supervisor about extra work required
B. Paint it anyway
C. Wash the wooden surface with extreme cold water
D. Try to hide this extra work
222. अिंत्रतम प्राइमर लॕत्रपत लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ कख़ ऺैं ि करनॕ कॕ बाद, आप पातॕ ऻैं त्रक प्राइमर का एक और कख़ट
आश क ऻॖ । आपक़ी पऻल़ी कारि शाई क्या ऻॖ ? (एम)
A पयि शॕक्षक कख़ ऺत्रचत करें
B शॖ ऺॕ भ़ी इऺॕ पेंट करें
Cअत्यत्रधक ठिं िॕ पाऩी कॕ ऺाथ लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ धख़ लें
D इऺ अत्रतररक्त काम कख़ त्रछपानॕ कॕ त्रलए प्रयाऺ करें
223.While sanding the wooden surface for the final coat, you find that the Random Orbital
Sander is not working. How will you handle that problem? (E)
A. Apply the final coat without sanding it
B. Apply primer ones again
C. Report it to the supervisor
D. Apply some lubricant over the surface in order to make it smooth
223. अिंत्रतम कख़ट कॕ त्रलए लकड़ी क़ी ऺतऻ कख़ ऺैंत्रििंग करतॕ ऺमय, आप पातॕ ऻैं त्रक रैं िम ऑत्रबिटल ऺैंिर
काम नऻ़ीिं कर रऻा ऻॖ । आप उऺ ऺमस्या कख़ कॖऺॕ ऺिंभालें गॕ? (ई)
A इऺॕ ऺैंत्रििंग कॕ त्रबना अिंत्रतम कख़ट लाग करें
B प्राइमर त्रफर ऺॕ लाग करें
C पयिशॕक्षक कख़ इऺक़ी ररपख़टि करें
D कुछ स्नॕऻक पर लाग करें

224. You have been provided with a booklet as shown below. How will you ensure that your
co-workers are also well aware of the job requirements? (E)

A. Pass on the information clearly to other team members

B. Ask them to read the booklet and pass it on to others
C. Supervise and inform them while carrying out the work
D. Direct them to paint and provide them with the paint
224. आपकख़ ऩीचॕ त्रदिाए गए एक पुखस्तका द़ी गई ऻॖ । आप कॖऺॕ ऺुत्रनत्रित करतॕ ऻैं त्रक आपकॕ
ऺऻकत्रमियख़िं कख़ नग़कऱी क़ी आश कताओिं कॕ बारॕ में भ़ी पता ऻॖ ? (ई)

A जानकाऱी कख़ अन्य ट़ीम कॕ ऺदस्यख़िं कख़ स्पष्ट ॺप ऺॕ पाऺ करें

B उन्हें पुखस्तका पढ़नॕ और दऺरख़िं कख़ पाऺ करनॕ कॕ त्रलए कऻें
C पयिशॕक्षण और ऺत्रचत करें
D उन्हें पेंट करनॕ और उन्हें पेंट प्रदान करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रनदे त्रषत करें
225.While working on a painting job, you notice defects as shown in the image. What will
you do? (E)

A. Address the problem and correct it

B. Stop the work
C. Call for the supervisor
D. Carry on with the work as defects can be corrected afterwards
225. त्रचिकला नग़कऱी पर काम करतॕ ऺमय, आप छत्रशयख़िं कख़ दॕ ितॕ ऻैं । तुम क्या करतॕ ऻख़ (ई)
A ऺमस्या का ऺमाधान करें और इऺॕ ऺऻ़ी करें
B काम बिंद करख़
C कॕ त्रलए कॗल करें
D काम कॕ ऺाथ दख़ह कॕ ॺप में लॕ लख़

226. What should you clarify with the superior while he is giving instructions? (E)
A. Correct job requirements and specifications
B. Price of the paint material provided to you
C. His vision and reason behind the paint
D. Brand of the paint
226. त्रदषात्रनदे ष दॕ रऻॕ ऻैं , तख़ आपकख़ क्या स्पष्ट़ीकरण दॕ ना चात्रऻए? (ई)
A ऺऻ़ी नग़कऱी क़ी आश कताओिं और त्रशत्रनदे षख़िं
B आपकख़ प्रदान क़ी गई पेंट ऺामग्ऱी क़ी क़ीमत
Cपेंट कॕ प़ीछॕ उनक़ी दृत्रष्ट और कारण
D रिं ग का ब्रािं ि

227. What will you do to ensure that your sub-ordinates are clearly aware of proper
technique and method? (M)
A. By only selecting experienced sub-ordinates
B. By requiring them to go through a training program
C. By properly explaining them correct training and method
D. By micro-managing them
227. यऻ ऺुत्रनत्रित करनॕ कॕ त्रलए आप क्या करतॕ ऻैं त्रक आपकॕ उप-ऑत्रििनटऺ उत्रचत तकऩीक और
त्रशत्रध कॕ बारॕ में स्पष्ट ॺप ऺॕ अशगत ऻैं ? (एम)
A अनु भश़ी उप-ऑत्रििनटऺ चुनकर
B उन्हें प्रत्रषक्षण कायििम कॕ माध्यम ऺॕ जानॕ क़ी आश कता ऻॖ
C ऺऻ़ी प्रत्रषक्षण और त्रशत्रध का उपयख़ग करकॕ
Dउन्हें ऺक्ष्म प्रबिंधन द्वारा
228. How can you assist your fellow workers in carrying out the paint job effectively? (E)
A. By providing them with all the required tools and explaining method properly
B. By providing them with incentives
C. By providing them with criticism of their work
D. By providing them leave frequently
228. पेंत्रटिंग प्रभाश में प्रभाश़ी ढिं ग ऺॕ आप अपनॕ ऺाथ़ी श्रत्रमकख़िं क़ी मदद कॖऺॕ कर ऺकतॕ ऻैं? (ई)
A उन्हें ऺभ़ी आश क औजार और ऺमझा तऱीका प्रदान करकॕ
B उत्तॕजना कॕ ऺाथ उन्हें प्रदान करकॕ
C उन्हें प्रदान करकॕ
D उन्हें लगातार छख़डकर

229. Which of the following is an incorrect way of communicating effectively to sub-

ordinates? (M)
A. Displaying confidence and seriousness
B. Not allowing interruptions in between
C. Using visuals
D. Using simple words
229. त्रनम्नत्रलखित में ऺॕ कग़न ऺा प्रभाशषाल़ी ॺप ऺॕ उप-त्रनदे षािं क ऺिंचार करनॕ का गलत तऱीका ऻॖ ?
A आत्मत्रशश्वाऺ और गिंभ़ीरता प्रदत्रषित करना
B कॕ ब़ीच में व्यशधान क़ी इजाजत नऻ़ीिं ऻॖ
C दृ ख़िं का उपयख़ग करना
Dऺरल षब्ख़िं का उपयख़ग करना

230. What will you do in case some of your sub-ordinates are fighting? (E)
A. Take initiative and try to resolve the issue
B. Report them to the superior
C. Take action and remove them
D. Wait for the fight to end
230. आप अपनॕ कुछ उप-ऑत्रििनटऺ क्या लड रऻॕ ऻैं? (ई)
A पऻल करें और इऺ मु िॕ कख़ ऻल करनॕ का प्रयाऺ करें
B उन्हें बॕऻतर ऺॕ ररपख़टि करें
C कारि शाई करें और उन्हें ऻटा दें
D लडाई ऺमाप्त करनॕ कॕ त्रलए प्रत़ीक्षा करें
CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol
at construction site

231.Identify the type damage visible in the image that would jeopardize the paint job: (E)

A. Water damage
B. Fungus contamination
C. Oil damage
D. Chemical damage
231. छत्रश में दृ मान क्षत्रत कॕ प्रकार कख़ ऺत्रचत करें जख़ पेंट जॗब कख़ ितरॕ में िाल दॕ गा: (ई)
A जल नु कऺान
B फिंगऺ ऺिंदहण
C तॕल क्षत्रत
D राऺायत्रनक नु कऺान

232.In which process of preparing walls before painting would the following tool be used?

A. Remove rust coloured stick marks

B. Remove old paint
C. To prime walls
D. Covering cracks in walls
232. त्रचिकला ऺॕ पऻलॕ द़ीशारख़िं क़ी तॖयाऱी करनॕ क़ी कग़न ऺ़ी प्रत्रिया में त्रनम्नत्रलखित उपकरण का
उपयख़ग त्रकया जाएगा? (एम)

A जिं ग रिं ग़ीन छड़ी अिंक त्रनकालें

B पुरानॕ पेंट कख़ ऻटा दें
C प्रधान द़ीशारख़िं कॕ त्रलए
D द़ीशारख़िं में दरारें ढकना
233.During an exterior painting job, how can the delicate plants in the immediate vicinity be
protected? (H)
A. By pressure washing them
B. By covering them with regular drop cloths
C. Loosely covering them with plastic sheeting
D. By regularly watering the plants
233. बाऻऱी पेंत्रटिंग नग़कऱी कॕ दग़रान, तत्काल आऺपाऺ कॕ नाजु क पग़धख़िं कख़ कॖऺॕ ऺिंरत्रक्षत त्रकया जा ऺकता
ऻॖ ? (एच)
A दबाश धख़कर उन्हें
B त्रनयत्रमत ॺप ऺॕ ििॗप कपडॕ कॕ ऺाथ उन्हें कशर करकॕ
Cप्लाखरक ष़ीत्रटिंग कॕ ऺाथ उन्हें ढ़ीला कशर
D त्रनयत्रमत ॺप ऺॕ पग़धख़िं कख़ पाऩी ऺॕ

234.How would the following tool be used in the preparation of concrete walls for painting?

A. Applying concrete patch on cracks

B. Applying concrete sealer
C. Applying concrete primer
D. Cleaning the concrete wall
234. किंि़ीट द़ीशारख़िं कॕ त्रचिख़िं में त्रनम्नत्रलखित उपकरण का उपयख़ग कॖऺॕ त्रकया जाएगा? (एम)
A दरारख़िं पर ठख़ऺ पॖच लाग करना
B किंि़ीट ऺ़ीलर लाग करना
C किंि़ीट प्राइमर लाग करना
Dठख़ऺ द़ीशार क़ी ऺफाई

235.To provide a key to the subsequent coats of paint, the existing coats need to be
__________. (M)
A. abraded
B. stripped
C. scraped
D. brushed
235. पेंट कॕ बाद कॕ कख़टख़िं कख़ एक कुिंज़ी प्रदान करनॕ कॕ त्रलए, मग़जदा कख़टख़िं कख़ __________ ऻख़ना चात्रऻए। (एम)
A अब्रािॕ ि
B छ़ीन त्रलया
C स्क्रॖप
D ब्रष
236.What are the drawbacks of using power tools to sand or scrape this type of surface? (H)

A. Rust o ’t e e o ed
B. The surface will be damaged
C. Issues with adhesion once paint is applied may arise
D. Primer application will become problematic
236. इऺ प्रकार क़ी ऺतऻ कख़ रॕ त या स्क्रॖप करनॕ कॕ त्रलए त्रबजल़ी उपकरण क़ी कम़ी क्या ऻॖ ? (एच)
A जिं ग ऻटाया नऻ़ीिं जाएगा
B ऺतऻ क्षत्रतग्रस्त ऻख़ जाएग़ी
Cत्रचपकनॕ शाला मु िख़िं
D प्राइमर आशॕदन ऺमस्याग्रस्त ऻख़ जाएगा

237.What would be the proper grit of sandpaper used for sanding bare wood surfaces
before applying paint? (H)
A. 60
B. 100
C. 150
D. 220
237. पेंट लगानॕ ऺॕ पऻलॕ निं गॕ ऺतऻख़िं कख़ रॕ त कॕ त्रलए इस्तॕ माल त्रकए जानॕ शालॕ ऺैंिपॕपर का उत्रचत त्रग्रट क्या
ऻख़गा? (एच)
A 60
B 100
C 150
D 220

238.What should be done to prepare a wooden surface with old paint in good condition for
a new coat of paint? (H)
A. Scrape the paint with a scraper
B. Use sandpaper on the surface
C. Wipe with a damp sponge
D. Clean with trisodium phosphate
238. पेंट कॕ नए कख़ट कॕ त्रलए पुराऩी पेंट में अৢ़ी ऻालत में क्या त्रकया जाना चात्रऻए? (एच)
A एक स्क्रॖपर कॕ ऺाथ पेंट स्क्रॖप
B ऺतऻ पर ऺैंिपॕपर का उपयख़ग करें
C एक नम़ी स्पिंज कॕ ऺाथ ऺाफ करें
D टि ाइऺख़त्रियम फॗस्फॕट कॕ ऺाथ ऺाफ करें
239.How can the following damage caused by nails in the wall be repaired? (E)

A. Filling with joint compound

B. Applying a thick coat of paint over it
C. Filling with sawdust
D. Filling with speckling compound
239. द़ीशार में नािनख़िं कॕ कारण ऻख़नॕ शाल़ी त्रनम्नत्रलखित क्षत्रत क़ी मरम्मत कॖऺॕ क़ी जा ऺकत़ी ऻॖ ? (ई)
A ऺिंयुक्त यग़त्रगक कॕ ऺाथ भरना
B इऺ पर पेंट कॕ मख़ट़ी कख़ट कख़ लाग करना
C भरॕ रिं ग कॕ ऺाथ भरना
D झुकाश यग़त्रगक कॕ ऺाथ भरना

240. Wall is to be given following texture with paint. Whom else will you inform about this
requirement? (E)

A. Other Team Members

B. Safety personal
C. Supervisor
D. Anyone available
240. द़ीशार पेंट कॕ ऺाथ त्रचत्रित आप इऺ आश कता कॕ बारॕ में और त्रकऺऺॕ ऺत्रचत करें गॕ? (ई)
A अन्य ट़ीम कॕ ऺदस्य
B ऺुरक्षा व्यखक्तगत
C पयिशॕक्षक
Dकख़ई भ़ी उपलब्ध ऻॖ
241. In the image below what safety equipment is missing? (M)

A. Air-purifying respirator
B. Gloves
C. Helmet
D. Fire extinguisher
241. िीच की छवि में क्या सुरक्षा उपकरण गायब ह?
A. िायु िुद्ध श्िसि
B. िस्क्ताि
C. हिम
D. आग बुझािा

242. In the image below what safety equipment is shown? (M)

A. Sprayer
B. Spray booth
C. Ventilator
D. Spray box
२४२. िीच की छवि में क्या सरु क्षा उपकरण टिखाया गया ह?मी
A. स्क्प्रयर
B. स्क्प्र बथ

C. िें ट ि र
D. स्क्प्र बॉक्स
243. Which of these painting methods is most likely to cause fire hazard?/ इिमें स फकस
धचत्रकिा पद्धनत में आग िगि की सिंभाििा सबस अधधक ह ती ह?

A. Spray painting/ स्क्प्र धचत्रकारी(पें ट ग

िं ) B. Roller painting/ र िर धचत्रकारी (पें ट ग
िं )

C. Splash painting / छप धचत्रकारी(पेंट ग

िं ) D. Splashing/ स्क्पिलििंग

244. What is PPE in paint industry? (E)

A. Paint protective equipment
B. Personal protective equipment
C. Permanent protective equipment
D. Personnel protective equipment
244. पें उद्य ग में पीपीई क्या ह?ई
A. पें सुरक्षात्मक उपकरण
B. व्यश्क्तगत सुरक्षात्मक उपकरण
C. स्क्थाई सुरक्षात्मक उपकरण
D. कालमशक सुरक्षात्मक उपकरण

245. In the image below what is the use of chemical resistant gloves? (M)

A. Protection from toxic paints/solvents

B. Protection from scratches
C. Protection from infection while cleaning surfaces
D. Preventing defects in the paint job from coming in contact with bare hands
245. िीच की छवि में रासायनिक प्रनतर धी िस्क्ताि का उपय ग क्या ह?मी
A. विर्ाक्त पें ट्स स सरु क्षा/
B. खर स सरु क्षा
C. सतहों की सिाई करत समय सिंरमण स सरु क्षा
D. पें जॉब में ि र्ों क ििंग हाथों स सिंपकश में आि स र किा

246. What is the benefit of neutral posture while carrying out painting activities? (D)
1. minimizes stress applied to muscles
2. maximum control
3. maximum force production
4. keeps joints aligned
A. Only 1 and 2
B. Only 2 and 3
C. Only 1,2 and 3
D. All 1,2,3 and 4
246. धचत्रकिा गनतविधधयों क ि जात समय त स्क्थ मुद्रा का क्या िाभ ह?डी
1. मािंसपलियों क िागू तिाि क कम करता ह
2. अधधकतम नियिंत्रण
3. अधधकतम बि उत्पािि
4. ज ड़ों सिंरखखत रखता ह
A. किि 1 और 2
B. किि 2 और 3
C. किि 1, 2 और 3
D. सभी 1, 2, 3 और 4
247. Identify the correct posture while working in the image below according to ergonomic
principles? (E)/ सही मद्र
ु ा की पहचाि करें , जबफक िीच की छवि में काम ergonomic लसद्धािंतों क
ु ार?

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

Figure 4

A. Figure1/ आकृनत1
B. Figure2/ आकृनत2
C. Figure3/ आकृनत3
D. Figure4/ आकृनत4

248. In the image below three zones of body are shown. Choose the correct zone for
optimum work. (M)




A. Zone1
B. Zone2
C. Zone3
D. Zone 1 and 2
248. िरीर क तीि क्षत्रों स िीच की छवि में टिखाया गया ह ।इष् तम काम क लिए सही क्षत्र चुिेंI
A. ज ि 1
B. ज ि 2
C. ज ि 3
D. ज ि 1 और 2

249. How will you dispose of hazardous materials at workplace? (M)

A. Throw them in proper dustbin
B. Use an incinerator
C. Dispose off in landfills
D. As per EHS guidelines
249. कायशस्क्थि पर आप खतरिाक सामधग्रयों का निप ाि कस करें ग?मी
A. उहहें उधचत कूड़िाि में िेंक िें
B. फकसी इिंसीिर र का उपय ग करें
C. landfills में बिंि निप ाि
D. ईएचएस टििानििे िों क अिुसार

250. Which of the following is a safe disposal practice which you should follow at
A. Use separate containers for toxic and non-toxic waste
B. Use the blue container for both toxic and non-toxic waste
C. Stay away from toxic waste
D. Inform the cleaning staff
250. निम्िलिखखत में स क ि सा एक सरु क्षक्षत निप ाि अभ्यास ह श्जसका आपक कायशस्क्थि पर पािि
करिा चाटहए?
A. विर्ाक्त और गर विर्ि अपलिष् क लिए अिग किं िर का प्रय ग करें
B. ि िों विर्ि और गर विर्ि अपलिष् क लिए िीि किं िर का प्रय ग करें
C. विर्ाक्त अपलिष् स िरू रहें
D. सिाई कमशचाररयों क सधू चत करें
Knowledge Assessment ( Written Test)
QP Name - Assistant electrician QP Code:CON/Q0602
Total marks: 210 marks Duration: 90 minutes
Each NOS carries 30 marks
Infrastructure: Classroom, Benches, Pens, pencils
CON/N0602: Select and use hand tools, power tools, and electrical devices relevant to construction electrical works
1 Which device is used to measure current in a circuit? 4
a. Voltmeter
b. Ammeter
c. Tester
d. Megger 4
2 Identify the item form the image below?

a. Wattmeter
b. Digital Multi meter
c. Energy meter
d. Analog multi meter
3 Which device is used to avoid overload current in a circuit? 4
a. Residual current circuit breaker
b. Miniature circuit breaker
c. Earth Leakage circuit breaker
d. Molded Case circuit breaker
4 Identify the tool form the image below? 4
a. Channel loch plier
b. Combination plier
c. Nose plier
d. Snippers
5 Which of the following is an ideal instrument used to measure the thickness of conduit? 4
a. Vernier Caliper
b. Multi meter
c. Measuring tape
d. Total station
6 Identify the item form the image below? 5

a. Semi enclosed or re-wire able fuse

b. Cartridge type fuse
c. D type fuse
d. Link type fuse
7 Which of the following tools is used to strip the insulation of cable? 5
a. Plier
b. Scissor
c. Splicer
d. Tester
CON/N0603: Install temporary lighting arrangement at construction sites
8 What is the maximum number of 1sq.mm wires that can be drawn through a 25mm diameter conduit 4
a. 5
b. 2
c. 4
d. 6
9 What are the type of sockets used to provide temporary supply at a construction site? 5
a. 15 amps socket
b. 6 amps socket
c. Industrial Socket
d. None of the above
10 Which method of cable joint is used for LV cables? 5
a. Hot Shrinkable
b. Cold Shrinkable
c. Termination
d. Tapping method
11 Which of the following specific components is used while terminating wires? 4
a. Glands
b. Switches
c. Lugs
d. Circuit Breakers
12 Which of the following specific components is used while terminating wires? 4
a. Glands
b. Switches
c. Lugs
d. Circuit Breakers
13 Which of the following is an ideal lighting fixture used in a construction site? 4
a. LED lamp
b. Halogen lamp
c. Florescent lamp
d. Fancy lamp
14 Which of the following devices is not used to check the continuity of supply in a circuit 4
a. Multi meter
b. Continuity tester
c. Intensity calculator
d. Light bulb
CON/N0604: Install LV electrical wiring at permanent structures as shown

