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US009 178368B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,178,368 B2

Wang et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Nov. 3, 2015
(54) SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR INFORMATION (2013.01); H0IM 10/48 (2013.01); H0IM
HANDLING SYSTEM BATTERY CHARGE 10/488 (2013.01); H02J 7/02 (2013.01)
PROTECTION AND FAULTALARM (58) Field of Classification Search
CPC ..... H02J 7/0045; H02J 7/0026; H02J 7/0029;
(71) Applicant: Dell Products L.P., Round Rock, TX H02J 7/0042; H02J 7/0044
(US) USPC ......... 320/107, 112, 113, 114, 115, 134, 138,
320/163, 164
(72) Inventors: Ligong Wang, Round Rock, TX (US); See application file for complete search history.
Gerald Courtney, Jr., Austin, TX (US);
Yin-Cheung Ma, Austin, TX (US) (56) References Cited

(73) Assignee: Dell Products L.P. Round Rock, TX U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US) 5,896.260 A 4/1999 Esposito
7,023,175 B2 4/2006 Guang et al.
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7,202,631 B2 4/2007 Breen et al.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,391, 184 B2 6/2008 Luo et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 8,552,689 B2 * 10/2013 Wang et al. ................... 320,134
2005, OO17676 A1 1/2005 Takimoto et al.
This patent is Subject to a terminal dis 2006, O181244 A1 8, 2006 Luo et al.
* cited by examiner
(21) Appl. No.: 14/043,001 Primary Examiner — Edward Tso
(22) Filed: Oct. 1, 2013 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Terrile, Cannatti, Chambers
& Holland, LLP. Robert W. Holland
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2014/OO35515 A1 Feb. 6, 2014
An information handling system battery has first and second
Related U.S. Application Data protective circuits to detect and address faults for a first
charge applied from an external power source to an integrated
(63) Continuation of application No. 1 1/844.407, filed on charger and a second charge applied from a charger of an
Aug. 24, 2007, now Pat. No. 8,552,689. information handling system to battery cells. If the first pro
tective circuit detects a fault associated with the integrated
(51) Int. C. charger, charging of the battery cells is still supported by
HIM I/46 (2006.01) inserting the battery in an information handling system. If the
H02. 7/00 (2006.01) second protective circuit detects a fault, the battery becomes
HIM I/44 (2006.01) inoperative by disconnecting the battery cells. An indicator,
HIM I/48 (2006.01) Such as LEDs on the battery casing, indicates whether a soft
H02. 7/02 (2006.01) or hard fault has occurred.
(52) U.S. C.
CPC ............. H02J 7/0031 (2013.01); H0IM 10/44 17 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

