Direct and Indirect Speech
Direct and Indirect Speech
Direct and Indirect Speech
III. Procedure
Please keep silent in one minute and say your (students will pray)
personal prayers.
B. Motivation
Are we clear?
Are we clear?
(After 3 minutes)
“Yes ma’am”
Group 1:
Ma’am said, “I am definitely fine.”
Group 2:
Ma’am said that forever do exist.
Group 3:
So class, what have you observe with Ma’am said “Things happen for a reason”
Group 4:
Ma’am said that positivity is beauty.
Group 5:
Ma’am said, “Be who you want to be.”
Very Good!
So now, we are going to tackle about The first and second statements are quoted while
Direct and Indirect speech. the others uses the word “that”.
2. Ethics
Sentence: The ethics of journalism are much debated Ethic means a system of accepted beliefs that
control behaviour, especially such a system bsed
on morals
Everybody read the statement. “The shaking was so strong I could hardly stand,”
coast guard personnel Rayner Neil Elopre told The
Associated Press by telephone.
How can you say that? It is a direct speech because it is quoted and those
Prove your anwer. were the exact words of the coast guard personnel.
Very Good!
Okay, from your observation, how can we Direct speech gives the exact words of the speaker.
define now a Direct speech?
Very Good!
Please read the definition. Direct speech is usually placed inside quotation
Yes, _____. marks and accompanied by a reporting verb.
Have you seen it in the example? Police officer Jimmy Sarael said that he, his wife,
and their children embraced each other until the
Now, let’s have this example. shaking eased.
Everybody read.
Very Good!
D.I: can
She said, "I can teach English online."
I.S: could
D.S: must She said she could teach English online.
She said, "I must have a computer to teach
English online."
I.S: had to
She said she had to have a computer to teach
English online.
I.S: should
She asked what we should learn today.
D.S: shall
I.S: might She said, "What shall we learn today?"
She asked if she might open a new browser.
C, Application
None ma’am.
Now let us proceed to your activity.
Are we clear?
Yes ma’am!
(After 10 minutes)
Very Good!
What else? For me, Social media has definitely made us closer
Yes, _____. to other parts of the world.
Very Good!
C. Generalization
IV. Evaluation
Get ½ crosswise.
A. Change the following sentences from direct
speech to indirect speech.