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Ihc Membership Form

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Indian History Congress

One self-attested copy

of the applicant’s
photograph to be pasted
(for office use only) here.
Application for
Initial/ Institutional /
Life Membership* Membership No. ………………………
(See the Eligibility Conditions and Procedure overleaf before filling up this Form)

All applicants may please sign the declaration overleaf.

Initial Membership Fee : Rs. 300/-

Renewal Membership Fee : Rs. 250/-
Institutional Membership Fee : Rs. 1200/-
Life Membership Fee : Rs. 5000/-

Payment for membership will be accepted only through DD

1. Name in full (Capital letters)…………………………………………………………………………

2. Academic qualifications (**)………………………………………………………………….……..
3. List of publications, if any (Attach separate sheet, if necessary)…………………………………….
4. Occupation/ Academic Designation, and Institutional Name and Address, if employed……………
5. Date of birth / /
Note: Members applying for Life membership need not fill column nos. 2, 3, 4 & 5 but should give their
Ordinary membership No. ......................................... Initial Date of Membership / /

6. Address for correspondence (Capital letters only) ……………………………………………………......

……………………………………………………… PIN…………… State………….……………
7. Email ID: ………………………………………………………………………………….
8. Contact No: …………………………Mobile:…………………………………………….

9. MO/ DD Amount Rs.: ……………….. MO/ DD No. ……………………………..……..

DD Drawn on (Bank Name & Address)…..…………..………………………………………….….

Note: Demand Draft is to be enclosed with the form, and to be drawn in favour of “Indian History Congress”,
payable at Delhi.

10. For Initial Membership

Proposed by (Name with Address)…………………………………………....………………………..…..
Years of Membership…………………….… Membership No…………………………………………….
Seconded by (Name with Address)……………..……………………………...………...…………………
Years of membership …………….....….. Membership No …………………………...…………………..

Applicant’s Signature ..................................................................................... Date / /

* Strike out whichever is not applicable. Ordinary membership has to be renewed annually. Non members
cannot apply for Life Membership. Only those who have taken Annual Membership for 3 consecutive years
are eligible for Life Membership.
** See Eligibility Conditions overleaf.

 Institutions applying for membership should fill columns Nos. 1 & 6 only.
 Last Date for Initial Membership Enrolment is 31st October, 2022.
 Last Date for Renewal & Life Membership Enrolment is 30th November,
Eligibility Conditions For Initial Membership
An application for initial membership will be accepted if the applicant (a) holds at least a post-graduate degree in History or is
undertaking research leading to M.Phil./Ph.D. degree in an allied field; or (b) has published a book or an academic paper on a
historical theme (full reference to be provided).
The Secretary is authorized to reject an application if none of the above criteria is met, or for any other reason, provided that an appeal for review of
the decision may be made by the applicant to the Executive Committee, which may consider it either at its next meeting or by correspondence.

I, ...................................................................................., hereby declare that the particulars given in this application are correct to the
best of my knowledge.

Date / / (Signature of the Applicant)

Documents For Initial Enrolment

Self-attested copies of documents in support of the eligibility conditions specified above; two self-attested photographs (passport-size).
Membership is to be proposed and seconded by existing Annual or Life Members on this form. Only such members of the Congress as are
eligible for holding office and participating in its Business Meetings under Clause 5 (b) of the Constitution can propose or second an
application for initial membership.

Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.

For any queries, send an email to: queries.ihc2018@gmail.com
Please post this form with requisite enclosures to:

Prof. Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan

Indian History Congress
Room No. 306, Centre for Historical Studies,
SSS – III, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi - 110067
Email: secretary.ihc.2018@gmail.com
Website: www.indianhistorycongress.com

Any dispute regarding membership will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Delhi.

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