( 12 ) Sharawi
Unitedet States
al .
Patent ( 10 ) Patent No.: US 10,847,870 B2
(45 ) Date of Patent : Nov. 24 , 2020
ANTENNA WITH UWB SENSING ANTENNA See application file for complete search history .
( 71 ) Applicant: King Fahd University of Petroleum ( 56 ) References Cited
and Minerals , Dhahran ( SA) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
( 72 ) Inventors: Mohammad S. Sharawi , Dhahran 9,716,312 B2 7/2017 Chen
( SA) ; Rifaqat Hussain , Dhahran ( SA) 9,837,702 B2 12/2017 Sharawi et al .
9,893,715 B2 * 2/2018 Zachara H01Q 21/28
(73 ) Assignee : King Fahd University of Petroleum 2005/0280580 A1 12/2005 Lin
2016/0261050 A1 * 9/2016 Sharawi H01Q 1/243
and Minerals , Dhahran ( SA)
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Hussain , Rifaqat, et al . ; Annular slot -based miniaturized frequency
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days. agile MIMO antenna system ; Jul. 12 , 2017 ; IEEE Antennas and
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 15 /995,982 Wireless Propagation Letters, vol . 16 , ; 4 pages .
Zhang, Yan, et al . ; Compact ultrawideband (UWB ) slot antenna
( 22 ) Filed : Jun . 1 , 2018 with wideband and high isolation for mimo applications ; Jul. 23 ,
2014 ; Progress in Electromagnetics Research C , vol . 54 , 9-16 ; 8
(65 ) Prior Publication Data
US 2019/0372200 A1 Dec. 5 , 2019 * cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Binh B Tran
( 51 ) Int . Cl . (74 ) Attorney , Agent, or Firm — Oblon, McClelland,
H01Q 1/24 ( 2006.01 ) Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.
H01Q 5/321 ( 2015.01 )
H01Q 21/28 ( 2006.01 ) ( 57 ) ABSTRACT
H010 138 ( 2006.01)
( 52 ) U.S. Cl . A dielectric substrate for a configurable antenna has an
??? H01Q 1/243 ( 2013.01 ) ; H01Q 1/38 upper surface and an opposing lower surface. An upper
( 2013.01 ) ; H010 5/321 ( 2015.01 ) ; H010 conductor patch is disposed on the upper surface of the
21/28 ( 2013.01 ) substrate and a lower conductor patch is disposed on the
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
lower surface of the substrate. A sensing antenna is formed
in the upper conductor patch . An upper set of slot antennas
CPC HO1Q 7/005 ; HOIQ 13/103 ; H01Q 13/16 ; is formed in the upper conductor patch and a lower set of slot
H01Q 13/10 ; H01Q 3/443 ; H01Q 13/18 ; antennas is formed in the lower conductor patch . Each of the
H01Q 7/00 ; H01Q 21/064 ; HOIQ slot antennas is loaded with a variable reactance component.
21/0043 ; H01Q 21/005 ; H01Q 21/0056 ;
HO1Q 21/0062 20 Claims , 12 Drawing Sheets
-170a 153a - 170b
125a - 134
an 115b
110 159
160c 1626
06 -144
1692 169b
- 1420
125a 134
d5 -1360
115a 115b
110 159 dz
d6 144
169a 169b 169a
W3 1696
142d 150
FIG . 1A
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
170b 170a
142b 142a
169a W3 150
1696 169a 169b
162a 1626
130b 162a
Z ?