Charger Protection Circuits 44

ACAdapter 30 y Charger 46

d Embedded
Controller (EC)58
LED Fault indicator 40

Connector 38
I (9-12.6V)
Bath. Device 10

Unit (BMU)54 Internal Device
Power Connector 36

Cells 48

Battery 12
Casing 34 ry
U.S. Patent US 9,178,368 B2

U.S. Patent Nov. 3, 2015 Sheet 2 of 2 US 9,178,368 B2

US 9,178,368 B2
1. 2
SYSTEMAND METHOD FOR INFORMATION dently chargeable battery provides greater flexibility for an
HANDLING SYSTEM BATTERY CHARGE end user to charge the battery without the information han
PROTECTION AND FAULTALARM dling system. A battery that provides a direct plug into charge
independent of an information handling system generally
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION must have a protection circuitry connected to the battery cells
to prevent catastrophic battery failure in the event of a fault.
1. Field of the Invention Battery protection circuitry integrated in the battery casing
The present invention relates in general to the field of typically includes a charge field effect transistor (C-FET) and
information handling system batteries, and more particularly a discharge FET (D-FET) that automatically disconnect the
to a system and method for enhanced battery charge protec 10
battery cells from the charger when a fault is detected. When
tion and fault alarm.
2. Description of the Related Art the cells are charged, AC adapter output regulated by the
As the value and use of information continues to increase, charger is applied to the protection circuit and cells so that the
individuals and businesses seek additional ways to process C-FET is the only protection against excessive DC voltage
and store information. One option available to users is infor 15 being applied to the battery cells.
mation handling systems. An information handling system SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
generally processes, compiles, stores, and/or communicates
information or data for business, personal, or other purposes
thereby allowing users to take advantage of the value of the Therefore a need has arisen for a system and method which
information. Because technology and information handling improves information handling system battery protection
needs and requirements vary between different users or appli during charge.
cations, information handling systems may also vary regard In accordance with the present invention, a system and
ing what information is handled, how the information is method are provided which substantially reduce the disad
handled, how much information is processed, stored, or com Vantages and problems associated with previous methods and
municated, and how quickly and efficiently the information 25 systems for charging an information handling system battery.
may be processed, stored, or communicated. The variations in The battery accepts a charge through first connector the pro
information handling systems allow for information handling vides external power to a charger integrated in the battery and
systems to be general or configured for a specific user or having a first protection circuit or through a second connector
specific use such as financial transaction processing, airline that provides power from a charger of a device external to the
reservations, enterprise data storage, or global communica 30
battery. Power from either the first or second connector is
tions. In addition, information handling systems may include monitored by a second protection circuit associated with bat
a variety of hardware and software components that may be tery cells of the battery.
configured to process, store, and communicate information More specifically, an information handling system has plu
and may include one or more computer systems, data storage ral processing components integrated in a housing that coop
systems, and networking systems. 35
erate to process information. The processing components are
Portable information handling systems have become powered by an external AC adapter that converts AC power to
increasingly popular with end users due to the flexibility that DC power with extra power provided to a charger of the
portable systems provide. A portable information handling
system typically includes all of the components needed to information handling system. The information handling sys
process information integrated in a small and portable hous 40 tem charger provides the extra power through an internal
ing. A typical housing has a rotationally-coupled lid that connector to a battery inserted in a cavity of the housing to
rotates from a compact closed position to an open position charge the battery. When the battery is removed from the
that exposes a keyboard and display. The housing Supports cavity, an external power Source connector in the battery
processing components to process information, such as a casing connects to the AC adapter to accept DC power
processor and memory, which often includes wireless net 45 directly to the battery. A charger integrated in the battery
working components so the end user can communicate with casing regulates power received directly from the AC adapter
networks independent of a wired connections. In order to to ensure safe charging of the battery. A first protection circuit
Support operation of the processing components independent associated with the charger monitors operation of the inte
of a fixed power outlet, portable information handling sys grated charger to detect faults so that the charger is removed
tems typically include an integrated battery. An external 50 from charging if a fault is detected. A second protection
adapter converts alternating current (AC) power from a power circuit associated with battery cells within the battery detects
outlet to direct current (DC) power that is transmitted to the faults associated with the battery cells and removes the bat
information handling system. Usually, the DC power enters at tery cells from the charging circuit ifa fault is detected. A fault
a plug exposed at the outer Surface of the housing and feeds to indicator provides a Soft fault indication if the charger pro
a charger disposed within the housing. The DC power is used 55
tection circuit detects a fault and a hard fault indication if the
to power the processing components with excess power battery cell protection circuit detects a fault.
applied to charge the battery. When the plug is disconnected The present invention provides a number of important
from the housing, the battery discharges to power the pro
cessing components. technical advantages. One example of an important technical
One disadvantage with a conventional portable informa 60 advantage is that a second level of protection at the battery
tion handling system battery power architecture is that the allows a “soft’ failure from which the battery recovers when
