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Russia Sanctions List

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Russia Guidance

Guidance for the financial and investment restrictions in

Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019

Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) regulations 2019 Regulations includes the entirety of the UK,
The Office of Financial Sanctions and it also applies to conduct by UK persons –
Implementation (OFSI), part of HM Treasury, is both nationals and corporate bodies - outside
responsible for improving the understanding, of the UK. The Regulations entered into force
implementation and enforcement of financial on 1 January 2020 and replace the previous
sanctions in the UK. We publish a list of EU sanctions regime relating to Russia’s
individuals and organisations subject to actions in the Ukraine.
financial sanctions as well as general guidance The names of designated persons are not
to help you comply. This is available on OFSI’s included in the Regulations, but instead
gov.uk webpages– see back page of this appear on the administrative list on gov.uk.
guidance. This enables immediate publication following
The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations a decision to make or amend a designation,
2019 (the Regulations) impose financial, limiting the opportunity for asset flight.
trade, transport and immigration sanctions to
OFSI guidance on Russia regulations
encourage Russia to cease actions which
destabilise Ukraine, including actions While there are different types of sanctions
undermining or threatening the territorial outlined in the Regulations, this guidance
integrity, sovereignty and independence of produced by OFSI expands specifically on
Ukraine. Various amendments to the financial and investment restrictions. In
regulations have also been published under addition to asset freezes, which are common
this regime and should be read alongside this among other sanctions regimes, these
guidance. The territorial extent of the restrictions include additional unique

measures that restrict access to capital OFSI to enable an otherwise prohibited use of
markets, clearing services and dealing in frozen funds or economic resources, in certain
reserves for Russian state-owned financial circumstances. For further information on
institutions. asset freezes, see OFSI’s General Guidance on
Financial Sanctions.
They also detail restrictions on investments in
relation to the Republic of Crimea and the city Other restrictions: financial services and
of Sevastopol. investments
Transferable securities or money-market
Any exceptions related to each restriction, instruments
including instances where you may be able to
The Regulations detail prohibitions on dealing
apply for a licence from OFSI, are also
in certain transferable securities and money
market instruments. They prohibit dealing
This guidance details instances involving with, directly or indirectly, a transferable
financial sanctions only but there is guidance security or money market instrument if it has
available on the other types of sanctions a maturity exceeding 30 days and was issued
restrictions detailed in the regulations, after 1 August 2014 by the following listed in
affecting transport, immigration, and trade the box below:
sanctions in respect of Russia.
• Sberbank
That additional guidance is published by the
• VTB Bank
respective UK government departments which
includes the Department for International • Gazprombank
Trade, Home Office and the Foreign • Vnesheconombank (VEB)
Commonwealth and Development Office.
• Rosselkhozbank
To achieve their purposes, the Regulations • An entity incorporated or constituted in
impose a number of prohibitions and a country other than the UK which is
obligations. The Regulations establish owned directly or indirectly by one or
penalties and offences to enforce these, which more of the banks listed above
are set out in detail in the corresponding
report made under section 18 of the •
Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act
2018 (SAMLA) and the supporting Russia
(Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) regulations
which are available on gov.uk.

Asset Freezes
The Regulations detail financial prohibitions in
relation to designated persons (DPs). DPs are
persons (natural or legal) who are subject to
financial sanctions. These sanctions include
but are not limited to: asset freezes,
restrictions on making funds and or economic
resources available to, or for the benefit of,
DPs, either directly or indirectly.
There are exceptions to some of the asset
freezing provisions which apply within certain
defined circumstances. Additionally, where a
DP’s assets have been frozen, the person or a
representative may apply for a licence from

