SSRN Id4072348
SSRN Id4072348
SSRN Id4072348
Computer Law & Security Review following peer review. The definitive published version
"Blockchain Land Transfers: Technology, Promises, and Perils (2022) Computer Law &
Security Review" is available online at
Blockchain Land Transfers: Technology, Promises, and Perils
Vincent OOI*
Jerrold SOH***
A. Introduction
Blockchain technology, though only a decade old, has received much fanfare for its potential
to disintermediate fundamental societal processes such as electronic payments and currency
Lecturer, School of Law, Singapore Management University.
Adjunct Faculty, School of Law, Singapore Management University.
Assistant Professor, School of Law, Singapore Management University. This research is supported by the
National Research Foundation, Singapore under its Emerging Areas Research Projects (EARP) Funding
Initiative. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of
the authors and do not reflect the views of National Research Foundation, Singapore. The authors gratefully
acknowledge the support of the Centre for AI and Data Governance, School of Law, Singapore Management
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includes studies on blockchain-based smart contracts and how these can (or cannot) be used to
supplement or replace traditional legal contracts like bills of lading.6 The third focuses on legal
and regulatory issues surrounding cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings. 7 The fourth
includes literature discussing issues concerning blockchain land registers and e-conveyancing.8
We begin by first delving into the specifics of how blockchains work in Part B, from
which we draw out some general features of blockchain systems. From this, we identify the
features needed to negate the key vulnerabilities of blockchain which diminish any marginal
advantages of using blockchain over traditional electronic databases. The whole process of
conveyancing and land registration is canvassed in Part C. While we will focus on the English
system, many of the features set out in this part will be recognisable across the common law
world – for instance, the central role the Land Registry plays in the conveyancing process. This
sets the stage for an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using blockchain in land
See e.g. Rod Thomas, ‘Blockchain’s incompatibility for use as a land registry: issues of definition, feasibility
and risk’ (2017) 6(3) EPLJ 361.
Rohan Bennett, Mark Pickering and Jason Sargent, ‘Transformations, Transitions, or Tall Tales? A Global
Review of the Uptake and Impact of NoSQL, Blockchain, and Big Data Analytics on the Land Administration
Sector’ (2019) 83 Land Use Policy 435, 440-441.
Jan Veuger, ‘Dutch Blockchain, Real Estate and Land Registration’ (2020) 12(2) Journal of Property, Planning
and Environmental Law 93-108.
Karen Yarbrough and John Mirkovic, ‘Blockchain Pilot Program Final Report’ (Cook County Recorder of
Deeds, 2017) <
Program-for-web.pdf> accessed 7 January 2021; Jacques Vos, ‘Blockchain-Based Land Registry: Panacea,
Illusion Or Something In Between?’ (2017) European Land Registry Association; and Nogueroles Peiro and
Martinez Garcia, ‘Blockchain and Land Registration Systems’ (2017) 6(3) EPLJ 296.
Aaron Wright and Primavera De Filippi, ‘Decentralized Blockchain Technology and the Rise of Lex
Cryptographia’ (2015) <> accessed 7 January 2021; Jean Bacon, Johan
Michels, Christopher Millard and Jatinder Singh, ‘Blockchain Demystified’ (2017)
<> accessed 7 January 2021; Christopher Millard, ‘Blockchain and Law:
Incompatible Codes?’ (2018) 34(4) Computer Law & Security Review 843; and Edmund Schuster, ‘Cloud
Crypto Land’ (2020) Modern Law Review 1.
Eliza Mik, ‘Smart Contracts: Terminology, Technical Limitations and Real World Complexity’ (2017) 9(2)
Law, Innovation and Technology 269.
Philipp Paech, ‘The Governance of Blockchain Financial Networks’ (2017) 80(6) MLR 1073; Matteo Solinas,
‘Bitcoiners in Wonderland: Lessons from the Cheshire Cat’ (2019) LMCLQ 433; and Oonagh McDonald,
‘Regulating Crypto Assets’ (2020) 41(11) Company Lawyer 335.
Thomas (n 1); Rod Thomas and Charlie Huang, ‘Blockchain, the Borg Collective and Digitalisation of Land
Registries’ (2017) Conv 14; Victoria Lemieux, ‘Trusting Records: Is Blockchain Technology the Answer?’
(2016) 26(2) Records Management Journal 110; and Alvin See, ‘Blockchain In Land Administration?
Overlooked Details In Translating Theory Into Practice’ in Gary Chan and Yip Man (eds) AI Data and Private
Law (Hart Publishing, 2021).
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In summary, the hype over using blockchain in land registration has obscured the key
question of what advantage blockchain actually offers over a non-DLT digitised land registry.
We submit that the real advantages DLT offers stems from digitisation, and not from the
features of DLT per se. Therefore, the goal should be to digitise land registries instead of
jumping aboard the blockchain bandwagon.
B. The Technology
We begin by explaining the underlying technology behind blockchain. This section provides a
basic understanding of the technology underlying blockchain, on which we build our analysis
in Part D, and will cover three areas: (a) a broad overview and origins of blockchain, (b) its
core features and (c) possible customisations.
Satoshi Nakamoto, ‘Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System’ (2008) <>
accessed 7 January 2021.
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Fourth, the objects to be proven are “transactions” which Nakamoto defines as transfers
of “electronic coins”.14 In turn, such coins comprise nothing more than “a chain of digital
signatures” that carry information about previous transactions relating to the coin, the digital
identity of the present owner, and a cryptographic lock tied to the present owner.15 This lock
ensures that only the present owner who holds the matching key may spend the coin. To transfer
the coin, the present owner first unlocks the coin using his key. He then “changes the locks”
by appending the cryptographic lock tied to the intended payee onto the coin instead. Other
information necessary to the transfer protocol is also added to the coin. He then broadcasts the
prepared package of information to the distributed server for completion.
