Animal Companion Leveling Guide - The Homebrewery
Animal Companion Leveling Guide - The Homebrewery
Animal Companion Leveling Guide - The Homebrewery
Grizzled Defender
At 15th level, your companion is used to combat situations.
Choose one of the following options.
Relentless. Your companion can keep fighting despite
grievous wounds. If they drop to 0 Hit Points and don't die
outright, they can make a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw. If they succeed, they drop to 1 hit point instead. If
they fail, they cannot use this ability again until they finish
a short or long rest.
Carrier. Your companion can now carry and or drag one
creature one size larger than itself or two creatures its
size or smaller without halving it's movement. Its base
speed (includes climbing or swimming if applicable) also
increases by 10 ft.