The Regulations also prohibit dealing, directly For the purposes of the regulations, a person
or indirectly, with a transferable security or connected with Russia is defined as:
money market instrument if it has a maturity
• an individual who is, or an association
exceeding 30 days and was issued after 12
or combination of persons who are,
September 2014 by any of the following
banks set out in the box below: ordinarily resident or located in Russia
• a person, other than an individual who
• OPK Oboronprom is incorporated or constituted under
the law of Russia, or domiciled in
• United Aircraft Corporation
• Uralvagonzavod
It is also prohibited for a person to deal
• Rosneft directly or indirectly with a transferable
• Transneft security or money-market instrument which
was issued after 0:01am on 1 March 2022, by
• Gazprom Neft or on behalf of the government of Russia.
• An entity incorporated or constituted in “Government of Russia” means—
a country other than the UK which is
owned, directly or indirectly, by one of • the Presidency of the Russian Federation
these entities. • public bodies and agencies subordinate to
the President of the Russian Federation,
including the Administration of the
It is prohibited for a person to deal directly or President of the Russian Federation
indirectly with a transferable security or • the Chairman of the Government of the
money-market instrument if it has a maturity Russian Federation and the deputies of
exceeding 30 days, and was issued after 0:01 the Chairman of the Government
on 1 March 2022, if it was issued by a person • any Ministry of the Russian Federation
other than an individual which is: • any other public body or agency of the
• incorporated and constituted under Government of the Russian Federation,
the law of the UK and including the armed forces and law-
• owned by a person falling within enforcement organs of the Russian
Schedule 2 Federation
• a person other than an individual • the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
acting on behalf or at the direction of “Money-market instrument” means an
1 and 2 above instrument of any kind normally dealt with on
It is also prohibited for a person to deal the money market, such as treasury bills,
directly or indirectly with a transferable certificates of deposit and commercial papers,
security or money-market instrument if it is excluding instruments of payment.
issued after 0:01 on 1 March 2022 by or on “Transferable security” is a security that’s
behalf of negotiable on the capital markets, including
• a person connected with Russia that is shares in companies and other securities
equivalent to shares in companies,
partnerships or other entities, and depositary
o a person falling within schedule 2
receipts in respect of shares. It also includes
o a person, other than an individual
bonds or other forms of securitised debt,
which at 0:01 on 1 March 2022, is including depositary receipts in respect of
domiciled in a country other than such securities.
Russia, or a branch or subsidiary of
Other securities that give the right to purchase
such a person wherever located
or sell any security of a kind mentioned above
• an entity owned or acting on behalf or
at the direction of any of the above

are also covered by the term. However these • a loan made or granted to a person other
do exclude instruments of payment. than an individual which is domiciled in a
Loan and credit arrangements country other than Russia
You must not, directly or indirectly, grant, or
enter into any arrangement to grant a new Correspondent banking relationships
loan or credit with a maturity exceeding 30
days (a category 1 loan) to: There are prohibitions on correspondent
banking relationships.
• Sberbank
A UK credit or financial institution must not
• VTB Bank establish or continue a correspondent banking
• Gazprombank relationship with:
• Vnesheconombank (VEB)
• a designated person
• Rosselkhozbank
• a UK credit or financial institution
• OPK Oboronprom
which is owned or controlled directly
• United Aircraft Corporation
or indirectly by a DP
• Uralvagonzavod
• a non-UK credit or financial institution
• Rosneft
which is owned or controlled directly
• Transneft
or indirectly by a DP
• Gazprom Neft
• An entity incorporated or constituted in A UK credit or financial institution is also
a country other than the UK which is prohibited from processing a sterling
payment to, from or via a designated person,
owned by one of the abovementioned
or a credit or financial institution which is
entities, or an entity acting on behalf or
owned or controlled directly or indirectly by
at the direction of one of the above the designated person, if it has reasonable
entities cause to suspect that the payment is to, from
or via a designated person.
Some entities listed immediately above which
appear in Schedule 2 of the Regulations are Processing a payment includes clearing and
also subject to an asset freeze. To see all settling a payment. This applies to payment
individuals and entities subject to an asset chains or third party payments.
freeze, please consult OFSI’s consolidated list. Foreign exchange reserve and asset
After 0:01 on 1 March 2022, you must not management
directly or indirectly, grant, or enter into any A UK individual or entity must not provide
arrangement to grant any loan or credit with financial services for the purpose of foreign
a maturity exceeding 30 days (a category 2 exchange reserve and asset management to:
loan) to :
• the Central Bank of the Russian
• an entity which is incorporated or Federation
constituted under the law of the UK and • the National Wealth Fund of Russian
owned by an entity listed under Schedule 2 Federation
After 0:01 on 1 March 2022, you must not • the Ministry of Finance of the Russian
directly or indirectly, grant any loan or credit Federation
(a category 3 loan) to: • a person owned or controlled, directly
• a person other than an individual, or indirectly, by any of the persons
connected with Russia above
• The government of Russia • a person acting on behalf of, or at the
direction of, any of the persons above
which is not either a category 1 or category 2
loan, or: Foreign exchange reserve and asset
management means activities relating to the

