Us 9399555
Us 9399555
Us 9399555
Fig. 2
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9,399,555 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9,399,555 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 9,399,555 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 6 of 7 US 9,399,555 B2
U.S. Patent Jul. 26, 2016 Sheet 7 of 7 US 9,399,555 B2
US 9,399,555 B2
1. 2
CONVEYORMODULE DOCKING SYSTEM the meaning of a reversible attachment. Further, the attach
FOR A REVERSEVENDING MACHINE ment can be loosened without destroying the attached objects.
In this description, the “longitudinal direction' of the con
The invention relates to a conveyor module, a docking unit, veyor module is basically the direction of the longer dimen
and a conveyor module docking system for a reverse vending sional extent of the conveyor module, as the skilled person
machine. would easily understand. In particular, the "longitudinal
direction' is perpendicular to the vertical axis (gravity force
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION direction) when the conveyer module is mounted on the dock
ing unit and parallel to the longitudinal direction of the dock
Reverse vending machines are commonly used for 10 ing unit.
example in Supermarkets to receive and scan used beverage The term “laterally', as the skilled person easily under
containers, such as plastic bottles, glass bottles or cans. The stands, is to be understood as sideways meaning the direction
scan is usually conducted while the used beverage container which corresponds to the direction being perpendicular to the
lies on conveyor belts which are provided for conveying the longitudinal direction of the respective object and perpen
container into the reverse vending machine. In order to access
15 dicular to the vertical. For example, in case of the conveyor
the bar code printed on the used beverage container, usually module, the lateral direction is perpendicular to the Surfaces
additional to the conveyor belts, driven wheels are provided in of the housing walls (reference numeral 40 in FIG. 11),
assumed the two housing walls are parallel to each other. For
between the conveyor belts to rotate the containers about their example, in case of the docking unit, the lateral direction is
longitudinal axes. Based on the scan results, the used bever perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the cuboid base
age containers are either accepted or rejected by the reverse body and in parallel to the receiving surface (reference
vending machine. In case they are accepted, a conveyor belt numeral 8 in FIG. 1).
feeds them into the reverse vending machine, where they may The term “conveying direction' corresponds to a line along
be sorted, sequenced etc. In case they are rejected, the con which an object would be conveyed by the conveyor belts.
veyor belt is reversed and feeds the used beverage container 25 According to an embodiment of the invention a conveyor
out of the reverse vending machine back to the consumer. module for a reverse vending machine is provided, wherein
Due to contamination of the conveyor belts, the reliability the conveyor module is mountable to a docking unit, the
of the reverse vending machines might decrease over time. conveyor module comprising at least one conveyor belt; a
Cleaning of the conveyor belts might be troublesome, housing for Supporting the at least one conveyor belt, and a
because they are not fully accessible. 30 force receiving element for receiving a driving power for
driving the at least one conveyor belt, which force receiving
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION element is accessible from outside of the conveyor module
through an opening in the housing. This has the benefit that a
The present invention provides a conveyor module, a dock drive train for driving the conveyor belt is separated into a
ing unit, and a conveyor module docking system for a reverse 35 driving part (in the docking unit) and a driven part (in the
vending machine which may improve maintainability and conveyor module). This way, the conveyor module is lighter
serviceability. and no electrical power for the motor has to be transferred to
In this invention “detachably mountable' means that the the conveyor module. It allows the conveyor module to be
detachable mountability is realized only with integral parts of structured simpler. Thus, a frequent or every day detachment
the conveyor module and the docking unit. In other words, the 40 of the conveyor module, e.g. for cleaning, is improved. It also
conveyor module is detachably mountable to the reverse makes the conveyor module cheaper in case it has to be
vending machine exclusively by attachment means which are replaced.
integral parts of the conveyor module and which attachment According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
means are adapted to interact with corresponding integral conveyor module is detachably mountable to the docking
attachment means of the docking unit. Thus, the conveyor 45 unit. The benefit of this embodiment is that the user can easily
module can be mounted to the docking unit Screwless, i.e. and quickly detach/reattach the conveyor module, for
without the need of any screws for attachment. This also example for the everyday cleaning. The conveyor module will
means that the conveyor module can be mounted to the dock on a daily basis be handled by store personnel in connection
ing unit toolless, i.e. without the need of any external tools for with cleaning of the reverse vending machine. The mount
loosening attachment means. In other words, this means that 50 ability must therefore be intuitive and the conveyor module
the attachment means are free of loose or removable parts. must be easy to clean, remove and replace. A key to achieve
This includes for example one or a combination of a Snap this is to allow the conveyor module to be removed/un-docked
connection, a magnetic connection, a connection by interac without the need to unscrew or remove any electrical or
tion of housing parts, and/or a connection which can be mechanical connections. In case of unsuccessful docking of
released by pushing a button at the conveyor module or the 55 the conveyor module, it is obvious to the store personnel and
docking unit. The term “mountable' is broader than the above optionally automatically detected by the machine.
defined meaning and also including a mountability by screws According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
etc. conveyor module further comprises docking engagement
The term “detachably holding corresponds to the above means being adapted for engaging the conveyor module with
meaning of “detachably mountable, just from the perspec 60 the docking unit during mounting the conveyor module into
tive of the docking unit which is receiving the conveyor the docking unit and being adapted for abutment of the con
module. veyor module in a substantially longitudinal direction of the
In contrast to the above, the term “reversible attachment” conveyor module during mounting, wherein the housing has
means that attachment may be realized by using secondary a docking area which is adapted for being placed, in particular
fixation means, like screws, but that the attachment could be 65 directly placed (direct contact), on the docking unit, and
loosened, for example by taking off the screws. Permanent wherein the housing is adapted to laterally center the con
attachment like gluing or welding is not meant to be within veyor module when mounted. In this embodiment, the dock
US 9,399,555 B2
3 4
ing engagement means are in particular a docking projection According to a yet further embodiment of the invention, the
and a surface from which the docking projection is projecting conveyor module is designed Such that the docking engage
from. This embodiment provides a conveyor module which ment means comprises a docking projection.
housing is structured such that it allows easy docking while According to a yet further embodiment of the invention, the
the conveyor module is automatically positioned during 5 conveyor module further comprises a magnet for holding the
inserting. Corresponding/mating Surfaces on the housing of conveyor module in its mounted position.
