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Iso 6453 1985

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International Standard


Polymeric materials, cellular flexible - Polyvinylchloride

foam sheeting - Specification
Ma tkriaux polymtkes alv6olaires souples - Feuilles de mousse de polychlorure de vin yfe - Sphcifications

First edition - 1985-12-15

- UDC 678.743.22 - 408.8 Ref. No. ISO 64534985 (E)

Descriptors :
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take patt in the work.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 6453 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45,
Rubber and rubber products. (standards.iteh.ai)
Users should note that all International ISO 6453:1985
Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
Jatest edition, unless otherwise stated. d4cfd24cc07c/iso-6453-1985

0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1985

Printed in Switzerland

Polymeric materials, cellular flexible - Polyvinylchloride

foam sheeting - Specification


0 Introduction 1 Scope and field of application
ISO 6453:1985
Flexible cellular polyvinylchloride (PVC) sheeting is available in This International Standard specifies requirements for flexible
two types as follows: cellular PVC in the form of sheets up to 100 mm in thickness for
use in applications involving dielectric (HF) welding (for
type 1 - open cell material ; example padding and quilting).

type 2 - closed celi material. Two types of sheeting are specified as follows:

type 1 - open cell material;

The sheeting is graded according to hardness index, measured
in accordance with ISO 2439. For type 1 sheeting, a Single type 2 - closed cell material.
hardness level is specified, but for type 2 sheeting, a range is
specified. For sheeting which is available in any thickness up to
approximately 100 mm, the material indentation hardness index 2 References
is specified. For type 2 material, which is normally available
only in thicknesses much less than 50 mm, it is necessary to ISO 105, Textiles - Tests for colour fastness
use a test piece consisting of a number of plies, and the pro-
duct indentation hardness index is therefore specified. Section A03, Grey scale for assessing staining.

Section BOl, Colour fastness to light: Daylight.

Attention is drawn to the commercial availability of sheeting
complying with the requirements of this International Standard ISO 045, Cehlar rubbers and plastics - Determination of
and claimed to have flame retardant characteristics. Specific apparen t density.
requirements for this type of sheeting cannot be included in this
International Standard because no generally accepted method IS 0 1798, Flexible ceifu/ar ma terials - Determination of tensife
of test for flammability is available, although ISO 3795 strength and elongation at break.
(FMVSS 302) is commonly used in the motor industry. Efforts
to devise such a method are being made at both the national ISO 1856, Polymeric ma terials, cellular flexible - Determi-
and international Ievels. Sheeting with flame-retardant charac- na tion of compression set.
teristics is normally coloured pink or printed with appropriate
identification. ISO 1923, Cellular plastics and rubbers - Determination of
linear dimensions.
Further requirements on fogging and Sound absorbance, and
improvements in the method for assessing low-temperature IS 0 2439, Polymeric ma teriairs, cehlar flexible - De termi-
characteristics, are under consideration. na tion of hardness (inden ta tion technique).

ISO 6453-1985 (E)

ISO 2440, Flexible cellular ma teriais - Acceiera ted ageing 4.3 Procedure
tes ts.
Determine the appropriate (material or product) indentation
ISO 3795, Road vehicies - Determination of burning hardness index of the test piece as described in ISO 2439, pro-
behaviour of interior Materials for motor vehicies. cedure A. Place the test piece in the air oven at a temperature
of 100 + 2 OC for 22 to 24 h. At the end of this period, remove
the test piece and allow it to stand for 22 to 24 h at room
temperature. Remeasure the appropriate indentation hardness
index as described in ISO 2439, procedure A.

3 Sampling, conditioning and measurement

4.4 Expression of resuhs
3.1 Sampling
The Change in indentation hardness as a result of ageing, C,
expressed as a percentage of the original value, is given by the
Take representative samples of the flexible cellular PVC
sheeting selected at random, the number and size of the
Sample being agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
The preferred number of samples is three. Lf - Lo
- x 100

