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Final Draft Revised Spec - Hahw 30.08.18

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.

Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

Manak Nagar, Lucknow – 226011

RDSO -SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev. 1)

Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System


1.0 Disclaimer

2.0 Copyright

3.0 Address for communication

4.0 Introduction

5.0 Technical requirements

6.0 Installation requirements

7.0 Functional requirements

8.0 Hardware requirements

9.0 Software requirements

10.0 Safety Requirements

11.0 Output requirement

12.0 Submission of documents

13.0 Type of tests

14.0 Proving-out test requirements

15.0 Literature

16.0 Scope

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

1.0 Disclaimer: -
This specification is based on the studies and trials conducted by RDSO. Although
every care is taken in specifying details adequately and unambiguously, RDSO shall
not be liable for any kind of damages / losses incurred by any and all due to errors
or omissions in this document.
This document may mention numerous commercial and proprietary trade names,
registered trademarks and the like (not necessarily marked as such), patents,
production and manufacturing procedures, registered designs, and designations.
RDSO wishes to point out very clearly that the present legal situation in respect of
these names or designations or trademarks must be carefully examined before
making any commercial use of the same. Names of industrially produced apparatus
and equipment may be included to a necessarily restricted extent only and any
exclusion of products not mentioned in this document does not imply that any such
exclusion has been based on quality criteria or any other qualifying consideration.
2.0 Copyright: -
RDSO has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be
reproduced in any form without the prior permission of RDSO. Enquires relating to
the copyright should be addressed to Executive Director (Administration), RDSO.
3.0 Address for communication: - For this specification, the address for
communications is: -
Director – Research (Mechanical),
Research Directorate,
Research Designs & Standards Organization,
Manak Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh,
Pin: 226 011
Fax: +91 (522) 2465746
Phone: +91 (522) 2465746, 2450179
E-mail: - rdso.drrm@gmail.com

4.0 Introduction: -
Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector (HAHW) is an automated wayside detection
system for detecting hot axle boxes & locked wheels by monitoring temperature of
the bearings, wheel rim/disks and brake disks. The purpose of this specification is to
spell out the functional and technical requirements of a HAHW system.

5.0 Technical Requirements: -

1. HAHW system should be compatible with various types of bearings and brake
systems deployed on the rolling stock being used on IR.
2. It should confirm to following national/international standards:
a. Degree of protection for electronics- IP66
b. Degree of protection for optics- IP 54
c. Wheel contacts- IP67.
d. Hot wheel detector scanner measurement range- 0 0C – 700 0C
e. Hot box detector measurement range- 0 0C – 200 0C

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

f. The system should have four multi-beam (8 beams) scanners per site
mounted suitably on a specially designed hollow sleeper to cover a wide range
of wheelset designs.
g. The sensor width of each 8-beam scanner should be in the range - 50 mm to
120 mm
h. Auto calibration functionality should be inbuilt into the system, details of which
shall be submitted along-with the offer.
i. It should function in either direction of movement of train.
j. Time between passing of the train and communication to the central control
server should not exceed 5 minutes.
k. The system should be capable of automatic detection of approaching train,
automatic switching-on of relevant sensors, automatic measurement of
temperatures while the train is in motion, automatic transmission of data,
alarms and reports and automatic switching off of relevant sensors to
conserve electrical power.
l. The system should be able to work in ambient temperature range of 0˚ to 70˚C
and relative humidity up to 100%.

S. No Parameter Resolution Accuracy Repeatability

Axle box
1. 2 0C ± 20C ± 20C
2. 3 0C ± 50C ± 50C

m. Operational capability requirements –

(i) Operating speed- 0-250kmph
(ii) Train length- upto 1000 axles
(iii) Train headway (1500axles): 3 minutes
(iv) Typical track profile- As per IRPWM 2004 amended from time to time:
Latest correction Slip(ACS-144)
(v) Redundant auto calibration(RAC)
(vi) Response time should be less than 2 ms (millisecond)
(vii) The bearing scan zone should cover Inboard Seal region, Inboard
Raceway region, Spacer Ring region and Outboard Raceway region.
(viii) The infrared sensor should be capable of measuring radiations in the
wavelength ranging between 8 to 15 microns
(ix) D:S ratio for the sensors used should be indicated by the tenderer in the
n. Regulation and norms applicable-
(i) EN 55011:98 + A 1:99 + A2:02 : class B
(ii) EMV550121-4:00(immunity test)
(iii) 73/23/CE, 93/68/CE
(iv) EC Directive 2006/860/CE
(v) EN55022:98 class A
(vi) EN55024:98
(vii) EN61000-6-4:01
(viii) EN61000-4-2:2009
(ix) EN61000-4-3:2006 +A1:2008+A2:2010
(x) EN61000-4-4:2004 +A1:2010
(xi) EN61000-4-5:2006
(xii) EN61000-4-6:2009