115c 120 115d
FIG . 1B
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
2B +
2B +
128 115
FIG . 2A
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020
6 Sheet 4 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
3 2B
115 1696
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 5 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
ell 27
lll 3
ly R2
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 6 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
-25 }
-30 -
-40 1
2 3 5 6 8
FIG . 4
0 { 3
{ } 3
} } }
} } } 1
} 1
-10 } } 1 }
} }
-20 3 1
-40 }
-50 {
} }
3 {
1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8
FIG . 5
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 7 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
3+000.5490E 8-
001.417 E 000
-+1.865 E +000-4.5728E +000-7.2801E +000-9.9873E +001-1.2695E +001-1.5402E -+0011.8109E +001-2.0816E +001-2.3524E 001+-2.6231E +001-2.8938E -+0013.1646E +001-3.4353E +001-3.7060E +0005.292 E +0002.9504E 0016-.0859E 000-+1.73 2E +000-4.0750E +000-6.4168E +001-8.7586E +001-1.1 0 E +001-1.34 2E +001-1.5784E +001-1.8126E +001-2.0467E +001-2.2809E +001-2.5151E -+0012.7493E +001-2.9835E
AINTOTAL 2.1945-01
+0002.3605E +000-1.916 E 000-+4.05 1E 000+-6.1936E +000-8.3 21E +001-1.0471E +001-1.2609E 1+-001.4748E 001+-1.68 6E -+0011.9025E +001-2.1 63E +001-2.3 02E +001-2.54 0E -+0012.7579E +001-2.9717E
+0004.5104E +0002.2103E 002--8.984 E +000-2.390 E 000-+4.6901E +000-6.9 02E +000-9.2903E 001-+1.1590E001-+1.3891E +001-1.6191E +001-1.8491E +001-2.0791E +001-2.3091E +001-2.5391E +001-2.7691E +001-2.9 91E
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020
9 Sheet 8 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
1 C=4pF
1 C=6pF
-20 1
1.5 2 2.5 3
FIG . 7
-10 10V
-15 3V
-20 1
1.5 2 2.5 3
FIG . 8
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 9 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
C = 1pF
C = 40F
1 C = 6pF
1.5 2 2.5 3
FIG . 9
1 1
-30 10V
-- 6V
M 2
FIG . 10
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 10 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
THETA Phil 11D
3+000.290 E 1+000.4 47E 001--4.0 53E --0002.2458E 4+000.091 E +000-5,9363E +000-7.7816E +000-9.6269E +001-1.1472E +001-1.3 17E +001-1.5163E 001+-1.70 8E -+0011.8 53E +001-2.0698E +
001-2.254 E +001-2.4389E 0003+.290 E +00014 47E --0014.0 53E 000--2.2458E -+0004.091 E 000-+5.9363E +000-7.7816E +000-9.6269E +001-1.1472E +001-1.3 17E -+0011.5163E +001-1.70 8E +001-1.8 53E -+0012.0698E +001-2.254 E 001+-2.4389E
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 11 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
1220 1230
1222 1224 1226
U.S. Patent Nov. 24 , 2020 Sheet 12 of 12 US 10,847,870 B2
FIG . 13
US 10,847,870 B2
1 2
FREQUENCY RECONFIGURABLE MIMO In another aspect of the invention, each of the slot
ANTENNA WITH UWB SENSING ANTENNA antennas includes a central void lacking conductive mate
BACKGROUND In another aspect of the invention, a transmission line is
Field of the Invention disposed
5 on an opposing side of the substrate of each of the
slot antennas.
This invention is related to the field of wide -band wireless In another aspect of the invention , the upper conductor
communications and, more specifically, to reconfigurable antennacomprises
patch a trapezoidal section forming a monopole
multiple - input multiple -output (MIMO ) antenna systems for 10 being the reference planeantenna
as the sensing , the lower conductor patch
of the monopole antenna .
cognitive radio platforms in compact wireless devices.
In another aspect of the invention, the upper set of slot
Description of Related Art antennas is removed from the trapezoidal section .
In another aspect of the invention, a biasing circuit for the
As new features and services are added to wireless reactance component of each of the slot antennas is disposed
devices and mobile terminals in modern wireless commu- 15 on the substrate .
nication systems , high data rates and efficient spectral uti
lization are indispensable . High data rates can be achieved BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
by utilizing multiple - input multiple - output (MIMO ) systems
covering several frequency bands. MIMO is a technique by FIGS . 1A - 1B are illustrations of opposing sides of an
which , among other things, a data signal is split into multiple 20 exemplary planar antenna system by which the present
streams and each stream is transmitted from a different inventive concept can be embodied .
transmit antenna . If these signals arrive at receiver antennas FIGS . 2A - 2B are illustrations of a single multiple - input
with sufficiently different spatial signatures and the receiver multiple -output (MIMO ) antenna element with which the
has accurate channel state information ( CSI ) , it can separate present inventive concept can be embodied .
these streams into parallel transmission / reception channels. 25 FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram of a tuning circuit with
Spectral efficiency may be achieved using a system such which the present inventive concept can be embodied .
as cognitive radio (CR ), by which a wireless communication FIG . 4 is a graphical depiction of simulated and measured
transceiver can determine which communication channels reflection coefficients curves of an ultra - wideband (UWB )
are in use and which are not , and can utilize vacant channels sensing antenna with which the present inventive concept
while avoiding occupied ones . A CR senses unoccupied or 30 can be embodied .
under - utilized frequency bands then changes the operating FIG . 5 is a graphical depiction of isolation between a
frequency band to the unoccupied band, thus achieving UWB sensing antenna and reconfigurable MIMO antenna
better spectral utilization . A CR based system must be aware elements with which the present inventive concept can be
of its environment by sensing spectral usage and must have embodied .
