Nsgill Biodata Jan 2k19!14!1
Nsgill Biodata Jan 2k19!14!1
Nsgill Biodata Jan 2k19!14!1
14.Administrative Experience
1) Worked as Head, Department of Computer Science & Applications, M.D.
University, Rohtak from March 15, 2006 to March 15, 2012
2) Worked as Director, Directorate of Distance Education, M.D. University, Rohtak
from Nov. 7, 2005 to May 21, 2007, and 2013 to Oct. 2015.
3) Worked as Director, Public Relations, M.D. University, Rohtak from May 21,
2007 to 2008.
4) Worked as Director, University Computer Centre, M.D. University, Rohtak from
2008 to 2012.
5) Worked as Director, MDU Alumni, M.D. University, Rohtak from March 2011 to
March 2016.
6) Worked as University Nodal Officer, All India Survey on Higher Education,
MHRD, Govt. of India during 2011 to 2014.
7) Worked as Convener, Control Room and Convener, IT Support, 21st National
Youth Festival-2017 organised at M.D. University, Rohtak during January 12-
16, 2017
• Certificate of Appreciation for conducting All India Essay Writing Event – 2017 organised
by Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) & United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) for
India & Bhutan
Published Work
I) Books Published
Title of the book Publisher Year of Publication
1. Sehrawat Deepti and N. S. Gill (2018). “Deployment of IoT based smart environment:
key issues and challenges”. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE),
Vol. 7, No. 2 pp. 544-550, 2018. ISSN: 2227-524X [Scopus Indexed].
2. Pooja Singh and N. S. Gill (2018), “A Survey on Key Management Schemes in Wireless
Ad Hoc Networks”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 13, No.
1, pp. 268-272, 2018, Print ISSN: 0973-4562, Online ISSN: 0973-9769. (Erstwhile
Scopus Indexed, ICI, UGC Approved) H-Index=13.
3. Sehrawat Deepti and N. S. Gill (2018), “Lightweight Block Ciphers for IoT based
applications: A Review”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol.
13, No. 5, pp. 2258-2270, 2018, Print ISSN: 0973-4562, Online ISSN: 0973-9769,
(Erstwhile Scopus Indexed, ICI, UGC Approved) H-Index=13.
4. Sehrawat Deepti, N. S. Gill (2018). “Emerging Trends and Future Computing
Technologies: A Vision for Smart Environment”. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), Vol 9, No. 2, pp. 839-842, March-April, 2018.
ISSN: 0976-5697 [ICI, UGC Approved] H-Index=7, Among Top 50 Indian Journals:
Rank: 1st in Computer Science Journals (ISI report 2016)
5. Devi, Munisha and Gill, N.S. (2018). “Study of Mobile Ad hoc Network Routing
Protocols in Smart Environment”. International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research, Vol. 13, No. 16, pp. 12968-12975, 2018, Print ISSN: 0973-4562, Online
ISSN: 0973-9769, (Erstwhile Scopus Indexed, ICI, UGC Approved) H-Index=13.
6. Azaz Khan and Nasib Singh Gill (2018), “Review of Security Methods in Cloud
Computing”. IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol. 5,
Issue 3, pp. 1076-1080, July-Sept 2018, e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138.
(UGC Approved Journal – Journal No. 43602). IF – 5.75.
8. Azaz Khan and Nasib Singh Gill (2018), “Encryption & Fingerprint Based Security in
Cloud Computing”. IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical
Reviews, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 1081-1085, July-Sept 2018, e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN
2349-5138. (UGC Approved Journal – Journal No. 43602). IF – 5.75.
9. Pooja Singh and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “Cross Layered Architecture for
Interoperability within Ad Hoc Networks”. VIRTUE, Bi- annual Refereed Journal of
DAV Institute of Management, Volume V, Issue II, July - December 2017, ISSN: 2230-
7117. (UGC Approved)
10. Sehrawat Deepti and N. S. Gill (2018). “Internet of Things: Opportunities and Future
Scope”. International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science.
Volume 7, Issue 4, pp: 248-252, April 2018. ISSN: 2347 – 8616 (UGC Approved)
11. Sehrawat Deepti and N. S. Gill (2018). “Data Mining in IoT and its Challenges”.
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering. Vol.6, Issue.4, pp.289-295,
2018. ISSN: 2347-2693 (E) (ICI, UGC Approved) Rank: 2nd in Computer Science
Journals (ISI report 2016) H-Index=8
12. Vikas Raman and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). A Swarmed GA Algorithm for Solving
Travelling Salesman Problem. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
Technology. Vol. 95, No. 16, August 31, 2017. ISSN: 1992-8645. Thomson Reuters listed,
SCOPUS indexed. http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol95No16/23Vol95No16.pdf
13. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2017).“An efficient technique for Big Data Classification
using neural network”, A Science & Technology Journal (Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola
Journal). Vol. 32 Issue 1, January 2017. ISSN: 0254-0223. Thomson Reuters listed,
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI indexed).
14. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2017).“A Novel Algorithm for Big Data Classification
Based on Lion Optimization”, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
Technology, Vol. 95, No. 7, April 2017. ISSN: 1992-8645. (Impact Factor 0.33) Thomson
Reuters listed, SCOPUS indexed, SciVerse, Hub, J-Gate, and included in the list of
journal recommended by UGC.http://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol95No7/3Vol95No7.pdf
15. Shilpi Garg and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). Improved Leach Protocol for Energy Aware
Routing. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-
ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 6, Ver. I (Nov.- Dec. 2017), pp. 09-12. Included in
the list of journals recommended by UGC. http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-
jce/papers/Vol19-issue6/Version-1/A1906010108.pdf DOI: 10.9790/0661-1906010912
16. Geeta Rani and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). Approach for Sensing Coverage Using Border
Effect in Wireless Sensor Network. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE),
e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 6, Ver. I (Nov.- Dec. 2017),
pp. 01-08. Included in the list of journals recommended by UGC.
DOI: 10.9790/0661-1906010108
17. Shilpi Garg and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “Mobile Sink Based Energy Efficient Adaptive
Clustering Hierarchy Protocol For WSN”, Indian Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science, Vol. 8, No. 3 (2017): March-April 2017, ISSN 0976-5697. Included
in the list of journals recommended by UGC.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26483/ijarcs.v8i3.3105
18. Geeta Rani and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). Impact of Boundary Effect on Coverage
Fraction in Wireless Sensor. Indian Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science,
Vol. 8, No. 7 (2017): July-August 2017, ISSN 0976-5697. Included in the list of journals
recommended by UGC. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26483/ijarcs.v8i7.3627
19. Sumit Nager and Nasib Singh Gill (2017).“Comparative Study of RM and EDF
Scheduling Algorithm in Real Time Multiprocessing Environment”,International
Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), Volume 6, Issue 3, March
2017. pp. 67-71. (NISCAIR Certified Journal). ISSN(Online):2320-088X, Impact Factor
5.258. http://www.ijcsmc.com/docs/papers/March2017/V6I3201729.pdf
20. Vikas Raman and Nasib Singh Gill (2017).“Review of different heuristic algorithms for
solving Travelling Salesman Problem”, Indian Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science, Vol. 8, No. 5 (2017): May-June 2017, ISSN 0976-5697. Included in
the list of journals recommended by
21. Sumit Nager and Nasib Singh Gill (2017).“Comparative Study of Various CPU
Scheduling Algorithm”,International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in
Computer Science (IJETTCS), Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2017, pp.040-45.
ISSN(Online):2278-6856, Impact Factor
22. Sangeeta and Nasib Singh Gill (2017).“Framework for Tweet Sentiment Classification
Using Boosting based Ensemble Approach”, A Science & Technology Journal (Ciência
e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal). Vol. 32 Issue 1, January 2017.ISSN: 0254-0223.Thomson
Reuters listed, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI indexed).
23. Shikha Chahal and Nasib Singh Gill (2016)."Comparative Study of various WSN Routing
Protocols”,Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 48, DOI:
10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/95285,December 2016. Thomson Reuters listed, SCOPUS
indexed, Web of Science indexed and included in the list of journal recommended by
24. Sumit Nager and Nasib Singh Gill (2016).“An Improved Shortest Job First Scheduling
Algorithm to Decrease Starvation in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of
Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2016.
pg.155-161. (NISCAIR Certified Journal). ISSN(Online):2320-088X, Impact Factor
25. Shikha Chahal and Nasib Singh Gill (2016).“Preventing Clustering Methodology for
Improving Network Energy Using LEACH Protocol in WSN”, IJCSMC International
Journals of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2016.
pg.162-172. (NISCAIR Certified Journal). ISSN(Online):2320-088X, Impact Factor
26. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2016)."An Optimized Algorithm for Big Data
Classification using Neuro Fuzzy Approach”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology,
Vol. 9, Issue 28, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i28/87995, July 2016. Thomson Reuters
listed, SCOPUS indexed, Web of Science indexed and included in the list of journal
recommended by UGC.http://indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/view/87995/0
27. Nasib Singh Gill and Pooja Mittal (2016).“A Comparative Study of Hybrid Prediction
Model when implemented on Heterogeneous data sets using Statistical Performance
Evaluators”, A Science & Technology Journal (Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola Journal).
Vol. 31 Issue 9, September 2016.ISSN: 0254-0223.Thomson Reuters listed, Science
Citation Index Expanded (SCI indexed).
28. Nasib Singh Gill and Pooja Mittal (2016).“A Computational Hybrid Model with two level
Classification using SVM and Neural Network for predicting the diabetes disease”,
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,Vol. 87, No. 1, May 2016.
ISSN: 1992-8645. Thomson Reuters listed, SCOPUS
29. Nasib Singh Gill and Pooja Mittal (2016).“A Novel Hybrid Model for Diabetic Prediction
Using Hidden Markov Model, Fuzzy Based Rule Approach & Neural Network”, Indian
Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(35), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i35/99146,
September 2016. Print ISSN: 0974-6846
Online ISSN:0974-5645. Thomson Reuters listed, SCOPUS
30. Meenakshi and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Imperfection of Domain Knowledge and Its
Formalization in Context of Design of Robust Software Systems”, Journal of Software
Engineering and Applications, September 2015, Vol 8, No. 9, pp. 489-498. pp. 238-240.
ISSN: 1945-3124.
31. Meenakshi Sridhar and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Formal Conceptual Framework for
Structure of Context of Component-based System for Designing Robust Software
Systems and Metrics”. International Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
(IJSEA) Vol 6, No. 6 :30-37, November 2015. ISSN: 0975-8018 (Online), 0976-2221
32. Meenakshi Sridhar and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “A Formal Conceptual Framework for
Dynamics Within Context of Component-Based System for Designing Robust Software
Systems & Metrics”. International Journal of Computer Applications 112(7):30-37,
February 2015.ISSN: 0975-
33. Priyanka and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “A Study on Detection of DDOS Attack in
MANET”, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects (IJRRA). Vol. 2, Issue 2,
June 2015, pp. 238-240. ISSN: 2349-7688. http://ijrra.com/Vol2issue2/IJRRA-02-02-
34. Priyanka and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Review of Detection, Elimination and Simulation
Analysis of Black Hole on Ad-hoc Network Using Advance AODV Technique”,
International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering (IJFTRE). Volume 2,
Issue 7, March-2015, pp. 1347-1352. ISSN (Online): 2347 – 4718.
35. Renu Yadav and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “An Information Security Technique Using
AES-RSA Hybrid and SLSB: Review”, International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE). Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015,
pp.1119-1122. ISSN: 2277 128X.
36. Priyanka and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “A Review of DDOS Attack and Their
Countermeasure in TCP Based Network”, International Journal of Recent Research
Aspects (IJRRA). Vol. 2, Issue 2, June 2015, pp. 233-237. ISSN: 2349-7688.
37. Priyanka and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Detection and Removal of Black Hole Using
Advance AODV TECHNIQUE”, International Journal For Technological Research In
Engineering (IJFTRE). Volume 2, Issue 11, July-2015, pp. 2624-2627. ISSN (Online):
2347 – 4718. http://www.ijtre.com/manuscript/2015021132.pdf
38. Renu Yadav and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Improvement in Performance of RSA
Algorithm Using SLSB”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile
Computing (IJCSMC). Vol.4 Issue.7, July- 2015, pp. 279-285. ISSN: 2320-088X.
39. Renu Yadav and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Improvement in Performance of Advance
Encryption Standard Using SLSB”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and
Advanced Engineering (IJETAE). Vol. 5, Issue.6, June 2015, pp. 487-493. ISSN: 2320-
088X. (NISCAIR Certified Journal) Impact Factor: 5.258.
40. Renu Yadav and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “An Information Security Technique Using
AES-RSA Hybrid and SLSB: Research”, International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE). Volume 5, Issue 7, May 2015,
pp. 805-809. ISSN: 2277 128X.
41. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Classification Using the Compact Rule
Generation”, Oriental Journal of Computer Science & Technology, Vol. 8 No. 1: 49-58,
April 2015. ISSN (Online): 0974-6471.(Impact Factor: 0.1890).Published by Techno
Research Publishers, India. http://www.computerscijournal.org/vol8no1/classification-
using-the-compact-rule-generation/.(NASS Rating: 4.79 and IC value 85.22).ICI
indexed and included in the list of journal recommended by UGC.
42. Vijay Bharti and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). Survey of Challenges in Distributed Denial
of Service Attacks and IP Traceback Countermeasures, IJCST International Journal
of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 2,April-June 2015.
43. Vijay Bharti and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). A Survey of DDOS Attacks with NS, NAM
and OTCL Scripting, ACE Journals, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2015, Certificate No-
C000191. ISSN: 2393-8390 (Online). www.acejournals.com
44. Vijay Bharti and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). Preventing Distributed Denial of service
Attacks Via MAC Cloning, International Journals of Computer Science and Mobile
Computing (IJCSMC), Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2015, ISSN(Online) : 2320-
45. Vijay Bharti and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). Deterministic Packet Marking for Detecting
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in MANETS, IJARCSSE International journals
of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 5, Issue
6, June 2015, ISSN(Online) : 2277-128X. www.ijarcsse.com.
46. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “Algorithm for Producing Compact Decision Trees
for Enhancing Classification Accuracy in Fertilizer Recommendation of
Soil”,International Journal of Computer Applications, 98(02):35-39, July 2014. ISSN
(Online): 0975-8887.(Impact Factor: 0.814).Published by Foundation of Computer
Science, NewYork, USA. http://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume98/number2/17153-
47. Ekta and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “MANETs Routing: Simulation and Network Analysis
For AODV and DSR”, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer and
Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume 03, Issue 06, June 2014. ISSN (online):
2278-1021. www.ijarcce.com
48. Ekta and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “Intrusion Secure Algorithm for AODV”, International
Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 03, Issue 07, July 2014. ISSN (online):
2319-7064. (Impact Factor: 3.358).www.ijsr.net
49. Nasib Singh Gill and Ekta (2014). “Detection and Isolation of Malicious and Hostile
Nodes in MANETs”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Volume 04, Issue 04, April 2014. ISSN (online):
2277-128X. (Impact Factor: 3.358). pp. 853-856.www.ijsr.net
50. Palak and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “Study of Energy consumption in DSR Using NS2”,
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), Volume 03,
Issue 07, July 2014. pp. 531-535. ISSN (online): 2320-088X. www.ijcsmc.com
51. Palak and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “A Power Saving Intelligent Dynamic Source
Routing (IDSR) in MANET”, International Journal of Advance Research in Computer
and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume 03, Issue 07, June 2014. ISSN
(online): 2278-1021. pp.7556-7558. www.ijarcce.com
52. Palak Gupta and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “Simulation and Analysis of Routing Protocols
in MANETs for Different Network Sizes”, International Journal of Advanced Research
in Computer Science (IJARCS), Vol. 5, No 5 (2014): May-June 2014. ISSN (online):
0976-5697. Included in the list of journal recommended by UGC. http://www.ijarcs.info
53. Rajan Gupta and Nasib Singh Gill (2012).“Financial Statement Fraud Detection Using
Text Mining”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
(IJACSA), Vol. 3 No. 12, pp.189-191. 2012.www.ijacsa.thesai.org.
54. Swati Atri, Nasib Singh Gill and Jaideep Atri (2014). “Comparison of Cluster Formation
Algorithms Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules”, International Journal of Science and Research
(IJSR), Volume 03, Issue 06, June 2014. ISSN (online): 1831-1834. (Impact Factor:
55. Swati Atri, Nasib Singh Gill and Jaideep Atri (2014). “Clustering Approach Based on
Ant Colony Optimization”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer
Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), Volume 04, Issue 02, February 2014.
ISSN (online): 2277-128X. (Impact Factor: 3.358). pp. 179-181.www.ijsr.net
56. Pooja Mittal and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “A Comparative Analysis of Classification
Techniques on Medical Data Sets”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and
Technology, 03(06):454-460, June 2014. ISSN (Online): 2319-1163.www.ijret.org
57. Pooja Mittal and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “Three Dimensional Model for Diagnostic
Prediction: A Data Mining Approach”, International Journal of Emerging Trends &
Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Vol 2, Issue 4, July-Aug 2013: 379-383,
June 2014. ISSN (Online): 2278-6856.www.ijettcs.org
58. Swati Atri, Nasib Singh Gill and Jaideep Atri (2014). “Fuzzy Logic Implementation
Based on Antcolony Based Cluster head Selection Algorithm”, International Journal of
Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume
03, Issue 04, April 2014. ISSN (online): 6256-6259. www.ijarcce.com
59. Shelja Malhotra and Nasib Singh Gill (2014). “Analysing of Geographic Based Routing
Protocols in MANETs”, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile
Computing (IJCSMC), Volume 03, Issue 05, May 2014. pp. 1068-1073. ISSN (online):
2320-088X. www.ijcsmc.com
60. Manisha and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Contrast Enhancement by Using Region
Growing”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms and Researches,
Volume 08, Issue 01, October 2013. ISSN (online): 2319-6564. www.ijesonline.com
61. Sudhir and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Comparative Study of Different Data Mining
Techniques: A Review”, International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering,
Management & Applied Sciences, Volume II, Issue IV, April 2013. ISSN (online): 2278-
2540. http://www.ijltemas.in/digital-library/volume-ii-issue-iv
62. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Behavior of Classification & Clustering
Algorithms on Diverse Data”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences Paradigms
and Researches, Volume 08, Issue 01, October 2013. ISSN (online): 2319-6564.(Impact
factor 2.80). www.ijesonline.com
63. Nitika and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Fingerprints Recognition Techniques: A Critical
Review”, IJMRS’s International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Studies, Volume
02, Issue 02, June 2013. ISSN (online): 2277-9698.
64. Sudhir and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Analysis and Study of K-Means Clustering
Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering Research &Technology (IJERT),
Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2013. ISSN (online): 2278-0181.
65. Nitika Saroha and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Hough Transform Based Fingerprint
Matching Using Minutiae Extraction”, International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science (IJARCS), Vol. 4, No 10 (2013): September-October 2013. ISSN
(online): 0976-5697. Included in the list of journal recommended by UGC.
66. Manisha and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Image Enhancement Using SIFT and Region
Growing”, International Journal of Computer Science & Management Studies (IJCSMS),
Volume 13, Issue 05, July 2013. ISSN (online): 2231-5268. www.ijcsms.com
67. Manisha and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Fingerprint Feature Extraction Using Hough
Transform and Minutiae Extraction”, International Journal of Computer Science &
Management Studies (IJCSMS), Volume 13, Issue 05, July 2013. ISSN (online): 2231-
5268. www.ijcsms.com
68. Sudhir and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Enhancing the Performance of Nearest Neighbor
Clustering Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Applications & Information
Technology (IJCAIT), Volume 3, Issue II, August-September 2013. ISSN (online): 2278-
7720. www.ijcait.com
69. Meenakshi Sharma, Nasib S. Gill, Sunil Sikka (2012). “Survey of object-oriented
metrics: focusing on validation and formal specification”, ACM SIGSOFT Software
Engineering Notes, 37(6): 1-5, New York, USA.
70. Pooja Mittal and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Study and Analysis of Predictive Data Mining
Approaches for Clinical Dataset”, International Journal of Computer
Applications, 63(03):35-39, February 2013. ISSN (Online): 0975-8887.(Impact Factor:
0.814).Published by Foundation of Computer Science, NewYork, USA.
71. Kapil Juneja and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “An Enhanced Digital Character Recognition
using Art Network Classifier”, International Journal of Computer
Applications, 64(07):28-33, February 2013. ISSN (Online): 0975-8887.(Impact Factor:
0.814).Published by Foundation of Computer Science, NewYork, USA.
72. Pardeep Tomar and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Survey New Algorithm for Component
Selection to Develop Component-Based Software with X Model”, Lecture Notes on
Software Engineering (LNSE), Vol. 1, No. 3, August 2013, pp.298-
73. Kapil Juneja and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “An Optimization of Dejong Function using
GA under Different Selection Algorithms”, International Journal of Computer
Applications, 63(13):06-12, February 2013.ISSN (Online): 0975-8887. (Impact Factor:
0.814).Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
74. Rajan Gupta and Nasib Singh Gill (2012).“A Solution for Preventing Fraudulent
Financial Reporting using Descriptive Data Mining Techniques”, International Journal
of Computer Applications, 58(1):22-28, November 2012.ISSN (Online): 0975-8887.
(Impact Factor: 0.814).Published by Foundation of
75. Narender Singh and Gill, Nasib Singh (2012). “The Early Detection of Functional and
Non-functional Cross-cutting Concerns”, International Journal of Computer
Applications (IJCA), Vol. 16, No 13, May 2012. Pp. 25-32. ISSN (Online): 0975-8887.
(Impact Factor: 0.814).http://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume46/number13/6971-9507
76. Narender Singh and Gill, Nasib Singh (2012). “Towards an Integrated AORE Process Model for
Handling Crosscutting Concerns”, International Journal of Computer Applications
(IJCA),Volume 37, No. 3, January 2012 Edition. ISSN (Online): 0975-8887.(Impact
Factor: 0.814). http://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume37/number3/4587-6525
77. Gill, Nasib Singh and Narender Singh (2011). “Aspect-Oriented Requirements
Engineering for Advanced Separation of Concerns: A Review”, IJCSI International
Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 5, No 2, September 2011 ISSN
(Online): 1694-0814.(Impact Factor: 0.242)
78. Gill, N. S. and Tomar, P. (2011). “New and Innovative Process to Construct Testable
Component with Systematic Approach”, ACM SIGSOFT, New York, USA, Vol. 36,
No. 1, pp. 1-4.
79. Nasib S. Gill, Sunil Sikka (2011). “Inheritance Hierarchy Based Reuse & Reusability
Metrics in OOSD”, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering
(IJCSE), Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2011, pp. 2309-2311.
80. Gill, N. S. and Tomar, P. (2010).“Modified Development Process of Component-Based
Software Engineering”, ACM SIGSOFT, New York, USA, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 1-6.
(Tagged in http://www.mendeley.com/research-papers/tag/object+oriented+
81. Gill N.S. and Balkishan, (2010). “A Critical Analysis of Component-Based Software
Development Metrics”, International Journal of Computer Science & Management
System, Vol. 2, Dec. 2010, pp. 31-37.
82. Nasib S. Gill, Sunil Sikka (2010).“New Complexity Model for Classes in Object Oriented
System” ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 35 Issue 5, September
83. Nasib S. Gill, Sunil Sikka (2010).“Selecting Object-Oriented Metrics for Classification
of Faulty and Non-Faulty Classes using Machine Learning Methods”, International
Journal of Object Oriented Software Engineering (IJOOSE), Vol 1, No 1 December
84. Navneet and Gill, Nasib Singh (2012). “The Multidisciplinary Approaches of Induction
of Decision Tree - A Review”, IFRSA International Journal of Data Warehousing &
Mining (IIJDWM), Vol 2, Issue1, Feb 2012, ISSN(Online): 2249-2186, ISSN (PRINT):
2249-716. (Impact factor 2.456).
85. Monika and N. S. Gill(2012).“An Ant Based Compromising Path Approach to Avoid
Selfish Node Attack in Mobile Networks”, International Journal of Computer Science
and Communication Networks (IJCSCN), Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 516-519 Aug 2012.
ISSN (Online): 2249-5789 www.ijcscn.com
86. Babita and Nasib Singh Gill(2012).“An Implementation of Advanced Traffic Control
Techniques in MANET”, International Journal of Computer Science and
Management Studies (IJCSMS), Volume 12, Issue 3, Sept. 2012, pp. 216-221. ISSN
(Online): 2231-5268.http://www.ijcsms.com
87. Manju Rani and Nasib Singh Gill(2012).“Comparative Study of Various VANET
Routing Protocols”, International Journal of Computer Science and Management
Studies (IJCSMS), Special Issue of Volume 12, June 2012, pp. 108-113. ISSN
(Online): 2231-5268. http://www.ijcsms.com
88. Nasib S. Gill and Balkishan, “Dependency and Interaction Oriented Complexity Metrics
of Component-Based Systems”, ACM SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 33, Number 2, 2008,
ACM Press, New York, NY, USA.
