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10 Day Detox Diet Guide

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Do younceda mg dato! Da you re FLC CR lake Crag) Syere? Mest people dan connect he ots betveen wat hye eating and aw the feel So tay fs wa around wih FLCSyntrome sd dont ‘ver know ut we aren good ‘The goed news i thatfor most people, hiscanbe Sue inas Mle 2s 10 ay The gest cause of FLCis rot sloth lttny or Lak of willpower tuts trae ielogeal addiction o sua reine! carbsand proressed 00s. New scence proves tat sugar (and refined cabs) ieaddictve Infact sugarie nove thought tobe even rote adictve then coca, 8 SIGNS YOU MAY BE ADDICTED TO THE SWEET STUFF vounave bara. Youcrave suger and abs Youhave wouble bseg welght on aowsat diet Youhave highbloed sugar or high Dood Youeatevenityorrenothungry Youre sluggish frum overeating Youhave embarrased felings bout eating, nosh insecet hide Food Youted agate, cant sleep or iter withdraval symptoms ifyoudoe't ext junk food IT's NOT YOUR FAULT YOU'RE EXT Foo aidicions very reais not amezaptor le’snotapsyolonica problem or amoral ling or ick willpower I's 2 bidogcalfact Whenyox ext swar or flour products, they spike the activity ofan area of ourbrin called the nucleus accemens, whichis ground vere Jor addiction. When that happens, we have very litle contol over our behavior Eventhough peogle now ithurts ‘hem, they stil dow. Mesolution sa medical sugar and refined cart detox, hich s why We created The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, ‘Thebest way t ktow fhe fads yea eatingare making you fel ike crap isto db a quidksartrebnot— tke tursingyour body bad wet originl stings. All you have todo seat whok, fresh foes Hk you wouldhaveesten onehundred years ag: fesh vegetables, clean proteins, seed, good fats, andthe oceasianal rut alo means Itstimetolose that addition to sugar an four; you shoud alsorefain rom eaffenealeoho ater, and diy for 10eays | ee Sooo Stidy (eiuirele Doyou need sugar deto? Doyou have FLCCFeel Like Cap) Syndrome? Most people dn't conned the dots between what they eating ad ow they fee, So ‘many ef ts walk eround with FL syndrome and dort ven know unt we stat fling good. The good news isthat for most people. thiscan be fixed in as litte as 10 days. The biggest cause of FLCis not eth, glutony or lack of willpower, buta tee Ditogieal action te sugar rehned carbs and processed foods. New science proves that sugar (and refine carbs) is addictive In fc, sugars now thought tobe eve more addictive than cocaine. 8 SIGNS YOU MAY BE ADDICTED TO THE SWEET STUFF + You have bei fat + You crave sugarand carbs + You havetroable losing weight on alow-fa de + You havehigh biood sugar or high blood pressure + Youest even youre not hungry. + Yor'reslggish irom overeating. + You haveembarrased edings abou eating, nosh in sere, oF hide fod, + You feel sited, can’tsleep or outer ‘withdeaval symptamsifyou rit ext jank food: IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT YOURE FAT ocd alton is very real Is not ametaphor: Ienot psychological preblem or amoral failing orlack of wilpower Is abielogcal fact. Whon you eat sugar or flour products, the spke the activity of nares of our brain called the nucleas accumbens whichis ground zero foraddicton, When that happens, we have very litle contol oxer our behavior Even though people know it hurts them, they stil doit The solution is amedical sugar andefinel carb detox, which s why we crented The Blocd Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet The best way to know the foods you're eating are making you feet like crapis todo aquiskertart reboot — {uring your bo¢y tack tots original settings. Allyou hve to co i eat wile, fesh foods lke you would haveeaten ‘one hundred years ago: fresh vegetables, clean proteins, nus, seeds, good fats, and the occasional rat. also means Itstime to lose thataddictionto sugar and low; you shoulé also refrain rom caffene, alcohol, gluten, and dary for 1045, IMyoucompletey change your diet for 10 days what you'll notices that notony wll your cravings subside, ‘na only willyour energy improve end notonly will you lose weight — which is actualy aside effect of getting healthy — buta whole list of health problems (suchas mysterious rshes, brain fog and unexpained fatigue) may improve or disappear entirely. ‘The power o this planis that ina very short ume, you can usea seentieay designed program vo regal your health and dscovor how greatyou ca fol when you take awayall the junk and eat eal ford. Most people have never ever done that and most people don realize theyre simply a few days away from feeling wal, ISN'T RAPID WEIGHT LOSS DANGEROUS? ‘Actually, neve research shows thet sing weight fast dooce hackle. Itactualy lads