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

(xiii) EN6100-4-8:2010
(xiv) EN61000-4-9:1993+A1:2001
(xv) EN6100-4-11:2004
(xvi) EN 55011:2009+A1:2010
(xvii) EN 60068-1:1994
(xviii) EN 60068-2-1:2007
(xix) EN 60068-2-2:2007
(xx) EN 60068-3-4:2002
(xxi) EN 60068-2-52:1996
(xxii) 2006/679/EC
(xxiii) EN50121-1:2006
(xxiv) EN50121-4:00
(xxv) EN61000-6-2:00
(xxvi) EN60950:00
(xxvii) EMV ENV50121-4
(xxviii) RFI IS:402 & IS 706
(xxix) EN 15437-1
(xxx) EN 62040-1: 2009
(xxxi) EN 62040-2: 2007
(xxxii) 2006/95/EG
(xxxiii) EN 61439-1:2011
(xxxiv) CENELEC EN 50126
(xxxv) IEC 61131 series
(xxxvi) IEC 60529
(xxxvii) EN 50128
(xxxviii) EN 50125-3

The system design shall relate and comply with the above mentioned standards. (In
case of any contradiction, the strictest standard shall apply). In addition to above,
any other national/international standard which is relevant to the technology for
similar application in the railway domain will also have to be complied with.
The system should be modular, auto-calibrating and remotely maintainable. The
system should be designed for compatibility with all important Railway Standards,
some of which have been mentioned in this document above.
The system should be equipped with robust, networked, alert-management software
with full suite of graphical analysis and diagnostic tools. Full TCP/IP support should
be inbuilt into the system to facilitate smooth integration into all existing railway data
The system should be equipped with infrared scanners preferably installed in a
hollow sleeper. Multi-channel sensors ensure a complete scan of each component
avoiding false alarm associated with single point temperature. The scanners should
use multiple beams (8 beams) for enhanced reliability. The scanned values for the
individual axles and brakes of each rolling stock of the train shall be processed by
electronic equipment installed in a trackside cabin and forwarded to the control
The system should have inbuilt intelligent vibration control technology to enhance
the life and reliability of the scanners and of the systems.
The system should have provision for interfacing with RFID based automatic vehicle
identification module.

6.0 Installation requirements: -

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

i. The HAHW system shall not infringe dimensions as per envelope drawing given
in annexure-I.
ii. AC voltage range 110V to 230V, 50 +/-3Hz. shall be made available at
installation site by Railway. The maximum load on the power supply system
should not exceed one KVA.

7.0 Functional requirements: -

i. Train parameters to be acquired: - Temperature of axle boxes, wheels
treads/rim/brake disc and speed of a wheelset.
ii. System shall log the date of train passing, time of train passing, speed of train,
number of axles passed, total number of vehicles in the rake.

8.0 Hardware requirements: -

i. In case the sensors are mounted on the rail or tie/sleeper or specially designed
sleeper by tenderer, the technical details and drawing(s) of such sleeper should
be forwarded by purchaser to RDSO for technical clearance.
ii. UPS system of at least 8 hours on back-up power and to charge the back-up
batteries from main power shall be provided to automatically switch to back-up
battery power in case of failure of main power.
iii. The HAHW system shall have provision for integration with RFID reader likely to
be installed by IR in future for automatic identification of vehicles.

9.0 Software requirements: -

i. The trackside equipment shall have the capability to record and locally store raw
captured data for last up to 500 trains and the processed reports for upto 10000
ii. The supplier shall be responsible for providing required software for collecting
data, storage and presentation of reports sent by the trackside equipment.

10.0 Safety Requirements: -

The equipment shall not fail on wrong side due to harmonic interference
generated by 3 phase thyristor, single phase thyristor, chopper controlled, tap
changer or other such technologies, locomotives.