After the transaction is broadcast and assuming the transaction is valid, others on the
distributed server pick up and include the proposed transaction into a putative block yet to be
added to the ledger. A protocol known as a “consensus mechanism” is then followed to
ascertain if particular code-enforced requirements are fulfilled before the block and its
transactions can be appended to the ledger. It is only then that the transactions are finalized and
completed or, in blockchain parlance, become “immutable”.16
Consensus mechanisms will be elaborated upon below. For present purposes, the
crucial point is that the blockchain, as originally conceived, was specifically meant to facilitate
a verifiable yet intermediary-free electronic payment system by solving the “double-spend”
problem without recourse to trusted central authorities. Further, such a payment system
involves the secure transfer of packages of information regarding each coin’s ownership and
transactional history.
Core Features
In this light, this article defines “core” features of the blockchain as those necessary to solve
the double spend problem in the absence of trusted intermediaries. These are the technical
Bacon, et. al. (n 5).
Nakamoto (n 9).
Immutability does not equate to being tamper-proof. It is only that records are tamper-evident. See Bacon, et.
al. (n 5); Millard (n 5).
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(1) Blocks
Blocks are a packaged unit of information. Minimally, each block must contain cryptographic
information and meta data that allow them to be chained together securely. This is explained
in greater detail in the subsequent discussion on chains. Other than this, there is no theoretical
limit to the data which blocks can store. Any information that can be stored in computer
memory could potentially be packaged into a block. Traditionally and most commonly, blocks
are used to store transaction records, as in the Bitcoin protocol. However, the Ethereum
protocol allows blocks to contain executable computer code, making it possible for parties to
write computerised instructions onto the blockchain that cannot later be altered.18 The literature
knows these as “smart contracts”, though the representativeness of this label is contestable.19
Significantly, the Ethereum protocol which hosts these contracts claims to provide a Turing-
complete programming language. 20 This means that the programming language powering
Ethereum can encode any computable function, including infinite loops. It is thus theoretically
possible to program a new cryptocurrency on the Ethereum blockchain itself. This is in fact
how tokens in Initial Coin Offerings are typically issued.21
On their own, blocks are simply packets of data. A list or matrix of blocks would thus be no
different from a traditional database. The second feature necessary for a blockchain to address
the double-spend problem lies in the use of an algorithm — an agreed process, broadly speaking
— for verifying transaction records.22 These processes are more formally known as “consensus
Thomas (n 1). These three indicia are: a) trustless transactions, b) durability and c) transparency and
Vitalik Buterin, ‘A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform’ (23 Jun 2020),
<> accessed 7 January 2021.
Mik (n 6).
Buterin (n 18).
Anthony Nolan, Edward Dartley, Mary Baker, John ReVeal and Judith Rinearson, ‘Initial Coin Offerings: Key
US Legal Considerations for ICO Investors and Sponsors’ (2018) 19(1) Journal of Investment Compliance, 1-
Millard (n 5).
Christian Cachin and Marko Vukolić, ‘Blockchain Consensus Protocols in the Wild’ in Andrea Richa (ed),
31st Intl. Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC, 2017); Wenbo Wang, et. al., ‘A Survey on Consensus
Mechanisms and Mining Management in Blockchain Networks’ (2019) 7 IEEE Access; and Millard (n 5).
An example is a formula that converts each alphabet into its alphabetical index. ‘A’ is converted to 1, ‘B’ is
converted to 2, ‘C’ to 3 and so on. Applying this formula, the input ‘ABC’ would be converted, or ‘hashed’,
to ‘123’. A critical feature for a workable hash function is that a given input is always hashed into the same
output. This allows the hash function output to preserve the information contained in the original input, albeit
in a different form. For contrast, suppose that each alphabet is not mapped to a certain number but an arbitrary
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Even if the original input data that produced the above was made public, it would be difficult
to reverse engineer the input data from the string of seemingly random alphabets and digits
above.26 It then becomes possible to use the phrase for encryption purposes.
The party who finds the right X is said to have “solved” or “mined” the block. Because SHA-
256 yields cryptographic outputs, if an hour later an attacker modified the transaction to read
“Transfer 2 coins from user 1 to user 2” instead, the attacker would have to expend considerable
effort to find a new integer Y such that “Transfer 2 coins from user 1 to user 2 2011-1-1-1211
Y” hashes to an output with the requisite number of leading zeroes. Individual blocks are thus
resistant to tampering.
one. Even with both the input and output (say, ‘A’ and 36), it would be impossible to tell whether the output
originated from the input.
Bacon, et. al. (n 5).
The input data used to produce the above output was ‘blockchain’.
Nakamoto (n 9).
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Tampering with historical records (i.e. previous blocks) is made even more difficult by
chaining: for every new block, the hash of the previous block is included in the solve string. If
an attacker modified a transaction in the first block, the hash associated with that block would
be altered as well. Thus, when the first block’s hash changes, so does the second block’s solve
string. The hash associated with the second block would change as well. The attacker would
then have to solve every block subsequent to the block he modified in order to falsify any one
Because the Bitcoin protocol only accepts the longest blockchain as the “true” record,
the attacker must not only be able to solve every subsequent block in the chain – he must do so
faster than all other miners so that he creates a chain longer than the current consensus. By
modelling block completion as a Poisson process, Nakamoto showed that the probability of a
successful attack decreases quickly to zero over time. 28 That is, unless the attacker
commandeers more than half of the total computing power amongst all miners. If so, he may
be able to out-compute the current longest chain. This is known as a “51 percent attack”.29
Although the “chain” metaphor evokes the image of a linear series of blocks arranged
in chronological fashion, it is not necessary for blocks to be connected this way. New types of
blockchain architectures have been proposed and implemented that store blocks within graph
A robust consensus chain could still be undermined if parties can masquerade as others to
propose or validate transactions. Blockchain systems thus typically use public key
cryptography to verify participants’ identities. This differs from the cryptographic hash
functions earlier explained. Recall that SHA-256 generates one cryptographic output from one
data input. Public key cryptography functions generate two asymmetric constructs. The first is
the “public key”, which analogises to a lock in that, although the public key affords entry only
to those holding the right corresponding key, the lock itself is visible and can be scrutinised by
the public. The second is the “private key”, which is more like an actual physical key.
