ISO-9184!1!1990 Paper, Board and Pulps Fibre Furnish Analysis (General Method)
ISO-9184!1!1990 Paper, Board and Pulps Fibre Furnish Analysis (General Method)
ISO-9184!1!1990 Paper, Board and Pulps Fibre Furnish Analysis (General Method)
First edition
-- --
Reference number
ISO 91844:199O(E)
ISO 9184-1:199O(E)
ISO 9184 consists of the following Parts, under the ISO general title Paper,
board and pulps -- Fibre furnish analysis:
- Part 1: General method
Annexes A and B of this part of ISO 9184 are for information only.
0 ISO 1990
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
Paper, board and pulps - Fibre furnish analysis -
Part 1:
General method
For the purposes of this part of ISO 9184, the foliow- - qualitatively, on the basis of the stain reactions
ing definitions apply. and the morphological characteristics of the fi-
3.1 fibre furnish analysis: Determination of the fibre
components of Paper, board and pulp samples as - quantitatively, by counting the number of
regards the species of fibres and the method of crossings of various kinds of fibres with the
processing. counting line and by transforming the number of
ISO 9184=1:199O(E)
ISO 9184-1:1990(E)
droxide Solution tan also affect the development of cer- pieces tan be separated into the component layers.
tain stains. If Separation is difficult, use sodium hydroxide sol-
ution (5.1) instead of water. If the separated layers
Filter on a glass filter (6.4.2) wash twice with water seem to contain fibres from the neighbouring layers,
and neutralize with hydrochloric acid (5.2) for sev- try to remove them by rubbing them gently while
eral minutes. Wash several times with water and wet. Treat the layers as separate test pieces and
disperse in a disperser (6.2). proceed in accordance with 7.1.
Place tarn pieces of the Sample in a beaker, add NOTE 4 While the stains recommended in ISO 9184-2
aluminium sulfate Solution (5.4) or phosphoric acid have proven effective for differentiating various fibre
Solution (5.3) and boil for 5 min to 30 min, depending types, there are a number of other stains which tan be
on the dispersing velocity. Decant the solution, wash usefully employed in certain cases. These stak are de-
scribed in a number of published references, many of
with water and disperse. If the pieces are not
which are given in annex B.
dispersible, proceed to 7.2.3.
NOTE 3 Hypochlorite bleach has also been found effec- 8.1 Staining an a slide
tive for dispersing these products.
The fibre slide for staining tan be prepared either
7.2.2 Vegetable
beaten pulp
parchment iTeh STANDARD
and Papers of highly PREVIEW
a dilute fibre Suspension or from a filtered fibre
In the unlikely event that after disintegration the fi- 8.1.2 Preparation from the fibre pad
bres are still coloured to such an extent as to render
their identification difficult, methods depending on Filter one-half of the dispersed fibre Suspension (see
the characteristics of the dyestuff may be used to clause 7) on a sieve (6.4.1) or on a glass filter
remove the colour. These methods include the ex- (6.4.2). Place the filtered fibre pad in a small covered
traction, Oxidation and reduction treatments with the dish (6.9) and keep it from drying during the analy-
requisite reagents in normal laboratory use.
sis. Transfer a small amount of the fibre pad to the
slide and remove excess water with blotting Paper.
7.3 Multilayered samples Apply the stain according to the prescribed method,
and distribute the fibres evenly with dissecting nee-
When the Paper or board Sample is expected to be dles (6.8). Apply a cover glass (6.7) and remove ex-
multilayered and two or more layers are to be ana- cess Solution with blotting Paper, taking care to
lysed separately, proceed as follows. From the avoid flocculation of the fibres. The best result is
Sample, tut five pieces, about 5 cm x 5 cm in size, obtained if the fibre slide is tilted and blotted
and immerse in hot water (about 70 “C) until the edgewise.
ISO 9184-1:1990(E)
8.2 Staining in a test tube lf there is difficulty in counting each kind of fibre
during one pass, make repeated counts along the
Take a specimen from the filtered fibre pad (see Same line, until all the fibres are counted. Take care
8.1.2) and perform the staining in a test tube ac- not to move the slide from the original line during
cording to the relevant method. After staining pre- the subsequent counts, and return to the original
pare the fibre slide according to 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 using line if any movement occurs.
water instead of stain.
When every fibre in the line has been counted, move
Mo re deta iled instructions for staining and PreP- the slide about 5 mm to a new line and count the fi-
ara tion are given in the relevant staining meth Ods. bres as described above. The number of fibre
crossings counted should be not less than 600. This
may be achieved by counting on not less than two
9 Procedure slides.
Place the stained fibre slide on the mechanical 6 If the parenchyma cells are numerous, mentally count
Stage of the microscope (6.1). Slowly and system- them as fractions so that when four cells of the Same kind
atically, traverse the slide, either horizontally or of fibre have been observed in the same line, they are
added together to give a whole number.
vertically, line by line, so that the entire fibre field is
examined. Identify the species of fibres and the
methods of processing on the basis of the
10 Expression of results
the colours obtained
by staining
(see annex B) and
(see the staining
10.1 Qualitative analysis
Examine at least two slides. In cases where there
Combine the results obtained by microscopic
are fibres that are difficult to identify, examine oneISO 9184-1:1990
anaylsis (clause 9) and report the species of fibre
or more additional slides.
and the methods of processing in accordance with
Previous experience and knowledge e26e5553f71c/iso-9184-1-1990
of the stain re- clause 11.
actions and of the structural details of the most
Report as one group fibres which are difficult to
common papermaking fibres are essential for the
distinguish from each other, as well as closely re-
lated fibres which are present in minor quantities.