15 What should be the minimum number of wires required to install two single phase light point? 4
a. 3
b. 2
c. 5
d. 4
16 Which of the following tool is used to cut a PVC conduit? 4
a. Plier
b. Splicer
c. Hacksaw
d. Scissor
17 Which of the following accessories is used to hold the conduit in a grooved wall? 4
a. U plug
b. Straight nails
c. Wooden wedges
d. Adhesive
18 How are electrical wires placed inside a conduit? 5
a. Pulled through a GI wire from one end to the other
b. Pulled directly from one end to the other
c. Wires placed during wall conduit
d. Placed inside by splitting the conduit
19 Which of the following power tools is used to cut groove in a wall for electrical conduit? 4
a. Chasing machine
b. Flaring machine
c. Bar cutting machine
d. Grinding machine
20 Why is it compulsory to fix ELCB in each distribution board? 5
a. To provide protection from current overflow
b. To provide protection from voltage overflow
c. To provide protection against earth leakage
d. To provide lightening protection
21 Which type of test is used to check the insulation of a cable? 4
a. Continuity
b. Earth leakage
c. Megger
d. Polarity
CON/N0605: Assemble, install and maintain temporary LV electrical panels (distribution boards) at construction site


22 Which of the following is the symbol for a three phase star connection? 4
a. Y
b. I
c. K
d. N
23 What does the image below symbolize in electrical drawing? 4
a. Bracket Light
b. Bulkhead light
c. Tube light
d. Emergency Light 5
24 Where the incoming mains should be connected in a DB?
a. MCB incoming port
b. MCCB Incoming port
c. ACB incoming port
d. RCCB incoming port 4
25 Which among the following is a safe place to install a distribution board?
a. In a compound wall
b. In an area with open sky
c. In a wall below the roof
d. In the ceiling
26 What is the purpose of using glands in wiring? 5
a. Used to hold the cable
b. Used to label the cable
c. Used to tag the cable
d. Used to strip the cable
27 What is the purpose of panel earthing? 4
a. To provide a neutral connection
b. To provide phase connection
c. To neutralize the current
d. To neutralize leakage current
28 How should the wire be connected in a socket? 4
a. Connected with twisting wires
b. Connected with adhesive
c. Connected with screw
d. Connected by soldering
CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at workplace
29 What is the purpose of passing work-related information to a team member? 6
a. To avoid communication gap between the team members
b. To fulfill requirement of the organization
c. To ensure the attendance of team members
d. To develop communication gap between the team members
30 What should be done if there is a delay in delivery of fixtures and fittings to the site? 6
a. Report the problem to colleagues
b. Report about the delay to the senior
c. Do not do anything about the problem
d. Carry out any other job to avoid joblessness
31 What should be done if there are different opinions found in a team while executing a task? 6
a. Discuss with team member and clarify the same
b. Do not bother about others opinion and argue with them
c. Stop the work and protest with the team member
d. Escalate it to the management and wait for the action
32 What best can be done while working with an interfacing team? 6
a. Hand over the resources in time to the interfacing team
b. Have unnecessary chatting with the interfacing team
c. Develop communication gap between the interfacing team
d. Develop conflict between the interfacing team
33 Which of the following is the key function of a team member? 6
a. Coordinating with team members
b. Maintaining communication gap with team members
c. Always seeking help from team member
d. Spreading rumors within the team
CON/N8002: Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes
34 What is the purpose of work schedule? 5
a. To track the work progress
b. To track the quality of work
c. To track the welfare of workers
d. To track the attendance of workers
35 What best can be done if a colleague is found to be in a problem while executing a task? 5
a. Force him to do it himself
b. Inform about it to the customer
c. Complain to the reporting senior and continue with the job
d. Provide guidance and help him with known skills
36 When should waste materials be cleared from the workplace? 5
a. After completion of entire project
b. Every day before leaving site
c. Once in three days
d. Once in ten days
37 Which among these is the most essential tool to carry out termination? 5
a. Splicer
b. Scissor
c. Hacksaw
d. Knife
38 Which of the following is the best method to reduce material wastage? 5
a. Use damaged materials
b. Do not use defective tool
c. Mix waste materials with new materials
d. Take rough measurements while cutting a conduit
39 Whose instructions should be followed while using an equipment? 5
a. General instructions
b. Manufacturer instructions
c. Dealer instructions
d. Colleagues instructions
CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety
and environment protocol at construction site

40 Which of the following is an unsafe working condition 5
a. Working on electrical equipment connected with damaged wire
b. Working at a height with safety belt
c. Working on electrical equipment connected with insulated cable
d. Working with a chasing machine connected with industrial socket
41 Which of the following safety trainings is mandatory for workers before entering a new site? 5
a. Induction training
b. First aid training
c. Refresher training
d. Specific training
42 Which of the following should be referred before handling chemicals 5
a. Material safety data sheet
b. Material test certificate
c. Material delivery sheet
d. Material invoice letter
43 Which of the following is the minimum height at which a safety belt must be worn? 5
a. 3 meters
b. 2 meters
c. 4 meters
d. 1 meter
44 What is firefighting? 5
a. Working with fire
b. Process of extinguishing fire
c. Study about fire
d. Working in hot areas
45 In case of electric shock, the electric supply should not be disconnected? 5
a. True
b. False
Assistant Mason Level-III

Assistant Mason L-3


Job Role Name Assistant Mason L-3 Batch Name/Id

QP Code(Level) CON/Q0102 V02

Duration: 7 hours Max Marks: 600

Name of Candidate Aadhaar Number

Candidate Fathers Name Candidate


Assessor Signature Trainer Signature

TP Name TC Name

TP/TC Stamp with Date



1. No candidate will leave the examination Hall/Centre before the 17:30. If any
candidate leaves centre before 17:30 will be counted absent.
2. Write your name, Adhaar Number, father name, Signature clearly in the designated
3. The enclosed paper contains 3 sections Theory, Practical & Viva. Marks are
mentioned against each question.
4. Use of Calculators/ Mobile Phone is not permitted during assessment.
5. Use only Black or Blue ball point pen. Don’t do any rough work in paper.
6. Do not mark multiple answers for one question, in case of multiple marking, you will
not be given any marks for that particular question.
7. The Passing percentage for each QP will be 50%. To pass the qualification pack, every
trainee should score a minimum of 50% individually in each NOS,
Assistant Mason Level-III

Practical Questions:
Duration: 5.5 hrs
Total Marks:420 marks

1. CON/N0101: Erect and dismantle temporary scaffold of 3.6meter height. ( 60 minutes)

Infrastructure and tools required:

1.) Infra - Store room, Class room for 30 candidates, Practical yard (30 meter x 30 meter),
2.) Tools & materials - Measuring tape, hammer,, hand drill, water/spirit level, marking chalk/pencil,
nails, line Dori, plumb bob, bamboos & ballis, acrow span, H-beam, foot plates, U heads, base plate,
couplers, joint pin, Ledger beam, Vertical scaffold member, guard rails. toe board, ring spanner,
open ended spanner, plumb bob.

1. Demonstrate the process of erection and dismantle of scaffolding in a group of three members as
per the figure given below?
a. Check for ground compactness and levelling. (10 marks)
b. Check for all required scaffolding material and hand tools (10 marks)
c. Wear all required safety gadgets (10 marks)
d. Place and position sole boards as per marking. (40 marks)
Assistant Mason Level-III

CON/N0105: Handle and use hand and power tools related to masonry work (Time 60 Minutes)

Infrastructure and tools required:

1.) Infra - Store room, Class room for 30 candidates, Practical yard (30 meter x 30 meter),
2.) Tools & materials - Measuring tape, hammer, spirit level, marking chalk/pencil, nails, line Dori, tile
cutter, grinding and cutting tool, concrete vibrator, water tube, plumb bob, hand saw, jack planner, jack

1. Demonstrate the use of any two tools(20 marks).

a. Tile cutter
b. Grinding and cutting tool
c. Concrete vibrator

2. Demonstrate the transfer of level using water tube.(20marks)

3. Measure and confirm the dimension of the given area for tile laying(10 marks)
4. Identify the tools used such as (20 marks)
a. Hand saw
b. Jack planer
c. Jack hammer

CON/N0106: Assist in tiling, stone laying and concrete masonry (90 minutes)

Infrastructure and tools required:

1.) Infra - Store room, Class room for 30 candidates, Practical yard (30 meter x 30 meter),
2.) Tools & materials - Measuring tape, hammer, spirit level, marking chalk/pencil, nails, line Dori, water
tube, broom, trowel, rammer, straight edge, tile cutter, grinding and cutting tool, concrete vibrator,
water tube, hand saw, jack planner, jack hammer , plumb bob concrete mixer, tile ,sand, cement, water

1. As per the given figure of 3ft * 2ft, demonstrate the surface preparation for the work of tile
laying(35 marks):
3 ft

2 ft
Assistant Mason Level-III

2. Demonstrate the surface preparation method for an L shape stone wall of dimension (35



CON/N0107: Assist in brick/block work including fixing doors and windows

and plastering work (Time 90 Minutes)
Infrastructure and tools required:

1.) Infra - Store room, Class room for 30 candidates, Practical yard (30 meter x 30 meter),
2.) Tools & materials - Measuring tape, hammer, spirit level, marking chalk/pencil, nails, line Dori,
water tube, broom, trowel, rammer, straight edge, plumb bob, bricks, block, door/window frame
,sand, cement, water, fasteners, screws

1. Construct a 1 and half brick masonry wall of 1200mm * 1000mm in following bond.
(mortar 1:5 ratio, thickness of mortar is 10mm, 4 layers of brick) .
I. Flemish Bond
II. English Bond

a. Carry out preparatory work including selection and visual check of the tools and
material being used (10 Marks)
b. Construct brick masonry wall as per requirement (50 Marks)
c. Check line, level. Alignment (10 Marks)
Assistant Mason Level-III

CON/N8001 Work effectively in a team to desired results at the workplace

1. Observation made as per question given in NOS :CON/NO101, CON/N0106 & CON/N0107
.(70 marks)
a) Observe the cooperation of team member in terms of willingness to share the task
responsibility during any one of following core task.
1. Scaffolding 2. Tile laying 3. Brickwork (15)
b) Check how the candidate report the deviation from the planned task to its seniors.
(provide some different material from described in the task) (10)
c) "The effectiveness of communication to be checked. By observing the candidates’ approach to
replace the defective material/tools(provide some defective tool/material)” (10)
d) Check the alertness/attentiveness of candidate for instructions given by assessor. (15)
e) Check for handling of tools and materials during all the tasks.. (10)
f) Check for communication between the candidate and subordinate during assigned

CON/N9001 Work according to personal health, safety & environment

protocol at construction site. (30 minutes)

Infrastructure- All PPEs such as (helmets, safety harness, insulated glove, reflective jackets,
safety shoes, gum boot, goggle, Nose and face mask, earplug,) Fire Extinguisher, safety
message boards, fire extinguishers and sand buckets

1. Identify & demonstrate wearing the following PPE (20 marks)

a. Safety harness
b. Helmet
c. Reflective jacket
d. Ear plug
e. Respiratory Mask
f. Gloves

2. Demonstrate the correct placing of ladder against a wall. (10 marks)

3. Demonstrate the use of fire extinguisher (25 marks)
4. Demonstrate hazard reporting procedure for a mock hazard. (15 marks)
Assistant Mason Level-III

Theoretical Questions
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Total Marks:180 marks

CON/N0101: Erect and dismantle temporary scaffold of 3.6meter height.

1. To check the verticalness of scaffold, which instrument should be used(4marks)

a. Spirit level
b. Plumb bob
c. Straight edge
d. None of the above
2. What are the PPEs required to be used during erection of scaffold? (4marks)
a. safety jacket
b. ear plug
c. safety harness
d. boiler suit
3. Which material is required for erecting a conventional scaffold? (5 marks)
a. Pipe and coupler
b. Ladder
c. Wooden plank
d. None of the above

4. What process is carried if the ground for erection is soft and undulated? (5marks)
a. Soil compaction
b. Changing the work place
c. Laying of grass on it
d. None of the above
5. What component of scaffold is responsible for fall protection? (4marks)

a. wooden plank
b. Guard rails
c. Bracings
d. Toe guard

6. Which of the following coupler is used to tie diagonal bracings in scaffold? (4marks)
Assistant Mason Level-III

a. Right angle coupler

b. Swivel coupler
c. Putlog coupler
d. Sleeve coupler

7. Which of the following areas is suitable for erecting scaffold? (4marks)

a. Over wet soil

b. Over filled and compacted soil
c. Over loose soil
d. Over deep sloped soil

CON/N0105: Handle and use hand and power tools related to masonry work.

1. Identify the tool. (4marks)

a. Measuring tape
b. Try Square
c. Hammer
d. coupler

2. Identify the tool. (4marks)

a. Auger chisel
b. plank chisel
c. jack plane
d. Bolster chisel

3. Which instrument mainly used to transfer the level from one point to another point .
Assistant Mason Level-III

a. Spirit level
b. Water level pipe
c. Straight edge
d. Plumb bob
4. Can the tile cutting machine be used for grinding too? (4marks)
a. Yes
b. No

5. To check the tiles for hollowness, which hammer is used? (5marks)

a. Wooden Mallet
b. Rubber mallet
c. Sledge hammer
d. Bolster Chisel
6. Which tools is used for cutting bricks? (4marks)
a. Drill machine
b. Jack hammer
c. Cutting Saw
d. Hammer and chisel.
7. What should be check prior to using a tool? (4marks)
a. Serviceability of tool
b. weight of tool
c. Feel of the tool
d. None of the above

CON/N0106: Assist in tiling, stone laying and concrete masonry works

1. What tools is used for compaction of concrete? (5marks)

a. Trowel
b. Grinder
c. Concrete Vibrator
d. None of the above.

2. What is the use of a core drill? (5marks)

a. to fix nail in the wall
b. to cut hole in tiles
c. to straighten iron rods
d. All of these

3. What is the purpose of the shown machine? (4 mark)

a. Mortar Mixing
b. Curing
c. Plastering
d. None of these
Assistant Mason Level-III

4. Which among the following will lead to higher strength and durability? (4 marks)
a. High water cement ratio
b. Low water cement ratio
c. Both water and cement same amount
d. None of these
5. Which of the following is/are part of surface preparation for stone work? (4marks)
a. Cleaning the area with broom
b. Cleaning the surface of vegetation
c. Filling the surface undulation with mortar
d. All of these
6. What is the minimum curing period of concrete? (4marks)
a. 5 days
b. 7 days
c. 10 days
d. 21 days
7. What is the position of tiles box when stacking? (4marks)
a. Horizontally flat
b. Vertically on edge
c. standing position
d. randomly

CON/N0107: Assist in brick/block work including fixing doors and windows and plastering works.
1. What is the weight of one cement bag. (5marks)
a. 50 kg
b. 60 kg
c. 45 kg
d. 10 kg
2. What is the thickness of mortar between layer of brick work? (5marks)
a. 20mm
b. 15mm
c. 10mm
d. Any thickness.

3. What is the type of bond shown in figure? (4marks)

Assistant Mason Level-III

a. Stretcher bond
b. Header bond
c. English bond
d. Flemish bond
4. What is the use of queen closure in brick work? (4marks)
a. To fill the gap left by scaffolding
b. To enhance beauty
c. To hold brick in position
d. To complete work in time.
5. Where is the stretcher bond used? (4marks)
a. Half brickwork
b. Full brickwork
c. One and half brickwork
d. Circular brickwork
6. A freshly mixed mortar should be consumed in how much time? (4marks)
a. 30minutes
b. 45 minutes
c. 60 minutes
d. Any time
7. Any Gaps left between bricks are later filled with? (4marks)
a. Fresh mortar
b. Dr Fixit
c. Fevicol
d. Coarse aggregate

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace.

1. What is to be done to complete work in a given time? (4marks)
a. Important work should be done first
b. Work should be started early
c. Both of these
d. None of these
2. What should you do if your tools are not working properly? (4marks)
a. Stop working
Assistant Mason Level-III

b. Take a leave
c. Inform the supervisor
d. None of these
3. What is the purpose of site meeting prior to work? (4marks)
a. To plan and discuss work progress
b. To discuss future wages rates
c. To discuss about costing
d. To order material
4. What are the advantages of working in a team? (5 marks)
a. Less workload
b. More innovation
c. Less accuracy
d. Bad atmosphere
5. What do you do if you see your junior struggling with work? (5marks)
a. Let him learn the wrong process
b. Help him and teach him the process
c. Ask him to quit the job
d. All of these
6. Where should communicate for appropriate work technique and method? (4marks)
a. Site Engineer
b. Labour
c. Team leader
d. Supervisor
7. Which among the following work can be done alone? (4marks)
a. Carving a brick
b. Mixing 50 kg mortar
c. Transferring 250 bricks from ground to first floor
d. All of these

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction
1. Electrical fire should not be put out with. (4marks)
a. Sand
b. Foam
c. CO2
d. Water
2. Identify the shown symbol. (4 mark)

a. Plus
b. Increment
Assistant Mason Level-III

c. First Aid
d. None of these
3. When working during the time, what PPE is to be used (5marks)
a. Safety belt
b. Reflective Jacket
c. Ear plugs
d. Gloves
4. Why it is important to mark sign board on site. (4marks)
a. For guiding to different locations
b. For highlighting something
c. Helping people reached their destination easily
d. All the above

5. Identify safe placement of ladder among the following two images (5marks)

Fig 1 Fig 2

6. Which among the following is the right way of carrying a load (4marks)

Fig 1 Fig 2
Assistant Mason Level-III

7. What should be done first if someone is injured at construction site? (4marks)

a. Report to senior
b. Call the ambulance
c. Give first aid
d. Report to the safety officer



CON/N0314: Assist in erection and dismantling of scaffold

using pipe and couplers

1. Which of the following tool is used to transfer level from reference point? (2)
i. Plumb bob
ii. Spirit level
iii. Water level
iv. None of the above

2. Identify the tool from given picture? (2)

i. Circular saw
ii. Jig saw
iii. Hammer
iv. Combination wrench

3. Which of the following points needs to be consider during dismantling of scaffold?

i. Throw material from height
ii. Stack material properly after dismantling
iii. Do not use body harness
iv. All of the above

4. Identify the type of coupler shown in given picture? (2)

i. Right angle coupler
ii. Swivel coupler
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

5. Identify the type of sling shown in given picture? (2)

i. Chain Slings
ii. Wire rope slings
iii. Synthetic web slings
iv. None of the above
6. ? (3)
i. Easy to maintain and clean
ii. Higher strength and durability
iii. More repetition
iv. All of the above

7. Why scaffolding is required in shuttering work? (3)

i. To provide support to shuttering panels
ii. To provide easy access
iii. To maintain shuttering level
iv. All of the above

CON/N0313: Assist in making wooden shutter used in

shuttering carpentry

8. 1 Meter = __________ Feet? (3)

i. 4 Feet
ii. 5 Feet
iii. 3.28 Feet
iv. None of the above

9. Identify the type of joint shown in given picture? (4)

i. Half lap joint
ii. Mitered butt joint
iii. Mortise and tenon joint
iv. Biscuit joint

10. Which timber has lowest moisture content? (3)

i. Seasoned timber
ii. Unseasoned timber
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

11. Which of the following is not a wood cutting blade? (4)

i. Cross cut blades
ii. Nail cutting blades
iii. Dado cutting blades
iv. Copper Tube cutting blades
12. Identify the shuttering material given in picture? (3)
i. Plywood
ii. Nails
iii. Battens
iv. Channels

13. What are the safety precautions to be taken during operation of power tools? (3)
i. Check wire for any cut
ii. make sure ground surface is dry
iii. Wear safety /Rubber shoes
iv. All of the above

CON/N0314: Assist in Assembling & dismantling conventional

& system formwork for R.C.C structures

14. Which of the following tools is used for measuring horizontalness of

shuttering? (3)
i. Water Level
ii. Spirit Level
iii. Plumb Bob
iv. All of the above

15. Which of the following is not a consumable in shuttering? (3)

i. Plywood
ii. Nails
iii. Battens
iv. Cement

16. After dismantling, shuttering material should be ________________. (3)

i. Leave at same place
ii. Stacked it properly away from walkway
iii. Throw it away
iv. None of the above

17. Which of the following is not a part of shuttering process? (3)

i. Erecting scaffolds
ii. Erecting shuttering panels
iii. Concreting
iv. None of the above
18. Which of the following is not a part of shuttering dismantling? (3)
i. Removal of shuttering boards
ii. Curing
iii. Removal of nailed panels into smaller units
iv. None of the above

19. Why maintenance of tools and equipment is required? (3)

i. It can improve tool’s workable life span
ii. It can improve output of the equipment
iii. It can help in reducing hazards associated with tools and equipment
iv. All of the above

