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The key takeaways are that developing an effective curriculum requires overcoming institutional barriers and adapting to changes through a responsive approach. Curriculum designers need to consider various factors and gather feedback from different stakeholders.

The focus of the researcher in the article is to understand different approaches taken by curriculum development teams and the challenges they face in making the curriculum responsive to changes.

Some of the barriers that hinder a good curriculum include institutional constraints, lack of flexibility and adaptability to changes, and failure to eliminate barriers and encourage receptiveness.




1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words: 3000 – 5000 words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 15 November 2022.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.


The assignment provides opportunities for you to understand various challenges in
developing curricula for schools so that you will have the skills to create a course module for
a programme of study in the future.

You are required to complete all TWO parts of the assignment.

Creating responsive curricula demands a lot of adaptability and flexibility from curriculum
designers. But in our research, “institutional concrete” is discovered to impair responsive
curricula processes for development significantly. Institutional barriers must be eliminated,
and strategies must be encouraged to be receptive.

Based on the above stimulus, students need to read the following article and complete the
subsequent tasks:

Vreuls, J., Koeslag, K. M., Klink, M., Nieuwenhuis, L., & Boshuizen, H. (2022). Responsive
curriculum development for professional education: Different teams, different
tales. Curriculum Journal, 1. https://doi-org.newdc.oum.edu.my/10.1002/curj.155

You can access the above article in OUM digital library

(a) What is the focus of the researcher in this article?
(b) What are the barriers that hinder a good curriculum?
(c) What are the differences between the two models used in making the curriculum
(d) Think of another factor or variable you can add to the second model. Justify your
answer with relevant sources. You can refer to other credible sources too.

(e) If you are a curriculum developer, create a new model using the variables in Figure 2
in the article. Add a variable you have identified in (d) to include in your diagram.


This section of the assignment aims to give you practice in developing course outcomes,
content, suggested learning activities, and measurement of course outcomes for a course of
study at your institution. The course that you are developing should be aimed at enhancing
higher-order thinking skills and problem-solving skills.

You are required to provide the following information in the course module:

(i) Title of the Course

(ii) Course Description:

• Describe the course briefly.
• Elaborate on how the course is useful to students.
• What will students achieve if they were to attend this course?
(iii) Rationale:
• Why is the course important?
• Why does the learner need this course?
• Does the course fulfil the needs of society?
(iv) Duration of the course

(v) Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) statements:

• Statements of the content knowledge, attitudes, and skills students will be
expected to achieve. Provide only 3 - 4 CLOs only.
(vi) Course Pre-Requisite
(vii) Content:
• Describe briefly the topics that will be incorporated into the course.
(viii) Materials:
• Printed materials, websites, etc.

(ix) Teaching Methods:

• Approaches (constructivist approach, problem-based approach, inquiry
approach, etc.)
• Pedagogical strategies (lecture method, small group sessions, etc.)
• Students’ activities and assignments
(x) Assessment /Grading procedures:

• How will you measure student progress in achieving the goals and objectives
of the course?
• Explain how you would evaluate the course.
• Proposed assessment methods (tests, assignments, projects, etc.)
(xi) Main references for the course
 Write the four main and current references for your course. It can be books,
ebooks, modules, study guides etc.

(xii) Other additional information

 Provide 4-5 additional information


This part requires students to participate actively in the MyINSPIRE eforum. Discuss the
following topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation with your tutor and peers
in the eforum online discussions:

Online discussion question:

(a) What makes an effective curriculum? Support your answers with relevant
(b) What are the trends and issues in curriculum development? Discuss your answer
with appropriate references.


1. Select the best FIVE (5) postings from your forum discussion set in the assignment.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your Part 1 and Part 2
assignment file.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the
sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain the name, title of the discussion, day, date, and time.

Guidelines for Submission
Assignment Format:
a. Use double space and 12-point Times New Roman font.
b. Provide reference using the American Psychological Association (APA) format 7th
c. References should be the latest (the year 2018 onwards)
 Assignments should be submitted according to the due date.
 You are to submit a softcopy of your work online through myINSPIRE.
 Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you are unsure what plagiarism means, refer to the
websites that discuss this matter, e.g. owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts.


QN CLO Unsatisfactory
Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
Criteria Weighting Marks
4 3 2 1 0
TASK 3 Introduction 0.5 The introduction is The introduction is clear The introduction is fairly There is little No introduction 2
A very clear and it and well-written well-written information in the
describes the content introduction
in an organised
3 The main focus of 0.5 The main focus is very The main focus is well The main focus is quite The main focus is There is no main focus
the researcher in the well-identified and identified and discussed well identified and vaguely identified and discussed 2
article discussed discussed discussed
3 Discussion on the 0.5 The discussion is very The discussion is The discussion is The discussion is vague There is no discussion
barriers that hinder a comprehensive and comprehensive somewhat provided 2
good curriculum comprehensive
3 The discussion on 0.5 The discussion is very The discussion is The discussion is The discussion is vague There is no discussion 2
the differences comprehensive and comprehensive somewhat provided
between the two comprehensive
models used in
making the
3 Another factor or 1  The identified  The identified factor  The identified factor  The identified factor  There is no 4
variable can be factor or variable is or variable is well or variable is quite or variable is not identified factor or
added to the second very well justified justified well justified well justified variable, and no
model with  The supporting  The supporting  The supporting  The supporting justification is
justification and source(s) is very source(s) is current source(s) is quite source(s) is very provided
relevant sources current current obsolete
3 Create a new model 1  The model is self- The model is informative The model is quite self- The model is not self- There is no model 4
using the variables in explanatory, with with the new relevant explanatory, with the explanatory, with the created
Figure 2 in the the relevant new factor included new relevant factor unknown factor
article. Add a factor included included included
variable you have
identified in (d) to
include in your
3 Conclusion 0.5 The conclusion The conclusion The conclusion is fairly The conclusion does not No conclusion 2
successfully summarised some of the summarised the key summarise key issues provided
summarised the key key issues issues
3 Citations and 0.5  All citations and  Most citations and  A few citations and  Most citations and No citations and 2
references (follow references follow references follow the references follow references did not references provided
APA format 7th the APA System APA System format the APA System follow APA System
edition format closely closely format closely closely
 All Citations are  Most citations are  A few citations are  Most citations are
aligned with the aligned with the aligned with the not aligned with
references and references and references and the references and
likewise likewise likewise likewise
Total 5 20