89. Manju Rani and Nasib Singh Gill(2012).“Position Based Routing in VANET Based on
Geographic Approach”, International Journal of Computer Science and Management
Studies (IJCSMS), Vol. 12, Issue 03, Sept 2012, pp. 222-225. ISSN (Online): 2231-
5268. http://www.ijcsms.com
90. Babita and Nasib Singh Gill(2012).“A Review on Advanced Traffic Control Techniques
in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network”, International Journal of Computer Science and
Management Studies (IJCSMS), Volume 12, Issue 3, Sept. 2012, pp. 203-207. ISSN
(Online): 2231-5268. http://www.ijcsms.com
91. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Few Important Considerations For Deriving Interface
Complexity Metric For Component-Based Systems”, ACM SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 29,
Number 2, Pages 4, 2004, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA.
92. Ritu and Nasib Singh Gill(2012).“A Comparison Among Various Techniques to
Prioritize the Requirements”, International Journal of Computer Science and
Management Studies (IJCSMS), Vol. 12, Issue 03, Sept 2012, pp. 601-607. ISSN
(Online): 2231-5268. http://www.ijcsms.com
93. Ritu and Nasib Singh Gill(2012).“Software Testing Prioritization Based on Requirement
Using Analytic Hierarchy Process”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences
Paradigms and Researches (IJESPR), Vol. 01, Issue 01, Oct 2012, pp. 128-132. ISSN
(Online): 2319-6564. http://www.ijesonline.com
94. Gill N.S., “Importance of Software Component Characterization For Better Software
Reusability”, ACM SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 31, Number 1, Pages 1-3, 2006, ACM
Press, New York, NY, USA.
95. Gill N.S., “Reusability Issues in Component-based Development”, ACM SIGSOFT
SEN, Volume 28, Number 4, Pages 4, 2003, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA.
96. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Component-Based Measurement: Few Useful Guidelines”,
ACM SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 28, Number 6, Pages 4, 2003, ACM Press, New York,
97. Gill N.S., Grover P.S., Taneja D.R.,"A New Program Complexity Measure", Computer
Society of India (CSI) Communication Journal, Nov 1994, pp. 39-42. (This paper has
also won 'The Best Paper Award' of the Journal).
98. Gill N.S., “Role of Information Technology in Office Automation”, University News
Journal (published by Association of Indian Universities), Vol. 35(23), June 9, 1997,
pp. 6-12.
99. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Hazards In Hi-tech Computing”, ‘i.t’ (The complete
magazine on Information Technology), April 1999, pp. 71-74.
100. Gill N.S., "Managing Through Technology", Utkrisht Prabandh (MDU Research
Journal of Management Studies), Vol. 6, 1998, pp. 73-83.
101. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Challenges Before Information Society”, University News
Journal, Vol. 37, No. 12, March 22, 1999, pp. 17-23.
102. Gill N.S., “Steps Towards Information Society”, O D Communication (A Journal of
Organisation Development Institute), August 1999, pp. 5-8. (Part-I)
103. Gill N.S., “Component-Based Development: A New Approach to Software
Engineering”, ‘i.t’ (The complete magazine on Information Technology), August
2003, pp. 64-67.
104. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Software Size Prediction Before Coding”, ACM SIGSOFT
SEN, Volume 29, Number 5, 2004, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, Pages 1-4.
105. Gill N.S., “Information Technology In Higher Education: Role of IT in Office
Automation”, Selections From University News, Vol. 5, AIU New Delhi, 2000, pp. 72-
106. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Changed Roles and Responsibilities of Information
Professionals”, 48th ILA Conference Volume, Jan. 2003, pp. 725-731 and Chapter 16
of the book “Quality Management in Libraries” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications,
New Delhi, 2008, pp. 242-249.
107. Gill N.S., “Emerging Trends of ERP”,University News Journal, Vol. 37, No. 3, Jan.
18, 1999, pp. 12-17.
108. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Library Computer Network Security: Few Guidelines”,
Proceedings of International CALIBER-2003, Feb. 2003, pp. 715(Abstract) and
Chapter 13 of the book “IT Applications for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C.
Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 194-198.
109. Gill N.S., “Steps Towards Information Society”, O D Communication (A Journal of
Organisation Development Institute), August 1999, pp. 21-25. (Part-II)
110. Gill N.S., Dabas K.C., Singh S., Dabas S., “Automation Scenario in University Libraries:
A Study of Some Selected Libraries”, Proceedings of International CALIBER-2003,
Feb. 2003, pp. 81-97 and Chapter 12 of the book “IT Applications for TQM and
Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 121-
111. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Information Technology In Higher Education: Challenges
Before Information Society”, Selections From University News, Vol. 5, AIU New
Delhi, 2000, pp. 130-145.
112. Gill N.S., “Evolution of the Infotech Society”, University News, Vol. 42 No. 44,
November 01-07, 2004, pp. 1-4.
113. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., "Composite Complexity Measures", Software Quality and
Productivity: Theory, Practice and Training (by Mathew Lee, Ben-Zim Barta and
Peter Juliff), Chapman & Hall, Hong-Kong, 1995, pp. 279-283.
114. Gill N.S., Dabas K.C., “Perspective on Human Resource Development: An Agenda For
Library And Information Staff”, S.D. Vyas et. al (Eds): Readings in Library and
Information Science: Festchrift S.P. Sood. Jaipur, 2000, pp. 99-104.
115. Gill N.S., Grover P.S., Singh R., "Measuring Software Systems," published in book
‘Operations Research: Theory and Practice’, SPANIEL Pub., New Delhi, 1994, pp.
116. Gill N.S., "Exploitation of IT Potentials For Automation of Offices", Invited Paper for
a Volume of Book on Higher Education by Prof. V.T. Patil, Karnatak Univ.,
117. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Information Society in 21st Century”, Excellence in
Information Technology: Book published by S.D. Vyas & Others, Raj Publishing
House, Jaipur, pp. 228-240.
118. Gill N.S., “Factors Affecting Effective Software Quality Management Revisited”, ACM
SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 30, Number 2, Pages 1-4, 2005, ACM Press, New York, NY,
119. Gill N.S., “Emerging Trends of Digital Libraries”, Chapter-5 in book “Advances in
Library and Information Science” Volume 5 (Digital Library), Scientific Publishers
(India), 2005, pp. 55-71.
120. Gill N.S., “Bioinformatics: Opportunities and Challenges”, EDUTRACKS Journal,
Vol. 5 No. 8, April 2006, pp. 22-25.
121. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Appropriate Technology for Qualitative and Sustainable
Librarianship”, 43rd ILA Conference Volume, Chandigarh, Nov. 97, pp. 259-271 and
Chapter 11 of the book “IT Applications for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C.
Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 151-165.
122. Gill N.S. and Tomar Pardeep, “Major Challenges Faced in Computer-Based Software
Reuse”, Journal of Computer Science, Volume 2, No. 01, July-August 2006, pp. 53.
123. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “TQM and Reengineering for Library Services: MDUL Style”,
IASLIC XXI All India Conference, Coimbatore, 26-29 Dec. 97 and Chapter 5 of the
book “Quality Management in Libraries” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New
Delhi, 2008, pp. 64-78.
124. Nasib S. Gill, “Acquiring Quality and Productivity Through ERP Implementation”,
SOCH- Mastnath Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 4, October-
December, 2007.
125. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Managing Quality in University Library for Sustainable
Library Management”, 43rd ILA Conference Volume, Chandigarh, Nov. 97, pp. 33-
45 and Chapter 4 of the book “Quality Management in Libraries” by K.C. Dabas,
Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 47-52.
126. Gill N.S., “Emerging Opportunities & Challenges of Information
Superhighway”,Chapter-5 in book “Approaches to Modern Librarianship”, Sanjay
Prakashan, New Delhi, pp. 115-137
127. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Internet for Libraries: Need of the Hour”, Chapter 7 of the
book “IT Applications for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess
Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 92-108.
128. Nasib S. Gill and Reena Hooda, “Importance of Clustering Technique in Data
Mining”,International Journal of Computer Science and Knowledge Engineering
(IJCSKE), Serial Publications, Volume 1, Number 1-2, January-December 2007.
129. Nasib S. Gill and P. Tomar, “X Model: A New Component-Based Model”, MR
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2, January-July
2008, Pages 1-10.
130. Nasib S. Gill, “Component-Based Software Engineering: A New Agenda for Software
Industry”, SOCH- Mastnath Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, October-
December, 2008, pp.1-7.
131. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Accessibility of Information Through Information Systems
And Services: An Agenda”, Proceedings ofXVII National Seminar of IASLIC, 1998,
pp. 110-112.and Chapter 6 of the book “IT Applications for TQM and Library
Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 87-89.
132. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Empowering Library Employees With Knowledge, Skills,
Dignity and Attitudes: Some Experiences, Observations and Realizations”, 44th ILA
Conference Volume, Hyderabad, 1999, pp. 512-521 and Chapter 14 of the book
“Quality Management in Libraries” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi,
2008, pp. 212-225.
133. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Interneting University Libraries: Some Reflections From
Better World”, INFLIBNET Volume of CALIBER-99, 1999, pp. 112-121 and Chapter
8 of the book “IT Applications for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess
Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 109-120.
134. Nasib S. Gill and Reena Hooda, “Applicability of Fuzzy Logic In Clustering”, MR
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2008.
135. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Impact of Information Technology on Social Development”,
ILA Volume of XLII All India Lib. Conference,1996, pp. 305-322 and Chapter 3 of
the book “IT Applications for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess
Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 32-50.
136. Nasib S. Gill and Reena Hooda, “Clustering In Management”, SANDESH – Mastnath
Journal of Management, Volume 3, No. 3 &4, 2008, pp. 12-16.
137. Gill N.S., “Digital Libraries: Its Emergence and Challenges", INFLIBNET Volume of
CALIBER-98, 1998, pp. 322-329 and Chapter 14 of the book “IT Applications for
TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008,
pp. 200-209.
138. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Intranet: Its Emergence And Usefulness”, INFLIBNET
Volume of CALIBER-99, pp. 100-111 and Chapter 9 of the book “IT Applications
for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi,
2008, pp. 121-134.
139. Nasib S. Gill, “Enterprise Information Systems in 21st Century: Opportunities and
Challenges”, Invited Chapter in the Edited book by Apeejay Institute of Management,
Jalandhar on Enterprise Information Systems, 2008-09.
140. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., "Understanding the Essentials of TQM For Library And
Information Management in Academic Settings", INFLIBNET Volume of CALIBER-
98, 1998, pp. 133-138 and Chapter 1 of the book “Quality Management in Libraries”
by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 3-8.
141. Nasib S. Gill and Sunil Sikka, “Defect-oriented Approach to Software Development
and Suite of Defect Metrics”, International Journal of Computer Science, System
Engineering and Information Technology (IJCSSEIT), Vol.2 Issue-1 Jan.-Jul 2009.
142. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Knowledge Management: An Overview, Exploration and
Implementation in University Libraries”, National Library And Information
Networking (NACLIN 2000), DELNET, New Delhi, pp. 18-31 and Chapter 5 of the
book “IT Applications for TQM and Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess
Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 67-83.
143. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “CD-ROM Networking in Libraries: Need of the Hour”,
National Library And Information Networking (NACLIN 2000), DELNET, New
Delhi, pp. 117-128 and Chapter 10 of the book “IT Applications for TQM and
Library Marketing” by K.C. Dabas, Ess Ess Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 135-
144. Nasib S. Gill and Sunil Sikka,“Fault Proneness of Classes in Object-Oriented Systems”,
International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering, Volume 1, Number 2,
2008, pp. 103-105.
145. Nasib S. Gill and Balkishan, “Effect of Dependencies on Change Impact in Component-
Based System”, ICFAI Journal of Systems Management (IJSYM), Vol. VI, No. 3,
August 2008, Pages 40-49.
146. Gill N.S. and Tomar P., “CBS Testing Requirement and Test Cases Processes
Documentation Revisited”, ACM SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 32, Number 2, Pages 1-4,
2007, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA.
147. Gill N.S. and Balkishan (2009), “Component Adaptation Process and Adaptability
Viewpoints”, ACM Journal of SIGSOFT SEN, Volume 34, Issue 6, pp. 1-3.
148. Gill N.S. and Balkishan (2009), “Controlling Architectural Complexity of Component-
Based System During Configuration Change”, International Journal of Computer
Science, System Engineering and Information Technology, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 37-
149. Gill N.S. and Balkishan (2009), “Metrics for Reuse Process in Component-Based
Systems”,ICFAI Journal of System Management, Volume 7, Issue 2, December 2009,
pp. 7-13.
150. Nasib Singh Gill, Sunil Sikka and Balkishan (2009), “IT Deployment in Rural Areas:
Opportunities, Barriers and Remedial Solutions”, CSMS Journal (Special Issue on IT
and Rural Development) – Social and Management Solutions”, Volume 4, Issue 1 &
2, June & December 2009, pp. 1-8.
