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Safety Function Guide

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Safety function Guide Index

HITACHI INVERTER 1 Safety precaution/Risk

SJ series P1 2 Introduction to
the Safety function Guide

3 Safety related information

and consideration

4 Safety Function

5 Planning Installation

6 Installation

7 Commissioning

8 Verification and Validation

9 Error and Troubleshooting

10 Maintenance

11 Specification and Technical data

Appendix EC Declaration of Conformity

For inquiry, please notify the number on the right NT2512X

Introduction Introduction

S.1 Introduction S.2 Precaution

Thank you for purchasing Hitachi SJ Series P1 Inverter (here ■For the proper use of the inverter
after SJ-P1).
Please read through the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1 inverter
This Safety function Guide describes the information about as well as the Safety function Guide (this document) to
planning the installation, installing, commissioning, using perfectly understand proper handling and safety
and servicing the Safety function of the SJ-P1 inverter. precaution for the product to ensure safety and proper
usage before operating the inverter and using the STO
The information not described in the Safety function Guide
must be referred to the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1 inverter.
Before attempting installation, operation, maintenance,
If there are any contents inconsistent between the User’s and inspection work of the safety related system, you
Guide of the SJ-P1 inverter and this Safety function Guide, should understand the essential knowledge of the
the instructions provided in this Safety function Guide
functional safety as well as the knowledge of equipment,
always have priority when the Safety function is used. information of safety, caution and how to use the inverter.
This Safety function Guide is provided in only electric data
(pdf) aiming to reduce the amount of paper resource
consumption and also to provide the latest information. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or
Only the Safety function Guide Supplement describing revised in any form without the publisher’s permission.
minimum necessary information is enclosed with the
inverter. The contents in this documentation are subject to change
without prior notice.
■Safety function Guide (this document)
You “CANNOT DO” what is not described in this Safety
The Safety function Guide provides the information function Guide. In addition, do not operate the product in
necessary for handling the Safe Torque Off (STO) function a manner not specified in the Safety function Guide. An
of the SJ-P1 inverter. Please make sure to read through this unexpected failure or accident may occur.
documentation as well as the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1
inverter when using the STO function of the SJ-P1 inverter. HITACHI (include distributor) does not accept any liability
for direct or indirect injury or damage caused by the
If future updates make any difference from the Basic Guide handling, operation and maintenance in manners which
and the User’s Guide, the description in the Safety function are not specified in this Safety function Guide.
Guide will have higher priority. Please make sure that the
inverter is always used within the specification provided in If you find any unclear or incorrect description, missing
the Safety function Guide and the User’s Guide of the SJ- description, misplaced or missing pages, or have a question
P1 inverter. Additionally, please ensure to perform proper concerning the contents of the Safety function Guide,
inspection and maintenance in order to prevent failures please contact Hitachi industrial equipment systems
and risk before it happens. Co.,Ltd. or distributor of Hitachi.

Please refer to the following link for downloading the latest Please note that the Basic Guide, User’s Guide, the Safety
documentation. function Guide and the guides for each optional product to
be used should be delivered to the end user of the inverter.
Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems’ Website


Please follow as below on the Website.

[Products information]  [Inverter]  [Download of

technical data]

You can request the data of those documents at any time


Hitachi industrial equipment systems Co.,Ltd. or distributor

of Hitachi

Introduction Introduction

S.3 Relevant document

Document name Document code *1)

SJ-P1 User’s Guide NT251X
SJ-P1 Basic Guide NT2511X
SJ-P1 Safety function Guide (this documentation) NT2512X
SJ-P1 Safety function Guide Supplement NTZ2512X
*1) Version information is written at the end of the
document code.

S.4 List of abbreviation and

technical terms
Term / Abbreviation Description
American wire gauge
AWG Standardized wire gauge used
in North America
Term / Abbreviation Description
The documentation that
Basic Guide provides basic information to
handle the inverter
Term / Abbreviation Description
Structural Classification of the
safety-related parts defined in
EN ISO13849-1 (B,1,2,3,4)
Common Cause Failure (EN ISO
Failure, which is the result of
one or more events, causing
CCF concurrent failure of two or
more separate channels in a
multiple channel system,
leading to failure of the safety
A mandatory conformity
marking for products sold
CE marking
within the European Economic
The lamp indicates power
supply status of the main
circuit of the inverter. Even
Charge lamp
after powered down, the
internal voltage remains while
the lamp lights.
Internal power supply
necessary for powering up the
logic board and configuring the
Control power inverter using operator
supply keypad. Supplying power to
R0T0 terminal or P+, P-
terminal can power up the
internal power supply.

Introduction Introduction

Term / Description
*) Trademark Power supply necessary for
Main power supply
Some proper nouns such as product name or function operation of inverter
names may be registered as trademark or registered MFG No. Manufacturing No.
trademark. Particularly this documentation does not Mean time to dangerous failure
describes ® mark or TM mark. MTTFd Expectation of the mean time to
dangerous failure
Term / Description Term / Description
Abbreviation Abbreviation
Failure of a component and/or The keypad mounted on the
subsystem and/or system that inverter used for configuration
Dangerous failure Operator keypad
plays a part in implementing the of parameters and monitoring of
safety function inverter's state
Diagnostic coverage (%) (EN ISO P
DC Term / Description
E Abbreviation
Term / Description Protected extra-voltage
Abbreviation (EN/iEC60204)
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility Probability of dangerous failure
on demand (IEC61508)
EUC Equipment Under Control
Average frequency of a
F PFH dangerous failure (EN/IEC61800-
Term / Description 5-2)
Abbreviation Performance level (a-e) (EN ISO
Part of the overall safety PL
relating to the EUC and the PLC Programmable logic controller
EUC control system that PWM Pulse width modulation
depends on the correct
Functional Safety R
functioning of the E/E/PE
safety-related systems and Term / Description
other risk reduction Abbreviation
measures.(IEC61508) Risk remaining after protective
Residual risk
measures have been taken
Delay time inside of the inverter
H from a request of activation of a
Term / Description Response time
function until actual execution
Abbreviation of the function
Hardware fault tolerance Probability and severity of
HFT Risk
(IEC61508) hazard
I Term / Description
Term / Description Abbreviation
Abbreviation Safety functions to achieve safe
I/O Input / Output state of system such as STO
IGBT Insulated gate bipolar transistor Safety Function
function defined in IEC61800-5-
The model code written on the 2.
Inverter model
specification label of the Whole system including inverter,
inverter. Safety-Related sensor, switch and safety relay
System etc. that achieves safety
Safety extra-low voltage
Safe failure fraction (%)

