World History Reviewer
World History Reviewer
World History Reviewer
REVIEWER businesses.
The New kingdom collapsed in 1070 BCE. Alexander The Indus River Valley gets its name – and its rich soil
the Great of Macedonia eventually conquered Egypt – from the Indus River, which crosses the Himalayas
in about 331 BCE. In 51 BCE, Queen Cleopatra VII and flows as far as the Arabian Sea. Another river, the
would be last Macedonian ruler. She waged war with Ganges, also cuts through the Himalayas, it empties
factions of the Roman Empire. After her, Egypt would into the Bay of Bengal. The two rivers created fertile
not be independent again for nearly 2,000 years. land for farming, and their banks became the sties of
major cities. In the Indus River Valley, the cities of
The Egyptian invented Hieroglyphics, picture-like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro emerged around 2600
symbols used for writing. Hieroglyphics were BCE and grew nearly 40,000 people. The cities were
complicated–to write a word you might have to spell carefully laid out in a grid.
it out and add an extra picture to show what it meant.
Only members of the upper and middle classes of A citadel, a fortress (stronghold) that commands the
society were trained as scribes. A simplified version of city, on each city’s highest point protected its most
hieroglyphics, hieratic script, was used for everyday important buildings, like the grain storage houses.
business. Their cities were sophisticated enough to have brick
walls surrounding them for protection against
Although they first wrote on clay tablets, the
flooding from the Indus River. These cities had
Egyptians later invented Papyrus, a paper made from advanced drainage systems. There were public wells,
the papyrus plant. Papyrus most likely no longer and many buildings had a bathroom.
grows in Egypt, but historians are pretty sure that it
would have been a common plant along Nile River in Individual features of the city: walls and gates; the
ancient times. Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphics on large, separately walled complex to the left of the
papyrus in order to communicate across their empire drawing; the suburbs that cluster next to this separate
and keep records of their history and achievements. walled enclosure; the river port at the center top of
Papyrus was also popular in ancient Greece, Rome, the drawing; and the large open space within the
and other Arabic regions. walls of the city toward the center top of the image.
Mummification is also known for ancient Egyptians. Just like the other river valley civilizations, the Indus
Egyptians who could afford to do so would have River valley people were mostly farmers. They did
themselves mummified. They believed in a better trade with Chinese and with Sumerians
afterlife if their body was preserved. The Egyptians (Mesopotamians). Trade was prosperous; copper and
took out all the internal organs, except the heart. lumber were the main exports. They traded with
When they removed them, the organs were put in Sumer, and similarities in art suggest the two cultures
canopic jars, that were put in the tomb with the mimicked each other’s best work.
mummy. They did not take out the heart because it
was believed to be the intelligence and emotion of the How might a prominent landowner, a leading official,
person. The Egyptians thought the brain had no a clan head, or a merchant make use of such a seal?
significant value, so they took it out through the nose. ➔ The seal might be used to mark ownership of
The body was packed and covered with natron (a salty trade goods destined for transport; or to
drying agent). After this the body was left represent a specific clan, a high official, or a
for 40-50 days. prominent individual.
➔ Other possibilities decoration, for financial or
Ancient India
commercial contracts, or as a symbol of
India is separated from other countries in Asia by authority.
Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world.
Small gaps in this wall of mountains allowed people to
pass through and settle in places like Indus River
What meaning might you attach to the use of polytheistic as well. Its three main gods are: Brahma
animals as totems or symbols of a particular group or (the Creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the
individual? Destroyer). Hindus believe in a supreme God that is
present in everything called Brahma.
➔ Animals possess symbolic meanings in the
Indus Valley civilization. Hindu beliefs are found in the Upanishads, a
➔ Specific animals may have been associated collection of sacred texts and describe the Hindu
with specific professions, clans, or people. philosophy. Beliefs include Reincarnation, or the
➔ Animals may have been used as totems, and belief that, after death, the soul returns to Earth in
their inclusion on seals was designed to another body or form, in which Karma determines
protect or safeguard the item attached to the how the soul is reborn (good behaviour may lead to
seal. rebirth into a higher caste, bad behaviour is
➔ Animals provided a simple written language punished).