151. Gill N.S. and Hooda, R. (2009), “Prophecy from Scrapped Data Using Nearest Neighbor
Method”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing (IJIIP, Volume
3, No. 1, Jan-June 2009, pp. 181-191.
152. Gill N.S. and Hooda, R. (2010), “Optimizing Multi-path Decision Tree by Clustering and
K-Nearest Neighbor Methods”, IUP Journal of Computer Science, Volume 4, No. 2,
April 2010, pp. 7-14.
153. Gill Nasib.S. and Gupta Rajan (2009), “Prevention and Detection of Financial Statement
Fraud: A Data Mining Approach”, ICFAI Journal of System Management, Volume
VII, No. 3, August 2009, pp. 55-68.
154. Kumar, A.; Tomar, P.; Gill, N. S. and Panwar, D.(2011).“New Optimal Process for
Selection of Software Components”, IMS Manthan Journal.
155. Nasib S. Gill and Reena Hooda, “Mining the Web: Issues and Appliances”, KAIM
Journal of Management and Research (Bi-annual Journal of KAIM), Volume 3, No.
1, May-October 2010.
156. Nasib Singh Gill and Pardeep Tomar (2009), “Social Challenges and Role of IT in Rural
Development”, CSMS Journal (Special Issue on IT and Rural Development) – Social
and Management Solutions”, Volume 4, Issue 1 & 2, June & December 2009, pp. 1-
157. Nasib S. Gill, Sunil Sikka, “Defect-oriented Approach to Software Development and
Suite of Defect Metrics”, International Journal of Computer Science, System
Engineering and Information Technology (IJCSSEIT), Vol.2 Issue-1 pp. 31-36 Jan.-
Jul 2009.
158. Panwar, D.; Tomar P.; Gill, N. S. and Kumar, A.(2011). “New Method to Analyze the
Impacts on Reliability and Reusability in Component-Based Software Development”,
IMS Manthan Journal.
159. Nasib S. Gill, Sunil Sikka (2009), “Fault Proneness of Classes in Object-Oriented
Systems”, International Journal of Computer Engineering (IJCE), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.
103-105, July-December 2009.
160. Gupta Rajan and Gill Nasib S.(2012), “Analysis of Data Mining Techniques for
Detection of Financial Statement Fraud”, ICFAI Journal of System Management,
February 2012.
161. Gupta Rajan and Gill Nasib Singh (2012). "Data Mining Techniques - A Key for detection
of financial statement fraud", International Journal of Computer Science and
Information Security, Vol. 10 No.3, March 2012, pp. 49–57.
162. Gupta Rajan and Gill Nasib Singh (2012). "Prevention of Financial Statement Fraud
Using Data Mining", International Journal of Computer Science and Information
Security, Vol. 10 No.4, April 2012, pp. 55-59.
163. Gupta Rajan and Gill Nasib Singh (2012). “Prevention and Detection of Financial
Statement Fraud – An Implementation of Data Mining Framework”, International
Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, published by The Science
and information organization, USA (August 2012) (Impact Factor: 1.187) ISSN: 2156
– 5570.
164. Gupta Rajan and Gill Nasib Singh (2012). “A Data Mining Framework of Prevention and
Detection of Financial Statement Fraud”, International Journal of Computer
Application 50(8), 7 – 14, July 2012.Published by Foundation of Computer Science,
New York, U.S.A. (Impact Factor: 0.814) ISSN: 0975 – 8887.
165. Sehrawat Deepti and N. S. Gill (2018). “Security Requirements of IoT Applications in
Smart Environment”. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in
Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI-2018), available at IEEE Explore, pp. 324-329,
organized by SCAD College of Engineering and Technology on 11-12 May, 2018 at
Tirunelveli, India. [Scopus Indexed]. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8553681
166. Sehrawat Deepti, N. S. Gill, “Internet of Things: Opportunities and Future Scope”. In
Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science &
Technology (ICETST-2018), organized by Gateway Institute of Engineering and
Technology (GIET), Sonipat, April 13, 2018.
167. Divya Dalal, Nasib Singh Gill, Latika Singh. “Built-in testing in component-based
software - a mapping study”, Proc. of Computing for 2nd International Conference on
Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), March 11-13, 2015. IEEE Xplore Digital
Library. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7100239/
168. Kapil Juneja and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Tied multi-rubber band model for camera
distance, shape and head movement robust facial recognition”, Proc. of 2015
International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Computing and Communication
Technology (iCATccT), Devangere, India, Oct. 29-31, 2015, pp. 218-223, INSPEC
Accession Number: 15937380, DOI: 10.1109/ ICATCCT.2015.7456885. IEEE
169. Kapil Juneja and Nasib Singh Gill (2015).“A hybrid mathematical model for face
localization over multi-person images and videos”, Proc. of 2015 4th International
Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO) (Trends and
Future Directions), Noida, India, Sept. 2-4, 2015, pp. 1-6, ISBN: 978-1-4673-7230-5,
INSPEC Accession Number: 15663779, DOI: 10.1109/ICRITO.2015.7359364. IEEE
Xplore Digital Library.
170. Kapil Juneja and Nasib Singh Gill (2015).“A four level aggregative weight scanned
model facial quiz image identification”, Proc. of 2015 IEEE International Conference
on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS), Bhubaneswar, India,
Nov.2-3,2015, pp.214-219,ISBN:978-1-4673-7436-1, INSPEC Accession
Number:15905136, DOI: 10.1109/CGVIS.2015.7449924. IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
171. Kapil Juneja and Nasib Singh Gill (2015).“A PCT/PST improved HMM-PCA model for
pose robust facial recognition”, Proc. of 2015 International Conference on Applied and
Theoretical Computing and Communication Technology (iCATccT), Devangere, India,
Oct. 29-31, 2015, pp.131-136, INSPEC Accession Number: 15937380, DOI: 10.1109/
ICATCCT.2015.7456885.IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
172. Nasib Singh Gill and Meenakshi Sharma (2014),“Application of Fuzzy Inference System
in Measuring Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software”, Proc. of the 2014
International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP-14), Las
Vegas, USA.
173. Dinesh Kumar, Pradeep Tomar and Nasib Singh Gill (2012). “A Semantic Analysis of
Component-Based Web Services Framework for Component-Based Software”,
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations and Advancements in Information
and communication Technology (ICIAICT-2012), G.B.University, Greater Noida, March
30-31, 2012, pp. 25-32.
174. Monika and N. S. Gill(2012). “An Combined Ant Optimized Path Selection Approach
for Reliable Packet Delivery”,Proc. of International Conference of Recent Trends on
Computer Technology in Academia (ICRTCTA), April 2012.www.icrtcta.org
175. Nasib Singh Gill (2012). “Next Generation Computing Technologies: Opportunities
and Challenges”, Proc. of International Conference ICHDMS-2012 organised by
Department of Mathematics, M.D. University, Rohtak during November 21-24, 2014.
176. Nasib Singh Gill, Kapil Juneja and Mamta Ghalan (2011). “Two Locks Symmetric
Cryptography with Solution of Social Hacking”, Proc. of the International Conference
on Science and Engineering (ICSE 2011), pp. 245-248. RG Education Society, ISBN: 978-
177. Nasib Singh Gill, Kapil Juneja, Anita Singhroha and Anuradha (2011). “A Statistical
Approach to Perform Intrusion Detection in Wireless Network”, Proc. of the
International Conference on Science and Engineering (ICSE 2011), pp. 240-244. RG
Education Society, ISBN: 978-981-08-7931-0
178. Sumit Kumar Singh, Pradeep Tomar and Nasib Singh Gill (2012). “New Hybrid
Scheduling Algorithm Based on Priority and Shortest Job First Scheduling”,
Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations and Advancements in
Information and communication Technology (ICIAICT-2012), G.B.University, Greater
Noida, March 30-31, 2012, pp. 174-180.
179. Hema Kashyap, Pradeep Tomar and Nasib Singh Gill (2012). “A Comparative Analysis
of Aspect Mining Approaches”,Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations
and Advancements in Information and communication Technology (ICIAICT-2012),
G.B.University, Greater Noida, March 30-31, 2012, pp. 239-244.
180. Tomar, P. and Gill, N. S.(2010). “Verification & Validation of Component with New
X Component-Based Model”, Proc. of 2010 International Conference on Software
Technology and Engineering, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8667-
0,Vol. 2, pp.V2 365-V2 371.(Indexed in IEEE Xplore)
181. Gill N.S. and Hooda, R. (2010), “Predictive Data Mining: Rolling from Data to
Intelligence”, Proc. Of International Conference on Innovative Technologies (ICIT-
09), P-93.
182. Nasib S. Gill, “Need of Appropriate Component Reusability Metrics and Standards for
Component-Based Systems”, Proc. of the 2008 International Conference on Software
Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-08), pp. 123-127.
183. Gill N.S., Lycett M., deCesare Sergio, “Measurement of Component-Based Software:
Some Important Issues”, 7th Annual UKAIS Conference Proceedings, Leeds, UK,
April 2002, pp. 373-381.
184. Gill N.S., Grover P.S., Taneja D.R., "System Complexity As An Aid To Quality
Assurance", Proceedings of IEEE First International Conference on Software
Testing, Reliability, and Quality Assurance (STRQA'95), New Delhi, Feb 1995, pp.
185. Gill N.S., Tomar Pardeep, “Component-Based Software Testing: A Roadmap
(Abstract)”,Proc. of 4th International Conference onComputer Science and Its
Applications (ICCSA-2006),June 27-29, 2006, California, USA.
186. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Data Mining: A Key To Knowledge Society”, Volume II of
Proc. ofInternational Conference on Information Management (ICIM) In A
Knowledge Society (ICIM 2005), Feb. 21-25, 2005, pp. 1059-1060.
187. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C.,“Role of Data Mining and Warehousing For Future
Libraries”, INFLIBNET 2nd International CALIBER-2004, February 11-13, 2004.
188. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Measuring Component-Based Systems”, National
Conference on Software Engineering Principles And Practices (SEPP-04), March 5-6,
189. Gill N.S., Tomar P., Singh R., “Wireless Communication Through WATM: Past, Present
and Future”, Proc. of International Conference on Challenges in Networking &
Future of e-Commerce (CNFE-05), April 9-10, 2005; pp. 181-188.
190. Gill N.S., Tomar P., “Component Traceability, Testability and Testing: A Challenge in
Component-Based Software Development”, Proc. of International Conference on
Trends in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC) organized by Sathyabama
University & Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in Chennai, INDIA, 2007.
191. Gill N.S., Tomar P., “Impacts of Inadequate Testing and Testing Infrastructure in
Component-Based Software Testing and Development”, Proc. of International
Conference on Trends in Information Sciences and Computing (TISC) organized by
Sathyabama University & Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in Chennai, INDIA,
192. Gill N.S., Tomar P., “Origin, Growth and Future of Software in Service Industry in
India”, Proc. of International Conference on Trends in Information Sciences and
Computing (TISC) organized by Sathyabama University & Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS) in Chennai, INDIA, 2007.
193. Gill N.S., “Computer: An Introduction”, Haryana Science Bulletin (Hindi Magazine),
October 1991, pp. 5-7.
194. Gill N.S., “Increasing Danger of Virus”, Haryana Science Bulletin (Hindi Magazine),
August 1991, pp. 11-12.
195. Gill N.S., “Y2K Crisis And Its Social Implications”, HomePages News Paper, April 27,
198. Seema Yadav and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “Internet of Things (IOT): A Review”,
Proceedings of National Conference on Future Innovations in Computing Technologies &
Machine Learning (FICTML-2017), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (ISBN 978-
93-80544-31-1), Nov. 21, 2017,pp. 162-165.
199. Sangeeta and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “Twitter Data Sentiment Classification - A
Survey on Tools and Technology”, Proceedings of National Conference on Future
Innovations in Computing Technologies & Machine Learning (FICTML-2017), Maharshi
Dayanand University, Rohtak (ISBN 978-93-80544-31-1), Nov. 21, 2017,pp. 247-250.
200. Deepti Sehrawat and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “Future of IOT Vision and Future
Scope: A Review”, Proceedings of National Conference on Future Innovations in
Computing Technologies & Machine Learning (FICTML-2017), Maharshi Dayanand
University, Rohtak (ISBN 978-93-80544-31-1), Nov. 21, 2017,pp. 273-278.
201. Deepti Sindhu and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “Threats and Challenges in IOT Enabled
Environment: A Review”, Proceedings of National Conference on Future Innovations in
Computing Technologies & Machine Learning (FICTML-2017), Maharshi Dayanand
University, Rohtak (ISBN 978-93-80544-31-1), Nov. 21, 2017,pp. 312-316.
