XYplorer Help
XYplorer Help
XYplorer Help
File manager for Windows 11, Server 2022, 10, Server 2019, Server 2016, Windows
8.1, 8, Server 2012, 7, Server 2008, Vista, XP, Server 2003; 32-bit and 64-bit
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the
written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the
respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this
document or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and
the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused
directly or indirectly by this document.
Table of Contents
Foreword 7
Part II Configuration 16
1 Configuration
Dialog 16
2 Multilingual
Support 123
3 Keyboard
Shortcuts and Mouse Tricks 126
14 Dual...................................................................................................................................
Pane 335
15 Sync...................................................................................................................................
Folders 336
16 Labels,
Tags, Comments, and Extra Tags 338
17 Catalog
................................................................................................................................... 347
18 Click...................................................................................................................................
and Search 355
19 Status
Bar 358
20 Status
Bar Buttons 360
21 Info ...................................................................................................................................
Panel 362
Properties Tab
.......................................................................................................................................................... 362
Version Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 364
Meta Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 365
Preview Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 365
Raw View Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 373
Tags Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 374
Find Files Tab
.......................................................................................................................................................... 375
Report Tab .......................................................................................................................................................... 408
22 Preview
................................................................................................................................... 411
23 Floating
Preview 412
24 Preview
Pane 418
25 Search
Templates 420
26 Branch
View 422
27 Dark...................................................................................................................................
Mode 425
28 Ghost
Filter 427
29 Paper
Folders 429
30 Folder
View Settings 434
31 Custom
File Icons 438
32 Customize
Keyboard Shortcuts 443
33 Custom
Context Menu Commands 446
34 Custom
Drag'n'Drop Context Menu 450
35 Copying
files with XYplorer 454
36 Rich...................................................................................................................................
Copy 456
37 Backup
................................................................................................................................... 458
38 Undo/Redo
................................................................................................................................... 460
39 Recycle
Bin 464
40 Portable
Devices 466
9 Startup
Settings 787
10 Variables
................................................................................................................................... 789
11 Tweaks
................................................................................................................................... 797
Index 805
Foreword 7
This manual describes installation and usage of the
XYplorer file manager for Windows.
Getting Started
Getting Started / 9
1 Getting Started
XYplorer is a file manager for Windows. It features tabbed browsing, a powerful file search, a versatile
preview, a highly customizable interface, optional dual pane, and a large array of unique ways to
efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. It's fast, light, and portable.
If you need further assistance, would like to share an experience or a suggestion, you are always
welcome to the XYplorer User Forum, where you will find friendly and competent support.
Enjoy XYplorer!
System Requirements
Operating Systems: Windows 11, Server 2022, 10, Server 2019, Server 2016, 8.1, 8, Server 2012, 7,
Server 2008, Vista, XP, Server 2003; 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
XYplorer is portable. It doesn't require any "installation" in the proper sense, and using it does not
change your system or registry. You can run it directly from your USB drive, and you can have as many
parallel "installations" as you wish.
Note: No matter which package you use, Install or No-Install, running XYplorer does not change your
system or registry at any time.
XYplorer.exe Application
XYplorer.chm Help
Uninstall.exe Uninstaller
A program group "XYplorer" will be created under "Programs" in your Start menu, containing four icons.
The file Startup.ini contains information about the Application Data Path. By default this path is set to
%appdata%\XYplorer which on a typical system (with English locale) is resolved to C:
\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\XYplorer\ (Win 8 and later).
Note that Startup.ini can be manually edited and will not be overwritten on a subsequent installation.
No further files are added anywhere to your system, and nothing will be put into the registry but
uninstall information.
None. I.e. none that's not part of Windows anyways.
Just in case (only if the program does not start at all): The required VB6 runtime files can be found at
this URL: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyId=7B9BA261-7A9C-43E7-9117-
Digital Signatures
From v11.40.0100 onwards: To ensure origin and integrity of the download all executable files (.EXE
files) are digitally signed by "Cologne Code Company e.K." (before v18.90.0132 that was "Donald
Lessau"). Make sure to check the digital signatures. Do not install or use a copy of XYplorer where the
digital signatures are missing or not valid.
12 XYplorer Help
If you find that XYplorer does not meet your needs you can easily remove it from your computer.
Automatic Uninstall
If you installed XYplorer via the Installer Package (e.g. XYplorer_18.00_Install.exe), you'll find an icon
"Uninstall" in the program group created during installation. Click this icon to run the uninstall interface.
Alternatively uninstall XYplorer from the Windows Control Panel.
Manual Uninstall
Alternatively you can simply delete XYplorer's application folder and its application data folder (if
If you go this way then -- before removing the application -- you should take care to clean the registry
in case you have enabled any of the settings in Configuration | Shell Integration. In that case simply
uncheck these checkboxes:
Configuration | Shell Integration | Default File Manager | XYplorer in shell context menu
Configuration | Shell Integration | Default File Manager | XYplorer is default file manager
Getting Started / Glossary 13
1.3 Glossary
AB Address Bar
AC Access Control
AL Action Log
BV Branch View
CC Custom Columns
CF Color Filters
CL Column Layouts
DM Dark Mode
DP Dual Pane
FP Floating Preview
GF Ghost Filters
HB Hover Box
IP Info Panel
KS Keyboard Shortcuts
MT Mini Tree
MUT Multi-User-Tagging
PF Paper Folders
PP Preview Pane
PT Preview Tab
QS Quick Search
RB Recycle Bin
SB Status Bar
SC Scripting Command
TB Toolbar
UB User Buttons
UR Undo/Redo
VF Visual Filters
Special Terms
Location term: Every term that is accepted by the Address Bar, e.g. a path, a file, a quick search, a
visual filter, a quick script, a dos command, an alias, a Jump and Spot pattern, Quick Select pattern.
Location port: Any interface that accepts a location term, e.g. Address Bar, Catalog, Favorites, Go To
dialog, Scripts.
16 XYplorer Help
2 Configuration
Configuration Dialog
Open the Configuration dialog by menu Tools | Configuration (F9). The dialog is organized into various
General: Tree and List - Sort and Rename - Refresh, Icons, History - Menus, Mouse, Usability - Custom
Event Actions - Safety Belts, Network - Controls & More - Startup & Exit
Colors and Styles: Colors - Highlights & Dark Mode - Styles - Color Filters - Fonts - Templates
Information: Tags - Custom Columns - File Info Tips & Hover Box - Report & Data
Find and Filter: Find Files & Branch View - Filters & Type Ahead Find
At the bottom of the dialog you find the following buttons (and their keyboard shortcuts):
Help (F1)
Opens the Help file at the currently opened section of the dialog.
Shows an alphabetically ordered list of all settings available in the Configuration dialog, along with a
live filter box. From there you can jump directly to a setting to check or modify it. The jump targets are
highlighted (where possible -- buttons cannot be highlighted) and focused. If the list shows only one
item OK will trigger it even if it is not selected.
Apply (Ctrl+S)
Obviously any settings that are applied using the Apply button cannot be undone anymore by the
Cancel button.
Settings that affect the Configuration dialog itself (e.g. Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts |
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 17
Buttons and Labels) are not applied to the dialog. This needs a close and reopen of the dialog.
OK (Enter)
Cancel (Esc)
Show/Hide the Links folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
The Links folder is functionally quite similar to the "Favorites" folder in Explorer and shows the same
items: all and only *.LNK files located in %userprofile%\Links (any other things in this location are
ignored). Like in Explorer the Links folder can feature links to folders, to files (documents, photos, etc),
and to programs:
On clicking a file link you jump the file's folder in the Tree, and then to the file in the List (Explorer is
different here: it will open the file).
You can drop items onto folder links (the items are copied or moved to the location).
You can as well drop items onto program links (the items are opened by the program).
The expansion state of the Links folder is remembered between sessions. The Links inside the Links
folder are also accessible via the Breadcrumb Bar.
Show/Hide the Desktop folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
Show/Hide the Documents folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
Show/Hide the Downloads folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
Show/Hide the User folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
18 XYplorer Help
This special folder points to the current user's profile folder (CSIDL_PROFILE).
Show/Hide the Network folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
Show/Hide the Recycle Bin folder right under the Computer node in the Tree.
If e.g. the Desktop node is hidden then special paths like "Desktop" will not work anymore in the
special way but will be auto-resolved to their real file system path.
The Mini Tree does not really care about these settings but shows and hides what you tell him to show
and hide.
Uncheck this box if you want to reduce hardware access to rarely used Floppy drives (A: and B:).
Check to show drives that Explorer and other file managers do not show because they are marked as
Uncheck if you don't want to see hidden system folders like "System Volume Information" and
"Recycler" or files like "C:\boot.ini" or "desktop.ini". Operations on these items are often disallowed by
the system or dangerous.
If hidden, those items won't also be found by a search. They will, however, be contained in folder
reports and backups.
Unchecking this checkbox will hide all items with the SYSTEM attribute set (regardless of the HIDDEN
attribute and the setting of the "Show hidden..." checkbox).
If hidden, those items won't also be found by a search. They will, however, be contained in folder
reports and backups.
Tick this box to hide all items (file and folders) that have the HIDDEN and the SYSTEM attribute both
set. This setting overrules the settings "Show hidden files and folders" and "Show system files and
folders" if both are ticked.
Show junctions
Uncheck to hide junctions (items with the REPARSE_POINT attribute set). The factory default is
unchecked. This command has mainly been added to get rid of the plethora of junctions in Win7.
Note that in the folder tree, on hovering a junction the tooltip displays the Junction Target.
Tick it to show Portable Devices and their contents in Tree and List.
When you go to a folder by any means apart from using the Tree, this setting controls whether it auto-
expands in the Tree. The effect is suppressed though in MiniTree (to keep it mini!).
When enabled any non-expanded tree node with child nodes will expand on a single click.
Auto-optimize tree
Check to automatically collapse non-current nodes in Tree. Auto-optimize sets in when you expand the
current tree node, or when you change location via tab switch or pane switch.
If turned ON then all freshly displayed tree folders are checked for any contained subfolders (and
depending on the result a "+" is display in front of them, or not). If OFF then it is simply assumed that
subfolders exist, and the "+" icon is set unconditionally. Turning it OFF will speed up browsing the tree
Turn it OFF to have the speed booster only where it is really needed: on slow drives (high-latency
Tick it to remember which nodes are expanded in the Maxi Tree (the Mini Tree state is remembered
anyway ever since).
The tree state is retained across sessions and also when switching between Maxi and Mini Tree. It
also works with a Locked Tree. Also the scroll position is remembered. So now you have a pretty good
chance that you find your tree exactly as you left it last time (unless another application changed the
folder structure). Of course, recreating the tree does involve additional browsing, so the startup time
20 XYplorer Help
Tick it to show special display names (that differ from the real path name) for certain tree folders in
non-English Windows installations.
When you inline rename a folder with a localized name, the real name is used instead.
These localized folder names are currently only provided for the tree.
If ticked then the focus jumps to the parent of the moved folder when the moved folder was the
focused folder. If unticked the focus stays with the moved folder.
Check it to always select the parent of a deleted folder. If unchecked the next sibling is selected (if
there is any, otherwise the parent is selected).
Selecting a folder right in the tree does *not* trigger the auto-move. It would just drive you crazy.
Near the bottom of the tree it might not be possible to bring the folder up to the top. That's tree
physics you got to live with.
The setting of "Configuration | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Scroll margin" is honored, so you
can have the folder auto-moved e.g. to the 3rd row of the view if you like.
Tick it to have the last used subfolder within the current folder auto-selected. Applies only when going
back, forward, up or down.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 21
Tick it to auto-select the first list item when entering a new folder. Does not overrule Select last used
Tick it to auto-select the next item in the file list after the current item has been deleted or moved
away. If the current item is the last item, then of course not the next but the previous item is auto-
Tick it to have new items added at the end of the list. Untick it to have new items added where they
belong according to the current sort order.
Tick it to show folder sizes directly in all file lists. Of course, with large and deeply nested folders, this
slows down the file browsing considerably, especially on a first browse of that folder. So, use it with
care... or press ESC to abort the endless counting of bytes.
Tip 1: There is also a list style Show Folder Sizes, which gives you more control because you can
enable it individually per tab, or per folder (via Folder View Settings).
Tip 2: There is also the command Calculate Folder Sizes (Shift+F5) in menu View if you need the
folder sizes in the current listing now. You can have this as a toolbar button as well.
Tick this to also show folder sizes for network locations. This can take a long time on slow drives (high-
latency networks).
Calculating Folder Sizes takes time. Tick this option to cache the results of the calculation for each
folder, so that the size does not have to be calculated again.
If folder size caching is enabled, it's still not used on all occasions. The main idea of the cache is to
speed up browsing, but in other contexts exactness is more important than speed. Here is when/how
the cache is actually used:
Further Notes:
22 XYplorer Help
How to refresh the cache for certain folders: Simply use menu "View | Calculate Folder
Sizes" (Shift+F5). This command will refresh the cache for all selected folders, or for all folders in the
list if none is selected.
When freshly calculating a folder size not only this folder's size but also the sizes of its direct child
folders are auto-added to the cache. This allows for quickly going down to the next level, and
propagates fresh values one level down when refreshing folder sizes. Additionally any subfolders
containing more than 256 items (recursively) are auto-added to the cache.
Folders cached as "Empty" will always be re-calculated when showing the folder sizes. If they are
still empty the costs for this are minimal, and if they are not empty anymore it's really good to know.
So when you see "Empty" you can pretty much rely on it since the information is freshly harvested.
Removable drives are excluded from Folder Size Caching. The variable drive letters don't play well
with the implementation of caching.
The cache stays alive when you turn off showing folder sizes.
The cache stays alive across sessions (it is stored in the file fsc.dat in the XYplorer application data
The cache is auto-updated when you rename a cached folder within XYplorer.
NOTE: When the size or number of items in a folder changes the cache is not auto-updated! So it
can and will become stale with time. If that's too risky for you do not enable folder size caching!
To reduce the risk of falling into the stale cache trap a tilde (~) is prefixed to every folder size when
caching is enabled.
How to clear the cache: The context-menu of the Size column has two commands available:
Clear Folder Size Cache Here: It will remove the current list path and all its subfolders (i.e. the
complete current branch) from the Folder Size Cache.
Clear Folder Size Cache Everywhere...: It will clear the whole cache (not just the cache for the
currently listed folders).
Note that the clearing is only done in memory, not to disk. So even after clearing it you can still
return to your saved cache by choosing "File | Restart without Saving".
Tick it to avoid automatic folder size calculation. Only folder sizes already present in the cache are
displayed in the list, no automatic (and probably time-consuming) calculation will kick in.
Note that you still can explicitly trigger a calculation by View | Calculate Folder Sizes (Shift+F5) or by
"Calculate Folder Sizes" from the Size Column Context Menu. The freshly calculated sizes are then
added to the cache.
Check it to also show the number of items in each folder in the list's Size column (if folder sizes are
Show Size (total contents bytes sum), Size on disk and Contents for folders on the Properties tab.
This feature has to be explicitly activated in configuration since for large deeply nested folders it takes
some time to gather this info.
Note: Folder size calculation is not triggered on startup to avoid an undesired slowdown.
Sort method
Binary: Results in a sort order based on comparisons of the internal binary representations of the
characters as determined by the active code page.
A!=a, A<B<a<b, 1<12<2
Natural: Results in a textual sort order, except that multi-digit numbers are ordered according to
their numeric value. Also known as "intuitive filename sorting".
A==a, 1<2<12
Check this to make XYplorer behave like Explorer in sorting folders apart from files. Uncheck it if you
want everything in one alphabet.
24 XYplorer Help
Check it to keep the folders at the top of the list always (independently of the sort order and column).
Tick it to have the folders always sorted by name in ascending order. Especially useful if also "Keep
folders on top" is ticked.
Note that "Mixed sort on date columns" will overwrite this setting for the Date columns.
Check to use a mixed sort (mix folders and files when sorting) always on the Date columns.
Check to use a mixed sort (mix folders and files when sorting) always on the columns Label, Tags, and
Check to use a mixed sort (mix folders and files when sorting) always on the columns Path (Search
Results) and Original Location (Recycle Bin).
Check it to sort filenames primarily by base, secondarily by extension. Note that Windows Explorer
always sorts by full name (base + extension). For example:
Allows you to control the default sort order for certain column types in List.
If checked then the current item (the item that's focused and selected) stays in view (if possible) after
the list is resorted. And not only in view, but -- again: if possible -- exactly in the same place in the
viewport. So your eyes don't have to go on a trip looking for it.
This setting is ignored if there are no selections in the list. In that case what happens after sorting is
controlled by Scroll to top after resorting following here below.
Tip: If the setting is unticked you still can enforce it by holding CTRL while clicking the column header.
This will even keep the current item in view when it is not selected, so CTRL gives you even a little
more power than the config setting.
If checked the list is auto-scrolled to top when you change the sort order. Additionally, if there are no
selections in the list, the focus is auto-shifted to the top item. Note that the option is honored only
when no current item is kept in view due to an enabled Keep current item in view after sorting (in
other words, the latter setting takes precedence).
Tick it to have sort headers (column headers) also in non-Details views, e.g. in Thumbnails. You can
click the column headers to sort the list by this column.
Note that in views "Small Icons", "List", and "Tiles" you can modify the column width by resizing the
Name column header.
Tick it to show the implicit secondary sort order (if any) by a very light small sort arrow.
Preselect name
Tick it hide extensions from the inline rename box. Can be quite useful to have them out of the way.
Very rarely you want to change the extension of a file anyway.
While renaming the extension is shown at the right end of the edit box.
There is still a way to modify the extension: While the rename box is open, and nothing is selected,
26 XYplorer Help
and the cursor is at the right end, you can press the Right Arrow key (alternatively the End key) to
"move" the extension into the rename box. So, to quickly rename the extension while "Hide extensions
from rename edit box" is enabled you can press the sequence F2 - Right - Right or F2 - End - End.
Check it to use the cursor keys UP and DOWN to go to the next and previous file while renaming them.
Additionally, the current caret position (e.g., your caret is at the 8th letter) is kept if possible (if the
filename is long enough), so renaming files in a list now is almost like moving and typing around in a
multi-line text block. Very intuitive and convenient!
Serial Rename is only invoked if nothing is selected in the current rename box.
Serial rename by (Shift+)Tab key is always enabled by design, independently of the above.
Serial Rename is also supported in various lists under Tools | List Management and all other small
lists where items can be renamed.
In thumbnails views with more than one caption line you can use PageUp/PageDown for serial
Tick it to have a little info box at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of
the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full path.
The full path length is that of the real path without trailing backslash, for example:
Tree path: Desktop\sub\
Measured path: C:\Users\Donald\Desktop\sub
The info box turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters without any
trailing backslash).
A red alert icon is shown in the box when the new filename is invalid (e.g. "Test>.txt", "con", "lpt1").
Tick it to use a dialog instead of the usual inline rename in Tree and List.
Note that the setting only affects the F2 rename; the slow double-click will always open the inline
A cute little time saver that enables you to move-on-rename files or folders in one go right from the file
list. Simply enter a relative (to the current path of the file!) or absolute path\[name] into the inline
rename box (F2) in the file list, and move-on-rename will happen. If the target folder doesn't exist yet
it is created on the fly.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 27
For example, select a file in the file list and enter this into the rename box:
C:\1\2\3\new.png = Move file to C:\1\2\3 renaming it to new.png. If "C:\1\2\3\" does not exist it is
stuff\new.png = Move file one down to subfolder "stuff" renaming it to new.png. If "stuff" does not
exist it is created.
You can also move a file or folder without renaming it. Simply select the rename box, and enter a path
with a trailing slash:
Or create a new folder and paste Parent\Child into the fresh rename box: The relative path
"Parent\Child" is created in the current path.
Note that there is Batch Move, a move-on-rename for many files at once.
Tip: If Show name length while renaming is enabled a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when
the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename.
Check to show a preview for each of the Rename Special operations, including detection of possible
If ticked then invalid characters in pasted or typed input are replaced by the character defined at
Character to replace invalid characters in dropped messages (in Templates). If no character is
defined then the invalid input is simply ignored.
Applies to inline rename in Tree and List as well as to dialog based rename (see above Use dialog to
rename single items).
Resorts list after single and batch renames, and scrolls focused item into view.
Note that on Serial Rename (using the Tab key) the list will not be auto-resorted after each rename
operation even if you checked "Resort list immediately after rename" in Configuration | Tree and List. It
would be extremely confusing if the list resorted between each rename. The list will also not be auto-
resorted if the current sort order is manual or random.
Also when a single rename is triggered by focus loss (e.g. when you click outside the rename box) the
list does not auto-resort because, again, it might lead to confusion.
28 XYplorer Help
So, a single rename (aka inline rename) should be completed by pressing [Enter] in order to invoke an
immediate resort.
Tick to set the Archive attribute on all recursive contents a renamed folder. This allows backup
operations by programs like XCOPY to decide what has to be backed up.
The above rename dialog as well as inline rename in Tree and List support the following
Multiline Paste: You can paste multiline clipboard contents into the edit box. The line feeds are
replaced by a space before pasting, so all lines go into the edit box.
Automatic refresh (of tree and list) on file system changes. You don't need to press F5 (Refresh)
anymore to get a fresh impression of reality.
Auto-refresh network locations as well, including mapped network drives. Unticking this option will
speed up network access on some systems.
Auto-refresh removable drives as well. Applies to USB sticks, thumb drives, flash card readers, and the
like, but NOT to floppies (which are excluded from all auto-refresh).
Check to auto-refresh the Tree and current List while file operations triggered within XYplorer are in
Tip: File operations will generally run faster if you do not enable this setting because the permanent
refreshing takes time.
Tick it to automatically refresh Tree and List on file system changes anywhere.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 29
Depending on your system this can lead to more refresh events than you might like or need.
Tip: If you don't need that refresh on Portable Device plug in/out then untick "Detect portable
devices". Your tree will be calmer.
Enable it to obtain specific icons (e.g. for ICO files) from the shell icon cache. It's faster than accessing
the files each time.
Generic icons are determined by the extension (or type) of a file only, and not by its specific contents
and hence need no file access to be determined, which makes retrieving them much faster, especially
in network locations.
Note that only the following file types can have specific icons (which typically but not necessarily are
embedded icons), so only files of these types will show different icons when you enable the use of
generic icons: folders and *.exe *.lnk *.ico *.icl *.cur *.ani *.htm(l) *.url.
But only in network locations: Since the effects will be most notable in network locations, there is a
second option that allows you to confine the use of generic icons to network locations.
Apply to all controls: Tick it to have super-fast generic icons everywhere (Catalog, Status Bar,
Properties, various other lists), not just in the file list. Note that the Toolbar is an exception and will
always show specific icons for Droppable User Buttons (DUB).
Show icon overlays (as for example used by TortoiseSVN, a Subversion client, implemented as a
Windows shell extension).
Note for TortoiseSVN users on x64: You can install both the 32 and 64-bit version side by side. This will
enable the TortoiseSVN features also for 32-bit applications like XYplorer.
Note that icon overlays are not retrieved for (UNC or mapped) network locations. Reason: Retrieving
icons slows down network browsing even if there are no overlays to be found, and the latter is quite
likely the case.
In tree as well
Tick to show icon overlays also in the folder tree. The idea of this refined control is that polling the icon
30 XYplorer Help
overlays can take a long time for a large tree and slow down startup considerably. But you might need
those overlays only for the list.
Tick to show icon overlays also in network locations. Note that this can slow down network browsing
Show standard icon overlays for LNK files, junctions, and symbolic links in Tree and List.
Show standard icon overlays for shared folders in Tree and List.
If enabled then any embedded icons are extracted from the following file types:
Note that this operation updates the last accessed date of a file.
This option makes the history work very similarly to an MRU (most recently used) list. Differences to the
normal history:
History per Tab means that Back and Forward move within each tab's individual history, as opposed to
the global history over all tabs.
(1) Back and Forward (Toolbar buttons and Keyboard Shortcuts) are confined to each tab's individual
(2) The Back and Forward buttons's "arrow drop-downs" are confined to each tab's individual history.
(3) In Tools | List Management | History... those history items belonging to the current tab are
shown bold.
(4) If History without duplicates (see above) is enabled then duplicates on different tabs are
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 31
The per-tab-data are saved between sessions. They are even maintained and saved if you untick
History per Tab. So you can enable it at any time and get the desired functionality right away.
If checked the selected items are stored with the History. If you return-by-history to a location you
have visited during the current session, the location's previous selections are restored. The selections
are NOT remembered between sessions. Factory default is OFF because it can take quite some
If checked the sort order is stored with History. If you return-by-history to a location you have visited
during the current session, the location's previous sort order is restored.
Check to show a couple of custom items at the top of the shell context menu of List items.
The buttons "Folder Tree..." and "File List..." allow you to further refine which custom context menu
items you want to see in the Tree or List.
Check to have a clean context menu without all those funky shell extensions. For purists only.
Check this option if you prefer to see XYplorer's custom drag and drop context menu instead of the
shell's original one. The custom menu has an entry called "Shell Context Menu..." which allows you to
show the shell menu from the custom menu.
Tip: If you hold CTRL while releasing the right mouse button the the effect of this setting is inverted.
32 XYplorer Help
That way you can easily switch between both drag and drop context menus without going first to
Configuration. If you don't like the current menu hold CTRL to show the other one.
Check to have the items Up, Back, and Forward in the List's context menu.
Check to have the Find Files section from menu Edit in the List's context menu.
Untick to pop the Cell Context Menu by a simple right-click without holding CTRL. That way the new
cell-oriented functions are more easily accessible.
If unticked you still can pop the standard Edit context menu by holding CTRL (or by "rocker-click": hold
the left mouse button down and then right-click simultaneously).
Tick it to use localized terms (eg "Taille: 1 Ko" instead of "Size: 1 KB") when triggering a Live Filter or
Quick Search from the cell context menu.
Tick it to open list items by a left button single click. It will trigger the same action as if you double-
clicked the item. The action is triggered on MouseUp.
Note: In Thumbnails view Single Click Open works only if Mouse Down Blow Up (On left mouse down) is
OFF, else both features would conflict.
Tick it to have the single-click work only on the icon, not on the caption. That way you can still select an
item by clicking the caption.
Point to select
Tick it to enable the Select On Hover mode: A list item is selected (and focused) when you hover it.
The delay is controlled by "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Initial delay in
Tip: Untick "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show info tips only when hovering
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 33
file icon" so you still can see file info tips and Hover Box when hovering the caption of an item.
Tick it to have "Point to select" work only on the icon, not on the caption. That way you can still hover
the caption without triggering selection.
Tick it to select an item in the file list not only by clicking the icon or caption but the whole Name
column. Works in views Details, Details with Thumbnails, List, and Small Icons. Also the right-click and
dbl-click will do what they normally do only on the caption. The effect is confined to left and middle click.
That way right-click on empty space will still trigger the empty space context menu.
Note that drag-select still can be initiated in List and Small Icons views when you start it in the empty
area of the Name column of a non-selected item.
The setting affects the hot zone of File Info Tips & Hover Box. When this option is enabled, this zone is
not limited to the label itself, but includes the entire width and height of the Name cell.
Tick it to scroll through the list views (Details through Details with Thumbnails #1) of the active pane
by Ctrl+Wheel over the active pane's list (WheelDown=Next View, WheelUp=Previous View).
If this new option is enabled then logically "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Enable zoom
by Ctrl+mouse wheel" won't work over the active pane's list anymore.
Tip: There are two keyboard-shortcut-only commands that you can use as an alternative to the mouse
Tick it to highlight the hovered items in Tree, List, Catalog, and all small lists.
Show tooltips
Untick it to hide any tooltips when hovering Toolbars, Tabs, Breadcrumb Bars, Status Bar, or Catalog.
Note that this setting does not affect the File Info Tips (Configuration | Information | File Info Tips &
Hover Box), and other tips inside Tree and List.
Tick it to show what the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers
34 XYplorer Help
It's a radical setting that overwrites all other settings relating to mouse pointing in Tree, List, and
Toolbar. If it is enabled, for example, no more Hover Box is displayed.
Enter a percentage (100 - 400) that will be applied to most tooltips in the main window. Can turn a
tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass.
Scroll margin
Here you can set the distance in lines from top or bottom where scrolling sets in when you move
around in a long list by arrow keys. The scroll margin gives some context to your cursor. It lets you see
where you are going before you go there. Which is quite relaxing. Recommended value is 2.
Affects keys Up, Down, PageUp, and PageDown in Tree and List when there is a vertical scrollbar.
Note that the value also controls where the focused item is positioned when you do Ctrl+Dbl-Click on
the white space (= Scroll focused item into view) in Tree or List.
Here you can set the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated.
The actually scrolled lines will never exceed a whole page. So you can set it to a high value (eg
1000) to always scroll the whole page.
The value -1 is reserved by Windows for "whole page", so that's another way to always scroll the
whole page.
Thumbnails and Tiles: In Thumbnails and Tiles views the wheel does exactly one line per notch
regardless of the main value you set here at Wheel Scroll Lines. However, there is an advanced way to
separately specify the lines-per-notch for Thumbnails and Tiles views: Simply append it to the main
value, separated by ; (semicolon). The default value for the second number is 1. Examples:
perspective of the application, e.g. a double-click on some area of the window, the use of a special
mouse button, a click on a file or a folder, or the change of the current location. Everything here is
organized within a large list with three columns:
Event: The supported events are listed in the left column of the list.
Action: The middle column offer an array of actions for each event, e.g.: None, Go up, Go back, Scroll
to top, Scroll current item into view, Refresh, Run script. Click into the cell to select an action of your
Script: The right column shows the beginning of any script defined for the "Run Script" action. Click
into the cell to edit the script. The column's right-click menu offers some useful commands.
A green dot tells you that a "Run Script" action is enabled and a script is defined. A red dot tells you
that "Run Script" is enabled but no script yet exists to be run.
Keyboard support
Action "Go up": Supports the same keyboard modifications as the "None" action:
Events "Clicking on Line Numbers": Obviously, these events are only available in the Details View
(including Details with Thumbnails), which is the only view with line numbers.
The variables <CEA_ClickedItem> and <CEA_ClickedItems> are available to scripts triggered by "Run
Left-click: Note that you get a 200ms delay before the action is triggered because we have to wait
for a possible double-click before firing the left-click event.
Event "Middle-click on file": Currently implemented only for the file list.
Action "Sticky selection": Click on line number toggles list item selection. With "Sticky selection"
activated you cannot start a lasso selection from the Line Numbers column anymore with that button.
Action "Clicked item context menu": Show a basic (= no shell extensions) shell context menu for the
clicked item. That menu pops faster than the normal shell context menu.
Event "After painting the file list": Is also called after "New Tab" and "Clone Tab", even though the
location is not changed. It is also called on startup for the startup location.
Action "Double-click on line numbers header | Autosize columns now": If you hold down CTRL while
double-clicking, the automatic resizing only applies to the visible rows.
Event "Startup": It is fired when load is complete and the window is visible, right after any command
line script is run.
36 XYplorer Help
Event "Exit": It is fired right before the automatic save settings on exit (if any).
Event "After painting the file list": For example, if you'd like a cup of coffee whenever you change to a
folder called "Desktop" you could place this script into the "After painting the file list" event, and set
the related action to "Run script". The <newpath> variable contains the new location, as you might have
Tip: The <newpathspecial> variable contains the special path if the new location was one (eg
"Documents\Guitar"), otherwise it returns the real path just like <newpath> (eg "C:
Events "Middle-click on folder" and "Middle-click on file": When these events run a script, the
variable <CEA_ClickedItem> is set with the clicked folder or file. It always returns the item without a
trailing backslash, whether file or folder.
Events "Middle-click on folder" and "Middle-click on file": When these events run a script, the
variable <CEA_ClickedItems> (plural!) is set with a |-separated list of all currently selected and clicked
items (you can middle-click multi-selections without losing them). Folders in that list have a trailing
Events in section "Clicking on Status Bar": The variable <CEA_ClickedItem> holds the index of the
clicked Status Bar section (1, 2, or 3).
Tick it to show the Drag Status Box, a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when
hovering over a drop target. It tells you how many items are being dragged, what's the type of
operation (Copy, Move, Create Shortcut, Add to Paper Folder, Right-Drag), and what's the target path.
When exactly one item is dragged the box shows the item name (without path).
Orange = Move
Blue = Copy
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 37
The Drag Status Box is implemented for dragging onto Tree, List, Breadcrumb Bar, Catalog, Tabs, and
If you feel shaky with the mouse this is your safety belt in the folder tree. Note that the right button is
always available for dragging.
If you feel shaky with the mouse this is your safety belt in the file list. Note that the right button is
always available for dragging.
Tick it to pop a confirmation prompt for every left-mouse drag and drop operation. A reliable protection
from accidental drops.
Note: If "Disallow left-dragging from tree and list" is ticked then "Confirm drag and drop" is not
applicable, of course.
Tick it to get a confirmation prompt before any move, copy, or backup operation, be it from clipboard,
drag and drop, or other means.
This setting includes and supersedes "Confirm drag and drop" whose setting is ignored when "Confirm
copy and move operations" is ticked.
Tick it to get an XYplorer native confirmation prompt before any delete operation, be it to recycler or
If only empty folders are deleted then "Empty Folders" is explicitly mentioned in the caption.
Rem arks
Note the differences to the somewhat related setting "Configuration | File Operations | Miscellaneous |
Suppress delete confirmation dialog":
The latter will actively suppress a prompt, but unticking it will not necessarily show the prompt! This
is controlled by Windows global settings (located in the Properties tab of the Recycle Bin context
Of course, if the Windows Delete Confirmation is enabled in the system, AND showing it is NOT
suppressed in XYplorer, then you will be double prompted if "Confirm delete operations" is enabled.
38 XYplorer Help
The XYplorer native confirmation prompt becomes particularly useful when you travel with portable
XYplorer and board an unknown host system where the Windows Delete Confirmation might be turned
off. Then you can easily turn on XYplorer's prompt and be back on the safe side without modifying the
host system.
Deep Stats
The three above safety prompts (Confirm drag and drop, Confirm copy and move operations,
Confirm delete operations) come with the deep recursive stats of the operation that's about to
happen. For example, where Windows just warns you about deleting "1 folder" XYplorer will tell you
how many files will be deleted inside this folder, and how many bytes we are talking about!
Gathering the deep stats might take a little longer if you select lots of folders, but the added safety
makes up for it easily. Besides you will regain the lost seconds because the operation will run faster
after the full stats have been retrieved due to Windows disk read caching.
Delete on key up
If ticked then all commands that delete files are triggered on KeyUp instead of on KeyDown if you use
the keyboard to trigger them. All delete commands including Wipe are affected.
Tick it to allow only copying from, and no other file operations to or from or on any portable device. You
will get a warning message whenever you turn off this option. See also Portable Devices.
Tick this to protect yourself from the so-called "Unitrix Exploit" where certain Unicode characters
(Directional Formatting Codes, DFC) are used maliciously to disguise executables.
For example, U+202E (Right-to-Left Override): If you insert U+202E at the 2nd position of the file "Htxt.
exe" it will be shown as "Hexe.txt" (in *every* Unicode-compliant software), an apparently harmless
TXT file which in reality is a potentially dangerous executable. When you double-click this "TXT" file the
executable will be run.
If you tick "Directional formatting codes protection" then "Hexe.txt" will be shown as "H*!*txt.exe", i.e.
the U+202E character has not been resolved but replaced by "*!*", and the file is clearly recognizable
as executable.
In the Status Bar: each DFC in the current filename is replaced by "*!*".
NOTE: Because DFCs can make the Status Bar unreadable you get this replacement independently of
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 39
Further Remarks:
XYplorer allows you to search for files with such characters in the name. You can paste them into the
Name field (you won't see them but they are there).
The "Convert to ASCII" command in Rename Special is a quick way to remove such characters from a
filename (but, of course, it will remove ALL Unicode characters).
Further information:
If you are browsing the network with this option enabled then the check for existence of servers is
skipped, with two possible effects:
(2) In some rare configurations the checks are not reliable (servers that do exist are not seen), so if
YOU know the servers do exist, you don't need the check and can turn it off.
Note: When skipping the check, password protected servers won't pop up a logon dialog!
Check if you want your servers to be stored between sessions; the Network node in the Tree will be
populated much faster then.
You can edit the cached list in List Management | Servers in Network Folder....
40 XYplorer Help
When you start typing into the field, it shows you a list of items (sorted alphabetically) you've used
before that match what you've typed so far.
Check to have the last used item always at the top position in the drop-down list.
When the list is dropped the mouse selects list items by mere hovering (no mouse buttons pressed).
When the control gets focused by Tab key the current contents are auto-selected.
When the control gets focused by clicking into the edit box the current contents are auto-selected.
When you select a new item from the dropdown list by clicking or pressing [Enter], or you reset the
current temporary item by pressing [ESC], the new edit box contents are auto-selected.
Tick it to auto-select the item in the dropdown list that matches the current item in the edit box (if any)
and scroll it into view (if necessary).
Enable auto-complete paths for Address Bar (also affects the, Go to... dialog) and Find Files Location.
See here for details.
Filter: Here you can choose whether the Auto-Complete match list should contain "Folders only", "Files
only", or "Files and Folders".
Background: In NTFS, the total length can be up to 32,765 characters with each component limited to
254 characters. The Windows Shell, however, doesn't allow overlong filenames (> 260 characters,
including the terminating null character) and Shell functions (e.g. Copying, Moving, Deleting) will fail
with items having overlong filenames. However, since it is possible to create items with overlong
filenames under NTFS, with Explorer you are stuck when meeting such item: You cannot delete,
rename, or move it! Consequently, also XYplorer will fail wherever it uses Shell functions. When
Support overlong filenames is enabled, however, XYplorer will resort to Kernel functions that can deal
with overlong filenames and thus work around the Shell limitations.
Note: XYplorer reports the filename length without the invisible terminating null character, but the
maximum filename length for the windows shell is defined as 260 *including* the terminating null
character. Therefore a filename reported as 260 characters by XYplorer is actually 261 characters for
the shell and hence too long.
Create new files and folders within folders with overlong names.
Drag and drop overlong files, and cut/copy/paste them via clipboard. Note that the move/copy/delete
support for overlong filenames is limited to operations on single items. Note also that the clipboard
(tested on XP) will not handle items > 1027 characters.
Quick File View, Preview Tab, Preview Pane, Floating Preview, Full Screen Preview.
Delete: If at least one of the items selected for deletion has an overlong filename you are
automatically prompted to perform a special delete operation for such overlong items. Note that
these deletions are permanent, they don't go to the Recycle Bin (it doesn't support overlong
Note that the automatic detection only scans the selected items, not any contained items (in
selected folders). If only contained items are overlong, the automatic detection will not see them and
the deletion will fail (shell error message). In that case use the command Delete Long from menu
File to successfully delete the items in question.
All "Copy Here..." commands (menu File), but only for files, not for folders.
42 XYplorer Help
All Backup operations: Note that Backup Operations are not affected by the setting of Support
overlong filenames! They always support overlong filenames.
Tick it to support Volume Labels in path specifications, e.g. TheSystem:\Windows. See Named Drives.
Tick/untick it copy paths from Tree and List to the clipboard with/without a trailing slash.
Resolve junctions
Tick it to automatically resolve junctions when entered through the Address Bar or similar ports
(Catalog, Favorites, Go to ...).
Tick it to directly open files by selecting them from the Favorite Files menu. Custom File Associations
are honored.
Tick it to get a message ("This view is empty.") displayed right in the list when it is empty. There is
some additional information if items are present in the folder but currently not shown.
When ticked and a folder is selected in the list then pasting from clipboard (Ctrl+V) goes into this
folder. Also works in Branch View and Search Results. Of course, the list needs to have the focus.
Tick it to keep currently unavailable drives and folders (on currently unavailable drives) in the Mini Tree.
Factory default is OFF, i.e. on loading a Mini Tree any unavailable drives and folders are silently
removed from the tree.
Tick it to show the embedded version information of executables, DLLs, DRVs, etc. (if they have any)
right in the Status Bar on selecting such a file.
If unticked (factory default and ISO standard) then Monday is the first day of the week.
This setting affects e.g. find files by week and color filters by week.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 43
Here you can set a path that will always be the startup path, even if you closed the app on another
path and saved this other path to the INI file. If "Permanent startup path" is empty then everything is
as it has always been: XYplorer starts where it was closed last time (if "Save settings on exit" is
Tip: Environment variables are supported. E.g. %userprofile%\Desktop. Also relative paths (to
XYplorer.exe) and XYplorer native variables are supported. e.g.: <xydata>\..\...
Note: If XYplorer was closed in Find mode, then the "Permanent startup path" will auto-set the mode
to browse on next startup.
You can state a dual startup path, i.e. a startup path for each pane individually. Both paths should be
separated by a double pipe (||).
General Syntax:
Remember that a conventional single permanent startup path will always overwrite the last path of
the *active* pane (which can be pane 1 or pane 2).
Expand in tree
If checked then the Permanent Startup Path (if any) will be guaranteed to be expanded on next
startup. If unchecked it will only be expanded if on last exit it was the last path and expanded.
Startup pane
Always start with a certain window state, or with the last window state (factory default).
44 XYplorer Help
If checked then a start path given by command line (e.g. "xyplorer.exe e:\") will not overwrite the
current tab (when XYplorer was unloaded last time) but open in a new foreground tab. If the start
path happens to be identical to the current tab's location then, of course, no new tab is opened.
If unchecked, then XYplorer will always re-use any previous instance (and restore it if minimized), even
if no path is passed as command line parameter.
Note that if you use the /ini switch in the command line then you will ALWAYS get a new instance even
if "Allow multiple instances" is unchecked.
Uncheck to re-use an already running previous instance if the new instance is called with a start path
in the command line.
Minimize to tray
When you minimize XYplorer's main window it will be removed from the task bar and its icon will
appear in the system tray.
The tray icon's tooltip is identical to the main window's title bar (and hence also configurable).
Check it to minimize the application to the system tray when using the X close windows button.
Check it to perform a quick online check whether your current version is still up-to-date. If there is a
newer version available you get a message. The check is only performed if you are online already.
Note that if Admin Settings are set to eAPHide_Help_XYOnTheWeb (64), this option is hidden and the
functionality disabled.
Check it to block any network location browsing on startup similar to the (hard-coded) blocking of
searches at startup. This will prevent any delays when starting up on an unavailable network location.
If it is enabled and the last path was on a network location then the next startup will be auto-
redirected to "Computer" (unless you are in Mini Tree mode, which is more tolerant about unavailable
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 45
If ticked then on startup all non-connected mapped network drives are reconnected.
Warning: Note that this can lead to notable delays if the network is unavailable!
Save Settings
Automatically save all the settings when closing the application. This includes saving the current
configuration to the current INI file, and all data settings to the various *.dat files located in the
application data path.
Check to save the most recently used data of History, Tabs, Address Bar and Go To, Visual Filter,
Selection Filter, Rename Special, Opened files in Menu Files | Open, Find Files Patterns and Locations,
Focused Item and Scroll Position of Tabs, and Last Tags. Pick your choices under the Apply To...
button. Note that, of course, those lists are only remembered when you actually save the settings,
either manually or automatically on exit (tick Save settings on exit).
Tabs: Uncheck to clear all tabs on exit, so that only the current tab will be there on the next restart.
With this setting enabled also the last paths of each pane are forgotten and on next start will be
initialized to Computer. If you want to forget the tabs but keep the last paths of each pane use this
tweak: KeepLastPaths=1
Tabsets: This concerns only the MRU lists of tabsets, not the tabsets data themselves, which will
stay on disk, of course, even when the MRU lists are forgotten.
Last Tags: Controls whether the last applied Label, Find by Label, and Tags are remembered across
If ticked then -- when the settings are saved -- the following files are backed up to the folder
<xydata>\AutoBackup before it is modified if the last auto-backup is older than 24h:
Catalog (catalog.dat)
Tags (tag.dat)
A smart little safety precaution to protect you from mishap. These are probably the data files you
would be most sad about losing.
Tick it to immediately write settings to disk in the moment they are changed. Under the adjacent "Apply
to..." button you can define which changes are saved to disk. These options are available:
Catalog (catalog.dat)
Tabs (XYplorer.ini)
Tags (tag.dat)
The assumption here is that changes in these categories are usually meant to be permanent across
sessions, and/or are something you would not like to lose by hazard.
The "Favorites" option includes Favorite Folders, Favorite Files, Highlighted Folders, Boxed Branches.
And since there is no separate disk file for Favorites but they are kept in XYplorer.ini, XYplorer.ini will
be written on changing a favorite.
If Tags is ticked then the tags database is auto-saved also on these conditions (additionally to
tagging proper):
On item copy IF "Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on copy operations" is ticked.
On item backup/sync IF "Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on backup and sync
operations" is ticked.
On item move.
Check it if you don't want to share history and tab data with other configurations. If unchecked then
history and tab data are read from and written to <xydata>\Panes\1 and <xydata>\Panes\2.
Setting Colors
Here you can set foreground and background colors for various interface elements. Click the labels to
set colors via the Windows color selection dialog, or simply paste hex values into the text fields. Right-
click the labels to reset to default colors.
The Selected Rows Color is also used for the background of selected thumbnails. This way selected
thumbnails can be recognized even when "Show Caption" is off.
Tabs | Apply colors: Tick it to actually apply the colors defined above the checkbox.
Tabs | Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar: Tick it to color the selected tab of each pane like the
breadcrumb bar of each pane. It will overwrite the colors in "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors
| Selected Tab Text / Background".
Tabs | Preserve custom colors: Tick it to show any custom tab colors even when the tab is selected
and "Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar" is enabled.
Reset Colors
Zebra Stripes: Alternate Rows (2): Every 2nd 2 rows are highlighted.
Zebra Stripes: Alternate Rows (3): Every 2nd 3 rows are highlighted.
Zebra Stripes: Alternate Rows (4): Every 2nd 4 rows are highlighted.
48 XYplorer Help
Zebra Stripes: Alternate Rows (5): Every 2nd 5 rows are highlighted.
Alternate Groups: Every 2nd group is highlighted. Groups of items are striped depending on the
contents of the sorted column. This gives you immediate visual clues about groups of same file types,
sizes, dates, etc.
Alternate Groups (Smart Names): See below under Highlighted Groups (Smart Names).
Highlighted Groups: Every group is highlighted. This style lets you spot groups (as opposed to
single, non-group items) even easier than style Alternate Groups.
Highlighted Groups (Smart Names): Extra-smartness for Names. For the Name column a smart
algorithm is applied to bring some grouping into this column which otherwise would be without groups.
Grids require "Show Grid" enabled in the file list (menu Tools | Customize List). There is a Toolbar
button for this as well.
Grids are shown only in views "Details" and "Details with Thumbnails".
File Dates (Modified, Created, Accessed, Deleted) are grouped by day (the time part is ignored).
If the list is not sorted by any column no grid is shown on Alternate Groups.
The grid color can be customized using the "Grid" item under "List" in Configuration | Colors.
Here you can choose between various border styles for the main controls (Tree, List, Catalog).
Here you can choose how the selected items are drawn in Tree, List, Catalog, and the small lists all
over the interface.
(1) Windows Themes: This choice is only meaningful in Vista and later because in earlier systems
Windows Themes don't affect selections. Furthermore it is only effective when Themes are
enabled, of course.
If this option is selected and valid, then the color settings of Current Tree Folder and Selected
List Items are ignored.
(2) XYplorer Classic: The selections are drawn as in XP and earlier Windows systems.
Focus rectangle
The focus rectangle is drawn on the focused item of the focused control (folder tree, file list, other
lists). Here you can choose how/if it is drawn: Solid, Dotted, or None.
Here you can define the Selection Text and Selection Background color of selected items in focused
controls. They will overwrite the colors of the XYplorer Classic selection style. If Windows Themes is
the active selection style, they are ignored.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 49
Here you can define the Selection Text and Selection Background color of selected items in non-
focused controls. They will overwrite the colors of the active selection style, be it Windows Themes or
XYplorer Classic.
Here you can define the color used by Tree Path Tracing.
Match color with breadcrumb bar: Tick it to have the Tree Path Tracing in the same color as the
breadcrumb bar of the current pane.
Mark nodes: Tick it to draw a fat square around each node of the current path.
Wide trace: You can as well choose between a slim and a wide style of the highlighting.
Note: To turn on Tree Path Tracing tick menu Tools | Customize Tree | Tree Path Tracing.
Here you can define the color of the Recent Location Pins.
Match color with tree path tracing: Tick it to match the pins color to the current Tree Path Tracing
Maximum number of pins: Here you can define the maximum number of pins to be shown in the tree.
Note: To turn on Recent Location Pins tick menu Tools | Customize Tree | Recent Location Pins.
Dark Mode
Level of darkness (0 is darkest): There are 51 levels of darkness, 0 - 50. The factory default is 25.
Text contrast: There are 31 levels of contrast, 0 - 30. The factory default is 15.
Adaptive colors: Tick it to automatically dim down all brighter colors (selections, filters, etc) to make
them softer on the eye.
50 XYplorer Help
When checked, the list styles are applied globally to all tabs in all panes. Otherwise they are only
applied to the current tab of the active pane.
Note that list styles are not applied from or to tabs pointing to folders that are controlled by Folder
View Settings (FVS), unless source and target tab share the same FVS.
Here you can control which list settings are remembered tabwise, and which are applied (inherited)
cross-tab. The button "Apply to..." allows you to further refine which list properties you want to retain
per tab.
For example, if you would like to have the same sort order in all tabs, but keep the view mode (Details,
Thumbnails...) persistent in each tab, then you would check Remember list settings per tab, and then
in the list under the "Apply to..." button you would check "View Mode" and uncheck "Sort Order".
When checked, the list background color will adapt to the current tree boxed branch color.
Tick it to display any grid semi-transparently, like half-transparent glass. This is probably preferable
when you also ticked "Mirror tree box color in list" right above.
Allows you to further specify the "Highlight Selected Rows" list style: If enabled, all selected rows are
underlined with the color defined in "Selected Row", else all selected rows are fully backlighted with
that color.
Left-clicking an item does not select this item and unselect all others. Instead it moves the focus to
the item, and displays it in the Info Panel, even if it's not selected.
To select/unselect an item you have to click the checkbox. Or start a lasso select by dragging the
mouse with the left button held down.
Moving the focus via arrow keys does not change any selections.
Space key toggles the selection of the focused item (no need to hold CTRL).
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 51
Right-clicking an item focuses and selects it (but leaves any other selections unchanged), then pops
the context menu for all selected items.
Available only for Windows 2000 Professional or later. If unchecked the old-school dotted focus
rectangle is used instead of the translucent selection box.
Line Spacing
Here you can customize the general line spacing in Tree, Catalog, and all lists and drop-downs.
Note that Tree, Catalog, and List support individual line spacing customization on top of this general
one, adjustable by Ctrl+Wheel over the respective control.
Here you can limit the Age display in the List. For example, enter 24 to show the age for all ages <= 24
hours, for larger ages it would show the absolute date (as if "Show Age" was turned off).
You can also enter any of the following values to achieve a logic that comes even closer to the way
humans process age:
Value Meaning
s this second
n this minute
h this hour
d this day (today)
w this week (Monday to Sunday, or Sunday to Saturday) *
m this month
q this quarter of year
y this year
* Depending on Configuration | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Sunday is the first day of the
You can also specify factors with the date units, e.g.:
Value Meaning
1s 1 second
2n 2 minutes
3 3 hours (hour is the default unit)
3h 3 hours
4d 4 days
5w 5 weeks
6m 6 months
7q 7 quarters of a year
8y 8 years
52 XYplorer Help
FYI, here is where Show Age is toggled: Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format | Show Age.
You find it as well in the right-click menu of the Date columns (Modified, Created, Accessed) in the file
Clipboard Markers
Here you can define if and how items are marked that are currently in the clipboard.
Cut and copied items are marked in folder tree and file list.
The markers are always in sync with the clipboard (even if other processes modify its contents).
Dimmed icons
Tick it to show the traditional dimmed icon effect on items that are *cut* to clipboard (no effect on
*copied* items).
Colored lines
Tick it to show the new colored lines effect (orange for cut, blue for copied).
Tick it to lighten the text of all columns in Details view except the Name column.
Tick it to have vertical grid lines in the Details view in all tabs on each pane.
The setting is independent of the horizontal grid (Tools | Customize List | Show Grid).
The vertical grid is painted on top of any other stuff in the list.
Tick it to put the ellipsis in the middle of overflowing filenames, instead of to the end. It's a good option
because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
Tick it to let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns.
Minimum / Maximum Name column width: Here you can specify the minimum and the maximum width
(in pixels) for the Name column when "Autofit the width of the Name column" is enabled. Factory
default for the minimum is 175 pixels. For the maximum it's 0 (zero), which means: there is no
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 53
The Size column is the one with the most variable contents, the one that's typically always either too
wide or too narrow. This option will autosize the Size column when changing locations or switching
tabs or when a new column layout is loaded.
Tick it to mind only the column contents, not the headers (= column captions), when autosizing. Can
save a lot of horizontal space if you have long-named columns with short contents.
Note that a certain minimum width is guaranteed so that you can at least guess what the heading is
saying, especially if the sort icon is also present in the column.
Here you can set the maximum width for auto-sized columns in pixels. Valid inputs are "0" ("unlimited")
up to "9999".
Note that the default setting "0" ("unlimited") is actually limited to 1000 pixels internally.
Here you can define a minimum width for the auto-sized Name column. It won't get smaller than this.
Set it to "0" to not enforce a minimum width.
Sometimes on Autosize Columns the name column springs to a width far beyond the window edge
where you cannot see it anyway, and where you are forced to horizontally scroll the list to enable you
to manually grab the column separator to make it smaller again. What a drag!
Now here you can define a minimal margin from the right window edge. The name column will not go
beyond this margin on Autosize Columns.
Color Filters
See also the main article on Color Filters.
Enable color filters in Tree and List. This is the master control for all settings below.
Check this box to color code items in the List. If you're not in the mood for color you can easily switch
back to black & white, without deleting all your color settings.
Color filters based on name or attributes can also be applied to the Tree.
54 XYplorer Help
Ignore diacritics
Tick it to match Koln with Köln, and vice versa. Applies to name: and dir: filters in Tree and List.
Tick it to apply the text color of a Color Filter only to the Name column. Affects only text-color-only filters
since filters with back colors are only applied to the Name column anyway.
Tick it to give a distinctive shape to each type of filter (name, size, date...), given it has a background
color defined.
Tick it to draw the background colors of a Color Filter as wide as the Name column (or as the thumbnail
space in Thumbnail views). Makes Color Filters more visible, especially with selected items.
In the color filters list you may add as many filters as you like, and define a Text Color and/or a Back
Color for each filter. For details on color filter syntax see the main article on Color Filters.
The checkboxes in the list allow you to in/exclude the filters individually.
The filters are processed from top to bottom: the first match makes it. However, in Details mode, the
first matching filter with backcolor (if any) is displayed combined with the first matching filter without
backcolor (if any).
If a Back Color is defined, it is only drawn behind the item name (not any other columns). The color
block is drawn with a distinctive shape at the right end to immediately hint at the applied Filter Type (
name, attributes, size, date, age...).
Note: When you completely leave out the color definitions (Text/Back), black on pink will be shown as
default color combination. This is also true for SC colorfilter, e.g.: colorfilter("+lent:>12");
Rename a pattern: F2
Tip: To reset text color or back color to the default value, simply hold CTRL when you click the Text
Color or Back Color button.
Tip: Hold CTRL when clicking New to duplicate current item.
Alternatively to the interface in the Configuration window you can edit your Color Filters menu Tools |
List Management | Color Filters...
For your interest, the following filters are provided as factory defaults. They are listed here as copied
from menu Tools | List Management | Color Filters... (Editor Mode) (the leading + means the filter is
activated; the hex numbers are the color codes):
Main Contents: Configure the font (name, size, weight etc.) for Address Bar, Tabs, Tree, Catalog, and
Tip: If you have a wheel you can easily zoom the font by Ctrl+MouseWheel. The "Apply to..." button
opens a checkbox list where you can tick the controls that shall adjust to the font size.
Buttons and Labels: Choose the font (name and size) used for buttons and labels in the main window,
i.e. all elements apart from Address Bar, Tabs, Tree, Catalog, and List. Use font size with care since
larger sizes will surely mess up the layout.
Tip 1: You can control the size of this font using Ctrl+Wheel over the Status Bar. This is not only very
practical but also gives you some intermediate fractional sizes that the standard font dialog does not
Tip 2: The font size here should not be set larger than 10.5 (or rounded 10). Else the layout breaks
and some letters get hard to read.
Regular Expressions: Choose the font (name and size) to be used when entering a Regular
Expression. A fixed space font like Courier makes things more easy here.The size is limited to a
maximum of 12 points, else the application's layout would break. Defaults to "Courier New, 8.25".
56 XYplorer Help
Tip: This special setting is implemented for the Name field of Find Files, RegExp Rename (under
Rename Special), Visual Filter dialog, Selection Filter dialog, Go To dialog (for RegExp Quick Searches
and Visual Filters), Catalog Item's Destination (same). In most of these fields Regular Expressions
mode is turned on by prefixing the entered term with ">".
Edit Text: Choose the font (name and size) used in text boxes (e.g. in List Management's Editor Mode,
or in Quick File View, or in the Preview tab for previewed text files). Defaults to "Courier New, 8.25".
Note: This font can also be used in Raw View.
Note: Tooltips in the main window follow the font settings of their parent controls, i.e. you can have
them as big or as small as the rest of the text.
Tick it to enable zooming the fonts or metrics of various interface elements by Ctrl+mouse wheel.
To reset the zoom to the startup values of the current session you can use the command Reset Zoom
(Miscellaneous | Layout | Reset Zoom) with default keyboard shortcut Ctrl+0.
You can independently customize the font size of the Status Bar by Ctrl+Wheel over the Status Bar.
Ctrl+Wheel anywhere over the Info Panel will modify the "Buttons and Labels" font size.
Filename affixes
Here you can configure various templates that may be used by XYplorer in "Copy Here with Increment"
etc. operations, and/or when new files are created and need to be named, and/or generally when
name collisions are to be avoided.
Incremental affix
Used e.g. by "Copy Here with Increment". Set the start value in the template and use "a" as the
placeholder for letters and "0" for numbers. The factory default is "-01". Use e.g. "_000" to start with
"_000", or "-a" to start with "-a". The suffix is always appended to the file base (i.e. before the
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 57
-01 -ab
Numbers 1: -01 -ab
2: -02 -ac
25: -25 -az
26: -26 -ba
100: -100 -dw
675: -675 -zz
1000: -1000 -bmm
If you mix numbers and letters, the increment template will be interpreted as numerical, and the letters
will be used unchanged. For example, a template -copy01 will render increments *-copy01, *-copy02,
*-copy03, etc.
Using the asterisk: While the default is to suffix the increment you can also define increments that
are prefixed to the filename, or that have fixed parts (additionally to the increment part) that are
prefixed or suffixed to the filename. The syntax is identical to that of the Date Affix (see below): The
asterisk (*) stands for the base (= name without extension) of the original filename. This way you can
e.g. mimic the Windows standard "Copy (#) of..." in Custom Copy. Here are some examples:
Other formats: Also these templates are possible and will yield names similar to Windows's own way
to handle collisions:
Templates Examples
Copy of * Copy of File.png
Copy of File (1).png
Copy of File (2).png
- Copy
File - Copy.png
File - Copy (1).png
File - Copy (2).png
If Custom Copy is turned off and you paste (Ctrl+V) a file into its own location, or you use File |
Duplicate | Copy Here, then Windows controls the format of the increment and the incremental affix
template is ignored. If on the other hand you use Custom Copy or File | Duplicate | Copy Here with
Increment (Ctrl+D), then the incremental affix template is applied.
58 XYplorer Help
If no asterisk (*) is present the increment is suffixed to the base of the original filename.
You CANNOT combine the asterisk with fixed parts AND non-numeric increments because such a
pattern is ambiguous and cannot be parsed without making too many assumptions:
Copy of *-aa NO GOOD!
The fixed parts may contain numbers, but be aware that always the right-most numbers in the
pattern will be incremented:
Copy 2012 of *-01 Will work as expected
Copy (1) of * (2012) Will NOT work as expected!
Date affix
The factory default is "*-<date yyyymmdd>". The date is always affixed (prefixed, circumfixed, suffixed)
to the file base. The file base is represented by an asterisk in the pattern. If the asterisk is missing the
pattern is by default suffixed to the file base.
Examples for copying a file called "Test.txt" using various affix templates:
The template also supports the variable <folder> that is resolved to the moved/copied file's parent
folder (only the folder, not the whole path).
Note that the presence of this variable in the template is not reflected in the related commands' menu
captions, so this variable is rather a very special option that you have to make a mental note about
when you use it.
Dropped messages
When drag-dropping messages from Outlook or Outlook Express or Thunderbird, this template controls
the makeup of the new filenames. The following fields are available for the template which you can
define in Configuration | Templates:
<from>_<to>_<subject>_<date yyyy-mm-dd_hh-nn-ss>
You can freely change the order of the fields and pack any text strings before, after or between them.
Do not add the extension to the template -- it is done automatically, and mind the space after "<date".
If you just put <date> without specifiying the format, the format will default to yyyy-mm-dd_hh-nn-ss.
Note that it's your responsibility to ensure that your templates contain only characters that are legal
for filenames. It is not validated inside the configuration window.
Show Edit Prompt: You can trigger an edit prompt for each field you desire. Simply insert a "?" at the
end of the field and you'll be prompted. If you cancel the dialog the whole job is aborted. Examples:
<date yyyy-mm-dd_hh-nn-ss?>_<subject?>_<from?>_<to?>
Here you can state a character that will be used to replace characters that are invalid in filenames (e.g.
will be renamed to
If you leave it empty, invalid characters are replaced by "", i.e. they are simply removed.
Here you can set a length limit in number of characters. The <subject> field is cut down first, then if still
needed the end of the filename is cut off.
Tick it to auto-increment filenames on collision when dropped. Else you get an overwrite prompt.
This setting is also honored when you copy-n-paste messages, not just when you drag-n-drop them.
Title Bar
Here you can define the layout of the main window's title bar. The factory default is:
You may add or remove what you like, in any order. There's only one rule: The <app> variable
(resolved to the EXE base name, normally XYplorer; if XYplorer is not part of that name it is added to
60 XYplorer Help
- <title> the title of the current session (the title can be set by command line switch /title).
- And most other XYplorer native variables, e.g. <date>, <xydrive>, <get pane>, <get userrole> etc.,
but not e.g. <curfolder> (which in this context will always show the previous folder).
- Environment variables.
Status Bar
Here you can define a template for the 3rd section of the status bar, aka Custom Status Bar Info
(CSBI). The factory default is:
<s:dimension> <s:duration>
These are meta variables that only work in this context. They are internally resolved to the following
XYplorer native variables (you could just as well use those native variables, the meta variables are just
easier to handle):
The first part serves to show dimensions and aspect ratio for images, the 2nd part will show the
summary duration of all currently selected media files. The |s| tells XYplorer, to update the value on
each selection change (only useful if the template pulls data from more than the currently focused file).
Only the part right of |s| will be used and updated on each selection change.
If the template returns nothing useful (because e.g. an image has no duration) then the defaults are
used for the status bar.
You can use all XYplorer native variables as or within a template. Here are some examples (see more
example at property() and get()):
<prop #audio.bitrate>
<prop #audio.samplerate>
<prop #tag.composer>
<prop #mp3.year>
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 61
<prop #Image.Fuji.FilmMode>
<prop #image.exposurebias>
<prop #image.cameramodel>
<prop #date.created>
<prop #version>
<prop #hash.md5>
<prop #hash.sha256>
Also the drives listing ("This PC") supports CSBI but it needs the presence of the |d| switch:
Everything right of |d| is used for drives, everything left of it for other items. If |d| is missing then the
template is not used for drives at all. Examples:
You can prefix various switches to the template, separated by ||, to modify the appearance of the info.
The order of the switches is irrelevant. Currently there are two:
c = Use marked color (Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Marked Text 1).
i||<s:dimension> <s:duration>
c||<s:dimension> <s:duration>
ic||<s:dimension> <s:duration>
Use status bar template: Tick it to actually use the template defined in the box above. Tip: The same
toggle is available in the right-click menu of the status bar.
Here you can define a custom command line interpreter (CLI) and the arguments it should use. This CLI
is used when you use the DOS command syntax in location ports like the Address Bar, e.g. !dir. It is
also used by the command Open Command Prompt Here (Tree folder context menu).
Use custom command line interpreter: Check it to actually use the custom CLI. If unchecked the
factory default CLI cmd.exe (usually in C:\WINDOWS\system32\) is used.
If your definition contains the placeholder <command> (case-sensitive!), it is replaced with the input
from the Address Bar, if not, the input is appended to the end of the arguments definition.
If your definition contains the placeholder <path> (case-sensitive!), it is replaced with the current
Show tags in file list
Uncheck it to stop showing tags (Label, Tags, Comment, and Extra) in the file list. Useful to speed up
browsing when you have tagged a large number of items but do not need the tags at the moment.
Note that reading and writing the tag database (tag.dat) is not affected by this setting.
Check to allow quick one-click tagging of items by left-clicking directly into the column. Three
checkboxes let you control this setting individually for the Label, Tags, and Comment column.
Also on Full Row Select. Tick it to make Tag columns clickable also in Full Row Select mode.
If checked then right-clicking into the Label, Tags, Comment, or Extra column will popup a little context
menu with some useful options relating to the respective tags of the clicked item.
Sticky Selection Deluxe. There's a command Select All "[Label Name]" in the context menu of
toolbar button Labels and in the Label column right-click menu. This gives you a comfortable way to
select a group of files based on their Labels and the Label of the currently focused item (or the clicked
item in case of the column context menu).
The context menu command Select All "[Label Name]" can be modified by modifier keys:
- Hold None: Select all [Label Name] items, unselect all other items.
- Hold CTRL: Select all [Label Name] items, keep other selections.
- Hold SHIFT: Unselect all [Label Name] items, keep other selections.
Check to apply the commands in the right-click popup menu to all selected items instead of to the right-
clicked item. If nothing is selected this setting is ignored and the tagging applies to the right-clicked
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 63
If ticked then the tagged files are kept on top and the empty items are sorted to the bottom. Pretty
useful when most of your items are not tagged so that your tagged items would vanish below the
viewport instead of showing up when sorting by tags. Note that "tag columns" include Label, Tags,
Comment, and Extra.
If enabled then tags are copied from the source to the target items of copy operations.
Note: You should use Custom Copy if copying tags is enabled. It is more reliable than Shell Copy at
copying tags only for those items that have actually been copied (and not skipped).
If enabled then tags are copied from the source to the target items of backup operations and of sync
folder operations.
If ticked then you are prompted before any tags are copied from the source items to the target items.
The prompt is popped not more than once per copy or backup operation.
The tag.dat database will grow for each new target item.
If the target is on a removable drives be aware that the tags do not actually end up on that drive
but are just added to the local tag.dat where they merely point to that drive.
Auto-refresh tags
Tick it to auto-refresh tags on changes in a shared tags database, a database shared by several
members of a team over a network.
With this setting enabled your tags in memory and display are auto-updated whenever the shared
tags database is saved to disk by any member of the team. In other words you (and all members using
this setting) are synchronized with the member that saved the database. Any dirty tags in your own
instance are kept alive and are not overwritten by the shared tags.
Here you can edit the labels and how labeled items are displayed in the file list. You can add up to 31
label schemes to the list.
Note that the menu icons for labels in the main window will adjust to the back colors you have chosen.
Also note the following extra functions of the buttons (also in the buttons' tooltips):
64 XYplorer Help
- Back Color: Hold CTRL to reset to default color. Hold SHIFT to remove any back color.
Label style
Select if and how the labeled items shall be colored in the list.
Select one of several options for storing the tagged files in the tags database (usually "tag.dat"):
Relative to application drive: Using the "?" syntax, useful for portable installations on sticks. [=
Storage: 1]
Relative to application: Useful for backups where XYplorer installations have the same position
relative to the tagged files. [= Storage: 2]
Relative to tags database: Useful for in-place tags database files that are copied along with the
tagged files (a scripting command is planned for loading those databases). [= Storage: 3]
Use volume serials: The 8-digit hex volume serial is stored in place of the drive letter. Allows to
identify removable drives regardless of the drive letter assigned by the host system. [= Storage: 4]
The storage mode is stored within the tags database so it is ensured to be read the way it was
written. The value is contained in a additional line in the header of the tags database, e.g.:
Storage: 3 (3 = Relative to tags database)
The storage setting only affects *writing* the tags database. Reading a tags database is controlled
by the value in the "Storage:" line (see above).
On reading the tags database relative paths are resolved to absolute paths and kept like that in
memory. Tools | List Management | Tagged Items always shows the resolved tags as they are in
After reading a tags database, "Configuration | Tags | Storage" is automatically set to the storage
value found in that database. That way it is ensured that it will be written in the same mode as it
was read.
However, you may read a tags database stored in one mode, and then change "Configuration | Tags
| Storage" to another mode. On next save the tags database will be saved in that new mode. On
next read it will be read in that mode.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 65
Database Check...
If other processes move or rename files or folders, the tag database (the file tag.dat) may contain
items that don't exist anymore, the so-called "orphaned tags". This does not affect the functionality of
the database at all, but it might slightly decrease performance if the number of orphans is huge.
Click this button to check whether there are any orphaned tags (and how many), with the option to
remove them from the database. Along with the orphan removal a number of other things are
performed as well:
After checking for orphans and no orphans are found there is an option for an additional check for
dupes and false capitalizations.
You can choose (checkbox at the bottom) whether to check all drives or just fixed drives. Choose the
latter if you want to clean your database but leave tags from removable drives untouched.
Note: This action cannot be undone by cancelling the Configuration dialog. But, of course, you can
undo it by exiting XYplorer without saving (Ctrl+Alt+F4) so that the tag.dat on disk is not touched.
Offers backdoor access to the tags database in its current state in memory. You can edit the records
(of course you should know what you do, there is no error checking concerning the syntax), remove
records, add records. Using Editor Mode you can outsource the work to a text editor of your choice.
This feature also comes in handy at checking out orphans and manually reviving them by updating the
Pops a list of all current orphans (entries pointing to non-existing items) (if any) which can be manually
edited. Note that in this interface, you cannot add or remove items.
Note: This action cannot be undone by cancelling the Configuration dialog! However, in case you made
a mistake, if you exit XYplorer without saving (Ctrl+Alt+F4) then tag.dat will not be changed.
Tip: The label "Currently X items are tagged" shows the path of the current tags database in the tooltip.
Custom Columns
Custom column definitions: A list of all available column definitions. Press "Edit..." or double-click an
item in the list to configure a column. Of course, only when you OK the Configuration dialog, the
changes take effect and are applied to the list.
Reset Columns...: Pops two self-explaining options, Reset Columns to Currently Active Values and
Reset Columns to Factory Defaults.
When hovering over the icon: If checked File Info Tips will pop up when you move the mouse over a
file's icon.
When hovering over the filename: If checked File Info Tips will pop up when you move the mouse
over a filename.
Tip: To use both of the above mentioned hover zones, you can check or uncheck both boxes, no
Note: When the File Info Tips and the Hover Box compete for the same place, the Hover Box always
Only while the shift key is held down: Tick it to show File Info Tips only while the Shift key is held
In Tree as well: Tick it to show File Info Tips also for the items in the folder tree.
For executables as well: Tick it to show informative file info tips for EXE files. It's optional because
under Win10 file info tips for EXE files got extremely slow (probably due to anti-virus).
Show audio info and tags: Tick it to show basic audio info and tags at the speed of light on mouse
over, i.e. without any clicking. Supports ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in MP3 files, and Vorbis Comments in
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 67
FLAC and OGG files. A nice feature for audiophiles. Tip: You can hold CTRL to force the normal file info
tip instead of the special audio tip when hovering a FLAC, MP3, or OGG file.
Use standard shell file info tips: Tick to show the system's standard file info tips. Leave unchecked to
show XYplorer's native file info tips.
Show these fields: Tick the checkbox to customize the file info tips using the list (button Select
Standard Fields...) of all available properties (the list varies with your Windows version and the
installed shell extensions). Leave unchecked to show the tips as they are shown in Explorer.
Extra fields: If ticked then the following XYplorer-only extra fields (button Select Extra Fields...) are
appended (if they are ticked as well) to the standard file info tips.
Len (Full Path): Shows the hovered filename's length (including the full path).
Version Information: Shows the following fields (if they exist) from the so-called "String Version
Info", for example for XYplorer.exe:
FileDescription: XYplorer
CompanyName: Cologne Code Company
FileVersion: 22.40.0000
OriginalFilename: XYplorer.exe
LegalCopyright: Copyright © 1997-2022 by Cologne Code Company
Comments: www.xyplorer.com
Label: Shows the item's label (if any, else the field is not shown).
Tags: Shows the item's tags (if any, else the field is not shown).
Comment: Shows the item's comment (if any, else the field is not shown).
Hard Links: Shows the number of Hard Links of a file. Every file has at least one. The field is shown
only if the return is not "1".
Color Filters: Shows which color filter definition made the match for the hovered item (if any, else
the field is not shown).
Other fields: The Bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is displayed at the end of the tooltip for all file types where
it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc.).
Hover Box
Show Hover Box: If ticked the normal File Info Tip is replaced by the so-called "Hover Box", a popup
window showing a small file or folder preview plus some file or folder data, e.g. in case of images: a
thumbnail and basic file, image, and (if applicable) photo data. The image thumbnail has a max space
of 500 x 500 (bounding box), other previews can be slightly larger depending on the file type. The idea
68 XYplorer Help
is to get a small preview without any clicking, a Zero Click Preview. It's kind of a pre-preview to the
Mouse Down Blow Up, which is just a mouse down away and provides you with a larger preview
(including animation and sound).
Tip: There is also a toolbar button "Hover Box" to enable/disable the hover box.
When hovering over the icon: If checked the Hover Box will pop up when you move the mouse over a
file's icon.
Tip: If you tick this and leave "Show info tips only when hovering file icon" unticked then you can have
both Hover Box and File Info Tips in the list at the same time (without holding any keys), one over the
icon, the other over the caption.
When hovering over the filename: If checked the Hover Box will pop up when you move the mouse
over a filename.
Tip: To use both of the above mentioned hover zones, you can check or uncheck both boxes, no
Note: When the File Info Tips and the Hover Box compete for the same place, the Hover Box always
Only while the shift key is held down: Tick it to show the Hover Box while the Shift key is held down.
Move mouse over the file or folder (icon or caption, depending on settings and list view).
Press ESC.
The box honors the following settings from the Show File Info Tips section right above:
Show info tips only while the shift key is held down
A subtle visual scrollbar at the right margin of the box tells you whether you can scroll, where about
in the file you currently are, and how large the visible part is relative to the whole contents.
You can keyboard-scroll text or folder contents by Down, Up, PageDown, PageUp, End, Home.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 69
If the text contents are larger than 64KB you can scroll through the first and the last 32KB of the
The mouse wheel can scale images and PDFs. Up = bigger, Down = smaller (10 pixels per notch).
Same functionality as Numpad Add and Subtract.
Hold SHIFT to increase the effect by ten times: 100 pixels per notch.
Hold CTRL to decrease the effect by ten times: 1 pixel per notch.
Select Item Types...: Click the button to select the file types the Hover Box shall be shown for. These
file types are supported (in parentheses the type of preview):
Note: What works and what not depends on the Preview Handlers and IFilters that are installed on
your system. Exceptions: Archive Files and Folders don't need any Preview Handlers or IFilters to be
The Archive Contents Preview lists the top 20 items of the hovered archive file.
Of each item you see the icon (CFI honored) and the name. Note that of file inside a Zip archive only
the generic icons can be shown, so e.g. all EXE files will have the same icon (unless overwritten by
CFI rules).
In the bottom area of the Hover Box you get the ZIP archive name and basic stats (item count, folder
count, file count, total bytes of files).
The stats are not recursive but just for the top level of that ZIP archive, i.e. for what you'd see in the
preview of that ZIP archive.
70 XYplorer Help
Shortcuts (LNK) to ZIP archives are resolved and you get the preview of the target ZIP archive.
Out of the box only the ZIP format is supported. But see here below for other archive formats.
Beyond ZIP: For archive formats other than ZIP the help of other applications is needed.
7z.exe: Will provide previews of the 7z format (and many other formats: *.001; *.7z; *.arj; *.bz; *.bz2;
*.bzip2; *.cab; *.deb; *.gz; *.gzip; *.img; *.iso; *.lha; *.lzh; *.ova; *.rar; *.rpm; *.tar; *.taz; *.tbz; *.
tbz2; *.tgz; *.tz; *.vhd; *.wim; *.wmz; *.wsz; *.xz; *.yfs; *.z; *.zip; *.zipx)
XYplorer tries to find the needed helper file "7z.exe" automatically in the usual locations (C:\Program
Files\7-Zip\7z.exe or C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe). So if you are reasonably lucky it should
just work. If the preview fails you can tweak the location by editing the XYplorer.ini file: ZipPath7zip=C:
\My Crazy Path To 7-Zip\7z.exe
The Folder Contents Preview lists the top 20 items of the hovered folder. In the bottom area of the
Hover Box you get the folder name and basic stats (item count, folder count, file count, total bytes of
files). Shortcuts (LNK) to folders are resolved and you get the preview of the target folder. It
does*honor the general visibility settings that also control the file list. So, when an item is hidden from
the list then it's also hidden from the Folder Contents Preview. In the unlikely case that all items are
hidden, you won't see "Folder is empty." but "[n] items are hidden." If a folder has more than fits in
the Hover Box you get an arrow at the bottom right showing that there's more.
Select Context...: Here you can select the context where the Hover Box shall be shown. Currently
Tiles and Thumbnails (untick it if you don't want to see the Hover Box in those list views)
Clipboard (the Hover Box is shown over the "Edit Clipboard" toolbar button when there is an image
in the Clipboard)
Tabs (the Folder Contents Preview is shown for the tab's location by hovering the tab header icon)
Hover Box Size: You can scale the size of the image shown in the Hover Box. While the Hover Box is
visible showing an image press these keys:
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 71
The size defines both sides of the bounding rectangle, so it's a square.
The initial factory default is 500 pixels (on 100% screen resolution).
The Status Bar informs you about the size you have set.
Hover Box Background: You can toggle the background color between dark grey and white: Simply
press key "B" while the Hover Box is visible and showing an image.
Hover Box Frame: You can cycle the width of the image frame between three values: 0, 12, 24 pixels.:
Simply press key "F" while the Hover Box is visible.
Hover Box Icon Display: You can toggle whether the icon (Custom File Icons are honored) of the
hovered item is shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I" while the Hover Box
is visible.
Hover Box Status Display: You can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the
Hover Box (Full Status, Name Only, No Status): Simply press key "S" while the Hover Box is visible.
Hover Box Sort Order: For a folder contents preview you can cycle the sort order by pressing key "O
" (letter o) while the Hover Box is visible.
Hover Box Photo Data: While the Hover Box is showing an image you now can toggle whether photo
data are shown in the Hover Box status by pressing the "P" key.
Hover Box Word Wrap: While the Hover Box is showing text you can toggle word wrap by pressing
the "W" key. When viewing text content, the status area now shows a "Leftwards Arrow with
Hook" (U+21A9) in the right bottom corner when word wrap is enabled.
Hover Box Scrolling/Scaling: While the Hover Box is showing text or an image you can cycle the
scrollability/scalability by pressing the "R" key (think "roll").
If the scrollability/scalability is disabled then the navigation keys (Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown,
Home, End) and the mouse wheel are not eaten by the box but passed through to the focused
Scalability means scalability by wheel. If the scalability is OFF then images still can be scaled by
Numpad Add and Numpad Subtract.
72 XYplorer Help
Hover Box Default Size Reset: While the Hover Box is showing an image you can reset the scale to
factory default (500 x 500 pixels bounding box) by pressing the "D" key.
Hover Box Help: While the Hover Box is showing you can press the "F1" key to show a list of all the
available special keys listed here above.
For junctions as well: Untick it to avoid spontaneous auto-downloads from the cloud when online-only
files are hovered with "Show File Info Tips" or "Show Hover Box" ticked. If unticked you will see no
Hover Box or extended File Info Tips when hovering junctions or symbolic links.
Initial delay in milliseconds: Time in milliseconds between initial mouse over and popup. Valid values
are from 0 thru 9999.
Visible time in milliseconds: Here you can customize the time a File Info Tips or Hover Box is visible
before it auto-destroys. The factory default is 10,000 (= 10 seconds). The maximum value is 32767, so
the tooltips cannot be shown longer than about 32 seconds. Note: The Hover Box is not affected by
this value; it stays visible until actively closed by some action or process.
When you want to send your report to file you find some options here regarding the default filename
(the name preset in the Save As dialog).
Default name to "[Current folder].txt": automatically generates a default filename from the currently
browsed folder, quite useful to automate archiving find results.
Date/time as filename suffix: save the current report to a file whose name will carry the exact time
when the report was created, eg Report_2009-12-23_21-09-33.txt.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 73
Append to existing file: appends the current report to the file you select in the Save As dialog. If the file
does not exist it will be created.
Here you can choose which separator is used in the CSV and Tree Structure reports on Info Panel |
Reports | Current Folder.
System list separator: The System List Separator can be changed in the system regional settings.
Depending on the Windows version this can be done around here:
Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options
Other: The size of "Other" is limited to 16 characters. If "Other" is set to "" (nothing) then it defaults
to the System List Separator.
Photo Data
Photo Data include Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and
Date Taken.
Tip: While the Hover Box is showing an image you now can toggle whether photo data are shown in
the Hover Box status by pressing the "P" key.
Tip: The same setting is also found as "Show Photo Data" in the CTRL+Right-click menu of the text
area of each tile in the Large Tiles view.
File Operations
Background Processing
Backup Operations
74 XYplorer Help
Background Processing
The advantage of background processing: You can continue working in XYplorer while heavy copy jobs
are processed in the background.
Technically this is achieved by passing the file operations to the copy handler XYcopy (XYcopy.exe)
which is contained in the distribution package and must be located in the same folder as XYplorer.exe.
Apply To...
Click the button "Apply to..." to configure which types of file operations are backgrounded. The factory
default is:
Note on Move operations: Only moves across volume boundaries (= to a different drive) involve
copying of bytes and hence take time, whereas moves within volume boundaries just update the
MFT (master file table), so they are very fast and do not really need to be backgrounded.
When you terminate XYplorer while XYcopy is still working, the job in progress will be finished, but
any jobs still waiting in queue will not be triggered. You are prompted whether you really want to
lose the jobs.
Any file operations triggered by drag and drop to XYplorer from another application are not
spawned to XYcopy.
Of course, any file operations triggered by drag and drop from XYplorer to another application
are not spawned to XYcopy because those operations are handled by the drop target.
Any file operations triggered by drag and drop using the Shell context menu are not spawned to
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 75
In scripting background processing may lead to undesired results when the script flow overtakes
a backgrounded file operation before it is completed. To avoid this you can temporarily disable
background processing by inserting this line to the beginning of such a script:
setting "BackgroundFileOps", 0;
Background processing will be automatically re-enabled when the script is finished.
Check to process background file operations sequentially, in a queue, where successive operations are
lined up in sequence and completed one after the other. If unchecked then background file operations
are processed in parallel.
E.g. if you initiate a job, say a Copy operation, while another one is still in progress, the new one will
be delayed until the other one is finished. One job is triggered after the next, until all pending jobs are
completed. A copy queue, also known as asynchronous copy, avoids inefficient pseudo-parallel
processing and undue stress on your HD head.
This option is applied on a per-job basis in the moment the jobs are initiated by the user, so
while one or more jobs are running in the background you can change the setting of "Queue file
operations" to control how the next job is handled; running or pending jobs are not affected.
Move operations within volume boundaries (see above Note on Move operations) are always
processed in parallel (= not queued) regardless of the setting of Queue file operations, because
they are usually fast and you rather expect immediate action.
Backup Operations
See Backup for some general remarks on the nature of XYplorer's Backup.
Configure (button): Click to open the Configuration Dialog (see below) for Backup operations.
Custom Copy is a widely configurable alternative copy method based on Kernel API. It exceeds shell
copy in lots of ways as you will immediately notice when you open its configuration dialog. Note that
Custom Copy optionally also includes all sorts of move operations, so the term "Custom Copy" comprises
76 XYplorer Help
Configure (button): Click to open the Configuration Dialog (see below) for Custom Copy operations.
Use Custom Copy: Check to use Custom Copy in place of the standard Windows shell copy. This
includes operations like Copy To, Paste (copy) from clipboard and drag and drop. If Copy operations are
configured as backgrounded, then Custom Copy operations are backgrounded as well.
For all copy operations: Use Custom Copy for all copy operations.
No progress dialog on duplications: Tick it to prevent the progress dialog when copying files in place
(source and target path are the same).
Note: If ticked then the copy operation is forced to run in the foreground even if Backgrounding is
For all move operations: Use Custom Copy for all move operations.
For cross-volume moves only: Tick it to use Custom Move only for cross-volume moves (between
different logical drives) and not for intra-volume moves (where no bytes are copied at all, and which
technically are a rename rather than a move).
No progress dialog on intra-volume moves: These moves are extremely fast since no bytes are copied
(see also Remarks below), so a progress is not really necessary. Instead you get a summary feedback
in the status bar (at least on foreground jobs; on background jobs another status bar message will
overwrite it -- but usually you will exclude intra-volume moves from background processing anyway
because they are so fast). Note that this setting overwrites the setting of "Show progress dialog" in the
general Custom Copy configuration. (However, if "Show progress dialog" is off, then unticking "No
progress dialog on intra-volume moves" will not make it show, of course.)
Note: If ticked then the move operation is forced to run in the foreground even if Backgrounding is
Custom Move comprises intra-volume and cross-volume moves. Since intra-volume moves are just
changes in the volume's Master File Table (MFT) and do not involve any copying of bytes, they are very
fast and notably will ignore some of the configuration options, namely:
Preserve all item dates (not necessary: they are preserved anyway)
Note, however, that both intra-volume and cross-volume custom moves optionally provide automatic
On cross-volume moves, each file is first copied and then (after optional verification of the copy's
correctness) the source file is deleted. When all files are moved, the source folders are deleted (unless
they are not completely empty for whatever reason).
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 77
Check beforehand whether there is enough space: Tick it check beforehand whether there is enough
Intra-volume moves do not check space anyway, so here the setting is irrelevant.
Default to repeat action on collisions: Tick it to initialize the "Do this also for the next collisions"
checkbox to be checked. Note that this setting affects Custom Copy/Move, Backup, and Sync operations.
Tip: You can configure Custom Copy directly from the right-click menu of the toolbar button "Queue File
Advanced Tip: To exclude certain target folders from Custom Copy (and automatically use normal Shell
Copy instead) you can list those folders in a manually created text file placed in the Application Data
Folder and named "CustomCopyBlacklist.dat". The paths should be listed one per line in any order. All
sorts of variables and portable syntax are supported. Append an * (asterisk) to a path to include
subfolders. Here's an example for the contents of the file on 64-bit Windows (on 32-bit Windows you
would drop the line "%ProgramFiles(x86)%*"):
The typical reason for blacklisting folders is that Custom Copy will fail where UAC disallows writing to
them, whereas Shell Copy will prompt for elevation.
On name collisions: Here you can configure what happens on a name collision. You have the choice
between the following options:
Ask: [factory default for Custom Copy] Pops an overwrite prompt on each name collision, allowing
you to decide case by case. The overwrite prompt tells you a bit about the conflicting files
(differences are underlined in the source) and offers you not to be asked again during the current
In the overwrite prompt itself, you find
78 XYplorer Help
a) an Overwrite button to quickly overwrite the existing file with the source file. Ticking the
checkbox "Do this also for the next collisions" also applies to the Overwrite button making it
effectively a Overwrite All button when ticked.
b) a Skip button to skip the current file from copying/moving. Ticking the checkbox "Do this also
for the next collisions" also applies to the Skip button making it effectively a Skip All button
when ticked.
Overwrite if newer: [factory default for Backup] Copies only files that are younger/newer than
same named files in the destination, otherwise does nothing.
Overwrite if different size or date: Date here refers to the modified date. This setting provides
a pretty good way to copy only what is different and skip the rest. Helps maximizing the lifetime
of your SSD, and generally speeds up copy jobs.
Note: Since the actual contents of the files are not compared (for performance reasons) there is
the slight chance that two files with the same size and modified date still have different contents.
But that should be quite unlikely in real life.
Overwrite if different contents: Overwrite only if the contents of both files differ. The contents are
compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file.
Overwrite: Copies always, whether a file of the same name exists or not.
Skip: Copies only files that don't exist in the destination, otherwise does nothing.
Affix current date to copy: Affixes the current date (formatted as defined by the template in
Configuration | Templates) to the files being copied.
Affix last modified date to copy: Affixes the file's last modified date (formatted as defined by the
template in Configuration | Templates) to the files being copied.
Affix current date to existing: Affixes the current date to the existing files.
Affix last modified date to existing: Affixes the file's last modified date to the existing files.
The "existing file" is the one that would otherwise be overwritten. If the existing file cannot be
renamed for some reason, the copy will not happen.
Note: Files that are copied in-place (copied onto themselves) are unconditionally auto-renamed
(incremental affix) if the setting for "On name collisions" is "Ask" or "Overwrite if newer" or
Retry: Try the same operation again. For example, when a file could not be moved because it
was in use by another process, you can close that process and then retry the move.
Decryption failed: May happen when copying an encrypted file to a medium that does not
support encryption.
Something else failed: Well, something bad happened that cannot be further specified.
Verification: Verify the correctness of each copy operation on the fly (file by file). If a verification fails
you are prompted to continue or abort the operation. You additionally get the option to continue without
further such messages. You can choose among several verification methods:
SHA-1: More secure than MD5 but slightly slower. Faster than Byte-to-byte on huge files.
The verification is only done when bytes are copied, i.e. when a new file is created in the target or
when an existing file is overwritten. No verification is done when there is no copying, e.g. when
overwriting an existing target file is skipped because the user configured name collision behavior like
Verification ensures that the target file is read from disk, not from the Windows write cache. This
makes it slower, but much more useful.
The reports (available from the Progress dialog) show the hash value of each successfully verified file.
Verifying a file copy is not necessary under normal conditions. Windows copying is reliable. However,
when copying over a network or on USB drives, things can get interesting. Especially if you are backing
up files over a shaky network you might want to use Verification for ultimate reliability.
Rename folders on collision: If checked then all copies of folders in your selection are auto-renamed
80 XYplorer Help
(incremental affix) on collision, else they are overwritten. Note that this concerns only the top folders,
not any subfolders, of the items selected for the copy. Subfolders are never renamed on a Backup or
Custom Copy.
Note: Folders that are copied in-place (copied onto themselves) are unconditionally auto-renamed
(incremental affix) even if this option is not ticked.
Ask before merging folders: If checked then you are asked before any of the folders you are copying or
moving are merged with same-named folders in the target location.
The setting is ignored if "Rename folders on collision" is ticked! In that case no merging can happen
The "Merge Folder?" prompt is popped for each folder to be merged (unless you tick "Do this also for
the next cases" before pressing OK or Skip).
All "Merge Folder?" prompts are popped before any files are moved or copied.
Ask before overwriting read-only files: Tick it to get prompted before a READONLY or SYSTEM file is
overwritten. (SYSTEM is not mentioned in the caption because it would be too long.)
Remove read-only attribute: Tick it to remove the read-only attribute on target files if present on the
source files AND if the source medium is optical (CD-ROM, DVD).
Preserve all item dates: Here you can decide whether all three item dates (created, modified,
accessed) are preserved with the copy. Note: Also when the setting is not ticked then at least the
Modified date of files (but not of folders) is preserved; this is Windows standard behavior.
Skip junctions: Tick it to exclude folder junctions and their contents from the copying. If OFF then folder
junctions are not backed up as junctions but as if they were real folders with contents. In other words,
the junctions are resolved before the copying. If ON then folder junctions are not copied at all.
Symbolic links (Vista/Win7 and later): If Skip junctions is OFF, then symbolic links are copied as symbolic
links (needs Admin rights). If the source file is a symbolic link, the destination file is also a symbolic link
pointing to the same file that the source symbolic link is pointing to. If ON, symbolic links are skipped.
Safe overwrite: Check it to minimize the risk of data loss due to failures while overwriting. See how it
works compared to normal overwrite:
Normal Overwrite:
Source overwrites target. If there is a failure (e.g. power out) while copying the bytes the target is
lost and nothing will bring it back. So if the target was your only backup you are without any backup
Safe Overwrite:
Copy: Source is copied to a new temporary target file in the target folder.
Optional Verification (you set this under "Verification"): The temporary target is compared with the
Rename: If the copy (and optional verification) succeeds then the target to be overwritten and the
temporary target swap names.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 81
Delete: If the name swap succeeds then the target to be overwritten (which now has the temporary
name) is deleted.
Note that due to its logic Safe Overwrite needs enough space on the target device to hold the target file
to be overwritten and the temporary target file (same size as the source file) at the same time.
Nevertheless: Applying Safe Overwrite is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Skip verification on local hard disks: Check it to skip verification on local hard disks, i.e. when both
sources and targets are located on local hard disk drives (aka fixed drives). Ticking it is recommended
because copying between local hard disks is extremely error-safe nowadays, so the verification is not
really necessary and just increases wear.
Note that portable external hard drives sometimes show up as fixed instead of removable, i.e. as hard
disks. They would be excluded from verification as well if you tick this option.
Show progress dialog: Check it to show a progress dialog (see "The Progress Dialog" below) while the
copying is in progress. If unchecked the progress is shown in the status bar if the operation runs in the
foreground (else it is totally silent).
Keep progress dialog open: If checked the dialog stays open after the operation is completed. If
unchecked the dialog is auto-closed. In the latter case, if Show summary report is checked the dialog is
auto-closed only after 5 seconds, otherwise it is auto-closed immediately.
Show summary report: Check to pop up a summary message about what was copied / overwritten /
not overwritten. Such a message is only shown when no progress dialog is shown, otherwise the
setting has an effect described in the paragraph here above.
Create log file: If checked then all copy operations are logged to file. See details.
Log to default location: If checked (and Create log file is enabled) then the factory default locations are
used for the log file location and name. If unchecked you are prompted for a name when triggering the
copy operation. The factory defaults are:
Tip: The defaults can be changed by tweaking the INI file. See Tweaks.
Backup and Custom Copy operations optionally come with a detailed progress dialog. The dialog
contains information about the elapsed and remaining time, the average transfer rate, number of done
and remaining files and bytes, etc. ... the usual progress dialog stuff. But there is also something
There is a Pause button which allows you to Pause and Resume an operation.
Tip: Now you are prompted before the process is paused. This prompt alone might often be
already all the pause you need, so you need not "really" pause the processing (with the possible
disadvantage that processing resumes with processing the current again from start).
For files larger 10MB you get a per-file progress (numeric percentage only, no separate progress
bar, to keep the interface as plain as possible).
82 XYplorer Help
For files being verified you get a per-file verification progress (numeric percentage).
The amount of used space (and implicitly free space) on the target drive is shown, graphically in a
Used Space bar and in numbers. The Used Space bar tooltip shows the path of the actually polled
drive. In some contexts (junctions, mounted drives, network drives) this can be interesting.
Pressing ESC while the operation is in progress will Pause, pressing ESC while the operation is
not in progress (paused or cancelled or completed) will close the dialog.
After Pause/Resume the process will resume with the file that was being processed when Pause
was clicked. So it will be copied/verified again. (But see also next point.)
Without Safe Overwrite, pausing or cancelling processing while a target file was being
overwritten would effectively lead to the deletion of the target. Assuming that this can hardly be
a desired outcome of pressing Pause or Cancel, an ongoing overwrite operation is allowed to
finish before processing is paused or cancelled. Note that this is not necessary (and therefore not
done) when Safe Overwrite is enabled.
When the operation is paused or completed you can view the details (button Report / All Files).
Note that this works also when Create log file is off.
You also can view the log file from this dialog (button Report / View Log File) if you enabled
Create log file. The contents are identical to the Report / All Files contents, but here they are
shown in a file opened in the system default editor.
In the unlikely case of failures (e.g. verification failed) you get a detailed list of all failed files (also
under button Report / Failed Files).
When the operation is completed, the dialog (optionally, see Show progress dialog above) stays
up so that you can check the results.
Showing the progress dialog is optional, see Show progress dialog above.
The progress dialog remembers its position. The same position is also used for the Backup
progress dialog.
The progress dialogs are cascading, i.e. any non-first dialog is positioned in an offsetting
(cascaded) position from the last dialog popped up.
The available free space on the target drive is checked before each copy operation (per job or
per file, depending on the circumstances). The operation is only initiated if enough space is
available. This will save you frustration when copying very large files to already packed drives.
If space is scarce you are asked how you wish to continue.
Care is taken to prevent the system from entering sleep/standby during long copy or backup
jobs. Windows is kept awake until the copy process is completed. Note: This function does not
stop the screen saver from executing. This service needs Windows XP or later.