What specific features of this figure can you point Samsara is the wheel of rebirth which means the soul
out? is reborn from one life form to another. There is a
continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. People
➔ The specific features that stand out are its may be reincarnated at a higher or lower level of
headband, armband, and clothing pattern. existence depending on their karma from their
➔ The facial features of the figure are also present life. People may be reborn as plants or
pronounced, as is his beard. animals or they may be elevated to a higher caste as a
What possible indication of elite status can you human. Death is not final for Hindus as they expect to
identify? be reborn many times.
➔ The headband and armband may be signs of elite Each time a Hindu soul is born into a better life, it has
status. the opportunity to improve itself further, and get
➔ The pattern on his clothing may imply wealth and closer to ultimate liberation. This liberation is called
status. Moksha. One attains Moksha when one has
➔ His beard may also be a sign of elite status. "overcome ignorance", and no longer desires anything
at all. The ones who reach this state no longer
Around 2000 BCR the Indus valley farmers began to struggle with the cycle of life and death. The way to
abandon their land – maybe because of natural get to Moksha is to not create any karma. Three
disasters and invasions by nomads. Around 1500 BCE. paths to achieve Moksha: The path of duty, the path
Aryans moved in from Central Asia and mixed with of knowledge, and the path of devotion
the original inhabitants of the Indus Valley, creating a (unconditional surrender to God).
new culture that eventually spread into the Ganges,
➢ Dalit (untouchables) – at the bottom, people ➔ Hindus customarily invoke Shiva before the
considered them so impure their only work could beginning of any religious or spiritual endeavor;
be burying bodies or collecting trash. they believe that any bad vibrations in the
immediate vicinity of worship are eliminated by
CASTE SYSTEM: a social structure in which classes are
the mere utterance of his praise or name.
determined by birth right. Under the caste system.
There was no upward mobility; a person born to a If you led a perfect life, you would be freed from the
servant parent was stuck being a servant. A farmer cycle of death and rebirth and become one with the
couldn’t a warrior, and a warrior couldn’t become a Brahman, the spiritual center of the universe.
Brahman. No one asked what you wanted to be when Believers must obey their Dharma, a divine law of
you grew up, it was already determined by lineage. religious moral duties unique to each individual. Other
ways of unities with Brahman were through yoga,
HINDU TRINITY OF GODS which is widely popular today as a workout, but
Brahma (The Creator) according to Hindu beliefs, it is a form of exercise that
frees the soul.
➔ Brahma is the first member of the Hindu Trinity
and is “the Creator” NOTE: Don’t confuse these terms
➔ He periodically creates everything in the ➢ Brahmans - top of the caste system
universe. (The word periodically here refers to ➢ Brahma - a top deity; the creator
the Hindu belief that time is cyclical; everything ➢ Brahman - at the top of the universe
in the universe — except for Brahman and
certain Hindu scriptures — is created, maintained SACRED WRITINGS
for a certain amount of time, and then destroyed
in order to be renewed in ideal form again.) The Vedas collections of Sanskrit hymns (written
down 1200-900BCE but based on older oral versions).
Vishnu (The Maintainer Preserver) The oral traditions that had been handed down were
recorded in sacred books called Vedas, or “Books of
➔ Second member of the Hindu Trinity. Knowledge.”
➔ He maintains the order and harmony of the
universe, which is periodically created by Brahma The Upanishads which mean the inner or mystic
and periodically destroyed by Shiva to prepare teaching that were passed down from guru (teacher)
for the next creation. to disciple (student).