Introduction Introduction

Term / Description
Safety integrity level (1-3)
SILCL SIL claim limit (EN/IEC62061)
Signal is recognized as ON when
current flows out from signal
Sink logic
terminal. That may differ
depending on systems.
A type of logic that signal is
recognized as ON when current
Source logic flows into the terminal. This logic
may differ depending on region
or system.
The label affixed on the
Specification label product, on which specification
of the inverter is written
Safe torque off (EN/IEC61800-5-
A type of stop category defined
in EN/IEC60204-1.
Stop category 0 Stopping by immediate removal
of power to the machine
Term / Description
The documentation that
provides the detailed
User's Guide
information to handle the
Term / Description
Confirmation by examination
and provision of objective that
Validation the safety system meets the
requirements set by the
Confirmation by examination
and provision of objective
evidence that the requirements
have been fulfilled

Index Index

S.5 Index
● Introduction ............................................................ 0-1 ● Relevant document…… ........................................ ….0-2
● Precaution ............................................................... 0-1 ● List of Abbreviation and Technical Terms ................ 0-2

Chapter 1 Safety precaution/Risk

1.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 1-1 1.2 Safety Precaution .................................................... 1-1

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Safety function Guide

2.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 2-1 2.4 Purpose of the Safety function Guide ..................... 2-1
2.2 Applicable product .................................................. 2-1 2.5 Recommended readings.......................................... 2-1
2.3 Target audience ....................................................... 2-1

Chapter 3 Safety-related information and consideration

3.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 3-1 3.3 Intentional misuse ................................................... 3-1
3.2 Requirement of Machinery Directive ...................... 3-1 3.4 Safety consideration ................................................ 3-1

Chapter 4 Safety function

4.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 4-1 4.5 STO state monitor output (EDM)............................. 4-4
4.2 Safety function (STO) ............................................... 4-1 4.6 Timing chart ............................................................ 4-4
4.3 Applicable standard ................................................ 4-1 4.7 State Display Function ............................................. 4-5
4.4 How STO function works ......................................... 4-1 4.8 Activation method of STO function ......................... 4-7

Chapter 5 Installation Planning

5.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 5-1 5.3 Installation environment ......................................... 5-1
5.2 Requirement for designer and 5.4 Electrical installation ............................................... 5-1
installer (installation supervisor) ...... 5-1

Chapter 6 Installation
6.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 6-1 6.3 Wiring example ....................................................... 6-1
6.2 Installation .............................................................. 6-1 6.4 External device ........................................................ 6-2

Chapter 7 Commissioning
7.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 7-1 7.3 Enabling STO function ............................................. 7-1
7.2 Considerations ........................................................ 7-1 7.4 Disabling STO function ............................................ 7-1

Chapter 8 Verification and Validation

8.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 8-1 8.4 Requirement for Validator ....................................... 8-1
8.2 Verification .............................................................. 8-1 8.5 Residual Risk ............................................................ 8-1
8.3 Validation ................................................................ 8-1

Chapter 9 Error and Troubleshooting

9.1 Contents in this chapter .......................................... 9-1 9.3 Warning display ....................................................... 9-2
9.2 Error ........................................................................ 9-1 9.4 When internal fault found ....................................... 9-2

Index Index

Chapter 10 Maintenance
10.1 Contents in this chapter ...................................... 10-1 10.3 Daily and periodical inspection ........................... 10-1
10.2 Planning of maintenance .................................... 10-1 10.4 Periodical functional test..................................... 10-1

Chapter 11 Specification and Technical data

11.1 Contents in this chapter ...................................... 11-1 11.5 Response time ..................................................... 11-2
11.2 Electrical Specification ........................................ 11-1 11.6 Safety-related parameters ................................... 11-2
11.3 Recommended ferrule ........................................ 11-2 11.7 Environmental specification ................................ 11-2
11.4 Safety function .................................................... 11-2

Appendix EC Declaration of conformity

EC Declaration of Conformity
according to 2016/42/EC......................... A-1

Chapter 1 Safety Precaution/Risk

Chapter 1 Safety Precaution/Risk 1

1.1 Contents in this chapter
This chapter describes precautions for using the STO
function of the SJ-P1 inverter. 1.2.3 Installation
Before installation, wiring, operation, maintenance, Installation must be performed by the competent
inspection and running, please make sure to read through electricians who have sufficient knowledge of the
the Safety function Guide, the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1 functional safety.
inverter and all the other documentation enclosed with the
product. Ensure to use the SJ-P1 inverter within the specified
environmental condition including EMS environment.
1.2 Safety Precaution
General warning indicates a potentially 1.2.4 Commissioning
hazardous situation that, if not avoided, can
result in serious injury or death, or damage
to the equipment.
This symbol indicates High voltage. It calls to The safety system must always be properly carried out the
your attention to items or operations that commissioning and verified/validated before it is
could be dangerous to you and other considered safe.
persons operating this equipment.

1.2.1 Planning 1.2.5 Maintenance

The persons who design, install and perform maintenance
of safety-related system must have sufficient knowledge of
the functional safety.
The STO function does not cut the power supply to the
It is a responsibility of the manufacturer of safety-related inverter and the peripheral circuits, and does not provide
system to perform risk analysis of the overall system and to any electrical isolation. Before maintenance, please ensure
apply appropriate measures accordingly. to separate the system/machine from main power supply
lines and from the other devices which may supply any
1.2.2 Consideration voltage (e.g. permanent magnetic motor, device including
capacitors). Additionally, wait more than 10 minutes (*1) /
in Designing safety-related system more than 15 minutes (*2) and check the charge lamp of
the inverter is disappeared, and then confirm that the
voltage between P and N terminal is lower than 45V before
The SJ-P1 does not support a holding function of STO state performing maintenance.
after release of STO inputs. Therefore after STO inputs to
the SJ-P1 inverter are released, the SJ-P1 inverter becomes A function test must be conducted at least once in a year.
available to restart the motor operation. (A function of SJ-
P1 to hold Shut off state without STO inputs is not safety-
related function.) *1) Type of P1-00044-L~P1-01240-L (P1-004L~P1-220L)
and P1-00041-H~00620-H (P1-007H~P1-220H)
Please ensure to design a system so that the above-
*2) Type of P1-01530-L~P1-02950-L (P1-300L~P1-550L)
mentioned behavior does not lead to any unsafe situation.
and P1-00770-H~P1-03160-H (P1-300H~P1-1320H)
Please note that SJ-P1 inverters are delivered with the STO
function being disabled by a jumper wire to allow initial
drive commissioning without the need of configuring the
STO function first.