You can let External Copy Handlers handle the Custom Copy and Custom Move operations. Currently the
following products are supported:
The setting Configuration | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | Use Custom Copy has to be
Configure (button): The button opens a multiline edit box where you can specify any number of external
copy handler definitions, one per line. Each line has to follow the same syntax which should agree to this
general format:
The Caption has to begin with either "TeraCopy" or "FastCopy".
The Executable has to be the full path to the executable. The path supports full portability, and you
can use all kinds of XYplorer native and environment variables. The path can be omitted in which case
it will default to the standard path (e.g. "%ProgramFiles%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe", or "%
ProgramW6432%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe" for 64-bit FastCopy.exe).
The optional Switches can be used to modify the behavior of the copy handler (rename on collision,
verify, overwrite only older, etc.). Form and function here totally depend on the respective copy
handler. Look them up in the documentation of the copy handler.
Optionally you can define separate switches for Copy and Move operations. For this use the following
alternate syntax:
Caption|[Executable]|[Copy Switches]|[Move Switches]
For instance, the contents of the edit box could look like this:
FastCopy (AutoClose)|%ProgramFiles%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe|/auto_close
FastCopy (Verify)|%ProgramFiles%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe|/verify /auto_close
TeraCopy (Rename All)|%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe|/RenameAll
TeraCopy (Overwrite Older)|%ProgramFiles%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe|/OverwriteOlder
If you are using the 64-bit versions of the copy handlers you should use the %ProgramW6432%
environment variable, and the contents of the edit box could look like this:
FastCopy (AutoClose)|%ProgramW6432%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe|/auto_close
FastCopy (Verify)|%ProgramW6432%\FastCopy\FastCopy.exe|/verify /auto_close
TeraCopy (Rename All)|%ProgramW6432%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe|/RenameAll
TeraCopy (Overwrite Older)|%ProgramW6432%\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe|/OverwriteOlder
Select copy handler: Here you can select the current copy handler. This contents of this dropdown are
defined by the contents of the edit box that is opened by the Configure button. "XYplorer" is
automatically added as first item in the list; select it to use XYplorer's native Custom Copy instead of any
external copy handler.
84 XYplorer Help
The same can also be done via the toolbar. See next paragraph.
Toolbar Integration: All copy handlers listed here are also listed in the right-click menu of the "Use
Custom Copy" toolbar button, where you can now select your preferred copy handler by a single click.
Also listed here is "XYplorer" which stands for XYplorer's native Custom Copy.
The icon of that toolbar button turns green when an external copy handler is selected, and the tooltip
displays the name of the current copy handler.
Auto-Elevation: The copy handlers are auto-elevated if necessary when copying to UAC-protected
locations. You don't need to define any Custom Copy Blacklist for this. Actually, you should remove any
Custom Copy Blacklist if you plan to use copiers because locations listed in this file will be handled by
shell copy and thus never reach the copiers.
Differences to Custom Copy: Integration is very good (whenever anything is copied or moved the
External Copy Handler will be used for it), but there are a few differences to using XYplorer's native
Custom Copy:
No Rich Copy. In a Rich Copy situation Custom Copy will be automatically used instead of the External
Copy Handler. Reason: You cannot state multiple destinations (one individual destination for each
source file) in the External Copy Handler.
No undo/redo.
No background processing via XYcopy ( the External Copy Handler is another process anyway), and
hence no queueing.
FastCopy: When copying with FastCopy the mode "diff" (copy only if size or date are different) is used
which is the default for FastCopy (see FastCopy documentation).
Check it to skip the confirmation prompt that usually precedes a deletion. Also controls the behavior
when you empty the Recycle Bin.
Note that unticking this option does NOT ensure the confirmation prompt! If the delete confirmation
prompt is turned off in the Windows system configuration then nothing will bring it back.
When checked then the security attributes of files are preserved when they are moved in the same
volume. Uncheck it to have the moved files inherit the security attributes of their new folder.
If checked the file operation progress window is shown modeless. Which effectively means that you
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 85
can go on working while files are being moved or copied in the literal background: the progress dialog
is not "always on top" of the main window. The setting also affects the confirmation prompt for Delete
A modeless progress window can easily get lost behind larger windows.
When file operations were triggered by drag and drop the source window is usually blocked until the
operation is finished.
This setting is ignored for Copy and Move operations if Enable background processing is ON.
Here you can decide whether the relative folder structure present in the source items should be
recreated in the target location, aka "Rich Copy/Move". "Rich sources" typically come from recursive
search results or branch views. The dropdown offers three choices: Ask, Always, and Never. Factory
default is Ask.
If checked then the file action.dat is written on exit and read on startup. Note that it is even written
when "Save settings on exit" is off because it must stay in sync with reality as much as possible.
Tick it to remember the logged actions even on "Exit without Saving". After all, if the file system has
been changed then "Exit without Saving" won't change it back. You would still like the option to undo
them in the next session.
The more entries you log the larger is action.dat, the more memory is used, the slower is startup. But
don't worry: It's virtually not notable.
Here you can limit the size of the jobs that are added to the action log (and that can be undone). If a
job is larger than the limit it is not added to the log at all.
Purpose: If you frequently process large numbers of files the action log can become quite large (and
it's completely loaded into memory on each startup). This setting allows you to set a limit to this.
86 XYplorer Help
Pops a short description of what will happen when you click OK. Note: With cumulative undo you get
only one prompt, but you get it always (independent of this setting) because cumulative undo can be a
pretty terrifying experience...
* Always
The safest.
* Never
You are tough.
If checked then you are prompted before undoing Copy or New, which both involve deletions. This
prompting in accordance with Explorer behavior and the factory default is ON.
When undoing a Copy or a New operation, items will be deleted. If this option is checked they will be
moved to the recycle bin instead of being permanently deleted. This is a safety net in case you pressed
Undo without thinking. The price is that you don't get back the disk space. Note that redoing such an
operation will not get the items back from the recycle bin but create them anew!
Toolbar Buttons
If checked then (after a restart) the Undo/Redo buttons have a small arrow that pops the previous/
next actions (relative to the current position in the action log) in a menu.
As this can mean a tremendous (and devastating) operation by a single click, you'll get a safety
prompt before it happens.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 87
When you trigger a non-sequential operation (one that is not next to the current position in the
action log) from this menu the current position in the action log will NOT change. This makes it
easier to do non-sequential undo/redo operations.
If checked then inverse operations are tolerated, i.e. you can trigger a Redo by clicking the Undo
button and vice versa! This is a necessary consequence of the ability to do non-sequential undo.
So Undo/Redo are then Back/Forward in action log.
Repeated warning: Non-sequential undo can mess up the action log (and hence the possibility of
further undo) if you are not careful enough. It's safer to do it from the Action Log Window than
via the toolbar menu because the former has more information for you.
If checked then the above settings are also available in the Undo button's arrow menu. Gives you an
idea about what will happen when you click a menu item.
Tick it to be able to restore the previous clipboard (Edit | Paste Special | Restore Previous Clipboard).
Untick it if you don't care and want to save that memory and CPU.
Note: A clipboard full of files is only stored if it has 1000 or less files. Larger numbers are just too slow
and too heavy on memory.
Show only the relative path in the find results path column (relative to the search path). This is very
useful when you do recursive file finds starting somewhere deep down the folder hierarchy when
otherwise the path column would be stuffed with redundant information.
Check it to always keep the tree in sync with the find results list.
Check to store and retrieve the results of searches tabwise and across sessions.
88 XYplorer Help
Where and when does it happen. Cached data are not held in memory but written to tab_*.ini files
down in the Panes subfolder. They are written whenever a non-cached search tab is backgrounded,
and read whenever a search tab is foregrounded (selected). In other words, caching only happens on
tab selection, i.e. when you re-open a cached tab. Whereas pressing F3 or any other way to run a
search will always trigger a live search.
What is cached. Only the item names are cached. All other data (size, file dates, attributes, etc.) are
freshly polled and always up-to-date even in a cached search. Naturally, this polling takes time, and
the efficiency of the cache highly depends on the nature of the search:
The worst case is a search without any filters (e.g. find all items in all subfolders), where reading
the cache and processing the data is likely to be even slower than a fresh live search.
The best case is a search over a large area with relatively few results -- this is where the cache
really shines.
Here you can set an absolute limit to the number of items cached. The factory default is set to 1000
and a much higher number is not recommened. There are several reasons for such a limit:
The bigger the cache the slower it is compared to a live search. So caching is simply inefficient, at
least if it is done for speed.
Reading a cache may (depending on the sort order of the cached items) trigger lots of wild-
jumping head movements.
Note that this limit does not apply to Search Templates that are explicitly saved together with the
search results (which internally is identical to caching).
Follow junctions
Enable it to not scan folders hidden by current settings (i.e. HIDDEN folders if "Show hidden files and
folders" is OFF, and SYSTEM folders if "Show system files and folders" is OFF).
Tip: The effect is identical to using the /V switch (see Search Pattern Switches).
"Search results" tab (locked): Show search results in a locked tab named "Search results" (this
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 89
default name can be changed by renaming the tab). If no locked tab named "Search results" exists
it is automatically created. All following search results will be sent to this tab.
"Search results" tab (unlocked): It's the same as above but -- you guessed it -- the tab is not auto-
Tick it to show the Quick Search results always in the current tab (unless it is locked), irrespective of
the setting of the above "Show search results in".
If checked then search information ("Quick Search: <pattern>" or "Find Files: <pattern>") is shown in a
colored bar above the results list. There is a small right-click menu where you can edit or remove the
The right-click menu also has the toggle Always Sort Search Results This Way: Tick it to initially sort
all coming searches just like the list is sorted now. Untick it to reset the feature and use whatever sort
order the list is in before each search. Note that sort column, sort direction and even secondary sorting
is supported.
Tip: Double-clicking the Search Information Bar removes the current Search.
Tick it to inherit the current Browse or Find mode columns, view, and sort order to the Search Results
Tick it to treat #, !, and [...] as special function characters: # as wildcard for digits, ! as logical NOT, and
[...] as a group of characters to match.
Untick it to treat #, !, and [...] literally in search patterns, and not as wildcards or special function
Note that a single ! is not seen as unary Boolean NOT operator even if the setting is on, but as the
normal "!" character.
Tick it to treat a query as Boolean expression if it looks like one. If ticked then e.g.
If unticked all the characters are just seen as normal parts of the filename, and to have them treated
as Boolean operators you have to prefix the Boolean marker ":" to the query (or set Mode to
"Boolean" in Find Files). But note that the shorthand operators " " (AND) and ";" (OR) are only
recognized in Smart Boolean, not in Explicit Boolean mode.
Note that this setting affects the parsing of Quick Search pattern as well as Find Files (Name) patterns.
Tip: If you are unsure how your query is parsed you can always use this script to reveal it (always
returns the last-used query): text <get find_queryparsed>;
Tick it to directly repeat the same quick search on the next folder you go to within the current tab.
If you click the current folder again in the tree the quick search mode is ended.
The setting is also available in the context menu of the search information bar in the file list.
Branch View
For a detailed description of Branch View see here. All of the following settings are global to all tabs in
Branch View mode.
Keep Branch View mode active when changing folders within the same tab.
Applying the same query again, e.g. "? /flat" from the Catalog, turns the Branch View off.
Indent the items in Branch View to show their hierarchical tree position. Hard-coded to 8 pixels per
The level-indented Branch View is most useful when you sort the file list by Path which will give you a
tree-like picture. To automatically invoke such a sort order there is the option Default to tree-like sort
order here below.
Customize the level-indent width in pixels. Allowed values are from 1 to 64. Factory default is 12.
When invoking a level-indented Branch View sort the items like in a tree: All items sorted alphabetically
under their direct parent folders. This is usually the best way to show a level-indented view so it's
recommended to tick this option.
If ticked then on a mixed Branch View (showing files and folders), any Visual Filters or Quick Search
patterns only apply to files, not to folders. So the folders always stay visible while their contents are
filtered. A concept that's further discussed under the name Filtered Branch here.
Tick it to list the containing/top level folders in a Multi Branch View as well, not just the items contained
in those folders.
Files only
Folders only
Files and non- em pty folders (here any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case
of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the Branch View)
Here you can choose which type shall be used when Branch View is toggled via menu or toolbar.
Tip: You can as well select a Branch View of a certain type right from the right-click menu of the Branch
View toolbar button. The Default Branch View Type is not affected by this choice.
Visual Filters
By factory default, Visual Filters will not persist across folders within the same tab; in other words, a
Visual Filter is automatically cancelled when you change the location within the same tab. Tick this
toggle to change this behavior.
If checked then applying the same filter to a filtered list again will remove the filter.
Tick it to allow ! for Boolean Not, and # for digits in Visual Filters. You can escape the ! by putting a \
before it.
The setting is also found in the right-click menu of the Visual Filter toolbar buttons.
If checked then the filter information "Visual Filter: <pattern>" is shown in a Visual Filter Bar above
the filtered list. There is a small right-click menu where you can edit or remove the filter (Edit Filter...,
Repeat Filter, and Remove Filter).
Tip: Double-clicking the Visual Filter Bar removes the current Visual Filter or Live Filter.
If checked then the Visual Filter pattern is shown right in the tab header in blue color (color "Marked
Text 1"), separated from the caption by a "|" character.
Highlight matches
Tick it to highlight the current Type Live Filter matches in the List. Changing the setting will affect the
next Live Filter (not any current).
Tip: The option "Highlight matches" is also offered in the context menu of the Live Filter Box icon. Here
you can toggle Live Filter highlighting with immediate effect.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 93
Tick it to auto-select the first match. Note that this also works for Type Ahead Find with "Redirect
typing to Live Filter Box" enabled.
Live Filters persist across folders, i.e. when you browse to a new folder in the same tab the filter
remains active.
Note that new tabs are opened unfiltered, but they inherit the last used filter from the current tab.
So you can turn it on by Toggle Live Filter (Ctrl+Alt+F3).
Note that there is always some Live Filter persistence, independently of this setting:
Live Filters survive tab switches, i.e. they are still active when you come back to a filtered tab.
Live Filters survive across sessions, i.e. you can start up with a live filtered tab.
Note that the setting is also available in the context menu of the Live Filter Box icon.
Tick it to allow keys Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown, Back, and Enter to function within the Live Filter
Box as if they were press in the List.
Note that the setting is also available in the context menu of the Live Filter Box icon.
Tick it to allow ! for Boolean Not, and # for digits in Live Filters. You can escape the ! by putting a \
before it.
The setting is also found in the right-click menu of the Live Filter Box icon.
Here you can define a delay (after the last keystroke) before a typed in Live Filter is triggered. E.g. set
it to 400 ms and it will reduce the browsing action if you type faster than 400 ms between the key
Tip: Tick Redirect typing to Live Filter Box (see below) to enable Filter-As-You-Type right in the file
94 XYplorer Help
Tick it to apply the visual filters only to files, not to folders, in other words to let pass all folders.
Note that any of the inline scope prefixes overwrite this setting. So "!\|*.jpg" will not list any folders
even if "Apply to files only" is enabled.
Match case
Tick it to make all Visual Filters case-sensitive (a!=A). The factory default is OFF (case-insensitive,
Ignore Diacritics
If checked then the filter matching ignores diacritics and a filter "Koln" will match a file "Köln.txt", and
vice versa: a filter "Köln" will match a file "Koln.txt".
Check to enable Type Ahead Find (aka "Find as you type") in Tree and List.
"Match at beginning" of filenames is the factory default (and the only thing Windows Explorer can do),
but XYplorer gives you four different matching options:
Match at beginning: Check to count matches just at the beginning of the file names.
Match anywhere: Check to count matches anywhere, not just at the beginning of the file names.
Prefer matches at beginning: Only if there are no matches at the beginning, XYplorer starts looking
for matches anywhere.
Prefer matches at beginning (but only for single-characters): Only if there are no matches at the
beginning OR if the pattern is longer than one character, XYplorer starts looking for matches
anywhere. Sounds complicated but is the most popular matching mode.
Highlight matches
Tick it to highlight the current Type Ahead Find matches in the List (it's not implemented in the Tree).
The color is hard-coded to black on yellow.
Ignore diacritics
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 95
Tick it to ignore diacritics in Type Ahead Find in Tree and List. Typing "ö" will match "o" and vice versa.
Enable it (it's actually the factory default) to keep the default functionality of the space bar in the List:
to select the currently focused item when it is not selected. To make the space bar work like any other
key in Type Ahead Find, uncheck the option.
As the name suggests, it only affects single spaces. Within a fast-typed string of letters, spaces work
like any other key, e.g. "y " or " y".
Uncheck to let Type Ahead Find in the file list always use the Name column; check to use the columns
Name, Ext, Type, Path, Label, Tags, or Comment if they are the sorted columns.
Tick it to enable Type Ahead Find by pasting text directly into the list. So when you have a bit of text in
the clipboard, pasting this text into the List will attempt to find, focus, and highlight the next match,
just as if you used Type Ahead Find.
Multi-line inputs are cleared of line feeds and then passed to the Paste and Find function.
Characters that are illegal in filenames are removed (if matching is done against the Name column).
You can paste a full URL to find and highlight the corresponding file in the current list. For example:
Pasted Text: https://www.xyplorer.com/whatsnew.php
Found File: whatsnew.php
Paste and Find includes Paste and Go: If you paste a full path then XYplorer will simply go to it. This
can also be a full path filename. In that case the file will be focused and selected in the list. Note that
Paste and Go also works in the folder tree. Note that you can also paste relative paths. They will be
resolved relative to the current list path.
Note: There are possible conflicts with pasting stuff from Outlook. If you get those conflicts turn off
"Paste and find".
Note that all other options under "Enable type ahead find" are ignored if the typing is redirected to
the Live Filter Box.
96 XYplorer Help
Audio/Video preview:
If checked then Audio/Video files will start playing immediately. Else you have to click on the progress
bar or press the space key.
You can optionally play only the beginning of a sound or video file, and then stop, loop, and jump to
the next file (depending on the Loop settings). The number of seconds to be played can be defined in
the edit box right of "Play only the first seconds". Untick the checkbox or enter value 0 to play the
whole file. The factory default is 3 seconds.
Note that for technical reasons the stop time cannot be exact to the millisecond but will usually be
plus-minus 30 milliseconds off.
Tick it to keep a running audio/video preview busy when you close the Info Panel.
Audio preview:
Tick it to preview (listen to) your audio files while the info panel is down and/or the preview panel is
not selected.
Tick it to play WAV files in a special way that renders perfectly seamless looping.
For technical reasons this mode has no progress feedback and no pausing (only full stop / back to
WAV files will be looped regardless of the setting of "Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio/Video
preview". It does not have to be "Play[ed] Again".
This setting also affects "Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on
Thumbnails and Icons | Audio preview". Analog to above, WAV files will be looped regardless of the
setting of "Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons |
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 97
Video preview:
Preview as thumbnail
Tick it to quickly show the video thumbnails in the preview area, instead of slowly loading the video
(and optionally playing it).
Check it to preview a single static frame of a video. You can further define the offset of that frame (skip
intro) in milliseconds, which allows you skip any black/blank frames at the very beginning.
Note that Skip is supported only in the Preview Tab. Preview Pane and Floating Preview will show the
shell preview in paused state.
Image/Video preview:
Images that are smaller than the preview area (under standard display settings 320x160 pixel), for
example icons and cursors, are zoomed to fill up the space available.
Choose border style for image and Audio/Video preview (Shadow is only applied to image preview).
Image preview:
Here you can control the quality of the image resampling used in the Preview Tab, the Floating Preview
, the Full Screen Preview, and in Mouse Down Blow Up (on Preview and on thumbnails).
Auto-rotate preview
Tick to enable Auto-Rotate for the Image Preview, its Mouse Down Blow Up, the Floating Preview, and
the Full Screen Preview.
Digital cameras with orientation sensors allow auto-rotation of portrait images by reflecting the
positioning of the camera with respect to the ground in the picture's EXIF data. So, the Auto-Rotate
feature works only with picture files that contain EXIF data, usually JPEGs and TIFFs (extensions: jpg,
jpeg, tif, tiff).
Transparency background
Here you can choose how transparent areas in images (PNG, GIF, and other formats supporting
98 XYplorer Help
transparency) are displayed. You have four options, including the nice "neutral" option which melts the
transparent areas with the surrounding background:
Color 1 and Color 2: You can customize the two checkerboard grid colors. Color 1 is the first top-left
checker field. Left-clicking the color field opens the Choose Color dialog, right-clicking resets to the
factory default color.
Tip: If you don't want the checkerboard grid but just one particular color simply set both colors to that
same value.
Zoom to fit
Images that are smaller than the screen area are zoomed to fill up the space available.
Tick to initially top-align a vertically cropped preview. Useful for documents where you want to see the
title first. If not ticked the preview is vertically centered.
The filename and dimensions (width x height) of the previewed image is shown in a status bar at the
bottom of the preview window.
The status bar also shows the approximated aspect ratio of the image (3:2, 16:9, 3:4, etc.), and
optionally basic photo data (can be configured within the Floating Preview).
Tip: When the status bar is hidden you can still see the information in a tooltip by hovering the bottom
of the preview window (where the status bar would be if visible).
Tick to enable Mouse Down Blow Up. Untick to enable left mouse panning of cropped images.
Select the background color for the preview. Note that in the preview itself the shortcut B will cycle the
background colors.
Modeless dialog
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 99
Tick it to have the Quick File View (and also the Metadata view) modeless similar to the Floating
Preview: You can leave it open and select files in the file list to have them quick-viewed.
Web preview:
Text preview:
Here you can define how Tab characters are displayed in ASCII Raw View and Quick File View. Select 0
(factory default) to expand TABs by the system default tab stop value (usually 8). Select any other
number to display TABs by this number of spaces (the files are not changed by this, of course).
Note: This setting also affects texts in Hover Box and Mouse Down Blow Up.
UTF-8 auto-detection
Tick it to attempt to auto-detect BOM-less UTF-8 files. This setting also controls UTF-8 detection in Find
Files Contents search.
For your interest, the UTF-8 BOM (or signature) is "" (EF BB BF), but often UTF-8 files come without
the BOM.
Preview delay
Here you can enter the number of milliseconds that a preview is delayed after a file has been selected.
This should make it a nicer experience to walk through a directory while the Preview tab or the Preview
Pane is open.
Previewed Formats
XYplorer attempts to preview all checked file types you see in the lists. What formats actually work
depends on the configuration of your local system (what's the Windows version, which preview
handlers are installed). If you experience problems with a certain format, uncheck it in the list and it
will not be previewed.
In the Categories list you can enable/disable the preview for a whole category, i.e. for a group of file
types, e.g. for all Image files.
In the [File Types] list (contents depend on what is selected in the Categories list) you can enable/
100 XYplorer Help
disable certain file types (identified by extension), or add new ones to the categories.
Order of Precedence
Note that there is an order of category precedence when previewing files, e.g. when a file format
(=extension) is listed in the Text and in the Office category then it will be previewed as text (if
possible). This is the order of precedence:
2. Preview as Thumbnail
3. Text Files
4. Office Files
9. Video Files
Here you can associate file types (identified by the extension) directly with the GUID of any installed
32-bit or 64-bit preview handler. It's your job to find out the GUID and whether the handler is fit to
preview this type of files. So this is definitely an advanced feature.
The syntax is simple. For example, this definition would associate EXE files with the Quick View Plus
The displayed item in the list comes with some additional human-friendly information for your pleasure,
for example:
*.exe, Executable File > {8B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17}, Quick View Plus - Preview
Category User-Defined Preview Handlers has precedence over all other categories. So this is the
complete order of precedence (the order in which a given extension is checked against the
categories): User-Defined Preview Handlers > Text Files > Office Files > Web Files > Font Files >
Image Files > Audio Files > Video Files
Contrary to other categories you can have more than one definition for the same extension in the
list. So you can quickly de/activate a preview handler by changing some checkmarks. Fictitious
example (- and + stand for (un)ticked checkboxes):
- txt>{1B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17}
+ txt>{2B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17}
- txt>{3B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17}
The list is processed from top to bottom, unchecked items are ignored, the first match wins.
You can have wildcards in the extension part of an entry to match whole families of items. To mark
an extension as wildcarded extension prefix it with * (asterisk); this * is not part of the actual
pattern but just the marker. Fictitious examples:
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 101
Pattern Matches
*ab?>{1B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17} "ab" plus one other character
*??>{2B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17} any two characters
*###>{2B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17} three digits
*3##>{2B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17} all numbers from 300 to 399
3##>{2B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17} 3## (# not treated as wildcard)
You can force the bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) of the process that attempts to employ the preview
handler. This is useful if you know that the handler only exists in a particular bitness, so trying the
other bitness would just be a waste of time and energy. Another advantage is that this setting
overrides the global settings "Use 64-bit preview handlers for preview" and "Fall back to preview
handlers of the other bitness" so that you have finer control over the bitness now. Fictitious
Pattern Bitness
pdf>{CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583} depends on global settings
pdf>{CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583}>32 32-bit only
pdf>{CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583}>64 64-bit only
With User-defined Preview Handlers you gain unprecedented control over the preview of particular
file types. For example, if you have more than one image preview handler on the system, you can
now easily define which is used for which image type, without going into the configuration of each
preview handler or editing the registry.
This feature also increases portability: You can re-associate preview handlers without touching the
registry of the host system.
Preview as Thumbnail
This category is for files that are known to implement their preview not via Preview Handlers but via
Thumbnail Providers. It simply saves time, energy, and climate to skip other preview methods that
won't work anyway. 32-bit and 64-bit Thumbnail Providers are supported.
Note: To make use of 64-bit Thumbnail Providers at least one of these options has to be ticked:
Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Use 64-bit preview handlers for preview
Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Fall back to preview handlers of the
other bitness
Usage Tip: If you add the extension "pdf" to "Preview as Thumbnail" you get the fast thumbnail
preview for PDFs everywhere (Preview Tab, Preview Pane, Floating Preview). It usually shows the first
page of the PDF. Of course, a Thumbnail Provider for PDF must exist.
102 XYplorer Help
Find...: Use this button to quickly jump to a particular extension in its category. Note that Find looks for
the next match from here (current category, current extension). It turns around to the beginning
when it has reached the end.
Tip: After using button "Find..." once, you can repeat the search from the current position by pressing
Add...: Use this button to add new extensions. User-added extensions are colored blue (or color
"Marked Text 2"). They can be excluded from preview by unticking them, or completely removed from
the list using the Remove button.
For example, to add *.zig files to the text preview you first select the Text Files group in the upper
list, and then add "zig" (without the quotes) as extension to the lower list.
You can as well add files without any extension as a separate file type to any of the file type groups.
To do this state "<none>" (without the quotes) as the extension.
Remove: Remove a user-added or user-defined file type from a category. Keyboard shortcut: DEL.
Thumbnail widths and heights are configurable. You can define three thumbnail types, for each you can
choose between various sizes for each dimension.
While the processing on the fly is pretty fast (BTW, it can be aborted at any time by ESC), you can
achieve speed of light if you enable the thumbnail caching. Contrary to Explorer, no hidden "thumbs.
db" files will be scattered all around your hard disk, but (unless you opt out of this, see below)
XYplorer stores all cache data in one central folder whose name and location you can choose yourself
(button Browse...) (default is a folder "Thumbnails" located right under the application's data folder).
Include local disks: By default enabled, this option lets you exclude local disks from caching which can
be quite useful when operating XYplorer from a removable media (e.g. USB stick) on an alien host
system. Note that when you untick both "Include local disks" and "Include removable media and
network locations" you will effectively get no caching at all.
Include removable media and network locations: Tick it to cache thumbnails for removable drives,
network locations, and portable devices.
You still can explicitly create new thumbnails by using the various "Refresh Thumbnails" commands,
and especially the "Create Missing Thumbnails" command in menu View | Caches (and in the right-
click menu of all View related toolbar buttons). In that case the cache on disk will be updated. So,
the "Show cached thumbnails only" mode yields more control to you: Now *you* decide which
thumbnails are created and when.
When you untick "Show cached thumbnails only" then any missing thumbnails are created right
Cache path: Here you can specify the cache path, i.e. the location where the cache files are placed.
Note that the Thumbnails Cache Folder is fully portable, i.e. you can define it in XYplorer's portable path
syntax, e.g.:
Tip 1: The tooltip of the Thumbnails Cache Folder edit box shows the resolved absolute path.
Tip 2: You can state a non-existing path in the field. It will be created on OK-ing the Configuration
Button "Clear...": Allows you to delete all *.dat2 and *.dbits files from the thumbnails cache folder.
Note that the thumbnails cache folder is the one that is defined in the "Cache folder" edit field on
Configuration | Thumbnails in the moment you press "Clear...". But there's a prompt anyway, before
the actual deletion takes place.
Resolve cache path from current folder: Enable it to make a softly defined cache path location (i.e.
one that is not a hard path) dependent on the current folder instead of the XYplorer app data path.
The current folder is the folder for which you are currently showing thumbnails. Examples:
[Current share]\XYThumbs\, eg \
XYThumbs\ disabled [XYplorer app data path]\XYThumbs\
XYThumbs\ enabled [Current folder path]\XYThumbs\
[empty] enabled [Current folder path]\
The setting has no effect on a hard path, e.g.:
E:\XYThumbs\ disabled E:\XYThumbs\
E:\XYThumbs\ enabled E:\XYThumbs\
With Paper Folders the cache path is resolved relative to the path of the paper folder file itself.
Using this setting makes your thumbnails cache even more portable. You can take it with you on a USB
stick and use it on any other system that has XYplorer on it. The pattern ?:\XYThumbs\ doesn't care
about any new drive letters Windows assigns to your removable drives.
If your cache path is a subfolder of the current folder (e.g. pattern XYThumbs\), you can do the
following: move the cache along with the original files, rename the folder of the original files, or make a
copy of the folder of the original files (including the cache subfolder) in any location. No new thumbnails
will be created, the cache will not get stale, the copied cache will just work. Even if you do the above
with an external program while XYplorer is closed.
To refresh the thumbnails cache click menu View | Caches | Refresh Thumbnails. However, it won't
be necessary too often: while XYplorer expects and supports user smartness, the cache isn't dumb
either and whenever an image file is updated the cached thumbnail is immediately updated too.
Create Missing Thumbnails: Menu View | Caches (and the right-click menu of View related toolbar
buttons) features the command "Create Missing Thumbnails" if "Show cached thumbnails only" is ON.
You can use to create those thumbnails that are missing from the cache, and have them added to the
Also whenever you rename or move a folder within XYplorer (or with another application while XYplorer
is running), any affected thumbs cache is automatically adjusted to the change in the background. This
is accomplished with an index file called XYThumbs.txt which is created and maintained in the thumbs
cache folder. The format of the index file is simple and self-explaining, so that you can even edit it
manually or programmatically if needed (if you try to do this note that the folder list is expected to be
Check it to have all thumbnails in the current list created at once (not just the ones that are currently
visible in the viewport). Enabling this option is only advisable if also "Cache thumbnails on disk" is
enabled because then the work will have to be done only once. Otherwise browsing large image
folders will become slow again and again.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 105
Note that even with "Cache thumbnails on disk" enabled this new setting makes browsing a bit slower
on fully cached folders. So, if all or most of your folders are already fully cached, you can (very) slightly
increase speed by disabling "Create all thumbnails at once".
Note that this setting is ignored in Find mode (Search Results and Branch View) for performance
Tip 1: The context menu of the Toolbar buttons related to list views features a command Create All
Thumbnails Now. Here you can have all thumbnails in the current list created for this list, without
having the global Create all thumbnails at once enabled in Configuration | Thumbnails.
Tip 2: The same context menu also features the commands Refresh Selected Thumbnails (High
Speed), Refresh Selected Thumbnails (Fast), Refresh Selected Thumbnails (Crisp), and Refresh
Selected Thumbnails (Smooth).
Tick it to show the thumbnails of RAW image files generated by digital cameras (e.g. CRW, DNG, NEF,
RAF, etc). Of course, the required RAW Codecs have to be installed in the system.
Tick this option to make use your Shell's capabilities (shell extensions, thumbnail handlers), and you
will get thumbnails for PDF, HTML, MHT, URL, various Office and video formats.
Background: The Shell provides a way to obtain preview images (aka thumbnails) for any file which
has a Shell extension that supports this: typically images, videos, web and Office documents, and
folders. Windows Explorer's thumbnails are created using this way.
Note: It depends on your operating system and the installed software which file types are actually
supported. In the web you can find numerous "Windows Thumbnail Plugins" that will add more
thumbnail formats to the Shell and hence to XYplorer.
Folder Thumbnails. The file list supports Folder Thumbnails. When enabled, folders display a thumbnail
drawn from one of the contained files in the following order of precedence:
Tick it to show thumbnails in Small Tiles and Large Tiles views. Else only system icons are shown.
Small size: Enter the size (width = height) for thumbnails in Small Tiles view. Minimum is 32, maximum
106 XYplorer Help
is 512 pixels.
Large size: Enter the size (width = height) for thumbnails in Large Tiles view. Minimum is 32,
maximum is 512 pixels.
Auto-rotate thumbnails
Tick it to enable Auto-Rotate for the Thumbnails and their Mouse Down Blow Up.
Digital cameras with orientation sensors allow auto-rotation of portrait images by reflecting the
positioning of the camera with respect to the ground in the picture's EXIF data. So, the Auto-Rotate
feature works only with picture files that contain EXIF data, usually JPEGs and TIFFs (extensions: jpg,
jpeg, tif, tiff).
Check to show the small file icon in the top-left corner of the thumbnail.
Show caption
Note: When "Show caption" is disabled then no inline rename is possible in the file list.
Tip: On Thumbnails views the command View | Columns | Autosize Columns Now (Ctrl+Numpad Add)
toggles the thumbnail captions visibility.
Overlay caption
Tick it to display the caption right on the thumbnail instead of underneath it. That way you save screen
space and still see the filenames.
The overlaid captions are done in white text on a semi-transparent black background.
It's done only in the three Thumbnails views, not in Tiles or Details with Thumbs.
The max number of lines is controlled by "Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Caption lines". The
overlay height will then adjust to the lines needed.
The dimensions on "Show dimensions of original" are appended to the subtitle in parentheses.
Tick it to show video thumbnails with dark edges and sprocket holes.
Tick it to display the size of the original image at the bottom of each thumbnail.
Tick it to show dimensions also for videos. The main reason to turn it off speed. Retrieving this info can
take time.
Align to bottom
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 107
Zoom to fill
Tick it to fill all the available space with the thumbnail. Left/right parts or top/bottom parts may be
cropped. Using this option makes better use of the available space at the expense of the cropped
The cropped image is centered, i.e. the cropping is done equally at both of the cropped sides.
Changing this setting takes immediate effect on the currently shown thumbnails.
Cropped thumbnails are cached independently from non-cropped ones, so once cached you can
quickly toggle Zoom to Fill without any delays.
Tip: The command is also available from the context menu of thumbnails/view-related Toolbar buttons.
High Speed: Check this box to have thumbnail creation run 3 up to 5 times faster than "Fast". The
price you pay is a lower quality of the thumbnails. This setting needs Windows Vista or later.
Otherwise the "Fast" algorithm is used internally.
Fast: Check this box to have thumbnail creation run much faster than "Crisp" and "Smooth". The price
you pay is a lower quality of the thumbnails.
Note: Changing the quality will NOT automatically affect thumbnails currently shown in the list or
stored in a cache on disk. For this you have to explicitly recreate the thumbnails via "View | Caches |
Refresh Thumbnails".
Here you can choose how transparent areas in images (PNG, GIF, and other formats supporting
transparency) are displayed. You have four options, including the nice "neutral" option which melts the
transparent areas with the surrounding background:
Here you can customize the distance between thumbnails. Note that depending on the thumbnails
Style some minimal padding is internally hard-coded and silently ensured. Only style "Plain" allows
effectively zero padding.
Caption lines
Here you can customize the number of caption lines shown. This setting affects Thumbnails and Large
Icons views.
Here you can customize the background color just for thumbnails and tiles views. Notes:
The color overwrites Configuration | Styles | Mirror tree box color in list.
The general settings affect Mouse Down Blow Up on Info Panel Preview, Floating Preview, and on
If checked then the blow up will use the whole screen (if necessary), not only XYplorer's main window.
The option "Shrink to fit" (above) will then apply to the screen, of course, i.e. it will work as "Shrink to
fit screen".
Tick it to always center the blow up in the window or screen (depending on "Use whole screen"), no
matter where the thumbnail/preview is located or where exactly you down your mouse. Applies to
MDBU on thumbnails, on file icons, on the Preview tab, and on the Floating Preview, in other words:
everywhere. And on left and right mouse down.
With border
Shrink to fit
If ticked then the blow up is shrunk so that the full width fits in the view port, only vertical panning is
possible, and the panning is restricted to what's necessary to show the full height of the blow up.
Allow panning
Tick it to allow panning the blow up even if it's shrunk to fit (and hence fully visible).
This setting does not affect the vertical-only panning on "Fit width only".
Lets you control the Mouse Down Blow Up behavior on mouse move. There are two options:
Loupe: The mouse pointer, the blow up, and the preview are always exactly aligned "over" the blown-
up spot.
Touch Screen: Like with a touch screen the blow up is dragged around along with the mouse.
Apply zoom
Tick it and enter a percentage of your choice to show the Mouse Down Blow Up previews in a scale
larger (or smaller) than the original size, aka Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed (MDBUZ). Got small
images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
You can also enter a value smaller than 100% to pop a preview smaller than the original. For what
it's worth.
From 400% onwards you will see the real pixels, not any anti-aliased sludge which just does not
look good anymore at these extreme enlargements.
An internal upper limit is currently hard-coded to 50,000,000 square pixels. Otherwise zooming large
images by 1000% (note that MDBUZ shows the whole image, not just a part) will destroy your
computer... ;)
The zoom applies to all MDBUs (thumbnails, icons, preview tab, preview pane, floating preview) as
long as they show an image (including thumbnail previews of PDFs and similar).
Tip: If you use a high zoom (1000%) and combine it with "Shrink to fill" you end up with a "Zoom to fit"
effectively for images that are larger than just an icon.
Tip: If it's unticked you can drag and drop thumbnails easier because you can use the whole thumbnail
area for grabbing, not just the caption.
On middle mouse down: Pop up image in original size on middle mouse down. The popup stays up
110 XYplorer Help
Stay up: Tick to have the blow up stay up until clicked again or any button is pressed.
Fit popup to screen: Tick to show the whole image using the whole screen. If unticked then the
MDBU settings at Configuration | Mouse down blow up | General are used.
Fit popup width only: Does the same as "Fit width only" above (slightly different caption to avoid
confusion), but only on thumbnails and only on right-click. So that way you can have the full size
popup on left-click, and the fit width one on right-click.
Allow dragging items by the thumbnail: Tick it to enable dragging items by the thumbnail. The price
you pay for this is a 150 msec delay before you get the blow up (in case you don't drag). XYplorer uses
this time to decide whether you intend a drag or a blow up.
If this is ticked a quick right-mouse-down-mouse-up on a thumbnail will show the shell context menu.
Note that if it is unticked you can still drag a file in thumbnails view by grabbing it by the caption.
Enable blow ups on file icons as well: Tick it to enable Mouse Down Blow Up on file icons in Details
and List view. Works for image files (including PSD and RAW formats, and animated GIFs), Video files
(showing stills), Office files, PDF files, Text files. Of course, for Office and media formats the necessary
Codecs and shell extensions have to be installed on the system. The feature also works on shortcuts
(*.LNK files) to such files.
Remember relative position: Tick it to remember the relative position of the blow ups on file icons
(relative to the point of mouse down).
The location is only locked (= stored and remembered) if the blow up is beyond (not covering) the
point of the mousedown.
Consequently, you can stop any locking by dragging the current blow up over the mousedown.
The main idea behind this setting is to get an unobstructed view of the file names an icons.
Audio preview: Tick it to enable Mouse Down Blow Up for audio files, also known as Quick Audio
You can as well blow up the textual contents (i.e. what can be shown of them in one view) of files. No
need to open an application or a preview pane anymore. There's never been a faster way to check the
contents of a file.
This works for text files and, if the necessary IFilters are installed, also for Web and Office files.
Windows 8 and later seem to support this by factory default.
It also works on file types that are not listed as text files in Previewed Formats. Any non-binary file
gets a blow up.
The blow up is always centered initially (else the top of the text is often out of view).
The height if the blow up adjusts to the actually needed space. It will be smaller if there is only little
You can also blow up the raw hexadecimal contents (i.e. what can be shown of them in one view) of
any file by holding CTRL while you down the mouse on thumbnail or icon. Works with any file type (but
not with folders, of course). The hex data are shown in blue, as opposed to normal text data which are
shown in black.
Note that Mouse Down Blow Up is also available for the thumbnails Animated GIFs. The blow up will
be animated.
If "Configuration | Mouse Down Blow Up | Audio preview" is ticked Mouse Down Blow Up works for
audio files. On mouse down (on icon or thumbnail) it just plays the sound as long as you hold down
the mouse. All previewable audio file types are supported (MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG, MID... you name it) --
of course, the necessary CODEC has to be installed.
Once the audio preview starts a basic progress bar is shown in the main Status Bar giving you an idea
of the current position within the piece. On a preview that's staying up: (see blow) the progress bar is
interactive: You can left-click on it to change the position of the playback. Right-click the progress bar
to toggle Pause/Play. There is also a tiny button to toggle Pause/Play. Also the SPACE key will toggle
Pause/Play (while focus is in the list).
Tick these two and the audio preview starts on right-click and stays up on releasing the button:
Configuration | Mouse Down Blow Up | On right mouse down
Configuration | Mouse Down Blow Up | Stay up
Tick this and you get audio preview via Mouse Down on file icons:
Configuration | Mouse Down Blow Up | Enable blow ups on file icons as well
To stop a preview that's staying up: Either left-click or press ESC, or click anywhere in the list, or
start the next file's audio preview.
Scrubbing: While holding the mouse down (on icon or thumbnail) you can move it right or left to
move to a new position in the playing file (fast forward/backward).
Tick it to get a popup menu (scrollable if necessary) listing all items contained in the folder whose icon
you just clicked (mouse-upped) in the folder tree or file list. "Mouse Up Show Down" is the catchy
name for this revolutionary feature, which functionally is a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder
Contents Preview. These are the main properties:
The popup menu lists all contained folders and files (folders on top), without the full path.
Click the same icon again and the menu disappears. You can also hide it by pressing ESC or by
clicking anywhere else in the window.
If tweak MUSDonthumbs=1: If there are no icons in a view but folder thumbnails, it works on the folder
thumbnails. In that case the folder thumbnails lose their Mouse Down Blow Up skills.
Clicking a folder item in popup menu will open that folder in XYplorer. It will zap you 2 levels down,
cool motion on a single click.
Clicking a file item in popup menu will run that file as if you double-clicked it in XYplorer.
Caveat: Note that your Custom File Associations might not work as expected here, since there is a
crucial difference to a *real* double-click: The file is not selected, it's not even visible in the current
list. Not every function can handle that.
General visibility settings are honored. So, when an item is hidden from the list then it's also hidden
from the Folder Contents Preview. In the unlikely case that all items are hidden, you won't see
"Folder is empty." but "[n] items are hidden."
It supports File Info Tips and Hover Box. Hover the icon (or caption, depending on the settings in
File Info Tips) of any item listed in the Folder Contents Preview and you get the File Info Tip or Hover
Box just like in the normal list. Note: For the Hover Box this has to be enabled in Configuration |
Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context.
If a folder is empty a menu pops up with just one disabled item "[Empty]". You can click that item to
go into the empty folder. (Remember that invisible ghosted items might exist in that folder. You are
noted about any ghosted items in the Status Bar.)
Each item in the popup menu has a little context menu itself featuring a couple of useful commands
for files and folders.
Tip: Note these additional options for clicking on folders in the popup menu (not featured in the
context menu to keep it light):
Shift+Click: Open Folder in a New Tab (also: Middle-Click)
Shift+Alt+Click: Open Folder in New Tab in Other Pane
In tree
In list
On left mouse up
On right mouse up
Sorted by
Here you can control the sorting in the Folder Contents Preview (including the Hover Box on folders).
Tip: While the Hover Box is showing for a folder you can cycle the sort order by pressing the "O" (letter
o) key.
New tab path
If you want to open new tabs always in the same path then enter this path here. Leave the field
empty to always open new tabs at the current path.
Tip 1: You may enter "This PC" (or whatever your Computer node in the Tree is called) to open new
tabs at "This PC".
Tip 2: The field supports environment variables, so you can enter e.g. "%userprofile%\Desktop".
At the end
Check to cycle the tabs based on the usage sequence (aka MRU) instead of the left-to-right position.
The cycle functions are these (as listed in Customize Keyboard Shortcuts):
Note that going by MRU has the usual "history" logic: If you go backward from A to B, then to return to
A you have to go *forward* (not backward again).
Note that when you are on the most recent tab, Ctrl+Tab will not wrap around but go backward. This
allows you to jump back and forth between the 2 most recent tabs with one key combination.
Note that with "Activate left tab on closing current" and "Cycle tabs in recently used order" both
enabled, the *previously used tab* is auto-selected on closing the current tab.
Tick it to reuse existing tabs when changing locations through Favorite Folders, Favorite Files, Special
System Folders, Hotlist, Recent Locations, Catalog, Tree, List, Breadcrumb Bar, or whatever other way.
If the limit is reached, and no Default Tab is defined, and a new tab is to be created by you or by some
implied process, then the last (right-most) tab will be used for it.
Tip: If set to 1 (which means you really don't like tabs) you won't get any message prompts when
another tab is supposed to be opened. Everything will just go into the current tab without asking
questions. So that's a way to turn off the whole Tabs feature.
If enabled tabs will only be as wide as necessary to show the full caption.
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 115
Special benefits for named tabs (Menu View | Tab | Rename Tab):
(1) You can save valuable screen space if you choose short names for your tabs.
(2) Named tabs' captions are never cropped if space gets scarce.
Here you can define a minimum and a maximum tab width. Defaults are 25 and 250 pixels.
The hard minimum value for both fields is internally set to 25. You cannot go below that. This is
internally validated and silently corrected if necessary.
If you set the same value to both fields the tabs will be totally fixed to that size.
While it says "pixels" the value is auto-adjusted to the screen scaling. E.g. on 150% a value of 80 will
be internally converted to 120 pixels.
Show icons
Tick it to prompt on closing a locked tab, a tab with a home, or a default tab.
The delay before a dragged over tab is automatically selected. Allowed values are from 0 to 9999.
Untick it to keep the inactive pane's tabs passive on being dragged-over. This can be quite practical.
Tick it to allow adding new tabs by drag-dropping folders onto the empty part of the tab bar or onto
the gaps between two tabs.
Works also on the tab bar of the inactive pane, and for folders drag-dropped from other apps.
Tip: Holding down the CTRL key while dragging / dropping will open the new tab.
Tab captions
116 XYplorer Help
Here you can customize the tab captions. Choose among three options:
Custom: Use a template that can be defined using the Custom button. The default pattern is
<drive>: <folder> but you can do anything that crosses your mind, e.g. <folder> (<drive>) or
<folder> on <drive>: etc.
Supported placeholders:
Tip: The placeholders can also be specified per-tab using menu View | Tab | Rename Tab.
Visual style
(1) Windows Themes: Only effective when Themes are enabled (XP and higher).
Check it to have a thin yellow stripe on top of the selected tab. This setting controls the tabs on the
Info Panel, and the main browsing tabs if they are in classic style.
Tick it to show the 'Tab List' button. It is positioned right of all tabs (but see next paragraph) on each
pane and provides a mousy way to pop a list of all open tabs. That way you can select tabs that are
not visible in the tab bar because of lacking space.
When space becomes scarce and tab headers start to shrink the Tab List button jumps from the right
end to the left end of the tab bar, i.e. to a place that will always be visible even under the worst
conditions (millions of tabs).
[Tab Bar Auto Scroll] (not an option, it just works): When the 'Tab List' button is shown it's ensured
that the header of the current tab is always visible within the view port. To achieve this the tab
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 117
Tick it to show the 'New Tab' button. It is positioned right of all tabs on each pane and provides a
mousy way to open a new tab.
Buttons position
Here you can choose where in the tab bar to show the "New Tab" and "Tab List" buttons. Factory
default is "Flexible" which keeps them visible most of the time even if space becomes extremely scarce.
Check it to automatically save the current tabset when switching to a new one. If unchecked the
closed tabset will be opened in its last saved state next time it is opened.
Tick it to restore the full list layout (view mode, sort order, column layout, list style) when selecting the
"Go Home" command. Otherwise going home only changes the location.
It's possible now to have the current node out of view after opening a tab which can be very good
This setting overrules "Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Scroll selected folder to the
top" when switching between tabs or panes.
It just remembers the scroll position, not the whole tree. So when the tree changes between tab
openings you might end up in a different place than before.
Dual Pane
Shade inactive pane
Check to shade the background of the inactive pane. The color is configurable in Configuration |
If ticked then the inactive pane will not color the sorted column anymore.
118 XYplorer Help
Tab key
Select the automatic resizing of the panes when the window size is changed.
Check it to ensure that the first pane is always visible. E.g., when you are in single pane mode / 1st
pane, and do "Toggle Active Pane", then dual pane mode is auto-enabled before activating the 2nd
pane so that the first pane is still visible. In other words, tick this option to never see only the 2nd
Sync Select
If ticked (= factory default) then in search results, Sync Select automatically honors the relative paths of
the items (relative to the root path of the search, or of the Branch View).
Note that the settings also takes effect if only one of the panes is in Find mode.
Sync Browse
Tick it to auto-select any matching item in the other pane when you select an item in this pane.
Does what it says without further questions. When you dive into a folder that does not exist in the
other location it will be created as an empty folder and then you go into it.
Shell Integration
Here you can integrate XYplorer with the Windows shell.
Here you control the scope of the shell integration. You have two options:
For all users of this computer (you need admin rights to alter the following settings!)
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 119
Note that changes in the following checkboxes will take immediate effect and modify the registry of
the host system.
Tick this box to add the item "XYplorer" to the shell context menu for drives and directories. By
selecting "XYplorer", XYplorer will open this drive or directory.
To remove XYplorer from the shell context menu simply untick the checkbox.
Tick this box to have drives and directories opened in XYplorer by system wide default and thus replace
Windows Explorer as default file manager. Untick the box to go back to Explorer at any time.
Note that this option is logically and technically subordinated to the one here above: You cannot have
this without the other, but you can have the other without this.
64-bit Windows
Tick it to access the real System32 directory instead of being redirected by Windows to SysWOW64.
If unticked then a warning message is shown in a list that is redirected by Windows to SysWOW64.
Tick it to show the 64-bit shell context menu instead of the 32-bit shell context menu.
The shell context menu is the menu you see when you right-click files or folders. Here so-called shell
extensions can place custom commands that extend the Windows native commands. But there is a
drawback: On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit applications only show 32-bit shell extensions, and 64-bit
applications only show 64-bit shell extensions. XYplorer now offers you the best of both worlds: You
can pop the 32-bit context menu AND the 64-bit context menu, whatever you prefer!
The option is only offered under 64-bit Windows (it would be meaningless under 32-bit Windows).
The functionality is provided by the helper file XY64ctxmenu.exe which has to be located in the path
of XYplorer.exe.
The 64-bit context menu will not contain any of XYplorer's custom items in the shell context menu.
Tip 1: If you leave the option unticked then the 32-bit context menu (in Tree and List) will offer an
extra command "Show 64-bit Context Menu" by which you can open the 64-bit context menu on the fly.
That way you can have XYplorer's custom items in the context AND quick access to the 64-bit context
Tip 2: You can force the 64-bit context menu using Ctrl+Menu Key (the key next to the right CTRL key,
120 XYplorer Help
so Ctrl+Menu Key is easily doable with the right hand). This gives you nice keyboard options:
Menu Key: 32-bit or 64-bit Context Menu (depends on setting in Configuration | Shell Integration)
Note that the above only works if "Show the 64-bit context menu" is OFF, else it has no effect since
the 64-bit context menu is opened either way.
Credits: Last not least, credits and a big thanks for designing and writing XY64ctxmenu.exe go to
"Mesh" (from XYplorer Beta Club)!
Tick it to make use of any installed 64-bit IFilters and thus enable previewing and searching the textual
contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files, PDF) for which only 64-bit IFilters are installed
in the system.
Notoriously Microsoft Office made it a habit to install only 64-bit IFilters on a 64-bit system, even if
the Office version itself is 32-bit. However, 64-bit IFilters are completely useless to other 32-bit apps
(Office itself does not need them).
XYplorer can optionally access those 64-bit IFilters by way of a 64-bit helper process created by
XY64contents.exe, which is included in the distribution package. XY64contents.exe has to be located
in the path of XYplorer.exe. The installer takes care of this.
In practical terms this means you can now text-preview (e.g. in the Hover Box) and content-search
Office and PDF files on 64-bit Windows.
Of course, the option is only offered under 64-bit Windows (it would be meaningless under 32-bit
Note: If Fall back to IFilters of the other bitness (see below) is ticked then the Use 64-bit IFilters
for content search option actually decides which bitness is tried first (which can make a difference in
Credits: Last not least, credits and a big thanks for designing and writing XY64contents.exe go to
"Mesh" (from XYplorer Beta Club)!
If the 64-bit IFilter returns nothing then the 32-bit IFilter is tried as a fallback strategy, and vice versa
(if on 64-bit Windows).
Tick it to make use of any installed 64-bit preview handlers and thus enable previewing complex
Configuration / Configuration Dialog 121
document formats (e.g. Office files, PDF) for which only 64-bit preview handlers are installed in the
XYplorer can optionally access those 64-bit preview handlers by way of a 64-bit helper process created
by XY64.exe, which is included in the distribution package. XY64.exe has to be located in the path of
XYplorer.exe. The installer takes care of this.
Of course, the option is only offered under 64-bit Windows (it would be meaningless under 32-bit
Note: If Fall back to preview handlers of the other bitness (see below) is ticked then the Use 64-
bit preview handlers for preview option actually decides which bitness is tried first (which can
make a difference in speed).
If no 64-bit preview handlers are found then the 32-bit preview handlers are tried as a fallback
strategy, and vice versa (if on 64-bit Windows).
Enable it to always open files from a 64-bit process instead of a 32-bit process. This affects how some
environment variables are resolved.
Affects all sorts of open, e.g. by menu "File | Open", by "File | Open with...", by Enter, or by Double-
click on a file.
Tick it to provide full support for certain more sophisticated drop targets.
Why would anybody turn this off? Well, when using standard shell drag and drop there are no custom
mouse pointers anymore when hovering certain drop targets within XYplorer. e.g. a white-on-black
plus when hovering a Catalog category.
Here you can change the default drag and drop behavior for intra-volume operations:
Here you can change the default drag and drop behavior for cross-volume operations:
Tick it to create the "Shell IDList Array" data structure along with the files copied to the clipboard or
dragged. This is only needed when pasting or dropping files into another app, and even then it usually
works fine without it. However, creating this structure takes time. So, if you frequently work with large
numbers of files (in clipboard or drag and drop) leave this option unticked to get a ton of speed.
Here you can control some of the advanced functionality of XYplorer and disable features which you do
not use or wish to see. Disabling a feature will remove the related elements from the GUI and may
improve overall resource usage.
Configuration / Multilingual Support 123
Multilingual Support
XYplorer supports interface languages other than English. A list of all available interface translations can
be found on this web page:
To quickly go back to English simply tick Back to English in the same menu (this command will always
stay in English). Untick Back to English to go back to the loaded language. Again, no restart required.
Here is how to change the system locale in Windows 7: Open the Control Panel and click the Clock,
Language, and Region link. In the Clock, Language, and Region panel, click on Region and Language.
This opens the Region and Language. There, go to the Administrative tab. In the Language for non-
Unicode programs section, you can see the currently set language. To change it, first click on Change
system locale. This opens the Region and Language Settings window. Click on the Current system locale
drop-down list and select the language you need to be used. When done selecting the language, click
OK. You are now informed that you need to restart your computer, so that the change gets applied.
Close all your open applications and documents and click on Restart now. When you log back in, the new
language is applied for non-Unicode programs. IMPORTANT WARNING: The change of the language
used for non-Unicode programs gets applied to ALL non-Unicode programs. Therefore, if you need to run
another non-Unicode program which uses a completely different character set, you need to change the
non-Unicode program language yet again.
124 XYplorer Help
The command Interface Translation Tool in the Help menu is only enabled when a language is loaded.
It opens a dialog where you can edit every single text bit in the interface.
Here is a short overview over the main features. A more detailed description of the Interface
Translation Tool (online!) is found in the XYplorer User Forum.
At the top of the list you can edit some of the header data. Then the translation begins with "OK",
the caption of the "OK" button.
Original and translation are WYSIWYG-previewed where applicable. Variables are resolved using
"Dummy" values, number variables are resolved using a set of test numbers (0, 1, 2, 5, 21).
Apply & Next: Pressing <enter> in the Edit box (Ctrl+Enter in a multi-line box) will apply the changes
in the current item, set it to "translated" state internally, make it green in the text items list, and
move on to the next item.
The right-click menu of the main items list offers a traffic light system for tagging the items:
Translated Green
Mostly Translated Yellow
Partially Translated Red
Not Yet Translated White
Suggestions are given if similar items have already been translated. Click on a suggestion to place
its value into the Edit field.
Assign Missing Accelerators: This command in the Tools menu automatically adds accelerators to all
items meeting a set of conditions.
A progress bar at the bottom colorfully reflects the overall translation state (red, yellow, green).
If you save the changes they will be immediately applied to the application interface after closing
the ITT.
Upgrade Language File (Download): Downloads the latest reference file from the XYplorer server,
stores it locally and upgrades the currently loaded language file to the latest state. You do this when
the MultiLingualSupportVersion is not up-to-date (the ITT will tell you in red letters).
Apart from translation you can use this tool to modify the original English, e.g. add helpful remarks
to captions or tooltips. In other words, you now have a revolutionary way to personalize the
Of course, you can as well work directly in the LNG file using any editor. The ITT is just a GUI for this
Configuration / Multilingual Support 125
126 XYplorer Help
File Menu
Ctrl+O Open...
Del Delete
F2 Rename
Alt+Enter Properties
Alt+F4 Exit
Ctrl+P Copy Item Path/Name: copy name(s) with path to clipboard (of all selected
items in List)
Configuration / Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Tricks 127
Ctrl+Shift+P Copy Item Name: copy name(s) (w/o path) to clipboard (of all selected items
in List)
Edit Menu
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+F Find Files: open find files tab if not visible anyway
F3 Quick Search
View Menu
128 XYplorer Help
F5 Refresh
Ctrl+Shift+R Auto-Refresh
F4 Refresh Tree
Ctrl+Shift+F4 Reset Tree: rebuilds the whole folder tree and then carries you back to the
location where you were before, while closing all other open branches
Ctrl+F5 Refresh List: update the current list data, but keep any selections and scroll
Ctrl+Shift+F5 Reset List: update the data, scroll back to top, set focus to the first item (if
any), unselect any selections.
Shift+F5 Calculate Folder Sizes: refresh current file list with folder sizes shown.
Alt+Home Go Home
Ctrl+Numpad Add Autosize Columns Now (In thumbnails, this command toggles
"Show Captions".)
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad Add Grow Name Column (In thumbnails, this command toggles
"Overlay Captions".)
Go Menu
Shift+Alt+F7 Go to Previous Item in List: jump to the previously focused and selected item
Configuration / Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Tricks 129
Backspace Up
Shift+Backspace Down
Ctrl+Backspace Breadcrumb...
Ctrl+H Hotlist...
Favorites Menu
Ctrl+Alt+B Toggle Boxed Branch: toggle boxed branch status of current folder
Tools Menu
Panes Menu
Window Menu
Help Menu
Other Shortcuts
[alphanum. key] Select the next visible folder whose name starts with that letter or number
[arrow keys etc.] All common navigation keys just like Explorer
Ctrl+Home Jump to the top folder (Drive, \\Server, Desktop, MyDocuments) of the current
Menu Key 32-bit or 64-bit Context Menu (depends on setting in Configuration | Shell
[alphanum. key] Select the next file whose name starts with that letter or number
Ctrl+Left Jump to currently focused file in its folder (find results only)
Alt+Return Show Properties dialog of the focused item (AltGr+Return to avoid beep
Menu Key 32-bit or 64-bit Context Menu (depends on setting in Configuration | Shell
Scroll Lock Key If Scroll Lock is ON then the Up and Down arrow keys scroll the list keeping the
current item (the focused and selected item) in the same screen position.
To enable this feature you need to tweak the XYplorer.ini file. Set the
MindScrollLock key to 1:
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Enter Show a Catalog item's location in the Tree, without selecting the tree folder
nor displaying its contents in the file list.
132 XYplorer Help
Alt+Home Go Home
File Find
Return Start File Find when any control on the find files tab is focused (except the
textbox on the Contents tab, where this key just creates a new paragraph).
Audio/Video Preview
W Fit Width
H Fit Height
I Zoom to Fill
D, 2 Double Size
K Lock Zoom
G Toggle Zoom
Z Zoom to Fit
L Rotate Left
R Rotate Right
F Flipped
F2 Rename File
F5 Refresh
N Navigate by Click
F8 Run Script
Ctrl+I Invert
Ctrl+G Grayscale
C Copy Original
Configuration Dialog
F3 Jump to Setting...
F7 Jump back and forth between this and the previous page
Customize Toolbar
S Add separator
Backspace Remove the item right before the currently selected item
F3 Focus filter box (if no filter box is focused, else toggle filter)
Edit Boxes
F3 Find next occurrence of the search string specified in Find Text dialog.
Opens Find Text dialog if there wasn't any previous search in that edit box.
Shift+F3 Find previous occurrence of the search string specified in Find Text dialog.
Opens Find Text dialog if there wasn't any previous search in that edit box.
F5 Convert selected text to Title Case (converts the first letter of every word in
string to upper case).
Small Lists
Ctrl+Drag Create a clone of the dragged item in a new position. Works only in lists
where you can add new items, e.g. in Color Filters.
Hover Box
ESC All time-consuming processes (finding files, calculating folder sizes...) can
always be stopped by pressing ESC.
F6 Cycle focus in this sequence: Address Bar > Tree > List > Catalog.
Ctrl+Numpad Div Fully collapse current drive. The drive root will automatically be selected.
Hold Shift Open the location you are going to in a new tab.
Exception: The location change is triggered by a script.
Mouse Tricks
Ctrl+Wheel Over Status Bar: Zoom font size of Buttons and Labels.
Elsewhere: Zoom font size of main controls.
Shift+Right-Click On empty: open the submenu Tools | Customize Tree as a popup menu.
Unless Custom Event Actions | Right-click on white in tree is set to "Run
Middle-Click Open in new tab (equivalent to Shift+Click). Needs Custom Event Action
"Middle-click on folder" set to "Open in new foreground tab".
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Enter Show a Catalog item's location in the Tree, without selecting the tree folder
nor displaying its contents in the file list.
Dbl-Click On the line numbers column header ("#"), or on the area to the right of all
column headers: Autosize Columns Now.
Right-Click On the line numbers column header ("#"): pops the Sort By menu.
On the column headers: pops the Show Columns context menu.
Hold Shift While selecting a view: Apply the view to all tabs.
Shift+Right-Click On empty: open the submenu Tools | Customize List as a popup menu.
Unless Custom Event Actions | Right-click on white in file list is set to "Run
Ctrl+Wheel Scroll through the list views (Details through Details with Thumbnails #1) of
the active pane.
Needs to be enabled here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability |
Mouse | Use Ctrl+mouse wheel to scroll through the list views.
Status Bar
Breadcrumb Bars
Left-Click on thumb Mouse Down Blow Up, while mouse button is down. Note: hold the mouse
down longer than 150ms. Quick clicks will simply select the item.
Right-Click on thumb Mouse Down Blow Up, stay up until you hit any key or click it again.
Dbl-Click Close tab (background tabs are shortly selected, then closed).
Configuration / Keyboard Shortcuts and Mouse Tricks 139
Middle-Click Close tab (background tabs are closed without selecting them first).
Info Panel
As rule of thumb, any text or icon you see anywhere on the info panel or the status bar can be copied
to the clipboard by double-clicking it. Some special cases are extensions to this rule:
Dbl-Click on the Objects-section on the status bar (the left-most section) copies summary information
on the current folder, eg:
Dbl-Click on a Key label on the Properties and Version tabs copies the key and the value. eg:
Dbl-Click on a Value label on the Properties and Version tabs copies just the value. eg:
Image Preview
Left Mouse Down Mouse Down Blow Up: Popup image in original size (aligned to the bottom-
left). If image is larger than the main window move the mouse while holding it
down to scroll the image in any direction (or enable "Shrink to fit" in
Configuration | Preview).
Audio/Video Preview
Main Menu
142 XYplorer Help
3 Main Menu
3.1 File
To Clipboard (Submenu)
Copy various file information to the clipboard.
Section 1:
The following commands are applied to all selected list items (files or folders) no matter where the focus
is. Exception: The focus is in the folder tree, or there are no selections in the file list: then the commands
apply to the current path.
If more than one item is selected, each item in the copy string is terminated by a line feed (thus
generating a vertical list). If only one item is selected, no line feed is appended to it.
Item Path/Name(s)
Shortcut: Ctrl+P
Item Name(s)
If the focus is in the list but no items are selected the current folder name is copied to the clipboard.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P
Item Path(s)
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P
Item Base(s)
Copy the selected item short (DOS 8.3 format) name(s) with path, eg:
Copies the full path/name of all selected Tree or List items, using the UNC path for items located on a
mapped drive.
If the item is on a normal local (non-mapped) path then the UNC version of the path is returned.
Copy item name and basic info including path and MD5 hash, eg:
Section 2:
The following commands are applied to only the focused item (the file or folder marked by the dotted
focus line).
Large Icon
Copy bitmap of the large icon (32x32) of the focused item. Transparent areas are set to window
background color (typically white).
Small Icon
Copy bitmap of the small icon (16x16) of the focused item. Transparent areas are set to window
background color (typically white).
144 XYplorer Help
Section 3:
Copies the textual contents of the currently selected ANSI or Unicode (UTF16 LE) text file to the
clipboard. It also works on complex file types like DOC, DOCX, PDF, or HTML, in which case the text is
extracted using IFilters (matching IFilters need to be installed).
Tip: The copied text can then be pasted to a new file using Edit | Paste Special | Paste Text Into New
File (Ctrl+Alt+V).
If the current file is an image file this command will copy the image directly to the clipboard.
Section 4:
Copy all selected rows of the List as currently shown in the list
Batch Rename...
Provides a simple way to rename a bunch of files using a common template consisting of a fixed part
and an auto-incremented counter. You can define the starting value and the number of leading zeroes.
You can as well add strings to the beginning and/or the end of the original name (extension excluded).
In the template the original name is referred to by "*" (asterisk) -- the self-referential wildcard (see
also below). For example, the template "2006-*-(backup)" will trigger the following renames:
You can as well datestamp the selected files. <date will used the current date, <datem/c/a will use
each item's modified/created/accessed date:
Main Menu / File 145
Note that fractions of a second (up to 7 decimal digits) are supported. The placeholder is "f". The
following example will use the milliseconds of the current time for the new filename:
The files are renamed one after the other in their current order. In case of a name collision you get a
message with the option to continue or abort the batch job. If only one list item is selected you can
force the Batch Rename interface by pressing Shift+F2.
Batch Rename supports move on rename. This feature allows you to automatically move masses of
files by certain criteria to certain folders, for example by their modified date using the following Batch
Rename pattern:
A more popular use case would probably be to automatically move photos to folders based on each
file's embedded exif date taken:
E:\<datem yyyy>\*
F:\Photos\<dateexif yyyy>\<dateexif mm>\*
And, of course, using the powerful <prop> variable you can achieve quite some cool automation here,
e.g. distribute photos to folders according to their Aspect Ratio, their Film Simulation Mode, or many
many other properties.
"Configuration | Sort and Rename | Rename | Allow move on rename" has to be is ticked to enable
this functionality.
The necessary subfolders are automatically created under the parent folders of the files.
Works cross-volume on Win 8.1 and later. In earlier Windows it only works within the same drive.
Nice plus: The Rename Preview lets you see the target paths before anything actually happens.
Self-referential wildcards
146 XYplorer Help
The wildcard (*) is replaced by the original file base (file title excluding extension). Additionally, there's
a 2nd self-referential wildcard (?) that stands for the original file extension. Examples:
You can as well use other variables in the pattern, e.g. the property variable. This appends the
dimensions to all selected image files:
*_<prop #image.dimensions>
Special variables
The variable <folder> is resolved to each item's parent folder name. For example, this pattern will
prefix the item's parent folder name to each renamed item:
/e for Extensions: Note that the original file extensions remain unchanged. However there's an
easy way to actually change the extensions: append /e to the pattern! The /e switch simply means:
drop the original extension. Then it depends on the pattern whether a new extension is supplied or
not. Examples:
ping.png/e ping.png
/s for skip: If you want to smartly avoid any collision that might arise from using auto-increments:
append /s to the pattern! Examples:
The last two examples merely illustrate that the order of switches is irrelevant.
/i for "Increment on collision": If you want to automatically avoid collisions with existing files, append
a "/i" to your pattern.
If you now apply the pattern *-<datem yyyymmdd> to hilite.png, renaming is not possible because of
collision with the already existing hilite-20080729.png. However, if you use the pattern *-<datem
yyyymmdd>/i the file will be renamed to hilite-20080729-01.png (or hilite-20080729-02.png if hilite-
20080729-01.png exists, etc). The format of the incremental suffix is determined by the setting of
Incremental suffix in Configuration | Templates.
Note that some patterns avoid collisions anyway by default, so appending the switch is not necessary
here (but harmless):
/u for "Uppercase the first character": Leaves all other characters unchanged. Example:
* /u
/o for "Overwrite on Collision": If you want to automatically overwrite same-named existing files
without further questions, append "/o" to your pattern! Note that nothing can restore file once they
have been overwritten. No return ticket.
Note that pattern switches can be combined in any order: If you need to change the extension (/e)
AND want to increment on collision (/i) then simply append /ei or /ie.
Shorten Filenames
Here is a simple way to cut down a batch of filenames. You can make them shorter from both ends by
stating a max length and a start (left offset) by way of the switch /cut [start,]length[,keep]. Pass a
negative length value to cut off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name.
You can also keep a certain number of characters at the right end of the base.
RegExp Rename...
Allows you to rename selected filename(s) using Regular Expressions. Format:
The default operation is case-insensitive (a=A). To search case-sensitively add a back-slash to the end
of ReplaceWith:
Move on rename
define no replace entity, in which case all characters in the list will be removed, or
define a common replace string (can be longer than one character) at the end of the list after '>', or
Main Menu / File 149
define a replace list at the end of the list after '>>' (remove-list and replace-list must have same
length), or
define lists with units larger than one character before and after '>>', or
Matching by default is case-insensitive (a=A) and extensions are excluded from the replacement. This
can be changed by appending switches (format: one space, one slash, one or more letters):
/c = case-sensitive
/e = include extensions
/ce = case-sensitive, include extensions
before/now = Replace all 'before' (or 'beFOrE') with 'now' (case-insensitive: a=A)
Note: The original file extensions are preserved (unless you append switch /
Move on rename
Pattern: Delta/Omega\Plus
From: E:\Test\b\Saturn.exe\Delta2.jpg
To: E:\Test\b\Saturn.exe\Omega\Plus2.jpg
Note that first the replacement is made (in the example: "Delta" is replace by "Omega\Plus"), then the
file is moved according to the resulting target name.
Here you can enter a list of characters to be kept in selected filename(s). The default list is:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 _-.()
You can
(1) define no replace entity, in which case all other characters will be removed, or
(2) define a common replace string (can be longer than one character) at the end of the list after '>'.
Set Extension...
Sets a new extension to all selected files (replacing the old one, or adding a new one if there was
none before). Enter nothing to remove any extensions.
txt On files with extension: Replace the current extension with ".txt".
On folders: Do nothing.
On folders: Do nothing.
You can as well add or remove an extension regardless of whether an extension already exists or
whether the item is a file or a folder. To invoke this functionality prefix a dot to the entered pattern:
You might even copy the names to a full blown editor, do some fancy things with them, and then paste
them back to the dialog and perform the rename.
Empty lines or missing lines at the end of the list will be taken as "don't rename this item";
Main Menu / File 151
The Rename Preview (see below) is unconditionally invoked before the actual rename is
Move on rename is supported here, i.e. you can provide relative or absolute paths in the edited
A* A*.aaa Capitalizes each word in the filename(s), but leaves any upper case letters within the
words untouched (so-called Camel Case is preserved)). The extension is put to lower case.
Aaa Aa.aaa Capitalizes each word in the filename(s), sets all non-first letters to lower case (also
known as Title Case). The extension is put to lower case.
Note In Title Case there are some exceptions in the English language,
words that will not receive a capital first letter unless they are in the
first position of the title: a;an;and;at;by;for;from;in;of;on;or;out;the;
to. The characters . : ? ! - when followed by a space are recognized as
Spaces to _ and _ to Spaces: Replaces spaces in long filenames by underscore (and vice versa).
Remove Diacritics: Strips any diacritical marks from the letters in the selected item names.
Convert to ASCII: Converts the filename to 7-bit ASCII using a various smart and language-specific
conversions. In German e.g. it converts ä to ae, Ö to Oe, ß to ss, etc. Cyrillic characters are romanized.
Non-convertible characters are replaced by "_" or whatever is defined in Configuration | Templates |
Character to replace invalid characters in dropped messages.
UrlEscape: Converts " " to "%20" etc."%20" is often found in the names of downloaded files, it is the
152 XYplorer Help
escape sequence for a space used in URLs. Apart from this there are other escapes for unsafe
characters in URLs, eg "%FC" for "ü". Unsafe characters are those characters that may be altered
during transport across the internet.
Unicode to UTF-8: Converts non-latin characters to ANSI characters using the UTF-8 encoding scheme.
Mp3 Special (Submenu): Here you find some convenient renaming schemes for MP3 files ("ID3 Tag to
Filename") and also schemes to alter the ID3 tag from the file name ("Filename To ID3 Tag"). The
placeholders Artist, Year, Album, Track, and Title are supported. The factory default presets can be
altered by editing the INI file.
Preview All: Check to show a preview for each of the Rename Special operations, including detection
of possible conflicts.
Rename Preview
The Rename Preview shows the item names resulting from your rename pattern. It points out potential
Tip: You can hide all unchanged items. Right-click any of the lists in the dialog to toggle the setting
"Hide Unchanged Items" via a small popup menu. The setting is remembered across sessions.
Move/Copy/Backup To (Submenu)
Recent Locations...: Move/Copy/Backup the currently selected items to a recently visited location.
Favorite Folders...: Move/Copy/Backup the currently selected items to a predefined favorite folder.
Tabs: Move/Copy/Backup the currently selected items to any of the currently existing tabs (if they are
suitable as destinations).
Move To / Copy To / Backup To...: Open the internal Move/Copy/Backup To dialog to each of the
submenus. Duplicates the commands in menu Edit for the sake of usability.
Main Menu / File 153
Browse for Move Destination...: You can target folders not listed by selecting the Browse...
command; they'll be added to the top of the list. Move To/Copy To/Backup To all share the same list.
Tip: Double-clicking a destination in the destination list triggers the default action (Move, Copy, or
Backup) with that destination.
Note: All items are opened in one call (in a single instance of the opening application) if they are of
the same type and hence share the same associated application, be it XYplorer-associated (CFA), or
Shortcut: Enter
Open with...
Pops up a menu showing all applications associated (Custom File Associations) with the current
(focused+selected)* List item. Select one of them to open all selected List item(s) with it.
* If none of the selected items is focused, then the first selected item (from top) is used to match the
CFA patterns against.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Open the selected list item(s) with command line arguments of your choice. The last used arguments
are saved between sessions.
Special Case: If a single non-executable file is selected then this function opens it with the associated
application, using the entered arguments plus the selected file itself as arguments.
Now the following command is run if EmEditor is associated with TXT files:
General form:
Of course, the entered argument must match the rules of the associated application, so you have to
know what you do.
154 XYplorer Help
Custom File Associations are honored if "Open Items by First 'Open with...' Match" is ticked. If the
default Custom File Associations is a script then the OS-associated application is taken.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Enter
Here you can enter, paste, or select an item (file, folder, drive) to open, without the need to go there
first. Recently opened items are stored in a MRU list that is saved between sessions. The dialog is
preset to the last opened item.
In the input dialog you can choose between "Open" which will open the item using the default
application (taking XY's portable associations into account), and "Open with..." (Ctrl+Enter) which will
pop the Portable Openwith Menu (POM) for the item you have entered (POM is Pro Edition only).
The POM features the extra commands "Go to Item" and "Copy Item". Note that both commands (like
all other commands in the menu) work on the current contents of the edit field. So you can type or
paste any existing item name, and go to it or copy it (the item, not just the name) to the clipboard.
What is added to the MRU: Single files (not folders) opened thru the List by Enter/Dbl-Click or via the
POM are automatically added to the MRU (and thus made available in the new Open dialog. Files
opened via scripts, or User-Defined Commands, or Catalog, or shell context menu, or within a group of
files (i.e. non-single), or other means are not auto-added.
You can edit the MRU in Tools | List Management | Recently Opened Files.
Shortcut: Ctrl+O
Duplicate (submenu)
Copy Here
Makes a copies of the selected items. On collision items are renamed in the Windows standard way
("Copy of...").
My.txt => My-02.txt (if My-01.txt already exists in the target folder)
My.txt => My-03.txt (if My-01.txt and My-02.txt already exist in the target folder)
Main Menu / File 155
Makes a copies of the selected items and automatically appends the last modified date [or current
date] of the copied item in a format defined by a template. Date-stamped copies are very, v-e-r-y,
useful when working with versions. If an item by the new name already exists, auto-incremented
numbers are suffixed.
Allows you to create renamed copies of the selected items in the same path. The newly generated
names are distinguished by suffix numbers in the current order of listing, for example:
Here As "asia" will generate the following copies (assuming your incremental suffix template is "-01"):
However, if only one file is selected (and this will be the typical case with this command) then no suffix
number is appended:
You can as well state a wildcard pattern and variables to define the target names of the operation.
For example, the pattern (the date variable refers to the current date)
*_backup_<date yyyymmdd>.?
applied to files
156 XYplorer Help
in the same folder. If you'd do the same thing again on the same day the following copies would be
Also supported are date variables that refer to the selected items individually. For example, to append
the modified date of each file to the copy:
Copy the selected list item(s) to a new subfolder of the current folder. An input dialog opens to enter
the desired new folder name.
Note that this command only works on the selected list item(s), and is disabled if the file list is not
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+C
Move the selected list item(s) to a new subfolder of the current folder. An input dialog opens to enter
the desired new folder name.
Note that this command only works on the selected list item(s), and is disabled if the file list is not
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+X
Shortcut: Del
Renames the currently selected items. If only one item is selected and focused, inline rename is
invoked. Otherwise Batch Rename is invoked.
Serial Rename: When in single item rename mode, pressing the Tab key will apply the changes and
immediately open the rename box for the next item in List. Shift+Tab will do the same for the previous
item in the List. The function wraps around the upper and lower ends of the list.
Note that on Serial Rename the list will not be auto-resorted after each rename operation even if you
Main Menu / File 157
checked "Resort list immediately after rename" in Configuration | Sort and Rename.
Shortcut: F2
Create Shortcut(s)
Creates a shortcut (*.lnk) to each selected tree or list item(s) in the current folder. After creation the
shortcuts are auto-selected.
Shortcut: Shift+Del
Normally, when deleting multiple files and a locked file (a file currently used by any application) is met,
the OS sits about 2 seconds doing nothing, and then you get a message that a file can't be deleted
because it is in use, and finally the deleting stops at this point. All other files that are not in use aren't
deleted. Very annoying, and you have surely experienced this when you wanted to clean up in your
temp folder last time. "Delete (Skip Locked)" comes in handy here. It simply deletes everything that's
not locked and does not contain anything locked.
(1) Look for any locked files within the current selection (recurring any selected folders). Then delete all
other (unlocked) files (if any).
(2) Look for any empty folders (where empty means: no *files* contained in the whole branch) within
the current selection. Then delete those folders (if any).
In step (1), if any locked files are detected, you'll get a confirmation dialog where you can decide how
to proceed.
In step (2), if any empty folders are detected, you'll get a confirmation dialog where you can decide
how to proceed.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Del
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Del (No Recycle Bin)
Delete Long
Use this command to delete the selected Tree or List item(s) even when they have overlong paths (>
260 characters). The deletion is permanent since the Recycle Bin does not support items that long. The
action is listed in the Action Log but cannot be undone.
Note: This command is only available if Configuration | Controls & More | Support overlong
filenames is ticked.
Wipe is a method to securely delete files beyond recovery (at least by conventional software-based
forensic tools). This sort of deletion is also known as Shred, Erase, Secure Delete, Nuke, etc. XYplorer's
Wipe doesn't perform paranoid stuff like multiple passes or random patterns, because instead of
increasing security this is just stressing your hardware. The following steps suffice to destroy a file
4. Rename file.
6. Delete file.
Third, there is the Nuke toolbar button which has configurable properties in its right-click menu. Tick
"Wiping Beyond Recovery" to make the Nuke button a very dangerous tool.
Fourth, there is a Miscellaneous command Nuke (#1054) which can be assigned a keyboard shortcut
and acts the same as if the Nuke toolbar button is pressed.
You will always get a confirmation prompt before a Wipe operation starts.
Wiping huge files takes a while (the "Overwrite file with zeros" part, of course). You will see a little
progress indicator in the status bar, and a chance to ESC the operation.
You can also wipe whole folders. All files found within are individually wiped. Then the folders are
Toolbar | Nuke: When "Wiping Beyond Recovery" is ON, then "To Recycler" is automatically disabled.
Obviously the two cannot coexist.
Note that wiping (specifically overwriting a file with zeros) should only be performed on HDs (hard
disks), but not on SSDs (solid state drives, e.g. flash drives) where the success of overwriting the
bytes with zeros cannot be assured due to the logic of those devices, and where it in fact would only
increase wear.
Swap Names
Swaps the names of two selected List items. You have to select exactly two items.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F2
Sets the Modified Date of all selected List items to the current date/time. Also known as timestamp.
Sets the Modified date of each selected image file (JPEG, TIFF) to its Exif date.
Sets the Created date of each selected image file (JPEG, TIFF) to its Exif date.
Generates and displays the most common hash values for the current file: CRC-32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-
256, SHA-512.
Extract Here
Extracts the selected Zip archive(s) here. Also extracts *.rar and other WinRAR formats if WinRAR is
installed on the system, and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if 7-Zip is installed on the system.
Add to Zip...
Adds the selected items to a Zip archive. You are prompted for a name for the archive.
Display the shell properties dialog for the current item (Tree, List, Catalog, Address Bar). Works on the
focused list item when there are no selections, else it works on any selected list items.
Shortcut: Alt+Enter
Show all available metadata of the current item (Tree, List, Catalog, Address Bar) in a popup text box.
Also works on the focused list item when it is not selected. Note that also a toolbar button exists for
this function.
The window shares size and position with the Quick File View, and remembers both between sessions.
Tip: Tick Configuration | Preview | Quick file view | Modeless dialog to have the dialog modeless:
You can leave it open and select files in the file list to view their metadata.
Shortcut: Shift+Enter
Opens a Quick File View window for the currently focused file (even if it is not selected).
(1) There's no editing, just viewing. But you can select and copy.
(2) Of larger files only the first 256 KB are shown. If you need more, use the Raw View on the Info
(3) Non-binary file are displayed in the usual text mode. All sorts of line feeds (DOS, Mac...) are
recognized correctly.
(4) Binary files are displayed in the usual hex editor mode. For performance reasons only the top and
bottom lines of binary files are shown.
Tip: Tick Configuration | Preview | Quick file view | Modeless dialog to have the dialog modeless:
You can leave it open and select files in the file list to have them quick-viewed.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Q
Note that the Floating Preview (F11) and Full Screen Preview (Shift+F11) will automatically open
the Quick File View if the previewed file is not supported by them.
Note also that the same keyboard shortcut that opens the Quick File View window can also be used to
close it.
Floating Preview
Toggles the Floating Preview.
Note that the Quick File View is auto-opened on a file that's not supported by the Floating Preview.
Shortcut: F11
Save Settings
Save the current configuration to the current INI file. This command also saves the keyboard shortcuts
(ks.dat), the User-Defined Commands (udc.dat), the Folder View Settings (fvs.dat), the Tags (tag.dat),
the Catalog (catalog.dat), and (if enabled) the cached servers (servers.dat).
The command also writes the current Action Log from memory to disk (action.dat) if "Remember the
logged actions between sessions" is enabled.
Tip: Now the Save Settings toolbar button's tooltip tells you how long it's been since you last saved
the settings.
Load Configuration
Loads a previously saved (see below Save Configuration As...) configuration (*.ini). Tip: in the title bar
of the main window as well as of the configuration window (F9) you can see the currently active INI
Note: You can load a configuration file from anywhere (not just from application path). However, to
keep things in one place, a copy of that file will be auto-created in the application path (no overwriting
will happen), and that copy will be used as the new configuration file.
Save Configuration
Save the current configuration to the current INI file.
Backups the current configuration under a new name (defaults to the present date suffixed to the INI
base name) without making it the active INI file.
Save Catalog
Save Tags
Save Servers
Save (if Cache Network Servers is enabled) the cached servers database (servers.dat).
162 XYplorer Help
Backups all contents of the Application Data Folder to a folder of your choice. The hard-coded operation
type is "Backup" with "Overwrite only older files" and "Preserve item dates".
The last used target path is remembered and preselected when you use the command the next time.
Opens a clone of the current XYplorer instance (as saved on disk) in read-only mode. You can use such
an instance for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main XYplorer configuration.
The clone configuration is read from the configuration files on disk, not from XYplorer's current
unsaved state in memory.
Exception: The clone always opens in the current path (even if that's not the start path written on
Tip 1: To open a clone of the exact current state of the main instance use command "Save Settings"
right before using "Open Throw Away Clone".
Tip 2: Hold CTRL while clicking the command to open a fresh instance in the current path. So it's the
same as running the script "freshhere;".
Tip 3: Hold CTRL+SHIFT while clicking the command to open a fully enabled (non-throw-away) clone
of the current window. So it's identical to a Throw Away Clone, but without READ-ONLY.
Tip 4: The clone can save settings via scripting: Use scripting command savesettings with the "ini"
Keyboard trick: hold CTRL while closing the app via Window X-button to force exit without saving.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F4
Exit program. If Configuration | Startup & Exit | Save Settings on Exit is ticked then all settings are
saved before exiting.
Shortcut: Alt+F4
Main Menu / File 163
164 XYplorer Help
3.2 Edit
Shortcut: Ctrl+Z
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Z
Action Log...
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+Z
Pops a menu by which you can apply recent file operations (Copy and Move) to the currently selected
files, using the same operation and target path as recently. The menu draws its data from the Action
Log and is organized in two sections:
Section 1: Recent file operations from here, chronologically ordered from youngest to oldest (up to
Section 2: recent file operations from elsewhere, chronologically ordered from youngest to oldest
(up to 10).
Copy and Move operations are mixed, Move is indented for clearer distinction.
Tip: Hold CTRL to go to the selected target path (instead of repeating the file operation).
Note: There is a toolbar button available with the same name and functionality.
Shortcut: Alt+F7
Shortcut: Ctrl+X
Shortcut: Ctrl+C
Keeps the effect ("copied" or "cut") of the items already in the clipboard.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+D
Shortcut: Ctrl+V
Tip: There is also a toolbar button "Paste". It serves as a quick and basic clipboard viewer when you
hover it. It shows text and file items contained in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you
click the button.
You are presented an array of six possible default names for the new subfolder about to be created.
The first five are (can be) defined in the [NewTemplates] INI section. Here's an example:
Folder0=\N\e\w \F\o\l\d\e\r
The fourth is made from the first item to be moved [copied, pasted] into the new subfolder, i.e. the
item that was focused in the moment of cutting, copying, dragging. The index of the last selection is
remembered between sessions.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V
Paste Here with Path...: A copy command that offers you smart choices regarding the target location.
Makes it very easy to mirror copy individual items from/to deeply nested locations. Same functionality
as "Copy/Move Here with Path..." in the Custom Drag and Drop Context Menu.
Paste Here As...: Lets you to paste item(s) in the clipboard under a new name. The functionality,
interface, and syntax are analogue to File | Duplicate | Copy Here As... (including advanced syntax with
166 XYplorer Help
wildcards and variables), only that the source(s) are in the clipboard.
Paste (Move) and Paste (Copy): Paste moving/copying the items currently found in clipboard,
independent of the way the files have been send to the clipboard before (cut or copied).
Paste (Backup): Trigger the Backup operation for items on the clipboard with the current folder as
Paste As Shortcut(s): Use it to create shortcuts to the file items on clipboard, in the current location.
It also works for more than one file at a time.
Paste As Hard Link(s): Creates a new file hard linked to the file currently on the clipboard, in the
current location. It also works for more than one file at a time. Notes:
Hard links can only be created for files, not for folders.
All hard links to a file must be on the same volume (same drive letter or network share).
The maximum number of hard links that can be created is 1023 per file.
Paste As Symbolic Link(s): Creates a symbolic link (aka symlink or soft link) to the item currently on
the clipboard, in the current location. It also works for more than one item at a time. Notes:
Contrary to Paste As Junction(s) this command can be applied also to files (not just folders).
Symbolic links can point to non existent targets because the operating system does not check to see
if the target exists.
The targets of Symbolic Links are shown as "Junction Target" in the interface (File Info Tips, List
context menu) just like the targets of Junctions proper, in order to keep things a bit tighter.
Also the Color Filters make no difference between Symbolic Links and Junctions, since all share the
And, consequently, when you uncheck "Show Junctions" in Configuration | Tree and List, then also
any Symbolic Links are hidden.
Paste As Junction(s): Creates a junction (aka NTFS junction point or directory junction) to the folder
currently on the clipboard, in the current location. It also works for more than one folder at a time.
Paste Extracted: Lets you extract the Zip archive on the clipboard to the current folder. Also extracts
Main Menu / Edit 167
*.rar and other WinRAR formats if WinRAR is installed on the system, and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats
if 7-Zip is installed on the system.
Paste Zipped: Lets you paste the items in the clipboard to a newly created zip file. To make it
maximally streamlined you are NOT prompted for a name. The zip name defaults to the first item found
in the clipboard (auto-suffixed on collision). After completion the new zip file is auto-selected.
Note: This command will never remove the source items, even if they were *cut* to the clipboard. So,
"cut" and "copy" make no difference here.
Paste Folder Structure: Use it to paste the folder structure (without any contained files) from folder(s)
on clipboard into the current list path. Functionally equivalent to "Create Branch(es) Here" in the drag
and drop context menu.
Paste Text As Item(s): Pastes a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents.
More than one item is possible, separated by | or by line feed (CRLF). Both separators can be mixed.
Empty lines/elements are auto-removed.
Usage Examples:
A colleague mails you a path to some file on the intranet. You copy the path from the email to the
clipboard, then use "Paste Text As Item(s)" to create a copy of that file in your current folder.
A colleague mails you the URL to some package in the web. You copy the URL from the email to the
clipboard, then use "Paste Text As Item(s)" to download that file into your current folder.
Equally you can fetch download links on the web via clipboard and grab those items by "Paste Text
As Item(s)" without going via the Browser Download to the Download folder.
Paste Text Into New File: Creates a new text file filled with the current clipboard contents. The
pasted text depends on the actual data format on the clipboard; it is identical to what variable
<clipboard> would
The new file is called something like "Clipboard- 20080302.txt". The "-20080302" part is the date now
(format defined in Configuration | Templates under Filename affixes. The file is appended to the
current file list (aka "lazy sort"), and after creation of the file, rename-mode is invoked.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+V
Paste Image Into New [EXT] File: Creates a new image file filled with the image (if any) currently on
the clipboard. The standard image format is PNG. But you can change this to JPG, GIF, BMP or TIF using
a new INI Tweak:
Allowed values are: png (default), jpg, gif, bmp, and tif. In the case of JPG you can control the quality
by appending a number from 1 (worst) to 100 (best) inclusively, for example:
Note that the GIF quality is very bad (dithered) and practically unusable. The other formats, however,
are of high quality.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V
Mark Files in Clipboard as 'Cut'/'Copied': here you can set/change the "drop effect" of the items
currently in the clipboard. On paste, "cut" items will be moved, and "copied" items will be copied. Also
the current "drop effect" is signaled by a checkmark.
Edit Clipboard...: Allows you to view what's currently sitting in the clipboard and to manually edit it.
Works for files as well as for text.
Tip: There is also a toolbar button "Edit Clipboard". The button tooltip serves as a quick and basic
Clipboard Viewer. It shows text and file items contained in the clipboard (cropped after 2048
characters, or after 32 lines, whatever comes sooner). For text it shows the line count and the
character count. Yes, it even shows images in the clipboard. By the way, the "Paste" button does it,
Restore Previous Clipboard: The previous state of the clipboard is automatically stored whenever the
clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new command.
This has to be ticked to enable the feature: Configuration | File Operations | Undo & Action Log |
Clipboard | Log clipboard contents and enable restore
Main Menu / Edit 169
New clipboard contents are only auto-stored while XYplorer's main window is in the foreground.
When the clipboard is empty "Restore Previous Clipboard" will toggle the two previous non-empty
You can peek into the previous clipboard contents by holding SHIFT while you hover the "Edit
Clipboard" or "Paste" toolbar buttons.
Clear Clipboard: Allows you to remove any files (and, en passant, everything else) from the clipboard.
Of course, the actual files are not touched by this operation, even if they have been "Cut" to the
Opens an interface to move/copy/backup the selected items to a destination folder. The destination
folder can be typed, pasted, selected through a "Browse for folder" dialog, or selected from a list of
the most recently used destination folders.
The list (shared between Move/Copy/Backup) of the most recently used destination folders can be
edited in Tools | List Management | Move/Copy/Backup To...
Relativ e paths
You may state paths relative to the current path. So e.g. you can state a target like "..\sister" to move
a file to a folder called "sister" under the same parent as the moved items. If this folder does not exist
yet it is created!
The destination path is allowed to contain date variables that will be resolved into the date now! The
syntax is identical to the one used in Batch Rename, namely "<date [date spec]>". Examples:
Together with the feature described in the next paragraph (non-existing paths are created for you),
this is an extremely valuable addition! For example, you now can easily make regular
When you now Copy (or Backup; it's the same in this case, since
170 XYplorer Help
Note, that you even can have more than one date variable in the string. So you also can do
something like:
You may enter non-existing paths, and you will be prompted whether you wish to create them on the
fly before continuing with the file operation. Note that all parts can be new, not just the last subfolder.
So "D:\new\new too\also new" will work just fine.
The Catalog (Items and Categories) is supported as source for backup operations. To cope with
distributed source items (i.e. items in multiple locations), the paths of the items are *fully* recreated in
the target folder, including the drive letter (or server name). For example, if the selected Catalog
... and you backup them today (2007-10-26) to E:\Backup\<date yyyy-mm-dd>, then the resulting
copies will be:
This is the only way to guarantee that no merging/overwriting of homonymous items happens. And by
the way, it's also a nice way to tell you quickly and exactly where a backup came from. Of course, you
have to take care with huge path names, else you will hit the 260 char limit sooner than you think. The
Backup Report will state as source: "[multiple source locations, fully recreated in target]".
So, the capability to backup whole Catalog Categories provides a one-click backup of distributed
Compare (Submenu)
Main Menu / Edit 171
Allows you to determine whether the currently selected file is same or different from the previously
selected file. The files need not be in same folder. A file is "selected" once it is displayed on Info Panel
and Status Bar.
Shortcut: Ctrl+K
Sort of a "Quick Compare" that allows you to check whether the currently selected file is same or
different from the file currently on clipboard.
(1) Copy one file to the clipboard. Normal file copy (Ctrl+C), or copy of file name (Ctrl+P), both works.
Copying of the file's contents will not work.
(3) Now these two files can be compared using the Compare ... command.
First the file sizes are compared. If they are identical, the contents themselves are compared. The
result is simply a "same" or "different" without any further information. If you need more details use a
specialized comparison application (which can easily be automated from XY using User-Defined
Commands or Scripting).
For comparisons of files larger 1 MB you get a progress indication and a break chance by ESC.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+K
Checks whether the currently focused file is same or different from the file currently focused on the
other pane.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+K
New (submenu)
Create new folder or new text file in current folder. Choose the date-named variants of the
commands to auto-name the created folder or text file to the current date, eg:
172 XYplorer Help
New Shortcut...
Displays the Create New Shortcut dialog. Completing the dialog creates a shortcut at the current
New Path...
Here you can create a multi-part path in one go. Any slashes "/" are auto-converted into
backslashes "\". After creation you will be transported to the newly created location.
New Folders...
Here you can enter a list of new folders or whole new paths that will be created in one go.
They can be whole new paths, or just new subfolders to existing paths.
New <date yyyymmdd>
New Files...
Here you can enter a list of new files (one per line) that will be created in one go.
Files that already exist are silently ignored (and not overwritten).