202. Azaz Khan and Nasib Singh Gill (2017). “E-Governance: Challenges and Issues in
Indian Perspective”, Proceedings of National Conference on Future Innovations in
Computing Technologies & Machine Learning (FICTML-2017), Maharshi Dayanand
University, Rohtak (ISBN 978-93-80544-31-1), Nov. 21, 2017,pp. 466-469.
203. Gill Nasib Singh and Pooja Singh, “Decentralized Key Generation Adapted With
Clustering in Ad Hoc Networks”, Proc. of National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ETCCBDA-17), Dept. of Comp. Sc. & Appls,
M.D. University, Rohtak on March 6, 2017.
204. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Nesting Complexity Metric", Proceedings of XXIX Annual
Convention of CSI (CSI'94): 'IT For Growth and Prosperity', Calcutta, Nov 1994,
pp. 216-222.
205. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S.,"Experimental Study of Program Comprehension", Abstract
published in the proceedings of 83rd Indian Science Congress, Patiala, March 1996.
206. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Relationship Between Program Complexity and
Comprehension”, Proceedings of CSI’96 Annual Convention, Bangalore, Oct. 1996.
207. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Information As A Strategic Resources for Socio-Economic
Development and Growth of India”, XVII National Seminar of IASLIC, Calcutta, Dec.
10-13, 1996.
208. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Indian Library System and National Development”, ILA
Volume of XLII All India Lib. Conference, Calicut, Dec. 21-24, 1996, pp. 24-35.
209. Gill N.S., “Information Technology : A Solution for Information Explosion”, National
Symposium on Recent Trends in Information Technology, Coimbatore, India, Feb.
20-21, 1997 .
210. Gill N.S.,"Social Impacts of Information Technology", proceedings of National
Conference on Social Transformations, M.D.University, Rohtak, Feb. 1998.
211. Gill N.S.,"Impact of Information Technology on Society", Invited Paper for a Volume
of Book on Higher Education by Prof. V.T. Patil, KarnatakUniv., Dharwad.
212. Gill N.S., “Emerging Trends In Computer Education”,published in Employment
Bureau Bulletin, M.D.University, Rohtak, Haryana, 1994, pp. 3-7.
213. Gill N.S., “Information Retrieval Through Internet: Some Key-Issues”, Proceedings of
UGC sponsored Seminar on “Internet For Higher Education”, Sardar Patel
University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujrat, March 13-14, 1999.
214. Gill N.S., “ERP and BPR: Appropriate Tools For Productivity And Quality”,
Proceedings of National Conference on IT For Social Development and Productivity,
CEDT of India, S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali (Pb.), May 14-16, 1999, pp. 36-39.
215. Gill N.S., “Infotech Hazards Of 21st Century”, Proceedings of National Conference on
Managerial Responses To Corporate Sector In The New Millennium, IMSAR,
M.D.U. Rohtak, Feb. 17-18, 2000.
216. Gill N.S. and Tuteja R.K., “Software Quality Assurance (SQA) : A Key-Issue For New
Millennium”, Proceedings of UGC Sponsored Workshop on Reliability And
Computer Application In Statistics And Related Areas, Meerut, March 11-12, 2000.
217. Gill N.S. and Tuteja R.K., “Emerging Trends Of Information Services And Information
Superhighway”, Proceedings of National Conference on Operations Research &
Information Technology, Agra, April 2-3, 2000.
218. Gill N.S., Dabas K.C., Singh S., Dabas S. “Knowledge Management and HRD Issues in
Hybrid University Libraries”, Proceedings of 24th IASLIC Conference, Dec. 2003, pp.
219. Gill N.S., Dabas K.C., Dabas S. “Information Management in University Libraries in
Electronic Environment”, 48th ILA Conference Volume, Jan. 2003, pp. 231-247.
220. Gill N.S., “Impact of ICT in Teaching & Learning”, Proc. of State Conference on
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in Teacher Education, Nov. 8,
2003. (It was rated as the ‘Best Multimedia Presentation’ of the conference)
221. Gill N.S. and Dabas K.C., “Making Digital Libraries A Reality: Few Important Issues”,
Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society (SIS
2004, IIT Madras), January 21-23, 2004, pp. 294-301.
222. Gill N.S. and Grover P.S., “Measuring Component-Based Systems”, National
Conference on Software Engineering Principles And Practices (SEPP-04), March 5-6,
223. Gill N.S., “Essence of Strengthening Cyber Laws In India: Need of the Hour”, Proc. of
National Conference on India in the Globalized World: Challenges and Opportunities,
April 30-May 1, 2005; pp. 68-70.
224. Gill N.S., “Essence of Knowledge Management and Data Mining in 21st Century”, Proc.
of National Conference on Communication & Computational Techniques (NCCT-06),
Feb. 2006, Dehradun.
225. Gill N.S., Tomar P., “Software Component Technology: An Easy Way to Enhance
Software Reusability (Abstract)”, Proc. of 94th Indian Science Congress (ISCA-2006),
Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, INDIA, pp. 18-19.
226. Gill N.S., Balkishan, “Wireless LAN: A Boon for Higher Education”, Proc. of National
Seminar on Network Technologies (AICTE sponsored at CITM, Faridabad), Sept. 2,
2006, pp. 40.
227. Gill N.S., Tomar P., “Reliability & Security in Open Source Software: Review & Analysis
(Abstract)”, Proc. of 94th Indian Science Congress (ISCA-2006), Annamalai
University, Tamilnadu, INDIA, pp. 21.
228. Gill N.S., Tomar P., Balkishan, “Cellular Mobile Communication in the Cyber World of
21st Century: Evolution or Revolution”, Proc. of National Seminar on Network
Technologies (AICTE sponsored at CITM, Faridabad), Sept. 2, 2006, pp. 40.
229. Gill N.S., Tomar P., “Ontology Based Natural Language Processing for Improving the
Ambiguities of Semantic Web Search”, Proc. of National Seminar on Network
Technologies (AICTE sponsored at CITM, Faridabad), Sept. 2, 2006, pp. 19.
230. Gill N.S., “Addressing Computer Network Security Challenges”, Proc. of National
Seminar on Network Technologies (AICTE sponsored at CITM, Faridabad), Sept. 2,
2006, pp.
231. Gill N.S., “Improving Software Quality by Controlling S/w Complexity”, Proc. Of
National Conference organized by Department of Mathematics, M.D.University,
Rohtak on Dec. 20-22, 2006.
232. Gill N.S., “e-Governance for Regional Development: Opportunity & Challenges”, Proc.
of National Seminar on Regional Development, M.K.J.K. Mahavidyalya, Rohtak on
September 19, 2007.
233. Gill N.S., “e-Governance for Rural India: Opportunity & Challenges”,Proc. of National
Seminar on “Rural India – A Pathway to Competitive Advantage” at N.C.College of
Engg., Israna on March 24, 2007.
234. Gill N.S., “Challenges in Convergence of Intelligent Technologies in 21st Century”, Proc.
of AICTE sponsored National Seminar on “Intelligent and Emerging Technologies in
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering (NSITMAE)”at I.T.M. Gurgaon, January 5-6, 2007.
235. Gill N.S., “Emergence of Autonomic Systems”,Proc. of AICTE sponsored National
Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Software Engineering” at N.C. College of Engg., Israna
on Sep. 5, 2008.
236. Gill N.S., “Emerging Trends of Soft-Computing”, Proc. of AICTE sponsored National
Seminar on “Artificial Intelligence and Soft-Computing” at I.T.M. Gurgaon, August 29,
237. Gill N.S., “Information Technology in 21st Century: Opportunity & Challenges”, Proc. of
National Seminar on “Understanding Computer” at K.R. College of Higher Education,
Delhi, March 14, 2008.
238. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2011). “Mobile Entertainment Issues”, Proceedings of
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-
11), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, March 29, 2011,pp. 259-261.
239. Gill N.S., “Cyber Security: A Big Challenge of 21st Century”, Proc. of National Seminar
on National Seminar on “Network Security” at DAV Institute of Management, Faridabadon April
7, 2007.
240. Kapil Juneja and Gill, Nasib Singh (2011). “A Extensive Secure Communication
Approach Using Mobile SSh”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends
in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak,
March 29, 2011,pp. 267-271.
241. Narender Singh and Nasib Singh Gill (2011). “Opportunities and Issues for Mobile
Banking in India”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mobile
Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, March 29,
2011,pp. 262-266.
242. Gill N.S. and Hooda Reena, “Data Mining: Rolling from Data to Intelligence using
Fuzzy Logic, Clustering and Neural Network Techniques”, Proc. of AICTE sponsored
National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Software Engineering” at N.C. College of
Engg., Israna on Sep. 5, 2008.
243. Kapil Juneja and Gill, Nasib Singh (2011). “A Compositional Approach of Web
Security in Cloud Computing”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging
Trends in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University,
Rohtak, March 29, 2011,pp. 174-176.
244. Gill N.S., Tomar Pardeep, “Component-Based Software Reusability: Success, Failure &
New Directions”, Proceedings of National Conference on Information Technology:
Present, Practices and Challenges (August 31st - Sept 1, 2007) at Asia Pacific Institute
of Management, New Delhi, pp. 361-365.
245. Gill N.S., “Global Meltdown: Challenges & Opportunities”,Proc. of National Seminar
on “Global Meltdown” at IMT, Faridabad, April 10-11, 2009.
246. Kapil Juneja and Gill, Nasib Singh (2011). “Malicious Code Detection and Resolvant
in Manets for Preserving Security”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging
Trends in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University,
Rohtak, March 29, 2011,pp. 78-82.
247. Gill N.S., “e-Governance: Opportunities, Risks and Challenges”, Proc. of National
Seminar on “e-Governance: Opportunities & Challenges” at GVM Institute of
Technology & Management, Sonepat on May 23, 2009.
248. Kapil Juneja and Gill, Nasib Singh (2011). “Dynamic Pattern Extraction to Perform
Intruder Safe Steganography”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging
Trends in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University,
Rohtak, March 29, 2011,pp. 174-176.
249. Gill N. S. and Balkishan, (2007). “COTS-Based Development Process, Challenges and
Risks”,Proceedings of National Conference on Computing for Nation Development,
Bharati Vidyapeeth, Institute of Computer Applications and Management, Delhi, pp. 673.
250. Gill N.S., Balkishan and Sunil Sikka (2011). “Various Methods for Hiding the Data using
Cryptography: A Review Article”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging
Trends in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University,
Rohtak, March 29, 2011, pp. 275-277.
251. Tomar, P., Rohit and Gill, N. S. (2011). “Design and Development of a Framework for
Mobile Chat Application with Silverlight”, proceedings of Emerging Trends in Mobile
Technologies and Security organized by Department of Computer Science & Applications,
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, INDIA.
252. Kumar, A.; Tomar, P.; Gill, N. S. and Panwar, D.(2010).“New Optimal Process for
Selection of Software Components”, proceedings of 1st National Conference on Next
Generation Computing and Information Security, jointly organized by Computer Society
of India and Institute of Management Studies, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA, pp. 376.
253. Panwar, D.; Tomar P.; Gill, N. S. and Kumar, A.(2010). “New Method to Analyze the
Impacts on Reliability and Reusability in Component-Based Software Development”,
proceedings of 1st National Conference on Next Generation Computing and Information
Security, jointly organized by Computer Society of India and Institute of Management
Studies, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA,pp. 379.
254. Reena Hooda and Nasib Singh Gill (2011). “Mobile Money Transfer Technology:
Mechanics and Management”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends
in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak,
March 29, 2011,pp. 352-353.
255. Gill N.S., Sunil Sikka and Balkishan (2011).“Text Cryptography using Crossover Genetic
Operator”, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mobile
Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, March
29, 2011, pp. 24-26.
256. Tomar, P. and Gill, N. S. (2011). “Steganography through DNA Computing: A Secure
Approach for Mobile Communication”, Proceedings of National Conference on
Emerging Trends in Mobile Technologies & Security (ETMTS-11), Maharshi Dayanand
University, Rohtak, March 29, 2011,pp. 257-258.
257. Navneet and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “Analysing Various Selection Criteria of Decision
Trees”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies
(NCACT-2013), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. (ISBN – 978-93-259-6688-8).
March 30, 2013, pp. 254-256.
258. Manisha and Nasib Singh Gill (2013). “A Review on Image Enhancement Techniques
for 3D Media”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing
Technologies (NCACT-2013), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. (ISBN – 978-93-
259-6688-8). March 30, 2013,pp. 437-440.
259. Nasib Singh Gill and Pooja Singh (2013). “A Trust Model for Trust Mgmt in Mobile Ad-
hoc Networks”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advanced Computing
Technologies (NCACT-2013), Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. (ISBN – 978-93-
259-6688-8). March 30, 2013,pp. 791-795.
