Pca - 3rd Egb English Pre A1.2
Pca - 3rd Egb English Pre A1.2
Pca - 3rd Egb English Pre A1.2
2019 - 2020
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to build up learners’ communicative language competence
in its linguistic, sociolinguistic, and pragmatic components.
Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Love, Peace, Justice, etc.
Infer who is speaking
Demonstrate basic Reading
comprehension skills • Drawing a line from individual words to a
by identifying the picture or a scene. (Example: learners read a list CE.EFL.2.11.
meaning of individual of farm animals and draw a line from each word Identify and understand
words, phrases, and to the appropriate animal in the scene, etc.) individual every-day words,
EFL.2.4.1 Writing.
Know how to spell
simple English words • Locating specific words on the page and
correctly, writing them in a list. (Example: all the words
demonstrating beginning with the sound /k/ or all the words CE.EFL.2.17.
awareness of sound- that contain the long /a:/ sound, etc.) Write simple words,
letter relationships. phrases, and sentences to
(Example: sea, mean, • Matching words to pictures. (Example: under demonstrate knowledge of
bee, etc.) the picture of a chair, learners write the word spelling, punctuation,
EFL.2.4.2. chair with the five letters of the word on the five capitalization and
Make a simple lines provided, etc.) handwriting / typography,
learning resource, in and identify their meanings.
order to record and • Unscrambling words or sentences and writing
practice new words. them out correctly. (Example: Word: veleen = I.EFL.2.17.1.
(Example: a picture eleven. Sentence: There’s – under – the chair. – Learners can write words,
dictionary, a backpack, etc.) phrases, and short simple
a word list, set of sentences using the correct
flashcards, etc.) • Finding hidden questions in a box and writing conventions (spelling,
EFL.2.4.3. them down with the correct punctuation and punctuation, capitalization,
Write simple words, capitalization. (Example: does it live on a farm / and handwriting or
phrases and sentences does it have two legs, etc.) typography, etc.), for making
with correct use of simple learning resources.
standard writing • Writing new words in a picture dictionary and (I.3)
mechanics. adding a sticker or picture.
(Example: spelling,
Identify key Language through the Arts
information such as
events, characters, • Listening to or reading stories and drawing the
and objects in stories main characters.
and other age- CE.EFL.2.21.
appropriate literary • Choosing pictures of or drawing the scenes of Distinguish key information
texts if there is visual a literary text. in stories and other age-
support. appropriate literary texts,
• Standing up every time they hear the name of both oral and written.
a character.
• Explaining through pictures or charts (ICT) Learners can recognize,
the relationships between characters. (Example: through pictures or other
mom/daughter, friends, etc.) media such as ICT, key
aspects of a story or literary
text (both oral and written).
(J.1, I.2)
2. LESSON 1: Students learn how to: name EFL.2.1.4. Communication and cultural awareness CE.EFL.2.2.
Is she happy? pets, describe characteristics Express curiosity • Labeling pictures with correct names. Catalog everyday objects and
and emotions using pets about the world and places in different cultures
other cultures by • Creating a poster of things that can be and recognize ways to act
asking simple WH- recycled. responsibly towards one’s 6 weeks
questions in class environment and
after reading and/or • Matching objects with the places where they surroundings.
participating in can be found. (Example: stove in kitchen, bed in
presentations or other bedroom, etc.)
group work. • Simulating actions through TPR activities I.EFL.2.2.1.
EFL.2.1.5. where learners follow basic commands. Learners can classify
PHONICS: Student learn to: recognize and Recognize ways to (Example: Put away your book, etc.). everyday objects and
Short e, Long e pronounce words with the short relate responsibly to familiar places. Learners can
(ee, ea, ey/y) /e/and long /e/ one’s surroundings at • Choosing pictures that demonstrate compare objects from
sounds. home and at school responsibility (cleaning room, watering the different cultural contexts.
by exhibiting flowers). Learners can say and
responsible behaviors recognize ways to take care
Record key items of
specific information
from a heard message
or description, either
in written form or by
drawing picture.
(Example: letters of
the alphabet,
numbers, quantities,
prices and times,
days, dates and
months, etc.)
EFL.2.3.2. CE.EFL.2.12.