Main Menu / Edit 173
New <date yyyymmdd>.txt
You can freely place any files or folders (with subfolders and contents if you like) of your own choice
and making in an application data folder called "NewItems". On startup, XYplorer scans this folder and
fills the submenu Edit/New Items with all items found in this folder.
2) Enter this into XYplorer Address Bar and press ENTER: <xydata>\NewItems
4) Now you have your Word Document available in Edit | New Items.
Using the menu works as expected: You select one of the menu items, and the respective file or folder
(incl. contents!) item is created in (copied to) the current folder, and the rename mode is immediately
invoked. Which makes for instance the repeated creation of a project's complex folder structure a one-
Tags: Any tags in the source item are copied to the new target item. This works silently and
independently of the setting of "Copy tags on copy operations".
Date variables are supported in the item names. For example: (1) Create a file named "Log {yyyy-mm-
dd}.txt" in the NewItems folder in app path. (2) A file called "Log 2010-09-17.txt" will be created when
you select this file in the NewItems menu! (If today is 2010-09-17.) Note that date variables are not
resolved in any subitems of a folder in NewItems.
Also comments are supported in the item names. The comment is added as part of the source item
name and is separated from the target item name by the sequence space-space-singlequote
(singlequote = ASCII 39). When a new item is copied the comment is dropped and only the part left of
the comment separator is used in the target. For example, and item named "targetname 'comment" in
174 XYplorer Help
the New Items folder will be copied to the new item "targetname". The comments are visible in the
New Item menu.
With folders the comment is simply appended to the name. With files the comment has to be placed left
of the extension, for example:
Target: <targetpath>\targetname.txt
Go to New Items Folder: Brings you to the folder where you can add or edit the items that will be
shown in the New Items menu.
Select (submenu)
Toggle Selection
Toggles the selection of the focused list item (the list has to be in focus as well).
Note that multi-selection is supported: Any other selections are not automatically unselected. So
functionally it's identical to the hard-built-in Windows standard shortcut Ctrl+Space.
Shortcut: INS
Select All
Shortcut: Ctrl+A
Deselect All
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A
Invert Selection
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+I
Restore Selection
Use Restore Selection to restore the last selection when you inadvertently lost it. The "last selection"
is any selection right before the last time all items in the list have been unselected, or when a multi-
selection has been directly replaced by a single or multi-selection.
A plain change of selection from one item to another (e.g. by single click on another item) does NOT
store the previously selected item and thus will not affect the currently stored selection.
This means: You can have a complex selection, then single-select some items (e.g. to preview them),
and then restore the complex selection. Nice!
Main Menu / Edit 175
When you do "Restore Selection" while there is another selection then doing "Restore Selection"
again will restore that other selection. In other words, you can toggle between two selection
When in Find mode (Search Results tab), then the full paths of the last selected items are (re)stored.
Each pane remembers its own last selection (but not each tab).
To save resources selections are only retained in lists of no more than 32,767 items, and only
selections of no more than 4,096 selected items can be restored.
Selection Filter...
Select a subset of the currently listed items via pattern matching or Regular Expressions (prefix term
with >). The first selected item is automatically focused and scrolled into view.
You can enter more than one wildcard patterns (separated by ;) to select all matching items.
Shortcut: Ctrl+M
Column-wise Selection Filter: You can as well select items by comparing your pattern with *any*
column (not just the Name column). The comparison that results in selections on a match is a case-
insensitive string comparison (not a number or date comparison). To select by columns other than the
name column, simply prefix the pattern with '[column name]:' Note: the column identification is case-
insensitive (e.g. 'type' works for the Type column), and there's no space after ":".
len:2?? -> selects all items with a filename >= 200 characters
The name column is the default, so "name:" can be omitted. If you type an invalid column name, the
name column will be used.
The column prefix can be partial. If no column is identical to the prefix, then the first column with a
partial match (from beginning: "Modified" matches "mod*") is used.
Limiting the selections to files or folders: You can restrict the selections to files or folders by
attaching one of the following prefixes to the pattern:
Adding to / removing from the current selections: You can add to or remove from the current
selections very easily:
- Hold CTRL while clicking OK in the Selection Filter dialog = Add matches to the current selections.
- Hold SHIFT while clicking OK in the Selection Filter dialog = Remove matches from the current
Selects all list items with the same type(s) as the currently selected item(s). Also useful when you want
count the items of a certain type.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+M
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M
Select Items...
Here you can select items in the current list by way of a list of item names. These are the rules for such
a list:
- Full paths are allowed in the list and will be ignored at the matching. However, when you pass
items with paths and the list is in Find mode, then the matching takes the full path into account.
- Leading and trailing spaces around each name are allowed and ignored.
- Matching is case-insensitive (A=a), so you can state the names with wrong capitalization and still
Main Menu / Edit 177
- XY native and environment variables are allowed (though rarely useful here, I think).
As an example for the parsing, the following item names would all select the file "Arial Unicode MS.php"
in the current list:
- Ignore extensions: If checked then matching is done only against the base of the given item
names, and one item name can potentially generate any number of selections in the List.
The state of the checkbox is remembered within the session.
- The first selected item from top is focused and moved into view.
Example: A small list of item names could look like this (and would select these three files in the
current List if they are present):
More Interesting Use Case: This command enables you to perform a potentially large, complex, and
not-rule-based selection in a very easy and convenient way. There is no other way to do what Select
Items... can do for you. Here's an example: Say you are going to overwrite 250 files in a folder of
5,000 files with newer versions. But you'd like to backup the original versions first. How will you grab
those 250 out of the 5,000 without spending a tedious time with manual selection? Using Select
Items... this is a snap: Go to the folder with the 250 new items and copy their names the clipboard
(Ctrl+Shift+P); then go to the folder with the 5,000 items, click Select Items..., paste the 250 names
into the text box, and click OK; all original items about to be overwritten are selected and ready for
backup! This will take you less than 10 seconds.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M
Selection Stats
Displays statistical information on the currently selected list items (recurring any folders). When there
are no selections then the stats are on all listed items.
When the Tree has the focus, the stats on the current tree folder are returned.
178 XYplorer Help
Find Files
Open the Find Files tab on the Info Panel, and place the cursor into the Name field. If that is already
the case then the command hides the Info Panel.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F
Find Now
Starts File Find with the current parameter setting, starting in the current folder.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F
Runs File Find at the last searched location using the current find settings.
Search Templates...
Quick Search...
Shortcut: F3
Toggles between no Quick Search and the last one (if any) in the current location.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F3
Repeats the last Quick Search (if any) in the current location.
Shortcut: Shift+F3
Recursively browses the current folder (including subfolders) and lists everything in it independent of
the current Find Files settings.
Note that the more recent feature Branch View offers a superior way to achieve this.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F3
Main Menu / View 179
3.3 View
Views (Submenu)
List. List is a wrapped column of icons plus names, as opposed to "Small Icons" which is a wrapped
row of icons plus names.
Small Icons: Just icons (16x16) and names. The column width matches the current Name column
Large Icons: Just icons (32x32 or 48x48 depending on the Windows version) and names.
Small Tiles: Extra large icons (48x48) or thumbnails (default: 64x64), 3 info lines: Name, Size, Modified
Large Tiles: Extra large icons (48x48) or thumbnails (default: 192x192), 4 info lines: Name, Size,
Modified Date, Extra Info (depending on file type, see below).
Extra Info:
Images: Dimensions and Aspect Ratio
Media: Length
Executables and other binaries: File Version
Tip: To enable thumbnails in Tiles views tick Configuration | Thumbnails | Show thumbnails in tiles views.
Tip: The width of the text area in Tiles views depends on the width of the Name column in Details view,
so you can adjust it via:
View | Columns | Grow Name Column (Ctrl+Shift+Numpad Add)
View | Columns | Shrink Name Column (Ctrl+Shift+Numpad Subtract)
or by drag-sizing the Name column header.
Note that you can minimize the Name column width so that no text at all is visible along with the tiles.
Tip: On Tiles views the command View | Columns | Autosize Columns Now (Ctrl+Numpad Add) toggles
the size of the Name column only (i.e. the width of the tiles data area) between optimal size (minimal
size to fully show the longest filename) and minimal column size (to totally hide the tiles data).
Tip: In Large Tiles view you can show some basic photo data (Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop,
Exposure Time, ISO Speed, Exposure Program, Exposure Bias, Date Taken) along with the other
info. Hold CTRL and Right-Click the text area of any tile and select Show Photo Data from the context
menu. Of course, this only works for photo files, i.e. JPEG, PSD, and all RAW formats that you have
Codecs for on your system. Other files will not display the extra fields. The feature needs Win7 or later.
180 XYplorer Help
Thumbnails #1/#2/#3 (Width x Height): thumbnails plus names. The thumbnails' size can be
defined by the settings in Configuration/Thumbnails.
Touchscreen Mode: Toggle Touchscreen Mode, i.e. bigger icons in Tree, List, and Catalog. Big enough
to be touched with big fingers. And optionally bigger, more readable fonts. You can customize the
Touchscreen Mode in the context menu of the Toolbar button called "Touchscreen Mode".
Sort By (Submenu)
Unsorted: Show order as is in the FAT (file allocation table), which is usually alphabetically ascending
by name, files and folders mixed.
In a recursive search results listing, the order is in each folder: files first, then folders. The result is a
tree-like sort order.
Random Order: Shuffle the file list. Press it repeatedly to keep on shuffling!
The random sort order will survive a tab switch, an explicit or automatic refresh, and even a restart.
The random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character (Unicode U+1F3B2) in the Name
column header. It's hard to recognize in point 9 fonts but at least you can see the list not normally
sorted and it's not manually sorted.
Only the order of the files is randomized whereas the other items (folders or drives) are kept on top in
alphabetically ascending order (but see the following point).
The toolbar button "Random Order" has a context menu that features the toggle "Include Folders".
Tick it to also shuffle the folders. This setting also affects the command "View | Sort By | Random
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+R
Sort Again: Refresh current sort.
Previous Order: Resort the list using the previous sort order. Quite useful to toggle between the two
recent sort orders.
Reverse Order: Reverse the current sort order. Handy to reverse the current sort order by keyboard,
and the only way to reverse a custom sort order.
Main Menu / View 181
Selected Items to Top: Click it to show all selected items at the top of the list (superseding whatever
is the current sort order), and scroll the list to the top. Note that this sorting is not permanent. It will
not survive a session, a tab switch, or even a list refresh. The idea is to quickly get the selected stuff
together in one spot to easier do what has to be done with it.
Sort Folders Apart: Check this to make XYplorer behave like Explorer in sorting folders apart from files.
Uncheck it if you want everything in one alphabet. (Mirrors the same setting in Configuration | Sort and
Rename | Sort.)
Show Sort Headers in All Views: Tick it to have sort headers (column headers) also in non-Details
views, e.g. in Thumbnails. You can click the column headers to sort the list by this column. Mirrors the
same-named setting in "Configuration | Sort and Rename | Sort" and makes it accessible by keyboard
and scripting.
Columns (Submenu)
Line Numbers: Show line numbers in the left-most column. Its width auto-adjusts to the number of
items in the list, and it got its own fully configurable color in Configuration | Colors. The right border
color of the line numbers area is derived from its backcolor by darkening.
Show Columns...: Pops a checkbox list of all available columns in the current list mode, and this offers
an alternative way to control column visibility.
Add Column: Add a new Soft Column to the list. The column is inserted left of the currently sorted
column. The newly added column is called ""Right-click here...". Right-click its header to give it some
definition (see Soft Columns).
Autosize Columns Now: This command allows you to adjust the width of all columns. Columns are
auto-sized to a max width of 600 pixels. In thumbnails, this command toggles "Show Captions".
Tips: You can adjust each file list column's width by double-clicking the little gap right of the column
header. You can adjust the width of all columns by one double-click on the dead-zone right of all
column headers, or by double-click on the Line Number column header. To automatically adjust the
width of all columns when listing the contents of a new location, check Tools | Customize List |
Autosize Columns. This command is also found in the Ctrl+Right-Click context menu of each column
Load Column Layout...: Loads a new column layout (all visible and invisible columns, their sequence,
182 XYplorer Help
their captions, their widths) from a small TXT file in the application data path <xydata>\Columns.
Save Column Layout As...: Saves the current column layout (all visible and invisible columns, their
sequence, their captions, their widths) to a small TXT file in the application data path
Tip: There is a toolbar button called "Column Layouts" that lets you load predefined and user-defined
column layouts.
Set Line Number Column Width: Set the minimum width of the line numbers column measured in
digits. The column will enlarge as necessary but never shrink below the user-defined minimum size.
Tab (Submenu)
New Tab: Create a new tab. The new tab will be a clone of the current tab (but without Home, Locked
status or Visual Filter). The new tab keeps the location of the current tab unless configured otherwise
in Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | New tab path. If in Find mode it switches to Browse mode.
Shortcut: Ctrl+T
Clone Tab: Opens a perfect clone of the current tab.
Default Tab: Make this tab the default tab. Any passively (implicitly) opened new tab will open in this
tab instead. There's a visual indicator (a green icon overlay) to show which tab is the default tab (if
any). There can be only one default tab.
Rename Tab...: You can give the tabs any name of your choice. Once a tab is named that name will
stay fixed when you change the current directory inside the tab. A tab name can have any characters,
even those that are illegal for filenames. To un-name a tab rename it to nothing.
Tip: You can specify the same variables as in Configuration | Tabs | Tab captions | Custom, so you
can have per-tab custom captions like e.g.: <drive>: <folder>.
Tip: You can as well specify icons of your free choice for each tab. This is described here.
Text Color...: Set the text color for this tab. This custom color has to be specified in hexadecimal format
(RRGGBB). Use the Select Color... button to pick a color. To go back to the default colors simply specify
Background Color...: Set the background color for this tab. See notes here above at Text Color...
Copy Location Term: Puts the tab's location, including any Visual Filters, up to the clipboard. If the tab
is renamed, the command will still copy the location, not the caption.
Relocate Tab...: Here you can enter a new location for the current or any non-current tab (when
Main Menu / View 183
opening the menu via right-click on a tab header). If you do it for the current tab, it will browse to the
new location.
Of course, the location of an unlocked tab is usually set to the new path simply by going to a new
location via Tree or Address Bar or whatever; however, this path is always a hard-coded one. Now
Relocate Tab allows you to enter a soft path (aka Portable Path), like %TEMP%, or %USERPROFILE%,
or <xydata>. So for example, if you have a tab pointing to %USERPROFILE%, it will always be
resolved to the current user profile folder, no matter where it is located in the system you are currently
working on! This revolutionary concept is called Portable Tabs.
Tab History...: Pop up a list containing all history items pertaining to the current tab.
Set Home...: Each tab can have its own "Home", defined by a browse/find location and mode, and the
usual list settings. To set (or update) the current tab's home click "Set Home".
Tip: Note that also Quick Searches are supported. All these terms can be homes:
E:\Test\Sort\Ignore Articles?a*
C:\Program Files;C:\Program Files (x86)? /n
E:\Test\SyncSelect? /flat
This PC?pop /T
Desktop\Desk?*.txt /maxdepth=1 //search this level plus one
Shortcut: Alt+Home
Lock Home Zone: First you have to define a home, then you may lock your tab to the Home Zone,
which includes the home path and all its subfolders (in other words, the home branch). You can freely
move inside the home zone and stay inside the tab, but if you browse to a destination outside the
home zone, the tab stays where it is and a new tab will be automatically opened. Home-zoned tabs
are recognizable by a dotted underline. Note: a tab that's home-zoned and tight-locked (Ctrl+L; locked
to a specific path) is treated as tight-locked.
Lock Location: Lock the current tab. A locked tab will never leave its current location but instead open
new tab automatically.
Shortcut: Ctrl+L
Set a Visual Filter to the current file list. See Visual Filters for syntax.
Shortcut: Ctrl+J
Toggle between no Visual Filter and the last used Visual Filter or Power Filter.
184 XYplorer Help
Filter By Selection(s)
The command makes the list show only those items that are selected in the moment you apply the
command. The filter is hard-coded to the caption "sel". A nice thing about it is that the "Toggle Visual
Filter" command will restore the filtered view even when the items are not selected anymore. Even
across sessions. Even in other tabs or folders if their contents share the same filenames.
Shortcut: Shift+Alt+J
Pops a menu of all file types contained in the currently listed items (or of the currently selected items
if more than one item is selected), ordered by count (most frequent on top) or by extension
(ascending). Click any of the types to filter (Visual Filter) the list by this type. Works also on Branch
View and Search Results.
Note: There is a toolbar button available with the same name and functionality. You can modify the
sort order of the popup menu via right-clicking the button. There are two options, Sort by Count and
Sort by Extension.
Hold SHIFT: Remove all files of this type from the selection.
Toggle Live Filter: Toggles the Live Filter (No Filter / Last Filter) keeping the input focus where it is.
The Live Filter Box is shown if necessary when the filter is toggled on.
The functionality is identical to pressing F3 when the focus is in the Live Filter Box.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F3
Restore Last Closed Tab: Restores the tab that was last closed in the current session (not
remembered across sessions). The restored tab is automatically selected.
Close All Other Unlocked Tabs: Close all unlocked tabs apart from the current tab.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+W
Close All Other Tabs...: Close all tabs apart from the current tab.
Mini Tree. Toggles between Maxi Tree and the last used Mini Tree. A Mini Tree will show only the tree
paths that have been actually used.
When toggling from Maxi to (last) Mini Tree, the current path is kept even if it is not part of the last Mini
Tree. So, no change of location will happen using this command.
Minimize Tree. Reduces the Mini Tree to show just the paths of all tabs in both panes. Turns Mini Tree
mode on if off.
Load Last Mini Tree. Loads the last Mini Tree before the Tree was converted to Maxi. Useful when you
quickly turn on Maxi Tree for a task and then want to go back to the previous Mini state. If the current
session did not have a Mini Tree yet, the last INI-stored Mini Tree is loaded.
Mini Tree From Recent. Loads a Mini Tree made from the recent history. The history is scanned
backwards until the 12 deepest paths are collected that are not in a mutual parent-child relation.
Set As Favorite Mini Tree... Stores the current Mini Tree as Favorite Mini Tree. Overwrites any
previously stored Favorite Mini Tree (after OK-ing a prompt). Only available/applicable in Mini Tree
Load Favorite Mini Tree. Loads any previously stored Favorite Mini Tree. Turns on Mini Tree mode if
Hide Current Folder. Hides the current folder from the Mini Tree (not from your hard disk). Since there
must be a selection the parent folder is auto-selected.
Hide Siblings. Hides the current folder's siblings from the Mini Tree.
Save: Save Paper Folder to file. You normally don't have to do this -- saving is fully automatic. But
there might be reasons to perform an explicit save now, so here is the command to do it.
Save As...: Save current Paper Folder under a new name and load it.
Save Copy As...: Save current Paper Folder under a new name but keep the current one loaded.
Remove Selected Items: Well, it does what it says. Note that this does not delete the items from the
file system! Nevertheless you are prompted before the items are removed.
Empty Paper Folder: Remove all items from the Paper Folder. Again, this does not delete the items
from the file system! Nevertheless you are prompted before the items are removed.
Toggle Paper Folder: On a normal folder, create a Paper Folder from the current list. Only Browse and
Find tabs can be converted to a Paper Folder. On a Paper Folder, go back to the last used normal
186 XYplorer Help
Enable Folder View Settings: Check to enable the Folder View Settings feature, i.e. make the
commands available and auto-restore folder-specific view settings.
Save Folder View: Save and remember the current folder view settings. If a folder view is currently
active it will be updated to the current view settings.
Restore Folder View: Reverts the current folder view to the saved settings.
Apply this Folder View Also To...: Apply the current folder view settings also to another folder name/
Define this Folder View as Default: Save the current folder view settings as default folder view (used
for any folder with no specific folder view).
Manage Folder Views...: Opens a list of all stored Folder Views. You can directly jump to the "Edit
Folder View" dialog from the list: Select a Folder View and click OK, or double-click a Folder View. You
also can delete Folder Views from here: Select a Folder View and press DEL (or use the item's context
menu). Note that deletions are only performed when you OK the dialog.
Note that the List is not reset (i.e. any selections and the scroll position are kept). To reset the file list
use "Reset List" (Ctrl+Shift+F5). The Tree is only refreshed when it is visible.
Shortcut: F5
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R
Suspend Auto-Refresh
Will immediately and temporarily stop (or reactivate) any auto-refreshing for the current location,
without changing the general Auto-Refresh setting. Auto-Refresh is automatically reactivated (only if
Auto-Refresh is ON, of course) when the current location is changed.
Shortcut: Ctrl+R
Lock Tree
Ever since, the Tree shows basically the same path as the Window Title, the Address Bar and the List:
If you change the current path by any of the numerous ways available in XYplorer, the Tree is
Main Menu / View 187
automatically adjusted to the new location. Even, if you don't really need that service... "Lock Tree"
allows you to turn off that automatic syncing of the Tree.
With Lock Tree on, "Refresh Tree" (F4) will re-sync the Tree without changing the mode. Also turning
Lock Tree off again, will instantly re-sync the Tree. The setting is remembered between sessions.
When you startup with Lock Tree on, the tree will be initialized to a default state with only the top
nodes shown.
Here are some possible reasons for turning Lock Tree on once in a while:
(1) It offers a uniform maximum browsing speed that's totally independent of the nesting depth of
the target locations. For example, if you quickly need to check size and version of a particular
system file, it is totally pointless to expand the tree down to system32, because all you need is a
quick glance at that file in the file list. Or, if you have a script that needs to visit some location --
why should the tree get busy here?
(2) It keeps the Tree in a stable state and position while browsing. For example, this can be valuable
when collecting stuff from various locations via drag+drop into a couple of target folders -- no
need to scroll the tree anymore: the Tree just sits there and waits.
(3) It makes consequent use of XYplorer's many ways of going to a new place: Address Bar, Tabs,
Catalog, Favorites, History, Hotlist, Breadcrumb, GoTo, User-Defined Commands, Scripts, etc. ...
they all work flawlessly without the Tree, and if you just need to go somewhere to work with
certain items, you may well be completely uninterested in their position in the file system -- no
need for a Tree to show you.
While the Tree is an ingenious interface element one must admit that it almost always shows much
more information that you need to have at any given time. So, for the sake of informational economy,
you now get a "stand-by" button with it.
Note the Tools | Customize Tree | Lock Expansion State toggle, an optional radicalization of Lock
Tree by which you can prevent any expanding or collapsing of the currently visible nodes. Makes the
Tree indestructible.
Refresh Tree
Shortcut: F4
Reset Tree
The expansion state of the whole tree is preserved when it is a locked Maxi Tree and Configuration |
Tree and List | Remember state of tree is enabled.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F4
Updates just the current folder and its child folders (i.e. the current branch) in the Tree.
Shortcut: Shift+F4
188 XYplorer Help
Refresh List
Updates the current list data, but keeps any selections and scroll position. Also refreshes the tab icon.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F5
Reset List
Updates the data, scrolls back to top, sets focus to the first item (if any), and unselects any selections.
Also refreshes the tab icon.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F5
Calculates the folder sizes of all folders currently listed. Further, if any folders in the list are selected,
then only the sizes of selected folders are calculated. Cached folder sizes (that might be stale) are
refreshed (but see Tip below).
Empty folders will display a "[Empty]" in the file list and are thus distinguished from non-empty folders
with zero bytes content, which display a "0" ("zero" char). Empty folders will sort before 0-bytes
Shortcut: Shift+F5
Edit Ghost Filter...: Opens the dialog to edit the patterns defining the items to be hidden by the Ghost
Caches (Submenu)
Main Menu / View 189
Refresh Thumbnails
Refreshes all thumbnails in the current list, no matter the setting of "Show cached thumbnails only"
and "Create all thumbnails at once".
Recreates the thumbs cache of the current folder (when thumbs caching is enabled).
When a list no items with thumbnails but a pair of thumbnail cache files for it still exists (for images
that are not here anymore) calling "Refresh Thumbnails" will permanently delete those thumbnail cache
This command complements the setting Configuration | Thumbnails | Show cached thumbnails only
and is only enabled if that setting is ticked.
Refresh Icons
3.4 Go
Go Menu Commands
Go to Previous Location
Jump to the previous tab/mode/location (useful to zap back and fore between two locations). If the
previous location has been on another tab, this tab is opened (if it still exists). If the previous tab does
not exist anymore, the location is opened in a new tab. Any previous selections, the scroll position, and
the focused position are restored.
Shortcut: F7
Jump to the previously focused and selected item in the current file list.
Shortcut: Shift+Alt+F7
Go to Last Target
Beams you to the most recent target of a move/copy file operation that was performed inside the
current XYplorer instance and session. That's good news for the paranoid: a quick [Ctrl+Alt+F7] (or
right-handed [AltGr+F7]) will carry you to the place you've just moved/copied some files to, to check
personally whether the files arrived in a good condition. Dual pane without the space-waste... ;)
As a special service the copied or moved items found in that target location are auto-selected when
you go there using this command. Every new copy/move will overwrite the previous last target data.
And, just like the target folder itself, these selections are not remembered between sessions.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F7
Jump to the top folder (Drive, \\Server, Desktop) of the current folder.
Takes you down to the most recently used subfolder of the current folder (if any).
Main Menu / Go 191
You could also call it "Up-Down-History", "Popup Breadcrumb", "Vertical Breadcrumb", or "Relative
You'll immediately grab the idea: When you click this command (or click the arrow besides the "Up"
toolbar button, or right-click this button) a menu is popped up presenting you a selection of
destinations directly related to your current location. The Up-part is simply generated by parsing the
current path. The Down-part is drawn from the recent history.
It's a breadcrumb that takes no screen space at all if you don't want it to. It works without toolbar,
address bar, whatever bar. Simply press [Ctrl+Backspace] to have it pop up.
It's a breadcrumb that's manageable by keyboard-only. Even one-handedly when using the right
It's a breadcrumb that goes not only back up but also back down.
Tip: Right-clicking the icon of a tab pops a breadcrumb menu for the tab's path.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Backspace
and: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace; AltGr+Backspace (to avoid the ding sound)
Pops up a menu featuring all currently available drives. Empty removable and unaccessible network
drives are skipped.
Shortcut: Alt+Left
Shortcut: Alt+Right
Pops up a list with your recent browse history. The first/oldest entry is at the bottom, the last/newest
at the top. The history holds up to 256 entries and remembers them between sessions.
Recent Locations...
Shows the MRU list of locations from most recent (at the top, with number 1) to most ancient. Double-
click an item to jump to it. The MRU holds maximally 128 items.
Note that there's a toolbar button of the same name that pops a menu of the most recent locations.
The Hotlist is a brand-new interface to your history, with the intention to present the history in a way
that makes it as easy as possible to quickly go back to one of the places you have recently been -- as
192 XYplorer Help
opposed to the traditional presentation of the history which makes it easy to go back and forth on
your recent track.
(1) All its items are taken from the Recent Locations list.
(2) Computer and Network Places are removed (to keep it tight).
(4) It's fresh: only existing paths are shown (the history can be outdated in this aspect).
(5) It's compressed: only the *leaves* of the branches are displayed. If your history contains
then only the latter is shown in the Hotlist. It is assumed that the skipped parent items have just been
transit stations on the way to the final "leaf" item, C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer, and hence aren't
interesting (or "hot") targets.
Shortcut: Ctrl+H
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T
Here you can select an alias from a list of all aliases you have defined. If you don't remember what an
alias stands for, you can check in Tools | List Management | Aliases, and maybe find a better name
for it.
Go to...
Enter/paste a location (a path) to jump to. You can as well enter a path/file name to jump directly to a
specific file in that path.
Shortcut: Ctrl+G
Go to from Here...
Note that Go to from Here... supports relative paths. They are resolved relative to the current path
(whereas in the normal "Go to" and Address Bar they are resolved relative to app path).
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+G
Go to Line...
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+L
Go to Application Folder
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+G
3.5 Favorites
Favorite Folders
All locations you have previously defined as favorites (e.g. by pressing Ctrl+B = Toggle Favorite
Note: The Favorite Folders submenu pops up when you right-click anywhere in the free area (not on a
folder) of the Tree.
(Un)marks a folder as favorite. Favorite Folders are added to the Favorites Listing within this menu.
When you rename a favorite folder the favorites are automatically updated so that the link is kept
In the Tree Favorite Folders can be shown bold if you tick "Tools | Customize Tree | Mark Favorites
Shortcut: Ctrl+B
A shortcut to menu Tools | List Management | Favorite Folders. Here you can add or remove favorite
folders, and also reorder the list and add menu separators by inserting items with a single hyphen
(minus sign) as caption.
You can also define custom menu captions for the items. Simply prefix the caption in quotes (optionally
followed by any number of blanks). These will work identically:
"caption" location
"caption" location
This allows you to attach catchy aliases to long and hard-to-read paths! For example:
Scripts as Favorites: Here is a custom favorite folder where the "location" is a quick script (prefixed by
script marker ::):
Will show "Script to append modified date" (without quotes) in the menu; when you click it, the script is
executed. So you now have another, very comfortable way to place some heavy-rotation scripts right
under your mouse button!
Fuzzy Favorites: Favorite Folders and Favorite Files support the wildcards * (stands for "any number
of characters including none"). With a Fuzzy Favorite the first match will be used. This can be useful
Main Menu / Favorites 195
Toggle Highlighted Folder: Throws a highlight (color configurable) on the current folder. It's 8 pixels
wider than the selection rectangle to keep it visible when the folder is selected. Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+B
Set Highlight Color: Define the highlight color for the current tree folder. Enables Highlighted Folder for
this folder if not yet enabled anyway.
Toggle Boxed Branch: Draws a colored rectangle on the background of the whole branch. Shortcut:
Set Box Color: Define the box color for the current tree folder. Enables Boxed Branch for this folder if
not yet enabled anyway.
Favorite Files
All files you have previously defined as favorite files. You can directly jump to any file by a single click.
Tip: Tick Configuration | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Open favorite files directly to open the
files instead of jumping to them,
A shortcut to menu Tools | List Management | Favorite Files. Here you can add or remove favorite
files, and also reorder the list and add menu separators by inserting items with a single hyphen (minus
sign) as caption.
3.6 Tags
Labels (Submenu)
Here you can assign any of the currently defined labels to all currently selected items, or remove them
by selecting "None".
Tags (Submenu)
Add Tags...
Add more tags to the tags of all selected items (select from the Tag List).
Edit Tags...
Edit the tags of all selected items (based on the tags of the current item).
Edit the tags of all selected items via a checkbox tag list. The checkboxes are pre-ticked based on
the tags of the current item.
Remove particular tags from all selected items (select from the Tag List).
Find by Tags...
Main Menu / Tags 197
Find items by particular tags that you can enter into a text box.
Note that the scope of the search (Everywhere, This Branch, Here) can only be set via the right-click
menu of the toolbar button "Find by Tags".
Find items by particular tags that you can select from a list of all used tags.
Note that the scope of the search (Everywhere, This Branch, Here) can only be set via the right-click
menu of the toolbar button "Find by Tags".
Update the tag list to the tags currently used in the tags database (usually tag.dat).
Add the last added tag(s) to the tags of all selected items.
Here you can assign a comment to all currently selected items, or remove any comments by entering
Stores all local tags (i.e. tags in this branch) in a new local database called "XYplorerTag.dat" which is
created in the current path. The paths of the tags are stored relative to "XYplorerTag.dat" (so you can
move or rename the branch without destroying the tags). The tags are not removed from the main
tags database.
Imports local tags from the database "XYplorerTag.dat" (which should exist in the current path, usually
created by a previously performed "Export Local Tags"). The tags are merged permanently into current
tags database.
Load a different tags database. The 16 recently loaded tags databases are remembered across
sessions in an MRU list.
You can also specify the name of a new not-yet-existing database file. After OK-ing the dialog all
current tags are removed from memory, and Labels are reset to the 7 default colors.
198 XYplorer Help
Tip: You can use this function to perform a "Revert to Saved". Simply press OK on the DB that's
prefilled in the input dialog. It's the current tags database. You will lose any dirty tags.
Reload the tags database from disk, aka revert to saved. Especially useful when XYplorer is run in a
company where many users share read-only access to a common tags database which can be altered
only by the administrator (see Admin Settings).
Note that reloading the current database leaves your unsaved ("dirty") tags untouched. In detail:
Non-dirty items are fully replaced with the imported items: All current fields are set to the imported
values. So non-empty fields might end up empty.
Dirty items are merged with the imported items: Only if the current field is empty and the imported
field is not, then the current field is set to the imported value. So non-empty fields will not be
changed. Reason: Your not-yet-saved tags are protected this way. Otherwise the auto-refresh of
the tags (Configuration | Tags | Auto-refresh tags) would destroy them.
Main Menu / User 199
3.7 User
Manage Commands...
Tip: Dbl-clicking an item in the Commands list will trigger the "Browse..." or "Edit..." button (if there is
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F9
These submenus contain all the User-Defined Commands that you have defined before. See next
User-Defined Commands
User-Defined Commands (UDCs) are basically menu commands (all located in menu User), where you
decide (1) what they do when clicked, (2) and what their caption is. Optionally, as with all menu
commands in XYplorer, you may assign keyboard shortcuts to them.
Example 1: You currently work on a project with distributed locations you need quick access to. Define
a UDC of category Go To for each of the Locations and assign a KS (Keyboard Shortcut) to each of
them. This will take you maybe 20 seconds, and then, say, Ctrl+1 will take you to \\
yourserver\theshare\projectdata\ and Ctrl+2 will take you to E:\project\images\.
Example 2: You like to open certain image files either with Photoshop or with ACDSee. Define two
UDCs of category Open With, one pointing to Photoshop, the other one to ACDSee. Again, assign a KS
(Keyboard Shortcut) to each of them, and you are done. Ctrl+Alt+P (for example) will open all selected
files with Photoshop, Ctrl+Alt+A (for example) will open all selected files with ACDSee.
Example 3: You regularly have to do certain rename operations for which you need a complex Regular
Expression you always tend to forget. Define a UDC of category Rename, enter your Regular
Expression into the Pattern field, and give it a descriptive caption (so that you later know what it
does). Again, assign a KS (Keyboard Shortcut) to the UDC, and you are done. From now on, a single
key stroke, e.g. Ctrl+Shift+8, will apply the rename operation to all selected items.
Example 4: You quickly want to list only the *.exe and *.dll files present in the current folder. Define a
UDC of category Go To and set the Location to |*.exe;*.dll – this will activate a Visual Filter for the
200 XYplorer Help
current location. As you see in this example, UDCs know the full richness of XYplorer's location syntax.
The possibilities are endless.
Select a Category.
Click the "New" button and select Add New Command, or simply press INS.
Now enter the Command Properties. First you specify the main argument: that's the critical piece of
data. It's where you specify the object of the Action which can be (depending on the Action) a
Location, an Item, an Application, or a Pattern. Often it will be a file or folder, in which case a Browse
button to the right of the edit field is enabled.
Optionally enter the Caption (for the menu item). If left empty, the main field (bold) will be used for the
The changes are auto-applied when you OK the dialog, or select another category, another command,
or create a new command. To undo any changes in the current Command Properties (an asterisk is
shown in the frame title) press ESC. To undo all changes you made since opening the dialog simply
Cancel the dialog.
Finally press OK to apply your changes to the current session of XYplorer. The new menus will be
generated in a blink. Open the User menu and see yourself...
Now you can assign a Keyboard Shortcut to your new UDC. Either click the Assign Keyboard Shortcut
button and choose one, or open Customize Keyboard Shortcuts (Shift+F9) from menu Tools (the
UDCs are listed under category "User").
Of course, as always in XY, the UDCs will be saved to file on exit unless otherwise wanted. This file is
called udc.dat.
On KeyUp
For UDCs with a Keyboard Shortcut assigned, this checkbox gives you control about the exact point of
action. When checked, the command is triggered when the key is released, else (default) the command
is triggered when the key is pressed down.
It is actually recommended that you enable "On KeyUp" on UDCs that pop a menu (and have a
keyboard shortcut assigned, of course); otherwise you might experience that you trigger one of the
menu items on releasing your keyboard shortcut because the released key is interpreted as an
accelerator key!
You can directly open the Manage User-Defined Commands dialog for a particular user command by
holding CTRL while you click the menu item pointing to the command. The command will not be
triggered then, of course.
Main Menu / User 201
How to smartly pre-fill the dialog when creating a new User-Defined Command
The Toolbar's Manage User-Defined Commands button's right-click menu enables you to directly
create a new UDC with the argument field preset to some current context value. How? Simply hold
CTRL while clicking one of the menu items! The preset values adjust to the command category:
- "Go To", "Open", "Open With", "New", "Load Script File" -> current file (if any is selected)
You can duplicate the current command by pressing "New" or by pressing Ctrl+Ins. If the current
command has a caption, then the new command's caption will have "Copy of" prefixed.
The Open and Open With commands, when applied to applications, support the usage of Command
Line Parameters. Of course, it is the called application that controls (1) which parameters are
recognized, (2) what they do, (3) what format they must have, and (4) in which order they are
expected. So, to use this feature, you must know the command line syntax of the application you want
to open files with.
The only rule you have to know is: If you use Command Line Parameters, then the application term has
to be in quotes!
The possibilities arising from the support of parameters are absolutely astounding. For the following
examples, I chose WinZip as the called application.
Example 5: Adding selected items to an archive. Open menu User | Manage Commands, and select
category "Open With". Set the option to "Pass all the items to the same instance...". Then enter this
line into the Application field in UDC | Open With:
<items> is a XYplorer variable, that in this context is set to a blank-separated list of all currently
selected list items. Triggering this UDC will create (if not already existing) the archive UDCmade.zip in
the current path and pack all currently selected files into it. If want the *.zip in some other place than
the current path, state it with the desired full path.
Example 7: Create a password protected archive and name it depending on the current folder:
Remember that the quoting of the blank-containing password is part of WinZip's command line syntax!
XYplorer is just passing this on to WinZip. What XYplorer does, however, is resolving the new XYplorer
202 XYplorer Help
variable <curfolder>: it is set to the name of the current folder (not the whole path).
Will extract all items of the selected archive file into a newly created folder "newfolder" under the
current path. Of course, you can as well give a full path for the target folder. Note that <items> here
stands for the archive to extract! This example will only succeed when just *one* archive file is
selected. This is a restriction of WinZip's command line syntax, not of XYplorer.
The new XYplorer variable <curbase> will be set to the base (= name without extension) of the
currently selected file (here: the archive to extract) -- it is always the file that is displayed in the status
bar. For the case that the base contains blanks, you should put it in quotes else WinZip will choke:
If the archive is called "test.zip", this would create a subfolder named "test_2007-11-07" and unpack
the archive into it.
Example 10: With any compare-tool accepting two-way comparisons via command line you can easily
set up a one-click file comparison. Assuming you have a 3rd party software installed and registered
called "compare.exe" then you could do:
This will your tool with the first two of all selected items in the given order. Any other selected items
are ignored.
<curfolder>.txt Pics.txt
<curtitle>.txt ChristinaAguilera.jpg.txt
<curbase>.txt ChristinaAguilera.txt
<curbase>-<curext>.txt ChristinaAguilera-jpg.txt
Main Menu / User 203
The variable <curver> will extract the version number of the current file (if it has one). If the currently
focused file is E:\XYplorer.exe, v6.60.0053:
<curbase>_<curver>.txt XYplorer_6.60.0053.txt
If you set the Source field to <curitem>, you can emulate the behavior of "Copy Here With Last
Modified Date" (see below). Or you can "Copy Here With Version":
<curbase>_<curver>.<curext> XYplorer_6.60.0045.exe
If a source is defined then the following variables in the Name field refer to the source: <srcbase>,
<srcext>, <srctitle>, <srcver>, <srcdatem yyyymmdd>, <srcdatec yyyymmdd>, <srcdatea yyyymmdd>.
They obviously correspond to <curbase>, <curext>, <curtitle>, <curver>, and <datem yyyymmdd>,
which always refer to the current item.
You may as well pass a full path/name in the Name field (only if no path is passed, the current path is
taken as default). If the target folder does not exist it is created on the fly. The "last target" path
(used by Ctrl+Alt+F7) is set to the target folder.
Further remarks
No limit: There's virtually no limit to the number of commands, although, being menu-based and
having a finite number of keys on your board you will hit a usability wall at some point.
Accelerators: You can create an accelerator simply by prefixing the letter to be used by the
ampersand sign (&). If you want to use the & character itself in your caption, simply double it, e.g.
"This && That".
Separators: If you want to organize your menus into sub sections you can use separators. Simply
create a new command, and put the minus sign (-) as argument.
Short forms for applications: You will have noted the use of "winzip32" above. If the EXE to run is
registered (known by the registry) it is not necessary to state the full path. The base name of the EXE
file is enough. Both ways will work the same (UDC category OpenWith):
Of course, the latter version is more portable, because it will call WinZip successfully on systems where
it has a different installation path from your home system.
Specifying Menu Icons: You can optionally pass a pointer to an icon along with the caption. The icon
will be shown in the User menu. The general form is MenuCaption|MenuIcon, where MenuIcon can
have various formats:
Options: The Options button pops a small menu with two options:
Show Menu Icons: Tick it to show icons in the User-Defined Commands menus.
Show Status Bar Message: Tick it to show a status bar message before and after each triggered
User-Defined Command.
3.8 Scripting
Run Script...
Enter and execute a script directly. The script can be multi-line, and you can enter more than one script
(in which case a menu will pop up).
The last entered script is remembered between sessions. Note that the dialog has context sensitive
help: F1 will open the Scripting Commands Reference.
Runs the script previously entered in Run Script... or Try Script... again.
Step Mode
Toggle Step Mode. Stepping through scripts is recommended for debugging scripts, and for carefully
testing scripts that you have received from other authors.
Syntax Checking
Tip: You can suppress further validation for the current script by holding Ctrl while pressing "Continue"
in the "Dubious Syntax" dialog.
Try Script...
Like Run Script... above, but: Step Mode is always enabled for the script you run from the Try Script
window. The previous state of Step Mode is restored when done.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+S
Permanent Variables
Pops a list of all Permanent Variables that are currently in memory. Tip: The list has a right-click menu.
You can double-click a variable in the listing to show its value. Here you can edit the variable values
after double-clicking them (or right-click / Show Value) in the list. You can as well unset these variables
individually directly from the right-click menu in the variable list (command Unset).
Allows you to directly load a script resource from the file list. It's your responsibility to ensure that the
selected file is a valid script file.
Here you can load a script file (*.xys) from application data path. If it contains exactly one script it will
immediately executed, else a menu is popped up.
Go to Scripts Folder
Brings you to the "Scripts" folder, a subfolder of the application data path.
Main Menu / Panes 207
3.9 Panes
Dual Pane
Show/hide the inactive pane. In other words: Toggle between Dual Pane and Single Pane mode.
Shortcut: F10
Horizontal Panes
Shortcut: Ctrl+F10
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F10
Note that also focusing the inactive pane will activate it: by clicking into it, or by Tab key.
Note that you can also toggle panes in Single Pane mode. Which means you can easily switch back
and forth between two completely independent sets of tabs.
Move all selected item(s) of the active pane to the inactive pane.
Shortcut: Shift+F6
Copy all selected item(s) of the active pane to the inactive pane.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F6
Backup all selected item(s) of the active pane to the inactive pane.
Note: This command comes pretty close to a nice Two-Way Folder Sync: Do it left-to-right and right-
to-left, and you end up with two identical folders, and - depending on your Backup configuration - with
all the newest versions from either side.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F6
Move/Copy the current tab to the inactive pane. All properties of the tab are taken along, including
current selections and scroll position. The newly created tab is auto-selected and the target pane is
208 XYplorer Help
activated. If there's only one tab left on a pane it will not be removed, of course.
The position of the new tab is the same as if you'd created it within the same pane.
Tip for mouse users: You can move/copy tabs from one pane to the other by dragging them to their
new position. The default action is move (the source tab is removed from its pane), but you can force a
copy by holding CTRL.
Go to Other Location
Use it to go to the inactive pane's location, in other words to make the active pane's location the same
as the inactive pane's.
Use it to make the inactive pane's location the same as the active pane's. It's the reverse of the above
"Go to Other Location".
Tip: Hold ALT when clicking an item in the Tree to go to it in the inactive pane.
Swap Locations
Tip: Hold SHIFT to open the locations in a new foreground tab on each pane.
Sync Browse
Here you can toggle synchronous browsing of both panes. When enabled the inactive pane will auto-
change its location in sync with the active pane.
Enable Dual Pane (F10). Point both panes to locations that you want to sync-browse. Tip: Hold ALT
and you can use the Tree to navigate the inactive pane.
Now when you change locations in one pane, the other pane will attempt to do the same relative
When Sync Browse is not possible (because it would lead to a non-existing location) the status bar
displays "cannot sync browse this location" and the synced pane will not change its location.
Auto-Select Matching Items: When in Sync Browse mode selecting "A.txt" in the active pane will
optionally auto-select "A.txt" in the inactive pane (if it exists there). Useful when both panes have
different sort orders, differing file listings, or different view modes. To enable this feature tick
"Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Dual Pane | Sync Browse | Auto-select matching items", or "Auto-
Select Matching Items" in the right-click menu of the "Sync Browse" toolbar button.
When you change to another tab in any of the panes, Sync Browse is suspended until both original
tabs are active again.
Main Menu / Panes 209
Sync Browse is a great time saver when performing moves/renames and other reorganizations on
mirrored drives. Another usage is to browse one location in two different simultaneous views, e.g.
Details and Thumbnails.
Sync Scroll
Here you can toggle synchronous scrolling of both panes. When enabled then the relative top index of
the active lists/tabs of both panes is stored. When you then scroll the list in either of these tabs the
top index relation is restored (if possible) by auto-scrolling the other list.
Sync Scroll includes Sync Sort: If Sync Scroll is enabled, and you then resort any of the lists the
other list is automatically sorted the same way.
When you change to another tab in any of the panes, Sync Scroll is suspended until both original
tabs are active again.
If both panes have different view modes than scrolling is synced as "percentage of window scrolled"
instead of absolute line counts. That way you can perfectly sync scroll a Details view with a
Thumbnails view of the same location.
Sync Select...
Here you find various commands to modify the selection in one pane based on items in the other pane.
They are best used for comparing two locations which have similar content.
Select Matches: Select all items that are also listed in the other pane (i.e. all name matches).
Select Uniques: Select all items that are only listed in this pane.
Select Newer: Select all name matches with a more recent modified date.
Newer is a file or folder where the modified date is at least one full second newer than that of the
other item.
If Ignore extensions is ticked then the first match (both lists are compared from top to bottom, with
the active pane as the outer loop) is taken to the file time comparison.
Select Different: Select all name matches with a different size or modified date.
Select Uniques and Newer: Select all items that are unique or newer.
Select Uniques and Different: Select all items that are unique or different.
210 XYplorer Help
Select Selected: Select all items that are selected in the other pane.
Select Different Content: Select all name matches with a different content. By default the content is
compared using SHA-256 hashing.
On both panes: Check to apply the chosen command to both panes, i.e. to have items on both panes
Ignore extensions: Check to ignore the extensions when matching the names.
Further Remarks
If a folder and a file happen to be have the same name and modified date, they will count as
different (regardless of the size).
The last used command and the state of the checkboxes are saved between sessions.
Sync Folders...
Opens a dialog that lets you synchronize the folder in the inactive pane (target folder) to the folder in
the active pane (source folder). Afterwards the target folder will be identical to the source folder
(depending on the configuration). The source folder (active pane) is not modified. In other words it's a
one-way sync, aka mirror sync.
Tabs (Submenu)
Right-click the empty part of the tab bar to pop a menu that features a command "Close this Pane".
Does what it says.
Main Menu / Tabsets 211
3.10 Tabsets
Open...: Open/Load a stored tabset. A list of all available tabsets in the default tabsets folder
(<xydata>\Panes) is popped. The current tabset of each pane is marked as [In Use - Pane #]; if you
select one of them nothing happens.
Open As...: Open/Load a tabset as clone. The name for the clone is prompted for (it defaults to
"Clone#", where # stands for the number of the current pane). Note that any existing tabset of the
same name as the clone will be overwritten without any warning.
Save: Save the current tabset. Only useful if Configuration | Tabs | Auto-save tabsets on switch is off,
otherwise tabsets are saved automatically on tabset switch.
Save As...: Save the current tabset under a new name. The new tabset becomes the current one. The
old tabset is kept on disk.
Save Copy As...: Save a copy of the current tabset under a new name. The old tabset remains the
current one.
Rename...: Rename the current tabset. If a tabset of the same name already exists in the parent folder
of the current tabset you are prompted for overwriting.
3.11 Tools
Shortcut: F9
Opens the current INI file in whatever application is associated with *.ini files. Of course, any changes
you do will be applied only after a restart without saving.
Shortcut: Shift+F9
Shortcut: Ctrl+F9
Open the interface to customize the file icons. See Custom File Icons.
Shortcut: Shift+Alt+F9
Customize Toolbar...
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F9
Trick: Dbl-Click an item to shift it to the other side.
Adjust the folder tree to your preferences: Show Icons, Show Expansion Icons, Show Lines, Solid
Lines, Mark Favorites (Bold), Narrow Tree, Rename On Slow Double-Click, Apply Highlighting, Full Row
Select, Tree Path Tracing, Recent Location Pins, Lock Expansion State.
Tip: You can pop this menu by Shift+Right-click anywhere on the empty space in the Tree.
Solid Lines: If ticked then the node connecting lines are drawn solid instead of dotted, i.e. they are
visually stronger.
Narrow Tree: Reduces the tree level indent from 19 to 10 pixels. Saves a lot of horizontal space if you
work in deeply nested folders.
Rename On Slow Double-Click: Tip: With Configuration | Tree and List | Expand tree nodes on
single-click ON and Rename on slow double-click OFF, you can also collapse the current tree node
by a single click on the name. Could save you many clicks.
Full Row Select: Note that you can still trigger right-click on empty when you hit the area left of the
Tree Path Tracing: Turn it on to highlight the current path in the Tree, i.e. each component of the
current path. It's a visual aid to always know your place in the folder tree, without even consciously
looking at the tree. The color can be customized in Configuration | Highlights & Dark Mode | Tree
Path Tracing. Note that there is a toolbar button "Tree Path Tracing" to quickly toggle it on and off.
The button's right-click menu offers all tree styles.
Recent Location Pins: Shows pins at the recent locations in the folder tree. The color and number of
pins are customizable in Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Recent
location pins.
The current location pin has a slightly bigger head with a white center.
Lock Expansion State: Tick it to completely disable expanding/collapsing nodes in the Tree. Note that
the Expansion Icons take a special form if the expansion state is locked.
Adjust the file list to your preferences: Show Icons, Column Drag, Multiple Select, Full Row Select,
Highlight Sorted Column, Show Line Numbers, Autosize Columns, Show Grid, Highlight Focused Item,
Highlight Selected Rows, Rename On Slow Double-Click, Hide Extensions, Sticky Selection, Manual
Sorting, Checkbox Selection, Ignore Articles When Sorting, Show Folder Sizes.
Note that, by factory default, the list styles are applied globally to all tabs in all panes. This setting is
configurable in Configuration | Styles under "Apply list styles globally".
Tip: You can pop this menu by Shift+Right-click anywhere on the empty space in the List.
Autosize Columns: It is not done on startup, on tab switch, or on view change. In those cases the
previous column widths are preserved. The main moment for Autosize Columns to happen is when
changing the location within the current tab.
Show Grid: The colors for the grid are defined in Configuration | Colors | List | Grid. In Configuration |
Highlights & Dark Mode you can as well choose a Grid Style.
214 XYplorer Help
Rename On Slow Double-Click: When this setting is enabled, you can do a slow double-click (two
consecutive clicks, but slower than a double-click) on a file list item to invoke the single-rename
interface. Note that, contrary to Explorer, this will only happen when no other than the clicked item is
selected, else other selected items are unselected first.
Highlight Focused Item: Paints a light background to the focused item. The color can be defined here:
Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Focused Item.
Sticky Selection: This is a selection style known from many apps with multiple selection lists. The
effect is pretty much identical to holding the CTRL key while you click on an item or hit the space key on
the focused item: The previous selections are not touched and the current item's selection state
toggles. Also clicking on the white space will not unselect the selected items.
Sticky Selection is obviously very practical when you work on long lists and want to pick out particular
items manually: You won't easily lose your work by the slip of a finger.
Tip: To unselect all items using the mouse start a drag-select (hold mouse button down and drag a
bit), or use Deselect All (Ctrl+Shift+A).
Note that you won't have the "Rename On Slow Double-Click" functionality when "Sticky Selection" is
active. Note also that obviously "Sticky Selection" will only come to effect when "Multiple Select" is on
(which no known user ever turned off).
Manual Sorting: In Manual Sorting mode you can directly manipulate the displayed order of items by
dragging them to a new position. You can drag single as well as multiple items -- the latter even when
the selections are non-contiguous in which case they are inserted as a contiguous group to the new
Manual Sorting just concerns display. The files are not touched at all.
When Manual Sorting is enabled you cannot drag items from the list to any other controls using the
left mouse button. Right button drag however works as usual.
Manual Sorting also works with Search Results, Branch View, and other list modes (not necessarily
extremely useful though with any mode).
Since v16.60 there is Permanent Custom Sort Order (PCSO): The custom sort order is
remembered per tab, across tab switches, and across sessions, and on an explicit List Refresh.
Note, however, that Auto-Refresh is internally suspended while a custom sort order is in effect to
protect the order from an unwanted List Refresh.
Tip: You can restore a Custom Sort Order via "Go Home" if you previously saved it using "Set
Home", and if "Configuration | Tabs | Going home also restores the list layout" is ticked.
There is an internal limit to the number of items that are remembered in a PCSO: That limit is
currently set to 5000 items, i.e. in lists longer than 5000 items only the top 5000 preserve the
custom sort order.
Main Menu / Tools 215
A manual sort order is indicated by a small "hand" character (Unicode U+270B) in the Name column
Checkbox Selection: A checkbox is shown at each list item. Now you can individually select/unselect
multiple list items simply by ticking/unticking checkboxes with the left mouse button.
Selecting an item via checkbox does not move the focus to this item.
Right-clicking any checkbox pops the Select submenu from menu Edit.
The checkbox has an invisible 2-pixel safety margin that protects shaky clickers from missing the
target too easily. In other words, you can miss it by 2 pixels and still make a hit.
Ignore Articles When Sorting: Tick it to ignore certain leading words when sorting files. Typically
these words are articles, i.e. semantically near-empty words accompanying nouns in various
languages. Since they are usually preceding the nouns and there are usually two or more of them they
affect the sort order in a probably undesired way. A case in point are files named after song titles.
The factory default are English articles "a", "an", and "the".
They are matched only at the beginning and only once per string.
Tip: To change the factory default you can modify the tweak SortLeadingWordsToIgnore in the INI
Additionally to spaces (default) also "." and "_" are supported as word separators. For this to
happen you have to tweak this key as follows:
Show Folder Sizes: This setting is logically OR-ed with the global setting "Configuration | Tree and List
| List | Always show folder sizes", i.e. if at least one of them is ON then the folder sizes are shown for
the current list. What you gain by this additional way to turn on "Show Folder Sizes" is more control
over this potentially time-consuming service. You can now enable it specifically per tab and per folder.
Both presupposes, of course, that the global setting is turned OFF:
Per tab: If you turn on "Configuration | Styles | Remember list settings per tab" and apply it (via the
"Apply..." button) to "List style (line numbers, auto-size, grid...)" then you can show folder sizes
individually per tab.
Per folder: If you turn on "Tools | Customize List | Show Folder Sizes" for a particular folder and save
the view using "View | Folder View Settings | Save Folder View", you can show folder sizes just for
216 XYplorer Help
this folder.
There is a toolbar button "Show Folder Sizes" available for this toggle.
Tip: If the file list shows folder sizes, the Size column heading's right-click menu has some useful
related commands like "Cache Folder Sizes" and, if that is enabled, more commands and toggles
related to the folder size cache. By "Calculate Folder Sizes" you can update individual folder sizes
when you select these folders in the list. Note that this applies to all selected folders, or all folders if
none are selected.
Set file size display format for the size column in List.
Show Size on Disk: When checked, all file sizes in the list are showing the disk space wasted by each
file, taking into account compressed and sparse files. The column heading will be changed from "Size"
to "Size on Disk". Of course, this item is also available in the context menu of the size column header.
Note that the Status Bar always shows the real uncompressed size of the selected files.
Note that Live Filter and Quick Search from the Cell Context Menu (right-click a cell) currently don't
work with this column.
Raw Bytes Count: Pure byte count, no suffix, no thousand separators. This format is useful when you
create reports that shall be further processed by software that cannot deal with thousand separators.
Flexible: Byte counts are given in the most easy-to-read unit (i.e. "bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"
depend on the actual number).
Flexible (Rounded Up): Like Flexible but with all values rounded up.
Circles: Shows circles. Blue for files, khaki for folders. Diameter and darkness correlate with the item
size. Maximum diameter adjusts to row height (which adjusts to font size). Note that this command is a
toggle: Call it again to turn it off.
Bars: Shows bars whose sizes (filled area) correlate with the item sizes. The overall maximum width
the bars take is 50 pixels. Note that this command is a toggle: Call it again to turn it off.
Tip 1: The graphic's tooltip shows the raw bytes count and the size in flexible format if it's 1 KB or
Tip 2: Showing size graphics works nicely with Size Column Format Flexible (Rounded Up).
Main Menu / Tools 217
Tip: These commands are also available in the right-click menu of any of the Date columns in the file
Show Age: Show the age of items relative to now, expressed in years, months, days, hours, minutes,
and seconds.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E
Show Weekday: If enabled the day part of the date is shown as the weekday name ("Monday,
Tuesday ...") if the day lies within the last week. If it's today (yesterday) it is shown as
"Today" ("Yesterday"). If the file date is within the last hour, you get "Now" instead of "Today".
(1) The option applies to all date formats except, of course, "ISO Week".
(2) Like with all date formats, the setting is per List mode: you can e.g. show the weekdays in
Search Results while having the normal Date format in Browse mode.
Show Milliseconds: Tick it to show all file times with milliseconds precision.
Show Times in UTC: Tick it to show all file times as UTC, i.e. time zone-independent as they are
internally stored under NTFS. Untick it to show file times auto-converted to the local time zone (as
defined in Windows settings), which is the factory default and the usual way file times are shown in file
managers and similar applications.
UTC file times are easily recognizable by the suffixed "Z", which is the official way to mark UTC times
according to ISO 8601. Note that not only the file list, but also the Properties tab and all sorts of
Reports support showing UTC times and hence are affected by this setting.
Circles: Shows Age Circles. Note that this command is a toggle: Call it again to turn it off.
Age Circles
The so-called "Age Circles" are little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file.
No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings.
This is achieved by mapping the age to colors. By factory default there are 10 age classes (can be
218 XYplorer Help
The internal definition of the above age classes looks like this:
< s>6BCAA9,b2//future
<= 5 n>DCF487//up to 5 min
<= 60 n>B7DC6F//up to 60 min
1 d>DD7BB4//yesterday
w>D0AB63//this week
m>BE7C43//this month
y>866286//this year
1 y>ABAEB4//last year
> 1 y>ABAEB4,b1//even older
You can customize the age classes by right-clicking any age circle in the list while holding CTRL.
General Format:
The age condition syntax is identical to the one used in Color Filters By Age. Remember: There must
be a space between counter and unit ("1 d", not "1d").
You can specify an "Else" case by stating * instead of an age: *>866286//this color for all
remaining cases
The RGB value is in the usual format RRGGBB. If omitted then nothing is drawn: > y>//last year or
Border width is "b" followed by a number that specifies the width in pixels. If omitted then the circle
is drawn filled.
Comments are optional and prefixed with //. You can also comment out whole lines in the definition
by prefixing // to the line.
Main Menu / Tools 219
The definitions are processed left to right (top to bottom), first match wins. They are compared with
the Modified date of the item in question.
Hovering age circles pops the exact item age in a tooltip. Additionally to the age the absolute date is
shown including the week of the day.
By default the circles are shown in the Name column, or near the filename (depending on the list
view). You can optionally show the circles in the Modified Date column (if in Details view). To toggle
this behavior right-click any age circle and toggle the setting "Show Age Graphics in Date Column"
in the context menu.
The "rocker-click" (Left Mouse Down + Right Mouse Click) as a one-hand alternative to Ctrl+Right-
Here you can manage various lists like History, Favorite Folders, Address Bar & Go To, Find Files: Name,
Find Files: Location, etc.
Tip: All lists (e.g. also in Customize Toolbar Dialog) support a simple Type Ahead Find where you jump
to the next item beginning with the letter you typed.
Live Filter Box: The various lists in List Management (and some other dialogs featuring a list) are
provided with a live filter box.
Matching is case-insensitive (A=a).
Partial matching is supported. E.g. a filter pattern "o" will match "dog". However, if the pattern has
wildcards * or ? then the pattern is taken as is, so "o*" will not match "dog".
Line numbers in filtered lists still refer to the position in the unfiltered list. Cool!
Click the icon to toggle between "no filter" (stores the current filter as "last filter") and "last filter".
The last filter is shared across all lists, and retained across sessions.
220 XYplorer Help
Pressing up/down arrow keys inside the Live Filter Box will propagate the keys to the list, so you
can navigate the list without focusing it.
Sticky Section: Various most-recently-used (MRU) lists can have an optional Sticky Section. Items in
the Sticky Section are permanent members of this list and will never be pushed out when new items
are added. You can use this section for your all-time favorite items and carefully crafted patterns. The
Sticky Section can be added via List Management, simply add this dummy item as section separator:
-----> mru
Everything above this line is in the Sticky Section. Everything below this line is in the MRU Section. So
the Sticky Section is always displayed on top of the whole list.
Many MRU lists support a Sticky Section, e.g.: Address Bar & Go to, Find Files: Name, Find Files:
Location, Rename Special: (...), Visual Filters, Selection Filters, Move/Copy/Backup To, Recently Opened
Files, Recent Catalogs, Recently Included Catalogs.
In dropdown lists the Sticky Section is distinguished from the MRU section by a special text and back
color. The colors are currently hard-coded, later this might be made configurable. (In List
Management there is no special coloring.)
No shifting or sorting: When you pick an item from the Sticky Section it will not be shifted to the top
but stays in its position.
When a "Match List" (an alphabetically ordered subset of items that match what is currently typed
into the edit field) is dropped the items pertaining to the Sticky Section are not marked in any way
but mix with the "normal" items. Reasons: There would be clashes between coloring rules; it would
be visually disturbing; and it simply does not make a lot of sense in a Match List.
The size of the Sticky Section is not limited and adds to the max size of the MRU section (e.g. 64 for
"Rename Special" patterns).
The section separator makes managing the lists quite easy and intuitive. In List Management you
simply drag items to above the separator to add them to the Sticky Section. The separator is visible
only in List Management. In the GUI, in a dropdown list it is hidden from the user's eye, in a menu (e.
g. Visual Filters in right-click menu of the toolbar button) it is replaced by a menu separator.
Control Panel...
It's just a little message box that tells you relatively quickly the total number and size of items
currently in the recycle bin. Just in case you wanted to know...
Opens the Map Network Drive wizard. Note that there's also a Toolbar button for this function.
Opens the Disconnect Network Drive wizard. Note that there's also a Toolbar button for this function.
After a fresh system boot this will (if necessary) revive all your mapped drives in one go. To revive the
drives manually and one-by-one: select a sleeping drive in the tree and press Shift+F4 (Refresh
Current Folder).
Note: Reconnecting Mapped Network Drives may need a live network connection depending on your
system setup.
Allows you to browse the network and select an accessible computer via the Shell interface.
222 XYplorer Help
3.12 Window
Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F12
Show Toolbar
Shortcut: Ctrl+F12
NOTE: If you hide the tab bar(s) then opening locations in new background tabs will open them in new
"hidden" tabs, hence the results of such an operation may not be immediately visible.
Show/hide the Status Bar. Note that if the Status Bar is hidden then also the Status Bar Buttons go
Shortcut: F8
Show Tree
Shortcut: Shift+F8
Show Catalog
Shortcut: Ctrl+F8
Show/hide the Live Filter Box. When turned on then the input focus is auto-set to the box.
Shortcut: Alt+F3
Shortcut: Ctrl+F11
Shortcut: F12
Arrangement (Submenu)
Address Bar and Toolbar Stacked: Show Address Bar and Toolbar one above the other.
Toolbar First: Show the Toolbar at the top or at the left of the Address Bar.
Switch Toolbar Button Set: Cycles through the button sets. The number of button sets can be set in
Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options.
Tree and Catalog Stacked: Show Catalog and Tree one above the other. Setting is ignored if List
Centered is selected.
Catalog First: Show the Catalog at the top or at the left of the Tree.
List Right: Show the List pane at the right of Tree and Catalog.
List Centered: Show the List pane between Tree and Catalog.
List Left: Show the List pane at the left of Tree and Catalog.
Wide Tab Bar: Show the Tab Bar (including the Breadcrumb Bar) over the whole window width (single
pane mode only). Note that it works in single pane mode only. In dual pane mode the setting is
ignored because it would be geometrically impossible to do this trick for two panes.
Wide Info Panel: Show the Info Panel over the whole window width.
Live Filter Box in Status Bar: OFF = Show the Live Filter Box right of the Address Bar; ON = Show the
Live Filter Box in the left end of the Status Bar. Note that if the Address Bar is hidden then the Live
Filter Box automatically goes to the Status Bar.
Preview Pane to the Left: Tick it to show the Preview Pane to the left of the List.
Load Layout...
224 XYplorer Help
Saves the current layout. The layout is everything you can configure in menu Window, plus "Dual Pane"
and "Horizontal Panes" from menu Panes, plus the visibility of the main menu.
The main window state, size, and position is not stored/restored. Rather the loaded layout is
adjusted to the current window size.
Main Menu / Help 225
3.13 Help
Shortcut: F1
Here you can toggle whether hints for keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the main menu (factory
default), or not.
Tick it to show the command IDs in the main menu (and, where they are featured, in context menus).
Tip: All commands that can be assigned a keyboard shortcut have an internal command ID which can
be used in scripting to refer to the command.
Shows a list of all commands with their keyboard shortcuts (if they have any). In the list you can select
a command and click OK to call it directly from there. If the list shows only one item OK will trigger it
even if it is not selected.
Unless scripting is disabled, the command IDs are shown in front of each command. These IDs can be
used in scripts to refer to the commands.
Tip 1: Hold CTRL when clicking the command to hide the command IDs shown along with the
Tip 2: The list's right-click menu provides the option to copy the list to the clipboard.
Check for Updates: Retrieves the latest official release version online (if you are connected), compares
226 XYplorer Help
it with the currently running version, and shows the result in a message box. Takes a couple of
seconds on first check.
If a new official release is found you are offered to download and install the update right away if there
is one (Pro Edition only).
Tells you what you need to know when running then 30-day trial version.
Opens a dialog where you can enter your name and license key to unlock the trial version.
Note: XYplorerFree, the XYplorer Free Edition, cannot be unlocked. If you purchased a license and
only own XYplorerFree, download the XYplorer Pro Edition from the website and unlock it.
Environment Variables
Various Information
Tip 1: Hold CTRL to get some speed related information about your current settings.
Tip 2: Hold CTRL+SHIFT to get detailed information about the application load times.
Select Language...
Downloads a language file from the server and loads it into the interface in one go. No restart
The downloaded language files are saved in the application data path.
Once a file is downloaded you can use CTRL+Select Language... to load the language (e.g. "French.
lng") into the running application. If you have downloaded different language files you can switch
languages on the fly. No restart required.
Opens the standard Open File dialog to load a locally stored *.LNG file.
Back to English
To quickly go back to English simply tick Back to English (this command will always stay in English).
Untick Back to English to go back to the loaded language. Again, no restart required.
The Interface Translation Tool (ITT) lets you edit a translation or create a new one yourself. See
here for details.
Main Menu / Help 227
About XYplorer
Main Topics
Main Topics / Quick Search 229
4 Main Topics
Quick Search
The Quick Search dialog offers a very simple interface to finding files by their name (and more, see
below). The command "Quick Search..." (F3) is found near to the bottom of menu Edit.
The obvious idea is to offer an ultra-smooth access to the most common find task: the search by
filename. No more need to open the Info Panel, select the mighty Find Files tab, reset any previous
filters, enter a pattern, and press Find Now. Instead you completely bypass the Find Files tab leaving its
current settings unused and unchanged.
Quick Search defaults to include subfolders (aka recurse subfolders). If you don't want recursion you
add the switch "/n" (see below):
Quick Searches always search the current location (as shown in the Title Bar, the Address Bar, and in
the unlocked Tree).
There is a handy command Toggle Quick Search (Ctrl+Shift+F3) to toggle between no Quick Search and
the last one (if any) in the current location.
There is another handy command Repeat Last Quick Search (Shift+F3) to repeat the last Quick
Search (if any) in the current location.
The last 64 patterns are stored in an MRU (most-recently-used) list. They are remembered across
sessions if "Configuration | Startup & Exit | Include most-recently-used lists on save" is ticked and
"Find Files Patterns and Locations" is ticked in the Apply list. The MRU list can be edited in List
Quick Searches are displayed in the Address Bar, but not added to the Address Bar MRU (the
dropdown list).
Quick Search also supports more complex patterns like Boolean terms, RegExp, and Multi Field Search.
Simply everything that's supported in the Address Bar right of the ?, the marker for Quick Searches
through the Address Bar. See examples here below.
Alternatively, you can run Quick Searches directly through the Address Bar (see Quick Searches via
Address Bar). These are not added to the Quick Search MRU list.
There are freely combinable switches to modify a Quick Search, allowing to overwrite the global search
Note 1: All search pattern switches can optionally be appended to the search pattern in the name field
and have the general format "blank-slash-letter(s)", e.g. " /r" or " /rf" (the order of letters is
irrelevant). They can be freely combined with all the other search filters (Name, Size, Date, Attributes,
Tags, Contents, Dupes). Exception: On Dupes search the switches /p and /x are ignored (the results
would be just useless).
Note 2: Switches /T and /L logically imply switch /t (search tags database only).
*[!a-zA-Z0-9 ._()&-]* /matching=e Match all files not containing any of a particular list
of characters.
# /matching=n Match all files containing the character "#".
The similarity measurement of XYplorer's fuzzy search is based on the Ratcliff/Obershelp pattern
recognition algorithm (Ratcliff 1988), also known as "gestalt pattern matching".
Use the /excl switch to exclude the contents of certain paths from the search results. It's the inline
equivalent of the Excluded tab on the Find Files panel.
The syntax of the paths is identical to the one used in the Excluded tab. E.g. "Private" would match
any path containing the string "Private" at any position. "\Private\" would match any path
containing a folder named "Private" at any position. "E:\Test\Private" would exclude this specific
folder (and all its subfolders).
However, the "file:" prefix is not supported because of a potential ambiguity in parsing.
Like with the Excluded tab, the excluded paths themselves are shown (if they match the pattern),
but not their contents.
This lists all JPGs in the current path, excluding subfolders containing the string "Private" or
?*.jpg /excl=Private;Secret
This is a Branch View excluding the contents of certain paths (all versions are equivalent):
E:\Test\b\Pluto? /excl=Private;Secret /flat
E:\Test\b\Pluto? /excl=Private;Secret :flat
E:\Test\b\Pluto? /excl=Private;Secret:flat
List all files beginning with a* but not PNGs and GIFs, in the current path:
?a* /exclfile=*.png;*.gif
Switches /excl and /exclfile now allow quoting a single path. Can be useful to avoid ";" is seen as a list
separator, e.g.:
?*.jpg;*.png /excl="E:\Test\a;b"
Use the /silent switch to prevent message boxes from popping before the search finally happens.
Currently only one value (one message box) is supported.
Wildcards are supported. This gives you nice options when looking for items by their extensions.
Search two folders for all files not older than 14 days of types JPG, PING, or PONG:
E:\Test\a;E:\Test\b?ageM: <= 14 d /types=jpg;ping;pong
Search the current folder for all files "a*" or "b*" of types JPG or PNG:
a*;b* /types=jpg;png
Note that without this switch you had to do something like this to achieve the same:
Main Topics / Quick Search 235
Using wildcards:
/types=????* Find all files with extensions of length 4 or more
/types=??;???? Find all files with extensions of length 2 or 4
/types=i*;j* Find all files with extensions beginning with i or j
Use the /paths switch to filter items by the name of their parent folder or full path.
If path contains no "\" (backslash) then it is compared with the immediate parent folder of the item in
If path contains at least one "\" (backslash) then it is compared with the whole path (including
trailing backslash!) of the item in question.
Return all TXT items under parents with exactly one character:
*.txt /paths=?
Return all items with "\test\" anywhere in the path, or with a parent three characters long:
* /paths=*\test\*;???
Path matching (ticked Path checkbox in Find Files, or /P switch) is implicitly turned on whenever the
search term contains backslashes that are not just escapes for certain characters that would
otherwise seen as special characters (eg " \!", "\[", " \(", "cat \and dog", ...), i.e. when the search term
looks like a (part of a) path:
PN\P //match all items under folder ending in "PN", beginning with "P"
\PN\P //match all items under folder "PN", beginning with "P"
\PN\P | \PN\Q //match all items under folder "PN", beginning with "P" or "Q"
The search uses the vanilla setting of the Find Files | Contents tab: First option in the drop downs,
all checkboxes unchecked. So, it's a text search only, binary files are not scanned!
Of course, all settings on the Contents tab are completely ignored if running a Quick Search for
You can quote the string, and should do so if it contains something that looks like a switch (see 3rd
example below).
Use the /contflags switch to modify the behavior of the /contents switch (here above).
/contflags covers all options available on the "Find Files | Contents" tab, so you now have the full
power of XY's content search available as inline parameter of Quick Search.
Find all files with hex characters FF E0 at position 2. Note that the contents string has to be quoted
in this case else the ":" will confuse the parser:
* /contents="2: FF E0" /contflags=;;h
Find all files with contents matching regexp pattern "\x61" (= "a"):
* /contents="\x61" /contflags=r;;
Use the /? switch to check your pattern when in doubt. Like all switches it can be combined with other
switches in any order.
Query: !a* or b /?
Parsed: (NOT "a*") OR "*b*"
MasterInvert: No
After "Parsed" you see the pattern in a human-friendly form. At the bottom you find the current state
of those settings that affect the parsing of the pattern.
* /d /l=20 /maxdepth=1 Directories only, limit to 20, search this level plus
* /l=25 /lpd=2 /flat Limit to 25 total, 2 per dir, Branch View.
* /lpd=1 /flat Limit 1 per dir, Branch View.
* /dr /maxdepth=2 Find all directories in the current location and two
levels deeper.
* /maxdepth=2 /dr (same as above; sequence does not matter)
The maxdepth switch (like all other switches here) also works with the Name pattern in Find Files.
Simply append it to the name pattern.
Stating a maxdepth > 0 implies recursion (Include Subfolders); you don't need to pass the /r switch
as well.
The switches /p and /x will not return drive roots but just folders.
When used together with the /p switch (return parents) the limit is applied to the children, not to the
returned parents.
In Branch View with "Let folders pass all filters" enabled the folders don't count when checking the
In the case of custom columns and extra tags the field selector is identical to the column caption
The /fld switch can be especially useful in Click and Search categories.
Time for the revolutionary Single File Search: Simply enter the full path of the file or folder you want to
see into the Quick Search interface, or -- prefixed with a "?" -- into the Address Bar, or into the Name
field on the Find Files tab, and run the search. You will see your file within a very short time, and in
splendid isolation.
The current location is completely ignored in this search. And when using the Find Files interface all
other filters are ignored as well.
The current location and bread crumb does not adjust to the path of the searched item. So the
whole operation is pretty isolated from the rest of the interface.
In Address Bar and Quick Search also XYplorer native variables are supported.
Using wildcards: Basic wildcards (*, ?) are allowed in the last component of the specified path/file.
Note that in this case more than one result might be returned (although it's called Single File Search).
240 XYplorer Help
Tip: Remember that Single File Search does not recurse subfolders. This is also true with wildcards in
the pattern.
XYplorer native variables are resolved in the name pattern. So you can search for things like <U+202E>
or <clipboard>.
You can append comments to a Quick Search term, separated by //. Must be right of any switches.
Wildcards and partial matches are supported, for example:
Note: From v14.20 onwards the Boolean marker (:) is not necessary anymore (but still tolerated)
because Boolean terms now are auto-detected by testing for the presence of Boolean operators. These
Boolean expressions will work in a Quick Search:
a* OR b* /n
size: > 5MB AND size: < 6MB
4 | 5 /fld=rating
dateM: dw 6 | dw 7
The Quick Search dialog has a little toolbar featuring a Find Files button. When this button is pressed
(use Ctrl+F to toggle it) the dialog acts as a remote control for the Find Files tab in the Info Panel
(F12), kind of a Quick Find Files. The entered pattern and the current location are injected into the
Find Files interface (even when the tab is not visible), and all the current settings of the Find Files tab
are effective, just as if you had entered that name pattern right into the tab. So you can quickly do a
Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results
If Name & Location happens to be unticked on the Find Files tab it will be silently ticked.
An obvious use case would be to do a Quick Search while honoring all the settings on the Name and
Location tab (Ignore diacritics, Whole words, Include subfolders), and also the Excluded folders.
Note: The "Find Files" button in the Quick Search dialog only affects searches triggered from this
dialog. Other Quick Searches (e.g. via Address Bar, or scripting) are not affected and run normally.
Main Topics / Visual Filters 243
Visual Filter Syntax
Special Operators
Variables in Visual Filters
Visual Filters by Particular Properties
Visual Filters by Attributes, Size, Date, Age, Length, and Properties
Visual Filters by Tags
Visual Filters by Columns
Visual Filters by Custom Columns
Visual Filters by Properties
Visual Filters by Generic File Types
Power Filters
Global Visual Filters
Global Power Filters
Visual Filters
Visual Filters let you control what you see in the file list by stating simple wildcard patterns like *.txt.
The Visual Filter is per-tab and, of course, saved between sessions. The current filter is displayed on
the tab headers in a distinct color.
The main commands for Visual Filters are found in menu View | Tab, which is also available by right-
clicking the tab headers. There is also a toolbar button "Visual Filter" to quickly toggle the last used
244 XYplorer Help
Configuration Options
All configuration options for Visual Filters are also located in the right-click menu of the toolbar button
"Toggle Visual Filter". See here for the details.
Wildcards: You can use the wildcard "?" for any single character and "#" for any single digit (0-9). To match
opening square brackets ( [ ) you need to enclose them in square brackets ( [[] ). Visual Filter pattern
matching is not case-sensitive: a==A.
Desktop|*.txt = List all TXT files on Desktop
Desktop|???.txt = List all TXT files on Desktop with exactly 3 characters in the base
Desktop|???*.txt = List all TXT files on Desktop with at least 3 characters in the base
Desktop|*##*.txt = List all TXT files on Desktop with at least 2 digits in the base name
Desktop|*[[]* = List items on Desktop containing an open square bracket in the name
OR: You can state an unlimited number of wildcard patterns separated by ";" (logically treated as OR).
E:\Test|*.gif;*.jpg;*.png = List all GIF, JPG, and PNG files in E:\Test
Note that you can also OR-connect Visual Filters by OR or | (both surrounded by spaces; OR is not
case-sensitive, so or works as well).
E:\Test|*.gif | *.jpg | *.png = List all GIF, JPG, and PNG files in E:\Test
E:\Test|*.gif OR *.jpg OR *.png = List all GIF, JPG, and PNG files in E:\Test
The | has priority over ; so using | you can filter items containing the ; character:
If you state only one pattern and this pattern contains a ; then you have to add another dummy |
(mind the surrounding spaces) to avoid that the ; is treated as separator:
AND: Boolean AND is supported. The operator can be AND or & (both surrounded by spaces; AND is not
case-sensitive, so and works as well). Examples:
cat AND dog AND pig = all of these animals must be in the name
cat & dog & pig = all of these animals must be in the name
water and ageM: w = "water" in the name, modified this week
size: < 1KB AND *.txt; size: < 100 AND *.gif = TXT < 1 KB, or GIF < 100 bytes
Main Topics / Visual Filters 245
"Image Files 2013" {:Image} and 2013 = image files with "2013" in the
If you want to show items containing " and " you have to escape it with "\", or quote the whole
cat and dog //matches items with "cat" and "dog" in the name
cat \and dog //matches items with "cat and dog" in the name
"cat and dog" //matches items named "cat and dog"
NOT: A leading ! (exclamation mark) will invert the filter, i.e. show only items *not* matching any of the
patterns. If you want to show items starting with "!" you have to escape it with "\":
Note: A filter pattern that consists of a single ! is not seen as unary Boolean NOT operator but as the
normal "!" character.
Also the verbal NOT-operator "NOT " (or "not ", or "Not ", it's case-insensitive) is supported:
Patterns ending with a dot match files that have no extension. Folders never match such a pattern.
a*. -> show all files beginning with "a" and without extension.
Special Operators
You can define a filter to apply only to files but show all folders. Simply prefix "\|" to the pattern(s). For
246 XYplorer Help
To hide all folders simply prefix "!\|" to the pattern(s). For example:
!\|*.txt -> show only *.txt files and hide all folders
You can also define a filter to apply only to folders but show all files. Simply prefix "*|" to the pattern
(s). For example:
*|a* -> show only folders beginning with "a" and all files
To hide all files simply prefix "!*|" to the pattern(s). For example:
!*|a* -> hide all files and show only folders with a*
You can also define a caption for each Visual Filter. Simply prefix a quoted string followed by at least
one space to the filter:
The tab captions will show only the (unquoted) caption of a Visual Filter with caption.
The caption of a Visual Filter can have a short and a long version, the former used for tab captions
(where space is scarce), the latter for menu captions (where space is abundant). The short and the
long version are separated by "|" (pipe). This feature has been added especially to improve the
appearance of the new Powers Filters which otherwise take too much space in the tab headers. Here
are some examples:
Main Topics / Visual Filters 247
Loose matches are supported, i.e. wildcards are auto-added on both ends if no wildcards are passed
with the pattern. For example, to show all items containing the letter "e" in the name simply state "e"
as filter:
-> show all files containing " " (one space) in the name
e -> show all files containing " e" (one space followed by "e") in the name
To force exact matches (as opposed to loose matches) you can quote a filter. If you state multiple
filters then each filter that should be matched exactly should be quoted.
Regular Expressions
Visual Filters also support the Regular Expressions syntax. Like elsewhere in XYplorer to activate the
regular expressions mode simply prefix the pattern with the character ">". For example:
Note that Visual Filters in combination with tabs allow you to show completely different listings (
"filtered views") of the same location. You could for example have a tab "DLLs" (Visual Filter set to *.
dll) and a tab "OCXs" (Visual Filter set to *.ocx) and have both pointing to Win\System32.
If a Visual Filter is active, the item count on the status bar tells you the total number of items, and it
does it in blue (or whatever you set the Marked Color to) as a further indication that a filter is active
and effective.
For example:
<date yyyy>
Shows only items with the current year in the name.
Shows only items with the current user name in the name.
248 XYplorer Help
A special case: %pathext% happens to return a list of patterns which is quite compatible with
XYplorer's Visual Filter syntax:
%pathext% => .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH
So you'd see a list of what the host system considers executable files.
The MRU list under the Visual Filter Toolbar button shows the variables.
The "Toggle Visual Filter" toolbar button's tooltip shows the variable form of the current VF.
Visual Filters are stored as variables (e.g. "%username%") only when passed through the Set
Visual Filter interface. Visual Filters passed through the Address Bar are resolved (e.g. "Donald")
*before* being passed to the Visual Filter engine and stored as the hard invariable value.
The Visual Filter toolbar button's tooltip and the Status Bar first section's tooltip both show the
current Visual Filter pattern, which is the active pattern after any variables have been resolved.
This is useful when you have a VF like this and want to know what your filter actually looks like:
"Matching Clipboard" <clipboard>
Besides Name, also other item properties can be used for visual filtering. The syntax is very similar to
the Color Filters syntax in that a selector is prefixed to the pattern:
Examples for Property filter dimensions which can be used to filter (or search) by area (width x
Like Name filters also these filters can be inverted by a prefixed "!":
And they can be freely combined separated by ";" or "|" (both meaning logical OR), for example:
Scope Suffixes:
For example, this filter will show only folders created today: ageC d: d
And this filter will show only files modified yesterday: ageM f: 1 d
The date has to be given in a form that is recognized as a valid date format on your locale. The time
part can be skipped in which case it is internally set to 00:00:00.
Spaces after the selector are optional: "ageM: d" is equivalent to "ageM:d"
The following settings apply to the "name:" and "path:" matching behavior in Visual Filters and Live
Filter Box:
- Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters | Match case
- Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters | Ignore diacritics
You can as well filter items by Tags and Extra Tags. Again, a selector is prefixed to the pattern:
Main Topics / Visual Filters 251
Selector Value
lbl: #n, where n = index of Label (#1 = first label).
Name of Label, wildcard pattern, case-insensitive (A==a).
tags: A comma-separated list of tags, case-insensitive (A==a).
All tags must be present in item (item can have more tags).
Wildcard patterns allowed.
cmt: Wildcard pattern, case-insensitive (A==a).
ex1 - ex16: Wildcard pattern, case-insensitive (A==a).
Item must be in tag DB to match. This regards patterns like "lbl:0" (see examples below).
Extra columns can also be referred to by their caption, again case-insensitive (A==a).
You can also filter the file list by the data shown in any other columns. All columns (apart from "Index")
are supported. Simply use the column header (in your interface language) caption has selector.
Ext: jpg
Ext: j*g
Size: >= 500000
Size: 529 KB
Size: 528.49 KB
Size: <= 528.49 KB
Modified: 2014-09-21 12:55:09
Label: Green
Tags: Charlie
Comment: A cool and easy to use feature!
Len: 108
Attr: R (R must be among the attributes)
AttrList: HSDJI (attributes must perfectly match)
You can also filter the file list by the data shown in Custom Columns.
You can reference the columns by their canonic name and also by their caption (the latter can be
Like with other filters you can use numeric operators (>=, <, ==, etc) and wildcards (*, ?). What
makes sense when, only you can know since you wrote the Custom Columns.
Note that the filtering also works for columns that are not currently present in the list. So you now
have handy shortcuts to ever so complex filters.
Filter Pattern Used Column Reference Matches
cc18: >= 2 Canonic Name all numbers >= 2
Main Topics / Visual Filters 253
You can also filter by Shell Properties and Special Properties. Works independently of any currently
visible columns. Simply use the property name as selector, for example:
You can filter certain file types, e.g. image, using the syntax {:Type}, for example {:Image}. This spares
you typing long list of extensions (*.png; *.jpg; *.psd; ...). The following generic file types are
{:Text} *
{:Image} *
{:Photo} * = All image formats that may contain Exif data.
{:Audio} *
{:Video} *
{:Media} * = Audio & Video
{:Font} *
{:Web} *
{:Office} *
The types marked * in the list above can be customized in Configuration | Previewed Formats.
Matching a Must-Match-Pattern is necessary but not sufficient if there are more patterns to be checked.
There are two special prefixes that go in front of any other prefixes and turn the following pattern into
a Must-Match-Pattern: nec and no.
254 XYplorer Help
nec:ageM: y; *.jpg; *.raf //show all JPGs and RAFs modified this year
*.jpg; nec:ageM: y; *.raf //show all JPGs, and all RAFs modified this year
no:ageM: y; *.jpg; *.raf //show all JPGs and RAFs NOT modified this year
*.jpg; no:ageM: y; *.raf //show all JPGs, and all RAFs NOT modified this year
Tip for understanding: nec and no mean to AND this pattern with everything coming afterwards:
nec:a;b;c;d = a AND (b OR c OR d)
no:a;no:b;c;d = NOT a AND (NOT b AND (c OR d))
nec:a;b;nec:c;d = a AND (b OR (c AND d))
More examples:
Power Filters
The "Toggle Visual Filter" toolbar button got an arrow dropdown featuring a set of predefined visual
filters called "Power Filters", e.g. "Image Files", "Modified Today", "Empty Files" and many more. These
filters can be customized in List Management.
You can as well use the Power Filters menu to (un)select files by type, just like you know it from the
"Type Stats and Filter" menu:
Hold SHIFT: Remove all files of this type from the selection.
The actually applied selection filter patterns are displayed in the Status Bar.
Note, however, that more complex Power Filters (age, size, attr) are not supported here.
Any local Visual Filters (VF) are applied after the GVF. Effectively any local VFs then work on top of the
GVF, i.e. they further narrow down what has passed the GVF.
With Global Visual Filters you can tell your file manager to list only TXT files, or only files smaller than
1KB, or to list only files modified this month. Globally, in each tab. This can be immensely useful.
Usage notes:
Both GVFs and VFs support Master Invert (show all items that do NOT match the filter) by a prefixed
"!", for normal patterns as well as for RegExp.
Both GVFs and VFs support their own private scope prefixes (show all folders, hide all folders, etc).
You can add captions and comments to both GVFs and VFs.
Mixed separators (| and ;) are okay: GVF can be "*.txt|*.xys" and VF at the same time can be "a*;
Mixed syntaxes are okay: You can combine a GVF RegExp with a VF RegExp or with a VF wildcard
pattern (or pattern list) or vice versa.
A GVF will not show filter information in the list or in tab headers. So it's more stealth than a local VF.
The active GVF pattern is displayed in the Status Bar tooltip (first section of the bar).
Just like VFs, GVFs apply only to the List, not the Tree, and they don't affect the dropdowns in the
Address Bar (both as opposed to Ghost Filter).
Show the box to the left of the Status Bar: tick Window | Arrangement | Live Filter Box in Status
Bar. Note that if the Address Bar is hidden then the LFB automatically goes to the Status Bar.
Syntactically and functionally it's identical to Visual Filters, so you have all the power and need not
learn anything new about patterns.
Of course, Regular Expressions are supported as well.
Contrary to normal Visual Filters, however, the Live Filters are transient: They don't persist between
location changes, tab switches, or sessions (but they are internally remembered per tab so you can
toggle them back on, see below).
Each tab internally remembers its last used filter even across sessions.
Toggle the filter using "View | Tab | Toggle Live Filter" (Ctrl+Alt+F3).
Although it's a filter the box icon is the classic loupe symbol, the de facto standard in such a box. Not a
problem, after all a filter is nothing but a non-recursive search.
When the LFB is shown it gets the focus, when it's hidden any live filter is removed from the list.
When the LFB is shown and the focus is in the list (single pane), press TAB to move the focus to the
Pressing ESC in a filled box clears the filter. If Redirect typing to Live Filter Box is enabled then it will
also hide the box.
Pressing ESC in an empty box sets the focus to the list. So you can jump in and out of the box by TAB
and ESC. If Redirect typing to Live Filter Box is enabled then it will hide the box.
When a live filter is active the filter information is shown in the list if this is ticked (highly
recommended): "Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters | Show filter information in
list". The bar has a right-click menu.
Dbl-click the filter information bar in the list to remove the live filter quickly.
Some extra functionality allows pretty comfortable keys-only List navigation right from the box:
Main Topics / Live Filter Box 257
Keys Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown work to move the focus within the list.
The Backspace key can be used right from the LFB if it is mapped to "Go | Up" (by default Backspace)
or "Go | Down" (by default Shift+Backspace) AND if the LFB is empty.
Hitting Enter on a folder navigates into the folder and resets the live filter back to nothing.
Hitting Enter on a file runs the file and doesn't reset the live filter.
Hitting Enter even works on the focused item even if it is not selected. In that case the focused item is
auto-selected before processing continues. Saves a key stroke in some situations.
Tick "Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Redirect typing to Live Filter Box" to
redirect list input to the box. The behavior now changes to something even more radical and
comfortable. If focus is in the List then:
a) All typing in the List works as if typing in the Live Filter Box.
Pressing any character key will append it to the current filter. The box is shown if not yet visible.
Pressing Back will remove the last character of the current filter.
Pressing ESC will remove the filter and the box if there is any.
The Live Filter Box becomes visible when you type in the list and is filled with the characters you type,
but the focus stays in the list.
So the Live Filter Box is under these conditions not much more than a visual feedback of the current
filter. You can still, however, move the focus into it and work with it like normal.
The "Filter"-icon of the Live Filter Box has a right-click menu that offers quick access to a couple of useful
settings and commands:
Toggle Live Filter: Quick access to the command View | Tab | Toggle Live Filter.
Tip: This command is also triggered when you single-click the "Filter"-icon!
Show Live Filter Box: Quick access to the command Window | Show Live Filter Box.
Live Filter Box in Status Bar: Quick access to the command Window | Arrangement | Live Filter Box
in Status Bar.
Quick access to the settings in Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live
Filter Box.
Toggle Favorite Live Filter: By this command (which only exists here in the menu) you can add or
remove the current Live Filter pattern to an array of Favorite Live Filters which is displayed at the
bottom of that same menu. This array can hold up to 32 patterns. It's automatically sorted
258 XYplorer Help
alphabetically. Clicking such a Favorite Live Filter will feed the pattern into the box and filter the list
Whether these Favorite Live Filters are saved in the INI-file is controlled by the same setting that
controls the saving of the Visual Filters MRU: Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save
Settings | Include most-recently-used lists on save: Visual Filters.
Note that the Favorite Live Filters are global (same list in all tabs), whereas the last used Live Filter
(used by "Toggle Live Filter") is stored per tab.
Tip: You can remove a Favorite Live Filter by holding CTRL while you click on it in the right-click menu of
the "Filter"-icon.
Filter Syntax
You can adjust the width of the box in a snap by hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over the box. The width is
increased or decreased in steps of 10 pixels. Minimum is 40 pixels, maximum is screen width.
Further Remarks
There is a function to focus the LFB via keyboard: Miscellaneous | Focus Functions | Focus Live Filter
Box. The factory default is Ctrl+Alt+X. If the LFB is not visible the function will show it before focusing it.
Tip: Assign "Numpad Subtract" as additional keyboard shortcut to this (via Tools | Customize Keyboard
Shortcuts...). A fast handy key which even makes sense here since you use the LFB to subtract from the
Main Topics / Color Filters 259
Color Filters Overview
Control Selector
Scope Suffix
Style Switches
Exact Matching
Boolean Logic
The Types of Color Filters
Color-coding based on file or folder names (name:)
Color-coding based on folder names (dir:)
Color-coding based on file attributes (attr:)
Color-coding based on a list of file attributes (attrlist:)
Color-coding based on file size (size:)
Color-coding based on file date (date:)
Color-coding based on file age (age:)
Color-coding based on name length (len: and lenT:)
Color-coding based on properties (prop:)
Color-coding based on tag (lbl:, tags:, cmt:)
Instant Color Filters
Color Filters are defined by a selector and a pattern in the general form selector: pattern. The
following selectors (= filter types) are available:
260 XYplorer Help
The Name Selector is optional: if no other selector is found then Name is assumed by default.
Property filters are special in that they need an additional property selector to specify the sort of
property. This can be a verbal identifier (e.g. prop:dimensions:) or a numeric identifier (e.g. prop:
Control Selector
An optional control selector lets you define whether a filter is applied to the Tree, or to the List, or to
both, for each filter individually.
Main Topics / Color Filters 261
The control selectors are prefixed to the filter definition (but come after any caption).
T:ageM: <= 24 h
L:ageM: <= 24 h
"Modified Today" T:ageM: d
Control selectors also allow you to color code the same criteria differently in Tree and List (whatever
that would be good for).
In case of normal (non-instant) Color Filters the control selectors are limited by the global settings
"Apply color filters to the List" and "Apply color filters to the Tree": If any of them are disabled, then
a Control Selector cannot overwrite this.
Scope Suffix
An optional scope suffix can be used to limit color filters to directories or to files.
Scope suffixes are appended to the primary selector separated by a space. "d" stands for
"directories", "f" stands for "files", "df" (or "fd") for both (i.e. unlimited scope). A missing scope suffix
defaults to "df" (unlimited scope) but see some obvious exceptions below.
Usage: For example, you want to color folders by age created in Tree and List but don't want to color
the files.
[no selector] is equivalent to "name f:" (name files-only), for example: *.txt
262 XYplorer Help
The switch /r can be used to assign a color filter to a folder and all of its subfolders. It has to be
appended to the selector (including any scope suffix) separated by a single space.
Of course, you could also use non-exact patterns (dir /r:code) for broader matching.
Style Switches
Optionally append style switches to the end of the pattern (but before any comment), separated by |.
Switches can control the look of the color-coding on a per-filter level. Each switch is represented by a
single letter (case-sensitive). The sequence of the letters has no significance.
Available switches:
Exact Matching
You can force an exact match by wrapping your pattern in quotes. Otherwise the pattern is
automatically wrapped into asterisks (*), unless it already contains any wildcards.
Pattern Matches
File-31.jpg File-31.jpg, File-31.jpg.webp, MyFile-31.jpg
"File-31.jpg" File-31.jpg
dir:"This Folder" This Folder
dir:This Folder This Folder, This Folder 2, Whatthis Folder
Boolean Logic
OR: In each line of the Color Filter List you can state an unlimited number of filters separated by ;
(semi-colon). These will be logically combined with OR: The colors are applied if any of the filters in the
line matches.
You can also OR-connect Color Filters by OR or | (both surrounded by spaces; OR is not case-sensitive,
so or works as well).
