Herbert Kreyszig, Erwin Kreyszig - Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide To Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Volume 2) - Wiley (2012)
Herbert Kreyszig, Erwin Kreyszig - Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide To Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Volume 2) - Wiley (2012)
Herbert Kreyszig, Erwin Kreyszig - Student Solutions Manual and Study Guide To Advanced Engineering Mathematics (Volume 2) - Wiley (2012)
Complex numbers appeared in the textbook before in different topics. Solving linear homogeneous ODEs
led to characteristic equations, (3), p. 54 in Sec. 2.2, with complex numbers in Example 5, p. 57, and
Case III of the table on p. 58. Solving algebraic eigenvalue problems in Chap. 8 led to characteristic
equations of matrices whose roots, the eigenvalues, could also be complex as shown in Example 4, p. 328.
Whereas, in these type of problems, complex numbers appear almost naturally as complex roots of
polynomials (the simplest being x 2 C 1 D 0), it is much less immediate to consider complex analysis—the
systematic study of complex numbers, complex functions, and “complex” calculus. Indeed, complex
analysis will be the direction of study in Part D. The area has important engineering applications in
electrostatics, heat ow, and uid ow. Further motivation for the study of complex analysis is given on
p. 607 of the textbook.
We start with the basics in Chap. 13 by reviewing complex numbers z D x C yi in Sec. 13.1 and
introducing complex integration in Sec.13.3. Those functions that are differentiable in the complex, on
some domain, are called analytic and will form the basis of complex analysis. Not all functions are
analytic. This leads to the most important topic of this chapter, the Cauchy–Riemann equations (1),
p. 625 in Sec. 13.4, which allow us to test whether a function is analytic. They are very short but you have
to remember them! The rest of the chapter (Secs. 13.5–13.7) is devoted to elementary complex functions
(exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic, and logarithmic functions).
Your knowledge and understanding of real calculus will be useful. Concepts that you learned in real
calculus carry over to complex calculus; however, be aware that there are distinct differences between
real calculus and complex analysis that we clearly mark. For example, whereas the real equation e x D 1
has only one solution, its complex counterpart e z D 1 has innitely many solutions.
258 Complex Analysis Part D
which we multiply out, recalling that i 2 D 1 [see (5), p. 609]. The nal result is a complex number in a
form that allows us to separate its real (Re z/ and imaginary (Im z/ parts. Also remember that 1= i D i
(see Prob. 1), as it occurs frequently. We continue by dening the complex plane and use it to graph
complex numbers (note Fig. 318, p. 611, and Fig. 322, p. 612). We use equation (8), p. 612, to go from
complex to real.
i2 D ii
D .0; 1/.0; 1/ [by (1), p. 609]
D .0 0 1 1; 0 1 C 1 0/ [by (3), p. 609]
D .0 1; 0 C 0/ (arithmetic)
D .1; 0/
D 1 [by (1)],
Here we used (I1) in the second equality. To get (I3), we apply (I2) twice:
(I4) i 5 D i 4 i D 1 i D i;