Read a short simple Reading Understand the gist and
text (online or print) • Reading a short text and showing details in short simple
and demonstrate comprehension by completing the written texts (online or
understanding of the accompanying graphic organizer. (Example: print).
gist and some basic learners read about the location of a house and
details of the content. mark the point X on a map.) EFL.2.12.1.
EFL.2.3.3. • Reading a short simple story of just a few lines Learners can understand a
Understand most of and ordering simple pictures of familiar objects. short simple text on an
the details of the • Reading a short simple text and coloring a everyday topic and
content of a short picture. (Example: This is Ben’s room. His bed successfully complete a
simple text (online or is green. Learners draw a green bed, etc.) simple task to show that they
print). • Reading a short simple text and circling the have understood most or
correct answer. (Example: Question: What’s her some of it. (I.4)
name? Answer: Mary / Sandra / Mia, etc.)
Write simple words, Writing. CE.EFL.2.18.
phrases, and • Completing simple sentences to practice a Writing in order to perform
sentences with grammar structure by writing words in gapped controlled practice of
correct use of sentences. Support learners by providing vocabulary and grammar
standard writing pictures for context and / or a box of answers, items.
mechanics. from which they can choose. (Example: My best
(Example: spelling, friend is ten --- old. --- name is Carol. --- I.EFL.2.18.1.
punctuation, birthday is in May, etc.) Learners can write short
EFL.2.3.4. CE.EFL.2.13.
Understand the Reading Understand the content in a
content in simple • Matching common signs to their meanings. variety of well-known text
short written (Example: a simple classroom sign or a notice types, both print and online,
environmental print in the park, Silence please, No eating, etc.) using the layout and artwork
text types, using for support; recognize typical
artwork, symbols, • Studying an environmental print text type and signs and symbols found in
and layout for drawing a line from the word to the artwork. the text types.
support. (Example: (Example: from the word cloud to a cloud
price tags, signs, weather symbol, or from the word stop to a I.EFL.2.13.1.
notices (No eating, “red” stop light, etc.) Learners can understand a
etc.), candy wrappers, short simple environmental
etc.). • Circling an emoticon to match to a picture. print text type and
(Example: Amy feels sick / Amy is happy /, successfully complete a
etc.) simple task. (Example: a
• Comparing and contrasting information. sign, notice, menu, etc.) (I.3)
(Example: learners read simple price tags and
match them to the correct sentences: This toy is
EFL.2.4.5. cheap. Those shoes are expensive, etc.)
Write simple CE.EFL.2.19.
4. LESSON 1: Students learn how to: name EFL.2.1.7. Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.4.
How many toys; ask and answer questions Collaborate in a • Completing a very short, picture-based self- Develop skills of
robots do you about toys. friendly manner by evaluation or peer evaluation form. collaboration by working
have? sharing classroom together on projects and
materials and • Playing games in which learners must pass sharing materials while
personal objects objects around the room. (Example: hot potato, expressing personal
while participating in etc.) preferences with peers. 6 weeks
PHONICS: Students learn to: recognize and games and activities
Short o, Long o pronounce words with the in class and on the • Practicing helpful classroom language in mini I.EFL.2.4.1.
(o_e/oe, oa, ow short /o/ and long /o/ sounds. playground. dialogues and/or chants (Example: Can I borrow Learners can select pictures
EFL.2.1.8. your eraser? Do you have a pencil? etc.) and/or short phrases that
Exchange basic relate to collaborating and
personal preferences • Completing a short survey about favorites or sharing and express personal
with peers in order to likes/dislikes and then sharing ideas with a preferences. (J.2, J.3, S.4)
express likes and partner.
Show the ability to Reading CE.EFL.2.14.
Complete a basic Writing CE.EFL.2.20.
survey or a • Having learners complete a short simple Complete a simple survey
questionnaire by questionnaire about themselves. Learners read form or questionnaire by
providing personal open-ended questions and write the answers on providing personal details.
details. the form. (Example: What time do you get up? Write a variety of simple
EFL.2.4.9. What time do you go to school? At 6 o’clock, written text types, used in
Write a variety of etc.) print or online, with
short simple text appropriate layout and
types, commonly • Interviewing a partner, asking yes/no language. (Examples:
used in print and questions and writing yes/no on the survey message on a greeting card,
online, with form. (Example: Do you live in an apartment? name and address on an
appropriate language Yes, etc.) envelope, an email address,
and layout. etc.)