AND: Filters in each line can also be connected by logical AND. The operator is AND (surrounded by
spaces!); it's not case-sensitive, so and works as well.
You can also AND-connect Color Filters by AND or & (both surrounded by spaces; AND is not case-
sensitive, so and works as well).
NOT: The prefixed unary NOT operator "!" is supported. The operator can also be used for individual
operands in a Boolean expression. Note that this works only for non-first operands, since the NOT
operator in front of the first operand is interpreted as NOT operator for the whole expression (see
examples below). Also the verbal NOT-operator "NOT " (or "not ", or "Not ", it's case-insensitive) is
The semi-colon (which works as Boolean OR) has a lower precedence than AND.
Color Filters which contain the strings " AND " or ";" can/should be quoted.
TXT files modified in any of the last 5 days at the 11th hour:
ageM: <= 5 d AND dateC: h 11 AND *.txt
Color Filters support captions prefixed in quotes to the filter definition. Currently only Instant Color
Filters actually use this caption, where it is displayed as the menu item caption in the Instant Color
Filters popup menu. For example:
You can add a free form user comment to the end of each line of the Color Filter List, separated from
the rest of the line by "//", e.g.:
Note that the general form of the comments section is (see Switches and Pre-Filters in the following
There are two switches that can be placed in the comments section of a filter right after "//" and
followed by a "|" (pipe) , m (merge) and n (no more). If switches are used, the user comments have to
be placed after the "|" (see example below).
m-switch: merge
This switch can be used to merge the back color of the first matching filter with the text color of the
next matching filter.
In the following example (copied from List Management | Color Filters to show the color codes), any
TXT file that was modified today will now be displayed with colors 38A050,6798E0. What the m-switch
actually does is: Instead of taking this color filter's text color, look for the next matching color filter that
has NO backcolor defined and take its text color.
This example will set a light yellow background color to all items with SYSTEM attribute, and use the
text color of the next matching color filter that has only a text color defined (note that the "|" after "m"
is obligatory!):
n-switch: no more
In Details mode, the first matching filter *with* backcolor (if any) is displayed combined with the first
matching filter *without* backcolor (if any). The filter *with* backcolor must be the first match. The
name column will show Text/Back color of the first match, the other columns will show the Text color of
the second match.
There is a way to pre-filter the files that are checked for matching a particular Color Filter. This is very
welcome for slow Color Filters such as the "prop:" filter because it can considerably speed up the
The pre-filter is located in the optional comments section of a filter, i.e. after "//". As the first part of the
comments section is reserved for certain switches ("m" and "n", see above), the pre-filter is to be
placed in the second part, after the first "|"; it has to be prefixed by "filter:". Any number of filters can
be stated, separated by ";" which stands for logical OR. Pre-filters can include whole paths, actually
anything that will work in a simple pattern matching against the full path/file name of the item in
question. So you can limit the job to certain folders or branches if you like.
These pre-filters limit the items that are checked for the CameraModel property to CRW and JPG files,
or to the folders E:\photos and F:\photos:
prop:CameraModel:*Canon* //|filter:*.crw;*.jpg
prop:CameraModel:*Canon* //|filter:E:\photos\;F:\photos\
There is also a logical inversion of the above. The "filternot:" prefix specifies a list of patterns that
must not be matched.
Note that "filternot:" has to be in the 3rd section (separated by |) of the comment part.
266 XYplorer Help
ageC f: d
ageC f: d //|filter:E:\Test\*
Match all files created today, located in branch E:\Test, but not JPGs or PNGs:
ageC f: d //|filter:E:\Test\*|filternot:*jpg;*.png
ageC f: d //||filternot:*jpg;*.png
For example to color all TXT files blue, add the pattern name:*.txt to the list and then choose a nice
blue. Or give an extraterrestrial ultra-violet to all files containing a space in their name by adding the
pattern name:* *.
Note that the selector name: is optional (in other words, this is the default color filter type). Simply *.
txt will do as well.
Only * and ? count as wildcards. There is no extended pattern matching for Color Filters, so #, [,
and ] are treated as literal characters.
Loose matches: Name and Dir patterns support Loose Match, i.e. wildcards (*) are internally auto-
added left and right of a pattern if no wildcards (* or ?) are contained in the pattern. So "cat" will
match "wildcat.txt".
You can as well color certain List items in specific directories by stating a pattern that will be matched
against the full path of each item.
?:\*.png -> matches only those PNG files that are located on XY's home drive.
C:\Windows\*.dll -> matches only those DLL files that are located in C:\Windows\.
Main Topics / Color Filters 267
You can define patterns with flanking spaces. Simply quote the whole pattern. For example, this will
match all filenames ending with a space (invalid under Windows but possible anyway):
name:"* "
Note that quoted patterns have to start with "name:" or "dir:" to avoid a parsing ambiguity with
pattern captions (which are also quoted). Alternatively you can supply a caption:
Works identical to the name: filter above, but is confined to folders. If "Apply all checked "dir:" and
"attr:" patterns to the Tree" is ticked the coloring is also applied to the Tree.
For example to color all folders named "*_work" brown, add the pattern dir:*_work to the list and
then choose a nice brown.
You add an attribute pattern by simply adding the name of the attribute, preceded by attr:, to the
color filters list (tip: stating the first letter is enough; case is ignored).
attr:readonly (or attr:r) -> matches all items with READONLY set
attr:hidden (or attr:h) -> matches all items with HIDDEN set
attr:system (or attr:s) -> matches all items with SYSTEM set
attr:directory (or attr:d) -> matches all items with DIRECTORY set
attr:archive (or attr:a) -> matches all items with ARCHIVE set
attr:normal (or attr:n) -> matches all items with NORMAL set
attr:temporary (or attr:t) -> matches all items with TEMPORARY set
attr:junction (or attr:j) -> matches all items with REPARSE POINT set
attr:compressed (or attr:c) -> matches all items with COMPRESSED set
attr:offline (or attr:o) -> matches all items with OFFLINE set
attr:encrypted (or attr:e) -> matches all items with ENCRYPTED set
attr:indexednot (or attr:i) -> matches all items with NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED set
attr:pinned (or attr:p) -> matches all items with PINNED set
attr:unpinned (or attr:u) -> matches all items with UNPINNED set
Attribute patterns can be freely OR-combined with each other and with name patterns into one filter
definition, e.g.:
attr:c; attr:r -> matches all items that are compressed or readonly
attr:d; *.txt -> matches all directories and all TXT files
268 XYplorer Help
Use attrlist: as selector for a combination of file attributes. To match the pattern an item has to have
all of the listed attributes (it can have additional attributes but none of the listed ones must be
missing). Each attribute is represented by its first letter (the sequence of the letters does not matter).
Using size-based color filters you can, for example, color all empty files in a certain way, or all files
bigger than a certain size.
As you see, size-based filters support human-friendly size formats, recognized units are KB, MB, GB, TB,
PB, and B (B is optional for bytes). Fractional values are okay, case does not matter, and you can
throw in spaces as you like.
Main Topics / Color Filters 269
All three file dates (Created, Modified, Accessed) are supported. So you can, for example, color all files
that were modified on a certain day, or that were created before the year 2008.
General syntax:
The date has to be given in a form that is recognized as a valid date format on your locale.
The time part can be skipped. In this case, when operators are used in the term, the time it is
internally set to 00:00:00 or 23:59:59, depending on the semantics of the term. When no operators
are used (you just give a date without the time part) the term is interpreted as a time range
covering that whole day (see examples above).
The selector is not case-sensitive: DaTem: would work as well. date: = defaults to "Date Modified".
270 XYplorer Help
A trailing ";" is optional. Like with all color filters, ";" can also be used to concatenate patterns
assigned to the same colors.
These filters work for files and folders but only in the List (not in the Tree).
You also can color items if their file times match certain subranges, e.g. created from 8:00-10:00 in the
morning, last modified on a weekend, last accessed in an April (of any year). To achieve this a unit
selector is prefixed to a number or range (using the usual set of operators).
Unit selectors:
The Unit selectors can (but don't have to) be separated from the unit number or range by at least
one space.
All three file dates (Created, Modified, Accessed) are supported. You can, for example, color all files
that were modified today or last week, or that were created more than 10 years ago. This filter also
supports folders in the folder Tree.
General syntax:
The usual operators apply; [n] is a number and [u] a unit selector. There MUST be a space between
counter and unit! For example:
Unit selectors:
y = year
q = quarter of year
m = month
w = week (Monday - Sunday)
d = day [default unit!]
h = hour
n = minute
s = second
The Unit selectors can (but don't have to) be separated from the unit number or range by at least
one space.
Name length here refers filename length (with full path) (len:) and file title length (name without path)
(lenT:). The syntax is identical to the one of the "size:" selector, so you can use all sorts of numerical
comparison operators to define limits and ranges.
len: > 260 = color all files with a path/name longer than 260 characters
lent: <= 12 = color all files with a name with 12 or fewer characters
Properties here refers to shell properties, that's the properties you see in the File Info Tips when
hovering a file. The Properties filter is an extremely powerful color filter with a vast number of options.
Win7 and later offer over 250 shell properties (of course, not all are used by each file type).
There is a drawback though: Property filters are quite slow! This is because retrieving shell properties
has to rely on a slow shell mechanism. Each active "prop:" color filter will notably slow down listing and
scrolling a list and selecting items in the list, and the more items are displayed simultaneously in the
visible part of the list the slower it will be. Nevertheless, the "prop:" color filter can be of significant
value. There is also a way to reduce the loss of speed (see Pre-Filters above).
Property filters are special in that they need an additional property selector to specify the sort of
property. This can be a verbal identifier (e.g. prop:dimensions:) or a numeric identifier (e.g. prop:#31:).
Note that #26 is identical to "dimensions" on WinXP but not on Win7 where "dimensions" is #31. You
can find the correct indices in the list under Configuration | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show
custom file info tips.
More examples:
Also XYplorer-specific named arguments (see Special Properties) are supported, e.g.:
Also the #Hash property is supported, but it is not recommended because it would extremely slow
down browsing. For example (don't do this at home), this color filter will color all files with a certain
Main Topics / Color Filters 273
MD5 value:
Note that "prop:" filters have their own distinctive background color shapes (in case you enabled
Configuration | Color Filters | Draw background colors in distinctive shapes).
Numeric Properties
The "prop:" filter also supports numeric comparisons. For example to color all JPG and PNG images with
a width of at least 1024 pixels use any of these (two ways to express the same):
prop:#162:1024 - //|filter:*.jpg;*.png
prop:#162:>=1024 //|filter:*.jpg;*.png
Note that #162 is the numeric property identifier for "Width" on one Win7 system. It might be different
on your system. You can find the correct indices in the list under Configuration | File Info Tips &
Hover Box | Show custom file info tips.
Date Properties
The "prop:" filters also support dates. For example, to color all files with a specific shooting time (valid
date/time syntax varies with your locale):
You can omit the time part to only search for JPG images shot on a certain day:
prop:#25:02.08.2011 //|filter:*.jpg
You can as well specify ranges using the complete operator syntax that's already supported by the
Date Color Filters ("dateM:" etc.). For example, to color all JPG images shot between 01.01.2011 and
31.12.2011 (both dates inclusive):
Note that the numeric property identifier "#25" is preferred to the verbal "WhenTaken" because the
latter returns the time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) instead of local time -- a mysterious shell
anomaly. Note further that #25 is only valid for Windows XP, whereas Win7 needs #11 here.
To apply a Color Filter of type "prop" to the Tree you have to prefix the control selector "T:" or "B:" to
the pattern. With other Color Filters the control selector "B:" is not necessary since the absence of any
control selector does the same: Both Tree and List. With Color Filters of type "prop", however, the
absence of any control selector defaults to "List only".
Now, most Properties don't have so much use in the Tree, but here is an interesting one:
This lets you color-code empty folders in the tree which is quite a cool usability gain.
Note that this option has to be ticked, of course, to color-code the tree:
274 XYplorer Help
Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Apply color filters to the Tree
It's limited to normal folders at the moment. No drives, or other non-straightforward folders.
Also no UNC paths (unavailable network paths could slow this down unbearably).
If Auto-Refresh is enabled the folder coloring state should auto-update when the empty-state
More examples:
You can as well color-code items by their tags. The syntax is identical to that of Visual Filters by Tags.
Instant Color Filters are applied via the toolbar button "Toggle Instant Color Filter". The button has an
arrow-dropdown where the filters can be individually applied. The button itself toggles the last applied
If you activate a new filter, the old filter is replaced by it. So you cannot have two at the same time.
The filters activated by this command are completely independent of the Color Filters (which are
defined and enabled via Configuration | Color Filters). They even work if the normal Color Filters are
Tip: The button has a right-click menu with some useful options.
Instant Color Filters have a couple of advantages over the normal color filters:
You can quickly and individually turn them on/off without going through Configuration.
This means you can spotlight the files you are interested in now, just in time. With normal Color
Main Topics / Color Filters 275
Filters you are often bothered with colors all over that are distracting rather than helpful.
They are always processed on top of all other color filters, so you always see all matches. Whereas
in normal color filters it's common that the first match covers any possible other matches because
usually only one color can be shown at the time for each item (exception: Details view allows two
colors simultaneously per item under certain conditions).
Because lists of filters are supported you can use this function to toggle whole color schemes which
would be very cumbersome to do using the normal color filters.
It's also easy to share color schemes between users via user button snippets or included catalogs.
Just like normal Color Filters, Instant color filters are retained across sessions.
Tip: You can assign a keyboard shortcut to toggle the last applied filter via Customize Keyboard
Shortcuts | Miscellaneous | Various | Toggle Instant Color Filter.
The predefined filters can be freely customized via List Management | Instant Color Filters. Of course,
the customizations are retained between sessions.
The color filter syntax is identical to that of normal Color Filters. The color filter definition uses the full
Color Filter syntax including colors in RRGGBB and leading "+" (the "+" is optional here, the filters will
also be applied without the "+"). You can see this syntax in List Management | Color Filters, in Editor
Mode (F6).
Multi-Filter Definitions: There is one thing where ICFs go beyond normal CFs. You can append several
filter definitions in one line separated by "||". Example:
"Files Shaded By Size" size: >= 1 GB>000000,8A939F||size: >= 100 MB>003080,8EA4C4||size: >=
10 MB>004080,A9BAD3||size: >= 1 MB>0053A6,BCCCDE||size: >= 1 KB>0E80DC,D1DAE9||size: >
0>4F91D2,E2E3EB||size: 0>96ABB8,ECEDF2
Note that the coloring displayed in List Management only takes the left-most filter into account if there
are many filters in a line.
Factory Defaults
For reference, the following Instant Color Filters are supplied by factory default.
"Overlong Filenames" len: > 260>FFFF80,FB4F04
"Read Only Files" attr f:readonly>47A905,FFFF80
"System Files" attr f:system>FF0080,FFFF00
"Common Executables" *.exe;*.bat;*.cmd;*.com;*.scr>804000,FFFFAA
"Common Image Files" *.gif;*.jpg;*.png;*.tif>36530F,E6F786
"Image Aspect Ratio 16:9" prop:#AspectRatio: 16:9>5A4F36,F7E686
"Black Out" name: *>222222,222222
Tip: You can easily reset your filter collection to factory defaults by deleting all filters in List
Management | Instant Color Filters.
Scripting support
The scripting function colorfilter() can also be used to apply Instant Color Filters. For details see
Main Topics / Address Bar 277
Address Bar
The Address Bar is the control where you can enter (type, paste) locations directly. You can show/hide it
using Show Address Bar (Ctrl+Shift+F12) in menu Window.
Any locations entered via the address bar are stored in the bar's dropdown list (up to 256 items; last on
top), and saved between sessions. On top of this XYplorer's Address Bar comes with a number of
important usability enhancements:
(1) Keys F4, Up, Down: all open the list; F4 closes again; next Up or Down select list items;
selection wraps around ends.
(2) It optionally auto-completes path names (see below: 6 Key Navigation, 4 Key
Navigation, Mouse Click Navigation).
(3) It optionally auto-completes recently used items: When you start typing a location into
the address bar, it shows you a list of places (sorted alphabetically, colored green)
you've gone to before that match what you've typed so far. To see the complete list
sorted alphabetically, empty the edit field, hold CTRL, and press the down or up arrow
(7) It shows icons for edit box and list items. Icons help you to easily distinguish the
various types of items that are supported by the Address Bar: Folders, Files, Drives,
Servers, Quick Searches, Visual Filters, URLs, Scripts.
(11) Right-clicking the dropdown arrow pops a menu featuring the breadcrumb menu for the
current path, the virtual folders, and the drives.
(13) The edit box supports automatic word breaking (dbl-click selection, moving cursor with
CTRL). Recognized word boundaries: :\?|
(14) Enhanced usability through a number useful key combinations and mouse tricks (see
(17) When you attempt to go to a non-existing location you are prompted to create it on the
fly. Will also create whole new paths (as long as the drive exists and is writable). Note
that the location must end with a backslash to enable this feature.
(19) When the Address Bar shows an existing file (not a folder), then the icon pops a right-
click menu with some useful commands: Go To, Open, Copy Item, Copy Path, Shell
Context Menu. The latter will pop the Shell Context Menu as if the file was right-clicked
in the file list.
(20) When the Address Bar shows an existing folder, then the icon pops a right-click menu
with a breadcrumb, and some useful commands (see also below Address Bar Icon
Context Menu): Copy Item, Copy Path, Shell Context Menu. The latter will pop the Shell
Context Menu as if the file was right-clicked in the folder tree.
(21) The right-click menu of the icon now offers the additional command "Copy Real Path" if
the displayed path is a special path, e.g. Desktop\Test.
(22) You can switch the dropdown button position on the fly. Ctrl+Right-Click the dropdown
button and toggle "Dropdown Button on the Left" in the popup menu.
(23) Double-quoted and single-quoted paths work. They are handled as if they were
unquoted, e.g. "C:\Windows\debug" or 'C:\Windows\debug'.
For power users here's a number if useful Key Combinations and Mouse Tricks:
Enter: Shoot, i.e. trigger the Address Bar's current contents (e.g. go to that location;
run that search; apply that filter; run that script...).
Ctrl+Enter: A file in Address Bar is opened right away instead of browsing to its location.
F2: If all is selected: unselect all, move caret to end of text. Else: select all.
Ctrl+Down/Up: Open the auto-complete match list. Any selection in the edit field is removed
and the caret is placed at the right end of the contents.
If the edit box is empty the whole MRU list is shown as Match List, i.e. sorted
Right-click the icon: Auto-Complete Path Names is OFF: Pops the shell context menu for the item
(folder or file) currently displayed in the Address Bar. This will always be the
standard shell context menu, without any XYplorer-only custom items.
Auto-Complete Path Names is ON: Pops a breadcrumb menu for the item
(folder or file) currently displayed in the Address Bar.
Right: When the caret in the Edit field is at the right-most position, then pressing the
"Right" arrow key will open the match list. If there is no trailing backslash then
it is auto-appended.
Click on list: Set the edit box to clicked item, undrop the list, and shoot.
Ctrl+Click on list: Set the edit box to clicked item, and undrop the list.
Esc: Undrop the list, reset edit box to last shot item.
Note that Address Bar and the "Go to" dialog share the same item history.
Tip: The special alias "*" (asterisk) can be used for "Computer" as location.
Tick it to always show the real path with drive letter in the Address Bar and in the Find Files Location
box, even if the tree is located in a "virtual" (or "special") path like "Desktop".
280 XYplorer Help
Tick it to show the trailing backslash for paths in the Address Bar box and in the Find Files Location
Tick it to have "Address Bar Go" open a file right away instead of browsing to its location. The "Address
Bar Go" (internal name) event is triggered by:
If unticked then "Address Bar Go" will browse to the location of the file and select it. Applies to files
only, not to folders. Files are opened as if they were double-clicked, i.e. Custom File Associations are
If ticked and the Address Bar shows a file, the icon in the Address Bar shows a little overlay to signal
that <Enter> will open that file.
This setting can be temporarily inverted by holding CTRL: On Ctrl+Enter in the Address Bar, a file is
handled as if the setting of "Open files from Address Bar" would be inverted: It is opened if "Open files
from Address Bar" is OFF, and it is gone to if the setting is ON.
Tick it to recognize only path component separators (\/?|) as word boundaries when double-clicking
the Address Bar contents, when moving the cursor by Ctrl+Arrows, or when deleting words by
6 Key Navigation
6 Key Navigation (6KN) means you can browse the whole computer by just 6 keys (Ctrl, Left, Right, Up,
Down, Enter) in the Address Bar.
Note: Configuration | Controls & More | Auto-Complete Path Names | Address Bar has to be ticked
for this, and Filter should be set to "Files and Folders" or "Folders only".
Left: Move caret to left.
Right: On right end (if folder): Opens match list (appends backslash if there is
none yet).
Else: Move caret to right.
Main Topics / Address Bar 281
The crucial part of 6KN is that you can open a match list at the caret position. Move the caret at to
some position in the edit field of the Address Bar. Now Ctrl+Down will open the match list for the part
left of the caret and trim the part right of the caret. You now can live-filter the match list by pressing
letters or select an item from it using the Down and Up keys.
Example 1:
Example 2:
The next cool part of 6KN is that when the match list is already open, you can renew its contents (=
browse another folder/pattern) without first closing it. Simply press Ctrl+Down again and the list will
In Configuration | Controls & More | Auto-Complete Path Names | Filter you can control whether
the match list should contain "Folders only", "Files only", or "Files and Folders".
You can open the auto-complete match list (for the whole path, regardless of caret position) by
MouseDown on the icon.
Delete all contents of the Address Bar to pop the drives list (including the Network node).
Typing a single drive letter into the Address bar will drop the match list for that drive.
On Ctrl+Enter, a file is handled as if the setting of "Open files from Address Bar" would be inverted:
It is opened if "Open files from Address Bar" is OFF, and it is gone to if the setting is ON.
282 XYplorer Help
4 Key Navigation
4 Key Navigation (4KN) means you can browse the whole computer by just 4 keys (Ctrl, Shift, Tab,
Enter) in the Address Bar.
Note: Configuration | Controls & More | Auto-Complete Path Names | Address Bar has to be ticked
for this, and Filter should be set to "Files and Folders" or "Folders only".
Right-Click on file: Pops a context menu that lets you open or go to the file,
or go up to the parent folder.
Right-Click on folder: Pops a context menu that lets you browse (right in the
or go to the folder, or go up to the parent folder.
Tip: Ctrl+Click on the edit box icon will open/update the match list to the parent of the current Address
Bar item.
A Quick Search bypasses the settings in the Find Files tab: They are not modified and not applied. Note
especially that a Quick Search by default Includes subfolders and Does not follow folder links (both
can be overwritten by switches). So, the Quick Search is a way to quickly perform a search without
caring about the current state of all the other Find Files settings, and without having to open the Find
Files tab or the Info Panel.
In a branch-filtered search, any Visual Filters apply only to files, not to folders. So you can first
filter the branches using the search pattern, and then filter the files within the shown branches
using the visual filter pattern. This gives you some interesting possibilities, like show all *.jpg in
branches not named "*copy*".
The switch overwrites "Let folders pass all filters" (sets it to False internally).
There is an extra interface for Quick Searches accessible from the Edit menu (F3).
Multiple Locations
284 XYplorer Help
Multiple locations have to be separated by "|" or ";". E.g., you may paste a line like these into the
Address Bar...
The ";" (or "|") may be surrounded by any number of blanks. Built-in smartness will recognize a
";" that's not a separator but part of a folder name.
Multi Location Quick Searches are remembered in tabs and across sessions.
You can save them as Favorites or assign Keyboard Shortcuts to them via User-Defined
As always with Quick Searches, the settings in the Find Tab are not touched.
Note that also CRLF (Windows newline sequence Carriage Return + Line Feed) is supported as multi
location separator. This allows for interesting things like running a search on the clipboard contents
(which are likely to be in the form of a line-by-line list).
For example, paste one of these lines into the Address Bar, then copy some files or filenames (full
path) to the clipboard, the press ENTER in the Address Bar:
Note that <clipboard> works for real files in clipboard (Ctrl+C) as well as for just the path/names
Note that <clipboard> also works in the Location field of the Find Files tab.
The crucial operator here is the "|"-char (pipe). These are the general syntax options (Path can be
slashed or not):
The filter will be added to the top of the Visual Filter MRU (most recently used) list, so it will be
available for toggling on/off.
These "Quick Visual Filters" can not be combined with "Quick Searches" (using the "?" operator), as
generally Searches cannot be visually filtered (it would mean filtering a filter...).
Partial Matching
The last component of a non-existing location is wrapped in wildcards (C:\path\*component*) and the
first matching item is used as location. This works as well for relative paths. Note that the location
must NOT end with a backslash to enable this feature.
If this folder or file is not found, then *folders* (not files) are looked for in this order:
You can launch DOS commands directly through the XYplorer UI by prefixing "!" to the location term.
The default startpath for the DOS commands is the current List folder. The DOS box will stay alive when
you use a single "!", and it will auto-vanish when you use a double "!!".
!dir Directory listing of current list folder; DOS box stays visible.
DOS commands support XYplorer native variables and Environment variables. Examples:
!dir "%temp%" /p Directory listing of the TEMP folder; DOS box stays visible.
Aliases are user-definable variables where you can freely choose the name of the variable and their
value. When you enter such an alias into the Address Bar (or any other location port) it will be resolved
to its value before further processing.
Format of aliases: Aliases are marked by a prefixed @ (at-sign). The alias name may contain any
character apart from "=", "/", and space. It may even be completely empty, so you can have one
minimal alias that's simply @! The alias value may contain any character. Note, however, that line
breaks do not count as "characters" here and are not allowed in name or value.
Usage of aliases: Aliases can be added, edited, or removed directly through the Address Bar:
For example:
@home=C:\mystuff\blah\yadda\ [ENTER]
Now typing @home into the Address Bar will carry you to
Taking it to the next level, aliases support up to 9 arguments. In the alias definition the arguments are
referred to by placeholders <@1>, <@2>, <@3> etc. On using the alias the argument values are
passed as a comma-separated list, separated from the alias name by at least one space. Any
surrounding spaces are trimmed. Then <@1> is replaced with the first argument, <@2> with the
second, etc.
A special placeholder <@0> stands for the non-split input, i.e. it will be replaced with everything
following the first space.
Example 2: To use the separator (comma) within an argument or have surrounding spaces you need to
quote the argument:
Main Topics / Address Bar 287
Defining default values: You can optionally define a default value for each placeholder. The default is
used when the respective argument is missing or empty. The default value is optionally stated within
the placeholder, separated from the beginning by a space: <@1 DefaultValue>. The default value can
have all characters apart from >.
Aliases are resolved very early, before any other special syntaxes are resolved. This means you can
have e.g. small scripts, DOS commands, Jump and Spot commands, Visual Filters etc. defined as
value of an alias and they will be treated as expected. Of course, they must fit in one line -- line
breaks are not allowed.
If you enter a non-existing alias it is not resolved and treated as relative path (which is probably
not existing, but who knows...).
The Address Bar icon for aliases is a blue heart. It turns red when you add/edit an alias.
Also Quick Searches support aliases. For example, this works in the Address Bar if you have an alias
288 XYplorer Help
"home": @home?a* It will find all items beginning with "a" in the path that the alias "home" points
You can use aliases also in the Location field on the Find Files tab.
If you define <@2> but pass only one argument, <@2> is removed (replaced by nothing).
If you define only <@1> but pass two arguments, the 2nd argument is ignored.
Supported protocols
Address Bar (and also the Catalog) support the http[s]:// protocol and the file:// protocol (URI
HTTP locations are executed by the Shell which usually means they are opened by your default
A file URI takes the form of file://host/path. URI locations are resolved like this:
You can enter common Windows environment variables, e.g. %appdata%, into the Address Bar
(Catalog, Favorites, Go To), to have a soft-coded approach to certain useful system paths. They have
to be marked by a leading "%" and a trailing "%".
Obviously, to serve as a location those variables should point to individual paths. So, XYplorer allows
only a subset of the Windows environment variables, but adds some proprietary variables to the set.
For a list of the supported environment variables see here.
Note that these variables work well in combination with the extended XYplorer location syntax. It's a
simple string replacement. For example:
Main Topics / Toolbar 289
4.6 Toolbar
Customizing the Toolbar
Menu Buttons
Drive Bars and Drive Buttons
Special Toolbar Buttons
Touchscreen Mode
Column Layouts
Custom Toolbar Buttons
Smart Dropdown Buttons
Vertical Popup Toolbars
Droppable User Buttons (DUB)
User Buttons as Open-With Panels
Button Sets
To show/hide the toolbar use menu Window | Show Toolbar.
Context menus
Note that almost every toolbar button has a right-click context menu.
Right-click any toolbar button to customize the toolbar via the command Customize Toolbar.... Here
you can add more useful buttons and as many separators as you like.
Options Button
The Options button opens a small popup menu with a couple of settings:
Button Size
Autosize Buttons (button size and toolbar zoom auto-adjust to the resolution of the screen)
290 XYplorer Help
Toolbar Zoom
In the submenu Toolbar Zoom you can choose a Zoom factor from 0.5 to 4 in steps of 0.25.
Tip: Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over the Toolbar is another way to change the toolbar zoom.
Toolbar Style
Affects how the buttons are drawn, including the hover effect.
Other Properties
Scrollable Toolbar
To scroll the toolbar drag it with left or right mouse button, or wheel it. Drag fast and you get a bit of
animation when you release the mouse button. When you OK the Customize Toolbar dialog the scroll
position is reset to initial. The scroll position is not stored between sessions.
Overflow Dropdown
Buttons that do not fit in the toolbar are reachable via a so-called overflow dropdown at the right end
of the toolbar. You can freely combine it with the toolbar scrolling feature.
Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over the Toolbar lets you control the toolbar zoom. See above under Toolbar Zoom
for a non-Wheel way.
Hold CTRL while hovering a button and the tooltip will show the button key and the current image key
or image path (if different from button key). If you are into patching toolbar images you will like this.
Menu Buttons
Menu Buttons can be used to emulate the main menubar in the toolbar: File, Edit, View, Go ... etc.,
each pops one of the main menus on mousedown. You find them in the Customize Toolbar dialog after
the main buttons and before the Drive buttons. Right-clicking those buttons pops a menu with all top
menu items.
There is also a group button "All Menus (Group)". It adds all main menus as buttons to the toolbar at
The menus popped by these buttons have no item icons when the main menu is hidden. An
unfortunate and mysterious fact that simply has to be accepted at this time.
Drive Bars
Under Tools | Customize Toolbar | Available Buttons you find couple of drive-oriented "button
groups" which softly and automatically (when you plug in/out a removable drive) react to the current
drives setup. The groups represent drive bars with different scopes that partly contain each other, so
for your toolbar you would typically choose one of them:
All Drives (Group) = all drives as listed under the top tree node (Computer)
Available Drives (Group) = all drives apart from empty CD drives and unconnected mapped
network drives
Removable Drives (Group) = only available removable drives (e.g. a floppy drive, thumb drive,
or flash card reader)
292 XYplorer Help
Further remarks:
The soft drive bars are sensitive to the following settings in Configuration | Tree and List: Show
floppy drives, Show hidden drives.
If Show floppy drives is ticked then floppies are displayed even if empty to spare the annoying
hardware check.
You can use the normal drive buttons (see below) parallely to the soft groups without problems.
Drive Buttons
Under Tools | Customize Toolbar | Available Buttons you find buttons for all drives A: to Z: which you
can use to build your own custom Drives Bar section within the main toolbar.
Further remarks:
If the toolbar has large icons the buttons show the specific drive icon plus the drive letter, else
just the letter.
Right-clicking the buttons pops a small context menu where you can customize the function of
the button. Choose between two options:
- Go to Drive Root [Factory Default]
- Go to Recent Path on Drive
The button tooltips show the location they will go to.
Last not least, the buttons function as drop targets, i.e. you can drop files on them to copy/move
them to the drive's root. Use the right mouse drop menu for further options.
The Nuke command is only available as toolbar button. It's an alternative Delete command that is
highly configurable.
By factory default Nuke pops a confirmation prompt and on OK deletes the selected items to the
Recycle Bin. Via the button's right-click menu you can freely configure its behavior.
Wiping Beyond Recovery: Wipe files beyond recovery. See also Wipe under menu File | File Special.
Touchscreen Mode
Toggle Touchscreen Mode. Via the button's right-click menu you can customize the mode:
Scale Font: If checked the font is up-scaled by 33.33% on turning into the mode (e.g. from 9 to 12),
and down-scaled by 25% when turning out of the mode (e.g. from 12 to 9). Affected are all controls
that are enabled in Configuration | Fonts | Main Contents | Apply to...
Scale Toolbar: If checked the Toolbar is scaled as well. Small buttons become large, large buttons
become extra large (by 2x zoom).
For these buttons the button tooltip serves as a quick and basic Clipboard Viewer. It shows text and
file items contained in the clipboard (cropped after 2048 characters, or after 32 lines, whatever comes
sooner). For text it shows the line count and the character count.
Yes, it even shows images in the clipboard in a Hover Box. Note that the Hover Box keyboard shortcuts
work here, of course, so you can e.g. use Numpad Add/Subtract to size the box.
The Edit Clipboard button also gives a real time feedback of the state of the clipboard. It knows 5
states: Empty, Text, Image, Files (cut), Files (copied).
You can peek into the previous clipboard contents by holding SHIFT while you hover the Edit Clipboard
or Paste toolbar buttons.
Column Layouts
The button pops a menu that lets you load predefined and user-defined column layouts by just one
click. A column layout defines the visibility, the position, and the width of the columns.
Standard Column Layout: Name, Size, Type, Modified (= what File Explorer offers by default).
Extended Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Type, Modified, Created (= what XYplorer offers by
Photo Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Date Taken, Dimensions, Aspect Ratio,
Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, F-Stop, Focal Length, ISO Speed, Camera Model.
Audio Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate,
Audio Tags Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Tag Title, Tag Artist, Tag Album, Tag
Track, Tag Year, Tag Genre, Tag Comments.
294 XYplorer Help
User Tags Column Layout: Name, Ext, Size, Modified, Created, Label, Tags, Comment, Extra 1, Extra
2, Extra 3, Extra 4, Extra 5
The Update... command will set this column layout to the current list columns. The factory default is still
available via the Default command.
The Default command will load the factory default into the current list.
The clones of two commands related to the column layout are at the bottom of the menu: [View |
Columns |] Load Column Layout... and [View | Columns |] Save Column Layout As...
Finally the Reset to Previous command brings you back to the previous layout. Can be used to toggle
the last 2 layouts. Also works for Load Column Layout.... Not stored across sessions.
Tip 1: Hold down the CTRL key while clicking any of the column layout menu commands to display the
column layout definition as text (widths are shown in DPI-aware values = as they would be in 100%
screen resolution). All six "Update ..." commands display the same: the current column layout
definition. You can use these definitions with the scripting command columnlayout().
Tip 2: You can also show the column widths in true pixels (as opposed to DPI-aware values) when you
hold CTRL+SHIFT while clicking any of the "Update..." items in the button's menu. Additionally this
mode will return only the visible columns, and the Size column will return its actual width without
graphic awareness (/g switch).
You have 64 easily customizable User Buttons, where you define how the button looks and what it does
when pressed.
How to add a User Button: To add a new user button to the toolbar you first open the Customize
Toolbar dialog (menu Tools) and add a User Button (bottom of the list) to the current buttons. Then you
right-click the button in the toolbar and select Edit... In the Edit User Button dialog you set the Name
and Icon (both optional) for the button, and at least one Script (required) that is triggered when clicking
the button. That's all. Of course, the buttons are stored between sessions and portable.
User Button Icons: Simply state any existing file or folder, and its icon will be used for the button.
Relative and portable paths are supported, as well as environment variables and short forms for
registered applications (e.g. "Photoshop" without the quotes). Also generic patterns are allowed, e.g.
If the toolbar has large icons, stretching or shrinking to 24x24 pixels would be needed, but experience
shows that the quality of scaled icons is not satisfying, so it works as follows:
- If you point to an ICO, ICL, EXE, or DLL file then the first contained icon resource will be used on
the large toolbar. Optimal results are achieved if this is a 24x24 icon resource (note that in multi-
icon resources always the first icon is taken and scaled if necessary!). Other sizes are scaled. For
the small toolbar this ICO file's small system icon is used.
Main Topics / Toolbar 295
- If you point to a PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, or TIF file then this image is used for the button.
Note that you don't even have to care for the size, not even for the ratio (it will be auto-shrunk
and centered as necessary)! You can define a 3000 x 2000 pixel PNG as button icon if you like...
and if you don't care for the time it takes to load and shrink such a file on every mouse over. But,
of course, a 24x24 pixels image would be optimal for speed.
- If you point to any other file type or folder, then its small system icon (16x16) is used on the small
and the large toolbar without any scaling.
In other words, if you know how to make icons you can create high quality custom icons for the large
and the small toolbar.
User Button Backgrounds: You can define the color for a circle (or rectangle) drawn as background to
your icon. This can be useful in Dark Mode where some dark icons otherwise tend to disappear in the
darkness. You simply append the RRGGBB color spec to the icon spec, separated by "*#", for example (in
the Edit User Button dialog):
You can limit the drawing of the background to the Dark Mode by appending "d" separated by a comma.
For example, this defines a rectangular shape that's only drawn in Dark Mode ("rd" or "dr", the
sequence does not matter):
Note that you can abuse this feature to use colored circles as icons. Simply drop the file name:
Tip: XYplorer variables and environment variables are supported in the icon paths. The path defaults to
the XYplorer icon path <xyicons>.
Tip: You may as well re-use XYplorer's internal Toolbar icons for your own button. Simply state the
toolbar icon key preceded by a colon (":") in the Icon field, e.g. :hotlist. You can find the toolbar icon
keys in the Customize Toolbar dialog either when you hold CTRL while calling that dialog, or when you
call the dialog from the context menu of a user button. Holding CTRL also works in the Customize
Toolbar dialog.
Tip: Holding CTRL will also show (parts of) the script in the tooltip. Also works in the Customize Toolbar
User Button Labels: You can as well define a short text to be displayed in the toolbar instead of the
icon. Simply prefix the contents of the Icon field with "label:", for example: label:Fun. Now "Fun" is
printed to the button in the toolbar. Optionally you can define text and back colors in format RRGGBB, for
296 XYplorer Help
User Button Scripts: Multi-line scripts (and hence also multi-scripts) are supported and can be entered
directly in the button definition using the Edit... button.
On right-click: Here you can define a separate script for a user button's right-click event. It is merged
with the standard right-click menu for user buttons. This means you can have user buttons that do one
thing on left-click and pop lots of additional options on right-click.
There's special support for the load command. Example (in field On right-click):
The file "test.xys" will be loaded and parsed, and then the context menu is shown, with the standard
items (Click, Edit... etc) appended at the bottom. If the file contains only one script, it is not executed
directly (as it would be in a "non-Right-Click" load statement) but shown in the menu.
Tip 1: Using the internal button keys you can create context menus featuring buttons that might be not
visible on your toolbar:
Tip 2: You can skip stating the caption when you use an internal icon. The internal caption and keyboard
shortcut will be used. For example:
Tip 3: It might happen that you construct an invalid script that will corrupt the context menu of a user
button, in which case you'd not be able to reach the Edit dialog via the button's context menu anymore
to correct the bad script. To escape from this deadlock you now can hold CTRL while right-clicking the
user button, and you will get the default context menu for user buttons.
Main Topics / Toolbar 297
Fire click on mousedown: Check it to have the User Button trigger at MouseDown. The button will be
displayed with an arrow overlay in the toolbar.
Note that you should typically use this option only if your Click script creates a popup menu, in which
case it will save you one click because MouseDown will open the menu and MouseUp will select the
desired item.
All scripted buttons are "droppable". You can drop files or text onto a button, and the scripts assigned to
the button are triggered. If you drop by left mouse button, the on-left-click script is triggered. If you drop
by right mouse button, the on-right-click script is triggered. The dropped files or text can be referred to
in the dropped-on scripts by <get drop> (see Drop on a Script File).
At least the on-left-click script has to be defined, else the button is interpreted as a Droppable User
Button (DUB) of the old (and still working) style where the Name field is used for the location.
If no right-click script is defined, then a right mouse drop will not do anything.
Text Buttons
You can make your own text buttons. Simply prefix "text:" to the Name, e.g. "text:Beer & Chips". Sure,
they usually take up more space than an icon, but if you don't have a suitable icon handy, you can type
your button now.
C:\ = go to C:\
C:\Windows = go to C:\Windows
%winsysdir%\Calc.exe = run %winsysdir%\Calc.exe
%winsysdir%\setup.bmp = open %winsysdir%\setup.bmp with the default application
298 XYplorer Help
This little shorthand trick comes extremely handy in the left- and right-click events of User Buttons.
Simply paste a plain list of documents, executables, and folders (in any mix and order), and enjoy the
power of type-aware default actions right from the toolbar. Environment variables, XYplorer native
variables, and Aliases are supported.
Note that the menu captions are reduced to the item titles, and the full paths are shown in the Status
Bar on hovering the popup menu items. Optionally you may pass a quoted caption in front of the path
spec. This can be useful when the item titles don't distinguish the items, for example:
Note that all the Smart Dropdown Button stuff above is just a special case of the Hamburger syntax.
And tick "Fire click on mousedown" for the smoothest experience. Now when you click the button the
vertical toolbar will pop up below the button.
Main Topics / Toolbar 299
More complex definitions are possible as well, including scripts and nested submenus (see Hamburger
The beauty of this feature is that it adds a 2nd dimension to the toolbar. With very little work you can
create buttons that pop vertical toolbars right from the main horizontal toolbar.
This means when dropping files onto a DUB that points to a location the files are copied or moved to
that location. When dropping files onto a DUB that points to an executable the files are opened with this
executable. Clicking a button that points to a location will bring you to that location, clicking a button
that points to an executable will run this executable, clicking a button that points to a file will open that
file with the associated application.
All portability feats are fully supported (XYplorer native variables, environment variables, portable
paths). Also basenames (e.g. ACDSee32 can stand for the full path to the Executable) are supported for
registered applications.
Command line parameters work also when dropping onto the buttons. Fictive example for an
executable identified by basename and with a command switch, in the "Name" field:
ACDSee32 /fullscreen
Right-mouse dropping is supported, offering the full power of the drag-n-drop context menu..
You can customize the button icon by stating an icon resource (or any file or folder that has a system
icon) in the "Icon" field.
The button tooltip tells you that it's a DUB (in case you wonder).
You may as well state a single file (full path), for example an executable to launch, in the "On Click"
300 XYplorer Help
In other words, paste the list of files you want to open with the executable into the "On right-click" field
and you are done!
ACDSee32 /fullscreen
C:\Program Files (x86)\ACDSee32\ACDSee32.exe
"Favorite Folders|:favs" button "favs";
Now right-clicking the button will pop a menu containing three image files, one separator, and one little
script that opens the Favorite Folders menu. Selecting any of the image files from the menu will open it
using ACDSee (all items not pointing to an existing file are processed as scripts).
Tip: This feature also works in the "On click" (= left-click) event of the button (also with "Fire click on
mousedown" enabled, which is quite cool). However, the button will not work as a DUB in this case
(DUBs by definition need this field to be empty).
Button Sets
There are up to four separate button sets that you can switch between using Shift+Wheel (or just
Wheel, see below) over the toolbar (or using the button Switch Toolbar Button Set, or the command
Window | Arrangement | Switch Toolbar Button Set). The 2nd one factory-defaults to the menu
buttons ("All Menus (Group)"), the other ones are almost empty by factory default. All button sets can be
designed independently.
You have to tick "Allow Button Set Switching" (see above) to enable button set switching.
When "Scrollable Toolbar" (see above) is OFF, you don't need to hold down the SHIFT key to switch
button sets by the wheel .
Main Topics / Toolbar 301
302 XYplorer Help
Tabbed Browsing
On each pane you can have any number tabs, where each tab can point to a different location (a
"Browsing Tab") or to a search results listing (a "Finding Tab"). The tabs remember their configuration
(list view, sort order, column widths and positions, scroll position, focused item, etc.) individually and
across sessions.
The tab-related commands are found in menu View | Tab and in the context menu of the tab headers
(right-click any tab header). See Configuration | Tabs for extended options concerning tabs.
To open a new tab use the command New Tab at the top of menu View | Tab.
Shortcut: Ctrl+T
Each tab remembers the mode it was in when left (browse mode or find mode).
(1) The tree will jump to the tab's location and the list will display the contained items.
(3) Multi-selections are retained. To save resources selections are only retained in lists of no more
than 32,767 items, and no more than 4,096 individual selections are retained between tab
When you re-select a Finding Tab (a tab in find mode, showing search results) there are some
(1) The last find will run again exactly as before (or the cached search results are loaded) and the list
will show the results.
(2) Find Files settings change according to the tab's previous settings.
Finding Tabs provide a very simple one-click-access to all imaginable search routines. You can for
example design yourself a "find suite", a row of tabs with your recurrent find tasks just one click away.
Hey, with XYplorer's ability to load specific configurations (INI files) on start-up you can have
thousands of find suites!
(4) List style (line numbers, auto-size, grid...) (see menu Tools | Customize List)
Tip: To set any of these settings to all open tabs at once simply hold SHIFT while making your choices.
This trick does not work with the Column layout (positions, widths, visibility), however.
Multi-selections in tabs
Note that selections are remembered by filename, so if another process renames a selected file it will
not be recognized as selected. Again, this is irrelevant if all files are selected.
In Configuration | Find Files, you can choose where the search results shall be listed: on the Current
tab, a New tab, or a (locked or unlocked) tab called "Search results" (automatically created if not yet
Note that you can drag and drop files onto the tab headers to copy or move them to the location the
hovered tab is pointing to. If you wait for a configurable time (see Configuration | Tabs) the hovered
tab will be auto-selected.
Left and right button dragging is supported. The latter pops the usual drag and drop context menu.
Renaming tabs
You can give the tabs any name of your choice. Once a tab is named that name will stay fixed when
you change the current directory inside the tab. A tab name can have any characters, even those that
are illegal for filenames. To un-name a tab rename it to nothing.
When a tab is locked to a home zone AND is renamed then its icon will always be the one of the tab's
home folder. This behavior is very practical when you use iconized tabs because once you have
defined a special icon (using common Windows means) for the home folder you always recognize that
tab by its icon no matter at what subfolder it is currently pointing to.
You can customize the icon of each Tab. Simply append any file spec to the caption of the tab, i.e. to
the name you give to a tab by the Rename Tab function (found in the tab headers context menu),
separated by a | (pipe). It can be an image file (GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO) or any other file or folder with
associated system icon. XYplorer native variables, environment variables, and portable paths are
supported. Internal toolbar icons (prefixed with ":") are supported as well. Examples:
304 XYplorer Help
|fun.png If the full path is not given the path resolved relative to the Icons Path (<xyicons>).
Tip: Right-clicking the icon of a tab pops a breadcrumb menu for the tab's path.
You can make your tabs fully portable by relocating them to a portable path, i.e. by pointing them to a
term that resolves to a path depending on the environment. Here are some examples:
Portable Path: ?:\ , ?:\Stuff\ (? stands for the application drive, the drive on which the current
instance of XYplorer is running)
Named Drives: TheSystem:\Windows (TheSystem stands for a drive named "TheSystem", see
Named Drives)
These terms are remembered as such (unresolved) between sessions. But how do you define such a
location? You relocate them using the command menu View | Tab | Relocate Tab.
Tip: To increase the usability of such a portable tab it is recommended to set its home (Set Home) to
the portable path and then apply Lock Home Zone. That way you can browse the whole portable
branch without ever losing the portability of that tab.
Named Drives
You can specify paths using their name (Volume Label) instead of the drive letter. So, for example, if
your drive C: is called "TheSystem", then these two paths will refer to the same location: C:\Windows
and TheSystem:\Windows. This works wherever Portable Paths work. Of course, this way to specify
drives is particularly interesting for removable drives where the host system assigns an unpredictable
drive letter.
Note: Support for Named Drives needs to be explicitly enabled: Configuration | Controls & More |
Miscellaneous | Support volume labels in paths.
'@', '!', and '%' are valid characters in a volume label. But they create possibilities for parsing mess:
'@a:\' takes you to the volume named '@a' unless '@a:\' is defined as an alias.
'!dir:\' runs an invalid DOS command instead of taking you to the volume named '!dir'.
With environment variable 'MyDrive' set to 'Q', '%MyDrive%:\' takes the user to 'Q:\' instead of the
volume named '%MyDrive%' (which is okay if the volume mounted at 'Q:' is named '%MyDrive%').
So: Don't use such crazy Volume Labels when you enable "Support volume labels in paths".
Main Topics / Tabbed Browsing 305
Each tab can have its own "Home", defined by a browse/find location and mode, and optionally the file
list layout (turn it on at Configuration | Tabs | Going home also restores the list layout). To set (or update)
the current tab's home click "Set Home" (menu View | Tab). To go to the current tab's home click "Go
Home" (menu View/Tabs) or simply press Alt+Home. You cannot unset a home because it's not
necessary (if you don't want a home, don't go home). Homes are remembered between sessions, and
can be set independently of the tab being named or not. A new tab starts homeless. Apart from the
possibility to click "Go Home" home tabs behave 100% like homeless tabs.
Portable Homes: Homes also support portable paths like %temp% or ?:\Stuff\, and variables like
Locked tabs
A locked tab will never leave its current location but instead open a new tab automatically. Of course,
you can as well lock the Search results tab.
Default tab
It's a means to reduce the number of opened tabs: Any passively (implicitly) opened new tab will open
in this tab instead. There's a visual indicator (a green icon overlay) to show which tab is the default tab
(if any). There can be only one default tab.
Note: the "Default Tab" will only be used if no other tab pointing to the desired location does already
exist in which case this tab will be selected.
By default you can use the mouse wheel over the tabs to switch tabs.
To toggle this behavior right-click the empty part of the Tab Bar, or the "New Tab" or "Tab List" button,
and tick/untick the menu item "Tab Switching by Mouse Wheel".
Need a new order? You can easily drag-shift the tabs using the mouse.
In Configuration | Tabs you find an option to show X close buttons on each tab, either permanently or
only when hovering the tabs.
You can modify the height of the Tab Bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them.
306 XYplorer Help
4.8 Tabsets
You can save and load the tabset of a pane, that's all tabs including their layout (tab settings and
tabwise list settings) and contents (cached search data, find settings, homes, history, etc.). This concept
is also known as Workspaces or Environments.
While each pane always has exactly one tabset loaded, you can have any number of tabsets available
on disk to choose from. The definition of each tabset is held in a folder (also referred to as "pane data
path") containing all necessary information within a couple of files. The name of the folder is identical to
the name of the tabset. Thus tabsets are perfectly portable and easily maintainable.
The commands related to tabsets are found in the main menu "Tabsets", in the toolbar button
"Tabsets", and can also be accessed via the scripting command tabset().
The names of the current tabsets are now shown in the button's tooltip.
MRU list: The button's left-click dropdown contains a list of the most recently used tabsets (MRU list) of
the active pane. Click an item to load that tabset. The MRU tabsets lists hold 32 items per pane. The lists
are stored between sessions in a portable manner
Tip: Hold CTRL when selecting a tabset from the MRU list to load it as a clone.
See tabset().
Further Remarks
On loading a new tabset the previous tabset will only be auto-saved if Configuration | Tabs |
Auto-save tabsets on switch is checked. As long as no explicit Save or Auto-save is performed,
you can always revert to the stored state of a tabset using the Revert to Saved command.
You are not allowed to load the same tabset into both panes, i.e. to point both panes to the
Main Topics / Tabsets 307
same pane data path, because this would lead to sure trouble.
The current pane data paths are shown in Various Information window (menu Help). They are
also available in the new variables <xypane1> and <xypane2>.
The pane data paths are typically located under <xydata>\Panes, and they can be referenced
relative to this location. It is recommended that you store all your tabsets here; makes it easier
for you to handle.
However, tabsets can be stored anywhere in the system, even in a network path. This means
users can share tabsets over the network. Note, however, that currently no measures are
implemented to handle concurrent save operations of such a shared tabset.
The pane data paths are stored in the INI file in a portable way relative to <xydata>\Panes.
The name of the current tabset can be shown in the title bar using the variable <tabset>. The
variables <tabset1> and <tabset2> can be used to show the tabset names of both panes.
308 XYplorer Help
Breadcrumb Bars
Both panes can feature a Breadcrumb Bar (toggled via menu Window | Show Breadcrumb Bar). It
shows the full path of the current tab and lets you efficiently navigate the whole file system. Its layout is
highly configurable.
Click on any of triangles (separators between the components) to pop a dropdown menu with all
subfolders of the component left of the triangle, and select one of them to go there.
The setting of "Show hidden files and folders" and "Show system files and folders" is honored by the
dropdown menus.
You can right-click items in the dropdown menus to pop a little context menu with copy functions.
You can drop stuff onto the Breadcrumb Bars (v16.00 onwards).
Right-click anywhere in the Breadcrumb Bar to pop the right-click menu (see here below).
At the top of the right-click menu you find some useful commands:
Copy Path: Copy the right-clicked path to the clipboard. The text to be copied is shown in the Status
Copy Real Path (only visible when the current path is a special path) and Copy Special Path (only
visible when the current path is a real path that has a special path counterpart). These commands can
be used to copy the real/special counterpart of the currently shown path.
Copy Name: Copy the right-clicked component to the clipboard. The text to be copied is shown in the
Status Bar.
Paste and Go: Goes to the current clipboard contents (can be a folder or file, or folder or file name).
When hovering the command, the Status Bar displays the text found in the clipboard. Note that the
clipboard can also hold relative paths. They will be resolved relative to the current list path.
Paste and Search: Searches the right-clicked component for the current clipboard contents. When
hovering the command, the Status Bar displays the text found in the clipboard, prefixed with the right-
clicked component and "?".
Main Topics / Breadcrumb Bars 309
In the lower part of the right-click menu you find a couple of settings to control the looks of the
Breadcrumb Bars.
Triangles: Show triangles as separators between the components. The breadcrumb path will have the
format known from Windows Explorer.
Slashes: Show slashes as separators between the components. The breadcrumb path will have the
usual path format.
Show Navigation Buttons: Show a couple of standard navigation buttons (back, forward, up, down).
Each of them has its own right-click menu.
Show Menu Button: Show the menu button, aka Hamburger. It pops a small menu with these default
Note that both Breadcrumb Bars share the same Hamburger menu.
Show Icon: Tick it to show the icon of the current path at the left end of the bar.
Show Drive Labels: Tick it to show the display name for the drive, not just the letter. Triangles mode
Show Downward Paths: If ticked then the most recently used downward path is shown in a
somewhat lighter color than the current path. This allows you to quickly go up and down a path in the
most easy manner.
Check for Subfolders: If ticked then the final triangle/slash is only shown when the last shown node
has subfolders. If unticked the final triangle/slash is always shown. Why is this optional? Well, the
check can take a while when a folder is very large. Note: In network locations the check is always
skipped to avoid trouble with unavailable locations.
The dropdown menu popped on clicking a triangle can have three different formats:
Standard Menu: The menu is a standard Windows menu. It has no scrollbars, so if there are a lot of
subfolders the menu will extend to the whole screen height which makes it difficult to handle.
Custom Menu: The menu is a proprietary control featuring a vertical scrollbar if necessary.
310 XYplorer Help
Colored Menu: Same as Custom Menu, but inheriting the colors of its Breadcrumb Bar.
Finally the right-click menu lets you control the visual style of the Breadcrumb Bars:
Adjustable font size: You can modify the font size of the Breadcrumbs on-the-fly by Ctrl+Wheel over
any of the Breadcrumb Bars. Alternatively you can customize font and font size via Configuration |
Fonts | Main Contents. (To apply the font size tick "Breadcrumb Bars" in the list popped by the Apply
To... button).
Colors: All colors of the Breadcrumb Bars are configurable in Configuration | Colors.
Main Topics / Tree 311
4.10 Tree
Use menu Window | Show Tree (Shift+F8) or Window | Show Navigation Panels (F8) to show/
hide the Tree.
Other than in Windows Explorer, the Desktop node is located under Computer instead of vice versa.
This seems more logical and spares 16 pixels of horizontal space in the Tree.
There's extended drag and drop functionality to the Tree: When dragging an object over a folded
node, the node will automatically expand after 0.8 seconds. When the object leaves the tree area or
Drag&Drop is cancelled by ESC, the previous state of the tree is restored.
Note that this auto expansion only happens when you hover the expansion icon, the folder icon, or the
folder caption, but not on any other part of the node row. This gives you a little more control.
Highlighting features
Various highlighting features add more visual grip to the tree. Color Filters, Highlight Folder, Boxed
Branch, Favorite Folder Bold, Tree Path Tracing... all colors are fully customizable.
Mini Tree
The tree can be turned into a Mini Tree, that's a tree that only shows the paths that you have actually
Bypassed Tree
A Tree bypassed by browsing (i.e. the location shown in the file list is not shown, let alone selected, in
the Tree) is displayed with a grey background, or with the color you have defined for a Locked Tree.
This makes it immediately clear that Tree and List are not synced at the moment and protects you from
false assumptions and potentially fatal decisions.
Context menus
A right-mouse-click on Tree will popup various context menus depending on mouse position and held
312 XYplorer Help
control keys:
Folder Caption Right-Click: Pops the Windows shell context menu for folders, plus some
custom commands (if Configuration | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context
Menus | Custom items in shell context menu is ticked).
Customize the context menu in Configuration | Menus, Mouse, Usability |
Custom items in shell context menu | Folder Tree...
Ctrl+Right-Click: Pops a super-fast internal context menu instead of the
slower shell context menu. Gives you quick access to XYplorer's native menu
Expansion Icon Right-Click: Pops a list of all child folders of that folder, aka Tree Node
Crumbs. That way you can select any child folder of a visible folder without
opening the whole node. This is especially useful in the Mini Tree.
- Child folders that are not yet present in the Mini Tree are colored with
"Marked Text 2" color in the popup.
- Right-click the same Expansion Icon again to hide the popup.
Ctrl+Right-Click: Pops a menu that lets you choose another Expansion Icon.
Main Topics / Mini Tree 313
A Tree-Shaped History
The Tree is a great user interface for file management... but it quickly becomes a problem when it's too
large. And isn't it always too large? Much too large?? How many of the displayed folders do you really
need to see? 20%? 10%? Maybe just 5 out of 400?
This is where Mini Tree comes to the rescue. It's an extremely simple idea, but it might change your way
of browsing the file system forever: The Mini Tree displays only the paths you have actually used. This
makes browsing blindingly fast (it's instantaneous even with deeply nested subfolders), it makes the
tree ridiculously small, and it makes you feel like being back in control (because you look at just the
folders you are actually using, instead of being avalanched by all the folders that have accumulated on
your drives over the years).
You turn it on/off in menu View | Mini Tree. Immediately the tree is reduced to the current folder. You
now typically use Favorites, History, Recent Locations, the Hotlist, the Catalog, the Address Bar, or the
file list to jump to another location. It will be added to the Mini Tree automatically. Soon, the Mini Tree
will show the locations you actually need. It has learned.
(1) The Mini Tree is retained across sessions: When you start XYplorer on Monday you'll
look at exactly the same tree you left Friday afternoon.
(2) You can easily hide folders from the Mini Tree via the context menu command "Hide
Folder from Tree".
(3) There's the scripting command loadtree by which you can load a previously stored Mini
Tree, add folders to it, or remove folders from it.
(4) The Catalog supports storing and restoring Mini Trees via its context menu.
(5) There's a toolbar button "Mini Tree" which works as a one-click toggle between Mini
Tree and normal tree (Maxi Tree). The button also features a context menu with a
couple of related commands.
(6) The extreme speed and smallness of the Mini Tree makes it especially valuable for
network browsing. If you work in an environment with hundreds or thousands of
servers, you might welcome the idea of seeing just the two servers you actually need...
(7) If you fully collapse a tree folder (Numpad Divide, or Ctrl+Click the minus-icon of the
folder) it is not only collapsed but reset to initial state: When you expand it in the tree it
will do a fresh browse and show all existing subfolders.
314 XYplorer Help
(8) The Mini Tree is distinguished from the normal tree by inverted Expansion Icon (white-
(9) Pressing Shift+F4 (Refresh Current Folder) will list all existing subfolders of the
current folder. So you can quickly inject some reality into your Mini Tree.
(10) If the current node is Computer, then pressing Shift+F4 (Refresh Current Folder) will
reset the Tree and list all child folders of Computer in collapsed state while keeping the
tree in "Mini" mode.
(11) Pressing F4 (Refresh Tree) will it will take care that all available drives are shown, and
it removes all non-existing children (unless Configuration | Controls & More |
Miscellaneous | Allow zombies in the Mini Tree is ticked).
(12) Via menu Tools | List Management you can directly edit the Mini Tree.
(13) To keep a good performance expanded nodes with more than 5000 visible children will
be stored in collapsed state.
Right-click the expansion icon of a folder to pop a list of all child folders of that folder. That way you can
select any child folder of a visible folder without opening the whole node. This is especially useful in the
Mini Tree. See also here.
The button has a context menu with some Mini Tree related commands.
Main Topics / List 315
4.12 List
Here the columns can be individually shown/hidden, and many other things, depending on the type of
the right-clicked column.
Displaying thumbnails
There are various "views" (i.e. List display styles) featuring thumbnails. See menu View | Views, or
the Views button on the Toolbar.
In any of those views the thumbnails have the "Mouse Down Blow Up" functionality you already know
and love from the Image Preview:
Long* Left-click on thumb Mouse Down Blow Up, while mouse button is down.
Right-click on thumb Mouse Down Blow Up, stay up until you hit any key or click it again.
* Note: hold the mouse down longer than 150ms. Quick clicks will simply select the item.
Shortcut files
Shortcut files are displayed with their extensions (*.lnk, *.pif, *.url), whereas Explorer does not show
those extensions.
Tip: A middle-click on LNK files behaves like Shift+Dbl-Click on LNK files: The link target is opened in a
new tab.
You can easily make a safety copy of a file (or more files) by drag-and-dropping it from the file list into
the file list: select the file(s) and then hold down the Ctrl-key and drag. The copy will be automatically
renamed, eg.: the copy of Myfile.txt is named Copy of Myfile.txt.
You can as well drag and drop items onto a folder displayed within the same list. XYplorer also
supports dropping items on executables or ZIP-archives.
Pressing ESC will reset the internal keystroke store. So quickly typing K-E-Esc-Y will match "Y", not
"KEY". Also pressing any arrow keys, or changing the listed folder will reset the internal keystroke
Type-ahead find delays the actual find while the list is still loading, and jumps to the matching item
once the load is complete. This means you can happily type in your pattern while the desired item is
not yet contained in the list and it still will be found.
"Match at beginning" of filenames is the factory default (and the only thing Windows Explorer can do),
but XYplorer gives you four different matching options, selectable in Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead
Find | Type Ahead Find.
Advanced Usage
There are two keyboard-only commands to jump to the next/previous match: Tools | Customize
Keyboard Shortcuts | Miscellaneous | Focus Functions: "Next Type Ahead Match" and "Previous Type
Ahead Match". They repeat the last used Type Ahead Find pattern in forward or backward direction.
Usage: Serves nicely to quickly repeat a multi-character Type Ahead Find pattern.
The last used Type Ahead Find pattern is now stored between sessions. It's one global last pattern for
all panes, tabs, folders, lists, etc. Usage: In connection with the Next/Previous commands mentioned
above this can be extremely useful when you need quick jumping to files of a certain name in different
XYplorer also supports Type Ahead Find for other columns than the Name column. Check Configuration
| Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Use sorted column and Type Ahead Find will use the
columns Name, Ext, Type, or Path if they are the sorted columns.
Live Filtering
Tick Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Redirect typing to Live Filter
Box to enable Filter-As-You-Type right in the file list.
You get a message when the list is empty. There is some additional information if items are present in
the folder but currently not shown.
Tip 1: Instead of holding CTRL you can hold the left mouse button down and then right-click
simultaneously, aka rocker-click gesture.
Tip 2: If you untick Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to
show cell context menu a right-click alone (without Ctrl) will be sufficient. In that case you need to
hold Ctrl to pop the default context menu of the list.
Tip: You can modify by keyboard what happens when you click "Live Filter".
Click => Filter list by the selected property (replace any current filter).
Ctrl+Click => Boolean AND the selected property to the current filter (if any).
Shift+Click => Boolean OR the selected property to the current filter (if any).
No smartness built in. It just appends " & [selected property]" or " | [selected property]" to whatever
is in the box.
Copy File Name: If the clicked cell is in the Name column the popup menu shows various components
of the file name: full path, special path (if there is any), title, base, and quoted variants:
Copy File Size: If the clicked cell is in the Size column the popup menu shows a number of common
size display formats (RAW, Bytes, KB, MB, GB) of the file's size, ready to be copied to the clipboard.
Copy File Dates: If the clicked cell is in one of the Date columns the popup menu shows the date in
various formats:
Tip: Note that you can copy the data without even selecting the items.
Touch: Find the Touch command in the bottom section of the menu: Touch Created Date, Touch
Modified Date, Touch Accessed Date. Use it to set the file's timestamp to now.
Set: If a valid date string happens to be in the clipboard then you can paste-stamp that date onto any
file date in any date column. The menu will feature the command Set [Created/Modified/Accessed]
Date to [Date].
Edit: Find the Edit command at the bottom of the menu: Edit Created Date..., Edit Modified Date..., Edit
Accessed Date....
Further Remarks:
The Time-Stamping commands apply to all selected items if the right-clicked item is one of the selected
items. Otherwise they apply only to the right-clicked item.
Time-Stamping commands support fractions of a second, and times in UTC (date with suffixed "Z").
You can use the pseudo date 0 (zero) to set a file time to the lowest possible value.
Display Modes
The List supports 5 different modes: Browse, Find, Drives, Network, and Recycler. Each mode has its
own column headers and type of entries. Each mode can be configured individually regarding column
size, column position, background color, sort order and sorted column.
The standard browse mode (as known from Explorer). The List now displays all items contained in the
Main Topics / List 319
Invoked by a File Find and lists the search results of a find. By default the background color of this
mode is green to make it easily distinguishable from the other modes.
Once you selected any folders in Tree, the mode is set back to Browse (or Drives, when you select the
Computer Icon in Tree).
When you select the Computer Icon in Tree, the Drives mode is invoked. The List now displays various
information about your local and mapped logical hard drives.
This mode with only 2 columns (Name and Comments) is shown when you selected Network
Neighborhood or any Server (network machine).
Network Places On Demand. You can browse to servers outside the local/primary workgroup/domain.
Simply enter them (or items located on them) into the Address Bar, or browse to them via Catalog or
Favorites. If reachable they will be automatically/on-the-fly added to the Network (My Network Places)
node in the tree.
Network servers are remembered between sessions. This means: (a) Network servers load at the
speed of light, and (b) Servers outside the primary workgroup that have been entered via Address Bar
are now remembered and don't have to be entered again.
To refresh this server cache select My Network Places in the tree and press F4 or F5. This will re-
browse the network and list all servers in the primary workgroup that are currently reachable.
The Recycle Bin with some special columns like Deleted (Date), Original Location, and Recycled Name
#: Line Number.
Index: This column displays the original index of each item as it was added to the list. So sorting the
list by this column will recreate the original order of the items (you can achieve the same by clicking
View | Sort By | Unsorted).
Tip: This column is especially useful in Paper Folders which have been manually sorted. It offers a quick
and transparent way to recreate the custom sort order.
Path: Path of the file (by default only shown in Search Results and Branch View).
320 XYplorer Help
Tip: Double-click a cell in this column to go to that path (and auto-select the item).
Size: File Size (and Folder Size, if Show Folder Sizes is enabled). Can show graphical representations
of the items size (circles, bars). The Size column always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not
cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item.
Modified: Last Modified Date. When you hover any cell in any date column the age of that item is
displayed in a tooltip.
J = REPARSE_POINT (=Junction)
Tip: You can toggle the display style (go back to the old DOS Attributes style) by Ctrl+Right-clicking any
item in the Attr column. Then click "Show Attributes in DOS Style".
Len: Length of the file name (including the full path) in characters. Note that for performance reasons
the "Len" column will only be filled with data when visible.
Extra 1 - 16: Extra tags. You can define the columns as well as their contents. See Extra Columns.
Hint: When the sorted column is "dirty" i.e. the sort order is probably not perfect (e.g. because a new
folder has been added to the bottom of the list), the little pyramid symbol changes its color (to color
"Marked Text 1") to show the dirtiness.
Secondary Sorting
There's secondary sorting, aka multi-column sort. Simply hold SHIFT while you click on another column
header to secondary-sort by this column. Of course, secondary sorting makes only sense where the
primary sorting results in groups. This typically is the case with the following columns: Path, Ext, Type,
and Attr; less so with Size and Dates. The column that's sorted secondarily is marked by a smaller
sorting icon.
Day Groups: When the primary sorting is by date (e.g. Modified), the secondary sorting will ignore the
time parts of the file dates when looking for groups of files that should be secondary-sorted. In other
words you can sort the files by the day they have been modified, and then sub sort each day by Name,
Type, or Size.
Context menus
A right-mouse-click on List will popup one of three context menus depending on the mouse position:
On filename File context menu (incl. Explorer's standard context menu for folders)
Customize the context menu in Configuration | Menus, Mouse, Usability |
Custom items in shell context menu | File List...
On Label column (If showing tags is enabled) Label selection context menu
On Tags column (If showing tags is enabled) Tags selection context menu
The context menu of Shortcuts has a special submenu Shortcut Target with these extra commands:
Go to Shortcut Target
Copy Shortcut Target Item (applies to all selected shortcuts)
Copy Shortcut Target Name (applies to all selected shortcuts)
The context menu of Junctions has a special submenu Junction with these extra commands:
Go to Junction Target
Copy Junction Target Name
Delete Junction
A highlighting feature inspired by the Google Toolbar and the Firefox Find Bar. It has no separate GUI
but can be invoked via the Address Bar (or any of the other location interfaces, e.g. Favorites,
Catalog, Goto, etc.). Simply type in a string prefixed with ">" press Enter. The string will be highlighted
in the file list wherever it's found (case-insensitive: a=A) and focus will jump to the next matching
For example, to highlight all strings "xy" and jump to the next item containing "xy":
>xy [Enter]
To turn it off again, enter ">" without any pattern (or simply go to another folder):
> [Enter]
If you are not interested in jumping and just want the colors, put ">>" at the beginning. If you use
more than one pattern at a time (separated by |) no jumping takes place:
To turn it off again, either repeat the same pattern, or enter ">" or ">>" without any pattern:
>>xy [Enter]
>> [Enter]
> [Enter]
Spot supports an unlimited number of strings, separated by | (pipe). Four predefined colors are
rotated. For example (the forth item is a space):
>7.|xy|2008| |-|~
>chuck|berry = (same)
The | separator only has to be used when spaces are part of a pattern:
The highlighting is not retained across different listings: refreshing the list or browsing to the next
location will remove the colors.
Wildcards are fully supported, and you can store an unlimited number of jump links in your Catalog or
Favorites. Next time you want to listen to your Chuck Berry collection buried in a list of 20,000 mp3s --
just define a jump link once and the rest is a single click that takes you from one Chuck Berry to the
Main Topics / List 323
You can optionally prefix a column caption to the pattern. The column prefix can be partial. If no column
is identical to the prefix, then the first column with a partial match (from beginning: "Modified" matches
"mod*") is used.
>>mod: 2015 spot (highlight) all items where the Modified column matches
>size: 0* jump to the next item where the Size column starts with "0"
>size: *KB jump to the next item where the Size column ends with "KB"
Tip: Jump links are easily added to the Catalog and thus turned into a one-click affair.
Tip: You can jump upwards by holding Shift.
Tip: Check Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Ignore diacritics to ignore
diacritics (o==ö) when matching the patterns.
Quick Select
Syntactically similar to Jump and Spot, Quick Select is a fast and simple way to select items directly
through the Address Bar. So the patterns can be easily shared, are stored in the Address Bar MRU,
and are accessible by scripting.
The magic prefix here is ">>>" (without the quotes). Multiple patterns separated by | are allowed.
>>>modified: 2015 matches all items where the Modified column matches "*2015*"
>>>SIZE: 0* matches all items where the Size column starts with "0"
>>>size: 0*|1* matches all items where the Size column starts with "0" or "1"
The column prefix can be partial. If no column is identical to the prefix, then the first column with a
partial match (from beginning: "Modified" matches "mod*") is used.
>>>MOD: 2015 matches all items where the Modified column matches "*2015*"
>>>siz: 0* matches all items where the Size column starts with "0"
>>>siz: 0*|1* matches all items where the Size column starts with "0" or "1"
This setting is honored by Quick Select: "Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find
| Ignore diacritics".
The other settings under "Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find" are ignored.
Main Topics / Custom Columns 325
Custom Columns
With Custom Columns it's you who decides which information about each file is displayed in the column.
You show the columns just like the other regular columns: Via menu View, or via right-clicking the
currently shown column headers (hold CTRL with Size and Date columns, else they show their special
context menu), or the zone right of the column headers.
Tip: A couple of Custom Columns are predefined when you first start XYplorer. This is just for illustration
and convenience. You can freely modify them.
Custom Columns can be configured in Configuration | Custom Columns | Custom column definitions. You
may define up to 64 Custom Columns. The first 10 definitions are "global" in the sense that they are
available as columns "Custom 1" to "Custom 10" in each file list on any tab and pane. The other
definitions can be used in so-called "Soft Columns" that can be added on-the-fly to any particular file list.
Tip: Any Custom Columns that is currently shown in the list can be configured via right-clicking the
column header.
Caption: User-defined caption of the column. If you leave it empty a default caption will be shown
depending on the type of the column.
Type of the column. Controls how the definition (next field) is interpreted. The following Types are
Property: Any of the so-called extended file properties that are made available by Windows for
every file. Most of them only return data for certain file type.
Special Property: Any of XYplorer's Special Properties, that's stuff not included in the Windows
extended file properties. E.g. Aspect Ratio, MD5 hash (and many other hash functions), Number of
Hard Links, Junction Target, various audio tags (MP3, FLAC, OGG), and more.
Note that a column showing the Aspect Ratio will be sorted by the actual quotient (eg 0.5), not by
the term of the quotient (eg "1:2").
Note that a column showing the Dimensions will be sorted by the area (eg 300 x 200 = 60000), not
326 XYplorer Help
Script: The definition is one script (single- or multi-line). Details see Scripted Columns below.
Mixed: The column is defined as a set of other Custom Columns. If those other Custom Columns
have non-overlapping Filters defined you can make a context-sensitive column this way which will
display data in dependence of the file type. You could e.g. show pixel dimensions for images, play
time for audio files, page count for documents, and the version number for executables -- all in ONE
column! Details see Mixed Columns below.
Icon: If this format is selected then the column contents are taken to specify an icon to be drawn.
- Icons sources can be ICO files, other files (their system icon is taken), or XYplorer native toolbar
- Relative file paths are resolved to the "<xydata>\Icons" folder.
- Toolbar icons are marked by a prefixed colon, e.g. ":go" (as elsewhere in the application).
Example for a script (Column type: Script), where different icons are shown depending on the length
of the filename base (nutty idea, just for demo purposes). The icon specification is done using the
"return" command:
This script would show a Nikon icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon:
Lists of Icons: You can as well specify a list of icons that are shown side by side. You can mix system
icons with toolbar graphics. Icons can be separated by ; or | or CRLF. The distance between the icons
is hard-coded to 2 pixels. In Extra Tags of type "Icon", since | is not allowed in tags, you have to use
";" as separator.
Drawing Circles: Apart from showing icons the Icon format also lets you draw circles of your own
design. The column has to be of type "Script" and format "Icon", and instead of the icon specification
you return a draw command with the following syntax:
More than one definition can be passed, separated by ; (semicolon) or CRLF (line feed).
So here we have a pretty nerdy life time killer with a creative touch.
Macro: If you have less time to kill you can as well use the macro >draw.circle.size which will draw
blue-colored (khaki for folders) size-related circles in a hard-coded way and with maximum
performance. It's totally easy to do, no scripting involved. Just add a Custom Column of type
"Template", format "Icon", and enter ">draw.circle.size" in the template field. It's very fast since it
does not run the scripting engine for each row.
Disadvantage: Since each cell contains the same data you cannot sort by this column. There is a trick
though: Append the size right to the template like this:
>draw.circle.size <cc_size>
Now you can sort by the column. But ensure that "Configuration | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort
method" is set to "Natural", else sorting by numbers won't make you happy.
Drawing Bars: The Icon format also lets you draw column-wide 2-colored percentage bars of your
own design. The column has to be of type "Script" and format "Icon", and instead of the icon
specification you return a draw command with the following syntax:
If both color arguments are omitted then hard-coded default blues take over.
Macro: Just like with circles above there is also a macro for drawing bars: >draw.bar.size. It will draw
a column-wide colored size-related bar according to a hard-coded color scheme:
grey: Empty
green: < 1KB
yellow: < 1MB
red: < 1GB
purple: 1GB or more
Here you can select at which point the script or process that generates the cell data is actually
triggered. You have three choices:
Browse [Default]: Column is triggered when the list is filled with folder contents or search results.
Main Topics / Custom Columns 329
List: Column is triggered when the items are listed. Only the currently visible items are processed.
This option will be much faster than "Browse" on long lists, but the scrolling will be not as smooth.
Click: Column is triggered when the symbol that is shown as a placeholder is clicked (actually you
can click anywhere in the cell). Maximum speed, also when scrolling. All data are only shown on
When you right-click a column header and select Refresh Column then the whole column data will be
Columns of type "Mixed" inherit the trigger per-cell from the chosen sub-column.
When Custom Columns of type Script are triggered by Click and the script has no "return" command
then the click symbol remains in the list and can be clicked again and again.
Item Type
Here you can limit the action to Files, Folders, or Files and Folders.
Item Filter
Here you can enter a semicolon-separated list of wildcard patterns. Only for items whose name
(without path) matches at least one of the patterns the column data are retrieved. By setting those
patterns wisely you can speed up browsing considerably.
Patterns without any wildcards are treated as "ending matches" ("*pattern"); that way you can
simply enter a couple of extensions without caring about wildcards.
You may as well use generic file types, e.g. {:Image}. Also in combination with normal wildcard
Scripted Columns
Here you write a script (using XYplorer's scripting language) that generates the data displayed in each
cell of the column. Note that such a column script is executed for each file in the file list! So you should
take care that the script does not take too long.
There are a couple of special variables just for this context by which you can refer to the item for which
the data are being generated:
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
NOTE: Integer division (\ operator) is used when calculating the percentage! This is important in locales
like German where the decimal separator is a comma. Returning this comma would screw the parsing of
the >draw.bar command. Integer division is a way to avoid this.
These scripts cannot be stepped. You have to debug them in another context.
You can as well define and call user functions right in the column script (don't expect speed wonders
for such columns).
Press ESC while a list is loading to stop processing any scripted columns (actually any Custom
Mixed Columns
A mixed column is sort of a meta column, defined by a list of other column definitions (which need to
have been defined previously) which are simply referenced by their serial number. The order is relevant
since the listed column definitions are worked from top to bottom and the first match wins (i.e. it will be
used to fill the cell). The filename in question is matched against the filters defined in each column
definition. If no filters are present the column will match any filename. So, to make sense, all column
definitions (apart from the last one) joined in a Mixed Column should have filters defined.
332 XYplorer Help
Referring to the columns works just like with Find Files by Extra Tags. You can either state a canonic field
prefix "cc1" to "cc64" which will work independently of the column captions. Or you state the column
caption as prefix.
For example, find all items where the column called "Contents" returns "Hash":
Or, find all items where the first Custom Column returns "100" and the second Custom Column returns
When columns use the localized default captions inherited from the Windows properties, also the search
term must use the localized caption:
German Windows: Abmessungen:500 x *
English Windows: Dimensions:500 x *
This, as another example, will match all files with at most 4096 pixels if Custom Column 14 returns the
pixels (width * height) of an image file:
If that column is called "Pixels" then this will achieve the same:
Note that the column does not have to be currently visible for this to work.
Note: You can even search by columns that are not currently visible. The search results will not
automatically show the column(s) by which you have searched.
Soft Columns
Additionally to the 10 global Custom Columns you can add any number of so-called "Soft Columns" to
the file list. You add a Soft Column by using the command Add Column. You find it in menu View |
Columns, and in the context menu of each column header.
Freshly added, a Soft Column is just named ""Right-click here..." and has no contents. Right-click the
column header to pop a menu with configuration options:
Select Property...: Select any of the Shell's properties for this column.
Select Special Property...: Select any of XYplorer's native properties for this column. They are usually
much faster than the Shell's properties.
Select Custom Column...: Select any of the 64 Custom Column definitions for this column. This adds
the ultimate column power to Soft Columns since, as you know, with Custom Columns anything is
Refresh Column: Refreshes the column contents. Can be useful for certain scripted columns which
yield different returns on each run.
Add Column: Insert a new soft column before the clicked column.
Main Topics / Custom Columns 333
Rename Column...: Here you can edit the name of the column. Leave it empty if you are happy with
the default name, which is automatically given according to the selected property.
Remove Column: Totally removes the column from the current list.
Hide Column: Hides the column. You can show it again via View | Columns. It will survive across
sessions even if hidden.
Show Columns...: Pops a list of all column where you can show/hide them and modify their position.
Soft Columns are stored with the tab, with the Home, with the Folder View Setting. They are local and
self-sufficient, no external dependencies.
You can change the contents of a Soft Column on-the-fly. The column will instantly update without
reloading the whole list. Other tabs or other panes are not affected.
Soft Columns can easily and totally be controlled (defined, loaded, unloaded) via scripting command
The columns are referenced by their caption as shown currently in the list.
First match wins, and, of course, there is an internal order of precedence: Only if no Custom Columns
(definitions 1 to 64) are matched, Soft Columns are looked for. And they are scanned in their original
order of being added (which is from left to right, unless you later repositioned them by dragging).
If "Search results inherit current columns" is OFF and you search for Soft Columns, the settings will be
internally and silently turned on for this particular search. Otherwise it won't work.
You can easily store/load columns layouts using the Catalog. The Catalog's right-click menu has a
command Insert as New Item(s) Here | Current List Columns.
When you hold CTRL while clicking the headers you get a mini context menu with just basic Soft
Column related commands. This trick enables you to pop "Add Column" for Size and Date columns
(which have different popup menus when you don't hold CTRL).
334 XYplorer Help
You pay a price for this feature: Retrieving and processing all this extra information takes time. The
shell as used here is v-e-r-y slow compared to XYplorer's native functions, so browsing a list with
Custom Columns using shell properties will be notably slower than browsing a list without such
columns. Also running a script for each item in a list and for each column of type "Script" takes a lot of
You can escape the processing of Custom Columns by pressing ESC. The cells where data retrieval
was skipped will then show "[Skipped by ESC]". Can be useful when browsing large folders with
complex Custom Columns on a slow machine.
Defining columns with a script is geek stuff. Be careful! You can easily create nasty things here.
Find Files, Reporting, Folder View Settings, and Set/Go Home are fully supported.
Main Topics / Dual Pane 335
Sync Folders
The command is found in menu Panes | Sync Folders. It opens a dialog that lets you synchronize the
folder in the inactive pane (target folder) to the folder in the active pane (source folder). Afterwards the
target folder will be identical to the source folder (depending on the configuration). The source folder
(active pane) is not modified. In other words it's a one-way sync, aka mirror sync. This is achieved by
the following sub operations:
Some properties can be configured (the Sync Folders configuration dialog is shown invariably before
every sync operation), and are remembered between calls and between sessions:
Copy items from source to target: Tick it to have any items copied at all. Otherwise there will be only
deletions in the target.
Overwrite if newer
Overwrite if different contents (The contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each
Delete items in target that have no matches in source: Tick it to get any deletions in target at all.
Otherwise there will be only copying to the target.
Delete to recycle bin (if possible): Note that on UNC paths, on removable drives, and where the
Recycle Bin is turned off by Windows settings all deletions will be permanent (not to Recycle Bin) even if
the checkmark is set!
Sync caps: YES. All files and folders in the target are ensured to have the same capitalization as their
matching source item names. If necessary items in the target are renamed without asking (e.g. TEST.
TXT -> Test.txt).
Keep progress dialog open: YES. In the final progress dialog you can show a detailed report listing
each file copied and each item deleted.
Preview Button
Use it to run the operation in preview mode. Nothing actually happens, you just get a detailed report of
what would happen in real mode.
The Sync Folders dialog stays up when you run the Preview from there. No need to open it again to do
the real job.
Note: The Preview Mode assumes that everything works as planned (items to be deleted *can* be
deleted, items to be overwritten *can* be overwritten, items to be renamed *can* be renamed).
Further Remarks
Sync Folders does not support Undo/Redo (just like Backup does not). Pretty obvious since overwriting
is the core element of it and this cannot be undone.
Sync Folders can be backgrounded and queued (Configuration | File Operations | Background
Processing | Enable background processing).
Labels let you put files into a closed set of freely definable categories. You can have your "blue" files,
your "ready" files, your "important" files, your "junk" files, etc.
Labels are visual helpers in that they give colors to file names in the file list. You can sort files by
Labels. And you can search files by Labels.
The labeling is done very comfortably via keyboard shortcut, toolbar button, or context menu. Labels
are retained across sessions.
There is a choice of seven predefined color schemes (background and text color), which can easily be
exchanged for other colors, and extended to up to 31 color schemes. The names of the schemes can
be customized in Configuration | Tags. Here you can also choose how and where the colors are
displayed in the file list.
The Toolbar offers the handy buttons Labels and Find by Label. You can configure the latter button
to Search Everywhere (whole computer) or Search This Branch (current location including subfolders)
or Search Here (current location excluding subfolders). The options are found at the bottom of the
button's dropdown menu. Of course, the buttons also have a right-click menu with various useful
You can define any number of Tags for any file or folder, and show them in the column "Tags" in Details
view. They can also be shown in the File Info Tips, and you can find files by them (with all Boolean
splendor, and extremely fast because these searches are indexed).
In the database and in the Tags column, tags are separated by comma and space (, ) for better
readability. However, the space is not necessary for parsing and can optionally be omitted wherever
Main Topics / Labels, Tags, Comments, and Extra Tags 339
A "Tag List" (similar to a tag cloud, but not weighted) is automatically maintained in the background
and across sessions that lets you select tags rather than type them again and again. In the Add
Tags and Edit Tags dialogs there is a checkbox "Add new tags to tag list" by which new tags are
automatically added to the tag list (always to the top of the list).
You can also manually manage the Tag List in List Management. This way you can easily load a new
cloud to have a different set of tags ready for selection. Note that editing the Tag List does not
change or remove any tags from your files or folders! The Tag List is only your interface to selecting/
attaching tags.
The Toolbar offers four handy buttons to Add Tags, Set Tags, Remove Tags, and Find by Tags.
They pop a menu with the top 20 tags from the tag list. All buttons work on the selected items only
and show a "Nothing Selected" pseudo item in the popup menu if there are no selections.
Especially interesting is the Find by Tags button because the "Tag List..." item allows for easy multi-
tag searches. Tick Match All if all ticked tags must match (Boolean AND). You can configure the
button to Search Everywhere (whole computer) or Search This Branch (current location including
subfolders) or Search Here (current location excluding subfolders). The options are found at the
bottom of the button's dropdown menu.
Of course, the buttons also have a right-click menu with various useful commands.
The Toolbar buttons also have a right-click menu with various useful commands:
Edit Tag List...: Manually edit the tag list.
Update Tag List: Update the tag list to the tags currently used in tag.dat.
The Catalog offers Click and Tag via its right-click menu: Automatically add all Tags (or Labels) used
in the tags database to the Catalog and enjoy one-click tagging -- the most convenient way to tag
The Catalog also offers Click and Search for Tags and Labels via its right-click menu. See Click and
See Usage here below for more ways to handle Tags.
You may as well attach individual comments of virtually any size to your files and folders.
Unlike labels, comments are not taken from a closed set. You can have thousands of different
comments, and they can be as long as you like.
In the file list, in Details View, tags (Labels, Tags, Comments) are displayed in individual columns (show
them using menu View | Columns), which can be sorted and thus used to group items according to
their tags.
Note that you can add or edit tags directly in the file list by clicking into the respective column: A Left-
click in the Label column will set/unset (toggle) the current Label. A Right-click in the Label, Tag, or
Comment column will pop a context menu with several options. Note that the latter needs
340 XYplorer Help
Configuration | Tags | Popup by tag columns right-click enabled, and Full Row Select (in menu
Tools | Customize List) should be disabled for the list.
File Operations
During file operations within XYplorer the tags are preserved in the most natural ways possible. Note
that any file operations occurring outside of XYplorer will obviously not have the tags preserved (even
for items in the current location with auto-refresh enabled).
Moving Items
Moving items, the tags will move along with the items. When moving an item and replacing an already
existing one, any existing tags from source items will be set to destination items, replacing any
previously existing tags on the destination items. If a source item does not have a tag, but the
previously existing destination item does, they will be preserved.
Copying Items
Copying items, by factory default the tags will not be copied along with the items, in an effort to keep
your database tidy and avoid multiplying tags which could eventually slow things down. Any previously
existing items will keep their original tags.
However, you can enable copying tags by ticking Configuration | Tags | Copy tags on copy
operations or Configuration | Tags | Copy tags on backup operations. Tip: Tick Configuration | Tags
| Confirm copying tags and you are prompted before any tags are copied from the source items to the
target items.
Renaming Items
Deleting Items
You can search items by tags using the Tags tab in the Find Files tab in the Info Panel.
All tag data are retained across sessions and stored in one file, tag.dat, located in the application data
folder. The file is kept in an open, simple, and human-friendly text format (UTF-16 Text File) so that you
can easily edit it manually using an editor or programmatically using any scriptable software.
OLD VERSION, NOW OBSOLETE: File Format of the XYplorer Tag Database (version 2 -- till
Line 2: Label schemes, separated by ";". Each scheme: Name|TextColor|BackColor. Colors are in
Line 3: (empty)
OLD VERSION, NOW OBSOLETE: File Format of the XYplorer Tag Database (version 3 -- from
13.80 till 17.00)
Line 2: (empty)
Line 3: Labels:
Line 4: Label schemes, separated by ";". Each scheme: Name|TextColor|BackColor. Colors are in
Line 5: (empty)
Line 7-11: Extra Tag Definitions: Caption|TypeID|0|0||||| . Some fields are reserved for future use.
OLD VERSION, NOW OBSOLETE: File Format of the XYplorer Tag Database (version 4 -- from
17.10 till 19.60)
Line 2: (empty)
Line 3: Labels:
Line 4: Label schemes, separated by ";". Each scheme: Name|TextColor|BackColor. Colors are in
Line 5: (empty)
Line 7-11: Extra Tag Definitions: Caption|TypeID|0|0||||| . Some fields are reserved for future use.
CURRENT VERSION: File Format of the XYplorer Tag Database (version 5 -- from 19.70 onwards)
Line 2: (empty)
Line 3: Labels:
Line 4: Label schemes, separated by ";". Each scheme: Name|TextColor|BackColor. Colors are in
Line 5: (empty)
Line 7-22: Extra Tag Definitions: Caption|TypeID|0|0||||| . Some fields are reserved for future use.
Sort Order. The tagged item lines must be in binary ascending sort order (A < B ... < a < b ...). If you
manually edit tag.dat and are unsure about the correctness of the sort order, you can have the data
sorted by using "Options | Database Check..." in Configuration | Tags.
Capitalization matters. You must care for the right capitalization of the file names. Reason: For better
performance, the comparisons are done by byte, not by character.
Portable Tags
Extra Tags
Additionally to the above Label, Tags, and Comment, you get 16 optional Extra Tags, that can be
shown in the file list as Extra Columns. Via clicking into these extra columns (or via scripting) you can
assign user data of various formats (free text, checkboxes, rating stars, date stamps, linked locations,
and more; see Extra Column Types below) to any file and folder. By these data you can then sort the
file list and find files across your system at lightning fast speed.
Show the columns just like the other regular columns: via menu View, or via right-clicking the
currently shown column headers (not with Size and Date columns, which show their special context
menu), or the zone right of the column headers.
Edit the column type by right-clicking the header of the column you want to edit (see below).
Edit the content of the columns by right-clicking the cell you want to edit.
There is scripting support: See the scripting commands ExtraTag and Tag.
The extra tags support all characters (even line feeds) with one exception: the pipe (|).
Right click: If other files are selected than the clicked file then only apply to the clicked file, else apply to
all selected files.
Each extra column can be set to a certain type. Do this via Configure Extra Column [#]..., available
from the column headers right-click menu. Here you can set the caption and the type of the column.
The extra column type concerns sorting, ways to input data, and the display of the data.
Note that changing a column type will not affect any data in that column or in tag.dat. It will just affect
how the data is displayed and what happens if you click a cell of that column.
Displayed in the current Date column format. Stored in tag.dat in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.fffffff,
local time (not converted to UTC; reasons: performance and readability). Kept in memory also in
format yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.fffffff (nicely sortable). Predefined options to set Current Date, and
Created Date, Modified Date, Accessed Date of the right-clicked item.
Two states, internally "1" and "" (empty), displayed as a checkbox. Left-click toggles the state.
Rating Stars
Ratings (one to five) are printed as stars (Unicode character U+2605). Predefined options in right-click
Pop-up List
Closed set of string values (defined in tag.dat section Extra Tags). Selectable via right-click, menu
options. The set of string values is editable via Configure Extra Column [#]..., available from the
column headers right-click menu.
Location (folder or file, or anything that can be fed into the Address Bar; one per line). You can add
more than one location. On left-click XYplorer will go to the first location. On right-click all locations are
offered as menu options. Editable via right-click, multi-line edit box.
"Test" E:\Test\
"A" E:\Test\A.txt
"Say Hi" echo "hi";
Location columns also support scripts as locations (just like the Address Bar). In a location column
script you can refer to the clicked cell (item and column) by these temporary variables:
<taggeditem> resolves to the item (full path) that is being tagged via clicking a column
<taggedcolumn> resolves to the column caption that is being tagged via clicking a column
::echo <taggeditem>;
This type lets you tag particular files with particular icons (shown in the Extra Column in the file list). A
visually strong way to mark files. The syntax is identical to that in Custom Columns of format "Icon".
Main Topics / Labels, Tags, Comments, and Extra Tags 345
Of course, you can find files by Extra Tags. The field prefixes to use are either "ex1" to "ex16" (the
current column names are irrelevant), or the actual (and localized to your interface language) column
captions. The matching is done as simple text matching with wildcard support (as e.g. in the Name or
the Comment field). Of course, Multi Field Search is fully supported.
For example, to find all Text files associated with "Byron" in the "Author" column (Extra 1) you can use
either of these search terms (the leading colon specifies the term as a Boolean search).
ex2: >= 5
Dates should be stated in yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss format since they are also stored in that format. For
the comparison you can skip any part of the right side, e.g. (if Extra 5 is of type Date):
ex:data (finds all items with any extra field set to "data")
See also Search only among Tagged Items under Find Files by Tags.
All reporting functions in the Report tab (Info Panel) support the extra columns. Additional options are
offered by scripting command report().
Your team mate comments a file in his file manager and you see that comment in your file manager right
away? That's not a dream anymore. With the new XYplorer you enter the wonderful world of streamlined
Multi-User-Tagging. And to set it up will take you about 5 minutes.
The following 4 steps are all it takes to create a Multi-User-Tagging (MUT) network:
Step 1: Understand the Structure. Each team member needs a copy of XYplorer installed on his local
Windows. The tags database is a single file that will be kept in a central location accessible to each
member of the network. That location would typically be an UNC path pointing to a shared folder, for
example "\\North\Share\XY\SharedTags.dat". Nothing to do yet, just understand the structure.
Step 2: Connect to the Database. Now create the shared database using the command Tags | Load
Tags Database.... Enter the full path, e.g. "\\North\Share\XY\SharedTags.dat" (use any name you like). If
the database does not exist yet using that command will create it, else it will open it. Now that the
database exists each member of the network can connect to it using that same command Tags | Load
Tags Database... and same full path in his XYplorer instance.
346 XYplorer Help
Step 3: Show the Columns. To each member: To actually see the tags in the file list do the following: Go
to folder containing tagged files or files to be tagged. Select Details View in the file list. Then use
command View | Columns | Show Columns... to show the columns (tags) you are interested in. Note that
you can drag the columns to new positions if you please.
Step 4: Automate the Synchronization. The finishing touch is to have any changes in the shared tags
automagically appear in each member's XYplorer instance in real time. To enable this feature the
checkbox Tools | Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags has to be ticked in the member's
XYplorer instance.
If all is set up right, each member of the team will see the same tags on the same files, and if any
member changes any of them, the others will see the change in real-time in their instance of XYplorer.
Main Topics / Catalog 347
4.17 Catalog
The Catalog is the answer: here you can grow your own personal tree. Your favorite locations are deep
down in some heavily nested structures? Lift them to the surface! Side by side with locations from the
other end of your hard disk. You can navigate by the Catalog (finally a one-click favorite solution!) and
you can drop onto the Catalog's items.
