Lesson Plan 2 in PERDEV
Lesson Plan 2 in PERDEV
Lesson Plan 2 in PERDEV
Prepared by:
SHS Subject Teacher
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PowerPoint Presentation
Schoology Worksheet
a. Preparatory Activities
The teacher greets the learners. Remind the learners about the Virtual Classroom Rules.
Lead opening prayer.
b. Motivation
The teacher will show some certain words that connotes stress. Then ask questions;
1. What can you say about the words?
2. Have you experienced it?
3. How do you respond or cope with them?
f. Application: The learners will find out if they perceived to have stress using the stress
assessment tool. (https://das.nh.gov/wellness/docs/percieved%20stress%20scale.pdf – Stress
Assessment Tool)
1. These types of stress can motivate, energize, and spur an individual into fruitful action.
a) Distress
b) Eustress
c) Stress
2. Why do people stressed out?
a) Because they see the situation dangerous and painful
b) They believe that they are incompetent to cope
c) All of the above
3. The two stress hormones that helps the body to have a fight or flight response against stress.
a) Dopamine/Cortisol
b) Adrenaline Cortisol
c) Adrenaline/ Insulin
4. Which is not emotional symptoms of Stress?
a) Irritation
b) Moodiness
c) Chest Pain
5. When you are under stress, which physical symptoms commonly experienced?
a) Diarrhea/ Constipation
b) Chest Pain
c) Rapid Heart Beat
d) All of the above
6. Which of the following reflects the outcome of having poor judgement?
a) You cannot decide what you want for yourself
b) You become moody
c) You feel overwhelmed
2. What stress signals do you have that your partner does not have?
4. How are your stress signals different for different types of stressors?
5. What are some ways that you usually remove or reduce the stress that cause you physical,
emotional or behavioral difficulties?