Each private-public key pair matches uniquely and exclusively, so only the private key
holder may authenticate into anything behind the public key lock.31 In blockchains generally,
records owned by the relevant party are secured by that party’s public key and may only be
accessed using that party’s private key.32 Notice that “identification” in the blockchain sense
is not tied to any party’s personal details. The only concern is whether that party holds the right
For details on this sort of attack see Part D.
Patrick Schueffel, ‘Alternative Distributed Ledger Technologies Blockchain vs. Tangle vs. Hashgraph - A
High-Level Overview and Comparison’ (2017) <> accessed 7 January
In actual implementation, a challenge-response system is used. See Bacon et. al. (n 5).
Bacon, et. al. (n 5).
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Variable Features
Blockchain’s core features are in turn supported by auxiliary features that are generally
speaking neither new concepts nor necessary for ensuring the blockchain’s tamper-resistance
quality. Depending on what blockchain is sought to be used for, these features can be
customised accordingly.
While every blockchain needs a consensus mechanism, POW is not the only possible one.
Computer science literature is replete with proposed alternatives that are too many in number
and variation (and too fast-evolving) to enumerate here.34 This paper will briefly outline the
two key categories of alternative consensus mechanisms.
POW secures the blockchain’s integrity by making falsifying transactions very hard work. This
is however double-edged because the computations required to validate Bitcoin transactions
leads to high computational and electricity costs. 35 The time necessary to solve the
cryptographic puzzle each time also leads to slow transaction rates.
Kelvin Low and Ernie Teo, ‘Legal Risks of Owning Cryptocurrencies’ in David Lee and Robert Deng (eds),
Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance and Inclusion (Elsevier, 2018).
For a comprehensive explanation and evaluation of consensus mechanisms in blockchain see Cachin and
Vukolić (n 23); and Wang, et. al. (n 23).
Buterin (n 18).
Vitalik Buterin and Virgil Griffith, ‘Casper the Friendly Finality Gadget’ (25 October 2017)
<> accessed 7 January 2021.
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To deter errant voting behaviour, validators who violate either one of two “slashing
conditions” will have their deposit forfeited.38 Buterin proved by contradiction that under these
constraints, no two conflicting transaction checkpoints can be finalised onto the chain unless
more than one-third of the voting power violates a slashing condition and thus forfeits their
This approach remains susceptible to attackers who care not for their deposits but
command at least one-third of the total voting rights. However, not all POS mechanisms are
implemented identically. Other mechanisms may, for example, randomly assign the right to
validate a transaction block with those that have higher stake in the relevant cryptocurrency
having a greater chance to be chosen.40 The key principle is that POS discourages transaction
falsification in two ways. First, validation rights are limited to those with some stake in the
system. The assumption is that those with higher stakes in the system are disincentivised from
taking actions which may significantly undermine the cryptocurrency’s value.41 Second, for
the Casper protocol especially, errant behaviour is financially penalised by deposit forfeiture.
It is noteworthy here how blockchain implementations may rely not only on code-
enforced obstacles for attackers, but economic disincentives as well. These economic
disincentives are feasible for cryptocurrencies because much of any value in a currency as
virtual and intangible as Ethereum stems from parties’ trust in the underlying protocol. A
validator who undermines this trust in order to secure more Ethereum achieves a pyrrhic gain
if the price of the cryptocurrency crashes as a result.
It may seem at first that this has little application where real property is involved, since
the value of land ownership rights on a hypothetical blockchain land register will remain
unchanged. However, once the trust in the system has been eroded, it is highly likely that the
relevant authorities will stop recognising the system and revert to the prior method of land
Both POS and POW operate on the basis that something must be proven by some party before
a transaction can be finalised onto the chain and executed. The blockchain literature now refers
to these schemes generally as “proof of X” (“POX”) mechanisms. 42 A different family of
The slashing conditions are that (a) a validator must not vote simultaneously for two blocks at the same target
height and (b) a validator must not vote within the span of its other votes.
Buterin and Griffith (n 36).
Iddo Bentov, Charles Lee, Alex Mizrahi and Meni Rosenfeld, ‘Proof of Activity: Extending Bitcoin’s Proof
of Work via Proof of Stake’ (2014) 42 ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 34.
Buterin and Griffith (n 36).
Wang, et. al. (n 23).
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The algorithm gets its name from how it was designed to solve Lamport, Shostak, and
Pease’s Byzantine Generals’ Problem. 44 To state the problem simply, the question is how
multiple parties may coordinate and agree on one course of action despite the presence of
“faulty” parties who may send false or malicious signals, and whose “faulty” status is not
known. BFT uses a recursive broadcast and voting process to overcome this problem.45 Castro
and Liskov showed that this technique guarantees that the correct transaction will be agreed
upon and recorded even if there are faulty entities, but only provided that less than or equal to
one-third of the entities in the network are faulty.46
Therefore, BFT based methods are generally susceptible to attackers who command
more than a certain number of on-chain entities. This should be distinguished from the
vulnerabilities inherent in POW (where the critical resource is computing power available),
and POS (where the critical resource is the attacker’s stake and willingness to forsake the
same). In any case, the important point to note is that the blockchain does have its
vulnerabilities, and as we argue in Part D, these very vulnerabilities and the solutions may well
negate any potential benefits a blockchain land register may have.
As with traditional databases, blockchains allowing different permission levels may be set for
different user roles. In blockchains, of course, the right to write, alter, or delete data is dictated
by consensus. Nonetheless, other rights not central to blockchain’s tamper-resistance can still
be tuned to purpose. Bacon and others thus note that “blockchain technology can be applied in
various ways to create platforms with different features, including with regard to: 1) who can
propose new transactions to be added to the ledger; 2) who stores a copy of the ledger; 3) who
can add new blocks to the ledger; 4) who can view the ledger; 5) whether users are identifiable;
and, 6) who controls the platform’s underlying software”.47
Miguel Castro and Barbara Liskov, ‘Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance and Proactive Recovery’ (2002) 20
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 398.
Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak and Marshall Pease, ‘The Byzantine Generals Problem’ (1982) 4 ACM
Transactions on Programing Languages and Systems 382.
Castro and Liskov (n 43). To briefly outline the algorithm’s contours: when a transaction is proposed, every
on-chain entity will repeat the proposed transaction out loud to the rest of the on-chain entities and cite the
entire provenance of where the entity heard this from. This continues for a number of rounds (with the
provenance list getting longer each time) depending on the number of faulty entities anticipated to be within
the network. By the end of this process each entity will have heard numerous suggestions of what the proposed
transaction is and the sources so claiming. Provenance trails that have passed through faulty entities would
suggest false transactions while provenance trails that have passed through only non-faulty entities would bear
the ‘true’ transaction. A series of majority votes are then conducted to select the transaction to prefer at each
majority round, starting from suggestions received at the final round. The result of each round’s vote is then
escalated as the vote for each previous round. The vote-and-escalate process continues until the first round of
repetition which also represents the final vote. The final vote determines the transaction that is ultimately
Castro and Liskov (n 43).
Bacon, et. al. (n 5).
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To whom what permissions are granted in turn determine whether a blockchain may be termed
a “public” or “private” chain. Blockchains are “public” if anyone may, by installing the relevant
software, acquire rights to view records, transact, and participate in the consensus process.48
Bitcoin and Ethereum are both examples of public blockchains. Conversely, chains that limit
viewing, transacting, and/or consensus rights to certain entities or group of entities are “private”
chains. It should be noted that the public-private divide here is continuous rather than binary.
One private chain may allow public viewing of its records, but only allow certain organisations
to vote on consensus. Another may limit transaction rights to one or two central authorities.
Whether a blockchain is private or public has real implications for data integrity
because of the way consensus mechanisms work. It is much easier to launch a 51% attack on a
private chain comprising only ten entities than an equivalent public chain subscribed to by
thousands. For this reason, private chains are typically permissioned and rely on BFT
consensus where consensus rights are limited to parties least likely to be faulty, while public
chains are typically permissionless and rely on proof-of-concept mechanisms.49
There is however a practical limit to how permissioned or private a blockchain can get.
Recall that the blockchain’s foundational purpose is to guarantee trust in the absence of a
trusted central authority, such as the government, or in our case, the Land Registrar. A private
chain where all consensus rights are centralised within one organisation defeats this very
purpose. One may ask if another database type should have been used instead.
Two points emerge from the preceding. First, the blockchain comes in different,
somewhat customisable, flavours. It is not one fixed data structure, but a family of possible
data structures that can involve different consensus mechanisms, permissioning, etc. A full
treatment of whether blockchain can or should be used in land registration (and, it is suggested,
for any legal purpose) cannot therefore limit itself to considering specific implementations of
the blockchain. The disadvantages of a blockchain land register should be considered bearing
in mind that certain issues may be alleviated or solved by a different implementation.
Dominique Guegan, ‘Public Blockchain versus Private blockhain’ (18 May 2017) CES Working Paper
2017.20, 2 <> accessed 7 January 2021.
Cachin and Vukolić (n 23).
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With these two points in mind, this paper now proceeds to consider the conveyancing
and land registration system.
In this section, to motivate our discussion on how blockchain can be customised for land
transfers, we lay out in broad strokes how conveyancing and land registration works in
England. We note that while our focus is on England’s land registration system, our
observations could apply to other systems (e.g. The Torrens system). A typical transaction
involving the sale and disposition of registered land from one party (the “seller” or his
solicitors) to another (the “buyer” or his solicitors) can be simplified into five distinct stages:
1) pre-contract stage; 2) contract stage; 3) post-contract and pre-completion stage; 4)
completion stage, and 5) post-completion stage.
The buyer and seller will first negotiate the terms of the contract of sale. As part of the process,
the seller will usually show some evidence that he has title to the land and that he is entitled to
sell the interest in the land to the buyer. This evidence will invariably be in the form of an
“official copy” of the registered title obtained from Her Majesty’s Land Registry (the “Land
Registry”). 51 The official copy will reveal, inter alia, the description of the land, the title
number, the class of title, the identity of the registered proprietor, and whether there are
encumbrances on the land.52
Generally, the principle caveat emptor applies.53 Thus, the buyer will usually conduct
further searches and enquiries on the land. Such searches include an official search with priority
protection which will (a) confirm that the information given to the buyer is accurate, and (b)
Allan Borodin, ‘Computing (and Life) Is All about Tradeoffs’ in Andrej Brodnik, Venkatesh Raman, Alfredo
Viola and Alejandro López-Ortiz (eds), Space-Efficient Data Structures, Streams, and Algorithms: Papers in
Honor of J. Ian Munro on the Occasion of His 66th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer
Elizabeth Cooke, Stuart Bridge and Martin Dixon, Megarry and Wade: The Law of Real Property (9th edn,
Sweet & Maxwell 2019), para 6–120.
Cooke, et. al. (n 51), para 14–069.
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Once the buyer and seller are satisfied with the results of their negotiation and due diligence,
copies of the contract of sale will be prepared, signed and exchanged. Depending on the terms
of the contract, the buyer may have to pay a deposit upfront which also acts as part payment of
the purchase price.56 The buyer may also choose to lodge a notice with the registrar so as to
protect his interest under the contract of sale, 57 although an official search with priority
protection would generally be sufficient to protect his interest.58
After the contract of sale has been executed, a form of transfer will be prepared in the manner
stipulated by the Land Registry.59 This form of transfer will be executed by the seller as a deed
at the completion stage.60 The buyer will also carry out pre-completion searches and enquiries
so as to confirm that the information received by him thus far remains accurate.
