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2 - RPD - PT - B31.3 - 02 - Penetrant, REV 00

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ASME BPV, B31.3 Code

DOCUMENT : RPD – PT – B31.3 - 02


Prepared by Reviewed by Reviewed and Approved by

Name : Name : %DPEDQJ7HWXND Name : Adi Padmo

Position : NDE LEVEL III
Position : NDE Level II Position : Director
Cert. No. 126596
Date : 03 October, 2020 Date : 03 October, 2020 Date : 03 October, 2020
Head Office : Blok Lebak RT.01/02 Sitiwinangun Jamblang Kab. Cirebon – Jawa Barat
Representative Office : Link. Nyi Kambang RT.02/03 No.22 Sukmajaya Kec. Jombang, Cilegon – Banten
Email : retsaputradymeclg@gmail.com Hp : 081298473433
Procedure no. : RPD – PT – B31.3 - 02
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This page is a record of all revisions of the procedure and the following revision (s) has (have) been made
to this procedure.


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Procedure no. : RPD – PT – B31.3 - 02
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Daftar isi Table of Content

Par. Uraian Par. Descriptions Page

1 Tujuan 1 Purpose 4
2 Ruang Lingkup 2 Scope 4
3 Persyaratan Keselamatan 3 Safety Requirement 4
4 Referensi 4 References 5
5 Definisi-definisi 5 Definitions 5
6 Kwalifikasi dan Tanggung Jawab 6 Qualification and Responsibility 5
7 Penetrant Materials 7 Penetrant Materials 6
8 Procedure 8 Procedure 6
8.1 Persiapan Permukaan 8.1 Surface Preparation 6
8.2 Pra Pembersihan 8.2 Pre Cleaning 7
8.3 Aplikasi Penetrant 8.3 Penetrant Application 7
8.3.1 Suhu 8.3.1 Temperature 7
8.3.2 Metode 8.3.2 Methods 7
8.3.3 Waktu Penetrant 8.3.3 Penetrant (Dwell) Time 7
8.4 Penghilangan Kelebihan Penetrant 8.4 Excess Penetrant Removal 8
8.5 Pengeringan Setelah Penghilangan 8.5 Drying After Penetrant Removal 8
8.6 Pengaplikasian Developer 8.6 Application of Developer 8
8.7 Pencahayaan. 8.7 Illumination. 9
9 Interprestasi Indikasi 9 Interpretation Of Indication 9
10 Evaluasi 10 Evaluation 10
11 Standar Penerimaan. 11 Acceptance Standards 10
12 Post – Examination Cleaning 12 Post – Examination Cleaning 10
13 Dokumentasi 13 Documentation 11
Exhibit 1, Examination Report Exhibit 1, Examination Report 12
Technique Sheet Appendix, Technique Sheet 13
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1 Tujuan 1 Purpose
Untuk meyediakan petunjuk dan standar This procedure provides guidance and
penerimaan pelaksanaan pengujian dengan acceptance standards for color contrast
color contrast visible dye penetrant untuk (visible) dye penetrant examination of
lasan, stainless steel, carbon and low alloy weldments, stainless steel, carbon and low
steel materials. alloy steel materials.

2 Ruang Lingkup 2 Scope

2.1 Prosedur ini berlaku untuk sistem penetrant 2.1 This procedure is applicable to the solvent
solvent removable. removable penetrant systems.
2.2 Pengujian Liquid penetrant digunakan untuk 2.2 Liquid penetrant examination is used to
mendeteksi cacat terbuka dipermukaan detect discontinuities that are opened to the
material pada logam tidak berpori. surface of nonporous metals.
2.3 Pengujian Liquid penetrant harus 2.3 Liquid penetrant examination shall be
dilaksanakan pada langkah-langkah performed at the various stages of
fabrikasi sesuai persyaratan dari routing production that are required by the
sheet, spesifikasi proses atau oleh applicable routing sheets, process
persyaratan kontrak pelanggan. specifications or by customer contract
2.4 Prosedur harus dilakukan kualifikasi jika 2.4 Procedure Qualification shall be conducted
ada setiap perubahan variable penting di when any change of essential variable stated
nyatakan di Tabel T-621; perubahan in Table T – 621; changes of nonessential
variable yang tidak penting di nyatakan di variable stated in Table T – 621 need not
Tabel T-621 tidak perlu dilakukan kualifikasi requalification of written procedure. All
ulang pada prosedur secara tertulis. Semua changes of essential or nonessential
perubahan variable penting atau tidak penting variables from the value, or range value,
dari nilai , atau batasan nilai , yang di tentukan specified by the written procedure, it shall
oleh prosedur , hal itu memerlukan revisi, atau require revision of, or an addendum to, the
tambahan untuk di tulis di prosedur.
written procedure.