Selected List Item(s). Will create a new catalog category auto-named to "List Items", and add to it all
items currently listed/selected in the List. Note that the items are added in the order in which there are
currently shown. This feature allows you, for example, to easily store search results for later reuse.
Current Mini Tree. Will create a Category containing all unexpanded folders of the currently selected
Mini Tree branch (the command is not available if Mini Tree is off). The first folder is set to the current
Favorites Folders and Favorite Files. a little service to give you quick start into the Catalog in case
you are upgrading from a previous XYplorer version and already have a nice Favorites collection.
Tabs. Imports all open Tabs into a new Category called "Tabs". Search Results and locked tabs are
skipped. It's the complementary function to "Open Folders in Tabs" (see below).
Click and Tag: Labels. Adds all currently defined Labels to the Catalog as a new "Click and Tag:
348 XYplorer Help
Labels" Category. The items in this category can be used for tagging. Click them to assign the Label to
all selected files.
Click and Tag: Tags. Adds all Tags used in the tags database to the Catalog as a new "Click and Tag:
Tags" Category. The items in this category can be used for tagging. Click them to assign the Tag to all
selected files.
Add Tag: Click and Tag to add the clicked item's current tags with the clicked tag.
Set Tag: Hold CTRL when doing Click and Tag to replace the clicked item's current tags with the
clicked tag.
Remove Tag: Hold SHIFT when doing Click and Tag to remove the clicked tag from the clicked item.
Click and Search: Labels. Adds all currently defined Labels to the Catalog as a new "Click and Search"
Category. See Click and Search.
Click and Search: Tags. Adds all Tags used in the tags database to the Catalog as a new "Click and
Search" Category. See Click and Search.
Update Category: All tag-related categories (Click and Tag, Click and Search) and their items have a
command "Update Category" in their context menu. Click it to update the items listed in the category
to the latest state of the tags database.
Under Insert as New Item(s) Here you find the following commands:
Selected List Item(s). Will add all items currently listed/selected in the List to the current Category.
Note that the items are added in the order in which there are currently shown. This feature allows you,
for example, to easily store search results for later reuse.
Current Mini Tree. Will create a new Item consisting of an auto-generated loadtree() script line
containing all unexpanded folders of the current Mini Tree (the command is not available if Mini Tree is
off). The first folder is set to the current folder. This is a slick way to save a Mini Tree for later usage
within a single Catalog Item. If you later click this item, the Mini Tree is loaded.
Current List Columns. Will create a new Catalog item consisting of an auto-generated setcolumns()
script line containing the complete definition of the currently visible columns including their widths. If
you later click this item the columns are loaded into the current list.
Current Tree Folder, Current Address Bar Text, Current Tab Location, Clipboard Items. Self-
Duplicate Item. Will insert a copy of the current item above the current item.
Buttons In Catalog
You can easily add toolbar buttons with their icons, captions, and functionality to the Catalog. Simply
add the button key prefixed by ":" to the Location field of the Catalog item. Everything else can be left
empty and at the default values.
Main Topics / Catalog 349
:back = Back
:fore = Forward
:dice = Random Order (resorts the list)
:qns = Quick Search (opens the dialog)
:rfo = Recent File Operations (pops a menu)
:cofi = Enable Color Filters (toggles the state)
With the exception of the pressed state effect these Catalog Buttons have all the properties of the
real toolbar buttons including left- and right-click menus.
Note: To get the original right-click menu of Toolbar buttons you right-click the icon of a Button In
Catalog. For the normal Catalog Item right-click menu you right-click the caption, or you hold CTRL
while right-clicking the icon.
Tip: To find out the button keys hold CTRL and mouse-over the button in the toolbar. The key is shown
in the tooltip. Or hold CTRL while you click Tools | Customize Toolbar...: The button keys are shown in
the list along with the captions.
(1) Go to Location: go to the file or folder the catalog item is pointing to.
(2) Open Item: open the file the catalog item is pointing to. An EXE file will be launched; any other file
type will be opened with the associated application (minding XY's own file associations). As visual
feedback you'll see an overlay on the item's icon.
(3) Open selected List item(s) with Application: will open all currently selected List item(s) with the
application the catalog item is pointing to. As visual feedback you'll see an overlay on the item's icon.
Simply enter the application into the application field! Short forms are allowed for registered
applications, so these lines will work the same (if the path is okay, of course):
Command Line Parameters are fully supported. If you use them, the application must be in quotes. As
an example, the following term in the application field...
... will pack all selected files into an archive called "test.zip", when you choose the action "Open
selected List item(s) with Application" (and when you have WinZip installed). See the chapter "User-
350 XYplorer Help
Opening folders and files using the Catalog: You'll find a command in the catalog items' context menu
called "Open Selected List Item(s)". It is only enabled if the item is an application. The currently
selected list item(s) will be opened with that application item you right-clicked in the Catalog.
Alternatively Ctrl+Shift+Click an application item. Note: The application will open minimized or in the
background. Or press Ctrl+Shift+Enter on the selected application item. This way, the application will
open in the foreground.
Dropping on a category heading (cursor turns to a white-on-black cross) will add the dragged item(s)
to that category (appended at the bottom).
Dropping onto the Catalog: Works just like dropping on Tree and List. When drag-hovering over
unexpanded category it is auto-expanded; the original expansion state is restored afterwards. What
happens depends on the drop target:
Drop on items pointing to a folder: will move or copy the dropped items into that folder.
Drop on items pointing to an application (i.e. an EXE file): will open the dropped items with that
Drop on items pointing to an archive (i.e. an ZIP file): will add the dropped items to the archive.
You can as well use Ctrl+V to paste items from the clipboard into the current item of the Catalog.
Dropping onto the Scripts: You can as well drop items onto scripts in the Catalog. The variable <get
drop [separator=CRLF]> returns the dropped items and can be used in the script to process the
dropped items. Here are two sample scripts to illustrate the usage of <get drop>:
The <get drop> variable is cleared after the script is processed, so it cannot be used after the drop
event is completed.
If the script contains no <get drop> variable it is run nevertheless just as if you clicked the Catalog
Copying from the Catalog: So you think to copy an item to the clipboard you have to go and fetch it
where it lives? Not anymore! Now you can order it from the Catalog: Simply right-click it (left-click would
go to it) in the Catalog and choose the new "Copy" (Ctrl+C) command in the context menu. If the
destination property of that item (file or folder) is copyable (and not a Quick Search, URL, Computer
etc.) it will be copied to the clipboard and ready for pasting. But it gets even better...
Copy All Items in Category: You can copy all items contained in a Catalog category at once! Simply
select a category and press Ctrl+C, or choose the "Copy All Items in Category" command from the
Main Topics / Catalog 351
category's context menu. Note that, of course, only files and folders are copyable, but not drives, Quick
Searches, or web-URLs.
This little feature is a revolutionary new way to quickly and repeatedly copy distributed items onto the
clipboard by a single click. You just have to collect them one single time under a catalog category, and
they are ready for repeated joint copying. Note: of course, if you happen to have same-named items
(from different locations, naturally) on the clipboard you'll run into a collision-situation when pasting
Open Folders in Tabs: This feature allows you to easily add a sets of tabs. Selecting the command
from the Context Menu will create a new background tab for each folder contained within the
Category. Items pointing to anything but straight folders (like non-existing-folders, files, searches,
scripts, filters, etc.) are ignored.
Make Mini Tree From Folders: Will create a Mini Tree from all valid folders found within the Category.
(1) If Mini Tree is not active it will be activated by this command (if any folders are found within the
(2) The current tree folder will be set to the first (from top) folder found within the Category.
(3) Portable Paths, XYplorer Native Variables and Environment Variables are supported.
Colors: For visual grip you can totally control the Catalog's colors per item. Select "Properties" in the
context menu of an item.
Icons: You can define the icon for each Catalog item. Simply append any file spec to the Caption in
Properties, separated by a | (pipe). It can be an icon file or any other file or folder with associated
system icon. XYplorer native variables, environment variables, and portable paths are supported. For
example: Love|E:\Test\Kiss.ico. You can as well reference internal icons (toolbar icons) using ":" as
prefix, for example: Add Tags|:tagsadd.
You can also state an image file (GIF, JPG, PNG) for the custom item icon (defined in the Caption field,
appended to the caption separated by |). It can be a full path, or just a filename (auto-resolved to the
default icons path <xyicons>). Note that there is no caching. So if you use a large file for this image,
there will be delays even when you hover the mouse over the item.
Tip: Keys to toolbar icons, e.g. [tagsadd], can be seen in square brackets when choosing Customize
Toolbar from the right-click menu of a user button. Paths are resolved relative to the Icons Path
(default: <xydata>\Icons).
Tip: You can define the color for a circle drawn as background to your icon. This can be useful in Dark
Mode where some dark icons otherwise tend to disappear in the darkness. See here for the syntax.
352 XYplorer Help
Memory: Of course, the Catalog is saved between sessions (if you enable "Save settings on exit", and
unless you "Exit without Saving"). The data are stored in a file called "Catalog.dat" located in the
"Catalogs" subfolder in the application data path.
You can switch catalogs on the fly and manage any number of Catalog resources. You find the usual
commands in the right-click menu of any Catalog Category and of an empty Catalog in the submenu
New: Create a new empty Catalog. The initial filename defaults to "<xydata>\Catalogs\CatalogNew
[##].dat", where [##] is a number suffix that makes it a unique name. You are prompted to save
any changes if the current Catalog is dirty.
Open...: Open an existing Catalog file, after saving any changes in the current Catalog. If you
choose a filename that does not exist, a new empty Catalog of that name is created. You are
prompted to save any changes if the current Catalog is dirty.
Revert to Saved: Reload the current Catalog from file without saving any changes first.
Save Copy As...: Save a copy of the current Catalog under a new name, without making this the
current Catalog. Useful for making quick backups.
Import Catalog...: Here you can import other catalogs into the current catalog at the position right
before the currently selected category.
Export Category...: Here you can export the current category as a self-contained catalog. This one-
category-catalog can later be imported, but also be loaded stand-alone.
Recently Used Catalogs: At the bottom of the Catalog submenu you find the most recently used
Catalogs. They can be managed via menu Tools | List Management | Recent Catalogs. Note that the
most recently used Catalogs are also found in the context menu of the Catalog toolbar button.
You can include any number of catalogs in the current catalog. Contrary to imported catalogs (using
the Import command) included Catalogs are read-only and kind of temporary: Their contents are not
saved with the parent catalog, and you can remove them from the master catalog at any time. On the
other hand, as long you don't explicitly remove them they are retained across sessions (i.e. they are
auto-included in the current catalog on start up).
Main Topics / Catalog 353
The category context menu features a new submenu "Include" where you find commands to open a
catalog to include, and to Reload or Unload all included catalogs (Open Catalog to Include, Reload
All Included Catalogs, Unload All Included Catalogs).
At the bottom of the menu you find a MRU list of recently included catalogs. A click on any of them will
include it with the current catalog. If it is already included, it will be reloaded (updated).
Tip: You can edit this list in Tools | List Management | Recently Included Catalogs.
Above that MRU list, catalogs that are currently included are shown with a checkmark. To unload any
of them simply click on their name (as if to remove the checkmark).
Both lists are limited to 8 items, although the number of included catalogs is not limited.
In the Catalog, included items are marked by a colored square symbol at the right end of the row. 6
colors are predefined and cycled if more are needed, i.e. items from the 7th include source will get
the same color as items from the 1st source.
Included Catalogs are not simply appended or inserted, but merged into the master catalog, so that
items from different catalogs are combined within the same categories.
The current and the included catalog are compared category by category. If a category with the
same caption (case-sensitive) already exists the items inside the included category are appended to
the existing category. If a category does not exist yet, it is appended to the existing categories with
all its items.
After merging you can move the position of the included items just like normal items. But note that
the new positions won't be retained across sessions as the catalogs are freshly included at next
start up.
You may also alter the Properties of a included item. However, also these edits are not retained
across sessions! You are warned about this in the Edit dialog.
When XYplorer is closed with included catalogs, their names are stored in the INI file (but their
contents are not saved since they are read-only), and they are freshly reloaded (included) on next
start up.
On exporting included categories (or categories containing included items), they will be locally saved
as normal catalogs.
Also when duplicating included categories or items, the "included nature" is not inherited.
The MRU list of included catalogs is stored in a portable manner, so you can carry included catalogs
around on a USB stick without problem (the drive letter is not hard-coded).
This is mainly a company-oriented feature. Employees can access read-only catalogs that are
centrally stored on a server and thus include extended functionality such as scripts, links, drop
354 XYplorer Help
However, the feature also provides an elegant way to temporarily load read-only functionality into
the interface.
Supported protocols
The Catalog (just like the Address Bar!) supports the http[s]:// protocol and the file:/// protocol.
These files are executed by the Shell, so http[s]:// URLs are opened by your default browser whereas
file:/// URLs are opened by the associated application. Which means:
You can add URLs to the Catalog and they'll work just like web favorites. One-click surfing! And you
can add files to the Catalog and they'll work just like links. One-click-opening!
Add a category to the Catalog and open the category's Properties dialog via its right-click menu. Now
in the Advanced frame:
Use category for searching: Tick this to enable the feature, i.e. to turn the category into a Click and
Search category.
Operator: Here you can define the Boolean operator to be used in a Combined Search (see below):
AND or OR.
Location: Here you can state the location to be searched. Leave the field empty to always search the
current location. Enter * (asterisk) to search the whole PC.
In the Location field you can also enter search switches (after the path if there is one). So here is the
place to control whether the search is recursive (/r) or not (/n), or whether only the tags database
should be searched (/t). Examples for Location:#
E:\Test = search E:\Test (Include Subfolders is taken from the setting in the Find
Files tab)
E:\Test /r = search E:\Test (Include Subfolders)
E:\Test /n = search E:\Test (Do Not Include Subfolders)
E:\Test;E:\Pics = search E:\Test and E:\Pics
/r = search the current location (Include Subfolders)
/n = search the current location (Do Not Include Subfolders)
* = search the whole PC
/t = search the tags database only (for items in the current location)
* /t = search the tags database only (for items anywhere)
* /T = search the tags database only (for items anywhere), the patterns are Tags
* /L = search the tags database only (for items anywhere), the patterns are Labels
All items in a Click and Search category are expected to contain search patterns. You can add the items
manually (Tip: Press INS to quickly add an item), or automatically (see below).
In each item you enter a search pattern into the field "Pattern". Here are some examples for search
356 XYplorer Help
!*.png (NOT *.png)
prop:#AspectRatio: 16:9
jazz seen as tag if Location has switch /T
red seen as label if Location has switch /L
a* OR b* /n name is a* or b* (a Boolean term, with switch "no recurse")
dateM: !dw 6-7 NOT modified on a weekend
ageM: 1 d modified yesterday
ageM: 1 w modified last week
Clicking an item will run the search (functionally it's identical to a Quick Search) for location defined in
the Location field, or, if none is defined, for the current location.
Combined Searches
Additionally to running the category items individually you can also combine the items in one search.
The items can be individually enabled via checkboxes. Clicking the category will run a combined
search of all ticked items.
A combined search can be either AND- or OR-combined. This can be configured in the category's
Properties dialog (see above).
Toggling the state of any item's checkbox will also run a combined search. Hold CTRL to suppress this
This feature becomes particularly interesting in combination with tags. See next paragraph.
Tag Clouds
Now for something completely wonderful. The Catalog right-click menu has a command Insert as New
Category Here | Tags by which you can add all Tags used in the tags database to the Catalog as a
new "Click and Search" Category. The Location defaults to whole PC, tags database only, and the
operator to "AND".
Voilà, now you can list your tagged files in a most natural way, just like you know it from tag clouds.
Label Clouds
The same is available for Labels. The Catalog right-click menu has a command Insert as New Category
Here | Labels by which you can add all Labels defined in the tags database to the Catalog as a new
"Click and Search" Category. The Location defaults to whole PC, tags database only, and the operator
to "OR" (no file can have more than one label at the same time).
Main Topics / Click and Search 357
Note that, contrary to the "Tags" category, also labels are listed that are currently not assigned to any
item. This is done because getting an empty list when searching "Urgent" is an agreeable experience
you should be allowed to have.
Comments as Captions
When clicking a category item the caption of that item (if there is any) will be passed as comment (if
there is none already). That way you get the caption of the CAS item in the Quick Search bar which
looks kind of natural and slick.
358 XYplorer Help
Objects/Files Found
Displays the number of objects currently listed in List. In Browse mode this is the number of objects
within the current folder, in Find mode the number of objects found.
Displays the bytes sum of all currently selected items in List. If nothing is selected, the bytes sum of all
items is shown.
Displays the icon and name of the currently focused item (file or folder). By double-clicking these items
you can copy them to the clipboard.
Version in the Status Bar: Tick Configuration | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Show version
information in the Status Bar to show the embedded version information of executables, DLLs, DRVs,
etc. (if they have any) right in the Status Bar on selecting such a file.
If nothing is selected, the used and free bytes of the current drive are shown.
During File Find the same section gives you feedback on the progress of the search by displaying the
name of the currently searched location. When the find is finished, the used time is shown, and the
number of files scanned (this is the number of all files that match at least the Name filter of the
Live Filter Box in Status Bar: Here you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is
shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar.
Show Exact Bytes in Status Bar: Here you can toggle whether the exact byte count is shown in
parentheses additionally to the rounded byte count.
Smart Section Sizing: Here you can toggle whether the middle section smartly negotiates the
available space with the right section. In other words, the right-most section of the Status Bar auto-
adjusts its left position to show as much as possible of its contents. Useful if you have a smaller
Use Status Bar Template: Tick it to actually use the template defined in "Configuration | Colors and
Styles | Templates | Status Bar".
Main Topics / Status Bar 359
Ctrl+Right-click: When you hold CTRL and right-click a section you get a mini menu with one command
"Copy Status to Clipboard". Lets you collect this data.
Horizontal Swipe Toggles the Preview Pane: If ticked you can left-button-drag the Status Bar left/
right to open/close the Preview Pane. The action is fired when you drag more than 8 pixels
Vertical Swipe Toggles the Info Panel: If ticked you can left-button-drag the Status Bar up/down to
open/close the Info Panel. The action is fired when you drag more than 8 pixels vertically.
If "Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left" is ticked then of course you drag to the right
to open the pane, and to the left to close it.
You can undo/redo the last action while the mouse is held down, so you can quickly open and close
the Preview Pane by a slick mouse move (or finger move if you have a touch screen).
Status Log
The Status Log logs all changes in the right-most Status Bar section. The command Show Status Log
in the right-click menu of the Status Bar will show the log.
The Status Log does not grow forever but auto-cycles at 1024 entries (= when a new entry is added
the oldest one is dumped).
You can independently customize the font size of the Status Bar by Ctrl+Wheel over the Status Bar.
360 XYplorer Help
Clicking the button will open the Background Jobs dialog (see below). The button also has a right-click
menu with some handy commands.
The "Background Jobs" button is only shown when background processing is enabled (Configuration |
File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing | Enable background processing).
The status is auto-updated each second. You can force an immediate update by pressing F5.
Pause queue
You can completely pause the queue using the checkbox "Pause queue". Jobs that are already in
progress are not affected by pausing. On unpause the processing starts with the next pending queued
The setting is also available in the context menu of the Background Jobs button.
When you close XYplorer all pending jobs in a paused queue are forgotten. You are prompted whether
you really want to purge the jobs.
Main Topics / Status Bar Buttons 361
Note: Pausing only affects *queued* (pending and new) jobs. If Queue file operations is off then new
background jobs will be started immediately regardless of the state of "Pause queue".
Tip: While the queue is paused you can still add new jobs to the queue. Once the queue is to your liking
you can release the Pause and go have a coffee while your machine is working the queue.
Here you can view the list of each job's source files.
Skip Job
Here you can temporarily or permanently skip pending jobs. A job will not be started as long as it is
You can unskip a job at any point in time. If other jobs are in progress while you unskip a job then it
will be started whenever its turn comes.
This command is only present in the context menu of paused pending jobs. It allows you to single-click-
start a particular job from a paused queue, regardless of the paused state and regardless of the
original queue order.
The command is also available on the context menu of skipped jobs, so if you change your mind and
want to do a skipped job now you don't need to unskip it first. Simply click "Start Job Now".
Properties Tab
Version Tab
Meta Tab
Preview Tab
Raw View Tab
Tags Tab
Find Files Tab
Report Tab
Properties Tab
Gives you various information on the selected file.
Tip You can copy virtually any information on this tab by double-clicking it.
Double-clicking the key copies key and value, double-clicking the value
copies just the value.
Tip To read a value that is too long to be fully displayed, position the
mouse over this values to see the complete string in a tooltip.
Pretty self-explaining: you know this stuff from the Explorer Properties dialog.
The filename in bold: Right-clicking the bold filename (i.e. the name of the selected item) pops a small
Main Topics / Info Panel 363
Copy Name with Path: Copies this filename with path to the clipboard.
Show Character Table: Click it to get a vertical list of the characters and their Unicode ordinals in
decimal and hexadecimal, and their utf8 sequences. It also shows short descriptions for the
Directional Formatting Codes, e.g. "Right-to-Left Override" for U+202E.
Convert to ASCII: See Rename Special | Convert to ASCII (only enabled if the filename contains
extended ASCII (ANSI) or Unicode characters).
Size on Disk: Files use up disk space by clusters, not by file bytes, taking into account compressed and
sparse files.
Contents: If a folder is selected Size shows the total bytes of all contained files (subfolders included),
and Contents tells you the number of files and folders found below this folder. This feature has to be
explicitly activated in configuration since for large deeply nested folders it takes some time to gather
this info.
Any embedded icons are extracted from a selected file and displayed (embedded icons are typically
found in EXE and DLL files).
Clicking any of the three file times on Properties tab will activate the interface to actually set those
times to the currently selected file(s). Note that you can call the Date Picker by pressing F1 inside
those text boxes.
Press ENTER or click the green icon to set the new time-stamp (the changed time-stamps are applied
to all currently selected files), or press ESC or click the red icon to cancel and reset the display to the
original state.
Under NTFS the milliseconds in file times will be set to 0 (zero) when you touch a file date and do not
pass milliseconds (see below).
Under VFAT (Win95a), FAT, and FAT32, dates before 1980 and after 2107 cannot be set, and dates
28.02.2106 - 31.12.2107 set the file time to "unknown".
You can use the pseudo date 0 (zero) to set a file time to the lowest possible value.
Milliseconds Support
Time-stamping fractions of a second (up to 7 decimal digits) is supported. The fraction should be
appended to the time expression separated by a dot. The following example stamps the selected files
364 XYplorer Help
2013-05-28 14:13:23.888
If "Show Milliseconds" is enabled (Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format) then the file dates on
the Properties Tab always show the full precision of seven decimal places, regardless of the precision
shown in the file list.
By appending "Z" (or "z") you can mark the time expression as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This
way you can modify the UTC date of a file directly (as it is internally used by NTFS). For example, this
will set the modified date to UTC 12:00 today (displayed as 14:00 in Germany with Daylight Saving
Time in effect):
That way you can guarantee the same universal timestamp regardless of any DST (Daylight Saving
Time) offset in effect. Very nice for software developers with a global market.
The ISO 8601 formats for UTC and time offsets from UTC are supported. The following time expressions
all refer to the same point in time:
2013-05-14 10:00:00+02:00
2013-05-14 08:00:00+00:00
2013-05-14 08:00:00Z
2013-05-14 03:00:00-05
2013-05-13 23:00:00-0900
2013-05-13 20:00:00-12:00
Click the green icon to set the new attributes (applied to all currently selected files), or click the red
icon to cancel and reset the display to the original state.
Version Tab
Main Topics / Info Panel 365
Pretty self-explaining: you know this stuff from the Explorer Properties dialog.
Tip You can copy virtually any information on this tab by double-clicking it.
Double-clicking the key copies key and value, double-clicking the value
copies just the value.
Note If the version tab is empty, the selected file has no version info. Version
information is typically contained in EXE, DLL, DRV, OCX etc. files.
Meta Tab
Here some basic file-specific metadata provided by the shell are displayed. The default metadata layouts
differ by file type (images, audio, and so on...).
A shortcut file (LNK) is resolved and the meta data of the target is displayed.
Right-click offers "Show in Popup" (handy if you want to select and copy particular metadata) and "Copy
to Clipboard".
Preview Tab
Here you can preview files of the following types: Text Files, Office Files, Web Files, Font Files, Icon
Files, Image Files, Audio Files, and Video Files. All previews are invoked by selecting a file in the List
by left-mouse click or keyboard. No preview is shown when you select a file with the right mouse button.
Text > Office > Web > Font > Icon > Image > Audio > Video
So, to preview HTML as Web File (like in a browser), go to Configuration | Previewed Formats and
366 XYplorer Help
uncheck HTML under "Text Files" and check it under "Web Files". If you want to preview HTML as source
code leave it checked under "Text Files".
Note that also shortcuts (LNK files) are resolved and then previewed where applicable.
Invoking a preview needs the Preview tab selected and visible. Press F12 to show the Info Panel
containing that tab.
Tip To enlarge or shrink the display area, use the horizontal splitter, which is
the 3 pixel high line located just above the Info Panel tabs, and below
the status area for the list. When positioned on the splitter, your cursor
will become double headed arrows.
Text preview
Preview more than 50 different plain text formats. For huge text files only the first 5 MB are shown for
performance reasons.
In the dropdown menu on the Preview tab, you can manually select a different encoding for text file to
preview. Choosing System Default enables auto-detection for UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, and UTF-8. In
parentheses "System Default" shows the Default ANSI Code Page, e.g. "System Default (1252)". Choose
UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-8, and UTF-7 to force decoding the current file in any of these formats.
A couple of Western code pages and East Asian languages using DBCS encoding are also supported.
Click any of the code pages to reload the current file with that specific encoding. When reloading a
previewed text the scroll position is preserved as good as possible.
Word wrap: Wrap lines at window border. Also controls word wrapping of text previews in in the
Floating Preview and in the Preview Pane.
Edit User Code Pages: Here you can add any number of user-defined code pages. You can optionally
also state the line length, aka record size.
General Format:
Remember Selected Code Page: If ticked then you can, for example, set the codepage to Arabic (1256)
and all text previews will use this codepage to interpret the bytes in the file. Advantage: You don't have
to set the system-wide default codepage to Arabic. If unticked then the codepage will automatically
switch back to the system default code page for the next preview.
Main Topics / Info Panel 367
Office preview
Preview for Office files of the following types: *.cdr, *.csv, *.doc, *.docm, *.docx, *.dot, *.dotx, *.dwfx, *.
dwg, *.dxf, *.easmx, *.edrwx, *.eml, *.eprtx, *.eps, *.jtx, *.msg, *.nws, *.odp, *.ods, *.odt, *.one, *.
oxps, *.pdf, *.pot, *.potx, *.pps, *.ppsx, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.rtf, *.sldasm, *.slddrw, *.sldprt, *.wpd, *.wpf,
*.xls, *.xlsm, *.xlsx, *.xlt, *.xltx, *.xps
Web preview
Preview for web files of the following types: *.asp, *.aspx, *.cfg, *.htaccess, *.htm, *.html, *.inc, *.mht,
*.mhtm, *.mhtml, *.php, *.php3, *.php4, *.php5, *.shtml, *.svg, *.svgz, *.swf, *.url, *.xml
From the web preview you can follow links to the internet. It's nothing less than a fully capable browser
based on the Internet Explorer rendering machine.
You can drag pictures from the previewed page to file list: drag with right-mouse or hold CTRL when
start dragging to force a copy operation.
Server Mappings
Configurable server mappings allow you to pass local files through a local web server (eg your local
Apache installation; this server must be running, of course) before displaying them in the preview. In
Configuration | Preview | Web Preview:
In the 1st field enter the local file path where documents are stored, for example: D:\wwwroot\.
In the 2nd field enter, for example, http://localhost/ if using a web server installed on the local system
that's configured to serve files from the path above. Or enter a remote web server address to preview
files that are stored on a remote server. The mapping is a simple string replacement.
Font preview
Preview for installed or uninstalled Windows font files. The following types are supported:
*.pfb; *.pfm = Type-1 fonts (both files must be present in the same path)
Font size selection: Right of the sample text box you find a scrollbar where you can set the font size of
368 XYplorer Help
the first preview line (1-128). Set size to 0 (zero) to hide the first line.
You can activate/deactivate fonts on the fly by simply clicking on the bold font name shown in the font
preview's info frame. Very comfortable for screen and print designers who often need a number of fonts
for a quick one-time job, and do not wish to go through the awkward font installation procedure
provided by Windows while cluttering up their fonts folder with hundreds of never-again-used fonts.
The font file to be activated can sit anywhere. Take care however, that you do not move/delete it while
it is activated, else you can neither use it nor deactivate it.
An activated font file will NOT be copied to the Windows font folder.
The activation/deactivation lasts only for the current Windows session -- no files are moved, the registry
is not touched.
Image preview
Shows a thumbnail for the following image file types:
Note that Codecs for RAW image formats need to be installed on the system (they are not included in
Previewing Animated GIFs is supported since version 12.90 in the Preview tab, in Mouse Down Blow Up,
and in the Floating Preview. The number of frames is displayed in the info section.
Size: the original size of the image in pixels, and the size of the thumbnail.
Colors: maximal number of different colors used in the picture (aka color depth).
Area: space used by the image display in square pixels. Video bytes: number of bytes used up by your
video memory when displaying the image in full size. This number is calculated by multiplying the area of
the image with the current color depth of your monitor. For example: if your system is set to 32-bit (True
color), 4 bytes are used for the display of every pixel.
Compression ratio: tells you the degree of compression of the image file. Percentages below 100 mean
that the file is compressed. This number is calculated like this: FileSize / (Width * Height * (BitsPerColor /
8)), where BitsPerColor is the color depth of the image, not of your display.
Hotspot at: (cursor files only) the position (x, y) of the hotspot, that's the pixel of the cursor image that
corresponds to the exact mouse position.
Icons contained: (icon files only) number of icons contained in the file. Icon and Cursor files can contain
more than one image. (This information is only given when more than image is contained and only for
icons, since it's rare to find multiple images in cursors and there the space is used up already by the
hotspot information.)
Copy Compact Info: copy a one-liner describing the currently previewed file to the clipboard.
370 XYplorer Help
Copy Extended Info: copy all information available on the currently previewed file to the clipboard.
Full Screen: enter full screen mode. Note that you can full screen preview the currently selected image
file even when the Info Panel is hidden by simply pressing Shift+F11!
The Full Screen Preview (Shift+F11) also works for HTML, MHT, URL, NWS, EML, and MSG files in perfect
original size quality. Note that -- just like with thumbnails for non-picture files -- this service depends on
the capabilities of your operating system and the installed software.
Shortcut: Shift+F11
Full screen preview: Press Shift+F11 to see the image in full screen mode. If the image is larger than
the screen it is shrunk to fit. In Configuration | Preview you find options regarding background color,
zooming, and more.
While in full screen mode, you can use the these keys to browse through the images found in the
current list.
Note that the blow up exactly zooms into the point where you downed the mouse. Of course, this
positioning only applies if "Configuration | Preview | Shrink to fit" is OFF.
Note that also the Thumbnails, the Floating Preview, and the Full Screen Preview support Mouse Down
Blow Up.
Installation instructions: run the self-extracting executable file gdiplus_dnld.exe, which you have
downloaded from the above site. When prompted for an unzip folder, click the "Browse..." button and
browse to the directory of XYplorer.exe (probably C:\Program Files\XYplorer\), then click the "Unzip"
Main Topics / Info Panel 371
button and you are done. (Do not copy GdiPlus.dll into the system directory.)
Audio/Video preview
Plays an audio/video file, and shows various information depending on the format of the file:
Size: (for videos only) the original size of the video in pixels, and the size of the thumbnail.
Format: [depends on the type of file] for example: sample rate (Hz), bits per sample, and number of
channels (Mono/Stereo), number of tracks (MIDI).
Track: (CD-Audio only) choose the track you want to play ...
Progress Bar
The progress bar indicates the relative position of the audio/video currently playing. It also allows for
some mouse interaction:
The progress bar's tooltip shows the timeline position of the cursor.
There's keyboard-driven backward and forward. Works in paused and running mode, on audio and
To repeat any particular section of the medium (audio or video), aka "A-B repeat", looping must be
enabled (tick "Play Again"). The section is defined by clicking on the progress bar while the medium is
previewed (no matter whether running or paused):
If a section start is defined then "Go To Beginning" (Shift+Space, or Shift+Click) will go to the beginning
of the section. There is no visual marking of the section.
Both "Play" and "Pause" have identical functionality, namely toggle Play / Pause, with inverse pressed-
Copies a bitmap image (preview size) of the current scene to the clipboard (shoot a film still). Note that
this works while the video is running or stopped.
Important: You cannot snapshot non-AVI videos when you have OS hardware acceleration on! If you
want you have to Adjust Hardware Acceleration. Here's what to do in Win2K, XP, and higher:
2. Select Properties->Settings->Advanced->Troubleshoot
3. Then set the hardware acceleration slider to the third notch (from left) and apply the changes
Note: You cannot rename, copy, move, or delete an audio/video file while it is
playing. The preview is automatically stopped when you start dragging a
More types can be added via Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Categories.
What formats actually work is dependent on the configuration of your local system: the Windows
version, the version of Media Player is installed, the version of Internet Explorer is installed. By rule of
thumb: If WindowsMediaPlayer can play it, XYplorer can play it too.
While previewing an MP3 file you can view and edit its ID3v1-tag. If a file has (also) ID3v2 tags then
those tags are shown and no editing is possible.
Display options
ASCII file options
Word wrap: Wrap lines at window border. Also applies to Extract text (see below).
Extract text: Extract text portions out of binary files. The minimal text length is 5 bytes (smaller text
portions are not displayed because they are probably junk). The left column shows the offset (start
position in file) for each text. Individual texts can be selected and copied (see below). In the header
area, the ordinal of the first currently displayed text is shown.
International: Extracted text includes upper-ASCII characters as used in French, German, Italian,
Portuguese, Scandinavian, and other locales. Useful to grab text from non-english binaries.
Context Menu
Small Font, Large Font, Heavy Font, [Edit Text Font]: Select the font used in Raw View.
Tail: Check it to view the "tail" of a file, i.e. to jump to the end directly after opening the Raw View. Find
the option in the context menu of the Raw View, or in the orange button drop down menu.
Copying lines
Although Raw View is a viewer, not an editor, there is a handy way to select and copy parts of the
374 XYplorer Help
displayed files.
Selecting works line-wise: to un/select a line simply left-click it. Hold the Shift-key to multi-select larger
While you cannot select individual strings as in an editor, you can select as many different lines as you
like, and then copy them to the clipboard in one block.
The copy command is located in the context menu (right-click the view area).
Tip To enlarge or shrink the display area, use the horizontal splitter (the 4
pixel high zone right above the Info Panel).
Tags Tab
This is the main interface for adding and editing Tags (Labels, Tags, Comments) to/of the items currently
selected in the file list.
When you select an item in the file list the three fields are set to the Label, Tags, and Comment of that
item. If more than one item is selected the fields are set to the tags of the focused item.
You can edit the tags in the fields and then apply the edited tags using the Apply button. On Apply all
ticked tags (Labels, Tags, Comments) shown in the Tags tab are applied to all currently selected items
Tip: When you right-click the Apply button, a toggle Apply Changed Tags Automatically appears. Tick it
to have changes to tags applied automatically when another file is focused, without the "Apply Changed
Tags?" prompt.
The Reset button will reset the three fields to the current item's tags.
Tagging Mode
The Tags field has a small dropdown where you can select the tagging mode:
Add Add given tags to the existing tags of all selected items.
Set Replace any existing tags in all selected items with the given tags.
Main Topics / Info Panel 375
Remove Remove given tags from the existing tags of all selected items.
Keyboard Tricks
You can trigger Apply by pressing <enter> right in the edit fields (<ctrl+enter> for Comments). In that
case the tag of this type is applied even if the checkbox is not ticked.
Buttons "Find Now" and "Reset Filters"
Checkboxes "Applied Filters"
Tab "Name & Location"
Mode (Standard, Boolean, RegExp)
Checkboxes modifying the pattern matching (Match Case, Whole Words, Invert, Ignore Diacritics,
Path, Find Hidden)
Multiple Location Search
Search in List
Comparison Operators
Find Files by Size
Find Files by Date and Age
Find Files by Tags (Labels, Tags, Comments)
Find Files by Columns
Find Files by the Size Column Contents
Find Files by Properties
Find Files by Contents
Find Files by Contained Characters
376 XYplorer Help
The Find Files Tab is found on the Info Panel (F12) at the bottom of the application. The Find Files Tab itself
has a couple of subtabs, the so-called filter tabs. Let's start with the main buttons and options right of the
filter tabs.
Note that the button has a right-click menu which allows you to restrict the scope of the search:
Search in Listed Items: Same as entering # into Location (see Search in List). This allows you to
refine a previous search by searching the search results.
Search in Selected Items: Same as entering + into Location (see Search in List).
Reset Filters
Resets all settings on the filter tabs to factory defaults and deactivates all filters.
Untouched remain only the Location settings (Include Subfolders etc.) and the "Search Results to tab"
Tip: There is an optional confirmation prompt. Right-click the button to pop the toggle "Show
Confirmation Prompt" and make your choice.
Applied filters
On the Find Files tab there are a number of sub-tabs. All but the last represent different search
parameters/filters. These filters can be individually activated (applied by the current search process) by
checking the corresponding checkbox below Applied filters. The tab of an active filter has a colored
caption (the color "Marked Text 1" can be defined in Configuration).
A file must pass each active filter to be found. In other words, the logical relationship between the filters
Main Topics / Info Panel 377
is AND.
Note On the first tab (Name & Location), the Location parameter is always
active. Thus, deactivating this tab means you don't care how the file is
named (equivalent to leaving the Name field empty or to entering just an
There's a bit of "smart" automation built in: If you change any setting on a given tab, it is assumed that
you're interested in that filter, and it will be automatically activated.
XYplorer native variables are resolved in the name pattern. So you can search for things like <U+202E> or
(1) Standard
(2) Boolean
(3) RegExp
You can easily switch between modes via the Mode dropdown list, located directly below the Name
dropdown list. "Mode" refers to the way the search pattern is interpreted. For example, in "Boolean"
mode the sequence " & " is interpreted as Boolean AND, whereas in Standard mode it would simply
be interpreted as those three characters.
Note that you can alternatively select the Boolean and RegExp modes by prefixing the name pattern
with : or > and thereby *overwrite* the setting of the Mode dropdown! If you do, the dropdown will
be replaced by a static label reflecting the current mode.
Simple patterns are interpreted as in Windows Explorer: If you state a pattern without wildcards, all
files are found whose name contains this pattern as a substring (equivalent to "*pattern*"). This is
called Loose Match.
Additionally XYplorer also supports Exact Match: If the pattern is quoted, only files are found, whose
name exactly matches the pattern.
You can enter multiple wildcard patterns separated by ";" into the Name field.
Mimics Windows Explorer behavior, where you can enter two or more words separated by blanks and
find all items that match ALL of the strings (i.e. they are AND-combined logically).
For example, "work 2006" (without the quotes) will find all items that have "work" and "2006"
somewhere in their name (regardless of the order). In other words, "work 2006" is internally-smartly-
automatically-conveniently transmutated into the Boolean expression "*work* AND *2006*".
For LBM to work you need this setting ticked: Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch
View | Find Files | Enable smart Boolean query parsing
Note that OR-combining patterns (using ";", see Simple multiple pattern search above) has
precedence over LBM, so the following search term
a;b c
is interpreted as
and not as
Note that parentheses have to be either in quotes or escaped by a prefixed \. To match a file called
"Black & White & Red (122).txt" you can use either of these patterns:
"Black & White & Red (122)*" (Parsed: name:"black & white & red (122)*")
Black & White & Red \(122\) (Parsed: name:"*black*" AND name:"*white*" AND name:"*red
To avoid LBM and find all items containing "work 2006" somewhere in their name enclose it in
asterisks: "*work 2006*".
To avoid LBM and find all items matching "work 2006" exactly put it in quotes (a leading quote is
You can overwrite the default operator precedence by using parentheses (up to 256 nesting levels).
Also complex terms can be negated, for example "!(cat | dog)" is equivalent to "!cat & !dog".
Examples: Sequence of operands can make a difference. Using parentheses can protect you from
Escape parsing
Alternatively you may quote your patterns to protect them from parsing. You must, however, supply all
380 XYplorer Help
needed wildcards in quoted patterns, else they are taken as "exact matches".
:cat | dog
:cat OR dog
Find all files that have cat and dog in the name:
Find all files that have cat but not dog in the name:
Find all files that have neither cat nor dog in the name:
:!(cat | dog)
Note that you can as well use RegExp patterns in Boolean expressions. The RegExps must be
preceded by ">" in that case. Find all files that have ####-#[#]-#[#] in the name and have the
extension *.doc:
Regular Expressions
XYplorer's Find Files gives you the power of Regular Expressions (RegExp).
Prefix > for RegExp To activate the regular expressions mode simply prefix the search term with the
character ">". If Regular Expressions mode is active, all rules described here above do not apply.
Everything after ">" is treated as RegExp. You can still put a "!" before the ">" to invert the results
(logical NOT).
XYplorer supports Boolean RegExp, i.e. you may combine any number of Regular Expressions with
Boolean operators. The Regular Expressions must be quoted in that case and each RegExp needs to
be prefixed with ">", e.g.:
NOT {:Video}
Match Case: Check to do a case-sensitive search (where "A" is not the same as "a"). Note that
Windows Explorer can do only case-insensitive searches ("A"="a").
Whole Words: Check to do a whole word only search. Word delimiters are
Whole word searches can be freely combined with Boolean Logic, Match Case, Check Full Path, Exact
Match (implied in Whole Words anyway), and Invert.
Note that Whole Words cannot be combined with RegExp, and you cannot use wildcards: if the search
pattern contains wildcards Whole Words is internally set to False.
Invert: If checked the search will return everything that does not match your search term.
Ignore Diacritics: Tick it to match a pattern "Koln" with files "Koln.txt" and "Köln.txt" and "Kóln.txt"
etc. Note that all accented characters (i.e. characters with diacritics) in the name pattern AND in the
tested filenames are reduced to their base characters before the matching is performed. So an
accented pattern "Köln" would also match files "Koln.txt" and "Köln.txt" and "Kóln.txt" if "Ignore
diacritics" is ticked.
Path: If checked, the search term is compared with the whole path/name instead of the name only.
The term "!\temp\" will exclude all items inside/below a "temp" folder from the results.
382 XYplorer Help
The term ":\keyboard or \mouse" will find all items inside/below a "keyboard*" or "mouse*" folder.
The term ":*\Inbox\*.msg and not *\Inbox\*\*.msg" will find all *.msg files that are located directly
inside all folders named "Inbox".
Note: When the pattern contains backslashes ("\") the Path checkbox does not have to be explicitly
checked to trigger path matching. See Examples for implicit path matching.
Find Hidden: Tick it to find all items regardless of any settings that may currently hide them.
This option is a GUI-based alternative to appending the /a switch to the search pattern (see details
here). So, with "Find hidden" checked, none of the following settings will hide anything from the search
results listing:
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show hidden files and folders
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show system files and folders
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Hide protected operating system files
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show junctions
You can append various switches to the Name pattern, for example to limit the search depth. See
details here.
Tip: Selecting a pattern from the Name dropdown will trigger a search for that patttern. Hold CTRL to
prevent this.
Right of the Name field there's the Type Filter, a dropdown where you can select a general file type to
narrow down the search results to only that type of files. Some of the available file types exactly
correspond to the lists under Configuration | Previewed Formats and even can be extended there.
Web files
Office files
Archive files
Executable files
Any extensions excluded from Preview in Configuration | Previewed Formats are nevertheless used by
the find files type filter.
Note that the types partly overlap, e.g. *.txt is in "Text files" and in "Web files".
Apart from "All types" all type filters will return only files, not directories.
To quickly list e.g. all Images simply select type "Image files" and leave the Name field empty.
Focus the Type Filter field and press F1 for a listing of the contained file types.
The Type Filter field and dropdown support a simple Type Ahead Find. Simply type "t" to select "Text
files", "v" to select "Vector files" or "Video files", etc.
The Location field is automatically set to the current location in Tree (if Auto-Sync is checked, see
below). You may also enter a path manually or select a path from the dropdown list. When you do a
search, the search location is stored in the dropdown list and preserved between sessions. Up to 64
locations are remembered.
Include subfolders
Check this box to include in the search all folders below the Location location.
Maximum depth
Check it to limit the recursion depth of the search. The adjacent dropdown offers 16 depth levels (plus
level "0" which is identical to "do NOT recurse any subfolders). E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search
the current location and 2 levels deeper.
Note: The same functionality is also available as a Search Pattern Switch: /maxdepth (or short form /md
). Now you have it in the GUI as well. If present, the /maxdepth switch overrides the GUI setting.
Similar to "Include subfolders", the search will treat folder links (aka "Shell Links to Folders") as if they
were subfolders and search the links' target directory as well (again recurring it if necessary). This is a
very nice feature. For example, you can cultivate folder link farms, i.e. collections of links to various
folders in the wildest locations, which you then can search all at once by just running a search on their
384 XYplorer Help
parent folder.
How to create a folder link: have the folder in the file list, then choose the Create Shortcut command
from the folder's context menu, then move the newly created *.lnk file where you want to have it.
"Follow folder links" is independent of "Include subfolders" and both can be freely combined.
Note that there's a simple recursion blocker to avoid severe trouble: If a folder link points to a location
that again has a folder link, that 2nd folder link is not followed anymore.
Check this box to always (and now) automatically set the location field to the current location.
Selected Locations
Check this box to enable Multiple Location Search (via selection in the List) If any folders (or folder
links!) are selected in List, the find operation will search these folders (thus ignoring what's currently
entered into the Location dropdown). If no folders are selected, things work as before: Find searches
the currently selected folder in Tree, or the selection in the Location dropdown (if different from Tree
Note that multiple location search also works for find results. Here it is possible to select folders for a
further search where one is a subfolder of the other. In this case, of course, you will probably get
duplicates in the result list.
Multiple location search works also for drives, so if you want to search for example drives C:, E:, and
Z:, simply browse to Computer, select these drives in the list, and click Find (F3).
All Disk Search: To perform a search covering several drives at once, simply enter Computer (or
whatever you called it on your system) into the Location dropdown, or more simple: select the
topmost node of the Tree and you're set. Removable drives (Floppies, CD-ROM, ZIP) are not included
in the search. To exclude specific non-removable drives ("Local Disks"), add their name to the Exclude
Folders list. For example, to exclude drive D, add D:\ to the list.
Location field: Another way to do a search over a bunch of different directories is to simply type a list
of directories, separated by "|" (pipe) or " | " (space-pipe-space; the spaces are optional), into the
location dropdown, for instance: C:\John\Letters\ | C:\Contracts\ | D:\Work\. Alternatively to "|"
you can use ";" (in that case paths can and have to be quoted if they contain ";").
Edit Locations: An easier way to achieve the same is using the Edit Locations dialog that is reached
via the Browse... button's right-click menu. Here you can edit the search location(s) like in an editor.
The dialog has its own Browse button. Selected locations are appended to the ones already present in
the exit box. The Browse dialog is preselected to the last location in the box.
Tip 1: Selecting a location from the dropdown will trigger a search in that location. Hold CTRL to
prevent this.
Main Topics / Info Panel 385
Tip 2: Multi Location Searches also support CRLF (Windows newline sequence Carriage Return + Line
Feed) as an alternative separator. This allows for human-friendlier lists. To enter such list you need to
use a variable, of course, e.g. <clipboard>.
To activate the Name parameter the corresponding checkbox below the Find Now button must be
checked. Location and Include subfolders are, of course, always active.
Search In List
A search mode where you don't search in one or more locations but in a list of items (;-separated)
passed in lieu of the search locations.
This list can contain files (they are directly checked against the search filters) and folders (they are
recursed like in a normal (multi-)location search).
The Search In List (SIL) mode is invoked automatically if any files are found in the list of search
locations. No switch, no setting. It just works.
So, in other much simpler words: You can pass files as search locations and they are directly checked
against the search filters. It's a simple idea but what you can do with it is pretty awesome.
Search In List works in Quick Search and in Find Files. Here are some examples:
Some Quick Search lines to paste into the Address Bar (<selitems ;> returns a list of all selected
items, separated by ";"):
You can also run a search and then another search over the search results of the first search, using
scripting. For example, list all JPGs, then scan the listed JPGs for being last modified in 2014 (
<allitems ;> returns a list of all items, separated by ";"):
Note that the <allitems ;> separator ";" should not be present in any of the item names for the
example to work correctly. To be on the safe side use <allitems |> or # (see below) instead.
Or you can run a search over a hard set of files stored in some file, using a small script, fast non-GUI
operation. ListToSearch.txt contains a list of ;-separated files with full path:
$list = readfile("<xyscripts>\ListToSearch.txt");
One fascinating aspect of the above example is that you can super-quickly check out multiple items
in the wildest locations all over your system without the need to browse the whole locations as in
a normal find operation.
Or you could just make up $results manually by whatever criteria and then list it in the file list
goto "$results?*";
The character # works as a shorthand for <allitems |>, and the character + works as a shorthand
for <selitems |>. These characters are supported in Quick Search and in the Location field of Find
# = Search all items in the current list
+ = Search the select items in the current list
Some Quick Search examples:
To search the current list (which can be a search results list) for all items last modified in 2014 you
can do this through the Address Bar:
#?dateM: y 2014
To search the selected items in the current list (which can be a search results list) for all items last
modified in 2014 you can do this through the Address Bar:
+?dateM: y 2014
To make the search repeatable the searched list has to be stored in tabs and in certain setting files
on disk, just as if it was a simple search location. However, such a list can easily get *very* long. It's
your responsibility to use this feature with prudence.
If a location term is longer than 32767 characters the Location field cannot display the string
anymore and will appear empty. This is a Windows display limitation. It does not affect the
Searching a list of 100 items will take notably longer than searching a location with 100 items. This is
technically unavoidable and the price for the power of this feature.
The switch /l (lower case L) is necessary when your passed list of search locations contains only
folders, no files, AND you want to check these folders against the search criteria. For example, if
ListToSearch.txt contains only folders, this will return all of them starting with "m" and nothing else:
text quicksearch("m* /nl", readfile("C:\Temp\ListToSearch.txt"));
Note that you get *implicit* Search In List whenever the list of passed search locations contains at
least one file. In that case the switch is without any effect.
Comparison Operators
The Name field supports comparison operators. This means you can e.g. list all files from A to M.
Main Topics / Info Panel 387
The operators must be surrounded by spaces and are prefixed to the patterns.
When strings are compared it's about alphabetical order. Find all files before "m":
< m
Find all items from "d.txt" through "m.txt". Watch the double space after AND: Boolean " AND " must be
surrounded by spaces as well! The leading ":" is the inline Boolean search mode marker.
: >= d.txt AND < m.txt
When numbers are compared it's about numerical values. Find all items whose full name (incl. path) is
longer than 100 characters:
Patterns with comparison operators should not contain wildcards; they make no sense here anyway
and will just be treated as characters "*" and "?" in the comparison.
The setting "Whole words" is ignored with patterns using comparison operators. But, of course, the
settings are applied with non-comparison-patterns. E.g., with "Whole words" enabled, the following
term will match "a d.txt" but not "ad.txt", and not "d a.txt" (because it's > c.txt):
:a AND < c.txt
In words: Find all items that contain "a" as a whole word, and are alphabetically sorted before "c.
It does not make sense to combine comparison operators with RegExp patterns; the RegExp will not
be analyzed but simply be used as a string in the comparison.
You can find files by size using the field prefix (selector) "size:". Sure, there is also the "Size" tab (see
below) but this enhancement opens find-by-size to the Quick Search and hence also to Scripting.
Find all files exactly 999 bytes long: size: 999 or size: == 999
The Size field is particularly useful for reducing the work when searching for files with a certain hash
value. When you happen to know the exact size or at least the approximate size of the files you are
looking for you can save a lot of time. For example:
Find all files between 5MB and 6MB AND with a certain hash value (the first colon marks Boolean
You can find files by date and age using the field prefixes (selectors) "dateC:", "dateM:", "dateA:" and
"ageC:", "ageM:", "ageA:" (CMA are for Created, Modified, Accessed). Sure, there is also the "Date"
tab (see below) but this enhancement opens finding files by date to Quick Search, to Scripting, and to
Click and Search.
These examples are ready to paste into the Quick Search box, but beware: valid date syntax depends
on your system locale.
You can find files by attributes using the field prefixes (selectors) "attr" for single attributes and
"attrlist" for a combination of attributes (represented by single letters).
So, for example, now you can search for read-only items like this:
If you look for a combination of attributes, e.g. readonly AND directory, you do it like this:
You can directly search for Labels, Tags, and Comments. Simply prefix the selector "lbl:", "tags:", or
"cmt:" (case does not matter) to the search term in the name field, and the whole term is matched
against the label, tags, or comment of each file instead of against the name.
All other things work as usual, including Boolean and RegExp search.
find all tagged items with label #1 (whatever it is named)
find all tagged items with label "red"
find all tagged items with no label "red"
lbl::"red" or "green"
find all tagged items with label "red" or "green"; the second ":" after "lbl:" is the inline Boolean
search marker
same using "Loose Boolean Match" OR syntax
find all tagged items with "r" in the label
lbl:r a p
find all tagged items with "r" and "a" and "p" in the label, employing the "Loose Boolean Match"
syntax with " " separator as AND
find all tagged items with a tag "cats"
find all tagged items with a tag "cats" AND a tag "dogs" (see more examples here below under
390 XYplorer Help
find all tagged items with no tags
find all items with tag "quotedtag" (including the quotes)
find all tagged items with 2008 or 2009 or 2010 in the comment field, employing the "Loose Boolean
Match" syntax with ";" separator as OR
Loose and Full Boolean: Of course, Tags call for Boolean search terms. This is very easy to do:
tags::cat* OR dog* tag "cat*" OR "dog*" (full Boolean syntax, with Boolean marker
: prefixed)
tags::cat* AND dog* tag "cat*" AND "dog*" (same)
Comma as AND, Pipe as OR: There is a special shorthand syntax that's only applicable for the tags
selector: You can use the comma as an AND operator, and the pipe as an OR operator. Here are some
examples, including possible combinations with Loose Boolean operators ; (OR) and [space] (AND):
The quotes in the last example are necessary because of the space in "m m".
Wildcards in Tags
Tags can have wildcards ("*" or "?") and still be searched for in an easy manner. To enable searching
Main Topics / Info Panel 391
for wildcards you use the switch /v ("verbatim") which tells the interpreter that "*" and "?" in the
search term shall not be taken as wildcards but as normal characters. The verbatim switch is
exclusively used for label, tags, and comments search. Here are some examples for Quick Searches
passed through the Address Bar and searching the current location:
Note that, of course, even without the verbatim switch you can search for wildcard characters by
enclosing them in square brackets. For some jobs there is no other way, for example to find all items
with a "*" anywhere in the tags:
?tags:*[*]* /r
Append the switch /t to the search term to confine the search to all items present in the tags
database (tag.dat). Examples (ready for pasting into the Address Bar):
*?* /t
*?*.txt /t
?cmt:"" /t
List all tagged items in the current location without comment AND number 5 in ex2:
Invert the previous results: List all tagged items in the current location NOT without comment AND
number 5 in ex2:
392 XYplorer Help
The selector "tag:" is a working (but deprecated!) alternative to "lbl:" (for historical reasons).
Tip: The asterisk "*" is an alias for "Computer" as location. For example, to find all items on all local
drives with a comment containing "India" you simply run this through the Address Bar:
*?cmt:India /r
Tip: To find all items on your computer with any tags defined run this through the Address Bar:
*?tags:?* /r
You can prefix any column header (canonic name or current caption) to the search term (separated
by :), including Custom Columns.
Ext: jpg
Ext: j*g
Size: >= 500000
Size: 529 KB
Modified: 2014-09-21 12:55:09
You can pass file sizes with units in the search term. Local thousand and decimal separators are
You can also find files by Shell Properties and Special Properties. Works independently of any currently
visible columns. Simply use the property name as selector, for example:
Aspect Ratio: v2
Alternatively you can use the internal selector (if you know it ... see Tip below). It is locale
independent and pretty safe against ambiguities (there could be one or more Custom Columns named
"MD5" which would make the actual outcome of the simple forms above unpredictable):
hash.md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
aspectratio: 2:3
aspectratio: v2
Tip: You can show the internal Special Property selectors (e.g. "hash.md5") in the "Select Special
Property" dialog if you hold CTRL down while clicking "Select Special Property..." in the right-click menu
of a user column header (user columns can be added to the native columns via View | Columns | Add
Column). They are canonic, i.e. locale independent.
Another way is using the prop: selector (see Find Files by Meta Properties). It is more clumsy and
harder to remember but even more safe against ambiguities:
prop:#hash.md5: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
prop:#aspectratio: 2:3
prop:#aspectratio: v2
You can find files by contents using the field prefix (selector) "cont:". Sure, there is also the "Contents"
tab (see below) but this enhancement opens finding files by contents to Quick Search, to Scripting, and
to Click and Search.
Use the cont: selector to compare the pattern with the textual contents of the scanned files (folders
are ignored). It's a simple vanilla text comparison supporting wildcards * and ?, equivalent to the
following settings on the Contents tab:
Mode: Wildcards
Type: Text
All else unchecked.
This feature opens content search to Boolean logic in a Multi Field Search.
You can find files by contained characters using the field prefix (selector) "contchar:". Use it to find files
that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents (non-textual files and
folders are ignored).
n = Unicode value
Instead of a number representing a Unicode value you can also pass a single character. Both ways
can be mixed.
Main Topics / Info Panel 395
Only Text files and Office files are scanned. Where possible the text is extracted via IFilters,
otherwise code pages are applied just as in other places of XY.
On a logically inverted search (eg "!contchar:>=256" = find all files NOT containing characters beyond
ANSI) only files are returned that actually have any textual contents. Not folders or images etc.
The function is fast, but a lot of work has to be done. So when huge files are scanned it will take a
Files are scanned from beginning to end. If the first character is found that matches the criteria the
scanning stops and the file is counted as a match.
Only double byte UTF-16 Unicode values are supported. The valid range is from 0 to 65535 (0x0 to
If "Enable extended pattern matching" is ON then logical inversion like this works:
In a Boolean search you can also mix different fields, e.g. find all images with 1024 x 768 pixels AND
labeled "Red" AND having "2012" in the name.
tags: Tags
cmt: Comment
cont: Contents
prop: Property
len: Length of path and file
lent: Length of file title (no path) only
The 3rd example above shows that the field type is inherited from left to right. This is done for
backward compatibility and also for comfort. The following pairs are equivalent:
Boolean RegExp
Of course, MFS also works in Quick Searches which makes it available for Address Bar, Catalog,
Favorites, User Buttons, Scripting etc. Remember that the Boolean marker ":" has to be prefixed, e.
Main Topics / Info Panel 397
The Match Case checkbox applies to all operands of the MFS term.
The Whole Words checkbox applies to all operands of the MFS term, with the exception of tags
(tags:), which are always treated as whole words unless they are stated with wildcards.
The size: selector will only match files, not folders. E.g., this pattern returns all small files:
size: < 1000
You can directly search for the extended properties of file items, also known as Meta Properties. Their
names and indices vary strongly between different Windows versions. A list is available in
Configuration | File Info Tips & Hover Box (those properties are also featured in the File Info Tips). The
syntax is simple: Prefix "prop:[propertyname]:" to the search term. To identify properties by their index
use "#[index]" as propertyname.
prop:#AspectRatio: 16:9 // with aspect ratio 16:9, see also Special Properties
prop:#tag.composer:Haydn //finds all audio files with Composer tag containing "Haydn"
Tip: The latter example should be logically combined with other criteria to increase the speed (by
avoiding unnecessary lengthy calculations), e.g.:
Tip: prop:, also supports the locale-independent Windows canonical properties as listed here:
398 XYplorer Help
For example:
Simply prefix "len:" to the search term in the name field. For example, to find all items whose full name
is longer than 260 characters:
Tab "Size"
Search files of a certain size, defined by a lower and an upper limit (both limits are inclusive). Leave
field empty to ignore a limit, e.g. to find all files bigger than 1 MB select the MB option, enter a 1 in the
at least field and leave the at most field empty.
Note that you may also state fractions, e.g. 0.0001 GB (= 100 KB), or 0.000000000001 TB (= 1 byte).
FAT32: the highest allowed value is 2 GB (= 2,024MB = 2,097,152KB = 2,147,483,648 bytes) minus 1.
NTFS: you can search files of up to 1 TB (1024 GB, 2^40) by size filter.
Search for folders as well: If you use this setting then the search results will display the folder sizes,
even if they are not shown by general user settings. BTW, finding emtpy folders is even easier now
than before. Simply set "At most" to 0 (zero) and check "Search for folders as well". Found are all
folders that are empty (displayed as "[Empty]") or contain a total of zero bytes (displayed as "0").
To apply this filter the corresponding checkbox below the Find Now button must be checked.
Tab "Date"
Search files of a certain date/time. There are three types of dates associated with Windows files and
Created: The date when the file has been created at this location, where location is the path of the file
(this date is only set once).
Modified: The date when the file has been last modified (set at each write operation).
Accessed: The date when the file has been last accessed (set at each open operation).
Main Topics / Info Panel 399
Created or Modified: Select this option to find all files that pass either of these filters.
From start of unit: When checked, the lower margin is set back to the start of the chosen unit (eg
days start 00:00 midnight, weeks start Monday). Note that this setting does also apply to the "and/
add"-field when filled with relative time units!
Between ... and/add: Here you can enter a date range manually. When you omit the time part of the
date, 00:00:00 is assumed. Fractions of a second (up to 7 decimal digits) are supported.
Date Picker
To the right of each date field you find a button to pop the Date Picker. Here are some keyboard tricks:
Ctrl+Left/Ctrl+Right: Cycle first day of the week. You may as well right-click the Day Bar to select
the first day of the week by menu.
By appending "Z" (or "z") you can mark the time expression as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This
way you can find files by their UTC date (as it is internally used by NTFS) and use the same search
pattern/template regardless of the time zone of the host system. Pretty cool, especially if you are a
pilot (or love a pilot).
For example, this will match all files modified (or whatever date you are looking for) in Bamako
between 08:20 and 08:40 Bamako time, no matter where on the planet you are now:
The ISO 8601 formats for UTC and time offsets from UTC are supported. The following time expressions
all refer to the same point in time:
2013-05-14 10:00:00+02:00
2013-05-14 08:00:00+00:00
2013-05-14 08:00:00Z
2013-05-14 03:00:00-05
2013-05-13 23:00:00-0900
2013-05-13 20:00:00-12:00
For example, to find all files modified in Cologne today between 16:00 and 17:00 Cologne local time
(DST in effect), you can use these time strings, regardless of the time zone of your current host
Date Range Popup Menu: For the lazy ones, there are some preset date ranges available to save you
some typing. Click the menu button to enter a date range by selecting an option of the date range
popup menu. The Unknown option allows you to search for files with the time-stamp "unknown" (that
is, no date set on this file, which is sometimes the case with certain system files and folders). The Like
option sets the date range to the date of the last selected file or folder plus/minus 10 minutes.
Check Not if you want to find files whose specified date is outside the given range.
To apply this filter the corresponding checkbox below the Find Now button must be checked.
Tab "Attributes"
Search files with or without certain attributes. For example, if you don't want to find any folders, check
Directory and the corresponding Not. If you want to find only hidden files, check Hidden.
Note that Normal, Temporary, Compressed, Offline, Not Indexed, Encrypted, Pinned, Unpinned, and
Recall are supported only by Windows NT/2K/XP, and higher.
Tip: For your nerdy pleasure, the attributes checkboxes show the value of each attribute in the tooltip.
To apply this filter the corresponding checkbox below the Find Now button must be checked.
Tab "Tags"
Find files with specific Labels, Tags, or Comments. Like all filters they are connected by logical AND, so
e.g. if Labels and Tags are both ticked then both must match else the file in question will not be among
the search results.
All three fields are treated case-insensitive (A==a) and support wildcards. Here are some field-specific
Main Topics / Info Panel 401
Filter "Labels"
Supports stating multiple labels combined by logical OR (|); surrounding spaces are ignored. Examples:
green | red
Logical AND is not supported, of course, because each file can only have one label by definition.
Filter "Tags"
Supports stating multiple tags, combined by either logical OR (|) or logical AND (,); mixing both
operators is not supported; surrounding spaces are ignored. Examples:
dogs|cats dogs OR cats
dogs | cats dogs OR cats
dogs,cats dogs AND cats
dogs, cats dogs AND cats
Filter "Comment"
Wildcards (*) are auto-added left and right if no wildcards (* or ?) are contained in the pattern (aka
"loose match").
Search everywhere
Tick it to search the whole computer. It will overwrite what is stated in the Location field on the "Name
& Location" tab.
Contrary to the Name field, leaving the fields on the Tags tab empty is NOT equivalent to "*" (match
all) but means "empty". For example, to find all items that are tagged (are present in the tags
database) but have no comment: Simply tick the Comment checkbox and leave the Comment field
empty. Same way works for Labels and Tags.
All searches including the Tags filter are ultra-fast because they work directly on the tags database, i.
e. they are indexed searches.
402 XYplorer Help
Tab "Contents"
Find files containing a specific text string, aka content search.
Mode. You can choose between various modes, which refers to the way the given search pattern is to
be interpreted.
1. Normal: The pattern should match any part of the file contents.
2. Whole Words: Like Normal, but the matching string should be a whole word, not just a part of a
3. Wildcards: The pattern contains wildcards (* or ?). For example, the pattern drag*drop will find all
files that contain the words "drag" and "drop" in that order and with any characters in between them.
(1) Since larger files are read chunkwise (performance!) there are certain limits to the scope of your
pattern: In files larger than 32,768 bytes, a pattern "a*b" is guaranteed to be found if "a" and
"b" are within a range of 1,024 bytes! It also *might* be found if "a" and "b" are within a range
of 1,025 to 32,768 bytes! It will certainly not be found if "a" and "b" are only within an even
larger range.
(2) Just like with non-wildcard searches it is assumed that you look for a match anywhere within the
file, so asterisks (*) are silently added to your pattern at both ends in case they are missing. This
is just to spare you typing too many asterisks. So you may simply enter "D?g" to look for "D?g"
anywhere in the file (match file contents with "*D?g*").
(3) You need to check Wildcards (see below) to enable pattern matching support.
Match lines that begin with "New": ^New (but see Note (1) below)
(1) If Type (see below) is set to Binary then RegExp will work in "single line mode" (otherwise it's in
"multi-line mode"). This means a pattern like ^\xFF\xD8 will now match only the beginning of the
file, not the beginning of any line in the file.
(2) Since larger files are read chunkwise (performance!) there are certain limits to the scope of your
pattern: In files larger than 64 MB, a pattern is guaranteed to be found if it matches a range of
1,024 bytes! It also *might* be found if it matches a range of 1,025 to 64 MB bytes! It will
certainly not be found if it matches only an even larger range.
1. Text: Match textual data in textual documents (DOC, PDF, TXT etc), and the meta data of media and
image files. Textual/meta data from complex documents is only retrievable if supported by installed
IFilters. Non-textual files are skipped. This is probably what most users expect to happen when they
do a content search, and it's usually much faster than searching the binary content of every file (see
next option).
2. Binary: Match the raw bytes of all sorts of files. Rather interesting for programmers.
3. Text and Binary: Combination of both. First textual data are checked for textual documents, if no
match is found or it's a non-textual file then binary data are checked.
Note: Both "Text" and "Binary" include automatic UTF-8 decoding for files types where UTF-8 encoding
is a possibility. Also BOM-less UTF-8 is supported if enabled by ticking Configuration | Preview | Text
preview | UTF-8 auto-detection. UTF-16LE is supported if the file has a BOM. UTF-32 is not supported.
Invert: Check it to find all files NOT containing the given text string. Note that the Contents filter never
returns folders (although they naturally do NOT contain any given text string).
It's a Hex String: Activates Hex mode. Check this option to look for any binary sequence contained in
a file, including the null char. Binary sequences are to be represented in hexadecimal code. Hex strings
must have 2 valid hex characters per byte and each pair may be separated from another by spaces or
line feeds. Example: 00C0FF or 00 C0 FF (lower case letters are also ok: 00 c0 ff ). In hex string mode
the coloring and font of the text is changed to make it dramatically clear that you are in a special mode.
You can prefix the exact position of the string you want to match. Only files with those bytes at that
position will be returned.
The highest position you can state in hex format is 0xFFFFFFFF (4294967295).
Remember that position means exact position of match, not start of search.
You don't have to set Type to "Binary"; when a position is specified then binary search is implied.
This position-bound contents search is *MUCH* faster than the normal one where the whole file has
to be scanned for matching bytes.
404 XYplorer Help
If you prefix a position to your hex data you now get support for Hex Wildcards. Simply type "??" in
place of a hey value and this byte is ignored in the matching.
NOTE: Wildcards are NOT supported in non-position-bound searches. If no position is prefixed and
the hex data contain wildcards anyway then internally the position is set to 0 (beginning of file), and
the missing position prefix is auto-added to the contents field in the UI.
0: FF ?? FF
0x10: 00 ?? ?? 00
FF ?? FF Position is assumed to be 0, see note above.
Note In either mode, the text entered cannot be be longer than 32,533
chars; of multi-line texts only the first line and a maximum of 1,024
characters is remembered between sessions.
Note The string search routine takes care that the Accessed date of the
scanned files is reset to its original value when scanning is done.
Content search supports IFilters. IFilters are Windows plugins used to extract pure text from complex
file types like DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF.
IFilters are not used when either "It's a hex string" or "Match unicode" are ticked.
It depends on your system which IFilters are available. In the web you can find IFilters for almost
Where IFilters fail for whatever reason the logic falls back to binary search and checks the raw bytes
for contents.
Tip: You can trigger Find Files by Ctrl+Enter in the contents field.
Main Topics / Info Panel 405
To apply this filter the corresponding checkbox below the Find Now button must be checked.
XYplorer's Duplicate File Finder is implemented as filter "Dupes" in the Find Files tab. If the filter is
active then only duplicate files are listed in the search results, i.e. files that have one or more
duplicates in the searched location(s).
What counts as a "duplicate" can be defined in the Dupes tab: It's either match by Name, or Date
(modified), or Size, or Content, or Image, or any combination of these.
Size: The exact size of the file. Note that Size is logically implied when Content is checked.
Image: The visual content of an image file. Non-image files or folders will not be listed. For details see
Image Hash below.
Same Extension: Dupes need a matching file title (base plus extension).
Ignore Extension: Dupes need a matching base only (the extension is ignored). This will return
groups of files with the same base regardless of their extensions.
The option Ignore numbers is mainly meant to ignore serial numbers when searching for Dupes by
Name, so "Fred (1).txt" and "Fred (2).txt" will be considered dupes.
Actually it ignores all numbers in the name, though not the amount of numbers. So "1979.png" and
"1980.png" will be considered dupes, but not "1979.png" and "19791.png". It also ignores strings that
are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place, e.g. "Copy of " or " -
Copy", and it also ignores any accompanying serial numbers, e.g. "Copy (3) of " or " - Copy (3)".
For Content you can further define the method of comparison: The choices go from MD5 (fastest but
least reliable) via SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, to Byte-to-byte (slow but most reliable). Generally,
SHA-1 is thought to be reliable enough for real world usage and hence it is also the factory default.
For Image you can further define the Tolerance of comparison. Values are from 0 to 16, factory
default is 9. For details see Image Hash below.
406 XYplorer Help
Tick the Invert option to find all singular/unique files; quite useful when comparing two folders that
should be in sync.
The Dupes filter is fully integrated with the XYplorer Find Files module and can be combined with all
other search filters. Note that the duplicate check is applied *after* the other filters so if you know
what you are looking for you can save a lot of time by pre-filtering the checked files by Name, Size,
Date, Tags etc.
The results list of a dupes search features a special column "Dupes" where each group of dupes is
referred to by a unique ID starting from number 1 for the first group detected. Sorting the list by this
column will bring the duplicate files that belong together into adjacent order. A dupes search results
list is always initialized to be sorted by the Dupes column. If sorted by Dupes, the list is internally set
to grid style "Highlighted Groups", and the Dupes column is additionally highlighted with a color
depending on the "highest" match criterion:
Right-clicking the Dupes column when the list is sorted by this column pops a special context menu
with two commands for selecting items based on the dupe groups:
Duplicate Folders: Normally the dupe finder will only find files, no folders. However, you can also find
duplicate folders by Name and Date: Simply tick Directory in the Find Files | Attributes tab, and the
dupe finder will look for folders instead of files. This opens a fast way to compare directory trees, e.g.
supposedly mirrored folder structures on two different drives.
Further Notes:
The Dupes filter finds only files, no folders. Equally the Invert option will return only singular files.
Of course, checking for dupes by content can take a lot of time. Still XYplorer is pretty fast here due
to some smart logic. The bottleneck, however, is the hard drive read speed.
Also search results caching is supported by dupes searches. But always remember that caches can
get stale: It might be that files marked as dupes are not dupes anymore.
Image Hash
XYplorer can generate an "image hash" (aka "perceptual image hash" or "fingerprint") for images by
Main Topics / Info Panel 407
which you can find duplicate images, sort images by their visual similarity, measure the degree of
similarity between two images, and search for images that are similar to a given one. Unlike the
common data hashes (MD5, SHA-256, ...) the image hash has an iconic relation to the visible image
(the pixels), which means similar images have similar hashes.
When looking for duplicate images the setting of Tolerance comes into play. When Tolerance = 0
then all the pixels of the original full size images are compared and only perfect duplicates are listed.
When Tolerance > 0 then the comparison is much more tolerant: it's scale-invariant, brightness-
invariant, contrast-invariant, saturation-invariant, and hue-invariant. The higher the value the larger
the tolerance for other small differences in image details. The factory default is set to 9 which has
turned out by experiment to be a good value yielding a minimum of false positives (found too many)
and true negatives (missed out too many). Note that perfection is not realistic in this business but
near-perfection is a reasonable goal. Even that will vastly speed up finding duplicate images, which by
eye alone is near impossible if the number of images is higher than a few dozen.
Additionally there is a Special Property Column called "Image Hash" that can be used to sort images by
similarity. An interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere. In the column you can actually see the
hash for each image.
Tab "Excluded"
Here you can exclude specific files, folders, or drives from file search. Any subfolders of excluded folders
are automatically also excluded. The matching of the excluded items is case-insensitive (A==a).
Add Current: Will add the current path, or the currently focused list item.
Manage...: Manage the excluded items using the List Management interface.
File: This checkbox shows and controls whether the selected item in the excluded items list is a folder
(or drive) or a file, in other words: whether it defines an excluded location or an excluded item. If the
checkbox is ticked the pattern is marked by the prefix "file:". Note that the "file:" patterns are matched
with the item name only, not with the whole path, so they should not contain any other path
components or backslashes.
Note It's possible to use wildcards, eg to exclude the Recycle Bins on all
drives, add ?:\Recycled\ (XP) or ?:\$Recycle.Bin\ (Vista/Win7). Or
adding *~* would exclude all folders containing the "~"-character
anywhere in their path specification.
Note The matching is loose, e.g. file:Lucky will match all items with "Lucky"
somewhere in the name.
Note When you start your search from an excluded folder, this folder is not
To apply this filter the corresponding checkbox below the Find Now button must be checked.
408 XYplorer Help
Go to Focused Item
Open the focused item's containing folder in a newly opened background tab.
Usage: Use Find Files to identify folders by their contents, and then copy those folders using Copy
Containing Folder(s) for further processing.
If more than one item is selected the list of containing folders is silently cleared from duplicate and
folders contained in other folders in the list before it is copied to the clipboard. So it will not be
unusual that less folders are copied than items are selected.
Tip Press Ctrl+left arrow to jump to the currently focused file in the folder
where it was found. This trick works for search results only, and
obviously it does only make sense when file find included subfolders.
Report tab
Main Topics / Info Panel 409
You can create two sorts of reports: Current Folder reports are on folders and have basically the format
known from the classic DOS directory dump, Current List is on the stuff currently listed in the List being
either the contents of the current folder or the results of a previous file find.
All reports can be sent to a popup text box (To Popup), the clipboard (To Clipboard), or to an ASCII text
file (To File).
The interface for reports is found on the Report Tab on the Info Panel. It's subdivided into two tabs,
Current Folder and Current List:
Current Folder
You have the choice here between quite different things:
Mimics the classic DOS way of listing directory contents. Additionally includes file version information for
those files that actually have a version info.Example
Exports Path/Name, Size (Raw), and Modified Date for each file item in CSV-format.
CSV: CSV stands for "Comma-Separated-Values" (the actually used list separator is taken from the
current locale, and is often not comma but semi-colon), a very simple database format which can be
read and written by any ASCII editor. CSV-files can be easily imported for example to Excel tables or
Access tables or probably any table format existing. This feature makes XYplorer a superb tool for
exhaustive file system documentation. Will save you not hours but days!
Exports extended file information of whole directories (or even directory trees) in CSV-format. The
exported info includes all data shown on the Properties and Version tab in the Info Panel. Example
Metadata to CSV
Exports the complete set of metadata (also known as "Extended Properties", and identical to the fields
used in File Info Tips) in CSV format. The first line has the field names (column headers). The first field
"Path" has been added to the standard set.
This is the "total report". Everything that the system knows about a file is exported in a well-defined,
easily processable, and widely portable file format. It's the documentation junkie's wildest dream come
Tree structure
This type of folder report includes folder and files including basic item data with tree-like indentation.
Depth is marked by dots, folders are prefixed with a backslash (\) for easy recognition. Example
410 XYplorer Help
Include subfolders: Report includes all subfolders (and their subfolders, etc.) of the current folder.
When you do a structure report you would normally check this box.
Tip You can abort a running report process by pressing Esc (Escape Key).
Current List
Reports the List as is. That is, the current column order, visibility, and item sort order is exactly
reproduced in the report. This report is your choice when you want to document find results or make a
detailed snapshot of the current state of your system directory.
Selected files only: Kind of self-explaining. However, when there are no selections then the report is
on all listed items.
Current date Adds the current date to the top of the report.
Path (Find settings) Adds the current path to the top the report.
In Find mode: adds the find parameters of the last File Find to the top the report (does only make
sense, when you just made a File Find, of course).
Subitem separator
Pad blanks separate items by right-padding blanks: the current column widths are reproduced (as
good as it gets) in the report (example).
Tip Make sure the columns are adjusted to the lengths of their contents
to get a straight result with this option (to do this, either dbl-click the
line number column header, or choose the Autosize Columns Now
(Ctrl + Numpad Add) command from the column headers context
Main Topics / Preview 411
4.22 Preview
Files can be previewed in Floating Preview, Preview Pane, or Preview Tab. While doing basically the
same thing the three preview areas differ in size, position, display options, and displayed meta
information, so depending on your task at hand you might prefer one over the other.
Only one of the three previews is used at each time, in this order of precedence:
In words: Preview Tab is only used when neither Preview Pane nor Floating Preview are visible.
Preview Pane is only used when Floating Preview is not visible.
Previewed Formats
Detailed information on the preview of different file categories (Text, Image, Office...) is bundled under
Preview Tab.
Normally the preview is automatically updated with each newly selected file. However, there is a way
to keep the current preview: Click the toggle Freeze Info and Preview, found in the context menu of
the Preview Pane, and in the context menu of the Status Bar and of the "Toggle Info Panel" Status Bar
button. There is also a default keyboard shortcut for it: Ctrl+Alt+F11.
412 XYplorer Help
Floating Preview
Note: All features and settings of the Floating Prev iew are shared by the Full Screen Prev iew. Below,
"Floating Preview" stands for both.
The Floating Preview previews the current file in a non-modal preview window whose size and
absolute screen position is stored between sessions. The window supports many media types (i.e.
images, including Animated GIFs, and thumbnail previews for HTML, PDF, MPEG, DWG, etc., everything
your system can generate thumbnails for), including the transparency background for transparent
images. A right-click menu, and a set of keyboard shortcuts shown in that menu, lets you control
various display options. Here is an overview over the related keyboard shortcuts and mouse tricks.
The Floating Preview optionally (see below) supports Mouse Down Blow Up, for images as well as for
PDF files and other shell generated previews.
Next (PageDown) and Previous (PageUp): Browse previewed files. Note that changing the current file
in the main form will update the preview, and vice versa: Wheeling through the preview (or key
PageUp/PageDown) will change the current file in the main form browsing only previewable files.
You can as well use the arrow keys to navigate to the Next (Right, Down) or the Previous (Left, Up)
Fit All (A) shrinks larger originals to fit the width and height of the preview window. Resizing the
window resizes the preview in real time. Toggles with Original Size.
Fit Width (W) shrinks larger originals to fit the width of the preview window. This serves to see the
images that have a portrait orientation in more detail. Use Mouse Down Blow Up to view any cropped
top and bottom parts. Fit Width is only supported in the Floating Preview, not in any other preview.
Toggles with Fit All.
Fit Height (H) does for height what Fit Width does for width. Toggles with Fit All.
Zoom to Fill (I) fills all the available space with the preview. Left/right parts or top/bottom parts may
be cropped. Using this option makes better use of the available space at the expense of the cropped
areas. Note that the cropped preview is centered, i.e. the cropping is done equally at both of the
cropped sides.
Original Size (O, 1, Numpad Divide) shows the image in original size (100%), cropped if there is not
enough space. You can pan the preview by holding down the right mouse (or CTRL+left mouse) button
Main Topics / Floating Preview 413
and moving the mouse, or by the arrow keys (SHIFT + Up, Down, Left, Right; CTRL+SHIFT to pan up to
the end). Toggles with Fit All.
Double Size (D, 2, Numpad Multiply) shows the image in original size (200%). See Original Size for
panning. Toggles with Fit All.
Zoom Out (Numpad Subtract, -, CTRL+Wheel Down) zooms out of the image.
Zooming uses a logarithmic scale (based on the 4th root of 2, which means you need 4 steps to get
to the half or double size), and it starts flexibly at the current zoom whatever it is. The possible
range is from 0.5% to 6400% of the original size.
To ensure that zooming passes the 100% point it initially snaps to a normalized scale that contains
the 100% point, so the first zooming step might not be exactly by 4th root of 2.
There is an even finer zooming by the 12th root of 2, which matches the chromatic scale of Western
music and e.g. echoes the fret pattern on a guitar neck. Hold SHIFT to zoom by the 12th root of 2
On zoom 400% and higher you will see the pixels. This is intended because "High Quality"
resampling just looks bad with such high zoom factors.
The zooming is auto-reset when the next image is previewed, unless Lock Zoom (see below) is
Toggle Zoom (G): Use this command to toggle between the last zoom level and the default size of the
image (Fit All, Original Size, etc.). The last zoom level is remembered across openings of the preview
window (but not across application sessions).
Lock Zoom (K): If ticked then the current zoom level is kept when switching images as long as the
preview window is open.
Lock Zoom Position (X): If "Lock Zoom Position" AND "Lock Zoom" are both ticked then the current
zoom level AND zoomed position are kept when switching images. This is very useful when comparing
details of different versions of the same image. The zoom position is also kept when toggling between
a zoomed view and the "Fit All" view by "Toggle Zoom" (G). So now you can zoom back and forth from/
to a particular detail of the full image.
Zoom by Wheel (Y): If ticked then Wheel zooms in and out, and Ctrl+Wheel browses through the files.
If unticked then Ctrl+Wheel zooms in and out, and Wheel browses through the files.
Zoom to Fit (Z): Zooms smaller originals to fit the preview window.
Top-align if Vertically Cropped (V): Tick it to always top-align images that don't fit vertically.
Rotate Left (L) and Rotate Right (R): Rotate the preview by 90° steps.
The rotate state is remembered for a preview until the file is unselected. You can even switch
414 XYplorer Help
between Floating and Full Screen Preview while keeping the rotation as long as the file is not
Press F5 (Refresh) to show the preview in non-rotated state, or in auto-rotated state if that's
The image preview in the Info Panel, if active at the same time as the Floating Preview, is rotated as
well. This has technical reasons but might as well be useful.
Works for all previewed file types, even for RAW images, PSD, TGA, PDF, and video thumbs.
Flipped (F): If ticked then the preview is flipped (mirror image) horizontally (relative to the preview,
also if rotated).
All notes given for rotated images also apply to flipped images.
For a flipped image Rotate Left and Right are interpreted as being applied to the flipped image, not
to the original. This seems to better match the user expectation. Nevertheless, the status info
displays the correct rotation degrees with reference to the original.
Delete File (Del): Delete the previewed file right from the preview by pressing DEL or Shift+DEL.
Rename File (F2): Rename the previewed file right from the preview.
Full Screen (F12): Toggle Full Screen and normal mode while the preview is on.
Snap to Main Window (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F12): Turn it on to keep the Floating Preview snapped to the
main window's right side: When you move the main window the Floating Preview is dragged along
with it.
Allow Custom Keyboard Shortcuts in Preview: Tick it and you can use all Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
in the Floating Preview. This means you can e.g. label/tag/comment the previewed file, or call User-
Defined Command scripts, or whatever, right in the Floating Preview.
Note: The Floating Preview's own keyboard shortcuts have precedence over the Custom Keyboard
Main Topics / Floating Preview 415
Cyclic Navigation: Tick it to navigate images around the edges: "Next" on the last image jumps to the
first image, "Previous" on the first image jumps to the last image.
Navigate by Click (N): Tick it to enable navigation by left-clicking anywhere on the preview window or
the previewed image itself.
In the following section you can define the group of files in which you navigate when going Next/
Note that "Navigate by Category" navigates within Image files, Text files, Office files, etc (see
Configuration | Previewed Formats). It's the factory default.
Mouse Down Blow Up (M): If ticked then the preview supports Mouse Down Blow Up (MDBU). Note
that here MDBU always uses the whole screen (ignoring the setting of Configuration | Mouse Down
Blow Up | General | Use whole screen).
Panning: You can pan a cropped image (partially shown image) using the Right Mouse Button.
High Quality Image Resampling (Q) : Here you can control the quality of the image resampling.
Cycle Transparency Background (Ctrl+T): Cycles through the four options "Neutral", "Grid", "White",
and "Black" for the background of the transparent parts of the previewed image (PNG, GIF, and other
formats supporting transparency).
White Border (Ctrl+W): Tick it to view your photos with a nice white border.
Cycle Background Color (B): Black, Dark Grey, Light Grey, White.
Show Status Bar (S): Show various image information at the bottom of the preview.
Tip: Right-click the Status Bar to pop a menu with some further options.
Show Photo Data (P): Show basic photo data in the status bar.
Show Tag Bar (T): Show the Tag Bar, an additional row in the Floating Preview Status Bar, showing
Label, Tags, and Comment (if any) of the previewed file. Click (Left or Right) on any of the sections of
416 XYplorer Help
the Tag Bar to change Label, Tags, or Comment of the previewed file right from the Floating Preview.
Show Script Button: Show a script button in the Tag Bar (which hence has to be visible as well to see
the script button).
Left-click the button to run the Floating Preview Script (if any).
You can as well run the script by key F8 (only from Floating Preview). Note that the script is triggered
on KeyUp, not KeyDown. This avoids potential trouble when the scripts itself receives the KeyUp
Tip: F1 in the Edit Script dialog will show the Scripting Commands Reference.
Show Histogram (Ctrl+H): Toggles a (color or luminance) histogram of the current preview in the lower
right corner of the preview window.
The histogram is always created on the currently visible preview pixels. So if you just view a part of
the picture you will get a histogram just of that part.
Luminance Histogram: The median is marked by coloring. Separates the dark half of the pixels from
the bright half. The mean is marked by coloring. The Histogram bar at the mean is colored darker.
Color Histogram: Shows the three color channels (RGB) individually. It has a slight brightness
gradient from left to right.
Color Histogram (Ctrl+R): Toggles between Color Histogram and Luminance Histogram.
Invert (Ctrl+I): Inverts the preview of the image (like a negative). Of course, the original image is not
Grayscale (Ctrl+G): Converts the preview of the image to grayscale. Of course, the original image is
not touched.
Copy Original (C): Copy the original image (bitmap) to the clipboard.
Copy Preview (Ctrl+C): Copy the preview image (bitmap) to the clipboard.
Other Remarks
Note that the Quick File View is auto-opened on a file that's not supported by the Floating Preview.
Main Topics / Floating Preview 417
There is a menu command (menu File | Floating Preview, Default Shortcut: F11) and a toolbar
button to toggle the Floating Preview.
Zip Support: When you call the Floating Preview on a Zip file, the contents of the Zip are shown in a
list. See details here:
418 XYplorer Help
Preview Pane
The Preview Pane can be toggled by menu Window | Show Preview Pane (Ctrl+F11). It is designed
to be a right-bound subsection of the list pane(s). Its width is adjustable by dragging a vertical splitter.
Its height is implied with the pane(s) height.
Functionally the Preview Pane is quite similar to the preview pane in Windows Explorer, with some
differences and some enhancements:
Previews are horizontally and vertically centered in the pane. There is a 16 pixels padding on all
sides. No zoom or so, you always see the whole image optimally scaled to the available space.
If you select an audio-only file nothing will be shown in the Preview Pane itself but you get a little
status feedback, the "Small Audio Preview": Once the audio preview starts a basic progress bar is
shown in the main Status Bar giving you an idea of the current position within the piece.
Various key combinations are supported while the audio preview is active.
Search Templates
The command to open the Search Templates dialog is found in menu Edit. It is also found in the context
menu of the Find Files button on Info Panel | Find Files.
You can save your current Find Files settings to template files, which are stored as simple INI files in a
subdirectory of the application data path called "FindTemplates". For the template name you can use all
characters including those that are invalid for filenames (<,>,?,",: etc.).
A template contains all settings found on the Find Files tab, with the exception of the Name and
Location dropdowns, where only the current top entry is remembered.
Load Template
Load the selected template and close the Search Templates dialog. Alternatively double-click the
template name in the list. There are some options:
Load saved results: Here you have a choice whether to load any cached results (see Caching below)
or not. The enabled state of the checkbox tells you whether cached results are existing in the template
or not. Any implied states of the other options are auto-handled for you.
Run search at once: If checked the search will start immediately after you clicked Load Template.
Load search location: When loading a (previously stored) template you have the option whether to
use the current location or the location stored in the template for the search.
Load Excluded Folders: Check to overwrite the current excluded folders listing by the one stored in
the template. The default is unchecked because it is assumed that the excluded folders are usually a
global affair.
Save to Template...
Save current Find Files settings to template file. If you enter an already existing template name this
template will be overwritten/updated.
Save search results: If checked then search results are stored with the template and can be reloaded
at a later point. Of course, the option is only enabled when search results are present in the file list.
Note: You cannot store any Quick Searches, but only searches triggered through the Find Files tab.
Note: You cannot cache the results of any visually filtered searches anymore. Reason: The filter is not
stored along with the template so when loading the Search Templates you have no way to find out by
what the data had been filtered.
Beginning with version 8.40 Search Templates support caching. i.e. you can save search results in a
template file (in <xydata>\FindTemplates), and load them back into the list at any point in future via
the Search Templates dialog.
Main Topics / Search Templates 421
Writing the cache: You can control whether search results are stored on a per-template basis using
the new option "Save search results" below the "Save to Template..." button.
Reading the cache: Any previously cached results are read when you check the Load saved results
option. If you do, the other three options are implied as well. Reason: Otherwise the displayed results
would be out of sync with the Find Files panel.
422 XYplorer Help
Branch View
Branch View (BV), also known as "Flat View", is a mode of the file list that lets you view the contents of
all subfolders of a folder in one list.
To turn on Branch View for the current tab, use the toggle "Branch View" in menu View | Views (also
available in the file list's white space context menu), or the "Branch View" toolbar button.
E:\XYplorer\appdata\? /flat
The question mark is a part of it, no wonder since Branch View is technically nothing but a recursive
search, and the normal Quick Search syntax applies, for example:
This flat syntax enables you to trigger Branch View from the Address Bar, Catalog, Favorites, User-
Defined Commands, Scripting, etc. Note that also Boolean Logic and Regular Expressions are supported.
By factory default the first one is used when Branch View is toggled via menu or toolbar. You can change
this default in Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Branch View | Default branch
view type.
See Branch View Configuration. Note that the toolbar button has a context menu featuring some
configuration options.
Filtered Branch
By ticking Let folders pass all filters you get the following behavior: On a mixed Branch View (i.e. /flat =
Main Topics / Branch View 423
showing files and folders), any Visual Filters or Quick Search patterns only apply to files, not to folders.
So the folders always stay visible while their contents are filtered.
This feature, combined with level-indent and tree-like sort order (see here below), enables you to
view a Filtered Branch in the file list, for example a branch showing only images or only EXE files. A real
time-saver when perusing the file system under certain aspects.
Sorting the list (in Branch View and also in general Search Results) by Path will create a perfect tree-like
sort order, that is all folders sorted like in the tree and in each folder you get the files listed ahead of
any subfolders. Sorting by Path again will reverse this order.
Note: To make this happen sort settings must be so that folders are NOT sorted apart, so either you
turn off "Configuration | Sort and Rename | Sort folders apart" (which is unlikely) or you turn on
"Configuration | Sort and Rename | Mixed sort on path columns" (which you will likely do).
You can select multiple folders in the list view and then branch view them together in one list. If
Configuration | Find Files & Branch View | Branch View | Multi branch view lists top folders is
enabled then the containing/top level folders in a Multi Branch View are shown as well, not just the
items contained in those folders.
To trigger an MBV from the toolbar or by keyboard, the list must have the focus and more than one
folder (or LNK to a folder) must be selected. A MBV can also be triggered via the Address Bar, Catalog,
Favorites, etc. using the following multi location syntax (paths separated by ;):
E:\Test\A\;E:\Test\B\? /flat
This syntax also allows MBV for folders in completely different locations, for example:
D:\Work\;E:\Test\B\;\\Server\Docs\? /flat
Tip: You can even trigger a Multi Branch View from a Branch View when two or more folders are selected
in the focused list. The "Branch View" toggle silently turns into a "Branch View" command under these
Tip: Toggling back to normal view from a Multi Branch View will restore the multi-folder selection, the
scroll position, and the focus position.
Note: Unless the tab captions are set to "Full path" in Configuration | Tabs, the tab headers show the
suffix /M to make clear that the contents are from multiple locations. The folder tree turns grey on an
MBV to show that the current tree folder is not equivalent to the current search location.
Like Search, Branch View is stored tab-wise and remembered between sessions.
Unlike Search, Branch View is always done in the current tab (even if it is locked).
When toggling Branch View, the sort order (unless you enabled Default to tree-like sort order) and
view mode remains the same. Other list settings (back color, column order, column visibility, column
widths) are taken from the Find mode (aka Search Results).
424 XYplorer Help
Refresh List will refresh Branch View, it will not re-browse the folder in normal view.
You can drag-n-drop items from one folder into another within Branch View.
Branch View can be combined with Quick Searches (including Boolean Logic and Regular Expressions).
Specific Branch View patterns can be stored in and triggered from Address Bar, Favorites, Catalog,
User-Defined Commands, and Scripts..
Dark Mode
Dark Mode concerns the look of the application. Basically white and black are inverted, so you will see
most texts white on black. This has several advantages:
It looks nice.
How to turn it on
It's a portable Dark Mode. It's independent of the host system display settings.
It's a smart Dark Mode. You don't have to configure anything (and you can't). Your current color
configuration is automatically converted into its dark sister. She's much darker and a bit desaturated.
Brightness of foreground (text) and background is mostly inverted.
In Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode you can control two
parameters, the darkness and the text contrast.
Darkness: There are 51 levels of darkness, 0 - 50. The factory default is 25.
Text Contrast: There are 31 levels of contrast, 0 - 30. The factory default is 15.
Additional Remarks
Due to certain Windows shortcomings or lack of documentation the functionality of checkboxes and
option buttons is slightly diminished in dark mode:
You cannot click the caption to alter the state of the checkbox/option but must click the checkbox/
426 XYplorer Help
option itself.
No accelerators.
Title Bar
Some elements are darkened only in Windows 10 or higher AND if Windows is in Dark Mode:
Popup Menus
In Dark Mode the setting of "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections" is
ignored. Internally it's set to "XYplorer Classic Style" as Windows Themes have to overwritten Dark
Mode as far as possible.
Within the Configuration dialog any configurable colors, e.g. Color Filters, are not displayed darkened
in the way they will be when actually applied to the main interface. Otherwise it would be confusing
while adjusting the colors. So, what-you-see-is-what-you-set, but not what-you-see-is-what-you-get.
Main Topics / Ghost Filter 427
Ghost Filter
The Ghost Filter lets you globally hide particular files and folders from Tree and List (all tabs, both
The items to be hidden are identified by wildcard patterns matching their name. To enter the desired
patterns click View | Show Items | Edit Ghost Filter.... You can enter any number of patterns, one per
line. Examples:
You toggle the Ghost Filter either by clicking View | Show Items | Ghost Filter or by clicking the
toolbar button "Ghost Filter" (it looks like a ghost).
Hiding will equally affect files and folders (unless you employ scope prefixes, see below).
