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Revised Lesson Idea 2 Template

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Instructional Software Lesson Idea

Lesson Title Graphing the solution set to a linear inequality in two variables.
Content Algebra 1 & 9th grade students.

Content MGSE9-12.A.REI.12 Graph the solution set to a linear inequality in two

Standards variables.
Technology 1.1.c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
Standards practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways…
1.5.c Students break problems into component parts, extract key information,
and develop descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate
1.6.c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating
or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or
1.7.b Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including
peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from
multiple viewpoints.

Integrated Desmos Activity:

Technology https://teacher.desmos.com/activitybuilder/custom/632129d35bcf105c64ceea50
Tablet, Laptop, Desktop
Type of Drill and Practice
Software This software allows the teacher to monitor and provide instant feedback that
Feature will inform/improve the students practice and to demonstrate their learning in a
variety of ways. This technology will also allow students to work
collaboratively with others inside or outside of the classroom. Their results are
shown instantly so working amongst peers in real time is efficient.
Reference or This lesson was created with Desmos customs activities. As the teacher for this
Supporting prepared assignment, the questions, inequalities, screens and templates were
Resources created by the educator.

Bloom’s Remembering: Do students remember how to graph inequalities?

Taxonomy Understanding: Do students understand the relationships between the two
Levels variables and what the graph is telling them?
Applying: Can students graph the function given the inequality?
Analyzing: Can students analyze what the behavior of the graph is based on the
Evaluating: Can students solve for the x and y variables to graph the inequality
Creating: Can students create a inequality given the graph, and vice versa?
Integration Level 3: Infusion
Universal This Desmos activity is designed so that it can support the needs for all
Design students to succeed. I enjoy this activity because it allows for students to
Rationale optimize their learning to their needs. While this activity is given through
Desmos on a device (laptop, tablet, or computer) students can choose how they
will complete the assignment. Inputting answers and values onto the device
may be difficult for some, so printing out the pages and having students write
their solutions down on paper with pen and pencil is viable. There could also
be a mixture of both, having students be able to access the activity on a device
but still write down their responses on a piece of paper. All these different
variations still include student engagement with one another, allowing for
universal design rationale.
Lesson Idea As mentioned before, this activity is a drill and practice. Teachers will assign
this assignment to every student for them to work individually or
collaboratively. They will be actively looking at student’s responses to provide
immediate feedback, usually on right/wrong answers for student clarification.
For students, they will work independently or with their peers, to solve each
question to the best of their ability. They will be able to demonstrate their
knowledge using Desmos in terms of mathematics and technology.

The project will be introduced as a review lesson for the upcoming quiz they
will be taking. This assignment should take roughly 10 minutes. Their learning
will be assessed as the teacher will provide immediate feedback on their
responses. As the teacher go through each students work, they will be able to
use this information to see where the student’s understanding is to differentiate
learning and creating the quiz. I will extend the student learning to a higher
learning level by having them submit what they do not understand and what
they could do to improve on. By doing this, they will have completed a exit
ticket as the lesson is concluded. Using all their questions and misconception, I
will discuss what the universal problem is for the classroom, and make my
quizzes based that information.
Design These activities create a huge impact on student learning. It helps both the
Reflection teacher and students understand where they are at academically in the current
unit. Whether the assignment is an introductory activity, a understanding
check, a review, it all has purposes to help the students grow. An introductory
activity may include questions that students do not know the answer to but is a
good way for teachers to figure out where the students are currently at. My
assignment was a review, I believe that I could have made the assignment
longer to fully gauge where the student’s understanding is at. However, my
view was that students should already have an understanding and be prepared
for the quiz. There could include high tech tools for students who are struggling
with text-to-speech and accommodate any student’s needs.

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