the capability to switch operating points among different 35 FIGS . 6A - 6D illustrate simulated 3 - D gain patterns at
unoccupied frequency bands. A CR based system typically four different frequency bands of a UWB sensing antenna
implements various features including spectral sensing, with which the present inventive concept can be embodied .
switching between different frequency bands and transmitter FIG . 7 depicts simulated reflection coefficients of an
power level adjustment. example MIMO antenna element with which the present
The radio front end of a CR typically consists of two 40 inventive concept can be embodied .
antennas , ( 1 ) an ultra - wideband (UWB ) sensing antenna and FIG . 8 depicts measured reflection coefficients of an
( 2 ) a reconfigurable communication antenna . A UWB sens example MIMO antenna element with which the present
ing antenna is utilized to scan a wide frequency band while inventive concept can be embodied .
the reconfigurable antenna dynamically changes the basic FIG . 9 depicts simulated isolation curves between MIMO
radiating characteristic of the antenna system to utilize the 45 antenna elements with which the present inventive concept
available bandwidth . can be embodied.
Accordingly one aspect of the present disclosure is to FIG . 10 depicts measured isolation curves between
provide a configurable antenna apparatus that exhibits wide MIMO antenna elements with which the present inventive
tuning range operation is suitable for use in wireless hand concept can be embodied .
held devices and mobile terminals in second generation 50 FIGS . 11A - 11D depict 3D gain patterns of a reconfigu
cognitive radio ( CR) platforms for cellular communication. rable MIMO antenna system with which the present inven
tive concept can be embodied .
SUMMARY FIG . 12 is a schematic block diagram of an example
cognitive radio in which the present inventive concept can
A dielectric substrate for a configurable antenna has an 55 be embodied .
upper surface and an opposing lower surface . An upper FIG . 13 is a flow diagram of an example cognitive radio
conductor patch is disposed on the upper surface of the process in which the present inventive concept can be
substrate and a lower conductor patch is disposed on the embodied.
lower surface of the substrate. A sensing antenna is formed
in the upper conductor patch . An upper set of slot antennas 60 DETAILED DESCRIPTION
is formed in the upper conductor patch and a lower set of slot
antennas is formed in the lower conductor patch . Each of the The present inventive concept is best described through
slot antennas is loaded with a variable reactance component. certain embodiments thereof, which are described in detail
In one aspect of the invention , the slot antennas are herein with reference to the accompanying drawings ,
annular slot antennas , each having a varactor diode con- 65 wherein like reference numerals refer to like features
nected across the corresponding slot as the variable reac throughout. It is to be understood that the term invention ,
tance component. when used herein , is intended to connote the inventive
US 10,847,870 B2
3 4
concept underlying the embodiments described below and coupled to corresponding MIMO antenna elements 125 from
not merely the embodiments themselves . It is to be under the opposing side of substrate 150. The width wz and length
stood further that the general inventive concept is not limited 13 may be selected in a conventional fashion to realize a
to the illustrative embodiments described below and the characteristic impedance, e.g. , 500 of the corresponding
following descriptions should be read in such light. 5 microstrip transmission lines 142 when loaded by MIMO
Additionally, the word exemplary is used herein to mean , antenna elements 125. Microstrip transmission line 144 is
“ serving as an example, instance or illustration . ” Any electrically coupled to UWB sensing antenna 110 and may
embodiment of construction , process , design , technique, be likewise constructed to realize a characteristic imped
etc. , designated herein as exemplary is not necessarily to be ance . In certain embodiments, microstrip transmission line
construed as preferred or advantageous over other such 10 144 is tapered from a width W2 to a width w , for purposes
embodiments. Particular quality or fitness of the examples of impedance matching. The reference plane for microstrip
indicated herein as exemplary is neither intended nor should transmission lines 142a and 142b is conducting plane 130a
be inferred . and the reference plane for microstrip transmission lines
FIG . 1A and FIG . 1B , collectively referred to herein as 142c , 142d and 144 is conducting plane 130b . Conducting
FIG . 1 , are illustrations of opposing surfaces 151a and 151b 15 plane 130b also serves as the reference plane for UWB
of an exemplary planar antenna system 100 by which the sensing antenna 110 .
present invention can be embodied . Planar antenna system As illustrated in FIG . 1A , the shape of example conduct
100 combines an ultra -wideband (UWB ) sensing antenna ing plane 130a can be described as being formed from a
110 with a frequency agile multiple - input multiple -output trapezoidal section 132 and a rectangular section 134 .