the docking unit and the housing of the conveyor module are According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
chosen in order to guide and firmly dock the conveyor module conveyor module is designed Such that the conveyor module
in its correct position to ensure both wireless transfer of only comprises the two conveyor belts for moving objects
signals/energy and torque. 10 conveyed by them. This has the benefit of a much more
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the simplified construction of the conveyor module. Infeed units
conveyor module is designed such that the housing is adapted of reverse vending machines of the state of the art usually
for stopping a detach movement of the conveyor module require additional driven wheels or rollers arranged in
between the conveyor belts for rotating the used beverage
Substantially along its longitudinal direction by means of containers about their longitudinal axes, in order to position a
engaging with the docking unit. This has the benefit that the bar code of the container in the visual area of a scanner. As the
conveyor module is automatically locked in the docking unit conveyor module according to this embodiment is in particu
against being pulled out straight, but the conveyor module has lar used in connection with a plurality of Scanners being
to be lifted up at its end distal to the docking engagement arranged around the conveying path, the conveyor module
means before it can be pulled out. can be designed lighter and with less driven elements.
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
conveyor module is provided with two conveyor belts, in conveyor module has electrical contacts provided at the hous
particular with two conveyor belts in total. ing. The contacts are provided for receiving electrical power
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the and/or for sending/receiving electrical signals. The electrical
conveyor module is constructed Such that the two conveyor 25 contacts for electrical power and electrical signals are either
belts are arranged in order to form a V-shape in a cross section the same contacts having both functions, orthere are provided
perpendicular to the conveying direction. This way the con separate contacts for power and signals.
veyed used beverage containers are securely kept on the con A further embodiment of the invention provides a docking
veyor belts when moved. unit for a conveyor module of a reverse vending machine, the
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the 30 docking unit comprising a housing, and a force feed element
conveyor module is constructed such that it further comprises for outputting a driving power to the conveyor module, which
a first and a second drive drum each Supporting one of the two force feed element is accessible from outside of the docking
conveyor belts, wherein the force receiving element is unit through an opening in the housing. This way a drive train
for driving the conveyor belt is separated into a driving part
directly connected with and directly driving the first drive 35 (in the docking unit) and a driven part (in the conveyor mod
drum, and a force transmission element which is directly ule). Therefore, the conveyor module is lighter and no elec
connected with the second drive drum, wherein the force trical powerfor the motor has to be transferred to the conveyor
receiving element is directly driving the force transmission module. It allows the conveyor module to be structured sim
element. pler. Thus, a frequent or every day detachment of the con
According to a yet further embodiment of the invention, the 40 veyor module, e.g. for cleaning, is improved. It also makes the
conveyor module is adapted to receive electrical power and to conveyor module cheaper in case it has to be replaced.
receive/send electrical signals wireless, in particular exclu According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
sively wireless. This enables a very Smooth and easy mount docking unit is adapted for detachably holding the conveyor
ing/detachment, because no electrical connections have to be module. This embodiment provides the same advantages as
established. 45 described already above in connection with the conveyor
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the module.
conveyor module further comprises biasing means for biasing According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
a drum Supporting the at least one conveyor belt, in order to docking unit is constructed Such that it further comprises a
keep the conveyor belt tensioned. This improves the guiding motor for driving the force feed element. The motor is in
behavior of the conveyor belts. 50 particular an electrical step motor, but could also be a DC
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the motor.
conveyor module is constructed Such that the force receiving According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
element and the force transmission element is a sprocket, docking unit further comprises docking engagement means
respectively. being adapted for Supporting the conveyor module during
According to a yet further embodiment of the invention, the 55 mounting the conveyor module into the docking unit and
conveyor module is designed such that only a single force being adapted for abutment of the conveyor module during
receiving element is provided which is accessible from out mounting, wherein the housing has a receiving Surface at least
side of the conveyor module. This means, all the mechanical part of which is adapted to Support, in particular directly
energy for driving all the conveyor belts is introduced from Support (direct contact), the conveyor module when mounted.
externally via a single transmission element which is acces 60 This embodiment provides the benefits as already mentioned
sible from outside. This way only this single mechanical above in connection with the conveyor module.
connection has to be established when docking, leading to a According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
better fitting of the docked elements. housing is adapted for stopping a detach movement of the
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the conveyor module along its longitudinal direction by means of
conveyor module is designed Such that electrical power is 65 engaging with the conveyor module. This has the benefit that
transmitted inductively, and electrical signals are transmitted the conveyor module is automatically locked in the docking
by radio signals. unit against being pulled out straight, but the conveyor mod
US 9,399,555 B2
5 6
ule has to be lifted up at its end distal to the docking engage FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the conveyor module dock
ment means before it can be pulled out. ing system of FIG.1, wherein the conveyor module is detach
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the ably mounted to the docking unit;
docking unit further comprises at least one guiding Surface for FIG. 3 illustrates the conveyor module in a perspective
laterally guiding the conveyor module during mounting into view from a slightly different angle compared to FIGS. 1 and
the docking unit. This enables an intuitive and easy to realize 2:
position during docking. FIG. 4 is a more detailed perspective view of the docking
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the unit of FIGS. 1 and 2:
docking unit further comprises a magnet for holding the con FIG. 5 illustrates internal parts of the docking unit of FIG.
veyor module to the docking unit. The magnet is preferably a 10 4.
permanent magnet which attracts a corresponding permanent FIG. 6 illustrates internal parts, in particular a weigh cell,
magnet or metallic part of the conveyor module. of the docking unit of FIG. 4;
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the FIG. 7 illustrates the docking unit of FIG. 4 in a perspective
docking unit is adapted to send electrical power and to view from below:
receive/send electrical signals wireless, in particular exclu
15 FIG. 8 is a perspective view from above, which shows
internal parts of the conveyor module of FIGS. 1 to 3:
sively wireless. FIG. 9 is a perspective view from below, which shows
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the internal parts of the conveyor module of FIGS. 1 to 3:
docking unit further comprising detection means for measur FIG. 10 is a perspective view of the conveyor module from
ing a motor load and for asserting a pre-warning cleaning below, in which compared to FIG.9 belt drums are mounted,
message based on the motor load. In particular, the motor is a and
step motor, and the detection means are adapted for measur FIG. 11 is a perspective view of the conveyor module from
ing a counter-electromotive force in the step motor and for below, in which a housing and conveyor belts are mounted.