battery must be inserted into the information handling system the fault is removed. For example, a soft failure that results
to charge. However, in some instances, information handling from the charger or embedded controller integrated with the
system batteries are built with a charger integrated in the battery will prevent direct charging of the battery from an AC
battery casing so that DC power from an external adapter 65 adapter but allow indirect charging of the battery by inserting
enters directly into the battery to allow charging of the battery the battery in an information handling system. LED indica
independent of the information handling system. An indepen tors visible at the battery casing indicate soft versus hard
US 9,178,368 B2
3 4
battery failure so that an end user will know whether the Surface of casing 34 couples with a connector of information
battery will accept a direct charge, an indirect charge or no handling system 10 to interface charger 33 with battery 12.
charge at all. Internal power connector 36 accepts a charge that is regulated
by charger 33 so that battery 12 reaches a fully charged state
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS without damage. When casing 34 is removed from the cavity
of information handling system 10, an external power source
The present invention may be better understood, and its connector 38 is exposed that accepts power from AC adapter
numerous objects, features and advantages made apparent to 30. A charger integrated in casing 34 regulates the power
those skilled in the art by referencing the accompanying provided from adapter 30 to ensure that a proper charge is
drawings. The use of the same reference number throughout 10 applied to battery 12.
the several figures designates a like or similar element. The integrated charger within battery 12 has an associated
FIG. 1 depicts a block diagram of an information handling protection circuit that monitors for faults associated with the
system having a battery with installed and separate charging charger circuit. If a fault is detected, the charger circuit is
capability; and disconnected from the battery cells to prevent charging by
FIG.2 depicts a circuit diagram of a battery having protec 15 adapter 30 through external power source connector 38 and a
tive circuits associated with an integrated charger and internal “soft’ failure indication is provided from a fault indicator 40,
battery cells. Such as one or more LEDs disposed in casing 34. A Soft failure
indicates that charging of the battery remains possible by a
DETAILED DESCRIPTION reset of the charger protection circuit or by inserting battery
12 into information handling system 10. Charging by charger
An enhanced battery fault detection and alarm monitors an 33 of information handling system 10 is monitored by a
integrated charger of the battery in addition to battery cells to protection circuit associated with battery cells within battery
differentiate a hard battery failure from a soft failure in which 12. If a fault is detected by a protection circuit associated with
the battery remains chargeable by an information handling the battery cells, a “hard failure indication is provided by
system. For purposes of this disclosure, an information han 25 fault indicators 40 indicating that battery 12 has permanently
dling system may include any instrumentality or aggregate of failed. A hard failure may result from charging through either
instrumentalities operable to compute, classify, process, internal power connector 36 or external power connector 38
transmit, receive, retrieve, originate, Switch, store, display, since a hard failure is associated with a fault of the battery
manifest, detect, record, reproduce, handle, or utilize any cells. A Soft failure occurs during charging through external
form of information, intelligence, or data for business, scien 30 power source connector 38 and indicates a failure with charg
tific, control, or other purposes. For example, an information ing circuitry integrated in battery 12 so that charging remains
handling system may be a personal computer, a network possible by charger 34 of information handling system 10. In
storage device, or any other Suitable device and may vary in one embodiment, a battery fault interface 42 presented at
size, shape, performance, functionality, and price. The infor display 28 receives fault indications from battery 12 to indi
mation handling system may include random access memory 35 cate soft or hard failure of a battery 12 through information
(RAM), one or more processing resources such as a central handling system 10.
processing unit (CPU) or hardware or software control logic, Referring now to FIG. 2, a circuit diagram depicts a battery
ROM, and/or other types of nonvolatile memory. Additional 12 having protective circuits 44 associated with an integrated
components of the information handling system may include charger 46 and protective circuits 50 and 52 associated with
one or more disk drives, one or more network ports for com 40 internal battery cells 48. Protective circuit 52 is a charge field
municating with external devices as well as various input and effect transistor (C-FET) that switches off power to battery
output (I/O) devices, such as a keyboard, amouse, and a video cells 48 if a fault exists in the charge provided to cells 48.
display. The information handling system may also include Protective circuit 50 is a discharge field effect transistor
one or more buses operable to transmit communications (D-FET) that switches off battery cells 48 from discharging to
between the various hardware components. 45 connector 36 ifa fault is detected with the discharge. Abattery
Referring now to FIG. 1, a block diagram depicts an infor management unit (BMU) 54 monitors the state of battery
mation handling system 10 having a battery 12 with installed cells 48, much as a fuel gauge, and communicates the state of
and separate charging capability. Information handling sys cells 48 through a management bus 56 interfaced through
tem 10 has plural processing components that cooperate to connector 36 with the powered device 10, such as an infor
process information, such as a CPU14, RAM16, a hard drive 50 mation handling system. A hard failure of battery 12 occurs if
disk 18, a chipset 20 and an embedded controller 22. The either C-FET 52 or D-FET 50 detects a malfunction with
processing components are disposed in a portable housing 24 battery cells 48 are permanently disconnected from internal
having a rotationally coupled lid 26 that contains a display 28 device power connector 36 and adapter38. Thus, in the event
for presenting processed information as visual images. Infor ofa hard failure, battery 12 cannot accept a charge for cells 48
mation handling system 10 is powered by an external AC 55 from either internal device power connector 36 or external
adapter 30 that converts external AC voltage to DC voltage power source connector 38.