(MIMO) antenna system 120 on a single planar substrate 20 Exemplary rectangular section 134 extends the width W of
150 of length L , width W and thickness T. MIMO antenna substrate 150 and extends a distance de from substrate end
system 120 comprises a set of annular slot antenna elements 153a . Exemplary trapezoidal section 132 has a base that
125a -125d, representatively referred to as MIMO antenna extends the width W of substrate 150 , located at notches
element( s ) 125 , which are described in more detail below . 136a and 136b , and an opposing base of dimension dz at the
Planar antenna system 100 may be utilized in a cognitive 25 antenna's feed point. The dimensions of trapezoidal section
radio ( CR) or similar system . 132 , e.g. , distance between bases and angles o of the legs
Example planar antenna system 100 comprises two con with respect to the longitudinal axis of the substrate 150 , are
ducting planes 130a and 130b , representatively referred to selected to define a wideband resonant antenna structure for
herein as conducting plane( s) 130 , which are disposed on UWB sensing antenna 110 .
opposing surfaces 151a and 1516 and at opposing ends 153a 30 On the outer edges of substrate 150 where trapezoidal
and 153b of a dielectric substrate 150. Conducting planes section 132 and rectangular section 134 meet are a set of
130 may be formed of a conductive material, such as copper. notches 136a and 136b , representatively referred to herein as
Each conducting plane 130 occupies the width W of sub notch ( es ) 136. Notches 136 serve to widen the bandwidth of
strate 150. Conducting plane 130a extends a distance de UWB sensing antenna 110 .
from substrate end 153a and conducting plane 130b extends 35 FIGS . 2A - 2B , collectively referred to herein as FIG . 2 ,
a distance de from substrate end 153b . Distances d , and do depict a detailed view of an example MIMO antenna ele
may be chosen so as to leave a narrow gap 159 between the ment 125. FIG . 2B is a cross -sectional view of antenna
distal end of conducting plane 130a and the distal end of element 125 taken at the 2B section lines illustrated in FIG .
conducting plane 130b . This gap may be dimensioned for 2A . It is to be understood that FIG . 2 is intended to provide
feed point tuning of UWB sensing antenna 110 by a reactive 40 a schematic view of antenna elements 125 and is not drawn
impedance created in the gap . to scale . Example numerical dimensions of a specific
Conducting planes 130 may be electrically connected to embodiment of planar antenna system 100 are provided
outer conductors of coaxial connectors 170a - 170e , repre below .
sentatively referred to herein as coaxial connectors 170. The As illustrated in FIG . 2 , each MIMO antenna element 125
center conductors of coaxial connectors 170 may be elec- 45 comprises a central void 124 that acts as a defective ground
trically connected to microstrip transmission lines that feed structure about which electromagnetic fields are generated
the antennas of planar antenna system 100 : center conductor when excited by a signal on transmission line 142. Each
of coaxial connector 170a is electrically coupled to central void 124 may be of a radius r? and may be sur
microstrip transmission line 142a ; center conductor of rounded by a conductive annular ring 122 of width W4 = r2–
coaxial connector 170b is electrically coupled to microstrip 50 r1 . Annular ring 122 may itself be delineated from conduct
transmission line 142b ; center conductor of coaxial connec ing plane 130 by an annular slot 128 of width W5 = rz - r2 .
tor 170c is electrically coupled to microstrip transmission Central void 124 may be appropriately sized and positioned
line 142c ; center conductor of coaxial connector 170d is in conducting plane 130 to resonate at a predetermined
electrically coupled to microstrip transmission line 142d and design frequency. Central voids 124 may be dimensioned to
center conductor of coaxial connector 170e is electrically 55 improve the impedance bandwidth ofUWB sensing antenna
coupled to microstrip transmission line 144. Microstrip 110 as well .
transmission lines 142a - 142d are representatively referred Annular slot 128 may be suitably sized and positioned to
to herein as microstrip transmission line ( s) 142. It is to be
load the resonator formed from central void 124 with a
understood that connectors Other than coaxial connectors predetermined reactance. Such reactance is made tunable by
170 may be used in embodiments of the present invention to 60 a variable reactance element, such as a varactor 115 , illus
connect planar antenna system 100 with external radio trated in FIG . 1 as varactors 115a - 115d. As those skilled in
components . The outer conductor of coaxial connectors 170 the art will attest, varactors are devices whose capacitance is
may be electrically connected to ground in which case a function of a reverse bias voltage applied thereto . To that
conducting planes 130 serve as ground planes. However, the end , biasing networks 160a - 160d, representatively referred
present invention is not so limited . 65 to herein as biasing network (s ) 160 , are electrically coupled
Microstrip transmission lines 142 have a width Wz and to varactors 115a - 115d, respectively . Varactor 115 may be
length 13 and are positioned to be electromagnetically electrically coupled to opposing sides of annular slot 125
US 10,847,870 B2
5 6
and to biasing networks 160 by shorting posts 117a and 1176 UWB sensing antenna 110 at four different frequency bands :
at terminals 169a and 169b , respectively. 1.5 GHz , 2.0 GHz , 3.0 GHz and 4.0 GHz , respectively.
FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram of biasing networks 160 For annular slot based MIMO antenna operation , the
and associated varactors 115. As illustrated in the figure, varactor diode reverse bias voltage is varied between 0-15
each biasing network 160 comprises a pair of resistor- 5 volts . The resonating frequency is smoothly changed over
inductor ( RL ) circuits 164a and 164b , representatively the frequency band 1750-2480 MHz . The capacitance of the
diode is varied from 1 pF to 6 pF . A significant bandwidth
referred to herein as RL circuits ( s ) 164 , electrically inter is achieved at all resonating bands . The minimum -6 dB
posed between a respective set of terminals : 162a and 169a operating bandwidth
for RL circuit 164a , and 1625 and 169b for RL circuit 164b . coefficients are shownisin50FIGMHz . The simulated reflection
Terminals 169a and 169b are electrically coupled to oppos 10 tion . 7 for while measured reflec
coefficients are shown in FIG . 8. The simulated and
ing terminals of varactor 115 and terminals 162a and 1626 measured
are electrically coupled to opposing terminals of a DC power 125a and isolation curves between MIMO antenna element
MIMO antenna element 125b are shown in FIG .
supply 10. DC power supply 10 provides a variable DC 9 and FIG . 10 , respectively . The 3D gain patterns of the
voltage that imposes a reverse bias on varactor 115 , which 15 proposed
manifests itself as a variable capacitance across the annular puted usingreconfigurable
MIMO antenna system are com
Frequency Structure Simulator ( HFSS ) .
slot 128 of the corresponding MIMO antenna element 125 . The gain patterns for four antenna elements at 2040 MHz are
A biasing network 160 may be deployed at each MIMO shown in FIGS . 11A - 11D .
antenna element 125 of planar antenna system 100 , as The example MIMO antenna system may be tuned over
illustrated in FIG . 1 . 20 wide and continuous frequency bands from 1.75 GHz to
Having described various structural features of embodi 2.48 GHz . The MIMO antenna covers the well -known
ments of the present invention , a specific example will now frequency standards of GSM1800 /LTE /UMTS /WLAN
be provided to demonstrate certain operational characteris along with several others. The MIMO antenna system is
tics of an embodiment of the present invention . In one compact and suitable for CR platforms in wireless handheld
embodiment, planar antenna system 100 is constructed in an 25 devices.
RO - 4350 substrate with a relative permittivity ( en) of 3.48 . FIG . 12 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary cognitive
With a design wavelength of 50 mm , the various dimensions radio (CR) 1200 by which the present invention can be
of planar antenna system 100 are W = 60 mm , L = 120 mm , embodied . A CR is a dynamically configurable radio that
T = 1.5 mm , dq = 36 mm , dz =33.45 mm , dz = 16 mm , d4 = 32 detects available channels in a radio spectrum , then changes
mm , dz = 55.65 mm , d = 59.8 mm , d = 15.5 mm , wi = 1.5 mm , 30 its transmission and / or reception parameters accordingly to
W2 =3 mm , W3 =3.1 mm , W4 = 1.15 mm , W5 =0.5 mm , 1z = 13 afford more concurrent wireless communications over a
mm , ri = 8.5 mm , r2 = 9.65 mm , rz = 10.1 mm and 0-45 ° . given spectral band at a given location. CR 1200 utilizes
Conducting planes 130 are connected electrical ground, planar antenna system 100 for its sensing antenna and for its
such as when the outer conductors of coaxial connectors 170 transmit /receive antenna .