3 Persyaratan Keselamatan 3 Safety Requirements

3.1 Safety regulasi dari PT. RETSA PUTRA 3.1 PT. RETSA PUTRA DYME’s safety
DYME harus diikuti selama pengujian. regulation shall be followed during
• Selalu menggunakan PPE , seperti Safety • Always use PPE such as Safety shoes,
shoes, hand glove, safety glass, dan helmet. hand glove, safety glass, and helmet.
• Waspada tempat yang licin dan benda
jatuh • Watch out for slippery and falling object.
• Waspada benda berbahaya sekitar tempat
• Watch out for the hazard around the
• Berhenti kerja dan lapor ke client areas.
supervisor untuk tempat kerja yang tidak
• Stop the activities and report to client
and supervisor for unsafe working
• Pakai alat pengaman ketinggian jika kerja condition.
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diatas 2 m • Use fall protection equipment if working
• Pungut sampah dan buang ditempat yang above 2 m.
tersedia • Collect all waste and put it in agreed
• Jangan membuang pelumas, oli atau place.
cairan bekas test ke lantai • Do not expose any lubricant, oil or test
fluid to the ground.

4 Referensi 4 Reference
Practice Practice
4.2 ASME BPV Section V, Article 7, 2019 4.2 ASME BPV Section V, Article 7, 2019
Edition Edition
4.3 Process Piping , ASME / ANSI B31.3 , 2018 4.3 Process Piping , ASME / ANSI B31.3 , 2018
Edition, Edition,

5 Definisi – Definisi 5 Definitions

5.1 Developer: material yang diaplikasikan ke 5.1 Developer: a material that is applied to the
permukaan tes untuk mempercepat keluarnya test surface to accelerate bleed out and
dan mempertajam kontras dari indikasi. enhance the contrast of the indications.
5.2 Penetrant: cairan campuran dari pewarna. 5.2 Penetrant: a solution or suspension of dye.

5.3 Footcandle (fc): pencahayaan pada 5.3 Foot candle (fc): the illumination on surface,
permukaan, di area 1 ft2, didistribusikan 1 ft2 in area, on which is uniformly
merata dengan kekuatan 1 lm (lumen). distributed a flux of 1 lm (lumen).
5.4 Pra pembersihan : pembersihan permukaan 5.4 Pre cleaning : the removal of surface
dari kontaminasi pada bagian yang di tes contaminants from the test part so that they
sehingga tidak akan menggangu proses will not interfere with the examination
pemeriksaan process.
5.5 Post cleaning: penghilangan sisa material 5.5 Post cleaning: the removal of residual liquid
pengujian cairan penetrant dari bagian tes penetrant examination materials from the
setelah pengujian penetrant dilaksanakan. test part after the penetrant examination has
been employed.

6 Kwalifikasi dan Tanggung Jawab 6 Qualification and Responsibility

6.1 Personel yang melakukan pengujian untuk 6.1 Personnel performing examinations to the
memenuhi syarat – syarat dari spesifikasi ini requirements of this specification shall be
harus di qualifikasi sesuai dengan prosedure qualified in accordance with PT. RETSA
dari PT. RETSA PUTRA DYME Written PUTRA DYME’s Written Practice
6.2 Personel yang menentukan keberterimaan 6.2 Personnel determining the acceptability to
sesuai syarat–syarat dari prosedur ini harus the requirements of this procedure shall be
Level II atau Level III. Level II or Level III.
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7 Material penetrant 7 Penetrant materilas
7.1 Semua material penetrant (cleaning agents, 7.1 All penetrant material (cleaning agents,
penetrant, solvents, developer, dll.) sebelum penetrant, solvents, developer, etc.) prior to
digunakan pada nickel base alloys, austenitic their use on nickel base alloys, austenitic or
or duplex stainless steel and titanium harus duplex stainless steel and titanium shall have
memiliki sertifikat contaminant contents their contaminant contents certified in
sesuai dengan persyaratan T-641, accordance with the requirements of T-641,
Mandatory Appendix II, Article 6, Section Mandatory Appendix II, Article 6, Section
V, dari ASME Code. V, of the ASME Code.
7.2 Pencampuran material penetrant dari grup 7.2 Intermixing of penetrant materials from
yang berbeda dari supplier yang berbeda different groups or from different suppliers
tidak diperbolehkan. within a group is not permitted.
7.3 Merk dan produk lain dari yang disebut di 7.3 Brand name or products other than specified
prosedur ini bisa digunakan asalkan in this procedure may be used provided
demonstrasi untuk bisa memuaskan demonstration to the satisfaction of the
Authorized Inspector harus dilaksanakan. Authorized Inspector to be performed.