20. Identify the type of tie shown in given picture? (2)

i. Flat tie
ii. Taper tie
iii. Threaded tie
iv. Loop tie



21. Which of the following is shown in given picture? (2)

i. Ledger
ii. Toe board clip
iii. Base plate
iv. Coupler

22. Which of the following tool is shown in given picture? (3)

i. Ring spanner
ii. Plumb bob
iii. Open ended spanner
iv. Drill machine

23. Which of the following PPE are required in scaffolding erection? (3)
i. Body harness
ii. Safety boots
iii. Hard hat
iv. All of the above
24. Which of the following is not a component of scaffolding? (3)
i. Wood
ii. Guard rail
iii. Couplers
iv. Board bearer

25. What are the quality checks for erected scaffold? (3)
i. Check for alignment
ii. Check for verticality
iii. Check for stability
iv. All of the above

26. Which of the following can be used to adjust level of scaffold? (3)
i. Joint Pin
ii. Coupler
iii. Base plate
iv. U- jack

27. Arrange the following in their correct order from first to last. (3)
i. Scaffold frame assemble
ii. Base plate fixing
iii. Guard rail fixing
iv. Plane and compact ground for base

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired

results at the workplace

28. What are the benefits of seeking advice from seniors? (3)
i. It helps in error resolution
ii. It helps in completing the task early
iii. It helps in performing the task more effectively
iv. All of the above

29. Improper communication can lead to _____________. (3)

i. Completing work on time
ii. Hazardous conditions
iii. Delay in project completion
iv. All of the above
30. What are the main characteristics of a good work schedule? (3)
i. Priorities to important works
ii. Realistic timelines
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

31. What would you do if there is shot circuit in vacuum dewatering pump? (3)
i. Continue to work with it
ii. Throw away the pump
iii. Report it to the superiors
iv. None of the above

32. What are the benefits of team discussion? (3)

i. It helps in delay of works
ii. It helps in bad quality of works
iii. It helps in improving work quality and understanding between the team
iv. None of the above

33. What would you do if you have a conflict with your teammate? (3)
i. Fight with him
ii. Abuse him
iii. Complain to the seniors
iv. Try to resolve the problems by talking to them

34. Which among the following is helpful in building good relationship between the
various teams of the project? (2)
i. Interrupt them while working
ii. Ignore them
iii. Talk and discuss work with them
iv. None of the above

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and

environment protocol at construction site

35. Which of the following is an unsafe working practice? (3)

i. Working on height with body harness
ii. Working on wet platform
iii. Working with hard hat on your head
iv. None of the above

36. Site safety induction is important, why? (3)

i. To aware the workers of safety practices
ii. To aware them of hazards and their resolutions
iii. To make them understand the importance of PPE’s
iv. All of the above

37. What is the use of hard hat? (3)

i. To protect ears from high pitched sound
ii. To protect the head from falling objects
iii. To protect eyes from dust and debris
iv. All of the above

38. Power tools should be operated by______________? (3)

i. A person with no expertise of that tool
ii. By mason’s only
iii. By labours only
iv. A person with expertise in operation of that tool

39. Ladder should be placed at an angle of _________________ from ground. (3)

i. 90º
ii. 60º
iii. 180º
iv. 270º

40. It is required to store ______________ away from the electrical panels. (3)
i. Cement
ii. Sand
iii. Flammable material
iv. Bricks

41. Which of the following is a good safety practice? (2)

i. Wearing PPE’s on site
ii. Wearing body harness during working on height
iii. Wearing nose mask in dusty environment
iv. All of the above



CON/N0312: Use and maintain tools and equipment relevant

to shuttering carpentry

1. Identify the tool from given picture? (4)

i. Hammer
ii. Screwdriver
iii. Wood cutting saw
iv. None of the above

2. Identify the tool from given picture? (4)

i. Circular saw
ii. Jig saw
iii. Hammer
iv. None of the above

3. Which of the following will ensure that plywood is of good quality? (4)
i. Less gaps between layers
ii. Nail holding capacity
iii. Heavy weight
iv. All of the above

4. Which of the following is the correct way of storing plywood and timber? (5)
i. Near electric panel
ii. On a platform above ground
iii. Near water outlet
iv. None of the above

5. What is the standard size of plywood board? (5)

i. 3 Feet X 7 Feet
ii. 4 Feet X 8 Feet
iii. 2 Feet X 8 Feet
iv. None of the above
6. What is/are advantages of hardwood? (4)
i. Easy to maintain and clean
ii. Higher strength and durability
iii. More repetition
iv. All of the above

7. Why scaffolding is required in shuttering work? (4)

i. To provide support to shuttering panels
ii. To provide easy access
iii. To maintain shuttering level
iv. All of the above

CON/N0313: Assist in making wooden shutter used in

shuttering carpentry

8. 1 Meter = __________ Feet? (5)

i. 4 Feet
ii. 5 Feet
iii. 3.28 Feet
iv. None of the above

9. Identify the type of joint shown in given picture? (5)

i. Half lap joint
ii. Mitered butt joint
iii. Mortise and tenon joint
iv. Biscuit joint

10. Which timber has lowest moisture content? (5)

i. Seasoned timber
ii. Unseasoned timber
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

11. Which of the following is not a wood cutting blade? (5)

i. Cross cut blades
ii. Nail cutting blades
iii. Dado cutting blades
iv. Copper Tube cutting blades
12. Identify the shuttering material given in picture? (5)
i. Plywood
ii. Nails
iii. Battens
iv. Channels

13. What are the safety precautions to be taken during operation of power tools? (5)
i. Check wire for any cut
ii. make sure ground surface is dry
iii. Wear safety /Rubber shoes
iv. All of the above

CON/N0314: Assist in Assembling & dismantling conventional

& system formwork for R.C.C structures

14. Which of the following tools is used for measuring horizontalness of

shuttering? (4)
i. Water Level
ii. Spirit Level
iii. Plumb Bob
iv. All of the above

15. Which of the following is not a consumable in shuttering? (4)

i. Plywood
ii. Nails
iii. Battens
iv. Cement

16. After dismantling, shuttering material should be ________________. (4)

i. Leave at same place
ii. Stacked it properly away from walkway
iii. Throw it away
iv. None of the above

17. Which of the following is not a part of shuttering process? (5)

i. Erecting scaffolds
ii. Erecting shuttering panels
iii. Concreting
iv. None of the above
18. Which of the following is not a part of shuttering dismantling? (4)
i. Removal of shuttering boards
ii. Curing
iii. Removal of nailed panels into smaller units
iv. None of the above

19. Why maintenance of tools and equipment is required? (5)

i. It can improve tool’s workable life span
ii. It can improve output of the equipment
iii. It can help in reducing hazards associated with tools and equipment
iv. All of the above

20. Identify the type of tie shown in given picture? (4)

i. Flat tie
ii. Taper tie
iii. Threaded tie
iv. Loop tie



21. Which of the following is shown in given picture? (4)

i. Ledger
ii. Toe board clip
iii. Base plate
iv. Coupler

22. Which of the following tool is shown in given picture? (4)

i. Ring spanner
ii. Plumb bob
iii. Open ended spanner
iv. Drill machine

23. Which of the following PPE are required in scaffolding erection? (4)
i. Body harness
ii. Safety boots
iii. Hard hat
iv. All of the above
24. Which of the following is not a component of scaffolding? (5)
i. Wood
ii. Guard rail
iii. Couplers
iv. Board bearer

25. What are the quality checks for erected scaffold? (4)
i. Check for alignment
ii. Check for verticality
iii. Check for stability
iv. All of the above

26. Which of the following can be used to adjust level of scaffold? (4)
i. Joint Pin
ii. Coupler
iii. Base plate
iv. U- jack

27. Arrange the following in their correct order from first to last. (5)
i. Scaffold frame assemble
ii. Base plate fixing
iii. Guard rail fixing
iv. Plane and compact ground for base

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired

results at the workplace

28. What are the benefits of seeking advice from seniors? (5)
i. It helps in error resolution
ii. It helps in completing the task early
iii. It helps in performing the task more effectively
iv. All of the above

29. Improper communication can lead to _____________. (4)

i. Completing work on time
ii. Hazardous conditions
iii. Delay in project completion
iv. All of the above
30. What are the main characteristics of a good work schedule? (4)
i. Priorities to important works
ii. Realistic timelines
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

31. What would you do if there is shot circuit in vacuum dewatering pump? (5)
i. Continue to work with it
ii. Throw away the pump
iii. Report it to the superiors
iv. None of the above

32. What are the benefits of team discussion? (4)

i. It helps in delay of works
ii. It helps in bad quality of works
iii. It helps in improving work quality and understanding between the team
iv. None of the above

33. What would you do if you have a conflict with your teammate? (4)
i. Fight with him
ii. Abuse him
iii. Complain to the seniors
iv. Try to resolve the problems by talking to them

34. Which among the following is helpful in building good relationship between the
various teams of the project? (4)
i. Interrupt them while working
ii. Ignore them
iii. Talk and discuss work with them
iv. None of the above

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and

environment protocol at construction site

35. Which of the following is an unsafe working practice? (5)

i. Working on height with body harness
ii. Working on wet platform
iii. Working with hard hat on your head
iv. None of the above
36. Site safety induction is important, why? (4)
i. To aware the workers of safety practices
ii. To aware them of hazards and their resolutions
iii. To make them understand the importance of PPE’s
iv. All of the above

37. What is the use of hard hat? (4)

i. To protect ears from high pitched sound
ii. To protect the head from falling objects
iii. To protect eyes from dust and debris
iv. All of the above

38. Power tools should be operated by______________? (4)

i. A person with no expertise of that tool
ii. By mason’s only
iii. By labours only
iv. A person with expertise in operation of that tool

39. Ladder should be placed at an angle of _________________ from ground. (5)

i. 90º
ii. 60º
iii. 180º
iv. 270º

40. It is required to store ______________ away from the electrical panels. (4)
i. Cement
ii. Sand
iii. Flammable material
iv. Bricks

41. Which of the following is a good safety practice? (4)

i. Wearing PPE’s on site
ii. Wearing body harness during working on height
iii. Wearing nose mask in dusty environment
iv. All of the above
Bar Bender and Streel Fixer
Theory Paper
Assessment for Certification, Level 4
Total Marks: 120 marks Time: 90 min
Qualification Pack Bar Bender and Steel Fixer
Reference ID CON/Q0203
NSQF Level 4
Sector Construction
Occupation Bar Bending and Fixing

CANDIDATE’S DETAILS (Fill in capital letters only)






TP/ TC stamp with signature:

Read the instruction carefully before starting:

 The assessment comprises of Theory, Practical.

 The theory section has 6 parts, consisting 48 numbers of questions (24 questions
each for 2 and 3 marks).
 Write your name, aadhar number, father name, signature in the designated space.
 Use only Blue/ Black Ball point pens to fill/ answer the question paper.
 Read the questions carefully before answering.
 Put a tick mark ( ) against the right option.
 The tick mark ( ) should only be in the box which you want to mark as an answer.
 Select the most appropriate answer for multiple choice questions.
Theory Question Paper
CON/N0204 Read and understand routine drawings/ sketches and Bar Bending Schedule.

1. What is the meaning of rebar statement “6 – 8 @300 c/c”? (3 marks)

a) 8 numbers of 6mm diameter rebar at a spacing of 300 mm center to center
b) 300 numbers of 8mm diameter rebar at a spacing of 6 mm center to center
c) 8 numbers of 6mm diameter rebar at a spacing of 250 mm center to center
d) 6 numbers of 8mm diameter rebar at a spacing of 300 mm center to center
2. The diameter of the main reinforcement bar in column should not be less than_____. (3 marks)
a) 8 mm
b) 10 mm
c) 12 mm
d) 16 mm

3. Which of the following gives total length of rebar as per BBS? (2 marks)
e) Numbers of bars x length of bar
f) Diameter of bars x length of bar
g) Total area of bar/ cross section area of bar
h) Unit weight of bar x length of bar

4. What is the cutting length of the stirrup shown below? (d= diameter of bar) (3 marks)

a) 2 x (L1 +L2) – 5 x 2d + 2 x 9d
b) 2 x (L1 +L2) + 5 x 2d + 2 x 9d
c) 2 x (L1 x L2) – 5 x 2d + 2 x 9d
d) 2 x (L1 x L2) – 5 x 2d + 2 x 9d

5. Unit weight of rebar will be given by____________ (in kg/m)? (3 marks)

e) (DxD) / 162
f) (DxD) / 555
g) (DxD) / 126
h) None
6. Which of the following should be referred while cutting and bending the rebars? (2 marks)
a) Concrete mixture
b) Sketch/ drawings
c) Number of chairs
d) All of these

7. What is the purpose of chair bars? (2 marks)

a) Decrease the strength of structure
b) Prevent corrosion
c) Support metal rebars
d) All of the above

8. Identify the image shown below? (2 marks)

a) Cover block
b) Chair bar
c) Tie
d) None of these

CON/N0205: Use hand and power tools for cutting and bending of reinforcement.

9. What is the allowable tolerance limit for the diagonal measurement of a stirrup? (3 marks)
a) +/- 15 mm
b) +/- 12 mm
c) +/- 05 mm
d) +/- 10 mm

10. Identify the tool shown below? (2 marks)

a) Bar bending lever

b) Bar threading lever
c) Bar binding lever
d) None

11. Identify the power tool shown below? (2 marks)

a) Bar bending machine
b) Bar threading machine
c) Bar shearing machine
d) Bar straightening machine

12. Why is it important to tag a rebar? (2 marks)

a) To decorate it
b) To identify it
c) To test it
d) All of these

13. Which of the following is the ideal diameter of spandrel to bend a 25 mm diameter rebar?
(3 marks)
e) 16 mm
f) 50 mm
g) 25 mm
h) 10 mm

14. Identify the purpose of following power machine? (2 marks)

a) Polishing
b) Bar Bending
c) Bar cutting
d) All of these

15. What is the unit weight of steel? (3 marks)

a) 8750 kg/m^3
b) 8570 kg/m^3
c) 7750 kg/m^3
d) 7850 kg/m^3

16. 1 foot = ____________inch = ____________ cm? (3 marks)

a) 11 & 30.48
b) 12 & 29.48
c) 11 & 29.48
d) 12 & 30.48

CON/N0206: Prepare, fabricate, place and fix reinforcement for RCC structures.
17. Which of the following should be fabricated before shuttering in normal condition?
(2 marks)
a) column
b) beam
c) slab
d) All of the above

18. What is the maximum percentage of splicing allowed in a single lapping zone? (3 marks)
a) 60%
b) 70%
c) 45%
d) 50%

19. Which of the following tie is recommended for lapping of rebar? (2 marks)
a) Crown tie
b) Splice tie
c) Hair ring tie
d) Slash tie

20. Identify the types of tie shown in the figure? (3 marks)

a) Crown tie
b) Slash tie
c) Hair pin tie
d) Splice tie

21. What will be the tolerance level for the cutting length of stirrup when minimum length is
specified? (2 marks)
a) + 5 mm
b) + 50 mm
c) + 10 mm
d) None

22. What will be the lap length of 25 mm diameter rebar to extend a column? (3 marks)
a) 1000 mm
b) 1400 mm
c) 1300 mm
d) 1250 mm

23. Rearrange the sequence of fabrication of the beam reinforcement. (3 marks)

A. Hang top main rebar horizontally using required support
B. Insert bottom extra rebar from end of the beam
C. Insert bottom main bars and tie on its position
D. Mark and insert required number of stirrups

24. Which one of the following required lap of the rebars during its fabrication? (2 marks)
a) Beam
b) Column
c) Slab
d) All of the above

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace.

25. Team occur when a number of people have __________ and recognize that their personal
success is dependent on the success of other? (2 marks)
a) Same manager
b) Similar jobs
c) A common goal
d) A shared work environment

26. What should you do in case you have a conflict with one of your teammates? (2 marks)
a) Keep quiet and not talk to him
b) Fight with him
c) Try to solve by discussing
d) Revenge him

27. What will happen if you do not interact with your co- worker? (2 marks)
a) De-motivation
b) Encouragement
c) Excitement
d) None

28. Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways? (3 marks)
a) Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas
b) By reporting to the supervisor
c) Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus
d) None

29. What will you do in case you are not well versed with some critical procedure in your work?
(2 marks)
a) Stay quiet and finish it somehow
b) Ask for help from the procedure expert
c) Decline to work
d) Any one of these
30. Which among the following will you do if the bar bending machine provided to you has a fault?
(3 marks)
a) Use the damaged machine
b) Report to the supervisor
c) Dispose the machine
d) None

31. Which of these is not a key feature of a team? (3 marks)

a) Mutual independence
b) Mutual purpose
c) Shared responsibilities
d) Working in a same department

32. Teamwork in an organization leads to organizational: (3 marks)

a) Empowerment
b) Weakness
c) Economy fall
d) Skills

CON/N8002: Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes.

33. First step in planning process is to? (3 marks)

a) Set an objective
b) Evaluate alternatives
c) Determine strength & weakness
d) None

34. Sharing work is a good idea when? (2 marks)

a) People are nice to you
b) When you take in other’s skill set into consideration
c) When you are feeling lazy
d) When you are sick

35. Work done should be of high quality despite constraints? (2 marks)

a) No
b) yes
c) impossible
d) depends on manager

36. Which among the following is/are required when setting a work schedule? (2 marks)
a) Resource required
b) Time required for completing per task component
c) Both of these
d) None

37. Which among these resources should be estimated before starting the work? (3 marks)
e) Quantity of materials
f) Leaves
g) Wastage of materials
h) All of these
38. What would happen if a bar bender produces a lot of output in given time but without adhering
to the quality specifications? (2 marks)
e) The supervisor would love it
f) The team may earn a bonus from the employer
g) Nothing would happen
h) The work may fail while inspection

39. Which of the statement is true? (3 marks)

A good objective should
I. clarify the desired result;
II. Enables achievement to be measured; and
III. Need not specify a time scale
a) I. only
b) All of them
c) I. and II.
d) II. Only

40. Which of the following is the basic requirement of preparing work schedule? (3 marks)
a) To measure the quantity of work done
b) To understand the timelines
c) To assess the quality of work done
d) To understand the sequence of work

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction
41. What should you do in case the fire alarm start ringing? (2 marks)
a) Keep working
b) Immediately stop the work and evacuate
c) Create a panic situation
d) None

42. Identify the unsafe working practice amongst the following? (3 marks)
a) Welding without a mask
b) Walking bare feet at construction site
c) Using wires with no insulation
d) All of these

43. Identify the sign shown below: (2 marks)

a) Smoke zone
b) Fire exit
c) No parking
d) No smoking

44. Which of the following is the correct body posture while lifting of heavy load? (2 marks)

45. Identify the safety sign shown below: (3 marks)

a) Safe assembly area

b) Fire exit
c) Meeting area
d) Cafeteria

46. What are the three basic requirements of a fire? (3 marks)

a) Fuel, heat and hydrogen
b) Fuel, heat and Sulphur
c) Fuel, heat and nitrogen
d) Fuel, heat and oxygen

47. Identify the item from the image given below. (2 marks)

a) Half body harness

b) Half body apron
c) Full body harness
d) Full body apron

48. Which of the following basic emergency equipment used while working in a confined space?
(3 Marks)
a) Breathing apparatus
b) Emergency lamp
c) Sun safety glass
d) Fire extinguisher
Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)

Question Bank – Construction Electrician Level-4

Theory Questions

CON/N0608: Lay (single/ three phases) cable and install equipment at construction sitesdevices
relevant to construction electrical works

1. The insulating material for a cable should have: (Easy)

a. Low cost b. High mechanical strength

c. High dielectric strength d. All of the above

2. Which of the following materials is not used for transmission and distribution of electrical power? (Easy)

a. Copper b. Tungsten
c. Steel d. Aluminum

3. If a 12 volt battery supplies 0.15 ampere to a circuit’s resistance is? (Tough)

a. 0.15 ohm c. 12 ohm

b.1.8 ohm d. 80 ohm

4. This is needed to cause a current of 200 mA to in a lamp of 25 ohm resistance. (Medium)

a. 5 volt b. 8 volt
c 175 volt d.225 volt

5. A straight line symbol shows the (Easy)

a. Fuse c. Connecting lead
b. Diode d. Switch

6. In case of these core flexible cable the colors of the neutral is (Easy)

a. Blue b. black
c. Brown d. none of the above

7. The advantage of cable overhead transmission lines is. (Medium)

a. Easy maintenance b. Low cost

c. Can be used in congested areas d. Can be used in high voltage circuits

8. The thickness of the layer of insulation on the conductor, in cable, depends upon (Medium)

a. Reactive power b. Power factor

c. Voltage d. current carrying capacity

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
9. Which type of cable is used for underground service connections? (Tough)
a. Low tension 3 ¼ core cable c. Low tension 2 ¼ core cable
b. Low tension 3 ½ core cable d. Low tension 2 ½ core cable

10. What is the formula to calculate the number of poles required in LT line distribution? (Tough)
a. Length / Span + 1 c. Span / Length + 1
b. Length / Span + 10 d. Span / Length + 10

11. What should be the height of the ‘Roof Pole’? (Easy)

a. Less than 5m c. More than 3m
b. Less than 3m d. More than 10m
12. What is the multiplication factor used for the determination of maximum current carrying capacity of an 11 kV
line? (Medium)
a. 0.88 c. 0.9
b. 0.95 d. 0.8

13. What should be the minimum clearance for laying power cables near communication lines? (Medium)
a. 0.2 m horizontally and vertically c. 1 m horizontally and vertically
b. 0.6 m horizontally and vertically d. 1.5 m horizontally and vertically

14. Which test(s) is / are conducted after completion of erection of 11 kV line but before energisation of lines?
a. Conductor continuity tests d. Both (a) & (c)
b. Earth resistance tests e. All of these
c. Insulation resistance tests

15. What should be the minimum insulation resistance of a 11 kV line when tested with a 1000 v Megger?
a. 10 kV c. 33 kV
b. 50 kV d. 120 kV

16. What is the empirical formula employed for the determination of spacing of conductors in case of
aluminum conductors? (Medium)
a. √S + V / 100 c. √S + V / 150
b. √S + 120 / V d. √S + V / 1 kV

17. What is the angle between the pole and stay? (Tough)
a. 30 ° c. 60 °
b. 45 ° d. 10 °

18. What should be the spacing between the two conductors if the working voltage is 11 kV? (Medium)

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
a. 76 mm c. 190 mm
b. 101 mm d. 250 mm

19. What are the minimum cross sections of conductors that are used for power wiring? (Tough)
a. 2.5 mm2 and 1.25 mm2 for aluminum c. 1.5 mm2 and 1.25 mm2 for aluminum and
and copper conductors respectively. copper conductors respectively.
b. 1.25 mm2 and 2.5 mm2 for aluminum d. 2.5 mm2 and 2.25 mm2 for aluminum and
and copper conductors respectively. copper conductors respectively.