(Example: write a • Writing a variety of simple text types, using
greeting on a birthday the appropriate language and layout: I.EFL.2.20.1.
card, name and Learners can write
address on an • Listen to a URL address and write it down. information in a simple
envelope, a URL for (Example: www.cambridge.org, etc.) survey form or questionnaire,
a website, an email • Write your own email address or invent one. and can type or write some
address, etc.) (Example: mydog@gmail.com for your pet, simple digital text-types,
etc.) such as a URL and an email
address. (I.3)
• Write a simple print/online message to a friend
6. LESSON 1: Students learn how to: ask and EFL.2.1.9. Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.5.
What’s your tell about weather; identify Communicate to • Role-playing and participating in short Model turn-taking and ways
favorite season? seasons; ask and tell about peers and teacher dialogues. to express to others when
seasons and preferred activities. when something is something is not understood
not understood in • Playing games that practice classroom to improve comprehension
Students learn to: recognize and class through the use language and turn-taking. and/or intelligibility in
PHONICS: pronounce words with the short of simple basic conversations. 6 weeks
Short a, Long a /a/and long /a/ questions. • Singing songs or chants that practice helpful
(a_e, ai, ay) sounds. EFL.2.1.10. language. I.EFL.2.5.1.
Recognize when to Learners can apply turn-
speak and when to • Working in pairs and groups on a small taking and ways to express to
listen while working project. others when something is not
in pairs or small understood in short
groups in class by conversations. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
following classroom
instructions and
simple commands.
EFL.2.3.7. CE.EFL.2.16.
Read and understand Understand the main ideas in
the main ideas in a Reading short simple written texts on
short simple text on a • Identifying the main ideas in a short simple cross-curricular subjects,
cross-curricular topic. cross-curricular text. (Example: Text: short both print and digital.
(Example: art, music, descriptions of towns in Ecuador; Task: circle (Example: art, science,
history, etc.) the correct photo, etc.) music, math, history, etc.)
Show understanding • Reading short simple instructions on a cross- I.EFL.2.16.1.
of some basic details curricular subject and making something. Learners can understand the
in short simple cross- (Example: a sandwich, origami, or a mask, etc.) main ideas and some basic
curricular texts by details from a short simple
matching, labeling, • Studying simple cross-curricular information cross-curricular* text and
and answering simple presented in the form of a graph, diagram, map, successfully complete a
questions. or chart and answering the yes / no questions. simple task, as well as
EFL.2.3.9. (Example: a graph showing how long different acquire subject-specific
Identify the meaning animals live, and answering yes or no to lexis. (I.2)
of specific content- questions about them, etc.)
based words and
phrases, with the aid
of visual support.
Read a variety of
simple text types and
graphic organizers
used to present cross-
instructions, graphs,
diagrams, charts,
plans or maps, etc.)
EFL.2.4.8. CE.EFL.2.20.
Complete a basic Writing Complete a simple survey
survey or a • Having learners complete a short simple form or questionnaire by
questionnaire by questionnaire about themselves. Learners read providing personal details.
providing personal open-ended questions and write the answers on Write a variety of simple
details. the form. (Example: What time do you get up? written text types, used in
EFL.2.4.9. What time do you go to school? At 6 o’clock, print or online, with
Write a variety of etc.) appropriate layout and
short simple text language. (Examples:
types, commonly • Interviewing a partner, asking yes/no message on a greeting card,
used in print and questions and writing yes/no on the survey name and address on an
online, with form. (Example: Do you live in an apartment? envelope, an email address,
appropriate language Yes, etc.) etc.)
and layout.
(Example: write a • Writing a variety of simple text types, using I.EFL.2.20.1.
greeting on a birthday the appropriate language and layout: Learners can write
card, name and information in a simple
address on an • Listen to a URL address and write it down. survey form or questionnaire,
envelope, a URL for (Example: www.cambridge.org, etc.) and can type or write some
a website, an email simple digital text-types,
address, etc.) • Write your own email address or invent one. such as a URL and an email
(Example: mydog@gmail.com for your pet, address. (I.3)