7.4 Daftar material dibawah ini ( atau 7.4 The following list of materials (or their
equivalennya ) boleh digunakan untuk equivalents) may be used for liquid
pengujian dari liquid penetrant: penetrant examination:
Group II – method C – Visible Solvent Group II – method C – Visible Solvent
Removable Removable
Supplier Material Type Supplier Material Type
Penetrant SKL- SP 1 Penetrant SKL- SP 1
Magnaflux Solvent / Remover SKC-S Magnaflux Solvent / Remover SKC-S
Developer SKD-S2 Developer SKD-S2
Oikosh Penetrant H - 41 Oikosh Penetrant H - 41
Oikosh Solvent / Remover C - 36 Oikosh Solvent / Remover C - 36
Oikosh Developer D - 78 Oikosh Developer D - 78

8 Procedure 8 Procedure
8.1 Persiapan Permukaan 8.1 Surface Preparation
8.1.1 Sebelum dilaksanakan pengujian Penetrant, 8.1.1 Prior to Liquid Penetrant examination , the
permukaan yang akan di uji dan area dengan Surface to be examined and any adjacent
jarak minimal 1 ( satu ) inchi setiap sisinya area within at least 1 ( one ) inch of the
area tersebut, harus kering, bebas dari semua surface to be examined, shall be dry and free
kotoran, grease, oli, pasir, loose, rust, scale, of any dirt, grease, oil, sand, loose rust,
atau material lainnya yang akan menggangu scale, or any other foreign material which
pada saat pengujian. would interfere with examination.
8.1.2 Grit atau shot blasting tidak di ijinkan 8.1.2 Grit or shot blasting is prohibited as a
sebagai metode persiapan permukaan. method of surface preparation. The surface
Persiapan permukaan dengan mein gerinda, preparation by grinding, machining, or other
mesin, atau metode lain mungkin diperlukan methods may be necessary.
8.1.3 Cleaning agent sejenis yang bias di gunakan 8.1.3 Typical cleaning agents which may be used
adalah detergents, organic solvents, decaling are detergents, organic solvents, decaling
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solutions, and paint removers. Degreasing solutions, and paint removers. Degreasing
and ultrasonic cleaning metode bias juga di and ultrasonic cleaning methods may also be
gunakan. used.
8.1.4 Diperlukan waktu minimum 1 ( satu ) menit 8.1.4 A minimum of 1 ( one ) minute shall be
untuk memberi waktu kering pada allowed for drying of the surfaces to be
permukaan yang akan diuji. Pengeringan examined. This shall be accomplished by
bisa dengan normal penguapan atau tiupan normal evaporation or with forced hot or
udara panas atau dingin. cold air

8.2 Pembersihan awal 8.2 Pre Cleaning

8.2.1 Precleaning: penghilangan kontaminasi 8.2.1 Precleaning: the removal of surface

permukaan dari bagian tes sehingga mereka contaminants from the test part so that they
tidak mengganggu proses pengujian. will not interfere with the examination
8.2.2 Metode dari pra pembersihan dengan 8.2.2 The metods of pre cleaning by directly
langsung menyemprotkan pelarut pembersih spray solvent to the surface being
di permukaan yang di uji. examined.
8.2.3 Pengeringan permukaan untuk pengujian setelah 8.2.3 Drying of the surfaces to be examined after
dibersihkan dilakukan dengan penguapan cleaning shall be accomplished by normal
normal. Periode waktu dalam 1~10 menit harus evaporation. A period of time within 1~10
ditetapkan untuk memastikan bahwa larutan minutes shall be established to ensure that the
pemebersih sudah menguap sebelum penerapan cleaning solution has evaporated prior to the
penetrant. application of penetrant.