are grounded. Accordingly, conducting planes 130 serve as 35 CR 1200 may include a suitable information storage
ground planes. Parametric sweeps may be performed to device 1220 to store policies , rules, etc. 1222 , such as
optimize the various lengths of the UWB antenna including spectral bands or frequencies to which the user has autho
the length of the microstrip feed line 142. Parametric sweeps rized access ( licensed bands, etc. ) , geographic regions in
may also be performed for varactor diode placement on the which a set of regulations apply, situations in which transmit
specific location to reactively load the slot . The current 40 power must be limited, and so on . Storage device 1220 may
position of varactor diode has maximal effect on the antenna also store radio resource utilization models 1224 that can be
resonance . The varactor diodes used are type SMV 1233 . trained and utilized to determine a best radio resource
The varactor diode terminals are connected to a biasing utilization strategy based on a current radio environment
circuit 160 using two shorting posts 117a and 117b , as 1260. Additionally, storage device 1220 may store a data
shown FIG . 2 . 45 base 1226 containing information from which a radio
The biasing circuitry 160 , as shown in FIG . 3 , consists of resource utilization strategy can be derived based on a
inductors L1 and L2 of 1 uH and resistors R1 and R2 of current state of radio environment 1260. Such a radio
2.1k2 . The same biasing circuitry is used to bias all varactor resource utilization strategy may include transmit /receive
diodes . The varactor diodes are reverse biased by applying frequency bands, transmit power and so on .
variable voltage across terminals 162a and 162b . The diodes 50 Information storage device 1220 may be implemented by
are utilized to tune the resonance frequency over a wide any quantity of any type of conventional or other memory or
operation band . storage device, and may be volatile ( e.g. , RAM , cache , flash ,
Using the dimensions and characteristics described above, etc. ) , or non - volatile ( e.g. , ROM , hard -disk , optical storage ,
example UWB sensing antenna 110 realizes frequency cov etc. ) , and include any suitable storage capacity. The storage
erage from 0.75 to 7.65 GHz . The simulated and measured 55 areas may be , for example , one or more databases imple
reflection coefficients curves of the UWB antenna are given mented on a solid state drive or in a RAM cloud
in FIG . 4. Good agreement between simulated and measured Sensing component 1240 may be electrically coupled to
results is obtained . The reconfigurable slot antenna elements UWB sensing antenna 110 of planar antenna system 100 to
are integrated within the monopole structure and it is hence obtain spectral information indicative of radio environment
useful to analyze the mutual coupling between them . FIG . 5 60 1260. In one example, sensing component 1240 detects the
shows the isolation between UWB sensing antenna 110 and occupancy state ( occupied /unoccupied ) of specific frequen
reconfigurable MIMO antenna elements 125 ( between UWB cies through suitable spectral analysis .
sensing antenna 110 & MIMO antenna element 125a and Learning / reasoning component 1230 may utilize informa
between UWB sensing antenna 110 & MIMO antenna tion provided by sensing component 1240 and other avail
element 125c) . Good isolation results are observed with a 65 able information in database 1220 to infer possible radio
worst case isolation of 12 dB in the entire resonance band . resource utilization strategies for given sets of conditions .
FIGS . 6A - 6D illustrates simulated 3 - D gain patterns of the Machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques may
US 10,847,870 B2
7 8
be brought to bear to determine a MIMO configuration that program instructions may be provided to a processor of a
will achieve best transmission /reception characteristics general purpose computer, special purpose computer, or
based on a range of information including the current state other programmable data processing apparatus to produce a
of radio environment 1260. Radio resource utilization mod machine , such that the instructions, which execute via the
els 1224 are continually updated to assist in making a radio 5 processor of the computer or other programmable data
resource utilization decision . In certain embodiments , a processing apparatus, create means for implementing the
radio resource utilization decision includes selecting a functions/ acts specified in the flowchart and /or block dia
MIMO antenna configuration that includes specification of a gram block or blocks .
set of voltages that are to be applied to a set of respective These computer program instructions may also be stored
varactors . Decision processing component 1270 determines 10 in a computer readable medium that can direct a computer,
the best radio resource allocation based on the given state of other programmable data processing apparatus, or other
radio environment 1260 and information stored in informa devices to function in a particular manner , such that the
tion storage device 1220. Such decision may be provided to instructions stored in the computer readable medium pro
reconfigurable radio component 1250 whereby the radio duce an article of manufacture including instructions which
resource allocation is put into effect. For example , recon- 15 implement the function / act specified in the flowchart and / or
figurable radio component 1250 may provide a voltage to block diagram block or blocks . The computer program
each biasing network 160 of planar antenna system 100 on instructions may also be loaded onto a computer, other
signal lines 1252a - 1252d whereby each MIMO antenna programmable data processing apparatus, or other devices to
element 125 is configured to transmit / receive using a fre cause a series of operational steps to be performed on the
quency band that is appropriate to the MIMO configuration . 20 computer, other programmable apparatus or other devices to
Communication signals consistent with the MIMO configu produce a computer implemented process such that the
ration , e.g. , transmit /receive signals of a selected frequency instructions which execute on the computer or other pro
band , are conveyed to reconfigurable radio 1250 through grammable apparatus provide processes for implementing
transmission lines 1255a - 1255d connected to planar antenna the functions / acts specified in the flowchart and / or block
system 100 through, for example, coaxial connectors 170 . 25 diagram block or blocks .