QN CLO Excellent Good Fair Poor No response Max

Criteria Weighting 4 3 2 1 0
TASK 3 Title of the course 0.5 The title is relevant and The title is relevant and The title is relevant The title is not clear No title 2
B clearly understood and clearly understood provided
sounds interesting
3 Course description 0.5 A very comprehensive A comprehensive course A fairly An incomprehensive No course 2
course description. It is description. It is easy to comprehensive course description. It description
very easy to comprehend comprehend course description. It is not easy to
is quite easy to comprehend
3 The rationale of the course 0.5 Well-written with They are written with They are fairly written They are poorly No rationale 2
excellent justifications. clear justifications with justification written and without
3 Duration of the course 0.5 The duration is very The duration is suitable The duration is quite The duration is not No duration 2
suitable for the topics for the topics provided suitable for the topics sufficient for the provided
provided provided topics provided
3 Course Learning Outcomes 1.5  The CLOs is very  The CLOs is clear,  The CLOs is quite  The CLOs is not No CLOs 6
(CLOs) Statements clear, observable and observable and clear, observable clear, visible and
3 -4 statements must be measurable measurable and measurable measurable
provided  All the CLOs reflect  Most of the CLOs  Some of the CLOs  Most of the CLOs
what will be included reflect what will be reflect what will do not reflect
in the course included in the be included in the what will be
requirements course requirements course included in the
requirements course
3 Course pre-requisite 0.5 The course pre-requisite The course pre-requisite The course pre- The course pre- No course 2
statement is very statement is thorough requisite statement is requisite statement is pre-requisite
comprehensive and and feasible somewhat complete not complete and
feasible and feasible feasible

3 Content 1.0  All content provided  All content provided  All content  All content No content
Minimum of 5 or more topics is very well is well sequenced provided is quite provided is not provided 4
to be included sequenced  The content is well sequenced well sequenced
 The content is very relevant to the  The content quite  The content does
relevant to the current needs relevant to the not apply to the
current needs current needs current needs
3 Teaching Methods: 1.0  The teaching  The teaching  The teaching  The teaching No 4
The teaching approaches/ methods or methods or methods or methods or methodology
methods/ strategies and strategies are very strategies are strategies are strategies are not or teaching
techniques help students systematically systematically quite systematically strategies
written written systematically written
learn the desired course
 All the activities  All the activities written  All the 4-5
contents and can develop planned to achieve planned to achieve  All the activities activities planned
achievable CLOs (4-5 the desired CLOs are the desired CLOs are planned to to achieve the
activities) very well described well described achieve the desired CLOs are
desired CLOs are not well
quite well described
3 Evaluation / Grading 0.5  A very well-written  A well-written  A fairly good  A very poor No 2
procedures grading procedures grading procedures written grading written grading evaluation or
 The evaluation/  The evaluation/ procedures procedures grading
grading is very grading is aligned to  The evaluation/  The evaluation/ procedures
aligned to achieving achieving the CLOs grading is quite grading is not
the CLOs correlated to aligned to
achieving the achieving the
3 Main references for the 0.5 All the references are All the references are All the references are All the references are No 2
course: very relevant and current relevant and current quite relevant and not relevant, and references
Relevant and current current current for the
3 Other additional information 0.5 All the additional All the additional All the additional All the additional No additional 2
4 or more additional information is very information is feasible for information is quite information is not information
information feasible for the course the course feasible for the course feasible for the course provided

Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number


Online Class CLO Excellent Good Fair Poor No response Maximum

Criteria Weighting
Question marks
4 3 2 1 0

(a) What makes an Quality of All five comments are Four of the comments Two or three of the One post submitted. Postings done past 10
effective Postings good, appropriate, are good, appropriate, comments are OR All posts done in assignment
curriculum? Support relevant, meaningful, and relevant, meaningful, somewhat good, one day. timeline.
your answers with Affective respectful. and respectful. appropriate, OR None of the OR No postings
relevant references. Domain Postings reflect active Postings reflect meaningful and comments are good given as proof of
(b) What are the (A3) participation within participation within respectful. and relevant. participation in
trends and issues in assignment timeline. assignment timeline. Postings show OR Comments are discussion
3 2.5
curriculum relatively short short responses that
development? participation time. are not substantial
Discuss your answer nor meaningful.
with appropriate Minimum effort (e.g.
references. “I agree with Tina”)

Total Marks 2.5 10


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