8.3 Aplikasi Penetrant 8.3 Penetrant Application

8.3.1 Suhu 8.3.1 Temperature
a. Pada semua hal rekomendasi dari pabrik a. In all cases manufacturer’s recommendation
pembuat harus dikuti. shall be followed.
b. Teknik standar, suhu dari penetrant dan b. As a standard technique, the temperature of the
permukaan benda uji tidak boleh dibawah penetrant and the surface of the part to be
40oF (5oC) atau diatas 125oF (52oC) saat examined shall not be below 40oF (5oC) nor
periode pengujian. Pemanasan atau above 125oF (52oC) throughout the
examination period. Local heating or cooling is
pendinginan lokal diperbolehkan asalkan
permitted provided the part temperature remains
selama pengujian suhu tetap dalam range in the range of 40oF to 125oF (5oC to 52oC)
dari 40oF sampai 125oF (5oC sampai 52oC). during the examination.
c. Apabila tidak bisa di aplikasikan sesuai c. Where it is not practical to comply with this
dengan pembatasan suhu, suhu dan waktu temperature limitation, other temperatures and
yang lain boleh digunakan, harus di lakukan dwell times may be used, provided the
kualifikasi pada prosedur yang di gunakan. qualification of procedure shall be performed.
8.3.2 Metode 8.3.2 Methods
Penetrant bisa diaplikasikan dengan dikuas. The penetrant shall be applied by brushing.

8.3.3 Dwell Time Penetran 8.3.3 Penetrant (Dwell) Time

Dwell Time Penetran adalah sangat kritis Penetrant (dwell) time is critical and shall be
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dan harus dilakukan minimal 10 menit. Area minimum of 10 minutes. The area to be
yang akan di lakukan pengujian harus tetap examined shall remain wetted by the
di basahi oleh penetrant selama waktu penetrant throughout the entire penetration
penetrasi time.

8.4 Penghilangan Kelebihan Penetrant 8.4 Excess Penetrant Removal

8.4.1 Setelah waktu penetrasi terlewati, cairan 8.4.1 After the specified penetration (dwell) time
penetran yang berada dipermukaan benda uji has elapsed, any penetrant remaining on the
harus dihilangkan, dilaksanakan dengan surface shall be removed, taking care to
hati-hati untuk menghindari penghilangan minimize removal of penetrant from
cairan tersebut dari cacat yang akan diuji. discontinuities.
8.4.2 Kelebihan Solvent removable penetrants 8.4.2 Excess solvent removable penetrants shall
dibuang dengan mengelapnya dengan kain be removed by wiping with a dry clean cloth
yang kering atau kertas serap air, lakukan or absorbent paper, repeating the operation
berulang sampai sisa penetran dipermukaan until most traces of penetrant have been
benda uji hilang. removed.
8.4.3 Sisa yang lain dihilangkan dengan 8.4.3 The remaining traces shall be removed by
mengusap ringan permukaan benda dengan lightly wiping the surface with a clean cloth
kain bersih atau kertas serap air yang telah or absorbent paper moistened with solvent.
diberi solvent.
8.4.4 Untuk meminimasi penghilangan penetran 8.4.4 To minimize removal of penetrant from
dari cacat, pemakaian solvent harus sehati- discontinuities, care shall be taken to avoid
hati mungkin. Tidak diperbolehkan untuk the use of excess solvent. Flushing the
menyemprotkan solvent, setelah selesainya surface with solvent, following the
aplikasi penetran dan sebelum waktu application of the penetrant and prior to
developing. developing, is prohibited.

8.5 Pengeringan Setelah Penghilangan 8.5 Drying After Penetrant Removal

Pengeringan ada bagian pembersihan Drying of part after removal of excess solvent
penetrant yang dengan penguapan normal, removable penetrant shall be carried out by
waktu penguapan setelah pembersihan normal evaporation, the drying after removal
penetrant harus maximum 20 minutes. excess penetrant shall be maximum 20 minutes.

8.6 Pengaplikasian Developer 8.6 Application of Developer

8.6.1 Developer harus diaplikasikan dengan 8.6.1 The developer shall be applied by spraying
disemprotkan segera setelah penghilangan after the penetrant removal as stated in par.
penetrant sesuai par.8.5 8.5.
8.6.2 Sebelum developer diaplikasikan pada 8.6.2 Prior to applying the developer to the
permukaan, developer harus dikocok surface, the developer must be thoroughly
terlebih dahulu supaya partikel bercampur agitated to ensure adequate dispersion of
secara merata. suspended particles.
8.6.3 Developer harus diaplikasikan sehingga 8.6.3 The developer shall be applied so that the
tebal lapisannya cukup untuk menarik cairan coating thickness is sufficient enough to
dari cacat ke permukaan tetapi tidak boleh draw the penetrant out of discontinuities,
berlebihan yang bisa menutupi indikasi dari but not too excessive which could cause the
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cacat tersebut. masking of indications.