At the date of completion, the buyer will transfer the balance of the purchase price to the seller.
Upon receipt of the funds, the seller will send to the buyer the signed deed of transfer and other
documents required under the contract of sale. If the buyer is funding the purchase by way of
a mortgage, the mortgage will be simultaneously completed with the foregoing steps. In higher
value transactions, the buyer and seller may decide to complete the sale and disposition of the
land via an escrow agent.
After completion, the seller will have to deal with the discharge of his mortgage, if any.61 The
buyer will have to pay the relevant stamp duty land tax62 and register his title with the Land
Registry.63 Prior to the registration of the buyer’s title, the seller remains the legal owner of the
land. After the buyer registers his title, he will become the legal owner of the land. While there
were some concerns over the hiatus between the date of making the disposition of the land and
the date of its registration (i.e. the registration gap), such concerns are less significant today
ibid, para 14–085.
ibid, para 6–148.
ibid, para 14–048.
ibid, paras 6–073, 6–074, and 6–147; and Land Registration Act 2002, pt 4.
ibid, para 6–147.
ibid, para 6–149.
ibid; and Land Registration Rules 2003, sch 9.
ibid, paras 24-101 and 24-102.
Finance Act 2003, pt 4.
Cooke, et. al. (n 51), para 6-150.
Page 13 of 24
The stages set out above provide a general overview of the conveyancing process. There
are of course other forms of contracts for the sale or disposition of land, such as, for example,
an option to purchase or a right of pre-emption.65 Land could also be conveyed to another party
for no consideration (i.e. a gift). However, our focus is on the functions of the Land Registry
within the conveyancing process described above. The Registrar maintains two registers: the
register of title and the register of cautions against first registration. The latter enables a person
claiming an interest in unregistered land to be notified of any application for the first
registration of that land, allowing him to object to registration unless his rights are appropriately
protected in the register.66 The register of title is now typically kept in digital form.67 There are
three parts to each individual register; a) property register, b) proprietorship register and c)
charges register. The first contains a description of the registered estate and other details (such
as easements). The second records, inter alia, details of the class of title, name of the registered
proprietor, an address for service. The third is a record of incumbrances such as registered
charges and interests protected by notice. This article will therefore examine the advantages
and disadvantages of employing a DLT-based land register in that context.
As alluded to in Part B above, the structure and design of the specific blockchain system
adopted for land registration – for example, whether the blockchain is public, private, or a
hybrid – would naturally have its associated advantages and disadvantages.68 In this section,
we demonstrate that a clearer understanding of blockchain technology qualifies seven points
about the promises and perils of blockchain land transfers, and that overall, most, if not all of
the advantages gainsaid by a private blockchain model, which is by far the most ideal model
for a land registry, can already be realised through a digital land registry.
In blockchain systems, land can be represented by digital addresses which contain information
relating to, inter alia, occupancy rate and legal status. Malviya argues that this would increase
data transparency and remove the information asymmetry advantage possessed by brokers.69 It
is also possible to integrate data held by multiple government departments onto the digital
ibid, para 6-150.
ibid, para 14-002.
ibid, para 6-044.
ibid, para 6-113.
Jacob Vos, Christiaan Lemmen and Bert Beentjes, ‘Blockchain-based Land Administration: Feasible, Illusory
or a Panacea?’ (World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington DC, 2017).
Hitesh Malviya, ‘Blockchain for Commercial Real Estate’ (2017) <>
accessed 7 January 2021.
Page 14 of 24
In a typical conveyancing process, the seller will only send the signed purchase deed to the
buyer when it receives the purchase money. There is a risk that the seller would, upon receiving
the money, refuse to transfer the signed purchase deed. To protect the buyer against this risk,
parties to a typical sale and disposition of land may sometimes choose to appoint an escrow
agent to assist completion.
Furthermore, where smart contracts are integrated into a blockchain system or its
exchange platform, certain events could be programmed to trigger automatically upon the
fulfilment of a set of criteria.75 For example, the seller’s mortgagee could be automatically
paid, and the seller’s mortgage simultaneously discharged, upon the exchange of the seller’s
land token for the buyer’s money. Stamp duty land tax could also be automatically calculated,
Yarbrough and Mirkovic (n 4).
See Gabriel Brennan, The Impact of eConveyancing on Title Registration: A Risk Assessment (1st edn,
Springer 2015), 74–86.
Land Registration Act 2002, s 29(2)(a)(ii); and Schedule 3 to the Land Registration Act 2002.
Malviya (n 69).
ibid; see also Vos et. al. (n 68) 16.
Page 15 of 24
That said, there are hurdles to using smart contracts in land transactions. Land
transactions are complex, and while some might argue that machine learning may be used to
optimise land transactions,76 it still does not resolve the problem of having to determine the
intentions of parties, but adds to the complexity of ascertaining such intention when AI is
involved.77 This leads us to another potential issue in using smart contracts to optimise land
transactions. Recall that smart contracts are less contracts than simply computer code stored on
the blockchain. 78 The point at which contractual events are triggered may not always be
reducible to computer code; even if it is, an interface between the code and the real world is
necessary to capture the trigger event within the code. To illustrate, completion could be subject
to the buyer’s right to rescind the contract in the event that the property differs “substantially”
from what he had been led to expect.79 It could also be subject to “satisfactory” replies to legal
requisitions. Legal terms such as “substantially”, “satisfactory” and “reasonably” are arguably
difficult to translate into smart contracts because they rely on fuzzy rather than formal or
Boolean logic. Thus, if smart contracts are used, they must be sufficiently flexible to
accommodate these terms,80 and disputes arising from them must be amenable to resolution
(whether by the code protocol itself or more conventional legal processes). It is therefore not
immediately clear whether utilising a blockchain land registry to enable optimisation of land
transactions through smart contracts has immediate benefits.
Andrew Saull and Andrew Baum, ‘The Future of Real Estate Transactions’ (2019) University of Oxford
Research, Saïd Business School <
ReportFull_1.pdf> accessed 7 January 2021 at 41 – 45.