20. How many earth connections are required for the motor frame as per the IE rule 61? (Tough)
a. One d. All of these
b. Two separate and distinct e. None of these
c. Three separate and distinct

21. What is the input current of a 2 hpsingle phase motor, 240 V at 70 % efficiency and 0.8 power factor?
a. 6.95 A c. 13.52 A
b. 10.95 A d. 17.68 A

22. Which starter is used for slip ring induction motors of high ratings? (Easy)
a. DOL starter d. All of these
b. Rotor resistance starter e. None of these
c. Autotransformer starter

23. What is the size of the cable made up of copper conductors used for a 10 hp 500 V DC motor? (Medium)

a. 7 / 0.915 mm d. Both (b) & (c)

b. 1 / 2.8 mm e. All of these
c. 3 / 0.915 mm

24. What will be the utilization factor for an indirect lighting scheme? (Tough)
a. 0.25 – 0.5 c. 0.1 – 0.25
b. 0.5 – 0.75 d. 0.75 – 0.99

25. Which method is used for the lighting calculations? (Medium)

a. Watts per square meter method d. All of these
b. Lumen or light flux method e. None of these
c. Point to point method
26. What is the normal life of a fluorescent lamp? (Tough)

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
a. 2000 hours c. 7500 hours
b. 3500 hours d. 10000 hours
27. How is the ballast resistance connected with the choke? (Easy)
a. Parallel d. Both (a) & (b)
b. Series e. None of these
c. Can be connected in either way

28. Which lamp is used in the outdoor illumination of buildings and airport runway? (Easy)
a. Halogen lamp c. Sodium vapor lamp
b. Gaseous discharge lamp d. All of these

CON/N0609: Inspect and maintain construction equipment as per requirement

29. Minimum faults occur in which of the following power system? (Easy)
a. Transformer b. Switch gear
c. CT, PT d. Alternator

30. Transformer oil used in an electrical must be free from…………? (Medium)

a. Gases b. Odour
c. Sludge d. Moisture

31. A thermal protection switch can protect against? (Medium)

a. Short circuit b. Temperature
c. Overload d. Over voltage

32. Transformer ratings are given in……………..? (Tough)

a. KW b. KVAR
c. HP d. KVA

33. Which of the following application requires high starting torque (Easy)

a . Lathe machine b. Centrifugal pump

c. Locomotive d. Air blower

34. Magger is used for…… (Tough)

a. Earth resistance test b. both (a) and (c)

c. Insulation resistance test d. none of these

35. All single phase ac motor are designed to operate usually on (Easy)
a. 220v only b. 220+10v
c . 220 ±0V d 220 ± 10%V

36. A direct on line starter is used for starting motor. (Easy)

a. Up to 5 H.P. b. Up to 10 H.P.
c. Up to 15 H.P. d. Up to 20 H.

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
37. The steel used for laminations should have (Tough)

a. High permeability and high hysteresis c. Low permeability and hysteresis

b. High permeability and low hysteresis d. Low permeability and high hysteresis

38. In transformer if the secondary is open circuited then its terminal voltage is (Easy)

a. Same as the induced emf c. lesser than the induced emf

b. Greater than the induced emf d. None of these

39. Circuit breakers usually operate under (Medium)

a. Steady short circuit current c. Transient state of short circuit current

b. Sub transient state of short circuit d. None of these

40. The making and breaking currents of a 3 phase ac circuit breakers in power systems are respectively in
________form. (Tough)

a. rms value, rms value c. rms value, instantaneous value

b. instantaneous value, rms value d. instantaneous value, instantaneous value

41. SF6 is which type of gas? (Easy)

a. Electro positive c. Both (a) and (b)

b. Electro negative d. None of these

42. Why is an isolator installed? (Medium)

a. To isolate one portion of the circuit c. It used on either sides of the circuit breaker
from another d. Both (a) and (c)
b. As a substitute for the circuit breaker e. None of these

43. For extinguishing arc in an high voltage fuses, the element can be immersed in (Tough)

a. Oil c. Carbon tetra florid

b. Carbon tetrachloride d. Only (a) and (b)

44. In HRC fuses, the space within the body surrounding the element is usually filled with (Easy)

a. Silver c. Quartz
b. Zinc d. Copper

45. The wrong statement among the following is (Easy)

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
a. A fuse can be fitted in an outlet c. The current rating of fuse should not exceed the
socket rating of the smallest cable protected
b. A fuse should not get overheated d. Fuse having rating less than 3 A can be used in radio

46. The fusing current of a fuse depends on its (Tough)

a. Material and its length c. Material and diameter

b. Length and its diameter d. Material, length and diameter

47. For improving the soil condition and efficiency of earthling system, the pit area around the G.I. pipe is filled with

a. Mixture of copper and nickel c. Mixture of aluminum and sulfide

b. Mixture of chloride and sodium d. Mixture of salt and coal

48. For solving parallel ac circuit, the method used is (Medium)

a. Vector method c. Symbolic or j - method

b. Admittance method d. All of these

49. The net power in a series R-C circuit is (Easy)

a. Zero c. Negative
b. Positive d. None of these

50. The product of rms values of current and voltage is called as (Tough)

a. Real power c. Reactive power

b. Apparent power d. Polar curves

51. The power absorbed by a pure inductive circuit and pure capacitive circuit is (Easy)

a. Zero and non zero c. Non zero and non zero

b. Non zero and zero d. Zero and zero

52. Which material is used for wiring continuous bus bar? (Easy)

a. Aluminum c. Both (A) and (B)

b. Copper d. None of these

53. For what voltage levels are the screwed conduit circuits used? (Tough)
a. Less than 250 V c. For voltages above 600 V
b. For voltages between 250 V – 600 V d. None of these

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)

54. Which among these is a method of wiring? (Easy)

a. Joint box d. Only a and c
b. Tee system e. All of these
c. Loop in system

55. What is the maximum load that can be connected in a circuit connecting only lighting points? (Tough)
a. 500 watts c. 800 watts
b. 750 watts d. 1000 watts

56. What is the maximum number of lighting points that can be connected in a circuit? (Easy)
a. 5 c. 8
b. 10 d. 12

57. What is meant by petty purchase? (Tough)

a. An item purchased from market by purchase c. A single tendering purchase
assistant with proper formal order.
b. An item purchased from market by purchase d. None of these
assistant without proper formal order.

58. The power curve for a purely resistive circuit is zero only when (Medium)

a. Current is zero c. Both current and voltage is zero

b. Voltage is zero d. None of these

CON/N0610: Carry out LV electrical wiring and assist in building electrification works

59. You are wiring a combined official shop (a non domestic) which is a part of large development – You need to assess the
maximum demand of the installation to determine the size of sub main cable that wall supply the office.
The office is single phase, 230v electrical installation with the following load- (Tough)
860 watt light
10250 watt outside flood light
308 w Led Light
16 meter of lighting truck
1010 A Single Outlet
Calculate the maximum demand in amps of office omd use the table for your calculation

Equipment Load Grdup Calculation Load

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)

60. Light points available in the houses are? (Easy)

a. Voltage source c. Power source

b. Current source d. All of these

61. What kind of material used for fusing element? (Easy)

a. Line wire c. Graphite

b. PVC d. None of these

62. Out of the following which is an insulating martial? (Medium)

a. Copper c. Gold
b. Silver d. Paper

63. The property of a conductor due to which it passes is called………… (Tough)

a. Resistance c. Conductance. Inductance
b. Reluctance

64. Which is the best conductor of electricity? (Easy)

a. Iron b. Silver
c. Copper d. Carbon

65. Which material is used for wiring continuous bus bar? (Medium)

a. Aluminum b. Copper
c. Both (a) and (b) d. None of these

66. Suspension insulator is made of....................... (Easy)

a. Glass b. Porcelain
b. Steatite d. Epoxy resin

67. Impedance diagram is used for analysis of…………………? (Medium)

a. load flow b Alternator

c Fault d Transmission line

68. Which lamp is used in the outdoor illumination of building? (Easy)

a. Halogen lamp b. Gaseous discharge lamp

c. Sodium vapor lamp d. All of these

69. The current flowing through the resistance is given by (Tough)

a. I cos∅ c. I tan∅
b. I sin∅ d. I cot∅
70. Reactive power is measured in terms of (Easy)

a. KW c. kVAR
b. kVA d. None of these

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
71. Power factor is the ratio of (Tough)

a. Active power to the reactive power c. Apparent power to the active power
b. Active power to the apparent power d. Reactive power to the apparent power

72. For a typical AC power supply, the secondary transmission carries the voltage of (Tough)

a. 11kV c. 66 kV
b. 33 kV d. 132 kV
73. The electric power from primary distribution line is delivered to distribution substations by using (Medium)

a. 1 phase wire d. All of these

b. 3 phase, 3 wire e. None of these
c. 3 phase, 4 wire

74. The reduction of utility load primarily during peak demand is known as (Medium)
a. Peak clipping c. Valley filling
b. Load shifting d. MTP analysis

75. The demand side management can be achieved by the technique of (Tough)

a. Time of day pricing and metering c. Load management

b. Multi - utility power exchange model d. All of these
e. None of these

76. EPRI stands for (Medium)

a. European power research institute c. Electrical power research institute
b. Electrical power Russian institute d. Electrical power research industries

77. Demand Side Management is required to (Easy)

a. Reduce overall cost of installed capacity c. Ensure quality and equity of supply
b. Reduce needs for peaking stations d. Only B and C

78. The term Demand Side Management was coined during (Tough)

a. 1936 energy crisis c. 1973 energy crisis

b. 1972 energy crisis d. 1986 energy crisis

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace

79. Which of these factors is not required for growth of communication? (Easy)

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
a. Globalization c. Reduce in size of organizations
b. Public relations d. Technological advancements

80. Why to tell the appropriate techniques to the party members (Medium)

a. Moral increases c. All do the work

b. Quickly work completion d. None of these

81. This actively is of paying attention (Medium)

a. Hearing c. Nonverbal communication

b. Listening d. Verbal communication

82. After completing the work of self, what kind of help should be given to another colleague (Tough)
a. Look after work done by him c. Help him in his work
b. Tell him about techniques d. Tell him to finish work quickly

83. Which of this element is not involved in the process of communication? (Easy)
a. Pipe c. Message
b. Sender d. channel

84. Always address problems immediate to………………….? (Easy)

a. Supervisor c. Both A & B
b. Manager d. None of these

85. Always Inform to ……………………. To resolve the problems (Medium)

a. Supervisor c. Both A & B
b. Manager d. None of these

86. What is play to some people may be to others (Medium)

a. Responsibility c. Work
b. Duty d. None of the above

87. The group………….. are more important to the group members then any financial incentive. (Medium)

a. Norms c. Both a and “b’

b. Values d. None of the value

88. The …………..teams are concerned with rotating tasks and assignments amongst its members (Medium)
a. Self-managed c. Self motivated
b. Self-styled d. Self concerned

89. Mismatch between personality and organization may lead to: (Tough)
a. Confusion and chaos c. Low morale and job satisfaction
b. Loss of interest by member in d. All of the above

90. Do not follow the instructions of the senior person. (Easy)

a. True b. False

91. What does Teamwork mean? (Medium)

a. To work well with other c. To communicate well

b. To work hard d. To work using soft skills

92. Which of the following is not an objective of employee orientation? (Tough)

a. Developing team spirit

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
b. Preventing employee alienation c. Raising the salary of the employees
d. None of these

93. What is a key step in Teamwork? (Tough)

a. Leadership c. Organization

b. Responsibility d. All of These

94. Members of the party should be given …………….. (Medium)

a. Prize c. Information
b. More rupees d. All of these

95. In management process, the most misinterpreted word is (Easy)

a. Organizing c. Controlling

b. Delegating d. Planning

96. The department(s) that an event management company will have is (are) (Medium)
a. Creative c. Client servicing
b. Production d. All of the above

97. Who said, “Management is a multiple purpose organ that manages a business, manages a manager and
manages workers and work”? (Tough)

a. Harold Kuntz c. Kenneth O ‘Donell

b. Peter Ducker d. Anonymous

98. Under mechanism of scientific management, scientific task setting includes: (Tough)
a. Time study c. Method study

b. Motion study d. All of the above

99. Management as a discipline is the function of________. (Easy)

a. Science c. Creativity

b. Art d. All of the above

100. Which theory assumes that people are naturally lazy and will avoid work and responsibilities if possible?

a. Theory X c. Theory Z

b. Theory Y d. None of the above

101. Who is the person you have to give importance under the company’s checklist before making call to the
consultant. (Tough)

a. Managers c. Customer

b. Employees d. All of the above

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
102. What is one of the most significant inhibitors in customer preference while purchasing perishable items in retail?
a. Proximity of markets c. Both (A) and (B)

b. Customer preference to brands d. None of the above

CON/N8002: Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes

103. Ensuring that everything is carried out according to plan is part of the process of…………………… (Easy)

a. Planning. c. Organizing
b. Controlling. d. Coordinating

104. Planning ,organizing, directing and controlling are the: (Tough)

a. Function of management c. Results of management

b. Work of Management d. All of the above

105. Empowerment is related to (Medium)

a. Planning. c. Directing.
b. Organizing. d. Controlling

106. Technical skills are most important for which of following (Easy)

a. First line managers c. Viva president production

b. Middle managers d. Top managers

107. Planning, organizing, directing and controlling are the: (Medium)

a. Functions of management. c. Results of management.

b. Goals of management. d. All of the above

108. What is needed to complete the work? (Easy)

a. Manpower c. Supervisor
b. Store keeper d. Managing director

109. People who work in the human resource department should have knowledge of (Tough)

a. Organizational behavior c. Finance

b. IT d. Marketing

110. An outline of the fundamental purpose of an organization is called it? (Easy)

a. Mission statement c. Policy

b. Objectives d. All of the above

111. 52. Technical skills are most important for which of following. (Tough)
a .First line managers c .Viva president production
b . Middle managers d .Top managers

112. First step in planning process is to (Medium)

a. Set an objective c. Determine strength and weaknesses
b. Evaluate alternatives d. None of above

113. Setting the organization‘s goals and deciding how best to achieve those goals is defined as…... (Easy)
a. Controlling b. Leading

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
c. Organizing d. Planning and decision making

114. Motivation is related to. (Easy)

a. Planning. c. Leading.
b. Controlling. d. Tactical decisions

115. Empowerment is related to (Tough)

a. Planning. c. Directing.
b. Organizing. d. Controlling

116. All of the following increase team effectiveness except…. (Medium)

a. Understanding team timing c. Pay attention to team tasks

b. Ignoring ineffective team d. Developing using and reinforcing effective
processes group norms

117. Volunteer workers are most productive as the result of (Medium)

a. Goal-setting c. Job ownership
b. Effective planning sessions d. Good job descriptions

118. The “superhighway” to relationship-building is (Easy)

a. Listening c. Cooperation
b. Honestly d. Friendliness

119. The best decisions are reached……… (Tough)

a. By consensus c. When the decision makers are held accountable

b. Through constructive debate d. When clear cut standards and expectations
120. The most effective way to plan for the future is (Medium)

a. Appoint a long-range planning c. Hold a retreat

committee d. Engage in strategic planning
b. Develop solid relationships
throughout your organization

121. All of the following should understand exclude teams effectiveness (Tough)

a. Understanding the timing of the team c. Ignoring the ineffective work of team
b. Focus of team’s work d. Develop the Strength and use group norms

122. What is important to finish the work quickly? (Medium)

a. Planning c. Meeting
b. Store Keeper d. Talk to all the members

123. Goals are always tied to ……………………….. (Easy)

a. Time b. Convenience

124. Housekeeping activities should be planned ………. Completion of work (Easy)

a. Before b. After

125. Why planning is important before work? (Tough)

a. Work not complete perfect c. Work will complete quickly and perfect
b. All will get information d. No Profit

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
126. After finishing scheduled task why tools should be kept at open space? (Easy)

a. Tools found early c. Tools will not lose

b. Should not kept open d. Easy of taking the tools

127. Which of the following personality characteristics are associated with people who are likely to exhibit
violent behavior on the job? (Medium)

a. Neurotic c. Extraverted

b. Optimistic d. Type A

128. Which of these suggestions is an effective way to deal with stress? (Medium)

a. Meditation c. Talking with others

b. Exercise d. All of the given options

129. In most large facilities, who is responsible for reducing unsafe working conditions and reducing unsafe
acts by employees? (Tough)

a. Chief executive officer c. Occupational safety and health officer

b. Chief safety officer d. Chief operations officer

130. Who distinguished between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation? (Tough)

a. Frederick Taylor c. David McClelland

b. Frederick Herzberg d. Edward Deci

131. Which of the following is categorized as an indirect payment portion of employee compensation? (Easy)

a. Wages c. Employer-paid insurance

b. Salaries d. Commissions

132. Modern managers are: (Medium)

a. Action oriented. c. Able to manage change efficiently.

b. Able to build a sense of shared values. d. All of the above.

133. Planning, organizing, directing and controlling are the: (Easy)

a. Functions of management. c. Results of management.

b. Goals of management d. All of the above.

134. Coordinating people and human resources to accomplish organizational goals is the process of:

a. Planning. c. Management
b. Directing. d. Leadership.