Chapter 1 Safety Precaution/Risk

1.2.6 Others

Never modify the inverter. Any modification immediately

invalidates the conformities to the all applicable norms,
and the product guarantee.

The precaution items provided in User’s Guide of the SJ-P1

inverter are not always described in this chapter. Please
ensure to read through and understand the precaution in
the User’s Guide before using the SJ-P1.

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Safety function Guide

Chapter 2 Introduction to
the Safety function Guide
2.1 Contents in this chapter 2.5 Recommended readings
This chapter describes the applicable product, required The Safety function Guide is based on the following
knowledge, target audience, purpose and general standards. It is recommended you to read and familiarize
information of this documentation. with these standards before implementing safety-related

● EN/IEC 61508 part 1-2: 2010 Functional safety of

2.2 Applicable product electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
safety-related system – Part 1-7
This documentation is only applicable to the SJ-P1
inverter having the model code listed in 『Appendix EC ● IEC 61800-5-2: 2016, Adjustable speed electrical power
declaration of conformity』. drive system – Part 5-2: Safety requirements –

● EN ISO 13849-1: 2015, Safety of machinery – Safety-

2.3 Target audience related parts of control systems – Part 1: General
principles for design.
The Safety function Guide is intended for qualified persons
who design the safety application, plan the installation, ● EN/IEC 62061:2005+A2:2015, Safety of machinery –
install, commission and maintenance. Read through this Functional safety of safety-related electrical,
documentation as well as the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1 electronic and programmable electronic control
inverter before starting operation on a safety-related systems.
application. The persons must have sufficient knowledge
of functional safety. ● EN 60204-1:2016, Safety of machinery – Electrical
equipment of machines – Part 1: General
2.4 Purpose of Additionally, before implementing safety-related systems,
the Safety function Guide it is highly recommended to read and understand the
documentation listed in section S.3.
The purpose of this document is to provide necessary
information to use the STO function of the SJ-P1 inverter. For the standards with which the SJ-P1 complies, please
refer to Chapter 4

Chapter 2 Introduction to the Safety function Guide

Chapter 3 Safety-Related information and consideration

Chapter 3 Safety-related
information and consideration 3
3.1 Contents in this chapter
This chapter describes safety-related information and
considerations. 3.4.2 Response time
3.2 Requirement of The response time is defined as a time from input of Safety
request to actual activation of safety function.
Machinery Directive
In case of STO function, it is a time from input of STO signals
In order to fulfill the requirements of the Machinery
until power to a motor is shut off.
Directive, all requirements in the applicable standards
must be satisfied and SJ-P1 inverters must be used in The response time of the STO function of the SJ-P1 is less
accordance with the instructions provided in this Safety than 10ms.
function Guide and the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1.
A safety-related system must be designed in consideration
Before using the inverter, the risk assessment of whole of the above mentioned response time so that this delay
system must be conducted and appropriate measures must time may not lead to any hazardous situation.
be taken.
3.4.3 Self-Diagnosis of internal path
3.3 Intentional misuse
The SJ-P1 is equipped with the self-diagnosis function
The SJ-P1 is not designed to protect against intentional
which detects a fault in the internal safety paths.
misuse/interference for STO function.
When an internal fault has been detected, the safety paths
3.4 Safety consideration are maintained shut-off regardless of the states of the STO
inputs to the SJ-P1.
3.4.1 Safety function
3.4.4 STO Input
The SJ-P1 inverter supports the STO function which is
equivalent to STO (Safe Torque Off) function defined in The STO inputs of the SJ-P1 are redundant and the both
EN/IEC61800-5-2 as well as Category 0 Stop defined in input signals must be input. The two STO inputs must be
EN/IEC60204-1. appropriately separated from each other. If only one of the
inputs is used, the conformities to the applicable norms
The SJ-P1 inverter shuts off power to a motor when STO become invalid.
inputs are given.

The SJ-P1 inverter is not equipped with a diagnosis function

of input signal and line from an external device. A system
must be designed so that both of the STO inputs are always
given properly and simultaneously. As needed, please use
the EDM signal for failure detection of STO input lines to
configure a system which is able to detect a fault in STO
input lines.

Chapter 3 Safety-Related information and consideration

3.4.5 Holding function of STO state 3.4.7 Periodical functional test

(Not supported as Safety related function)
A periodical functional test to check proper functioning of
the STO function must be performed at least once a year in
order to maintain the intended SIL / PL.
SJ-P1 does not support a function to hold STO state even
Please refer to Chapter 10 for the details of the functional
after releasing of STO inputs. Please consider it when
designing a system and, if needed, prepare an external
mechanism to avoid an unintentional restart of the system.
For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 4.
3.4.8 Caution for using the STO function

3.4.6 STO state monitor output (EDM)

Please use EDM signal output when it is required to The STO function does not cut the power supply to the
monitor state of the STO inputs to SJ-P1 and state of inverter and the peripheral circuits, and does not provide
internal safety paths (failure detection state) by external any electrical isolation. Before maintenance, please ensure
devices. to separate the system/machine from main power supply
lines and from the other devices which may supply any
Please refer to Chapter 4 for the behavior and function voltage (e.g. permanent magnetic motor, device including
(signal matrix) of EDM signal. capacitors). Additionally, wait more than 10 minutes(*1) /
more than 15 minutes (*2) and check the charge lamp of
the inverter is disappeared, and then confirm that the
voltage between P and N terminal is lower than 45V before
EDM signal output is NOT a safety-related signal, but a performing maintenance.
reference signal. This signal is not capable of being used to
activate another safety function. *1) Type of P1-00044-L~P1-01240-L (P1-004L~P1-220L)
and P1-00041-H~00620-H (P1-007H~P1-220H)

*2) Type of P1-01530-L~P1-02950-L (P1-300L~P1-550L)

and P1-00770-H~P1-03160-H (P1-300H~P1-1320H)

The STO functionality is achieved only through the ST1

and ST2 connector of the inverter.