See Vincent Ooi, ‘Contracts Formed by Software: An Approach from the Law of Mistake’ (2022) Journal of
Business Law 97.
Kelvin Low and Eliza Mik, ‘Pause the Blockchain Legal Revolution’ (2020) 69 ICLQ 135, 166. Low and Mik
point out that smart contracts are not contracts in the legal sense although nothing stands in the way of them
having legal effects).
See e.g. the Law Society’s Standard Conditions of Sale (Fifth Edition – 2018 Revision), cl 7.1.1.
But see Jeremy Sklaroff, ‘Smart Contracts and the Cost of Inflexibility’ (2017) University of Pennsylvania
Law Review 263, 291-296.
Amritraj Singh, et. al., ‘Sidechain Technologies in Blockchain Networks: An examination and State-of-the-
Art Review’ (2020) Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2.
Page 16 of 24
Such an exchange platform may also require an overhaul of existing laws, viz, financial
and securities regulations. For instance, industry standards may have to be introduced to
regulate the rights and obligations between unitholders of a sidechain. Further, such an
investment scheme, may be construed as a collective investment scheme under s 235 of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. Such schemes have the following characteristics: a)
participants do not have “day-to-day control” of the management of the property, 86 b)
contributions of the participants and the profits or income out of which payments are to be
made to them are pooled or the property is managed as a whole by or on behalf of the scheme
operator.87 Relating to the requirement of “day-to-day control”, Lord Sumption, in the case of
Asset Land v The Financial Conduct Authority,88 opined that control of the property meant the
ability to “decide what is to happen to it” and this extended to arrangements where the investor
would be able to do so.89 Notably, Lord Sumption held that the investors were not in day-to-
day control because there were no arrangements to organise themselves such that they were in
a position to control the management of the whole site. Similarly, any peer-to-peer exchange
platform built over a blockchain land registry is likely to lack such an arrangement as well.
Even assuming the legislation barring collective investment schemes relating to land is
amended to allow for such peer-to-peer exchange platforms, it is questionable whether this will
actually increase levels of property ownership.90 Simply put, given that retail investment in
property does not necessarily require ownership of title deeds, having a blockchain land
registry customised to allow for fractional ownership of land may not necessarily contribute
much by way of allowing retail investors to participate in the property market.
Vos et. al. (n 68) 23.
See Paech (n 7) 1088.
Statista Research Department, ‘First-time buyers: Biggest Barriers to buying first property in the UK 2019’
(18 Feb 2020) <>
accessed 7 January 2021.
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, s 235(2).
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, ss 235(3)(a) and 235(3)(b).
Asset Land v The Financial Conduct Authority [2016] UKSC 17.
ibid [94].
Bennett, et. al. (n 2) 442.
Page 17 of 24
Finally, in a typical land transaction, it is possible for the buyer to present the seller with a
forged ownership certificate or with a forged identity. Malviya suggests that this would be a
“thing of the past” in a blockchain land registration system,91 because the use of unique digital
ownership certificates in a blockchain land registration system makes it impossible for one to
sell or advertise a property one does not own.92 Indeed, property ownership in a blockchain
system is associated with possession of a private key: only the person who possesses the private
key can transfer the land token.93
While this appears attractive, Barbieri and Gassen highlight the possibility that the
private key itself may be lost or stolen.94 Private keys are generated using code and random
number generators, and if done properly, will render the probability of guessing a user’s private
key all but a statistical impossibility. But the code or random number generator used to generate
such code could be faulty, thereby allowing cyber criminals to guess the private key and
transfer the land token.95 It is therefore unclear whether the specific type of fraud identified by
Malviya could be reduced by a blockchain land registration system.
In order to shift the existing Land Registry infrastructure to a blockchain-based land registry
system, it is necessary to first identify all of the existing land rights in the Land Registry. This
information must then be transcribed (the “transcription process”) into the first block of the
blockchain (the “Genesis block”). For a blockchain land registration system to function, the
participants of the blockchain system must accept the Genesis block as a suitable starting point.
This is dependent on at least two things: (a) first, the reliability of the information in the existing
land registry, and (b) secondly, the accuracy of the transcription process.
Vos and others observe that the rights reflected in the land registry may not always be
reliable especially when a land registry is corrupt or is of poor quality.96 In jurisdictions with
these land registries, it would be difficult to get participants to accept the Genesis block.
Although this limitation may not be applicable to Her Majesty’s Land Registry, there is still a
risk that the information in the existing Land Registry is inaccurate or incomplete. Therefore,
if policymakers decide to adopt blockchain for the purpose of land registration, it may be
necessary to institute an insurance policy to indemnify (a) those affected by pre-existing defects
in the Land Registry and (b) those affected by errors in the transcription process. Alternatively,
amendments may be made to existing legislative provisions, viz, schedule 8 of the Land
Malviya (n 69).
Maurice Barbieri and Dominik Gassen, ‘Blockchain – can this new technology really revolutionize the land
registry system?’ (World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington DC, 2017).
Independent Security Evaluators, ‘Ethercombing: Finding Secrets in Popular Places’ (23 April 2019) <> (accessed 7 January 2021).
Vos et. al. (n 68).
Page 18 of 24
While 51% attacks primarily affect POW-based chains (which, to recall, rely on
computationally-intensive math problems to enforce immutability), similar vulnerabilities
apply mutatis mutandis to all POX systems: the attacker need only control a sufficient
proportion of X. It is therefore precarious to use any POX-based chain for land registration.
Vos and others thus advocate a “hybrid” blockchain for land registration, 103 wherein only
authorised entities (e.g. certified conveyancers, notaries and the Registrar) are allowed to
upload transactions onto the blockchain. While it is still possible for a consortium of
conveyancers to falsify entries on a hybrid blockchain system, the risk could be mitigated with
appropriate criminal and civil sanctions. Notice that this is effectively an argument for
Cristopher Koch and Gina Pieters, ‘Blockchain Technology Disrupting Traditional Records Systems’ (2017)
<> accessed 7 January 2021.