135. Which of the following would be included in the “controlling function”? (Tough)

a. Measuring results against b. Explaining routines

Corporate objectives c. Setting standards

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
d. Giving assignments

136. Specific, short-term statements detailing how to achieve an organization's goals is known as its:

a. Vision. c. Objectives
b. Mission statement. d. Operational planning

137. An outline of the fundamental purpose of an organization is called its: (Easy)

a. Mission statement c. Policy
b. Objectives d. All of the above

138. Strategic planning is done by: (Easy)

a. Top managers of the firm c. Supervisory managers

b. Middle managers. d. Non supervisory employees

139. Mr. X is a branch manager for Microsoft. He is: (Medium)

a. Top management c. Supervisory management

b. Middle management d. None of the above

140. The most effective leader is one who: (Tough)

a. Makes managerial decisions without c. Has the leadership style most

consulting others appropriate to the situation and the
b. Works with managers and employees employee involved
to make decisions d. None of the above

141. Technical skills are most important for which of the following: (Medium)

a. First line managers. c. Vice president-Production

b. Middle managers d. Top managers

142. Supervisory management spends most of his/her time: (Easy)

a. Planning and controlling c. Planning and organizing

b. Directing and controlling. d. Organizing and controlling

143. ____________ refers to the process of developing detailed, short term strategies about what is the be done,
who is to do it, and how it is to be done. (Medium)

a. Strategic planning c. Contingency planning

b. Tactical planning d. None of the above

144. An example of an effective standard for a control system would be: (Tough)

a. Deciding to hire 5 new c. Planning to increase sales of product A

employees from 5,000 to 10,000 per month by
b. Renting new premises December of next year
d. Improving the quality of production

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction site

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
145. Probability of the event that might occur X Severity of the event if it occurs = (Easy)

a. Accident c. Risk
b. Hazard d. None of the above

146. Industrial safety management if that branch of management which is concerned with ______ hazards from
the industries. (Medium)

a. Reducing c. Eliminating
b. Controlling d. All of the above

147. The following is indirect cost of accident (Tough)

a. Money paid for treatment of c. Cost of lost time of injured

worker worker
b. Compensation paid to worker d. All of the above

148. The following is(are) physical hazard agent(s) (Easy)

a. Falls c. Inhalation
b. Electricity d. All of the above

149. Which of the following color is used for radiation hazard? (Easy)
a. Red c. Green
b. Orange d. Purple

150. Why should regular inspection of workplace take place? (Tough)

a. To check that all staff are c. To prepare for a visit from a

present and correct HSE inspector
b. To check whether the d. All of these
working environment is safe

151. For house hold wiring and small units the following should be used for safety measure (Medium)

a. MCB c. OCB
b. ACB d. MCCB

152. Identify the image shown below (Easy)

a. Foot protection c. Hand protection

b. Ear protection d. Eyes protection

153. The following is indirect cost of accident (Tough)

a. Money paid for treatment of c. Cost of lost time of injured
worker d. All of the above
b. Compensation paid to worker

154. Primary first Aid kit is related to (Easy)

a. Safety c. News
b. Entertainment d. None of the above

155. Check list for job Safety analysis consists of………. (Tough)

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
a. Work Area, Material, Machine, c. Men, Machine, Work Area, Tools
Tools d. Men, Work Area, Material, Tools
b. Men, Machine, Material, Tools

156. Gloves used for electrical protection must be electrically testes every? (Medium)

a. 3 months b 6 months
c. 12 months d. Never

157. Identification of the warning sign shown below? (Easy)

a. High voltage c. Léger beam

b. Danger of death d. None of these

158. The following is physical hazard agents (Medium)

a. Falls c. Inhalation
b. Electricity d. All of the above

159. For household wiring and small units, the following should be used for safety measure (Tough)
a. OCB b. ACB
c .MCCB d. MCB

160. Industrial safety management if that branch of management which is concerned with……hazard from
a. Reducing c. Eliminating
b. Controlling d. All of the Above

161. What is a Prohibition notice? (Tough)

a. You must complete this day’s work c. When you finish the work you must not
and inform your supervisor start again
b. The work must stop immediately d. work is to stop for that day
162. Why is it important to wear PPE? (Medium)
a. Because it looks right c. Because it protects you
b. Because it protects the tools d. Because it is what an employer tells you
to do
163. Which of the following statements is likely to result in an injury to the operator? (Medium)
a. Selection the right tool for the c. Using a tool with loose handles
job d. Keeping cutting tools sharp
b. Wearing safety goggles or

164. Accidents: ……………….. (Easy)

a. Can be avoided c. Are largely preventable

b. Only happen to people who d. Are completely unpredictable
deserve them

165. Why should the work place inspected regularly? (Tough)

a. To check all the employees b. To check whether working

present & true environment is safe or not
c. To prepare HSE inspector to travel

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
d. All of above

166. Identify the tool given below? (Easy)

a. High Volt c. Laser Beam

b. Danger d. None of these

167. How will stop the fire in electric appliances? (Tough)

a. Water c. CTC
b. Co2 d. Air

168. Which Color of helmet is used by electrician (Medium)

a. Black c. Red
b. White d. Yellow

169. What are the causes of accidents ……… (Tough)

a. Wrong use of tools c. Lack of light & Air

b. Inattentiveness d. All of these

170. Check list for Job Safety Analysis (JSA) consists of (Tough)
a. Work area, material, c. Men, machine, work area, tools
machine, tools
d. Men, work area. Material, tools
b. Men, machine, material,

171. A safety programme consists of (Medium)

a. Three E’s c. Five E’s
b. Four E’s d. Six E,s

172. For household wiring and small units, the following should be used for safety measure


a. MCB c. OCB

b. ACB d. MCCB

173. Decibel (db) is a unit used to measure (Medium)

a. Light c. Frequency

b. Sound d. None of the above

174. The following is (are) used as safety device(s) in machines (Medium)

a. Fail safe c. Limit switches

b. Safety interlocks d. All of the above

Construction Electrician Level IV (CON/Q0603)
175. Class-A fire consists of fire due to (Easy)

a. Fail safe c. Limit switches

b. Safety interlocks d. All of the above

176. Water is used to extinguish (Tough)

a. Class-A fires c. Class-C fires

b. Class-B fires d. All of the above

177. The following extinguisher is suitable for cotton or other textile fire (Medium)
a. Water c. Foam

b. Soda acid d. Dry chemicals

178. _____ is best suited to extinguishing oil or flammable liquid fire. (Easy)
a. Soda acid c. Foam

b. Vaporizing liquid d. Dry chemical

179. Probability of the event that might occur X Severity of the event if it occurs = (Tough)

a. Accident c. Risk
b. Hazard d. None of the above

180. Industrial safety management if that branch of management which is concerned with ______
hazards from the industries. (Tough)

a. Reducing c. Eliminating
b. Controlling d. All of the above

181. The following is indirect cost of accident (Medium)

a. Money paid for treatment of worker

b. Compensation paid to worker
c. Cost of lost time of injured worker
d. All of the above

182. The following is(are) physical hazard agent(s) (Easy)

a. Falls c. Inhalation
b. Electricity d. All of the above

183. Check list for Job Safety Analysis (JSA) consists of (Tough)

a. Work area, material, c. Men, machine, work area, tools

machine, tools d. Men, work area. Material, tools
b. Men, machine, material,

Construction Painter and Decorator
Theory Paper
Assessment for Certification, Level 3
Total Marks: 140 marks Time: 90 min
Qualification Pack Construction Painter and Decorator
Reference ID CON/Q0503
NSQF Level 3
Sector Construction
Occupation Construction Painting

CANDIDATE’S DETAILS (Fill in capital letters only)






TP/ TC stamp with signature:

Read the instruction carefully before starting:

 The assessment comprises of Theory (140 marks) & Practical (560 marks).
 The theory section has 7 parts/ 7 NOS, consisting 49 numbers of questions.
 Write your name, aadhar number, father name, signature in the designated space.
 Use only Blue/ Black Ball point pens to fill/ answer the question paper.
 Read the questions carefully before answering.
 Put a tick mark ( ) against the right option.
 The tick mark ( ) should only be in the box which you want to mark as an answer.
 Select the most appropriate answer for multiple choice questions.

Theory Question Paper

CON/N0505 Apply OBD, acrylic and emulsion paints on various finished masonry surface.

Multiple choice questions

1. Identify the material shown in the following image? 2 Marks

a. Brush
b. Roller
c. Sand Paper
d. Putty Blade

2. In order to dissolve film forming material and to thin concentrated paints ________ is added.
3 Marks
a. driers
b. resins
c. varnish
d. thinner

3. In which unit the quantity of painting work calculated? 3 Marks

a. Sqm
b. CUM
c. Litre
d. gallon

4. ___________ is used for temporarily covering areas that are not required to be painted? 3 Marks
a. Masking tape
b. Sand paper
c. Scraper
d. None

5. The amount of water used for one kg of distemper is__________________. 3 Marks

a. 0.2 litre
b. 0.4 litre
c. 0.6 litre
d. 0.8 litre

6. What is the full form of OBD? 3 Marks

a. Oil Basic Distemper
b. Olive Based Distemper
c. Olive Bound Distemper
d. Oil Bound Distemper

7. Which of the following is a feature of oil paint? 3 Marks

a. Little odour.
b. Slow drying.
c. Little friction resistance
d. Retouching not very apparent.

CON/N0506 Apply paint on metallic/ structural steel fabricated assemblies.

8. Which of the following is not correct corresponding to the surface preparation activity, before the
application of the paint? 3 Marks
a. Stripping large surfaces with a wire brush and then use sand paper on it.
b. After using sand paper on a metal surface, it is not required to clean it with a damp cloth.
c. Jet washing a metal surface
d. Cleaning of nuts, bolts and rivet head using acetic acid.

9. Sand paper should be used before applying successive coat. Why? 3 Marks
a. To remove previously applied coat
b. So that the adhesion of paint increases in second coating and surface comes out as a smooth one.
c. So that the painted surface gives rough finish.
d. None

10. What happens when enamel is applied to metals 3 Marks

a. Paint will not adhere
b. Longer time to dry
c. Creates bubbling and accumulates air inside
d. It will peel off when exposed to sun

11. A number of steel bars had been left in the rain and had rusted. What would you do with them?
3 Marks
a. Brush them with steel brush and use them since a little rust is good for adhesion
b. Pour oil on them to remove the rust
c. Apply rust inhibitor
d. Apply rust remover

12. Identify the image given below? 2 Marks

a. Painter mixer
b. Rust remover
c. Flame torch
d. Spray gun

13. What is the use of red oxide primer? 3 Marks
a. Protect outdoor metal from rust
b. Protect shape of metal
c. Protect metal from losing its shine
d. All of the above

14. Which of the following comes under housekeeping?

3 Marks
a. Cleaning of site
b. Storing of tools & materials
c. Tool maintenance/ cleaning
d. All of the above

CON/N0507 Apply paint, varnish & polish on wooden window, doors, partitions, panels & other wooden

15. What are the activities done to prepare a wooden object for painting? 3 Marks
a. Stripping large surfaces with a wire brush and then use sand paper on it.
b. After using sand paper on a metal surface, it is not required to clean it with a damp cloth.
c. Jet washing a metal surface
d. Cleaning of nuts, bolts and rivet head using acetic acid.

16. What part of paintbrush should be immersed into the paint bucket while performing painting work?
3 Marks
a. (3/4) length of the bristles
b. (½) length of the bristles
c. (2/4) length of the bristles
d. (4/3) length of the bristles

17. Why thinner is always mixed with first coat of varnish? 3 Marks
a. So that quantity of the varnish can be increased
b. So that the surface comes out as a smooth one
c. So that the varnish is absorbed by the wood and bonds deeply into the surface of the wood
d. None

18. What finish applied to wood to enhance its grain appearance? 3 Marks
a. Wood stain
b. Varnish
c. Latex
d. Shellac

19. Which material is used for applying polish manually? 3 Marks

a. Roller
b. Silk cloth
c. Cotton cloth
d. 12” brush

20. Identify the shown tool? 2 Marks

a. Paint scraper
b. Sand paper
c. Stirred
d. All of these

21. ___________protects the painted surface from atmospheric agencies. 3 Marks

a. Distemper
b. Varnish
c. Paint
d. Water

CON/N0510 Carry out minor repair of various painting faults.

22. Which of the following is not a defect involved in painting work? 2 Marks
a. Orange peel
b. Chalking
c. Orange pulp
d. Fish-eye

23. What is the main cause of paint fading or discoloration? 3 Marks

a. Reaction of air with pigments of paint
b. Reaction of sunlight on pigments of paint
c. Deposition of dust
d. Application of excessively thick coat

24. Most common cause of paint defect? 3 Marks

a. Product expires
b. Surface preparation
c. Weather condition when applied
d. Mixture of thinner and base

25. Which defect appears on a painted surface due to trapped moisture or gases in paint film? 3 Marks
a. Shrinkage
b. Blistering
c. Runs
d. None

26. Chalking is caused due to application of paints over: 3 Marks

a. Oil grease surface
b. Dust & rust
c. Old paint surface without removing oil paints
d. All of the above

27. How to remove excess paint from the brush while doing painting work? 3 Marks
a. By taping the brush on the side of container
b. By using a piece of cotton cloth
c. By washing the brush using thinner
d. No need to remove

28. Which of the following tools and materials are required for repairing paint defect? 3 Marks
a. Sandpaper and cloth
b. Scraper and wood sealer
c. Topcoat and paint
d. All the above

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace.

29. What action should be taken if the co-worker has not completed the job? 2 Marks
a. Make fun of them
b. Ignore them
c. Chat with others
d. Assist him

30. Team occur when a number of people have __________ and recognize that their personal success is
dependent on the success of other? 3 Marks
a. Same manager
b. Similar jobs
c. A common goal
d. A shared work environment

31. Which of the following should be done if 3 workers have different opinions for performing a task?
3 Marks
a. Ignore them
b. Argue with them
c. Discuss with them and clarify
d. None

32. What will happen if you do not interact with your co- worker? 3 Marks
a. De-motivation
b. Encouragement
c. Excitement
d. None

33. Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways? 3 Marks
a. Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas
b. By reporting to the supervisor
c. Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus
d. None

34. What will you do in case you are not well versed with some critical procedure in your work?
3 Marks
a. Stay quiet and finish it somehow
b. Ask for help from the procedure expert
c. Decline to work
d. Any one of these

35. What is supposed to be done if the material gets damaged while executing the task?
3 Marks
a. Replace the material without informing supervisor
b. Put blame on another team member
c. Inform supervisor about the damage
d. Dispose the damaged equipment without informing anybody

CON/N8002: Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes.

36. Which of the following is the basic requirement of preparing work schedule? 2 Marks
a. To measure the quantity of work done
b. To understand the timelines
c. To assess the quality of work done
d. To understand the sequence of work
37. Sharing work is a good idea when? 3 Marks
a. People are nice to you
b. When you take in other’s skill set into consideration
c. When you are feeling lazy
d. When you are sick

38. How long should a beginner practice for rolling roller before starting a job? 3 Marks
a. Practice is not required
b. About 10 minutes
c. About 10 hours
d. As long as it takes to give satisfactory results

39. Which among the following is/are required when setting a work schedule? 3 Marks
a. Resource required
b. Time required for completing per task component
c. Both of these
d. None
40. Which among these resources should be estimated before starting the work? 3 Marks
a. Quantity of materials
b. Leaves
c. Wastage of materials
d. All of these

41. Whose instructions should be followed while using equipment? 3 Marks

a. General instructions
b. Manufacturer instructions
c. Dealer instructions
d. Colleague instruction

42. When should waste materials be cleared from the workplace? 3 Marks
a. After the completion of entire project
b. Every day before leaving site
c. Once in three days
d. Once in seven days

CON/N9001: Work effectively to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction site.

43. What should you do in case the fire alarm start ringing? 3 Marks
a. Keep working
b. Immediately stop the work and evacuate
c. Create a panic situation
d. None

44. Identify the unsafe working practice amongst the following? 3 Marks
a. Welding without a mask
b. Walking bare feet at construction site
c. Using wires with no insulation
d. All of these

45. Which type of hand gloves is used by painter? 3 Marks

a. Cotton gloves
b. Leather gloves
c. Rubber gloves
d. All the above

46. Identify the item from the image given below. 2 Marks

a. Half body harness

b. Half body apron
c. Full body harness
d. Full body apron

47. What should be done after assembling in the safe assembly point? 3 Marks
a. Do not re-enter the site until instructions are given
b. Re-enter the site and continue to work
c. Leave the site without informing senior
d. Join emergency rescue team and help them to extinguish fire

48. Which of the following basic emergency equipment used while working in a confined space? 3 Marks
a. Breathing apparatus

b. Emergency lamp
c. Sun safety glass
d. Fire extinguisher

49. Why should rags not be left beside a can of paints at job sites especially during night time when it is
most likely to be unattended? 3 Marks
a. It will absorb air moisture and dirt to affect the paint adhesion quality
b. Rags can be mistaken as a paint brush and use it for wall painting
c. It can be mistaken as a trash can and easily be thrown anywhere
d. It might ignite fire


Name of Job Draughtsman QP Code CON/Q1301

Role with Level Level 4 (Level)

Type of Question (Objective, Oral Batch Name/

Paper (Theory/ ,demonstrative) Batch Id
Duration: Theory 1.5 hours (90 min), Max Marks: Theory 160,
Practical 6 hours Practical 240
Name of Aadhaar Number
Candidates Candidate
Father Name Signature
Assessor Name Trainer Name and
and Signature
TP Name TC Name
TP/TC Stamp with Date


1. No candidate will leave the examination Hall/Centre before the 17:30. If any candidate
leaves centre before 17:30 will be counted absent.
2. Write your name, Adhaar Number, father name, Signature clearly in the designated space.
3. The enclosed paper contains 2 sections Theory, Practical. Marks are mentioned against
each question.
4. Use of Calculators/ Mobile Phone is not permitted during assessment.
5. Use only Black or Blue ball point pen. Don’t do any rough work in paper.
6. Do not mark multiple answers for one question, in case of multiple marking, you will not be
given any marks for that particular question.
7. The Passing percentage for each QP will be 80%. To pass the qualification pack, every
trainee should score a minimum of 70% individually in each NOS,
Draughtsman level-4
Theory- 160 marks Duration- 90min
Marks Scored -

NAME:……………………………………………….. FATHER’S NAME: ………………………………………………………………….

DATE: ………………………………………………. CENTRE:………………………………………………………………………………

BATCH ID: ……………………………………….CANDIDATE’S ID: ……………………………………………………………………..

CON/N1301-Carry out the initial setup and understand the requirement for preparation of drawings

1. Which is/are the common types of 2D printer among the followings: (4 marks)
a) Inkjet
b) Laser
c) Dye- sublimation
d) All the above

2. Which of the following is the correct size of A4 sheet: (4 marks)

a) (210 x 297) mm
b) (210 x 197) mm
c) (205 x 297) mm
d) (215 x 197) mm

3. Which one is the correct international standard code of paper sizes? (4 marks)
a) ISO 416
b) ISO 316
c) ISO 116
d) ISO 216

4. In order to move an object_____________________. (4 marks)

a) Select a base point, followed by a point to define where the object is moving to.
b) Use the displacement option
c) Select an object for grips, then move
d) Above all

5. What is the shortcut command used to open block dialogue in order to make a block?
(4 marks)
a) B
b) BC
c) BE
d) None

6. What is the shortcut command used to offset a section? (4 marks)

a) LO
b) OP
c) O
d) None

7. What is the command used to inserts point nodes at input distance? (4 marks)
d) None

8. What is the command used to open plot/print dialogues box? (4 marks)

d) None
9. Which type of prints can be taken from plotter? (4 marks)
a) A0
b) A1
c) A2
d) All of the above

10. “IS 456:2000”, represents……….? (4 marks)

a) IS code of practice for plain and reinforcement concrete.
b) IS code of practice for steel structure.
c) IS code of practice for earthquake structure.
d) IS code of practice for environment.

CON/N1302- Prepare 2 dimensional civil drawings using computer aided design (CAD) system.

11. Usually a fine, broken line made up of alternating short and long dashes represent. (4 marks)
a) Dimension Line
b) Center line
c) Extension line
d) None

12. Usually a fine line used to define a point or area which may have a note, dimension value or a
number at the end of it, represent: (4 marks)
a) Phantom Line
b) Leader
c) Extension line
d) None
13. What are not the major areas/ parts of a general engineering drawings? (4 marks)
a) Title Block
b) Grid system
c) Revision block
d) Auto CAD
e) Notes and legends
f) None

14. Which is not the type of drawing used for building construction work? (4 marks)
a) Civil.
b) Architectural.
c) Electrical.
d) Hydraulic.
e) Plumbing

15. BBS is used for which work? (4 marks)

a) Reinforcement work
b) Plumbing work
c) Slab concreting work
d) All the above

16. What are the different systems of dimensioning generally used? (4 marks)
a) Fractional inch
b) Decimal inch
c) SI metric
d) All the above

17. What is the use of Grid system? (4 marks)

a) To locate a specific point on a drawing
b) To allow dimensioning of an object
c) To make layers
d) None of these

18. Calculate the mean of 10, 14, 28 and 8? (4 marks)

a) 13
b) 14
c) 15
d) 16
19. Which of the following symbol represents wood? (4 marks)





20. Which of the following step/s taken to ensure good quality of construction drawings? (4 marks)
a) Check the dimensions of the drawing on site before delivering it to site.
b) Draw the drawing as per the specifications and standard.
c) Both a & B
d) None

CON/N8001-Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace

21. Which among the following is NOT an advantage of working in a team? (4 marks)
a) Knowledge sharing
b) Development of new ideas
c) Salary appraisal
d) Less misunderstanding

22. Which of the following is a way to increase participation? (4 marks)

a) Plan the meetings and share meeting agendas with people beforehand
b) Ask the leader of the group to run the meeting and talk the most.
c) Encourage everyone to talk whenever they have something to say, even if another
person is talking
d) Point out dominating behavior to everyone.
23. How can you resolve any confusion or conflict with a co-worker regarding work? (4 marks)
a) By talking to him
b) By fighting with him
c) By complaining to the supervisor
d) All of these

24. Which among the following will you do to build a good relationship with your fellow colleagues?
(4 marks)
a) Be aggressive
b) Ignore them when they need help
c) Talk to them politely
d) Only talk to them when you require help
25. Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways? (4 marks)
a) Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas
b) Establishing challenges for the team
c) Evaluating ideas during the idea generation stage
d) Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus

26. What is effective communication? (4 marks)

a) Talking in technical language
b) Communicating in local language of the group
c) Speaking in sign language
d) None

27. Why individuals should be encouraged to do work in a team?

a) To earn equal money
b) To blame others for mistake
c) To complete their work on time with desirable quality
d) All the above

28. What is/are the teamwork skill/s? (4 marks)

a) Active listening
b) Conflict management
c) Encourage people to pull their weight
d) Recognizing the achievements of others
e) All the above
f) None.

29. Which of the following may not come under the code of professional conduct for a draftsman?
(4 marks)
a) He should apply his skill to the creative, responsible and economical development of
his country.
b) Maintain a high standard of integrity.
c) Act with fairness and impartiality.
d) Pass on the work to others without prior agreement of his client.

