A. Types of games
1. Singles – one player against another
a) Played to 11 points
2. Doubles – 2 players against 2 other players
b) Played to 15 points
C. Service courts
1. Where the serve must be made from.
2. Where all of the players must be positioned on the serve or it is a fault
3. Where the birdie must land when it is served.
D. Boundaries
1. Yellow sidelines, maroon centerline and big maroon endlines.
2. The ceiling, lights, balcony, and backboards are out of bounds.
3. If the birdie hits the yellow sidelines or center maroon line it is in.
4. If the birdie hits the big fat maroon line in the back it is out.
E. Points
1. A team can only score when they are serving.
2. The service side is called the inside.
a) A fault by the inside results in a loss of serve.
3. The receiving side is called the outside.
a) A fault by the outside results in a point for the serving team.
4. If the game is tied at 14 –14 in doubles or 10 – 10 in singles you SET POINTS to 3.
a) The score is canceled and goes back to 0 – 0.
b) The first team to 3 wins.
c) The player/team DOES NOT have to win by 2 points.
F. The serve
1. The birdie may not be served until all of the players are ready.
2. All of the players must be in the service courts before the serve is made.
3. The server must say the score before serving and must also say game point.
4. The serve must be underhand.
5. The serve must go diagonal.
6. The serve must land in the proper service court past the short service line.
7. May be a net serve as long as the birdie passes the short service line.
8. If the server misses the birdie on the serve it is a loss of serve.
9. May only be returned by the player being served to.
10. If there is more than one fault you always go by the first fault or mistake.
G. The service rotation
1. Doubles
a) The player in the right service court always serves first.
b) The 2 players on the serving team switch service courts every time they score a point.
c) The server continues to serve until his/her team fails to score.
d) On the first serve of the game the serving team only gets to have 1 player serve.
e) After the first player of the game losses his/her serve the other team gets to have both
players take their turn serving.
f) After the first player and the 2 players from the other team serve, each team gets to have
both players take their turn serving.
2. Singles
a) The first serve of the game must be from the right service court.
b) After every point the server rotates to the other service court.
c) Whenever the server’s score is an even number he/she should be serving from the right court.
d) Whenever the server’s score is an uneven number he/she should be serving from the left.
H. Rally
1. Once the serve is returned, the birdie can be hit by anyone, in any order.
2. After the birdie is served, the short service line is no longer in effect.
3. The birdie can only be hit once on each side of the net.
4. If a player completely misses the birdie on a return, his/her partner may then hit it.
5. The birdie can hit the net on the return.
J. Lets
1. Whenever there is interference or these errors are discovered before the next serve.
a) A player serves out of turn.
b) A player serves from the wrong court.
2. On a let no points are scored and the rally is re-played.
K. Doubles strategy
1. There are 2 strategies:
a) side by side
1) when each player takes every hit from the net to the back on their ½ of the court.
b) up and back
1) when one player takes the front and the other takes the back.
2) In doubles the server is the up man and his partner the back man
3) The receiver of the serve takes up on a short serve or back on a long serve
Birdie The plastic object that is hit back and forth over the net.
Singles 1 player going against another player.
Doubles 2 players going against 2 other players.
Spin-off Method used to determine who serves first.
One team spins the racquet the other team calls heads or tails.
Inside Another name for the serving team.
Outside Another name for the receiving team.
Loss of serve The result of a fault by the serving team or the inside.
The rally is over and the next player serves.
Point The result of a fault by the receiving team or the outside.
Short service line The line next to the net the birdie must pass on the serve.
Fault A violation of the rules, which results in a loss of serve.
Foot Fault Stepping out of the service court by the server on the serve.
Let A re-play of the rally in which no points are scored.
Setting points Resetting the score to 0 – 0 after the score becomes tied at 14 in doubles
and 10 in singles.
Game point When the next successful serve will win the game for the serving team.
Forehand Hitting the ball on the racquet side of the body.
Backhand Hitting the ball on the non-racquet side of the body.
Clear A high lobbed shot to the back of the other team’s court. A defensive hit.
Drop shot A soft shot that barely goes over the net.
Drive A fast hard shot that stays the same height.
Smash A fast, hard downward shot.
Up and back The best strategy to use for doubles in which one player covers all of the hits
in the front half of the court and the other player covers the hits to the back half
of the court.
Side by side Another strategy used in doubles where one player covers all of the hits to the right
and his/her teammate covers all of the hits to the left.