3.2 Sample preparation

Remove any backing as carefully as possible to avoid darnage is the original indentation hardness index;
to the cellular material. The use of tetrahydrofuran, butanone
(MEK) or acetone as a stripping aid is permissible. If these is the indentation hardness index after ageing.
solvents are used, minimal quantities shall be employed and the
conditioning period (sec 3.3) shall be extended to 24 h. NOTES
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW 1 In cases of dispute, test pieces of different composition should be
3.3 Conditioning aged individually.
2 Normally the result will be negative.
Samples shall be tested not less than 16 h after manufacture.
They shall be conditioned immediateiy before testing for aISO 6453:1985
period of not less than 16 h in one 0; the following Standard
atmospheres :
5 Low-temperature
d4cfd24cc07c/iso-6453-1985 resistance test
a) 23 + 2 OC, 50 + 5 % relative humidity for temperate
climates; or 5.1 Apparatus

b) 27 rt 2 OC, 65 + 5 % relative humidity for tropical 5.1.1 Flexing apparatus, as shown in the figure.
5.1.2 Cold box, capable of being maintained at temperatures
of - 5 + 2 OC, - 10 rt 2 T, -25 + 2 OC, -40 + 2 OC, and
3.4 Test temperature large enough to permit the bending of the test piece while it is
still in the box. The door should be at the top.
Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be carried out at a
temperature of 23 + 2 OC or 27 + 2 OC.
5.2 Test piece

The test piece shall consist of a Strip about 50 mm wide and

120 mm long, having a thickness of 3 + 0,25 mm, made from
sheeting of the Same composition as the sheeting under test.
4 Air oven ageing test
Test pieces of thick material shall be reduced by cutting.
4.1 General

This tesa measu res the Change in indentation hardness 5.3 Procedure
prod uced on ageing i n a ventilated oven.
Place the test piece under %he mandrel and clamp of the flexing
device, one end being left free. Suspend the apparatus in the
4.2 Apparatus cold box at a temperature Chosen from one of the ranges
-5 t- ZOC, - 10 + 2 OC, -25 -f- 2 OC, -40 + 2 OC, for a
A ventilated oven with forced air circulation, of sufficient size period of 2 to 3 h. At the end of this period open the cold box
to allow free circulation of air with the test piece in Position, and close the flexing apparatus as quickly as possible, taking no
and capable of maintaining the test piece at a temperature of more than 1 s, so that rhe test piece is bent through 18OO.
100 + 2 OC, is required. Report any Cracks in the test piece.

ISO 64534985 EI

6 Type 1 sheeting properties information, unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and
the purchaser :

6.1 Structure a) the name and/or distinctive mark of the manufacturer;

The material shall consist substantially of a network of open b) the batch number or other reference to identify the
cells, but may have a small Proportion of closed cells. The material with a manufacturing batch;
material shall be of substantially uniform structure and free c) the nominal thickness;
from defects likely to affect serviceability. Surface skin shall
normally be removed but, if required, it may be left on. d) the nominal width;
e) the nominal length;
NOTE - Type 1 sheeting normally has less than 6 % closed cells.
f) the number of this International Standard with the
type and grade of sheeting as suffix, for example
6.2 Colour ISO 6453/1/210.

The colour shall be as agreed between the purchaser and the

supplier. 7 Type 2 sheeting properties

7.1 Structure
6.3 Dimensions
The material, usually produced on a backing or a carrier, shall
The dimensions shall be as agreed between the purchaser and consist substantially of a network of closed cells, but may have
the supplier subject to the following tolerantes: a small Proportion of open cells. The material shall be of
substantially uniform structure and free from defects likely to
a) length and width - 0, +2 % of the specified nominal affect serviceability. Any surface skin shall not adversely affect
values ; the Performance characteristics.

b) thickness
- 0, +0,6 mm or 10 % of the specified 7.2 Colour .
nominal value, whichever is the greater. (standards.iteh.ai) The colour shall be as agreed between the purchaser and the
Dimensions shall be determined in accordance with ISO 1923, supplier.
after preparation as described in clause 3. ISO 6453:1985
7.3 Dimensions
6.4 Physical properties
The dimensions shall be as agreed between the purchaser and
the supplier subject to the following tolerantes:
The material shall comply with the requirements specified in
table 1. All tests shall be carried out on material samples and
a) length and width - 0, +2 % of the specified nominal
under conditions as specified in clause 3.
values ;

b) thickness - 0, +0,6 mm or 10 % of the specified

6.5 Marking nominal value, whichever is the greater.

Esch roll or lot of type 1 sheeting shall have attached to it, or Dimensions shall be determined in accordance with ISO 1923
to its immediate packing, a label bearing the following after preparation as described in clause 3.