reserves or assets of the persons listed above. There is also a prohibition on granting any
This includes money market instruments loan or credit to a relevant entity. This
(including cheques, bills and certificates of prohibition includes entering into any
deposit); foreign exchange; derivative arrangement to grant a loan or credit, or
products (including futures and options); otherwise provide funds, including equity
exchange rate and interest rate instruments capital, to a relevant entity, or for the purpose
(including products such as swaps and of financing any such entity.
forward rate agreements); transferable It is prohibited to establish a joint venture in
securities; other negotiable instruments and Crimea or with a relevant entity.
financial assets (including bullion); and special
drawing rights. It is also prohibited to provide any investment
services directly related to any of the activities
listed above.
The prohibitions outlined in relation to loans
and credit arrangements are not breached if
any of the following are granted: Provided that a person notifies HM Treasury
no later than five working days before the day
• a relevant loan that makes emergency
on which an act is carried out, no prohibition
funds available to meet applicable
relating to investments in Crimea are
solvency or liquidity criteria for a
contravened by a person meeting an
relevant subsidiary, as defined in the
obligation under a contract that was
concluded before 20 December 2014. This
• a relevant loan consisting of a
includes an ancillary contract necessary to
drawdown or disbursement made
satisfy such a contract. Additionally, the
under an arrangement that was
prohibitions on investments in Crimea are not
entered in to before either:
contravened by a person operating outside
o 15 September 2014 for a
Crimea where the related investment is not
category 1 loan
destined for an entity in Crimea.
o 0:01 on 1 March 2022 for a
category 2 or category 3 loan Additionally, where an activity would
otherwise be prohibited in relation to
investments in Crimea, a person or their
There is an exception for the processing of representative may apply for a licence from
sterling payments. This does not apply to the OFSI to carry out those activities in certain
processing of a sterling payment for any fee circumstances. OFSI expects that legal and
or charge required to permit an aircraft to professional advisers will have fully considered
overfly, land in or take off from Russia. the relevant law and formed a view about an
The national security or prevention of serious application before approaching OFSI for
crime exception applies to all prohibitions. guidance or submitting an application. All
applications are assessed against the relevant
Investments in relation to Crimea
regulations and are done so on a case by case
Any reference to Crimea in the Regulations basis.
means the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
and the city of Sevastopol.
Asset freezes
Under the Regulations, it is prohibited to
directly or indirectly, extend a participation, or Where a transaction involves a designated
acquire any ownership interest, in land person who is subject to an asset freeze, you
located in Crimea. The same restrictions also may be able to obtain a licence to allow the
apply when it comes to acquiring any activity to take place without breaching
ownership interest in an entity which has a financial sanctions.
place of business located in Crimea (a OFSI can only issue licences under specific
“relevant entity”). purposes. These are:

• basic needs Foreign exchange reserve and asset
• legal services management
• maintenance of frozen funds and OFSI may issue a licence under the
economic resources prohibitions relating to foreign exchanges
• extraordinary expenses reserve and asset management for:
• pre-existing judicial decisions • humanitarian assistance activity
• extraordinary situation • financial regulation
• prior obligations • financial stability
• consular posts • safety and soundness of a firm
• humanitarian assistance activity • extraordinary situation
• medical goods and services Investment in Crimea
• production or distribution of food for
OFSI may issue a licence under the
the civilian population
investments in Crimea restrictions for
• diplomatic missions
• consular posts
Securities, loans and credits
• medical and educational purposes
OFSI may issue a licence under the securities, • health and the environment
loans and credit restrictions for:
General licences
• humanitarian assistance activity
OFSI has also issued general licences under
• medical goods and services
this regime. For details of the general licences
• production or distribution of food for that are in force, please visit OFSI’s general
the civilian population licence page at:
• diplomatic missions
• space activity
• extraordinary situation
Correspondent banking relationships
OFSI may issue a licence under the
Contacting OFSI
correspondent banking relationships
restrictions for: If you find out that a person or organisation
you are dealing with is subject to financial
• basic needs
sanctions as detailed in the Regulations, you
• legal services
must immediately:
• financial regulation
• extraordinary situations • stop dealing with them
Sterling payments
• freeze any assets you are holding for
OFSI may issue a licence under the processing
• inform OFSI as soon as possible by
sterling payments restrictions for:
either emailing:
• humanitarian assistance activity ofsi@hmtreasury.gov.uk, or by calling
• medical goods and services the general enquiries line: +44 (0) 20
• production or distribution of food for 7270 5454
the civilian population
• diplomatic missions
• space activity