and provides the DC voltage at a power connector 32. A In addition to charge protection provided by C-FET 52.
charger 33 within information handling system 10 charges battery 12 has a second protection circuit 44 associated with
battery 12 with power from adapter 30 that is in excess of that charger 46 that detects, protects against and provides an alarm
needed to run the processing components. If adapter 30 is 60 for faults associated with charging through external power
disconnected from information handling system 10, battery source connector 38. For example, a field effect transistor
12 discharges to provide power to run the processing compo (FET) placed between adapter 30 and integrated charger 46
nentS. switches off in the event of a fault to prevent application of
Battery 12 is built in a casing 34 sized to fit in a cavity power to charger 46. As another example, a FET placed after
formed in housing 24 of information handling system 10. 65 charger 46 switches off in the event of a fault to prevent
When casing 34 is properly aligned and inserted into the application of power from charger 46 to cells 48. While only
cavity, an internal power connector 36 disposed at the outer one FET 44 will provide protection against faults associated
US 9,178,368 B2
5 6
with charger 46, both FETs may be included if desired. 8. A method for charging a battery, the method comprising:
Charger protection circuits 44 induce a soft failure of battery accepting DC Voltage at a charger integrated in the battery;
12 since a fault detected by protection circuits 44 prevent applying the DC Voltage with the charger to charge cells
charging through external power source connector 38 but do integrated in the battery;
not prevent charging through internal device power connector monitoring the charger with a first protection circuit inte
36. In addition, charger protection circuits 44 induce a soft grated in the battery; and
fault since circuits 44 reset once the fault is removed. An monitoring the cells with a second protection circuit inte
embedded controller 58, which operates independently of grated in the battery, the second protection circuit sepa
BMU 54, interfaces through management bus 56 with inte rate from the first protection circuit.
grated charger 46 and BMU 54 to monitor battery operations 10
9. The method of claim 8 further comprising:
and detect a fault that induces protection circuits 44.50 and 52 detecting a fault with the first protection circuit; and
to switch off. Embedded controller 58 provides intelligence visually indicating the fault.
with the battery for managing a charge when the battery is not
inserted in the information handling system. If protective 10. The method of claim 9 wherein visually indicating the
circuit 44 switches off power at charger 46, embedded con 15 fault further comprises illuminating an LED at the battery.
troller illuminates LED fault indicators 40 to indicate a soft 11. The method of claim 9 wherein visually indicating the
fault. If protective circuits 52 or 50 switches off cells 48, then fault further comprises:
embedded controller 58 illuminates LED fault indicators 40 communicating the fault to an information handling sys
to indicate a hard failure. tem; and
Although the present invention has been described in presenting the faultata display of the information handling
detail, it should be understood that various changes, Substi system.
tutions and alterations can be made hereto without departing 12. The method of claim 8 wherein the first and second
from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined by the protection circuits comprise first and second FETs.
appended claims. 13. A battery comprising:
What is claimed is: 25 a casing:
1. An information handling system comprising: one or more battery cells disposed in the casing, the battery
a housing: cells operable to store an electrical charge;
processing components disposed in the housing and oper a charger disposed in the casing, the charger operable to
able to process information; and accept power from an external source and to apply the
a battery coupled to the housing, the battery having an 30
power to charge the battery cells;
integrated charger operable to accept power from an a device connector disposed in the casing and interfaced
external power source, one or more cells operable to with the battery cells, the device connector operable to
store power, a first integrated protection circuit associ communicate power from the battery cells to a device
ated with the integrated charger and operable to monitor
power provided from the external power source and a 35 and to communicate a charge from the device to the
second integrated protection circuit associated with the battery cells;
battery cells and separate from the first integrated pro a first protective circuit disposed in the casing and associ
tection circuit, the second integrated protection circuit ated with the charger and operable to disconnect the
operable to monitor power provided to the cells. charger from the battery cells if a fault is detected; and
2. The information handling system of claim 1 wherein the 40 a second protective circuit disposed in the casing and sepa
first protection circuit monitors power received at the charger. rate from the first protective circuit, the second protec
3. The information handling system of claim 1 wherein the tive circuit associated with the battery cells and operable
first protection circuit monitors power provided from the to disconnect the device connector from the battery cells
if a fault is detected.
charger to the battery cells.
4. The information handling system of claim 1 wherein the 45 14. The battery of claim 13 wherein the first protective
first and second protection circuits comprise field effect tran circuit comprises a FET disposed between the charger and
sistors. external source.
5. The information handling system of claim 1 further 15. The battery of claim 13 wherein the first protective
comprising a battery status indicator operable to indicate the circuit comprises a FET disposed between the charger and
status of the first and second protection circuits. 50 battery cells.
6. The information handling system of claim 5 wherein the 16. The battery of claim 13 further comprising an indicator
battery status indicator comprises LED indicators integrated disposed in the casing and interfaced with the first protective
in the battery. circuit, the indicator operable to indicate a fault detected by
7. The information handling system of claim 5 wherein the the first protective circuit.
battery status indicator comprises firmware integrated in an 55 17. The battery of claim 16 wherein the indicator com
embedded controller of the battery and operable to commu prises one or more LEDs.
nicate with the processing components. k k k k k

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