8.6.4 Developing time untuk interpretasi akhir 8.6.4 The minimum developing times for final
adalah 10 menit tetapi tidak lebih dari 30 interpretation is 10 minutes but no longer
menit. than 30 minutes.

8.7 Pencahayaan. 8.7 Illumination.

8.7.1 Pengujian menggunakan color contrast 8.7.1 Examination using colour contrast visible
visible dye penetrant harus dilaksanakan dye penetrant shall be performed under
dengan cahaya visible. Lux Meter untuk visible light. Lux meter for measuring light
mengukur intensitas cahaya harus dikalibrasi intensity shall be calibrated at least once a
minimal setahun sekali. year.
8.7.2 Minimum intensity cahaya 105fc (1050Lx) 8.7.2 A minimum light intensity of 105 fc (1050
pada permukaan kerja dibutuhkan untuk Lx) at the work surface is required to ensure
meyakinkan sensitivitas selama pengujian adequate sensitivity during the examination
dan evaluasi dari indikasi mencukupi. and evaluation of indications.
8.7.3 Sumber cahaya, teknik yang digunakan, dan 8.7.3 The light source, technique, and light level
level verifikasi dibutuhkan untuk verification are required to be demonstrated
didemonstrasikan satu kali, didokumenkan, dan once, documented, and maintained on file.
disimpan sebagai file.

9 Interprestasi Indikasi 9 Interpretation Of Indication

9.1 Pengamatan untuk informasi indikasi 9.1 Observation of the information of
dimulai segera setelah aplikasi dari indications begin immediately after the
pengeringan developer atau segera saat application of a dry developer or as soon as
masih basah lapisan developer mengering. wet developer coating is dry.
9.2 Interpretasi akhir indikasi harus dilakukan 9.2 Final interpretation of indications shall be
setelah penetarnt tampak selama minimal 10 made after allowing the penetrant to bleed-
menit, tetapi tidak boleh lebih dari 30 menit. out for at least 10 minutes, but no longer
than 30 minutes.
9.3 Indikasi yang relevan adalah indikasi yang 9.3 Relevant indications are those indications
di sebabkan oleh diskontinuitas yang caused by discontinuities that are opened to
terbuka ke permukaan pengujian dan dengan the examination surface and with major
dimensi besarnya dari 1/16 inchi ( 1.5 mm ), dimension grater than 1/16 inch (1.5 mm),
dimensi kurang dari 1/16 inchi (1.5 mm ) should the dimension less than 1/16 inch
disebut indikasi tidak relevan dan bisa di (1.5 mm) then it is called no relevant
abaikan. indication; it may be ignored.
9.4 Indikasi yang meragukan adalah indikasi 9.4 False indications are indications caused by
yang disebabkan oleh kondisi diskontinuitas. conditions other than discontinuities.
Permukaan yang tidak rata disebabkan oleh Surface irregularities due to machining,
proses mesin, gerinda, atau kondisi grinding, or welding are conditions that may
pengelasan yang menyebabkan indikasi cause false indications.
9.5 Indikasi yang meragukan yang bisa 9.5 False indications that could mask
menutupi indikasi tidak bisa diterima dan indications are unacceptable and shall be
harus di uji ulang. reexamined.
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Kondisi permukaan harus dilakukan untuk Surface conditioning shall proceed the
pengujian yang di ulang reexamination.
9.6 Area pigmentasi yang dapat menutupi 9.6 Broad areas of pigmentation which could
indikasi relevan tidak bias diterima dan mask relevant indications are unacceptable
harus dibersihkan dan di uji ulang and shall be cleaned and reexamined.
9.7 Indikasi yang memanjang adalah indikasi 9.7 Linier indications are indications having a
yang memiliki panjang lebih besar dari tiga length greater than three times a width
kali lebar
9.8 Indikasi bulat adalah indikasi bulat atau 9.8 Rounded indications are circular or
bentuk ellip dengan panjang sama dengan elliptical shapes with a length equal to or
atau kurang dari tiga kali lebar less than three times its width.