1) A catalogue listing the reference pulps available tan be obtained from the TAPP1 Library, Institute of Paper Science and
Technology, 575 4th Street, NW., Atlanta, GA, 30318, USA.
ISO 9184=1:1990(E)
Report percentages less than 2 as “traces”. should be specified in the relevant Standard. Where
no precision data are available, not less than 600 fi-
10.3 Precision bres should be counted to achieve a precision which
may approximate that given in table 1, under ideal
The ideal precision of a quantitative fibre count is conditions.
primarily a function of the number of fibres counted,
and tan be calculated for the 95 % confidence limits 11 Test report
from the expression
PU- Pl The test
report shall include the following particu-
a) reference to this part of ISO 9184;
is the fraction of one fibre type; b) all the indications necessary for complete identi-
fication of the Sample;
N is the total number of fibres counted.
c) in the case of a multilayered product, for exam-
The ideal confidence limits for counts where ple a board, clear indications necessary for the
N = 600 and N = 1200 are qiven
\ in table 1. identification of the layers analysed separately;
- pulping processes,
10 (
274 -- bleaching;
20 32 2,3
30 377 27~
ISO 9184-1:1990 9 results of the quantitative analysis, in accord-
50 40 278 ante with 10.2, including
70 397 276
80 372 e26e5553f71c/iso-9184-1-1990
273 - the number of fibres of each type counted, .
90 274 177
95 197 12
98 170 078
- the weight factors used, and the Source of
these factors,
Because the actual precision of a quantitative fibre - if parenchyma cells wer-e included;
furnish analysis depends on the type of pulp, the
colour differentes obtained, the accuracy of the g) estimate of precision, if available;
weight factors used, and the judgement of the ana-
lysl, no generally valid confidence Iimits tan be h) any unusual features observed in the course of
stipulated: but must be developed for each staining the lest;
method and counting procedure used.
i) any operations not specified in this part of
Where statistica data are available, the n U mber of
ISO 9184, which might have affected the results.
counts required 0 atta in a desired Ie vel of P recisi on
ISO 9184=1:1990(E)
Annex A
Weight factors
The weight factor varies with the kind of fibre and with the type of pulping. Ideally, separate weight factors
should be determined for each kind of fibre present in the furnish under examination. If this is not possible, the
values given in tableA.1 will serve as a guide.
groundwood 173
thermo-mechanical pulp ISO 9184-1:1990 1,7
Softwood chemi-mechanical pulp (many species) 270
Hardwood Chemical pulps
birch, aspen, poplar, beech e26e5553f71c/iso-9184-1-1990 075
maple, willow, hickory 074
“gums” : sweet gum, black tupelo, tulip poplar 098
eucalyptus, oak 0,45
Hardwood semi-Chemical pulps
birch 079
“gums” 173
Hardwood mechanical pulps’) 079
Cotton linters 1,25
Bagasse pulp for Paper grades 0,75
Esparto, bleached pulp 0,50
Abata and jute pulps 0,55
Sisal pulp 0,60
Straw pulp for board grades 0,60
Straw, bleached pulp 0,35
Bamboo pulp 0,55
Wo01 hair 391
Flax pulp 078
Flax shives 074
Synthetic fibres (see annex B, ref. 11)
1) In particular, the weight factors for mechanical pulps depend on the analyst’s personal experience of counting fibre
fragments, and may thus also be influenced by the fineness of the pulp.
ISO 9184=1:1990(E)
Annex B
Cl COTG, W-A.: Papermaking Fibers. A [S] VIDAL, L.: L’Analyse Microscopique des
Photomicrographic Atlas. Syracuse University Papiers. Le Papier, Paris 1939.
Press, Syracuse, NY 1980.
[7] Identification of Textile Materials. The Textile
c2 HARDERS-STEINHÄUSER, M.: Faseratlas ZU!- Institute, Manchester. C. Timing and Co. Ltd.,
mikroskopischen Untersuchung von Zellstoffen Liverpool 1967.
und Papieren. Güntter-Staib
Verlag/Biberach/Riss 1974. Identification of Wood and Fibers from Conifers.
TAPP1 Test Method T 263, om-82.
C3. KOCH, P.A.: Mikroskopie der Faserstoffe.
Handbuch für Textilingenieure und Speeies Identification of Nonwood Plant Fibers.
Textilpraktiker, Fachteil T 13. Dr. Spohr-Verlag, TAPP1 Test Method T 259, om-83.
Wuppertal-Elberfeld 1964.
[IO] PARHAM, R.A. and GRAY, R-L.: The Practical
[4] STRATMANN, M.: Erkennen und Identifizieren Identification of Wood Pulp Fibres. TAPP1
der Faserstoffe. Handbuch für Textilingenieure PRESS, Atlanta, GA, 1982.
und Textilpraktiker, Fachteil T 16. Dr. Spohr-
Verlag, Stuttgart iTeh STANDARD L-l1
J. and
of fibre composition
M.S.: De-
and requisite
C5] STRELIS, 1. and KENNEDY, R.W.: (
Identification of weight factors in nonwoven fabrics. Paperi ja
North American Commercial Pulpwoods and Puu 55 (1973): 11, 829.
Pulp Fibr-es. IJniv. of Toronto Press, Canada
ISO 9184-1:1990
1967. W Fiber analysis of paper and
paperboard. TAPP1
Test Method T 401, om-88.