asserting the pre-warning cleaning message based on the
counter-electromotive force. This improves the reliability and 25 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EXEMPLARY
serviceability of the reverse vending machine. EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the
docking unit further comprises a weigh cell for determining a FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate a conveyor module docking system
weight of the conveyor module. This enables to determine the which includes a conveyor module 1 and a docking unit 2
weight of the used beverage containers which are placed on 30 according to an exemplary embodiment of the invention. The
the conveyor belts, which in turns improves detection preci conveyor module 1 is used for a reverse vending machine (not
sion of the reverse vending machine. illustrated) in order to convey used beverage containers (not
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the illustrated). Such as plastic bottles, glass bottles or cans, in
conveyor module is designed Such that electrical power is and/or out of the reverse vending machine. In particular, the
35 conveyor module docking system provides the functionalities
transmitted inductively, and electrical signals are transmitted of conveying used beverage containers into the reverse Vend
by radio signals. ing machine, stopping and presenting rejected used beverage
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the containers back to the consumer, providing a metal value
docking unit is constructed Such that only a single force feed measurement of the conveyed containers, providing an used
element is provided which is accessible from outside the 40 beverage container weight scale measurement, sequencing
docking unit. the used beverage containers prior to entering Subsequent
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the processing equipment and asserting a cleaning pre-warning
docking unit is constructed Such that the force feed element is message when the conveyor module 1 should be cleaned. The
a sprocket. docking unit 2 is intended to be attached to a lower part of an
According to a further embodiment of the invention, the 45 opening in the reverse vending machine, and the conveyor
docking unit has electrical contacts provided at the housing. unit 1 is intended to be detachably mounted to the docking
The contacts are provided for outputting electrical power unit 2 such that the conveyor module 1 is positioned within
and/or for sending/receiving electrical signals. The electrical the opening of the reverse vending machine.
contacts for electrical power and electrical signals are either In FIG. 1, the conveyor module 1 is detached from the
the same contacts having both functions, orthere are provided 50 docking unit 2, and in FIG. 2 they are attached to each other.
separate contacts for power and signals. FIG. 3 illustrates the conveyor module 1 from a different
According to a yet further embodiment of the invention, a angle compared to FIGS. 1 and 2. The conveyor module 1 is
conveyor module docking system for a reverse vending detachably mountable to the docking unit 2. In this embodi
machine is provided, comprising a conveyor module and a ment, the detachable mountability is realized by a docking
docking unit. 55 projection 3 (see FIG. 9 or 11) of the conveyor module 1
According to a yet further embodiment of the invention, a which is adapted to be inserted into a receptacle 4 (see FIG. 1
reverse vending machine comprising a conveyor module or 4) of the docking module 2. Additionally, the conveyor
docking system is provided. module 1 and the docking module 2 may be provided with a
These and other embodiments are described in the follow magnet, respectively, Such that the attracting magnetic force
ing in more detail with reference to the Figures. 60 between these two magnets is holding the conveyor module 1
to the docking unit 2. The magnets have to be chosen such as
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES to enable a detachment of the conveyor module 1 without
requiring excessive force of the user, and to securely hold the
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a conveyor module docking conveyor module 1 to the docking unit 2. Alternatively to two
system including a conveyor module detached from a dock 65 magnets, there could also be provided one permanent magnet
ing unit according to an exemplary embodiment of the inven at the conveyor module or docking unit which attracts a
tion; metallic part of the other part out of the conveyor module and
US 9,399,555 B2
7 8
docking unit. However, the usage of magnets is optional only, which is in particular a thermoplastic cover. The remaining
and the invention can be realized without this magnetic con parts of the housing 14. Such as the base body, the guiding
nection force. Naturally, the conveyor module 1 is also held Surfaces, and the docking wall are made of aluminum. The
by gravity force on its docking unit 2 arranged underneath. In cover 11 is provided for shielding purposes in order to cover
order to ensure an easy-to-use positioning during mounting, 5 a cutout in the aluminum housing. The aluminum housing
the docking unit 2 is provided with guiding surfaces 5 which provides a rectangular cutout underneath the cover 11, in
are positioned in a V-shape in a cross-section perpendicular to order not to shield wireless signals. In case the housing 14 of
a longitudinal direction of the docking unit 2. Such that the the docking unit 2 is made of thermoplastic material, which
guiding Surfaces 5 guide, center and position the conveyor would also be possible, then there would no cutout be neces
module 1 with respect to the docking unit 2. This way a more 10 sary and also the cover 11 would be omitted. Underneath the
stable position is realized and an alignment of the later receiving Surface 8 (with respect to gravity force), a weigh
described electrical wireless elements and/or magnets is cell 12 is provided. This way, when substracting a pre-deter
ensured. Once the conveyor module 1 is positioned in place, mined weight force of the conveyor module 1, the weight of
side walls of a housing 7 laterally hold and position the the container being placed on the conveyor module 1 can be
conveyor module. Alternatively or additionally, the detach 15 calculated by the weigh cell 12 or an infeed control 13. The
able mountability could be realized by a Snap connection or a weight force of the conveyor module 1 could be pre-deter
connection which can be released by pushing a button at the mined manually and electronically saved in the infeed control
conveyor module or the docking unit. 13, or it could be determined by means of the weigh cell 12 as
The conveyor module 1 comprises two conveyor belts 6 long as no container is placed on the conveyor belts 6, e.g.