tomere overall weight oss. SO WHY DO PEOPLE LOSE SO MUCH WEIGHT ON THIS PLAN? ‘Two hey things happer. Fist this sa slentifi, medically designed sugar dete — you quickly change yourhormones and nourotransmiters, so you cutall the cravings that drive overeating of Sugar and refined carbs. Those feods are addictive And leave you feeling hungry ll the ime. When You stop eating sugar endlour and inflammatory Teds, you shut down te st storage hormone called insulin, and youstat fat burning Secon i's anti-inammatory We know that Infammation makes you fat and sick. You cutoutall Infamimstory food for 10 days: sugar, Hour ene processed foods inflammatory rans fats, dalry and sluter. Being inflamed triggers insulin resistance And more insulin spikes. Inflammation alse makes you swollen and bloated. ADDRESSING THE ROOT CAUSES OF ‘OBESITY & DIABETES. [ake care of people with a whol list of problems ‘Thats why Leal mysela"wholistic doctor” Rather than send a patient with diabetes, aras, joint pan, Fedlux and headaches w fwe diferent eoctors, I conectthe dots It doesn't matter what disease you hi {yor treat the casea, the symptoms go away aca side eect of geting healthy. ‘Tho key ficthore isthis: what makes you fat makes you sic, ard what makes you sickmakes you ft Everything is connected. So ifyou adress the underiying causes cf disease — Ifyou use the scence of creating heath, called Functional medicine, then disease gees away a a side elect and weight bssis Automat, There Iso food restriction no counting of calories or grams of as, carbsor protein, You unjunk {your dietand jst ea real whole fresh, ow glycemic food. Jeworks because food is mec nf whet you put at the end of your Forks mote powefal than any deg on the planet. 1 work fate het ie shesper and al the se ff av god nee! SUGAR IS THE NEW FAT Despite 40 yearsof Americans being brainwashed into thinking that a is bad turns oat K's gat not fat, ‘hat makes yeu sickand overweight. ‘Thefaetestein, theseienesisheyon question Sugar inallitsformsis the roar cause of our abesiy epidemic and most ofthe chronic disease sucking the life oat of our citizens and oar economy — and, increasingly, therest ofthe word. You name i it’s caused by sugar: heart disease cancer, dementis, type? diabetes, depression, and even acne inlertity ard impotence “The average Amertcan consunesabout 152 pounds of sugar ayea: That's roughly 2 teaspoons every day lor every porzonin Ameria. And our ide consume sbout 24 teaspoons every day —thats more tan 60 20-gunce sodas — making nearly one in four teenagers prediabetic or diabetic Flours even worsethan sugar We consume about 146 pounds offlour2 year: Think about it. That's about one pound of suger and flour combined every éay for every man, womsanand childin America. And flour raises lon sugar ever mare than table sugar Even whole-wheat ou. WHY You NEED A SUGAR DETOX Weneed a clear path todetox rom sugar to break the additive yee of carb and sugar ravings that robs us of ourhealth. And itonly takes 10 days — or less. We need sclence, not willpower, to reverse ths. 10 BIG IDEAS FOR DETOXING FROM SUGAR 1) Make a decision to detox: In my book, there are three dimple quizzes te help youknow you need to dete Ifyou answer"yesto any ofthese questions. a sugar detox is your ticket tofeeling great quick and losing weight painlessly. ‘Thefirstis the dlabesity quiz. Doyou have pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes? (90 percent of Americanshave rotbeen clagnosed)) Do you have belly fat" Are you overweight? Crave suger an carbs? Have trouble losing ‘weight onlow-fat dicts? Have high riglyerides, bw HDL (good) cholesterol or been tld your blood sugar is “alte high"? ‘Thesecontisa food addiction quiz.Do you eat when you're not hungry? Experience a food coma aftr eating? Feel ad about your eating habits oraveld certain acives because of your eating? Get withdrawal spmptoms Ifyou cat dow or sop eating Sugar or our? Neel more ad more of sane bad foods just t fee gp00? ‘The third isthe FLCQuiz (or the Toscity Qui). FLC stands for Feel Like rap. FLCSyedrome has alist of symptoms including bloating gas, flue itz howe, jeintor muscle pain, brain fog. memory ot mood broblens, sinus orllergy symptoms ard more. Millions ofus have PLC Syndrome and don't know weare only a few daysaway from heath and happiness. 