SCI 6 - 1st Quarter Module
SCI 6 - 1st Quarter Module
SCI 6 - 1st Quarter Module
Elementary Department
Learning Competency:
1. Describe the appearance and uses of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. MELC
There are two types of mixture: homogenous and heterogeneous mixture. Homogeneous
mixture is formed when substances, appears to be of one uniform phase. The Calamansi
juice is an example of a homogeneous mixture because the dissolved sugar is evenly
distributed throughout. You can’t pick out the components of a homogeneous mixture or
use simple mechanical means to separate them. You can’t see individual ingredients in this
type of mixture.
Homogeneous Mixture or Uniform Mixture- is a type of
mixture in which the composition is uniform and every
part of the solution are the same properties. You
can’t distinguish the components.
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and circle it.
1. Which of the following mixtures is homogeneous in nature?
A. Halo-halo C. Orange Juice
Learning Competency:
1. Describe the appearance and uses of solutions such as solid and solid, solid and liquid,
and liquid and liquid.
When salt is mixed with water, the salt seems to disappear into the
water. This is a process called dissolution. The salt did not really
disappear. Its molecules dissolved in the water and can no longer be
seen. You know the salt is there because you can taste it, even though
you can’t see it. The clear mixture is called a solution.
Elementary Department
Factors that affect solubility
1. Temperature
2. Amount of solute
3. Agitation
4. Surface Area
Types of Solutions
1. Saturated
2. Unsaturated solutions
3. Supersaturated
Solution Concentration
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
1. A _____ mixture is often referred to as a solution.
A. Pure C. Colloid
B. Heterogeneous D. Homogeneous
2. In a solution which part of the solution is the solute ice tea mix or water?
B. Soluble D. dilute
5. Which of the following substances is known as the universal solvent?
7. There are five types of solutions and all these types are homogeneous:
sugar in water, salt in water, and juice powder in water, Coffee in
water are what type of solutions?
A. Solid in liquid C. Gas in liquid
Elementary Department
B. Liquid in liquid D. Solid in solid
8. What do you call when two liquids can’t be mixed together?
A. Directions: MATCHING TYPE: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
B. Directions: Identify the solute and solvent in the following solutions. Write your answer in the
table provided below.
Learning Competency:
1. Compare and contrast solutions, suspension and colloids based on their characteristics
1. Sol is a colloid mixture wherein the liquid substance is dispersed (to distribute) more or less
evenly throughout the medium) in solid.
2. Emulsion is formed when a liquid is dispersed in another liquid.
Elementary Department
What I Have Learned:
Elementary Department
5. Light scattering in colloid is known as _____.
A. Brownian Motion C. Tyndall Effect
B. Coagulation D. dissolution
6. Which of the following classifies a suspension?
solution or a colloid?
A. Suspensions are colorless
B. Suspensions are always clear
Learning Competency:
Winnowing is a method of separating husk from grains with the help of wind. Husk is very light
whereas wheat grains are heavy. Winnowing is done using winnowing basket. The farmer
stands at a higher platform from the ground and allows the mixture of wheat grains and husk
to fall down from a height by shaking his winnowing basket continuously
Elementary Department
What I Have Learned:
A. Directions: Describe the following whether mixture or not. Put a check (/) on the blank
before the number if it is a mixture and put an (X) if not.
B. Directions: Draw a smiley face beside the mixtures that can be separated through picking.
______1. water and alcohol
Learning Competency:
Decantation is the process of separation of liquid from solid and other immiscible (non-
mixing) liquids, by removing the liquid layer at the top from the layer of solid or liquid below.
The process can be carried out by tilting the mixture after pouring out the top layer. This
process can also be used to separate two liquids that do not mix with each other for e.g., oil
and water. Liquids that completely mixed with each other are called miscible liquids. Liquids
which do not mix together and form a layer between them are called immiscible liquids.
Decanting involves separating a dense, insoluble substance from a heterogeneous mixture. It
is only a useful method if the solid particles readily settle to the bottom.
Elementary Department
What I Have Learned:
B. Directions: Read the question in each number. Box the letter of the correct answer.
b. Water in oil
c. Mixed nuts
a. Decantation
b. Evaporation
c. Filtration
d. Magnetism
3. Which of the following techniques is the most appropriate to be used in
c. Evaporating
d. Sedimentation
Elementary Department
4. This is a technique used in separating a less-dense substance from a
denser one.
a. Decanting
b. Evaporating
c. Picking
d. Sieving
5. What will happen to the less-dense substance of mixture if you separate
Learning Competency:
Elementary Department
What I Have Learned:
______2. Evaporation is the best way to separate salt from a sea water.
______ 3. You can separate the sugar from the soft drink.
______ 4. Purified water is safe to drink.
B. Directions: Draw a happy face if the mixtures that can be separated through evaporation
and sad face if NO.
C. Directions: Identify the mixture that can be separated through filtering. Write Yes if it can
be separated by filtering and No if NOT. Write
your answer in your science notebook.
______1. Tamarind extract ______4. Soil and water
Learning Competency:
1. Identify mixtures that can be separated through sieving and using magnet.
2. Describe how certain mixtures can be separated through sieving and using magnet.
Elementary Department
What I Have Learned:
A. Directions: Identify what is being describe in each number. Choose the appropriate term
from the box.
C. Directions: Read the situation and write your answer in the space provided.
1. What happen to the staple wires and nails as the magnet is near into it?
2. What happen to the soil dusts as the magnet is near into it?
3. What do you call those materials like staple wires and nail that they were attracted to
Elementary Department