Learning /reasoning component 1230 , sensing component The flowchart and block diagrams in the figures illustrate
1240 and decision processing component, as well as certain the architecture, functionality, and operation of possible
circuits of reconfigurable radio 1250 may be realized by one implementations of systems , method and computer program
or more data processing devices such as microprocessors , products according to various embodiments of the present
microcontrollers, systems on a chip ( SOCs ) , or other fixed or 30 invention . In this regard , each block in the flowchart or block
programmable logic , that executes instructions for process diagrams may represent a module, segment, or portion of
logic stored the memory . The processors may themselves be code , which comprises one or more executable instructions
multi -processors, and have multiple CPUs , multiple cores , for implementing the specified logical function ( s ). It should
multiple dies comprising multiple processors, etc. also be noted that, in some alternative implementations, the
FIG . 13 is a flow diagram of a cognitive radio process by 35 functions noted in the block may occur out of the order noted
which the present invention can be embodied . In operation in the figures. For example , two blocks shown in succession
1310 , the radio environment is sensed through a UWB may, in fact, be executed substantially concurrently, or the
sensing antenna embodiment of the present invention. In blocks may sometime be executed in the reverse order,
operation 1315 , a MIMO configuration is determined based depending on the functionality involved . It will also be noted
on the sensed radio environment. Such determination may 40 that each block of the block diagrams and /or flowchart
be made via radio utilization models 1224 that take as input illustration , and combinations of blocks in the block dia
a current sensed UWB spectrum and produce as output an grams and / or flowchart illustration , can be implemented by
appropriate MIMO configuration that includes a MIMO special purpose hardware - based systems that perform the
antenna configuration. The present invention is not limited specified functions or acts , or combinations of special pur
to a particular machine learning technique by which a 45 pose hardware and computer instructions .
MIMO configuration is selected ; numerous such techniques The terminology used herein is for the purpose of describ
can be utilized in embodiments of the invention without ing particular embodiments only and is not intended to be
departing from the spirit and intended scope thereof. In limiting of the invention . As used herein , the singular forms
operation 1325 , a MIMO antenna, such as that described “ a ” , “ an ” and “ the ” are intended to include the plural forms
above , may be configured, such as by applying voltages to 50 as well , unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. It will
respective varactors 115 , based on the MIMO configuration be further understood that the terms " comprises ” and / or
determined in operation 1315. In operation 1330 , a radio " comprising , " when used in this specification , specify the
channel may be established through the configured MIMO presence of stated features, integers, steps, operations, ele
antenna . In operation 1335 , it is determined whether process ments, and / or components , but do not preclude the presence
1300 should iterate . If so , process 1300 may transition to 55 or addition of one or more features, integers, steps , opera
operation 1340 , by which radio utilization models are tions , elements, components, and / or groups thereof.
adapted in accordance with the machine learning paradigm The corresponding structures, materials , acts , and equiva
selected by a particular designer. Process 1300 may transi lents of all means or step plus function elements in the
tion to operation 1310 and reiterate from that point. claims below are intended to include any structure , material,
Aspects of the present invention are described with ref- 60 or act for performing the function in combination with other
erence to flowchart illustrations and / or block diagrams of claimed elements as specifically claimed . The description of
methods, apparatus ( systems ) and computer program prod the present invention has been presented for purposes of
ucts according to embodiments of the invention . It will be illustration and description , but is not intended to be exhaus
understood that each block of the flowchart illustrations tive or limited to the invention in the form disclosed . Many
and / or block diagrams, and combinations of blocks in the 65 modifications and variations will be apparent to those of
flowchart illustrations and /or block diagrams, can be imple ordinary skill in the art without departing from the scope and
mented by computer program instructions. These computer spirit of the invention . The embodiment was chosen and
US 10,847,870 B2
9 10
described in order to best explain the principles of the the lower conductor patch , wherein each of the slot
invention and the practical application, and to enable others antennas is loaded with a variable reactance compo
of ordinary skill in the art to understand the invention for nent; and
various embodiments with various modifications as are a configurable radio to select a band of frequencies on
suited to the particular use contemplated. 5
which to conduct communications, the configurable
The descriptions above are intended to illustrate possible radio providing signals to the configurable antenna that
implementations of the present inventive concept and are not tunes the configurable antenna to the band of frequen
restrictive. Many variations, modifications and alternatives cies .