Frequently asked questions1 debt arising from such loan after 12
Please note this section has not yet been September 2014?
updated to reflect the 2022 amendment
regulations It would be prohibited for a UK entity to enter
into any M&A transaction, whereby a targeted
For the purposes of the Q&A only, targeted entity would assume the role of borrower of
entities are the persons defined in regulations an existing loan or credit. The example above
16(2) and (4) and the relevant persons defined would effectively constitute making a new
in regulation 17(5). loan or credit available to a targeted entity
1) If before 12 September 2014, a UK person after 12 September 2014 and would therefore
extended a loan or credit to a targeted entity, be prohibited.
can it then sell a part of or the whole claim
4) A loan or credit with a maturity exceeding 30
with a maturity exceeding 30 days to another
days before or on 12 September 2014 had
targeted entity?
been extended by a UK person to a financial
In so far as the arrangement would not sanctions target. Can the UK person cancel or
involve new loans or credit to either targeted forgive debt arising from such a loan after 12
entity, or any other restricted activity, such a September 2014?
resale would be allowed. A change of lenders,
even if they are a targeted person, would not The Regulations prohibit targeted entities
generally be prohibited by the Regulations, to from being extended credit or a new loan, as
the extent this does not constitute advancing their purpose is to restrict access to capital,
new funds to a targeted entity. even in circumstances where the sums
extended need to be reimbursed. Cancellation
2) Are derivatives covered by the prohibitions in of the debt would provide access to capital in
the regulations? the same way as a loan but without a duty to
reimburse or pay interest. It would therefore
Derivatives which give the right to acquire or be prohibited.
sell a transferable security or money market
instrument covered by the regulations, such as 5) Can UK persons place term deposits with a
options, futures, forwards or warrants, maturity exceeding 30 days in a bank which is
irrespective of how they are traded (on- a targeted entity after 12 September 2014?
exchange or over-the-counter (OTC)) are
covered by prohibitions set out in the While the prohibitions set out in the
regulations. Certain other derivatives, such as Regulations do not specifically target deposit
interest rate swaps and cross currency swaps, services, where term deposits are used to
are not covered by the prohibitions set out in circumvent the prohibition on new loans or
the regulations, nor credit default swaps credit, such deposits would be prohibited.
(except where these give the right to acquire
or sell a transferable security). Derivatives used 6) With regards to loans made to a targeted
for hedging purposes in the energy market are entity, can UK persons provide payment or
also not covered. settlement services including in the context of
correspondent banking?
3) If a UK person extended a loan or credit with
a maturity exceeding 30 days before or on 12 For the purposes of the Regulations, payment
September 2014, could the UK person enter and settlement services, including through
correspondent banking, would be construed
into an M&A transaction whereby a targeted
as directly or indirectly 'making' or 'being part
entity assumes the role of the borrower of the
of an arrangement to make' a relevant loan or
credit to a targeted entity. Any loans or credit