30. For conflict management in a team, which of the following method may be adopted? (4
a) Let the disagreeing parties present their positions in detail, listen them carefully, and try
to come to a resolution that makes sense to everyone.
b) Terminate the team member who is responsible for the conflict.
c) Let the disagreeing parties fight among themselves, so that they can end their conflicts.
d) None

CON/N8002-Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes

31. Which of the following document is essential to understand the timelines to compete the
targets? (4 marks)
a) Work schedule
b) Job card
c) Work permit
d) Drawing and specifications

32. What is the full form of WBS? (4 marks)

a) Work Bounce Structure
b) Work Breakdown Structure
c) Work Break Structure
d) None of these

33. Which of the below is used to make sure that team members clearly known what work is
included in each package? (4 marks)
a) Project scope statement
b) Product scope
c) WBS Dictionary
d) Project plan

34. First step in planning process is to: (4 marks)

a) Set an objective
b) Evaluate alternatives
c) Determine strength & weaknesses
d) None of above

35. What would happen if a bar bender produces a lot of output in given time but without adhering
to the quality specifications? (4 marks)
a) The supervisor would love it
b) The team may earn a bonus from the employer
c) Nothing would happen
d) The work may fail while inspection and may get rejected

36. What is needed to complete a work on time? (4 marks)

a) Meeting
b) Planning
c) Surplus manpower
d) Discussing with others

37. Which technique is used in planning work? (4 marks)

a) Random selection
b) Bar-chart method
c) Pie-char method
d) None

38. What is the first step usually involve in prioritizing one’s work? (4 marks)
a) Set your break time
b) First complete your unnecessary task
c) Make and rank to-do list
d) none

39. Implementation of a plan requires____________? (4 marks)

a) Aligning, motivating, and inspiring team members.
b) Assuring team members that the results are important and worthy of their efforts.
c) Both a & b.
d) None

40. Which is/ are the major element/ s of an action plan? (4 marks)
a) Specific task
b) Time horizon
c) Resource allocation
d) All the above
Knowledge Assessment ( Written Test)
Jobrole Assistant Surveyor QP Code CON/Q0901
Total marks: 270 marks Duration: 90 minutes
Each NOS carries 90 marks and each question carries 2 marks
Infrastructure: Classroom, Benches, Pens, pencils
CON/N0901 Identify, select, use and store appropriate tools and instruments as per instructions
1 Which one of following is accessory of total station instrument
b.Prism Reflector
d.All the above
2 What is mesured by Survey chain
a.Horizontal angle
c.Vertical angle
d.Linear Distance
3 In metric Steel Tape, what does the smallest marking line indiacte
4 Identify the auto level from three images as shown below

a b c

A survey accessory shown in figure below, which of following instrument requires this for surveying operation

c.Foot Screw
d.None of the above
6 Paint should be stored in
b.Gunny bag
c.Airtight Container
7 The Assistant Surveyor carries out field work as per intsruction of Surveyor
8 In metric systen levelling staff what does smallest division corresponds to
9 What information does GPS gives about a survey point
d.All of the above
CON/N0902:Provide support in various surveying works
10 Conversion of 10 meters of length into feet will be equal to
11 The ground to be surveyed has length of 20 meter and width 10 meter. What will be the area
a. 200 Sq.m
b. 60 Sq.m
c.180 Sq.m
d.100 Sq.m
12 If measuring tape is not held properly in line and level, The measurement will be
a. More than actual
b.Less than actual
c. Equal to actual
d.All the above
13 What information control point established at site for surveying contains
d.Both a and b
14 Identify the following hand signal used in surveying work

a.Move in this direction

b.Move Up
c.Move down
d.Turning point
15 Identify the following symbol used in surveying work

16 Which one of following tools is used in linear mesurementby chain
b.Prism Reflector
17 What is unit of marking of The Reduced Level of elevation in benchmark
18 Which should be correct position of levelling staff in surveying work

19 The term TBM used in surveying refers to

a.Temporary back mark
b.Temporary bench meter
c.Total bench mark
d.Temporary bench mark

20 Which instrument is used to maintain same level maintained of all profiles/hurdlesin setting out work

c.Auto level
d.Ranging rod
21 Auto level can be used for measuring horizontal/linear distance
22 Ranging rods are used for chaining and fixing intermediate points in ranging
23 Levelling staff is foldable with locking facility
24 The method of setting out right angle line on ground by using mesuring tape is called
a. 1-2-3
b. 3-4-5
c. 4-6-8
d. 5-7-9
d.None of the above
CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction site
25 Tool box talks help in preventing the accidents

26 Mock drills are conducted to enable employees to know the response system in case of emergency

27 In case of fire, what should be done first
a.Raise the alarm
b.Leave the place
c.Stay at the place
d.try to douse the fire
28 What should be done after assemblingat the safe assembly point
a.Do not re-enter the site until instructions are given
b.Re-enter the site and continue to work
c.Leave the site without informing senior
d. Join emergency rescue team and help them
29 Which is correct body posture for shifting and lifting loads
30 Whom should employee report to In case of accident at site
a.Store representatives
b.Plant and Machinery represesntative
c.Accounts representative
d.EHS representative
31 Identify this PPE as shown below

d.Safety belt
32 Idetify the signage.
a.Emeregency Exit
b.Do Not touch
c.First aid
d.hazardous material
33 What is correct order of operation of fire Extinguisher

34 Which PPE is worn for hed protection
b.Hand gloves
c.Safety Shoes
35 What is the colour of dustbin for hazardous waste
36 What do you understand by segregation of wastes
a.Combining different types of wastes
b.Seperating different types of wastes
c.Burning of wastes
d.Collection of wastes
40 Why is housekeeping required
a.Decrease fire hazards
b.Improve morale
cImprove productivity (tools and materials will be esay to find
d.All the above
41 Which safety programme is conducted for new employees before they are permitted to enter the site
a.Mock drill
b.Tool Box
c.Safety Induction
During surveying work, How should total station machine should be shifted from one point to another
instrument point
a.By removing it from tripod
b.With tripod
CON/N0114: Carry out IPS / Tremix flooring works

1. Which of the following preparation needs to be done before IPS flooring? (2)
i. Removal of debris
ii. Slurry application
iii. Button marking
iv. All of the above

2. Why it is important to fill gaps in shuttering? (2)

i. It allows air inside concrete
ii. It prevents leakage of slurry
iii. It makes concrete more strong
iv. None of the above

3. What are the advantages of IPS flooring? (2)

i. Low cost
ii. Durable
iii. Easy maintenance
iv. All of the above

4. Which of the following aggregate is best suitable for IPS flooring? (2)
i. 20mm aggregate
ii. 10 mm aggregate
iii. 40mm aggregate
iv. None of the above

5. Which among the following will lead to a more durable and higher strength
concrete? (2)
i. High water-cement ratio
ii. Low water-cement ratio
iii. All of the above
iv. None of the above

6. Which tool is used to transfer reference level? (2)

i. Plumb Bob
ii. Measuring Tape
iii. Line Dori
iv. Water Level
7. After placement of concrete, what plays important role in gaining the strength to
concrete? (2)
i. Adequate concreting
ii. Removal of shuttering within an hour
iii. Removal of shuttering after one month
iv. None of the above

8. Which of the following material can be used as joint filler in tremix? (2)
i. Sand
ii. Water
iii. Asphalt
iv. None of the above

9. What is the advantage of Tremix flooring? (2)

i. High compressive strength
ii. Higher wear resistant
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

10. Which tool is used for compaction of concrete? (2)

i. Cutter
ii. Vibrator
iii. Hammer
iv. None of the above

CON/N0117: Place, level and finish concrete in various

structural elements including repair works

11. It is advisable to pour concrete from lower height, Why? (2)

i. It gives more strength
ii. It helps in less consumption of concrete
iii. It avoids segregation of aggregate
iv. None of the above

12. What do you understand by 1:2:4? (2)

i. 1-part sand, 2-part cement, 4-part aggregate
ii. 1-part sand, 4-part cement, 2-part aggregate
iii. 1-part cement, 2-part sand, 4-part aggregate
iv. 1-part aggregate, 2-part cement, 4-part sand
13. What is the importance of concrete cover for reinforcement? (2)
i. Protects rebar from corrosion
ii. Provide resistant against fire
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

14. What are the factors which may affect concrete strength? (2)
i. Proper Vibration
ii. Water Cement Ratio
iii. Slump
iv. All of the above

15. Workability of concrete is tested by __________. (2)

i. Water content test
ii. Compression test
iii. Slump test
iv. Penetration test

16. Which tool is used for groove cutting in concrete? (2)

i. Groove cutter
ii. Vibrator
iii. Hammer
iv. None of the above

17. Which of the following method is most suitable for curing of slab? (2)
i. Ponding
ii. Sprinkling water
iii. By curing compound application
iv. None of the above

18. Stiff concrete can be achieved by_______________. (2)

i. Low water/cement ratio
ii. High water/cement ratio
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

19. Concrete can be transported by ________________. (3)

i. Truck Mixer
ii. By bucket
iii. With concrete pump
iv. All of the above
20. Which of the following is a preliminary check before placing of concrete? (2)
i. Check for Curing
ii. Check for vibration
iii. Check for cover block
iv. None of the above

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired

results at the workplace

21. What are the benefits of seeking advice from seniors? (2)
i. It helps in error resolution
ii. It helps in completing the task early
iii. It helps in performing the task more effectively
iv. All of the above

22. Improper communication can lead to _____________. (2)

i. Completing work on time
ii. Hazardous conditions
iii. Delay in project completion
iv. All of the above

23. What are the main characteristics of a good work schedule? (2)
i. Priorities to important works
ii. Realistic timelines
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

24. What would you do if there is shot circuit in vacuum dewatering pump? (2)
i. Continue to work with it
ii. Throw away the pump
iii. Report it to the superiors
iv. None of the above
25. What are the benefits of team discussion? (2)
i. It helps in delay of works
ii. It helps in bad quality of works
iii. It helps in improving work quality and understanding between the team
iv. None of the above

26. If there is a new technology used in a task that you don’t know, what would you do
in that situation? (2)
i. Do task with old technology
ii. Leave the task
iii. Seek advice from seniors
iv. None of the above

27. What would you do if you have a conflict with your teammate? (2)
i. Fight with him
ii. Abuse him
iii. Complain to the seniors
iv. Try to resolve the problems by talking to them

28. Which among the following is helpful in building good relationship between the
various teams of the project? (2)
i. Interrupt them while working
ii. Ignore them
iii. Talk and discuss work with them
iv. None of the above

29. What would you do if a member in your team is doing incorrect work? (2)
i. Fight with him
ii. Talk and show him the right way
iii. Complain to the seniors
iv. Ask him to stop the work and leave

30. What happens when workers do not do the task as per the instructions? (2)
i. Works completes on time
ii. Work quality increases
iii. Delay in project and low quality
iv. None of the above
CON/N8002: Plan and organise work to meet expected

31. What would you do to complete a task in the given time frame? (2)
i. Show lazy behaviour
ii. Work alone
iii. Work with team by distributing work as per their competencies
iv. None of the above

32. What would you do if you have surplus material? (2)

i. Throw it away
ii. Waste it
iii. Keep it in a good place to avoid wastage
iv. None of the above

33. What are the demerits of bad housekeeping? (2)

i. It may cause tripping of worker
ii. It may cause unforeseen accidents
iii. It may lead to fire (Only for flammable material)
iv. All of the above

34. What would you decide to do first? (2)

i. Tasks which are not on priority
ii. Task which are on priority
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

35. How to avoid delay in consumption of concrete? (2)

i. Keep all the equipment ready for placement of concrete
ii. Keep all manpower attentive,
iii. Keep initial preparation ready for placement
iv. All of the above

36. Why work schedules are important? (2)

i. It helps us in delaying a task
ii. It helps in delay of the project
iii. It helps in understanding the timelines and sequence of activities
iv. None of the above
37. If you are assigned with a task to complete it in 5 hours, what will be your
target? (2)
i. Complete the task within 5 hours
ii. You will not be bothered about time
iii. You will take your time to complete it
iv. None of the above

38. If will you tell your co-worker if he forgot to do an important work assigned to
him? (2)
i. Fire him from the job
ii. Teach him the importance of resources
iii. Complain to seniors
iv. None of the above

39. Which of the following is essential to understand the sequence of job? (2)
i. Job specification
ii. Method statement
iii. Progress tracker
iv. None of the above

40. Which of the following is essential to understand the timeline of job? (2)
i. Work schedule
ii. Technical specification
iii. Work permit
iv. None of the above

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and

environment protocol at construction site

41. Which of the following is an unsafe working practice? (2)

i. Working on height with body harness
ii. Working on wet platform
iii. Working with hard hat on your head
iv. None of the above
42. Site safety induction is important, why? (2)
i. To aware the workers of safety practices
ii. To aware them of hazards and their resolutions
iii. To make them understand the importance of PPE’s
iv. All of the above

43. What is the use of safety goggles? (2)

i. To protect ears from high pitched sound
ii. To protect the head from falling objects
iii. To protect eyes from dust and debris
iv. All of the above

44. Power tools should be operated by______________? (2)

i. A person with no expertise of that tool
ii. By mason’s only
iii. By labours only
iv. A person with expertise in operation of that tool

45. Ladder should be placed at an angle of _________________ from ground. (2)

i. 90º
ii. 60º
iii. 180º
iv. 270º

46. Which of the following is correct way of lifting? (2)

47. It is required to store ______________ away from the electrical panels. (2)
i. Cement
ii. Sand
iii. Flammable material
iv. Bricks
48. Which of the following is a good safety practice? (2)
i. Wearing PPE’s on site
ii. Wearing body harness during working on height
iii. Wearing nose mask in dusty environment
iv. All of the above

49. What would you do after removal of shuttering? (2)

i. Throw away removed shuttering material
ii. Properly stage them away from walkway
iii. Let it remain on ground here and there
iv. All of the above

50. What do you understand by shown sign? (2)

i. Men are not allowed
ii. Women are not allowed
iii. Hard hat required in this area
iv. All of the above

CON/N0115: Lay and fix tiles horizontally and vertically on

wall and floors

1. Which of the following preparation needs to be done before tile flooring? (2)
i. Removal of debris
ii. Slurry application
iii. Button marking
iv. All of the above

2. What kind of surface is best suited for tile cladding? (2)

i. Rough surfaces
ii. Smooth surfaces
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

3. Which of the following types of tile is best suited for balconies? (2)
i. Glossy finish tiles
ii. Anti-skid tiles
iii. Both
iv. All of the above

4. It is advisable to use ___________ tiles for bathroom floors. (2)

i. Vitrified tiles
ii. Ceramic tiles
iii. Slate tiles
iv. None of the above

5. Identify the given tool in fig-(a). (2)

i. Notch trowel
ii. Hammer
iii. Spacer
iv. None of the above

6. Tool shown in fig-(b) is use for_____________. (2)

i. Spreading mortar
ii. Apply grouting
iii. Tile cutting
iv. Reference level transferring (b)
7. Arrange the following in their sequence from first to last in tile flooring. (3)
i. Mortar Laying
ii. Tile fixing
iii. Reference level transfer
iv. Grouting
v. Button marking
vi. Sealant application

8. Which of the following is post check of tile cladding? (3)

i. Check for hollowness in tiles
ii. Check for level of tile
iii. Check for mortar consistency
iv. None of the above

9. What are the pre-installation checks in tile flooring? (2)

i. Check for mortar consistency
ii. Check for tile texture
iii. Check for surface cleaning
iv. All of the above

CON/N0116: Apply grouts and sealants for flooring and

cladding works

10. Identify the tool shown in fig (a)? (2)

i. Grout spreader
ii. Grout scraper
iii. Grout float
iv. None of the above (a)

11. Identify the tool shown in fig-(b)? (2)

i. Grout spreader
ii. Grout scraper
iii. Grout float
iv. None of the above (b)

12. What is the first step in re-grouting? (2)

i. Application of grout
ii. Application of sealant
iii. Removal of previously applied grout
iv. None of the above
13. What is the last step of grouting process? (2)
i. Application of grout
ii. Removal of debris/ dust
iii. Application of sealant
iv. None of the above

14. Which of the following can be used as a grouting material? (2)

i. Water
ii. Aggregate
iii. Cement
iv. Sand

15. In case of packed grouts, preparation of the grout is done as per__________. (2)
i. Your understanding
ii. Producer’s recommendations written on packet
iii. Supervisor’s understanding
iv. By adding excess amount of water

16. Which of the following statement is correct? (2)

i. Grouting is done before tile installation
ii. Grouting is done after tile installation
iii. Grouting is done by sand
iv. None of the above

17. What do you understand by slope 1:25? (3)

i. For 25-meter length rise is 1 meter
ii. For 1-meter length rise is 25 meters
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

18. Wall tiles arrangement is shown in___________________. (3)

i. Section
ii. Elevation
iii. Plan
iv. None of the above
CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired
results at the workplace

19. What are the benefits of seeking advice from seniors? (2)
i. It helps in error resolution
ii. It helps in completing the task early
iii. It helps in performing the task more effectively
iv. All of the above

20. Improper communication can lead to _____________. (2)

i. Completing work on time
ii. Hazardous conditions
iii. Delay in project completion
iv. All of the above

21. What are the main characteristics of a good work schedule? (2)
i. Priorities to important works
ii. Realistic timelines
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

22. What would you do if there is shot circuit in tile cutting machine? (3)
i. Continue to work with it
ii. Throw it away
iii. Report it to the superiors
iv. None of the above

23. What are the benefits of team discussion? (3)

i. It helps in delay of works
ii. It helps in bad quality of works
iii. It helps in improving work quality and understanding between the team
iv. None of the above

24. What would you do if you have a conflict with your teammate? (2)
i. Fight with him
ii. Abuse him
iii. Complain to the seniors
iv. Try to resolve the problems by talking to them
25. Which among the following is helpful in building good relationship between the
various teams of the project? (2)
i. Interrupt them while working
ii. Ignore them
iii. Talk and discuss work with them
iv. None of the above

26. What would you do if a member in your team is doing incorrect work? (2)
i. Fight with him
ii. Talk and show him the right way
iii. Complain to the seniors
iv. Ask him to stop the work and leave

27. What happens when workers do not do the task as per the instructions? (2)
i. Works completes on time
ii. Work quality increases
iii. Delay in project and low quality
iv. None of the above

CON/N8002: Plan and organise work to meet expected


28. What would you do to complete a task in the given time frame? (2)
i. Show lazy behaviour
ii. Work alone
iii. Work with team by distributing work as per their competencies
iv. None of the above

29. What would you do if you have surplus material? (3)

i. Throw it away
ii. Waste it
iii. Keep it in a good place to avoid wastage
iv. None of the above

30. What are the demerits of bad housekeeping? (3)

i. It may cause tripping of worker
ii. It may cause unforeseen accidents
iii. It may lead to fire (Only for flammable material)
iv. All of the above
31. What would you decide to do first? (2)
i. Tasks which are not on priority
ii. Task which are on priority
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

32. How to avoid delay in consumption of grout? (2)

i. Keep all the equipment ready for application of grout
ii. Keep all manpower attentive,
iii. Keep initial preparation ready for application
iv. All of the above

33. Why work schedules are important? (2)

i. It helps us in delaying a task
ii. It helps in delay of the project
iii. It helps in understanding the timelines and sequence of activities
iv. None of the above

34. If you are assigned with a task to complete it in 5 hours, what will be your
target? (2)
i. Complete the task within 5 hours
ii. You will not be bothered about time
iii. You will take your time to complete it
iv. None of the above

35. Which of the following is essential to understand the sequence of job? (2)
i. Job specification
ii. Method statement
iii. Progress tracker
iv. None of the above

36. Which of the following is essential to understand the timeline of job? (2)
i. Work schedule
ii. Technical specification
iii. Work permit
iv. None of the above
CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and
environment protocol at construction site

37. Site safety induction is important, why? (3)

i. To aware the workers of safety practices
ii. To aware them of hazards and their resolutions
iii. To make them understand the importance of PPE’s
iv. All of the above

38. What is the use of safety goggles? (2)

i. To protect ears from high pitched sound
ii. To protect the head from falling objects
iii. To protect eyes from dust and debris
iv. All of the above

39. Power tools should be operated by______________? (2)

i. A person with no expertise of that tool
ii. By mason’s only
iii. By labours only
iv. A person with expertise in operation of that tool
40. Ladder should be placed at an angle of _________________ from ground. (2)
i. 90º
ii. 60º
iii. 180º
iv. 270º

41. Which of the following is correct way of lifting? (2)

42. It is required to store ______________ away from the electrical panels. (2)
i. Cement
ii. Sand
iii. Flammable material
iv. Bricks

43. Which of the following is a good safety practice? (3)

i. Wearing PPE’s on site
ii. Wearing body harness during working on height
iii. Wearing nose mask in dusty environment
iv. All of the above

44. What would you do after removal of shuttering? (2)

i. Throw away removed shuttering material
ii. Properly stage them away from walkway
iii. Let it remain on ground here and there
iv. All of the above

45. What do you understand by shown sign? (2)

i. Men are not allowed
ii. Women are not allowed
iii. Hard hat required in this area
iv. All of the above
TOTAL MARKS- 240 TIME- 90 Min.