Recall from Part B that POW is in essence a race to solve a computationally-intensive mathematical problem.
The more computational resources one has the easier this is but, as with legal ownership of company shares,
one need not always control a simple majority to win, particularly if the remaining resource-holders are
dissipated. A simple majority, of course, guarantees victory. See Muhammad Saad, et. al., ‘Exploring the
Attack Surface of Blockchain: A Comprehensive Survey,’ in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 11-
Barbieri and Gassen (n 93).
Saad, et. al. (n 102) 11.
ibid, 12.
Vos et. al. (n 68).
Page 19 of 24
For example, a contract for the sale or other disposition of an interest in land can only
be made in writing and only by incorporating all the agreed terms in one document. 104 In
addition, conveyances of land or of any interests therein are generally void unless made by
deed.105 Legal mortgages must also be made by deed.106 These formality requirements – among
others – must be amended to recognise the validity of the transactions on a blockchain land
registration system and its exchange platform.
It is also necessary to rethink, for example, the legal remedies associated with a land
transaction which is void ab initio (eg in the case of fraud). Generally, a transaction which is
void would be treated in law as if it has not occurred. In a hybrid blockchain land registration
system, a court faced with a void transaction could do one of two things (a) order the authorised
persons to recognise a transfer of the land token back to the original owner, or (b) order the
authorised persons to undo the illegal transfer of land token. Although the latter option is a
closer implementation of the legal fiction of void ab initio, it would involve re-creating all of
the blocks that were based on the affected block. Thus, the latter option may not be practical
as it would require serious computing power.
While a blockchain land registry has certain, albeit qualified, advantages, viz, data
transparency, expediting transactions and reducing fraud, these advantages could easily be
realised through a digitised land registry instead. Here, we synthesize the above observations
into the following argument against blockchain land registers: private blockchains are far better
(in terms of security and compatibility with the current land registration systems) than public
blockchains for implementing them, but the advantages afforded by a private blockchain land
register can already be, or have already been, realised through digitised land registries.
In addition, we would further observe that while we have illustrated our arguments using the
conveyancing system in England as an example, our analysis would be equally applicable to
other common law countries, such as Australia or Singapore for two reasons. First, the Land
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989, s 2(1).
Law of Property Act 1925, s 52(1).
Law of Property Act 1925, s 85(1).
Page 20 of 24
The most famous example of a public blockchain would be that of Bitcoin – it began as a
permission and trust-less network, but over time, influence from the social and cultural context
in which Bitcoin operated slowly seeped in. For instance, block validation has been dominated
by a few players for the associated, and highly lucrative, creation of new bitcoins.111 Thus, the
development of the Bitcoin network is effectively controlled by a few entities. Further, the
programmers who control Bitcoin’s base code play the role of “gatekeepers between user
consensus and computer code” thereby giving them more influence than other nodes. 112
Consequently, Bitcoin largely resembles an oligopolistic market structure, a far cry from its
initial aspirations. In the context of a public land registry, this would essentially entail
transferring control from the Land Registry to the hands of those who a) possess the requisite
technical expertise to exert influence over the system and b) those who possess sufficient
computing power to control large chunks of the system to create new tokens for users to spend.
Doing so disregards the vital role played by the Land Registrar, whose job involves
administering the complex, contentious application which arise when property rights
conflict.113 For instance, in applications made to alter the register,114 land registry lawyers act
as gatekeepers in assessing the viability of arguments made.115
There are a few more reasons to prefer a private blockchain over a public one. First, in
relation to the 51% attack problem, a private blockchain land registry would be less vulnerable
than a public one. A public blockchain becomes susceptible the moment a hacker gains control
of 51% of the participants in the blockchain. In contrast, a private blockchain, where only
Alvin See, Yip Man and Goh Yihan, Property and Trust Law in Singapore (Wolters Kluwer, 2019),93.
Ibid. This is known as the “mirror principle” under the Torrens system.
Ibid. This is known as the “indefeasibility principle” under the Torrens system.
See Ho Kon Kim v Lim Gek Kim Betsy and others and another Appeal [2001] 3 SLR(R) 220 at [25] – [26],
Bahr v Nicolay (No. 2) (1988) 164 CLR 604
Paech (n 7), 1091, citing Primavera De Filippi and Benjamin Loveluck, ‘The Invisible Politics of Bitcoin:
Governance Crisis of a Decentralised Infrastructure’ (2016) 5 Internet Policy Review 7.
John Pownall and Richard Hill, ‘The Land Registry’s Perspective’ in Amy Goymour, Stephen Watterson and
Martin Dixon (eds), New Perspectives on Land Registration, Contemporary Problems and Solutions (Hart
Publishing, 2018) 7.
Land Registration Act 2002, s 65 and schedule 4, para 5.
Pownall and Hill (n 112) 9.
Page 21 of 24
Second, as pointed out earlier, one might lose their private key. It is one thing to lose
your private key to your bitcoin wallet,116 and a whole other thing to lose your private key to
your land token. In the former, losing a private key would just mean that those bitcoins cannot
be spent (i.e. they are lost forever, until one finds the private key).117 In the latter, that would
mean losing the ability to deal with the land in question. This could potentially frustrate any
court ordered remedies in relation to land (i.e. specific performance). Another issue that arises
is how rectification of title should be carried out on a blockchain land registry. For instance, if
a squatter successfully applies for rectification of the register on the basis of adverse
possession, the register might possibly be rectified through a court order for the transfer of the
private key from the registered owner to the squatter. However, refusal of the registered owner
to transfer the private key may frustrate efforts in this regard. While it has been suggested
elsewhere that courts can take proactive action to prevent loss of a private key,118 or invoke the
law of contempt to compel the registered owner to transfer the key,119 it still does not eliminate
the possibility that the private key may be well and truly lost. Given this, one can see the
necessity of retaining some form of central control to issue a replacement code or an
override.120 This can only be done through a private blockchain.