Hidden items will not appear in search results (unless Find Hidden is ticked). But hidden folders are
searched for any non-hidden items they might contain.
If the current list is actually hiding items by the current Ghost Filter, a little ghost icon is shown in the
first section of the status bar.
The number of "ghosted" items in the List is counted and shown in the status bar tooltip (left-most
The Mini Tree is not affected by this, just the Maxi Tree.
Named drives are supported if Configuration | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Support volume
labels in paths is ticked. For example, this Ghost Filter pattern will hide folder T:\DVD and all of its
contents if named drive "Terra:\" maps to "T:\":
d: "Terra:\DVD"
Patterns are not case-sensitive.
Name Match: Patterns are matched with the filename only (no path), unless they contain backslashes.
428 XYplorer Help
Path Match: If a pattern contains backslashes it is compared with the full path of the item:
Scope Prefixes: You can define whether a pattern affects files (f:), directories (d:), or both (no scope
prefix). Note that there must be at least one space after the ":".
Auto-wildcards: Patterns without wildcards are auto-surrounded by wildcards, unless they are
double-quoted (just like Visual Filters).
No-Extension: Patterns ending with a dot match files that have no extension. Folders never match
such a pattern.
The Ghost Filter should be used with care: It might trick you into believing that files went AWOL!
Main Topics / Paper Folders 429
Paper Folders
Permanent Custom Sort Order
Drop Stacks
Paper Folders
Paper Folders are simple text files that contain the full paths to items, one per line. XYplorer employs
those files as virtual folders.
The files are formatted as UTF-16LE and located by default under the application data folder in the
subfolder "Paper" (<xydata>\Paper, or simply <xypaper>).
The syntax is simple, just prefix "paper:" to the base name of the text file:
Location: paper:foo
Refers to: <xydata>\Paper\foo.txt
Consequently the characters used for a Paper Folder name must be valid in a filename, and they are not
The objective was maximum integration of Paper Folders. Ideally they should work just like normal
folders, and this has been largely achieved:
However, Global Visual Filters and Ghost Filters are not applied to Paper Folders! After all Paper
Folders are hand-picked collections of items that should really be spared from those global filters
working in the background. If you wouldn't want those items in the Paper Folder you wouldn't have
put them there in the first place, right?
paper:Test?1 w /fld=ageM //modified last week
Breadcrumb Bar supported: Click "paper:" or the triangle right of it to pop a list of all stored Paper
The right-click menu of items in a Paper Folder offers to go to the original location (just like with search
results). The menu also offers a command to remove items from the Paper Folder (they will not be
deleted from the file system).
Rename and Delete operations can performed from within Paper Folders. They affect the real files!
All possible Copy/Move operations to and from Paper Folders are supported, including Paste, Copy To,
Drag-and-Drop, etc.
Note: Operations *to* Paper Folders just add pointers to the Paper Folder files: they never involve
real file operations.
The mouse pointer is a white-on-black "plus" icon.
Operations *from* Paper Folders operate on the real locations of the files and affect the files as if they
were performed in the real locations!
The mouse pointer is the normal plus (copy) or arrow (move).
You can also drag items from one Paper Folder to another.
There is also an implicit way: When you go to a Paper Folder that does not exist you are prompted
whether you want to create it on the fly. That way you can create new Paper Folders right from the
Address Bar very easily.
Main Topics / Paper Folders 431
Remarks on Usage
When you copy/move (this makes no difference here!) items to a Paper Folder they will be appended
to the bottom of the list.
You can drag-and-drop items to Paper Folders in the list, across Panes, onto foreground and
background tabs, onto the Toolbar (droppable buttons), and onto the Catalog.
You can use them as temporary or permanent file collections for viewing or further processing.
Contrary to normal folders the files in a Paper Folder can be located in totally different real locations,
even all over the network. And they take almost no additional space since internally it's just a list of
You can use them to store search results. Going back to the Paper Folder will often be much faster and
easier than repeating the search.
You can use them as light table to manually arrange photos in a custom sort order that is permanent.
In teams you can easily share documents via a commonly accessible Paper Folder without copying a
single byte.
You can use them as simple reports since the Paper Folder files themselves are simple text files that
can be viewed in any editor.
Toolbar Button
There is a Toolbar button "Paper Folders" with a right-click menu featuring the following configuration
Always Show Path Column: When going back to a normal folder the Path column is hidden.
On Delete Remove Items from Paper Folder: Saves you from accidentally deleting items in a Paper
Folder. Factory default is ON. Note that "Delete" from the Shell Context menu will still delete the actual
Explicit Save Only: Tick it to suppress auto-save of the current Paper Folder on tab switch and on
app exit.
If ticked you can still explicitly save a Paper Folder using menu "View | Paper Folders | Save" or the
Save command in the Toolbar button's dropdown menu.
Note that even with this setting enabled it's not possible to create a new Paper Folder without auto-
creating a Paper Folder source file on disk. It can be empty, but it has to be there.
Show Information Bar in the List: Toggles the Paper Folder Information Bar shown at the top of the
file list. The bar has a right-click menu.
432 XYplorer Help
Final Remarks
Paper Folders can even be located in any location if you pass the full path. (Note that the TXT
extension is obligatory.)
Location: paper:E:\Test\somewhere\foo.txt
Refers to: E:\Test\somewhere\foo.txt
So you can also do this when the current file is a plain text file containing a list of items:
!!! BUT NOTE: Like all Paper Folder files this file will be overwritten whenever the Paper Folder is
saved to disk (and often it is saved automatically, for example when you add something to it, or when
you leave it, or when you save settings on exit). So: Do not open files as Paper Folders that you
don't want to be overwritten!!! There is a safety belt built-in to avoid undesired overwriting: If a
source file doesn't look like a valid paper folder file you are prompted before it is overwritten.
Paper Folders have a static nature. They are not sensitive to changes in the file system. Any stale
items in a Paper Folder are automatically removed from it when the folder is shown the next time.
Exception: File operations performed on items in a currently opened Paper Folder will be reflected by
the folder as if it would be a normal folder.
Open a Paper Folder and manually sort it (Tools | Customize List | Manual Sorting).
Drop Stacks
[This feature is Pro Edition Only, and it is only available if the Scripting feature is enabled.]
Combine Paper Folders with Droppable User Buttons and you have Drop Stacks in the Toolbar.
Add a new User Button to the Toolbar, and set its Name field to "paper:PhotoSelection" (w/o quotes).
Leave all other fields empty (or set the Icon if you feel like it).
Done! Now you can drag-drop items to that button and they will be added to "PhotoSelection". At any
time click the button to go to "PhotoSelection".
Main Topics / Paper Folders 433
Note that you can have as many such Drop Stacks as you want (so long as it is less than 65, since 64 is
the maximum number of user buttons).
434 XYplorer Help
Folder View Settings (FVS) is the commonly used label for a feature that allows you to associate certain
folders with certain view settings. It should really be called "Save and Automatically Restore Folder-
Specific View Settings" but that wouldn't look good in a menu.
You know this feature from Windows Explorer: You can save the view settings (view type, sort order,
column layout...) of any particular folder and have them automatically restored whenever you come back
to this folder. It's a great time saver when e.g. column widths, sort order, or thumbnails view are
remembered and automagically adjusted for you.
Of course, the settings are retained between sessions. They are stored in a data file named fvs.dat
which is located in your application data path.
Basic Usage
The usage could not be easier: You like the settings of the current folder and want to preserve them?
Use the command Save Folder View in menu View | Folder View Settings.
Or even simpler: Use the toolbar button for Folder View Settings (shaped like letter F). And if you ever
want to get back to default settings, simply press the button again. The toolbar button also shows you
the state of affairs. If there is a Folder View assigned to the current folder, the button is in pressed
How it works
What is saved. The following view settings are saved by default with each folder view:
(4) List style (line numbers, auto-size, grid...) (see menu Tools | Customize List)
Optionally a Visual Filter can be saved that will be applied to the folder.
What is restored. You will see later that you can further configure which of these settings are actually
restored on a per-folder basis.
When it is restored. If FVS is enabled and you go to a folder for which you have previously saved the
view settings, then those settings are restored.
Main Topics / Folder View Settings 435
Note that XYplorer's multi-tabs also store view settings, of course. When going to a folder via tab switch,
the tab's memory is valued higher than any associated Folder View. This way it is ensured that you
always find a tab in the state you left it. The same is true on application startup: The last state will be
exactly restored regardless of any active Folder View.
Folder to apply the settings to. Folders are identified by their full name, or by a wild-carded pattern.
By using a pattern e.g. like *\Images* you can define a common Folder View all folders named
"Images". Note that it's also possible to state a list of patterns separated by | (pipe). An example for
a list of patterns would be *\Images*|*\Pics*.
Tip: You can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the folder to apply the setting to. E.
g.: System:\ Of course, this general setting has to be ticked to make it work: Configuration | General
| Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Support volume labels in paths.
If more than one folder view matches the current folder, then the Best Match Algorithm will decide
(see below).
Include subfolders. Check to apply the folder view settings also to all subfolders of the matching
Match case. If checked a pattern *\Images* would not match a folder D:\images.
Tip: You don't need to add a trailing backslash "\" to your patterns. XYplorer knows that this is about
folders and cares for it. So a pattern "C:" will match folder C:\.
Visual Filter. Here you can define a Visual Filter that will be applied to the folder.
Tip: When you select the Save Folder View command from the main menu any active Visual Filter is
automatically stored along with the other Folder View Settings.
Applied Settings. Here you can define per-folder (or per-folder-view in case of a wild-carded pattern
which applies to many folders), which of the following settings are restored:
(4) List style (line numbers, auto-size, grid...) (see menu Tools | Customize List)
436 XYplorer Help
For the settings that are not restored, the Default Folder View is used (see below).
Auto-Save Changes. If checked then any manual changes to the current folder's view (e.g. you alter a
column width) are automatically stored to the active folder view and will be remembered the next time
you come back to the folder.
Make Default. Make the current settings (all checkboxes in the dialog) the default for new Folder
If more than one folder view matches the current folder then the best match is determined like this:
(1) Match ranking from best to worst in 4 groups: Full Match > Pattern Match > Full Match Including
Subs > Pattern Match Including Subs.
(2) If more than one pattern matches within one group, then the longest pattern (character count)
This way you don't have to care about manually sorting the Folder Views (which could be a lot of work
if there are hundreds of them!).
The command Apply this Folder View Also To... will open the same dialog as Edit.... The only, but
important, difference comes up when you press OK. When the dialog was invoked by Apply this Folder
View Also To... any currently active folder view will not be overwritten when you have defined a
different name/pattern.
Note that even if you do not define a DFV, an internal default folder view is always applied if no
specific folder view is active! The advantage of saving an explicit DFV is that you can configure it using
Edit Folder View dialog, i.e. you can determine which settings are applied and whether Auto-Save
Changes is enabled. The internal default folder view always restores all settings and auto-saves all
Further Remarks
Folder specifications support portability, however in a slightly restricted way since wildcarded patterns
are allowed as well, so ambiguities have to be avoided.
Main Topics / Folder View Settings 437
Pattern is resolved to
MyFolder C:\Program Files (x86)\XY\MyFolder\
.\MyFolder C:\Program Files (x86)\XY\MyFolder\
..\MyFolder C:\Program Files (x86)\MyFolder\
..\..\MyFolder C:\MyFolder\
..\MyFolder* C:\Program Files (x86)\MyFolder*\
?:\MyFolder C:\MyFolder\
D: ... [unchanged: not relative]
\\ ... [unchanged: not relative]
*MyFolder* [unchanged: is pattern]
Note that "..\MyFolder*" is resolved because the initial "." (dot) is interpreted as "Please, resolve this
relative path!".
Browse mode only: Note that FVS is only implemented for browsing folders. Not for the drives listing,
and not for search results listings.
Custom File Icons means you can define which icons are shown for files and folders within XYplorer.
The customization does not change the system at all (other applications will still show the standard
icons). All information is stored within XYplorer.ini and thus is fully portable. This means you now can
take your file icons with you and have the same icons on any host system. Hence this feature could also
be called "Portable File Icons".
To (de)activate the feature (un)tick Configuration | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Enable custom
file icons.
Custom icons can be assigned to generic file types (e.g. "*.png"), to specific file names (e.g. "Readme.
txt"), and also to specific files ("C:\pagefile.sys"). Actually to any wildcard pattern your fantasy is able
to create.
Custom icons can also be assigned to folders, drives, servers, and shares. For this to work the
patterns must end with a backslash.
Custom icons can also be assigned to special folders. In this case the matching is case-sensitive and
the patterns should NOT end with a backslash and have no wildcards. Actually it is recommended to
use environments variables for the patterns since these names are system-specific. Supported are the
following six special folders: %computer%, %desktop%, %personal%, %user%, %net%, %recycler%.
You can assign one or more pattern to an icon source, separated by "|" or ";", e.g. *.jpg;*.png.
The patterns are tested from left to right, top to bottom. The first match wins.
The patterns are matched against the whole path of the item that wants an icon. Wildcards *, ?, and
# are supported as well as character groups (e.g. [2-8] or [a-f]).
A bit of built-in smartness auto-adds implied wildcards, so e.g. "test.txt" would match all files called
"test.txt" in any location because the pattern in internally completed to "*\test.txt" to match the
whole path of the items in question.
You can as well state whole filenames or even full paths as pattern. If you don't provide any wildcards
then by default an asterisk (*) is prefixed to the pattern internally (unless the pattern is a full path).
A pattern "txt" is interpreted as "*.txt", so you can spare some typing here.
Generic file types are supported, e.g. {:Image}. For example, this line would set icon "Look.ico" to all
image files:
Note that generic file types can be combined with other patterns:
You can also customize the generic icon for files of an unknown file type, i.e. those files that would
normally show the default system icon for unknown file types. The pattern to be used for this is "*?".
You can also customize the generic icon for folders, in normal and selected state (the later is only used
in the Tree). So you can have Win8 folder icons in WinXP or vice versa, or whatever other icons you
prefer to see. The pattern for the generic folder icon is "*\", the one for the selected state is "**\". If
no generic icon for the selected tree folder (**\) is defined, then it defaults to the generic icon for all
folders (*\) if one is defined.
Portable syntax is supported: Use the "?:\" notation to refer to the drive of this XYplorer instance.
Relative paths are resolved relative to the path <xyicons> (= the "Icons" subfolder of XYplorer's
application data folder).
Anything that has a system icon (the icon shown in the file list) can be stated as custom icon source,
typically you would take either executables or *.ico files. The icon source can be stated as full path,
portable path, or ProgID ("Notepad"). Even XY native and environment variables are supported.
Changing icon definitions or enabling/disabling the feature all works smoothly, ultra-fast, and on the
fly. No restart required.
Customizing file icons is a one-time job. Once you have customized your icon associations there is
nothing else to do or to learn. The feature is simply there for you and works for you. All you have to do
is sit and watch. As simple as TV.
You can append a comment to a definition, separated by //. Any spaces before the comment separator
are trimmed off.
*.txt>Houellebecq.ico //comment
440 XYplorer Help
In the Customize File Icons dialog you can dbl-click an item to trigger the Browse... button and select a
new icon.
A couple of optional switches provide advanced possibilities. Switches have to be appended to the
pattern list separated by a single space. Switches can be combined in any order (e.g. /dr or /rd) and
apply to all patterns in the pattern list.
Switch /d
Use it, for example, to spare folder icons from customizing where the folders are already customized
using desktop.ini. The switch is "/d" and it has to be appended to the pattern list separated by a
single space. It applies to all patterns in the pattern list. Examples:
Main Topics / Custom File Icons 441
Or use it to define custom icons that are used only if there is no embedded specific icon, for example
for executables without a specific icon:
Switch /r
You can also define special icons for the currently opened/selected tree folder. So in the folder tree,
each item can be assigned two icons, one for the normal state and one for the open state. In the CFI
definition simply append the desired open state icon to the normal icon, separated by a "|" (pipe).
Some examples for defining the normal and the open state icon for all selected tree folders in drive E:\:
The Customize File Icons dialog does not fully support the double-icon syntax. The icon is not
displayed in the list, and the "Browse..." button will only set the normal icon, so you will have to type
or paste the open state icon name.
The open state icon is only shown in the Tree. Its typical use is to make the selected folder stand out
from the crowd.
In post-XP Windows Explorer this functionality has been completely dropped. Now you have it back
in XYplorer.
You can exclude certain folders and files from the customization and show them with their standard
icons. To exclude all items matching a pattern simply leave the icon source empty in the CFI definition.
Of course, the exclusions will only take effect when they match before any customization patterns, i.e.
when they are positioned higher in the list of definitions.
By the way, adding the separator ">" after the pattern is optional and makes no difference.
For testing you can paste these examples into Tools | Customize File Icons... (toggle to Editor mode
first!). The icons are given without path so they should be located in the Icons subfolder of the
application data path.
Of course, for these examples to work you first need to get hold of ICO files with matching names!
+"XYplorer Configuration Files" <xypath>\*.ini;<xydata>\*.ini>rubberduck.ico
+"XYplorer Script Files" xys>xys.ico
+"XYplorer Icon Path" <xyicons>\>SmileyHearts.ico
+docx>D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenOffice.org 3\program\swriter.exe
+"No Extension" *.>Notepad
Tip: Let all XYI files show the system icon of INC files:
Main Topics / Customize Keyboard Shortcuts 443
Open the Customize Keyboard Shortcuts dialog by menu Tools | Customize Keyboard Shortcuts
(Shift+F9). The dialog largely follows the de facto standard for such interfaces in Windows applications,
so you'll immediately find your way.
You can use any combination of Ctrl/Shift/Alt (incl. none) with any key on your board (with a few obvious
exceptions, see next).
Some special keys like the Windows key, the Context Menu key, and the Numlock key are not available
for customization. They are not used at all by the program.
Also the Tab key, the Space key, and the eight navigation keys are not customizable: they are internally
hard-coded to their traditional tasks in navigating the GUI, and cannot be assigned nor removed by the
user. Exceptions: Tab can be used in all combinations with Ctrl. The Space key and the navigation keys
can be used in all combinations with Alt.
You can assign as many different shortcuts as you want to each of the functions.
You can also assign shortcuts to (non-clickable) menu items heading a submenu. On pressing the
shortcut the submenu will pop-up at the current position of the mouse cursor.
You may also press new shortcuts while the focus is in the Commands list. Press <Enter> (or click Assign
) to assign a new shortcut to the selected command. Press <Del> (or click Remove) to remove an
existing shortcut from the selected command.
The Commands list got a little context menu where you can copy the selected command to clipboard in
various formats.
You can as well trigger any command right from here by chosing Close Dialog and Trigger Command.
This is especially useful with the miscellaneous commands, which are not available anywhere else. You
now can use them without having to assign a shortcut first.
Button "Options..."
Copy Cheat Sheet. Create and copy a cheat sheet of all current (where "current" is the current state of
444 XYplorer Help
the CKS dialog, even if it’s not OK-ed yet) shortcuts and commands in various layouts and sorting
Reset All Shortcuts To Defaults... Sets all shortcuts back to factory defaults.
Reset Unused Shortcuts To Defaults... Will assign those shortcuts to their factory default function that
are currently unused. Might come handy when upgrading and new functions with default KS have been
Pops a dialog presenting you all key combinations that are currently unused.
There's keyboard support. You press your desired key (including Ctrl, Shift, Alt combinations) and if it is
in the list, it will be focused. Otherwise, if at least your key (without Ctrl, Shift, Alt) exists, its first
occurrence will be focused. The Enter, ESC, and cursor keys are excluded from this service to keep the
dialog efficiently usable for keyboard users.
Button "Jump..."
Allows you to directly to jump to a command via a filtered list, similar to the "Jump to Setting" button in
Portable Storage
The shortcuts are saved in the application path in a binary file called "ks.dat". This allows you to carry
your personal keyboard shortcut set with you.
Each function has its scope: only if the focus is within that scope pressing the shortcut will actually
trigger the command. The scope can be Global (not restricted), or limited to certain parts of the interface
like Tree, and/or List, etc.
Category “Miscellaneous”
This category contains commands that do not actually have any interface/menu (and, therefore, can only
be triggered using the shortcuts assigned to them).
Toggle the panel height between minimum height and last user selected height (by dragging the
splitter). The same can be achieved by dbl-clicking the Info Panel splitter.
Shortcut: Alt+F12
Shortcut: Shift+F12
446 XYplorer Help
You can as well "Open in New Tab" by simply holding Shift when clicking a tree node.
Opens the right-clicked folder in a new tab without actually selecting the tab and listing the folder's
You can as well "Open in New Background Tab" by simply holding Ctrl when clicking a tree node.
Will open the selected folder in the other pane (whether that pane is visible or not). Note that it also
works when right-clicking a folder other than the current folder.
Shortcut: Alt+Click
Creates a new subfolder to the right-clicked folder, selects it, and invokes rename mode.
Shortcut: Ctrl+N
Copy Path
Shortcut: Ctrl+P
Empty Folder
Flatten Folder
Note that this action supports Undo/Redo in two steps: 1) restore the deleted empty folders, 2) move
the files back into them.
Removes all siblings (folders under same parent) of the current folder from the Mini Tree.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+P
Expansion (submenu)
Mark (submenu)
Move/Copy/Backup To
On selection a new Droppable User Button is appended to the right end of the Toolbar pointing to the
folder. The command is only available if the Scripting feature is enabled.
Opens the selected folder in the other pane (whether that pane is visible or not).
To Clipboard
Rename Special
Zip View: The contents of the selected archive are shown in a list. You get four columns: Name, [Path,]
Size, Modified.
Encrypted archives are marked as such in the top section of the dialog, and with a "+" behind the
You cannot extract from or add to the zip via this interface, it's merely a view.
The dialog shares size and position with the Quick File View.
If you opened the preview by F11 you can also close it by F11 (or whatever other KS you have
assigned to Floating Preview).
The dialog is non-modal, so you can leave it open and preview Zip archives by simply selecting them
in the file list.
Extract Here: Extracts the selected archive(s) here. Also extracts *.rar and other WinRAR formats if
WinRAR is installed on the system, and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if 7-Zip is installed on the system.
As a special service the command "Extract Here" also shows the top level folder, e.g. "Extract Here
(Icons\)", if all contents of the archive are internally subsumed under one top level folder. This tells you
that you can safely use "Extract Here" without making a mess of your current location.
Extract to {Folder}: {Folder} is auto-generated from the name of the archive, and auto-suffixed on
Extract to Other Pane: Extracts the selected archive(s) to the other pane.
Paste into this Zip: Lets you paste the items in the clipboard into the right-clicked zip file.
Add to Zip Archive...: Lets you add items to an existing or new archive. You are prompted for a name
Main Topics / Custom Context Menu Commands 449
Add to {Zipname Item}: {Zipname Item} is auto-generated from the item owning the context menu,
and auto-suffixed on collision.
Add to {Zipname Parent}: {Zipname Parent} is auto-generated from the parent folder of the item
owning the context menu, and auto-suffixed on collision.
Note that Zip Support needs Zip Folders enabled in Windows (which it is by default).
Move Up
Moves the selected items to the folder above their current folder.
Open With...
Replaces the contents of the selected file with the contents of the file in clipboard. The selected file
keeps its filename, just the contents are updated. Notes:
The action cannot be undone, always runs in the foreground, and is performed by kernel API (no
Custom Copy or Shell Copy involved).
The file in clipboard is not deleted even if it had been "cut" to the clipboard.
450 XYplorer Help
To show the Custom Drag and Drop Context Menu you have to check Configuration | General | Menus,
Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Custom drag and drop context menu. Else the standard Shell
Context Menu is shown.
Move Here
Copy Here
Duplicate a file: If you want a copy/duplicate of any file, drag it with right-click just a little bit (you
don't need to drop the file in another place). On mouse up, a popup menu will open with all sorts of
copy, backup, create and move operations - even more than in the File | Duplicate submenu. Choose
Copy Here to create a duplicate in the same location as the original.
Backup Here
Allows you to create a renamed copy of the dragged file. The command is available only if exactly one
file is drag-dropped; when triggered by keyboard it applies only to the focused file. If source and
target path/file are identical, the copy is auto-renamed to "Copy of Original Name" (auto-rename
scheme varies depending on Operating System locale).
Main Topics / Custom Drag'n'Drop Context Menu 451
Makes a copy [or move] of the selected item(s) and automatically appends the last modified date [or
current date] of the copied/moved item(s) in a format defined by a template. Date-stamped copies are
very, v-e-r-y, useful when working with versions. If an item by the new name already exists, auto-
incremented numbers are suffixed.
Shortcut for Copy Here With Last Modified Date: Ctrl+Shift+D (think "Duplicate Dated")
(6) ... and the selected files are moved (copied) into it
You are presented an array of 4 possible default names for the new subfolder about to be created.
The first three are (can be) defined in the [NewTemplates] INI section. Here's an example:
Folder0=\N\e\w \F\o\l\d\e\r
The fourth is made from the first item to be moved [copied, pasted] into the new subfolder, i.e. the
item that was focused in the moment of cutting, copying, dragging. The index of the last selection is
remembered between sessions.
Tip: You can as well define a whole new subpath (e.g. download\2008\new) as target. It will be
created on the fly (if necessary).
Tip: The forward slash "/" is supported as alternative folder separator. It will be auto-converted to "\".
Tip: The dialog suggests the last used Selection Filter as new subfolder name, if that filter is a valid
filename, and if it was used less than 2 minutes ago.
Copy or move items together with parts of their path. In other words, the copies will end up
somewhere deeper below the actual drop target depending on your choice.
The dialog offers you a complete set of path choices auto-generated from the drop target and the
source item(s). Any non-existing subpaths will be silently created in the target; non-existing paths are
marked by the "New Folder" icon in the dialog (unless the target is a network location, where the
standard icon is shown for better performance).
452 XYplorer Help
Note that in the dialog there is some smartness at work: The path which XYplorer thinks you are likely
to choose is preselected. E.g., if you drag directly onto a drive root (or network share), the path that
will mirror your source path is preselected. Of course, you can change the preselection, and even type
in a different path from the ones offered in the dropdown (it has to be located below the drop target
The same functionality is available for pasting from clipboard in menu Edit | Paste Special | Paste
Here with Path....
These commands come in very handy when restoring or updating individual files from one deeply
nested place to another one.
Move dragged stuff to drop location, recreating the source's folder structure in the destination folder.
This command is only available in this context menu and only when dragging find results. See details.
Copy dragged stuff to drop location, recreating the source's folder structure in the destination folder.
This command is only available in this context menu and only when dragging find results. See details.
Note This operation obviously will only work when you drag folders, not just
files. If you forget, you will be kindly reminded.
Extract Here
Extracts the dragged archive(s) here. Also extracts *.rar and other WinRAR formats if WinRAR is
installed on the system, and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if 7-Zip is installed on the system.
Zip Here
Go to Dragged Item
Will go to the dragged item's containing folder and select the item, or simply open the folder if the item
Main Topics / Custom Drag'n'Drop Context Menu 453
is a folder. If more than one item is dragged the first item is taken.
The command is only available for the List and the current Tab of the active pane. But, of course, each
hovered tab becomes the current tab after a configurable while.
Main usage is probably when dragging items or paths from other apps into XYplorer. It's a kind of "Go
to by Drag and Drop".
Drop on Zip
You can right-button-drop items into a zip file. A mini menu pops up with one command: Drop into Zip.
Yet another revolutionary XYplorer-only feature. Now you can drag & drop a text chunk onto Tree, List,
Catalog, or Tab header, where it will be automatically converted into a *.txt-file called something like
"DroppedText-20061007.txt". The "-20061007" part is the date now (format defined in INI at key
PostfixDate). After creation of the file, rename-mode is invoked. Try it, for example, with your web
browser. Select a piece of text on a web page and drag it onto XYplorer...
Now you can do some pretty amazing things, for example:
(1) You can drag-drop selected text bits from XYplorer's own Web preview!
(2) You can drag-drop selected text bits from PDF documents and they will be saved as "Untitled[-##].
(3) You can even drag-drop selected image bits (details of embedded images) from PDF documents and
they will be saved as a BMP named to the full path/file of the source file!
(4) You can drag-drop images directly from web pages Browser-to-XYplorer.
454 XYplorer Help
There are four different file copy commands in XYplorer, so here's a quick comparative overview.
The standard Windows file copy operation (the only copy Explorer can do).
Source: All currently selected files/folders in List (normal browse or find results), or the currently
selected folder in Tree.
Target: All files contained in the source are copied to one and the same target folder. Any folders
contained in the source are created below the target folder including all their contents.
Prompts: When a file or folder with the same name already exists in the target location, you are asked
whether you want to overwrite the existing item. Your choices are Yes, Yes to All, No, or Cancel. If
you answer Yes or No, you will be asked again every time this happens.
Issue 1: since there is no No to all button you'll have a hard time clicking Yes or No when doing a large
synchronize job. This issue is one of the reasons why there's the Backup command (see below).
Issue 2: when using this command on find results of a recursive file find (subfolders included), the
operation might lead to unwanted results: first, if the copy cargo contains files of the same name (eg.
you might have found a lot of "index.htm" files in various locations), you'll face the overwrite prompt for
every non-first file of the same name, since Copy puts all files to one and the same location; second, if
the copy cargo contains folders, all their contents will be copied, too, although they probably do not all
match your find criteria. This issue is one of the reasons why there's the Rich Copy command (see
Custom Copy
Target: All files contained in the source are copied to their relative path below the target folder (any
needed subfolders are automatically created along the way).
Target: All files contained in the source are copied to their relative path below the target folder (any
needed subfolders are automatically created along the way).
Main Topics / Copying files with XYplorer 455
Rich Copy
A special command only available in XYplorer: Copy find results along with their original folder
structure. Details are described here.
Source: All currently selected files/folders in List, but only when find results are displayed.
Target: All files contained in the source are copied to their relative path below the target folder (any
needed subfolders are automatically created along the way).
Note: You find the Rich Copy commands only in the drag and drop context menu. To do a Rich Copy,
drag the selected items from the search results list to the destination folder (in XYplorer's folder Tree, in
the file list, the Catalog, or a Tab header) using the right mouse button: On drop, a popup menu will
give you the choice between normal and rich operations.
Note: Of course, Rich Copy commands will not appear when you drop outside XYplorer, e.g. to the
Desktop! This is because Rich Copy is a feature of XYplorer, not of the Desktop.
Source: J:\Test\MyStuff\Dir1\Bvb.ico
Target: E:\MyStuffArchive\Dir1\Bvb.ico
As you see, for every file in the find results, the File Find start path is replaced by the target path of the
If the File Find started in Computer, the drive letter of the found files is converted into a folder, eg:
Source: [Computer]J:\Test\MyStuff\Dir1\Bvb.ico
Target: E:\MyStuffArchive\J\Test\MyStuff\Dir1\Bvb.ico
An example for a Rich Paste would be pasting two files D:\Test.txt and E:\Test.txt in one go to F:
Note that "rich sources" typically come from recursive search results or branch views.
The root path for such a rich operation is the greatest common parent folder of the sources.
4.37 Backup
What is called "Backup" in XYplorer is a highly customizable file copy operation. You don't necessarily
have to use it for backing up files. "Backup" is just a label for an alternative copy, alternative to
Windows's shell copy (which has so many pitfalls).
Backup Here in the drag and drop context menu (popped up when dropping files dragged with the
right-mouse button).
Backup To in the Edit menu and in the file context menu (which as well available in the main window
menu when any files are selected).
All those commands offer exactly the same operation (as it is configured in Configuration | File
Operations | Backup Operations) and differ only in the way you choose your target.
If a file does exist in the target location, the target file will be overwritten only if it is older than the
source file.
Note: This behavior ("Overwrite if newer") can be modified in Configuration | File Operations | Backup
The folder structure of the backup will be an exact image of the source's folder structure.
A log-file is optionally created for every backup operation, where every single file operation is exactly
Main Topics / Backup 459
A progress dialog tells you exactly what's happening and provides you with a final report. Alternatively
(progress dialog turned off) you get a status bar message after the operation is completed giving you
a minimal summary report:
- skip: files were not copied, e.g. because they were older than files of same name in target
Note: This behavior ("Show progress dialog", "Create log file") can be modified in Configuration | File
Operations | Backup Operations.
The Backup file operation preserves all three dates (modified, created, accessed) in all copied files and
Note: This behavior ("Preserve item dates") can be turned off in Configuration | File Operations |
Backup Operations.
460 XYplorer Help
4.38 Undo/Redo
Multi-level Undo/Redo
XYplorer gives you multi-level undo/redo for the file operations Move, Copy, Rename, Delete, and New.
Up to 100 user actions are logged and can be undone at any point. They are even remembered
between sessions so you can fix today what you broke yesterday.
Undo is your friend when something went wrong. A typical use for Undo is when you drag-moved some
items into the wrong folder, maybe by a slip of the finger, the famous accidental drop. You might not
even know which folder it was. With Undo, just one click will bring everything back to normal. Even on
the next morning after having closed and restarted XYplorer.
Or a batch rename of 250 files went wrong. No problem: Undo it with one click.
Optionally you can perform a cumulative undo, which means that you can undo a whole bunch of
actions with a single click. Or you can perform a non-sequential undo, which means that you can undo
any particular action from your action history without undoing the actions that came after.
The default keyboard shortcuts are Ctrl+Z for Undo and Ctrl+Shift+Z for Redo. However, the superior
interface for these tasks is probably the toolbar. Because the Undo and Redo buttons inform you
about what will be undone/redone, either by a tooltip when hovering the buttons, or by a dropdown
list of recent actions when clicking the buttons' arrows.
(1) Undo only knows item names and locations, not data. It will not restore lost data.
(2) Redo is not the Undo of Undo but it will redo the original action.
- Move: Move To, Cut & Paste, Move Here As (...), etc.
Note that a command like "Move to New Subfolder" consists of two actions: (1) creating the
subfolder, (2) moving the item. They are logged (and undone) separately.
- Copy: Copy To, Copy & Paste, Copy Here As (...), etc.
Note that Undo will delete the copies for good. Redo will not recreate the deleted copies but copy
the originals again.
- New: Create New File/Folder, New Path, New Folders, New Items.
Main Topics / Undo/Redo 461
- Rich Copy.
Note that Undo will remove the copied items, but it will not remove any created subfolders.
How to Undo
- Trigger Undo immediately after the logged action. The closer you are to the action, the better
your chances that it can be perfectly undone.
- You can pick out any logged action and (attempt to) undo it, also known as non-sequential undo.
- You don't have to care about the original sequence of actions. This does not mean, of course,
that any sequence necessarily works, but it *might* work.
- The action log is saved between sessions, so theoretically you can undo actions that were done
months ago.
Of course, since all logged actions are happening within one file system, it should be clear that they
are interrelated. So undoing action #2 might be impossible before having undone action #1, or
undoing action #2 might make impossible to undo action #1 later.
462 XYplorer Help
Just keep in mind that XYplorer's Undo is not a forensic recovery tool for lost data. Not a single byte
that was overwritten or permanently deleted will be brought back to life by Undo. Always remember:
(1) Undo only knows item names and locations, not data. It will not restore lost data.
(2) Redo is not the Undo of Undo but it will redo the original action as if you would redo it
manually now.
(1) Create a New File; Undo will delete it; Redo will create a file of that name again. If you put any
contents to that file then they will not magically come back when you Redo the creation of the file.
Same with New Folder.
(2) Delete a file for good (no recycle bin): Cannot be undone using Undo.
(3) Move/Copy a file and overwrite same named items in the target folder: The overwritten data are
lost and no Undo will bring them back.
(4) XYplorer disallows that any data are overwritten by an Undo or Redo operation. So e.g. if you try
to undo a move, but in the meantime a file of the same name as the originally moved file came to
existence, the Undo will not happen. In case of undoing a delete to recycler the shell will pop an
overwrite prompt.
(5) If you undo the creation of a folder, any contents the folder might have gathered in the meantime
will be lost and don't come back by redoing the creation.
There's a configuration option to have undo/redo delete to the recycle bin. This might save your
neck in case of an erroneous undo.
(6) If you undo a Copy and then Redo it, the copy will be made from today's state of the original
source and thus will differ from the original copy if the source has changed in the meantime.
Action Log
The Action Log is the database for Undo/Redo. It tells you in chronological order what you have done,
when you have done it, whether it can be undone, or whether it has already been undone and can be
redone. It's optionally remembered across sessions so you can finally find out what you did yesterday.
(1) Note that also actions are logged that cannot be undone. E.g. no-recycle-deletions: you can still
see what items you have permanently deleted and when; information that can be very useful
when trying to recover them using a recovery application.
Main Topics / Undo/Redo 463
(2) The Action Log currently holds a maximum of 256 entries, older entries are forgotten. The actual
size can be lowered in configuration in case you want to save a little memory. But don't worry, it
does not take much memory anyway, so it's recommended to leave it at the max.
(3) Note that you can undo actions right from the Action Log using the right-click menu.
(4) Backup and Sync operations are added to the Action Log (both as "Backup"). You cannot undo
them (it would be meaningless) but you have them nicely logged so you can look up what you
have done and when.
(5) The Action Log works as a history where you can go back and forward and be at a certain
position between both ends. Now when you go back (Undo - Undo - Undo - ...) and then trigger
some logged action (e.g. delete a file), then the previous future branch is dropped in favor of the
new one.
(6) In the Action Log Dialog the green highlighted item is the current item in action history. It's the
action that will be undone when you click Undo. Usually it will be the top item, but it moves
downwards when you undo actions. When the complete action history is undone you are in
"Prehistory". Take care.
You can set any item to be the current action using the right-click menu of the Actions list.
(7) The action is limited to save resources: Only actions with 32,767 or less items (that's the directly
selected items, not any folder contents) involved are stored in the action log and can be undone.
The two lists in the lower part of the Action Log show the items involved in the selected action, before
and after the action. Items that exist at this very moment show an icon, items that don't exist show
no icon. So for example with a Move operation, the upper list will typically show no icons (the items
have been moved away from that location), and the lower list will show icons (if the items are still
where they have been moved to).
464 XYplorer Help
1. The real path/name for each item is displayed in a separate column "Recycled Name". Ctrl+P will
copy that info to the clipboard.
2. The context menu's custom command "Go to Real Location" will beam you to the real location of
the item and select it in XYplorer's raw recycle bin view.
3. The context menu's custom command "Go to Original Location" will beam you to the original
location of the item.
4. You can open (Enter, Dbl-Click) a deleted folder to browse its contents.
5. You can show the recursive folder sizes of deleted folders right in the list (as usual in the Size
6. You can see the Space Used or Real Size of deleted items (Explorer shows only Space Used).
7. You get the exact time of deletion down to the second (Explorer only tells you the minute).
10. Color code items in the Recycle Bin just like normal files.
11. Jump and Spot: Jump to items, and place a spotlight on them.
15. You can hide the node from the tree (Configuration | Items in Tree and List).
16. Images in the Recycle Bin can show thumbnails in Thumbnails and Tiles modes, the thumbnails
can be cached, and they support Mouse Down Blow Up. In Tiles modes Photo Data are
17. Full Meta Data (Shift+Enter) are shown also for items in the Recycle Bin.
The Shell default action (Enter, Dbl-Click) for Recycle Bin items is to show the item's Properties dialog.
This will happen in XY as well, unless you have a CFA defined for the file type in question.
Main Topics / Recycle Bin 465
The Recycle Bin is a pretty singular construct superimposed onto the regular file system and comes with
a couple of pecularities:
- No drag from the Recycle Bin (but you can drop items onto the Recycle Bin to delete them).
- No pasting.
The Len column refers to the original Path/Name, not to the Recycled Name.
The Info Panel refers to the Recycled Name because this is the file that exists, has properties, and can
be previewed.
Contrary to Explorer, XYplorer allows you to browse these "Raw Recycle Bins" just like any normal
folder. It is not recommended to delete any files out of a Raw Recycle Bin, unless you really know what
you are doing! You risk corrupting the database underlying the virtual Recycle Bin.
466 XYplorer Help
Portable Devices
From v15.00 onwards XYplorer supports so-called Portable Devices, i.e. devices like tablets, smart
phones, or digital cameras, devices that are connected to the PC without being assigned a drive letter.
Portable Devices support is available from Windows Vista and later, and limited to the Pro Edition of
File management on Portable Devices is quite limited compared to what you can do with XYplorer
within the regular file system. Therefore there is an info bar in the list to clearly show that you are
browsing a Portable Device (PD). The color is deep purple (DP).
This works:
Browse the device, list files and folders with all data columns provided by the Windows shell.
Breadcrumb Bar.
Branch View.
File operations to, from, and on the device: Copy, Move, Rename, Delete.
Note while you can delete files from the device Undo is NOT possible here!
You can create new files and folders on a device. Also the New Items menu works.
Undo most of those file operations (Delete cannot be undone on a Portable Device).
However, copy/cut from a Portable Device and paste to anywhere cannot be undone.
Batch Rename.
Custom Columns.
Raw View.
Paper Folders (you cannot list Portable Devices paths in Paper Folders, or convert Portable Device
folders to Paper Folders).
Further Remarks:
The first operation to or from a newly mounted device can take up to 30 seconds before it actually
A Word of Warning...
There is a serious shell bug (a Windows bug, not an XYplorer bug; Explorer has it, too) in Windows 8.1
(and probably other Windows versions) that can lead to permanent data loss: When moving an item
to a Portable Device (from the PC or from another location of the Portable Device) where an item of
the same name already exists then on cancelling the overwrite prompt the move does not happen but
the source item is deleted anyway!!! Also X-closing the overwrite prompt will lead to the destruction of
the source item.
To see the bug in XYplorer use right-mouse drop, then Shell Context Menu... from the context menu,
and then Move Here from the shell context menu.
...and a Tip
Some Portable Devices (typically digital cameras) do not allow (most, but not all!) operations that
change the contents of the device. In other words they are (almost) read-only. However, those
devices don't necessarily pop an error message if you try an invalid operation but simply do nothing.
For example, and, just to make sure, this is also the case when working with Explorer: You can move a
file from such a device to the PC, but you cannot move it back. One-way traffic!
To avoid surprises and frustration tick this setting: Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network |
Safety Belts | Treat portable devices as read-only. Now XYplorer will let you know beforehand that
you attempt an operation that would change the content of the device and not continue with it. But
note that even this safety belt cannot intercept all file operations triggered via the (drag and drop)
shell context menu.
With the above setting ticked all you can do is copy items from the device to the PC. Given the limited
file management you get on a Portable Device this is the recommend procedure anyway.
468 XYplorer Help
Advanced Topics
470 XYplorer Help
5 Advanced Topics
Admin Settings
You use XYplorer in your company and don't want your employees to check for updates? You don't want
them to edit the user commands? You don't want them to change the configuration? All this and more is
possible through Admin Settings.
You (or your administrator) simply place a file "Admin.ini" in XYplorer's application path. The contents of
this file will control the layout and functionality of the application in a way that a user without admin
rights cannot influence. XYplorer will read this file at startup but never write to it.
Section [Settings]
Key: Profile
For example, to hide and disable the Check for Updates feature, you simply enter this into Admin.ini:
Here's an overview over the available values and their respective effects:
64 Hide menu Help | Online Support (includes Check for Updates and other online functions).
512 Disallow the user to modify tags (Labels, Tags, and Comments).
1024 Disallow the user to switch the language or edit the currently loaded language using the
Interface Translation Tool.
2048 Disallow the user to load any language other than English into the interface.
4096 Hide the Tools | Tools Special menu and all of its functionality from the user.
8192 Enforce read-only mode (without using the /readonly switch). So the user cannot create or
Advanced Topics / Admin Settings 471
modify any app data files, and hence cannot save any changes in the user settings.
16384 Prevent dark menus in XYplorer when Windows is in Dark Mode. Useful when you prefer
having XYplorer in Light Mode while Windows is in Dark Mode.
32768 Disallow updating (and checking for updates) to a new version from within the app.
Now you simply add the values of the desired effects. For example, if you want to hide Tools |
Configuration... (16), Tools | Open Configuration File... (32) and Help | Online Support | Check for
Updates (64), you add 16 + 32 + 64 = 112 and use this value in Admin.ini:
Key: Lic
You can pass the full path (or relative to application path, all variables and portability supported) to a file
where the license data are stored. This is quite useful when installing XYplorer in companies for large
numbers of users that are covered by a single Corporate License, or when you have many parallel
XYplorer installations on your machine.
Example for the Lic key in "Admin.ini" pointing to a local license file with a name and location of your
The contents of "License.ini" (or whatever you call it) should look like this (fill in your license data for
Name=<Your Registration Name>
Code=<Your Site License Key>
If "License.ini" is not found, not accessible, or empty, then the procedure silently falls back to reading
the license data from "XYplorer.ini".
You can also place your site license key directly in the file Admin.ini. From here the key will unlock all
XYplorer instances in the network.
472 XYplorer Help
Instead of using "Admin.ini" with key Lic or keys Name and Code (see above) you can go yet another
way to achieve the same: Place a file with the fixed name "Lic.ini" in the path of XYplorer.exe that
contains the license data used to unlock the application. The contents of "Lic.ini" should look just as
shown in the section here above (fill in your license data for <...>):
Name=<Your Registration Name>
Code=<Your Site License Key>
Section [Paths]
The section [Paths] can be used to overwrite some otherwise hard-coded data paths. The following keys
are supported (here with sample values):
These settings can be used for example to share Catalog or NewItems resources, or the Tags database
(Labels, Tags, Comments, Extra Tags), or scripts across a network by different members of a team. Or,
for a single user, to let different configurations (/ini=...) share the same resources or data.
The administrator is responsible for a sensible rights management. E.g. shared Catalogs or a shared
Tags database should be read-only for the normal user to avoid write conflicts.
The Tags database can also be protected per-user via setting eAPDisallow_Write_Tags (512) in Admin.
ini, which will deny the user to modify tags (Labels, Tags, and Comments):
Here is a way to define a default profile path in Admin.ini, eg (final backslash is optional):
Now, when XYplorer starts and does not find a file XYplorer.ini in its app data path, then the complete
Advanced Topics / Admin Settings 473
contents of C:\XYplorerVirginSetup\ are copied to XYplorer's app data path (it is debug-logged). No
questions will be asked on collisions. Then, right after defloration, XYplorer starts with these prepared
This function can be very useful in companies. It lets the administrator cleanly define how XYplorer is first
launched, and this ability extends to ALL settings out there (even the thumbnail cache could be
Section [AccessControl]
Access Control is a powerful corporate feature by which an admin can easily control which locations can
be accessed by the user of XYplorer. If this feature is enabled then browsing and file operations are only
possible in, from, and to the explicitly allowed paths. Apart from locations you can also limit the kind of
allowed file operations, and disallow certain program features.
Access Control is invoked using Admin.ini, a plain text file located in the path of XYplorer.exe. If it is not
there yet, simply create it. Create with admin rights so that the normal user cannot modify it. The section
name for Access Control related keys in [AccessControl].
The key AllowedDirs can be used to allow operations only in certain locations. In this example, access is
allowed only for Desktop, D:\, and E:\Test. Note that allowance includes all subfolders.
Any number of paths can be concatenated, separated by a | (pipe). If the key AllowedDirs is not empty
then the Mini Tree mode is forced on the user.
Note that environment variables and XYplorer native variables are supported. That way you can easily
assign account-specific user rights. For example, allow only the "User" special path and drive "D:":
The key DisallowedDirs can be used to disallow operations in certain locations. In this example, the
user is allowed to operate anywhere apart from E:\Test and E:\Secret. Note that disallowance includes
all subfolders.
If both keys, AllowedDirs and DisallowedDirs are given then the logic is like this: First AllowedDirs is
474 XYplorer Help
checked; if the path in question passes then it is checked against DisallowedDirs. For example:
Result: The user is allowed to operate only in drives E: and F:, but not in the folders E:\Test and E:
The additional key DisallowedDirsExcept can be used to define exceptions from disallowed paths, i.e.
to allow certain (or all) subpaths within a disallowed branch. For example, these entries will allow all
subfolders of E:\Test, but not E:\Test itself:
Contrary to the values in DisallowedDirs the values (which are full paths) in DisallowedDirsExcept are
wildcard patterns. For example, these entries here will allow all subfolders called "a" or "b", in any
disallowed branch:
Note that environment variables and XYplorer native variables are supported.
The key DisallowedOperations can be used to disallow certain file related operations. The value is a
made by OR-ing (here equivalent to adding) the values of the following bit field:
eAACFO_Move = 1
eAACFO_Copy = 2
eAACFO_Delete = 4
eAACFO_Rename = 8
eAACFO_New = 16
eAACFO_Open = 32
eAACFO_Tag = 64
eAACFO_ShellCtxMenu = 128
The key DisabledFeatures can be used to disallow certain program features. The value is a made by OR-
ing (here equivalent to adding) the values of the following bit field:
Advanced Topics / Admin Settings 475
eMdlScripting = 1
eMdlUDC = 2 ' user defined commands
eMdlCKS = 4 ' custom keyboard shortcuts
eMdlDualPane = 8
eMdlTags = 16
eMdlCatalog = 32
eMdlTabsets = 64
eMdlAccessControl = 128
eMdlAdminSettings = 256
eMdlBackgroundFileOps = 512 ' includes queueing
eMdlCFI = 1024 ' custom file icons
eMdlFVS = 2048 ' folder view settings
eMdlGhostFilter = 4096
The key HiddenItems can be used to state items that should be globally hidden from Tree and List just
like with the Ghost Filter. Same syntax, the only difference being: You have only one line, so the
wildcard patterns are to be concatenated separated by |.
For example, this would hide all items beginning with a dot and all EXE files from the user:
Of course, visibility cannot be user-toggled for items that are admin-hidden. They are hidden for good.
This hiding is stealth: The count is not visible in the status bar.
The pattern list is not shown in the tooltip of the "Ghost Filter" toolbar button. It's not shown
anywhere (unless you look into Admin.ini).
The key ReadonlyTagsDB lets you specify a full filename or wildcard pattern to match a tags database
that should be read-only for the user. That way the admin can protect one or more databases from the
user while allowing him to write to others. Some examples:
ReadonlyTagsDB=\\North\Share\XY\SharedTags.dat ;exclude this particular database
ReadonlyTagsDB=*\SharedTags.dat ;exclude all databases called
476 XYplorer Help
ReadonlyTagsDB=* ;exclude all databases
ReadonlyTagsDB= ;exclude none (or just drop the key)
There is a way to completely fix the last saved Mini Tree to its current state:
The tree will be the last saved Mini Tree, and cannot be turned to a Maxi Tree.
Tree changing commands like "Hide Folder from Mini Tree" or "Flatten Folder" are
The Fixed Mini Tree is only useful for picking a location or dropping items in a location.
Managed Tree
If bits 1 and 2 of FixedMiniTree are set (FixedMiniTree=3), the "Fixed Mini Tree" turns into a so-called
"Managed Tree" which is a Fixed Mini Tree with the following additional properties:
Within the AllowedDirs, you can freely expand and collapse nodes, add and remove folders, rename
folders, drag and drop stuff. These areas are flexible.
Above the AllowedDirs (incl. the AllowedDirs themselves), nothing is allowed. These areas are fixed.
Here's an example for how to set up XYplorer to limit activity to Desktop and \\ServerB\Work, disallow
Move, Delete, and Rename even in this allowed locations, and generally disable Scripting and User-
Advanced Topics / Admin Settings 477
Defined Commands (UDC). Create Admin.ini in the path of XYplorer.exe and paste this:
When Access Control (AC) is active the title bar caption displays "[AC]" at its right end.
Also the status bar shows a button with the AC icon when AC is active. Click it to get some information
about how you are limited by AC.
The menu popped by the AC status bar button has a toggle item "Use Status Bar for Messages". Check
it if you need it. The setting is retained across sessions via the normal INI file, so this part of AC is
customizable by the user.
Access Control partly overlaps with the Profile key in the Settings section (see here above). A difference
is that the latter has no interface or messages. It simply and silently removes features.
Redirecting Admin.ini
There is a way to read the admin settings from a file other than Admin.ini. Add this section to the
beginning of Admin.ini (the path is an example):
If this key is found, and if the file exists and can be read, the rest of this Admin.ini file is ignored and all
admin settings are read from the new file. This allows managing a multi-user setup from one central
478 XYplorer Help
The overall command line format is something like this (more switches exist, as shown below):
The switch /win can also be used to specify the main window position and dimension at startup,
overwriting the values in the INI file. Each value is optional and if missing the value found in the INI file
is used. General format:
Advanced Topics / Command Line Switches 479
You can determine which INI-file is loaded by starting the application like this:
myini can be just a base name (myini) or include the extension .ini (myini.ini). If you pass no path with
it then the file is looked for in the Application Data Path.
If you use the /ini switch then you will always get a new instance even if Configuration | General |
Startup & Exit | Allow multiple instances is unchecked.
Date variables, e.g. <date yyyy>, are supported in the path. See examples below.
You can pass a non-existing path with the /ini switch, e.g.:
Only on saving any settings, the path will be created. Usage: By passing a non-existing path you can
ensure that no current settings are overwritten, e.g. like this:
Open a new instance regardless of any settings that would otherwise force any existing instance to be
XYplorer.exe /new
Run the application without loading any settings apart from the license data. This can be useful for
isolating any issues under factory defaults conditions and thus can help the analysis.
XYplorer.exe /fresh
Note that a new instance is opened regardless of any settings or existing instances (like with switch /
Tip 1: Run a 2nd instance with factory defaults via Address Bar:
Tip 2: Users of the Pro version (scripting enabled) have it even easier:
480 XYplorer Help
Run the application in read-only mode, i.e. the settings are read from disk but never written to disk. So
your configuration on disk will be untouched by this instance.
XYplorer.exe /readonly
You get a Status Bar message when you actively attempt to save settings in read-only mode.
You can set a session title via the command line switch /title=[session title]. If the title contains any
spaces it has to be quoted. Example:
/title="Mars Project"
A session title is useful when you need to distinguish several parallel sessions. See Title Bar Template
in Configuration | Templates.
You can run a script on startup directly from the command line. The switch is /script=[script resource],
where [script resource] can be:
1) The path to a script file (commonly called *.xys). The file spec is resolved as in the script
command load, so you can skip the XYS extension. You can also skip the path if the XYS file is located in
the default scripts folder. For example
XYplorer.exe /script=test
would run the file <xyscripts>\test.xys on startup. If the path contains spaces it must be quoted:
2) A script. It must be preceded by ::, and it must not contain double quotes or other characters that
might lead to problems when parsing the command line. For example
Note the double quotes surrounding the whole argument which are needed because of the spaces in
the script line.
If your script needs double quotes you should use the quote() function or runq with single quotes:
Lets you feed a script into an existing instance of XYplorer without changing the location or tabs of that
instance. A practical shorthand of using switches /script and /flg=2. The following lines are functionally
If you use both /script and /feed then /feed will overwrite /script.
Tip: You can "pipe" a value instead of quoting it. This can be useful when unpredictable quotes (that
might be returned from variables) make predictable parsing impossible, or simply to make a string more
readable. For example, this is the same Command Line Switch, first quoted then piped:
/feed="::text '"R:\a b c"';" (this would not work; parser cannot handle the ambiguous
/feed=|::text '"R:\a b c"';| (this does work)
Of course, you must be sure that no pipes can come up inside the value.
When called from a dos prompt the pipes have to be escaped, e.g.:
/flg=2: You can feed a script into an existing instance of XYplorer without changing the location or tabs
of that instance. Simply pass the switch /flg=2 in the command line, for example:
/flg=8: No Custom Column scripts are executed. That way you can start XYplorer even when you
messed up your scripts.
If feeding a script into XYplorer you can pass the window handle of the target XYplorer instance with this
switch if you know it. If you want to feed the script into this XYplorer, you can simply use the variable
<hwnd>, for example:
Lets you pass a |-separated, optionally quoted, list of values to the application. The individual values
can later be retrieved via scripting command get (with the named argument "CmdLineUser"). For
482 XYplorer Help
App Call:
XYplorer.exe /user=a|b|c
Lets you control the startup path, optionally quoted (quotes are needed if the path contains spaces).
XYplorer.exe /path=C:\
Note that you can also pass the startup path as an unnamed switch, see below. However, the /path
switch will overwrite any unnamed switch.
XYplorer will go to the parent path in the folder tree and select the item in the file list. For example, this
will go to C:\ and select Windows in the list:
XYplorer.exe /select=C:\Windows
Add this switch to ensure the startup folder is expanded in the tree.
XYplorer.exe /exp
You can pass an alternate ADP right via command line! Simply use the /ini switch and pass a full path
with it.
For example:
XYplorer.exe /ini=C:\XYdata\XY.ini
Sets the ADP to C:\XYdata\, and loads XY.ini as main configuration file from there, as well as all other
data files like cks.dat, udc.dat etc.
XYplorer.exe /ini=?:\XYdata\XY.ini
XYplorer.exe /ini=XYdata\XY.ini
You can also pass the path alone without stating the INI file. Simply end the argument with a backslash:
XYplorer.exe /ini=C:\XYdata\
Sets the ADP to C:\XYdata\, and loads XYplorer.ini (the default INI file).
This new support for passing the ADP via command lines means that you now can run completely
independent configurations simply using Windows shortcuts.
Tip: The currently used INI file and Application Data Path is displayed in the title bar of the Configuration
Startup Path
The INI contains all settings including the current startup path. You can however overwrite this value by
stating the startup path in an (unnamed) switch, e.g. as the right-most argument, optionally quoted
(quotes are needed if the path contains spaces). For example:
You may also pass a startup path relative to the application path, e.g. "..\..\". Passing just a dot (".") will
startup at application path.
Paths to files are supported. XYplorer will go to the parent path in the folder tree and select the file in
the file list.
You can inject a Dual Startup Path (one path for each pane) into the running or a new instance
(depending on your settings) by passing two paths separated by a double-pipe (||). Example:
XYplorer.exe "C:\||D:\"
Note that Dual Startup Path forces startup in Dual Pane mode.
See also the /path switch above for another way to pass a startup path.
484 XYplorer Help
XYplorer can maintain private Custom File Associations independent of the global ones defined in the
Windows registry. These associations are stored in the local INI file, which allows you to travel with your
own file associations. So they could as well be called "Portable File Associations".
In the Tools | List Management | Custom File Associations... dialog you find a toggle button in the
bottom toolbar.
Right-click the "Open With" button on the main window toolbar and click "Enable Custom File
To define a custom file association simply open "Custom File Associations..." in menu Tools/List
Management and add it to the list. The general syntax is: pattern>application, where pattern and
application can have various formats. For example "extension>application (full path)":
The 2nd example is particularly interesting if you use XYplorer on portable drives: the little "?"-trick
makes you independent of the local drive mappings! Double-clicking (or <enter>ing) a file in XYplorer will
cause it to open in an application stored on your USB stick, independent (a) of the file associations
maintained by the local copy of Windows, and (b) of the local drive mappings. What more portability do
you want?
You can as well state several extensions in a row, separated by ";", for example:
"Text|Notepad" {:Text};csv>Notepad
You can as well state a path *relative* to this XYplorer's path, for example:
If this XYplorer is at C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\ then the examples will be resolved to C:\Program
Files (x86)\Viewer\Viewer.exe or C:\Viewer\Viewer.exe.
You may as well state the name of the executable (with or without ".exe") of registered applications.
Advanced Topics / Custom File Associations 485
Custom File Associations decide which application is used to open your files on Dbl-Click, Enter and
Ctrl+Enter (at least if "Open Items by First 'Open with...' Match" is ticked; see Configuration here
below). The CFA definitions are processed from top to bottom. Hence their order is important because
the first matching pattern will make it and select the opening application.
Note that the above is only true for Dbl-Click, Enter and Ctrl+Enter on a file, not on a folder. Folders
are always simply browsed on those actions.
If none of the patterns matches the file to be opened then the global registry-based file association is
used to open it. You still have direct access to the registry-based file associations via
(c) Custom Keyboard Shortcuts | Miscellaneous | File Operations | Open Selected Item(s) with OS
Default [Ctrl+Shift+Enter].
The checkboxes in the list allow you to easily (de)activate particular file associations without the need to
delete and retype them. As always in XYplorer's checkbox lists, a right-click menu offers (Un)Select All.
Mouse users: Their recommended way would be to add the Open With button to you toolbar (it is by
factory default), and pop the Open With menu from there.
Keyboard users: Their preferred way would be to press Ctrl+Alt+Enter which will pop the Open With
menu for the currently selected file.
The Patterns
A file's extension is not the only possible pattern in XY's Custom File Associations. You can state whole
file names or even full, relative, or portable paths; patterns containing wildcards are allowed.
Special patterns
To match all files and folders use \;* (backslash- semicolon- asterisk).
XYplorer native variables and environment variables are supported in the pattern list. E.g., the
following pattern will only match TXT files in the Paper Folder folder:
<xypaper>\*.txt>::echo <focitem>;
?:\*.xys>::load <curitem>
Loads selected XYS file, but only if it's on app drive. This is very nice, since in a "portable situation" (e.
g. you stick your USB-drive into another computer), you can have files on your drive opened by your
apps, all other files opened by the system's default app, or by some other app you define; for
The second definition will match all files that have not been matched by the first definition (= all DAT
files that are not on app drive).
Opens a file with UltraEdit if its name starts with "a" or "b".
Opens all text files with EmEditor.
A caption can be prefixed as quoted string. This caption is used in the Portable Openwith Menu (POM).
Advanced Topics / Custom File Associations 487
You can define the icon that's shown for each item in the Portable Openwith Menu (POM). Simply
append any file spec to the Caption (see above), separated by a | (pipe). It can be an icon file or any
other file or folder with associated system icon. XYplorer native variables, environment variables, and
portable paths are supported.
Menu Separators
You can add menu separators to your definitions, either global ones or context-specific ones. Lets you
structure your open with popup menu. To do this use a hyphen (-):
A logic has been implemented that will automatically reduce consecutive separators to one, and
remove initial or final separators.
The Applications
There are two sorts of "applications" allowed in Custom File Associations: Executables and Scripts.
Using short forms for applications: If the EXE to run is registered (known by the registry) it is not
necessary to state the full path. The base name of the EXE file is enough. Both ways will work the same:
Using command line parameters: Just as in User-Defined Commands of category "Open With", Custom
File Associations accept command line parameters.
You can also state a one-line script (see Scripting) as "application" in the definition of a Custom File
488 XYplorer Help
xys>::load <curitem>
Now dbl-clicking a *.xys file will actually load that file, and pop up the menu defined by it, or run the
script contained in it if it's the only one.
Any attempt to open a readme.txt file will just result in a status bar message "Who cares?!".
In CFA scripts the temporary variable <pfaitem> is supported. It resolves to the item (full path) the
opening application or script in a CFA is associated with. Only in a script called via CFA <pfaitem> can be
used. After the CFA is processed the variable is reset to nothing.
You can use # to stand for the Windows associated application. Especially when using generic file types
this little trick can be useful to exclude certain extensions from the broader definition. For example:
You can also use CFA to define which browser should open a URL, for example:
In the right-click menu of the Open With toolbar button you find some advanced options,
Open Items by First 'Open with...' Match: Tick it to use the first matching Custom File Association to
open an item by Dbl-click or Enter. The factory default is ON. If set to OFF then the Windows associated
application is used for opening an dbl-clicked item irrespective of any matching Custom File Associations
Resolve Shortcuts before Matching: Tick it to resolve LNK-files before matching them to your Custom
File Associations.
Show Full Paths in 'Open With...' Menu: Tick to show the full paths of the associated applications in the
Open With... menu.
Advanced Topics / Portable Openwith Menu 489
You probably know the situation: You need to open a file with a specific application that happens to be
not the one associated to that file by Windows. What now? You may be lucky to find the application
listed in the "Open With..." section of the file's Shell context menu -- but even then this is a clumsy way
to work (at least one right-click, then expand a submenu, then a left-click), it lacks configurability (what if
you need command line parameters?), and it's not portable (away from home, the Shell's "Open With..."
is defined by the host system, not by your needs). All these issues are elegantly tackled by the
revolutionary Portable Openwith Menu (POM), introduced with XY 7.10.
The Portable Openwith Menu (POM) is opened via menu File | Open With... (Ctrl+Alt+Enter), or via the
"Open With" toolbar button. It is closely interrelated with your Custom File Associations (CFA) and will
not show anything interesting before you have defined a couple of CFAs. Once done, a single click or
keyboard shortcut will popup a context specific menu presenting an array of applications to open the
currently selected file(s) with. The specific contents of this menu depend (A) on the currently selected
files, and (B) on your Custom File Associations (CFA) setup, hence it is portable and utterly easy to
With POM it makes sense to have more than one Custom File Association match the same pattern. As
before, the standard "Open" command (Dbl- click/Enter) will only make use of the first matching CFA.
However, the new "Open With" popup menu will list all matches, in the order given in the CFA
customization dialog.
The POM has up to 3 sections (the first is only present, of course, when matching CFAs are found):
490 XYplorer Help
Basic Usage
The following example assumes you have Photoshop and ACDSee32 installed.
Now, when open the POM on a GIF file, it will offer the following apps to open it with:
ACDSee 32
Adobe Photoshop
When open the POM on a PNG file, it will offer the following apps to open it with:
ACDSee 32
Adobe Photoshop
And when open the POM on a TIF file, it will offer the following apps to open it with:
Adobe Photoshop
Advanced Usage
For advanced users the POM, in close collaboration with CFA, has a lot to offer:
(1) Rather than just extensions, you can define any wildcarded filename patterns, including paths
and individual filenames. Thus you can have specific context menus for all "Readme.txt" files, or
for all items in C:\Windows\, or for all items containing German umlauts (pattern: *[äöü]*).
(2) Rather than just files, you can also associate folders with applications. Tip: A single backslash (\)
will match all folders.
(3) Rather than just executables, you can specify any kind and number of command line parameters
in your Custom File Associations, which then will be used when triggering an Open operation from
the POM.
The syntax is identical to all the other places where command line parameters are supported:
Catalog (Open Selected Item(s) With), User-Defined Commands Open With, scripting "openwith".
It's basically one simple rule: The application must be quoted when command line parameters are
used. For example:
jpg;png;gif;tif>"ACDSee32" /v
jpg;png;gif;tif>"C:\Program Files (x86)\ACDSee32\ACDSee32.exe" /v
By the way, quoting is also okay (but not necessary) when you have no parameters.
(4) Rather than just applications, you can also associate scripts with filename patterns, and thus
Advanced Topics / Portable Openwith Menu 491
(5) Within the Custom File Associations dialog, you can define friendly captions for the POM items
that make it easier for you to spot the right item in a POM. The syntax is identical to captions in
Favorites. Simply prefix the caption in quotes (optionally followed by any number of blanks). For
|"Edit with Notepad" txt;ini;xys>C:\WINDOWS\notepad.exe
|"Edit with UltraEdit" *>UEdit32
If a caption is defined for a CFA, then the caption will be shown in the menu instead of the app's
friendly name (which is drawn from the registry if the app is registered).
You can define an accelerator by prefixing the "&" (ampersand) character to the desired
(6) The captions may contain XYplorer variables. They are resolved in the moment the POM is
generated. For example:
|"Search IMDB for '<curbase>'" *>::Open("http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=<curbase>");
Will show the caption "Search IMDB for 'Mad Max'" when the current file is "Mad Max.jpg".
(7) In the POM, hold Ctrl when clicking an item to go to the application instead of opening it.
(8) Tip: Ctrl+Alt+Enter is identical to AltGr+Enter, so you can pop up the POM easily using the right
hand only.
(9) You can define associations that should only be listed in the POM, but not be triggered on
"open". It's done by simply prefixing the | (pipe) character to the CFA. The following example
allows you to have this CFA enabled and listed in the POM:
|exe;dll>::copytext <curname> <curver>
while double-clicking an EXE file will still run the EXE, and not the CFA. In the CFA dialog, prefixed
(= POM-only) items are shown in color "Marked Text 2" (see Configuration | Colors).
The following CFA will add a command to the POM that will open the selected folder(s) in ACDSee32:
Open *.txt, *.ini, and *.xys files with Notepad (Editor), but only show this command in POM, do not
trigger it on "open":
5.6 Hamburger
The Hamburger is a user-defined popup menu that can be used in various locations or contexts:
You can pack all sorts of ingredients into a single Hamburger menu:
Menu commands
Toolbar Buttons
Menu commands
Menu commands ("menu" here refers to the main menu of the XYplorer window) are referred to by
their unique Command ID (CID), prefixed by #. You can display the Command IDs right in the menu
by ticking this toggle: menu Help | Command IDs on Menu.
For example:
By default, the above definition would create this menu item: Item Path/Name(s) Ctrl+P
Clicking the item triggers the command just as if you clicked the original main menu item: File | To
Clipboard | Item Path/Name(s)
Optionally you can also state a custom caption and a custom icon, separated by semi-colons, for
#101;Copy Stuff;copy.ico
Advanced Topics / Hamburger 495
State: Here and everywhere below, the optional state field is a bit field that lets you modify the state
of each menu item using these bits:
1 = default (bold)
2 = checked
4 = disabled
This e.g. would make the item bold and checked (1+2=3):
#101;Copy Stuff;copy.ico;3
Toolbar Buttons
Toolbar buttons are referred to by their unique button keys, prefixed by :. You can see the button keys
by holding CTRL while you hover the button in the Toolbar or in the Tools | Customize Toolbar...
dialog. Alternatively hold CTRL while you click menu Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9); the
keys will appear next to each button caption.
For example:
By default, the above definition would create this menu item: Random Order Ctrl+Alt+R
Clicking the item triggers the same action as clicking the toolbar button itself.
Optionally you can also state a custom caption and a custom icon, separated by semi-colons, for
:dice;Random Sort;E:\pics\random.png
Toolbar buttons with a pressed state show "[On]" in the menu if they are currently pressed.
By default, the above definition would create this menu item: XYplorer
open a folder
run an executable
XYplorer native variables and environment variables are supported, for example:
<xydata> or %user%
Optionally you can also state a custom caption and a custom icon, separated by semi-colons, for
496 XYplorer Help
C:\;Home Drive;MiCasita.jpg
By default, the above definition would create this menu item: https://www.xyplorer.com
Clicking the item will open the URL in the associated browser.
Optionally you can also state a custom caption and a custom icon, separated by semi-colons, for
::echo "hi!";
By default, the above definition would create this menu item: echo "hi!";
Clicking the item will run the script (see Scripting for details of the syntax).
Optionally you can also state a custom caption, separated by a semi-colon, in front of the script, for
::Hi;echo "hi!";
Optionally you can also add a custom icon, after the custom caption and prefixed by /, for example:
::Hi;/CrazyNerd.ico;echo "hi!";
A alternative item syntax is supported, where you can define the item separator per item, and have
script items with a custom caption, icon, and mouse-over-status.
Defining the separator: If the second character of the item definition is ">" then the first character is
the separator.
|>Green|::tag 4
|>Blue|::tag 5|:labels
|>Purple|::tag 6|:labels|make it purple
Example for popupnested (here you can pass the separator, no need to prefix it):
$menu = <<<MENU
Green|::tag 4|kiss.ico
Blue|::tag 5|heart.ico
$command = popupnested($menu,,,,,,,|);
Menu Syntax
Just define one menu item per line and you've defined the menu. You can freely mix all types of menu
items. Optionally throw in some "-" as menu separators. For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer
::Hi;echo "hi!";
When used in the scripting commands popupmenu and popupnested you can pack everything into one
line, separated by a separator of your choice.
The Hamburger supports nested submenus in totally intuitive way. Simply indent what should be in a
submenu. Here, for example, is a Hamburger with three levels:
Mixed Stuff
498 XYplorer Help
C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
You can append comments to each menu item, separated by // (space-slash-slash). For example:
You can as well hide items from the menu by placing // in front of the item definition:
It may happen in rare cases that the parser doesn't recognize a definition as Hamburger. In that case
you can explicitly mark a definition as Hamburger by putting //H as first line.
BTW, you can also explicitly mark a definition as non-Hamburger (but multi-script or multi-line-script) by
putting //S as first line.
Further Notes
There is a status bar message about what will happen on click when hovering over Hamburger items.
Advanced Topics / Scripting 499
5.7 Scripting
Binary Numbers
Boolean Constants
Boolean Operators
Commands and Functions
Compound Assignment Operators
Control Structures
If/ElseIf/Else Blocks
While Loops
For Loops
Foreach Loops with Lists
Foreach Loops with Arrays
Switch Statements
Dereference Operator
General Command Syntax
Heredoc and Nowdoc Syntax
Hex Numbers
Include Statement
Include_once Statement
Multi-line Scripts and Multi-Scripts
Nested Expressions
Operator Precedence
Quick Scripting
Remote Control
Script Files
Script Files for the Advanced
Scripting and User-Defined Commands
Scripting by Numbers
Step Mode: Stepping Through Scripts
Ternary Conditionals
User-Defined Functions
Using Quotes in Scripting
500 XYplorer Help
Variables Scope and Lifetime: Local, Global, and Permanent Variables
XYplorer Scripting, introduced with version 7.0, can truly be seen as the ultimate in file management
efficiency. Roll your own custom commands, combine them to scripts, wrap them in an XYplorer Script file
(XYS), or a User-Defined Command, and trigger them by just a click or a keystroke. You may share scripts
with colleagues, or download them from the internet. Just drop a script file into your app folder and fresh
plug-in commands are at your finger tips.
Without doubt, scripting is an advanced feature that only pays off if you take the time to dive into it and
explore the ways and possibilities. However, you will eventually find out that it ain't rocket science at all.
Warming Up
To get you started let's try something easy:
You should see a "Hello world!" message box now. Well done, you just wrote your first XYplorer script!
(1) Try msg %temp%. You should see a message box that displays your TEMP path. %temp% is a
standard Windows environment variable.
(2) Try msg "XYplorer.exe runs from <xypath>". <xypath> is a native XYplorer variable that resolves
to XYplorer's application path.
(3) Try msg "Press OK to copy the time!"; copytext "<date hh:nn:ss>". When the message box is
OKed, the second command copytext is immediately executed and the current time is copied to
the clipboard.
(4) Try set $a, "<curpath>"; msg $a. You should see a message box displaying the current path.
First the variable $a is set to the current path, then it is used in the msg command.
(5) Try $a = "Year " . "<date yyyy>"; msg $a. You should see a message box displaying "Year
2009" (or whatever the year might be when you try this). First the variable $a is set to two
strings, one literal and one variable, concatenated by a dot, then it is used in the msg command.
Advanced Topics / Scripting 501
(2) An argument can have more than one part. The parts are concatenated by dots ( . ).
(3) A command can have more than one argument. The arguments are separated by commas ( , ).
(4) A script can have more than one command. The commands are separated by semi-colons ( ; ).
(5) Arguments are identified either by position, or by a prefixed number denoting their position (see
Numbered Arguments below).
This little script will rename all currently selected items by appending the current date:
This script goes to the Desktop folder (ensuring that the listing is unfiltered), sorts the list by date
modified (descending), selects the first item, and moves the focus to the list:
Numbered Arguments
Instead of counting commas you now can prefix the position of the argument to the argument itself. The
separator is ":=", the first position is 0 (zero).
Strings and variables can be concatenated by dots. Any number of blanks surrounding the concatenator
are ignored. The following scripts are identical:
502 XYplorer Help
(4) Variables are resolved in double-quotes and outside of any quotes, but not in single-quotes.
In the first example, the quoting is achieved by doubled double-quotes. The only command in the
statement is echo. In the second example, the quoting is achieved through the function quote():
Remarks on Functions
(2) Even without any argument -- e.g. quote() -- the parentheses are mandatory, else a function is
not recognized.
(3) You can call a function without caring for the return argument (but you need the parentheses!):
renameitem("John", , , "-01");
Optionally you can use the dummy command call:
call renameitem("John", , , "-01");
(4) Functions are not resolved (interpolated, see below) when inside double-quotes.
Command Prefixes
Now you can add a prefix to each command to modify its behavior. Currently one prefix is implemented:
Advanced Topics / Scripting 503
The prefix is separated from the command by | (pipe). For example, when you run this command in the
drives listing:
Quick Scripting
Quick Scripting means: Scripts, when prefixed with "::" (double-colon), can be executed directly (i.e.
quickly) through any interface in XYplorer that can process locations: Address Bar, Go To, Favorites,
Catalog etc. This gives you a lot of choices for usage and storage of scripts.
Let's try:
Paste ::msg "Hello world!" into the Address Bar and press Enter. You should see a "Hello world!"
message box.
Now, for mouse users, the Catalog is a very good place for scripts. Using the "::" prefix, scripts can be
simply entered into the Location field of a catalog item. They are executed on a single click.
For example:
(1) Add a new category "Scripts" and add a new item to it.
(2) Set item's Location field to ::#1026 and save it. The icon turns into the script symbol.
(3) Now click the item. The Find Files tab on the Info Panel is opened, all search filters are reset, and
the cursor is placed into the Name field. Nice!
But how did this work? And what is #1026? Read on...
Note: From version 9.70 onwards the "::" prefix is not necessary anymore when you end your script line
with a trailing ";" (appended comments after the ";" are allowed). This behavior is enabled by the INI
setting ScriptSmartDetect=1.
Scripting by Numbers
In XYplorer almost every function has a fixed number, the function ID, by which it can be referred to in a
script. ID #1026 happens to refer to "Miscellaneous / Find Files / Open Find Files and Reset". Open the
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts dialog (menu Tools) and find this function in category Miscellaneous. At
the bottom of the dialog you'll see a button showing the function's ID. Clicking this button will copy the
function's ID to the clipboard, making it easy to use it in a script.
You can execute almost any function in XY in a script by referring to its function ID. E.g. #230 will pop up
the submenu "New" of menu Edit.
504 XYplorer Help
A small window, the Step Dialog, will pop up and tell you what is about to happen. You can now decide
whether to execute the command, or skip it, or cancel the whole script. In stepping mode you are on the
safe side. It is highly recommended when writing or debugging scripts!
There's also a toolbar button for toggling the stepping mode. When pressed (stepping is ON) its color
changes to red to make the current state very clear.
The Step Dialog also tells you what went wrong where, and it informs you about the potential risk
associated with the command to be executed. There are the following risk classes:
#3 Potentially harmful because the function ID might refer to some risky process which is unknown at
this point (either an internal command or a User-Defined Command): #[function ID]
#2 Potentially harmful because files or folders are affected: backupto, copyto, delete, download,
moveto, new, open, openwith, rename, rotate, run, setkey, swapnames, timestamp
Class #3, #2, and #1 are marked with a yellow "warning" icon, class #0 with a blue marble (think
"cool") icon.
Script Context
The first two lines in the Step Dialog display (1) the current script resource, and (2) the current script
caption. Valuable information when writing and debugging scripts.
Functions are individually stepped. The current script line is marked green when a contained function is
stepped as opposed to the main command of the line. You can even skip (button Skip) functions
individually, in which case the function name is returned with the resolved arguments. For example:
msg quote(chr(64));
If you skip chr() and continue quote() the result is: "chr(64)"
If you continue chr() and skip quote() the result is: quote(@)
Advanced Topics / Scripting 505
When you "Continue without Stepping" on a function, the stepping is only suspended for all functions in
the current script line / command.
Variables... (Button)
Click the Variables... button to display all currently assigned variables with their current values. Within
the new "Variables on Stack" dialog you can double-click any listed variable to show its current value.
Show User Functions will list all currently declared user functions. Within the new "User Functions"
dialog you can double-click any listed function to show its code.
For example:
(2) Select the category Go To, and click the New button.
Now press Ctrl+Alt+3. You should see a small window displaying the current textual contents of the
Of course, you don't have to abuse the UDC Go To for scripts. There's also the UDC Run Script which
accepts scripts without a prefixed "::", e.g. text "<clipboard>".
Run Script can also handle more advanced stuff like multi-line scripts, and multi-scripts, the rules and
possibilities of which will be further explained below under "XYplorer Script Files".
In a multi-line script all lines apart from the first line have to be indented by at least one space.
506 XYplorer Help
Each non-indented line is interpreted as the first line of a separate script, and if there are more than one
scripts in a loaded script resource (i.e. a multi-script) then a menu is popped where you can select the
script to run.
For example, this is a multi-script containing two multi-line scripts. In the first script, the script caption
(which is used as the menu caption) forms the first line:
"Go to C:\"
goto "C:\";
goto "%winsysdir%";
selectitems "calc.exe";
Comments are an exception: Any number of non-indented comments can be prefixed to a multi-line
script. Actually non-indented comments can be inserted anywhere. This script is functionally identical to
the above one:
// comment 1
// comment 2
"Go to C:\"
// comment 3
goto "C:\";
// comment 4
goto "%winsysdir%";
selectitems "calc.exe";
// comment 5
You can define two special-named scripts within multi-scripts, "_Initialize" and "_Terminate". They can be
placed anywhere in the multi-script, and they are not shown in the popup menu. The script called
"_Initialize" will be auto-processed before the menu is popped. The script called "_Terminate" will be
auto-processed after the script selected from the menu has been processed (or after the menu has
been canceled).
Note: If a script within a multi-script is called directly (SCs Sub or Load), then "_Initialize"/"_Terminate"
are NOT called.
For example, this multi-script defines a permanent variable (which is also global by definition), then
offers various scripts in a popup menu, then finally removes the variable from memory:
// if variable already exists it is NOT reset here but keeps it current value
perm $p_a;
// explicitly initialize it to zero
$p_a = 0;
Advanced Topics / Scripting 507
unset $p_a;
"Show Variable"
echo $p_a;
"Plus One"
$p_a = $p_a + 1;
echo $p_a;
"Minus One"
$p_a = $p_a - 1;
echo $p_a;
"Load Plus One"
// will NOT call "_Initialize"/"_Terminate"
Load "*", "Plus One";
// WILL call "_Initialize"/"_Terminate"
Load "*", "*";
"Sub Plus One"
// will NOT call "_Initialize"/"_Terminate"
Sub "Plus One";
Script Files
Here we are talking popup menus that are user-defined by a text file. Let's make one:
Save the file as "test.xys" (XYplorer Script File) in XYplorer's Scripts folder. In case you don't know that
path, use menu Scripting | Go to Scripts Folder to go there.
Now, in XYplorer, click menu Scripting | Load Script Files... and open "test.xys". The following menu
should pop up at your mouse cursor:
Go to C:\
Go to System Folder
Go to XYplorer Folder
508 XYplorer Help
A script file is basically a library of scripts. It is nothing more than a simple text file, which can contain
one or more scripts. You will be able to either call one of those scripts directly, or simply load the entire
file. In such case, XY will create a menu based on the contained scripts in that file and pop it up, allowing
you to choose which script to execute.
The syntax for the scripts themselves within script files is exactly the same as for scripts anywhere else
in XY since this is just another way to store and execute scripts.
(1) Lines starting with // are ignored and can be used for comments.
(2) One script can run over multiple lines. Simply indent the lines after the first line using any number
of space or tab characters.
(3) You can have more than one script inside a script file. In that case, loading the script file will pop
up a menu presenting all scripts inside the script file by their captions.
(4) To set a script caption simply prefix the desired caption to the script, and wrap it in quotes.
(5) Within a caption you may define a label that allows you to execute a script from a file directly.
(6) Using the command sub in a script file you can execute other scripts inside the same file.
(7) You may hide scripts by prefixing an underscore (_) to their caption.
The existence of a command load, of course, means that one script file can load another. You will get an
idea of the potential of scripting by now...
You can drop files onto XYS-files. The dropped files are referred to in the dropped-on script by <get
This can get pretty cool in Dual Pane mode. You can have a folder with assorted script files in one pane,
and your working folder in the other pane. Now you just drag-and-drop files onto the scripts for
automated processing.
Even cooler: You can also drop on multi-scripts. In that case you get the usual popup menu of choices,
and the <get drop> will be available in each of the scripts.
text <get drop>;
echo <get drop>;
If more than one file is dropped <get drop> returns one per line. Alternatively you can pass a
separator like this:
text <get drop |>;
The <get drop> variable is cleared after the script is processed, so it cannot be used after the drop
event is completed.
If the script contains no <get drop> variable it is run nevertheless just as if you loaded the script file.
You can also drop text onto XYS-files (and LNKs to XYS-files), e.g. selected text from a webpage. Just
like with dropped files, the dropped text can be referred to in the dropped-on script by <get drop>.
By using labels you can execute a script inside a file directly, avoiding the popup menu. The label is
attached to the caption, separated by " : " (space-colon-space). For example:
If the above is saved to a file called "test.xys" in application data path then the following command will
directly bring you to the System folder: load "test.xys", "system".
You may as well specify a list of labels, by which you can easily control which scripts are displayed in the
popup menu, and in which order. See load for the details.
510 XYplorer Help
Wildcard catch-all label: The label "*" matches all load calls if more than one label is stated. The third
command will be shown on load "test.xys", "croot;system":
Hidden scripts can be executed but are not shown in the script file's popup menu. To hide a script simply
prefix an underscore to the caption or label (a hidden script does not need a caption anyway). For
example, create a script file "date.xys" in application data path with the following contents:
Now execute the script load "date.xys". The popup menu will show only two of the four contained
scripts. Select either and see what happens.
Now run the script load "date.xys", "date". The script with the label "date" will be executed directly. It
has only one command: sub "_date";. The sub command is a special command to call a script inside the
same script file. In this case the hidden script with the label "_date" is called and executed. Its
command msg "<date yyyy-mm-dd>" produces the message box showing the current date.
Variables in Captions
The captions of scripts in multi-script resources may contain XYplorer native variables. They are resolved
in the moment the menu is popped up. For example, paste this into the Try Script box:
"Go to <xypath>"
goto "<xypath>";
Advanced Topics / Scripting 511
The 2nd script will show two different times if you wait longer than a second before you click the menu
You can optionally define an icon and a state for each menu item.
Icon can be any file or folder, and its small system icon (the one you see in Details View) will be used for
the menu, or a PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, or TIF file. XY variables and environment variables are supported.
The path defaults to the XY icon path <xyicons>.
You can as well use XYplorer's internal toolbar icons using the button key, e.g.:
Note that the icon specification in a multi-script resource supports permanent global variables.
You can as well use generic file icons in the multi-script menus by passing the generic extension as "*.ext":
You can as well pass * as placeholder to use the caption as icon pointer:
Levels: Multi-Scripts support nesting. The level is simply stated by the number denoting its depth, first
level is 0 (zero), which is also the default, of course. Up to 256 levels are possible. For example:
"Go to C:\|||1"
goto "C:\";
"|||1" goto "%winsysdir%";
selectitems "calc.exe";
"Go to D:\|||1"
goto "D:\";
Relative Levels: Multi-script nesting can be defined with relative levels. This can be useful when building
menus from local resources by use of the Include statement.
Syntax: A relative level is marked by a prefixed "+" character. The number following "+" is added to the
last defined absolute level.
For example, the following two code samples create identical nested multi-scripts:
However, the second sample uses relative levels which allows it to re-use the same part of code twice:
So this part of code could be outsourced to a file say "IncludedMenuBC.xys" and then be included like
Advanced Topics / Scripting 513
The Goto-Shorthand
In a multi-script resource you can pass a plain path/file spec as a shorthand for a well-formed goto
script. Such a line will be auto-converted to a valid goto command including the appropriate icon in the
generated popup menu.
The goto-shorthand additionally supports environment and native variables, Quick Searches, and visual
filters. For example:
C:\WINDOWS\system32?:a* or b*
C:\WINDOWS\system32?:a* | b*
Two types of comments are supported, line end comments, and block comments.
Line end comments begin with a double-forward slash (outside of any quotes) and end at
Block Comments
Block comments (aka C-style comments) start with /* (outside of any quotes) and end with the next */
(outside of any quotes) and can span any number of lines:
/* This is
a multi-line
block comment
*/ msg "hi!";
Remarks on Comments
(2) Make sure you don't nest block comments. It is easy to make
msg 'This is a test'; /* Will cause a problem */
Advanced Topics / Scripting 515
Advancing in script writing, you will soon feel the need for variables. XYplorer allows you to define and
use as many variables as you want, using a number of commands like set, input, replace, etc. The
script set $a, "Hi!"; msg $a; will define a new variable $a and assign the string "Hi!" (without the
quotes) to it; then a message box will display "Hi!". The same can be achieved using the assignment
operator (=):
Variables are resolved wherever they are found in the arguments of all subsequent commands of the
script, even if they are found inside double-quoted strings (see below, Interpolation); for example:
(1) Variables are represented by a dollar sign ($) followed by the name of the variable.
(2) Names start with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or
The scope and lifetime of a variable begins and ends with the script where it has been defined.
To assign a value to a variable you can simply use the following syntax (as an alternative for the set
For the additional "reprocess" operand see description of the set command.
You can also use $i++/$i-- as an argument. The value is incremented/decremented after it is passed to
the function*:
Note in the following that the left operand is incremented before the right operand is added. Finally,
after the addition, the right operand is incremented:
* Note that before v14.30.0100 the value was incremented/decremented before it was passed to the
Interpolation means that variables that are embedded in double-quoted or unquoted strings are
resolved (replaced with their corresponding value). Examples:
Displays "Hi, I'm uncle Ted!". The variable is concatenated with literal strings.
Displays "Hi, I'm uncle Ted". The variable is interpolated inside double-quoted literal strings.
Displays "Hi, I'm uncle Ted". The variable is interpolated inside non-quoted literal string uncle $name!.
Note that using non-quoted literal strings is not recommended and might even be deprecated in a
future version!
Displays "Hi, I'm uncle $name!". The variable is not interpolated inside single-quoted literal strings. Note
that single-quotes embedded in single-quotes have to be doubled (I''m).
Displays "%TMP% = C:\Temp". The first %TMP% is blocked from interpolation by being embedded in single-
By default, all variables in XY scripting are local, i.e. they are not shared between called and calling
scripts. In other words, whenever one script calls another script (e.g. using commands "sub" or "load"),
a new local namespace is created by the called script and pushed on the stack.
Advanced Topics / Scripting 517
Global Variables
Generally, global variables are shared between scripts. This can make scripts hard to maintain. However,
the mechanism of "globalization" -- (almost) identical to the one used in PHP -- used by XY scripting
gives you maximum control over what is shared and where. Global variables are implemented by means
of the command global.
Permanent Variables
The lifetime of local and global variables ends with the current script or script stack. Permanent
variables, however, stay alive in memory for the whole XYplorer session, or even across sessions if
configured like this (Configuration | Refresh, Icons, History | Remember permanent variables). Hence
permanent variables can be easily shared between scripts. Permanent variables are implemented by
means of the command perm.
Permanent Variables created / modified in a called script are immediately visible / updated in the calling
script when the called script returns.
Note the scripting commands writepv and readpv by which you can read and write permanent variables
from/to file. This allows for some interesting use as portable data storage.
Permanent variables can be accessed from anywhere in the app using the <perm ...> meta variable.
See Variables.
To release all permanent variables from memory use the command releaseglobals. You can as well unset
them individually via menu Scripting | Permanent Variables directly from the right-click menu in the
variable list.
To view and modify the current permanent variables use menu Scripting | Permanent Variables.
Initial Values
Local variables that have never been set to a value return their name as value (strictly speaking they
aren't variables but normal strings). Global and permanent variables that have never been set to a
value are initialized to "" when they are declared by global or perm:
msg $a; // displays "$a" if $a is has not set to any value before, and has not been
declared as global or permanent.
msg $b; // displays "" if $b has not been set to any other value before.
msg $c; // displays "" if $c has not been set to any other value before.
Two types of arrays are supported, indexed arrays and associative arrays. The syntax is similar to that
used in eg C++, PHP or Java.
Here are some examples for associative arrays (the named keys can be single- or double-quoted):
If the index or key is invalid the variable is seen just as a bit of text:
If you assign a non-first element in a new or smaller indexed array, all previous elements starting with
[0] are automatically created (with value ""):
$a[1] ="cat"; echo $a[0]; //"" ($a[0] is implicitly created and set to "")
$a[0] ="cat"; echo $a[1]; //$a[1] ($a[1] does not exist as variable)
$b[0] = "pus"; $b[1] = "sy"; $a[$b[0] . $b[1]] = "cat"; echo $a[$b[0] . $b[1]]; //cat
The perm command is not supported by arrays but is simply ignored: Arrays cannot be permanent.
Various scripting functions help dealing with arrays: count() , explode(), implode().
There is a special function array() to populate arrays. Non-existing arrays are created, dimensioned and
populated, existing arrays are redimensioned and overwritten.
You can only pass literal strings as values, not variables. Values are separated by commas.
The values can be in double quotes (which will be removed), or also without quotes (fine if you are not
Advanced Topics / Scripting 519
The values can also be in single quotes but those will not be removed.
The values are added to the array in the order they are listed, starting with element [0].
So far the indexed arrays, but you can also populate associative arrays using array():
$name = array("cat" => "pussy", "dog" => "rex"); echo $name["cat"]; //pussy
General syntax:
... = array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")
Again, you can get away with stripping the quotes and the spaces:
$name = array(cat=>pussy,dog=>rex); echo $name["dog"]; //rex
You can use array() without any values to completely reset an array:
$a = array("cat", "dog"); $a = array(); echo $a[0]; //$a[0]
The syntax here is a bit different from the Foreach Loops with Lists syntax.
General form:
echo $value;
The Foreach Loop also supports returning the keys in associative arrays. General form:
Reversing the order (r flag) and skipping empty items (e flag) is supported.
The key variable is set to the numeric index if you do 'foreach($array as $key => $value)' on an non-
associative array:
Nested Expressions
You can nest expressions using parentheses, aka round brackets: ( ). There's no practical limit to
nesting depth and superfluous parentheses are silently removed.
Scripting can do basic calculation using math operators +-*/, and also \ (integer division), % (modulo),
and ^ (exponentiation). Fractions and parentheses are supported. Also unary operators + and - are
echo 1 + 1;
echo 1 - 2 - 3; // -4
echo 1 - (2 - 3); // 2
echo 1 + 2 * 3;
echo (1 + 2) * 3;
echo 5 / 2; //2.5
echo 2 ^ 3; //8
(2) The decimal separator is NOT locale specific (e.g. dot in US, comma in Germany) but hard-coded
to dot (period). This way scripts are interchangeable between regions.
(3) Calculation uses 8-byte floating point numbers with the following ranges:
negative: -1.79769313486232E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324
positive: 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308
Floating point arithmetic has its natural shortcomings so don't expect too much in terms of precise
accuracy down to the 12th digit. A file manager is not a scientific calculator.
(4) The operator precedence is ^ > (*,/) > (\,%) > (+,-) meaning that * and /, \ and %, +
and - are of equal weight.
Processing of math terms is from left to right:
echo 36 / 4 * 3; // 27! (not 3)
(5) With integer division (the portion of the result after the decimal point is lost) and modulo (the
remainder of integer division) the operands are rounded before the operation!
echo 5.9 \ 2.1; //3!
echo 7.9 % 2.5; //2! (8 % 3 = 2)
echo 7.9 \ 0.4; //ERROR: Division by zero.
echo 7.9 % 0.4; //ERROR: Division by zero.
(6) Fractional numbers should be stated with a dot as decimal separator, or alternatively in quotes
with the local decimal separator:
echo 7.5 / 2.5; //3 -- works under each locale
echo "7,5" / "2,5"; //3 -- works only where comma is the decimal separator
Internally decimal separator are stored and processed according to the system locale:
$n = 2.5; echo $n; //$n is "2,5" internally where comma is the decimal separator
Hex Numbers
The parser recognizes the common prefix 0x (zero-x) for hexadecimal values. Supported are up to 4
bytes per number, i.e. 8 hex digits. The hex digits are case-insensitive (the prefix is not).
Here for some examples; hex values are automatically resolved to decimal values:
The following are examples for invalid hex strings; they are returned unresolved:
Tip: To convert HTML #RRGGBB colors to color decimals use this formula:
Binary Numbers
The parser recognizes the common prefix 0b (zero-b) for binary values. Supported are up to 4 bytes per
number, i.e. 32 binary digits. Here for some examples:
The following are examples for invalid binary strings; they are returned unresolved:
Comparisons of two values are evaluated in-place. The "comparison" has the general form
where "a" and "b" are string expressions, and "operator" can be one of the following:
== Equal
!= Not Equal
= shows '1'
= shows '10'
= shows 'True'
= no assertion error
$minver = "7.60.0009"; assert "<xyver>" >= $minver, "This script needs at least XY $minver!"
msg ("2" < "10"); // -> true! (both parts are numeric)
msg ("2" < "10a"); // -> false! (only one parts numeric)
Advanced Topics / Scripting 525
msg ("2a" < "10a"); // -> false! (both parts are non-numeric)
General form:
Where string is any string expression and Pattern may contain the usual wildcards and special chars
used in XY patterns (*?#[]). Note that exact capitalization matters: "Unlike" or "unlike" won't work.
These operators must be surrounded by spaces.
echo "It's " . ("<date yyyy>" Like "20??"?:"not ") ."the 21st century";
Boolean Operators
Scripting supports Boolean operators in the following order of precedence (see also Operator
echo not 1; // 0
echo not 0; // 1
echo ! 1; // 0
echo !1; // 0
echo !!!1; // 0
Boolean Constants
The Boolean constants TRUE and FALSE (case is ignored) are recognized if they are used unquoted.
TRUE is resolved to 1.
FALSE is resolved to 0.