11.0 Output requirement: -

i. The supplier shall launch, operate and maintain an internet-based website during
warranty and during comprehensive maintenance period for making available the
train reports to remote users authorized by DRM-Mechanical. The website shall
have the following features: -
a) Password based access so that only authorized personnel by DRM-
Mechanical can enter/edit/view/download data and reports
b) Differential privileges to different levels of users to access the resources of
the website
ii. The supplier shall supply a desktop computer at nominated place by DRM-
Mechanical of the configuration as specified in the clause on concomitant
iii. The system output shall consist of data reports. Data acquired by the system
shall be sent to a web server and the following reports shall be available to the
users on demand.

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

iv. Detailed report: - This report shall be in detail showing all parameters as acquired
by the remote wayside detector.
v. Exception report: - This report shall be an abridged version of the detailed report
showing only the list of axles where the parameters have exceeded the
prescribed limits.
vi. Alarms report through SMS: - Reports for alarms based on parameters
exceeding the prescribed limits shall be sent to users through SMS. In case of
delay in transmission of full reports, the system shall have the capability to send
SMS directly to limited number of users. The delay shall be deemed to have
occurred if the data is not dispatched within 5 minutes from the passage of last
wheel of the train.
vii. Diagnostic reports: - The system shall be capable of running self-diagnosis
programs and report the result through the website and by SMS.
viii. Alarms: - Parameters exceeding the specified limits require alarms to be sent to
users. These alarms should be sent in the form of SMS message. These alarms
shall be transmitted immediately on detection of the condition. Transmission
delay should not exceed 5 minutes beyond the passage of the last axle. These
messages will convey the following minimum data:
 Date / time of train
 Direction of movement
 Vehicle position from start of train
 Axle number where the parameters where found out of range.
 Short description / error code
In case of error in recording or any system failure, alarms shall be generated and
transmitted similarly.
ix. Basis of alarms: - It should be possible to raise the alarms, at least for the
following conditions:
a) When the temperature of the axle box or the wheel exceeds the specified
temperature. This should be of multiple level thresholds.
b) When the temperature of the axle box or the wheel exceeds beyond a certain
limit above the ambient temperature.
c) When the difference in temperatures of the axle boxes on the same axle is
different beyond a certain limit.
d) When the difference in temperatures of wheels of an axle, a trolley/bogie or a
vehicle exceed the average temperatures of the bogie or the vehicle
e) In case, IR decides to include new types of alarms in the system, then
supplier shall modify the software within a reasonable time at no extra cost to
Indian Railways.
x. Captured Data Reports:-
The report of the data captured by the system shall be relayed by the wayside
device via suitable communications media to a secure web server on the internet
within 5 minutes after the passage of the last axle.
Where required by special site conditions, OFC / Copper cable / RF-Link
connectivity shall be provided by the system provider for transfer of data.
The backend server systems shall be maintained and operated by the system
provider. These servers shall be capable of storing and displaying (upon demand)
parameter reports for up to last 5 years.
The access to these reports shall be provided by web based clients suitable for use
from desktops / laptops / netbooks and smart phones. Users of the systems shall be
provided logins / passwords for accessing the data.

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

12.0 Submission of documents:

(i) Test certificates: Test records, test certificates, performance curves, tables,
etc., of all inspections and tests, whether or not witnessed by IR personal , shall
be supplied as soon as practicable after performance of each inspection or tests.
Two (02) sets of above mentioned documents shall be supplied properly bound
in books.
(ii) All test certificates shall be endorsed with sufficient information for identification
of the equipment and, material to which the certificates refer.

13.0 Type of Tests:

(i) Inspection and testing of the equipment shall include all inspections, tests,
checks, procedures etc., whether mechanical, electrical or software related as
required to ensure that the equipment supplied meets the requirements of the
(ii) Inspection and testing shall comprise, but not limited to :
a. Mechanical and chemical testing of materials
b. Destructive and non-destructive tests of materials
c. Checks of fits and assemblies.
d. Dimensional checks.
e. Inspection of paints and coatings
f. Electrical tests
g. Functional tests, Performance tests
h. Acceptance tests:
 Type tests
 Routine tests
 Proving-out tests
(iii) The techniques, equipment and instrumentation to be use for these tests,
checks, inspection, examinations, etc. shall be in accordance with internationally
accepted standards, rules or codes, and in particular those mentioned in the
(iv) If in IR’s opinion, instruments, apparatus, devices, etc. used by the supplier need
calibration or re-calibration, then such instruments, apparatus, devices, etc. shall
be calibrated by an independent authority or institute approved by IR.