Third, the blockchain is fundamentally a form of data storage. All parties to the network
will always have an updated record of all transactions that have taken place. This might be
useful in the context of the financial industry where there is enormous multiplication and
diversification of the records of financial assets across jurisdictions. 121 But this feature of
blockchain is less relevant in the context of land registry given that there is only one data source
maintained by the Registrar. People wishing to check land records simply have to consult the
registry. Converting to a public blockchain results in decentralisation when there is no clear
need or incentive to do so, especially since having multiple backups would have the same
benefit as decentralisation in the event of a hack or destruction of the data storage unit (i.e.
having duplicate records stored elsewhere). Moreover, decentralisation also creates additional
risks, viz, the possibility of a 51% attack.
Mauro Conti, Sandeep Kumar, Chhagan Lal and Sushmita Ruj, ‘A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues of
Bitcoin’ (2018) 20(4) IEEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 7.
Andrew Hinkes, ‘Throw Away the Key, or the Key Holder? Coercive Contempt for Lost or Forgotten
Cryptocurrency Private Keys or Obstinate Holders’ (2019) 16(4) Northwestern Journal of Technology and
Intellectual Property, 256–257.
ibid, 257–258.
Thomas and Huang (n 8), 24. See also Hinkes, (n 117), 257. Hinkes notes that regardless of proactive measures
taken by the court against a contemnor, there is little that can be done to recover truly lost keys.
Paech (n 7), 1079.
Page 22 of 24
It would therefore seem that a private blockchain is a feasible model countries could adopt for
their land registries. However, many of the advantages proffered by a private blockchain can
already be realised through a digitised or electronic land registry for the following reasons.
First, private blockchains allow for greater security by restricting access to the system
to authorised users. But existing technology already allows for this. For instance, Australia has
modernised its land registry and allowed for electronic conveyancing. At the core of the
Australian system, only authorised users such as law firms or financial institutions meeting the
criterion set forth in the Participation Rules122 are allowed to prepare, sign and lodge electronic
instruments in the Land Registry. 123 Those applying to use the platform must undergo a
stringent process to verify their identity before they are allowed to give a digital signature.124
Therefore existing technology coupled with stringent requirements for access to the system and
penalties for non-compliance may have the same effect as unique digital ownership certificates
in a blockchain land registration system.
Second, if one accepts that a private blockchain model is needed, and access is only
restricted to registry lawyers and conveyancers, with the registry being granted special powers
within the system to make changes where necessary (possible because of the permissioned
model of a private blockchain), there is little discernible difference between a blockchain land
registry and a digitised one. After all, blockchain is merely a form of data storage, albeit a
disintermediated one. This is likely to leave us, in the worst case scenario, with a land registry
that is costly, inefficient and not decentralised, and in the best case scenario, an equally efficient
alternative to a digital land registry without significant functionality improvements.125
And this brings us to our third point. Blockchain, for one, must provide for equitable
title in a manner that recognises the interplay between equitable and legal title. One might argue
that equitable titles can be stored on a side chain. However, a side chain is separate from the
main chain, and transactions made on the side chain do not affect the main chain at all.
Blockchains therefore, rather unsurprisingly, do not represent a quantum improvement over
existing land registration systems. Interests in land are after all not merely limited to the legal
title found on the register. Take for example the facts of Gallarotti v Sebastianelli. 126
Sebastianelli and Gallarotti had both contributed money in the ratio of 3:1 towards buying a
property, with legal title being registered in Sebastianelli’s name. They had an understanding
that they would share in the property equally. However, they had a falling out and Gallarotti
asked for a court declaration as to his interest in the property. Inferring from the parties’
conduct, the court held that their financial contributions should be taken into account in
Sharon Christensen, ‘Automation of a Torrens register: an Australian perspective’ in David Grinlinton and
Rod Thomas (eds) Land Registration and Title Security in the Digital Age (Routledge, 2020), 216, citing the
Model Participation Rules (Australia), r 4.3.
Schuster (n 5) 18 – 19.
[2012] EWCA Civ 865.
Page 23 of 24
E. Conclusion
Advancements in technology have precipitated new ways of improving the land registration
process through automation. However, at the intersection of law and the potential afforded by
technology, it is important to separate fantasy from reality. Examining the characteristics of
blockchain shows that a private blockchain would be best suited to the demands of a land
registry, however, many of its associated advantages can already be gained through the use of
a digitised land registry, sans the new and novel problems implementing such a system would
have. While the time has undoubtedly come to modernise land registries through the adoption
of technology, modernisation should not be done for the sake of it. Doing so should involve a
careful assessment of the characteristics of the proposed technology and whether it is best
suited to the demands of a land registry in the 21st century. Instead of attempting to force fit
existing land registration systems into the Procrustean bed of blockchain technology, the effort
might be better spent in unlocking the full potential of the data stored on a digitised land
registry.127 Naturally, this creates its own set of interesting issues in relation to data ownership
and the commercialisation of land registries, and given developments afoot, especially in the
deployment of AI and machine learning in the real estate context, 128 we can expect rapid
developments in the coming years.129
Pamela O’Connor, ‘A Broader Development Perspective’ in Amy Goymour, Stephen Watterson and Martin
Dixon (eds), New Perspectives on Land Registration, Contemporary Problems and Solutions (Hart Publishing,
2018), 36.
See The Future of Real Estate Transactions (n 81).
See Sjef van Erp, ‘Are land registers becoming online intermediary platforms of land data?’ in David
Grinlinton and Rod Thomas (eds) Land Registration and Title Security in the Digital Age (Routledge, 2020);
Bennett, et. al. (n 2); and Lynden Griggs and Rouhshi Low, ‘Privatisation, the consensus algorithms of
blockchains and Land titling in Australia: where are we now, and where are we going?’ in David Grinlinton
and Rod Thomas (eds) Land Registration and Title Security in the Digital Age (Routledge, 2020).
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