Note that in a Boolean context the values "" and "0" evaluate to 0 (FALSE). All other values evaluates to
1 (TRUE):
Note that "0" and 0 ("1" and 1) are the same in XY scripting, so:
echo 0 == FALSE; // 1 (0 == 0)
Ternary Conditionals
Scripting knows so-called "ternary conditionals" as used in many other programming languages. The
logic is this:
if (condition) {
variable = value-if-true;
} else {
variable = value-if-false;
The parentheses and the blanks are optional, so these are identical:
variable = condition?value-if-true:value-if-false;
where "a" and "b" are string expressions and "operator" can be one of the following:
== Equal
!= Not Equal
msg "Good " . ("<date hh>" >= "12"? "afternoon": "morning") . "!";
msg "It's " . ("<date mm-dd>" == "12-24"? "": "not") . " X-mas!";
The Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, \= can be used to shortcut operations of two
variables where the result is set to one of the variables. For example, both lines below are functionally
identical; the latter one uses one of the Compound Assignment Operators:
$a = $a . "b";
$a .= "b";
More examples:
Control Structures
Scripting offers various Control Structures by which you can control the order in which the individual
statements are executed. Within these structures blocks of statements are grouped by encapsulating
them with curly braces.
If/ElseIf/Else Blocks
While Loops
Foreach Loops
If/ElseIf/Else Blocks
General syntax:
if (expression) {
elseif (expression) {
else {
If expression evaluates to TRUE, the following statement block is executed and the other blocks are
ignored. If expression evaluates to FALSE the following statement block is ignored and processing
continues with the next Elseif or Else block.
Advanced Topics / Scripting 529
Curly braces around the statement block are mandatory (even if there is only one statement).
The Elseif block(s) and Else block are optional. There can be only one Else block and it must be the
last block in the whole control structure.
if (1 == 1) {echo "Hi!"}
// shows "Relax."
if (1 == 2) {
echo "Help!";
else {
echo "Relax.";
While Loops
General syntax:
while (expression) {
530 XYplorer Help
The nested statement(s) are executed repeatedly, as long as the while expression evaluates to TRUE.
The value of the expression is checked each time at the beginning of the loop. If the while expression
evaluates to FALSE from the very beginning, the nested statement(s) won't even be run once.
Curly braces around the statement block are mandatory (even if there is only one statement).
For Loops
General syntax:
The expression1 is executed once unconditionally at the beginning of the loop. In the beginning of each
iteration, expression2 is evaluated. If it evaluates to true, the loop continues and the nested statement
(s) are executed. If it evaluates to false, the execution of the loop ends. At the end of each iteration,
expression3 is executed.
Parentheses around the expressions are mandatory.
Curly braces around the statement block are mandatory (even if there is only one statement).
Internal Processing
For loops can be thought of as shorthand for While loops, and that's how they're supported now: For
loops are internally converted to While loops. If you step through your scripts, you'll see that.
$i = 1;
while ($i <= 3) {
echo $i;
$variable is the variable which receives the value of the next token in each round of the loop. You
can use a new variable or an already used one, it does not matter.
The last value of $variable remains even after the foreach loop.
The separator defaults to "|" (pipe), but can be set to anything, also multi-character strings.
Passing an empty separator will tokenize the ListOfTokens by letter.
532 XYplorer Help
Surrounding spaces are not trimmed off on each side of the tokens.
flags can be either empty (default) or set to "r" for "reverse direction", or "e" to skip empty items in
the list of tokens.
In MsgOnEmpty you can state an error message for the case that ListOfTokens is empty. If
MsgOnEmpty is given (even as empty string "") the loop will not be executed at all.
// shows "No files selected!" if no files are selected, and skips the loop
foreach($item, <get selecteditemspathnames>, <crlf>, , "No files selected!") {
echo $item;
$string = 'string';
foreach($letter, $string, '') {
echo $letter;
Switch Statements
The switch statement is similar to a series of IF statements on the same expression. In many occasions,
you may want to compare the same variable (or expression) with many different values, and execute a
different piece of code depending on which value it equals to. This is exactly what the switch statement
is for.
In a switch statement, the condition is evaluated only once and the result is compared to each case
statement. In an elseif statement, the condition is evaluated again. If your condition is more complicated
than a simple compare and/or is in a tight loop, a switch may be faster.
General syntax:
switch (n) {
case label1:
code to be executed if n=label1;
case label2:
code to be executed if n=label2;
case label3:
code to be executed if n=label3;
code to be executed if n is different from all labels;
The case statements are checked from top to bottom until a match is found.
A special case is the default case. This case matches anything that wasn't matched by the other
534 XYplorer Help
// switch
$favcolor = "blue";
switch ($favcolor) {
case "red":
echo "Your favorite color is red!";
case "blue":
echo "Your favorite color is blue!";
echo "Your favorite color is neither red nor blue but $favcolor!";
echo "Switch done!";
The switch and case arguments can also be more complex expressions:
$a = 3; $b = 7; $c = 10.5; $d = 2;
switch ($a * $b) {
case $c * $d:
echo "The result equals $c * $d = " . $c * $d;
echo "The result is something else.";
Usually each case should be closed by a break statement. Else processing continues with the next case
(sometimes though this can be desired). Here is an example where omitting break statements makes
sense. Also shows that the default case also accepts a break statement (although is totally superfluous
here). Also shows that semicolons after the cases are an acceptable alternative to colons:
$beer = 'Kirin';
switch($beer) {
case 'Asahi';
case 'Kirin';
case 'Sapporo';
echo 'Good choice';
echo 'Please make a new selection...';
Advanced Topics / Scripting 535
The case statements don't have to be in their own line. This example also shows that using the return
command within a function you can spare the break command:
function getChineseZodiac($year){
switch ($year % 12) {
case 0: return 'Monkey'; // Years 0, 12, 1200, 2004...
case 1: return 'Rooster';
case 2: return 'Dog';
case 3: return 'Boar';
case 4: return 'Rat';
case 5: return 'Ox';
case 6: return 'Tiger';
case 7: return 'Rabbit';
case 8: return 'Dragon';
case 9: return 'Snake';
case 10: return 'Horse';
case 11: return 'Lamb';
echo getChineseZodiac(2016);
$a = "Kirin";
switch (true){
case $a=="Kirin": echo "first choice"; break;
case $a=="Sapporo": echo "second choice"; break;
536 XYplorer Help
(1) After the <<< operator, an identifier (your free choice) is provided, then a new line. The string
itself follows, and then the same identifier again to close the quotation. The closing identifier
must begin in the *first* column of the line (no indent!). The line with the closing identifier must
contain no other characters, except possibly a semicolon (;) directly after the identifier.
(2) Heredocs overwrite comments, and comments overwrite heredocs, depending on who comes
(3) Line feeds, empty lines, and all kinds of comments survive.
(4) Lines are not trimmed (leading and trailing spaces are preserved).
(5) Quoting is handled automatically (no need to add outer quotes or to double inner quotes).
A multiline script using Heredoc. Note that the Heredoc block is not indented, that comments are not
removed, that quotes are not doubled, and that the variables are resolved (the only difference to
Nowdoc), even within comments.
Basic example:
$str = <<<EOD
Example of string
spanning multiple lines
using heredoc syntax.
echo $str;
$name = "Bond";
text <<<FOO
My name is $name, "James $name". // line end comment: $name
Advanced Topics / Scripting 537
A more radical parsing where the ending identifier can be anywhere is enabled when the identifier
starts with a "#". These examples show two ways to code the same script.
With the old-school parsing the ending identifier must be on its own line:
Nowdoc Syntax
A special variety of Heredoc is the Nowdoc, that is a Heredoc without interpolation. Quoting from PHP
A nowdoc is identified with the same <<< sequence used for heredocs, but the
identifier which follows is enclosed in single quotes, e.g. <<<'EOT'. All the rules
for heredoc identifiers also apply to nowdoc identifiers, especially those regarding
the appearance of the closing identifier."
$var = "syntax";
$str = <<<'EOD'
Example of string
spanning multiple lines
using nowdoc $var.
echo $str;
538 XYplorer Help
Example of string
spanning multiple lines
using nowdoc $var.
Nowdoc also accepts the alternative radical option (see above) enabled by prefixing the identifier with
'#' (within the quotes).
Dereference Operator
You can use the dereference operator * (asterisk) with all variables. Usage: Helpful when dynamically
creating variables.
If the dereferenced variable is not defined, then the variable itself is used (as if there was no
dereference operator):
Note that also unset and incr support the dereference operator:
Not in Interpolation
Dereferencing does not take place in interpolation. Compare the following scripts. Only in the last one $a
is dereferenced:
Also in these scripts using HEREDOC $a is not dereferenced but resolved to "$b":
Operator Precedence
The precedence of an operator specifies how "tightly" it is connected to its surrounding operands. For
example, in the expression 1 + 2 * 3, the answer is 7 and not 9 because the multiplication ("*")
operator has a higher precedence than the addition ("+") operator. Parentheses may be used to force
precedence, if necessary. For instance: (1 + 2) * 3 evaluates to 9.
The following table lists the precedence of operators with the highest-precedence operators listed at
the top of the table. Operators on the same line are evaluated from left to right (3 - 2 + 1 evaluates to
2, not 0):
? : Ternary
= Set
Remote Control
*** For software developers only ***
You can run an XYplorer script from an external program using the WM_COPYDATA command with
XYplorer's hWnd. This means if you are a programmer you can fully remote control XYplorer.
cds.lpData: The syntax is identical to the one of the command line switch /script=<script resource>, so
you can either pass the path to a script file (commonly called *.xys), or pass the script directly (must
be preceded by ::).
User-Defined Functions
Like other aspects of XYplorer scripting also user-defined functions are closely modeled after PHP.
A user-defined function (or simply "user function") is a block of statements that can be used repeatedly
in a program. It can return a value (using the command "return"). The function declaration starts with
the word "function", then a space, then the name of the function:
General form:
function functionName() {
code to be executed;
Alternative formatting:
User function names can only consist of letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers, and underscores, and must not
start with a number.
The first line of user function declarations can be left-bound or indented. It does not matter.
User functions can be defined anywhere in a script resource, before or after the main script, and as
many as you want.
Advanced Topics / Scripting 541
A user function will not execute immediately when a script is loaded. It has to be called just like native
If two or more user functions share the same name, the *first* one declared will be used, all other
ones ignored.
User functions do not support function overloading, nor is it possible to undefine or redefine
previously-declared functions.
It is possible to call recursive user functions, but be aware that too many recursions can smash the
stack and cause a termination of the current script.
Variables are by default passed by value, not by reference (so the function cannot modify the
variables in the caller's scope).
To pass variables by reference (so the function can modify the variables in the caller's scope) prefix
them with & in the function declaration.
All arguments are optional. Default values for missing arguments can be set. If no default value is set
a missing argument is initialized to "".
XYplorer native variables (e.g. <crlf>) and environment variables (e.g. %tmp%) are allowed in function
argument default parameters. They are resolved if they are unquoted or double-quoted. They are NOT
resolved if they are single-quoted.
Include Statement
The "include" statement lets you include the content of a file at the place where the "include" statement
was found. That way you can include e.g. function libraries into your script resources.
Note that the "include" statement is evaluated unconditionally when a script resource is loaded and
before anything else is done.
include file;
Quotes are optional (they are totally function-less here, but might look better to some folks
including me).
Note that you cannot use any script variables for file. However, XYplorer variables and
environment variables are supported.
You may end any include statement line with the usual instruction terminator ";". However, you must not
append other instructions in the same line. The include statement needs to have its own line.
Include statements can be nested (included files can themselves include other files). The maximum
nesting level for Include statements is 100 (one hundred). You will get an error if you go beyond.
Beware of recursion: A file must not include itself or any file by which it has been included, else you will
reach the maximum nesting level within the next millisecond...
Include statements can be indented. Included stuff will inherit the indent of the include statement.
"Test 1"
echo multiply(3, 4);
"Test 2"
echo divide(10, 3);
include "math.inc"
// math.inc
function sum($x, $y) { return $x + $y; }
function diff($x, $y) { return $x - $y; }
function multiply($x, $y) { return $x * $y; }
function divide($x, $y) { return $x / $y; }
Include_once Statement
The "include_once" statement is identical to the "include" statement, with the only difference being that
if the code from a file has already been included, it will not be included again. There are no errors or
messages. Trying to include_once an already included file will simply ignore the statement and continue.
544 XYplorer Help
Returns the absolute value of a number.
echo abs(1); // 1
echo abs(0); // 0
echo abs(-1); // 1
Sets or retrieves age class definitions.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 545
ageclasses([definitions], [separator="|"])
Returns the ASCII value of a character. This function complements chr().
string character
If string is larger than one character the first character is used.
If string is empty asc() returns "" (empty).
Interrupts processing on certain conditions.
continue: [optional] set to 1 to allow continuing the script after displaying the message; else the
"Continue" button is disabled; default is 0
546 XYplorer Help
This is mainly a debugging feature to interrupt processing on certain conditions. If the condition
evaluates to True the program flow is not interrupted, otherwise you are notified and can investigate
what went wrong and decide whether to continue and cancel (if continue=1). So, "assert" can be very
useful to keep your scripts under some control.
Apart from debugging you may use it to check (continue=1) or enforce (continue=0) critical preconditions
for your scripts to run successfully.
$count = get("CountSelected"); assert $count!=0, "You must select a file before running this
Sets the attributes for files or folders.
return: Old attributes of the last processed item. The return value is made from summing up the
attributes bit values, e.g. RAH = 1 + 32 + 2 = 35.
CRLF- or |-separated list of items: If itemlist contains CRLF(s) then the list is parsed by CRLF. CRLF =
Carriage Return Line Feed = End of Line ("EOL") character = 0x0D0A = \r\n. This means you can pass
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 547
the items one per line. Otherwise it is parsed by pipe characters (|).
attrstamp("r", 2); //set readonly to selected items (any other existing attributes are
If no attributes are passed it just returns the old attributes of the last processed item:
Adjusts the width of a column so that it takes up all of the remaining space when all the other columns
are visible without scrolling horizontally.
column The column to adjust, identified by its canonic name or by its current display name (both
Defaults to "Name".
For normal columns the canonic name is identical to their English name. Referencing special columns
is a bit harder. You can use this script to learn about the canonic names of the currently visible
text setcolumns();
The command is only effective in views with columns ("Details" and "Details with Thumbnails").
548 XYplorer Help
The absolute hard minimal width for columns is 19 pixels. You cannot go below that even if you try.
automaxcolumn "name", , 175; //max Name, keep at least a width of 175 pixels
automaxcolumn "name", , 175, 20; //max Name, keep at least a width of 175 pixels, keep empty
20 pixels
Note how you can nicely toggle the max width of two columns by alternating these lines:
Adjusts the width of one or more columns to their content.
columns Comma-separated list of columns, identified by their canonic names or by their current
display names (both case-insensitive).
For normal columns the canonic name is identical to their English name. Referencing special columns
is a bit harder. You can use this script to learn about the canonic names of the currently visible
text setcolumns();
The command is only effective in views with columns ("Details" and "Details with Thumbnails").
autosizecolumns "name";
autosizecolumns "modified,size";
See moveto.
Decodes a Base64-encoded string or file.
The Base64 encoding and decoding go via UTF-8 encoding and decoding, which seems to be the
standard way to handle this.
text base64decode(, "Base64.txt"); //(input from file) *.? (if the file contains "Ki4/")
Encodes a string or file content in Base64.
550 XYplorer Help
targetfile If not empty: write decoded bytes to this file (full path spec).
Path defaults to current path. On exist file is overwritten without asking.
On exist file is overwritten without asking.
The Base64 encoding and decoding go via UTF-8 encoding and decoding, which seems to be the
standard way to handle this.
text base64encode(, "Text.txt"); //(input from file) Ki4/ (if the file contains "*.?")
Generates a simple tone on the motherboard speaker.
frequency The frequency of the sound, in hertz. This parameter must be in the range 37 through
Defaults to 800.
The function is synchronous; it does not return control to its caller until the sound finishes.
Define the color for the Boxed Branch feature of the current location on Tree, or turn it off.
color: The new box color in format RRGGBB. If empty or missing the current box color is removed.
folder: [optional] if stated then the highlighting is applied to that folder, else it is applied to the current
box "00FFFF"
Will set the box color to cyan for the current location.
Will disable the Boxed Branch feature for the current location.
box "000000"
Will set the box color for the current location to the default Box color.
Redefine the default line breaker to be used with scripting commands copytext, msg, and text.
br linebreaker
The default line breaker is <br> (as in HTML). If this does not suit you, use br to specify another line
Ends execution of a control structure (while loop).
break [levels=1]
levels [optional] Numeric argument which specifies how many nested enclosing structures are
to be broken out of.
The argument ignores IF blocks.
Emulates a click on a toolbar button.
action [optional]
0 = do nothing
1 = left-click [default]
2 = right-click
8 = dropdown arrow
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 553
Note that using button you can trigger also buttons that are not part of the current toolbar! The
command can become useful in the context menu definition of User Buttons. E.g., you can wrap a
number of rarely used buttons into the ctx menu of a single button and thus save space on the
toolbar. For example:
Sets or gets the current toolbar button set.
You can switch to a set that is not reachable via UI, e.g. to set #4 while "Number of Button Sets" is set
to 3. The power of scripting.
Executes a Catalog command.
catalogexecute [index=-1]
How to find out the index of a Catalog command: It's shown in the caption of the Catalog item's
Properties dialog.
catalogexecute 375;
The command is executed as if you press Enter on the item. So, if it's a Category its expansion state
will be toggled.
If you pass an invalid index, you get an error message "Invalid parameter".
But be careful: It's a bit risky to have a KS trigger whatever happens to be the currently selected
And if you specify a command by its index, and then switch to a different catalog, a completely
different command is likely to be referenced by that index.
Loads a Catalog file.
//save the current Catalog, load <xydata>\catalog2.dat, and make it the new permanent
catalogload "catalog2.dat";
//save the current Catalog, create a new empty Catalog named catalognew.dat in
<xydata>, and make it the new permanent Catalog
catalogload "catalognew.dat", "spn";
//discard the current Catalog and reload the default Catalog <xydata>\catalog.dat,
and make it permanent
catalogload , "p";
Creates a report on the Catalog.
0: [Default] Report on whole catalog.
1: Report on current category.
If "Apply Colors" in Catalog Properties is OFF then the color variables are left unresolved.
Multi-line data in location fields (i.e. scripts) are folded into one line. The CR+LF sequences are
replaced by PILCROW+TAB.
text catalogreport("Category: {Caption}", " {Caption}, {Location}, {RGB Text}, {RGB Back}");
Rounds fractions up.
Shows the characters of a string in a vertical list in various encodings and notations.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 557
charview string
charview "abcá";
1 97 61 a a
2 98 62 b b
3 99 63 c c
4 225 E1 á á
Returns a specific character. This function complements asc().
return: character
msg chr(88).chr(89);
msg chr(28888);
msg quote(chr(28888));
Activates one or more color filters in Tree and List.
colorfilter([filters], [separator=||])
colorfilter("prop:#AspectRatio: 4:3>FFFFFF,FB4F04");
The filters applied via colorfilter() are functionally identical to Instant Color Filters. Details see
Instant Color Filters.
Loads or saves a column layout.
columnlayout(file, [mode="load"])
mode [optional]
load = [Default] Load column layout from file.
save = Save column layout to file.
get = Just return the current column layout.
Compares two strings.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 559
n: numeric: strings are converted to numbers (fractions use dot) and then compared
d: date: compares dates, optionally including times; both string1 and string2 default to the
current date/time.
Valid date syntax depends on your locale. Fractions of a second (up to 7 decimal digits)
are supported.
0 if string1 == string2
Pops message box with specified buttons, returns an integer identifying pressed button.
560 XYplorer Help
text message
linebreaker [optional] Any character sequence to be replaced by a line break. Defaults to "<br>".
Pass "" to prevent any replacing.
1: [Default] OK/Cancel; returns 1/0
2: Abort/Retry/Ignore; returns 3/4/5
3: Yes/No/Cancel; returns 1/0/2
4: Yes/No; returns 1/0
msg confirm("Ok?");
Skips the rest of the current control structure (foreach loop or while loop) and continues execution at the
condition evaluation.
continue [levels=1]
levels [optional] Numeric argument which specifies how many levels of enclosing loops it
should skip to the end of.
The argument ignores IF blocks. Only foreach loops and while loops count as levels.
echo $i;
echo "done";
Returns the control at a certain screen position.
Breadcrumb 2 BC 2
Status Bar SB
Live Filter Box LFB
Returns the position and dimensions of a control.
controlposition(control, [flags])
An additional "control" is supported: "XY" returns the position and dimensions of XYplorer itself.
Defines an external program to handle copy and move operations.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 563
Custom Copy has to be enabled to actually use the external copy handler. Else Windows Shell copy is
Copies item(s) to the clipboard.
effect Lets you specify whether the items are marked as copied or cut, i.e. whether a
subsequent paste operation will copy or move the items.
copy: [Default] mark as copied
cut: mark as cut
The command will only copy those items that do exist/are available in this moment. Other items are
silently ignored. If none of the passed items are available you get a message.
No smartness whatsoever is applied when appending. So you can create crazy clipboard contents
with items being present multiple times, containing each other, or from totally different locations. You
are in control.
564 XYplorer Help
Allows you to copy any items to the clipboard without the need to go to their locations first to fetch
Also allows you to copy items from distributed locations in one go which is not possible by any other
Also can be used for converting textual clipboard contents to item clipboard contents, and also to
change the marking of current clipboard contents from Copied to Cut and vice versa.
copy "E:\Test\Test.txt|E:\Test\a\alpha.png";
copy "D:\TestD.txt|E:\TestE.txt|F:\TestF.txt";
copy <clp>, "cut"; //copy (text or items in clipboard) as items, marked as cut
copy <curitem>, "copy" , 1; //append current item to clipboard, set effect to "copy"
copy <curitem>, "cut" , 1; //append current item to clipboard, set effect to "cut"
copyas, moveas
Copies item(s) under a pattern-based name.
The moveas command works analog to the copyas command, with the only obvious difference that the
items are moved instead of copied.
itemlist: [optional] CRLF- or |-separated list of items (full path, or relative to current path) to
If empty then the current list selections are copied.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 565
Copies all selected items to the current list path under the name ["Copy" + original Extension]:
copyas "Copy.?"
You can run a line like this to locally backup each item with its modified date in the target name. Note
that you have to pass the argument in single quotes to make it work as expected -- otherwise the
date variable is resolved to the modified date of the *current item* before the argument is passed to
::copyas '*_backup_<datem yyyymmdd>.?';
Sends data to another window.
1: Text data is an XYplorer script to be executed by the receiving window (which in this
case, of course, has to be XYplorer.exe).
2: Resolve variables in data and return to sender immediately. Variables are XYplorer
native and environment variables.
3: Pass the value of the data argument as location to another XYplorer instance.
Whatever XYplorer accepts in the Address Bar is acceptable here.
Return the contents of variable <curitem> from another XYplorer (197078) to this window (1573124),
using copydata first in this XYplorer process and then again in the other XYplorer process for the
566 XYplorer Help
Determine <curitem> in another XYplorer instance (hWnd 197078). Note that the single quotes in the
example are essential else <curitem> would be resolved in *this* instance of XYplorer before being
sent to the other instance:
Run a script (note that the command only returns when the script is completed in the other instance!):
The command only returns when the receiving window has fully processed the data. For example if
you send a script the command will return only after the script has terminated.
Creates a copy of a file or folder (with all contents).
item: [optional] Full path/name of the item to copy; if missing defaults to current item; can be
relative to current path.
copy: [optional] Full path/name of the copy to create; if missing defaults to current item plus
an automatic incremental suffix.
Can be relative to current path.
Can contain * to stand for the base of item.
Can contain ? to stand for the extension of item.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 567
If the current item is "blah.txt" then this will create "blah-01.txt" in the current folder:
copyitem "C:\Temp";
(1) The command uses the shell copy engine for the job. Hence you get the usual prompts about
overwriting and no support for overlong filenames (> 260 characters).
(2) Any non-existing folders in the target are silently created without asking you politely for your
(3) Note the difference to the command "CopyTo": In CopyTo the "location" argument is the
destination where the source is copied to. In CopyItem the "copy" argument is the name of the
copy itself.
(6) The "copyitem" command partly overlaps functionally with the "new" command when you pass a
source argument to the latter. However, "copyitem" is straighter to use for the job and has
additional powers (e.g. using wildcards * and ?). Also, "new" will never overwrite an existing file
or folder whereas "copyitem" will (unless you omit the "copy" argument).
(7) The command sets last target (used by menu View | Go to Last Target).
This command allows you to copy or append text to the clipboard.
append [optional]
568 XYplorer Help
linebreaker [optional] Any character sequence to be replaced by a line break. Defaults to "<br>".
Pass "" to prevent any replacing.
Simply call the command with whatever text you want to copy into our clipboard, or add parameter a to
append it. You can also, of course, copy any variables to the clipboard, which are resolved before being
added. For multiline text you can use the line breaker <br> which will be converted to a CRLF (0D0A).
You can change the default line breaker (<br>) by using command br first.
Copies "Hey, it's some other Galaxy!" (with quotes) to the clipboard.
Copies XYplorer is running from: to the clipboard, and appends XY's app path and EXE name on a new
line to the clipboard.
C:\Program Files\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe
See moveto.
Set/Get the icon of a Custom Toolbar Button (CTB).
ctbicon([icon], [button_index])
icon Whatever can be entered into the Icon field in a CTB definition, e.g.:
- Path to an icon resource (ICO, ICL, EXE, or DLL file). Full path or relative to <xyicon>.
- Toolbar icon key of XYplorer's internal toolbar icons; e.g. ":home".
If empty the function only returns the current icon.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 569
return The current icon (before any new icon was set).
Use this script in the On Click event of a CTB; you need icons Apple.ico and Apple_Half.ico in <xyicons>:
// apple toggle
if (ctbicon() == "Apple.ico") {
} else {
The new icon set via scripting is treated just like an icon set via UI; so it is as well remembered across
You can even set icons of buttons that are not shown in the current toolbar.
Set/Get the name of a Custom Toolbar Button (CTB).
ctbname([name], [button_index])
name The new name. If empty the function only returns the current name.
return The current name (before any new name was set).
text ctbname("New Name", 1); // set name of CTB #1, return old name
Set/Get the pressed state of a Custom Toolbar Button (CTB).
570 XYplorer Help
ctbstate([state], [button_index])
state 0 = unpressed
1 = pressed
return The current state (before any new state was set).
// state toggle
if (ctbstate() == 1) {
} else {
You can even set the state of buttons that are not shown in the current toolbar.
Retrieves the number of elements of an array.
$a[5] ="cat"; echo count($a); //6 (they first 5 elements have been silently created)
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 571
Toggles Dark Mode.
The Dark Adaptive mode makes custom colors a bit less bright in Dark Mode and thus easier to the
dark 1, 25, 15; // enable dark mode and set darkness level=25, text contrast=15
Returns the number of time intervals between two dates.
interval [optional] Time interval you want to use as the unit of difference between date1 and
date2. Defaults to "d" (days).
y = years
m = months
w = weeks
d = days [default]
h = hours
n = minutes
s = seconds
ms = milliseconds
us = microseconds
ns = nanoseconds
return Number of time intervals between date1 and date2. Negative if date1 is later than
The date expressions should be formatted either in the current locale, or in the universal ISO 8601
format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss).
text "The Beijing Olympics were opened " . datediff("2008-08-08") . " days ago.";
Pops a Date Picker dialog and returns the selected date.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 573
datepicker([date=today], [format])
dectohex(), hex()
Converts a signed decimal integer into hexadecimal.
dectohex(integer, [rlen])
rlen Return this many rightmost characters from return value, if the value is smaller left-pad
with zeros.
Meaningful range 1 - 8. Other values are silently corrected.
Delete selected Tree or List item(s).
1 = confirmation prompt
0 = no confirmation prompt
itemlist CRLF- or |-separated list of items (full path) to delete. The separator or the items may
be surrounded by any number of blanks. Folders should not have a trailing slash.
You can use wildcards ( * ? ) to delete multiple items at once.
Any non-existing items passed in itemlist are silently ignored.
[empty] = [default] current Tree or List selections are deleted, depending on the focus.
If the confirm argument is set to 0 then the setting of "Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network
| Safety Belts | Confirm delete operations" is ignored (there will be no prompt even if it is checked).
delete 1, 0, ":list"
delete 0, 1, ":tree"
Delete the selected tree folder (NO Recycle Bin), ask before.
delete or delete 1
Delete selected Tree or List items (depending on focus), use Recycle Bin, confirmation prompt
depending on user settings.
delete 0, 0
Delete selected Tree or List items (depending on focus), NO Recycle Bin, NO questions.
Delete all INI and BAK files in E:\Folder, use Recycle Bin, ask before.
Pops a dialog showing the current debug log.
It's basically a shorthand for: text get("debuglog"); but with a little more information in the header.
The time passed from the previous to the next log entry is shown first in the line. For example:
375 = 375 milliseconds passed
4.047 = 4 seconds and 47 milliseconds passed
12:03.687 = 12 minutes, 3 seconds and 687 milliseconds passed
1:42:41.595 = 1 hour, 42 minutes, 41 seconds and 595 milliseconds passed
The debug log does not grow forever but auto-cycles at 1024 entries (= when a new entry is added
the oldest one is dumped).
Download a file from the internet to a specified location.
options: [optional]
[empty] = On collision: ask before overwriting.
o = On collision: overwrite without asking.
i = On collision: auto-increment targetfile.
b = Check byte count after download. On no-match the download fails.
576 XYplorer Help
download "https://www.xyplorer.com/tour/images/pfa.png";
download "https://www.xyplorer.com/tour/images/pfa.png", , i;
Download "pfa.png" to "[current path]\pfa.png". Add increment (e.g. pfa-01.png) if pfa.png already
download "https://www.xyplorer.com/download/xyplorer_full.zip","xy.zip";
download "https://www.xyplorer.com/";
The application waits until the download is complete. You can abort the download at any time by
pressing ESC.
The downloaded data size is not limited. Files are streamed onto disk (you can see them growing in
the file list).
If there is no internet connection, your system might attempt to establish one (if you configured it like
that) and then continue with the download.
If sourceurl is ftp:// then there is currently no test for existence of the remote file, nor can its size be
determined. Nevertheless the download works (but you cannot know how long it will take).
After a successful download the Last Target Path is set (menu Go | Go To Last Target).
The format of [current date] is defined in Configuration | Templates under Filename affixes.
Shows a simple message box.
echo text
text text
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 577
echo "hi!";
echo <date>;
It's the smaller brother of msg. Added mainly for compatibility with PHP code.
Displays a configuration file as editable list of lines.
In Lines Mode you cannot add or remove any lines, but just modify the existing ones. The Edit button
or key F2 will go into line-wise edit mode.
You can switch to Editor Mode by clicking the "Editor Mode" button at the bottom left of the window,
or by pressing key F6. Then you have all liberties and all responsibilities... good luck!
If you OK the list the file is immediately rewritten with the new data without further questions.
Note that if you are editing "XYplorer.ini" then saving the file alone will not change anything in the
configuration you are currently seeing (which is all in memory, not on disk). To actually apply your
changes you have to call "Restart without Saving". You can automate this by passing flag 4.
578 XYplorer Help
Using this command you can actually edit any file in this line-by-line fashion. You have to know what
you are doing, of course...
WARNING: If you think editing binary files using this command is a good idea... no, it's not! Limit yourself
to text files...
Even if you don't plan to edit anything this new command serves as a nice file viewer since you can
filter the list.
editconf 4
editconf 5, "ZipPath7zip=*"; //save XYplorer.ini; filter and preselect this line; auto-
Terminates a running script.
end confirm("Are you sure to continue?") == 0, "Bye!, "Bye!<br><br>Yours, Don"; msg "Still
Evaluates an expression.
$a = "1 + 1";
echo $a; //1 + 1
echo eval($a); //2
$a = '<xypath>';
echo $a; //<xypath>
echo eval($a); //C:\Progs\XYplorer
// Little calculator
$math = input("Little calculator", "Paste your math:", "1 + 1");
echo "The result is: " . eval($math);
// Also functions are resolved in eval(). Result: This is the time: 19:11:53!
$v = '" $x " . substr("exact time:", 6) . " <date hh:nn:ss>"';
$x = "the";
$s = eval($v); // will also evaluate the substr(), and concatenate it with the
text "This is" . $s . "!";
Checks whether a file or directory or URL exists.
With URLs it's either 1 or 0, no further distinction between files and folders:
The API function used to determine the existence and nature of the item is inherently tolerant with
trailing spaces, and it resolves relative syntax (\..\.. etc) before doing the check.
Exit XYplorer, optionally with restart.
exit [mode]
When you cancel the elevation prompt the previous XYplorer instance is still closed.
It is not possible to do the reverse (run an unelevated instance from an elevated one).
Maps a list onto an array.
Extracts pure text from complex files (e.g. DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF).
582 XYplorer Help
This function makes use of IFilters. It depends on your system which ones are available.
text extracttext("E:\Test\test.pdf");
text extracttext("E:\Test\test.doc");
text extracttext("E:\Test\test.htm");
Sets or gets an Extra Tag definition.
extratag([id], [definition])
Changes, e.g. new column captions, are immediately applied to the list when applicable.
Sets or retrieves a Favorites list.
return The list of current favorites for the specified type (before any change).
Compares two files for identity.
file2 Second file. Defaults to first or second (if first file defaulted to first selected file) selected
Retrieves the size of the specified file, in bytes.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 585
echo filesize();
echo filesize("C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe");
Retrieves any of the three filetimes of the specified file.
filetime([filename], [type="m"])
Analyzes a file by its contents.
echo filetype(<curitem>);
Apply a visual filter or a live filter to the current tab, or a global visual filter to all tabs. Or remove an
existing filter.
filter "ageM: m", 2; //globally list only files modified this month
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 587
filter "ageM: <= 7 d", 2; //globally list only items modified in the last 7 days
filter "k*", 8;
filter "kyo", 8;
filter "size:0", 8;
filter "ageM:d", 8;
Flattens a folder. To flatten a folder means to move all files from its subfolders into the folder itself, and
then delete the now empty subfolders.
separator_name Separates the folder names in the filename if flag "f" is passed.
Defaults to "-".
return List of contents of the folder after being flattened; items with full path, separated by
On flag "m", name mappings are returned (see above).
588 XYplorer Help
The function will auto-avoid filename collisions by affixing increments to the new name according to
the user settings (Configuration | Templates | Filename Affixes).
Undo/Redo is supported (in 2 steps: ; restore deleted empty folders; move files back into them).
Warning: This command can easily destroy a complex folder structure. Therefore a safety prompt has
to be OK-ed before the rumble begins (unless you pass flag "n").
// flatten this folder, prefix folder names separated by "+", show prompt:
Rounds fractions down.
Set the focus to a specified control of the XYplorer main window.
L: [Default] List
T: Tree
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 589
C: Catalog
A: Address Bar
The command focus does NOT show a control if it's not visible already; in that case the focus won't
move from its current position.
Creates a report on a folder.
separator Separator between records. Only for types tree, dirs, dirsrel, items, itemsrel, files,
If missing records are returned one per line.
The function provides scripting access to the commands available in the Report tab in the Info Panel.
But, in particular through the folder parameter, and through format templates (see below), it goes
well beyond the UI commands.
The behavior is not fully controlled by scripting, but also by settings in Configuration | Report & Data,
and in Info Panel | Report. However, the properties that *are* controllable by scripting overwrite the
interface settings. E.g. the state of the "Include subfolders" checkbox has no impact on the behavior
of folderreport; this property is only controlled by the "flags" parameter.
Types "tree", "treeitems", "dirs", "files", and "items" support a format template. The template is
appended to the selector separated by a ":" (colon), and it fully supports the syntax of the template
argument in report.
When the template contains the {size} field the size of each listed folder is freshly calculated! This
can take time with large folders.
folderreport("dump", "file");
This returns a pipe-separated list of all files in the current path (recursive):
Shows all files in the current path, recurses only the immediate subfolders:
Returns path and name for an folder, additional size and mod date for files:
Returns CSV with user chosen info and self-defined separator TAB:
Counts subfolders, files, and bytes in a folder (recursive).
recursive 0 = non-recursive
592 XYplorer Help
1 = recursive (Default)
Can take time with huge folders. The process can be stopped by ESC.
echo foldersize();
echo foldersize("<xyscripts>");
Sets or gets any of the main application fonts.
Syntax 1
Syntax 2
text font("m", "Consolas", 12, 0, 1); //set main font to Consolas 12 italics, show old font
in text box
font(, "Segoe UI", 9, 0, 0); //set main font to the current factory default
font("e", , "+2"); //just increase the size of the editor font ("+2" needs the quotes!)
font("mce", , 12); //yep, you can even set all 3 areas at once
status font(); //just show the current main font in the status bar
Returns a string formatted.
format(string, style)
Date expressions should be formatted either in the current locale, or in the universal ISO 8601 format
(YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss).
Formats a number as bytes, and converts byte formats.
- The returned numbers are rounded to 2 digits and have thousand separators (unless "R" is stated
as format).
- Note that the function is locale-specific! Decimal and thousand separators may be different from
locale to locale. However, the first argument accepts the dot and the local decimal separator
as decimal separator. This is relevant only in locales where the decimal separator is not the dot, of
course. For example:
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 595
Returns a date/time expression in a specific format, optionally shifted by a specific interval.
The date expression should be formatted either in the current locale, or in the universal
ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:nn:ss).
XYplorer-only special values (useful for advanced scripters in some extreme situations):
4char: Returns a 4 character (8 byte) string where the bytes exactly mirror the bytes in
an 8-byte Visual Basic Date variable corresponding to the input date.
8char: Same like 4char but a wide string (8 character, 16 byte), where every second
byte is 0 (null).
A practical example would be to shift the timestamp of your photos after coming back from a holiday in
a different time zone:
Formats a list of items.
format Switches for the desired formatting. Can be freely combined in any order. (Of course,
the combinations should be meaningful.)
t = trim (remove surrounding spaces)
u = unquote the items
s = sort ascending (by default case-insensitive: A==a)
r = sort descending (think "reversed order")
c = sort case-sensitive (A!=a)
n = sort naturally (can only be case-insensitive!)
v = reverse sort (reverse the current order, whatever it is)
x = shuffle (randomize order)
e = remove empty items
d = remove duplicate items (think "dedupe")
f = filter (wildcards)
F = filter (no wildcards)
q = quote the items
p = perforate (split by length of parts, not by separator; the separator is inserted
between the parts)
param On format x: Seeds the randomizer used for shuffling. Can be any number. If a seed is
passed, the randomizer always generates the same random sequence for this seed.
On format p: Length of parts the list shall be split into. If missing or smaller than 1 it is
set to 1.
On format f: A list of filters, separated by separator (3rd argument). The filters support
the usual pattern wildcards (*?#). Format f also supports inversion by a prefixed "!". If
inverted, the filter returns all non-matching items. If more than one filter is stated (OR-
598 XYplorer Help
ed list of filters) the inversion is applied to combined result of all filters. You cannot
invert individual filters. See examples below.
flags f = On format f: Filter a list of full paths only by the filenames, i.e. the filter given in
"param" is only matched against the last components of the paths. (It is not verified
whether the last components are existing files or folders.)
- Removing duplicates only works on adjacent items, so if the list is not sorted non-adjacent
duplicates remain in the list.
- Quoting is done as the last step. Items that are already quoted in the source are not quoted again.
- If "list" is empty then an empty (and unquoted) string is returned, even if the "q"-switch is passed.
text formatlist("b|a|c", "x"); //a|c|b ... b|c|a ... c|b|a ... (no seed passed)
Format f and inversion by prefixed "!": To use "!" as a normal character in the first position of the filter
list you can escape it by "\":
Runs a new XYplorer instance with factory defaults.
fresh [startpath]
Fresh mode sets the Application Data Path to subfolder "Fresh" of the normal Application Data Path.
This way it's impossible that any of your everyday settings are inadvertently overwritten by the fresh
Like fresh but opened to current path.
Returns various information.
You now can pass an optional format template in the 3rd argument after the property selector. The * is
a place holder for the value (if missing the value is simply appended to the template). Must be
wrapped in single or double quotes if a space is included:
- "Alias", [AliasName]
Returns the value of the alias "AliasName". If the alias does not exist then AliasName itself is
returned unchanged.
The value of the alias is returned without resolving any arguments within the alias. Example:
alias: @Greet=::echo "Hello, <@1>! It's <@2 Dewey>!";
echo get("alias", "Greet"); //::echo "Hello, <@1>! It's <@2 Dewey>!";
- "Bitness", [file]
Returns the bitness (target platform) of a binary file (typically EXE or DLL). One of these values is
64-bit Itanium
echo get("bitness"); //bitness of the selected file
echo get("bitness", "C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\XY64.exe"); //64-bit
- "box", [path]
path: If missing the current tree path is used.
602 XYplorer Help
- "BytesTotal", [pane=a]
Returns the sum of bytes of all items of any of the two panes. Syntax see "BytesSelected" above.
- "char", [codepoint][+codepoint][+codepoint]...
Returns the character (or string of characters) defined by the codepoint(s). Each codepoint is
passed as 4-digit hex value, so all 16-bit Unicode characters can be returned here if you know
their number. Examples:
echo <get char 0041>; //A
echo <get char 0041>.<get char 0042>; //AB
echo <get char 0041+0042>; //AB
There is a shorthand <U+[codepoint]>:
echo <U+0041>; //A
echo <U+0041>.<U+0042>; //AB
echo <U+0041+0042>; //AB
1-digit, 2-digit, 3-digit hex values work as well:
echo <U+41+42+43>; //ABC
Also mixed digit counts is okay:
echo hexdump(<U+9+09+009+0009>, , "r"); //09 09 09 09
- "CmdLine", [token]
Returns the app's command line, or a specific token of it. Examples:
echo get("CmdLine"); //returns the command line (without application)
echo get("CmdLine", 0); //returns the application as called
echo get("CmdLine", 1); //returns the 1st argument
echo get("CmdLine", 2); //returns the 2nd argument, etc.
- "CmdLineUser", [token]
Returns the user field of the command line (passed via command line switch /user), or a specific
token of it.
- "CopiedData", [token]
Returns the last data copied to this window via WM_COPYDATA. The returned data depends on
the value of the "token" argument:
0: hWndSender|dwData|Data
1: hWndSender
2: dwData
3: Data
For example, this 2-line script will retrieve the value of <curitem> in another instance of XYplorer
(721424), and then display it in a message box in this XYplorer (<hwnd>):
copydata 721424, "::copydata <hwnd>, " . '<curitem>' . ";", 1; echo <get copieddata 3>;
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 603
- "CountIcons", [file]
Retrieve the number of embedded icons in a file.
file: Full path to the file. If missing the currently focused file is used.
return: The number of embedded icons in the file.
The following file type are scanned for embedded icons: .exe.dll.cpl.ocx.scr.icl.bpl.wlx.wfx.wcx.
Additionally it can count the number of images in an ICO and CUR resource (*.ico, *.cur).
Example for a Custom Column of type Template (the quotes are necessary to handle items with
spaces in the name):
<get counticons "<cc_item>">
- "CountItems", [pane=a]
Count of items in List.
- "cursorpos", param1
Returns the current mouse cursor position on screen.
Syntax: get("cursorpos", param1)
x,X: X position
y,Y: Y position
604 XYplorer Help
- "darkness"
Returns the value of "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode |
Level of darkness (0 is darkest)".
- "darkcontrast"
Returns the value of "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode |
Text contrast".
- "defaulttab", [pane=a]
Returns the index of the default tab; "1" for the first tab; "" if no default tab exists.
- "drop", [separator=CRLF]
Returns the items dropped onto a script in Catalog or onto a script file.
See Drop on a Script File.
- "filesystem", [path]
Returns the file system (NTFS, FAT32 ...) for the current or the specified path. Examples using the
analog variable <get ...>:
echo <get FileSystem>;
echo <get FileSystem J:>;
echo <get FileSystem "J:\rocky 3.jpg">;
- "find_contents", [(unused)]
Returns the contents of the Contents field of the last search in the current pane in this session.
606 XYplorer Help
- "find_queryparsed", [(unused)]
Returns the parsed search query of the most recent search in the current pane (it's stored for
each pane separately), in a human-friendly format.
Note that you get this value only *after* the search has started. Works for both, Find Files and
Quick Search.
- "find_queryparsed_last", [(unused)]
Like "find_queryparsed" but includes searches via SC quicksearch().
- "FocusedControl", [(unused)]
"A" for AddressBar, "T" for Tree, "C" for Catalog, "L" for List, "LFB" for Live Filter Box, "X" for
- "FocusedPos", [pane=a]
Position of focused item from top (top = 1) in List.
For the optional "pane" argument see "BytesSelected" above.
- "gvf"
Return the current Global Visual Filter.
- "list_copyto", [separator=CRLF]
List of current MRU items used in Copy To / Move To / Backup To.
- "list_recentlocations", [separator=CRLF]
List of recent locations (identical to menu Go | Recent Locations).
- "list_recentlyopenedfiles", [separator=CRLF]
List of recently opened files (as used in menu File | Open...). Example:
open inputselect("Open any of the Recently Opened Files", get
("list_recentlyopenedfiles"), <crlf>, 5);
- "livefilter", [pane=a]
Returns the currently active live filter (or nothing if none).
For the optional "pane" argument see "BytesSelected" above.
- "LoadTimes", [threshold=10]
Return the load times as string.
threshold: Threshold in milliseconds to filter the load times listing. The default is 10 ms, i.e. only
events that took at least 10 ms are listed.
- "Pane", [(unused)]
Returns "1" if the first pane is active, "2" if the second pane is active.
- "Path", [pane=a]
Returns the unslashed path (see note below) of any of the two panes.
For the optional "pane" argument see "BytesSelected" above.
Example: echo get("path", i); //inactive pane's path
Note on returning unslashed paths: "C:" and "C:\" do not necessarily point to the same location
according to Microsoft:
If a file name begins with only a disk designator but not the backslash after the colon, it is
interpreted as a relative path to the current directory on the drive with the specified letter. Note
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 609
that the current directory may or may not be the root directory depending on what it was set to
during the most recent "change directory" operation on that disk. Examples of this format are as
"C:tmp.txt" refers to a file named "tmp.txt" in the current directory on drive C.
"C:tempdir\tmp.txt" refers to a file in a subdirectory to the current directory on drive C.
- Will take one or more seconds to return.
- For the System Properties to work you need a helper file that contains all names of the
properties. This file must be called "SystemProperties.txt" and it has be located in the scripts
folder (<xyscripts>). Download one here: https://www.xyplorer.com/download/SystemProperties.
text <get properties>; //show all available non-empty properties of the focused item
text <get properties 1>; //show all available properties of the focused item
text <get properties 2>; //show the non-empty XY Special Properties
text <get properties 3>; //show all XY Special Properties
- "PropertyIndex", PropertyName
- PropertyName: Name of the property. It's identical to the column header in Details view, and
610 XYplorer Help
- "regcmd", extension
Retrieves the default verb and command line (the one triggered by dbl-click) for any registered file
type from the registry.
Example: text get("regcmd", "mp3");
- "RowCountView"
Returns the number of fully visible rows in the current viewport of the list. Note that the value can
be larger than the number of items in the list, namely in small lists without visible scrollbars. Half-
visible rows are not counted.
- "rs", [length=8]
Returns a random string.
- length: Length (character count) of the returned string. Defaults to 8. You can also give a min
and a max value separated by "-" for a random length, e.g. "8-12". There is an arbitrary maximum
length of 32768, just to protect you from yourself.
- characters: Characters from which the returned string is built. Defaults to
echo get("rs");
echo get("rs", "4-12", "abc");
- "Screen", [width|height|dpi]
Returns the screen width or height in pixels, or DPI (dots per inch).
- "SelExt", [separator=";"]
Returns a list of all currently selected file extensions in the common format "*.aaa;*.bbb;*.ccc".
For files without extension the pattern "*." is returned.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 611
Selected folders are ignored. If only folders are selected then nothing is returned.
- "Shift"
Returns the held modifier keys:
0 = No keys held
1 = Shift
2 = Ctrl
3 = Ctrl + Shift
4 = Alt
5 = Shift + Alt
6 = Ctrl + Alt
7 = Ctrl + Shift + Alt
- "SpecialFolder", [CSIDL]
[CSIDL]: Numerical constant predefined by the OS. Defaults to 0 (= Desktop folder). You can
easily find those values in the web.
Returns the full path to the special folder.
- "SpotPatterns"
Returns the last applied Type Ahead Find or Spot patterns in a |-separated list. BTW, these
patterns are not remembered across sessions.
- "Status", [section]
Returns the current contents of the Status Bar.
The optional "section" argument can be:
1,2,3: Index of the section, the first section being number 1.
help: Last displayed help text (shell context menu hovering).
If missing all numbered sections are returned.
- "TargetItems", [separator=CRLF]
612 XYplorer Help
Full paths of all target items of the last file operation (copy, move, backup, create new, add to
paper folder).
- "TextMetrics", text
text: text string to measure
return: - Width and height of text in pixels if it would be printed to the file list with the current
font settings.
- Current font settings of the file list.
The Width entry additionally compares the results of three different measurement methods. They
should be identical when the font is well constructed. The third result is from the method used for
the file list.
Example: echo get("textmetrics", "abc");
- "thumbs_cache"
Full path of the currently used thumbnails cache file if any, e.g. "E:
- "Tree", [separator="|"]
List of paths present in the current tree, separated by separator. The current path is the first in
the list.
Usage: Mainly useful for creating the pathlist argument for the loadtree command.
- "Trigger", [mode="mousebtn"]
mousebtn: Returns the mouse button that triggered a script of a Custom Toolbar Button.
Returned values:
0 = None = 0
1 = LeftClick = 1
2 = RightClick = 2
4 = MiddleClick = 4 (planned)
16 = Drop (OR-ed with the button values if triggered by drag-and-drop)
ctbindex: Returns the user button index that triggered the script.
context: Returns the context in which the current script was called. Returned values:
0 = manually started
1 = Custom Column
2 = User Button
4 = UDC (User-Defined Command)
8 = CEA (Custom Event Action)
callshift: Returns combined shift buttons value at the moment the current script was called.
The Shift keys have the following values that can be combined in a bit field:
1 = Shift
2 = Ctrl
4 = Alt
menushift: Returns combined shift buttons value at the moment the last popup menu item was
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 613
The Shift keys have the following values that can be combined in a bit field:
1 = Shift
2 = Ctrl
4 = Alt (rather theoretical since Alt will kill any popup menus)
- "UTCoffset", [(unused)]
The offset in minutes of the local time from the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
- "XYcopy_Pending", [(unused)]
The number of file operations to be handled in the background (by XYcopy) that are not yet
- "Username", [(unused)]
Returns the name of the user associated with the current thread.
- "Userrole", [(unused)]
Returns the user's membership (or his security role in the current process) in one of the following
security groups: Admin, User, Guest, Power User. If any other groups apply then "Other" is
- "View", [pane=a]
Returns the index of the current list view.
For the optional "pane" argument see "BytesSelected" above.
Possible returns and their meanings:
0 = Details
1 = Details with Thumbnails#1
2 = List
3 = Small Icons
4 = Thumbnails #1
5 = Thumbnails #2
6 = Thumbnails #3
7 = Large Icons
8 = Small Tiles
9 = Large Tiles
- "VisualFilter", [pane=a]
Returns the currently active visual filter (or nothing if none).
For the optional "pane" argument see "BytesSelected" above.
614 XYplorer Help
text get("selecteditemsnames", , "i"); //inactive pane's sel. items, one per line
Gets the value of a configuration key in the current INI file, or of any INI file.
INIfile [optional] the name of the INI file. Expects a filename with extension, and can be
absolute or relative to the running script's path. If the parameter is missing it defaults
to XYplorer's current INI file.
Of course, the file to be loaded is expected to conform to the format of INI files.
Note that getkey pairs with setkey. The getkey/setkey commands support reading/writing values of up
to 32,766 characters.
XYplorer's native algorithm for reading INI values will return leading Tab characters. The standard
Windows algorithm will not.
XYplorer's native algorithm is optimized for reading hundreds of keys out of huge INI files. It's not
made for picking out single keys as the getkey() function does. So, performance-wise you will suffer a
bit for the added functionality.
Sets variable $a to the value of key StartPath in section General of the current INI file; then displays it
in a message box.
Sets variable $a to the value of key timeout in section boot loader of C:\boot.ini; then displays it in a
message box.
getpathcomponent(), gpc()
Returns the specified component of a path.
path The path to parse; can be a folder or a file. Defaults to the current folder or file.
path: [default] The path without any file, unslashed. Drives are returned with colon.
drive:The drive or share. Drives are returned without colon, i.e. the drive letter only.
server: The server in case of an UNC path, else the drive (without colon).
dos: Convert a long path spec to DOS format (aka 8.3 format).
index The index of the component to return. Only used if component is "component". The first
component is 1, the last component is -1.
Invalid indices or index 0 (zero) return nothing.
UNC paths are stripped off the leading "\\" before applying the index.
Both backward "\" and forward slash "/" are supported as component separators.
DOS/8.3 format: Note that in Windows the 8.3 file naming can be enabled/disabled per drive. If it is
disabled then a conversion to DOS/8.3 using this function returns the (valid part of the) input
unchanged (apart from removing any trailing backslash).
Returns a list of sections in an INI file or a list of "key=value" pairs for the specified section.
INIfile [optional] The name of the INI file. Expects a filename with extension, and can be
absolute or relative to the running script's path.
If omitted XYplorer's current INI file is used.
text getsectionlist();
Displays the list of "key=value" pairs in the "General" section of XYplorer's current INI file:
text getsectionlist("General");
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 619
Returns a substring by index.
format Switches for the desired formatting. Can be freely combined in any order.
t = trim returned string (crop leading and trailing spaces)
Empty separator:
Returns the first index of a token in a token list, or the count of its occurrences.
Defines a Ghost Filter, toggles its state.
ghost(patterns, toggle)
toggle (optional)
missing/empty: keep current state
0: turn Ghost Filter OFF
1: turn Ghost Filter ON
-1: toggle Ghost Filter
The new patterns will completely replace the previous patterns just as if you manually entered them
through the GUI. So they will be toggled by the "Ghost Filter" toolbar button, and remembered
between sessions.
ghost("", 0); //remove all patterns and turn the filter OFF
Define one or more variables as global.
global variable(s)
By default, all variables in XY scripting are local, i.e. they are not shared between scripts. The command
"global" can be applied to share a variable between all scripts that used "global" on that variable.
Here are two scripts inside one script resource where the first is calling the second:
622 XYplorer Help
$foo = 4; // set local value: new local var $foo is created
msg $foo; // 4 (local)
// now make $foo global
// it's initialized to [empty] (assuming nothing created
// a global $foo before with a different value, which is
// possible when "script1" has been called by yet another
// script that has declared $foo as global)
global $foo;
msg $foo; // [empty] (global)
$foo = 8; // set global value
msg $foo; // 8 (global)
msg $foo; // $foo (uninitialized, not a variable)
$foo = 15; // set local value: new local var $foo is created
msg $foo; // 15 (local)
// now make $foo global
// it's set to 8 (as previously set in script1)
// also create a new global $bar
global $foo, $bar;
msg $foo; // 8 (global)
$foo = 16; // set global value
$bar = "tequila"; // set global value
Optionally you can immediately assign initial values to the declared variables:
- You can have as many global vars as you like, but it can be no more than 10 per "global" statement
for internal reasons. IOW, add a new "global" line for each pack of 10 variables if you really need
that many.
- It's recommended that you reflect the global nature of a variable in the variable name, for example
by prepending $g_ to global vars. It will make your code easier to read and maintain.
Changes the current to a new location.
location: [Required] A path, a file, a Quick Search, a Visual Filter, or a URL ... whatever is accepted
in the Address Bar, Favorites, Catalog, and User-Defined Command Go To. Including
Environment Variables and XYplorer native variables.
Relative paths are resolved relative to <xypath> (the path of XYplorer.exe).
goto "C:\";
Go to C:\.
goto "Desktop";
goto "Desktop?*.bmp";
goto "Desktop?*.bmp;*.jpg";
goto "C:\|*.bat";
goto "C:\|";
Visual Filter: Go to C:\ and show all files (removing any previous Visual Filter).
goto <xypath>;
goto "<curpath>\..";
goto %temp%;
Creates hash of a string or file.
return Hash.
- The maximum supported size for strings is 2GB data. For files the size is not limited (the file is
- You cannot abort the process by ESC. XYplorer will be blocked while the process is running.
- md5() is kept for compatibility, and for systems where hash is not supported (which might be the
case on older Windows).
Calculates and shows the hash values for a list of files.
Returns a string as hex dump.
switches [optional]
r = raw
i = inverse
626 XYplorer Help
With the "r" switch (raw) you can return a raw hex string: Hex values separated and terminated by a
With the "i" switch (inverse) the spaces separating and terminating the Hex values are optional.
Either you use them (all) or you don't (none).
Converts a hexadecimal number into a signed decimal number.
The highest value is 0x7fffffff (2147483647), the lowest value is 0x80000000 (-2147483648).
text hextodec("ffffffff"); // -1
Defines the color for the Highlighted Folder feature of the current location on Tree, or turns it off.
color: The new highlight color in format RRGGBB. If empty or missing the current highlight color is
folder: [optional] if stated then the highlighting is applied to that folder, else it is applied to the current
highlight "FF8000"
Will set the highlight color to orange for the current location.
Will disable the Highlighted Folder feature for the current location.
highlight "000000"
Will set the highlight color for the current location to the default highlight color.
highlight , "C:\"
Displays an HTML formatted string.
width Width of window in pixels (minimum: 250; maximum: screen width; default: 800).
Percentages of screen width are supported, e.g. 75%.
height Height of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum: screen height; default: 400).
Percentages of screen height are supported, e.g. 75%.
return A special hypertext reference when a link starting with "xys:" was clicked (see example
On Close button or ESC, an empty string is returned.
html("https://www.xyplorer.com/", 800);
Shows a message box "Yes!" or "No!" depending on the link you click:
Note that <xypath> is resolved before the argument is passed to html, so it is auto-interpreted
correctly as filename:
Writes ID3v1 tags to files that support this. Returns the current tags.
text id3tag(); //just return the ID3v1 (or ID3v2 if present) tags of the current file
text id3tag(3:=1); ///just return the ID3v1 tags (even if ID3v2 tags are present)
text id3tag("E:\Test\Sugar.mp3"); //return the ID3v1 (or ID3v2 if present) tags of that file
Only the tags you pass are written, any other tags are left untouched.
The tags "track" and "genre" are written and returned as numbers.
Works with all files that support ID3v1/ID3v2 tags, e.g. MP3, MP4, M4A.
While ID3v2 tags can be read they cannot be written by this command.
Maps an array onto a list.
return Number of items in the list, or the list itself if $list is omitted.
630 XYplorer Help
Increments a numerical value.
Returns the fixed internal item index within a control at a certain screen position.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 631
echo indexatpos(73, 108, 1); //item position at arbitrary mouse position on XYplorer
status posatpos() . " - " . indexatpos(); //show position and index in the Status Bar
Shows an input dialog to the user and returns user input.
width Width of window in pixels (minimum: 250; maximum: screen width; default: 800).
height Height of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum: screen height; default: 400). For
multiline input only.
items A pipe or <CRLF> separated list of item(s) for the combo-box entries. If CRLF is present
then CRLF is used, else pipe is used.
Lets you turn the input field into a combo box where you can select items from a
Ask the user for an extension to filter out, store it inside variable $ext. Then set a Visual Filter to hide
all files with the given extension:
$ext = input("Enter the file extension you do NOT want to see on List", "Just the extension
without dot, e.g. txt." , "zip"); filter "!*.$ext";
Ask the user to enter a script in a multiline text box; then load it:
Use the items parameter to turn the input field into a combo box (also showing the use of the icon
parameter) :
Shows a common "Open File" dialog to the user and returns the full path/name of the selected file.
path The default path for the dialog. When left empty or non-existent, path defaults to the
current path. In the latter case you are prompted whether to continue the script.
extension A list of extensions (separated by pipe ( | ) or semi-colon ( ; ), no dots) of the files to list
on the window.
Asks the user to select an archive (RAR or ZIP), puts its full name (with path) in variable $file. Uses
WinRAR (must be a registered application on Windows) to extract its content to current location.
$file = inputfile("Desktop", "gif|jpg|png", "Select Image File"); text $file, 600, 200;
Asks the user to select an image file in folder Desktop. Then shows the selected file name in a textbox.
Shows a common "Browse For Folder" dialog to the user and sets a variable to the full path/name of the
selected folder.
inputfolder([path], [caption])
path The default path for the dialog. When left empty or non-existent, path defaults to the
current path. In the latter case you are prompted whether to continue the script.
The paths returned in scripting, either through variables or commands (like inputfolder), are never
backslashed (no final \) so that you can use them in a predictable way. E.g. if the current location is C:\
then <curpath> will only return "C:".
Asks the user to select a folder (starting the dialog in C:\) and puts its full name in variable $folder.
Then copies the folder name to clipboard.
"<curpath>", $source;
Asks the user to select a folder (starting the dialog in C:\) and puts its full name in variable $source.
Then copies the folder into the current location.
Pops a list of strings from which the selected one is returned.
header First line is printed in bold; any other lines are printed non-bold; leave empty to show
no header.
width Width of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum: screen width; default: 800).
Percentages of screen width are supported, e.g. 75%.
height Height of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum: screen height; default: 400).
Percentages of screen height are supported, e.g. 75%.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 635
preselect One or more characters that are prefixed to the item to preselect. Only one item should
be marked like this. Any following items (checked from left to right) are ignored.
return The selected list item. If checkbox style then the checked items are returned, separated
by separator.
If the list shows only one item OK will trigger it even if it is not selected.
No header:
You can define up to three predefined fields in the listdata argument, separated by |: Caption|Data|
Icon Full path to a file item used for the icon that's shown in the list.
Also supports XYplorer Toolbar icons by using the ":iconkey" syntax.
If the Icon field is missing/empty the Data field is used for the icon.
If the Data field is also missing/empty the Caption field is used for the icon.
Note that "style" needs bit 1 to actually show any icons.
Remark: You obviously cannot use the default separator "|" to separate the items from each other
when you use these "|"-separated fields. Any separator without the "|" character will do.
$list = <<<>>>
C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zFM.exe
7-Zip|C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zFM.exe
7-Zip|7-Zip Selected|C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zFM.exe
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 637
text inputselect("Test: Caption|Data|Icon", $list, <crlf>, 1 + 1024);
// 1st entry: Caption -> Caption, Return, Icon: C:\Program Files (x86)\7-
// 2nd entry: Caption|Data -> Caption: 7-Zip; Return, Icon: C:\Program Files
// 3rd entry: Caption|Data|Icon -> Caption: 7-Zip; Return: 7-Zip Selected; Icon: C:
\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7zFM.exe
Tunes internet commands (Download, ReadURL).
value: [optional]
1 = On [default]
0 = Off
$a = input("Enter URL",, <clipboard>);
download $a;
Determines if a variable is set.
638 XYplorer Help
For example, check whether a permanent variable is set before using it:
$contents = isset($p_filenamestore)?$p_filenamestore:"";
Analyzes a text string for the presence of wide characters.
isunicode(string, [mindcodepage])
mindcodepage: [optional]
1 = do not count wide characters that have a narrow pendant in the current
Returns the item at a certain screen position.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 639
In case of special folders, the function returns the real path: "C:\Users\Donald\Desktop", not
Allows to define a string in a lax way.
Lists the contents of a folder (non-recursive).
pattern Wildcard (?, *) pattern to filter returned items; defaults to "*" (show all).
If no wildcards are contained, the pattern is auto-embraced by "*" (unless flag
NoAutoWildcards is set).
The order of items is determined by the OS or file system. For XP/NTFS and later it's alphabetical, files
and folders mixed.
text listfolder();
List all folders in %windir% that begin with "s"and return the names without path:
List all DLL files in %windir% (typically C:\Windows\) and give a short report on them:
642 XYplorer Help
pattern Wildcard (?, *) pattern to filter returned items; defaults to "*" (show all).
Also "character lists" in square brackets are supported, e.g. [ab] to match "a" OR "b".
If no wildcards are contained, the pattern is auto-embraced by "*" (unless flag
NoAutoWildcards is set).
As you might have noted, this command is analogue to listfolder() with the exception of the first
The command also works on Search Results, Drives, Recycle Bin and whatever list modes we will get
in the future.
Pops a dialog showing the current load log (aka load times).
llog [threshold=10]
threshold Threshold in milliseconds to filter the load times listing. The default is 10 ms, i.e. only
events that took at least 10 ms are listed.
Loads a script or a script file and either pops up a menu listing the scripts contained, or directly executes
one of the scripts.
Note that if the given labels cannot be found, XY will pop up the menu from the file as if
no labels had been specified.
The file name can be specified with full or relative path. In the latter case the script file to load is
looked for
(2) in the Scripts subfolder of the application data path (variable <xyscripts>)
If the given filename does not contain an extension, XY will automatically add .XYS as its extension
("XYplorer Scriptfile"). So, to load the file MyScript.xys located in the application data folder, all you
need to specify as parameter is MyScript: load "MyScript"
Loads files from an internal cache instead of reading them from disk again and again.
Only useful in scripts where the same resource file is loaded repeatedly.
Always the last loaded file contents are cached. So if you load the same file again (with no other file
loaded in between) the cache will be used.
You won't note much of a difference normally since the Windows disk read cache is pretty effective.
But in case you turned off that cache, or your disk reading is slow for whatever other reason using
the "fc" setting will speed up your script immensely.
Loading a Script
Simply put the script as first argument. The syntax for the script is exactly the same as for Script Files,
it can contain more than one script in which case a menu will be loaded and popped up, unless you
have specified a script to be executed (using index or label).
Of course, these examples don't make a lot of sense since you could just as well call the scripts
directly. Loading a script this way starts making sense when you create the script on the fly.
load "myscript"
Will load the file myscript.xys located in the calling script's folder, or if not found (or not used from a
script file) then in the application folder.
load "?:\XYscripts\goto.xys"
Will load the file "Goto.xys" (see below) located in the folder "XYscripts" on the drive XYplorer is
currently running from, and pop up a menu presenting all scripts contained in that file.
Will load the file "Goto.xys" (see below) located in the folder "XYscripts" on the drive XYplorer is
currently running from, and execute the script whose label is "system".
All the following examples use the above displayed script file goto.xys, and expect it to be located in
the default Scripts path.
::load "goto.xys"
Go to C:\
Go to System Folder
Go to XYplorer Folder
(2) Use the labels argument to pick only two of the scripts:
Pops up menu:
646 XYplorer Help
Go to C:\
Go to XYplorer Folder
(3) Use the labels argument to change the order and add a menu separator:
Pops up menu:
Go to XYplorer Folder
Go to System Folder
Go to C:\
Loads or saves a layout.
loadlayout(file, [mode="load"])
Load a previously stored search template and (optionally) run a search based on it.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 647
template [required] search template name as displayed in the search template dialog
r = Run Search: Run search after the template is loaded. Else just the Find Files tab is adjusted to the
loaded template.
l = Load Search Location: Search the location that's stored with the template. Else search the current
e = Load Excluded Folders: Exclude folders as stored with the template. Else use the currently
excluded folders.
c = Load Cached Results (if any): Instead of doing a fresh search load the results previously saved in
the template. If this option is set the other options (r, l, e) are auto-implied.
Load template "Created or Modified This Hour" and run a search in the current location.
Load template "Videos in Temp Internet Files" and run a search in the stored location (Temporary
Internet Files).
Search templates are INI-files that are all stored in a predefined folder: <xydata>\FindTemplates. The
template name (as used in loadsearch) is usually identical to the base name of the template file.
Template names, however, may contain characters that are illegal for file names; these characters are
encoded in the filename using the scheme "% & Hex(charcode)". You create and manage search
templates using menu Edit | Search Templates.
The loadsearch command is the nexus of two of XYplorer's strongest features: Scripting and File
Search. In combination with the Catalog, User-Defined Commands, and XYS files, you can easily build
handy libraries of complex live searches:
(1) First configure your search settings on the Find Files tab.
(2) Then save the settings as a search template using menu Edit | Search Templates.
(3) Then write a script ::loadsearch "[name of your template]" and test it.
(4) Finally wrap the script in a Catalog item, User-Defined Command, or XYS file. Or simple add it to
your Favorite Folders (yes, they support one-line scripts).
648 XYplorer Help
Restarts XYplorer with different settings.
Contrary to File | Settings Special | Load Configuration... (which only loads a new INI file) SC
LoadSettings can set a new app data folder. This means it can load a whole different set of settings
(Catalog, Tags, Keyboard Shortcuts, Tabsets, etc).
If the path is included this path will be the new appdata path:
loadsettings "E:\XYplorer\appdata_screenshots\", 1;
loadsettings <curpath>, 1;
Loads a specific Mini Tree.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 649
0: [default] fresh Mini Tree from scratch
1: add paths to current Mini Tree
2: hide paths from current Mini Tree
3: reduce the Mini Tree to just the paths of all tabs in the current pane
With modify = 1 and the current tree still non-Mini, loadtree will convert the tree to a Mini Tree without
losing any of its present folders. Interesting option! You can convert a Maxi Tree to a Mini Tree without
adding any paths using this line: loadtree , 1;
loadtree "C:|D:";
loadtree "<xydata>\scripts";
loadtree "<curpath>|%programfiles%|<xypath>";
loadtree "", 3; //minimize tree to just the paths of all tabs in the current pane
Pops a logon dialog if the network location is password protected and not already unlocked.
logon network_path
If the location is not password protected or already unlocked then nothing happens at all.
Examples (abstract):
logon "\\server\share[\sub]";
logon "X:\Mapped\Drive\Path";
650 XYplorer Help
Makes a good cup of coffee.
The coffee is served on the current pane. Call again for another cup.
Calculates the md5 hash of a string.
md5(string, [flags])
Sets middle truncation in the Name column of the file list.
middletruncation [value]
middletruncation; //toggle
middletruncation 0; //off
middletruncation 1; //on
Corresponds to the setting Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Truncate filenames in the middle.
location [optional] The destination where the selected items should be moved/copied/backed up
to. Defaults to the current path.
source [optional] The item(s) that will be copied or moved. Alternatively it can point to the
source control (":tree", ":list", or ":catalog"), or to a text file containing a list of source
items ("*filename"; see below).
If missing then the selected items of the focused control (List, Tree, Catalog) are used.
rootpath [optional; moveto/copyto only] Common root for a rich operation (source paths are
recreated in the target location relative to rootpath). Slashed or unslashed makes no
Note for copyto/moveto: If you use any of the following parameters from [on_collision] to
652 XYplorer Help
on_collision [optional]
-1 = Ask
0 = [Default] Use global setting from Configuration | File Operations | Backup
Operations | On name collisions
1 = Overwrite if newer
2 = Overwrite
3 = Skip
4 = Suffix number to copy
5 = Affix current date to copy
6 = Affix last modified date to copy
7 = Suffix number to existing
8 = Affix current date to existing
9 = Affix last modified date to existing
10 = Overwrite if different size or date
11 = Overwrite if different contents (The contents are compared by comparing the SHA-
256 hash of each file.)
preserve_dates [optional] Preserve all three file dates (only applied if the file itself is copied).
Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
0 = Whether/which dates are copied depends on OS.
1 = All three dates are copied.
create_log [optional] Create a detailed log file about the backup operation.
Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
0 = Don't.
1 = Do.
pop_stats [optional] Pop up a summary message about what was copied / overwritten / not
Empty = Use global setting from Configuration.
0 = Don't.
1 = Do.
2 = MD5
3 = SHA-1
4 = SHA-256
5 = SHA-512
filter [optional; backupto only] List of patterns or full paths, separated by "|", used to include
or exclude files or folders in/from the operation by name.
See sync for a detailed description.
Non-Existing Paths
You can use non-existing paths as destination. If you do so, you will be prompted whether or not you
want to create that path before continuing with the file operation.
Note that all parts can be new, not just the last subfolder. So D:\new\new too\also new will work
just fine.
You can also use Environment Variables (XY supports both common Windows & XY-specific environment
variables) as part of your destination, as well as XY variables and, when scripting, user-variables. For
more on all those variables, please refer to Script Variables.
Relative Paths
You can use relative paths too. Unlike everywhere else on XY, relative paths here on destination for
your Move/Copy/Backup To operations refer to the current location, and not XY's application path.
So to quickly move/copy/backup into a newly-created subfolder (of the current location), simply enter
its name. If the subfolder doesn't exist, you'll be prompted whether to create it or not!
You can also use date variables in the destination, that will be resolved with the current date! The
syntax here is identical to the one you know from the Batch Rename, and the date format syntax is the
same you know from other XY date terms, like in File Find.
Used together with the ability to enter non-existing paths, and relative ones, this is an extremely
valuable addition! For example, you now can easily make regular dated backups by using a destination
like this: D:\Daily Backups\<date yyyy-mm-dd> Then, when you Move/Copy/Backup To this
(1) If not existing already, the folder (eg: D:\Daily Backups\2006-10-07) will be created
654 XYplorer Help
Note that you even can have more than one date variable in the destination field. So you can also use
something like: D:\Backups\<date yyyy>\<date mm>\<date dd>\<date hh'nn> to get a folder for the
year, one for the month, one for the day, and one for the hour! (e.g.: D:\Backups\2006\10\07\10'42)
You can specify a source for the operation. The source must be the path to a folder or a file, or a
control. You can use relative paths (relating to XYplorer's application folder), and variables (see
examples below). When the source is a path, a trailing backslash is allowed but not necessary.
You can also use multiple sources in a CRLF- or |-separated list, for example:
Copies all *.ini and *dat file from the XYplorer data path to D:\Backup\XY files\2008-04-22\ (if that's the
date today).
Note: Any Tags are not moved/copied along when the sources contain wildcards.
Control as Source
The "source" argument can as well point to the source control by setting it to ":list", ":tree", or ":
catalog". This makes the selections used as sources independent of the current input focus. Examples:
You can pass a file containing a source items list as source. The source items file should be an ASCII or
UNICODE text file, and containing one source item per line. Empty lines are ignored. Folders can be
slashed or not. Example for the contents of a source items file:
To mark the source argument as source items file simply prefix it with "*" (asterisk). Example:
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 655
This feature allows you to easily trigger "distributed file operations", i.e. operations on a set of items
that cannot easily be defined by selecting the items in the file list. This can mean an enormous
usability boost.
When you specify a source, you will be able to use all variables <src...> in your destination location,
which will refer to the first item in source:
<srcname> the full name of the first source item without path
<srcbase> the base name of the first source item without extension
<srcver> the version number of the first source item (if it has one)
<srcdatem ...> a date variable (usual XY date syntax) based on the Modified date of the first source
item, e.g. <srcdatem yyyy-mm-dd>. Equally <srcdatec ...> for the Created date and
<srcdatea ...> for the accessed date.
copyto "D:\Stuff";
Moves all currently selected items to folder "E:\Test\", on collision "Affix current date to copy":
moveto "E:\Test\",,,,,5;
Creates a copy of the currently running XYplorer.exe in D:\Backup\XYplorer v17.10.0000 (on 2016-
09-02), where v17.10.0000 is the current version, and 2016-09-02 the current date. The folder is
created on the fly:
By passing a common root through the rootpath argument you can trigger Rich Copy/Move Operations
directly from a script. This allows you to copy/move files together with parts of their folder structure in
a fully controlled yet automatic way.
Note: If a source file is not located under rootpath then its full path is recreated in the target location;
colons (:) after drive letters and "\\" before UNC paths are removed to conform to general filename
Creates a copy of all selected files under "E:\Test" recreating their full source paths. Note that a
dummy string "*" is passed as rootpath: it will never work as an actual rootpath, so all source paths
are fully recreated:
To move/copy files only set the flags parameter to 1, AND use the source argument with wildcard *
anywhere in the pattern. To skip any "create?"-prompts, OR the value 1 with 2 which gives 3.
Backup selected items to E:\Test; on collision affix current date to the copies; preserve dates; create
backupto "E:\Test", , 5, 1, 1;
Backup all selected items to E:\Test; on collision number-suffix the existing items in E:\Test:
backupto "E:\Test", , 7;
Shows a message box.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 657
1: Two buttons, "Ok" and "Cancel". When you click "Cancel" the script execution will
end there (useful for confirmations).
2: Three buttons, "Abort", "Retry", "Ignore". When you click "Abort" the script execution
will end there (useful for confirmations). The other options continue the script (they
make no difference since the command does not return a value).
3: Three buttons, "Yes", "No", "Cancel". When you click "Cancel" or "No" the script
execution will end there.
4: Two buttons, "Yes" and "No". When you click "No" the script execution will end there.
5: Two buttons, "Retry" and "Cancel". When you click "Cancel" the script execution will
end there.
6: Three buttons, "Cancel", "Retry", "Continue". When you click "Cancel" the script
execution will end there.
linebreaker [optional] Any character sequence to be replaced by a line break. Defaults to "<br>".
Pass "" to prevent any replacing.
Simply call the command with whatever text you want to show the user in a pop-up window. You can
of course use any variables in your text, as well as put your text over multiple lines, using the line
breaker <br> which will be converted to a CRLF (0D0A).
You can change the line breaker (<br>) by using command br first.
msg "XYplorer is running from <xypath><br>The application data are stored in <xydata>";
Shows a message box with the application's folder (path to running XYplorer.exe) and the application's
658 XYplorer Help
$dest = "D:\Backup\XYplorer Settings - <date yyyy-mm-dd>"; msg "Do you want to backup your
XYplorer settings to ""$dest"" ?", 1; copyto $dest, "<xydata>\*.ini|<xydata>\*.dat|
(1) Sets variable $dest to a subfolder of D:\Backup called "XYplorer Settings - " followed by the
current date, eg. "XYplorer Settings - 2008-02-10".
(2) Asks the user whether to continue or not? Pressing "Cancel" will abort script execution here.
(3) Copies all INI and DAT files as well as subfolder FindTemplates. The target folder, e.g. D:
\Backup\XYplorer Settings - 2008-03-13\, will be created if necessary.
msg "Are you sure you want to betray our allies?", 4 + 32; //Yes/No with question mark
Creates a new file or folder.
link: Create a shortcut to the item stated in the "source" argument (which now actually
serves as the *target*).
symlink: Create a symbolic link to the item stated in the "source" argument (which now
actually serves as the *target*). Note that you need Admin rights to create a symbolic
See also Remarks on Types link and symlink below.
hardlink: Create a hardlink to the item stated in the "source" argument. This function
works for files only.
junction: Create a junction to the item stated in the "source" argument. This function
works for folders only.
source Path of the item to "duplicate" when creating a new one. For more about this, please
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 659
see below.
return The full path/name of the newly created item (if any).
If the rename argument is set to "r" then the returned value is the name of the created
item before any rename.
Let's start with the basics. All you need to do is to enter a Name for the newly created items, as well
as choose its Type (File or Folder).
new("NewFolder", "dir");
Instead of having to use a fixed default new name, XY brings even more power by allowing the use of
a few variables. Those variables are relating to the item currently both focused and selected (this item
is displayed in the status bar).
name: <curtitle>.txt
resolved: xyplorer_full.zip.txt
name: <curbase>_<curext>.txt
660 XYplorer Help
resolved: xyplorer_full_zip.txt
If the currently focused & selected file is the application file for XYplorer v6.60.0042 (D:\Program
Files\XYplorer\XYplorer.exe) then:
Example scripts:
new("<date yyyy-mm-dd>.txt");
Creates a new file called "2008-03-13.txt" (or the date today) in the current path.
If the currently focused & selected file is the application file (XYplorer.exe) for XYplorer v6.60.0042,
modified December 4th, 2007 at 11:11, then:
new("<curbase>_<datem yyyymmdd>.<curext>");
Name Collisions
If the name specified already exists then the default name presented on rename mode will use a suffix
number, according to the format defined in Configuration | Templates | Incremental suffix.
In the same way as the New Items feature works, you can also define a source that will be
"cloned" (e.g. copied) when a new item is created. Basically what XYplorer will do when using a source
is to copy the specified item (Source) to the current location using whatever Name was specified as
default (if left empty, the original name (of the clone item) will be used). So if the source was...
...a file, a new file with the same content will be created;
...a folder, a new folder with the same full content (files and subfolders) will be created.
When defining a Source you don't have to worry about the type parameter, as it will obviously be
With this feature you will be able to clone files and folders whenever you want, from wherever you are,
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 661
What this means is, you can easily create a new file with content (e.g. a Word document with your
usual headers, layouts, signature block, etc.) or even a full folder with content (e.g. a folder with the
usual files and subfolders you always use when creating a new project)! There are absolutely no
You can also use the currently selected and focused item as source of cloning, by putting <curitem> as
Source. That way, the current item will be copied and rename mode will be activated afterwards with
whatever was defined on Name as default.
new(, , "<curitem>");
Creates a copy of the current item in the current path. Collisions are avoided by an auto-appended
Creates a copy of XYplorer.exe called "XYplorer-2008-03-12.exe" in the current path (see below
"Variables referring to the source").
The following variables in the name parameter will relating to the source item (set in Source field):
<srcname> The full name of the first source item without path.
<srcbase> The base name of the first source item without extension.
<srcver> The version number of the first source item (if it has one).
<srcdatem ...> A date variable (usual XY date syntax) based on the Modified date of the first source
item, e.g. <srcdatem yyyy-mm-dd>. Equally <srcdatec ...> for the Created date and
<srcdatea ...> for the accessed date.
Finally some examples using the full path and the return value
$newfile = new("E:\Afgh\Kabul.txt");
The "name" argument can be omitted; in that case it will be taken from the "source" argument.
In case of type "link" the extension ".lnk" will be appended to the created file if not already passed
in the "name" argument.
The function will auto-avoid filename collisions by affixing the new name according to the user
settings (Configuration | Templates | Filename Affixes).
Opens a path in a new window.
newwindow [path]
You can hold CTRL+SHIFT while clicking menu File | Open Throw Away Clone to achieve the same
as newwindow;.
Returns the current date/time.
format Either the usual date format, e.g. "yyyymmdd", or "msecs" which returns the number
of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started (after 49.7 days it
wraps back to start from zero).
If missing the default system time format is used.
The slash stands for the current system date separator, which might be set to a dot. To force a slash
you have to escape it with a backslash:
Obfuscates item names in Tree, List, Address Bar, Catalog, Tabs, Breadcrumb Bars, Status Bar, Info
Panel, and Window caption.
mode [optional]
(empty): [Default] toggle 0 > 1, or not 0 > 0
(bit field)
0: No obfuscation.
1: Obfuscation of all path/file names visible on the surface.
2: Obfuscation of all tooltips and dropdowns.
If you save settings in obfuscated state then the interface is auto-de-obfuscated, otherwise some
items would be written obfuscated to the INI which is not anything you want.
Also the title bar is obfuscated. Application title and version number are excluded to assist debugging
(which is the purpose of obfuscate after all).
obfuscate 0;
obfuscate 1;
obfuscate 1, "x";
Runs an application or opens a document.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 665
with By default, the open command uses XY's CFA (Custom File Associations): this parameter
allows you to force-open an item with the Windows associated application.
Run Winzip minimized (if it is a registered application). Note that the application must be double-
quoted when command line parameters are used! If the whole argument is single-quoted, the
contained double-quotes don't have to be doubled.
Opens the currently selected (or list-defined) items with the specified application.
application [Required] Path to the application to open the selected items with.
mode Defines which mode to use when sending the parameters (item's names) to the
s: [Default] Single instance (pass all the items to the same instance of the application).
m: Multiple instance (pass each of the items to its own instance of the application).
itemlist CRLF- or |-separated list of items (full path) to open (overriding any List selections).
Open the selected list items with UltraEdit (registered as "UEdit32"), single instance.
openwith "UEdit32", m;
Open the selected list items with UltraEdit (registered as "UEdit32"), one instance for each item.
666 XYplorer Help
You can also create commands to extract currently selected archives. The above script will extract all
selected archives, each into a folder with archive's name, minus the extension (e.g. "My Backup.zip"
will be extracted to a subfolder "My Backup").
Note that the application must be quoted when command line parameters are used! Since the whole
argument is quoted the inner quotes should be doubled.
Lets you select a location for a file via the Windows Save As common dialog.
file Initial name of the file. Can be changed within the dialog.
The file is not saved, just the name is returned. Any saving has to be done by a separate command.
echo outputfile(,"Peace.jpg");
Sets or gets Paper Folder contents.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 667
return The current contents of Paper Folder (before any new ones are set).
When adding items the function takes care that no duplicates are created.
text paperfolder(, , , "r"); //return contents of currently shown paper folder (if any)
paperfolder("test", <clipboard>); //set items from clipboard (one per line) to paper folder
"test", and load it
paperfolder("test", <clipboard>, , "a"); //add items from clipboard (one per line) to paper
668 XYplorer Help
folder "test"
paperfolder("test", , , "l"); //load paper folder "test" into the current list
text paperfolder(, , , "oz0"); //set "Allow Zombies" to 0 (= unticked), return old setting
text paperfolder(, , , "oz1"); //set "Allow Zombies" to 1 (= ticked), return old setting
Paste the clipboard contents to the specified destination.
Replaces an internal image, e.g. of a toolbar button, with one from a file.
and the tooltip will show the button key and the current image key or image path (if
different from button key).
The file can be larger than the image in which case it is automatically shrunk.
A non-small patch is used for all sizes, unless there is a small patch (which is then used for the small
size). If there is only a small patch then the original image is used for all non-small sizes.
These changes are not permanent but last as long as the session.
patchimage "flatview", "C:\Cactus.png"; //replace small and large "flatview" image with
Returns the real path for a given path.
670 XYplorer Help
echo pathreal("Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg");
echo pathreal("Donald\Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg");
echo pathreal("C:\Users\Donald\Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg");
Returns the virtual path for a given path.
pathvirtual([path], [flags])
Some paths support to be referred to by a shortened path spec, the so-called virtual path. In XYplorer
these paths are Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Links, and <user>. So there are at least two ways
to refer to these paths, mostly even three, since all but <user> are contained in <user>. For example:
All return "Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg" regardless of what's visible in the current folder tree:
echo pathvirtual("Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg");
echo pathvirtual("Donald\Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg");
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 671
echo pathvirtual("C:\Users\Donald\Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg");
All return "Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg" if a virtual "Downloads" folder exists in the current folder tree,
else they return "Donald\Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg" if a virtual "Donald" folder exists, else they return
All return "Donald\Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg" if the current tree location is anywhere in the "Donald"
branch (else they return "Downloads\Alice\6foot.jpg" or the real path "C:
Define one or more variables as permanent.
perm variable(s)
Permanent Variables stay alive in memory during the whole XYplorer session, and hence can be easily
shared between scripts.
Run the following scripts one after the other through the Address Bar:
These two scripts illustrate that you can "perm" a global variable even after it was set:
Optionally you can immediately assign initial values to the declared variables:
Permanent Variables are always also global. However, contrary to normal globals, they don't need to
be initialized to the current scope in order to be accessed. They are always available everywhere.
It's recommended that you reflect the nature of a Permanent Variable in its name, for example by
prepending $p_. It will make your code easier to read and maintain.
Pops the shell context menu for an arbitrary item.
Hide shell extensions: The effect is identical to ticking "Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse,
Usability | Context Menus | Hide shell extensions from shell context menu".
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 673
popupcontextmenu , , 1; //pop a basic menu for selected items (Hide shell extensions)
popupcontextmenu "C:\Users\Donald\Desktop\Desk\Preview.bas";
popupcontextmenu <xy>;
Shows the main menu as popup menu.
submenu The caption of any of the main sub menus to pop just this menu.
If missing the whole main menu is popped.
popupmainmenu "file";
popupmainmenu "edit";
Pops a menu and returns the selected item.
sep_item Separates caption from data; can have more than one char.
return Data of selected item; caption if no data defined; index if flags AND 1.
Tip: You can use *.<DIR> as a pseudo extension for folders in the icon slot, i.e. you can use it to show
the generic folder icon. Example:
echo popupmenu("Something with Folder Icon;Now *.<DIR> shows the folder icon.;*.<DIR>");
Processing paths:
You can add XYplorer menu commands to your scripted menu, identified by simply their ID. You get the
original captions (in your language) with keyboard shortcuts, and even the checked state (where
applicable) is shown. When you click a command it is executed as if clicked in the main menu.
You can as well add XYplorer toolbar buttons to your scripted menu, identified by their key. The
captions of the buttons are used as menu captions, and the button graphics as menu icons.
The menu commands have to be stated by the command ID prefixed with a number sign (#).
The toolbar buttons have to be stated by the button key prefixed with a colon (:).
Tip: Hold CTRL while you click "Customize Toolbar..." to see the button keys in the button listing.
Note that the on/off (pressed/unpressed) state of the toolbar buttons can not be shown in the
menu. This is about the only little drawback here.
You can freely mix your own menu items with XYplorer menu commands and toolbar buttons.
You can add icons to XYplorer menu commands and toolbar buttons (overwriting the original button
graphics) if you like.
You can define custom captions for menu commands defined as XYplorer Menu Commands or Toolbar
Buttons. Simply put the function definition in the "Data" part of the item definition (Caption;Data;Icon;
State) and use the "Caption" part for your caption.
Adding Scripts
You can also add scripts to your scripted menu, identified by the script marker "::". On selecting the
menu item the script is executed.
In this case the menu item supports the following formats (assuming sep_item=";"):
676 XYplorer Help
All sorts of menu items can be freely mixed. Here are three ways to code a "Copy Path" function:
popupmenu(":copypath|#101|::'Copy Path';#101;");
It might be hybris to pack a script into a substring of an argument of another script and can surely
open the doors of hell. But OTOH it's a cute little option for the Hamburger menu...
Pops a native context menu for all selected list items.
The command won't pop any menu when there are no selections in the list.
If there are selections in the list the command will set the input focus to the list (if it's not there
already). Otherwise various menu commands would not work as expected. So, SC
PopupNativeContextMenu ONLY works for items in the file list, not in the folder tree.
This script in CEA "Left-click on status bar" will pop a native context menu on left-clicking the first
section of the status bar:
if (<CEA_ClickedItem> == 1) {popupnativecontextmenu;}
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 677
Pops a nested menu and returns the selected item.
Identical to popupmenu. The only difference to popupmenu is that indented captions are translated to
a submenu structure.
Nested popup menus are passed to the function as an indented itemlist. The first indent encountered
sets the gear for all following indents. So these two lines generate identical menus:
text popupnested("Top| Sub| Sub| Sub2| Sub2|Top"); //indent 1 space per level
text popupnested("Top| Sub| Sub| Sub2| Sub2|Top"); //indent 2 spaces per level
While the above one-liners perfectly work the HEREDOC syntax comes in handy with larger menus. The
structure is clearly readable and additional props like icons and states can easily be added to each
$menu = <<<MENU
text popupnested($menu);
To improve readability the top level does not have to be absolutely left-bound. Instead an overall
indent can be applied to all items. Example:
$menu = <<<MENU
text popupnested($menu);
It's possible to create invalid indenting. Here, for example, Sub2 is indented too far:
text popupnested("Top| Sub| Sub2");
In consequence the "Sub" submenu will not work. XYplorer does NOT attempt to auto-correct this.
This scripter is responsible.
Returns the item position index within a control at a certain screen position.
echo posatpos(73, 108, 1); //item position at arbitrary mouse position on XYplorer
Retrieves a particular property from a file or folder.
property([property], [item])
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 679
The format template is only returned if the property returns a value. Simply suffix the template (you
can freely put in there whatever you want) within single quotes to the property name argument, and
use * (asterisk) as placeholder for the returned value:
You can add formatting instructions to the value placeholder. Here are some examples using the <prop
...> variable (see below):
echo <prop System.Video.TotalBitrate 'Bitrate: *kbps'>; //Bitrate: 462kbps (kb per sec
Note that Microsoft traditionally changes the indices with each new OS.
Suffix " n" to return the (locale aware) name of the property:
Prefix an asterisk (*) to the property name and it is internally resolved to the matching index. The
name can be any of the items listed in Configuration | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show custom file info
tips. Note that the name is localized (but not case-sensitive), so in a German Windows you would do
this to retrieve the width of an image file...
text property("*breite");
text property("*width");
text property("*Letzter_Zugriff");
Everything you can feed into property(property) you can also feed into the variable <prop property>
(the item parameter is not supported in the variable). Examples:
<prop #audio.bitrate>
<prop #audio.samplerate>
<prop #tag.composer>
<prop #mp3.year>
<prop #date.created>
<prop #version>
<prop #hash.sha256>
<prop FileVersion>
Those variables can be used in scripts (e.g. echo <prop FileVersion>;) and templates (e.g. in Status
Bar Templates).
Tip: The command property() , the Find Files selector prop:, and the <prop ...> variable all supports
the locale-independent Windows canonical properties as listed here:
For example, select an image file and run this through the Address Bar:
A couple of XYplorer-specific named arguments are also supported. They all have to be preceded by #
to distinguish them from Windows shell properties. They are not case-sensitive.
Audio Tags. Supported tag formats: ID3 tags (MP3 files), Vorbis Comments (FLAC and OGG
#tag.album = Tag Album
#tag.artist = Tag Artist
#tag.Comments = Tag Comments
#tag.Composer = Tag Composer
#tag.genre = Tag Genre
#tag.title = Tag Title
#tag.track = Tag Track
#tag.year = Tag Year
Vorbis Comments (FLAC and OGG files) are freely definable: You can pass whatever tag you
want. If the tag is actually in the file you will get the value in return. Examples:
#tag.performer or #tag.PERFORMER (functionally identical)
682 XYplorer Help
#image.dimensions = Dimensions
#image.datetaken = Date Taken
#image.cameramodel = Camera Model
#image.focallength = Focal Length
#image.fstop = F-Stop
#image.exposuretime = Exposure Time
#image.isospeed = ISO Speed
#image.exposureprog = Exposure Program
#image.exposurebias = Exposure Bias
X = Accessed Denied
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 683
X = Accessed Denied
0 = Folder does not contain matching files
1 = Folder contains matching files
2 = Item is not a folder
The property #image.datetaken supports comparison operators (>, >=, <=, >) to define date
ranges in your searches:
prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 //match all photos taken on or after that date
prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012 //match all photos taken on or before that date
This powerful function gives you direct and ultra-fast access to all available properties of all available
files and folders in the system without any browsing involved!
Which particular property is available (and how it is called!) depends on the file, the file type, and on
your OS. You have to experiment to find out what works.
684 XYplorer Help
(1) Note that file times ("Write", "Create") are returned as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which
is usually not identical to the System Filetime (unless you live around London).
(2) Also the formatting of the returned data is completely controlled by the Shell. E.g. the
"FileVersion" of XYplorer.exe is returned as "" as opposed to "8.10.0004" or
Resolving Junctions
Example of a complex junction structure, where a part (C:\Backup\) of a junction target is itself a
junction to yet another target (N:\):
Note that"#ResolveJunctionsAll" has built-in protection from endless recursion caused by cyclic junction
Open the Quick File View for the specified file.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 685
Hex view via hexviewbytes is internally limited to a maximum of 1MB of data. Reason: Speed.
Finds items.
QuickSearch is probably the most powerful and useful of all scripting commands. It works 100%
identical to GUI Quick Search apart from not affecting the GUI: The search results are returned by the
function in a string. QuickSearch lets you quickly collect specific stuff from the most remote corners of
your file system by means of simple scripts that can be stored and shared. The stuff is returned in a
format ready for further automated processing. One of the most powerful file search engines
686 XYplorer Help
Multi location searches are supported: You can pass several paths separated by "|" or ";" in the path
You can use the Search In List aliases # and + in the path argument.
text quicksearch("*.jpg");
inputselect(, quicksearch("*.jpg",,"|"));
Search the current path for all JPG files, and show progress in the status bar:
text quicksearch();
Find all JPG files in the current path and return them with metadata:
Sample Return:
Tip: By default GUI Quick Search (and hence the QuickSearch command) honors the current visibility
settings ("Show hidden files and folders" etc.) To return all matching items regardless of any GUI
settings you can pass the /a switch:
Double-quotes a string.
quote([string], [flags=0])
flags 0: Quote.
1: Unquote.
Generates an integer random number.
688 XYplorer Help
rand([low=0], [high=1])
Read the contents of a file into a variable.
else: number of bytes to read; if longer than file size then the number is silently set to
file size;
if <= 0 the function returns an empty string (and does not even try to read the file)
This command will not read more than 100 MB at a time. To read larger files use the "start"
parameter and do it portion by portion.
Note that the "start" parameter points to the *character* position in case of text files (in double-
byte encodings this is different from the byte position).
Reads text from "test-in.txt" (ASCII or UNICODE) and writes it back to "test-out.txt" (ASCII or
Reads text from "test-in.txt" (ASCII or UNICODE) and writes it back to "test-out-A.txt" in ASCII (1 byte
per char):
Reads text from "test-in.txt" (ASCII or UNICODE) and writes it back to "test-out-U.txt" in UNICODE (2
bytes per char):
You can actually use ReadFile() and WriteFile() for file copying on a low level (bypassing the Shell):
writefile("test-out.txt", readfile("test-in.txt"));
Copy "xy.png" to "xy-out.png" (could be any file, binary or text); source and target will be 100%
identical independently of your locale:
text hexdump(readfile( , "r", 50), 1); //you see the true bytes
690 XYplorer Help
Runs a new XYplorer instance with the current configuration as saved on disk, and will not overwrite
that configuration.
readonly [startpath]
Like readonly but opened to current path.