14.0 Proving-out test requirement: -

The supplier and the DRM-Mechanical shall conduct the following proving out
tests after commissioning: -
i. Consistency test: -
a) All the trains should be correctly recorded with regard to direction of motion,
date and time of passing, speed, no. of axles, no of locomotives, no of
vehicles other than locomotives. Minimum acceptance shall be at 90%.
b) The complete data report (without missing any axle) including temperatures for
at least 90% of the trains passed shall be generated.
c) 10 axles randomly selected, temperature will be checked by handheld
calibrated IR temperature Gun at the nearby station in stopped condition. The
variation in result should not be more than 5%.
ii. Calibration test: - In addition to calibration test during the commissioning of
system, the autocalibration functionality shall also be demonstrated at the site
during the commissioning of the system. The error should not exceed 2%.

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

15.0 Literature: -
The supplier shall provide following literature in two copies to DRM-Mechanical
along with the delivery of HAHW system.
i. Complete drawings
ii. Operating manual
iii. Maintenance manual
iv. Spare part catalogue
The tenderers shall provide a list of literature to be supplied with the machine in
his offer to the tender.

16.0 Scope: - The HAHW system shall be supplied on turnkey basis. The HAHW
system shall mean and include all equipment by the side of the track, cables –
electric, server computer, website, client computer, SMS delivery system, software
of the track-side equipment and software of the central server and any other
element necessary for optimal functioning of the system. The scope shall include
i. Supply: - Supply of
a) HAHW site equipment
b) Concomitant accessories
c) Spares
d) Maintenance tool kit
e) Literature
f) Material, as required for civil engineering work
g) Power cables, as suitable to the trackside equipment
h) Modem, as suitable to the trackside equipment
ii. Installation at site: - Installation of the system would be done by and under the
supervision/direction of firm’s Engineers. It shall include the following: -
a) Civil engineering and other allied works (if required) such as construction of
hut of suitable size to house UPS, batteries, electronic and electrical
equipment, solar power system etc.; grouting supports for steel
enclosures/equipments, control box, battery box etc., necessary work e.g.
trench etc. for power cables for a maximum distance of three km. In case
the offered system requires track crossing or sleeper replacement, the offer
shall be evaluated by Research Directorate of RDSO in consultation with
Track Directorate of RDSO and necessary approvals shall be organized.
Therefore the supplier shall provide the required technical details in the
b) Electrical engineering: laying of power cables for a maximum distance of
three km from the site to the main power distribution box where the DRM-
Mechanical has made the availability of electrical power of 230 V 50 Hz.
c) Provision of mobile connection and internet connection for transfer of data
and display of reports and audio-visual alarms from site of installation to
centralized location (as finalized by DRM-Mechanical of concerned
Division of Indian Railways). The recurring expenditure on mobile
connectivity for first one year from the date of commissioning shall be
borne by the supplier. Subsequent expenditure shall be borne by Indian
Railways for which the necessary arrangements have to be done in
advance by DRM-Mechanical.
iii. Web-server – The supplier shall launch and maintain an internet web –server
at any location with following features-
a) Multiple User password protected log-in
b) Differential access and usage rights to multiple level of users e.g. write-
only, read-only, administrator rights

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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

c) Facility to export data in other data base formats e.g. MS-Excel and XML.
d) The supplier shall offer at least two designs for web-user interface for
e) Sufficient capacity to handle data traffic with fast data transfer rate for all
authorized users (to be controlled by providing username and password)
who shall access though public internet access.
iv. Ownership and confidentiality of data and software: - All the data being
generated by the HAHW equipment, website, servers etc. with respect to Indian
Railway operations shall be the property of Indian Railways.
i. The data shall be compiled, stored in a medium, transferred and made
available in a format as finally decided by Indian Railways in consultation
with final supplier preferably in MS-Excel at present but other formats may
be accepted later by Indian Railways if found suitable.
ii. The data shall not be divulged by the supplier to anyone other than DRM-
Mechanical and to those authorized by DRM-Mechanical.
Apart from the details mentioned in this documents, any other
accessory/component/system(s) essentially required for proper functionality of the
HAHW system, will fall under the scope of supply of the tenderer


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Document No: RDSO-SPN-RE-HAHW-2017(Rev.1) Date Issued:- 30.08.2018
Specification Title: Specification for Hot Axle box Hot Wheel Detector System

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