When permanent magnet motor or synchronous reluctance

motor is driven, in case of a multiple IGBT power
semiconductor failure, the inverter system can produce an
alignment torque which maximally rotates the motor shaft below
regardless of the activation of the STO function.
- 180/(p/2) degrees (with permanent magnet motors)
- 180/p degrees (with synchronous reluctance motors)
p denotes the number of pole.

Chapter 4 Safety function

Chapter 4 Safety function 4

4.1 Contents in this chapter 4.4 How STO function works
This chapter describes the information about the safety
function of the SJ-P1.
4.4.1 STO input terminal
4.2 Safety function (STO) Signal inputs for the STO function are redundant inputs of
The STO function of the SJ-P1 is a function equivalent to ST1 and ST2
STO (Safe Torque Off) defined in IEC61800-5-2 as well as When voltage is applied to each input, currents flow on
Category 0 Stop in EN60204-1. each safety path enabling the motor operation of the
inverter (output to the motor is permitted). The product is
delivered with the STO function being disabled with a
4.3 Applicable standard jumper-wire (See the figure below) so to allow initial
The applicable standards are listed in the table below. commissioning of the inverter without configuring the STO
function. Please remove the jumper-wire and perform
■Applicable standard wiring appropriately to use the STO function.
Standard Remark When voltage is removed from at least one of the STO
EN 13849-1:2015 CAT.4 PL e inputs, the output of the inverter is disabled (shut off) by
IEC 61800-5-2:2016 STO, SIL 3 the corresponding shut-off path (safety path).
EN62061:2005/AMD2:2015 SILCL 3 Capability
EN60204-1 Stop category 0
UL1998 Diagnostic software
class 1

I/O terminal
STO input terminal STO input terminal


Wiring on STO input terminal

In the factory default setting, STO
input terminal is wired to disable the
STO function as shown in the figure.

Sink logic Source logic

The STO function must Inverter type: Inverter type:
always be operated using the P1-*****-*FF P1-*****-*FEF
both of the STO inputs. or or
P1-*****-*FUF P1-*****-*FCF

*: Depending on the inverter type. Refer to the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1.

Chapter 4 Safety function

4.4.2 How to input STO signal

In case of using the internal 24V power supply, the input
The voltage source for STO signal input is selectable from logic “Sink” or “Source” of the STO inputs can be configured
the internal DC24V power supply (P24S terminal) or an by changing the connecting position of the jumper-wire.
externally prepared DC24V power supply. (See the wiring examples below)
When using an external DC24V power supply, please By turning off the external switches (contacts) connected
remove the jumper-wire (between P24S-STC or CMS-STC) to the STO inputs (see the figures of the wiring examples
on the STO input terminal. below), the STO function is activated and the output to the
The external DC24V power supply must be SELV motor is shut off.
(EN/IE60950) or PELV (EN/IEC60204).

Refer to the User’s Guide of SJ-P1 for the detailed

information for wiring on I/O terminal.

■Wiring Example
■Internal power supply with “Source” logic
■Internal power supply with “Sink” logic


P24S STC CMS Switches
Jumper- wire
:Direction of current flow
:Direction of current flow
■External power supply with “Source” logic
■External power supply with “Sink” logic
Jumper-wire ST2 STC ST1
Jumper-wire ST2 STC ST1 removed
P24S STC CMS Switches

External DC24V power supply (SELV or PELV) External DC24V power supply (SELV or PELV)

:Direction of current flow :Direction of current flow

See Chapter 11 for the specification of the STO terminal

Chapter 4 Safety function

4.4.3 Holding function of STO state

(Not supported as Safety related function)

The SJ-P1 does not support a safety related function to hold

STO state even after the STO inputs to SJ-P1 have been Not supported as Safety related function below.
released. Using some parameters of SJ-P1, it is possible to select
following operation. (See section 4.7)
Therefore when RUN command is input after releasing STO
inputs or when the STO inputs is released with holding (1) It is possible to configure SJ-P1 to trip once the STO
input status, SJ-P1 immediately becomes available to inputs are activated. With this setting, the inverter remains
restart the motor operation. in an error state and refrains from outputting to a motor
until a reset input (non-safety) is given or the power to SJ-
Considering the above-mentioned behavior, please apply
P1 is cycled.
at least one of the measures below in order to fulfill the
requirement of EN60204-1: (2) When only a STO input is activated, SJ-P1 keeps shut off
state until two STO inputs are activated.
(1) The RUN command is released simultaneously when
the STO inputs are activated and then given when
restart of the inverter is requested intentionally by an
operator of the system.

(2) The system is designed so that the STO inputs to SJ-P1

are released only when restart of the system is
requested intentionally by an operator of the system.

Chapter 4 Safety function

4.5 STO state monitor output (EDM) 4.6 Timing chart

The STO state monitor output (EDM signal) can be used to The timing chart below shows the state of motor output in
monitor the STO input state and failure state detection in response to STO inputs (ST1/ST2).
the safety paths of SJ-P1 using an external device.
■Timing chart
■EDM terminal (ED+ / ED-) and wiring example
I/O terminal


Output to
Output allowed Shut off
EDM terminal motor

Load 10ms

Please refer to the signal matrix for the behavior of the STO
state monitor (EDM signal) corresponding to STO state and
internal failure detection state. The EDM signal turns ON
only when both of the STO inputs are given and no internal
failure in the safety paths has been detected.

■Signal matrix
Signal / #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
ST1*1) OFF ON OFF ON *2)
ST2*1) OFF OFF ON ON *2)
Internal No No No No Yes
Output to Shut Shut Shut Permitted Shut
motor off off off off

*1) State of contact connected to ST1/ST2 and

corresponding state are as below.
*2) ON or OFF

State of contact Corresponding State

ON Allow operation

Refer to the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1 for the detailed

information for wiring on I/O terminal.
See Chapter 11 for the specification of STO terminal

Chapter 4 Safety function

4.7 State Display Function

STO inputs status can be displayed on the operator keypad
by configuring the parameters listed in the table below.
Contents of display, monitor and the interruption of output
It can be also confirmed on the monitor parameter [dA-45]. by a trip are non-safety function (not certified as safety-
related function).