will become apparent to the skilled artisan upon review of 10
10. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the slot antennas
this disclosure . For example , components equivalent to are annular slot antennas, each having a varactor diode
those shown and described may be substituted therefore, connected across the corresponding slot as the variable
elements and methods individually described may be com reactance component.
bined, and elements described as discrete may be distributed 11. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein each of the slot
across many components . The scope of the invention should 15 antennas includes a central void .
therefore be determined not with reference to the description 12. The apparatus of claim 9 further comprising a trans
above , but with reference to the appended claims , along with mission line disposed on an opposing side of the substrate of
their full range of equivalents. each of the slot antennas .
13. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein the upper conductor
The invention claimed is : 20 patch comprises a trapezoidal section forming a monopole
1. A configurable antenna apparatus comprising: antenna as the sensing antenna, the lower conductor patch
a dielectric substrate having an upper surface and an being the reference plane of the monopole antenna .
opposing lower surface; 14. The apparatus of claim 13 , wherein the upper set of
a upper conductor patch disposed on the upper surface of slot antennas is removed from the trapezoidal section .
the substrate and a lower conductor patch disposed on 25 15. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein a gap is formed
the lower surface of the substrate; between a distal end of the upper conductor patch and a
a sensing antenna formed in the upper conductor patch ; distal end of the lower conductor patch .
and 16. The apparatus of claim 9 , wherein each of the upper
an upper set of slot antennas formed in the upper con set of slot antennas and the lower set of slot antennas
ductor patch and a lower set ofslot antennas formed in 30 comprise a void in the corresponding upper conductor patch
the lower conductor patch , wherein each of the slot or lower conductor patch about which an electromagnetic
antennas is loaded with a variable reactance compo field is generated in response to excitation from a corre
2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the slot antennas are sponding transmission line .
annular slot antennas, each having a varactor diode con- 35 sensing a radiocomprising
17. A method :
environment through a sensing antenna of
nected across the corresponding slot as the variable reac an antenna system , the sensing antenna being formed in
tance component.
3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the slot an upper conductor patch disposed on a dielectric
antennas include a central void . substrate having an upper surface and an opposing
4. The apparatus of claim 1 further comprising a trans- 40 lower surface, the upper conductor patch being dis
mission line disposed on an opposing side of the substrate of posed on the upper surface of the substrate and a lower
each of the slot antennas. conductor patch being disposed on the lower surface of
5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the upper conductor the substrate ;
patch comprises a trapezoidal section forming a monopole determining a multiple - input multiple -output ( MIMO )
antenna as the sensing antenna , the lower conductor patch 45 configuration based on the sensed radio environment;
being the reference plane of the monopole antenna . configuring a MIMO antenna based on the MIMO con
6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the upper set of slot figuration, the MIMO antenna comprising an upper set
antennas is removed from the trapezoidal section . of slot antennas formed in the upper conductor patch
7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a gap is formed and a lower set of slot antennas formed in the lower
between a distal end of the upper conductor patch and a 50 conductor patch, wherein each of the slot antennas is
distal end of the lower conductor patch . loaded with a variable reactance component to which a
8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein each of the upper set voltage is applied based on the MIMO configuration ;
of slot antennas and the lower set of slot antennas comprise and
a void in the corresponding upper conductor patch or lower
conductor patch about which an electromagnetic field is 55 establishing a communication channel through the con
figured MIMO antenna .
generated in response to excitation from a corresponding 18. The method of claim 17 , wherein configuring the
transmission line.
9. A radio apparatus comprising: MIMO antenna includes applying the voltage to a varactor
a configurable antenna comprising: diode as the variable reactance component, the varactor
a dielectric substrate having an upper surface and an 60 diode being connected across an annular slot of the slot
opposing lower surface; antennas .
a upper conductor patch disposed on the upper surface of 19. The method of claim 17 , wherein the MIMO configu
the substrate and a lower conductor patch disposed on ration specifies the voltage that is applied to the variable
the lower surface of the substrate; reactance component of each of the slot antennas.
a sensing antenna formed in the upper conductor patch ; 65 20. The method of claim 17 , wherein each of the upper set
an upper set of slot antennas formed in the upper con of slot antennas and the lower set of slot antennas comprise
ductor patch and a lower set of slot antennas formed in a void in the corresponding upper conductor patch or lower
US 10,847,870 B2
11 12
conductor patch about which an electromagnetic field is
generated in response to excitation from a corresponding
transmission line.