CON/N3601: Mark layout for foundation, walls, soak pit/septic

tank and monitor earthwork activities for rural construction

1. Identify the following from given sketch and write in the given boxes. (5 X 4 = 20)
i. Stepped Footing
ii. Pile Foundation
iii. Pad Footing
iv. Sloped Footing

2. Which of the following method is used to check right angle of a layout? (5)
i. With Measurement Tape
ii. 3-4-5 Method
iii. With Line Dori
iv. None of the above

3. Which among the following methods is used for ensuring correctness of base? (5)

i. Dipping
ii. Ramming
iii. Backfilling
iv. None of the above

CON/N3602: Build brick/block masonry structures for rural


4. Which of the following method is used to check verticality of a brickwork? (5)

i. With Measurement Tape
ii. 3-4-5 Method
iii. With Line Dori
iv. With Plumb Bob
5. Which of the following defines 1:3 mortar ratio? (5)
i. 1-part cement + 3-part sand
ii. 3-part cement + 1-part sand
iii. All of the above
iv. None of the above

6. Identify type of bond from given sketch? (5)

i. Header Bond
ii. Stretcher Bond
iii. English Bond
iv. Flemish Bond

7. What kind of surface/ platform is suitable for mixing cement mortar? (5)
i. Grass surface
ii. Waterproof hard surface
iii. Sand bed
iv. Rock bed

8. What is the function of Lintel? (5)

i. To provide support to foundation
ii. To provide architectural looks
iii. To provide support to base of doors & windows
iv. To provide support to the above wall of openings

9. What are the methods by which you can check for quality of brick on site? (5)
i. By dropping from 1-meter height (Check for braking)
ii. By strucking two bricks together (Check for metallic sound)
iii. Texture of bricks (check for presence of free water-soluble salts)
iv. All of the above

CON/N3603: Build structures using random rubble masonry

10. Identify the stone. (5)

i. Bond Stone
ii. Brick
iii. Gravel
iv. Uncoursed stone
11. In RR masonry, raking is done __________________. (5)
i. To identify the location of joints
ii. To seal the joints
iii. To repair cracks in the wall
iv. When pointing or plastering is required to be done

12. What are hearting stones? (5)

i. Hammer dressed stones
ii. Chips or spalls of stones used for filling the voids between adjacent stones
iii. Heart shape stones
iv. Stones more than 150mm in size

13. Identify given tool. (5)

i. Measurement Tape
ii. Bolster Chisel
iii. Line Dori
iv. None of the above

14. Precaution to be taken during RR masonry is_________________. (5)

i. To provide bond stones at regular interval
ii. Pointing should be done with rich mortar.
iii. Continuous vertical joints should be avoided.
iv. All of the above

15. Which curing method is most suitable of curing of RRM? (5)

i. By wet Hassen clothes
ii. By ponding
iii. By sprinkling water
iv. None of the above is suitable

CON/N3604: Carry out IPS flooring in rural construction

16. Which among the following will lead to a more durable and higher strength
concrete? (5)
i. High water-cement ratio
ii. Low water-cement ratio
iii. All of the above
iv. None of the above
17. Why slope is provided in IPS floor? (5)
i. To make it good looking
ii. For curing
iii. For water drainage
iv. None of the above

18. Write correct sequence of the following steps of IPS in the given boxes. (5)
i. Concreting
ii. Glass/ PVC strip fixing of panels
iii. Button Marking
iv. Level Transfer

19. Which of the following is a preparatory task before IPS flooring? (5)
i. Level Transfer
ii. Material Inspection
iii. Removal of loose materials from the surface
iv. Tools inspection
v. All of the above

20. It is advisable to pour concrete from lower height, Why? (5)

i. It gives more strength
ii. It helps in less consumption of concrete
iii. It avoids segregation of aggregate
iv. None of the above

21. What do you understand by segregation in concrete? (5)

i. Segregation of aggregates from mortar
ii. It is green coloured
iii. It does not contain any aggregate
iv. None of the above

CON/N3605: Carry out Reinforcement steel works for R.C.C.

structures in rural construction

22. Identify tool from given sketch/photo? (5)

i. Hack Saw
ii. Bar Cutting Machine
iii. Power Saw
iv. Bar Bending Machine
23. Find the cut length of bar (10mm Փ) given in sketch? (5)
i. 1200mm
ii. 1240mm
iii. 1160mm
iv. None of the above

24. What deduction is done at 90º bend in reinforcement bar? (5)

i. 2X Փ of bar
ii. 1X Փ of bar
iii. 3X Փ of bar
iv. No deduction

25. Which of the following tie is recommended for lapping of rebar? (5)
i. Crown Tie
ii. Slash Tie
iii. Hair Pin Tie
iv. Splice Tie

26. Why reinforcement bars are provided in Concrete? (5)

i. To provide ductility
ii. To provide more strength
iii. To provide tensile strength to concrete
iv. All of the above

27. Identify the type of stirrup from given fig? (5)

i. 2 legged
ii. 4 legged
iii. 6 legged
iv. 8 legged

CON/N3606 Carry out shuttering works for RCC structures in

rural construction

28. What is the function of releasing agent in shuttering? (5)

i. For easy removal the form work
ii. To provide more strength
iii. To keep bond between shutter and concrete

iv. All of the above

29. Slab shuttering is removed after __________days. (5)
i. 2 days
ii. 5 days
iii. 7 days
iv. 14 days

30. What precautions need to be taken during dismantling shuttering? (5)

i. Proper Barication
ii. Lookout
iii. Personnel Protective Equipment
iv. All of the above

31. What type of ground is required for scaffolding erection? (5)

i. Flat Ground Surface
ii. Undulated Ground
iii. Grass Surface
iv. All of the above

32. ___________ is provided for more stable scaffold. (5)

i. Ramp
ii. Ladder
iii. Cross Bracing
iv. None of the above

33. What are the tools required for to check alignment & plumb of shuttering? (5)
i. Plumb bob
ii. Line dori
iii. Measuring Tape
iv. All of the above

CON/N3607: Carry out manual concreting in rural construction

34. What is the importance of concrete cover for reinforcement? (5)

i. Protects rebar from corrosion
ii. Provide resistant against fire
iii. Both
iv. None of the above
35. What are the factors which may affect concrete strength? (5)
i. Proper Vibration
ii. Water Cement Ratio
iii. Slump
iv. All of the above

36. Workability of concrete is tested by __________. (5)

i. Water content test
ii. Compression test
iii. Slump test
iv. Penetration test

37. Identify the process from the given photo. (5)

i. Concreting
ii. Shuttering
iii. Erection of scaffold
iv. Grove cutting

38. What are the causes of honeycombing? (5)

i. Inadequate vibrating
ii. Low workability of concrete
iii. Inadequate gap filling causing leakage of slurry
iv. All of the above

39. After placement of concrete, what plays important role in gaining the strength to
concrete? (5)
i. Adequate concreting
ii. Removal of shuttering within an hour
iii. Removal of shuttering after one month
iv. None of the above

CON/N3608: Install sanitary fittings and fixtures in rural toilets

40. What is the minimum safe distance between potable water sources and soak pit? (5)
i. 3 meters
ii. 30 meters
iii. 300 meters
iv. 3000 meters
41. Which among the following is used to maintain water level of toilet pan? (5)
i. S trap
ii. P trap
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

42. Gradients for floor are important for which among the following? (5)
i. Water accumulation
ii. Water drainage
iii. Water collection
iv. All of the above

43. What are the common problems that might arise in the sanitation system? (5)
i. Oil and grease get accumulated
ii. Non-biodegradable items clog the tank
iii. Roots of tree may clog the pipes
iv. All of the above

44. Which of the following method can be used for testing of pipes for any leakage? (5)
i. By water pressure testing
ii. By smoke testing
iii. Both
iv. None of the above

45. What of the following is the advantage of double pit and septic tank system? (5)
i. It does not contaminate ground water system
ii. Eliminates mosquito and fly breeding.
iii. Maintenance is easy
iv. All of the above
Scaffolder System
Theory Paper
Assessment for Certification, Level 4
Total Marks: 100 marks Time: 90 min
Qualification Pack Scaffolder System
Reference ID CON/Q0305
NSQF Level 4
Sector Construction
Occupation Scaffolding

CANDIDATE’S DETAILS (Fill in capital letters only)






TP/ TC stamp with signature:

Read the instruction carefully before starting:

 The assessment comprises of Theory, Practical.

 The theory section has 5 parts, consisting 41 numbers of questions.
 Write your name, aadhar number, father name, signature in the designated space.
 Use only Blue/ Black Ball point pens to fill/ answer the question paper.
 Read the questions carefully before answering.
 Put a tick mark ( ) against the right option.
 The tick mark ( ) should only be in the box which you want to mark as an answer.
 Select the most appropriate answer for multiple choice questions.

Theory Question Paper

CON/N0351 Erect and dismantle common customized system scaffolds.

Multiple choice questions

1. During which construction activity, scaffolding is not used? 2 Marks

a. Installing rebars
b. Plastering
c. Painting
d. Flooring

2. __________ are horizontal members normally in the direction of the smaller dimension of the working
2 Marks
a. Transoms
b. Ledgers
c. Tubes
d. Couplers

3. The following image represents which type of Scaffolding system? 2 Marks

a. Cup lock scaffolding

b. Ring lock scaffolding
c. Rigid tube scaffolding
d. Tube and coupler scaffolding

4. Why bracing is provided in the scaffolds? 2 Marks

a. To beautify its appearance
b. To eliminate any tendency for the scaffold to distort or sway
c. To eliminate any possibility of the fall of construction materials from the scaffold
d. None

5. A timber or other member used to distribute the load from base plate to the ground is called _______?
2 Marks
a. Base plate
b. Sole board
c. Toe board
d. Castor

6. Which of the following coupler is used to tie diagonal bracings in scaffold? 2 Marks
a. Right angle coupler
b. Swivel coupler
c. Putlog coupler
d. Sleeve coupler

7. A working platform should be at least _______ wide if the platform is used for the deposit of material.
2 Marks
a. 700 mm
b. 900 mm
c. 1500 mm
d. 1300 mm

8. A tube which is wedged between two opposing surfaces (for example window opening) to tie scaffold to
a building is called ________? 2 Marks
a. Reveal tie
b. Tie tube
c. Reveal pin
d. Joint pin

9. Working platform should be extended at least ______ beyond the end of wall, where work has to be
done at the end of the wall. 2 Marks
a. 300 mm
b. 600 mm
c. 200 mm
d. 100 mm

10. Which of the following statement is incorrect while dismantling a scaffold? 2 Marks
a. First, sole board should be removed.
b. Clear the platform of all loose material before any dismantling procedure starts.
c. Inspect the component and report if any damages
d. After dismantling the scaffolding, store and stack the materials in order.

CON/N0352 Erect and dismantle staircase tower and mobile tower scaffold.

11. Identify the scaffold component from the image below? 2 Marks

a. Stair rails
b. Stair Stringer
c. Exit handrail
d. Landing rail

12. Which of the following is the maximum angle of ascent for scaffold stairways as per IS code?
2 Marks
a. 75 degrees
b. 50 degrees
c. 30 degrees
d. 60 degrees

13. ________ must be fitted to prevent materials falling from access tower. 2 Marks
a. Kick board
b. Sole board
c. Hand rail
d. Landing

14. Scaffold exceeding ____ height, stairways are the safest means of access. 2 Marks
a. 10 meters
b. 4 meters
c. 2 meters
d. 8 meters

15. At which position “Caster” is fitted to the scaffold? 2 Marks

a. At the top of the standard
b. At the bottom of the standard
c. At the top of the hand rail
d. At the bottom of the hand rail

16. Identify the scaffold component from the image below? 2 Marks

a. Telescopic guard rail

b. Unit frame
c. Railing Holder
d. Standard

17. Which of the following tools is used to check the verticality of the mobile tower? 2 Marks
a. Spirit level
b. Measuring tape
c. Straight edge
d. Right angle

18. Which of the following component is used to avoid overturning of mobile towers? 2 Marks
a. Stabiliser
b. Toe board
c. Guard rail
d. Spigot

19. A toe board shall be erected along the edge of platforms above lower levels to________?
2 Marks
a. Provide strength to the scaffold
b. prevent any injury to the toe of the workers
c. prevent worker from falling off the platform
d. protect tools, materials, or equipment falling from a scaffold

20. Components of mobile tower scaffold should be stored in contact with cement or lime.
2 Marks
a. Statement is correct
b. Statement is not correct

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace.

21. Team occur when a number of people have __________ and recognize that their personal success is
dependent on the success of other? 3 marks
a) Same manager
b) Similar jobs
c) A common goal
d) A shared work environment

22. What is the first step to be followed by a scaffolder before engaging with scaffold erection work?
3 Marks
a) Understand the scope of work from supervisor
b) Arrange materials by random calculation
c) Engage helpers to erect the scaffold
d) Start erection work without getting work permit

23. What will happen if you do not interact with your co- worker? 3 marks
a) De-motivation
b) Encouragement
c) Excitement
d) None

24. Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways? 3 marks
a) Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas
b) By reporting to the supervisor
c) Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus
d) None

25. What will you do in case you are not well versed with some critical procedure in your work?
3 marks
a) Stay quiet and finish it somehow
b) Ask for help from the procedure expert
c) Decline to work
d) Any one of these

26. What is supposed to be done if the material gets damaged while executing the task?
2 marks
a) Replace the material without informing supervisor
b) Put blame on another team member
c) Inform supervisor about the damage
d) Dispose the damaged equipment without informing anybody

27. Teamwork in an organization leads to organizational: 3 marks

a) Empowerment
b) Weakness
c) Economy fall
d) Skills

CON/N8002: Plan and organize work to meet expected outcomes.

28. Which of the following is the basic requirement of preparing work schedule? 3 marks
a) To measure the quantity of work done
b) To understand the timelines
c) To assess the quality of work done
d) To understand the sequence of work
29. Sharing work is a good idea when? 3 marks
a) People are nice to you
b) When you take in other’s skill set into consideration
c) When you are feeling lazy
d) When you are sick

30. Which of the following should be referred while erecting mobile tower scaffold? 3 marks
a. Manufacturer instruction
b. Self-instructions
c. General instructions
d. Workers instructions

31. Which among the following is/are required when setting a work schedule? 3 marks
a) Resource required
b) Time required for completing per task component
c) Both of these
d) None
32. Which among these resources should be estimated before starting the work? 3 marks
a) Quantity of materials
b) Leaves
c) Wastage of materials
d) All of these

33. Who will assist a system scaffolder? 3 marks

a) Trained scaffold helper
b) Unskilled helper
c) Assistant mason
d) Assistant bar bender

34. Work done should be of high quality despite constraints? 2 marks

a) No
b) yes
c) impossible
d) depends on manager

CON/N9001: Work effectively to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction site.

35. What should you do in case the fire alarm start ringing? 3 marks
a) Keep working
b) Immediately stop the work and evacuate
c) Create a panic situation
d) None

36. Identify the unsafe working practice amongst the following? 3 marks
a) Welding without a mask
b) Walking bare feet at construction site
c) Using wires with no insulation
d) All of these

37. Identify the sign shown below: 3 marks

a) Not drinking water

b) Close the tap
c) Water not permitted
d) Do not touch

38. Identify the item from the image given below. 2 Marks

a) Half body harness

b) Half body apron
c) Full body harness
d) Full body apron

39. What should be done after assembling in the safe assembly point? 3 Marks
a) Do not re-enter the site until instructions are given
b) Re-enter the site and continue to work
c) Leave the site without informing senior
d) Join emergency rescue team and help them to extinguish fire

40. Which of the following basic emergency equipment used while working in a confined space?
3 Marks
a) Breathing apparatus
b) Emergency lamp
c) Sun safety glass
d) Fire extinguisher

41. What are the three basic requirements of a fire? 3 marks

a) Fuel, heat and hydrogen
b) Fuel, heat and Sulphur
c) Fuel, heat and nitrogen
d) Fuel, heat and oxygen

Theory Question Paper
Job role: Store Assistant(CON/Q1501)
Level: 3
Total Marks: 120 Time: 1 hours 30 min
Candidate's Name:
Roll No:

CON/N1501: Identify and handle materials, tools and equipment at stores/ stock in a
construction site.

1 Which of the following is harmfull for cement storage? 2 marks

a). Direct Sunlight
b). Moisture
c). All of these
d). Rain

2 Never use hook to lift or stage the cement bag. Why? 3 marks
a). It exposes the cement to the open atmosphere which may get damp
and misty.
b). Hook may have rust, which could contaminate the cement .
c). Hook may cause injury to the workers.
d). None of the above.

3 Which of the following represent correct grades of rebars, used during RCC 2 marks
structure construction.
a). M10, M15, M20
b). FY 250, FY 415, FY 500
c). 10 F, 12 F, 16 F
d). All the above.

4 A systematic approach for maintenance is: 3 marks

a). Problem- Diagnosis- Measure- Rectification
b). Problem- Cause- Diagnosis- Rectification
c). Problem- measure- Diagnosis- Rectification
d).Problem- Diagnosis- cause- Rectification

5 Which tools are refered as power tools? 3 marks

a). Tools which are heavy in weight.
b). Tools which required great strength of human for its operation.
c). Tools which required external power source such as electricity for its
d). Tools which are required to break strong wall.

6 2 marks
Which of the following set of tools are required by a bar bender and steel fixer?
a). trowel, shovel, spade, wooden hammer, vibrators.
b). Ball pin hammer, auger, screw driver, cutting chisel, bench vice.
c). Drilling machine, gas cutting tools, pliers, files, forklift.
d). Chisel, hammer, bar tying hook, bending lever, plumb bob.
7 Document tittled as "Gatepass" contains ………………..? 3 marks

a). The detail of items while making their movement outside the warehouse.
b). The detail of items received after purchasing.
c). The detail of staffs working in a warehouse.
d). The detail of clients visiting to a warehouse.

8 What does "inventory" means? 2 marks

a). A complete list of items/ goods in stock.
b). A list of items/ goods received recently to the store.
c). Old stock of items/goods
d). List of items/ goods used for procurement.

9 Which of the following is not a example of PPE ? 3 marks

a). Safety Hamlet
b). Safety harnesses
c). Gloves
d). Fire extinguisher

10 Sling and shackles are used for…………………..? 3 marks

a). Cutting purpose
b). Measuring purpose
c). Marking purpose
d). Lifting purpose

11 Identify the image shown below: 2 marks

a). Chain lock
b). Chain pulley
c). Weighing Machine
d). None

12 What is required to choose the appropriate location to store flammable, 2 marks

combustible or other hazardous materials?
a). Avoid storing them on high selves or in direct sunlight
b). Store them in a well ventilated area
c). Never use environmental room (also called cold/ warm rooms).
d). All the above

CON/N1502: Stack and store materials, tools and equipments at store/stock yard in
construction site.

13 Which of the following check is used to determine quality of cement? 2 marks

a). Date of manufacture should be seen on the bag because the strength of
cement reduces with age.
b). Take a pinch of cement between fingers and rub it. It should feel smooth
while rubbing. If it is rough, that means adulteration with sand.
c). Thrust your hand into the cement bag and it should give cool feeling. It
indicates that no hydration reaction is taking place in the bag.
d). All the above.

14 What are the impurities present in the sand? 2 marks

a). Clay and silt
b). Mica and salt
c). Organic matter
d). All the above

15 What size of coarse aggregate commonly used at a construction site? 3 marks

a).10 mm & 20 mm
b). 5 mm & 15 mm
c). 40 mm & 50 mm
d). 30 mm & 40 mm

16 1 m^3 of bricks contains ……………… numbers of brick? 3 marks

a). 300
b). 400
c). 500
d). 600

17 Number of cement bags can be stack(one above another) for safe storage? 3 marks
a). Not more than 4 bags
b). Not more than 10 bags
c). Not more than 8 bags
d). Not more than 6 bags

18 What does "FIFO" stands for? 2 marks

a). First-in, First out
b). Fourth-in, Fourth out
c). Fifth-in, fifth out
d). Fix-in, Fix out

19 Statement representing "Inventory Waste"? 3 marks

a). The number of raw materials, work in progress or finished goods that a
company holds.
b). The waste accumulated due to breakage.
c). Items/ goods not mentioned in inventory.
d). All the above

20 What are the reponsibilites for PPE storage. 2 marks

a). Checking of expiry dates on hard hats and other equipment.
b). Store PPE such as to prevent it from getting damage.
c). Staff also need to be made aware of the seriousness of looking after
d). All the above

21 Which statement is wrong, while selecting a storage container for flammable 3 marks
a). Store flammable liquids in an approved flammable storage cabinet, labeles
as "Flammable - Keep Fire Away".
b). Use large polypropylene ("Nalgene") containers with stopcocks or valves
at the bottom to store flammable liquids.
c). Cabinets no longer used for flammable liquids must be painted over so they
do not indicate flammable storage.
d). Never store flammable liquids in a standard or domestic refrigerator or

22 Not a correct practice to store power tools correctly? 3 marks

a). Keep it protected from dust, moisture & other adverse condition.
b). Keep moving parts lubricated.
c). As they are power tools, so they are not required to clean periodically.
d). Periodically inspect them for any signs of wear or damage

23 Housekeeping at workspace may include ? 2 marks

a). Gather up and remove debris to keep the work site ordely.
b). Keep the work area and all equipment tidy.
c). Plan for the adequate disposal of scrap, waste and surplus materials.
d). All the above

24 What care should be taken while storing flammable/ explosive materials 2 marks
a). Keep such materials in proper containers with contents clearly marked.
b). Close all the ventilators of the storage area.
c). Post signs prohibiting smoking, open flames and other ignition source in the
area of their storage.
d). Both "a" and "c"

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace.