➔ Vishnu is worshipped in many forms and in
several avatars (incarnations). BUDDHISM
➔ Vishnu is an important, somewhat mysterious Buddhism appeared as a rival religion in the 6th
god. Less visible than nature gods that preside century BCE. Siddhartha Gautama, a young Hindu
over elements (such as fire and rain), prince living in the lap of luxury, left his palace one
➔ Vishnu is the pervader — the divine essence that day to see the devastation of the real world. In the
pervades the universe. He is usually worshipped foothills of Himalayas, he found sickness and poverty,
in the form of an avatar. sorrow, greed, love, and death. Siddhartha decided to
Shiva (The Destroyer) abandon his riches to seek the meaning of life and the
cure for human suffering. He’s the founder of
➔ Third member of the Hindu Trinity, Buddhism and became known as the Buddha, or
➔ Tasked with destroying the universe in order to “Enlightened One.”
prepare for its renewal at the end of each cycle
of time. Life of Buddha
➔ Shiva’s destructive power is regenerative: It’s the According to earliest sources for the life of Buddha
necessary step that makes renewal possible. date from the 2nd century AD. Siddhartha was born a
prince around 623 BC in the sacred area of Lumbini
located in the Terai plains of southern Nepal. Grew up
surrounded by luxury, married a beautiful woman and Four Noble Truths
had a happy life. At age 16 he married the beautiful 1. Life is suffering (Dukkha) – our desires and
Princess Yashodhara. When the prince was 29, expectations do not conform to the reality of the
however, his life underwent a profound change. He world, which is in a constant state of flux
asked to be taken on a ride through the city in his (Anicca), so we experience Dukkha.
chariot. The king gave his permission but first had all 2. The origin of suffering is attachment – not only
the sick and old people removed from the route. He do we fail to know reality, but we mis-know it.
took a ride beyond the palace gates and saw a sick We attribute permanence to impermanence. The
man, an old man, a poor man, and a dead body. physical universe is constant change, but we
Disturbed, he left his family to find the “realm of life know it as permanent – change is the only thing
where there is no suffering nor death.” there is. Our ideas, the objects that surround us,
Siddhartha wandered for years and meet with Hindu and our perceptions, are all transient. Even our
Scholars, whose ideas didn’t answer his questions. He idea of “self” is a delusion since there is no
permanent self. Craving and clinging to these
fasted and meditated under a tree pondering the
mystery of life. Legend tells that during the night evil inevitably leads to suffering.
spirits tempted Gautama to give up meditating, but he 3. It is possible to end suffering in this life – Like
didn’t. After approaching but declining a mango tree, the moksha in Hinduism, nibbana can be realized
he chooses the fig tree (Ficus religiosa). The fig tree in life, through discipline and effort. Nibbana
became known as the bodhi tree because he reached means freedom from troubles, worries, ideas,
enlightenment (bodhi) after meditating beneath one and the annihilation of the illusion of the self
such tree for 49 days. After he rose, he believed he where one understands Dhamma – the Buddha’s
understood the cause and cure for suffering and teaching and becomes an arahant.
4. The path to cessation of suffering – The Middle
sorrow. He then became Buddha.
Way – is a path between the extremes of clinging
After forty-nine days of meditation Gautama Buddha and aversion, both expressions of attachment,
was awakened, otherwise known as reaching arriving at a state of complete equanimity. It is
enlightenment. After reaching enlightenment, under a achieved through the Eightfold Path.
tree in India, he promised to spread the knowledge he
just learned about how to end suffering. Eightfold Path
During the Zhou and Shang periods, the Chinese made duty to respect the head of the family, an idea called
remarkable achievements in astronomy and bronze filial piety. Extended families lived together.
work, learned to make silk, and create books, and
developed a complex system of writing. There could be as many as five generation living
together, and maybe people from age one-to-one
HAN DYNASTY hundred! The early Chinese practiced ancestor
worship in homage, an expression of high regard;
The Hand Dynasty followed this rebellion, beginning respect, to their deceased family members.