260. Anupama Verma, Pradeep Tomar, Nasib Singh Gill and Annu (2013). “A Critical
Analysis of Coupling Metrics for Aspect-Oriented S/w Engg”, Proceedings of National
Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies (NCACT-2013), Maharshi Dayanand
University, Rohtak. (ISBN – 978-93-259-6688-8). March 30, 2013,pp. 705-707.
261. Renu Yadav and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Review of Advanced Encryption Standard
Algorithm for Data Protection Through Network”, Proc. of National Conference on
Emerging Computing Technologies & ICT for Development (NCECT & ICTD-2015),
organised by Department of Computer Science & Applications, M.D. University, Rohtak.
262. Vijay Bharti and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “Distributed Denial of Service Attacks and IP
Traceback Countermeasures”, Proc. of National Conference on Emerging Computing
Technologies & ICT for Development (NCECT & ICTD-2015), organised by Department
of Computer Science & Applications, M.D. University, Rohtak.
263. Pooja Singh and Nasib Singh Gill (2015). “A Survey on Securing Issues in MANET: Key
Management and Trust Management”, Proc. of National Conference on Emerging
Computing Technologies & ICT for Development (NCECT & ICTD-2015), organised by
Department of Computer Science & Applications, M.D. University, Rohtak.
E) Papers Reviewed
1. “Software quality improvement: a model based on managing factors impacting software
quality”, Software Quality Journal, Springer Journals, May 2014. www.springer.com
2. “Optimal Staffing Model For Supermarket: Case Study On A Hypothetical Supermarket”
paper reviewed for International Conference ICMO-2014, Sept. 6-8, 2014, Chengdu,
3. “Mode I Stress Intensity Factors for Centrally Cracked Semiconductor Material Planes in
C4 Flipchips” paper reviewed for International Conference ICMO-2014, Sept. 6-8, 2014,
Chengdu, China.
4. “Determinants of Underpricing In Indonesian Stock Market” paper reviewed for
International Conference ICCBM-2014, June 2-3, 2014, London, U.K.
5. “Sale Strategy of Substitutable Products under Consumer Choice” paper reviewed for
International Conference ICMO-2014, Sept. 6-8, 2014, Chengdu, China.
6. “An Information System Model for the e-Government of Digital Bangladesh” paper
reviewed for International Conference ICCBM-2014, June 2-3, 2014, London, U.K.
7. “An Empirical Study of Factors Impacting Size of the Object-Oriented Software
Component”, International Journal of Information Systems and Computing, USA.
8. “NISAGENET- A Web Based Information System on Agricultural Education”, Statistics
and Applications (Journal of the Society of Statistics Computer and Applications), IASRI,
New Delhi, India.
9. “Architecture, Design and Implementation Strategy for Web Based Personnel
Management System”, Statistics and Applications (Journal of the Society of Statistics
Computer and Applications), IASRI, New Delhi, India.
10. “A Fuzzy Approach for Integrated Measure of Object-Oriented Software Complexity”,
DIAS Technology Review (International Journal for Business and IT).
11. “Capability Maturity Model Integration in Higher Education”,Techgenesis (The Journal
of Information Technology), Amity Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
12. “Software Reliability Models: A Historical Perspective”,Techgenesis (The Journal of
Information Technology), Amity Institute of Information Technology, Noida.
F) Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/FDPs Attended
a) Acted as Key Speaker and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the conference in
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science & Technology (ICETST-2018),
organized by Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology (GIET), Sonepat, Haryana
on April 13, 2018.
b) Acted as Keynote Speaker and delivered Keynote Address on 12th April 2018 in National
Conference on “Role of Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digital India” organized by
MSIT & BMCEM, NH-1, Jagdishpur, Delhi NCR on April 12, 2018.
c) Acted as Key Speaker and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the conference in
National Conference on Information Technology, Engineering, Environment Science
and Management (NCIEEM-2018) organized by DAV Institute of Management,
Faridabad (Haryana) on April 7, 2018.
d) Acted as Key Speaker and delivered Invited Talk on 6th April 2018 in the Springer
Sponsored International Conference on “Innovative Computing and Communication”-
ICICC-2018 organized by Guru Nanak Institute of Management, New Delhi, India during
April 5-6, 2018.
e) Acted as Session Chair on 6th April 2018 in the Springer Sponsored International
Conference on “Innovative Computing and Communication”-ICICC-2018 organized by
Guru Nanak Institute of Management, New Delhi, India during April 5-6, 2018.
f) Acted as Invited Speaker and delivered Invited Talk on “Recent Innovations in Data
Analytics” on 31st March 2018 (afternoon) in the AICTE Sponsored International
Conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering” organized by N.C. College of
Engineering, Israna, Panipat during March 30-31, 2018.
g) Acted as Chief-Guest in the Valedictory Function on 31st March 2018 (afternoon) in the
AICTE Sponsored International Conference on “Recent Advances in Engineering”
organized by N.C. College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat during March 30-31, 2018.
h) Acted as Keynote Speaker and delivered Keynote Address on 23rd March 2018 in National
Conference on “Latest Innovations in Data Science & Cyber Security” organized by
MSIT & BMCEM, NH-1, Jagdishpur, Delhi NCR on March 23, 2018.
n) Acted as Keynote Speaker and delivered Keynote Address on “Future Smart Computing
Technologies: Opportunities & Challenges” on 9th March 2018 during Inaugural Session
the DGHE, Haryana Sponsored National Conference on “Energy & Sustainability:
Sources, Expectations & Uncertainties” organized by Aggarwal College Ballabgarh,
Faridabad (Haryana) during March 9-10, 2018.
o) Acted as Chief-Guest and Keynote Speaker on Feb. 17, 2018 in DGHE, Haryana
sponsored One Day National Seminar on “Recent Advances in Information Technology”
organized by K.L. Mehta Dayanand College for Women, Faridabad (Haryana) on Feb. 17,
p) Acted as Keynote Speaker on 25th January 2018 in NAAC Sponsored National Seminar
on “Teaching, Learning and Evaluation” organized by IQAC, DAV Centenary College,
Faridabad (Haryana) on January 25, 2018.
q) Acted as Invited Speaker and delivered Invited Talk on “Future Innovations and
Computing Technologies” on 11th January 2018 in 1st North India Science Congress
(NISC-2018) and International Conference on “Science and Technology for Sustainable
Future” organized by Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow
during January 10-11, 2018.
ee) Acted as Resource Person and Chaired Technical Session on 28th October 2016 in the
DST-Inspire Science Camp organized by Ch. Bansi Lal University, Bhiwani and delivered
talk on “Future Computing Technologies”
ff) Acted as Resource Person in National Workshop on “E-Governance in India: Issues and
Challenges” organized by Dept. of Public Administration, M.D. University, Rohtak on
October 5, 2016.
gg) Acted as Keynote Speaker and Guest of Honour in the International Conference on
“Recent Innovations in Science, Management, Education and Technology
(ICRISMET-16)” organized by JCD Memorial College, Sirsa, Haryana on 27th August
hh) Acted as Guest of Honor and delivered Valedictory Address on the theme of the National
Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering –
ETCSEE-2016”organizedat RPS Group of Institutions, Mahendergarh on 10th April,
ii) 3rd IEEE International Conference on "Computing For Sustainable Global Development”
– 10th INDIACom-2016organized by BVICAM, New Delhi during 16th – 18th March,
2016 and Chaired a Technical Session on 18th March 2016.
jj) Acted as Guest of Honor and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the “National
Conference on Cyber Security Issues and Challenges”held at Tecnia Institute of
Advanced Studies, New Delhi on 26thFeb, 2016.
kk) “50th Golden Jubilee Annual Convention (CSI-2015)” on the theme “Digital Life” during
December 2-5, 2015 atBVICAM, New Delhi Chaired a Technical Session on 3rd December
ll) International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP’14)
at Las Vegas, USA during July 21-24, 2014 and presented our paper “Application of a
Fuzzy Inference System to Measure Maintainability of Object-Oriented Software” and
chaired Two Technical Sessions of the Intl Conference.
mm) Two Weeks (May 4-16, 2015) Faculty Development Program on Rational SEED and
Rational SEED for Quality conducted by WebTek Labs Pvt. Ltd. at Department of
Computer Science & Applications, M.D.University, Rohtak.
nn) International Conference on “Recent Trends in Computer and Information
Technology Research” organised by B.S. Anangpuria Institute of Technology and
Management, Faridabad (Haryana) on September 25, 2015 and delivered Keynote
Address on the theme of the Conference.
oo) International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Technology, Science & Upcoming
Research”held at DAV Institute of Management, Faridabad (Haryana) on April 25,
2015. Acted as Chief Guest and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the
pp) 1st International Yoga Day Celebrations organized by M.D. University, Rohtak on
21st June, 2015 and chaired Session in Seminar on “Yoga and Holistic Life” at MDU
qq) Yoga Training/7-Days Health Awareness Camp (18.6.2015-24.6.2015) held at Youth
Red Cross, M.D. University, Rohtak and delivered keynote address on its Inaugural
rr) Inter-Zonal Youth Festival and Folk Festival of M.D. University, Rohtak for session
2014-15 and acted as Organizing Secretary of this event.
ss) International Conferenceon “Innovative Trends in Computing Technology &
Mathematica”– ITCTM-2015 organised by Delhi Institute of Technology &
Management, Sonepat, Haryana on January 10, 2015 and contributed Keynote
Address on the theme of the Conference in the proceedings of the Conference (Could
not attend the Conference).
tt) National Conferenceon “Innovations in Computing and Information Technology” –
COGNITION-2015 organised by Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana on 25th – 26th
February, 2015 and participated as a Keynote Speaker in the Inaugural of the
Conference and also Chaired a session on ‘Advancements in Information Technology’.
uu) National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information
Technology”– NCETCSIT-2015 organised by Rawal Institutions, Faridabad,
Haryana on January 10, 2015 and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the
vv) Workshop on “Sexual Harassment and Violence against Women: Prevention,
Prohibition and Redressal” organised by M.D. University, Rohtak on 17.03.2015 and
acted as Resource Person on “Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security”.
ww) IEEE sponsored 4th National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering &
Technology”– ETET-2015 organised by SBIT, Sonepat, Haryana on February 6-7,
2015 and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the Conference during its
xx) National Conference on “Innovative Trends in Computer Science Engineering”–
ITCSE-2015 organised by BRCM College of Engg. & Technology, Bahal (Hr) on
April 4, 2015. Acted as Chief Guest and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of
the Conference.
yy) National Conference on “Innovative Development in Science, Technology &
Management”organised by Ganga Technical Campus, Bahadurgarh, Haryana on
1stMarch 2015 and as a Chief-Guest & Keynote Speaker delivered Keynote Address
on the theme of the Conference.
zz) National Conference on “Advancement in Biometrics Trends & Its Applications”
organised by Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon on October 16, 2015 as
Chief-Guest & Keynote Speaker delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the
aaa) National Workshop on “Intelligent System for Engineering and
Management”organised by Somany(P.G.) Institute of Technology and Management,
Rewari, Haryana on 28th March 2015 and as a Chief-Guest delivered Keynote
Address on the theme of the Workshop.
bbb) National Workshop on “Emerging Trends in Computing & Challenges for
Future”organised by BLS Institute of Technology Management, Bahadurgarh (Hr.)
on 22nd April 2015 and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the Workshop.
ccc) Workshop on “Quality Workshop for Engineering Faculty” organised by IQAC,
Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad (Haryana) on 27th September,
2014 and delivered a session on “Methods and Techniques for Effective Teaching in
Technical Courses”.
ddd) National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Engineering, Management and
Science” organised by Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, Kablana
(Haryana)on 23rd August, 2014 and acted as Chief Guest and delivered Keynote
eee) 7th National Teachers’ Science Congress-2013 organised by Department of Science &
Technology, MHRD, Govt. of India at Al-Falah School of Engg. & Technology,
Faridabad during December 14-17, 2013 and acted as an Expert/Evaluator.
fff) International Conference on “Emerging Technologies – ICET-2014” organised by
N.C. College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat and sponsored under TEQIP-II during
April 24-26, 2014 and delivered an Invited Talk and chaired a Technical Session.
ggg) AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on “Mobile Computing and Mobile Applications
Development – MOBAPP-2014” organised by N.C. College of Engineering Technical
Campus, Israna, Panipat during March 28-29, 2014 and delivered a Keynote
hhh) National Conference on “Innovative Trends in Information Processing &
Management” - NCITIPM2K14 organised by Maharaja Surajmal Institute (MSI),
New Delhi on March 15, 2014 and delivered a Keynote Address.
iii) International Conference on "Computing For Sustainable Global Development” – 8th
INDIACom-2014 organized by BVICAM, New Delhi during 5th – 7th March, 2014 and
Chaired a Technical Session on 7th March 2014.
jjj) One Week National Workshop on “Problem Solving Using MATLAB”, organised by
Department of Computer Science & applications, M.D. University, Rohtak during
March 24-29, 2014.