which are endless belts and arranged relative to each other during an initialization phase. The infeed control 13 includes
Such that they form a V-shape in a cross-section perpendicular a wireless transfer functionally, is electrically connected with
to the conveying direction. The surfaces of the conveyor belt the motor 10 for handling the motor control, and includes
loops, which face away from the docking unit 2, basically electrical interfaces. The infeed control 13 is for example
form the upper surface of the conveyor module 1, and thus the arranged in between the receiving Surface 8 and the weigh cell
conveyor belts 6 are freely accessible for placing used bever 25 12. An end of a drive shaft 15 which is driven by the motor 10,
age containers thereon. In between the sides of the conveyor is provided with a force feed element which is in particular a
belt loops, which face towards the docking unit 2, a housing sprocket 16, but could also be a worm gear. The sprocket 16
7 of the conveyor module 1 is projecting towards the docking has a conical shape which means that the toothed circumfer
unit 2. ential Surface is tapered in a direction away from the motor
Additionally to FIGS. 1 and 2, the docking unit 2 is illus 30 10. The sprocket 16 is projecting partially through an opening
trated in FIGS. 4 to 7 in more detail. A housing 14 of the in the receiving surface 8 (in particular less than 30% of the
docking unit 2 has a basically cuboid base body, wherein the sprocket diameter is exposed on the receiving surface 8). On
side of which facing towards the conveyor module 1 forms a the side of the base body which is opposite to the receiving
basically rectangular receiving Surface 8 which is lower in surface 8 a base plate 18 is provided, which covers approxi
height than the portions of the housing 14 adjacent to the short 35 mately half of this side of the base body and establishes the
sides of the receiving surface 8. From one end of the receiving connection of the docking unit 2 to the reverse vending
surface 8 (e.g. a short side of it), a docking wall 9 of the machine. Base plate 18 can be made ofthermoplastic material
docking unit 2 is projecting towards the conveyor module 1, or aluminum.
which is tapering away from the docking unit 2, and which FIG. 6 illustrates the integration of the weigh cell 12 in
docking wall 9 comprises the receptacle 4 in form of a 40 more detail. The end of the weigh cell 12, which is distal to the
through hole extending in parallel to a longitudinal direction docking wall 9, is attached by means of screws 45 to the base
of the docking unit 2 (wherein the longitudinal direction plate 18. The screws 45 extent in particular in an upwards
corresponds to the longer centerline of the cuboid base body). direction and force the weigh cell 12 onto the base plate 18.
From the sides of the base body, which are perpendicular to The opposite end of the weigh cell 12, which is proximal to
the receiving Surface 8, the two guiding Surfaces 5 are pro 45 the docking wall 9, is attached by screws 46 to the housing 14
jecting away from the base body such that they form a of the docking unit 2, in particular to the receiving Surface 8.
V-shape in a cross-section perpendicular to the longitudinal The screws 46 extend in particular in a downwards direction
direction. Moreover, the guiding surfaces 5 are attached to the and force the weigh cell 12 up to the inside of the receiving
base body such that the end of each guiding surface 5 which surface 8. When the conveyer module 1 is placed on the
is facing towards the docking wall 9 is arranged closer to the 50 receiving surface 8, the weight force causes the weigh cell 12
receiving surface 8 than the end opposite thereto. From the to be bent a certain small degree, in particular the end of the
end of the receiving surface 8, which is distal to the docking weigh cell attached by screws 46 is bend downwards. This
wall 9, the housing 14 of the docking unit 2 is projecting way, the weigh cell 12 can determine the weight of the con
towards the conveyor module in form of a wedge shape the veyor module 1.
height of which reduces in a direction away from the docking 55 FIG. 7 illustrates the docking unit 2 from below. As can be
wall 9 (e.g. starting from a height having an extent of 20 to seen, the base plate 18 is attached to the reverse vending
50% of the docking wall 9). At the inside of this wedge shape, machine by hooks 47 and a release button 19 which is in the
at the positions indicated with reference numeral 17, one or form of a flap and also comprises a hook at its lower outer
more magnets (not illustrated) may be provided, which inter side. Thus, the base plate 18 can be hooked into respective
act with a magnet of the conveyor module 1 such that the 60 recesses provided in the reverse vending machine, and can be
magnets are attracted by each other with a magnetic force and released by pressing the release button 19 in order to unlock
may additionally hold the conveyor module 1 to the docking the hook of the release button 19 from its recess. Alterna
unit 2. On a side of the base body, an encased motor 10, in tively, instead of the hooks 47 and the release button 19, other
particular a step motor or alternatively a DC motor, for driv release or fastening means could be provided, e.g. Screws, for
ing the conveyor belts 6, is attached to the housing 14 of the 65 attaching the base plate 18 to the reverse vending machine.
docking unit 2 by screws. A portion of the receiving Surface 8. The housing 14 is attached to the base plate 18 by means of a
which is distal to the docking wall 9 is formed by a cover 11 Snap-on connection, wherein a hook provided at the housing
US 9,399,555 B2
14 is hooked into a recess 48 provided on the upper side of the movable in a longitudinal direction, in order to keep the
base plate. Also here, the housing 14 can easily be detached conveyor belts 6 tensioned. The biasing forks 30 have a lon
from the base plate 18 by unhooking this connection. gitudinal shaft 31 which is extending through one of the rips
In the following, the conveyor module 1 is described in of the rib body 20, respectively, and is thus supported and
more detail with reference to the FIGS. 8 to 11, in which FIG. guided by this rib. The diameter of the longitudinal shaft 31
8 illustrates internal parts of the conveyor module 1 from increases at about the middle of the shaft 31 in order to form
above, and FIG. 9 shows internal parts of the conveyor mod a stopper for a spring 32 (in particular a cylindrical spring)
ule 1 from below. FIG. 11 shows the conveyor module 1 from which is arranged around the shaft 31 on the side of the
below with a housing encasing the internal parts and the stopper which is distal to the drum shafts 29. The other end of
conveyor belts 6 mounted. In the core of the conveyor module 10 the spring 32 is in abutment with the rib that is supporting the
1, a rib body 20 is provided, which is for example made of longitudinal shaft 31 or with another one of the rips of the rib
thermoplastic material. The rib body 20 has the shape of a body 20. This way, the spring 32 is urging the biasing fork 30
rectangular frame with rips filling the inside of the frame. In in a direction towards the drum shaft 29, whereas the tension
a cross-section perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of of the conveyor belts 6 is urging in the opposite direction,
the conveyor module 1, the rib body 20 forms a V-shape, in 15 namely in a direction to compress the spring 32. The conveyor
particular over its entire length. At one longitudinal end, three belts 6 are shorter than the longest expanded length of the
Support arms 21 are projecting in the longitudinal direction of spring 32. Thus, by choosing the spring constant of the spring
the conveyor module 1, in particular from the sides and the 29, the degree of tension of the conveyor belts 6 can be
center of this end. From the middle one of these support arms adjusted, and the conveyor belts 6 can be tensioned individu
21, the docking projection3 is projecting from an end Surface ally. From the end of the shaft 31, a plate body and from this
of the Support arm 21. This end Surface is acting as a stopper one, two fork arms 33 are projecting in a direction away from
when the docking projection 3 is inserted into the receptacle the shaft 31. Each fork arm 33 is provided with a guiding rail
4. These elements have several functions. When the conveyor extending in a longitudinal direction of the biasing fork 30.