■List of parameter related to

STO display function
Item Parameter Data Description
“STO” is displayed on the operator keypad when both ST1 and ST2
signals are STO (ST1=ST2=OFF).
STO input display
[bd-01] “STO” is NOT displayed on operation panel screen even both ST1
selection 01
and ST2 are STO (ST1=ST2=OFF).
02 E90 is generated when both ST1 and ST2 are STO (ST1=ST2=OFF).
Allowable time for inconsistent Input states of ST1 and ST2
STO input switch
[bd-02] 0.00~60.00(s) (i.e. ST1=on and ST2=off).
allowable time
When 0.0 is set, tolerance in timing is deactivated.
Warning message is displayed while ST1 and ST2 are discrepant for
STO display selection 00
the period defined by [bd-02].
within allowable input [bd-03]
Warning message is NOT displayed even while ST1 and ST2 are
time 01
discrepant for the period defined by [bd-02].
Warning message is displayed when inconsistency of STO inputs
continues more than the time defined by [bd-02]
STO behavior selection Warning message is NOT displayed even when inconsistency of STO
after expiration of [bd-04] 01
inputs continues more than the time defined by [bd-02]
input allowable time Trips with an error [E092] or [E093] when inconsistency of STO
02 inputs continues more than the time defined by [bd-02]

Chapter 4 Safety function

■STO monitor [dA-45] and

operator keypad status display
STO monitor Operator
[dA-45] keypad status Condition*1) Description
Display display
Both ST1 and ST2 are ON (Allow operation) and the drive is enabled to
00:Non (no display) <1>
ST2 only becomes OFF (STO) while ST1 remains ON (Allow operation) from
01:P-1A P-1A <2>
the status where both ST1 and ST2 are ON (Allow operation).
ST1 only becomes OFF (STO) while ST2 remains ON (Allow operation) from
02:P-2A P-2A <3>
the status where both ST1 and ST2 are ON (Allow operation).
(1) Status P-1A or P-1C continues for the time defined by the parameter
03:P-1b P-1b <5> (2) Only ST2 becomes OFF (STO) and then ON (Allow operation) while ST1
remains ON (Allow operation) from the status where both ST1 and ST2
are ON (Allow operation)
(1) Status P-2A or P-2C continues for the time defined by the parameter
04:P-2b P-2b <6> (2) Only ST1 becomes OFF (STO) and then ON (Allow operation) while ST2
remains ON (Allow operation) from the status where both ST1 and ST2
are ON (Allow operation)
Only ST2 becomes ON (Allow operation) while ST1 remains OFF (STO) from
05:P-1C P-1C <7>
the status where both ST1 and ST2 are OFF (STO).
Only ST1 becomes ON (Allow operation) while ST2 remains OFF (STO) from
06:P-2C P-2C <8>
the status where both ST1 and ST2 are OFF (STO).
07:STO STO <4> Both ST1 and ST2 are OFF (STO)
*1) Refer to the state transition diagram for the

■Error Display
Item Code Condition*1) Description
STO shut off error [E090] <9> In case of [bd-01] = 02, both ST1 and ST2 are OFF (STO).
STO internal error [E091] <10> Internal failure is detected
STO path 1 error [E092] <11> In case of [bd-04] = 02, and in the status of [P-1b]
STO path 2 error [E093] <12> In case of [bd-04] = 02, and in the status of [P-2b]
*1) Refer to the state transition diagram for the

■Displaying on the operator keypad

Operator keypad status display


Occurring Trip
Error Display STO Active Error
E090 15/12/24 23:33
Out Freq : 33.33Hz
Current : 37.70A
PN voltage : 274.1Vdc
Status1 : Run
Return oFW 50.00Hz ----

Chapter 4 Safety function

■State transition diagram

00: Non
<1> [E090]
05: P-1C 06: P-2C
01: P-1A 02: P-2A
<4> <7>

<4> <4>
07: STO

<6> <4> <5>



03: P-1b 04: P-2b Not recover

[E092] [E093]

<11> <12>

4.8 Activation method of STO function

After completing wiring on STO terminals (See section 4.4),
the STO function is automatically activated when SJ-P1 is
energized and established. Any special key operation is not

The instructions in the User’s Guide are to be followed and

“verification & validation” of a system is to be completed.
Otherwise the system cannot be regarded as safe.

Chapter 4 Safety function

Chapter 5 Planning Installation

Chapter 5 Planning installation 5

5.1 Contents in this chapter 5.4 Electrical installation
This chapter describes the items which must be taken into
consideration for planning installation SJ-P1.
5.4.1 General Requirement
Please follow the instruction provided in the User’s Guide
of SJ-P1 for electrical installation. If there is any conflict or
5.2 Requirement for designer and different description in the User’s Guide of SJ-P1 and this
documentation, the description in this documentation
installer (installation supervisor) shall be considered to have priority.

Designers and installers (installation supervisor) who All of the cables and signal lines must be protected, routed
design and install safety-related system must have been and fixed appropriately.
trained to have the specialist knowledge of the essential
principles for designing and installing safety-related
systems. 5.4.2 STO input
Designers and those who maintenance safety-related
The two STO inputs (ST1 and ST2) must be appropriately
system must have been trained to understand the cause
separated and protected from each other to avoid mutual
and consequences of the common cause failure (CCF)
interference. (E.g. separated cables, protection, double-
shield cable)
5.3 Installation environment
The length of the cablings connected to STO terminals (ST1,
The product must be installed in a place where ST2, P24S, CMS and STC) must be twenty (20) meters or
environmental condition such as temperature, humidity, shorter.
corrosive gas, dust, vibration, is within the specification of
the product without external environmental controls. Please refer to the wiring examples in Chapter 4 for wirings
Please refer to the User’s Guide of SJ-P1 for the on STO terminals.
requirements and specification for installation as well as
At least one of the measures 1 to 3 below must be adapted
the environmental specification provided in chapter 11 in
to STO input wirings for the protection against grounding
this documentation.
The SJ-P1 must be installed in an enclosure (cabinet) having
a protection rating of IP54 or higher for protection against 1. Grounding STO signal power line (STC)
conductive dust and contamination.
 In case of use of the internal power supply
Ground STC terminal

 In case of use of an external power supply

Use a power supply (PELV) which is grounded on STC
terminal side.