kkk) National Conference on “Innovative Trends in Information Processing &
Management” - NCITIPM2K14 organised by Maharaja Surajmal Institute (MSI),
New Delhi on March 15, 2014 and chaired Technical Session of the conference.
lll) National Conference on "Emerging Trends in Electronics & Communication: ETEC-
2013” organized by BRCM College of Engg. & Technology, Bahal, Haryana during
October 25-26, 2013 and delivered a Keynote Address on “Future Trends in Computing
and Communication Technologies” on October 26, 2013.
mmm) National Conference on "Emerging Trends & Innovations in Computer &
Communication” – NCETICC-2013 organized by SITM, Rewari on October 19, 2013
and delivered a Keynote Address on “Future Trends & Innovations in Computing
nnn) National Conference on “Global Competitiveness: Paradigm Shift in Management,
Engineering & science”, organised by Savera Group of Institutions, Gurgaon,
Haryana on April 27, 2013and delivered a Invited Talk on the theme of Conference.
ooo) IEEE sponsored 2nd National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering &
Technology” (ETET-2013), organised by SBIT Group of Institutions, Sonepat,
Haryana duringFeb. 8-9, 2013 and delivered a Keynote Address.
ppp) National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Science, Technology and Management
– Vision 2020”, organised by Savera Group of Institutions, Gurgaon, Haryana on Jan
18-19, 2013 and delivered a Keynote Address on “Emerging Trends in Computing
qqq) National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Science, Technology & Management-
Vision 2020” ICHDMS-2012 organised by GITM, Gurgaon during January 18-19,
2013 and delivered Keynote Address on the theme “Emerging Trends in Computing
Technologies” in the inaugural session on 18th January 2013.
rrr) International Conference ICHDMS-2012 organised by Department of Mathematics,
M.D. University, Rohtak during November 21-24, 2014 and delivered an Invited Talk
on the theme “Next Generation Computing Technologies: Opportunities and
Challenges” in the Technical Session on Nov. 22, 2012.
sss) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on “Innovations in Management & Information
Technology” (ICIMIT-2012) organized by IMT, Faridabad on 7th April, 2012 and
addressed the audience in the inaugural session as well as chaired the Technical Session.
ttt) IEEE sponsored 1st National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering and
Technology” (NCETET-12) organised by SBIT, Sonepat on Feb. 3-4, 2012 in
collaboration with Computer Society of India (CSI), Indian Society for Technical
Education (ISTE), and IEEE Student Branch - Delhi chapter on and addressed the
audience in the inaugural session on Feb. 3, 2012 as well as chaired the Technical Session.
uuu) National Conference on “Emerging Trends In Computer and Information
Technology” (NCETCIT-2012) organised by GVMITM, Sonepat during MAY 11-12,
2012 and delivered an expert talk on “Emerging Trends in Computing Technologies”
vvv) 2nd National Conference on Emerging Trends In Electronics & Information Technology
organised by AITM, Palwal during April 14-15, 2012 and delivered Keynote Address on
“Future Generation Computing Technologies”
www) National Conference on “Internet Computing and Communication (IC2)”
organised by TIAS, New Delhi on April 21, 2012 and delivered Keynote Address on
“Next Generation Computing Technologies: Opportunities & Challenges”
xxx) International Conference on “Business Intelligence-An Alignment of IT &
Management” at IMT, Faridabad, April 9, 2011 and delivered a talk on the theme of the
yyy) National Workshop on “Software Reliability and Testing”, Gautam Buddha
University, Greater Noida (UP), Sept 2-3, 2011 and delivered a talk on “Component-based
Software Testing: Issues and Challenges” on Sept. 3, 2011.
zzz) National Seminar on “Tourism – Linking Cultures” organized by Institute of Hotel &
Tourism Management, M. D. University, Rohtak on Sept. 27, 2011 and delivered an Expert
Lecture as one of Key Speakers on “IT and Tourism: New Opportunities for Linking
aaaa) Organised National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Mobile Technologies &
Security (ETMTS-11)” by Department of Computer Science & Applications, Maharshi
Dayanand University, Rohtak on March 29, 2011 and brought out published volume of
Conference Proceedings. (Acted as Conference Director)
bbbb) National Conclave on “Language and IT Industry – Jell Well”, DAV Centenary
College, Faridabad on Feb. 25, 2011 and delivered Keynote Address.
cccc) International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice 2008 (SETP-
2008) at Florida during July 7-10, 2008 and presented my paper “Need of Appropriate
Component Reusability Metrics and Standards for Component-Based Systems”.
dddd) National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Hospitality & Tourism”, Organized by
IHTM, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, April 09-10, 2011.
eeee) Workshop on “Recent Trends in Software Testing”organized by Delhi Technological
University, Delhi on 17th September, 2010 and delivered Invited Talk on “Component-
Based Testing”.
ffff) National Seminar on “Global Meltdown” at IMT, Faridabad, April 10-11, 2009 and
presented Invited Paper “Global Meltdown: Challenges & Opportunities”.
gggg) National Seminar on “e-Governance: Opportunities & Challenges” at GVM Institute of
Technology & Management, Sonepat on May 23, 2009 and presented Keynote Address
on “e-Governance: Opportunities, Risks and Challenges”.
hhhh) National Seminar on “Trends in Wireless and Mobile Communication (TWMC-09)”, at
SBIT, Sonepat on 27.02.2009 and made a presentation as Keynote Speaker on “MDU
Campus Wide Integrated Network for Internet & Telephony”.
iiii) National Seminar on “e-business” at Tecnia Institute, New Delhi and made a presentation
as Keynote Speaker on “e-Business in 21st Century: Opportunities & Challenges”.
jjjj) Invited Speaker in National Seminar on Regional Development, M.K.J.K.
Mahavidyalya, Rohtak on September 19, 2007 and made a presentation on e-Governance
for Regional Development: Opportunity & Challenges.
kkkk) Key Note Speaker in National Seminar on Enterprise Information Systems, organized
by Apeejay Institute of Management, Jalandharon 24.5.2008 and made a presentation on
Enterprise Information Systems in 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges.
llll) ICDE International Conference held at IGNOU, New Delhi in Nov. 2006.
mmmm) International Conference on Information Management In A Knowledge Society
(ICIM 2005) organized by IASLIC at Bombay during Feb. 21-25, 2005 and presented
paper “Data Mining: A Key To Knowledge Society”.
nnnn) National Conference on India in the Globalized World: Challenges and Opportunities,
April 30-May 1, 2005 and presented paper “Essence of Strengthening Cyber Laws In
India: Need of the Hour”.
oooo) Workshop on ICT on May 7th, 2004 at C.R. College of Education, Rohtak and presented
the paper“ICT in Education”.
s) Acted as Resource Person and delivered an Expert Lecture on 12th January, 2018(Morning)
on the topic “Future Innovations and Computing Technologies” in the Refresher Course
on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science” conducted by Dept. of Computer Engg. and
Dept. of IT & Applications, YMCA University of Science & Technology, Faridabad
(Haryana) during January 8-13, 2018.
t) Acted as Resource Person in UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Kurukshetra
University, Kurukshetra and conducted expert session for participants of UGC sponsored
Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Information Technology on the topic “Future
Computing Technologies” on November 8, 2017.
u) Acted as Resource Person in UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Kurukshetra
University, Kurukshetra and conducted expert session for participants of UGC sponsored
Interdisciplinary Refresher Course in Information Technology on the topic “Cyber Crimes
and Security Challenges” on November 8, 2017.
v) Acted as Resource Person and conducted an Expert Session on “Future Innovative
Computing Technologies” on July 28, 2017 during an Induction Training Programme
organized by Govt. Polytechnic, Meham(Rohtak).
y) Acted as Resource Person and conducted an Expert Session on “Effective Use of ICT
Tools” on May 27, 2017 during Three Months Certificate Course in Panchayati Raj &
Rural Development conducted by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Centre of Excellence for Rural
Development, M.D. University, Rohtak.
z) Acted as Invited Speaker in the National Conference on “Advances in Mathematics &
Computing (AMC-2017)” organized by YMCA University of Science & Technology,
Faridabad on May 2, 2017 and made presentation on the theme “Advanced Computing
Technology for India Tomorrow”.
aa) Acted as Keynote Speaker and delivered keynote address in the International Conference
on “A Journey towards Platinum Era – Vision Rainbow Power of India (ICPVRPI-
2017)” organized by IMT, Faridabad on 7th April 2017 held during April 7-8, 2017.
bb) Delivered Invited Talk and Valedictory Address in the TEQIP-II Sponsored International
Conference on “Innovation & Trends to Support Make In India” organized by N.C.
College of Engineering, Israna, Panipat on 26th March 2017.
cc) Delivered Keynote Speech on the theme in One Day National Seminar on Cyber Crime
and Security organized by K.L. Mehta Dayanand College for Women, Faridabad on
March 4, 2017.
dd) Acted as a Judge in the subject of Computer Science at State Level Science Exhibition
held at D.A.V. Centenary College, Faridabad on 4th March 2017.
ee) Delivered Inaugural Address and Keynote Address on the theme “Latest Innovations &
Technologies” in National Seminar on “Mathematics and Computer-Computing and
Communication (NCMCCC-2017)” organized by Aggarwal College, Ballabgarh, NCR-
Faridabad on 18th Feb. 2017.
ff) Delivered Inaugural Address as Chief-Guest and Keynote Address in the International
Conference on “Innovative Developments in Science, Technology and Management”
organized by Ganga Technical Campus, Delhi-NCR on 29th January, 2017.
gg) Acted as Resource Person and delivered an expert talk on “Future Generation Computing
Technologies : Opportunities and Challenges” on 20.12.2016 in FDP-SCTSEA (One
Week Faculty Development Programme on Recent Trends of Soft-Computing
Techniques in Software Engineering and Applications”organized by Gautam Buddha
University, Greater Noida.
hh) Delivered Inaugural Address as Chief-Guest and Keynote Address on December 8, 2016
in the National Conference on “Innovation & Technology Strategy in Cloud Computing
and Information Security” organized by Lingaya’s University, Delhi-NCR during
December 8-9, 2016.
ii) Conducted two sessions on “E-Governance” and “Information Communication
Technology (ICT)” on 06.12.2016 in Induction Training Programme for Cutting Edge
Level Government Functionaries organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA,
jj) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, B.P.S. Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur
Kalan, Sonipat and conducted two sessions for participants of Refresher Course in
ICT(ID) on the theme “Future Computing Technologies” on December 1, 2016.
kk) Acted as Resource Person and delivered Expert Talk on “Future Computing
Technologies” in Department of Computer Science, Central University of Haryana,
Mahendergarh on November 22, 2016.
ll) Acted as Resource Person and delivered Expert Talk on “Emerging Trends in E-
commerce” in Department of Commerce, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh
on November 22, 2016.
mm) Acted as a Resource Person in Elsevier Author Workshop on November 18, 2016
conducted by Vivekananda Library M. D. University Rohtak.
nn) Acted as Resource Person and delivered Expert Talk on “Future Computing
Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges” in National Workshop on “E-Governance
in India: Issues and Challenges” organized by Dept. of Public Administration, M.D.