module 1 is to be mounted to the docking unit 2, the docking The arms 22 of the rib body 20 are provided with respective
projection 3 is inserted into the receptacle 4, and the docking 25 grooves, such that the guiding rails of the fork arms 33 are
projection 3 and the receptacle 4 are both guiding the con Supported by these grooves keeping the biasing forks 30
veyor module 1 during inserting along a substantially longi translatory movable. Each biasing fork 30 is Supporting one
tudinal direction. Due to abutment of the end surface, which of the drum shafts 29 in between its fork arms 33. Thus, the
forms the foot of the docking projection 3 (and the end of the biasing forks 30 and the respective springs 32 form biasing
Support arm 21), at the docking wall 9, the inserting move 30 means, respectively. Each drum shaft 29 is provided with ball
ment is stopped while the docking projection 3 and the recep bearings 34, in particular two ball bearings per shaft. How
tacle 4 still allow downward rotation of the conveyor module ever, instead of the ball bearing, roller bearings could be
1 for its placement onto the docking unit 2. Thus, the docking provided, or the drum shafts 27, 29 could be supported such
projection3, the end Surface forming its foot, the receptacle 4 that the drum shafts are rotatable held by the drive drum base
and the docking wall 9 all form docking engagement means. 35 23/the biasing fork 30, or the invention could be implemented
Alternatively to these described docking engagement means, without bearings wherein the drum shafts 27, 29 directly
others could be provided which do not engage at a longitudi Support belt drums. Above, biasing means are described to be
nal end of the conveyor module 1, but at a position in between in the form of the biasing fork 30 with the respective spring
the conveyor module 1 and the docking unit 2. Also, the 32, however, the biasing means could also be in anotherform,
conveyor module 1 could be provided with a receptacle and 40 e.g. the drum shafts 29 are biased at each end by an individual
the docking unit 2 could be provided with a docking projec spring, or the biasing means could comprise a flat spring,
tion. At the end of the rib body 20, opposite to the docking and/or the spring could be arranged such as to bias the drum
projection 3, three arms 22 are projecting in the opposite shafts 29 by pulling instead of pushing. Almost unnecessary
direction of the Support arms 21. In particular, the arms 22 are to mention that the biasing means could comprise, instead of
extending from the sides and the center of this end. The 45 the fork shaped support member, a differently shaped Support
Support arms 21 are Supporting a drive drum base 23 having a member, such as a plate shaped Support member. The inven
cross-beam 24 and three longitudinal beams 25, 26. The tion could also be beneficially be utilized by tensioning the
cross-beam 24 is attached to the shorter side of the frame of conveyor belts 6 manually, e.g. by providing the biasing fork
the rib body 20, and the longitudinal beams 25, 26 are 30 with a threaded shaft and a nut instead of the spring 32, or
attached to the three support arms 21 by screws, respectively. 50 with a thread/nut mechanism which is supporting each end of
Thus, the drive drum base 23 has a shape corresponding to the the drum shafts 29, such as to tension the conveyor belts 6
three support arms 21 and the side of the rib body 20 from manually when mounting them. Reference numeral 35 indi
which the three Support arms 21 are extending. Correspond cates a wireless metal sensor which is formed of a printed
ingly, the cross-beam 24 forms a V-shape in a plane perpen circuit board which is cut such that three connected parts are
dicular to the longitudinal direction of the conveyor module 1. 55 created. This printed circuit board is then bent into position
In between the two outer ones of the longitudinal beams 25 when mounted. This saves money in being fewer parts and is
and the central longitudinal beam 26, a drum shaft 27 is held thus more reliable. Two of the parts are arranged in between
by the longitudinal beams 25, 26. These drum shafts 27 are the upper side of the conveyor belt (the belt portion which is
fixedly arranged (stationary) with respect to the rib body 20. adapted for carrying the used beverage containers to be con
Ball bearings 28 are arranged on each drum shaft 27 in order 60 veyed) and the biasing forks 30. The third part is attached to
to rotatably support the later described belt drums. In particu the rib body 20 at a position which is vertically above the
lar, each drum shaft 27 is provided with two ball bearings 28. infeed control 13 of the docking unit 2 when the conveyor
At the opposite end of the rib body 20, another two drum module 1 is attached to the docking unit 2, and both are
shafts 29 are provided. However, these drum shafts 29 are not communicating with each other. The three parts of the printed
fixedly arranged (stationary) with respect to the rib body 20, 65 circuit board of the wireless metal sensor 35 are mechanically
but each drum shaft 29 is supported by a biasing fork 30 which and electrically connected with each other via an arm-shaped
is supported by the rib body 20 such that it is translatory part of the board which is guided around the respective three
US 9,399,555 B2
11 12
parts and connected with the sides of the three parts facing module 1 from external of the conveyor module 1) from the
longitudinally away from the center of the ribbody 20. One or sprocket 16 of the docking unit 2, is driving the drive drum 36
more magnet (not illustrated) may be attached to the inside of to which it is directly connected to. Further, the sprocket 38 is
the housing 7 at a position indicated with reference numeral driving the other drive drum 36 via sprocket 39. The trans
43, which is an inclined Surface of a wedge shaped recess mission of the rotational force between sprocket 38 and
provided in the housing 7. This magnet would be aligned sprocket 39 is realized by the sprockets 38, 39 engaging in a
vertically with the magnet provided in the docking unit 2. The gear like manner on their upper sides. Due to the V-shaped
magnets are optional, and it would also be possible to hold the arrangement of the drum shafts 27, the sprockets 38, 39 are
conveyor module 1just by gravity force to the docking unit 2. distanced from each other on their lower sides, but engage
The wireless metal sensor 35 comprises electronics cir 10 with each other on their upper sides. Thus, a drive train of the
cuits, namely two metal sensor coils (one in each of the conveyor module docking system comprising the conveyor
printed circuit boards at the biasing fork30), an oscillator for module 1 and the docking unit 2, is (due to the docking
metal sensor coils, a transformer coil and a power Supply with function) divided into a driving part and a driven part. The
rectifier. Together with the infeed control 13 of the docking driving part is basically formed by the step motor 10 with the
unit 2, a wireless metal sensing can be realized, which may 15 sprocket 16 attached to its shaft 15. The motor 10 is attached
detect the presence or absence of metal on the conveyor belt to the housing 14 of the docking unit 2 by screws. The driven
6 and/or the kind of metal which is present on the conveyor part is basically formed by the drive drums 36 with their
belt 6. The infeed control 13 of the docking unit 2 also sprockets 38, 39, which are attached to the drum shafts 27 via
comprises electronic circuits, namely a transformer coil, a ball bearings 28.