Chapter 5 Planning Installation

2. A fail-safe cable routing (The requirement of

ISO13849-2 table D.4 to be met. One of the following
measures needs to be adopted)

 Permanently connected (fixed) and protected

against external damage, e.g. by cable ducting or

 Use of separate multicore cable

 Within an electrical enclosure, with both

conductor and enclosure meeting the
requirement of IEC 60204-1

 Individually shielded with earth connection

3. Using an external device for grounding fault detection

In case of connecting a device applies diagnostic test pulses

on STO input lines, the width of the test pulse (width of OFF
pulse) must be 300us or shorter.

5.4.3 STO status monitor (EDM)

The EDM signal which indicates state of STO inputs and
internal fault detection is a reference signal, non-safety
signal. This signal may not be used to activate another
safety function.

The length of the cabling connected to ED+ and ED-

terminals must be twenty (20) meters or shorter.

5.4.4 EMC
The system must only be used in the EMC environment that
it is designed for, or necessary mitigations must be applied.

SJ-P1 must only be used within the EMC environment

specified in IEC61800-5-2:2016, 2nd environment.

5.4.5 Routing the cables

Cabling of input and output of the safety function must be
physically and appropriately separated from the other
signal cablings.

Chapter 6 Installation

Chapter 6 Installation 6
6.1 Contents in this chapter 6.3 Wiring example
This chapter describes the items to be taken into The figure below is a wiring example under the following
consideration for installation. conditions.

 Use of an external power supply for STO inputs

6.2 Installation  STO input logic:”Sink” logic
The product must be installed as following the instructions
Note: In case of using the internal power supply or
provided in the User’s Guide of SJ-P1 and this
wiring with source logic, please perform wiring
appropriately as referring to Chapter 4.
In case of using any optional devices such as a fieldbus
 No use of EDM signal output
module, please read through the guides of each optional
device before working on the product.  Reset/Release of STO input to SJ-P1 is controlled
using the reset function of a safety unit
Operation sequence of wiring example

1. When the safety switch is pressed, S14 and S24 become

OFF, the current flowing in ST1 and ST2 terminals are
shut off, STO signals are delivered to SJ-P1 and the STO
function is activated. (The output of the inverter is shut

2. Even after the safety switch has been released, the STO
inputs to ST1/ST2 on SJ-P1 are held by the safety relay.

3. After the operator of the system has confirmed the

safety of human and the system, and then presses the
reset switch, STO inputs to ST1/ST2 on SJ-P1 are released
and the inverter becomes available to restart motor

Chapter 6 Installation

Wiring Example


STO input T11 T31 T32 T33

A1 KM1

A2 P24S
STO output ST1
Safety Switch S14
(E.g. Emergency switch) S24
T21 ST2
Safety unit
※Compatible standard
(IEC61508, ISO13849) Physical separation or appropriate cable
protection (e.g. double-shielded cable)

6.4 External device

All power supply connected to I/O terminal block must
The configuration of all components used in any circuit
comply with SELV or PELV.
other than an appropriately pre-approved safety module
The signal lines to ST1 and ST2 terminals must be physically that interfaces with the SJ-P1 STO terminals MUST be at
separated or appropriately protected. least equivalent to Cat.3 PLe under EN ISO 13849-1 in order
to be able to claim Cat.3/PLe for the combination of SJ-P1
All devices used to deliver STO signals must comply with and external circuits.
the function safety norms such as EN ISO 13849-1,
IEC61508. The width of test pulse (OFF pulse) applied to ST1/ST2
terminals must be 300us or shorter
The followings are the examples of the safety devices to be
combined with SJ-P1.

Example of Safety relay

Series Model Compatible norm
PNOZsigma PNOZ s3 24VDC 2n/o ISO13849-1 cat4, PL e / IEC 61511 SIL 3
EN IEC62061 SIL CL 3
3TK28 3TK2823-2CB30 ISO13849-1 cat4, PL e
IEC 61508 SIL 3
PSR-SCP PSR-SCP-24DC/ESD/4X1/30 ISO13849-1 cat3/4, PL d/e
-2981800 IEC61508 SIL 3 / IEC62061 SIL CL 3
GS9A 301 ISO13849-1 cat4, SIL3
G9SX GS226-T15-RC IEC61508 SIL1-3
NE1A SCPU01-V1 IEC61508 SIL3

Chapter 7 Commissioning

Chapter 7 Commissioning 7
7.1 Contents in this chapter 7.3 Enabling STO function
The STO function is automatically activated when SJ-P1 is
This chapter describes the items to be considered for
energized and established according to this Safety function
Guide and the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1 inverter.
7.2 Considerations
After completion of installation, commission of whole 7.4 Disabling STO function
system must be conducted.
To disable the STO function, please connect the short-
Commissioning of the system must be conducted by only wiring as shown in the figure below. (The same wiring
competent electricians who have sufficient knowledge on condition as the factory default)
functional, machine and process safety.

The system must not be considered safe until all the safety
functionality is verified and validated.

I/O terminal
STO input terminal STO input terminal



Sink logic Source logic

Inverter type: Inverter type:
P1-*****-*FF P1-*****-*FEF
or or
P1-*****-*FUF P1-*****-*FCF

*: Depending on the inverter type. Refer to the User’s Guide of the SJ-P1.

Chapter 7 Commissioning

Chapter 8 Verification and Validation

Chapter 8 Verification and

Validation 8
8.1 Contents in this chapter 8.4 Requirement for Validator
This chapter describes information related to verification Validation of the system must be conducted by only
and validation of system. competent electricians who have essential knowledge of
the functional safety as well as the safety function realized
in the system.

8.2 Verification The report of the validation must be completed by the

above-mentioned competent electricians.
It is to be verified that the system has achieved the
required safety level and function.
8.5 Residual Risk
The safety functions are applied to reduce the recognized
risk and hazardous conditions in the system.
8.3 Validation
It may not be always possible to eliminate the all potential
It is the responsibility of machine manufacturer who uses risks and hazards.
safety devices and configure safety-related system to
ensure that the required safety functions have been Therefore, warning for the residual risks must be given to
achieved in the system. the operators.
A test plan for validation test must be prepared and
validation test must be conducted in accordance with the
test plan. The result of the validation test is to be
documented in a report.

Validation test must be conducted in the following timing.

(1) Start-up of the safety-related system


(2) When a change which may affect the safety function

has been applied

(3) After maintenance

(4) In case that a periodical test is required by the

applicable EU directive/standard or local standard.

In the validation test, it is to be confirmed that the STO

function of SJ-P1 works as intended with the same
procedure as the functional test.