2) Hea turkey (a cold one): There sno way to hanlea true physiological addiction except to stop i ‘completely Adlets cart havejust one Ine of cocalne or just ne drink Go cold turkey. But you wert bave to white knickle k because{f you follow these 10 Big dene you wil avtonaticaly rest your body's neurotransmittes and hormones. Stopall forms of sugar al flour praductsand al artificial sweeteners — which cause increased cravings and slow metaboiss, and lead tofat storage. Also get rid of anything with trans or hydrogenated fats and MSG (watch fr hidden nares) dally for 10 days you avotd any foods that come in bos, package oF acan or that havea label and stick to real whele, fresh fod, And the best way to really dato ito give up ALL grain for 10 days, too. 3)Don'tdrink your calories: Any form of liquid sugar caloriesis worse than seid food with sugar or Nour ‘Think ofit as mainlining sugar directly toyour Iver Ieturns off fat storage machine n your iver, lading ‘0 “dreaded bely fat. You dont fee ful so you ext more al day and you crave mre sugar aid carbs I’salso the ‘singe biggest source of sugar calories our diet. Mat indudes sods, Juices other than green vegetable juice, Sport drinks, wectened tensor ceffecs.One 20-ounce sedahae 15 teaspoons of sugar Gatorade contains ‘é teaspoons ofthe stuffin ene bottle One can of soda day increases k's chance of being obeseby 60 percent anda woman's chance of type? diabetes by 80 percent. Stay away! 44) Power up the day with prote Protein, protein protein at every real — especially breakiast —is the key t balancing blood saga and insulin and euting ravings ‘Start theday with whole farm eggs ‘ora protein shake. 1 recommend my Whole Food Protein Shake. Use huts sees, gs, sh chicken or {grass fod meat forpretein atevory real A serving si is 46 ounces forthe size of yeur pal, 5) Eat unlimited carbs (the right ‘ones}: Yes, thats right Unlimited ‘carbs Did you know that vegetables are carbs? And you get to eat ae richasyou want. Uninited refills ‘There is one cate. 1 only mean the non-starchy veggies suchas greens, ‘the broccoli fail (eaulilower, kale, collard, etc) asparagus, {green beans, mushrocms onions, ‘tachi, tomatoes, fee, plane, antchokes, peppers, ec. Whats ‘ut are potatoes, sweet potatoes, ‘winter squash and bests — justfor 10 days Also stip grainsane beans for 10 days. Ie superchargesthe results so you Tose weigh ad feel great 6) Fightsugarwith fat: Fatis nota four-letter word, Fat doesn’tmake you fat sugar does Fat makes you Fal, alances you blood sug and Isnecessary for Fueling your cell Along with protein, have goed fats Aatevery meal and snack including huts and seeds which also contain proten),exta virgin olive ol excanut butter avocados, and omega 3 fats rom fish 7) Re ready for emergencies: You never wan! tobein a fod emergency when your blood sugar f dropping and youtfind yourslfin 3 food desert such a a airport, theoffice,or in amaze of convenience stores ast fod joints ‘and vending machines. Youneed an Emergency Life Fak. have one with meallthe tine, led with protein, good Fats and good snacks sol never have to make a bad choice. Here's whats in mine. Packets of Atisana nutburters and ‘acon butts almonds, walnut, pumpkin seeds, sanin Jerky or turkey Jerky. a can of wild salmon or sardines and ‘unsweetened wild blueberries. o £8) Swap distress for de-stress: Ifyou ae stressed, your hormones go crazy Cortsol goes up which makes you hungry caucos belly fatstorage and loa t type 2 diabetes. Stade show that talangdeep breathe acivsteza special rerve called the vais nerve, that shifts your metabelism from fat storage tof burning and quickly moves you ont ‘ofthe sre stat. And ll you have to do istake adeep breath. My Take Five Breathing Break issomething you an {co anywhere, anytime. Simply take five slow deep breaths ~in othe count af five, outto the count of ive. Five times. ‘Tha’ it. Do this before every meal Watch whst happens! '9) Put outthe fire (of inflammation): Stuics show that inflammation triggers blood sugar imbalances, ineulia resistance, pre-diabetes and type? dlabster. The most common cure of inflammatory foods other than sugar, our and trans ftsare hidden food sensitities. The most common culprits are gluten and dary We often crave the foods ‘we're allegict. Without them we feel lousy and want more. Quit gluten and dary for ten days. Getting off them isnt easy but ater just two to three days without them you'Ihave renewed energy, reli rom cravings and willseemany ‘of your common symptoms disappear 10) Get your azz: Cotting los sloop drives sugarand carb cravings by affecting your appetite hormones. Inhuman sts, depriving college students of just two hours ofthe recommended eight hours af step led to arise hn hunger ‘ormones,a decrease in appetite suppressing hormones and bg cravings for sugar and refined carbs. You want mere: ‘energy if you doit sleep so you go toward quickly absorbed sugas,Slegp isthe best way tight against the dive to ‘overeat You Iterllycan sleep your cravings and your weight away. =W speedy study Guides raat oe (Il) il See re oa ‘Newark DE 19711 Cover by 2448 Covers

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