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Q3 Assessment Wk1&2

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MELC/s: WEEK 1-represents point, line and plane using concrete and pictorial models.(M7GE-IIIa-1)
illustrates subsets of a line. (M7GE-IIIa-2)
classifies the different kinds of angles. (M7GE-IIIa-3)
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space provided.
________ 1. Which of the terms best describe points, lines and planes?
a. geometric concepts c. undefined models
b. concrete representation d. undefined terms
________ 2. Which object represents a point?
a. top of a box c. handkerchief
b. string of a guitar d. a grain of salt
________ 3. What is the union of two non-collinear rays with a common endpoint?
a. Vertex b. angle c. plane d. segment
________ 4. Which object represents a plane?
a. Floor b. broomstick c. ray of light d. tip of hair
________ 5. Which of the statements is NOT true?
a. If two points of a line are in a plane, then the line is in the plane.
b. If two distinct planes intersect, then their intersection is a line.
c. Two distinct lines intersect at one point.
d. Two angles are called complementary when their measures add up to 180 degrees.
________ 6. PQ is 5 cm long and RS is also 5 cm long.

What is the relationship of PQ and RS ? P● ●Q

a. congruent with each other 5 cm
b. bisect each other R ●
c. intersect each other
5 cm● S
d. transversal with each other
________ 7. Given a figure below, point A and B are called________.
a. collinear
B ●
b. coplanar
● A ●X c. non-collinear
d. non-coplanar

________ 8. The following objects represents line EXCEPT ________.

a. Electric wire b. ray of light c. floor d. broomstick
________ 9. What subset of a line consists of two endpoints and all the points in between?
a. Line b. plane c. segment d. ray
________ 10. What is the measure of SM if SM ≅ MD , given MD = 12?
a. 24 b. 20 c. 15 d. 12
________ 11. Which unit is used to measure angles?
a. Centimeters b. inches c. feet d. degrees
________ 12. What angle measures greater than 0 degree but less than 90 degrees?
a. obtuse angle b. acute angle c.right angle d.straight angle
________ 13. What kind of angle is formed when adding 65˚ and 25˚?
a. acute angle b. right angle c. obtuse angle d.reflex
________ 14. What kind of angle is formed when subtracting 48˚ from 128˚?
a. acute angle b.right angle c. obtuse angle d.reflex
________ 15. Which of the illustrations below is NOT an angle?

a. c.

b. d.
________ 16. What angle is formed if the sum of two angles measure 90 degrees?
a. Supplementary angle b. Complementary angle
c. right angle d. acute angle
________ 17. An angle is named in 3 different ways. Which among the following is NOT a way of
naming angles? a. using one capital letter (vertex) c. using a number
b. using three capital letters d. using one small letter (vertex)

For items 18-20, determine whether the following angles is right, acute, or obtuse angle. See figure
below. Write the letter on the space provided before the number.



_________ 18. ∠ RSK a. acute angle

_________ 19. ∠ ESH b. right angle
_________ 20. ∠ ASC c. obtuse angle
d. complementary angle

MELC/s: WEEK 2 - derives relationships of geometric figures using measurements and by inductive
reasoning; supplementary angles, complementary angles, congruent angles, vertical angles, adjacent
angles, linear pairs, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines. (M7GE-IIIb-1)

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the space provided for
_____ 21.) Which of the statements below is always true?
A. Lines that intersect are parallel lines
B. Coplanar lines that do not intersect are parallel lines
C. Lines that form right angle are parallel lines
D. Skew lines are parallel lines
_____ 22.) What is the supplement of an angle if the given angle measures 135 0?
A. 450 B. 550 C. 650 D. 750
_____ 23.) What is the measure of the angle marked with
letter g? Use the figure on the right side. g
A. 470 B. 570 C. 670 D. 870 230
_____ 24.) Which of the pairs of angles guarantees that q // r?
A. ∠1 ≅ ∠7 2

B. 3 ≅ 5 ∠ 4 q

C. 4 ≅ 5 ∠ 5 6

D. 4 ≅ 7 ∠ 7 8 r

For item number 25 and 26, use the figure on the right. k
_____25.) What is the value of d, if ∠C = (4d – 8)0 and
∠D = (2d + 18)0? D E x
A. 130 B. 260 C.360 D.460 F G=600
____ 26.)Why is it that the m∠C ≅ m∠G? I y
A. Because the two angles are exterior angles and they are congruent
B. Because the two angles are alternate interior angles and they are congruent
C. Because the two angles are alternate exterior angles they are congruent
D. Because the two angles are corresponding angles and they are congruent
_____ 27.) What is the value of x, if ∠1 = (2x + 20)0 and ∠2 = (m + 130)0.
A. 50 1 2 s
0 3 4 q
B. 10
C. 150 5 6
D. 250 7 8
_____ 28.) What is the measure of ∠3 if m∠1 = 850 and the given parallel lines s and t are
cut by a transversal l?
1 2 l
A. 50 s
3 4
B. 850
C. 950 5 6
D. 2750 7 8

_____ 29.) Which angles are congruent to ∠5, use the given parallel lines m and n cut by a
transversal k? k
1 2
A. ∠1, ∠2, and ∠3 m
3 4
B. ∠1, ∠4 and ∠8
C. ∠1, ∠4 and ∠7 5 6
∠ ∠
D. 1, 2 and 8 ∠ 7 8 n

You are a senior scout leader. You want to make a tree guard for the school tree planting. Your senior
scout members suggested four different layouts for the design.

A. C.

B. D.
Note: Do the performance task for it is 50% of your grades. . .

Directions: Create a Folded Ladder Miniature, use any materials available in your home and follow
the scale below. Take a picture of it and paste it on a long bondpaper, then have a short description
of your output.
Materials Dimension Materials:
10 footsteps 1cm x 5 cm
4 beams 1cm x 20 cm
Additional materials will be on
the designers will.


CRITERIA Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

Accuracy At least 90 to At least 80 to At least 70 to The
100 percent 89 percent 79 percent measurement
accurate in accurate in accurate in are erroneous
measuring measuring measuring and do not
angles and angles and angles and show a wide
show a wide show a wide show a wide use of angle
use of angle use of angle use of angle pairs and
pairs and pairs and pairs and parallel lines.
parallel lines. parallel lines. parallel lines.
Creativity The overall The overall The overall The overall
impact of the impact of the impact of the impact of the
project is highly project is project is fair project is poor
impressive and impressive and and the use of and the use of
the use of the use of technology is technology is
technology is technology is evident. not evident
highly commendable
Efficiency The miniature is The miniature is The miniature is The miniature is
90% -100% 80%-89% 70%-79% 50%-69%
functional and functional and functional. functional.
flawlessly done flawless.
Mathematical Justification is Justification is Justification is Justification is
Justification logically clear, clear, not so clear. ambiguous. The
convincing, and convincing, and The concepts of concepts of
the concepts of the concepts of angle pairs and angle pairs and
angle pairs and angle pairs and parallel lines parallel lines
parallel lines parallel lines are 50% are below 49%
are applied are applied applied applied

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