Note: In order to maintain the intended functionality of

the STO function, it is necessary to conduct a functional
test at least once in a year. For the details of the
functional test, please refer to Chapter 10.

Chapter 8 Verification and Validation

Chapter 9 Error and Troubleshooting

Chapter 9 Error and

9.1 Contents in this chapter 9.2.2 [E091] STO internal error
This chapter describes the error related to the STO function The error [E091] is generated when a fault in the internal
and the troubleshooting safety paths has been detected.

9.2 Error After generation of this error, the internal safety paths are
held on STO state until powered down.
An error is generated when the internal diagnosis function
What to do
detects a failure in the internal safety paths or when
configured by related parameters. Please refer to the  When this error is generated, it is likely that a fault
sections below for the error contents and their exists in the internal safety paths of the SJ-P1.
 Please ensure to stop the operation of the system and
shut off the power supply, and then conduct the
9.2.1 [E090] STO shut off error functional test.

In case of the parameter [bd-01] is set to “02”, the error

[E090] is generated when both of the STO inputs becomes 9.2.3 [E092]/[E093] STO path 1/2 error
The error [E092] and [E093] may be generated when [bd-
What to do 04] is set to other than “0.00” and [bd-04] to “02”.

 If this error is not released even after releasing STO This error is generated when inconsistent input state of ST1
inputs to SJ-P1 and then cycling power, please check and ST2 continues for the time specified by the parameter
wirings and signals of the STO inputs. [bd-02].

 If this error is generated in an unintentional condition, Refer to Chapter 4 for the details of the conditions
please perform the functional test of the STO function generating [E092] and [E093].
of SJ-P1 to check proper functionality of the STO
function. What to do

 If the generation of this error is not desired in the  Check the wiring and signal on STO input.
system, it can be disabled by setting [bd-01] to other
 Set the parameter [bd-02] suitable for the system.
than “02”.
When adjusting the time, please ensure the specified
time is appropriate for the system.

 If this error is not desired, it can be disabled by setting

the parameter [bd-04] to other than “02”.

Chapter 9 Error and Troubleshooting

9.3 Warning display 9.4 When internal fault found

In case that a warning (one of [P-1A] / [P-2A] / [P-1b] / [P- Please contact the nearest Hitachi distributor when it has
2b] / [P-1C] / [P-2C]) is displayed on the operator keypad, been found a malfunction of the STO function.
there is a possibility that input state of ST1 and ST2 is - [E091] is occurred
inconsistent. Please check that the two STO inputs are - STO or any warning is displayed on the operator keypad
given properly. even if the power is turned on with the wiring set to the
In case the inconsistent state of ST1/ST2 during state factory default.
transition is inevitable because of system configuration,
please adjust the parameter [bd-02] suitable for the system.

Chapter 10 Maintenance

Chapter 10 Maintenance 10
10.1 Contents in this chapter The procedure of the functional test is as below:
This chapter describes the items related to maintenance.
(1) Check if the EDM terminal (ED+ and ED-) is OFF (open)
10.2 Planning of maintenance when power to SJ-P1 is not supplied.
(State 1)
The maintenance on a safety system is critical importance
for safety reasons. (2) Power up SJ-P1 and set both ST1/ST2 to ON (Allow
operation: short), and then start motor operation.
You must plan and perform maintenance accordingly. (State 5)

The SJ-P1 requires conducting the functional test at least (3) Set both ST1 and ST2 to OFF (STO: open), and check if
once in a year. When planning maintenance of the system, the output to the motor is shut off and EDM terminal
this functional test must be considered. (ED+ and ED-) is ON (Conducted).
(State 2)
10.3 Daily and periodical inspection (4) Set both ST1 and ST2 to ON (Allow operation) and
then restart the motor operation.
The SJ-P1 requires daily and periodical inspection in
(State 5)
addition to the functional test of the STO function. Please
perform inspections as instructed in the User’s Guide of SJ- (5) Set only ST1 to OFF (STO: open) and check if the
P1. output to the motor is shut off and EDM terminal (ED+
and ED-) is OFF. (State 3)
(6) Set both ST1 and ST2 to ON (Allow operation) and
10.4 Periodical functional test then restart motor operation. (State 5)

A periodical STO functional test must be performed at least (7) Set only ST2 to OFF (STO: open) and check if the
once in a year in order to maintain the intended safety output to the motor is shut off and EDM terminal (ED+
performance level of the STO function. and ED-) is OFF. (State 4)

This periodical STO function test is one of the conditions When finding any state not following the signal matrix
for the STO function of SJ-P1 to meet PLe of EN ISO13849- below, there may be a fault in the safety path of the SJ-P1.
1 and SIL 3 of IEC61800-5-2. In that case, stop using the inverter immediately and
contact Hitachi distributor.
In the functional test, it is to be verified that output to the
motor is appropriately shut off and EDM signal is output as
intended (see the signal matrix in the following page)

Chapter 10 Maintenance

Signal Matrix for functional test

State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5
Main power supply OFF ON ON ON ON
ON(Allow ON(Allow
operation) operation)
ON(Allow ON(Allow
operation) operation)
Shut-off Shut-off Shut-off Shut-off
Outout to motor Permitted
(Disabled) (Disabled) (Disabled) (Disabled)
EDM OFF(Open) ON(Conducted) OFF(Open) OFF(Open) OFF(Open)

Chapter 11 Specification・Technical data

Chapter 11 Specification and

Technical data 11
11.1 Contents in this chapter 11.2 Electrical specification
This chapter describes the specification related to the STO Refer to the table below for the specifications of the
function and its technical data. terminals related to the STO function.