Reads permanent variables (PVs) from a file.
readpv [file]
file The file to read from. Can be relative to the current path.
If empty it defaults to "<xydata>\pv.dat".
The file should have been previously created by writepv, otherwise it will not match the expected
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 691
The PVs will be added to the current PVs. Current PVs of the same name will be overwritten.
Reads the contents of a web file into a variable.
nocookies [optional]
0: use cookies
1: don't use cookies
StripHTML [optional]
0: return unchanged HTML
1: strip HTML comments and tags, scripts and styles, convert some common HTML
entities, and remove excessive tabs, spaces and empty lines
874 'Thai
932 'Japanese
936 'Simplified Chinese (PRC, Singapore)
949 'Korean (EUC)
950 'Traditional Chinese (BIG5)
65000 'UTF-7
65001 'UTF-8
text readurl("https://www.xyplorer.com/index.php");
Displays the contents of the given URL (HTML code in this case) in a text box.
text readurl("http://www.yoshidakaban.com/company/",,,,65001);
692 XYplorer Help
Reads the contents of a web file into a variable. Identical to readurl, but defaults to decoding the
contents as UTF-8.
Many (if not most) websites are UTF-8 encoded, so this offers a simpler way to handle this than
passing "65001" for codepage.
text readurlutf8("http://www.yoshidakaban.com/company/");
Changes the case of a string.
missing: Use the global defaults (as stored at key RenameTitleCaseExceptions).
empty: Do not use any exceptions.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 693
text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "t"); //The Camel Bites the Horse.
(factory default exceptions)
text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "t", , ""); //The Camel Bites The Horse.
(no exceptions)
text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "t", , "the;bites"); //The Camel bites the Horse.
(custom exceptions)
text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "c"); //The CaMel BITES the Horse.
(factory default exceptions)
text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "c", , ""); //The CaMel BITES The Horse.
(no exceptions)
text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "c", , "the;bites"); //The CaMel bITES the Horse.
(custom exceptions)
Refreshes the list on any of the panes.
refreshlist [pane="a"]
a: [default] active pane
i: inactive pane
1: pane 1
2: pane 2
694 XYplorer Help
Returns a list of all matches of a regular expression pattern in a given string.
Replaces parts of a string, using a regular expression pattern.
Sets $a to "Image.png", removing the common IE suffix [1] from the filename.
Releases all global/permanent variables from memory.
releaseglobals [flags=3]
The following script illustrates that the Permanent Variable $foo is gone (unset, no variable anymore)
or not gone after "releaseglobals" and depending on the flags:
Renames the currently selected List item(s) according to the defined pattern and options.
e: Set Extension
l: Rename the selected items using a list of names passed in the "pattern" argument
(see Remarks below)
pattern [Required] The pattern to be applied. Its syntax may vary depending on which mode is
used, see below for more.
preview Defines whether or not to show the Rename Preview before the actual rename
[empty]: [Default] No Preview. Omit this parameter to rename the files directly, without
preview or confirmation first.
p: Show Preview. The rename preview will be shown before anything happens, allowing
you to verify, change the pattern or cancel the operation at will.
itemlist CRLF- or |-separated list of items (full path) to rename. If empty then current list
selections are renamed. The separator may be surrounded by any number of blanks.
illegalcharsreplacewith Replace illegal characters with this string, IF flags has the "4" bit set.
Renames the selected items using a list of names passed in the "pattern" argument. If no list is
passed then the "Edit Item Names" dialog is opened pre-filled with the currently selected names.
The selected list items are renamed top to bottom (just like with the "Edit Item Names" GUI
Tip: If "Allow move on rename" is ticked (Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename |
Allow move on rename) then you can pass absolute or relative (to the files current path) paths in the
"pattern" argument, and the files will be moved accordingly. Moving works even to other volumes
and any missing paths are silently created. Example:
// files are renamed and moved to "Logs" subfolder, with preview
rename "l", "Logs\Don2017.jpg|Logs\Don2018.jpg", "p";
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 697
Appends the modified date to each of the selected items. With preview.
Note the single quotes around the date variable: This ensures that it is only resolved inside the
rename procedure on a per-file basis. If it were double-quoted then all selected files would be
appended the modified date of the currently focused item.
Appends the modified date to each of the selected items. Without preview.
rename s, "ü/ue";
rename k, "0123456789", p;
Keep Particular Characters Rename, keeping only the numbers present in a filename.
rename e, "htm";
Rename a specific file (here: E:\TestFiles\asia.jpg) to a hardcoded new name (africa.png), using itemlist
and the /e switch (for renaming the extension as well).
Rename by list:
For the functionality of the different rename operations see also here.
Renames a file or folder.
698 XYplorer Help
newname The new name (will be used as base and/or extension, depending on flags).
The newname argument supports the following placeholders:
* = original base
? = original extension
1 and 2 are only applicable if sourceitem is a file, not a folder.
On 4 numsuffix defaults to the incremental suffix defined in Configuration | Templates.
If 8 is passed then 4 is ignored.
return The new name if the rename was successful, else nothing (empty string).
Rename current file to "John[.ext]" (or current folder to "John") in current folder (fail on collision):
renameitem("John", , , "-01");
renameitem("jpg", , 2);
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 699
Rename the current item to "John"; on name collision show the dialog with options to Suffix, Overwrite,
or Cancel.
renameitem("John", , 4, "-001");
renameitem("John", , 4);
renameitem("John.jpg", , 8);
renameitem("Copy of *");
Context: A file named "John.jpg" already exists in the path and is selected.
Contrary to SC rename, SC renameitem is able to rename items that are not currently listed or
selected, and it can auto-suffix numbers on collision. This gives you a number of fascinating new
Replace parts of a string.
When no replacement is defined, all occurrences of search will simply be removed (replaced by
The following line transforms the current location to a Unix-style path and copies it to the clipboard. For
example, if the current location is S:\usr\local\apache2\conf then this script will copy /usr/local/
apache2/conf to then clipboard:
Replaces substrings by list.
0: A=a [Default]
1: A<>a
Note how in lines 1 and 2 there are two replacements (Hello->Hi; TaxiDriver->Taxi Driver):
- As you see from the 2nd example, the strings in search-replace pair can have different lengths.
- If the item count in both list differs, then the smaller count is used and the surplus items are
- The string is walked one time from left to right; any replaced parts are not processed again. So in
this example, "Rex" will not be replaced by "Bone" in a second pass:
text replacelist("Taxi", "ax,i,Rex", "-,Rex,Bone", ","); //T-Rex
- The substrings are processed from left to right, first match wins. Therefore:
text replacelist("Taxi", "a,ax", "i,ox"); //Tixi
text replacelist("Taxi", "ax,a", "ox,i"); //Toxi
This command can be used for interesting things, e.g. to (roughly) transliterate e.g. Cyrillic to Latin, or
do some simple encryption, or clean file names from undesired characters.
702 XYplorer Help
template Defines the layout of one line (file record); for each reported file one line is created
based on this template.
If missing or empty: Take the current list data as is.
If you omit the template argument (or pass "") the report you get is identical to the list you see: Same
types and sequence of columns, same file data in same format. The fields are by default separated by
Tab characters.
You may overwrite the default separator by passing a different separator through the template
Use "{Name}. " as template (see next paragraph): text report("{Name}. ");
If you use the template argument you are in full control and can decide what is shown, where it is
shown, and how it is shown. The various file data are defined by fields, corresponding to the columns
the file list. A field consists of a field name and, in some cases, an optional format definition, separated
from the field name by a single blank. The fields are enclosed in curly brackets {}, and they are not
case-sensitive (i.e. a=A). Example for a template argument:
The following fields are currently supported (they obviously match the file list's column headers):
Browse Mode: {#}, {Name}, {Ext}, {Size}, {Type}, {Created}, {Modified}, {Accessed}, {Attr},
{Len}, {Label}, {Tags}, {Comment}
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 703
Find Mode: {#}, {Name}, {Ext}, {Size}, {Type}, {Created}, {Modified}, {Accessed}, {Attr}, {Len},
{Label}, {Tags}, {Comment}, {Path}
Drives Mode: {#}, {Name}, {Type}, {Total Size}, {Used Space}, {Free Space}, {Full %}, {Free %},
{Per Cluster}, {Vol Serial}, {File System}
Note that you cannot combine @ and 0 to have first leading blanks and then leading zeroes.
The so-called "Extended Properties" (the complete set of available metadata of file) are fully supported
using the field {prop:[property]}. [property] can be a numeric as well as a literal property identifier.
For example, the following line reports the image dimensions for image files in the current list using the
literal property identifier "dimensions":
This line yields the same results in yet another way, namely with numeric property identifiers (note
that these numbers only work in Win7!) :
Note that MS made a total mess here so that each Windows version has a completely reshuffled set of
numbers and keywords. But there is help: The line numbers in "Configuration | File Info Tips & Hover
Box | Show custom file info tips" give you the actual values of all available extended properties in your
current Windows version. Literal property identifiers are not documented at all by MS, so you can only
guess, trial, and error.
These fields that will retrieve the respective meta properties from all file types that support meta
Note that these fields only work under XP! The labels have been changed in Vista and later.
The field is set to the base name of the file (file name without extension).
Set to the item's Label ID. If the item has a comment but no color label assigned {LabelID} returns
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 705
Returns the (recursive) count of items (files and folders) contained within a folder. For files it returns
Note that calculating the count can take time with large folders.
Example, using the meta-field {dir} to fork returns between folders and files:
{Dir dir_value|file_value|drive_value}
Note that the field {Dir ...} may contain other fields (but not contain itself). For example, in
for directories: -
{Zebra odd_value|even_value[|divisor=2]}
The divisor defaults to 2 but you can set it to any larger value so that e.g. the "even_value" (the
value that divides by the divisor without remainder) is set to every 5th line, the "odd_value" to all
other lines.
You can use this field to apply alternate formatting, e.g. to achieve a zebra striping effect if you use
HTML for your report, or to group the output into blocks of a certain size. See examples below.
Extra Columns
Extra Columns are referenced by their case-insensitive canonic names (independent of any
translations), e.g. "extra 1".
text report("{name}: {extra 1}, {extra 2}, {extra 3}, {extra 4}, {extra 5}<crlf>");
706 XYplorer Help
{extra 5 yyyy-mm-dd}
Custom Columns
Custom Columns can be referenced by their case-insensitive canonic names (independent of any
translations), e.g. "custom 1", e.g.:
text report("{name}: {custom 1}, {custom 2}, {custom 3}, {custom 4}, {custom 5}<crlf>");
Custom Columns and Extra Columns can as well be referenced by their case-insensitive current
captions as long as they are shown in the current list. In this case no formatting is possible though. E.
text report();
Displays the modified date of all selected items in a multiline textbox. Note that it's your turn to supply
a carriage return / line feed if needed. In the example, the internal variable <crlf> (resolved to
0xd0a0) ends the line.
The same as above with maximum resolution down to the 1/10 microsecond.
As you see, these fields have nothing to do with scripting variables, hence they are resolved whether
single-quoted or not.
Fill leading blanks to the line number, and add an empty line after every 5 lines. Note that the XY
variable <crlf> works within the double-quoted argument.
<td align=right>{Size B} {dir [DIR]|bytes|}</td>
<td>{Created}</td><td>{Modified}</td></tr><crlf>", ,
"<table cellpadding=4>", "</table>"));
(1) The sort order is the one currently present in the file list.
(2) The {#} field (line number) is not filled with the line number each file currently has in the file list,
but simply numbers the lines in the report starting with 1. This coincides with the actual line
numbers in the file list only if the report features all files (not just a subset of selected ones).
(3) You can use any number of fields in the template, and it's no problem to use the same field more
than once with different format, as in "... {size kb} ({size bb}) ..."
(4) The Report() function allows you to create full blown HTML-reports of any parts of your file system
or of search results! You may even show icons for file types if you provide the image files and give
them names that match the extension, e.g. type-txt.gif, type-png.gif, etc. which then would be
referred to like "C:\Your\Path\type-{ext}.gif".
(5) In cooperation with function WriteFile() you are able to easily write the created reports to your
hard disk.
708 XYplorer Help
Converts a relative, virtual, or portable path to an absolute path.
0: Normal function.
1: Reversed function: path is absolute, return path is relative to base.
2: The default for "base" is <curpath> (else it's <xypath>).
You can pass a fully resolved absolute path. It will be returned unchanged.
You don't need to provide a trailing backslash for the base (but it does no harm).
echo resolvepath("\foo\");//C:\foo\
Note the single quotes. These variables will arrive at resolvepath() as is, and then be resolved:
Absolute to relative:
A) Statement used in a User-Defined Function: Sets the return value for the function, and exits the
return data
B) Statement used in a Custom Column script: Defines the cell data and ends the script.
return data
710 XYplorer Help
Rotates JPG images. Rotation is lossless for typical digital camera images.
jpgfile_src JPG file to rotate; defaults to current file if empty; relative to current path if path missing
jpgfile_trg target file name; defaults to jpgfile_src if empty; relative to current path if path missing
0: [default] rotate always
1: error if rotation cannot be done lossless
0: [default] no refresh
1: refresh list, preview, and thumbnails.
(1) ONLY if the width and height of the image are both multiples of 16, then indeed the rotation is
lossless! Luckily, digital camera image dimensions are usually multiples of 16. MS has buried some
deeper info on this here:
If the image dimensions are not multiples of 16 then colors and sharpness will slightly fade if you
do many consecutive rotations on the same image.
(2) And yes, the function will ONLY work on JPG images.
rotate , "E:\my.jpg", , 1;
rotate h, , "flipped.jpg";
Add the following item to your Custom File Associations (menu Tools), and you'll have a command to
rotate the image 90° clockwise on the Portable Openwith Menu (POM) of each JPG file:
Rounds a number.
round(number, [precision=0])
precision Number of digits after the decimal point. precision can also be negative or zero
(default). A negative precision refers to digits before the decimal point.
Opens a specific page in the Help file XYplorer.chm.
rtfm page
rtfm "idh_find.htm";
RTFM "idh_find.htm#idh_findtabtags";
712 XYplorer Help
Works (almost) identical to Windows Start | Run, i.e. you can start executables, open documents with
the OS-asociated applications, open websites, and much more.
command: Anything that works in Windows Start | Run, usually a module name plus (optionally)
arguments. Note that module names containing blanks must be quoted to correctly
separate name and any arguments.
directory: The working directory, allows you to skip the path in command; defaults to current path.
0: [Default] Return immediately and continue the script.
1: Wait, with message: Only continue when the shelled process has finished, show
message box "Please wait..." while the process is going on.
2: Wait, no message: Same as above but without message box.
0: Hides the window.
1: [Default] Activates and displays the window.
2: Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.
3: Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.
(3) Using "run" with wait=1 differs even more to the Windows Run command. Not all sorts of
commands work, there is less smartness built in. For example, you cannot call documents that will
be opened by the associated application. This will NOT work:
run "C:\Program Files (x86)\XYplorer\ReadmeXY.txt", , 1; //NO JOY
You also cannot use short forms like this:
run "winzip", , 1; //NO JOY
However this works (maybe because it's in the path):
run "notepad", , 1; //OKAY
See more examples below under Using the wait parameter.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 713
run "calc";
Registered apps are recognized via "Prog ID" which is usually the base name of the *.exe file.
run "www.xyplorer.com";
Open an URL.
run "control";
run "charmap";
run "regedit";
run "winver";
run "mailto:support@xyplorer.com?subject=Wow!&body=Hi!";
Open the Windows Open With dialog for the current item. Note that in this case <curitem> has not to be
quoted even if it contains blanks; rundll32.exe is smart enough to handle it.
Run WinMerge (a popular comparison tool) in order to compare the current panes.
User Buttons (see Custom Toolbar Buttons) allow you to get the action done quicker and with less clicks
than by using the often slow Shell context menu. Here are some useful mini scripts (both use the lax()
function for easier definition of the quotes):
For WinRAR to extract from multiple consecutive .RAR files by selecting only the first file:
run lax("C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x "<curitem>");
The argument x in this example is WinRAR's switch to extract to the current folder and preserve the
folder structure within the compressed file.
If wait=1 there's a modal dialog while the shelled process is being active. It blocks you from doing
anything but wait or cancel the waiting and continue with the script.
Note that it depends on the called application whether it honors the show parameter. Some ignore it.
Syntax and behavior is identical to command run with one exception: runq puts the "command"
parameter in quotes before it's passed to the system. This can greatly simplify your syntax depending
on the context.
run "E:\Test\Has Space.txt"; //fails (because of the space in the file path)
Runs a command line and returns the standard output.
command Anything that works in Windows Start | Run, usually a module name plus (optionally)
arguments. Note that module names containing blanks must be quoted to correctly
separate name and any arguments.
directory The working directory, allows you to skip the path in command; defaults to current path.
codepage Expected codepage of the console. Will be converted to Unicode in the return value.
If missing or zero the currently active OEM codepage is assumed.
List the current directory with full Unicode support going via the UTF8 codepage (65001):
Saves all or part of the current settings.
The command is equivalent to menu File | Save Settings and saves the current *.ini (unless ini
parameter is set) and *.dat files, including the pane data.
savesettings , "<curpath>\test.ini";
savesettings , "%TEMP%\dummy.ini";
savesettings , "trashme.ini";
Saves the thumbnail of a file to a file.
Defaults to "jpg".
In case of "jpg", the desired JPG quality value (1-100) can optionally be appended to
the format tag, e.g. "jpg75".
border_width [optional] Absolute or relative size of a white border around the thumbnail.
Append % to mean percentage. The percentage applies to the mean image dimension
of the thumbnail: (width + height) / 2.
transparency [optional]
-1 = Preserve any transparency
Note that with this option, border_width as well as the flags 1 (Drop Shadow) and 2
(Zoom To Fill) are ignored. So it's just scaling up or down.
0 = Neutral (here: the current window backcolor, e.g. of the tree, dark mode aware)
1 = Grid
2 = White [Default]
3 = Black
4 = The color stated in color_canvas
color_canvas [optional]
Canvas background color in hex RRGGBB.
If missing it defaults to the current window backcolor (dark mode aware).
You can pass only one dimension, widthbox OR heightbox, and the other dimension is calculated
proportionally so that the thumbnails fully fills the box. Only when both arguments are missing width
and height default to 500 pixels each.
718 XYplorer Help
The widthbox argument can also be used to pass a percentage by which the thumbnail is shrunk
from the original. Simply attach "%" to the value. In that case the heightbox argument is ignored.
Note that percentages > 100 are supported, so this is a way to enlarge images (which, of course,
dramatically reduces their quality).
border_width: The border is added to the box after the thumbnail is generated, so a 500 pixel wide
thumbnail with a 10 pixel border will create a 520 pixel wide image file.
Works for all files that show a thumbnail in thumbnails view, not only images but also e.g. videos or
PDF files.
savethumb(, "folder", 300, 200, "jpg", , 2); // Zoom To Fill, 300x200 JPG
savethumb(, "*_slice", 100, 300, "jpg", "7%" , 2); // Zoom To Fill, 7% white border, 100x300
JPG (yep, vertical slice)
savethumb(, "*-<width>x<height>", 300, , "jpg", "7%", 3); // Zoom To Fill + Drop Shadow, 7%
white border, 300x300 square JPG
savethumb(, "*-Q<quality>", 300, , "jpg100"); // 300 pixel wide JPG, quality 100
Save selected image centered in white 1080x1080 PNG, transparent areas also white:
savethumb(, "*_<widthbox>x<heightbox>", 1080, 1080, "png", , 4, 4, "FFFFFF");
Save selected image centered in 1080x566 PNG, background and transparent areas in window
backcolor (dark mode aware):
savethumb(, "*_<widthbox>x<heightbox>", 1080, 566 , "png", , 4, 0);
Save a copy of the image in original size with transparent areas in magenta (FF00FF):
Saves or loads Find Files settings to/from a search template.
searchtemplate("test", "save");
searchtemplate("test", , 14);
720 XYplorer Help
Load cached results (logically implies: use original location, use exclude folders, run at once):
searchtemplate("test", , 1);
Load the stored Find Files settings without running any search:
Select and focus one item in the file list by position or pattern matching. Optionally select any number of
the items following.
(number): Define the new line to be focused and selected. Either an absolute line number, or a
relative (to the currently focused) one when prefixed with + or -. Note that the
argument must be quoted when + is prefixed! See examples below.
[pattern]: When this parameter is in between square brackets ( [ ] ), then the item to be focused
and selected will be the first one matching the given pattern, starting on current
a: Select all.
i: Invert selection.
The number of items to get selected, starting with the one on position (that just got focused as well).
Ignored when the first parameter is empty, or set to a, i or f. Defaults to 1.
sel "+5" // Select item 5 positions after current; note the quotes (else +5 evaluates to
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 721
Use the command sortby to have more control about the results of sel.
Sorts the List by Size in descending order, and selects the five first items. Focus will be on the first item
on List.
sel f; sel i;
Selects all files (no folders), then inverts the selection = Selects all folders. Note that no items will be
selected if there are no folders in the current location, or if they are not shown due to options (like
Show Folders in List being disabled) or if a Visual Filters have them hidden.
Sorts the List by Name, ascending, then selects the first file whose name is "readme", regardless of its
Selects the first text file (extension .TXT) whose name begins with either a "A" or a "B".
sel "[Test.txt]", , 1;
Selects "Test.txt" in the file list (also if it is above the current focus position). On no match any current
selections are unselected.
You can identify items from the end of the list by using negative positions and setting the startfromtop
Selects items in the file list by a list of names.
itemlist [required] CRLF- or |-separated list of item names; the names can be title-only or full
0: [Default] Mind extensions when matching the names.
1: Ignore extensions.
2: Match full paths.
0: Keep the focus where it is.
1: [Default] Auto-move the focus to the first selected file.
n: [Default] New selection (drop current selections).
a: Add the matches to any current selections.
r: Remove the matches from any current selections.
a: [default] active pane
i: inactive pane
1: pane 1
2: pane 2
The matching is only done against the file titles; when paths are passed they are ignored.
Using this command you can easily save and (later) restore a selection:
selectitems "<clipboard>", 2; //Match full paths from a list on clipboard (one item per line)
selectitems "C:\Fiji.txt"; //selects Fiji.txt in current list (no matter which folder)
Selects items according to the properties of their thumbnails.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 723
If the list is not in thumbnails mode it returns -1, and the current selections are not changed.
Get info about the currently running script or script file.
return Info.
msg self("path");
msg self("script");
Of course, the info types file, path, and base only make sense when the script is running from script
724 XYplorer Help
A script's caption can be part of the script itself (typically in a multi-script resource) but also be stated
in its container, e.g. a Catalog Item or a User-Defined Command. If the current script has no own
caption then self("caption") returns the caption of its parent script (the script that called it, if any), or
the parent of the parent etc. until a caption is found. The latter makes it possible to load script files in a
Catalog Item via load() and still refer to the Catalog Item's caption by self("caption").
Here's an example for a Catalog-based script that tags the dropped items taking the actual tags (cats,
dogs) from the caption of the script:
Items dropped on this Catalog Item are tagged with "cats" and "dogs". Simply change the caption of
the Catalog Item (e.g. to Tag dropped items: birds) to change the functionality of the drop event.
Selects list items using a pattern.
column Column name. Defines the column which the pattern will be treated against.
Defaults to "Name".
Tip: The first partial match (from left) with the column's name will be used, so to match
the column "Modified" you could use either "m", "Mod", or "modified", for example.
#: Select items by their line number in the current listing (see examples below).
selfilter "readme";
Selects all items whose name contains "readme" (eg: readme, readme.txt, !readme.now).
selfilter """readme""";
selfilter h, , "attr";
Selects all hidden items (if hidden items are shown on List, obviously).
Note that this will only work if the Modified column display years in 4-digits format.
Selects all items of at least 100,00 MB. Folders will also be selected IF their sizes are calculated and
shown on column Size.
Note that this will only work if the Size column uses format "MB".
First selects all TXT files, and then adds all items starting with "a" to the selection.
selfilter "*.", f;
Selects a tab by position.
726 XYplorer Help
(position) The position of the tab to select, counting from left (as shown on Tab list - menu
Window | Tabs). The first tab is number 1.
A negative position points to tabs from the right end (-1 points to the right-most tab).
0 points to the current tab.
mru: If position is relative ("+" or "-") then mru controls which tab is selected next.
0 left-right-order
seltab 3;
seltab +;
seltab "+", 1;
seltab "-", 1;
seltab -1;
seltab 0;
Sets a variable to a defined value.
reprocess: [optional]
r = Post-process the value set in the variable to resolve any contained script variables (
$a), and environmental variables (%tmp%), and native XYplorer variables (<clipboard>).
Usage Tip
See Using the equal-operator (=) below for a more common way to set variables to a value.
Compare the following two examples to see the difference the reprocess "r" parameter makes.
Copy to the clipboard the string %tmp% (in single quotes: not resolved!).
Copy to the clipboard the string %tmp% (in single quotes: not resolved!).
Process the content of the clipboard (%tmp%) to resolve any variable, and put the results (e.g. C:
\TMP) into $msg.
There's a common alternative for the set command. To assign a value to a variable you can simply use
the following syntax:
Set (or the equal-operator) can also be used to add strings (or variables):
Set $a to "12".
set $a, "tr"; set $b, "ee"; set $c, $a.$b; msg $c; OR
Display "tree".
728 XYplorer Help
Sets or gets the list's columns.
return The previous columns (as comma-separated list of canonic column names).
Depending on the flags with visibility prefixes and widths suffixes.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 729
Set exact pixel widths; where the width is missing or 0 the current width of the column is used:
Comment.82", 2);
Autosize columns:
setcolumns(":s-hash.sha1", 24); // toggle SHA1 column and ensure it's fully visible
setcolumns(":v-dimensions", 8, 1); //toggle Dimensions column, first position
You cannot hide all columns. If you try then the Name column will be shown.
The comma-separated list of canonic column names also supports the extended possibilities that
XYplorer also uses internally. You can directly create and show new custom columns, even with custom
captions, by means of the "columns" argument.
730 XYplorer Help
These on-the-fly Custom Columns are called "Soft Columns" to distinguish them from the "hard"
Custom Columns "Custom 1" to "Custom 5". There are 4 types of Soft Columns:
Type v suffers from the problem that MS nowhere documented which verbs actually exist. You will
have to guess what works and what does not.
Type v supports the "asterisk syntax" for property names where localized column names can be
used (see examples below).
The last type (d) links to one of the 64 available Custom Column definitions. They either referenced
by index (1-64) or by their caption.
Important: The Soft Columns are not as persistent as the other columns. Whenever you set a new
set of columns to a list, any soft columns are automatically discarded. Otherwise, the lists would just
grow more and more columns (there is currently no special scripting command to remove a column).
So, to remove one or more soft column you simply pass a list of columns without those columns.
This example toggles a soft column at position 2 assigned to the 12th custom column:
setcolumns(":d-12", 8, 2);
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 731
This example toggles a soft column at position 2 assigned to the first custom column named "View":
setcolumns(":d-view", 8, 2);
Sets or gets the current Custom File Icons.
a: [Default] Add Definitions (at position)
s: Set Definitions (discards all current definitions!)
r: Replace Definitions (from position; may go beyond the original bounds)
d: Delete Definitions (identified by string compare)
return The current Custom File Icons (before any new ones are set).
seticons("+*.txt>kiss.ico", r, 0); //add kiss.ico to the end of CFI (sic: same as add)
Sets the value of a configuration key in the current INI file, or of any INI file.
732 XYplorer Help
INIfile [optional] the name of the INI file. Expects a filename with extension, and can be
absolute or relative to the running script's path. If the parameter is missing it defaults
to XYplorer's current INI file.
If the file does not exist yet, it will be created.
Note that setkey pairs with getkey. The getkey/setkey commands support reading/writing values of up
to 32,766 characters.
Set key StartPath in section General to value "C:\" in the current INI file:
Note: Only the key on disk is changed, not the current setting in memory! To realize any changes
made via setkey you should use "Restart without Saving" in menu File!
Set key Year in section Vacation to value "2009" (resolved date now, if now is year 2009) in the INI file
The INI file, if it was freshly created, will look like this:
Sets or gets the current layout.
setlayout([layout], [separator=","])
layout The layout definition, being a list of key/value pairs in the format "key1=value1,
The key/value pairs can be listed in any order; the keys are not case-sensitive.
If missing then only the current layout is returned.
The supported values are not listed here. They can easily be seen in any saved layout file (menu
Window | Save Layout As...).
Tip: For Boolean values (0 or 1) you can pass "!" to mean "toggle":
setlayout("ShowNav=!,ShowInfoPanel=!"); //toggle Navigation Panel and Info Panel
Sets a specific thumbnail for one or more currently listed items.
0: Deep injection OFF.
1: Deep injection ON (see Remarks below).
The list has to be in a view with thumbnails for this command to work.
The injected thumbnails will also be remembered in the cache (but only for this particular thumbnails
You can use this command on files (or folders) that you need a different thumbnail for, or files (or
folders) that for some reason don't get a thumbnail at all.
On deep injection the thumbnails injected via setthumb or thumbnails mapfile behave more like
original thumbnails: They support Hover Box and MDBU (but both only over the thumbnails, not over
the file icons), i.e. those features will show the injected image (if any), not the original image of the
hovered/clicked file.
Deep injection is remembered across sessions.
Tip: You can invert the "deep" setting on-the-fly by holding SHIFT while pressing the mouse button
down. That way you can quickly inspect the other thumbnail on items that have an original one and
an injected one.
By setting a map file you can permanently patch the thumbnails of any items on your system. This
includes setting thumbnails for items that otherwise would have none.
You only have to set it once with SetThumb. It then sticks in the INI file until you change it to another
map file or set it to "".
Syntax: One mapping per line, generic format: item > thumb. "item" can be full path, a mere
filename, or a wildcard pattern. The lines are processed from top to bottom. First match wins.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 735
Updating the map file does not automatically update the thumbnails cache nor the currently shown
thumbnails. If you want to see an immediate effect you have to call #510 (View | Caches | Refresh
setthumb 2:="XYthumbsMap.txt"; #501; //set map file + refresh thumbnails
setthumb 2:=""; #501; //reset map file + refresh thumbnails
Alter some of XYplorer's user settings, temporarily or permanently. Typically used in order to ensure the
expected execution of a script, which might depend on certain settings.
SortNatural: Natural numeric sort order (XP and higher) -- deprecated, replaced by SortMethod, only kept
for backward compatibility
AutoRefresh: Auto-refresh
Defines whether the state for the specified option should be "permanent", or restored on script
execution end.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 737
[empty]: [Default] Makes the change temporary, so the option will be restored to its previous
value when the script execution ends.
p: Makes the change "permanent", so it stays that way even after script execution is over.
Note: You can also use command settingp to set options permanently.
Simply specify the option you want to change, and whether you want to enable or disable it. Obviously
if the option is already on that state, no change will be done.
Note that restoring options to their previous values, or user values, is not required: all modified
options are restored automatically by XY when script execution ends (unless specified otherwise by
using "p" as third parameter) regardless of how the script ended: normal termination, error, user
setting "shownethood", 1;
Ensure the network neighborhood is shown. A change of the setting is not permanent. If the network
neighborhood was not shown before then it will automatically hidden again when the script has
Hide folders in the list, show a message (to give you the chance to verify that the folders are actually
hidden). After the script is over, the folders will be shown again (if they were shown originally).
Hide folders in the list, then immediately and explicitly restore to the original setting. If folders were
hidden anyway this script will do absolutely nothing.
Alter some of XYplorer's user settings permanently.
[Required] The name of the setting. See command setting for a list.
738 XYplorer Help
Simply specify the option you want to change, and whether you want to enable or disable it. Obviously
if the option is already on that state, no change will be done.
Command settingp is an alias to using command setting with parameter p (for "permanent"). See
there for examples.
Opens locations by the shell.
shellopen location
shellopen "C:\Windows";
shellopen "%USERPROFILE%";
shellopen "shell:Libraries";
shellopen "shell:DocumentsLibrary";
shellopen "shell:MusicLibrary";
shellopen "shell:PicturesLibrary";
shellopen "shell:VideosLibrary";
shellopen "shell:sendto";
shellopen "shell:appsfolder";
shellopen "shell:Fonts";
There are countless such "shell:..." locations to be found in scattered places all over the web. Some
work, some don't.
Shows the most common hash values (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512) for a particular file.
showhash [file]
showhash "D:\a.txt";
Shows a path in the tree.
showintree [path]
Showing here can just mean to scroll the node into view. If the node is already visible in the view
then the command does nothing.
Showing can also mean that the tree is expanded to the path if necessary and possible.
If the path does not exist the existing part of it (if any) is shown.
showintree "Desktop";
showintree "T:\Fotos\2015\";
Controls whether certain commands show a statusbar message.
showstatus [show=1]
showstatus 0; tag 4; echo "no status"; showstatus; tag 3; echo "status"; //tag the
current item with and without status
Skips adding actions to the Action Log.
skipundo [skip=1]
While set to skip, nothing will be added to the Action Log while the script is running.
If this setting is OFF then skipundo has no effect: Configuration | File Operations | Undo & Action Log
| Log actions and enable undo/redo.
Pops a dialog showing the current Status Log.
It's basically a shorthand for text get("statuslog"); but with a little more information in the
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 741
column Defines the column on which the sort will be done. Defaults to Name.
Tip: The first partial match (from left) with the column's name will be used, so to match
the column "Modified" you could use either "m", "Mod", or "modified", for example.
0: primary sort
1: secondary sort
Simply define which column, and optionally which order to use, call the command and the List gets
sortby; or sortby n; or sortby name; or sortby Name; or sortby Name, a; or sortby "Name", "a";
sortby n, d;
sortby m, d;
Apply a custom sort order to the current list.
You can pass the complete list but you don't have to. Just pass the items you want to have on top, in
the desired order.
The items are moved to the top one by one as if mouse-dragged via manual sorting, so everything
between the old and the new position is moved one step down.
sortbylist "test.jpg";
Move all filenames in the clipboard (be it as text (Ctrl+P) or as items (Ctrl+C)) to the top:
sortbylist <clp>;
sortbylist "xy*";
Move all RAF files to the top, followed by all TIF files, followed by all JPG files:
Plays a sound.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 743
sound "F:\Fun\sounds\ted_stranglehold.wav";
Show a message in the status bar.
status "Done!";
Shows message "It's 11:19:40." in the status bar (if that's the time).
Sets or retrieves the status bar template.
744 XYplorer Help
statusbartemplate([template], [use=0])
The "template" parameter corresponds to "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Status
The "use" parameter corresponds to "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Status Bar |
Use status bar template".
echo statusbartemplate(""); //reset template; return the one before the reset
Enables "Step Mode" for the current execution of scripts.
Use the script command step to activate the Step Mode. In Step Mode, you will have the command and
its parameters shown, any variables being resolved, and you are prompted whether to continue or
cancel. This is highly recommended for debugging scripts.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 745
(1) You can manually enable Step Mode using menu Scripting | Step Mode or the Step Mode toolbar
button. When manually enabled, you will be prompted before each command is executed, and
commands step and unstep will be ignored.
(2) Note that commands step and unstep only apply to the current script, while option "Step Mode"
has a global scope and will apply to all scripts, even scripts called within other scripts.
(3) You can enable prompting on a per-command basis in a much simpler way, by using prefix ?
before the command's name. When you want to be asked before one single command gets
executed, this syntax is much simpler to use than to use both step and unstep before and after
the given command. For example, in the following script you will only be prompted whether or not
to execute "command3":
command1; command2; ?command3; command4;
Goes to the Desktop folder, sorts the list by created date descending, selects the first item, sets focus
to list, turns on Step Mode, executes command #200. What is #200? Step mode will tell you before it is
executed! (Solution: it's menu Edit | Cut.)
Return the length of a string.
echo strlen("abcdef"); // 6
Return position of first occurrence of a string.
start [Defaults to 0] Allows you to specify which position in haystack to start searching. The
position returned is still relative to the beginning of haystack.
Negative start positions are supported to begin searching from the start position
746 XYplorer Help
return Position.
Repeats a string.
strrepeat(string, [count=0])
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 747
Reverses a string.
This command allows you to execute another script (subroutine) within the current script resource (file or
sub label
While you can always execute any script within any file by using the command load with a label, the
command sub allows you to execute scripts from within the same file in an easier way, as you don't
need to specify the file name again.
Simply put the label of the script to execute. Once its execution is over, the current script will continue.
If a script, called using load or sub, has its execution aborted (user cancellation, error, etc) then any
calling scripts will have their execution aborted as well.
The following is inside a script file "date.xys" (located in app data path).
sub "time";
If you now execute the script load "date.xys", "datetime" then you will first see a message box
showing the date, and then a message box showing the time.
Return part of a string.
start Start of returned part; defaults to 0, first position is 0. If start is negative, the returned
string will start at the start'th character from the end of string.
length Length of returned part (number of characters). If missing then the whole string is
returned (beginning from start). If length is negative, then that many characters will be
omitted from the end of string (after the start position has been calculated when start
is negative). If start denotes a position beyond this truncation, an empty string will be
Swaps the names of the two selected List items.
swapnames [bases]
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 749
Simply call it and it swaps the names of the two selected List items.
In order to work, there must be exactly two items selected in List, no more, no less, otherwise an error
message will be displayed.
Note that the identical command is available on menu File | File Special | Swap Names.
Synchronizes two folders.
target Target folder. The contents of this folder will be made identical to those of the source
folder (depending on the other arguments).
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used.
-1 = Ask
0 = Overwrite if newer
2 = Overwrite
3 = Skip
4 = Overwrite if different contents (The contents are compared by comparing the SHA-
256 hash of each file.)
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used.
750 XYplorer Help
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used.
c = Show Sync Folders configuration dialog before start, initialized to the settings as
passed with this command. Any subsequent changes to the settings in the dialog only
affect *this* job. They do *not* affect the settings of the GUI Sync Folders function.
k = Keep progress dialog open after job is completed. Note that the default (when no
switches are passed) is now to NOT keep the dialog open.
n = The target folder will be silently created if it does not exist yet. Such a target folder
is shown in blue color in the sync dialog.
p = Preview Mode: Nothing actually happens, you just get a detailed report of what
would happen in real mode. Note: When you also pass switch "c" then this flag is
ignored apart from the fact that the Preview button is pre-focused. The button you
choose decides whether it's a preview or the real thing.
logfile Optionally pass the name (full path/file, native and environment variables allowed) of a
log file to which the full report of the operation will be written when it's completed. If
the file already exists then the report is appended to it. No log file is written in Preview
filter List of patterns or full paths, separated by "|", used to include or exclude files or folders
in/from the operation by name (see Using the Filter).
The filter consists of a list of patterns or full paths, separated by "|", used to include or exclude files or
folders in/from the operation by name.
Pattern syntax:
a) +* vs -*: Prefix a + to include, a - to exclude. The + is optional (you only must use it if an include
pattern happens to start with a "-" character).
b) *\ vs *: Append a backslash for folders. Else the pattern is matched against files.
c) *\?* vs *?*: Have a backslash anywhere in the non-last position to match the pattern against the
full path of an item. Else it is matched only against the item name without path.
An item is processed if it matches at least one of the include patterns AND none of the exclude
patterns. Formula: Pass Filter = (+ OR + OR ...) AND NOT (- OR - OR ...)
The order of patterns doesn't matter logic-wise, but performance-wise: The list is worked from left to
right, so the patterns that are matched more likely should be positioned more to the left.
The filter also affects deletions in target, sync caps, preserve all item dates.
If a folder does not pass the filter, the whole branch is out.
If only folders are filtered then all files pass (apart from those in excluded folders, of course).
The filter list is shown at the bottom of the Sync config dialog and in the reports.
// copy only from subfolders called data (and from the top source folder)
// this is used for one-click daily backups of the XY source code; no need to backup the
appdata folder:
Modifies the selection in one pane based on items in the other pane.
command The syncselect command to be executed; the following commands are available (case-
insensitive, A=a):
SelectMatches: [Default] Select all items that are also listed in the other pane.
SelectUniques: Select all items that are only listed in this pane.
SelectNewer: Select all matches with a more recent modified date.
SelectDifferent: Select all matches with a different size or modified date.
SelectUniquesAndNewer: Select all items that are unique or newer.
SelectUniquesAndDifferent: Select all items that are unique or different.
SelectSelected: Select all items that are selected in the other pane.
0: [Default] Select the items in the active pane.
1: Do not select anything but only return what would have been selected.
0: [Default] Mind extensions when matching the names.
1: Ignore extensions.
n: [Default] New selection (drop current selections).
a: Add the matches to any current selections.
r: Remove the matches from any current selections.
0: [Default] Select items on active pane based on items on inactive pane.
1: Select items on inactive pane based on items on active pane.
2: Select items in both directions.
This command corresponds to the Sync Select dialog in menu Panes. It uses the identical routines.
With the command syncselect() you gain access to these routines via User-Defined Commands and
Custom Toolbar Buttons.
Retrieve tab information, modify a tab, or open a new tab.
0 = [default] no prompts
index: index of the tab to close (leftmost tab = 1); defaults to the current tab
0 = [default] no prompts
index: unused
return: index of the current tab before the others were closed
0 = remove default
1 = set default
[empty or missing]: returns the index of the current tab (first tab = 1)
"flags": returns various tab properties in a bit field (values combined by OR, which here is
equivalent to being added)
1 = Locked Location
2 = Locked Home Zone
4 = Iconized
"ID": returns the ID of the tab referred to by index (or by ID). The ID is a unique and stable
identifier for a tab that never changes as long as the tab lives. The smallest possible ID
is 1.
"index": returns the index of the tab referred to by ID (or by index). The smallest possible index
is 1 and refers to the leftmost tab.
"livefilter": returns the Live Filter (if any) of the tab referred to by index. Note that this is the last
used live filter of that tab. This does not mean that the filter is currently active.
"term": the path including any Visual Filter or Quick Search (same as menu View | Tab | Copy
Location Term)
index: tab to get value from (if missing then current tab)
data: the filter pattern (if empty then any filter is removed)
data: The new position (first position is 1; defaults to 1). Position 0 (zero) is the last position.
Positions smaller than 0 are calculated from the right end: -1 = pre-last position etc.
Positions higher than the number of tabs are treated like zero: tab is moved to the last
data: location (if empty then current tab is cloned); also Quick Searches and Visual Filters are
supported, e.g.:
tab("new", "%computer%?tags:*"); //Quick Search
tab("new", "%desktop%|x*"); //Visual Filter
tab("new", "C:\Shortcuts\ProgramData.lnk"); //also LNK files can be passed
(when the target is a folder)
data: color value in hexadecimal format (RRGGBB) (if empty then any custom color is removed)
Note: If you set the home of a non-current tab then all relevant list settings of the
*current* tab are used for the home definition of that other tab.
0 = de-iconize
1 = iconize
0 = unlock
1 = lock
0 = unlock
1 = lock
ID Unique and stable identifier for a tab that never changes as long as the tab lives. Does
not change if tab is moved.
The smallest possible ID is 1.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 757
return Usually the index of the affected tab (see also individual descriptions above under each
If index is negative then position is calculated from the right end (-1 points to the right-most tab). If
index is invalid then the current tab's index is used. The function only affects tabs on the active pane.
text tab("new"); //clones the current tab; ret index of new tab
Opens, saves, or renames a tabset.
"open" [default] Open/Load a stored tabset from the complete list of available tabsets.
name: Folder to look in (defaults to <xydata>\Panes).
a active [default]
i inactive
1 1st pane
2 2nd pane
tabset("load", "Bat");
tabset("new", "Sue");
tabset("load", "\\Cooper\Shared\blah\");
Cloning Tabsets
The operations browse, load, and open support cloning, i.e. opening a tabset under a new name. This
is achieved by using the "as:"-syntax: Original source name and clone name are separated by " as: ",
e.g. "work_1 as: clone1" to open tabset "work1" under the name "clone1". Working with clones
instead of originals protects your sources and offers you a "revert to saved" functionality simply by
repeating the command that loaded the clone before. The main window offers the same functionality in
menu Tabsets | Open As...
Select a tabset from the default tabsets folder and open as "clone1":
Select a tabset from the default tabsets folder and open as clone (prompt for name of clone):
Tag item(s).
value Tag value, which (depending on type) can be label name or ID, tag(s), or comment, or
Extra Tag.
If missing: remove any tag of that type.
tag "cats,dogs", , 1; //add tags "cats" and "dogs" to all selected items
tag "cats,dogs", , 1, 1; //set tags "cats" and "dogs" to all selected items
tag "cats,dogs", , 1, 2; //remove tags "cats" and "dogs" from all selected items
tag "wow", , "ex3"; // set "wow" to Extra Tag 3 of all selected items
Multi-line comments
You can as well define multi-line comments. The CRLF (carriage return line feed) sequence is internally
stored as pilcrow character (¶). Also in the file list's Comment column, which has only a single line per
item, pilcrows are used for CRLFs.
tag "multi-line<crlf>comment.", , 2;
tag "multi-line¶comment.", , 2;
Exports tags data to a new tags database.
path Only export tags data under this path (this folder and all subfolders, i.e. the whole
Empty: Export all tags data (not limited to any path).
Missing: Defaults to current path.
1: Remove exported items from main database (else they are kept). NOTE: Ignored if bit
2 is set!
2: Export only the dirty items, i.e. those items whose new or changed tags are not yet
saved to disk.
4: Return the data instead of writing it to a database.
tagexport() complements tagload(): You can outsource specific sections of your tags data to small
local databases (tagexport) and load them on demand from the local databases (tagload). Gains:
a) Slim down and speed up your main tags database.
b) Allow easy backup-avec-tags by keeping the local databases together with the tagged items.
The new tags database is *not* loaded into the app. It's just created on disk similar to a "Save
Copy As" operation.
Note that you currently cannot combine flags 1 and 2! If you pass value 3 then bit 1 is ignored.
In a path with tagged items, say hundreds of tagged photos, you want to export the tags data of this
path to a local database. This command will create "XYplorerTag.dat" in the path, fill it with the data,
and remove the data from the main database (usually "<xydata>\tag.dat"):
tagexport(, , 3, 1);
To load the new database when you are in the path, do this:
tagexport("DirtyTags.dat", 3:=2); //export only the dirty items in the current path
text tagexport(3:=6); //return only the dirty items in the current path
text tagexport( , "", , 6); //return only the dirty items (from everywhere)
Tags items, and returns current tags of a particular item.
value Tag value, which (depending on field) can be label name or ID, tag(s), comment, or
Empty string ('') is treated similar to "Remove Data".
If omitted, field is retrieved but not set.
return The old value(s) for this field in the first passed item, or, if none passed, in the focused
tagitems(, "Red"); //set Label of all selected items to "Red" (that Label has to exist, of
tagitems("tags", "Rock,Disco"); //set Tags of all selected items to "Disco" and "Rock"
Flags 1:
text tagitems("tags", , , 1); //return the tags of all selected items, separated by |
Flags 2:
Sets a new tag list, or modifies the current one.
taglist([tags], [flags=0])
Using taglist() you can easily switch tag lists and make tagging new files a snap.
The "Tag List" is your tag cloud. It is there to let you select tags rather than type them again and
In the Edit Tags dialog there is a checkbox "Add new tag(s) to tag list" which auto-maintains your
tag cloud. New tags are always added to the top of the list.
You can also manually manage the Tag List in List Management. This way you can easily load a new
cloud to have a different set of tags ready for selection.
Note that editing the Tag List does not change or remove any tags from your files or folders! The Tag
List is only your interface to selecting/attaching tags.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 765
tagload([db], [mode])
This function allows you to quickly load an in-place tags database that has been stored "Relative to
tags database" (see Storage). So you can have database and tagged items in the same location.
Makes backing up tags a breeze.
You can also specify the name of a new not-yet-existing database file. All current tags are removed
from memory, and Labels are reset to the 7 default colors.
Note that the loaded database is retained across sessions (INI key TagDatCustom). If you want to
return to the default database you have to explicitly load it by tagload("");.
Mode 1 and 2: All header data (Labels, Extra Tags) are taken from the current DB; header data from
the imported DB are totally discarded.
Mode 0 and 3: All header data (Labels, Extra Tags) are taken from the imported DB. Extra column
headers and Label colors are auto-updated.
You can import a database while keeping your dirty tags (= unsaved changes) alive (see Examples
for Multi-User Tagging below).
Dupes are checked automatically on import/include. In case of a dupe the item of the current DB is
kept, the one of the imported DB is discarded.
Include: Included DBs are fully searchable with XYplorer's search by tags functions. Not being saved
to disk with the current/primary DB is the only difference to primary DBs.
Include: If you modify the tags of an item that has been tagged via including a DB, this item is
automatically added to the primary DB. Otherwise the modifications would never be saved to disk.
Include: Once you manually edit the DB in memory via "Configuration | Tags | Options | Edit Tagged
Items..." the included items lose their temporary nature and become a permanent part of the
766 XYplorer Help
Example 1: This line reloads the current tags database as an import (the import flag is set to 1). If any
other process (i.e. other user in the network) changed that database the changes will be loaded into
your XYplorer's memory, while leaving your unsaved ("dirty") tags untouched. In case of dupes you
win: The imported data will not overwrite your dirty data:
tagload(, 1);
Example 2: This imports another database into the current database while leaving your unsaved
("dirty") tags untouched.
tagload("<xydata>\moretags.dat", 1);
Shows a multi-line text box, allowing to select and copy text to the clipboard.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 767
width Width of window in pixels (minimum: 250; maximum: screen width; default: 800).
height Height of window in pixels (minimum: 150; maximum: screen height; default: 400).
wrap [optional]
linebreaker [optional] Any character sequence to be replaced by a line break. Defaults to "<br>".
Pass "" to prevent any replacing.
Simply call the command with whatever text you want to show. You can of course use any variables in
your text, as well as put your text over multiple lines, using the line breaker <br> which will be
converted to a CRLF (0D0A).
You can change the line breaker (<br>) by using command br first.
text "XYplorer is running from <xypath><br>The application data are stored in <xydata>", 550,
150, "XYplorer Locations";
Shows a small text-window with the application's folder (path to running XYplorer.exe) and the
application's data folder (where all settings are stored).
Updates a renamed or moved path in the thumbnails cache.
When a folder is renamed or moved *within* XYplorer the thumbnails cache is updated
automatically. However, when *another* application changes paths, this new command will come in
handy to update your thumbnails cache and thereby avoid that all those thumbnails have to be
768 XYplorer Help
created again.
Set or retrieve various thumbnail related settings.
ShowDimensions,OverlayCaption,FolderThumbs"], [separator=","])
For Boolean values (0 or 1) you can pass "!" to mean "toggle" (just like with SetLayout).
thumbsconf(",,,,,,1"); //ShowDimensions on
Change any of the three file dates.
type c|m|a or any combinations in any order (cm, am, cma, ac...)
Defaults to "cma".
date Timestamp to apply. Must be in a format that the local system can understand.
Set to "*" to use the item's own date (useful with cloning dates within files and with
the shift argument).
Set to the pseudo date "0" (zero) to set a file time to the lowest possible value.
If missing: Defaults to the current time.
If empty: Does not change date at all.
Note that if you pass a date variable in single quotes it will be resolved per file. See
examples below.
source_type One of "*|c|m|a" describing which date value from the source to use.
Defaults to "*" which uses the correct date for each corresponding value in the type
shift A number and a unit, separated by a space. The following units are supported:
y = years
m = months
w = weeks
d = days
h = hours
770 XYplorer Help
n = minutes
s = seconds
ms = milliseconds
us = microseconds
timestamp , "2008-12-31";
Set modified and created date of C:\Test.txt and C:\Test2.txt to today, 12:00:00:
FYI, in NTFS the lowest possible file time is 1601-01-01 00:00:00.0000001Z (Z for Zulu = UTC =
Coordinated Universal Time).
For FAT (VFAT, FAT32, exFAT) drives (typically USB drives and flash cards) the earliest possible file time
is 1980-01-01 00:00:00.0000000 (local time, not UTC!).
When you pass a date variable in single quotes (so that it is not evaluated before it is passed to the
timestamp function) the variable is evaluated per-file. See the difference:
Set modified and created date of all selected files to the EXIF date of the current file:
Set modified and created date of all selected files to the EXIF date of each of those files:
By appending "Z" (or "z") you can mark the time expression as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). This
way you can modify the UTC date of a file directly (as it is internally used by NTFS). For example, this
will set the modified date to UTC 12:00 today (displayed as 14:00 in Germany with Daylight Saving
Time in effect):
That way you can guarantee the same universal timestamp regardless of any DST (Daylight Saving
Time) offset in effect. Very nice for software developers with a global market.
The ISO 8601 formats for UTC and time offsets from UTC are supported. The following time expressions
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 771
2013-05-14 10:00:00+02:00
2013-05-14 08:00:00+00:00
2013-05-14 08:00:00Z
2013-05-14 03:00:00-05
2013-05-13 23:00:00-0900
2013-05-13 20:00:00-12:00
Set all three dates of all selected List items to match those of the focused item:
timestamp , <focitem>;
Set the modified and created dates of all selected List items to the focused item's accessed date:
For all selected List items set their modified date to the focused item's modified date and their
accessed date to the focused item's accessed date:
Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to match those of Windows Explorer:
Set all 3 dates of all selected List items to match those of XYplorer:
Set the created date of all selected list items to the modified date of each item:
Set the modified date of all selected list items to the created date of each item:
Set all three dates of all selected List items to one day after now:
Set all three dates of all selected List items to 30 seconds after the focused item's dates:
Shift the modified and created dates of all selected List items to 8 hours earlier:
772 XYplorer Help
toolbar([buttons], [size])
size [optional]
0: small
1: large
2: extra large
If missing: keep current setting
text toolbar();
toolbar("", 0);
With a little simple scripting you can now write your own Toolbar Manager and have as many different
custom toolbars as you like, selectable e.g. from a popup menu.
Sets or gets the top index of list or tree.
topindex(index, [pane=a])
index Index of the first row to be shown in the view port. The top row is 1.
echo topindex(, i); //return the current topindex of the inactive list
echo topindex(1); //scroll the active list to the top, return the previous index
Displays a balloon notification in the system tray.
0: No icon.
1: [default] Information icon.
2: Warning icon.
3: Error icon.
4: XYplorer icon.
? + 16: No sound (suppress any ding-dong).
? + 32: Make it a large icon (does not work with all values in all Windows versions).
0: Delete message from queue (and icon from tray).
1: [default] Keep message in queue (and icon in tray).
The balloon disappears by itself. As of Vista notification display times are based on system
accessibility settings.
If queueable=1 the application icon will remain in the tray (or in the area hidden under the tray
arrow, depending on your settings) after the balloon went away. There does not seem to be
another way.
In current Win10, messages are queued only when you wait for the one displayed to disappear AND
the message text is different from the previous one.
trayballoon "Don't even think about it!", "Last Warning", 34; //BIG warning icon
Strips spaces (or other characters) from the beginning and/or end of a string.
L: left
R: right
LR: both (default)
(not case-sensitive, "l" and "r" work as well)
It is not possible to combine the closing bracket "]" with other characters in a group or range. As a
single character it works.
When passing "*" or "?" as charlist they are automatically treated as verbatim characters, not as
Unsets an existing variable.
unset variable(s)
Simply put the name of the variable you want to unset, and it will be unset, or destroyed. This is not
the same as setting its value to nothing. For example:
unset $a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $g, $h, $i, $j, $k;
776 XYplorer Help
Disables Step Mode for the current execution of scripts.
See step.
Updates this instance of XYplorer.
update [flags]
update; //update to the latest official version (if there is a new one)
update 1; //update to the latest beta version (if there is a new one)
update 1 + 8; //update to the latest beta version, and ask whether to run it
update 1 + 64; //update to the latest beta version, ask to run it unelevated
The latest installer is downloaded to the XYplorer Temp folder ("<xydata>\Temp"). After update this
file is not auto-deleted. Either delete it yourself, or store it somewhere for later usage, or simply
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 777
don't care. It's just about 4 MB. BTW, the downloaded installer has the full build number in the name.
XYplorer will be automatically closed (else it could not be updated). Whether the settings are saved
depends on your setting of Configuration | Startup & Exit | Save settings on exit.
When the update is finished you have to manually restart XYplorer, unless you set flag 4 or 8.
Reason: If it would be restarted from the installer it would inherit the elevated rights of the installer,
something you should better control yourself.
Decodes URL-encoded string.
urldecode(string, flags)
URL-encodes string.
urlencode(string, flags)
0: (= bit 1 not set) URL-encode according to RFC 1738, except space => +.
1: URL-encode according to RFC 1738 (space => %20) .
2: URL-encode all non-ASCII characters as their UTF-8 equivalents.
Decodes UTF-8 encoded string.
utf8decode(string, flags)
echo(utf8decode("Köln")); //Köln
Encodes a string in UTF-8.
echo(utf8encode("Köln")); //Köln
Sets or gets the current list view.
view([index], [switches])
index (optional)
0-9: Index of the view to switch to.
-1: Set the next view.
Missing: No switch happens.
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 779
switches (optional)
t: Toggle view with Details view.
o: Loop (if index = -1).
r: Reverse direction (if index = -1).
These are the indices of the views (note that they do NOT correspond to the positions in the Views
0 = Details
1 = Details with Thumbnails #1
2 = List
3 = Small Icons
4 = Thumbnails #1
5 = Thumbnails #2
6 = Thumbnails #3
7 = Large Icons
8 = Small Tiles
9 = Large Tiles
view(2, "t"); //toggle between List view and Details view (run same line again to toggle)
view(0, "t"); //toggle between last view and Details view (run same line again to toggle)
Yields execution for a specified time so that the operating system can process other events.
wait [msecs]
780 XYplorer Help
wait 2000; //let the OS do its things for 2 seconds (2000 ms)
Wipes the specified items.
wipe [itemlist]
itemlist CRLF- or |-separated list of items (full path) to delete. The separator or the items may
be surrounded by any number of blanks.
Defaults to the selected items in list.
The Wipe operation is identical to the one in menu File | File Special | Wipe. The main advantage with
SC wipe is that you can pass the items to wipe as an argument.
For safety reasons there is no way to turn off the warning prompt before the operation starts.
Just as a reminder: You can also wipe whole folders. All files found within are individually wiped. Then
the folders are removed.
Writes data to a file.
filename Full path/name, or relative to the current path. Will be created if does not exist yet. Also
the path of the file to be written is auto-created if necessary.
o: [default] create new file/if existing: overwrite
a: create new file/if existing: append
n: create new file/if existing: do nothing
r: create new file/if existing: rename by appending the default suffix as defined in
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 781
t: [default] Text; auto-detects whether text can be written as ASCII or needs to be
written as UNICODE.
ta:Text ASCII (1 byte per char); wide chars (upper Unicode) are represented by "?".
Will convert UNICODE text to ANSI according to the current codepage!
tu: Text UNICODE (2 bytes per char).
Auto-puts UTF-16 LE BOM at file beginning (LE BOM = Little Endian Byte Order Mark:
b: Same as "ta", but kept for symmetry with SC readfile's "b" mode.
r: Raw bytes: writes the passed bytes without any conversion (same as "tu", but
without auto-BOM).
Note that in literal text (quoted strings) each character has 2 bytes.
ru: Like "r" but converted from Unicode (2 bytes per character) down to 1 byte per
character before the writing to file.
utf8: Converts data to UTF-8 before writing it to file. A UTF-8 BOM is not added.
utf8bom: Converts data to UTF-8 before writing it to file. A UTF-8 BOM is added.
WriteFile() is implemented as a function (instead of a statement) because the return value can be
useful. You may, however, call functions without using a dummy variable. See examples below.
writefile("test_A.txt", "text");
Read and write the current file in "ru" mode; source and target will be 100% identical independently of
your locale:
For example, if "a.txt" exists in the current folder, a new file "a-01.txt" is created if the Incremental
Affix is "-01":
The text window will show a return like this including the full filename. The "5" (1 OR 4) means "data
written" and "file was renamed": 5|E:\Test\a\K\a-01.txt
Writes all permanent variables (PVs) to a file.
writepv [file]
file The file to write to. Can be relative to the current path.
If empty it defaults to "<xydata>\pv.dat".
Adds items to a Zip archive.
text zip_add();
text zip_add("test.zip");
text zip_add("E:\test.zip");
Extracts items from a Zip archive.
If missing the path is auto-named from the zip file (suffixed on collision) and created in
the location of the zip file.
If empty ("") the current path is used (= Extract Here).
Also extracts *.rar and other WinRAR formats if WinRAR is installed on the system.
Also extracts *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if 7-Zip is installed on the system.
Extract the selected Zip archive to an auto-named folder in the current path, and return the full path of
that folder:
text zip_extract();
Extract "test.zip" (in current path), don't return the target path:
zip_extract("test.zip", "new");
zip_extract("test.zip", "E:\new\");
zip_extract("test.zip", "");
zip_extract("E:\test.zip", "");
Note that XP behaves differently from Vista and followers when items in subfolders are copied:
XP: Source subfolders are auto-created in the target folder before items are copied (like XY's "Rich
Vista and later: Items are all copied flat to the target path (with possible collisions).
Extract Test\a\b.png from deep.zip in the current path. XP: target folder "Test\a\" will be created if
Advanced Topics / Scripting Commands Reference 785
Extract two same-named files from one archive. No problem under XP; under Vista you get a collision
Lists the items in a Zip archive.
Note: A previous similar function, called zip_list(), is still supported but deprecated.
separatorProperties String that separates the properties (properties are only shown if flags bit 1 is
Defaults to <tab> (= TAB character).
If present the services of UnRAR.exe and 7z.exe are used and all archive formats supported by them
can be listed.
text zip_list2(, <crlf>, 3); //list selected archive, recurse folders, show properties
text zip_list2(, <crlf>, 1, ";"); //list selected archive, show properties, separate by ";"
Advanced Topics / Startup Settings 787
Using Startup.ini
Here is a way to control the Application Data Path (ADP) used by XYplorer and thus avoid any issues
with UAC (User Account Control). You can set ADP to any location you like by manually editing the file "
Startup.ini" in the application path.
The format of Startup.ini is that of INI files, and it has only one section and one key. Here's an example
with a hard-coded application data path on drive E:
Here's an example with a soft-coded application data path using an environment variable. It is resolved
depending on the current user account:
You may as well state a path relative to the application path (where XYplorer.exe is located), for
The following files and folders are written to and read from ADP:
Catalogs <DIR>
FindTemplates <DIR>
NewItems <DIR>
Panes <DIR>
Scripts <DIR>
Thumbnails <DIR> (configurable)
XYplorer.ini (and other, alternative INIs)
Naturally, if you change the ADP you will have to move your current application data to the new path if
788 XYplorer Help
you want to continue working in the same state as you left the application before changing the ADP.
Tip: If you still get an UAC prompt at startup then look on the "Compatibility" tab of the properties for
the xyplorer.exe file and/or the shortcut you're using to start XYplorer. If the "Run this program as an
administrator" box is checked, then uncheck it to avoid the UAC prompt.
Tip: You can set the ADP also using a command line switch! See Command Line Switches.
Redirecting Startup.ini
There is a way to read the startup settings from a file other than Startup.ini. Add this section to the
beginning of Startup.ini (the path is an example):
If this key is found, and if the file exists and can be read, the rest of this Startup.ini file is ignored and all
startup settings are read from the new file. This allows managing a multi-user setup from one central
Advanced Topics / Variables 789
5.10 Variables
Scripting only
<clipboard> Current clipboard contents; if files are on the clipboard then their path/names
are returned as text, one per line.
<clp> Shorthand for <clipboard>.
<drop> A synonym for <get drop>.
<taggeditem> Resolves to the item (full path) that is being tagged via clicking a column
<taggedcolumn> Resolves to the column caption that is being tagged via clicking a column
<hwnd> Handle of the main application window.
Scripting with Custom File Associations enabled only (previously called Portable File
<pfaitem> The item (full path) the opening application or script in a Custom File
Association is associated with.
<pfaitems> The items (full path) that are being opened via a Custom File Association.
Advanced Topics / Variables 791
Date Variables
Without any format argument, the format used will be the general system date format:
<date yyyy>
<datem yyyy-mm-dd>
<datec yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss>
<datea yymmdd_hh_nn_ss>
Use argument "List" to apply the current file list date format:
Date Shifting: Pass an optional extra argument to shift the date to the past or the future by a certain
number of time units. Supported units are y = years, m = months, w = weeks, d = days, h = hours, n =
minutes, s = seconds:
Variable <curver>
You can add a textual context to <curver> that only will be returned when an actual file version is
present. This allows for better formatting control. The general syntax is <curver|text*text>, where *
is the place holder for the actual version number. If you omit * then text is by default prefixed to the
version info proper.
Examples, each resolved for two items, one with version info, and one without version info:
XYplorer.exe, v7.20.0009
(3) <curname><curver>
The native variable <selitems...> returns the currently selected list items with full path. You can pass a
separator (one or more characters; the space character is not possible here). If a separator is passed
then the individual items are not quoted. Examples:
The native variable <allitems...> works exactly like <selitems>, but returns all list items, not only the
selected ones.
The native variable <get ...> corresponds to the scripting function get().
Quoted Parameters:
Note that <get ...> supports quoted parameters in some contexts. This is useful when passing
parameters containing spaces (because the space character also serves to separate the parameters in
this context). The parameters themselves are unquoted after parsing. For example, this returns "Dual
Pane" when Dual Pane is enabled, and "Single Pane" when it's not:
Tip: There is an special shorthand for <get alias [name]>: <@[name]>. So instead of <get alias icons>
you can do <@icons>.
Permanent variables can be accessed from anywhere in the app using the <perm ...> meta variable.
For example:
perm $xy = "XYplorer"; echo "Perm test: <perm xy>."; //Perm test: XYplorer.
Once the permanent variable is defined you can always access it wherever XY native variables are
supported, e.g. as path in the address bar:
C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\<perm xy>\
So here you have user defined global variables that persist across sessions.
Tip: You can review and change your permanent variables at any time using the "Scripting | Permanent
Variables" command.
794 XYplorer Help
The native variable <prop ...> corresponds to the scripting function property(). It returns any
available Shell Property value of the current item. See property() for details and caveats.
Example scripts:
Retrieve Size, Type, and Version of the current item (under XP):
Suffix " n" to the property index return the (locale aware) name of the property:
Append width and height to the name (images only; some videos work as well):
To have the camera model of the current file on the status bar, use this template in Configuration |
Colors and Styles | Templates | Status Bar:
You can optionally prefix a name of your choice (it can even have spaces) to the property selector,
separated by ":". It will be prefixed to the result (only if there is a result, that's the cool part)
separated by colon-space (": "):
You can pass an optional format template in the argument after the property selector. The * is a place
holder for the value (if missing the value is simply appended to the template). The template must be
wrapped in single or double quotes if a space is included:
There is an alternative form <propt ...> which will retrieve the properties from the link target if there
is any. For example, if "rocky-3.jpg.lnk" is selected:
Tip 1: Note that the <prop ...> variable is also supported by Rename Special (regular UI, not only via
Tip 2: Also supported are XYplorer-specific named properties like #JunctionTarget, #Tags, or
#Comment. See property() for details.
Tip 3: Also supported is the asterisk syntax <prop *width> as described in property().
The variable <file filename> is resolved to the contents of the file specified by the "filename" argument
(resolved relative to the Scripts path). If the file is not found or cannot be opened, the variable is kept
This script, for example, shows the contents of the file exclude.txt:
This Quick Search line uses the <file filename> variable for defining the excluded paths (BTW: /excl
supports CRLF as separator, but take care not to mix separators in your switch):
Environment Variables
796 XYplorer Help
To see a list of all valid environment variables and their values click menu Help | Environment Variables.
5.11 Tweaks
What's a Tweak?
A "tweak" is a manual change in XYplorer's INI file (usually XYplorer.ini). It's easy to do once you have a
text editor and an idea how to do it.
To do it right, you have to know that XYplorer reads the INI at startup and writes it at Exit (unless you
unticked "Save Settings on Exit"). So, if you open the INI from a running XYplorer, do your manual
editing, save and close the INI, and then close and restart XYplorer in order to read the tweaked INI, it
might not work because when you closed XYplorer it has probably overwritten the INI with the old
values stored in memory! So the trick is to avoid this. Here's how you can it:
(2) Menu Tools | Open Configuration File... (will open the INI in your default editor)
(3) In the editor: Do your editing (look up the tweak key and edit its value), save the tweaked INI
(4) Menu File | Restart without Saving (this is the important part)
Registration / How to purchase a license 799
6 Registration
There are three types of licenses: (1) The "Lifetime License" includes unlimited free upgrades. (2) The
"Standard License" includes one year of free upgrades. (3) The "Fixed License" is valid only for the
specific version it came with; no upgrading is possible.
Support / Contact 801
7 Support
7.1 Contact
Support contact
Find the latest version and information here. The site is updated frequently.
User Forum
Feel free to join the XYplorer User Forum:
Legal Stuff
Legal Stuff / Disclaimer 803
8 Legal Stuff
8.1 Disclaimer
This program is distributed as is. The author (Donald Lessau) makes no warranty of any kind, expressed
or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose,
with respect to this software and documentation. In no event shall the author be liable for any
damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or any other incidental or consequential damages arising
out of the use of or the inability to use this program.
By using the above mentioned program you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer of warranty,
understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You also agree that the limited
warranty is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the parties and supersede all
proposals or prior agreements, oral or written, and any other communications between the parties
relating to the subject matter of the limited warranty.
8.2 Copyright
Trademark Information
Tree Path Tracing™ and Tree Path Tracking™ are trademarked 2012 by Cologne Code Company.
Mini Tree™ and MiniTree™ are trademarked 2008 by Cologne Code Company.
Rich File Operations™, Rich Copy™, and Rich Move™ are trademarked 2000 by Cologne Code Company.
All other trademarks mentioned in this help file are the property of their respective owners.
Index 805
2D Border (Preview Border Style) 96
Address Bar 277
Address Bar (Auto-Complete Path Names) 40
-3- Address Bar and Toolbar Stacked
Address Bar Icon Context Menu
3D Border (Preview Border Style) 96 Address Bar searches 283
Admin Settings 470
Boolean Logic (Color Filters) 263 Character to replace invalid characters in dropped
Border style options 96 messages 56
Borders 47 Check beforehand whether there is enough space
Boxed Branch 194 75
Branch View 179, 422 Check existence of subfolders in tree 17
Branch View Configuration 90 Check for Subfolders 308
Breadcrumb Bars 308 Check for Updates 225
Breadcrumb... 190 Check for updates on startup 43
Browse for Network Server... 212 Checkbox Selection 212
Browsing Tabs 302 Circles (Date Column) 217
But only in network locations 28 Circles (Size Column) 216
Button Captions Font (Toolbar) 289 Classic directory dump 72, 409
Button Push Effect (Toolbar) 289 Clear Clipboard 164
Button Sets 300 Clear Folder Size Cache Everywhere 21
Button Size 289 Clear Folder Size Cache Here 21
Button Text Font (Toolbar) 289 Clear Folder Size Cache... 215
Buttons In Catalog 347 Clear history on exit 43
Buttons position 113 Clear tabs on exit 43
Buy a license 799 Click and Search 355
Bypassed Tree 311 Click and Search: Tags 347
Bytes (file size display options) 212 Click and Search:Labels 347
Click and Tag: Labels 347
Click and Tag: Tags 347
-C- Click to set colors 47
Clicking the Status Bar 358
Cache folder sizes 17, 21
Clipboard Markers 49
Cache network servers 36
Clipboard Viewer 164
Cache path 102
Clone (UDC) 199
Cache Search Results 87
Close Dialog and Trigger Command 443
Cache specific icons 28
Close this Pane 207
Cache thumbnails on disk 102
Closing the tabs 302
Caches (Submenu)
Code pages in text preview 366
Create Missing Thumbnails 188
Color Coding 259
Refresh Icons 188
Color Filter Types 266
Refresh Selected Thumbnails 188
Color Filters 259
Refresh Thumbnails 188
Color Filters (Configuration) 53
Update New Items Menu 188
Color Filters by a list of file attributes 268
Calculate Folder Sizes 179, 215
Color Filters by file age 270
Cancel 77
Color Filters by file attributes 267
Cancel (Configuration) 16
Color Filters by file date 269
Caption lines 102
Color Filters by file properties 272
Catalog 347
Color Filters by file size 268
Catalog as Toolbar 347
Color Filters by filename length 272
Catalog backups 164
Color Filters by folder name 267
Catalog First 222
Color Filters by name 266
Categories (Previewed Formats) 99
Color Filters by tags 274
CD Audio 371
Color Filters Overview 259
Cell Context Menu 317
Color Histogram (Floating Preview) 412
Centered 108
Color-code empty folders 272
CFA 484
Colored lines 49
Change file dates 363
Colored Menu 308
Changing file attributes 364
Colors 47
808 XYplorer Help
Column Drag 212, 315 File Info Tips & Hover Box 66
Column headers 410 File Operations 73
Column Layouts 293 Find Files & Flat View 87, 91
Column Sets 293 Fonts 55
Column-Click Tagging 62 Menus, Mouse, Usability 31
Columns 49 More Colors 47
Columns (Submenu) Mouse Down Blow Up 108
Add Column 181 Preview 96
Autosize Columns Now 181 Previewed Formats 99
Grow Name Column 181 Refresh, Icons, History 28
Line Number Column Width 181 Report & Data 72
Load Column Layout... 181 Safety Belts, Network 36
Save Column Layout As... 181 Shell Integration 118
Set Line Number Column Width 181 Sort and Rename 23
Show All Columns 181 Startup & Exit 43
Show Columns... 181 Styles 49
Shrink Name Column 181 Tabs 113
Columns can be hidden 315 Tags 62
Columns can be reordered by dragging 315 Templates 56
Columns in the File List 319 Thumbnails 102
Column-wise Selection Filter 175 Tree and List 17
Combined Searches 355 Undo & Action Log 85
Command IDs (Create Listing) 225 Configuration of Custom Columns 325
Command IDs on Menu 225 Configuration... 212
Command Line Interpreter 56 Configure Custom Column dialog 325
Command Line Switches 478 Configure Extra Column [#]... 343
Command Prompt 446 Configure Thumbnails 179
Comment (List Column) 319 Confirm copy and move operations 36
Comment Search 389 Confirm copying tags 62
Comment... 196 Confirm delete operations 36
Comments 62, 338, 374 Confirm drag and drop 36
Comments (Quick Search) 240 Contact 801
Comments as Captions (Click and Search) 355 Content Dupes 405
Comments in New Items 173 Content Search 118, 393, 394
Comments shared in a network 345 Contents (Properties tab) 362
Common (Favorites menu) 194 Contents and Index (Help menu) 225
Compact File Info 142 Context menus (List) 321
Compare (submenu) 164 Context menus (Tree) 311
Compare Current File on Both Panes 164 Continue 77
Compare Current File with File in Clipboard 164 Continue All 77
Compare Current File with Previous File 164 Control Panel... 212
Compare directory trees 405 Control Selector (Color Filters) 260
Compression ratio 368 Controls 347, 358, 362
Configuration 16 Convert to ASCII 144, 362
Color Filters 53 Copy 164
Colors 47 Copy All Items in Category 347
Controls & More 40 Copy Cheat Sheet 443
Custom Columns 66 Copy Containing Folder(s) 408
Custom Event Actions 34 Copy Data 317
Dual Pane 117 Copy File Age 317
Features 122 Copy File Dates 317
File Info Tips 67 Copy File Name 317
Index 809
Details... 360
Dropdown Button on the Left 277 Enable Folder View Settings 186
Droppable User Buttons 299 Enable navigation keys (Live Filter Box) 92
Dropped messages 56 Enable Server Mappings 367
Dropping onto the catalog 347 Enable server mappings (Web Preview) 96
Dropping onto the Scripts 347 Enable smart Boolean query parsing 87
Dual Pane 117, 190, 207 Enable type ahead find 94
Dual startup path 43 Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel 55
Dual Startup Path (by Command Line) 483 Enlarge Preview tab 366
Dupes 405 Environment Variables 225, 789
Duplicate (Submenu) 154 Environment variables list 795
Duplicate a file 450 Environment variables usage 288
Duplicate File Finder 405 Environments (= Tabsets) 306
Duplicate files with folder tree structure 456 ESC key 126
Duplicate Folders 405 Even on exit without saving 85
Duplicate Images 405 Event (Custom Event Actions) 34
Duplicate Item (Catalog Context Menu) 347 Exact matches in Visual Filters 243
Exact Matching (Color Filters) 263
Fall back to preview handlers of the other bitness Properties Search 397
118 Windows canonical properties 397
FastCopy Integration 82 Find Files by Multi Field Search
Favorite Files 194 Boolean RegExp 395
Favorite Folders... (Move/Copy/Backup To) 152 Field Type Inheritance 395
Favorite Live Filters 256 Multi Field Search 395
Favorites 194 Find Files by Properties 393
Favorites menu 194 Find Files by Size 387
Favorites menu by right-clicking Tree white space Find Files by Size Column 392
311 Find Files by Soft Columns 332
Features 122 Find Files by Tags (Labels, Tags, Comments) 389
File associations 484 Find Files by templates 420
File Comments 338 Find Files by the Length of their Name 398
File Find Tips 408 Find Files commands in List context menu 31
File formats supported by Audio/Video preview 371 Find Files Location
File Labels 338 All disk search (Find Files) 383
File List (Shell context menu) 31 Auto-Sync (Find Files) 383
File menu 142 Edit Locations (Find Files) 383
File operation progress modeless 73, 84 Follow folder links (Find Files) 383
file protocol 288, 347 Include subfolders (Find Files) 383
File Special (Submenu) 142 Maximum depth (Find Files) 383
File Tags 338 Multiple Location Search 383
File version 364 Selected Locations (Find Files) 383
Filename affixes 56 Find Files Location (Auto-Complete Path Names)
Filename templates 56 40
Files scanned 358 Find Files Name
Files without extensions (Previewed Formats) 99 Boolean Search 377
File-specific Metadata 365 Comparison Operators 386
Filter (Auto-Complete Path Names) 40 Find by Type 382
Filter Syntax (Visual Filters) 243 Generic File Types (Search) 382
Filter-As-You-Type 256, 257, 316 Loose Boolean Match 377
Filter-As-You-Type right in the file list 256 Mode 377
Filtered Branch 422 Name 377
Find as you type 94, 316 RegExp Search 377
Find Bar 321 Standard Search 377
Find by Tag List... 196 Type Filter 382
Find By Tags 338 Find Files Tab "Attributes"
Find by Tags... 196 Not Content Indexed 400
Find duplicate Files 405 Find Files Tab "Contents"
Find Duplicate Images 405 Advanced Hex Search: Position 402
Find Files 164, 375 Advanced Hex Search: Wildcards 402
Find Files by Age 388 ASCII mode 402
Find Files by Attributes 389 Binary search 402
Find Files by Columns 392 Case Sensitive 402
Find Files by Contained Characters 394 Content search 402
Find Files by Contents 393 Grep 402
Find Files by Custom Columns 325 Hex mode 402
Find Files by Date 388 Hex Search Advanced 402
Find Files by Extra Tags 343 IFilters 402
Find Files by Meta Properties Invert 402
Canonical properties 397 It's a Hex String 402
Meta Properties Search 397 RegExp 402
Index 813
Horizontal Swipe Toggles the Preview Pane 359 In network locations as well (icon overlays) 28
Hotlist... 190 In network locations as well (subfolders in tree) 17
Hover Box 67 In tree (Folder contents preview) 112
Hover Box Background 67 In Tree as well (File Info Tips) 66
Hover Box Default Size Reset 67 In tree as well (icon overlays) 28
Hover Box Icon 67 Include local disks 102
Hover Box Icon Display 67 Include most-recently-used lists on save 43
Hover Box Keyboard Shortcuts 135 Include network locations (Auto-refresh) 28
Hover Box Scrolling/Scaling 67 Include removable drives (Auto-refresh) 28
Hover Box Size 67 Include removable media and network locations
Hover Box Sort Order 67 (thumbnails cache) 102
Hover Box Status 67 Include search results (thumbnails cache) 102
Hover Box Status Display 67 Including Catalogs 347
Hover Box Word Wrap 67 Increment on collision 144
How to close the Hover Box 67 Incremental affix 56
How to Edit the Interface Language 123 Indent (Tree) 126
How to open the Hover Box 67 Index (List Column) 319
How to order the software 799 Info Panel 362
How to quote strings in Scripting 502 Info Panel Toggle 360
How to Select a Language 123 Information Bar (Quick Search & Find Files) 87
How to tweak the INI file 797 Initial delay milliseconds (File Info Tips and Hover Box)
HTML Preview 367 72
http protocol 288, 347 In-place tooltips 66
Insert as New Category Here 347
Install Package 10
-I- Installation 10
Installing XYplorer 10
Icon overlays 28
Installing XYplorer in Companies 470
Icons 142, 363
Instant Color Filters 274
Icons for the Selected Tree Folder 438
Instant Search 219, 256
Icons in the Action Log 462
Interface Colors 47
ID3v1.1 tags 66
Interface Language 123
ID3v1.1-tag editing 372
Interface Translation Tool 225
IFilters 118
Interface Translation Tool (ITT) 123, 124
Ignore Articles When Sorting 212
Internal Viewer 365
Ignore Diacritics 53, 94, 243
Intra-Volume Moves vs Cross-Volume Moves 75
Ignore diacritics (Find Files) 381
Introduction 9
Ignore diacritics (Visual Filters and Live Filter Box)
Invert (Find Files) 381
Invert (Floating Preview) 412
Ignore Extension (Dupes) 405
Invert Selection 164
Ignore extensions 207
Item Base(s) 142
Ignore numbers (Dupes) 405
Item Name(s) 142
Image (To Clipboard) 142
Item Path(s) 142
Image Dupes 405
Item Path/Name(s) 142
Image File Preview 368
Item Short Path/Name(s) 142
Image Hash 406
Item UNC Path/Name(s) 142
Import Catalog 347
Import Local Tags 196
In list (Folder contents preview) 112
In network locations as well (Always show folder
sizes) 17 Jump and Spot 321
In network locations as well (File Info Tips and Hover Jump to an Item 321
Box) 72 Jump to Setting... (Configuration) 16
816 XYplorer Help
Mark Favorites (Bold) 212 Mouse Down Blow Up 96, 108, 370
Mark Files in Clipboard as 'Copied' 164 Thumbnails 315
Mark Files in Clipboard as 'Cut' 164 Mouse Down Blow Up (Floating Preview) 412
Mark nodes (Tree Path Tracing) 47 Mouse Down Blow Up for Audio Files 111
Match All 338 Mouse Down Blow Up Hex View 108
Match anywhere 94 Mouse Down Blow Up of Animated GIFs 108
Match at beginning 94 Mouse Down Blow Up of Audio Files 108
Match case (Find Files) 381 Mouse Down Blow Up of Text 108
Match case (Visual Filters and Live Filter Box) 94 Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed 108
Match color with breadcrumb bar (Tree Path Tracing) Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons 108
47 Mouse Tricks 126, 136
Match color with tree path tracing (Recent Location Mouse Up on Folder Icons 108, 112
Pins) 47 Mouse Up Show Down 112
Match selected tab with breadcrumb bar (Tabs) 47 Move Here 450
Matching (Type ahead find) 316 Move Here to New Subfolder... 154
Maximize/Minimize Info Panel 443 Move last used item to top 40
Maximum length of generated filenames (0 = Move on Rename 23, 145
unlimited) 56 Move on rename (Batch Rename) 144
Maximum number of items cached 87 Move on rename (Search and Replace) 144
Maximum number of pins (Recent Location Pins) Move Tab to Other Pane 207
Maximum number of tabs 113 Move To 152
Media Control Buttons 371 Move to Other Pane 207
Menu Buttons (Toolbar) 291 Move To... (Dialog) 164
Menu Commands 142, 164, 190, 194, 199, 212, Move Up 31, 446
225, 450, 456
Move/Copy/Backup To 446
Meta tab 365
Movement 108
Metadata 365
Moving the tabs 302
Metadata (menu File) 142
MP3 371
Metadata layouts 365
MP3 Preview 371
MIDI 371
Mp3 Special (Submenu) 144
Mini Tree 185, 313
Multi Branch View 422
Mini Tree (Submenu) 185
Multi branch view lists top folders 90
Mini Tree From Recent 185
Multi-column Sort 319
Minimize to tray 43
Multi-level Undo/Redo 460
Minimize to tray on X close 43
Multiline Paste 23
Minimize Tree 185
Multilingual Support 123
Minimum / Maximum Name column width 49
Multimedia Preview 371
Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels 113
Multiple Location Search 384
Mirror Browse 207
Multiple Locations (Quick Search) 283
Mirror tree box color in list 49
Multiple Locations Advanced (Quick Search) 283
Miscellaneous (Customize Keyboard Shortcuts)
Multiple parallel instances 43
Multiple Select 212
Mixed Columns 325
Multi-selections in tabs 302
Mixed sort on date columns 23
Multi-Tabbed Browsing 302
Mixed sort on path columns 23
Multi-User License 799
Mixed sort on tag columns 23
Multi-User-Tagging 345
Modeless dialog (Quick File View) 96
Must-Match-Patterns 253
Modes of Display 318
My Network Places 318
Modified (List Column) 319
Modify file dates 363
Modifying the height of the tab bars 302
Mouse Click Navigation (Address Bar) 282
818 XYplorer Help
-N- -O-
Name (List Column) 319 Office Preview 367
Name Dupes 405 OK (Configuration) 16
Name Search Bar 91 On autosize disregard the column headers 49
Name(s), Bytes, Modified[, Version] 142 On both panes 207
Name(s), Bytes, Modified[, Version], Path 142 On closing the current tab 113
Name(s), Bytes, Modified[, Version], Path, MD5 On Delete Remove Items from Paper Folder 429
142 On double-click 113
Named Drives 304 On failures 77
Narrow Tree 212 On KeyUp (UDC) 199
Native Variables 789 On left mouse down 108
Natural Sort (Sort method) 23 On left mouse up (Folder contents preview) 112
Navigate All Files (Floating Preview) 412 On left-click 294
Navigate by Category (Floating Preview) 412 On middle mouse down 108
Navigate by Click (Floating Preview) 412 On middle-click 113, 294
Navigate by Extension (Floating Preview) 412 On name collisions 77
Navigation commands in List context menu 31 On name collisions (Sync Folders) 336
Network 36, 318 On right mouse down 108
Network Places On Demand 318 On right mouse up (Folder contents preview) 112
Neutral, Grid, White, Black (Transparency On right-click 294
background) 96 On sorting keep tagged items on top 62
New 164 On the icon only 31
New Files... 164 One-click backup of distributed sources 164
New Folder (...) 164 Online Support (submenu) 225
New Folders... 164 Only while the shift key is held down (File Info Tips)
New Items Menu 173 66
New Path... 164 Only while the shift key is held down (Hover Box)
New Shortcut... 164 67
Open Catalog to Include 347
New tab path 113 Open command line start path in new tab 43
New Text File (...) 164 Open Command Prompt Here 446
NewItems 173 Open Configuration File... 212
No Border (Preview Border Style) 96 Open Containing Folder in New Background Tab
No Graphics (Date Column) 217 408
No Graphics (Size Column) 216 Open DOS-Box here 446
No network browsing on startup 43 Open favorite files directly 40
No progress dialog on duplications 75 Open files from 64-bit process 118
No progress dialog on intra-volume moves 75 Open Files from Address Bar 277
No-Extension (Visual Filters) 243 Open Focused Item 153
No-Install Package 10 Open Folders in Tabs 347
Non-existing paths are created on the fly 164 Open in New Background Tab 446
Non-sequential undo 460 Open in New Background Tab [folders only] 446
Non-sequential undo/redo 85 Open in New Tab 446
NTFS junction point (create one) 164 Open in New Tab [folders only] 446
Nuke 292 Open in Other Pane 446
Number of Button Sets (Toolbar) 289 Open in Other Pane [folders only] 446
Number of Caption Lines (Toolbar) 289 Open Items by First 'Open with...' Match 484
Number of files scanned 358 Open new instance always 43
Open new tab 113
Open Recycle Bin... 212
Open Selected Item(s) 153
Index 819
Open Throw Away Clone 142 Paste Here with Path... 164
Open with Arguments... 153 Paste Image Into New [EXT] File 164
Open With... 153, 446 Paste into this Zip 448
Open... 153 Paste Special (submenu) 164
Opening folders and files using the Catalog 347 Paste Text As Item(s) 164
Open-With Panels from the Toolbar 299 Paste Text Into New File 164
Operator 355 Paste to selected list folder 40
Optimize Tree 446 Paste Zipped 164
Options (Manage User-Defined Commands) 199 Path (Find Files) 381
Options Button (Customize Toolbar) 289 Path (Find settings) 410
Order the software 799 Path (List Column) 319
Original Size (Floating Preview) 412 Pattern Switches (Quick Search) 283
Other (CSV Field Separator) 72 Pause queue 360
Output File Options 72 PDF Preview 367
Output header format 410 Perceptual Image Hash 406
Overflow Dropdown 289 Permanent Custom Sort Order 214, 429, 432
Overlay caption 102 Permanent Favorites 220
Overlay icons 28 Permanent startup path 43
Overlong Names 40 Permanent Variables 205
Overwrite always 77 Persist across folders 90
Overwrite button 77 Persist quick search across folders 87
Overwrite if different contents 77 Persist Visual Filters Across Folders 243
Overwrite if different size or date 77 Persist visual filters across folders (Visual Filters)
Overwrite if newer 77 92
Persistent live filters (Live Filter Box) 92
PFA 484
-P- Photo Data 72
Play also when info panel is hidden 96
Pad blanks 410
Play only the first seconds 96
Padding 102
PNG preview 370
Panel 362
Point to select 31
Panes Menu 207
POM (Portable Openwith Menu) 489
Panning (Floating Preview) 412
Pop up image in original size on mouse down (Mouse
Paper Folders 429
Down Blow Up) 108
Paper Folders (Submenu) 185
Popup by tag columns right-click 62
Parallel processing 73
Portability of Folder View Settings 434
Partial Matching in the Address Bars 285
Portable Devices 466
Paste 164
Portable File Associations 484
Paste (Backup) 164
Portable File Icons 438
Paste (Copy) 164
Portable Homes 302
Paste (Move) 164
Portable Openwith Menu 489
Paste and Find 94
Portable paths 304
Paste and Go 94, 308
Portable tabs 304
Paste and Search 308
Portable Tags 62, 64, 338
Paste As Hard Link(s) 164
Power Filters 243, 254
Paste As Junction(s) 164
Prefer matches at beginning 94
Paste As Shortcut(s) 164
Prefixes (Quick Search) 240
Paste As Symbolic Link(s) 164
Preselect name 23
Paste Extracted 164
Preserve all item dates 77
Paste Folder Structure 164
Preserve custom colors (Tabs) 47
Paste Here As... 164
Preserve permissions on move operation 73, 84
Paste Here to New Subfolder... 164
Preserve the folder structure when copying files 456
820 XYplorer Help
Remember tree scroll position per tab 113 Restore Folder View 186
Remove (Previewed Formats) 99 Restore Previous Clipboard 164
Remove all Shortcuts... 443 Restore Selection 164
Remove All Tags 196 Retry 77
Remove All Tags... 62 Reuse existing tabs when changing the location
Remove Column 332 113
Remove Diacritics 144 Revealing Toolbar Image Keys 289
Remove Filter (Visual Filters) 92 Revert to Saved 306
Remove Folder View 186 Rich Copy (Copy items with their folder structure)
Remove read-only attribute 77 456
Remove Search 91 Rich Copy Here 450
Remove Selected Items 185 Rich File Operations (Copy/Move items with their
Remove Tags 338 folder structure) 456
Remove Tags by List... 196 Rich Move (Move items with their folder structure)
Removing XYplorer 12
Rich Move Here 450
Rename 142
Rich Paste 456
Rename Column... 332
Rocker-click gesture 317
Rename File (Floating Preview) 412
Rotate Left (Floating Preview) 412
Rename folders on collision 77
Rotate Right (Floating Preview) 412
Rename Next Item 142
Row height in Tree and List 126
Rename On Slow Double-Click (List) 212
Run Script (Floating Preview) 412
Rename On Slow Double-Click (Tree) 212
Run Script Again 205
Rename Preview 144
Run Script... 205
Rename Special 144, 446
Renaming folders (press F2) 311
Renaming Items in Tree and List
Renaming Tabs 302
23 -S-
Repeat Filter (Visual Filters) 92 Safe overwrite 77
Repeat Last Quick Search 164 Safety Belts 36
Repeat Last Search 164 Same Extension (Dupes) 405
Repeat Search 91 Save All Settings 161
Replace Windows Explorer as default file manager Save Catalog 161
118 Save changes to disk immediately 43
Replace with File in Clipboard 31 Save Configuration 161
Replace with File in Clipboard [files only] 446 Save Configuration As... 161
Report tab 408 Save Copy of Configuration As... 161
Reporting Extra Columns 343 Save Folder View 186
Reset All Shortcuts To Defaults... 443 Save Folder View Settings 161
Reset Colors 47 Save Keyboard Shortcuts 161
Reset Columns 66 Save Layout As... 222
Reset Filters 376 Save Servers 161
Reset List 179 Save Settings 142
Reset Tree 179 Save settings on exit 43
Reset Unused Shortcuts To Defaults... 443 Save Tags 161
Reset Zoom 55 Save User-Defined Commands 161
Resizing the window 117 Scale Font (Touchscreen Mode Button) 293
Resolve cache path from current folder 102 Scale Toolbar (Touchscreen Mode Button) 293
Resolve junctions 40 Scaling the Hover Box 67
Resolve Shortcuts before Matching 484 Scope (Keyboard Shortcuts) 443
Resort list immediately after rename 23 Scope (Shell Integration) 118
Respond to file system notifications 28 Scope Suffix (Color Filters) 261
Restart without Saving 162 Scope Suffixes (Visual Filters) 243
822 XYplorer Help
Show photo data in the Large Tiles view 72 Single step undo/redo 85
Show portable devices 17 Single-click to open an item 31
Show Preview Pane 222 Site License 799
Show progress dialog 77 Size (List Column) 319
Show quick search results in current tab 87, 91 Size Dupes 405
Show Real Path 277 Size Format 216
Show Recycle Bin folder 17 Size on disk (Properties tab) 362
Show relative path in Path column 87, 91 Size Search 387
Show Script Button (Floating Preview) 412 Skip 77
Show search information in list 87, 91 Skip [...] milliseconds (Video Preview) 96
Show search results in 87, 91 Skip and Skip All 77
Show shared folder overlays 28 Skip button 77
Show shortcut overlays 28 Skip invisible subfolders (Find Files) 87
Show Size on Disk 216 Skip Job 360
Show sort headers in all views 23 Skip junctions 77
Show splash screen while loading 43 Skip single spaces 94
Show Status Bar 96, 222 Skip verification on local hard disks 77
Show Status Bar (Floating Preview) 412 Skipping Locked File (Nuke) 292
Show Status Bar Buttons 222 Slashes 308
Show Status Bar Message (Manage User-Defined Small Audio Preview 418
Commands) 199 Small Buttons (Toolbar) 289
Show Status Log 359 Small Font 373
Show summary report 77 Small Icons 179
Show system files and folders 17 Small Tiles 179
Show Tab Bar 222 Smart Dropdown Buttons 297
Show 'Tab List' button 113 Smart Phones 466
Show Tag Bar (Floating Preview) 412 Smart Right-Click 317, 318
Show tags in file list 62 Smart Section Sizing (Status Bar context menu)
Show the 64-bit context menu 118 358
Show the real System32 directory (64-bit Windows Snap to Main Window (Floating Preview) 412
only) 118 Snapshot 371
Show these fields (File Info Tips) 66 Soft Columns 332
Show thumbnails for non-images 102 Solid Lines 212
Show thumbnails for RAW files 102 Sort By (Submenu)
Show thumbnails in tiles views 102 Include Folders (Random Order) 180
Show Times in UTC (Date Format) 217 Previous Order 180
Show tips for clipped tree and list items 66 Random Order 180
Show Toolbar 222 Reverse Order 180
Show tooltips 31 Selected Items to Top 180
Show Trailing Slash 277 Show Sort Headers in All Views 180
Show Transparency grid 102 Sort Again 180
Show Tree 222 Sort Folders Apart 180
Show User folder 17 Unsorted 180
Show verbatim tooltips 31 Sort Category (Catalog Context Menu) 347
Show version information in the Status Bar 40 Sort date columns descending by default 23
Show Weekday (Date Format) 217 Sort filenames by base 23
Show X close buttons on tabs 113 Sort folders always ascending 23
Showing the preview image in original size 370 Sort folders apart 23
Shrink to fit 108 Sort method 23
Single File Search 239 Sort order dirty 315
Single License 799 Sort size columns descending by default 23
Single Pane 207 Sorted by (Folder contents preview) 112
828 XYplorer Help