Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
operations is a challenging andsensitive task. It requires integration among various retail Store Operations and
transactions within the stores. Such as store space managment, visual merchandising,
products display, management of human resources, financial management etc. However,
in his unit we shall study the issues relating to financial management in retailing,
performance measures and auditing process in a retail organization which helps for a
smooth and profitable functionality of a retail setup. Moreover, we will learn the importance
of relation ship marketing and "(lustomer Relationship Management"and its importance
in detail. We will also deal with the establishment of Loyalty programme and their
importance. We then conclude the unit with different financial instruments involved in
measuring the profitability of a retail setup and the process involved in monitoring the
performance in retail operations.
Supply Chain
Back end management (managing meeting suppliers and vendors for the consistent
performance stock)
Apart from the capital investment you have to also look at r e c d n g expenses like travel,
communication phone bill, internet access, electricity, water bill) which needs to be
understood as a fixed expense and you should look to it that an effective cost control
I Benefit-cost ratio: BCR relates the present value of benefits to the investment.
Where BCR=Benefit Cost Ratio,
PVB= Present Value of Benefits
I= Initial Investment 7
Net b e n t Value: The net present value of a project is equal to the sum of present
value of all the cash flows associated with the project. Mathematically
NPV= CFo /(l+k)O +CF,/(l+k)+. .......+ C F d (l+k)n
NPV= Net Present Value
CFt= Cash flow occurring at the end of the year t (t=O,.........,n)
N=Life of the project
K= Rate of interest
Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The Internal Rate of Return is the discount rate at
which the net present value is equal to zero
O=CFO/(l +r)O+cf l/(l+r) l+. .... .+cFd(l+r)n
CFt= cash flow occurring at the end of the year t(t=O,. .... ...,n)
N=Life of the project
R=discount/interest rate
We can broadly divide the tasks performed in a retail firm under three heads:
Devising and implementing a retail strategy. For devising a retail strategy the retailer
must have a very clear understanding and complete information of the following:
a) Target market
Strategic management is completely under the domain of top management. There can
be circumstances where advisors or consultants are hired by retailing firms in this regard.
Firms need highly experienced and qualified professionals to take such high level decisions.
Here it is worth mentioning that in small sized family owned retail business strategic
decisions generally are a family affair.
45.2 Merchandising
II '
So far we have discussed the various planning and ratio techniques used for analysis and
profitability measures can be drawn. Retail profitability depends on
Foot falls: The number of people visiting the stores
Conversions: Percentage of the customers visiting the stores who make purchases.
Suppose the foot falls in a store are 100 but only 25 of them make purchases then
the conversion rate is 25%
Bill size: the average value of the purchases made by the customer
his performance against industry average or ratios achieved by similar retailers to judge
effectiveness alongwith defined parameters.
Sales per square feet: A sales per square feet (SPF) is a measure of how well the 73
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Overview of retail outlet is using the space allocated. r not her key element is location; SPF is
typically much higher for merchants in a destination mall, than for similar stores in
In this unit we have discussed the role of financial management, key issues in financial
management and different performance measures and the importance of Audit in retail
context. We also briefed the different tasks performed in a retail store. We have understood
the evolution of relatianship management in rktail context and the importance of Customer