10 Evaluasi 10 Evaluation
10.1 Sebuah indikasi dari cacat mungkin lebih 10.1 An indication of an imperfection may be
besar dari cacat yang menyebabkannya; larger than the imperfection that cause it;
namun , ukuran dari indikasi adalah yang however the size of the indication is the
menjadi dasar evaluasi penerimaan. basic for acceptance evaluation.
10.2 Standar penerimaan ini harus diterapkan 10.2 This acceptance standard shall apply unless
kecuali ada standar penerimaan yang lebih other more restrictive standards are specified
ketat lainya dan ditetapkan untuk material for specific material or application.
tertentu atau aplikasinya.

11 Standar Penerimaan. 11 Acceptance Standards

a. Hanya indikasi dengan dimensi utama yang a. Only indications with major dimensions
lebih besar dari 1.5 mm (1/16 in) harus greater than 1.5 mm (1/16 in) shall be
dianggap relevan, considered relevant.
b. Semua permukaan yang akan di uji harus bebas b. All surfaces to be examined shall be free of:
dari: 1. Relevant linear Indications.
1. Indikasi relevan yang memanjang. 2. Relevant rounded indications greater
2. Indikasi relevan yang bulat lebih besar than 5mm (3/16 in).
dari 5mm (3/16 in). 3. Four or more rounded indications in a
3. Empat atau lebih indikasi yang bulat line separated by 1.5 mm (1/16 in.) or
dalam satu garis dipisahkan 1.5 mm less, edge to edge
(1/16 in.) atau kurang , tepi ke tepi

12 Pembersihan Setelah Pengujian 12 Post – Examination Cleaning

a. Pebersihan akhir pengujian hanya dilakukan a. Post – Examination Cleaning is required

bila bahan penetrant yang digunakan akan only when penetratnt materials will affect
merusak bagian yang di uji karena the use of the parts being tested by their
mengoktaminasinya. Bahan pembersih atau contaminant. The cleaning agents, or
bahan pelarut sesuai persyaratan di procedure ini solvents meeting the requirements of this
dan harus digunakan untuk menghilangkan procedure shall be used for the post-
sisa bahan penetrant pasca pengujian . examination removal of penetrant materials.
b. Menghilangkan developer dan bekas b. Removing of developer and tracing
material penetran harus dengan mengelap penetrant shall be by wiping with dry cloth,
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dengan kain bersih, kemudian di semprot followed by spraying with solvent remover.
dengan solvent remover.

13 Dokumentasi 13 Documentation

Hasil dar pengujian harus dicatat pada Examination results shall be recorded on
Penetrant Examination Report (Exhibit 1). the Penetrant Examination Report (Exhibit
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Exhibit 1
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COMPONENT : Any non-porous material, metallic or non-metallic.

METHOD : Visible, Solvent-removable.
PENETRANT : Magnaflux SKL-SPI, Oikosh H - 41
REMOVER : Magnaflux SKC-S, Oikosh C - 36
DEVELOPER : Magnaflux SKD-S2, Oikosh D - 78
SURFACE CONDITION : Clean off all foreign particles. Dressed smooth as necessary.
CLEANING METHOD : Directly sprayed with solvent remover
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA : As per par. 13 of this procedure.

1. Clean the test surface as stated above. The cleaning process should not smear or peen the test
surface which may reduce the sensitivity of the test.
2. Dry the surface with normal evaporation at ambient temperature for at least 5 minutes.
3. Apply the penetrant so that the test surface is covered evenly.
4. Allow penetrant in minimum dwell time ( 10 minutes )
5. After the dwell time, wipe off the excess penetrant with lint-free cloth. Traces of excess penetrant
may be removed by wiping with lint-free cloth moistened with solvent remover. Applying of
solvent remover directly to the material is prohibited.
6. Dry the part by normal evaporation. Developer to be applied within 5 minutes maximum after
7. Apply a thin, even layer of developer on to the test surface and observe indication simultaneously.
Observe the test surface for indication final interpretation minimum 10 minutes ~ 30 minutes after
applying the developer.
8. When indication is present, make a sketch showing the length, location and datum point of the
9. For further investigation as to whether the indication is relevant or non-relevant, true or false, wipe
off the existing developer, visually inspect the surface for clues of surface opening and re-apply
developer. A true indication will produce a bleed out of residual penetrant.
10. Post cleaning may be carried out by wiping off traces of remaining chemicals and
Followed by solvent spraying on the surfaces examined
Inter-mixing of penetrant materials from different families or brand shall not be permitted.

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