■STO Terminal Specification

Terminal Terminal Name Description Electrical Characteristics
ST1, STO input 1, STO signal input terminals ST1-STC/ST1-STC voltage
ST2 STO input 2 ・ON voltage Min.DC15V
・OFF voltage Max.DC5V
・Max. voltage DC27V
・Current 5.8mA (at DC27V)
(Note 1)
P24S 24V power supply 24V power supply dedicated for ST1/ST2 input 24VDC,
terminal Not used when the STO input voltage is supplied from an Max. 100mA
(Dedicate for STO external power supply.
CMS 24V power supply
common terminal
Common for P24S -
(Dedicate for STO
STC Logic switching Sink / Source logic of input terminal can be configured -
terminal <Sink logic>
Short-wire: Between P24S-STC
<Source logic>
Short-wire:Between CMS-STC
* When the STO input voltage is supplied from an external
power supply, remove the short-wire and STC terminal can
be used as common terminal for ST1/ST2.
ED+ EDM signal output Positive terminal of EDM signal output (STO status monitor) Open collector output
terminal (+) ・ED+/ED-
・Voltage drop:
ED- EDM signal output Negative terminal of EDM signal output (STO status monitor) less than 4V
terminal (-) ・Max. voltage: 27V
・Max. current: 50mA

Note 1: Corresponding to “Digital input type 1” defined in


Please refer to the User’s Guide of SJ-P1 for the

specifications of the other terminals of I/O terminal block
and main terminals.

Length of cabling connected to the terminals above must

be twenty (20) meters or shorter.

Chapter 11 Specification・Technical data

11.3 Recommended ferrule

I/O terminal block is a spring-clamp type. Refer to the User’s Guide of SJ-P1 for the detail
information of wiring on the I/O terminal block.
For safe wiring and reliability, it is recommended for the
signal line to use the ferrules of following specification.

* Ferrules with sleeve

Wire size Model name of
L1 [mm] L2 [mm] φd [mm] φD [mm]
mm2 (AWG) ferrule *1
0.25 (24) AI 0,25-8YE 8 12.5 0.8 2.0
0.34 (22) AI 0,34-8TQ 8 12.5 0.8 2.0
0.5 (20) AI 0,5-8WH 8 14 1.1 2.5
0.75 (18) AI 0,75-8GY 8 14 1.3 2.8

Note 1: Supplier: Phoenix contact

Crimping pliers: CRIPMFOX UD 6-4 or
11.6 Safety-related parameters
11.4 Safety function
Parameter Value Standard
The STO function of SJ-P1 is equivalent to the function
PL e EN ISO 13849-1:2015
listed below.
CAT. 4
Function Standard
MTTFd 100 years
STO EN/IEC61800-5-2
DCavg 99.8%
(Safe Torque Off) SIL 3 IEC61508: 2010
Stop category 0 EN 60204-1 HFT 1 IEC61800-5-2:2016
SFF 99.9% EN62061:2012
11.5 Response time PFH 1.17×10-9
PFD 1.03×10-4
Item Time
Response time of STO 10ms max. 11.7 Environmental specification
Response time of EDM signal 20ms max.
(reference) Ambient
Humidity 20~90%RH (No condensation)
*1) 5.9m/s2 (0.6G),10~55Hz
*2) 2.94m/s2 (0.3G),10~55Hz
Altitude 1,000m or less
Indoors (No corrosive gasses or dust)
*1) P1-00044-L(P1-004L)~P1-03160-L(P1-550L)/
*2) P1-03520-L(P1-750L)~P1-04300-L(P1-900L)/

Appendix EC Declaration of Conformity

EC Declaration of
Conformity (Copy) A
・Purpose of this chapter is to provide necessary information related to EC declaration of conformity
・The original version is available separately. Please contact Hitachi distributor for the original.

We, Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.
1-1 Higashinarashino 7-chome, Narashino-shi, Chiba 275-8611, Japan, declare in our sole responsibility that the
following products conform to all the relevant provisions.

Product name: AC Inverter, SJ series Type P1

Three-phase, 200-240VAC, 50/60Hz
Three-phase, 380-500VAC, 50/60Hz

Models Covered:
Model P1, maybe followed by -, followed by 00044, 00080, 00104, 00156, 00228, 00330, 00460, 00600, 00800,
00930,01240, 01530, 01850, 02290 or 02950, maybe followed by -, followed by L, followed by B or F, maybe
followed by C, E or U, maybe followed by F, maybe followed by any letters or numbers.
Model P1, maybe followed by -, followed by 00041, 00054, 00083, 00126, 00175, 00250, 00310, 00400, 00470,
00620, 00770, 00930, 01160, 01470, 01760, 02130, 02520 or 03160 maybe followed by -, followed by H,
followed by B or F, maybe followed by C, E or U, maybe followed by F, maybe followed by any letters or

Authorized Representative: Hitachi Europe GmbH

Niederkasseler Lohweg 191, 40547 Dusseldorf, Germany

Council Directives: MD: 2006/42/EC (MD: Machinery Directive)

EMC: 2014/30/EU

Harmonized Standards: MD: EN 61800-5-2:2017 / IEC 61800-5-2:2016

EN ISO 13849-1:2015 / ISO13849-1:2015
EN 62061: 2005+A1:2013+A2:2015 / IEC 62061:2015
EMC: EN61800-3:2004 / A1:2012

Relevant Standard: IEC61508 Parts 1-7:2010

EN/IEC 61800-5-1:2007
EN/IEC 60204-1 (Stop Category 0)
(To apply the EMC EN61800-3, use a filter designed for above models.)

Hitachi Europe GmbH
Niederkasseler Lohweg 191, 40547 Dusseldorf, Germany.
Phone: +49-211-5283-0
Fax: +49 211 204 9049

Hitachi America, Ltd. (Charlotte office)

Industrial Components and Equipment Division
6901 Northpark Blvd., Suite A, Charlotte, NC 28216
Phone: +1(704) 494-3008
Fax: +1(704) 599-4108

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems (CHINA) Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Office)

Industrial Equipment Systems Division
Room No.2201, Rui jin Building, No.205 Maoming Road (S), Shanghai 200020, CHINA
Phone: +86 (21) 5489-2378
FAX: +86 (21) 3356-5070

Hitachi Asia Ltd.

Industrial Components & Equipment Division
No.30 Pioneer Crescent, #10-15 West Park Bizcentral Singapore 628560
Phone: +65-6305-7400
Fax: +65-6305-7401

Hitachi Australia pty Ltd.

Suite 801, Level 8, 123 Epping Road, North Ryde, NSW, 2113, Australia
Phone: +61-2-9888-4100
Fax: +61-2-9888-4188

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.

AKS Building, 3, kanda Neribei-cho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0022 Japan
Phone: +81-3-4345-6910
Fax: +81-3-4345-6067

Hitachi Industrial Equipment Systems Co., Ltd.

Narashino Division 1-1, Higashi-Narashino 7-chome Narashino-shi, Chiba 275-8611 Japan
Phone: +81-47-474-9921
Fax: +81-47-476-9517

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