25 What are the benefits of seeking advice from seniors? 3 marks

a). It helps in error resolution
b). It helps in completing the task early
c). It helps in performing the task more effectively
d). All of the above

26 What are the main characteristics of a good work schedule? 3 marks

a). Priorities to important works
b). Realistic timelines
c). Both
d). None of the above

27 Teamwork in an organization leads to organizational: 3 marks

a). Empowerment
b). Weakness
c). Economy falls
d). Unstability

28 Which of the following is/ are the common workplace waste/s? 3 marks
a). Overproduction
b). Processs with No Value-Add.
c). Non-Utilized talents.
d). All the above

29 Which of th following is true about "Feedback"? 3 marks

a). It is powerful management tool that helps people to get on track.
b). It serves as a guide to assist people to know how they and others perceive
their performance.
c). All a, b & d are true.
d). It also help to determine the best use of time.

30 Which doe not represents Non-verbal communication? 3 marks

a). Body language.
b). Tone and pitch of the voice, body movement, eye contact.
c). Facial expression, physiological changes such as sweating.
d). Speeches, discussions, presentations and conversations.

31 Healthy & cooperative environment at workplace leads to………..? 3 marks

a). Increase in productive
b). Decrease in productive
c). Creates harmony among employees
d). Both "a" and "c.

32 What is/are the teamwork skill/s? 3 marks

a). Active listening
b). Conflict management
c). Encourage people to pull their weight
d). Recognizing the achievements of others
e). All the above
d). None

33 How can you resolve any confusion or conflict with a co-worker regarding 3 marks
a). By talking to him
b). By fighting with him
c). By complaining to the supervisor
d). All of these

34 Which of the following may not come under the code of professional conduct 3 marks
for a Storekeer?
a). He should apply his skill to the creative, responsible and economical
development of his country.
b). Maintain a high standard of integrity
c). Act with fairness and impartiality.
d). Pass the responsibility to other if something went wrong.

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environmental protocol at

construction site.

35 Vertigo refers to……………………..? 3 marks

a). A type of fever
b). A sense of spinning dizziness.
c). A fear of heights.
d). None

36 Why water is not used to extinguish fire caused due to electricity? 3 marks
a). Water is not capable to extinguish fire caused due to electricity.
b). Water contains impurities.
c). Water would conduct the electricity and risk harm to the operator.
d). Water can be used to extinguish electrical fire.

37 Fire caused due to flammable liquid or gas comes under which class? 3 marks
a). Class A
b). Class B
c). Class C
d). Class D

38 "Head & scalp protection" is to protect………………..? 3 marks

a). The head in falls.
b). Against falling objects, impact with fixed objects, or wielded weapons.
c). The head by thermal insulation.
d). All the above

39 Which one is not use for eye protection? 3 marks

a). Goggles
b). Aprons
c). Face shields
d). Visors

40 Identify the image shown: 3 marks

a). Fall arrestor
b). Pulley
c). Spring balance
d). Slings

41 Accident report must include: 3 marks

a). Date of recording, details of the company & personal details of the person(s)
b). Location, date and time of the incident
c). Description of the injury, illness or incident.
d). All the above.

42 Effective housekeeping not results in: 3 marks

a). Fewer accidents by creating an orderly, clutter-free, spill-free work
b). Decreased fire hazards
c). Improved control of tools and materials
d). Exposure to hazardous substances

43 What does "Material Safety Data Sheets" contains: 3 marks

a). How to properly use the item.
b). How to store it and what precaution to take.
c). What the employee should do if an accident occurs
d). All the above
e). None

44 What to do when load is oversized and too bulky to properly grasp or lift 3 marks
a). Get a co-worker to assist you to reduce risk to yourself and avoid
damaging the material.

b). Do the work alone, as it will indicate that you are hard working employee.
c). Decline to do the job.
d). Damage the material, so that you could escape the job.
Figure -1

Layout plan of building

N 20 metre

Room Room
9.6m x7m 9.6mx7m

9.6m x7m
15 metre

Dining Hall

Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 2 Figure 3
Skill Assessment Test
Job role - Surveyor QP Code-CON/Q1004
Total Marks :180 Marks Duration: 2 hr 30 minutes

Part A - ( Practical/demonstration At yard)

Time: 1 hr 30 Mins Marks: 90
Infrastructure: Auto level instument and accessories &Total station and accessories, Two known control point having coordinates( Northing
and easting) and elevations, Measuring Tape,paint,Lime,Wooden peg,Hammer

Note: The task will be performed in a group of 4

CON/N0903 Carry out temporary adjustment of survey instruments by standard methods

1 Refer activity of Question No.-3 ,Carry out centering and levelling of Total station 25

Conduct linear measurements using survey instruments and tools

2 Refer activity of Question No-3, Measure linear distance between any two cornor points of building by 25
total station.

CON/N0903 Carry out setting out works

3 Refer figure 1 ,perform setting out corner points of building by instrument Total station. Note: Two 25
known control will be given at site and Coordinates of one of cornor points will be choosen as per
site condition,
CON/N9002: Manage workplace for safe and healthy safe environment

Refer activity of Question N0.-3, demostrate use of relavant PPEs applied for this activity. 15
Part B- ( Written Test)
Time : 1 hour Marks:90
Infrastructure: Classroom, Benches, Pens, pencils

Carry out levelling and cross sectioning survey

Prepare a table showing all entries of cross sectioning survey data of highway section of length 30 m
and 7 m width. Considering survey points are taken at 10 m interval longitudinally and 2 m cross
1 25
sectionally. of work. The benchmark RL is (+100.00 M) Assume staff reading data by yourself.Also
mention airthmetic checks applied to for accuracy of work

Carry out topographic survey

Refer figure 1 &2 , prepare schematic drawing of cross section of contour plan and name the
2 25
coresponding physical/relief features corresponding each drawn cross section ?

Plan, arrange and manage resources for execution of relevant work

Refer given task of question no-3. Estimate manpower,materials ,tools &tackles for any Question No-
3 25

CON/N9002: Manage workplace for safe and healthy safe environment

5 Prepare sample of incident/accident reporting form 15

Knowledge Assessment ( Written Test)
QP Name - Surveyor QP Code:CON/Q0902
Total marks: 280 marks Duration: 150 minutes
Each Nos carry 40 marks each
Infrastructure: Classroom, Benches, Pens, pencils
CON/N0903 Carry out temporary adjustment of survey instruments by standard methods

List down types of errors occurred if proper centering and levelling are not done for auto level and total
1 10
stations instument in survey work

2 outline the difference between temporary and permananent adjustment of survey instruments 10

3 List down step-wise operation invloved in temporary adjustment of total station 10

4 List down step- wise procedure of permanent adjustment of auto level 10

CON/N0904 Conduct linear measurements using survey instruments and tools

What are different types of tapes and chains based on material, length and unit.? List out step wise
5 10
procedures of linear meaurement through tape

What are possible errors which occur during linear meaurement operation through chains and tapes and list
6 10
out methods to avoid these errors

Explain standard hand signals used in surveying work and their interpretation? What are common errors occur
7 10
due to misinterpretation of handsignal during surveying work

At some instance during surveying work,the total station starts showing errors,list out the types of errors and
8 10
cooresponding reasons
CON/N0905 carry out leveling and cross sectioning Survey

List down all the components of Total station instrument? Please mention accuracy upto angle &distance can
9 10
be meaured.

What do you understand by levelling and for what purpose it is done ?List down all types of instument used in
10 10
levelling work
List down probable errors encountered while conducting levelling and cross sectioning by total stations and
11 10
corresponding corrective measures?

12 List down step wise procedure of transferring survey data from total station to computer system 10

CON/N0906 Carry out setting out work

13 What are preparatory works required to be done before starting setting out work 10

List down the types surveying instruments used in setting out work and their advantages over eachother and
14 10
their limitations

What is mathematical principle employed in setting out right angle line. Explain, How is this applied on
15 10
ground ?

List out the probable errors which can be occurred during setting out work and also mention corresponding
16 10
sources and methods to avoid them.

CON/N907 Carry out topographic survey

List down all the information which can be extracted from topogaphy map ?What is importance of different
17 10
colours used in the topography map.
18 What do understand by contours?what does contour interval indicates and how is this represented 10

What it indicates about slope when spacing between contours get narrow to wide.what landforms two
19 10
intersecting lines represent?

What are different scales used in topography Map, explain,how is scale of map is appied to findout the
20 10
distance between two points on ground?

CON/N7001 Plan, arrange and manage resources for execution of relevant work

21 Outline service request procedure for equipment ,tools and tackles in an organisation 10

22 Explain ,why the recording of daily productive rate and daily attendance register is important? 10

23 List down the important points which should be taken into account for optimum use of resources 10

24 What are important points to be taken care of while briefing team members about work 10

CON/N9002: Manage workplace for safe and healthy safe environment

25 Explain the importance of mock drills, tool box talks 10

26 List out hazards associated with surveying work 10

Explain safe practices to be adopted while carrying out surveying work also list out PPEs used ins urveying
27 10
28 Explain ,the standard procedure of response in case of emergencies at construction site 10

CON/N0606: Identify and handle different tools, measuring devices and materials relevant to LV
electrical works (Marks 20)

1. ………………………. is a piece of electronic test equipment used to determine the presence of electricity in a piece of
equipment under test. (Marks 2)
a. Voltage tester Ans
b. Insulation tape
c. Wire strippers
d. Screw Driver

2. Match the following: (Marks 3)

i. The instrument used for measuring the resistance of the earth j. Digital Multimeter
ii. This instrument measures current in a circuit in amperes k. Earth Tester
iii. It is a test tool used to measure two or more electrical values l. Tong tester (Clamp meter)

a. i-k, ii-l, iii-j Ans

b. i-l, ii-k, iii-j
c. i-l, ii-j, iii-k
d. i-j, ii-k, iii-l

3. Identify the image? (Marks 2)

a. Drill machine Ans

b. Hand cutting machine
c. Hand grinding machine
d. Hacksaw

4. Identify the image? (Marks 2)

a. Wattmeter
b. Digital Multi meter Ans
c. Energy meter
d. Analog multi meter

5. The device 'Megger' is used for: (Marks 2)

a. it is used to measure electrical resistance Ans
b. it is used to measure current
c. it is used to measure voltage
d. it is used to measure frequency

6. Identify the image? (Marks 2)

a. Wire stripper Ans

b. Wire cutter
c. Plier
d. Hammer

7. A ………………….., is a weight, usually with a pointed tip on the bottom, suspended from a string and used as a
vertical reference line. (Marks 3)
a. Plumb bob Ans
b. Measuring tape
c. Spirit Level
d. Line thread

8. Which of the following is an accessory used in electrical works? (Marks 2)

a. Wires
b. Cables
c. Conduits
d. All of the above Ans

9. Which of the following is a good practice to be followed while handling material and fixtures relevant to LV
electrical works? (Marks 2)

a. Check for breakages, cracks, damp, corrosions etc

b. Shift lights, cables, conduits, cable trays, brackets to the appropriate work locations
c. Provide protective cover, erect barricading, signage around the stacked materials adequately
d. All of the above Ans

CON/N0607: Carry out wall chasing and external threading on MS conduit (Marks 20)

10. Which of the following hand tool is not used in wall chasing? (Marks 4)
a. Chisel
b. Hammer
c. Nails
d. Safety Googles Ans

11. Which of the electrical material is not required for wall chasing? (Marks 4)
a. Cables
b. Wires
c. Conduits
d. Hammer Ans

12. Which of following is advantage of conduit? (Marks 4)

a. Protects electrical wires from accident or damage
b. Allows cables to be easily pulled off to inaccessible areas
c. Allows wiring changes in safe and simple
d. All of the above.

13. Which of the following is not a kind of measuring instrument? (Marks 4)

a. Measuring tape
b. Plumb bob
c. Mason’s line
d. Drilling machine Ans

14. Which of the following method can be used for wall chasing? (Marks 4)
a. By using drilling machine
b. By using hand cutting machine
c. Both a and b Ans
d. Only a

CON/N0104: Carry out manual earthwork at construction sites (Marks 20)

15. A ………………………. is a small hand tool used for digging, applying, smoothing, or moving small amounts of
viscous or particulate material. (Marks 3)
a. Trowel Ans
b. Ladder
c. Mortar Pan
d. Hammer

16. Identify the image? (Marks 3)


a. Shovel Ans
b. Trowel
c. Mortar Pan
d. Spade

17. Before starting marking activity, earth surface should be cleaned by using proper hand tools.
(Marks 2)
a. Correct Ans
b. Incorrect

18. Identify the tool given in the image below? (Marks 3)

a. Pick axe Ans

b. Hammer
c. Screwdriver
d. Trowel

19. Which of the following equipment will be used to assess earth pits? (Marks 2)
a. Ladder Ans
b. Wire
c. Cable
d. Wooden pegs

20. Identify the one which is not a marking tool? (Marks 2)

a. Wooden pegs
b. Lime, ropes
c. Line threads
d. Screwdriver Ans

21. Identify the tools which are used for disposing earth from the excavated pit? (Marks 2)
a. Spade
b. Wheel Barrows
c. Only a
d. Both a and b Ans

22. ………………… is a process of increasing soil density and removing air, usually by mechanical means.
(Marks 3)
a. Compaction Ans
b. Backfilling
c. Erection
d. Dismantling

CON/N0101: Erect and dismantle temporary scaffold of 3.6 m height (Marks 20)

23. A temporary structure on the outside of a building, made of wooden planks and metal poles, used by workmen
while building, repairing, or cleaning the building is known as
(Marks 3)
a. Scaffolding Ans
b. Shuttering
c. Masoning
d. Re-constructing

24. Which of the following is the best practice to be followed while erecting and dismantling temporary scaffold of 3.6 m
height? (Marks 3)
a. Maintain tidiness at work location
b. Clean and stack all components properly after dismantling
c. Check for rigidity, stability and support of erected scaffold
d. All of the above Ans

25. Which of the following tool is used to transfer level from reference point? (Marks 3)
a. Plumb bob
b. Spirit level
c. Water level
d. None of the above

26. Identify the image of the tool given below? (Marks 3)

a. Circular saw
b. Jig saw
c. Hammer
d. Combination wrench Ans

27. Which of the following points needs to be consider during dismantling of scaffold?
(Marks 2)
a. Throw material from height
b. Stack material properly after dismantling Ans
c. Do not use body harness
d. All of the above

28. Which of the following is a type of scaffold? (Marks 2)

a. Cup Lock scaffold
b. Frame scaffold
c. Only a
d. Both a and b Ans

29. The purpose of a …………………. is prevent objects, tools and equipment being falling over the edge or being
knocked from the scaffolding structure. (Marks 2)
a. Toe board Ans
b. Walkways
c. Ladder
d. Guard rails

30. Which of the following checks should be conducted on completion of erection of scaffolds? (Marks 2)

a. Check on verticality
b. Check on stability
c. Only a
d. Both a and b Ans

CON/N8001: Work effectively in a team to deliver desired results at the workplace

(Marks 20)

31. Which of the following is the best method to review the quality of work done? (Marks 2)
a. By taking feedback from manufacturer
b. By taking feedback from top management
c. By taking feedback from juniors
d. By taking feedback from reporting senior

32. What is supposed to be done if tool gets damaged while executing the task? (Marks 2)

a. Hide the problem with senior

b. Inform to the reporting senior about the damage
c. Dispose the damaged tool without informing anybody
d. None of the above

33. Which of the following is considered as a negative development for a team (Marks 2)
a. Cooperation
b. Mutual understanding
c. Communication gap
d. Helping each other

34. What should be done if there is lack of coordination found within the team? (Marks 2)
a. Do not bother about others opinion and argue with them
b. Discuss with team member and resolve the conflict
c. Stop the work and protest with the team member
d. Escalate it to the management and wait for the action
35. Which of the following is the key function of a team member? (Marks 2)
a. Coordinating with team members
b. Maintaining communication gap with team members
c. Always seeking help from team member
d. Spreading rumours within the team

36. Team occur when a number of people have __________ and recognize that their personal success is dependent on the
success of other? (Marks 2)
a. Same manager
b. Similar jobs
c. A common goal
d. A shared work environment

37. What is the first step to be followed by a scaffolder before engaging with scaffold erection work?
(Marks 2)

a. Understand the scope of work from supervisor

b. Arrange materials by random calculation
c. Engage helpers to erect the scaffold
d. Start erection work without getting work permit

38. What will happen if you do not interact with your co- worker? `(Marks 2)
a. De-motivation
b. Encouragement
c. Excitement
d. None

39. Team creativity can be promoted in which of the following ways? (Marks 2)
a. Establishing a competitive environment to promote creative ideas
b. By reporting to the supervisor
c. Stressing deadlines to encourage intensity and focus
d. None

40. What will you do in case you are not well versed with some critical procedure in your work? (Marks 2)
a. Stay quiet and finish it somehow
b. Ask for help from the procedure expert
c. Decline to work
d. Any one of these

CON/N9001: Work according to personal health, safety and environment protocol at construction site
(Marks 20)

41. Site safety induction is important, why? (Marks 3)

a. To aware the workers of safety practices

b. To aware them of hazards and their resolutions

c. To make them understand the importance of PPE’s

d. All of the above

42. What is the use of safety goggles? (Marks 3)

a. To protect ears from high pitched sound

b. To protect the head from falling objects
c. To protect eyes from dust and debris
d. All of the above

43. Power tools should be operated by (Marks 3) ?

a. A person with no expertise of that tool

b. By mason’s only
c. By labours only
d. A person with expertise in operation of that tool

44. Ladder should be placed at an angle of……………………….from ground. (Marks 3)

a. 90º

b. 60º

c. 180º

d. 270º

45. It is required to store ……………………. away from the electrical panels. (Marks 2)

a. Cement

b. Sand
c. Flammable material
d. Bricks

46. Which of the following is a good safety practice? (Marks 2)

a. Wearing PPE’s on site

b. Wearing body harness during working on height
c. Wearing nose mask in dusty environment
d. All of the above

47. What do you understand by shown sign? (Marks 2)

a. Men are not allowed

b. Women are not allowed
c. Hard hat required in this area
d. All of the above

48. Which of the following is correct way of lifting? (Marks 2)


A. B.
Job role- Supervisor-Roads and Runways QP Code-CON/Q1004

Total Marks-200 Marks Duration- 150 Minutes

Each NOS - 40 Marks

Infrastructure: Classroom, Benches, Pens, pencils


CON/N1011: Maintain coordination among superiors and subordinates

List down the types of drawings and some standard code of practice related to materials used in pavement
1 5
construction work

List down the Name of document( pre,progressive,post) required at construction site for pavement construction
2 5

3 List down the sequence of activities (pre,progressive ,post) involved in laying of flexible pavement 5

4 The full form of abbreviation used in pavement construction work as listed below

SD 5

List down types of manpower required for flexible and rigid pavement construction work and their average
5 10
productivity rate
6 Explain the standard procedure of handling bitumious mix and admixtures 10

CON/N1012: Organise equipments and complete preparatory works prior to pavement laying

7 What should be methods/approaches to minimize idle time of machineries? 5

8 List down all hand and power tools used in Laying of WBM/WMM,Bitumnious courses 5

what are preparatory activities carried out before deploying equipments at flexible pavement
9 10

What should be important instruction points to Equipment Operator from supervisor while carrying out
10 10
activities involved in pavement construction work

11 List down the productivity of Each equipment listed below in relevant applied units 10

batching plant
Hot mix plant

CON/N1013: Supervise construction works in flexible and rigid pavements

12 What should be done to those portions of pavement which are inaccessible to roller for compaction 5

13 What are methods or features added in pavement to avoid damage from rainfall 5
14 What are the checks done in reinforced concrete work and how are these perfomed? 10

15 Explain step by step procedure of laying bituminous mix in surface and binder courses by paver machine 10

Differentiate between Prime coat, Seal coat and Tack coat. List out the corresponding courses to each of these coats
16 10
is applied after?

CON/N1014: Carry out checks to the completed works in flexible/ rigid pavement

How many types of vibrator are used for compaction of concrete, explain step by step procedure of compaction of
17 10
concrete in rigid pavement.

18 Explain in brief the different types of curing method including advanatges of each mothod? 10

19 Explain methodology of repairing work of rigid pavement. 10

Listout the checks performed on construction materials bitumen ,cement , aggregates,admixtures, steel
20 10
Reinforcement bars

CON/N9002: Manage workplace for safe and healthy work environment

21 Explain the importance of mock drills, tool box talks 8

22 List out hazards associated with pavement construction work 8

23 Explain safe practices while carrying out pavement construction work 8

24 Explain the best housekeeping practices which should be adopted at construction site 8

25 Explain the response system in case of emergencies 8

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