around 206 BCE. The first Han emperor, Liu Bang,
started our as only a minor official whose parents had PHILOSOPHIES OF ANCIENT CHINESE
been peasants. Under his grandson Wudi’s rule, the
Great Wall and the army were strengthened. The Han
Dynasty began trading with the Western world Confucius was a famous Chinese teacher and
through the Silk Road, a trade route from China all the philosopher. Born in 551 BCE to a noble but poor
way to the Mediterranean Sea. The main Chinese family, he worked to pass on the forgotten teachings
export was silk, made from silkworms. Europeans of thinkers from an earlier age and to bring peace and
weren’t used to such smooth, soft material. stability to the people of China, starting with family
The Silk Road was not actually one road – it was more and friends.
of a 4,000-mile*long system of trade routes that Confucius’s moral standpoint was firmly rooted in
connected China to Europe, the Middle East. And Chinese convention and had at its heart the
North Africa. Travel was not safe on the Silk Road, traditional virtues of loyalty, duty, and respect. The
which could be home to bandits, murderers, and “gentleman” or “superior man,” whose virtue would
Mongol armies. Chinese silk was especially valuable in act as an example to others.
Rome, though, where wealthy Romans were proud to
show off the fine, smooth fabric. Aside from silk, Confucius Born poor, became scholar, (failed) local
Chinese merchants sold spices, tea, and jade in ruler, & teacher, he never wrote down ideas, yet his
exchange for gold, silver, glass, precious stones, ivory, students wrote his sayings in The Analects. Confucius
horses, elephants, and wool. Ideas were also spread was not concerned about a relationship with
by the Silk Road. God/spirits, but rather personal relationships and
The Chine created the sailboat rudder, manufactured
steel, and made paper from wood pulp. They made Confucius believed that China was full of rude and
medicinal advances, like what became known as dishonest people. Feelings widespread around the
acupuncture (placing needles on various spots in the Warring States period. He believed that China needed
bosy to treat ailments – it doesn’t hurt!) They to change and wanted change to come from the
invented herbal medicines and also traded in spices, family and social harmony. Confucius becomes the
tea, and porcelain. most influential teacher in Chinese history.
The Mandate of Heaven: The rulers of ancient China GOLDEN RULE: “What you do not desire for yourself,
believed that they were destined to rule by a do not do to others”
mandate (command) from heaven. The king was
Confucianism holds that there are five human
considered the link between heaven and earth. He
was expected to be virtuous and rule to please the
gods. Ancient Mandarin or Confucian scholars ➢ Ruler and ruled
influenced Chinese kings to honour mandate by taking ➢ Friend and friend
care of the people. ➢ Husband and wife
➢ Older sibling and younger sibling
Family came first in Chinese society; you were
➢ Father and son.
responsible to your family above all. You also had a
Confucius taught that we should treat each other was crucial since they had a duty of loyalty both to
justly in all these relationships and that is our duty to their ruler and the people. They carried a high degree
be compassionate. His teachings were responsible for of responsibility, so it was essential that they be
a change in how government positions were granted recruited from the most able and educated
in the Han and Qin dynasties. Before, posts were candidates, and that anybody serving in public office
passed on to sons of powerful men; after, candidates should be of the highest moral character—a junzi.
(male only) were evaluated based on Merit, or
qualities, characteristics, or achievements. This is The role of these public servants was mainly advisory,
when civil service examination became prerequisite and ministers were not only expected to be well
to becoming a public servant. versed in the administration and structure of Chinese
society, but also to have a thorough knowledge of
SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND HARMONY history, politics, and diplomacy.
Fair, moral leaders are those which will bring order to However, this new class of civil servants also served
China. The King should lead all of China by example. an equally important function in preventing the ruler
Lower classes should learn better behaviour by from becoming despotic, because they showed loyalty
following the example set by the upper classes. to their superior, but also benevolence to their
Daoists did not want government involved in people’s
lives. Don’t tell people how to act since they did not
want people interfering with nature or one another.
Government should be so good people do not realize
that it exists. War, for Daoists, is only for defence.