class-E coil driver with sensor signal detector, a step motor At the side of the rib body 20, which is faced towards the
driver with step loss detector, a weight scale amplifier, a docking unit 2, the housing 7 is provided, which is for
microcontroller, and a power supply. The wireless transfer of example made of thermoplastic material. The housing 7 is
electrical power from the infeed control 13 to the wireless projecting towards the docking unit 2, in between the con
metal sensor 35 is facilitated by ensuring that the transformer veyor belt 6. Further, the housing 7 has a longitudinal shape
coils of both are reasonably aligned and in close proximity. 25 with a length Substantially corresponding to the longitudinal
The oscillator frequency on the wireless metal sensor 35 extend of the conveyor belt loops and a width which is slightly
(which frequency constitutes the metal sensing signal) is larger than the width of the base body of the docking unit 2.
transferred to the infeed control 13 over the same inductive The housing 7 comprises Substantially rectangular Surface
wireless interface. This is achieved by loading the trans which is attached to the ribbody 20 by four illustrated screws.
former coil on the wireless metal sensor 35 according to the 30 The portion of this rectangular surface which is in FIG. 11 to
oscillator frequency. Due to the inductive coupling, this fre the right of the two center screws, conforms in its shape to the
quency can be filtered out and presented to the microcontrol shape of the upper side of the housing 14 of the docking unit
ler on the infeed control 13, hence metal in proximity to the 2. Reference numeral 44 indicates a docking area which is
sensing coil can be detected and classified. Whether the metal adapted for being placed on the receiving surface 8. Further,
detection functionality is ready for operation can be deter 35 at the end of the rectangular surface, which is distal to the
mined by monitoring the frequency of the metal sensor signal. docking projection3, a hand grip 41 for holding the conveyor
If this frequency is below a threshold, this is indicating that module 1 during mounting and detaching the conveyor mod
the conveyor module 1 in not in its correct position. Thus, in ule 1 is provided. Directly adjacent to the docking area 44 and
case of unsuccessful docking of the conveyor module 1, this distal to the docking projection 3, a Substantially wedge
is automatically detected by the infeed control 13. 40 shaped recess is provided which basically corresponds to the
FIG. 10 illustrates internal parts of the conveyor module 1 shape of the wedge shape at the upper side of the docking unit
from below, from a slightly different angle as FIG. 9. In FIG. 2, thus the recess is reducing its depth with respect to the
10, the conveyor module 1 is illustrated with belt drums being docking area 44 in a direction away from the docking projec
mounted on the drumshafts 27, 29. Drive drums 36 which are tion 3. This way, when the conveyor module 1 is placed on the
mounted on the ball bearings 28 of the drum shafts 27, are 45 docking unit 2, the wedge-shaped projection of the housing
larger in diameter than driven drums 37 which are mounted on 14 of the docking unit 2 is engaged with the wedge-shaped
the ball bearings 34 of the drum shafts 29. The drive drums 36 projection of the housing 7 of the conveyor unit 1, and acting
form the back of the conveyor module 1, and the driven drums as detach locking means which stop a movement of the con
37 form the front of the conveyor module 1. The drive drums veyor module 1 away from the docking wall 9. In order to be
36 and the driven drums 37 have a crowned shape. Thus, due 50 able to detach the conveyor module 1 from the docking unit 2.
to the combination of the crowned shape of the belt drums 36, the conveyor module 1 has to be lifted at its end distal to the
37 and the tensioned conveyor belts 6, the conveyor belts 6 are docking projection 3 before the docking projection 3 can be
guided, i.e. kept centered on the belt drums 36, 37, especially drawn out of the receptacle 4. Due to the tapering of the
when the conveyor belts 6 are new or highly contaminated. A wedge shape, the conveyor module 1 is guided beyond the
heavy crowned shape also enables short assembly time and 55 wedge shaped projection, in case the conveyor module 1 is
reduces the need for training of the assembly operator. Each already lowered down to the docking unit 2, before the dock
drive drum 36 is provided on its inner side with a sprocket, ing projection 3 is inserted all the way into the receptacle 4.
wherein sprocket 38 is forming a force receiving element and Two housing walls 40 extend downwards such that they are in
wherein sprocket 39 is forming a force transmission element. contact with and arranged on both sides of the base body of
The sprockets 38, 39 have a twin conic shape which means 60 the docking unit 2. This way, the housing walls 40 act to
that a first portion, which is adjacent to the associated drive laterally center the conveyor module 1 with respect to the
drum 36, is tapered in a direction away from the base drum 36 docking unit 2. The housing walls 40 extend over the entire
and continues into a portion which is tapered with a larger longitudinal length of the housing 7, wherein they arch down
extent than the first tapering. The sprockets 38, 39 are con wards such that they reach furthest down in a middle part.
nected torque proof with the associated drive drum 36, 65 Corresponding to the position of the sprocket 38, the housing
respectively. The force which is introduced by the sprocket 38 7 comprises an opening 42 through which the sprocket 38 is
into the conveyor module 1 (introduced into the conveyor accessible by the sprocket 16 of the docking unit.