1 These FAQs reproduce relevant guidance from the ‘European

Commission guidance note on the implementation of certain
provisions of regulation (EU) no 833/2014’

made after exit day which are the subject of While receiving information and undertaking
such payment or settlement services must risk management and monitoring is
comply with the 30-day maturity limit, or unaffected by the Regulations, such risk
related exceptions, in order to avoid being management would not be permitted if it
caught by the restrictive measures. amounted to circumvention of any of the
financial sanctions.
7) If a UK person has provided a good or service
to a targeted entity, would payment 11) Can a modification be made to a transferable
terms/delayed payment for such a good or security entered into prior to 1 August 2014
service exceeding 30 days constitute a new or 12 September 2014 respectively?
loan or credit?
It is prohibited to adjust a transferable security
For the purposes of the Regulations, payment entered into prior to 1 August 2014 or 12
terms/delayed payment for goods or services September 2014 respectively where the
are not considered loans or credit. The change would result or potentially result in
provision of payment terms/delayed payment additional capital being made available to a
may not be used, however, to circumvent the targeted entity. While certain other changes
prohibition to provide new loans or credit. may be permitted, a case by case assessment
would be made of the effect and substance of
8) How should the rollover of debt obligations by any changes in order to determine whether or
targeted entities be treated? not such changes reasonably requires this to
be considered a new instrument.
The prohibitions in the Regulations extend to
the rollover (including cashless) of existing 12) Do promissory notes fall within the scope of
debt. Any rollovers must comply with the 30- prohibitions relating to transferable securities
day maturity limit imposed for new or money-market instruments?
transactions made after 12 September 2014.
However, multiple rollover agreements with a As a freely transferable debt instrument,
maturity of 30 days or less could amount to promissory notes may be dealt in on the
circumvention. money markets and thus, to the extent that
they are issued by a targeted entity, they
9) Can a UK person provide funds to a non- would fall into the scope of the prohibitions.
targeted entity, which are channelled through
a targeted entity, provided that the funds do If a targeted entity were to issue a non-
not stay with the targeted entity for more negotiable promissory note as a means of
than 30 days? payment for non-prohibited goods with UK
persons, that would not be prohibited by the
Such an arrangement would not constitute Regulations. This allows legitimate trade to
providing a new loan or credit with a maturity continue while remaining consistent with the
exceeding 30 days to a targeted entity. It objectives of Regulation.
would therefore not fall within the
prohibitions set out in the Regulations. 13) Do bills of lading fall within the scope of
prohibitions relating to transferable securities
or money-market instruments?
10) Do the Regulations limit the ability of UK
subsidiaries of targeted entities to monitor In so far as bills of lading document the
carriage and receipt of goods and serve as
risks, including the evaluation of credit risk,
proof of entitlement to such goods, they do
for operations across the group?
not fall under the prohibitions.
The purpose of the Regulations is to prevent
access to capital markets for Russian state- In any negotiable form where bills can be
owned financial institutions and to encourage traded for financing purposes, or any similar
Russia to cease actions destabilising Ukraine. activity which could amount to circumvention,

these instances would be prohibited by the 17) What constitutes a letter of credit?
A letter of credit is an undertaking by a bank
14) Can UK persons use repurchase agreements to pay the beneficiary of the credit (or to
or securities lending agreements with a non- accept and pay drafts drawn by the
targeted entity using any transferable beneficiary) in accordance with, and upon
satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the
securities or money market instruments issued
credit. it is no more than an undertaking from
by a targeted entity as collateral?
the bank (at the request of it’s customer) to
If transferable securities or money market extend a credit, or make a payment, provided
instruments were issued between 1 August that the condition set out within the letter of
2014 to 12 September 2014 with a maturity credit itself are satisfied and the banks is
exceeding 30 days by entities 1-5 in Schedule provided with proof of this (usually by the
2 of the regulations, or after 12 September provision of documents).
2014 with a maturity exceeding 30 days by
entities 6-11 in Schedule 2, UK persons are By way of example, a simple letter of credit in
prohibited from entering into repurchase respect of a transaction to purchase oil, may
agreements or securities lending agreements provide that a bank “B” will undertake to pay
where such transferable securities or money a sum of money (equal to the purchase price
market-instruments, which are prohibited of the oil) to a third party oil provider, “P”,
under the regulations, are used as collateral. once a document is provided to B showing
that the bank’s customer, “C” has received the
15) Can UK persons enter into repurchase oil.
agreements or securities lending agreements
18) If a UK person had extended a loan or credit
with a targeted entity (bank), if non-
to a targeted entity before or on 12
prohibited instruments are used as collateral?
September 2014, is it allowed to sell a part of
Repurchase agreements or securities lending or the whole claim with a maturity exceeding
agreements are money market instruments as 30 days to another targeted entity?
defined in Article 16 of the Regulations, as
they are instruments normally dealt in on the In so far as it does not involve any new loans
money market. UK persons are therefore or credit to a targeted entity, the resale of an
prohibited from entering into repurchase account receivable to another targeted entity
agreements or securities lending agreements is allowed.
with relevant targeted entities as outlined by
the Regulations. 19) Can a UK credit institution owned by a
relevant person provide collateral (e.g. in the
16) Is the provision of financial research in relation form of guarantees, deposits, pledges, risk
to prohibited transferable securities allowed? participations or funded participations) for
intra-group risk mitigation purposes to its
In relation to ‘dealing with transferable
non-UK subsidiary?
securities or money-market instruments’,
Article 16 states that it is prohibited to Yes, provided the collateral provided does not
provide investment services, including the constitute a relevant loan under Regulation
provision of investment advice, relating to the (17) and the collateral used is not a
security or instrument. While the provision of transferable security or money market-
research is formally different from the instrument covered by Regulation (16).
provision of advice, it may constitute indirect
advice and in such case would tend to 20) Can United Kingdom persons issue or deal
constitute a form of investment service and with depositary receipts issued after 1 August
would thus be prohibited. 2014 (in the case of a targeted entity covered
by Regulation 16(2)) or after 12 September
2014 (in the case of a targeted entity covered