University, Rohtak on October 5, 2016.
oo) Conducted a Workshop on the theme “Recent Innovations and Future Computing
Technologies” at Saraswati Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Palwal on 28th September 2016 and
addressed the students.
pp) Delivered Keynote Address in the International Conference on “Recent Innovations in
Science, Management, Education and Technology (ICRISMET-16)” organized by JCD
Memorial College, Sirsa, Haryana on 27th August 2016.
qq) Conducted a Workshop on the theme “Next Generation Computing Technologies:
Opportunities & Challenges” at Hindu Girls College, Sonepat on 1st June 2016 and
addressed the students.
rr) Acted as Guest of Honor and delivered Keynote Address during HSCST (Haryana State
Council for Science & Technology, DST, Haryana) sponsored “National Technology Day
– NTD-2016” on 10th May 2016 at BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalya, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat
ss) Acted as Guest of Honor and delivered Valedictory Address on the theme of the National
Conference on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering –
ETCSEE-2016”organizedat RPS Group of Institutions, Mahendergarh on 10thApril, 2016.
tt) Conducted two sessions on “E-Governance” and “Information Communication
Technology (ICT)” on 07.04.2016 in a Training Programme on Information Technology
for Effective Office Management” organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA,
uu) Acted as Guest of Honor and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the “National
Conference on Cyber Security Issues and Challenges” held at Tecnia Institute of
Advanced Studies, New Delhi on 26th Feb, 2016.
vv) Conducted two sessions on “E-Governance” and “Information Communication
Technology (ICT)” on 17.02.2016 in Induction Training Programme for Cutting Edge
Level Government Functionaries organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA,
ww) Conducted two sessions on “An Overview of E-Governance” and “Internet &
Cyber Security” on 12.01.2016 in Training Programme on “MS-Office, Internet, e-Salary
& On-Line Budgeting System” organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA,
xx) Conducted two sessions on “Internet and Communication Technology (ICT)” and“An
Overview of E-Governance” on 10.12.2015 in Training Programme on Office
Automation Tools:“MS-Office, Internet, e-Salary & On-Line Budgeting System”
organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA, Rohtak.
yy) Acted as Chief Guest and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the International
Conference on “Emerging Trends in Technology, Science & Upcoming Research” held at
DAV Institute of Management, Faridabad (Haryana) on April 25, 2015.
zz) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, Kurukshetra and conducted two sessions on
June 29, 2015 for participants of Refresher Course in Computer Science on the themes
a. Internet of Things (IoT)
b. Future Trends in Computing Technologies
aaa) Chaired a Session in Seminar on “Yoga and Holistic Life” at MDU Campus during
1st International Yoga Day Celebrations organized by M.D. University, Rohtak on 21st
June, 2015.
bbb) Delivered Keynote Address on Inaugural Day of Yoga Training/7-Days Health
Awareness Camp (18.6.2015-24.6.2015) held at Youth Red Cross, M.D. University,
ccc) Acted as Organizing Secretary of Inter-Zonal Youth Festival and Folk Festival of
M.D. University, Rohtak for session 2014-15 and conducted the Inaugural of the event
where Governor, Haryana and Chancellor His Excellency Prof Kaptan Singh Solanki was
the Chief Guest.
ddd) Acted as a Keynote Speaker in the Inaugural of the Conference and also Chaired a
session on ‘Advancements in Information Technology’ in National Conference
on “Innovations in Computing and Information Technology” – COGNITION-2015
organised by Amity University, Gurgaon, Haryana on 25th – 26th February, 2015.
eee) Delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the National Conference
on “Emerging Trends in Computer Science & Information Technology” – NCETCSIT-
2015 organised by Rawal Institutions, Faridabad, Haryana on January 10, 2015.
fff) Acted as Resource Person on “Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security” in Workshop on “Sexual
Harassment and Violence against Women: Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal”
organised by M.D. University, Rohtak on 17.03.2015.
ggg) Delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the Conference during inaugural of
IEEE sponsored 4th National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Engineering &
Technology” – ETET-2015 organised by SBIT, Sonepat, Haryana on February 6-7, 2015.
hhh) Acted as Chief Guest and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the National
Conference on “Innovative Trends in Computer Science Engineering” – ITCSE-2015
organised by BRCM College of Engg. & Technology, Bahal (Hr) on April 4, 2015.
iii) Acted as Chief-Guest and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the National
Conference on “Innovative Development in Science, Technology & Management”
organised by Ganga Technical Campus, Bahadurgarh, Haryana on 1st March 2015.
jjj) Acted as Chief-Guest & Keynote Speaker and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of
the National Conference on “Advancement in Biometrics Trends & Its Applications”
organised by Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon on October 16, 2015.
kkk) Acted as Chief-Guest and delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the National
Workshop on “Intelligent System for Engineering and Management” organised by
Somany(P.G.) Institute of Technology and Management, Rewari, Haryana on 28th March
lll) Delivered Keynote Address on the theme of the National Workshop on “Emerging Trends
in Computing & Challenges for Future” organised by BLS Institute of Technology
Management, Bahadurgarh (Hr.) on 22nd April 2015.
mmm) Conducted two sessions on 12.09.2014 on “Slide Creation using Microsoft
PowerPoint” and “Animation, Designing using Microsoft Power Point” in Training
Programme on “Office Automation tools:- Computer Training on MS-Office, Internet, e-
Salary & On-Line Budgeting System” organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA,
nnn) Acted as an Expert on a session on “Methods and Techniques for Effective
Teaching in Technical Courses” in Workshop on “Quality Workshop for Engineering
Faculty” organised by IQAC, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad
(Haryana) on 27th September, 2014.
ooo) Acted as Chief Guest and delivered Keynote Address in National Conference
on “Recent Innovations in Engineering, Management and Science” organised by Ganga
Institute of Technology and Management, Kablana (Haryana) on 23rd August, 2014.
ppp) Conducted two sessions on 18.06.2014 on “Slide Creation using Microsoft
PowerPoint” and “Animation, Designing using Microsoft Power Point” in Training
Programme on “Office Automation tools:- Computer Training on MS-Office, Internet, e-
Salary & On-Line Budgeting System” organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA,
qqq) Conducted two sessionson22.05.2014 on“Features of Microsoft Excel” and “Data
Base Creation Using Microsoft Access” in Training Programme on “Employability Skills
for Unemployed Youths” organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA, Rohtak on
rrr) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, G.J. University of Science & Technology,
Hisar and conducted one session for participants of Refresher Course in Computer Science
on the theme “Challenges of Internet of Things (IoT)” on May 20, 2014.
sss) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, G.J. University of Science &
Technology, Hisar and conducted one session for participants of Refresher Course in
Computer Science on the theme “Opportunities and Challenges of Future Computing
Technologies” on May 20, 2014.
ttt) Extension Lecture delivered on “Employment Opportunities in IT Sector”, Govt.
College, Bhiwani on 5.3.2014
uuu) Delivered Expert/Extension Lecture during a 7-days Workshop on
“Personality Development” organized by Career Counseling and Placement Cell of MDU
at Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management (IHTM), M.D. University, Rohtak on
February 20, 2014.
vvv) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, Kurukshetra and conducted two
sessions for participants of Refresher Course in Computer Science on the theme “Future
Computing Technologies – I & II” on July 3, 2013.
www) Conducted multiples sessions (on Computer Networks, Internet, Basics of
Computer, MS-Office)for School Principals, Haryana Govt Officials, Administrators
and students organized by Divisional Training Centre, HIPA, Rohtak (18th December
2013 and 22ndJanuary 2014).
xxx) Delivered Expert/Extension Lecture on the theme “21st Century Computing
Technologies” to students of G.D.C. Memorial College, Bahal on October 26, 2013.
yyy) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, G.J. University of Science &
Technology, Hisar and conducted two sessions for participants of Refresher Course in
Computer Science on the theme “Next Generation Computing: Opportunities and
Challenges” on June 12, 2013.
zzz) Resource Person in Academic Staff College, B.P.S. Mahila Vishwavidyalaya,
Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat and conducted session for participants of Refresher Course in IT
on the theme “Future Computing Technologies” on June 7, 2013.
aaaa) Addressed audience in Intl. Conference on “Innovations in Management &
Information Technology” (ICIMIT-2012) organized by IMT, Faridabad on 7th April,
bbbb) Addressed audience in IEEE sponsored 1st National Conference on
“Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology” (NCETET-12) organised by
SBIT, Sonepat on Feb. 3, 2012as well as chaired the Technical Session.
cccc) Delivered an expert talk on “Emerging Trends in Computing Technologies” in
National Conference on “Emerging Trends In Computer and Information
Technology” (NCETCIT-2012) organised by GVMITM, Sonepat during MAY 11-12,
dddd) Delivered Keynote Address on “Future Generation Computing Technologies”
in 2 National Conference on Emerging Trends In Electronics & Information
Technology organised by AITM, Palwal during April 14-15, 2012.
eeee) Delivered Keynote Address on “Next Generation Computing Technologies:
Opportunities & Challenges” in National Conference on “Internet Computing and
Communication (IC2)” organised by TIAS, New Delhi on April 21, 2012 and
ffff) Delivered an Expert Lecture “Challenges for Future Engineers” on Engineers’
Day (Sept 15, 2011) organized by SBIT Group of Institutions, Sonepat.
gggg) Delivered an Expert Lecture “Networked Society of 21st Century: Opportunities
& Challenges” on October 20, 2012 organized by Department of Mathematics, M.D.
University, Rohtak
hhhh) Delivered an Expert Lecture as one of Key Speakers on “IT and Tourism: New
Opportunities for Linking Cultures” during National Seminar on “Tourism – Linking
Cultures” organized by Institute of Hotel & Tourism Management, M. D. University,
Rohtakon Sept. 27, 2011
iiii) Delivered Keynote Address on “Future Generation Computing Technologies:
Opportunities & Challenges” during National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Computing Technologies (NCETCT-11) organized by World College of Technology &
Management (WCTM), Gurgaon on Sept. 17, 2011.
jjjj) Delivered an Expert Lecture “Challenges for Future Engineers” on Engineers’ Day
(Sept 15, 2011) organized by SBIT Group of Institutions, Sonepat.
kkkk) Delivered Keynote Address on “Component-based Software Testing: Issues
and Challenges” on Sept. 3, 2011 in National Workshop on “Software Reliability and
Testing” Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida (UP), Sept 2-3, 2011.
llll) Delivered as Presidential Address in Workshop on “Application of SPSS Software in
Research”, Organized by IHTM, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, April 19-20,
mmmm) Acted as Chairperson of Technical Session of International
Conference on “Business Intelligence-An Alignment of IT & Management”, IMT,
Faridabad, April 9, 2011.
nnnn) Key Note Speaker in National Seminar organized by GITM, Gurgaon on New
Generation Computing 2010 (NGC-2010) and made presentation on Convergence of
Technologies: Opportunities & Challenges.
oooo) Delivered Invited Talk on “Component-Based Testing” in Workshop on “Recent
Trends in Software Testing” organized by Delhi Technological University, Delhi on
17th September, 2010.
pppp) Delivered lectures as Resource Person in ‘Staff Development Programme
(FDP) organized by Department of Computer Sciences at Baba Gulam Shah Badshah
University, Rajouri during June 22-24, 2010.
qqqq) Resource Person in Orientation Course conducted by Academic Staff College,
BPS Mahila University, Khanpur on May 4, 2010 and delivered expert lecturers on
Convergence of Technologies: Opportunities & Challenges for Future Generations.
rrrr) Key Note Speaker in National Seminar on Enterprise Information Systems,
organized by Apeejay Institute of Management, Jalandharand made a presentation on
Enterprise Information Systems in 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges.
ssss) Extension Lecture delivered on “Cyberspace in 21st Century”, Gaur College,
tttt) Extension Lecture delivered on “IT in 21st Century: Opportunities and Challenges”,
MRDAV, Asthal Bohar (Rohtak) M.D. University, Rohtak.
uuuu) Extension Lecture delivered on “Role of ICT in Teaching & Learning”, C.R.
College of Education, Rohtak on 12.02.2009.
vvvv) Extension Lecture delivered on “IT: Opportunities & Challenges”, Vaish
College, Bhiwani.
wwww) Extension Lecture delivered on “Cyberspace and Essence of Cyber Laws in 21st
Century”, Institute of Management & Technology, Faridabad.
xxxx) Resource Person in Refresher Course in Psychology at Govt. College for
Women, Rohtak and delivered Lecture on Cyberspace in 21st Century on May 12, 2008.
yyyy) Resource Person in Refresher Course in Computer Science at P.G. Govt.
College, Jind and delivered following Two Lectures on May 13, 2008.
a. ERP in 21st Century
b. Data mining and Data warehousing
zzzz) Resource Person in Refresher Course in Physics at Govt. College for Women,
Rohtak and delivered following Two Lecture on May 12 & 16, 2008
i) Cyberspace in 21st Century: Opportunities & Challenges
ii) Introduction to Computing and World of Internet.
aaaaa) Resource Person in Refresher Course in Chemistry at N.R.S. Govt. College,
Rohtak in May-June 2008.
bbbbb) Extension Lecture delivered on “Information Technology in 21st Century:
Opportunities and Challenges”, Department of Mathematics, M.D.University, Rohtak on
ccccc) Extension Lecture delivered on “Information Technology in 21st Century:
Opportunities and Challenges”, MRDAV, Asthal Bohar (Rohtak) M.D.University,
Rohtak on 5.3.2008
ddddd) Conducted one session as a Key Speaker on 8th April 2005 at A.I.J.H.M. College,
Rohtak and delivered a full presentation on “ICT Evolution and E-Governance”.
eeeee) Conducted following sessions as a Resource Person in UGC Sponsored Refresher
Course in Library and Information Science (29.11.2004 – 18.12.2004) organized by M.D.
University Library, Rohtak:
i. Computer Awareness Capsule delivered on December 3, 2004.
ii. Impact of Hi-Tech in Libraries delivered on December 6, 2004.
iii. Role of Information Technology in Libraries on December 6, 2004.
nn) Conducted two sessions as a Resource Person in UGC Sponsored Refresher Course
organised by Department of Physics, M.D. University, Rohtak on 17th and 18th August
2004 and delivered presentations on “Role of IT in Teaching & Learning” and “A
Tour of Information Technology” respectively.