Table 1 - Physical requirements for type 1 sheeting

Property Method of test
or limit

Material indentation hardness index 210 21 40 N ISO 2439, procedure A

Air oven ageing: change in material indentation
hardness index, max. +20 % Clause 4 and ISO 2446
Compression set, max. 20 % ISO 1856, method B, except test piece 12 mm
thick using 50 % compression
Density Agreed value + 15 % ISO 845
Tensile strength, min. 100 kPa ISO 1798
Elongation at break, min. 80 % ISO 1798
Low-temperature resistance No Cracks Clause 5
Organic materials staining l) Shall not stain Annex
1) By agreement between purchaser and supplier the requirement for non-staining may be deleted.

ISO 6453-1985 (El

7.4 Hardness 7.6 Marking

Sheeting shall be supplied in the grades of hardness as Esch roll or lot of type 2 sheeting shall have attached to it, or to
specified in table 2 when tested by the method described in its immediate packing, a label bearing the following infor-
ISO 2439, procedure A, except that preloading shall be to mation, unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and the
50 + 2,5 % of the thickness. purchaser:

Table 2 - Hardness grades of type 2 sheeting a) the name and/or distinctive mark of the manufacturer;

Grade 280 340 400 b) the batch number or other reference to identify the
material with a manufacturing batch;
Product indentation
280 Z!I 30 340 f: 30 400 + 30
hardness index N
ci the nominal thickness;
NOTE - Hardness measured using a 50 Z!I 2 mm test piece consisting
of a number of plies. d) the nominal width;

7.5 Physical properties e) the nominal length;

The material shall comply with the requirements specified in f) the number of this International Standard with the
table 3. All tests shall be carried out on material sampled and type and grade of sheeting as suffix, for example
conditioned as described in clause 3. ISO 6453/2/340.

Tabie 3 - Physical requirements for type 2 sheeting

Property or Iimit

Air oven ageing: Change in product iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

hardness index, max. +25 % Clause 4 and ISO 2440

Compression set, max.

(standards.iteh.ai) 25 % ISO 1856, method B, except test piece 12 mm
thick using 50 ?6 compression

Density ISO 6453:1985

Agreed+ 15%value ISO 845

Tensile strength, min. https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/8dc839e8-d7a0-4953-856e-

150 kPa ISO 1798

Elongation at break, min.

80 % ISO 1798

Low-temperature resistance No Cracks Clause 5

Organic materials staining l) Shall not stain

11 By agreement between purchaser and supplier the requirement for non-staining may be deleted.

ISO 64534985 (El

Dimensions in millimetres

Clamp ---m-


ISO 6453:1985

1 I . l
1 1



N” 65 I
N 65

Figure - Low-temperature flexing apparatus

ISO 64534985 (E)


Organic materials staining

(This annex forms an integral part of the Standard.)

A.1 General A.3 Procedure

This test is intended to provide information as to whether the Ensure that the surfaces of the test piece of PVC sheeting are
material will Cause discoloration of plastics material (or organic free from loosely adhering matter by brushing with a clean soft
finishes) with which it will be in contact. brush. Hold the test piece in contact with the test Panel under a
pressure of approximately 15 + 2 kPa. Then subject the test
assembly and a reference Panel to a temperature of 70 + 2 OC
A.2 Test and reference Panels
in an air oven for a period of 24 h. After cooling, for 3 -f: 1 h at
The test and reference Panels shall consist of suitably dimen- the Standard temperature of test given in 3.4, and removal of
sioned pieces of any organic finished material which may present the test piece, expose the test and reference Panels to an
a visibly significant surface in use, and which may be affected, artificial Source of ultraviolet light for a period sufficient for the
directly or indirectly, by the flexible PVC sheeting in Service. coloured reference Standard 3 of ISO 105-BOl to fade to
contrast 3 on the grey scale specified in ISO 105-A03.
Unless agreed to the contrary between the purchaser and the
supplier, the test Panels shall consist of supported or unsup-
ported light-coloured sheeting (cream or white, as specified by Compare the two Panels and re port as staining any d ifference
the purchaser). between the test Panel a nd the reference Panel.


ISO 6453:1985

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