US 9,399,555 B2
13 14
As dirt on the conveyor belts 6 may accumulate, a drive provided together with respective belt drums and support
train braking torque resulting from friction may increase. mechanism as a module which can be incorporated into the
When the difference between the normally larger driving conveyor module.
torque and the braking torque decreases, the motor 10 may While the invention has been illustrated and described in
skip steps, hence the ability of the step motor 10 to drive the detail in the drawings and foregoing description, such illus
conveyor belts 6 may decrease. This situation is detected by tration and description are to be considered illustrative or
the motor driver of the infeed control 13 and used to increase exemplary and not restrictive and it is not intended to limit the
a motor current and asserta pre-warning cleaning message. In invention to the disclosed embodiments. The mere fact that
general terms, the pre-warning cleaning message is deter certain measures are recited in mutually different dependent
10 claims does not indicate that a combination of these measures
mined based on a motor load. The specific detection method cannot be used advantageously.
may depend on the kind of motor which is used for the motor Thus, the applicant explicitly reserves the right to claim
10. In case of a DC motor, the motor load can be determined one of the following aspects:
based on the current which is supplied to the DC motor. In 1. Conveyor module (1) for a reverse vending machine,
case of a step motor, the detection is facilitated by measuring 15 wherein the conveyor module (1) is detachably mountable to
a counter-electromotive force in the step motor. a docking unit (2), in particular a docking unit according to
According to another exemplary embodiment of the inven one of aspects 13 to 19, the conveyor module comprising:
tion, the conveyor module 1 can be provided with electrically at least one conveyor belt (6):
conductive contacts at the wireless transfer area 44 and/or the docking engagement means (3) being adapted for engaging
docking projection 3 (or generally speaking at the docking the conveyor module (1) with a docking unit (2) during
engagement means) which are adapted to come in contact mounting the conveyor module (1) into the docking unit (2)
with electrically conductive contacts of the docking unit 2. At and being adapted for abutment of the conveyor module (1) in
the docking unit 2, these contacts could be provided at the a Substantially longitudinal direction of the conveyor module
receiving Surface 8 or the receptacle 4 (or generally speaking (1) during mounting, and
at the docking engagement means). This way additionally or 25 a housing (7) having a docking area (44) which is adapted
alternatively to the previously described wireless transmis for being placed on the docking unit (2), and the housing (7)
Sion, electrical power or electrical signals could be transmit being adapted to laterally center the conveyor module (1)
ted between the conveyor module and the docking unit by when mounted.
means of these electrically conductive contacts. 2. Conveyor module (1) according to aspect 1, wherein the
According to another exemplary embodiment of the inven 30 housing (7) is adapted for hindering a detach movement of the
tion, it would also be possible to provide only a single con conveyor module (1) Substantially along its longitudinal
veyor belt 6 which defines a flat upper side (the side carrying direction by means of engaging with the docking unit (2).
the objects to be conveyed) wherein on both sides of which 3. Conveyor module (1) according to one of the preceding
stationary guiding walls are provided for avoiding objects to aspects, further comprising a force receiving element (38) for
35 receiving a driving powerfor driving the at least one conveyor
fall of the conveyor belt. It would also be possible to provide belt (6), which force receiving element is accessible from
this single conveyor belt Such that its upper side defines a outside of the conveyor module (1) through an opening (42) in
U-shape. This could for example be realized by providing two the housing (7).
or three belt drums at each deflection end of the conveyor belt, 4. Conveyor module (1) according to aspect 3, wherein
which drums are inclined with respect to each other, such that 40 only a single force receiving element (38) is provided which
their axes describe a V-shape (in case of two) or a U-shape (in is accessible from outside of the conveyor module (1).
case of three) in a cross-section perpendicular to the convey 5. Conveyor module (1) according to one of the preceding
ing direction. aspects, wherein the conveyor module (1) is provided in total
According to another exemplary embodiment of the inven with two conveyor belts (6).
tion, it would also be possible to construct the Support mecha 45 6. Conveyor module (1) according to aspect 5, wherein the
nism of the conveyor belts 6 differently. Instead of providing conveyor module (1) only comprises the two conveyor belts
two drum shafts 27, 29 at each deflection end of the conveyor (6) for moving objects conveyed by them.
belts 6, there could also be provided only one drum shaft at 7. Conveyor module (1) according to aspect 5 or 6, wherein
each deflection end which is straight. In such an embodiment the two conveyor belts (6) are arranged in order to form a
the drive belt drums could be torque proof connected with one 50 V-shape in a cross section perpendicular to the conveying
of the drum shafts which, in turn, is driven, e.g. in its center direction.
portion. 8. Conveyor module (1) according one of the preceding
According to another exemplary embodiment of the inven aspects, wherein the docking engagement means comprises a
tion, it would also be possible to provide plural belt drums at docking projection (3).
each longitudinal end of the conveyor module which are 55 9. Conveyor module (1) according to one of the preceding
torque proof Supported by articulated drum shafts at each aspects, further comprising a magnet for holding the con
deflection end such that driving power is transmitted between veyor module (1) in its mounted position.
the portions of a driving drum shaft by joints in between 10. Conveyor module (1) according to one of the preceding
adjacent portions. aspects, wherein the conveyor module (1) is adapted to
According to another exemplary embodiment of the inven 60 receive electrical power and to receive/send electrical signals
tion, it would also be possible to construct the driving mecha exclusively wireless.
nism of the conveyor belts 6 differently. Instead of providing 11. Conveyor module (1) according to one of the preceding
the sprockets the driving power could be transmitted by a aspects, wherein the at least one conveyor belt (6) is Sup
pinion and chain mechanism, by a drive belt or by a cam belt. ported by a drum (36, 37) at each deflection end of the con
According to another exemplary embodiment of the inven 65 veyor belt (6), the drum (37) at one deflection end being
tion, it would also be possible to provide module belts or biased by a biasing means, in order to keep the conveyor belt
modular belts, in which a single or plural conveyor belts are (6) tensioned.
US 9,399,555 B2
15 16
12. Conveyor module (1) according to one of the preceding a force receiving element configured to receive a driving
aspects, further comprising a hand grip (41) integrated into power for driving the at least one conveyor belt, and the
the housing (7) at a longitudinal end of the conveyor module force receiving element is accessible from outside of the
(1). conveyor module through an opening in the housing.