by Regulation 16(4)) if such depositary 22) If a targeted entity issues new transferable
receipts are based on equity issued by a securities after 1 August 2014 (in the case of
targeted entity? a targeted entity covered by Regulation 16(2))
or after 12 September 2014 (in the case of a
Depositary receipts are transferable securities
targeted entity covered by Regulation 16(4))
as defined in Regulation 16(10) .
Consequently, United Kingdom persons may that are fungible with pre-existing transferable
not issue or deal in depositary receipts issued securities, can United Kingdom persons still
after 1 August 2014 (in the case of a targeted deal in the old securities in the event that is
entity covered by Regulation 16(2)) or after impossible to identify from the securities that
12 September 2014 (in the case of a targeted were issued before or after the relevant cut-
entity covered by Regulation 16(4)) in any of off dates?
the following cases from this non-exhaustive
list: United Kingdom persons may deal in
transferable securities issued by a targeted
- the depositary receipts are based on equity
entity before 1 August 2014 (in the case of a
issued by a targeted entity after 1 August
targeted entity covered by Regulation 16(2))
2014 (in the case of a targeted entity covered
by Regulation 16(2)) or after 12 September or before 12 September 2014 (in the case of a
2014 (in the case of a targeted entity covered targeted entity covered by Regulation 16(4)).
by Regulation 16(4)); or, Market participants bear the onus of ensuring
that any trades they enter into do not involve
- the depositary receipts are based on equity the prohibited securities.
issued by a targeted entity before or on 1
August 2014 (in the case of a targeted entity 23) Can UK persons confirm or advise a letter of
covered by Regulation 16(2)) or before or on credit that was issued after exit day by a
12 September 2014 ((in the case of a targeted
targeted entity for the export or import of
entity covered by Regulation 16(4)) and are
goods or services between non-UK countries?
issued under a depositary agreement with
that targeted entity. These depositary receipts Is discounting or post financing of such letters
would constitute new transferable securities of credit allowed?
issued on behalf of a targeted entity and
would therefore be prohibited by Regulation UK persons can confirm or advise letters of
16(1) or Regulation 16(3). credit, and provide discounting or post
financing for them, unless the maturity
21) Where the underlying of cash-settled exceeds 30 days and applicant of the letter of
derivatives consists of securities falling under credit is a relevant person as outlined in
Regulation 16(2) or 16(4), are transactions Regulation(17). This would be prohibited as it
with such derivatives permitted under those constitutes extending a relevant loan.
provisions so long as this does not involve the
actual purchasing, selling, or holding of the
underlying securities?
The prohibitions of Regulation 16(1) and
16(3) extend to direct or indirect dealings in
all "transferable securities". Under Regulation
16(10), "transferable securities" includes any
securities “giving the right to purchase or sell
any" transferable security”. In such cases, the
Regulations' prohibitions apply regardless of
whether or not that right is actually exercised.


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