13. Docking unit (2) for a conveyor module (1) of a reverse 5 2. The conveyor module according to claim 1, wherein the
vending machine, in particular a conveyor module (1) accord conveyor module is configured to receive electrical power and
ing to one of aspects 1 to 12, the docking unit (2) being to receive/send electrical signals wirelessly.
adapted for detachably holding the conveyor module (1); the 3. The conveyor module according to claim 1, further com
docking unit (2) comprising: prising biasing means for biasing a drum Supporting the at
docking engagement means (4) being adapted for Support 10
least one conveyor belt, in order to keep the conveyor belt
ing the conveyor module (1) during mounting the conveyor tensioned.
module (1) into the docking unit (2) and being adapted for 4. The conveyor module according to claim 1, wherein the
abutment of the conveyor module (1) during mounting, and docking unit comprises:
a housing (14) having a receiving Surface (8) at least part of
which being adapted to Support the conveyor module (1) 15 a housing; and
when mounted. a force feed element for outputting the driving power to the
14. Docking unit (2) according to aspect 13, wherein the force receiving element of the conveyor module, and the
housing (14) is adapted for hindering a detach movement of force feed element is accessible due to an opening in the
the conveyor module (1) along its longitudinal direction by housing.
means of engaging with the conveyor module (1). 5. A docking unit configured to detachably hold a conveyor
15. Docking unit (2) according to one of aspects 13 or 14, module of a reverse vending machine, the docking unit com
further comprising at least one guiding Surface (5) for later prising:
ally guiding the conveyor module during mounting into the a housing; and
docking unit. a force feed element for outputting a driving power to a
16. Docking unit (2) according to one of aspects 13 to 15, 25 force receiving element of the conveyor module, and the
further comprising a motor (10) for driving a force feed force feed element is accessible due to an opening in the
element (16) which is adapted to introduce mechanical driv housing.
ing power into the conveyor module (1), in order to drive at 6. The conveyor module according to claim 1, further com
least one conveyor belt (6) of the conveyor module (1). prising:
17. Docking unit (2) according to aspect 16, further com 30
docking engagement means for engaging the conveyor
prising detection means for measuring a motor load and for module with the docking unit during mounting of the
asserting a pre-warning cleaning message based on the motor conveyor module into the docking unit and for abutment
18. Docking unit (2) according to one of aspects 13 to 17. of the conveyor module in a substantially longitudinal
further comprising a magnet for holding the conveyor module 35 direction of the conveyor module during mounting,
(1) to the docking unit (2). wherein the housing has a docking area which is config
19. Docking unit (2) according to one of aspects 13 to 18, ured to be placed on the docking unit, and wherein the
wherein the part of the receiving surface (8) which is support housing is configured to laterally center the conveyor
ing the conveyor module (1) is forwarding a weight force of module when mounted.
the conveyor module (1) to a weigh cell (12). 40 7. The conveyor module according to claim 6, wherein the
20. Conveyor module docking system for a reverse vending housing is configured to stop a detach movement of the con
machine, comprising a conveyor module (1) according to one veyor module Substantially along its longitudinal direction by
of aspects 1 to 12, and a docking unit (2) according to one of means of engaging with the docking unit.
aspects 13 to 19. 8. The conveyor module according to claim 1, wherein the
21. Reverse vending machine comprising a conveyor mod 45 at least one conveyor belt is two conveyor belts.
ule docking system according to claim 20. 9. The conveyor module according to claim 8, wherein the
22. Conveyor module (1) for a reverse vending machine, two conveyor belts are arranged in order to form a V-shape in
wherein the conveyor module (1) is mountable to a docking a cross section perpendicular to the conveying direction.
unit (2), wherein the conveyor module (1) is adapted to 10. The conveyor module according to claim 8, further
receive electrical power and to receive/send electrical signals 50 comprising:
wireless, in particular exclusively wireless. a first and a second drive drum each Supporting one of the
23. Conveyor module (1) according to aspect 22, wherein two conveyor belts, wherein the force receiving element
electrical power is transmitted inductively, and electrical sig is directly connected with and directly driving the first
nals are transmitted by radio signals. drive drum, and
24. Docking unit (2) for a conveyor module (1) of a reverse 55 a force transmission element which is directly connected
vending machine, wherein the docking unit (2) is adapted to with the second drive drum, wherein the force receiving
send electrical power and to receive/send electrical signals element is directly driving the force transmission ele
wireless, in particular exclusively wireless. ment.
25. Docking unit (2) according to aspect 24, wherein elec 11. The docking unit according to claim 5, wherein the
trical power is transmitted inductively, and electrical signals 60 force feed element projects outside of the housing through the
are transmitted by radio signals. opening in the housing.
The invention claimed is: 12. The docking unit according to claim 5, further com
1. A conveyor module for a reverse vending machine, prising:
wherein the conveyor module is detachably mountable to a docking engagement means configured to support the con
docking unit, the conveyor module comprising: 65 veyor module during mounting of the conveyor module
at least one conveyor belt; into the docking unit and configured to abut the conveyor
a housing that Supports the at least one conveyor belt; and module during mounting,
US 9,399,555 B2
17 18
wherein the housing has a receiving Surface at least part of wherein the force receiving element receives the driving
which is configured to Support the conveyor module power for driving the at least one conveyor belt, and the
when mounted. force receiving element is accessible from outside of the
13. The docking unit according to claim 5, wherein the conveyor module through an opening in the conveyor
housing is configured to stop a detach movement of the con 5 module housing.
veyor module along its longitudinal direction by means of 19. The docking unit according to claim 5, further com
engaging with the conveyor module. prising a motor for driving the force feed element.
14. The docking unit according to claim 5, further com 20. The docking unit according to claim 19, further com
prising at least one guiding Surface for laterally guiding the prising detection means for measuring a load of the motor and
conveyor module during mounting into the docking unit. 10
for asserting a pre-warning cleaning message based on the
15. The docking unit according to claim 5, further com motor load.
prising a magnet for holding the conveyor module to the
docking unit. 21. A conveyor module docking system for a reverse vend
16. The docking unit according to claim 5, wherein the ing machine, comprising a conveyor module according to
docking unit is configured to send electrical power and to 15
claim 1, and a docking unit configured to detachably hold the
receive/send electrical signals wirelessly. conveyor module, the docking unit including:
17. The docking unit according to claim 5, further com a docking unit housing; and
prising a weigh cell configured to determine a weight of the a force feed element for outputting a driving power to a
conveyor module. force receiving element of the conveyor module, and the
18. The docking unit according to claim 5, wherein the force feed element is accessible due to an opening in the
conveyor module comprises: docking unit housing.
at least one conveyor belt; and 22. A reverse vending machine comprising a conveyor
a conveyor module housing that Supports the at least one module docking system according to claim 21.
conveyor belt, k k k k k